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What s IOWN?

Table of Contents

01 Introduction

02 The Smart World is Inevitable

03 Technology Must Be Natural

04 11 Technologies for the Smart World

10 How We Live in the Smart World

13 Artificial Intelligence

19 Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality

25 Human Machine Interface

31 Cyber Security

37 Information Processing Infrastructure

43 Networks

49 Energy

55 Quantum Computing

61 Biotechnology / Medical Care

67 Advanced Materials

73 Additive Manufacturing

78 How NTT R&D Changes the World


Creating the Smart World and

Natural Technology
Technological evolution is bringing about great mobility, healthcare, and finance change? How

changes in the world. Various technologies will various technologies make the world smarter
including artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet and become more "natural" to us? Alongside

of Things (IoT), and blockchain are entering innovative research and development, we are
practical use as many companies focus on digital also increasing investments into basic research

transformation to create entirely new systems using originating abroad, research collaboration with

information and communications technology (ICT). other organizations, and new growth areas.

How should companies of the future use “NTT Technology Report for Smart World” is
technology to transform the world? We want a map of the future that depicts the world that
to build a future in which the Smart World is we envision. Without a map, many people are

supported by natural technology. uncertain of where to go or where they are. That

As the Smart World and natural technology is why we created a map to capture the current

become reality, how will industries such as state of technology and point the way forward.

The Smart World
is Inevitable

The Smart World is not just some imaginary Building the Smart World is a vital step for
ideal. It is a future that will inevitably arrive. The solving many of the social challenges confronting
more that technology advances, the more data, society today. Contemporary social issues such

work, people, and industries that were once as food waste and environmental destruction
separate will become intertwined and “smart.” span a wide range of fields, and cannot be
Collaborative connections will enable new co- solved simply by reforming one company. In

creation that could not have occurred before, order to solve social issues and create a richer
accelerating the Smart World even more. society, we should strive for a smart world

The term Smart World refers to many different that enables co-creation across corporate and

things, as smart technology is introduced in industry boundaries.

fields including smart cities, smart mobility, smart We have been working for some time on a

manufacturing, smart entertainment and smart “B2B2X” business model that will accelerate the
healthcare. For example in the manufacturing creation of the Smart World. This model aims

sector, work is underway on an industry-wide to create new value by having major industry

platform to tap into the knowledge of skilled players take advantage of new technologies that

workers and construct a connected value chain, we have developed together with our partner
and investments are being made in a variety companies. We want to accelerate the necessary
of AI and speech recognition, sensing, and transition to the Smart World in order to achieve

networking technologies. a more sustainable world and richer lives.

Must Be Natural

In the Smart World, it is essential that people of and for people to live comfortably.
all ages, genders, occupations and ethnicities In the past, we have understood technology
benefit from technology. This is why technology as something in conflict with humanistic things

must be natural. Using current cutting-edge and nature. Accordingly it has sometimes been
technologies such as virtual reality (VR) requires seen as lacking humanity or warmth. However,
clear awareness, and sometimes specialized as technology grows more natural in the future,

knowledge. This leads to disparities between it will overcome this opposition and become
those who can benefit from technology and integrated into what we we have thought of as

those who cannot. Accordingly, technology must human values and emotions, contributing to a

become so natural that people are unaware of its good environment for both the Earth and human
presence. beings.

The advent of natural technology also promises As technology becomes more natural, it should
less stressful lives. AI that can converse naturally grow better at supporting human activities on

like human beings would make it possible to a deeper level. Technology must be natural in

communicate beyond simple questions and order for human beings to display their creativity

answers, while more natural everyday devices and increase their own value—to truly expand
could eliminate the need to worry about various human potential and unleash groundbreaking
settings and operations. Natural technology is a innovation.

crucial concept for eliminating stress in all fields

11 Technologies for
the Smart World
We are focusing our energy on 11 technologies that will contribute to
natural technology and the Smart World—from maturing technologies
beginning to be being implemented in a wide range of fields to emerging
technologies that should flourish in the future.
Learn how these 11 technologies will bring about the Smart World.

01. Artificial Intelligence

Technology that is tolerant and sincere
The basic abilities of ar tificial intelligence (AI) to see,
listen, and speak are reaching practical levels. However,
this only means that separate functions can derive
standardized outputs, and are still unsuited to dealing with
complex problems. AI is being developed that can handle
more complex problems by streamlining learning and
creating "white box" algorithms. In addition, we believe
that AI needs to be able to process human values. AI that
can present a number of options tailored to diverse values
will deepen human thought by offering multiple solutions,
even for more complex problems. AI that can "think" in
accordance with people's values is technology with the
tolerance to accept diversity, and the sincerity to respond
to different ways of thinking.
Keywords Values pr ocessin g , Values anal ysis ,
Values processing model
02. Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
Creating moving experiences across time and space

Virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) have already “Kirari!” that can transmit entire spaces over distance
been released as part of various services, products, and via real-time high-speed data processing. By reducing
content, but we want to naturally introduce this technology latency, Kirari! 2.0 will even overcome time. People’s
into an even wider range of fields in the future. For that ex p e r i e n c e s i n t h e S m a r t Wo r l d m a y e v o l v e i n t o
purpose, we are focusing our VR/AR research not only something completely different from today.
on enriching qualitative expression but also speeding Keywords Ze r o - l a t e n c y m e d i a ( K i r a r i ! 2 . 0 ) ,
up processing. Our research includes technology that Personal twin platform, Sixth sense transmission
stimulates senses beyond vision such as hearing, touch,
force, and temperature, in addition to technologies such as

03. Human-Machine Interface

Deeply understanding humans to naturally integrate with robotics

The Smart World will not only bring updates to products, devices. With the new technology we envision, people will
systems and services. In the future, human-machine interfaces be able to substitute lost bodily functions and make use
(HMI) will also extend the human body. Brain wave analysis of information that natural senses cannot detect. Just as
and other methods have unraveled mysteries of brain function, virtual and augmented reality expand the human senses,
which coupled with much-improved understanding of the human-machine inter face (HMI) expands the body ’s
mechanisms of the human body, should lead to the creation potential—indeed, the very body itself.
of more sophisticated and complex interfaces. Through our Keywords Point of Atmosphere (PoA), Ambient
HMI research such as Point of Atmosphere (PoA), we aim to assist, Cybernetic UX
naturally integrate humans with their environment and robotic
0 4. Cyber Security
Shifting to active defense

As the spread of networks and IoT increases the risk of cyber including mobility, plant systems, and healthcare, we are
terrorism, existing passive cyber security technology tends to focusing on active defense that actively deals with cyber
result in a back-and-forth battle against constantly evolving attacks. The Smart World will show its true value only with the
attackers. In order overcome this situation, a shift towards active establishment of new security technologies that can head off
security centered on the use of AI is underway around the world. cyber attacks.
Stronger security is essential to our vision of the Smart World Keywords Active defense, Useable privacy &
where everything is networked. In addition to developing security, Cyber-physical security
security technologies adapted to a wide range of applications

05. Information Processing Infrastructure

Making strides in real-time, scalable processing infrastructure
Next-generation information processing technology could be
called the infrastructure of the Smart World. Thus, effective
utilization of rapidly evolving technology requires building out
information processing infrastructure. Attention in this field is
focused on technology that can overcome the trade-offs between
performance and flexibility or power consumption. We are also
hard at work developing new information processing platforms
that surpass conventional limitations. Projects currently underway
include scalable data processing technology to process large
amounts of information in real time, and highly efficient data
management technology to promote use of data across industries.
Of course, we are also making efforts to improve hardware itself
and develop new technology that can overcome Moore's Law.
The fruits of this research are leading to the emergence of new
Keywords Scalable data processing, Next-generation
data management, Virtual integration of distributed data
06. Networks
Creating a breakthrough all-photonic network
New net works are key to realizing the Smar t
World, where rich flows of data will connect
numerous actors and products across industries.
We a r e e m b a r k i n g o n t h e c r e a t i o n o f n e w
net works that surpass the 5G technology
entering use in the near future. These networks
must be higher capacity, lower latency, stronger
and more flexible, as well as energy efficient in
order to address the explosive increase in energy
consumption. That is why we are working hard
to convert to an all-optical network and pursuing
creation of new networks. We will lead the way
to a n ew wo r l d as t h es e n ew n et wo r ks spu r
innovative collaboration.
Keywords Fu n c t i o n - s p e c i f i c D e d i c a t e d
Network, Cognitive Foundation, Digital Twin

0 7. Energy
Realizing an intelligent energy network

As various advanced technologies enter practical use and ef f i c i e n t e n e rg y d i st r i b u t i o n t h ro u gh v i r t u a l p owe r

the world's population increases in the future, the energy plants that virtually manage dispersed energy, while
needed to power systems in every industry is a key part also embarking on research into new hybrid energy
of the social infrastructure of the Smart World. In order net works. In the Smar t World that we are building,
to meet growing energy demand while also managing e n e rg y w i l l evo l ve i n t o s o m e t h i n g s m a r t t h a t c a n
environmental issues, research institutions around the world circulate almost as if intelligent.
are trying to improve high-capacity storage batteries. To Keywords Virtualized energy flow optimization
create this new social infrastructure, we are also hard at tec hnologies , New hybrid energy net works ,
work developing energy that is not only environmentally Disposable and transparent batteries
friendly and high capacity, but able to be freely distributed
as if it has intelligence. Accordingly, we are conducting
08. Quantum Computing
Innovation with post-Moore’s Law technology
Quantum computing technology, which is expected to
vastly outperform conventional computers, is likely to be
used in nearly every industry. Quantum computing is often
discussed in relation to solving optimization problems that
require the testing of endless numbers of choices, but in the
future it may also result in breakthroughs in the energy and
drug discover y fields. Our quantum computing research
h as m a d e re m a r ka b l e p ro g re s s i n re c e n t ye a rs , w i t h
technologies such as L ASOLV introducing new concepts
distinct from conventional quantum computing including
gate type and annealing type. At the same time, we are
also pursuing research on quantum computer hardware
u t i l i z i n g q u a n t u m g a t e s, a n d s i g n i f i c a n t a d va n c e s i n
both software and hardware are expected in the future.
Quantum computing does not merely provide extremely fast
computing technology, but has the potential to transform
information processing itself. In the Smart World, quantum
technology will change the way information is handled.
Keywords Topological quantum computing, LASOLV,
Quantum repeating with all photonics

09. Biotechnology / Medical Care

Evolution of biosensing leads to precision medicine

Hand-in-hand with advances in biology and chemistr y, field of biomedical care. In addition to our development
biotechnology is also steadily evolving. Biotechnology of functional materials such as “hitoe,” in 2019 we
is mainly being introduced in medicine, as well as e n t e re d i n to res e a rc h p a r t n e rs h i p s w i t h Au st ra l i a n
agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but amid the changing institutions including Deakin Universit y and Western
n a t u re o f i n f o r m a t i o n t o d a y, b i o t e c h n o l o g y a c t u a l l y Sydney Universit y. We will accelerate our activities
reveals new possibilities for communication. We are also going forward as part of our vision of "a society where
approaching biotechnology from a number of directions elderly people can live independently and safely.”
spanning the fields of chemistry, biology and physics. In Keywords hitoe, Precision medicine, Biosensing
particular, research is ramping up in recent years in the
10. Advanced Materials
Innovative production expands the concept of materials

