IALA 1006-Ed.-4-Plastic-Buoys - Dec-2018
IALA 1006-Ed.-4-Plastic-Buoys - Dec-2018
IALA 1006-Ed.-4-Plastic-Buoys - Dec-2018
Edition 4
December 2018
Revisions to this IALA document are to be noted in the table prior to the issue of a revised document.
Entire Document
December 2005 Reformatted to reflect IALA documentation Council 35
Entire document
May 2008 Review and update at IALA Floating aids 2008 Council 43
workshop and EEP11/12
Pages 4,6,7,8 and 9
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 8
2. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 8
3. POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING PLASTIC BUOYS ........................................................ 8
3.1. Operational Performance ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Life Cycle Cost Comparison...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3. Plastic Material Types .............................................................................................................................. 9
3.4. Change In Material Properties of Plastics During Design Life.................................................................. 9
3.5. Change In Colour of Plastics During Design Life ...................................................................................... 9
3.5.1. General ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.2. Ways to assess the expected lifetime of the colour ................................................................................................................. 10
3.6. Transmission of Forces And Safe Working Load .................................................................................... 10
3.7. Metal Parts............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.7.1. Standard parts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.7.2. Metallic Inserts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.7.3. Buoy ballast .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.8. Radar Visibility ....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.9. Static Electrical Charge Build-Up ........................................................................................................... 11
3.10. Lettering Methods ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.11. Design Requirements for Use of Plastic Buoys in Ice Built Up Areas..................................................... 13
3.11.1. Buoy hull 13
3.11.2. Buoy shape ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.12. Design Requirements for Use of Plastic Buoys in Very Hot Climates .................................................... 13
3.13. Design Requirements for Use of Plastic Buoys in Extreme Sea Conditions ........................................... 14
3.14. Handling and Storage............................................................................................................................. 14
3.15. Repair and Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.16. Quality Control and testing.................................................................................................................... 14
3.16.1. General 14
3.16.2. Quality Assurance Tests ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.17. Recycling / Disposal ............................................................................................................................... 16
4. POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC BUOYS........................................................................................................ 17
4.1. Polyethylene Material – General ........................................................................................................... 17
4.2. Mechanical Properties and Standards for Polyethylene ....................................................................... 17
4.3. General Considerations with Regard to the Construction of Polyethylene Plastic Buoys .................... 18
4.3.1. Wall thickness ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2. Reserve buoyancy ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 11
2. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3. POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN EVALUATING PLASTIC BUOYS ...................................................... 11
3.1. Operational Performance ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Life Cycle Cost Comparison.................................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Plastic Material Types ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.4. Change In Material Properties Of Plastics During Design Life ............................................................... 12
3.5. Change In Colour Of Plastics During Design Life .................................................................................... 12
3.5.1. General ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5.2. Ways to assess the expected lifetime of the colour ................................................................................................................. 13
3.6. Transmission of Forces And Safe Working Load .................................................................................... 13
3.7. Metal parts............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.7.1. Standard parts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7.2. Metallic Inserts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7.3. Buoy ballast .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.8. Radar visibility ........................................................................................................................................ 14
3.9. Static Electrical Charge Build-Up ........................................................................................................... 14
3.10. Lettering methods ................................................................................................................................. 14
3.11. Design Requirements For Use Of Plastic Buoys In Ice Built Up Areas ................................................... 16
3.11.1. Buoy hull 16
3.11.2. Buoy shape ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.12. Design Requirements For Use Of Plastic Buoys In Very Hot Climates ................................................... 16
3.13. Design Requirements For Use of Plastic Buoys In Extreme Sea Conditions .......................................... 17
3.14. Handling and storage ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.15. Repair & Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 17
3.16. Quality control and testing .................................................................................................................... 17
3.16.1. General 17
3.16.2. Quality Assurance Tests ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
List of Tables
