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Astm D7238 20

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D7238 − 20

Standard Test Method for

Effect of Exposure of Unreinforced Polyolefin
Geomembrane Using Fluorescent UV Condensation
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7238; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-

1.1 This standard covers the specific procedures and test mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
conditions that are applicable for exposure of unreinforced Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
polyolefin geomembranes to fluorescent UV radiation and 2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
NOTE 1—Polyolefin geomembranes include high-density polyethylene D1238 Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics
(HDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), flexible polyproply-
ene (fPP), etc.
by Extrusion Plastometer
D5885/D5885M Test Method for Oxidative Induction Time
1.2 Test specimens are exposed to fluorescent UVA-340 of Polyolefin Geosynthetics by High-Pressure Differential
lamps under controlled environmental conditions. UVA-340 Scanning Calorimetry
lamps are standard for this method.
iTeh Standards
NOTE 2—Other types of fluorescent UV lamps, such as UVB-313, can
D6693/D6693M Test Method for Determining Tensile Prop-
erties of Nonreinforced Polyethylene and Nonreinforced

also be used based upon discussion between involved parties. However, if
the test is run with another type of fluorescent UV lamp, such as
UVB-313, this should be considered as a deviation from the standard and
Flexible Polypropylene Geomembranes
G113 Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weath-

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clearly stated in the test report. UVB-313 and UVA-340 fluorescent lamps
ering Tests of Nonmetallic Materials
generate different amounts of radiant power in different wavelength G151 Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accel-
ranges; thus, the photochemical effects caused by these different lamps erated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources
may vary. G154 Practice for Operating Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV)
1.3 This method covers the conditions under ASTM D7238-20Lamp Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials
which the
is to be performed and the test methods for evaluating G156 Practice for Selecting and Characterizing Weathering
the effects of fluorescent UV, heat, and moisture in the form of Reference Materials
condensation on geomembranes. General guidance is given in
3. Terminology
Practices G151 and G154.
1.4 The values listed in SI units are to be regarded as the 3.1 Definitions: (According to Terminology G113.)
3.1.1 control, n—a material which is of similar composition
and construction to the test material used for comparison,
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the exposed at the same time.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.1.2 irradiance, n—the radiant power per unit area incident
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
on a receiver, typically reported in units of W/(m2·nm) at
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
specified wavelength of measurement or in W/m2 in a specified
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
spectral range.
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3.1.3 reference material, n—a material with known perfor-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the mance.
3.1.4 ultraviolet regions, n—the UV region of the spectrum
is divided into three regions: UVA, radiation in wavelengths
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on
Geosynthetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.02 on Endur-
ance Properties. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved July 1, 2020. Published July 2020. Originally approved contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
in 2006. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as D7238 – 06 (2017). DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D7238-20. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7238 − 20
between 315 nm and 400 nm; UVB, radiation in wavelengths 6.3 The apparatus must include a feedback loop controller
between 280 nm and 315 nm; and UVC, radiation in wave- and be capable of controlling the irradiance level within the
lengths shorter than 280 nm (Ref. CIE Publication No. 20 guidelines set in Practice G154, Table X2.3, Operational
(1972)). Fluctuations On Exposure Conditions.
6.4 Exposure Chamber Location:
4. Summary of Test Method
6.4.1 The apparatus shall be located in an area maintained at
4.1 Geomembrane coupons are exposed to repetitive cycles temperature range between 18 and 27 °C (64 and 81 °F)
consisting of ultraviolet radiation at a specified temperature measured at a maximum distance of 150 mm (5.9 in.) from the
followed by moisture in the form of condensation at a specified plane door of the apparatus.
temperature in the absence of ultraviolet radiation. 6.4.2 It is recommended that the apparatus be located at
4.2 The UV source is provided by fluorescent UVA-340 least 0.3 m (12 in.) from walls or other test devices. Nearby
lamps, with lamp emissions peaking at 343 nm. heat sources, such as ovens or heated test devices, shall be
avoided or shielded because such sources can influence the
4.3 Water vapor shall be generated by heating water and
filling the chamber with hot vapor, which then is made to
6.4.3 The room where the apparatus is located shall be
condense on the front of the test coupons. The reverse side of
adequately ventilated to remove the heat and moisture pro-
the coupons is exposed to the cooling influence of ambient
duced and to maintain the temperatures specified in 6.4.1.
room air.
6.5 Instrument Calibration:
4.4 While this standard prescribes a particular set of expo-
6.5.1 To ensure standardization and accuracy, the instru-
sure conditions, such conditions may be varied by agreement
ments associated with the exposure apparatus (that is, timers,
between the parties involved in the agreement or contract. Such
thermometers, UV sensors, radiometers) require recurrent cali-
variation may include the irradiance, the selection of the
bration to ensure repeatability of test results. The calibration
fluorescent UV lamps, the duration of the UV and condensation
frequency recommended by the equipment manufacturer
exposure periods, the temperature of UV exposure, and the
should be used.
temperature of the condensation exposure.
iTeh Standards
4.5 The periodically removed coupons are cut into test
specimens, appropriately tested, and the results compared to
NOTE 5—It is recommended that a weathering reference material should
be evaluated at least once per year to assess the operation of the device.

