Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
G 201 – 09
3.2 Other Definitions:
3.2.1 limit temperature, n—For enclosures operated in tem-
perature control mode, the specified black panel temperature at
which the circulating fan switches on in order to prevent or
minimize black panel temperature readings above the set
4. Summary of Practices
4.1 Specimens are exposed to light, moisture (in the form of
humidity) and heat in an outdoor glass-covered enclosure with
air circulation.
4.2 The exposure conditions may be varied by selection of:
4.2.1 Glass Type:
4.2.2 Operation of the circulating fan (whether constantly
on during daylight hours or only on when a specific limit
temperature is reached).
4.2.3 Temperature level at which the fan operates.
4.2.4 Orientation of the test fixture.
G 201 – 09
Legend: L = length of glass cover; W = width of glass cover; X = distance between glass cover and specimens
6.1.5 The enclosure shall be capable of being oriented in a 6.3.1 For enclosures with a temperature-controlled circulat-
manner mutually agreed upon between interested parties. The ing fan, one of the following black panel thermometer types
test report shall contain the orientation used. Possible exposure shall be installed in the enclosure:
orientations are: Automotive Black Panel—The black panel ther- Fixed tilt angle, typically in the range of 5 to 45 mometer shall be constructed of 0.60 6 0.06 mm (24 gauge)
degrees, with cabinet facing equator. sheet steel with dimensions of approximately 100 by 125 mm Fixed tilt angle, typically 51 degrees, with tracking (4 by 5 in.). The exposed surface of the black panel shall be
in rotation (azimuth). primed and painted with black high heat spray paint. Tracking azimuth and elevation in order to maintain Specification G179 Black Panel—The black panel
the exposure plane normal to the sun’s direct beam. thermometer shall be constructed in accordance with the Any other angle that is mutually agreed on by all requirements of Specification G179 with dimensions of ap-
interested parties may be used. In some instances, exposures proximately 100 by 125 mm (4 by 5 in.).
facing directly away from the equator or some other specific The type of black panel thermometer used shall be
direction may be desired. described in the test report. Regardless of which type of black
6.2 Glass Cover: panel is used, the black panel is exposed parallel to the glass at
6.2.1 The glass cover shall be flat glass of one of the the same respective depth from the surface of the glass as the
following types: exposed surface of the test specimen. The panel must be Clear Tempered Glass—The glass cover shall be mounted on 13 mm (1⁄2 in.) thick plywood, painted black,
non-laminated, tempered, clear flat glass having a nominal whose dimensions are at least 110 by 135 mm (43⁄8 by 53⁄8 in.)
thickness of 3 to 4 mm. The glass thickness used shall be with a machined recess to allow space for the temperature
included in the test report. sensor, thermocouple and their respective lead wires attached Clear Laminated Glass—The glass cover shall be to the back of the black panel. The black panel must be
laminated, clear flat glass having a nominal thickness of 5.8 fastened to the plywood with small screws near the corners of
mm and containing a PVB (polyvinyl butyral) inner layer with the panel. The black panel assembly shall be mounted in the
an approximate thickness of 0.76 mm (.030 in.). This type of plane of the test samples near the top edge of the sample
glass is typically used in automotive applications. mounting area no closer than 200 mm from the left or right Any other glass type as agreed upon between inter- edge of the glass cover as shown in Fig. 3.
ested parties. 6.4 Circulating Fan:
6.2.2 Wash the exterior and interior surfaces of the glass 6.4.1 The test enclosure shall be equipped with a circulating
cover every month (or more frequently, if required) to remove fan which directs air between the top surface of specimens and
dust particles and other undesirable material. the glass cover. This fan can be set to operate continuously
6.2.3 It is recommended that the spectral transmittance of during daylight hours, or based on the temperature reading
representative glass samples be measured. If transmittance is from a black panel thermometer. Unless otherwise specified,
measured, report the average for at least three representative when the circulating fan is switched off and on based on the
pieces of the lot of glass being used. Follow the instructions of temperature of a black panel thermometer, set the controller to
the UV-visible spectrophotometer used for measurement of the turn on at the desired limit temperature and off at a temperature
glass. If a spectrophotometer with an integrating sphere is used, that is 3°C less than the limit temperature.
the measurements shall be performed in accordance with Test 6.5 Over Temperature Protection:
Method E903. 6.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, test enclosures shall be
6.3 Black Panel Thermometer: equipped with over temperature protection to prevent specimen
G 201 – 09
at least three measurements in different locations if possible.
Mount test specimens in the test enclosure. For specimens that
come in direct contact with plywood, it is recommended that
plywood be covered with white card stock to shield specimens
from exudation from plywood.