Table 1: Recycling possibilities of different materials used for plastic buoys ..................................................... 19
Table 2: Polyethylene types and the manufacturing processes.......................................................................... 20
Table 3: Small harbour or river markers ............................................................................................................. 24
Table 4: Typical spar and conical buoys, welded ................................................................................................ 25
Table 5: Typical spars, rotational moulded, welded ........................................................................................... 27
List of Figures
Figure 1: Painting................................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2: Painting................................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3: Adhesive foil......................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4: Mounted plates.................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Engraving ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 6: Plastic spray method ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Mould-In-Graphic................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 8: Polystyrene foam ................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 9: Polyurethane foam .............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 10: Polystyrene billets .............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 11: Mould filled with plastic powder ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 12: Closed mould ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 13: Opened mould ................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 14: Insert .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 15: Float ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 16: Small marker ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 17: Plastic lifting eye ................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 18: Metal lifting and mooring eyes.......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 19: Butt fusion welding ............................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 20: Butt fusion welding ............................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 21: Exploded drawing .............................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 22: Conical buoy....................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 23: Spar buoy ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24: Conical buoy in light ice ..................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 25: Spar .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26: Spar .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 27: Ice growth .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 28: Exploded drawing .............................................................................................................................. 28
This guideline has been developed to assist marine aids to navigation (AtoN) manufacturers and authorities
when developing and selecting plastic buoys for different purposes. It also provides information about
plastic material types, manufacturing techniques, quality control considerations, and standard test
procedures commonly in use.
Due to the lower material density of plastic when compared to steel, plastic buoys are typically significantly
lighter than steel buoys. Lightweight buoys require careful design to avoid a rapid rolling or pitching motion
which will detract from their operational effectiveness in waves, wind and current.
The operational performance of a plastic buoy should be stated for different environmental conditions to
permit the selection of the correct buoy design. There are many different designs of plastic buoys available
to accommodate a variety of environmental conditions.
The use of a hydrostatic study for the plastic buoy by an accredited Naval Architect can assist in the buoy
selection process. Please refer to IALA Guideline G1099 on the Hydrostatic design of buoys.
Plastic buoys typically have a shorter design life than steel buoys and require replacement earlier than steel
buoys. Factors that directly affect the anticipated design life of a plastic buoy are the degradation of plastic
strength and the fading of the colour.
The purchase cost of plastic buoys is dependent on the construction technology. Plastic buoys can have
lower ongoing maintenance costs through the elimination of sand-blasting and painting costs as well as
reductions in vessel, personnel, mooring and transportation costs. Sea-based maintenance can be achieved
on most plastic buoys, including jet spray washing and other normal service tasks. Various maintenance
procedures are suitable for different plastic materials. More guidance is available in IALA Guideline G1077
Maintenance of Aids to Navigation.
ANNEX A presents the advantages and disadvantages of plastic buoys.
The use of plastic buoys to replace legacy steel buoys is typically warranted when lower overall life cycle
costs can be achieved while also meeting the operational performance requirements as a marine Aid to
The required strength of a buoy plastic hull is dictated by the operational environment (sheltered, exposed,
ice, etc.) and buoy handling operations. Different plastic materials are available for use in the
manufacturing of plastic buoys and each type has different properties which provide different performance
characteristics. Some plastic materials may offer better resistance to marine fouling than others. Plastic
buoys should be sufficiently robust to withstand fouling being scraped off, or water jet spraying, regularly
throughout the working life of the buoy.
For plastic buoys, the following plastic materials are primarily used:
• polyethylene (PE);
• glass reinforced plastic (GRP);
• polyurethane / elastomer coated foam;
• ionomer foam.
Polyethylene is the most common plastic used for the manufacturing of plastic buoys. Therefore this
guideline mainly deals with polyethylene plastic buoys (chapter 4).
Degradation of plastics due to ultraviolet (UV) light must be considered. The type of plastic material
selected and the addition of UV inhibitors used to protect the plastic will impact the design life.
Degradation of the plastic due to UV causes the plastic to become more brittle and this loss of ductility
reduces the impact strength of the plastic during the design life. The amount of exposure to UV in the
operating environment must be considered, degradation of plastic strength and loss of ductility is
accelerated in latitudes with greater exposure to UV energy.
At latitudes with higher UV exposure and higher temperatures, the loss of strength occurs faster than at
latitudes with lower UV exposure.
The rate of degradation varies based on the type of plastic selected and the addition of UV inhibitors or UV
stabilisers to protect the mechanical properties of the plastic. Buoy manufacturers should provide rapid
weathering tests of the plastic material to prove their predicted long-term stability of the mechanical
properties with respect to UV radiation. Test standards could be:
• ASTM G155 Standard practice for operating xenon arc light apparatus for exposure of non-metallic
• ISO 4582: 2017 Plastics - determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after
exposure to glass-filtered solar radiation, natural weathering or laboratory radiation sources;
• ISO 4892 (1-4) Plastics - methods of exposure to laboratory light sources.
3.5.1. GENERAL
Colour fading due to UV radiation is to be expected. The fade resistance of the colour pigment used to
colour the base plastic resin will determine the length of time the colour will be compliant with IALA
Due to the lower tensile strength of plastic when compared to steel, the transmission of lifting and mooring
loads requires careful consideration. While mooring loads are typically well distributed throughout the
plastic hull during operation, additional loads are imposed during buoy deployment and retrieval.
Most buoys will have both a lifting eye and a mooring eye. Depending on the buoy design, the lifting eye
and the mooring eye can be designed as follows:
• Integrated as part of the plastic hull;
• A galvanized/coated steel or stainless steel structure for attachment of the hull floats and super
The transmission of forces between the mooring point and lifting point is critical in the safe handling of
plastic buoys. The operational conditions for buoy deployment and retrieval must be considered as sea
state and current can result in dynamic loads in lifting of the buoy.
Buoy manufacturers should clearly identify the design of force transmission and the design factors used to
specify safe working load.
Plastic buoys require the use of a passive radar reflector to be visible to radar. Additional information is
available in the IALA NAVGUIDE and section 8.3 below.
It may be necessary to incorporate a grounding strap on plastic buoys to prevent the build-up of static
electricity which may cause shock or damage to electronic equipment.
Most administrations apply the position name/number on the buoy body. Solutions for long-term stability
of the lettering should be explored. Possible solutions can be (not applicable on all buoy types):
Figure 5: Mould-In-
Figure 7: Engraving
A year-round use of plastic buoys can save money as winter work and using fleet or contractors to retrieve
buoys can be reduced. Some plastic buoys, especially spar and conical shaped buoys are suitable for ice
conditions. These can be:
• Ice floes in current or moving ice fields;
• The buoy is frozen in a solid ice field.
The impacts on the buoy can be abrasion, cutting, compression effects, tension and bending.
To withstand these conditions, the buoy hull material must be sufficiently robust and its shape must be
constructed accordingly.
3.11.1. BUOY HULL
The main reason for ice damage to buoys is insufficient strength in the buoy hull. This may be due to
insufficient wall thickness or abrasion because of wrong selection of plastic material type. Changes in wall
thickness also present stress concentration points at the transition of thickness area and therefore wall
thickness should be consistent.
3.11.2. BUOY SHAPE
The buoy should be strong enough to go under the ice and survive until the ice floe has moved away. The
buoy shape, strength, lifting and mooring points should be constructed accordingly. The size of the lifting
eyes frequently requires a compromise between minimum size for ease of handling and reducing the points
for ice accretion.
When possible, top marks should be avoided. If installed, a disposable solution is possible, but environment
protection should be considered.
Some polyethylene plastic buoys are suitable for use in ice conditions, see sections and
Additional information is available in the Report of the IALA workshop on challenges of providing AtoN
services in polar regions and the IALA Guideline G1108 on The challenges of providing AtoN services in
polar regions.
Careful design considerations should be made when using plastic buoys in very hot climates (equatorial
regions) as some effects could severely impair the performance of the equipment in place.
The following are examples of problems that may result from prolonged exposure of plastic material to
high temperature. They should be considered to help determine if the design is suitable for the application
(this list is not intended to be exhaustive).