In the future, instead of conventional fixed materials, multifunctional to people’s diverse needs. We plan to pursue development of
materials that change flexibly in response to the environment will these new materials, and are already making progress with
become commonplace. In fact, research into new materials such as some technologies such as advanced thin films that will be
nanomaterials is making steady progress, and numerous materials used to create more flexible and functional materials.
are beginning to enter practical use. In order to further advance Keywords Atomically thin functional films, Nitride
research and development of new materials, we are using AI and semiconductors, Creation of new materials with
other methods to speed up the development process. In order to superior performance
build the Smart World, rapid development of materials is essential
to meet demand for development of personal functions tailored

11. Additive Manufacturing

Personalized production in every field

Additive manufacturing, frequently symbolized by 3D structure. Another technology to watch is 4D printing,

printing, will become an indispensable technology in the which could incorporate information on changes in time
Smart World by enabling greater personalization. Additive and condition to enable self-healing. As this technology
manufacturing makes possible more than just items such evolves, it will be possible to manufacture more personal
as industrial products and building materials. In the future, products.
even parts of the human body including bones and organs Keywords 4D printing, Multilayering
are expected to be manufactured at will. Currently, interest technology, Multilayering acceleration technology
is growing in the field of bioprinting. We are also working
on research and development of artificial cells in a layered
How We Live
in the Smart World
As these 11 technologies evolve, our world will grow ever smarter.
N o t o n l y w i l l e a c h o f o u r l i v e s b e c o m e s m a r t e r, b u t t h e w a y
com panies pursue business and society as a whole will undergo
major changes. Nevertheless, it is not obvious from the phrase “Smart
World” what exactly will become smart. What is the Smart World?
How will it help us to live better?

Everything becomes personal

To star t, let's think about how the lives of only in the buying and selling of goods but also
individuals will change. Services and production in intangible areas such as energy. We used to
in all industries are likely to be personalized in the only purchase energy from power companies,
future. The evolution of additive manufacturing but now consumers will produce their own power,
and advanced materials will make it possible to sometimes sharing it with others. Furthermore,
create products that meet the individual needs and personalization will proceed in sensitive areas that
body of each person, and will change the way impact our lives, such as medical care. DNA kits
we interact with products. It may become possible will be commonly used for physical examinations,
for people to easily create their own goods, from and everyone should be able to receive treatment
small everyday items and digital devices to huge based on genomic information. In the Smart
items such as houses. The concept of "shopping” World, we will be able to live in a way that
by choosing from among items prepared by properly respects the differences and features of
companies will become a thing of the past. each individual.
Of course, personalization will proceed not

Businesses become services
As the services and products that individuals in a wide range of fields including manufacturing
enjoy change, so will the ways that companies and agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
and organizations provide them. At the very least, At the same time, there are numerous industries,
corporate business will change in every field, led by mobility, where the business model itself is
across all industries. undergoing major transformation. In the mobility
For example in the retail business, the spread of industry, falling travel costs have led to a variety of
VR/AR could result in rich e-commerce experiences services such as robot taxis and ride-hailing. The
that go beyond substituting for real stores, recent popularity of the term “MaaS” (Mobility as
while implementation of AI could lead to more a Service) shows how the mobility industry will be
unmanned retail stores. This does not only mean transformed into a service industry in the future. Of
changes in the purchasing experience, but will also course, the same phenomenon is also unfolding in
help companies to solve chronic labor shortages the manufacturing and financial sectors, and every
and transform organizational structures. Of course, industry may move toward service models in the
AI automation is likely to change the style of work Smart World.

Solving social challenges

Changes such as personalization and the move In addition, food shortages and food loss problems
towards services are certain to have a dramatic confronting the world will move closer to resolution
impact on individuals and businesses. The result will as agriculture and fishing become smarter. The use
be more convenient and richer ways of life. But that of IoT technology will make food production more
is not all the Smart World entails. It is by solving efficient, and accelerating the development of new
solutions to our society’s challenges that we can breeds could result in higher yields. At the same
measure our progress toward a smarter world. time, producers are likely to make their production
Addressing increasingly severe environmental processes more transparent, such as by improving
problems will require changing the way energy distribution traceability using blockchain in order to
is used, with smart energy as part of the solution. demonstrate their environmental responsibility.
For example, optimization of supply and demand In this way, the world growing smarter entails
forecasting using AI and quantum computing will individuals, organizations and society changing.
transform green energy including solar and wind Living in the Smart World means solving many
power generation into more practical technology. environmental problems and creating a sustainable
At the same time, the development of large-capacity society, and living more like our true selves. This is
storage batteries could make it possible to convert why the world must become smart, and why we are
much of our energy supply to renewable energy. pressing forward with smart technology.

11 Technology Reports
for the Smart World

Artificial Intelligence

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

Human Machine Interface

Cyber Security
Information Processing Infrastructure

Quantum Computing

Biotechnology/Medical Care
Advanced Materials
Additive Manufacturing
Technology that is
tolerant and sincere
Research into artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating
worldwide, and has already yielded practical applications
in a variety of fields. However, we are still far from realizing
AI’s true potential. NTT is working to develop AI that can
not only discover an optimal solution, but is tolerant of the
diversity of human values and can interact sincerely with
human beings.
From seeing, listening,
and speaking to “thinking”
Today, basic AI functions such as seeing, listening, and speaking are
reaching practical levels. NTT has been on the trendsetting edge of AI
research and is currently working to develop AI that can process human
values. With the ability to understand values, AI will be updated into
something that "thinks."

Amid wider implementation of artificial intelligence three areas of streamlining machine learning,
(AI), research is now advancing to the next stage. creating white-box algorithms, and developing
With expectations running high for applications specialized architectures.
in a wide range of industries, researchers around
the world are vigorously developing AI to meet Three trends
market demand that is predicted to grow at an AI development requires researchers to prepare
astounding annual rate of 51% until 2025. The a vast amount of machine learning data.
introduction of practical technology across the Accordingly, the cost of preparing data is
globe is certain to accelerate a real-world debate exploding as AI is adapted for different fields
regarding the future direction of development and such as medicine and finance. To address
new applications of AI. this situation, researchers are focusing on the
As ever more AI research is published, especially challenge of streamlining machine learning. If the
in China and the United States, we have also machine learning process can be streamlined, it
redoubled our own research initiatives. New trends will reduce the need to assemble data sets from
are emerging as AI research in Japan and around scratch for each field of application. Among the
the globe reaches higher levels. In particular, hottest fields is so-called “transfer learning,” in
research institutions are focusing attention on the which knowledge gained in one field is applied to

another field. The University of Michigan gained calculations, previous generations of general-
international attention with the announcement of purpose artificial intelligence are increasingly
an approach known as multi-task transfer learning unable to stay up to speed. This means it is also
that does not simply make use of data from one important to develop architecture designed
problem for another, but distills data from multiple specifically for machine learning.
sources for application to new problems (*1).
At the same time, as AI algorithms grow more AI that can process
advanced, processing methods have become human values
a black box from which researchers are unable We have kept abreast of these research trends
to discern the reasons behind a particular while also pushing AI research into the next phase
result. Without a clear understanding of how an according to our own vision of making technology
algorithm functions, it is difficult to trust the results. a more natural presence in people’s lives. For AI
The “white-boxing of results” is thus an essential to become more natural, it must not only solve a
step to introducing AI across various fields. Finally, given problem, but make judgements according
deploying this kind of high-level AI requires cutting- to each person’s values so as to support their
edge hardware. Due to the need to simultaneously actions in a variety of ways. This means that AI
execute vast and complex combinations of must evolve from something that sees, listens, and

15 Ar t if icia l I n t e lli g e nc e

speaks into a “thinking” entity capable more high-
The importance of
level rational and analytical thinking.
tolerance and sincerity
For artificial intelligence to process values and
achieve high-level “thinking” functions, basic Building upon these basic abilities, we aim to
abilities of seeing, listening, and speaking are expand the fields where AI can thrive by enabling
essential, all of which have now reached practical it to process human values. Present-day technology
levels. For example, “seeing” functions based on can already perform translations of simple
angle-free object information retrieval are capable sentences or conduct customer support chats,
of accurately identifying objects that change shape but these systems only output an optimal answer
based on just a few reference images. We have based on provided parameters. However, if AI that
pursued an especially wide range of research can process values becomes reality, it will not only
regarding listening and speaking abilities, earning be able to answer questions, but also engage in
first place in international competitions in the communication that can deepen human thinking
fields of automatic speech recognition, machine and broaden our choices of action.
reading comprehension and machine translation, Let ’s think for a moment about how we
while also pursuing research from a more high- communicate with AI. Richer discussions are
level philosophical perspective into spoken possible if AI can understand the values of
dialogue processing technology in consultation the person it is speaking to and also has its
with Professor Noriko Arai of the National Institute own values. This abilit y will be impor tant
of Informatics and Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro as AI is introduced in various fields such as
of Osaka University (*2) . In addition to our own counseling services and elderly care. Repeated
research initiatives, we are also leading worldwide communication with an AI in the form of discussion
AI research through initiatives such as hosting gradually builds trust, as the AI acts as a congenial
a competition to sort speech data according to conversation partner for humans and becomes an
gender and age (*3). We can also predict traffic entity that can deepen human thinking by offering
conditions through multidimensional analysis of the various suggestions that expand human choice
movements of objects such as people and vehicles with an eye towards long-term goals, rather than
that each have different values. If multiple AIs can just outputting an optimal solution for a particular
be networked together, including those used in situation. An understanding of values is necessary
railway networks, it should become possible to to produce useful insights into people’s movement
overcome mobility and logistical limitations tied and mobility, or predicting weather phenomena.
to local infrastructure and optimize for movement If AI can process information based on a variety
and distribution on a broader, society-wide scale. of values, it should be able to make proposals
that increase human choices when dealing with
complex challenges.

The AI of tomorrow requires
tolerance and sincerity.

In order for AI to process values in this way, it is and sincerity.

necessary to develop tolerance to accept diverse (*1) This paper, published in Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 62,
has garnered substantial attention in recent years, with 59 citations as of
ways of thinking, and sincerity when approaching October 2018.

people and things. Conventional AI runs the risk of

(*2) NTT participated in an artificial intelligence project run by Professor

encouraging existing prejudice, so it is important Arai of the National Institute of Informatics to create a robot that could
pass the entrance examination for the University of Tokyo. In charge of
that AI has the tolerance to recognize diversity English, we provided technology for language processing and knowledge
processing. Additionally, NTT jointly developed an android with Professor
and the sincerity to engage with people. For AI to Ishiguro, introducing noise reduction and collection technology, voice
recognition technology, and discussion technology to achieve natural
be able to naturally assist people’s thinking, and conversation with human beings in his Geminoid HI-4 android.

make deeper thinking possible, we will continue to (*3) As part of the corevo project to stimulate AI initiatives, NTT held
a competition to sort speech data according to gender and age in the
pursue AI research with an emphasis on tolerance SIGNATE data science community.

17 Ar t if icia l I n t e lli g e nc e

1 . Automatic speech recognition
and spoken dialogue
processing technology
We are pursuing development of various communication
related technologies, such as voice translation that reflects
information about the speaker and intention, automatic speech
recognition systems that can understand accents, and chatbot
auto-response technology. Totto is an android designed to
resemble the female actress and talent Testuko Kuroyanagi,
which is not only equipped with dialogue knowledge built from
a large database, but also loaded with the personality learned
from Kuroyanagi’s broadcast data. Natural interactions are
realized through the use of highly precise automatic speech
recognition and highly realistic voice synthesis technology, as
well as speech dialogue processing technology, allowing users
to enjoy conversations that seem like talking to Kuroyanagi
herself. Even more natural conversation is achieved by
combining robot control and automatic generation of motions
ⓒ 2017 totto production committee related to the conversation.

2 . Spatio-temporal
collective data analysis
By analyzing large amounts of data about the movement
of people and cars, AI becomes able to effortlessly make
temporal and spatial predictions. These efforts are based
on an approach known as spatio-temporal multidimensional
collective data analysis. For example, together with NTT
DoCoMo, we are conducting tests of a “Near-Future Crowd
Prediction” system that can anticipate the amount of people
in an area several hours in advance. In another practical
approach, AI taxis that use predictions of travel patterns
to match taxi supply and demand have already been
shown to boost revenue, and AI is also anticipated to be
implemented for car sharing and “on-demand bus” services
that dynamically manage the operation of buses based on
demand predictions.
Reality /
Creating moving
experiences across
time and space
Virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) are already
being introduced for a variety of purposes, and are
expected to achieve spectacular growth in the future.
As progress is made on new approaches that stimulate
touch and hearing in addition to vision, we are working to
create VR/AR technology that can naturally extend human
Conveying emotion across
time and space
We may be reaching the end of the days when VR/AR only extends
vision. Going forward, rich experiences will be created by more
naturally expanding multiple senses. That could mean that reality itself
is headed for an update.

VR/AR technology is predicted to grow at the is currently focused on the following three topics:
rapid rate of 86% per year from 2017 to 2022. In deepening presence, speeding up processing,
addition to adoption in the entertainment industry, and controlling sickness. Achieving these goals
VR/AR commercialization has also progressed could transform VR/AR from a mere entertainment
significantly in B-to-C applications, such as apparel technology into a technology that can change our
brands that use AR in promotions for customers relationship to reality.
trying clothing in their stores. Yet there is no doubt
that many new possibilities remain untapped, The disappearing
such as three-dimensional modeling in the design difference between
of products and buildings or the realization of virtual and real
telemedicine by introducing virtual surgery, as First, “deepening presence” means enriching the
well as a wide range of other B-to-B applications presence of the subject by stimulating various
of VR/AR that are entering the testing phase in senses, not only vision. Most people imagine a
fields including mobility, finance, real estate, and head-mounted display when they think of VR/AR,
medicine. which reflects how in many cases, VR/AR tries to
What is needed for VR and AR to be deployed control our vision in order to convey a subject’s
in a greater variety of situations? VR/AR research presence. However, other sensory stimuli could be

used to augment vision and update the experience successfully improving the accuracy of operations
into something more realistic. .

Some examples can be found in recent AR-

related research, such as a paper from Stanford Acceleration and
University on a stretchable device that can convey preventing sickness
touch (*1). Another AR research paper released by Moving to the next topic, accelerating VR/
the Technical University of Munich is focused on AR processing aims to achieve more realistic
extending sound in medical settings . Overload
(*2) experiences. Currently, the quality of VR/AR
of visual information during surgeries can cause images is subject to the functional limitations of
doctors to lose their concentration and make semiconductors and communication performance,
mistakes. This study introduced AR that extended but improvement of algorithms and communications
hearing and succeeded in limiting the error rate. technology such as 5G will boost processing
Related to utilization in medical settings, research speed, and make possible higher image quality in
released by Taiwan’s National Chung Cheng future VR/AR experiences. In a paper published
University is also garnering attention. A research by UCL in 2016, a research institution at the
team at Chung Cheng applied a brain-computer university studied frameless rendering technology.
interface to telemedicine and telecom VR, In the past, the need to load video frame-by-frame

21 V ir t u a l Re a lit y /A u g men t ed Re a l i t y

Creating an environment that can transmit
space itself to faraway places

meant that latency was a bottleneck. This research so technology that can prevent sickness is essential
is leading to the achievement of faster rendering. for making experiences comfortable. A 2018
Of course, simply increasing processing paper published by the Hong Kong Institute of
power will not lead to the creation of rich VR/ Technology in Ergonomics has attracted attention
AR experiences. As information processing within the field . Typically in situations involving

accelerates and precision closes in on reality, intense movement, sickness is triggered by users
there is a growing risk of people getting sick from focusing attention on the central vision, but the
VR/AR. Currently, people are unable to watch for university’s research team revealed that sickness
long periods of time due to the onset of sickness, can be reduced by shifting awareness towards the

peripheral vision. for experiences, but we want to create a world
in which VR/AR will blend into the spaces of
Creating ambient everyday life without disturbing human activities.
experiences This technology not only brings new experiences,
Of course, we have been hard at work developing but can also be used to supplement and reinforce
VR/AR technology from more angles than ever human abilities. We want to use information that
before. Some of the results of this research have could not be ordinarily gathered using human
already made their way into use in fields such as sensory organs to build an environment where
entertainment, but we are looking beyond simple humans can operate as if they had a “sixth sense.”
amusement toward a world in which people and By unleashing such assist functions, it will be
their environment harmonize to enable the creation possible to naturally and discreetly close the gap
and sharing of experiences across time and space. between people who have lost certain functions
With Kirari! 2.0, we are working to overcome and other people.
latency. One might call this an update to reality As VR/AR research gains steam, technologies
itself. will debut that stimulate various senses besides
For example, combining VR/AR technology vision, such as touch and hearing. This technology
with personal twin platform technology that is essential to create an environment where
produces virtual models of people, things and the everybody can enjoy the benefits of the Smart
environment in response to users' experiences and World, regardless of IT literacy. To begin, we will
senses will make it possible not only to visualize continue to deepen our research as we work on
future predictions, but also to experience them various senses beyond sight.
through touch and hearing.
Moreover, the quality of experiences will be
updated as technologies evolve in the fields of
information collection and processing, real-time
synchronous transmission, and realistic effects and
reproduction, making it possible for many people
to enjoy deeper reality. In the future we are sure
(*1) Article published in Nature, Vol. 555. While conventional haptic
to have more opportunities to experience this devices have not been flexible in shape, this paper focused attention on
the development of stretchable, stick-on haptic devices.
technology that is already being introduced in
events that combine sporting events or traditional (*2) Article published in the International Journal of Computer Assisted
Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 13. This is one of the most frequently used AR-

performing arts with the latest technology. related papers published by the Technical University of Munich.

We believe that “ambient” is an important (*3) Article published in Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 34. Accuracy was
improved by using an algorithm that mimics the behavior of honeybees for
keyword for future VR/AR research. Currently, operations to recognize virtual objects.

there is a barrier between the real world and (*4) Article published in Ergonomics, Vol. 61. It is hoped that this
achievement can be used to create a mechanism to shift awareness to
the VR/AR world because devices are needed peripheral vision in situations where sickness is likely to occur.

23 V ir t u a l Re a lit y /A u g men t ed Re a l i t y

1. Ultra-realistic communication with "Kirari!"
“Kirari!” is an ultra-realistic
communication technology
that can faithfully transmit
spaces synchronously in
real time to multiple halls or
performance venues, creating
the same sense of immersion
as live venues. Kirari! makes
possible multi- angle video
of isolated objects and real-
time sampling of competition audio. For example during sporting events, life-size 3D images of athletes can be projected onto a
stage, with sound image localization and multi-angle image display towards both sides, instantaneously reproducing reality as
if the audience were watching the game in person. Combining sensing of real-life performers with media processing even makes
it possible to produce joint performances between present-day and past performers that would otherwise be impossible. In this
manner, we aim to enable audiences to experience a wide variety of ultra-realistic content that transcends the limitations of
space and time.

2 . Angle-free object recognition technology

Research is progressing on technology
that can identify objects from indirect
angles when searching for images of
buildings, products, and other things,
bringing changes to sightseeing,
commerce, and exhibitions. Angle-free
object recognition technology, which
we have been researching since 2015,
has made it possible to recognize and
present relevant information about three-
dimensional objects with a high degree
of precision regardless of the angle from
which the object is captured. Specific
use cases include venue and tourist
information, as well as digital stamp rallies in which users can collect stamps by pointing the camera at a specific spot, and
electronic manuals that are displayed when the camera is pointed at a device. It is now possible to recognize a wide range of
non-rigid products such as textile products and products in soft packaging . This could make it possible to reduce tasks such as
merchandise management and checkout, and also link items with product information.
Human Machine
Deeply understanding humans to
naturally integrate with robotics
Just as virtual and augmented reality expand the human senses, human-machine
interface (HMI) expands the human body. We are pursuing research to deeply
understand human beings in order to develop interfaces that enable never-before-
possible things.
Interfaces to expand
human potential
In the Smart World, even our bodies will be made smart, transforming
our conception of what it means to be human. HMI holds the key to that
evolution. Our research aims to deeply understand the human body and
combine it with technology in order to expand human potential.

How will the human body change in a future in which eye tracking and gestures close behind. Additionally,

smart technology pervades every industry? Human- progress is expected in the development of practical

machine interfaces (HMI) can turn our bodies into brain interfaces that make use of information directly

smart instruments. As a result of advances in medicine from the brain. Amid these trends, HMI research has
and biology, we now have a deeper understanding of focused on the two topics of developing upstream

organs including the brain and muscles, which opens inputs and reflecting the cognitive process in design.
the door to more possibilities for HMI in the future.

How exactly will HMI transform the human body

Building on knowledge of
into something smart? It could, for example, allow human beings
a manufacturing worker to control a robot in a First, the development of upstream inputs entails

factory from a remote location as if was their own detecting movements and reactions at an earlier
body. In medicine, patients with physical disabilities stage than possible with existing inputs, thereby

could receive artificial muscles, while in mobility, a i m i n g t o d eve l o p m o re a c c u ra t e a n d l e s s

the constant monitoring of drivers’ brain waves burdensome interfaces for users. HMIs in use today
could reduce the risk of accidents. Currently, voice- can detect inputs such as voices or the movement of

activated interfaces have reached a level suitable limbs, both of which are initiated by electrical signals

for implementation, with remote control based on sent from the brain to different organs of the body.

This is why detecting so-called “upstream” inputs Researchers are also considering the cognitive

such as brainwaves and surface muscle electrical process in design, which holds the promise of less

signals, instead of just the movement of muscles like error-prone interfaces. Existing HMIs have used

today, could enable human-machine interfaces to simplified algorithms that made it easy for human

function with no time lag. errors to occur. However, the introduction of HMIs

Research is underway around the world to achieve based on deep understanding of the human

these ends, including a collaboration between the cognitive and thinking process will enable creation

Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University of interfaces with lower error rates. For example,

that has developed an interface capable of reading research released in 2017 by a team at Taiwan’s

surface muscle electrical signals without directly Nanhua University details a project to improve the

touching the skin (*1). Furthermore, recent years have UX/UI in control rooms at nuclear power plants in
seen efforts to directly insert devices into the brain or order to reduce the likelihood of errors (*2). Through

skull. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects this type of interface improvement, it will be possible

Agency (DARPA) is also moving forward with a to create safe and reliable HMIs even for uses such

program to insert implants into the cerebral cortex, as power plants where small mistakes could result in

raising the possibility that more interfaces will link large accidents.

directly to the brain in the future.

