Effects of Internal Communication Methods On Perfomance of Public Hospitals in Nairobo County
Effects of Internal Communication Methods On Perfomance of Public Hospitals in Nairobo County
Effects of Internal Communication Methods On Perfomance of Public Hospitals in Nairobo County
This research project is my original work and has not been presented for award of post Graduate
Diploma in any other polytechnic.
This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as The Kisumu
Polytechnic Supervisor.
I dedicated this research project to my beloved husband EzronOkoko and my lovely children
Brian and Valerie. I thank them for their patience and understsnding during the course of my
study you are cherished with much affection.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mboi who found time to attend to my
work. His exceptional academic persuations, patince, devotion and constant scholarly guidance
which facilitated the timely competion of this research work. I am grateful and proud be
associated with him.
I feel indebted to the entire staff and students of the Extra moral. Studies Department for their
cooperation and assistance during the course period .
I also wish to pass my sincere gratitude to all the respondents expecially the managers,
supervisors and other workers of NHIF for their genuine cooperation during the data collection
stage. Were it not for their responses. I would have no data collect and analyse.
I also express my sincere thanks to my lovely husband Ezron for his financial and moral support,
encourage and cooperation and my children Brian and Valerie who had to beer with my tight
schedule throughout the whole course.
Finally thanks to all who in one way or another contributed to the succeful production of this
research wor. To all who participated and showed interest in my work may bless you all.
The study was carried out to assess effective communication and organizational performance at
NHIF Headquarters, Nairobi. The main object of the study was: To determine the indicators of
internal communication performance; To identify internal communication method; To establish
the relationship between internal communication; The research design used was descriptive
survey. The target population was managers and other workers of NHIF headquarter, Nairobi.
The sample size consisted of managers and 32 other employees (subordinate staff). To select the
managers of different department, purposive sampling was used so that there was a department
head in each section of the organization. To select the other employees random sampling was
The research gathered data using two questionnaires, one for the managers and other for
employees. Questionnaires were self-administered by the researcher through individual visits to
the respondents. The instrument was validated using the statistical package for social science
The research findings revealed that the main channel of communication at NHIF were letters
and memos. Thus, communication become more mechanistic and impersonal and hinders social
interaction which is a vital ingredient of effective communication. The other mentioned means of
communication were telephone, notice board conference, Face to face conferences and
committees. The study also revealed that the organization tried to ensure that the employees
receive clear, accurate and prompt information of what is expected of them.
The study also recommended the following to be done by NHIF; Amend its communication
policy on a continuous basis; Apply training and carry out impact assessment to ensure
communication take place; Reward and motivate workers to undertake training in
communication skills;
The study had the following conclusion: The study had was limited to NHIF headquater in
Nairobi. A similar research can be carrid out in other branches to elicit more accurate nation
outlook of the effectictive communication and organization performance.Astudy can also be
done to check whether improved communication at NHIF from a basis for career development;
A study can also be carried out to investigate whether the management style and employee
attitude affects effective communication at NHIF.
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.3Research Objectives....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3....................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Where the study will be carried out...........................................................................................9
3.6 Instrumentation........................................................................................................................10
3.6.Date validity.............................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 4..................................................................................................................................12
DATE PRESENTETION..............................................................................................................12
4.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................12
4.3.4. Managers responses on whether they were satisfied with the organizations communication
4.3.7 Barriers to effective communication at NHIF......................................................................25
4.3.8 what can be done to improve the effectiveness of communication systems at NHIF.. . .25
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................27
5.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................27
5.3.4 What can be done to improve the Employees and management communication?...............29
5.3 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................30
5.4 Recommendations....................................................................................................................30
Mukai G. (2007) further stated that the internal banksman such as standard and Barclays REL
heavily on communication technology to enhance and sustain their efficiency .
Waweru (2002) says that commination is the process of interchanging thoughts,feeling and
information. Therefore, communication is the process by which information is exchanged
between individuals intentionally or unintentionally.