• parts that bind or corrode from differential expansion of dissimilar materials;
• materials change in dimension, either totally or selectively;
• packing, gaskets, seals, etc. become distorted, bind, and fail causing mechanical or integrity failures;
• gaskets display permanent set;
• closure and sealing strips deteriorate;
• shortened operating lifetime;
• colour fading, cracking or crazing of plastic materials;
Plastic buoys can be used in most sea conditions. However, extreme sea conditions (breaking waves,
hurricane, debris) will cause high mechanical stress on buoys. The potential for extreme environmental
conditions should be considered when selecting plastic buoys to ensure the design and materials are
sufficiently robust to survive.
The handling of a plastic buoy generally does not differ from steel buoy handling. The weight of a plastic
buoys is typically less than steel buoys making them easier to manoeuvre. The equipment required to lift
plastic buoys into place can be a reduced and does not require the same lifting capacity as steel buoys.
Long-term storage should be done according to the manufacturer instructions (for example to avoid
deforming of spar buoys).
When plastic buoys are stored outside for a long time (for example on a buoy yard) they should be
protected against UV to protect them from premature aging and fading.
Maintenance procedures are outlined in IALA Guideline G1077 on Maintenance of Aids to Navigation,
Annex A2 synthetic buoys.
3.16.1. GENERAL
A well-designed and manufactured plastic buoy of good and lasting quality can provide reliable
performance at sea for many years with good colour retention and safety of handling.
During the manufacturing process of the buoy body and the metal parts, some important quality control
mechanisms should be applied:
• The manufacturer should have an internal quality control procedure, for example ISO 9001 or
• If required, each buoy can be delivered with a quality control report. The contents of the report should
be determined beforehand and satisfy the customer’s requirements;
• The customer should establish an internal system to monitor the life cycle of the buoy.
In order to ensure the buoy longevity, the following quality tests can be applied. Design Confirmation
Prior to production of prototypes, the design should be thoroughly reviewed to confirm performance
expectations. The following reviews are recommended:
Buoy designs and materials should be selected to minimise their environmental impact upon disposal at the
end of their useful life. Considerations should be given to the three “R’s” of environmental protection,
namely reuse, waste reduction and material recycling. Also, it is desirable that manufacturing processes be
environmentally friendly. The buoy design proposed is 100% recyclable. The following table gives
information about the recycling possibilities of different materials used for plastic buoys.
Additional Information is available in IALA Guideline G1036 on Environmental Management in Aids to
Table 1: Recycling possibilities of different materials used for plastic buoys
Ladders & Stainless Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Aluminium Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Core Structure Polyethylene Easy – Readily Accepted Plastics Recycling Depot
Galvanized Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Lifting & Stainless Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Galvanized Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Connection Bars
Threaded Stainless Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Brass Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Fasteners Stainless Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Galvanized Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Aluminium Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Ballast Concrete Easy – Readily Accepted Clean Fill Designated Infill
Steel Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Cast Iron Easy – Readily Accepted Metal Recycling Depot
Polyethylene is a thermoplastic. At a temperature of about 100°C it behaves plastically and after cooling
the material solidifies. Thus, it can be easily formed and welded under the influence of heat. This provides
the ability to make repairs to plastic buoys made of polyethylene. The high ductility and the high cold break
resistance are advantageous.
Within the polyethylene family, there are different types of plastic that have different densities and
molecular structures and therefore different material properties. The most common types used in the
manufacturing of plastic buoys are:
• Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE);
• Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE);
• Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE);
• High Density Polyethylene (HDPE);
• Ultra High Density Polyethylene (UHDPE);
The following table gives an overview about the polyethylene types and the manufacturing processes for
Table 2: Polyethylene types and the manufacturing processes
The key difference between the two methods of forming the plastic is the use of pressure.
• The rotational moulding process uses only heat to transform plastic resin into a finished shape.
• Plastic pipes and plates manufactured in an extrusion process are formed using heat under high
pressure which forms strong molecular chains resulting in greater strength, impact and abrasion
The different polyethylene types and their different manufacturing processes lead to two main
polyethylene plastic buoy types:
• “rotational moulded polyethylene plastic buoys” made of plastic parts fabricated by the rotational
moulding process, see section 4.4;
• “high density polyethylene plastic buoys” made of plastic parts fabricated with high-density
polyethylene pipes, plates and components, see section 4.5.
