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A Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Award of a Master of Arts Degree in Project Planning
and Management of the University of Nairobi


This research project report is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any
university or any other institution of higher learning.

Signed Date

This research project report has been submitted for examination with my approval as the
university supervisor.

Signed Date


This research project is dedicated to my late grandmother and family from Nepal and the people
of Kenya.


I wish to express my sincere appreciation to several people without whom this research work
would not have succeeded. My deep appreciation goes to the entire administration of Nairobi
University for granting me a chance to study with them.

My profound gratitude goes to my supervisor Dr. Moses Otieno for his support, guidance and
patience which have brought this research project to completion. I would like to thank my
administrator Mr. Stephen Fanaka, who helped me in every step of my research. Most importantly
also I wish to express my thanks to all my lecturers who took me through the course work and
initiated a spirit of research development in me.

I appreciate the support of all my colleagues in the masters’ class during the time of developing
this proposal. I also thank Kenya Red Cross office south C for permitting me to collect data from
the location in the month of November December 2014.


The main aim of the paper is to know the welfare facilities strategy implementation at Kenya Red
Cross. Welfare facilities include statutory and non-statutory facilities i.e. health facility, good work
place, working environment, good food and so on which help in motivation of the staff to achieve
objectives. The environmental conditions facing many firms have changed rapidly. Today's global
competitive environment is complex, dynamic, and largely unpredictable. The study reviewed on
the facilities provided by organization to its staff and the impact of these facilities in the
performance of employees. This study was conducted through a case study and it was considered
suitable as it allows an in-depth study of the subject on impact of welfare facilities on the
performance of employees in NGOs. The study used primary data collected from the management
and staff members of Kenya Red Cross Society. Using an interview guide, the researcher
interviewed eight top, nine middle level and nine lower level staff from the Nairobi branch of the
Kenya Red Cross Society. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The study draws a
conclusion that welfare facilities provided to employees at Kenya Red Cross Society clearly shows
the positive impact in the performance of its employees. Kenya Red Cross Society’s objectives
regarding employees welfare are to improved livelihoods, increase contribution to national policy,
enhance community ownership and to increase access to services. In order to achieve successful
strategic implementation, Kenya Red Cross Society has to address challenges such as lack of
funds, inefficiency in governance, lack of cooperation in the implementation of strategic plan, poor
networking with other NGOs, ineffective communications, limited capacity, unfamiliarity with
organizational strategic approaches, disparity in remuneration among NGOs and political
interference. The study recommends that when an organization applies for its own long term and
short term it’s should also look after the individual objectives. Organization can achieve its
objectives only when its employees are happy and committed to their work. Employees can focus
on their job only when they are stress free for these welfare facilities plays an important role in
every organization.


DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ x
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION OF WELFARE ............................................................. 1
1.1 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Objectives of the study.............................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Research question ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Hypothesis of the study ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Assumption of the study ........................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Significance of the study ........................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Delimitation ............................................................................................................................ 10
1.9 Limitation ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.10 Definition of significant terms used ...................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Employee welfare ................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Employee welfare facilities and their performance ...................................................... 11
2.2.2. Principles of Employee Welfare Service ..................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Employee commitment and welfare facilities .............................................................. 13
2.2.4 Employee health and welfare facilities ......................................................................... 15
2.2.5 Stress Management and welfare facilities .................................................................... 16
2.3 Conceptual framework ............................................................................................................ 18
2.4 Summary of Literature review ................................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 20
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 20

3.2 Research Design...................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Target population .................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Sample size and sampling techniques ..................................................................................... 20
3.5 Data collection instrument ...................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Validity and Reliability of instruments ................................................................................... 21
3.6.1 Instruments reliability ................................................................................................... 21
3.6.2 Validity of the instruments ........................................................................................... 21
3.7 Data collection Procedure ....................................................................................................... 22
3.7.1. Primary Data Collection .............................................................................................. 22
3.7.2 Secondary Data Collection: .......................................................................................... 22
3.8 Ethical consideration ............................................................................................................... 22
3.9 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.10 Definition of variables .......................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.1. Employee Welfare Facilities At Kenya Red Cross Society Nairobi Branch ............... 24
4.2 Response rate .......................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Demographic characteristics of the respondents..................................................................... 27
4.3.1.Work experience by level of Staff ................................................................................ 27
4.3.2 Highest academic of staffs ............................................................................................ 28
4.4 Data analysis as per the objectives.......................................................................................... 29
4.4.1 To determine employee welfare facilities and workers performance. .......................... 29
4.4.2. To establish the impact of welfare facilities on workers commitment ........................ 31
4.4.3. To examine the impact of welfare on employees working in Kenya Red Cross ......... 32
4.4.4. To outline the impact of welfare facilities in stress control of workers. ..................... 34
4.5 Welfare Facilities And Its Impact on the Performance of the Employees .............................. 34
4.6 Welfare Facilities And Motivation Of Employees ................................................................. 35
RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................ 37
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 37
5.2 Summary of Finding ............................................................................................................... 37

5.3 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 39
5.3.1. Demographic Data ....................................................................................................... 39
5.3.2. Welfare Facilities and level of satisfaction level ......................................................... 39
5.4 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 40
5.5 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 41
5.6 Implications for further studies ............................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 42
Appendix I: Letter of Transmittal ................................................................................................. 44
Appendix II: Data collection tools: Questionnaire for Kenya Red Cross staffs ........................... 45


Table 3. 1 Operational definition .................................................................................................. 23

Table 4. 1 Response rate .............................................................................................................. 26

Table 4. 2 Respondents by Gender .............................................................................................. 27

Table 4. 3 Respondents by work of experience ............................................................................ 28

Table 4. 4 Respondents by Highest Academic Qualification. ..................................................... 29

Table 4. 5 Awareness about the welfare facilities ....................................................................... 30

Table 4. 6 Workspace and the level of satisfaction ...................................................................... 30

Table 4. 7 Medical benefit facility and satisfaction level ............................................................. 31

Table 4. 8 Rating of transport facility ........................................................................................... 31

Table 4. 9 Canteen facility and the level of satisfaction ............................................................... 32

Table 4. 10 Drinking water facility and level of satisfaction ........................................................ 33

Table 4. 11 Cleanliness and the level of satisfaction .................................................................... 33

Table 4. 12 Welfare facilities and level of happiness ................................................................... 34

Table 4. 13 Chi-Square ................................................................................................................. 35

Table 4. 14 Chi-Square ................................................................................................................ 36

Figure 2 1 Conceptual framework ................................................................................................ 18


Employee’s welfare includes all those facilities, services and benefits which are provided by
employer to its staff for their comfort. Employee’s welfare, safety and health are the measures that
promote the efficiency of the staffs. Different welfare programs provided by any organization to
its workers have direct impact on the physical, health and mental efficiency alertness, morale and
overall efficiency of the employees. Some of the welfare facilities include accommodations
arrangements, canteen facilities, it can be categorize as to comfort of living as well as for the
working environment. We can identify employee welfare as the efforts which are applied to make
one’s life worthy. Human resources are the most important asset of every organization. With the
help of training as well as welfare provided to staff we can increase the value of human assets.
Value of human always appreciates with passing year where as other assets will be depreciated
with passing years. Value of human can be depreciated by aging process which includes
unhealthiness, hastened up by stress etc. Good welfare will always help to give proper and fruitful
outcomes, motivate staffs and increase in productivity. Whenever we provide good welfare, it is
always costly decision, but while thinking about future it is long term benefits for the company. It
is the process of complying with the law, thus ensure that an employer avoids legal issues. The
labor welfare schemes can be highlighted as a wise investment which will always bring a better
outcome with the greater efficiency. Providing welfare scheme to the staff always helps to create
healthy, efficient, loyal and satisfied staff force for every organization.

Some of the basic importance of labor welfare scheme to employees and employer are:
▪ To get goodwill and improve public image.
▪ To offer expression to generous and paternalistic feelings.
▪ To increase productivity and efficiency among the staffs.
▪ To increase the morale and win over staffs loyalty.
▪ To save oneself from tax on company’s profits.
▪ To reduce labor turnover, absenteeism and stable labor force.
▪ To decrease the threat of future government interventions.
▪ To make recruitment more effective.
Benefits of labor welfare:

● It helps to provide better mental and physical health to staffs and helps to promote a healthy
working environment.
● Facilities to workers families which includes housing, medical and education help to increase
living standard of those staffs. It will also help workers to pay more attention towards work
which will increase their efficiency.
● Staffs will get constant labor force by providing welfare schemes. Employees will be active
in their jobs with a feeling of participations and involvements.
● Welfare facilities to staff will increase the out of organization and helps to achieve
organizational goals.
● Different social crimes like substance abuse will be decreased with the help of welfare

Principles of Labor Welfare Scheme

Following are the principles which should be followed in setting up an employee welfare service:
● Every organization should know the needs of their staffs. Thus facilities provided should
satisfy the needs of staffs.
● Every employees will have their own taste and preference. Staffs will be different from
age, sex, marital status, number of children, job types, level of income, geographical status
which is known as cafeteria approach. Thus the service should be handled by this approach.
● Whatever services are provided to staffs it should be calculate properly and its financing
established on a sound basis.
● Labor welfare should be evaluate timely on the basis of feedback provided by staffs and
should be change according to needs.

Labor safety, health and welfare

Labor safety, health and welfare are totally different from religion, place, country, organization
social value and customs. These facilities are designed according to the sex, age, economic status,
socio- cultural background, level of staffs, level of education of the staff working in different
organization. Thus the concept cannot be exactly described. It can be different from company to
company and from country to country. Thus, experts define in their own way.

Labor Welfare Committee
Anything that can do for the logical, physical, moral and economic benefits of the worker is very
much important. Whether by the organization, by the government or any other agencies over and
above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected of the contractual settlement for
which the workers have asked for. Welfare services can be categorize as good canteens, rest rooms,
recreation sanitary, medical facilities, arrangement for travel to and from the place of work and for
the accommodation of worker employed at a distance from their home and such other services.

Welfare facilities in Kenya

The main goal of labor welfare scheme is to encourage a happy employer and employee relations.
Generally, it provides a mentally satisfactory work environment. Organization must provide labor
welfare facilities to their staffs so that they can meet the legal requirements. Labor welfare aims at
providing such service facilities and amenities as would enable the worker in industries and
factories to perform their work in healthy congenial atmosphere to good health and high morale.

Staff health, safety and welfare activities in Kenya are very necessary because Kenya is an
industrial backward country and the working conditions are not practical in Kenyan industries.
Most of the labors are poor and uneducated. They are generally responsible for being negligent
and idle. Labor health, safety and welfare scheme are important for improving the working
environment and their economic of staffs as well as living standard of employees. In this 21 st
century, economic development of the workers plays an important role in their outcomes. Hence
by motivating labor, the economic development of the country increases markedly which in turn
increases the national productivity. In past, the organization suppressed the workers by paying less
salary and giving more pressure of work even in poor working environment which use to result in
conflict between the employer and the employee. Thus better welfare facilities to the workers will
help to give best result to organization as well as towards country also.

We can classify welfare facilities as below:

1. Intra-mural welfare Facilities:
Those facilities which are provided inside the company’s boundary are known as intra-mural
facilities. This include all the activities relating to industrial fatigue, providing safety

measures to staffs like sufficient lighting conditions, first aid services, good layout of the plant
and machinery etc.
2. Extra-mural welfare Facilities:
Those facilities which are provided outside the company’s boundary are known as extra-mural
facilities. This includes recreations sports, better housing accommodations, educational
facilities etc. The provision of these facilities is voluntary. In past few years, attention towards
extra-mural welfare was not given but in present context, it is realized that these facilities are
very much important for effective outcome of the workers.
3. Statutory Facilities
All the welfare facilities which are passed by government of a country are categorized as
statutory facilities. Thus facilities under this head line will be different from country to country.
No company can ignore these facilities. Any mishandling of statutory facilities can be result
toward punishable under the government Act concerned.
4. Mutual Facilities:
Those facilities which are usually outside the reach of statutory facilities are called mutual
facilities. These activities are voluntarily undertaken by the staffs themselves for their own
5. Voluntary facilities:
Those facilities which are provided by employers in voluntarily is known as voluntary welfare.
Thus these are not statutory. As a result, this category of welfare directly leads to increase the
efficiency of the employees.

Meaning of Red Cross Society

It is an international humanitarian organization which was formally established by the Geneva
Convention of 1864. It was originally limited to providing medical care for war victims but now
its services include connection between prisoners of war and their families, relief to victims of
natural disasters, etc.
The Red Cross thought was conceived in 1859, when Henry Dunant, a youthful Swiss man, came
with a bloody fight in Solferino, Italy, between the armed forces of imperial Austria and the
Franco-Sardinian union. Nearly 40,000 men lay dead or dying on the battle field and the injured
were inadequate with regards to medicinal consideration.

Dunant sorted out neighborhood individuals to tie the warriors' injuries and to nourish and comfort
them. On his arrival he called for the formation of national relief societies to assist those injured
in war, and pointed the way to the future Geneva Conventions.

The Red Cross was established in 1863 when five Geneva men, including Dunant, set up the
International Committee for Relief to the Wounded, later to become the International Committee
of the Red Cross. Its emblem was a red cross on a white background: the inverse of the Swiss flag.
The following year, 12 governments adopted the first Geneva Convention; a milestone in the
history of humanity, offering care for the wounded, and defining medical services as "neutral" on
the battlefield.

Work done by Red Cross

Red Cross is the world largest humanitarian and development network, with large number of
volunteers in 190 member national societies. Red Cross is guided by strategy 2020 with collective
plan of action to tackle major humanitarian and other development challenges. RCS is continually
saving lives and changing traditional thinking. Normally RCS working under following key areas:
● Disaster response and recovery
● Development
● Promoting social inclusion and peace

Disaster response and recovery

Our earth is facing different types of natural disasters which are increasing in number, complexity
as well as in number. These disasters should be properly studied and should be prepare for future
which can reduce risk as well as save lives. This process will always make a difference as Red
Cross Society has been working from decades. The volunteer’s members from RCS will be the
first responds when disaster strikes and will have the greatest motivation in helping people for
recovering as they will be living in the communities they serve which means they will be present
before, during and after the disasters occurs. They will have detail idea about how to comfort, help
and support the affected people as they will be the affected itself too.


Red Cross Society is working actively in health which includes extensive AIDs/HIV program,
water, and sanitation and food security. RCS regularly deliver various programs which will mainly
target the humanitarian consequences of climate change, violence, and urbanization and migration
process. Normally RCS works in close collaboration people living communities which help in
supporting their capacity building.

Promoting social inclusion and peace

Red Cross Society deals with encouraging the practical application of the fundamental principles.
RCS always support the combination of needy people into their communities. Volunteer of RCS
contribute to cross-generational dialogue, and group divided between religions and cultures, which
will help to challenge discrimination wherever it is encountered.

Objectives of the study

The main objectives of this study are
1. To find out whether available welfare activities can contribute to the profitability and
productivity of staffs.
2. To identify the level of satisfaction of the staff with the welfare measures taken by KRC.
3. To understand the motive of KRC behind the welfare facilities.