7.5 If test enclosures are used in tracking mode, set the
enclosures to follow the sun between sunrise and sunset. If the
circulating fan is set to non temperature control mode, the fan
shall be switched on at sunrise and switched off at sunset.
Other start and stop times may be used for daylight operations.
If the circulating fan is set to a specified limit temperature, the
control can be set to operate 24 hours per day, or while
enclosures are following the sun.
7.6 Expose the test specimens and control specimens in the
FIG. 3 Black Panel Location glass-covered test enclosure continuously 24 hours a day and
remove from the cabinet only for inspection, return of speci-
mens, or to protect specimens from possible damage during
overheating in the event of a fan failure. The over temperature
severe weather events.
protection shall be set to operate at a temperature no greater
7.7 Measure the black panel temperature in the test enclo-
than 6°C above the limit temperature. The over temperature
protection shall cover the test enclosure or change the enclo-
sure orientation in order to prevent damage to specimens being 7.8 Optionally, measure and record daily the maximum,
exposed. minimum, and average air temperature and relative humidity in
6.6 Climatological Instruments: the vicinity of the test enclosure.
6.6.1 Within 1000 m of test enclosures shall be an area 7.9 Remove the test specimens and control specimens, if
designated for measuring climatological conditions such as used, from the enclosure based on one of the following:
ambient temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation. 7.9.1 Amount of Solar Radiant Exposure—Expose the test
6.6.2 Optionally, ambient air temperature and relative hu- specimens for a specified solar radiant exposure dose, either
midity can be measured in a shielded, elevated location. total (all wavelengths) or a selected wavelength band.
6.6.3 Solar Radiation: 7.9.2 Amount of Temperature Normalized Solar Radiant Instrumental means of measuring full-spectrum so- Exposure—Expose the test specimens for a specified tempera-
lar radiant exposure shall consist of a pyranometer connected ture normalized solar radiant exposure dose, measured using
to an integrating device to indicate the total energy received total solar radiation (all wavelengths) or solar radiation mea-
over a given period. The pyranometer shall be sensitive to solar sured in a selected wavelength band.
radiation received at a geometry similar to that over which 7.9.3 Predetermined Property Change—Expose the test
solar radiation is received by the test specimens. The pyranom- specimens (and any specified control specimen, if used) until a
eter shall meet the requirements of an ISO 9060 Second Class specified amount of property change has occurred in either the
instrument or better. The pyranometer shall be calibrated and test materials or control specimens.
operated in accordance with requirements in Practice G183. 7.9.4 Duration of Exposure—Expose the test specimens for Instrumental means of measuring solar radiant ex- a specified time period.
posure in specific wavelength regions (such as all or a portion 7.9.5 Any Other Specified Environmental Parameter.
of the ultraviolet spectrum) shall consist of a wavelength-band 7.10 Two methods can be used to determine solar radiant
specific global irradiance radiometer connected to an integrat- exposure under glass. Only record solar radiation while the
ing device to indicate the energy received in a specified instruments are in operation.
wavelength band over a given period (optional). The radiom- 7.10.1 Under Glass Measurement Method—Mounting the
eter shall be calibrated and operated in accordance with pyranometer under the glass produces a direct measurement of
requirements in Practice G183. solar radiant exposure under glass, RUG. The pyranometer or
UV-radiometer shall be mounted under glass having the
7. Procedure characteristics specified in 6.2.1. The glass shall be mounted
7.1 Select the test conditions for exposure using conditions parallel to the surface of the pyranometer or UV-radiometer
listed in Appendix X1, or any other condition agreed upon by sensor, 75 6 10 mm above it, and at the same orientation (tilt
interested parties. angle) as the glass cover and test specimens as specified in
7.2 If the enclosure is operated in temperature control mode, 6.1.5. For fixed tilt exposures without rotation, the glass shall
set the controller to the specified limit temperature. be at least 600 by 600 mm in size. For tracking exposures, the
7.3 Optionally, perform initial measurements on specimens glass cover shall be at least 375 by 375 mm in size.
prior to exposure using any agreed upon test method. 7.10.2 Under Glass Calculation Method—Mounting the
7.4 It is strongly recommended that at least three replicate pyranometer outside the enclosure produces a measurement of
specimens be used to allow for statistical evaluation of results. solar radiant exposure without glass (unfiltered), RS. The
If only one specimen is available, it is recommended to make transmission (t) of the glass is applied after measurement to
G 201 – 09
obtain RUG. The pyranometer or UV-radiometer shall be TNRi = Temperature Normalized Radiation calculated for
mounted outside the enclosure at the same orientation as a specific calculation period (expressed in TNR
specimens being tested. The radiant exposure shall be calcu- MJ/m2) using measurements of irradiance and
lated using the following equation: temperature. The calculation period used for deter-
RUG 5 RS 3 t (1) mining TNRi shall be one hour or less.