The following mechanical properties of polyethylene material must be carefully chosen as base for a high
quality plastic buoy. They can be tested according to the standards named in brackets behind them.
• density (ISO 1183/ASTM D-4883/ASTM D-1505);
A great variety of different types and sizes of rotational moulded polyethylene plastic buoys is available on
the market. Depending on the type, size/diameter and area of application different designs of polyethylene
plastic buoys exist. Generally, small buoys are made from one or more enclosed modules, while larger
types may be modular plastic or hybrid metal/plastic.
The following sections give an overview of the manufacturing procedure of rotational moulded plastic parts
and typical rotational moulded plastic buoys.
Rotational moulding can be used for the production of large, hollow, seamless plastic parts (enclosed
modules). During the rotational moulding process the base resin (Low Density, Linear Low Density, Medium
Density) is transformed with heat only.
A thin-walled hollow mould gives the outer shape of the plastic part. The mould is filled with plastic
powder, is then slowly rotated multi-axially, and heated. The melting temperature of the plastic depends
on the plastic material used (Figure 11 and Figure 12).
Figure 11: Mould filled with plastic powder Figure 12: Closed mould
Rotational moulded plastic buoys made of one enclosed module are often used as small harbour or river
The lifting and the mooring eyes are made as a part of the plastic body (Figure 17) or from additional metal
components (Figure 18).
The application of these (small) plastic buoys usually requires only a monochrome version, the multi-colour
variant is not needed.
Typical technical data are:
Table 3: Small harbour or river markers
Parameter Value
application area harbour, rivers,
diameter in the water ≈ 0.5
line (m)
height above water ≈2
line/focal plane (m)
height over all (m) ≈3
The advantages of this modular design using enclosed modules can be:
• The wall thickness of the lower elements can be made bigger than
from the upper elements because of stability and ballast reasons;
• The underwater elements do not necessarily have to be executed in
the traffic-efficient colour (cost savings); Figure 20: Butt fusion
• Multi-colour buoys can be realised easily;
• The buoy can be divided into a few waterproof sections (reserve buoyancy);
• The radar reflector and other devices can easily be placed inside the buoy body (upper part). Use of rotational moulded welded spar and conical buoys in ice built up areas
For general demands concerning the design and use of plastic
buoys in ice conditions, see section 3.11. Rotational moulded
welded plastic buoys may be used in operational areas with light
ice conditions. An example of a rotational moulded conical buoy
in light ice is shown in Figure 24.
It is the movement of ice and especially free flowing ice that
causes damage to the buoys. The type of rotational moulding
polyethylene and the wall thickness of the hull are critical for
survival. Manufacturers should state the ice resistance capability
for rotational moulded plastic buoys. In aggressive ice conditions
the use of high density polyethylene plastic buoys (see section
4.5) with greater strength and abrasion resistance are
For bigger plastic buoys (diameter more than 1.5 m up to 4 m) rotational moulded enclosed modules are
used as floats.
The floats are mounted on a core structure, which consists of
plastic pipes (complete plastic design, section or a
metal construction (hybrid metal/plastic design, section
The advantage of the modular design are:
• The modular design can simplify handling and transport;
• Defective parts can be changed easily;
These plastic buoys can withstand light ice conditions. The
effect of ice growth has to be considered (Figure 27). Figure 27: Ice growth
Figure 32: Complete plastic design, 3 modules Figure 33: Complete plastic design,
2 modules
The process starts with feeding plastic from a funnel into the
extruder. In the extruder, the plastic is compacted by a rotating
screw, melted and pressed through a nozzle. The nozzle gives the end
product its profile. This is followed by the cooling process, which is
usually achieved by a water bath. Figure 34 shows pipe
manufacturing by extrusion process.
Pipes can be extruded in a single colour or they may be extruded with
the outside 20% in a separate colour, this process is called “co-
extrusion”, the main part of the wall thickness is in black. (Figure 36).