Scope of the research

This project report is limited to Kenya Red Cross Society South C branch which mainly with the
mention criteria’s:
1. To understand of further need in welfare measures under taken by KRC
2. To evaluate the usefulness of welfare scheme
3. Motivate workers by indicating the development in welfare procedures.

1.1 Statement of the problem
Main reason for down fall of public sector organization is a consequences of political instability,
inefficient distribution of resources and other. Over-politicization of government, low skill man
power, and massive corruption in administration led the emergence of NGOs in every country. In
general, the NGOs can fill the gap between the governments and the people. NGOs can play
important role in transmitting communication upward from people to the government and
downward from the government to the people. Communication upward includes informing
government about what general people are feeling, thinking and doing. While communication
downward includes informing local people about what the government is planning and doing for
development of country as well as upgrade of living standard. NGOs can overcome some of the
problems that governments face in this respect and can also handle larger government projects by
virtue of their ability to act more quickly than the government. Here, NGOs can develop different
ideas, develop technical assistance and training capacity and use them to help respective
governments. They can provide knowledge which will help in improving people quality of life
standard. The roles of NGOs can be viewed both from micro and macro level. In a micro level,
NGOs should be in operation roles of grassroots level programs and activities and delivery services
for the poor people. Where as in macro level, NGOs can guidance in policy making about social
welfare, resource transfers, and further democratic process.

In today’s market the objective of every organization is to satisfy its customers and its staffs. Only
those firms which can keep their staff happy will achieve their long term goals. And by providing
good facility to its staffs we can get better outcome. Workers needs are always high than that fulfil
by employer. Increase in salary is not the important factor to improve and motivate staffs, but
employee welfare procedures are regarded to be a good investment by employer for improving
organizational efficiency and to achieve the long term goals of the organization. Each and every
organization should give first priority to it’s their staff. When staffs are happy definitely efficiency
of these staff as well as outcome of the company will be productive. Staff health is the most
important thing in every organization. Each and every staff should be healthy so that they can
perform work properly and can give their best. Therefore a study of the statutory, non-statutory
and mutual methods provided by the organization and the satisfaction level of employees towards
these welfare measures and its impact on performance of Employees will conducted.

1.2 Purpose
The main purpose of our study was to recognize the impact of welfare facilities on the performance
of staffs who are working in NGOs in Nairobi (Kenya Red Cross Nairobi).

1.3 Objectives of the study

1. To assume Employee welfare facilities and the performance of employee.
2. To establish the impact of welfare facilities on workers commitment.
3. To utilize the impact of welfare on the employees’ health working in Kenya Red Cross.
4. To ensure the impact of welfare facilities in stress measurement control of workers.

1.4 Research question

1. How do a welfare facilities provided by Kenya Red Cross enhance employees in commitment
to work?
2. What kind of positive and negative impact on employees’ health we can find with the help of
welfare facilities provided by NGOs?
3. How does a welfare facility help in stress measurement control of workers?
4. How welfare facilities help in performance of employee?

1.5 Hypothesis of the study

The following hypotheses were formulated for the study
Ho1 There is significant relationship in welfare facilities available, provided by Kenya Red
Cross to its staff in relation to commitment to their work.
Ho2 There is significant impact on staff health with the provided welfare facilities.
Ho3 There is significant relationship in the level of measuring stress of employees with
provided welfare facilities.
Ho4 There is significant deviation in the level of employees’ performance with the provided
welfare facilities.

1.6 Assumption of the study

This study assumes that welfare facilities in organization are motivating the employees of the
organization. In further presupposes that due to welfare facilities, organizations outcome was

increase and able to achieve its goals. In additional people working in NGOs will definitely benefit
from these facilities and will give their best for organization.

1.7 Significance of the study

In spite of the fact that the research was made on Kenya Red Cross south C branch located in
Nairobi, but the major aspect of it is the lower level person working on it. It is a well known fact
that the any facility given to any one will be beneficial. Here major focus is made on lower level
staff since this is such a group where they are focusing on only one aspect of life and that is how
to live.

Other groups like middle level and higher level are getting other facility. In such cases they are
primarily focusing on many aspects like earning higher income, completion of day to day works,
dealing with external complexities, growth in status as well as position, etc.
Welfare facility does not just support the livelihood of an individual it also help the organization
by giving better output. The study will benefit the NGOs management by knowing the willingness
of its staff. So far this study can also help other private sectors as well as government offices.

It is worth undertaking this research, as a formative study; especially because outcome of any
organization is depend upon the input given by its staff. Whenever staffs are happy it will be always
easy to get organizational objectives. The study will present vital lessons for improvement of the
welfare program in NGOs in future. Finding of the study will be most useful to the following
1. Organization: The study will play an important role in providing information about needs and
wants of employees inside the work place. Organization is the one who provide good welfare
facility to its staff for their wellbeing. Thus organization should know what the staff wants.
What kind of welfare facility do they need? Are the happy with what they are getting in their
work place or not. Thus this study will help organization to achieve all these information.

2. Staff: Staffs are the workers who work for company. Study will help staff of particular
company to know what they are getting from company as welfare and what they want to get
from company and what they actually supposed to get from the company. There are various
types of welfare facility that organization (NGOs) should provide to its staff.

3. Government of Kenya: There are many NGOs working whole over the county. Many national
and international staff are involve on it. Government of Kenya is the one who monitor all these
NGOs and INGOs. Thus this study will also help government of Kenya about how the
employees have been treated, what facility are they getting as well as it will be helpful for
decision making as well as to make future plan.

1.8 Delimitation
Objectives of this study was to extend the respondents working in various NGOs of Nairobi. It
was mainly examining the workers working in Kenya Red Cross society from south C Nairobi. It
has not been covering all the employees; it was confine only to the shop factory workers. Research
has been targeted mostly lower level of staff. This study will help to understand the various
Welfare Facilities provided by the KRC and its impact on the performance of the employees.

1.9 Limitation
i) The study is restricted to Kenya Red Cross South C Nairobi.
ii) The analysis has been made based on the assumption that the information given by the
respondents was all correct.
iii) The analysis is restricted to the time constraint due to the duration of the project.
iv) Limitation of convenience sampling i.e. the sample population may not represent entire

1.10 Definition of significant terms used

NGOs: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) is any non-profit making or voluntary citizen’s
organizations which are normally active on a local, national or international level.
Red Cross: The Red Cross is defined as a protection symbol which directly indicates towards
curing of injured people in war as well as helping the needy people.
Welfare: Motivational scheme that are provided by any organization for the well-being of their
staff as well as to increase productivity of that organization.

2.1 Introduction
This chapter will have a review of literature relating to the welfare facility provided by the NGOs
and its impact on the performance of employees mainly based on the NGOs around Nairobi. The
study was started by examining the needs of employees, the way how they work, their expectation
from the organization and the benefit that they are enjoying from the organization. While
reviewing related literature, this chapter underscores the employees’ expectation and their
satisfaction toward the facility provided by their organization.

2.2 Employee welfare

Welfare is a health, happiness and wellbeing of an individual or a group, in relation with the total
environment, ecological, economical and social aspects. The word “Welfare” may suggests many
views such as a state of well-being health, happiness, prosperity and they have been mentioned
above. Hence, employee welfare includes both the socioeconomic aspects of welfare. Social
welfare is basically deals with the solution of the weaker sections of the society like deterrence of
hardship, poverty etc. Its objectives towards social development is fulfilled by means social
legislation, reform, services, work and action. The goal behind economic welfare is to promote
economic advancement by increasing productivity and via evenhanded distribution. Labor welfare
have both positive and negative aspect. On the positive side, it provide opportunities that enable
the worker and their family to have a good life socially and personally, which also helps to adjust
in social transition in respect to professional life. On the other hand, employee welfare functions
in order to counterweight the annoying effects of large scale industrialization and provides a
counter-balance to the unpleasant social consequences and the labor problems which have evolved
during transition.

2.2.1 Employee welfare facilities and their performance

Employee welfare is an "efforts to make life worth living for workmen". These efforts have their
origin either in some law formed by the state or in some local custom or in collective unanimity
or in an initiation of the employer.
a. Give expression to benevolent and protective feelings.
b. Gain employee's loyalty and boost their morale.
c. Fight trade unionism, socialist ideas.
d. Build up stable workforce, to diminish labor turnover and absenteeism.
e. Enhance competency and productivity amongst workers.
f. Sort tax issues.
g. Maintain social corporate relationship.
h. Make effective recruitment.

2.2.2. Principles of Employee Welfare Service

Employee Welfare is a broad term which includes various services, benefits and facilities which
are provided by employers to its staffs. Such schemes are the benefits which makes life worth
living for employees.

Welfare is the facility that is provided in order to comfort and improve employee willingness to
work and is provided over and above the wages. This helps in raising the intention and motivation
so as to retain the employees for longer period and reduce employee turnover. Welfare is
motivational factor for every staffs. Regardless of monetary kind, this can be in any form. This
includes observing of condition of worksites, providing industrial coherence by providing facilities
for health and other benefits, insurance against mishaps for them and their families.

Employee welfare involves all activities of an employer that are focused at easing the employees
with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.

The logic behind providing welfare arrangements is to create efficient, healthy, honest and satisfied
labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their stay at
workplace better and have pleasant living standard. Some of the benefits of welfare measures can
be listed as follows:
i. Staffs are provided with greater psychological and physical balance programs along
with beneficial environment.
ii. They are focused on elevating the existing standard of workers and their families
by satisfying different amenities such as housing plot, medical assistance as well as
essential education and entertainment leisure. This helps to create more interest and
attention of employees in their profession and rise up their efficiency Employee

welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy
industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace.
iii. Owner get steady workers by supporting social security. The sense of participation
acts as energetic attention for labor force in their task.
iv. Increment in the productivity and healthy industrial relations as well as
maintenance of peaceful environment comes along with welfare needs of workers.
v. The social problems rife among the employees such as material misuse etc are
declined to a greater extend by the welfare plans.

For instance Resort Kenya limited provides loans and advances to fulfill contingencies of the
workers. That may include repayment of medical expenses, travel and recreations etc. An idea of
“Social responsibility of business fund” is exercised in order to handover scholarships and
trainings to employees and their children and also extra support in the form of financial assistance
to the family in case of mishaps like illness, accidents and deaths.

As part of employee benefits program, organization these days offer different forms of personal
financial education which helps in promoting morale and productivity at workplace and at the
mean time reducing level of stress. Along with this other forms of workplace financial education
1. Helping employees expand sound personal finances.
2. Addressing workers financial problems and helping them to overcome them.
3. Helping employee’s ideas about major financial milestones, such as: managing debts &
credits, insurance, investments, tax guidance etc.

2.2.3 Employee commitment and welfare facilities

A main paradigm of the management is to achieve worker guarantee to the organization so that
they can work for long period.

a. Introduction
Employee commitment can be termed as the psychological and emotional bonding of the workers
to an organization that eventually results being loyal for that organization. The commitment level
relates to various aspects such as satisfaction, income, cognitive resonance within different

hierarchies and job performance (Kreisman, 2002). Mission and vision of an organization hugely
rely on employee’s performance and organization must know psychological and emotional need
and expectation of an employee. This will help to gain win-win situation for both the ends i.e.
employer and employee. So, the key feature of management is to depict complexity and
importance of their commitment. This part of the paper scrutinizes the forms and other issues
associated to employee’s commitments on the basis of other research papers and journals related
to the topic.

• Forms of Employee Commitment

Planning the management strategies depends on types of employee’s commitments for the
organization. This can be measured by the degree to which and employee is willing to take on
company’s goals and values. It can be understood by seeing how employee justify their
responsibilities and it can be also measured watching employee’s behavior in the organization.
Employees may show their commitment for several reasons so diverse forms of commitments may
need to be contextualized. Allen and Meyer, in 90’s proposed an critical vision about employee’s
commitment, segregating it into three major components - affective, continuance, and normative
commitment, are fundamental to most conceptualizations presented in present research.
1. Affective commitment: It is understood as the employee’s constructive emotional connection
to the workplace. Such employee hugely relate organizational goals and pursues to be with the
organization as they feel to do so.
2. Continuance commitment: This is largely controversial and the employee perceives this to be
costly affair to lose organizational affiliation. This could be for a bunch of reasons – it may be
from financial costs of salary and benefits to social costs of ties, reputation self-esteem and
actualization needs. These employee stay because they share special bonding with the
3. Normative commitment: Employee will have belief that his efforts and commitments will pay
off some day and they have expectations from organization in return. Hence the relation is
rational here. Employee stay loyal may be due to personalized beliefs or due to social standards
that apply to the environment which relate with the organization they belongs to.

b. Problems in achieving Employee Commitment

Several determinants may the reason for obstacles in stimulating employee’s commitment towards
organization. One of them can be the focus of organization to achieve short term and long term
goal and the means to achieve them. When organization focuses on its short term goals with an
expense of long term employee development and sharing of vision is ignored then employee’s
commitment level reduces. Another obstruction to the employee’s commitment is the situation
when employer is not so concern about employee’s desire about involvement with top management
regarding decision making, concern about performance etc. Employees being a fundamental base
of any organization, their role mustn’t be underestimated and if they are satisfied with the job they
being offered then they feel thankful to whatever the company has offered to them. (Lawson and
price, 2003; Johnson and Yang, 2010).

Poorly managed gestures leads to lower degree of commitment or balance between forms of
commitment. The organization desires for the performance and contribution from an employee
which consequently must give the anticipated outcome. This makes workers feel that they are
solely responsible for the result and this psychological attachment may sometimes lead to below
par performance. This right kind of commitment is also compromised by a legacy of rewards to
tangible outcomes and target achievement vis-à-vis say good citizenship behavior (Wright, 2001).

2.2.4 Employee health and welfare facilities

Health and safety procedures at workplace is a must for well-being of both workers and employers.
Workers must feel safe at workplace where as employers should facilitate workplace with
necessary safety arrangements. It is significant for employers to shield workers from the health
and safety anxieties.

Health and Safety Hazards

Potentially harmful substances or behaviors that may cause injury and damage to workers can be
termed as hazards. Workers may be exposed to several hazards in the workplace. Health hazards
can appear in different form. It can be contagious diseases spread within workplace or it can be
unprotected contacts with chemicals and gases. So, organizations must have effective provisions
in order to prevent workers from potential injuries and damages.

Health and Safety Enforcement

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has enforced laws related to workplace
safety. This ensures whether organization has followed guidelines and safety standards or not.
They examine complaints related to safety and confirm that any hazardous environments are
adjusted as per need.

Health Guidelines

Employees get exposed to various hazardous conditions at workplace. Organization should be able
to keep their workers motivated to work. If the working conditions are not safe and they don’t have
provision for the contingencies, then workers feel reluctant and hesitated to perform well and vice-
versa. These guidelines helps organization handling situations when they have to deal with
potentially unsafe working conditions preventing probable injuries and sickness.

Health and Safety Programs

This is important in order to prevent illness and injuries at the workplace. Hazardous working
conditions may appear in an organization in routine basis so workers must be well prepared for
this and they should learn to cope with this. For this organizations must educate about health and
safety programs. Provisions for sick leaves, safety pays etc can help workers feel secure and get
motivated to work efficiently.

Employee Awareness
Health and safety practices within workplace are vital as they help prevent organizational conflict
and make them proactive for the possible difficult circumstances. Wrong and unethical acts of
workers within the organization are matter of concern as this disturbs organizational harmony.
Companies have to take appropriate approach by educating staffs about need of safety practices
for maintaining sound and safe working conditions.

2.2.5 Stress Management and welfare facilities

Workplace or job stress is one of the major elements in illness and sickness amongst employee.
This psychological phenomenon is the determinant of employee’s efficiency and performance.
Stress at work happen to resist employee to get at workplace and feel reluctant to give their best.
This will largely impact on productivity, particularly when key members of the team are absent.

If a workplace is facilitated with stress management via wellness programs then workers will fill
that organization cares for them and this will support them emotionally and help in
counterbalancing prevailing stress.
There may be several causes of stress in an organization. Basically, there is a primary reason that
is followed by various secondary reasons. For example, employee may stress out due to
relationship and communication issues and within organization. Working out on stress can help
employee feel sound and reconstruct connections with others.
Stress management helps to get job done in an efficient manner through mentally and
psychologically sound and healthy employee. Employee wellness programs examines whether
there is right person in right job or not. If not various tools such as layoffs, firings are implemented
by management teams. Rewards, incentives can be tools to motivate employees and boost their
morale. Hence, employees will feel if job well done there is reward and if not then there can be
negative consequences.
Several measures can be taken you to lessen job stress.
i. Miscommunications can be avoided if clear descriptions for the task are provided.
Repetitions of same work may be caused if task is not properly briefed which may cause
stress, and hence job should be explained loud and clear.
ii. Switching job is not a solution for alleviate stress. Instead, a workplace wellness program
can help to deal with workplace stress.
iii. Supportive agencies and programs can be a great aid. They deal with the job stress and
figure possible remedies e.g. find a new position or department change. Changing position
may be difficult as well to some extent. One may be specialized for specific job and
switching position may result in poor performance.
iv. Well defined responsibilities and training programs for the change in position within
organization can lessen job stress and shows positive impact in performance.
v. A company should have employee assistance program which fall under workplace wellness
program. Workers may get stressed if layoffs and firings are frequent in an organization.
These programs can be of great help in situations like this.

Figure 2 1 Conceptual framework

2.3 Conceptual framework

Employees commitment
• Affective commitment
• Continuance commitment
• Normative commitment

Employees health
• Health and safety risks
• Health and safety application Performance of employees
• Health information in NGOs
• Health and safety plans
• Employee wakefulness

Stress management
• Work load
• Mind refreshment
• Supportive staff
• Clear job description

Dependent variable
Welfare facility
• Effective outcome from workers
• To make good image
• To minimize heavy taxes on surplus
• To make recruitment more effective

Employees satisfaction

Independent Variable Moderating Variable Dependent Variable

I have taken Performance of employees in NGOs as a dependent variable, which in itself is affected
by the number of independent factors, but I have taken primarily Welfare facility, employee’s
commitment, employee’s health and stress management as a few independent factors. Likewise I
have taken “employees satisfaction” as moderating variable in this case because despite the other
independent variables if the employees satisfaction is not good, it can affect the overall Impact on
performance of employees.

2.4 Summary of Literature review

This chapter has reviewed relevant literature as appertains to research topic. It contains meaning
of welfare and also contains detail information about employee’s commitment, employee’s health,
stress management as well as employee’s welfare facilities and their performance. In additions,
employees satisfaction will be know which will be helpful in achieving NGOs objectives. This
review helps examine the research topic in comparison with other developing countries. In the end,
chapter presents conceptual frameworks which present the relationship between the independent
and dependent variables as well as an indication of which intervening the moderating variables
could be at play.


3.1 Introduction
Here we will have various components that define the research methodology applied in the study.
It begins by outlining the research design suitable for the study based on the research topic. In
choosing the research design, measurability of the variables and the type of data to be collected
was highly considered. In addition, the chapter proceeds to inform about the targeted data,
sampling process and sample size, process of collecting data and analysis that the study embraced.
In the end, highlights on validity and reliability as well as operational definition of variables and

3.2 Research Design

This study has collected information by interviewing selected staffs of NGOs as well as gathers
various data from organizations files. The data used in this research is both qualitative as well as
quantities. The findings of this research are based upon the primary survey. The data has been
collected by formulating a set of questionnaire and the questionnaire shall be distributed to the
employees. The questionnaire was self-administered however looking at the constraint of time
some of the questions will be sent through using internet too which will help in findings the data
and facts provided by the sampled respondent.

3.3 Target population

The target population was all staff working for Kenya Red Cross society in south C branch
(Nairobi) approx. 80.The target population consist all the organization’s department.

3.4 Sample size and sampling techniques

While conducting the research, one set of population are chosen on the basis of level. The levels
are lower level, middle level and higher level. Total sample size was being 30. Probability
sampling technique was used to identify performance of employees working on Kenya Red Cross.
Random sampling techniques are applied to select its staff working in different level.

3.5 Data collection instrument
At the time of constructing theoretical framework, secondary data collection procedure was used.
The secondary data sources are internet, books, reports and journals, newspaper etc. Whereas, the
primary source of data collection were used for the purpose of collecting data to examine data for
making findings. Here the primary source of data is structured as questionnaires for interview.
Structure questionnaire contain multiple choice questions, and single choice questions, rating
questions. In this way the research has used both primary and secondary data which helps in useful
and accurate findings.

3.6 Validity and Reliability of instruments

Reliability of measurement instruments contributes to validity of research findings. If an
instrument will be measuring what is not designated to measure, then the instrument fails to be
valid and would yield unreliable result.

3.6.1 Instruments reliability

It is a way of ensuring that whenever we use any instrument to measure experimental variable will
give the same result every time.

3.6.2 Validity of the instruments

To ascertain research validity of the research instrument, the researchers intensively consulted his
supervisor on items analysis and accuracy of the questionnaire and the observation guide items in
relation to the variables of the study. The researcher also widely made consultations with
colleagues on questionnaire development. This led the development of a scale which logically
reflected what it purported to measure, enabling the researcher to obtain sufficient information on
the factors affecting performance of employees with provided welfare facilities.
In order to insure validity and reliability of data following things will be done:
i. Use of past data
ii. Discussion with expert
iii. Cross checking of the filled questionnaire open ended questions.
iv. Explore the new facts rather than being prejudiced on past researches.

3.7 Data collection Procedure
The research was conducted with the help of two method primary data collection and secondary
data collection procedure.

3.7.1. Primary Data Collection

The primary sources of data for this research are responses collected from the respondents, which
were in form of questionnaire and interview. The primary collection for this research is researcher

3.7.2 Secondary Data Collection:

The secondary data for this research are collected from different sources as follows:
Text Books: The books related to marketing and to the research topic are referred for secondary
Internet: As internet is the huge source of secondary data, many websites and data related to the
topic are searched. The online journals would are also referred.
Related Research Works: The research reports and articles of several researchers both national
and international have been used as references in this research.

3.8 Ethical consideration

In order to conduct the study the researcher has submitted a written request to Kenya Red Cross
so that interview with staff for study could be conducted. Similarly consent from the participants
will sought, their confidentiality assured and the purpose of the study will be explained; hence that
is why the response rate was be 100 percent.

3.9 Data Analysis

The data obtained as of the research was analyzed by various tools. Mainly statistical method such
as percentage analysis and cross tabulation were used for the purpose of generating findings was
used. Apart from these analyses in some of the variables, mean, and chi square was done to make
findings of the conducted research. On top of it the recommendation and conclusion has been
totally based upon the findings.

3.10 Definition of variables
Variables refers to anything that might influence the result of a study. The operational definition
of variables elaborates what the variables were and how they would be measured within the
framework of this study. Table below will show the operational definition of variables for this
study, indicators, measurement and the data collection methods that will be used.

Table 3. 1 Operational definition

Variable Type of Level of scale questions

Performance of dependent Nominal
employees in NGOs
Employees commitment independent Ordinal 1
Employees health independent Ordinal 9
Stress management independent nominal 8
Welfare facility independent nominal 2,4,5
Employees Satisfaction moderating 3,7,10


4.1 Introduction
This chapter analyses and presents the findings from the data collected with the help of a
questionnaire and an interview guide. The respondents were top, middle and lower level staff of
Kenya Red Cross society Nairobi South C branch. Middle level and lower level staffs were asked
to fill the questionnaires while the top level staffs were interviewed by the researcher. In this
chapter, data is organized and presented in tables showing trends and frequencies and enables the
reader to easily make conclusions relating the variables in the study. Specifically, this section
presents data and analysis of welfare facilities provided by NGOs (Kenya Red Cross), impact of
welfare facility on staff performance, factors affecting performance of employees. This study will
carry out in Kenya Red Cross south C Nairobi and sought to investigate welfare facilities provided
to employees of Kenya Red Cross and its impact on their performance.

4.1.1. Employee Welfare Facilities At Kenya Red Cross Society Nairobi Branch
Kenya Red Cross’s concept of welfare emanates from the fact that makes happy and satisfied
employees which helps to produce quality products to satisfy both internal and external customers.
With this point in view, the KRC philosophy with regard to extending welfare facilities for
employees in the Company is -
“Let the organization be prosperous, so that the prosperity can be shared with the employees by
way of improved welfare measures”
• Earned leave: Every employee will avail 28 days leave in a financial year. During the
probationary period an employee cannot have earned leave till he completes probationary
period, as soon as he is confirmed 5 days of earned leave is credited to his leave account. This
can also be en-cashed at the end of the financial year by keeping 60 days in account and rest
of the leave can be in 30 days.
• Canteen: Company provided highly subsidized, clean, tasty and hygienic vegetarian food.90%
of employees utilize canteen facility. The area is surrounded with greenery, a serene
environment. It also plays good music.

• Safety of workers: Safety provisions of the workers includes keeping all the workers out of
danger, keep far from machinery in motion, suitable precautions against excessive light,
appointment of safety officer, employment of young person’s on dangerous machines, device
for cutting of power, hits and lifts, proper construction, trapped, proper construction and
maintenance of floors, and stairs, no excessively costs, safety of building and machinery,
appointment of safety officer, hazardous process defined etc were made.

In KRC the employees are given First-aid training by its senior staffs. All the employees from
all departments are trained. First-Aid boxes have been maintained. List of trained persons in
first-aid displayed. There is a Central Safety Committee who resolves safety issues. Safety
awareness program is arranged for Trainees / Apprentices as a part of their induction program.
Quality personal protective equipment are provided free of cost.

• Investigation of Accidents: In case any accidents there is a committee who looks into it. They
are following the below mentioned steps to take necessary action. This involves the following
a. Define the problem and nature of accidents.
b. Collect the relevant facts.
c. Determine the causes of accidents.
d. Develop several alternatives to prevent recurrence.
e. Select and implement the most effective alternative.
f. Suggest disciplinary action against the employee whose action are found deliberately
unsafe as negligent.

• Transport: KRC provides free transport facility to all the employees. A Transport
Committee consisting employees from Management ensures proper and smooth operation of
the transport fleet. Hazardous driving is avoided to ensure employees safety.
• Accident benefit: KRC has a Comprehensive accident insurance policy. It has 24 hours
coverage for all employees. Full salary is paid for absence due to accident, besides meeting
the treatment hospitalization expenses in full.

• Death Relief Fund: fund will be contributed by each and every staff as per their wish. The
amount that has been collected from the staff and the same amount will be contributed by
KRC to the staff whose family member has been expired.

There are many other facilities that the KRC is providing to is staff so that they can be motivated,
as well as they can perform their work in healthy, and give sound outcome. KRC has understood
the need and importance of Welfare Facilities inside working space and is ensuring that it provides
maximum to its employees to keep them motivated so that they can give their best to the

4.2 Response rate

The study sought to find out the response rate of the higher level, middle level, and lower level
staffs who participated in the study. The response rate are listed below:

Table 4. 1 Response rate

Respondents Expected Actual

n Percentage n Percentage
Top level 10 100.00 8 80.00
Middle level 10 100.00 9 90.00
Lower level 10 100.00 9 90.00
Total 30 100.00 26 86.67

Table 4.1 shows the respondents by level of staffs, where 80 percent of the top level has respondent
where as 90 percent of middle level and lower level has respondent it was necessary to find out
the response rate in order to ensure that the sample size was representative of the initial target
population, provide quality results and adhere to rules and regulations governing research
procedures. On average, the overall response rate was 26 (86.67%). The questionnaire return rate
was acceptable since it was over and above the 75.0% as we know that response rate of 75% and
above is acceptable.

Table 4. 2 Respondents by Gender

Male Percent Female Percent

Top level 6 31.58 2 33.33

Middle level 7 36.84 2 16.67

Lower level 6 31.58 3 50.00

Total 19 100.00 7 100.00

Table 4.2 shows the respondents by gender, displaying the bias common in many human systems.
31.58 of the respondent male were top level staffs were as only 36.84 were middle level male staff.
It also shows that 31.58 percent of male staff are from lower level. Figure shows 33.33 percent of
top level staff is female where as 16.67 percent of female staff are from middle level and 50 percent
of female staff are lower level.

4.3 Demographic characteristics of the respondents

The data presented in this section of the study was obtained from completed questionnaires for
different staff level i.e. top level, middle level and lower level. Among them 8 top level staff, 9
middle level staff and 9 lower levels staff were interviewed and serve with the questionnaires.

4.3.1. Work experience by level of Staff

The researcher sought to find out the work experience of mention staffs. The findings on the work
experience are presented as per the level of staffs. The work experience was categorized into
groups set at 5 years interval starting with below 5 years to 26 and above as shown in table 4.3.

Table 4. 3 Respondents by work of experience

Years of No of Top level Middle level Lower level

Experience respondents Percent

Less than 5 4 15.39 0 1 3

5-10 6 23.07 2 2 2

10-15 3 11.54 0 1 2

15-20 9 34.62 4 3 2

More than 20 4 15.39 2 2 0

Total 26 100.0 8 9 9

Source: Primary Data

Out of 100 percent respondents 15.39% of respondents have less than 5 years of experience in
KRC, a total of 23.07% of respondents have more than five years and less than ten years of work
experience, 34.62% of respondents have less than 20 years and more than 15 years of experience
and less than 20 years of experience, only 11.54% of respondents have less than 15 years and more
than 10 years of experience and finally 15.39% of respondents have more than 20 years of working
experience in KRC.

4.3.2 Highest academic of staffs

Each and every organization will look for well qualified staff. To achieve organizational goals
every organization will look for experienced and qualified candidates. Academic qualification of
an individual staff is always major contributing factor to the management and administrative
ability of an individual towards resources available. Whether human or inanimate. Table 4.4 gives
a summary of the various qualifications among the various levels of staffs.

Table 4. 4 Respondents by Highest Academic Qualification.

