Characteristics and Economic Importance of Brassicaceae
Characteristics and Economic Importance of Brassicaceae
Characteristics and Economic Importance of Brassicaceae
Author February 5,
Androecium: Stamens are 6 in number, tetradynamous (2 outer short and 4
inner long), polyandrous and arranged in two whorls. At the base of each stamen
is present a green nectary gland. They are basifixed, dithecous and introse.
Gynoecium: There are two carpels (bicarpellary) and syncarpous. Ovary is
superior, unilocular but later on becomes bilocular due to the development of a
false septum called Placentation is parietal. The style is short and stigma bilobed.
Fruit is either siliqua or silicula.
Floral diagram with floral formula (mustard):
1. Brassica campestris
2. Brassica oleracea botrytis
3. Brassica oleracea capitata
4. Raphanus sativus (radish)
5. Cherianthus cheiri (wall
Economic importance: