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30 Items For Funda RLE p2

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While on your night rounds, you have noticed two nursing aides placing bed sheets that they have
taken from the floor. What is the proper nursing action?

a. Confront the two nursing aides about their and actions and call them for private counseling
b. Continue your night rounds, they have their own liabilities on their actions.
c. Remind them the principle of medical asepsis
d. Provide a clothes basket for them

2. The most important nursing intervention to correct skin dryness is:

A. Avoid bathing the patient until the condition is remedied, and notify the physician
B. Ask the physician to refer the patient to a dermatologist, and suggest that the patient wear home-
laundered sleepwear
C. Consult the dietitian about increasing the patient’s fat intake, and take necessary measures to
prevent infection
D. Encourage the patient to increase his fluid intake, use non-irritating soap when bathing the patient,
and apply lotion to the involved areas

3. When bathing a patient’s extremities, the nurse should use long, firm strokes from the distal to the
proximal areas. This technique:

A. Provides an opportunity for skin assessment

B. Avoids undue strain on the nurse
C. Increases venous blood return
D. Causes vasoconstriction and increases circulation

4. The best way to decrease the risk of transferring pathogens to a patient when removing
contaminated gloves is to:

A. Wash the gloves before removing them

B. Gently pull on the fingers of the gloves when removing them
C. Gently pull just below the cuff and invert the gloves when removing them
D. Remove the gloves and then turn them inside out

5. The nurse in charge is transferring a patient from the bed to a chair. Which action does the nurse take
during this patient transfer?

A. Position the head of the bed flat

B. Helps the patient dangle the legs
C. Stands behind the patient
D. Places the chair facing away from the bed

6. A patient is in the bathroom when the nurse enters to give a prescribed medication. What should the
nurse in charge do?

A. Leave the medication at the patient’s bedside

B. Tell the patient to be sure to take the medication. And then leave it at the bedside
C. Return shortly to the patient’s room and remain there until the patient takes the medication
D. Wait for the patient to return to bed, and then leave the medication at the bedside

7. When transferring a patient from a bed to a chair, the nurse should use which muscles to avoid back

A. Abdominal muscles
B. Back muscles
C. Leg muscles
D. Upper arm muscles

8. What does the nurse in charge do when making a surgical bed?

A. Leaves the bed in the high position when finished

B. Places the pillow at the head of the bed
C. Rolls the patient to the far side of the bed
D. Tucks the top sheet and blanket under the bottom of the bed

9. Following a tonsillectomy, a female client returns to the medical-surgical unit. The client is lethargic
and reports having a sore throat. Which position would be most therapeutic for this client?

A. Semi-Fowler’s
B. Supine
C. High-Fowler’s
D. Side-lying

10. The nurse is assessing vital signs for a patient just admitted to the hospital. Ideally, and if there are
no contraindications, how should the nurse position the patient for this portion of the admission

A. Sitting upright
B. Lying flat on the back with knees flexed
C. Lying flat on the back with arms and legs fully extended
D. Side-lying with the knees flexed

11. The nurse is assessing a patient admitted to the hospital with rectal bleeding. The patient had a hip
replacement 2 weeks ago. Which position should the nurse avoid when examining this patient’s rectal

A. Sims’
B. Supine
C. Dorsal recumbent
D. Semi-Fowler’s

12. The nurse must examine a patient who is weak and unable to sit unaided or to get out of bed. How
should she position the patient to begin and perform most of the physical examination?
A. Dorsal recumbent
B. Semi-Fowler’s
C. Lithotomy
D. Sims’

13. Newly hired nurse Liza is excited to perform her very first physical assessment with a 19-year old
client. Which assessment examination requires Liza to wear gloves?

A. Breast
B. Integumentary
C. Opthalmic
D. Oral

14. Virginia Henderson professes that the goal of nursing is to work interdependently with other health
care working in assisting the patient to gain independence as quickly as possible. Which of the following
nursing actions best demonstrates this theory in taking care of a 94 year old client with dementia who is
totally immobile?

A. Feeds the patient, brushes his teeth, gives the sponge bath
B. Supervise the watcher in rendering patient his morning care
C. Put the patient in semi fowler’s position, set the over bed table so the patient can eat by himself,
brush his teeth and sponge himself
D. Assist the patient to turn to his sides and allow him to brush and feed himself only when he feels

15. The charge nurse asks the nursing assistive personnel (NAP) to give a bag bath to a patient with end-
stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. How should the NAP proceed?

A. Bathe the patient’s entire body using 8 to 10 washcloths.

B. Assist the patient to a chair and provide bathing supplies.
C. Saturate a towel and blanket in a plastic bag, and then bathe the patient.
D. Assist the patient to the bathtub and provide a bath chair.

16. Using the principles of standard precautions, the nurse would wear gloves in what nursing

A. Providing a back massage

B. Feeding a client
C. Providing hair care
D. Providing oral hygiene

17. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to use a wide base support when assisting a
client to get up in a chair?

A. Bend at the waist and place arms under the client’s arms and lift
B. Face the client, bend knees and place hands on client’s forearm and lift
C. Spread his or her feet apart
D. Tighten his or her pelvic muscles
18. A client who is unconscious needs frequent mouth care. When performing a mouth care, the best
position of a client is:

A. Fowler’s position
B. Side lying
C. Supine
D. Trendelenburg

19. A client is hospitalized for the first time, which of the following actions ensure the safety of the

A. Keep unnecessary furniture out of the way

B. Keep the lights on at all time
C. Keep side rails up at all time
D. Keep all equipment out of view

20. The nurse administers cleansing enema. The common position for this procedure is…

A. Sims left lateral

B. Dorsal Recumbent
C. Supine
D. Prone

21. It refers to the preparation of the bed with a new set of linens

A. Bed bath
B. Bed making
C. Bed shampoo
D. Bed lining

22. Which of the following is the most important purpose of handwashing

A. To promote hand circulation

B. To prevent the transfer of microorganism
C. To avoid touching the client with a dirty hand
D. To provide comfort

23. What should be done in order to prevent contaminating of the environment in bed making?

A. Avoid fanning soiled linens

B. Strip all linens at the same time
C. Finished both sides at the time
D. Embrace soiled linen

24. The most important purpose of cleansing bed bath is:

A. To cleanse, refresh and give comfort to the client who must remain in bed
B. To expose the necessary parts of the body
C. To develop skills in bed bath
D. To check the body temperature of the client in bed

25. The best position for examining the rectum is:

A. Prone
B. Sim’s
C. Knee-chest
D. Lithotomy

26. Another name for knee-chest position is:

A. Genu-dorsal
B. Genu-pectoral
C. Lithotomy
D. Sim’s

27. A patient about to undergo abdominal inspection is best placed in which of the following positions?

A. Prone
B. Trendelenburg
C. Supine
D. Side-lying

28. For a rectal examination, the patient can be directed to assume which of the following positions?

A. Genupectoral
B. Sims
C. Horizontal recumbent
D. All of the above

29. During a Romberg test, the nurse asks the patient to assume which position?

A. Sitting
B. Standing
C. Genupectoral
D. Trendelenburg

30. All of the following statement are true about donning sterile gloves except:

A. The first glove should be picked up by grasping the inside of the cuff.
B. The second glove should be picked up by inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff outside the glove.
C. The gloves should be adjusted by sliding the gloved fingers under the sterile cuff and pulling the glove
over the wrist
D. The inside of the glove is considered sterile

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