Top Percent Middle Percent Lower percent

CERTIFICATE 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 33.33
DIPLOMA 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 44.44
BACHELOR 0 0.00 2 22.22 2 22.22
MASTER 3 37.50 7 77.78 0 0.00
PHDE 5 62.50 0 0.00 0 0.00
TOTAL 8 100.00 9 100.00 9 100.00

Above table shows that most of the lower level staff has got certificate level and diploma level
with 33.33 and 44.44 percent respectively. There are none of the staff from middle level and top
level with certificate and diploma level of qualification. PHDE represents 62.50% of the highest
qualifications of top level staff. Whereas Master represent 77.78% of highest qualifications of
middle level staff. All top level and middle level staff are well educated.

4.4 Data analysis as per the objectives.

4.4.1 To determine employee welfare facilities and workers performance.
The study sought to find out from the 26 various level of staffs whether they are aware about the
welfare facility provided by Kenya Red Cross or not. Researcher tried to find out the facilities
using by the different level of staff and its impact on the performance of the workers. The
information on awareness about welfare facility and the satisfaction level shown by the
interviewed staff is presented in table 4.5 and 4.6 respectively.

Table 4. 5 Awareness about the welfare facilities

Awareness No. of
respondents Percent

Yes 21 80.77

No 5 19.23

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Out of 26 respondents 80.77% are aware of various Welfare Facilities provided whereas only
19.23% are not aware of all the facilities provided by the Kenya Red Cross.

Table 4. 6 Workspace and the level of satisfaction

No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 19 73.07

Good 4 15.39

Fair 3 11.54

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

73.07% of the respondents are of the opinion that the space provided for them to work is excellent,
15.39 % of the respondents say that its good and 11.54%of the respondents say that the space
required for them to work is just fair.

4.4.2. To establish the impact of welfare facilities on workers commitment
Kenya Red Cross Nairobi (south C) branch provide various facilities to its staffs. The following
options were made available for all level of staffs to determine the satisfaction level from the
facility provided by organization to staffs. Whenever there will be good facility definitely there
will be better commitment of work by its staff and it will gives positive impact too. Table 4.7 and
4.8 gives detail data about medical benefit facility and satisfaction level as well as transport facility
and its rating.

Table 4. 7 Medical benefit facility and satisfaction level

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 17 65.39

Good 6 23.08

Fair 3 11.54

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Out of the 26 respondents 65.39% of the respondents say that the medical benefit facility provided
to them is excellent, 23.08% of the respondents say that the facility is good and only 11.54% of
the respondents are of the view that the facility provided is fair.
Table 4. 8 Rating of transport facility

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 16 61.54

Good 4 15.37

Fair 6 23.08

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

A good Transportation facility will ensure that the workers reaches work station on time. From the
above figure we can say that 61.54% of respondents have rated this facility excellent, 15.37% of
the respondents have rated this facility good and only 23.08% of the respondents have rated the
transport facility fair.

4.4.3. To examine the impact of welfare on employees health working in Kenya Red Cross
Health is the most important part of every human being. One can perform better and can give better
out come only if his/her health condition is good. Working environment, facility provided by
organizations plays an important role in each and every staff member’s health. Table 4.9, 4.10 and
4.11 shows that data related to the facilities provided by Kenya Red Cross to its staff and responds
given by the staffs.

Table 4. 9 Canteen facility and the level of satisfaction

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 10 38.46

Good 10 38.46

Fair 6 23.08

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

A good canteen facility can make a worker happy. Out of 26 respondents, 38.46% of respondents
are of the view that the canteen facility is excellent, 38.46% of the respondents say that the canteen
facility is good and 23.08% of the respondents say that it is just fair.

Table 4. 10 Drinking water facility and level of satisfaction

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 9 34.62

Good 8 30.77

Fair 9 34.62

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Out 26 respondents 77% of the respondents feel that the drinking water facility is excellent, 18 %
of the respondents feel that the drinking water facility is good and 5% of the respondents rated that
the facility is just fair.

Table 4. 11 Cleanliness and the level of satisfaction

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 17 65.39

Good 6 23.08

Fair 3 11.54

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Out of 26 respondents 65.39% of the respondents feel that the Cleanliness in and around the factory
is excellent, 23.08% of the respondents feel that this facility is good and 11.54% of the respondents
have rated it fair.

4.4.4. To outline the impact of welfare facilities in stress control of workers.
With increase in working pressure, employers get some sort of stress. It will be difficult to obtain
organizational goals if staffs start to work in stress. Thus each and every organization provides
various facilities which can minimize the stress of workers. Table 4.12 shows how welfare
facilities can make employees happy as well as minimize stress.

Table 4. 12 Welfare facilities and level of happiness

Rating No of
respondents Percent

Excellent 12 46.15

Good 11 42.31

Fair 3 11.54

Total 26 100.0

Source: Primary Data

Out of 26 respondents 46.15% respond to excellent, 42.31% of says that the Welfare facilities are
good and 11.54% say that it’s fair.

4.5 Welfare Facilities And Its Impact on the Performance of the Employees
To measure the welfare facilities and to find out if these facilities have an impact on the
performance of employees the following hypothesis was formulated.
H0: Welfare facilities don’t have a significant impact on the performance of the employees.
H1: Welfare facilities have a significant impact on the performance of the employees.

Table 4. 13 Chi-Square

Value DF Sig

Pearson Chi-Square
34.154 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio
15.490 4 .004

2.710 1 .100

N of Valid Cases

The chi square result shows that =34.154, df =4, and p value= .000 indicating that the significance
value is less than 0.050 .Thus the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and hence there is a significant
relation between welfare facilities provided to employees and its impact on the performance of
We can say that there is there is significant relationship between welfare facilities and performance
of employees.

4.6 Welfare Facilities And Motivation Of Employees

To measure whether the Welfare Facilities keeps the employees motivated or not the following
hypothesis was formulated.
H0: Welfare Facilities doesn’t have a significant impact on the motivation of the employees.
H1: Welfare Facilities have a significant impact on the motivation of the employees.

Table 4. 14 Chi-Square

Value DF Significant

Pearson Chi-Square
27.833 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio
16.620 4 .002

5.143 1 .023

N of Valid Cases

The chi square result shows that =27.833, df=4, and p value= .000 indicating that the significance
value is less than 0.050 (5% level of significance). So the null hypothesis (H0) is being rejected
and hence there is a significant relation between welfare facilities and motivation level of
We conclude that there is a significant relationship between welfare facilities and motivation of


5.1 Introduction
Under this chapter, findings from the study are summarized and key highlights relating to study
objectives, variables and indicators used in the study are presented. While trying to answer the
research questions, in further discusses the findings comparing them with literature review looking
at the four independent variable of employees commitment, employees health, stress management
and welfare management via a via the dependent variable of performance of employees in NGOs
used in the study. In the end, conclusions drawn from the study are presented and recommendations
as well as implications for further research are outlined.

5.2 Summary of Finding

The study conducted to make an analysis of the Welfare Facilities of Kenya Red Cross south C
Nairobi, revealed several findings It involved a study on statutory and non-statutory mutual
welfare measures given to workers working in Kenya Red Cross. The findings were observed by
taking into account the response of the employees via questionnaire and the views of the HRD
The findings of the study are as follows:
a. None of the respondents have any major problem with any of the welfare facilities as none
of the respondents have given any rating for poor.
b. According to our study we found that 80.77% of the respondents are aware about all the
Welfare facilities provided by the Kenya Red Cross Society. The company needs to give
clear briefing about all the facilities to all its members.
c. It is found that 46.15% of the respondents have rated the Welfare Facilities excellent and
42.31% of the respondents have rated it good and there are 11.54% of the respondents who
have rated the Welfare facilities just fair. There problems needs to be addressed by the
concerned party.
d. Only 38.46% of the respondents have rated the Canteen facility excellent. Thus
organization should check the problem that staffs are facing related to canteen.

e. Company provides average drinking water facility. 34.62% of the respondents have rated
this facility excellent. And same percent rated as fair.
f. Company has tried to maintained cleanliness in and around the working area thus 23.08%
of the respondents have rated it only good.
g. 15.39% of the respondents are not very satisfied with the workspace provided to them to
work. They have rated this facility good.
h. Employees are not very happy with the medical benefit provided to them. 23.08% of them
have rated it only good.
i. 65.39 % of the respondents have rated the medical benefit facility excellent.
j. Though the company has tried to take care of the transport of the employees but still
15.37% feel that it is only good.
k. The Chi-square test shows that there is significant relationship between the welfare
facilities and the performance of staffs. The welfare facilities help the employees to
contribute more to the organization.
l. The Chi-square test illustrates that there is significant relationship between the welfare
facilities and the motivation of the staffs. Welfare facilities keep the employees motivated.