27 Hu ma n M a c h in e I n t er f a c e

Interfaces less prone to errors will be created
by understanding the human cognitive
and thinking process

Extending We use the term “ambient assist” to describe
the ambient body technology that can supplement or strengthen human

We also want to use HMI to turn the human abilities in combination with the environment or

body into something smarter. In the Smart World, devices. We are working to realize a world where

technology will become so natural that people will HMI can not only replace lost human abilities, but
rarely be aware of its presence. As such, HMI must detect information that humans cannot ordinarily

naturally extend the human body. While existing recognize. In particular, we use the term “ambient
HMI technology has always been difficult to use intelligence” to refer to technology that can function

without user attention to the interface, future HMIs autonomously in response to its environment. The
will make it possible to naturally use robotic devices. day is on the horizon when interfaces will appear to
For example, we are currently developing ambient exhibit intelligence as they function on their own to

sensing technology that uses multichannel and multi- support human bodies.

modal devices to collect environmental and biometric

information, such as information gathered by the Expanding
senses and brain waves, and digitize it in real time. the potential of the body
This will make it possible for us to collect and utilize This kind of research is only possible due to a
data stress-free so as to make individuals` lives deepening understanding of the human body,

including the mechanisms by which the brain and support the body and expand human potential.

muscles function, and how emotions affect the As the world grows smarter, technology will evolve

movements of the body. As various mysteries of into something more natural. When our vision of

biology and medicine are gradually understood, the future becomes reality, HMI is the field where

HMI will grow simpler while also becoming capable humans and technology will become closely
of a wider range of functions. integrated. This is exactly why the changing nature
We are pursuing research to develop new of HMI also entails a change in the nature of human

cybernetic UX technology that can deepen our beings. We will deepen our understanding of human

understanding of the inner workings of humans. beings in order to create HMIs that remake the body.
For example, we have embarked on analysis This will expand human potential and create an
of information collected using ambient sensing environment where people can widely benefit from

technology, which should help us to understand how technology regardless of IT literacy.

human emotions work. By coupling this research

with robotics research, we may be able to develop

cybernetic gear that can support human movement.
(*1) This paper, released on July 27, 2018 in Frontiers in Neurorobotics,
People t ypically imagine cybernetic gear as is one of the most-wached recent papers to be released by the Chinese
Academy of Sciences.
interfaces that put humans in primary control, but the
(*2) Paper published in Safety Science, Vol. 108. This research focuses on
cybernetic gear of the future will work on its own to the cognitive process.

29 Hu ma n M a c h in e I n t er f a c e

1. Point of Atmosphere (PoA)
In the future, we believe it will no longer be necessary for
people to pay direct attention to devices, as various close-at-
hand items watch over our lives. For example, rooms will be
filled with various connected ICT devices that could naturally
convey the likelihood of rain by causing a raincoat hanging
on the wall shake or by making the floor appear wet. We
call this kind of action “Point of Atmosphere (PoA),” which
improves digital experience through natural interactions that
harmoniously connect people with their surroundings without
disturbing their primary activities. We will continue to develop
this technology while utilizing sensing and media processing
technologies, so that everyone can benefit from the Smart
World regardless of IT literacy.

2. Hidden stereo technology

When someone looks at a stereo image without wearing
3D glasses, the images from different viewpoints overlap
to produce a double image. Viewers must choose between
2D and 3D images. We used a visual mechanism that
plays a role in human depth perception to develop stereo
image generation technology that preserves 2D display
compatibility. This technology generates images for the left
and right eyes by adding and subtracting disparity-inducer
patterns that provide depth information to the human eye.
Viewers without 3D glasses can watch clear images, while
viewers wearing 3D glasses are able to enjoy 3D images.
This makes it possible for people who want to watch in 2D
and 3D to enjoy the same content in the same place. There
are previous examples of 3D image technology that maintains
compatibility with 2D display, but NTT was the first to develop
technology that makes it possible to display 2D images that
are clear even when viewed without wearing glasses.
Shifting to active
Cyber securit y technology is undergoing a major
transformation. In order to respond to the constantly
evolving threat of cyber attacks, we are working to develop
active security systems that take measures to head off
attacks, rather than just passively defend infrastructure.
Protection alone
does not ensure security
How can security technology respond to the daily evolution of cyber
attacks? The future will require active security technology that anticipates
and outsmarts threats, not just passively withstands attacks.

As cyber attackers have grown cleverer in recent network utilizing drones or a hospital medical
years, the heightened risk of large-scale impacts system could put people’s lives in danger. In order
has made security measures even more important. to minimize such damage, it is becoming important
Today, more and more information is moving to the to take active and anticipatory security measures
cloud and attackers are targeting connected data instead of simply resisting attacks.
including client information and corporate secrets,
making it essential for companies to keep pace From passive to active
with the evolution of cyber attacks, and defend To address these challenges, research institutions
themselves from a variety of angles. Amid swelling around the world are currently working hard to
demand, the global market for cyber security is shift towards active defense. In 2017, a team
expected to expand at an annual rate of around composed of researchers from the Massachusetts
11% until 2024. Institute of Technology and Carnegie Mellon
In the past, cyber attacks have typically involved University released a research paper on a special
breaches or falsification of data, but today attacks method of screening wireless networks to detect
on highly integrated networks and IoT devices the physical locations of attackers (*1). This enables
raise the prospect of major impacts in the real automatic detection of attacks aimed at networks,
world. For example, an attack on a delivery such as Sybil attacks that generate a large

number of fake clients. In addition, research from variety of methods to evade passive defense
Australia’s La Trobe University has updated these measures, including increasing the volume of
detection systems for deployment on large-scale attacks, exploiting unknown vulnerabilities of
networks (*2). The university’s research utilizes deep devices, or slipping in through attacks on users
learning to achieve a scalable attack detection such as phishing. In active defense, machine
system that dramatically improves defenses. learning technology is used to analyze system logs
This research has made it possible to engage in to quickly grasp the method of attack and extent
automatic and powerful patrols even on large- of damage and immediately respond, thereby
scale networks. actively dealing with threats by limiting damage
Consider the well-known example of a DDoS and weathering continuing attacks. At the same
attack. Passive defense measures have included time, we are try to gather a variety of information
distributing servers and networks or filtering related to attackers and attack methods to cut off
packets. In addition, in order to prevent vulnerable attacks before they start. For that reason, shifting
devices from being hijacked for use in DDoS to active defense requires constant research and
attacks, antivirus software is used to protect information gathering regarding the latest attack
devices and scanning tools detect devices that methods. Security conferences such as Black Hat
are not secure. However, attackers employ a and DEFCON gather hackers from around the

33 C y b er S ec u r i t y

world, spurring discussion of newly discovered
attack methods and countermeasures.

Achieving broader
Of course, security is extremely important to our
vision of the Smart World. Indeed, high-speed 5G
mobile networks will lead to new cyber attacks
even as they help create the Smart World. That
is why we are adapting our existing technology
and working to create cutting-edge security
systems. In particular, we are focusing on the two
tasks of expanding defense to more devices and
developing active defense. The first challenge
is to precisely detect and efficiently respond to
cyber attacks in order to defend against both
threats to existing IT infrastructure also to systems
more closely connected to the real world, such
as IoT devices and mobility. Primary focuses we are focusing on users to understand their
include security technology for mobility networks awareness and actions, as we work to stengthen
as the era of connected cars approaches, as security from multiple angles by making it possible
well as security technology for industrial control for everyone to correctly understand and use
systems used at power plants and factories. For security technology.
example, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, we are pursuing development of Detecting signs,
security technology to guard against cyber attacks adapting in advance
on industrial devices used in civil infrastructure, As for the second task of improving active
which is expected to improve security for civil measures, we are taking actions including (1)
infrastructure such as power plants and public analyzing and dealing with attack methods, (2)
transportation systems. detecting and dealing with signs of cyber attacks,
At the same time, we are debating the form of and (3) finding and dealing with malicious sites.
usable privacy & security, which takes into account The first actively gathers examples of the latest
how human factors impact privacy and security. malware and attacks using “honeypot” decoy
Rather than a limited approach to ICT systems, systems that exploit vulnerabilities and rapidly

Underpinning systems that can respond to
unanticipated incidents and discover timely

creates an IOC (Indicator of Compromise: trace devices to attack). As a mega-carrier that handles
information on cyber attack invasions used a vast amount of information, we consider cyber
for detection and countermeasures) to make it security to be an exceptionally important field.
possible to quickly detect attacks that cannot be This is why we are taking various approaches
detected using conventional antivirus software. to develop more active securit y systems.
The second measure is meant to allow advance Strengthening cyber security is not simply a matter
countermeasures, through collection, analysis, and of meeting people’s needs, but is also essential to
deployment of underground information and non- protecting the coming Smart World itself.
public information from cooperating organizations
on NTT-CERT (NTT Computer Security Incident
Response and Readiness Coordination Team).
With the third measure, we are working to create
a real-time blacklist and enable more precise (*1) This research, published in Autonomous Robots, Vol. 41, used
technology that specially screens wireless signals to determine the physical
detection than existing blacklists by actively locations of fake clients on networks that do not require advanced
encryption keys or special devices.
probing websites to find malicious sites with short
(*2) Published in Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 82, this paper
lifespans (such as C2 servers that direct infected is one of the most cited papers released between 2016 and 2018.

35 C y b er S ec u r i t y

1. Botnet detection from network flow
In order to protect against botnets
that launch large -scale cyber
attacks by exploiting PCs and IoT
devices infected with malware,
it is necessary to understand the
entirety of botnet activity. We are
using network flow data to detect
botnets. Large -scale analysis
of traffic, focusing on network
flow from carriers, ISPs, and
datacenters, allows us to gain
an overall picture of the botnets
used in DDoS attacks and spam
mail transmission. Botnet components that are mingled with normal communications are analyzed from various angles by multiple
detection algorithms, and the data is visualized to reveal the entire botnet structure and evolution over time.

2. Malicious website detection from web traffic

We are building a collaborative
platform for cyber defense
tec hnology (LRR ) to protec t
against increasingly
sophisticated and varied
cyber at tacks. This platform
includes features such as URL
inspection and domain name
analysis and categorization
that are useful for detecting and
analyzing malicious sites that
plant malware when accessed.
URL inspection employs
defensive technologies including
honeypots, domain name analysis, structural analysis of malicious websites, and longitudinal data of attacks. In addition, we are
working on collecting and utilizing intelligence regarding malicious websites that deceive and attack users.
Making strides in real-
time, scalable processing
As devices that rely on advanced AI to handle large amounts of data
enter use, they will require information processing infrastructure that
can fulfill those demands. High-functioning information processing
infrastructure able to adapt to every technology might be described as
the infrastructure of the Smart World.
Balancing high functionality
and flexibility
Information processing infrastructure must balance high functionality
with high flexibility and high-speed processing capabilities. Previously, it
has been considered impossible to fulfill all these conditions, requiring
at least one to be sacrificed. But researchers are now beginning to find
ways around these limitations.

Innovation in technologies including AI and IoT has similarly to AI. However, various challenges still lie
moved many things that were previously impossible ahead for information processing infrastructure.
closer to becoming reality. Technological progress In recent years, attention has focused on
will certainly impact our lifestyles. However, ways to overcome the limitations facing existing
while something may be technically possible, technologies, particularly by improving trade-offs
implementation still requires the hardware to between functionality and energy consumption,
support it. between functionality and flexibility, and achieving
That is why all development of information even greater concentration of infrastructure.
processing infrastructure to support various Centered on hardware, information processing
cutting-edge technologies is accelerating around infrastructure has faced various unavoidable
the world. The field of AI chips is predicted to tradeoffs between different features. For example,
undergo faster growth in coming years, as the GPUs are general purpose but consume high
market expands at an annual rate of 40% until amounts of energy, whereas ASIC's energy
2025. Needless to say, information processing efficiency comes at the expense a limited range of
infrastructure is also increasingly important for IoT, uses.
which is being introduced across various fields

Alongside these challenges, researchers
Trade-offs to be solved are confronting physical limitations specific to
B re a k i n g f re e o f t h e t ra d e - o f f s b e t we e n hardware. Existing technology has always faced
capabilities, power consumption and flexibility limits to how much infrastructure can be shrunk,
has been the subject of numerous research papers and thus how much powerful infrastructure
around the world, especially in the United States could be concentrated in one place. Various
and China. For example, joint research between research efforts are underway to overcome these
the Chinese Academy of Sciences and UC physical limitations, such as the semiconductor
Santa Barbara in 2017 addresses the scalability manufacturing equipment maker ASML’s efforts
and flexibility of processing capabilities (*1) . to miniaturize semiconductors, and an article
This research attempts to balance functionality in the journal Science released by UC Berkeley
with energy efficiency & flexibility through and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
the improvement of unique architecture. The that announced successful manufacture of
implementation of simple design and the evolution semiconductors at the 1-nanometer level by
of development logic should minimize these trade- drastically changing materials and structure (*2).
offs in the future.

39 I n f o r ma t io n Pr o c es s in g I n f r a s t r u c t ur e

Overcoming the trade-off problem and rapidly
processing vast and complex data

First, scalable data processing technology

Basis for the Smart World can collect and analyze enormous amounts
Like other research organizations around the world, of data in a wide range of areas. It will play
we have continued to work on these challenges a crucial role for the Smart World in which
facing information processing infrastructure. To us, value is created as various facilities, products
information processing infrastructure is not simply and mobility applications such as connected
hardware, but the foundation of the emerging cars are interconnected. Typical examples
Smart World. include technology that can immediately collect
We are paying particular attention to research information from vast amounts of data at the
related to scalable data processing technology, magnitude of 10 exabits (10 million terabits), as
next-generation data management technology well as technology to store enormous amounts
and post-Moore’s Law technology that aims to of spatio-temporal data and search and analyze
quickly process enormous and complex data sets. it in real time. As these technologies enter use,

they will make possible such things data processing technology that is not based
as organizing traf fic based on upon existing technology. For example, our
real-time analysis of vehicular and optical interconnect technology for AI is intended
human movements or large-scale to achieve large-scale and rapid AI machine
atmospheric simulations. learning while distributing processing through
In addition to these technologies the use of a protocol specialized for sharing AI
that quickly and precisely process data. Also in the realm of information processing
large amounts of data, there is also chips as optical processors, we are introducing
a need to neatly manage data so optical information processing with nanophotonics
that multiple players in different technology as we experiment with integrating
industries and locales can jointly optical processing for operations and conventional
utilize it. For that purpose, we are CMOS device processing using electrons, as well
working to achieve more efficient as breakthrough ultra-fast operations using only
data processing by combining optical processing. Moreover, various emerging
format-independent technology to technologies are primed to overcome Moore's
securely collect and integrate data Law, such as architectures centered on large-scale
using virtual storage and technology shared memory instead of processors that will
that reveals the optimal locations reduce wasteful movement of data.
for data integration by considering Data processing infrastructure is a field with
the costs of moving data. As virtual many challenges left to be solved. The world of
data integration technology becomes AI and connected services will only be realized if
more reliable, the ability to freely draw upon data the limitations facing present-day technology are
in different locations will accelerate cooperation overcome. This is why the new data processing
across industries. infrastructure we are building will be essential
infrastructure for the Smart World.
Surpassing the limits
of computing
Efforts are being made to update existing data
processing infrastructure, but the reality is that
modern computers are not up to the task of
keeping up with rapidly growing data. In order
to make additional progress, “post-Moore’s Law” (*1) Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of
Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 36. This paper is one of the most cited
technology that moves beyond Moore’s Law is papers published between 2016-2018.

essential. We are also working to create new (*2) Jointly-authored paper published in Science, Vol. 354 in 2016.

41 I n f o r ma t io n Pr o c es s in g I n f r a s t r u c t ur e

1 . Optical interconnect
technology for AI
As IoT and other trends lead to explosive growth
of data, and data processing becomes more
complex due to factors such as multiple data
sources, we will enter the post-Moore’s Law era
when it is no longer possible to improve processing
capabilities through the continual build-up of
computing resources. Rather than simply speeding
up communication hardware, we are working
on AI optical interconnect technology in which
hardware and software function together in order
to dramatically shorten the processing time of
large-scale distributed deep learning by applying
technology cultivated in optical communication to
information processing.

2. Optical information processing chip with

nanophotonics technology
Present-day information processing devices, such
as personal computers and mobile phones, use
huge amounts of logic gates based on electronic
circuit technology. The information processing
societ y of the future requires even higher
functioning logic gates, but we know that we are
approaching limits in terms of speed and energy
consumption. In order to address these needs, we
are hard at work creating information processing
chips that use light. Already, we have performed
nano-scale processing of semiconductors to
close light into exceptionally small spaces
at the nanometer scale, and create memory,
transistors, and other basic constituent functions
of information processing devices with light. Use
of light should enable the creation of high-speed
computing infrastructure with ultra-low energy consumption that is impossible to achieve using traditional electronics. Integrated
with future light-based communications technology, it will also contribute to an innovative information processing society.
Creating a breakthrough
all-photonic network
While the next - generation high- speed mobile
communications standard known as 5G is primed to
transform society and the economy, we must begin to
look beyond the horizon to the construction of post-5G
networks. We are working to create infrastructure for the
Smart World where people and devices are connected
Breakthrough all-photonic
The networks of the future must become faster and more advanced in
order to respond to ever more diverse and complex needs. Moreover,
networks are now being opened up to transcend barriers between
companies. What will the networks that support the society of the future
look like?

The anticipation around the world for high-speed of the future? The Japanese Ministry of Internal
5G networks, expected to begin service around Affairs and Communications has stated that
2020, reveals how networks have become an net works meeting the following conditions
integral part of our social infrastructure even are needed by 2030: high capacity, energy
as they continue to evolve. The global market efficiency, ultra-low latency, flexibility and high
for networks is steadily growing as technology resilience, high-efficiency data circulation, and
advances. The number of people with contracts security and reliability—these six conditions are
for fixed-line broadband, mobile phones, and prerequisites to firmly establishing networks as
smartphones is increasing year by year, and part of the basic infrastructure of our society.
advanced networks should spread to connect In order to meet these demands, numerous
the entire world, from Europe and America to research institutions are exploring the dual
countries across Asia-Pacific and Africa. Of approaches of speeding up net works and
course, market growth and the increase of IoT developing advanced network control.
devices, as well as the introduction of connected
cars, has resulted in unprecedented demands Faster & more advanced
upon networks. Speeding up networks entails building networks
What functions are demanded of the networks that can transmit and receive enormous amounts

of data bit- for-bit at high speeds and with companies such as Google, Facebook, and
low latency. Of course, networks of a certain Microsoft, there is a trend to move development
level of speed can be constructed simply by for ward as a communit y, tapping into the
increasing the amount of networking equipment, knowledge of various companies as opposed to
but this also results in a trade-off in the form of each creating networks on its own.
increased electricity consumption. That is why On the other hand, the burden placed upon
companies around the world are implementing networks will grow even larger as complex data
technologies such as space division multiplexing is exchanged between numerous providers that
and wavelength division multiplexing, as well as each use different equipment. Complex data
developing more advanced optical transmission exchanges will not be possible without further
technology, while progress is also being made progress in development of advanced networks.
in miniaturizing equipment. Currently, edge computing and optimization
Even as companies and research institutions of networks, as well as automatic operations
engage in fierce competition around using AI, are among the routes being pursued
development, it is also becoming more common to construct networks that can respond to more
for multiple companies to wor k to get her complex demands from multiple directions.
when creating new networks. Led by big tech As the volume of data circulating grows at an

45 Network

accelerating rate, the automation of network allowing precise information to be processed
processing is certain to be an even hotter topic in real time through connected cars and IoT
of research in the future to facilitate efficient devices. We see potential for new services to be
distribution of data at lower cost. created when we consider networks not just as
networks but as part of the social infrastructure
Making the first move of the Smart World.
beyond 5G
We a l r e a d y p o s s e s s p o w e r f u l n e t w o r k From terabits to petabits
infrastructure, but are also hard at work As already mentioned, we are pursuing research
constructing new networks. We are building that envisions post-5G all-optical networks
net works that will be cloud-native social based on advanced photonic technology, and
infrastructure capable of handling a vast are developing an exceptionally wide range of
array of diverse demands, structured around new network technology. One avenue being
a “Cognitive Foundation” system that speedily explored is intelligent networks. Networks may
and efficiently allocates ICT resources. In a bid begin to function autonomously as they are
to stay a step ahead of other companies, we integrated with AI. Additionally, we are also
are currently working to establish technology working on communications protocols ideal
for post-5G/post-IP architecture. Similar to other for edge computing, high-capacity transport
global research institutions, we are pursuing including terabyte-class wireless and petabyte-
research into longer-range and higher-capacity class optical transmission that vastly outstrips
optical transmission technology. Together with ex i s t i n g n e t wo r ks , wa ve l e n g t h s e l e c t i o n
this steady exploration of basic technology, technology that enables flexible utilization
we are also collaborating with many partners of optical paths, and optical fiber sensing
to form a community around next-generation technology that uses optical fibers as sensors as
networks. part of new social infrastructure.
As part of our development of underlying A l o n gs i d e d eve l o p m e n t o f t h e s e b as i c
technology for networks as social infrastructure, technologies and exploration of new use cases,
we are pursuing research into topics such as we are promoting development, maintenance,
next-generation access services, high-precision a n d i n t e g ra t i o n ve r i f i c a t i o n o f s o f t wa re
positioning technology, as well as feasibility infrastructure within an open-source software
testing of networks for Mobility as a Service (OSS) ecosystem. In addition, even as we
(MaaS). High-precision positioning technology maintain and improve existing infrastructure,
that is accurate down to the centimeter should such as by upgrading all connections to
create substantial added value in the future by fiber optics in order create a faster and

Rethinking networks as the social infrastructure
of the Smart World

safer network, we are working to advance moving to realize high-speed and advanced
our networks even more by connecting new networks that look even further down the road.
community to this infrastructure. The new net works created by NT T that go
Networking technology will be particularly beyond 5G will seamlessly pull together actors
important to realizing the Smart World. Many across national borders and industries and
people are currently anticipating innovation as become the infrastructure of future society.
a result of 5G networks, but we are already

47 N e t wo r k

1. Space division
m u l t i p l ex i n g o p t i c a l
Continued evolution of optical fibers is
necessary in order to overcome the capacity
limits of conventional technology. In order to
accommodate a 30~50% annual increase in
internet traffic, we are pursuing research into
space division multiplexing optical fibers that
can expand transmission capacity. This entails
realizing multi-core optical fibers that contain
multiple cores and few-mode fibers that use
multiple optical transmission modes. We are currently investigating integrated few-mode multi-core fiber structures. We have
already successfully produced optical fibers with more than 100 spatial optical channels. Going forward, we will work towards
the introduction of petabyte-class transmission systems in the late 2020s by developing additional basic technologies and
standardizing optical fibers for space division multiplexing.

2 . I n t e g r a t e d o p t i c a l f r o n t e n d d ev i c e
By developing ultra-wide band integrated optical front-end device
technology and our own highly precise method for calibrating multi-
level coded signals, we were the first in the world to successfully use
wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission to transmit one
terabit per wavelength per second. Furthermore, we were the first in
the world to succeed in transmitting over 800 km by multiplexing 35
wavelengths. This experiment entailed introducing analog multiplexed
(AMUX) functions into silicon CMOS circuit and the optical front-
end circuit unit and making it easier to assemble the circuits. We
achieved a speed 10 times faster than the systems currently in use. In
the future, this should contribute greatly to social change as a core
technology of innovative networks.
Realizing an intelligent
energy network
Energy is a vital element of the social infrastructure of
the Smart World. How should energy evolve in a world
of increasingly severe environmental problems? We are
trying to remake energy as green and intelligent social
Giving energy
In the future, energy must not only be green and friendly to the
environment, but also be distributed fluidly as if it were intelligent.
Across the world, development is underway of new technologies in
energy storage and other fields in order to achieve more stable energy

The global population continues to increase, become commonplace for both companies and
with the United Nations predicting that the ordinary households to earn money by selling
planet could exceed 10 billion inhabitants by leftover electricity to others. This will mean
2055. The corresponding increase in energy the installation of solar panels and batteries
demand means we must use green energy in houses, and use of electric cars as storage
that is mindful of the global environment and batteries. Even people who purchase from
coordinate supply and demand in order to power companies will take into consideration
optimize electricity use across society. not only the price of electricity but also whether
At the same time, the situation in the power energy comes from a renewable source. In other
supply sector is also changing. In the past, words, consumers will have two new choices to
ordinary households simply purchased electricity purchase green electricity that is mindful of the
from a power company, but the liberalization of environment or produce and store electricity at
electricity retail is now allowing households to home.
sell surplus electricity back to power companies The ability of households and companies to
or other users, and electricity transmission and store and generate electricity is essential for
distribution networks are now being separated achieving local production and consumption
f ro m e l e c t r i c i t y p ro d u c t i o n . I t m a y s o o n and self-sufficiency of electricity. This will require

advances in electricity storage technology, On the cutting edge of storage technology,
as well as technology to optimize energy research is progressing into all-solid-state
distribution. batteries and lithium-air batteries that could
succeed lithium-ion batteries. Two research
Local production and topics are garnering particular attention. The
consumption of electricity first is increasing storage capacity. High-density
Large-capacity storage batteries are essential storage batteries are required to serve smart
for achieving local production and consumption cities and factories, but existing lithium-ion
of electricity, and if various forms of mobility batteries are unable to meet these needs. That is
eventually transition to electric propulsion, large- why researchers are pursuing innovations such
capacity, high-output batteries will be necessary as lithium-sulfur and metal-air batteries , which
to power vehicles. Moreover, evolution of have larger storage capacity than lithium-ion
battery storage technology will be needed to technology.
make cities and factories smarter and to achieve Along with expanding storage capacit y,
zero emission systems that eliminate waste researchers are also focused on ensuring safety.
products generated during production, disposal, As ions move back and forth between positive
and consumption. and negative electrodes in conventional lithium-

51 En e r g y

Allowing for smart and streamlined generation and
storage of electricity from various local sources
to optimize energy distribution

ion batteries, a branch-like substance called smart and streamlined generation and storage
dendrite accumulates and creates a danger of of electricity from various local sources. We are
explosion. Researchers around the world are working to improve energy distribution via the
working to prevent the formation of dendrite three approaches of establishing virtual energy
and improve safety. flow optimization technologies, building a new
hybrid energy network, and pursuing research
Reliable, streamlined and development of basic technology that
energy circulation supports these systems.
In order to create green energy infrastructure Virtual energy flow optimization technologies
mindful of the global environment, it is essential will be suppor ted by vir tual power plants
to optimize energy distribution to allow for (VPP), which collectively control households'

and companies’ storage purpose, we are working to develop hybrid
batteries and electric cars energy sharing technology that responds to
to make them function various forms of energy supply, and other
as if they were a single technology to safely support these systems.
p owe r p l a n t . We a r e Underlying these two approaches is research
d eve l o p i n g b l o c kc h a i n - and development of basic technology. Energy
based technology for P2P is expected to be distributed in many forms in
power transactions, as well the future, and development of basic technology
as researching traceability will lead to the realization of new energy
to verify the route taken by distribution and uses. Considering energy
energy as it travels to the distribution using light, light is transmitted at
end user. high power through optical fibers as a means of
Furthermore, orchestrating energy transmission, and is efficiency converted
connections bet ween into electricity through light distribution and
energy suppliers and high efficiency optical-to-electric conversion
consumers, we are pursuing technologies, making it possible to use light to
research to achieve high- supply energy to devices that typically ran on
value, safe and reliable electricity. Of course, at the same time we are
energy supply and also pursuing basic research and development
demand. We are working of green energy, such as the back- to-earth
on advanced technologies battery and artificial photosynthesis.
for cooperation and Green energy distribution that is mindful of the
orchestration of VPPs that global environment will be achieved by making
work to “smartly” distribute possible local production and consumption
e n e rg y a m o n g m u l t i p l e of electricit y in ordinar y households, and
vir tual power plants, as developing technology to intelligently optimize
well as developing real-time energy matching energy distribution.
technology that responds to fluctuations in
supply and demand. These technologies will
help to achieve a world of streamlined energy

Green and intelligent

Our second approach is to build a new hybrid
energy network. By orchestrating every kind of
nearby energy source, we aim to achieve wide-
range, low-loss energy distribution. For that

53 En e r g y

1. Back-to-earth battery
As IoT technology becomes commonplace, trillions of
devices will be put into the world, some of which will never
be recovered and simply discarded. In order to reduce
the associated environmental impact, we began research
into batteries assembled from only bio-derived carbon and
fertilizer components that can biodegrade and return to
the earth. Development began in 2016 and a prototype
was completed in 2017 under the trademark "Back-to-earth
battery.” Conventional batteries can adversely affect the soil
when discarded. However, the materials used in the back-
toearth battery contain the same ingredients as fertilizer, and
have been shown not to disrupt plant growth even when the
battery cannot be recovered. Low performance means that
uses are limited, but performance improvements and a wider
range of applications are expected in the future.

2. Artificial photosynthesis technology

In order to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions and prevent global warming, we
are researching artificial photosynthesis
technology that produces various substances
from water and carbon dioxide in the same
way as plant photosynthesis. Ar tificial
photosynthesis generates hydrogen and
numerous carbon compounds such as formic
acid, methane and methanol, which could be
used as industrial raw materials and fuel gas.
We are developing artificial photosynthesis
technology using epitaxal growth technology
and catalyst technology that came out
of R&D related to optical communication
and batteries. This artificial photosynthesis
technology has already been demonstrated to be capable of exceeding the photosynthetic conversion efficiency of plants, and
in 2016 achieved 100 hours of continuous testing. Although prior efforts have focused on the production of hydrogen, in the
future we aim to generate carbon compounds at scale in order to realize a carbon-recycling society.
Innovation with post-
Moore’s Law technology
Certain quantum computers are known to possess formidable
computational power and are anticipated to solve optimization
problems that require the testing of endless numbers of choices.
However, this technology also has the potential to change the very
nature of information processing itself. We are working to unleash a
revolution in information processing through quantum computing.
Leveraging new concepts to
process vast information
As quantum computing gradually enters the realm of reality, its power
could potentially transform a variety of industries. It may signal not
only the birth of a powerful tool for information processing, but a new
conception of information processing itself.

Certain quantum computers are known to possess store locations, routes for movement of vehicles
vastly higher computing capabilities than ordinary or people, or the position of urban infrastructure.
computers, and are anticipated to solve various However, it also has numerous other strengths,
problems that could not be handled in the past. and solving optimization problems is only one
The technology is still in its nascent stages, but of the things that quantum computing will make
experts predict that the market will grow at possible. Beginning with solving optimization
the exceptionally high rate of 35% per year tasks, as processing speed and precision increase
until 2021. Quantum computing technology is it should eventually be possible to conduct highly
expected to be adopted across a wide spectrum precise particle simulations in the energy or
of industries, and has attracted vigorous attention pharmaceutical fields.
from research institutions around the world.
The hurdles to implementation are thought to be Two challenges with
relatively low for the execution of optimization quantum bits
tasks in various fields. Quantum computing Two challenges currently receiving the attention
is anticipated to be ideal for finding optimal of quantum computing researchers are stabilizing
answers from an enormous number of choices, and increasing quantum bits and increasing
such as optimizing distribution, inventory, and their number. In fact, practical implementation of

quantum computing has been hindered by the that increase the stability of certain quantum
instability and limited number of quantum bits, and superpositions to prevent them from collapsing.
progress on these two issues is essential to making On the other hand, it is also necessary to
progress in utilization of quantum computing. increase the number of quantum bits because low
First, stabilization relates to the issue that quantities only allow work to be performed on a
quantum bits can only be preserved without losing limited number of problems. Future implementation
information for a very short length of time, which across many industries will require increasing the
limits how long computations can be performed. In number of quantum bits to achieve error correction,
addition, noise generated by various factors during prepare quantum memory for operations, extend
computations alters quantum superpositions, the potential processing time, and eventually create
making conventional research efforts highly prone chips. Many universities are pursuing research
to errors. A 2016 paper published in Nature on these topics, including the Massachusetts
by researchers from Florida State University and Institute of Technology (MIT), which released a
the University of Valencia provided new hints for paper in 2017 on creating quantum chips with
how to solve this problem. The paper received 3D structures. 3D architecture is believed to be
worldwide attention for its announcement of a essential to the potential expansion of quantum
design that makes use of atomic clock transitions bits, and this paper tried to apply the technology