Practice G156 describes procedures for selecting and characterizing
unexposed samples for determination of a percent retained for weathering reference materials used to establish consistency of operating
each property evaluated. conditions in a laboratory accelerated test.

5. Significance and Use Document Preview

7. Test Coupons
7.1 The number of coupons should be sufficient to produce
5.1 The use of this apparatus is intended to induce property
changes associated with the end-use conditions, including the five Test Method D6693/D6693M specimens from the expo-
effects of the UV portion of sunlight, moisture, and heat. D7238-20
sure areas for each exposure period, while discarding a width
Exposures are not intended to simulate the deterioration caused of at least 12.5 mm across the entire perimeter of the exposed
by localized weather phenomena, such as atmospheric coupon to avoid side effects.
pollution, biological attack, and saltwater exposure. 7.2 Prepare the test coupons so that the longer dimension of
NOTE 3—Refer to Practice G151 for cautionary guidance applicable to
the test coupon is the machine direction of the test material.
laboratory weathering devices. 7.3 Since the thickness of a coupon may markedly affect the
5.2 Variation in results may be expected when operating results, thickness of the test and control coupon shall be within
conditions are varied within the accepted limits of this method. 610 % of the nominal dimensions.
5.3 Test data for one thickness of a geomembrane cannot be 7.4 Retain adequate unexposed material for the determina-
used as data for other thickness geomembranes made with the tion of unexposed properties (tested one time to form the
same formula (polymer, pigment, and stabilizers) since the baseline for comparison of the exposed material properties).
degradation is thickness related.
8. Procedure
NOTE 4—It is recommended that a similar material of known perfor-
mance (a control) be exposed simultaneously with the test material to 8.1 Attach the coupons, backed by an aluminum panel, to
provide a standard for comparative purposes. When control material is the coupon holders in the equipment in such a manner that the
used in the test program, it is recommended only one coupon be used for specimens are not subjected to any applied stress.
each UV exposure period to allow for OIT testing.
NOTE 6—Some UV fluorescent devices have a central stiffening bar on
6. Apparatus the holder. To ensure that the entire coupon is exposed to ultraviolet
radiation, this bar should be removed prior to the start of the exposure
6.1 Fluorescent UV/Condensation Apparatus, complying cycle.
with Practices G151 and G154. 8.2 Place the coupon holders in the exposure device with the
6.2 Unless otherwise specified, the spectral power distribu- desired surfaces facing the lamps. If the coupons do not
tion of the fluorescent UV lamp shall conform to the require- completely occupy the racks, fill the empty spaces with blank
ments in Practice G154 for a UVA-340 lamp. panels to maintain proper test conditions within the chamber.

