6) V40N4 - Technology - Boon or Bane PDF
6) V40N4 - Technology - Boon or Bane PDF
6) V40N4 - Technology - Boon or Bane PDF
Technology—Boon or Bane?
by ME5 Seah Ser Thong, Calvin, ME4 Yap Chun Hong, Kelvin & Ms Malini Deepan
The utility of technology in the military context has grown at a ubiquitous rate, from raw firepower to warfare
support systems and logistic environments. Rapid development of technology has allowed the military to expand
the capabilities and aptitude of its forces by a pronounced extent in the past half a decade. As a result,
the military has become increasingly reliant on technology and there is a need for sufficient and effective
management structures to prevent an emergency in the event that technology fails us. Thus, we can see that
technology can be a double edged sword; it can be a formidable instrument or a life-saving mechanism in times
of crisis or a possible perilous shortcoming if mismanaged or not used to its fullest advantage.
being technologically surprised. New, cutting-edge opens opportunities for employment. It has been
technologies can be an ace in the hole which, when reported, “In the United Kingdom alone, some
unleashed, can potentially tip the outcomes of 350,000 people are employed—with over 10,000
conflicts. One of the most famous examples would
companies partly or fully involved in the defence
be the dropping of the atomic bombs on the cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August, industry.”6
1945 by the US, which marked the end of the Second
World War (WWII).3 Technology has often been the
cornerstone of many militaries and
Showcase Military Presence
Besides the obvious showcasing of military
has been wielded by many countries
might, technology helps to create a credible to gain a decisive victory in conflicts.
military presence. The government would want
to exhibit the country's continual commitment Technology as a Force Multiplier
to defence and to establish a secure environment For nations with limited resources, an example
in the country. Technology further serves as a being Singapore, technology is able to provide the
deterrence to potential aggressors. News coverage
qualitative edge. Technology can be used to help
on military exercises frequently reports the use
automate and computerise as many processes as
of new technology not only to showcase it, but
to also showcase its successful usage during possible to enhance efficiency and to reduce the
the exercises. An example of this was in 2008 manpower required to undertake the processes.7
when Russia conducted the month-long Exercise
Stability, in which it showcased many of its DISADVANTAGES OF CONSTANT TECHNOLOGY
technological developments such as its supersonic INTRODUCTION
strategic bombers, warhead technologies and naval
While technology can provide the aforementioned
technologies, and so on.4
advantages, there are corresponding disadvantages
Create Tactical Options such as the following:
With the constant introduction of technology, there
are more options available for the military leaders to High Cost of New Technology
counter various threats. As warfare becomes more Cutting edge technology is expensive and the
asymmetric, threats come in many forms and are
resources required to sustain and manage it,
more likely to be unexpected and highly complex.
could easily be many times its capital cost. If
As asymmetric threats become more protean, the
not controlled, the cost of the technology may
adaptability to the various forms of threats is
crucial and having a platter of technology options potentially spiral upwards. With finite budgets,
is definitely one of the possible choices.5 the people of the country must clearly see its
need. One mistake commonly made is that new
Employment Opportunities
technologies are purchased even when enough
While employment opportunities might not be what
is usually intended, with the constant introduction time has not been used to explore how to best
Constant Training and Doctrine Revisions This is an important factor especially when dealing
With the continuous evolution of technology, there with humans who have phobias, preferences and
is a need to adjust and maintain different doctrines tendencies. An example of human psychology
coming to play comes from the low rate of beyond
as well as to cater many sets of training. This might
visual range kills made for air combat from 1965
lead to confusion as well as unsettle the rhythm
to 1982, even though technical capability was
of training. Furthermore, while technology makes
available. The overriding constraint was actually
performing the intended tasks easier, the training
not a technical one but a matter of compelling
required to attain the necessary level of competency human preference. Many of the pilots were reluctant
may be more difficult with the introduction of to shoot unless they were virtually certain that the
technology. target on the radarscope was not that of a friendly
Rapid Obsolescence
As militaries adopt technology for the long term, Over-Reliance on Technology
they typically procure proven technologies. One valid fear of the adoption of technology is
However, as can be seen in Figure 1, the rate of an over-dependence on the technology by the users
technological obsolescence increases as it becomes themselves. This poses two important questions:
more rapidly adopted. This means that by the time
1) How proficient is the User?
the technology is fully operationalised, it may no
longer be effective against the threats that would Technology is only as effective as its user. As we
have evolved during the same period. become more dependent on technology, particularly in
the area of communications and surveillance, human
Overriding Human Psychology errors may still cause information to be interpreted
It is sometimes important to think about not just incorrectly, especially during high-tension combat
technical feasibility but also operational utility. situations. An example would be the Iran Air Flight
655 incident in 1988, during which the crew of the Red commander that the entire war game was scripted
USS Vincennes misidentified the flight path of the to ensure an American victory. Thus, this stresses the
ascending commercial airliner as a descending one, importance of having sufficient foundational profi-
ciencies and backup plans to counter any failures of
similar to that of the fighter aircraft, resulting in the
commercial airliner being shot down by mistake.