57 Quantum Computing

Finding an optimal answer from an enormous
amount of choices, such as optimizing the
placement of urban infrastructure
of 3D architecture used in the semiconductor field solving optimization problems and encryption
to the challenges of quantum computing. Other processing, but also on developing hardware
research institutions are also exploring this type of devices, such as creating high-functioning devices
3D architecture, and progress should accelerate in with superconducting quantum bits and new
the future. devices based on topological insulators. Like Ising
computing, this research is opening the door to a
New possibilities for new phase by taking approaches that differ from
information processing how quantum computing has been done in the
technology past.
We have pursued research into quantum We often think of quantum computing as a
information processing since the technology’s powerful tool to solve problems that are too
origins more than 30 years ago, long before difficult for existing computers. But the new
quantum computing attracted the sort of attention computing methods and architectures that we are
it does today. In recent years these efforts currently working on show that quantum computing
are gradually opening the door to practical also entails a new concept of information
applications. Quantum computing has previously processing. The strength of computers has always
been performed using a method using quantum been their precision and general-purpose utility,
gates, but in recent years an entirely different but these merits are also weaknesses in other
method has been proposed known as Ising ways. In contrast, how we think about information
computing, which we believe will make possible processing could change due to the adoption of
more stable approaches to combinatorial Ising computing and other technology that can
optimization problems. rapidly produce an answer to fuzzy questions such
We are pursuing multiple approaches in our as optimization problems that do not necessarily
research on quantum information processing require precision. This could be the new way of
technology. Our research focuses not only on processing information in the Smart World.
technology for software challenges such as

59 Quantum Computing

Recently in the field of quantum computing, Ising computing
been proposed as a method based on entirely different
concepts than quantum computing with quantum gates. To
create a computer capable of handling many optimization
problems, we built a "coherent Ising machine," which is a
new Ising computer using light. Our experiment demonstrated
2000-node computation and has been proven to have
extremely fast computing power. Creation of a coherent Ising
machine means faster solutions to optimization problems
in an era when various systems that make up society, such
as communication networks, transportation networks, and
social networks, are becoming larger and more complex.
Already in regards to certain problems, quantum technology
has the potential to outper for m conventional digital
computers, and we will continue to collaborate across fields
with mathematicians and software researchers in order to
demonstrate this superiority.

2. Proof-of-principle
experiment of
quantum repeaters
with all photonics
In collaboration with Osaka Universit y,
Toyama University and the University of
Toronto, we were the first in the world
to stage a successful proof-of-principle
experiment for the purpose of creating
quantum repeaters. This experiment
demonstrated the theoretical basis for an
all-photonic quantum repeater protocol that
could enable a worldwide quantum network using only with optical devices. The quantum Internet that quantum repeaters would
make possible is considered the holy grail of information processing networks, with potential applications far beyond the current
Internet. The effort to replace all conventional communication devices underlying the Internet with optical devices is closely
tied to the concept of an all-photonic network and holds promise for an energy-efficient high-speed Internet. Our successful
demonstration of this principle experimentally is regarded as a first big step for humanity towards the realization of a worldwide
all-photonic quantum Internet.
Biotechnology /
Medical Care
Evolution of biosensing leads to
precision medicine
As biology and chemistry have advanced and our understanding of biological
information has deepened, rapid progress has been made in the field of bio-
medicine (medical care) . We are continuing to investigate new materials and
interfaces from a multidisciplinary range of perspectives so that the fruits of
this research can be applied not only in medicine and agriculture, forestry and
fisheries, but also in telecommunications.
Know life in order
to update it
Biotechnology is expected to be used in a wide range of fields beyond
just medicine and agriculture, forestry and fisheries if high-precision and
high-dimensional design becomes possible. Where exactly do the fields
of biotechnology and telecommunications intersect?

The evolution of technology is not just taking level, it could open the door to design that starts
place in the fields of engineering and physics. at the level of materials. Now that nanomaterials
Biology, chemistry, and biotechnology are also and nanodevices are being put to practical use,
steadily evolving. Naturally, we also approach our biotechnology is closely intertwined with the field
research from various fields including chemistry, of telecommunications.
biology, and physics.
Biotechnology often brings to mind new medical Achieving high-precision
inventions such as the genome editing technology and multidimensional
“CRISPR,” or the modification of foods or breeds design
in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. However, Biotechnology research is currently focused on the
biotechnology has the potential to impact an two topics of “miniaturizing manipulations” and
even wider range of industries. For example, bio- “multidimensional design.” Prior research did not
identification technology is useful for identity benefit from the deep understanding of biology
verification in finance, and improving the efficiency and chemistry we have today, so biotechnology
of biomass power generation could help to solve remained a rather blunt instrument in terms of the
energy challenges. In manufacturing, if it becomes range and granularity of substances that could
possible to manipulate molecules at the nano- be manipulated. Therefore, it followed that the

fields where the technology could be applied Moreover, biotechnology has been used to
were highly restricted to medicine and agriculture, induce changes by manipulating cells and
forestry and fisheries. That is why attention has molecules, but it has been very difficult to perform
focused on miniaturizing manipulations in order to manipulations that take place over time, such
enable control at a finer level. as setting the time before a change occurs.
If researchers can succeed in miniaturizing Multidimensional design is garnering attention as
manipulations, pinpoint execution of precise a way of overcoming these issues.
manipulations will make biotechnology safer. One prominent example illustrating the trend
For example, a research paper published by the of multidimensional design is research into
Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018 is one of programming to instruct cells that was published
the most highly read studies of recent years (* 1) . in 2016 by the Massachusetts Institute of
The paper investigated the genesis of elements Technology, Boston University, and the National
that dramatically improve the success rate when Institute of Standards and Technology (*2) .
preparing a particular gene's DNA for gene The study leverages cells’ response to their
expression and recombinant protein preparation. environment to conduct programming that induces
Such research will allow us to more accurately specific responses in cells. The ability to program
induce intended properties. individual cells could lead to a future in which

63 B io t ec h n o lo g y / M ed ic a l C a r e

we can manage cells’ autonomous component in which the elderly can live healthy, independent,
generation and finely control the timing and extent and safe lives.” Joint research and development
of changes. Understanding humans, animals and projects have been launched on multiple topics,
plants at the cellular and protein level should such as supporting communication between
enable more free-ranging research. Achieving people with dementia and their families and
these two tasks is essential for the proactive caregivers, and smart homes that ensure safety
introduction of biotechnology into fields such as and peace of mind for the elderly and disabled.
healthcare that demand high reliability. We are planning to begin pilot projects in
Australia. Within medicine, elderly care is one of
From a hard to soft era the most important areas for Japan going forward.
We are pursuing more multidisciplinary research That is why we are trying to accelerate research
as we work on these issues. Our broad approach across international borders, making use of our
to research includes biomimetic nanodevices and accumulated knowledge in the fields of biosensing
biosensing that incorporate various life systems and biomedical care.
and exploration of deep biological information, as Biological information, particularly related to the
well as projects to develop medicine such as tailor- brain, is still a field full of mysteries, but research
made medical care that allows for personalized has been making undeniable progress at an
treatment, and supplementing damaged biological accelerating pace in recent years. In the Smart
functions. World we envision, there may come a day when
Significant research progress is being made the human body can be cared for at the molecular
in recent years in the area of biomedical care. level.
In 2019, we formed a partnership with Deakin
(*1) Article published in Angewandte Chemie, Vol. 55. In the past, cationic
University and Western Sydney University in polymers have been used as "carriers" for genes, but efforts have been
plagued by low success rates.
Australia, as well as the company Dimension Data,
(*2) Article published in Science, Vol. 352. This paper is one of the most
to pursue research as part of vision of "a society frequently used biotechnology papers published between 2016 and 2018.

Understanding humans, animals and plants
at the cellular and protein level
should enable more free-ranging research
1. “hitoe” cloth that measures biomedical signals
In 2016, NTT DoCoMo and Goldwin collaborated to create
innerwear that measures biomedical signals. Heart rate and
ECG signals can be measured just by wearing the clothing,
which is mainly used to manage sports training and improve
performance. This innerwear uses the functional material
called "hitoe" jointly developed by Toray Industries and NTT.
Composed of ultrafine fibers, the material features highly
adhesive bioelectrodes and high moisture retention. In the
future it is expected to be used not only in the field of sports
but also to monitor physical condition. Observers are closely
watching this material with expectations including use as
a personnel management tool for workers in dangerous
fields and long-distance bus, truck, and nighttime drivers, as
well as for clothing that can prevent accidents such as heat

2. Creation of microwell nanobiodevices

Membrane proteins, which have attracted
attention as "post-genome" biotechnology,
have been considered difficult to use. If
simply placed atop a substrate, the protein
structure will break down due to the
interaction with the substrate. Therefore,
NT T recreated a cell-like environment
on a semiconductor, and constructed a
microwell structure several micrometers in
diameter on a substrate. Each well is about
as large as a cell. Placing membrane
proteins here made it possible to perform
various experiments and measurements. If
nanobiodevices that integrate membrane
proteins and semiconduc tor devices
become reality, they are expected make contributions in many fields including medicine and environmental applications. This
miniature well-shaped substrate will make it possible to unravel the mechanisms of biomedical information at the molecular level
and treat intractable diseases.
Innovative production
expands the concept of
Led by nanomaterials and biomaterials, recent years have seen
progress in research into new advanced materials that overturn
conventional ideas of what materials can be. We will accelerate
development and personalization in order to make these kinds
of advanced materials into something natural.
Acceleration and
diversification alter
the concept of materials
Currently in the field of advanced materials, attention is focused
on development of various materials through the acceleration of
development and personalization. These efforts may lead to the
introduction of new materials that are more functional and flexible for a
wider variety of uses than ever before, marking a change in the nature
of materials themselves.

Evolution of technology also requires evolution manufacturers for carbon fiber materials that could
of the materials from which various products are allow creation of lighter products while maintaining
made. In fact, development of advanced materials strength, in the construction and real-estate sectors
is underway across the world, especially in the for self-healing materials that could be used to
United States and China, with some such as automatically repair structures, and in medicine for
nanomaterials beginning to enter practical use. nanomachines that could efficiently deliver drugs
Experts predict that the market will gradually grow into the body. Of course, there is also potential for
larger over time, with the Asian market in particular advanced materials to show their strengths in other
expected to expand rapidly in comparison to fields as well. Today, the world requires not only
Europe and the U.S., at a rate of close to 16% per new materials that can update existing products
year. and systems, but also materials possessing new
Similar to many technologies currently attracting qualities suitable for new technologies.
attention, advanced materials are expected to be There remain many hurdles to creating
utilized in a wide range of industries. Research new materials that could open the door to
is under way as expectations grow among new technologies. Among various materials,

biomaterials are still in the early stages of composition methods have made the financial and
technological development, and it will take time time costs associated with traditional approaches
before they are ready for commercialization. As a problem. Speeding up material development is
material technology moves into a new stage, necessary to solve these issues. In the future, use
researchers are focusing on the two challenges of machine learning and data analysis methods
of accelerating material development and to narrow down materials is expected to help
personalizing functions. Solving these t wo accelerate development of functional materials.
challenges would make it possible to create more For example, a 2016 research paper involving
complex materials. researchers at Har vard Universit y and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Rapidly manufacturing shows how machine learning could be applied to

various materials technology for “virtual screening” of molecules (*1).