RUGi = Solar radiant exposure under glass (MJ/m2). Un-
where: less otherwise specified, RUGi shall be the accumu-
RUG = solar radiant exposure under glass lated solar radiant exposure during the calculation
RS = solar radiant exposure outside the enclosure period based on measurements performed at least
t = glass solar transmittance every 5 min..
The glass solar transmittance shall be determined using Test Ti = Temperature (°C) of the black panel placed in the
Method E1084. Test Method E1084 is a method for directly enclosure. Unless otherwise specified, Ti shall be
measuring the solar transmittance of the glass using the sun as the average of temperature measurements during
the source and a pyranometer as the sensor. The measurements the calculation period, based on measurements
shall be performed on at least three representative pieces of performed at least every 5 min.
glass. The pyranometer or UV-radiometer used to determine TNR = Temperature Normalized Radiation for the dura-
the glass solar transmittance must be of the same type and tion of the exposure test (expressed in
TNR MJ/m2). TNR is the summation of TNRi over
wavelength sensitivity as the pyranometer or UV-radiometer
the time of the exposure test.
used to determine radiant exposure.
Start = beginning of the exposure test.
7.10.3 The transmittance of the glass can also be determined End = end of the exposure test.
based on spectrophotometer measurements using Test Method
E903 (1996). If spectrophotometer measurements are used, the NOTE 1—Langleys (g-cal/cm2) is a non SI metric term for measuring
radiant exposure. The preferred units for measuring solar radiant exposure
measurements shall be performed on three representative
are J/m2.
pieces of glass. The calculated solar transmittance for Eq 1
shall be based on the spectral irradiance distributions in Tables 7.12 Sample Calculation for Temperature Normalized
G177 of UV only or in Tables G173 for total solar radiation. Radiation—Table 1 presents data from a 1 hr. period to show
7.11 Determination of Temperature Normalized Radiation the calculation of temperature normalized radiation based on
(TNR)—This calculation is typically used in automotive appli- TNR calculation interval of 5 min. The columns in this table
cations. Determine temperature normalized radiation using the are as follows:
following equations: (1) Date and Time
(2) Solar Radiant Exposure under glass for the incremental
TNRi 5 RUGie13.643– F 5000
Ti 1 273.15 G (2) 5-min. period
end (3) Black panel temperature measured during the incre-
TNR 5 ( TNRi
(3) mental 5-min. period
(4) Calculated Temperature Normalized Radiation for the
where: 5-min. period using Eq 2 and 3 in 7.11
G 201 – 09
7.12.1 For the first line in this table, the following represents 8.2 The Report may optionally contain the following infor-
a calculation of the temperature-normalized radiation: mation:
8.2.1 Applicable physical property or appearance data for
TNRi 5 ~0.0267!e 13.643– F 5000
100.3 1 273.15 G (4) each specimen obtained prior to exposure and after each
TNRi 5 0.344 (5) exposure increment, if measured. If replicate specimens are
7.13 Optionally, perform final measurements using any used, report the mean and standard deviation of each property
agreed upon test method. It is recommended if only one measured.
specimen, take three measurements. Take measurements at the 8.2.2 Methods used for measuring physical or appearance
same location as initial measurements. properties of test and control specimens.
8.2.3 Solar radiant exposure data expressed in SI units, if
8. Report measured.
8.1 The report shall include the following: 8.2.4 Maximum, minimum, and average daily temperatures,
8.1.1 Dates and location of exposure, including the latitude as well as cabinet air and specimen temperatures, if recorded.
of the exposure site. 8.2.5 Maximum, minimum, and average daily relative hu-
8.1.2 Type and thickness of glass used for the exposure. midity, as well as cabinet humidity, if recorded
8.1.3 Type of black panel thermometer used for the expo- 8.2.6 Any other specified environmental parameter.
8.2.7 Any variations from the specified conditions.
8.1.4 Orientation of the enclosure during the test.
8.1.5 Orientation of the specimens within the test enclosure,
such as parallel to glass, at an in-service orientation. 9. Keywords
8.1.6 Duration of exposure in terms of solar radiant expo- 9.1 cumulative spectral sensitivity curve; degradation; du-
sure, temperature normalized solar radiant exposure, or elapsed rability; exposure; light exposure; ultraviolet radiation;
time. weathering
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