1.1.3 The place where the study will be carried out
This study will be carried out in Kisumu and it will target sixty (60) employees of NHIF
specifically from NHIF Headquarter. The sixty employees consist of twelve ((12) managers
&forty-eight (48) subordinate stasis who are not in management.
1.3Research Objectives
(i)To identify indicators on performance
(i)To determine internal communication method
(iii)To establish the relationship between internal communication
1.4Research Questions
(i)How is communication is carried out in NHIF?
(ii)What are the communication needs of NHIF employees?
(iii)What are the challenges faced by the employees of NHIF
(iv)What can be done to improve the employees and management communication?
study that instrumental in evaluating the diffusion find out how effective leaflets are in a
complain in 1945 leaflets had been effectively used to convince the Japanese that military
resistance was futile, The idea of using leaflets was mooted a way reaching diverse and
disparate communities who could not be reach through conventional media. The limited success
that leaflets achieve attests to the fact that printed media may not be relied upon as the only
medium to reach wide audience given its vulnerability to distortion and the logical nature of
application.(Lower De Fleur, 1988)7
2.5 Conceptual Framework variables
General manager
Head Section
According to the above variables, the management is normally in charge of communication in
any organization. The management uses different channels to get to the employees and the way
in which the message is pass leads to either better or por performance among the employees. The
different methods of communication used will depend largely on the different channels of
communication & the urgency of the message for instance, the use of memorandum and notice
boards in the organization for urgent message is inappropriate .On the other hand use of
inappropriate channels & method of communication is likely to leads to ineffective
communication. This can result to a variety of ailments such as low employee morale, high
absenteeism and turnover rate, low productivity, resistance to change and labor conflicts.
Therefore,influence the organizational performance either positively or negatively.
3.4 Sample Design
Peter N(2004) defines a samole as a representative, part of a population. Thus, by studying the
sample can know the population without having to study the entire population. The selection
process of the sample is the sampling procedure or sampling technique. The researcher will not
be able to cover all the sixty (60) employees within the given time and with the available funds.
A total of forty (40) employees representing sixty six percent (66%) of the total population will
be sampled for this study. This is in line with Gay (1976) who indicated that for a large
population, a sample of ten percent (10%) will be adequate and for small population, a sample of
twenty percent (20%) will be sufficient. The study proposes to use a total of forty(40)
respondents consisting of one (1) top executive manager, seven(7) managers headlining different
departments and thirty-two (32) subordinate staff. The sample respondents will be selected using
stratified sampling in combination with simple random sampling. The managers will be straffied
according to department head in each section of the organization. To select the departments,
purposive sampling will be used so as to include the top executive manager & a department head
in each section of the organization.
To select the employees, simple random sampling technique will be used to select four
employees from each department.
3.6 Instrumentation
The main research instrument for this study will be self- administered questionnaire. This is
because less time is required to respond, it is also less expensive and it is one of the best tools
that are free from the interviewer bias. Respondents have more time to give well thought out
responses, Kothari [1994 .two questionnaires will be developed ,one for the managers and the
other for the employees ,the questionnaires will have two parts. Part one will collect information
on personal and institutional data and part two focus on communication.
3.6.Date validity
Kothari (2004) state that validity indicates the degree to which an instrument measures what it is
supposed to measure that is the extent to which differences found with a measuring instrument
reflects true different among those being tested. To enhance the validity of the questionnaire, a
pilot study will be conducted on ten (10) respondents consisting of one (1) top executive
manager & two (2) heads of departments & seven (7) subordinate staff randomly selected from
the target population at the NHIF headquarters. This is geared from towards assessing the clarity
of the instrument items so that those that fail to measure the variables they are intended the
measure, can be modified.
3.6.2 Date Reliability
A measuring instrument is reliable if it provides consistent results (Mugenda 2004). Reliable
instruments are consistent and stable hence can be depended upon to yield similar results under
similar circumstances (Borg and Gall 1989), The researcher will use split – half correlation
method. The test items will be split into two subjects; one with even numbered items and the
other with odd numbered items. Spearman- Brown prophecy will be used to establish full
reliability of the instrument’s spearman – Brown prophecy formula is given by ;
Re = 2r l l – r ;where Re rep Reliability co- efficient , r rep correlation co-
efficient between halves
Source; Best and Kahn, Research in Education 1998; 378
3.7 Data Analysis
Analysis of data started with editing and inspecting of data pieces in order to identify spelling
mistakes and wrongly answered or responded items. The data gathered has been analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, the frequencies percentages and means were
utilized to explore the variables under study. Qualitative data arising out of perceptions, opinions
and suggestion is expressed in percentages as per the categories of respondents against their
variables and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (spss)
4.0 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to the presentation of the research findings of the study and their
interpretation. The findings from each other of the research objectives were summarized in
tabular form, and then the summery results were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. In
presenting the findings, this chapter is organized into the following sections;
Demographic information, the existing channels of communication; how communication is
carried out in NHIF, communication needs of the employees of NHIF, challenges faced by the
employees during communication and what can be done to improve employees and management
communication. The data analysis was guided by the research questions.
Table 1: Gender of the respondents
Gender Ma Subo
nagers rdinate
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Male 6 75% 15 46.9%
Female 2 25% 17 53.1%
Total 8 100% 32 100%
Table 1 shows that out of the 8 respondent managers, there were 6 (75%) female managers.
This indicates that there is a lack of gender equality n the distribution of the managerial posts
at NHIF headquarters in Nairobi. The table also indicates that out of the 32 respondent
subordinates, 15(46.9%) were male and 17(53.1%) were female. This also indicated a
presence of gender inequality.
From Table 2, it can be observed that among the managers, the youngest was 28 years while the
oldest was aged 43 years of age. 6(75%) of the managers were aged between 28 and 35 years of
age while 2(25%) of them were aged between 36 and 43 years of age. Among the subordinates,
the youngest was aged 20 years and the oldest was aged 51 years; 7(21.9%) of them were aged
between 20and 28 years; 10(31.2%) were aged between 36 and 43 years while 4(12.5%) were
aged between 44 and 51 years of age.
The data indicated that most of the managers and subordinates are middle-aged with a lot of
energy if well and fully utilized in the organization there will be effective achievement of
organizational goals and objectives.
Table 3 shows that 5 ( 62.5%) of the managers were in charge of the management level and
3(37.5%) were in the supervisory level. From the subordinates responses, 10(31.3%) were in the
management level, 8(25%) in the supervisory level and 14(43.8%) were in the subordinate level.
This shows that majority of the NHIF employees are either in the management or supervisory
4.2.4 Terms of Employment
The research also sought out the information on terms of employment. Table 4 presents the data
gathered on terms of employment.
Table 4; Terms of Employment
Terms of Managers Subordinates
Employment Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Permanent 8 100 31 46.1
Probation - - 1 3.1
Total 8 100 32 100
Table 4 shows that all the managers 8(100%) who participated in the study were employed on
permanent terms. 3(96.9%) of the subordinates were also on permanent terms and only 1(3.1.%)
were on probation awaiting confirmation.
The analysis in table 5 shows that 7(87.5%) of the managers and 27(84.4%) of the subordinates.
This shows that a considerable number of the staff at NHIF have worked with the organization
for more five years. Only 1(12.5%) of the managers and 5(15.6%) of the subordinates have
worked for less that five years.
4.2.6 Educational Background
The research also sought out information on the educational background of the NHIF employees.
The information gathered was computed using frequencies and percentages as shown in table 6.
Table 6 shows that majority of the respondents had acquired college level education and above.
The graduates and post graduates accounted for 7(87.5%) of the managers and 15(46..9%) of the
subordinates. It was however found that there were no respondents with primary education.
Table 7: Communication channels used in NHIF
Communication Managers Subordinates
channels Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Letters and 5 62.5 27 84.4
Telephone/ email 2 25.0 2 6.3
Poster and 1 12.5 1 3.1
Notification board
Face to face - - 1 3.1
Communication - - - -
Meeting - - 1 3.1
Total 8 100 32 100
Data obtained in table 7 indicates that letters and memoranda are the used channels of
communication at NHIF. This was because 5(62.5%) of the managers reported that they used
letters and memoranda most of the time which was supported by 27(84.4%) of the subordinates
who also indicated that the management used letters and memoranda to communicate with them
most of the time. The other mentioned channels of communication at NHIF were the telephone,
email, face-to-face oral communication, meetings posters and notice boards.
Table 8: Awareness of Communication Policies
Awareness of Managers Subordinates
communication Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
YES 8 100 13 40.6
NO - - 19 59.4
Total 8 100 32 100.0
Table 8 shows that all the managers 8(100%) reported that there was an existing communication
policy at NHIF. On the contrary, 13(40.6%) of the subordinates did indicate that there was a
communication policy at NHIF while another 19(59.4%) stated that they were not aware of any
existing communication policy at NHIF. This provides a clear indication that half of the
subordinates were not aware of their communication policy.
4.3.4. Managers responses on whether they were satisfied with the organizations
communication system.
Managers were asked whether they wee satisfied with the organizations communication system
and their responses were recorded in table 10.
Table 10: Managers Responses on Organization’s Communication System.
Managers’ Responses Frequency Percentage
Yes 3 37.5
No 5 62.5
Total 8 100.0
When asked if they were satisfied with the organization’s communication system, 3(37.5%) of
them reported that they were satisfied with the organizations communication system while
5(62.5%) indicated that they were not satisfied with the organization’s communications system.
A question was also asked as to whether the employees received clear, accurate and prompt
information on what the organization expects from them. The data collected was analyzed in
form of frequencies and percentages as shown in table 11.
Table 11: Responses on whether employees received clear, accurate and prompt
information on what the organization expects from them
Responses Manager Subordinates
Percentage Frequency Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree - - 1 3.1
Agree 6 75 18 36.3
Disagree 2 25 12 37.5
Strongly - - 1 3.1
Total 8 100 32 100.0
From table 11 6(75%) of the managers agree with the statement that the organization ensures that
the employees receive clear, accurate and prompt information. The other 2(25%) of the managers
disagreed with the statement. From the subordinate’s responses, 1(3.19%) strongly agreed that
the organization ensures that the employees received clear, accurate and prompt information on
what the organization expects from them. 18(56.3%) agreed with the statement, 12(37.5%)
disagreed and only 1(3.1%) of the subordinates strongly disagreed with the statement that the
organization ensured that the employees receive clear, accurate and prompt information on what
the organization expects from them.
The employees were asked whether they are kept informed on matters that affected their work
and the working
conditions. Their responses were analyzed in form of frequencies and percentages as shown in
table 12.
The 12: Responses on whether employees are kept informed on matters that affect their work and
the working conditions, 2(25%) of the managers indicated that employees are not kept informed
on mattersthat affect managers and 12(37.5%) of the subordinates agreed that employees are kept
informed on matters that affect their work and working conditions. None of the managers
disagreed with the statement , but 18(56.3%) of the subordinates disagreed with the statement
that employees are kept informed on matters that affect their work and the working conditions.
The researcher also raised a question on whether the employees were given an opportunity to
voice their suggestion. The response are analyzed in Table 13 below
Table13: Responses on whether the employees were given opportunity to voice their suggestion
and fear.
Response Managers Subordinate
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Strong Agree - - 1 3.1
Agree 6 75 10 31.3
Disagree 2 25 18 56.3
Strongly - - 1 3.1
Disagree - - 2 6.2
Undecided 8 100 32 100
From table 13, 6(75%) of the managers and 10(31.3%) of the subordinates agreed that the
employees were given an opportunity to voice their suggestions and fears. On the other
hand, most of the works 19(59.4%) indicated that employees and fears. The other
information which the researcher gathered was on whether the organization implemented the
opinions and the views of the employees, the data gathered is shown in table 14
Table14: Responses on whether the organization implements the opinion and views of the
employees at NHIF.