D7238 − 20
8.3 The extreme right- and left-hand coupon holders shall the one used in 9.2.1. At least 12.5 mm must be discarded
be equipped with blank aluminum panels and shall not be used across the perimeter of the specimen to avoid side effects. This
for coupon exposure. width may have to be increased for multi-component or
8.4 Program the exposure device to achieve the following reinforced geomembranes. Coupon(s) exposed in the oven
exposure conditions: should be selected so that the specimens tested after aging are
8.4.1 Twenty (20) h of UV with an uninsulated black panel as close as possible and aligned in machine direction with the
temperature set point of 75 °C (167 °F) alternating with 4 h specimens tested before aging.
condensation at 60 °C (140 °F), uninsulated black panel NOTE 8—The sampling requirement proposed in 9.3.1 aims at mini-
temperature set point. See Practice G154, Table X2.3, for the mizing the influence of the normal variation of the properties of a product
maximum allowable operational fluctuation of the temperature across its length and width, to better focus on the property change caused
by air-oven aging of the polymer. Should this requirement be impossible
to meet (for example, because of the size of the laboratory sample), the
8.4.2 Unless otherwise specified, apparatus with irradiance results of the test should be interpreted considering the potential deviation
control shall be set at the control point at an irradiance level of associated to the location of the test specimens across the width.
0.78 W/(m2·nm) at 340 nm. See Practice G154, Table X2.3, for NOTE 9—OIT and HP-OIT tests exhibit a normal repeatability (within
the maximum allowable operational fluctuation of the irradi- lab) which may be large enough to be in the same range than the actual
ance setting. property changes for some products and formulations. Good laboratory
practices must be followed to minimize deviations, and the results
8.4.3 If the operational fluctuation is greater than the maxi- interpreted accordingly. This includes testing OIT or HP-OIT before and
mum allowable from either the temperature and irradiance after aging on the same apparatus, immediately one after the other (that is,
setting at the control sensor during equilibrium operation, the within the same calibration cycle, with the same environmental conditions
test must be discontinued until the problem is solved. and using the same operator, etc.), or, when it is impossible to do so, using
a reference material with similar properties to monitor potential deviation
NOTE 7—Refer to Practice G154, Table X2.1, Note 1 for historical set caused by factors other than aging of the material.
point information.
9.3.2 Cut centrally located Test Method D6693/D6693M
8.5 Reposition coupons horizontally once a week by (1) test specimens from the removed coupons, and test them
moving the two extreme right-hand coupon holders to the far accordingly. Determine breaking strength and percent break

holders to the right. iTeh Standards

left of the exposure area, and (2) sliding the remaining coupon elongation at break of the five tensile specimens. Calculate the
average values of each property.

8.6 The exposure duration shall be 400, 800, 1200, 1600,
and 2000 h of UV or longer until sufficient change is obtained
9.3.3 Determine the melt index values of the three removed
coupons according to Test Method D1238 and calculate an

Document to these UV Preview

to establish trends in behavior. The total exposure times (UV average value. The test condition shall be same as that used in
time plus condensation time) corresponding 9.2.3.
exposures are 480, 960, 1440, 1920, and 2400 h, respectively.
NOTE 10—Tensile properties (Test Method D6693/D6693M) and melt
8.7 Remove the appropriate number of coupons (see 7.1) at index (Test Method D1238) may not show substantial changes within
each exposure time for material evaluation. ASTM D7238-201600 h of UV exposure.
9.4 Calculate the percent retained values of HP-OIT, break-
9. Evaluation of Changes in Material Properties ing strength, percent break elongation, and melt index at each
9.1 Test Methods to Be Utilized in the Evaluation Process: exposure time.
9.1.1 Test methods to be utilized in the evaluation process
for both unexposed (file) and exposed coupons include high- 10. Report
pressure oxidative induction time (HP-OIT) (Test Method 10.1 Report the following information:
D5885/D5885M), tensile strength (Test Method D6693/ 10.1.1 Type of lamp.
D6693M), and melt index (Test Method D1238). 10.1.2 Report irradiance in W/(m2·nm), or radiant exposure
9.2 Measurements on Unexposed Coupons: in J/(m2·nm), and the wavelength in which measurements were
9.2.1 Determine the HP-OIT of the unexposed geomem- made.
brane material as the baseline value. Test three replicates and 10.1.3 Coupon repositioning procedure, if different from the
use the average of three values in the calculations. procedure described in 8.5.
9.2.2 Determine the breaking strength and percent break 10.1.4 A listing of the results for the exposed tested coupons
elongation of five replicate specimens in the machine direction, for each exposure time and the results for the unexposed
as directed in Test Method D6693/D6693M. Use the average material.
values in the calculations. 10.1.5 A listing of the percent retained values for each
9.2.3 Determine the melt index (Test Method D1238) using exposure time.
190/2.16 on three replicate specimens. Use the average melt 10.1.6 Graphs of the percent retained values against expo-
index value in the calculations. sure times and appropriate curve fitting so as to establish trends
9.3 Measurements on Exposed Coupons: in the behavior.
9.3.1 Take three specimens from the centrally located areas 10.1.7 A statement indicating whether the fluorescent UV
of the removed coupons to determine the HP-OIT values. apparatus has been calibrated in accordance with the manufac-
Calculate the average value. The test method shall be same as ture’s recommendations.

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