Figure 37: Extruded pipes
Pipes used for polyethylene buoys are mainly used in pressured lines
like water and other liquids. The most common material is HD 100 polyethylene. The wall thickness and the
pressure class vary depending on the SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio). Typical for buoy applications are SDR
17 and SDR 26. Figure 37 shows extruded pipes as raw material for spars. Other high density polyethylene plastic parts
Other polyethylene plastic parts (mainly the smaller and special parts) can be made by the cutting of high
density polyethylene plates, pipes and compression moulded parts, etc., see Figure 38. A combination with
metal parts is also possible (Figure 39). Typical high density polyethylene spar and conical plastic buoys
Widely used as spar- and conical buoys up to 1.5m are the buoys described in the following table (3 typical
sizes). Figure 43, Figure 44 and Figure 45 are showing examples.
Figure 49: Spar in solid ice field Figure 50: Spar buoy in solid ice field
GRP is the usual abbreviation for glass reinforced plastic which in its most common form consists of glass
matt bonded by polyester resin.
Complex shapes can be produced by laying-up resin and glass reinforcement into a mould by hand (or spray
machine). The cylindrical buoy body is normally formed by joining two half body shapes. It is important to
note that the joint is often the weakest area of the body.
The strength of GRP is dependent of the ratio of glass fibre to resin and thus this is another area which
requires definition and quality control. High strength (required in ice conditions) can be achieved by the use
of carbon or Kevlar fibres but the costs may be high. These fibres may be used in specific stress areas of the
The outer layer of resin, the gel coat, prevents water absorption into the glass reinforcement and should be
protected from mechanical damage. This is usually provided by some form of fendering.
Care should be taken when bonding metal attachment points into GRP due to the considerable difference
in thermal expansion rates between metals and plastics, and the inherent flexibility of the GRP. Another
option is to use through bolted fixings with generous backing plates and resilient washers or coatings
between the metal and the GRP.
GRP buoys will require cleaning, repainting and any necessary repair to the gel coat.
Repair of GRP is usually straightforward but does require standards of cleanliness and specific working
temperatures. Effective drying of damaged laminates or foam cores may also be difficult in cold climates. It
may be necessary to use heaters to warm and dry damage areas and to ensure effective curing of the
These buoys typically consist of a thick, flexible marine grade polyurethane elastomer skin on a flexible
closed cell foam core. They have the advantage of overall flexibility and resilience. The flexibility will also be
an advantage when the buoy has to be serviced in rough weather.
The main feature of elastomer buoys lies in its lightweight float of high elasticity, manufactured with
closed-cell polyethylene solid foam sheet (no water absorption) and spray coated with a 8 - 20 mm thick
layer of coloured polyurethane elastomer.
Thanks to its solid construction, they are virtually unsinkable, even in case of a strong impact. Besides, they
can withstand repeated collisions without deforming (recovery capacity). The elastomer polyurethane
allows the application of an anti-fouling treatment.
As they need no mould, the choice of shapes and sizes is flexible. The diameters of the elastomer buoys on
the market are between 0.8 to 3.6 m, the height of the float can be up to 2.8 m. Figure 62 , Figure 61 and
Figure 60 show examples of elastomer buoys.
For producing multi-colour buoys the elastomer provides good adhesion for paints.
For general demands concerning the design and use of plastic buoys in ice conditions, see section 3.11.
• The floats of elastomer buoys are flexible and have a good recovering capacity;
• If necessary, an additional reinforcement mesh can be added to the polyethylene foam core or/and
the polyurethane elastomer coating.
Figure 62: Solar and wind Figure 61: Solar powered lit Figure 60: Elastomer
powered lit elastomer buoy with elastomer buoy buoy with self contained
measurement equipment lantern
The life and durability of ionomer foam buoys is entirely dependent on the quality of the foam used. The
flexibility of the foam can provide good impact resistance but the resistance to aggressive abrasion is not
good. This last factor is important for buoys which dry out on a hard bottom at a tidal site or may be subject
to moving ice conditions.
A foam buoy hull can sustain considerable damage or loss of material without sinking. A damaged buoy
cannot be repaired by the user. The material is not recyclable.