Responses Manager Subordinates
Frequency percentage Frequency percentage
Strong Agree - - 1 3.1
Agree 4 50 8 25.0
Disagree 4 50 1 3.1
Strongly - - 20 62.5
Undecided - - 2 6.3
Total 8 100 32 100
Majority of the responses indicated that NHIF does not implemented the view and opinions
of the employees. This was supported that the organization does not implement 22(68.8%) of
the subordinates who reported that the organization does not implement the view of the
employees. However,4(50%) of the managers and 9(28.19%) of the subordinates reported
that the organization does not implement the opinion and the views undecided on whether the
organization implements the opinion and the views of the workers at NHIF. Responses on
whether the organization provides prompt feedback to the employees were analyzed as
shown in Table.
Table15: Responses on whether the organization provides prompt Feedback to the
From table 15 we can observe that 3(37.5%) of the managers and subordinates reported that
the organization providesprompt feedback to the employees. It was also noted that a majority
of the of the managers 5(62.5%) and 22(71.9%) of the subordinates indicated that the
organization does not provide prompt feedback to the employees. 2(6.3%) of the
subordinates were undecided on whether the organization gives prompt feedback to the
Table 16: comments about the communication system at NHIF.
Table 16 shows that when the respondents were asked to give comments about the
communication systems anthia, 1(12.5%) managers reported that it was unfair, system was
unfair or good to them. On the other hand. 4(12.5%) subordinate workers reported that the
system was good, 1(3.1%) reported that the system was very good while 5(15.6) were
undecided about the communication.
The17: Responses on communication and Good of NHIF
Response Manage
Frequency percentage
Yes 4 50
No 4 50
Total 8 100
From the table 17, we can observe that half the managers reported that the communication
systems at NHIF were able to meet the goals of the organization. The other half on the
contrary indicated that the communication systems do not meet the goals of organization.
Organization would have been better with a different communization system. Finally, the
researcher was interested in getting responses on how employees at NHIF . From the
managers responses, 2(25%) felt that good communication could improved the profitability
of NHIF growth: 4(50%) reported that good communication at NHIF could lead to fewer
customers complains and increase modernization while 2(25%) reported that among other
factors, good communication could lead to change in the organization image will change,
improved staff disciplinechange in the organization culture will changed, the staff will highly
motivate and it was also reported that good communication could lead to improved readiness
and improved teamwork among employees of NHIF.
The 18: Responses on how good communication can enhance the performance of the
Response Managers
Frequency percentage
Probability of NHIF will 2 25
Fewer customer complains 4 50
Other 2 25
Total 8 100
communication needs the management also reported that there was need to implement the
concerns by the employees.
Research Question3: what are the challenges faced by the Employees of NHIF.
4.3.8 what can be done to improve the effectiveness of communication systems at NHIF.
Different response were given by the management and employees on what can be done to
improve the effectiveness of communication systems at NHIF. According to the managers there
is need for the organization to hold on regular meeting so as solve problems facing the
employees. The employees. The employees also need to be allowed to communicate freely with
their bosses without fear of loosing their job. The managers also indicated that there was need to
allow feedback to the employees so as be able to implement the different issues relating to NHIF
it was advocated that there was need for certain control points of inquiry to be established where
workers can be able to raise their issues and complains freely without the interference of the
management he managers also indicated that the organization needed to purchase computers so
as to encourage the use of the e- mail services among other employees. From the employees
point of view there was need for NHIF to introduce both the horizontal and upward
communication among the employees of the organization. The subordinate reported that there
was need for junior staff to address the different issues affecting them and to have a systematic
feedback through the use of memos and E- mail services. 2 subordinates indicated that there was
need for NHIF to coordinates and to monitor the written communication for clarity among the
workers. Finally, the employees advocated for the improvement of the working conditions at
NHIF so that they can be able to raise their complains freely without fear of losing their job.
5.0 Introduction
In this chapter conclusion about the data obtained and analyzed are male. Specifically, frequency
table and descriptive statistics were used to analyze data. The findings presented in the findings
are discussed the second section comprise the conclusion of the findings and recommendations.
