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DDL in Gen Bio With Annotations

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School Belison National School Grade Level Grade 12

DAILY LESSON Teacher Earl Caesar Q. Pagunsan Learning Area General Biology (ANNOTATION)
LOG IN General Biology I
I Teaching Dates June 17, 2019 (Monday) Quarter First PPST indicators/ KRA Objectives/
& Time 8:30 – 9:30 AM Rubric Indicators
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrates an understanding of the Cell
Structure and Functions
B. Performance Standard Construct a 3D model of a plant/ animal cell using recyclable
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Describe the structure and function of major and subcellular OBJ 7 – Plans, manages and
organelles STEM_BIO11/12- Ia-c-2 implements developmentally
Knowledge – discuss with group mates the definition and functions sequenced teaching and learning
of each cell organelles. processes to meet curriculum
Skills – illustrate a picture of different cell organelles. requirements and varied teaching
Attitude – work cooperatively with the group. contexts.
A. References General Biology I by GMM Belardo et. Al.
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Curriculum Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
5. Other Learning Resources Activity Sheets, laptop, LCD projector, power point presentation OBJ 8 – Selects, develops,
organizes and uses appropriate
Youtube video: Introduction to Cell teaching and learning resources,
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFuEo2ccTPA) including ICT, to address learning
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The teacher will ask the students what they can say about the OBJ 1 - Applies knowledge of
presenting the new lesson Toronto Raptors that recently won the NBA Championship. content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
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General Biology I
What it takes to be a championship calibre team? (Teamwork and
Sportmanship Integration)
OBJ 9 - Selects, develops,
The Teacher will show the class a video clip about Introduction to organizes, and uses appropriate
Cell. teaching and learning resources,
including ICT,
to address learning goals
B. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson Different structures and respective functions of each cell organelles
that are responsible for basic life processes.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Presenting the classroom standards; OBJ 5 - Manages learner
new lesson behavior constructively by
1. Be kind, polite, and courteous to others. applying positive and non-violent
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. discipline to ensure learning-
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property. focused environments
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow directions.
5. Work hard and always do your best.
6. Be safe.
7. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class, when
leaving your seat or if you need to leave the classroom for a
8. Be ready to take the consequences if you break the rules.


What are the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

What made the eukaryotic cell special? OBJ 9 - Designs, selects,
Can you compare the cell to a company or a team where everyone organizes, and uses diagnostic,
has its role and responsibilities? formative and summative
assessment strategies
The teacher facilitates well-planned learning activities appropriate to consistent with curriculum
individual and group needs within the available physical space and requirements

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General Biology I
OBJ 3 - Applies a range of
The teacher will show an image of a clock with a missing part. teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as
What is wrong in this picture? well as other
Will this clock still work with a missing part?
higher-order thinking skills
How valuable are the role of the missing part?
What is/are its significant to the whole clock?

D. Discussing new concepts and COOPERATIVE LEARNING – JIGSAW METHOD (EXPERT OBJ 6 - Uses differentiated,
practicing new skills # 1 GROUPS) developmentally appropriate
The teacher will introduce the Jigsaw Method of Cooperative learning experiences to address
Learning. There will be 3 home groups and 14 expert groups. The learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
expert groups will be the different cell organelles. The students in
interests and experiences.
each expert groups will collaborate on the definition, structure and
OBJ 4 - Manages classroom
function of respective organelle assigned to them. This structure to engage learners,
cooperative learning strategy will facilitate different learner’s individually or in groups, in
backgrounds and will provide a positive environment to help meaningful exploration,
students develop their competencies with their interests. discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical and
Learners invite comments from their classmates during discussion
learning environments
and challenge one another’s thinking.