Logistics Issues
More often than not, new technology Many logistics issues abound with the continuous
introduction of technology. They are predominantly
requires more energy and power. With listed as follows:
the depletion of natural resources,
militaries may be hard pressed to decide (1) Spares Stockage
With a continuous introduction of technology
how to manage their energy and power
and systems, there is a need to ensure the
resources sustenance of systems with spares availability.
2) What to do When Technology Fails? (2) Inability to Sustain Operations & Support
Despite the strengths of technology, it still cannot (O&S) Capability
match against the ingenuity of the human mind, O&S capability requires time to build up as
which is able to come up with innovative solutions well as to stabilise.
to outsmart a more technologically-advanced military.
(3) Build-up of Local Technology Capability
During the Millennium Challenge 2002, a major war
Besides O&S capability, the capability to
game exercise conducted by the US Armed Forces, the
opposing Red force “used motorcycle messengers to upkeep and enhance the systems is required,
transmit orders, negating Blue’s high-tech eavesdrop- especially for a home grown technology to
ping capabilities.”11 After a series of similar low-tech avoid long lead times and low availability.
tactics, Red seriously crippled Blue, causing the exer- Establishing local technology capability
cise to be reset. Red was forced to follow a scripted would require manpower, plants, equipment,
set of actions, thus resulting in accusations by the financial investment and adequate supporting
defence industries.
Figure 5: Performance measurements of three distinct technological ‘lineages’ over time: the Steam Engine Lineage (SEL), the
Internal Combustion Engine Lineage (ICEL), and the Jet Engine Lineage (JEL).22
3. World-War-2.info, http://www.world-war-2.info/.
(6) Manage Suppliers
4. Richard Weitz, “Global Insights: Military Exercises
When introducing technology, the challenge is in
Showcase Russian Power, and Its Limits,” World Politics
the management of suppliers. Firstly, there is the Review, 14 Oct 2008, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.
challenge of having adequate supplier support. com/articles/2777/global-insights-military-exercises-
Studies have shown that many commercial suppliers showcase-russian-power-and-its-limits.
find that the military is often a customer that is 5. Paul Mann, "Modern Military Threats: Not All They Might
too costly to pursue for commercial purposes.39 Seem?" Aviation Week & Space Technology 156, n._16
Conversely, there is the need to ensure non (2002), 56.
over-reliance on any one supplier and to have a 6. Dr Gareth Evans, “Technology Opportunities in Defence,”
stable of reliable suppliers. But it should not come Army-Technology.com, 7 April 2008, http://www.army-
to a point in which there is a need to balance having technology.com/features/feature1713/.
too many suppliers such that it becomes tedious in 7. Chinniah Manohara, “Defence Procurement in Singapore.”
managing them. Third International Acquisition/Procurement Seminar-
Pacific, Singapore (2000).
19. The Albright Strategy Group, “A Common Roadmap 34. The Albright Strategy Group, “A Common Roadmap
Framework,” Roadmaps and Roadmapping, http://www. Framework,” Roadmaps and Roadmapping, http://www.
albrightstrategy.com/framework.html. albrightstrategy.com/framework.html.
20. Brian Robinson, “GAO finds silver lining in FCS failure,” 35. D. Richardson, “Successes/Lessons Learned: Adapting
DefenseSystems, 19 Jun 2009, http://defensesystems. Technology to Enhance the Warfighter,” NDIA Disruptive
com/Articles/2009/06/18/Future-Combat-System-GAO. Technologies Conference, September 4-5 (2007).
36. Xu Jin, “The Strategic Implications of Changes in
21. Harbour, J. L., Bruemmer, D. J., and Few, D. A, Military Technology,” Chinese Journal of International
“Measuring Unmanned Vehicle System Performance: Politics 2 (2008), 171–203.
Challenges and opportunities,” AUVSI Unmanned
37. Doron Geller, “Israeli Intelligence and the Yom Kippur
Systems North America, August 29-31, 2006, http://
War of 1973,” Jewish Virtual Library, http://www.
38. “Military GPS Illustrates Military Technology
22. The Centre for Public Integrity, “Failure to protect
Dependency,” Military Hub, 26 Jul 2010, https://www.
sensitive information,” http://www.publicintegrity.