ENT 7 - Human Resource Management-ENTREP
ENT 7 - Human Resource Management-ENTREP
ENT 7 - Human Resource Management-ENTREP
Institutional Goals
The college in its entire capabilities shall endeavor to:
1. Offer courses of high technical value which enable the graduates to be either employed or self-employed.
2. Provide advance teaching technologies that enhance thorough learning and easy understanding.
3. Establish linkages with the employment sector in order to assist graduates who are seeking employment.
4. Encourage and support graduates who want to establish their own business.
5. Develop existing staff through a sound human resource development program.
6. Provide a wholesome working condition worthy of human dignity.
7. Promote an atmosphere conducive for learning where skills are developed through exposure in the business incubation centers.
8. Recognize graduates and local entrepreneurs who excel in their chosen field and extend appropriate incentive.
9. Promote and develop entrepreneurship program and recognize the value of its contribution in the society.
Time Intended Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Tasks Resource Textbooks/
Frame Outcomes (ILO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) (ATs) Materials References
Week After having been given I. An Overview of Introductory Activity: Quiz Marking Pens Syllabus
1&2 a basic orientation of Human Resource Orientation: Let the students
the whole course and Management to introduce themselves in Actual Photocopies Student
Presentation of
discussion, the a) The Human one or two words. of the Lesson Handbook
each group
students must be able Resource Self-Assessment
to: Functions of Questioners for every Assignment for Calculator Human
1. Call each other on Management chapter. the next Resource
the first name basis. b) Human discussion Management
2. Practice the Resource Input: by Azanza P.
classroom rules and
Planning Review of the classroom Board Work A. Chapter 1&2
note the periodical policies and the rules and
exams as well as Human
regulation of the school. Resource
the grading system
Discussion of the grading Management in
3. Give the scope of
human resource system, course outline, the Philippine
management course requirements Setting, T. D.
Discussion/ Human
4. Identify the Lecture Resource
personnel and
Week 3 At the end of the week, II. Functions of Introductory Activity: Quiz Marking Pens Syllabus
&4 the students must be able Human Resource Self-Assessment
to: Management Questionnaires for every Actual Laptop Human
Presentation of
1. Distinguish the job chapter Resource
each group
description from job a) Job Analysis Input Reference Management by
analysis and explain and Discussion/ Lecture Book Azanza P. A.
Assignment for
their uses to human
Specification the next Chapter 3,4&5
resources Application:
development. b) Recruitment, discussion Calculator
Students will answer the
Management in
the 21st Century
by Sison, P. S.
Week At the end of the week, IV. Labor Introductory Activity: Quiz Marking Pens Syllabus
7&8 the students must be able Management Self-Assessment
to: Relations questionnaires for every Actual Reference Human
Presentation of
1. Identify and discuss a. Due Process chapter. Book Resource
each group
common complaints and Just Cause Management by
and grievance of b. Reasons for Input: Laptop Azanza P. A.
Board Work
employees. Unions Discussion/ Chapter 10
2. Point out some causes Formations and Lecture Calculator
of grievances and ways c. Fair Treatment Application: Human
of handling these. of Labor Union Students will answer the Resource
3. Give the meaning or d. Collective problems (case analysis) to Management in
morale and motivation Bargaining be given by the instructor. the Philippine
and discuss their Process Setting by
Actual presentations of
importance to business e. Union Andres, T. D.
Organizing each group.
operation. Interview a manager of a
4. Enumerate the f. Collective human resources department Human
functions of human Bargaining and ask about unionism, f Resource
resource manager and Process there is any, in their Training and
explain how these g. The Grievance organization. Development by
levels be relevant in Procedure Role playing Andres, T. D.
solving union problems. h. Employee Human
Separation Valuing Activities: Reflection
5. Identify and discuss the Resource
different reasons why Management
How will you manage
employees join union. Principles &
yourself towards situations
6. Explain the importance Practices 3rd
in your life?
of a health program to Edition by
Personnel and
Management by
Sison, P. S