Standards of conduct are clear to all learners. Learners OBJ 5 - Manages learner
respectfully intervene with classmates at appropriate moments to behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-violent
ensure compliance with standards of conduct.
discipline to ensure learning-
focused environments

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General Biology I
OBJ 6 - Uses differentiated,
E. Discussing new concepts and COOPERATIVE LEARNING – JIGSAW METHOD (HOME developmentally appropriate
practicing new skill # 2 GROUPS) learning experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
The students will return to their home group to share their learnings interests and experiences.
from the previous activity in expert groups. Each student with notes
about different organelles will share to the members of the home OBJ 4 - Manages classroom
group. structure to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in
Learners invite comments from their classmates during discussion and meaningful exploration,
challenge one another’s thinking. discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical and
Standards of conduct are clear to all learners. Learners respectfully learning environments
intervene with classmates at appropriate moments to ensure compliance
with standards of conduct. OBJ 5 - Manages learner
behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learning-
focused environments

CLASS PRESENTATION OBJ 6 - Uses differentiated,

F. Developing Mastery developmentally appropriate
Expert groups will post different pictures of cell organelles on the learning experiences to address
blackboard. Representatives from every expert group (organelles) learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
will present their notes/work to the whole class about the definition, interests and experiences.
structures and functions of each organelles.

OBJ 1 - Applies knowledge of

content within and across
The teacher will inject his own ideas and knowledge on each cell curriculum teaching areas

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General Biology I
PROBING QUESTIONS OBJ 3 - Applies a range of
teaching strategies to develop
The teacher will raise questions based on the works of every home critical and creative thinking, as
groups. well as other
Students shall be encourage to raise questions of their own for higher-order thinking skills

Learners invite comments from their classmates during discussion

and challenge one another’s thinking.

G. Finding practical Application of TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION WITH POSITIVE OBJ 1 - Applies knowledge of
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living COMMUNICATION TO SOLVE DAILY LIFE PROBLEMS. content within and across
curriculum teaching areas

H. Making Generalization and SUMMARIZING OBJ 6 - Uses differentiated,

Abstraction about the Lesson developmentally appropriate
Students will be given time to take down notes of each expert learning experiences to address
groups representative presentation. learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
LOGICAL REASONING interests and experiences.
What made the eukaryotic cells so special?
OBJ 3 - Applies a range of
What if some of the cell organelle/s is/are missing, what do teaching strategies to develop
you think will happen to the basic processes of the cell or the critical and creative thinking, as
body as a whole?
well as other
higher-order thinking skills
I. Evaluating Learning Formative Assessment. OBJ 9 - Designs, selects,
Structure/Function Cell Part
organizes, and uses diagnostic,
formative and summative
Stores material within the cell Vacuole
assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum
Closely stacked, flattened sacs (plants only) requirements

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General Biology I
The sites of protein synthesis Ribosome

Transports materials within the cell Endoplasmic Reticulum

The region inside the cell except for the nucleus Cytoplasm

Organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic


Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight

and gives plants their green color

Digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food particles and invading viruses
or bacteria

Small bumps located on portions of the endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes

Provides temporary storage of food, enzymes and waste products Vacuole

Firm, protective structure that gives the cell its shape in plants, fungi,
Cell Wall
most bacteria and some protests

Produces a usable form of energy for the cell Mitochondria

Packages proteins for transport out of the cell Golgi Body

Everything inside the cell including the nucleus Protoplasm

Site where ribosomes are made Nucleus

The membrane surrounding the cell Cell Membrane

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General Biology I
Provides support for the cell, has two “subparts” Cell Membrane

Name for the collection of DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells Nucleolus

Consist of hollow tubes which provide support for the cell Centrioles

Small hair-like structures used for movement or sensing things Cilia

Composed of a phospholipid bilayer Cell Membrane

Longer whip-like structures used for movement Flagella

J. Additional Activities for Application

or Remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of students who require
additional activities
C. Which of my teaching strategies Differentiated Instruction.
worked well?
D. What difficulties did I encounter? Internet connection for online resources
E. What innovation or localized Use of YouTube and Slideshare as online resources.
materials did I use which I can share
to my fellow teachers?
F. What difficulties did I encounter Provision of Internet connection for online teaching and learning
which my principal or supervisor can resources.
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized Use of YouTube and Slideshare as online resources.
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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General Biology I
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by:


Teacher II Master Teacher II Head Teacher III

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General Biology I

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