5.2 Answer to Research Question
At the beginning of this study, the researcher had research questions whose answers were to be
found from the research work.
5.2.2 Researcher Question
2. What are the communication needs of the NHIF Employees?
The researcher carried out shows that all the respondents felt that there was need for the
organization to ensure that employees have access to information on the computers especially
via the e- mail services, organization should improve their notice boards and telephone service to
enable the employees to communicate what is happening and the organization to communicate
what it expects of them. The respondents also indicated that there was need for follow up
programs and timely and accurate feedback for smooth flow of information.
5.3.4 What can be done to improve the Employees and management communication?
The findings of the study pointed out that there is need for holding regular meeting to solve the
different problems facing the workers and to facilitate face to face communication among the
staff themselves and between the staff and the management. There is also need for freely
communication between the staff and the management so that the staff can express their opinion,
fears and views freely without fear of losing their job. Vertical and horizontal communication
need to be introduced to facilitate effective communication among the members of the
organization. Two-way communication as opposed to one-way communication, mainly from the
management should also be encouraged. This will create good relations between the
management and the staff, as well as among the employees themselves. This will facilitate
effective communication which in turn is likely to enhance organizational performance. The
organization also needs to develop the right attitude to work such as reliability and unity among
the employees of NHIF:, create interest and coordinate between the different departments and
ensure that there is proper integration of ideas in the different departments and ensure that there
is no laxity , incompetence and act of sabotage on the management.
5.3 Conclusion
The following conclusions were made after careful analysis of data and underrepresentation of
the findings; It is apparent that the communication situation in the NHIF is not up to standard.
The management have a list of suggestions as to facilitate effective communication. On the other
hand, the junior staffs blame the management for their woes as far as communication is
concerned, they feel that the communication channels used communication policy,
communication system styles of management and nature of feedback have all contributed to lack
of effective . The findings also revealed that effective communication could improve the
profitability at NHIF, fewer customer complains and increased modernization change in the
organizational image improved staff discipling change in the organization culture; the staff will
be highly motivated and it was also reported that effective communication could lead to
improved readiness and teamwork among the employees of NHIF.
5.4 Recommendations
To improve its communication program in this changing and turbulent business times the
researcher recommended the following to the NHIF community if effective communication is
going to be achieved:
1 Amend its communication policy on a continues basis
2Apply training and carry out impactassememt to ensure communication takes place
3 Reward and motivate workers to undertake training in communication skills
1 The study was limited to NHIF headquarters in Nairobi. A similar research can be carried out
in other branches to elicit more accurate national outlook of the effective communication and
organizational performance.
2 A Study can also be done to check whether improved communication at NHIF form a basis for
career development.
3 Since this study was based on internal point of view of effective communication, there is room
for more research in broad terms that will include external communities such ad customers,
suppliers and other general public.
4 A comparative study could also be undertaken to establish the extent to which effective
communication affects organizational performance in other organizations and institution.
5 A study can also be carried out to investigate whether the management style and employee
attitude affective communication at NHIF.
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Thank you for accepting to fill questionnaire. Answer the following questions as honestly as
possible. The information you give will be treated with outmost confidentiality.
Instruction(s) please indicate your chosen option with a tick where no choices are provided.
Male( ) Female ( )
1-5 years ( ) 6-10 years ( ) 11-15 years ( ) 16-20 years ( ) over 20 years
Memos ( ) Letters ( )
Telephone ( ) Face to face oral communication ( )
Meeting ( )
Yes ( ) No ( )
Indicate whether the following statement describe your organization’s current communication
Employees receive clear, accurate and prompt information on the what the organization expects
of them.
Employees are kept informed on matters that affect their work and the working condition.
Agree () undecided ()
Disagree ( )
List down the ways through which feedback is conveyed to the workers at NHIF.
How does communication with NHIF contribute to the anticipated organization goals?
What would you recommend for NHIF to do to overcome these barriers and communication
How would you describe communication system of NHIF?
In your opinion , what do you think should be done to improve communication in NHIF?