Plastic buoys can be equipped with lanterns (powered by solar, wind or wave energy or by a primary
battery) or self-contained lanterns (Integrated Power Systems Lanterns (IPSL)).
IPSL are becoming increasingly smaller. At the same time, their functionality increases. The IALA NAVGUIDE
2018 and the IALA Guideline G1064 on Integrated Power Systems Lanterns give information in detail.
If the plastic buoy is used in ice conditions according to sections 3.11, and, the self-contained
lantern or the stand alone lantern must also be designed to be ice-resistant. On some plastic buoys
(especially spars) a primary battery instead of a solar power supply is used.
Modern IPSL can be equipped with remote monitoring and remote control system or sensors. Depending
from the buoy location different communication methods for data transfer can be used.
The status of the lantern, the power supply and other devices as well as buoy-related data can be acquired,
transferred and displayed. This enables further optimisation of the technical maintenance operation,
especially with regard to the cost intensive buoy tender fleet.
The IALA Guideline G1008 on Remote Control and Monitoring of Aids to Navigation gives information in
A radar beacon (racon) enhances the radar detection and identification of the object on which it is
mounted. For detail information refer to the IALA- NAVGUIDE and the IALA Guideline G1010 on Racon
Range Performance.
8.5. AIS
Buoys can be equipped with AIS-transponders to transmit different messages. Remote monitoring is also
possible. For detailed information please refer to IALA Recommendation A-126 on the Use of the Automatic
Identification System (AIS) in Marine Aids to Navigation Services and IALA Guideline G1098 on The
Application of AIS - AtoN on Buoys”.
The shape and the dimensions of top marks are described in IALA Guideline G1094 on Daymarks for Aids to
Navigation. Top marks can also be designed to enhance the radar response.
The use of top marks should be avoided in ice build-up areas, because they can be damaged by ice.
Plastic buoys can be equipped with retroreflective material, so the mariner can detect the position and
colour at night by use of a searchlight (Figure 65).
For detail information look at the IALA Guideline G1094 on Daymarks for Aids to Navigation and the IALA
Recommendation R0106 (E‐106) on Retroreflecting Material on Aids to Navigation Marks within the IALA
Maritime Buoyage System.
m3 cubic metre
mm millimetre
TR Technical Report
Polyethylene (PE) - Polyethylene is probably the polymer seen most in daily life. It is one of the polymers
called polyolefins. It has a very simple structure, the simplest of all commercial polymers. A molecule of
polyethylene is nothing more than a long chain of carbon atoms, with two hydrogen atoms attached to
each carbon atom. The following picture illustrates linear polyethylene, only with the chain of carbon atoms
being many thousands of atoms long.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – HDPE is called linear polyethylene as the carbon atoms have only
hydrogen atoms attached to them. This is much stronger than other forms of polyethylene which have
branches of polyethylene
attached to each carbon atom and
which are cheaper to
• Plastic does not corrode.
• It is easier to maintain: only removal of marine growth, no painting for plastic parts required.
• There is less maintenance on shore for the plastic components (no grit blasting, no painting with the
exception of GRP). Therefore, less resources may be utilized.
• Plastic buoys are of lower weight (1/2 to 1/3 mass of the equivalent diameter steel buoys). Therefore
maintenance may be able to use smaller buoy tenders.
• The whole life costs may be less than steel buoys, see also IALA Guideline G1047 on Cost Comparison
Methodology of Buoy Technologies.
• Since the 1980´s plastic buoys have been operated successfully.
• There are a number of commercial companies offering plastic buoys.
• Most plastic is recyclable.
• Where plastic buoys are of modular construction, it is possible to change individual parts or segments if they
are damaged or need refurbishment.
• Large modular buoys are easier to transport and store, as parts can be disassembled for transport.
• The number of spare parts (whole buoys held) can be reduced.
• It is possible to encase a radar reflector within a plastic buoy’s superstructure.
• It is more difficult to change the colour of a plastic buoy, as conventional painting is not reliable for plastic
• Generally plastic buoys have a shorter lifetime than steel buoys.
• Plastic buoy components will be specific to each manufacturer and may therefore not be interchangeable.