In the past, researchers have relied upon their In this research, a molecule database is used to
experience when pursuing material development. create a virtual library of molecules, and machine
However, the complexity of material structures and learning is used to help narrow down a selection

69 Ad va n c ed M a t er i a l

Responding to and imitating signals emitted
by the body, then reversibly changing form

of molecules with desired qualities. Experiments This challenge is the subject of one of the most
are prioritized based on the narrowed-down list frequently cited papers of recent years in the field
of molecules, enabling reduction of both financial of advanced materials, a joint research paper
and time costs. from MIT, Eindhoven University of Technology, and
Solving the second challenge of “personalizing Stanford University (*2) . This research focused on
f unc tions” is also v ital in order produce biomaterials in the medical field, where demand
increasingly complex materials. In the past, a is growing. Modern medicine requires advanced
limited understanding of material properties at materials that can flexibly alter their form and
the molecular level meant that even when unique function and are biocompatible, in order to treat
materials were produced, they could only be increasing cases of cancer and wasting disease.
given single, one-dimensional functions. However, For that purpose, this research aimed to develop
more complex materials must be created for new supramolecular biomaterials that respond to and
materials to be adapted to a variety of situations mimic the signals released by the body, and which
across industries. can also reversibly deform their shapes. This type

of research is also expected to be applied to the If new biomaterials are invented, multifunctional
body’s drug delivery system and regenerative materials could become a more natural part of our
medicine in the future. lives. Advanced materials are certain to garner
We are hard at work on these challenges increasing attention as technology becomes more
as we pursue development of new advanced natural. We will continue to accelerate material
mater ials . For example, NT T ’s molecular development and pursue development of more
biological information processing technology diverse and multifunctional materials so that we
could contribute to speedy material development can use new materials in even more ways.
by accelerating the processing of molecular
information. In the realm of biomaterials, which is
expected to see rapid growth, advanced materials (*1) Published in Nature Materials, Vol.15. Based on this research,
adaptation for use in material development for NTT’s molecular biological
such as advanced thin film materials mark a large information processing technology is also anticipated.

step toward the realization of multifunctional (*2) Paper published in Nature Materials, Vol. 15. Heightened interest in
patient quality of life in medical settings is one reason why this type of care
biomaterials. is garnering attention.

71 Ad va n c ed M a t er i a l

1. Semiconductor hetero-nanowire
Current semiconductor devices
are in widespread use in
computers and communications
equipment. One of the basic
structures of these devices is
known as a hetero-structure,
in which dif ferent t ypes of
semiconductors are joined
together. It was previously taken
for granted that the constituent
semiconductors of hetero-
structures were limited in type
and joined along 2D surfaces.
By utilizing a structure known as a semiconductor nanowire, we are working to overturn these limits and develop new production
technology for hetero-structures. Already, we have created light-emitting diodes and laser structures using semiconductor
nanowire structures that function as devices. These new, groundbreaking semiconductor devices could result in breakthrough
applications not only in information processing devices such as computers and mobile phones, but also transmission and
receiving devices for telecommunications technology.

2 . Forma t ion of arbit rar y 3D st ruc tures t ha t are hig hly

In the fields of drug discovery,
regenerative medicine,
a n d t ra n s p l a n t p ro c e d u re s ,
technology is demanded that
can build up cells into three -
d i m e n s i o n a l s t r u c t u re s a n d
ar tif icially create st r uc tures
that are akin to biological
tissue. Past research has used
methods such as predetermined arrangement of cells and semiconductor nano-fabrication technology, but faced problems with
the precision of fabrication and biocompatibility. We have used hydrogel with high biocompatibility to create technology that
independently builds up three-dimensional forms. Using this technology, we have succeeded in encapsulating and cultivating
cells inside the three-dimensional forms, thereby artificially creating a structure similar to biological tissue. This method makes
it possible to produce three-dimensional structures with a high degree of design freedom, as well as cultivate cardiomyocytes
inside the structure. These efforts not only promise to dramatically advance analysis of single cells, but also have potential for
new biointerfaces.
Personalized production in
every field
Additive manufacturing, most prominently 3D printing, is an essential
technology for constructing the Smart World. As this nascent technology
evolves, it may eventually be possible for anyone to manufacture a
personalized item—even organs or bones.
From simple and single to
complex and multiple
Existing methods of additive manufacturing can only produce products
with simple structures, but it is gradually becoming possible to use
multiple materials to create more complex things. Let’s take a look at the
state of the art of additive manufacturing research.

Additive manufacturing technology, particularly of highly personalized artificial limbs. In addition

the field of 3D printing, has become increasingly to such consumer-oriented goods, flexible
well-known in recent years, despite still being in component manufacturing using the technology is
the nascent stages of its development. Today it is also expected to enable speedy prototyping in the
spreading into a variety of fields beyond the 3D automotive industry.
printers that people usually imagine. The steadily At the same time, there remain numerous
growing market is predicted to be as large as real-world challenges standing in the way of
$21.5 billion by 2025, led by North America and widespread adoption of adaptive manufacturing.
Europe. Utilizing the technology for a wider range
Although 3D printing is most often imagined for of structures will necessitate evolution from
applications in manufacturing, the technology manufacturing simple to complex structures, and
in fact has the potential to be introduced into an from using single to multiple materials. At the same
unusually wide range of industries. For example, in time, cost reductions are essential in order to make
the real estate industry, it could enable automated the technology accessible to as many people
construction in the form of “printed houses,” while as possible. Currently, additive manufacturing
the medical field could benefit from the production research is focused on the three challenges of

increasing the material range, speeding up the alloys, manufacturing teeth, bones, or even organs
printing process, and increasing the precision for human bodies could be possible. This is not mere
of printing. Advances in these areas have the speculation, but a topic of active research, including
potential to overcome the previous mentioned a paper released by Nanyang Technological
challenges. University on additive manufacturing using titanium
tantalum composites. Titanium tantalum composites
Toward more are highly compatible with organic tissue, and
flexible manufacturing this research could eventually lead to practical
First, research to expand the material range is applications in the medical field. Moreover, HRI
aimed at increasing the variation of materials Research, jointly held by Boing and GM, is pursuing
used in additive manufacturing. Currently only a research into the potential of ceramic materials,
small number of materials can be used in additive which are highly resistant to heat and are commonly
manufacturing, with 3D printing likely bringing to used in the aerospace field. These two papers are
mind materials such as resin or metal. These limits the two most cited in the world, demonstrating the
have prevented wide adoption of the technology. If excitement among research institutions regarding
the material range expands to include ceramics and the potential of new materials.

75 Ad d it i ve M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Evolution from manufacturing simple to
complex structures,
and from using single to multiple materials
The two remaining topics are both related releasing a paper in Nature in 2018 detailing
to improving the quality of printing. Research a new approach to additive manufacturing that
institutions are devoting particular energy to speed uses light. Using this technology, the researchers
and precision. Speed limitations are currently succeeded in creating a nanolattice structure at
unavoidable because most systems only output the 100-nanometer level.
from a single head. Researchers around the world Keeping abreast of research advances around
are hard at work solving these limitations through the world, NTT is redoubling its efforts in additive
the development of multiple-head printers and manufacturing research and implementation. For
two-stage hardening technology. Expectations example, NTT’s access to high-powered laser
are especially high for two-stage hardening. A processing technology could give it a head-
joint research paper from the Georgia Institute start over other companies when processing new
of Technology and Peking University anticipates materials. We are paying particular attention to
that a combination of two material hardening the field of bioprinting. The creation of artificial
methods using light and heat could lead to a large cells with layered structures could greatly expand
reduction in printing time. medical possibilities, but the emerging field of
In terms of printing precision, stable layering of bioprinting remains wide open with no dominant
materials remains a challenge, particularly the players.
problem of avoiding variations in the thickness Advances in additive printing could make it
and size of each layer produced. Needless to say, possible for us to create anything tailored to
increased precision is essential for application in individual desires or bodies. This heralds not only
a number of fields. This crucial issue has garnered the personalization of manufacturing of all kinds,
significant attention, with the California Institute of but the transformation of manufacturing into a
Technology, PSA Group, and Qinghua University smart process.

77 Ad d it i ve M a n u f a c t u r i n g

changes the world
What's IOWN?

NTT R&D engages in research and development of business processes, create new value and make
new technologies as we aim to improve industrial decisions; and offer new services that enrich
competitiveness and address social challenges. quality of life instead of provide tangible goods.

For that purpose, we work together with partners Meeting these needs could allow technology to
in various industries to boost productivity and forge deeper connections between customers and
overcome issues including safety and disaster companies.

preparedness, and must build a sustainable As a step towards this vision of the future, NTT
environment for all individuals to thrive. R&D is working on our Innovative Optical and

To create such a world, technology must become Wireless Network, or IOWN, comprised of an All-

more natural. For that purpose, we must make it Photonics Network, Cognitive Foundation, and
possible for people to unconsciously benefit from Digital Twin Computing. By shifting from the world

advanced technology, and create an environment of electronics to the world of photonics, we are
in which every person can use technology tailored striving to realize IOWN, an innovative network

to their distinctive traits. with excellent capacity, low latency, flexibility,

On the other hand, companies demand and energy efficiency and based on photonic

something different from technology: the ability technology down to the level of information
to quickly grasp changes in customers’ behavior processing. Stay tuned to see how we will use
and environment; use data processing to transform IOWN to change the world.

Illusionary contour blocks
Combining these blocks makes it appear as if the separate white lines
are connected on the surfaces of blocks and in the gaps bet ween.

Mosaic blocks
Combining blocks with mosaic pat terns
causes us t o sense depth in f lat
sur faces, and creates a pat tern where
the connections appear to be interlock
depending on how we look at it.

Dazzle camouflage blocks

Combining these striped patterns results in a three -
dimensional object that appears to bend and spring
Experiment with
out ward.
"Optical Illusion Blocks"

O pt ic al illus ion bloc ks

spur thinking and creation

At NTT, we are collaborating on a research project

focused on “optical illusion blocks” with the Art Media
Center at Tokyo University of the Arts. Optical illusions
occur when the properties perceived by the eyes do
not correspond to an object’s physical condition.
Café-wall blocks By freely assembling blocks featuring five types of
Mixing black and white stripes causes physically
patterns, it is possible to create strange objects whose
straight lines to appear to be tilted, and the striped
pattern that is actually rectangular to be trapezoidal. appearance fluctuates depending on the position and
method of viewing.
We conduct workshops using optical illusion blocks
in order to create opportunities to think about the
mysteries of vision. Combining scientific methods of
observation and analysis related to the psychology of
vision, the trial and error process of making things, and
collaborative methods of creative expression based
on group discussion, the project aims for participants
to intuitively as well as physically grasp the mystery of
vision. In 2017, this project received the Minister of
Shape-from-shading blocks
the Economy, Trade and Industry’s Grand Award for
The pat terns drawn on the sur faces of the blocks
app e ar t o b e t hr e e - dimens i onal impr e s s i ons or the category of “Design to Unlock Children’s Creativity
extrusions. and the Future” at the 11th Kids Design Awards.
This report is a copyrighted work whose copyright and other rights are protected by the Copyright Act.
Company names and product names published in this report are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Research and Development Planning Department

ⓒ2019 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Published 31 May 2019

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