5.3 Discussion
This study aim to find the impact of welfare scheme on the employee’s performance in Kenya Red
cross Society South C branch Nairobi. 26 staffs which include 8 from top level, 9 from middle
level and 9 from lower level responded well to the items in the questionnaires. The numbers fairly
represented the population which was the initial target of the research work. All the questionnaires
were well completed with all essential items filled. Thus the data made available from the
questionnaires and the checklist was good enough to make a fair conclusion.

5.3.1. Demographic Data

From the data collected, gender representation is still very poor and extremely biased against the
female. Only 26.92% of the total respondents were found to be female where as 74.08 % has been
captured by male employees. This does not go well proper participation of both sexes. It also shows
that numbers of female staff are less in compare to male. Often some cultural practices do not
encourage the free interaction between the male and female staffs.

The dominant highest academic qualification of choice remain master 37.50% and 77.78% of top
level and middle level respectively are holder of this degree. However, quite a good percentage of
top level and middle level is PHD holder.

While top level staff appears to target higher academic achievements, one other achievement they
appear to have neglected completely certificate, diploma and bachelor degree holder. 37.50% of
top level staff is master degree holder where as 77.78% of top level staff are PHDE holder. Most
of the lower level staff are certificate and diploma level where as only 22.28 percent of lower
level staff are bachelor degree holder. It shows that most of top level staff are well qualified.

5.3.2. Welfare Facilities and level of satisfaction level

Kenya Red Cross provides various welfare facilities. Such as canteen facility, drinking water
facilities, as well as clean working environment. From data it shows that 38.46 percent of total
responds are totally satisfied with canteen facility where as 23.08 percent gave just fair answer. In
drinking water also 32.62 percent of total responds gave excellent mark. In compare to other

facilities we can see highest percent of responds are satisfied with clean working environment.
65.39% gave excellent grading whereas only 11.54 percent gave fair grade.

5.4 Conclusion
The main goal of this study was for knowing the existing welfare status, awareness and
implementation of employee welfare facilities and its impact on the performance of the employees
with in KRC.

Taking into consideration, all the principles of “labor welfare” like social responsibility, efficiency,
participation, accountability and timeliness all of these aim to convey that inducing an employee
welfare program which helps to build up a sense of loyalty which will helps to achieve
organizational goals. In the study conducted on “Analysis of Welfare Facilities and Its Impact on
The Performance of Employees in NGO’s Kenya Red Cross south C”, it was found that Kenya
Red Cross has adopted most of the statutory and non-statutory welfare measures.

The analysis of primary data has helped to evaluate whether the welfare measures covered under
the statutory and non-statutory welfare measures have an impact on the performance of employees.
From the survey conducted, we can say that most of the staffs seemed to be satisfied with the given
welfare facilities and most of them have total idea about the facilities. The Welfare facility
provided by the Kenya Red Cross has helped the employees to contribute and it has also helped
them to stay motivated. The company provides good non-statutory benefits to the employees.
Apart from the statutory benefits company also provides mutual benefits which are a good sign
from the part of the employer to show that they really care about the people working there. At
present the facilities rendered to the employees are of very good quality. They are ready to
welcome more new mutual welfare facilities and have no major complaints about any welfare

This project in Kenya Red cross Nairobi south C works gave the researcher an opportunity to
experience and evaluates the learning achieved in the classroom. At the end, the researcher can
say that it was a good experience to interact with the people from various departments and this
will definitely help in coming future.

5.5 Recommendations
Based on the findings, suggestions are made with a view to add value to the present Welfare
Facilities of Kenya Red Cross Works
a. Company is providing basic welfare facilities to its existing employees. It should try to
bring in some more mutual welfare facilities for the benefit of its employees.
b. Periodic meetings can be conducted to bring awareness about the welfare facilities.
c. For inducing hygiene, scrubbing and cleaning of floor and tiles must be done by using
disinfectants, availability of liquid soap, covered dustbins; paper tissues can be made use
of in the toilets.
d. Employees feel that they don’t have enough space to work freely. Lesser employees should
be deployed at the same time or at the same shift.
e. Many respondents were not happy with the toilet facility. Measure should be taken to clean
the toilets as often as possible. Walls of the toilets should be whitewashed regularly.
f. The provision of a library or a reading room in any organization is of 'great importance as
it can help in increasing awareness in employees towards cultivating a habit of reading and
reduces idleness.
g. Respondents are not too happy with the recreation facility. Company can come out with a
concept of fun@factory. The activities can help the employees to get off with the stress
mind and concentrate on the work more.

5.6 Implications for further studies

This study presents several scenarios that have implications for further studies. It would be
valuable to gain an interest of government as well as other NGOs and INGOs for the betterment
of its staff through which they can get better outcome. Thus, this study proposes that a similar
study with a sample that is representative of the government offices be carried out by future

Another interesting area of study that is recommended is to establish how welfare facilities have
benefited in context of gender i.e. male and female in NGOs. A detail study with a gender
dimension could be carried out to examine whether there are any significant gender based changes
that welfare facility program has brought to employees of NGOs.


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Appendix I: Letter of Transmittal

Sameer Manandhar
South C, Nairobi
Date ---------------------
To ------------------------
Dear Sir/Madam
Reference: Data Collection
I am a student at the University of Nairobi pursuing a Master of Arts degree course in Project
Planning and Management. (Please see letter from the University attached)
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the degree, I am conducting a research to
“Impact of welfare facilities on the performance of employees in NGOs in Nairobi A case of Kenya
red cross south C Nairobi”.
The purpose of this letter is to request you, as a key informant, to assist in filling of the attached
questionnaire. I will be glad if you can be through in the next five days so that I can get tie for
analysis and report writing. In addition, I am requesting your office to allow me hold a focus group
discussion with staff as part of data collection for the said research project. I believe that the
findings of the study will be beneficial to key impact on performance of staff working in NGOs as
well as other offices. I therefore seek your complete and honest opinion while answering the
Your responses will be held confidential and only general positions articulated in the same will be
published in the final report in accordance to ethics and good practice in research, which can be
shared with you at your request. Let me appreciate, in advance, your time to participate in the

Yours faithfully,

Sameer Manandhar

Appendix II Data collection tools: Questionnaire for Kenya Red Cross staffs

1. How long have you worked for Kenya Red Cross?

i. Less than 5 ii.5-10 iii.10-15 iv.15-20 v. above 20
2. Are you aware about welfare facility in provided by Kenya Red cross ?
i. Yes ii. No
3. How you rate welfare facility?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
4. How you rate canteen of Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
5. How you rate drinking facility provided by Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
6. How you rate Cleanliness of Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
7. How you rate working space of Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
8. How you rate working condition of Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
9. How you rate medical facility provided by Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad
10. How you rate transportation facility provided by Kenya Red Cross?
i. Excellent ii. Good iii. Fair iv. Bad


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