Zoology Syllabus
Zoology Syllabus
Zoology Syllabus
Unit-I: Protozoa: Salient features and classification up to classes; Ultra-structure and life cycle and
diseases caused by Plasmodium vivax; Leishmania donovani, Trypanosoma brucei and
Entamoeba histolytica.
Proifera: Salient features and classification up to classes; Spicules; Cell types and Canal system
in sponges; Morphology and reproduction in Scypha sp.
Cnidaria & Ctenophora: Salient features and classification up to classes; Mophology and life
cycle of Obelia sp; Polymorphism in Cnidaria; Brief account of corals and coral reefs;
Ctenophora: Characters and affinities.
Unit-II: Platyhelminthes: Salient features and classification up to classes; Morphology and life cycle of
Fasciola hepatica and Echinococcus granulosum. Parasitic adaptations in platyhelminthes.
Nematoda: Salient features and classification up to classes; Morphology and life cycle of
Ascaris lumbricoides.
Unit-III: Annelida: Salient features and classification up to classes; Morphology, Digestive, Circulatory,
Excretory and Reproductive system of Pheretima posthuma.
Unit-IV: Mollusca: Salient features and classification up to classes; Torsion and coiling in gastropoda;
Morphology, Digestive, Respiratory, Nervous system and Sense organs of Pila globosa.
Echinodermata: Salient features and classification up to classes; Morphology and Water vascular
system of Asterias sp. Larval forms and development of echinoderms. Phylogenetic relationships
of echinoderms.
1. Parker & Haswell (revised by Marshal & Williams): A textbook of Zoology (Volume I)
2. Koptal: Modern Text Book of Zoology Invertebrates
3. Jordan & Verma: Invertebrate Zoology
4. Barnes: Invertebrate Zoology
BOS: 02.06.2018
II-SEM (CBCS Pattern)
Credits: 04
Sessional 30
End-Term Examination 70
Total: 100
Unit-II: Superclass Pisces: General characters and Classification up to Orders, Lung fishes:
Characteristics and distribution, Locomotion in fishes, Migration in fishes, Coloration.
Scoliodon: Morphology, Exoskeleton, Digestive, Circulatory and Urinogenital system.
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Amphibia: General characters and Classification up to Orders, Parental care, Neoteny.
Unit-III: Class Reptilia: General characters and classification up to Orders. Adaptation of reptiles as
the land vertebrates. Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. Poison apparatus and biting
Uromastix: Morphology, Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory and Urinogenital system.
Unit-IV: Class Aves: General characters and classification up to Orders. Adaptation to aerial mode of
life. Flight muscles and flight mechanism. Migration in Birds. Sexual dimorphism in birds.
Class Mammalia: General characters and classification up to Orders. Egg laying Mammals
and Marsupials. Aquatic adaptation in Mammals. Adaptations and diversity in Primates.
Oryctolagus (Rabbit): Morphology, Digestive, Circulatory and Urinogenital system.
Books recommended:
Parker & Haswell: Textbook of Zoology-Vertebrates (Vol. II)
(Revised by Marshall & Williams)
Young: The life of vertebrates
Kotpal: Modern Textbook of Zoology-Vertebrates
Jordan & Verma: Chordate Zoology
BOS: 02.01.2016
Credits: 04
Sessional 30
End-Term Examination 70
Total: 100
Unit-I: Introduction, history and scope of Ecology; Life supporting properties of water; Physical
factors: temperature, light, pH and salinity, thermal stratification, factors influencing light
penetration in water; Concept of limiting factors and laws governing these factors.
Unit-II: Unitary and Modular populations, Unique and group attributes of population: Density,
natality, mortality, life tables, fecundity tables, survivorship curves, age ratio, sex ratio,
dispersal; Exponential and logistic growth, equation and patterns, r and K strategies,
Population regulation: density-dependent and independent factors; Ecological niche;
Gause’s Principle with laboratory and field examples.
Unit-IV: Environmental ethics; Pollution: Air, water and noise pollution and their control; Natural
resources: Mineral, water and forest, their significance and conservation; Types of
biodiversity, Hotspots, benefit and threat of conservation strategies; Application of ecology
in wild life management, Conservation of biological diversity: National parks, Sanctuaries,
Biosphere reserve.
Books recommended:
Odum, E.P. & Barrett, G.W.: Fundamentals of Ecology
Stiling, P. : Ecology: Theories and application
Singh, H.R. : Environmental Biology
Subrahmanyam, N.S. & : Ecology
Sambamurty, A.V.S.S.
Dhaliwal,G.S., Sangha, : Fundamentals of Environmental Science
G.S. & Ralhan, P.K.
BOS: 02.06.2018
Unit-I: Introduction to public health and hygiene. Determinants and factors affecting health
and hygiene. Pollution and associated hazards; water and air borne diseases.
Prevention of diseases through health education and environment improvements.
Unit-II: Classification of foods (micro and macro nutrients). Balanced diet and malnutrition.
Diseases caused by deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Unit-III: Infectious agents responsible for diseases in humans. Communicable diseases such
as measles, polio, chickungunya, rabies, leprosy, tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis and
their preventive measures.
Books Recommended
Unit-II: Types of fish ponds and their management; Fish polyculture with special
reference to Indian major carps; Integrated fish farming and its significance.
Induced breeding and its significance in pisciculture.
Books Recommended
Credits: 04
Sessional 30
End-Term Examination 70
Total: 100
Unit-I: Introduction and Definition; History and basic concepts: Preformation, Epigenesis, Mosaic and
Regulative development; Discovery of induction and Cell interaction; Reproduction: Types
and significance; Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, Types of egg, egg
membranes; Fertilization: Structural and biochemical changes in gametes during and after
Unit-II: Planes and Patterns of cleavage; Fate maps and cell lineage; Blastulation: General process and
types; Gastrulation: General process and morphogenetic movement; Early development of
frog and chick up to gastrulation; General account of Tubulation and fate of germ layers; Extra
embryonic membranes: Structure and function; Implantation of embryo in human.
Unit-III: Placenta: Structure, types and function; Metamorphosis: Changes and hormonal regulation in
insects and Amphibians; Growth: Auxetic, multiplicative and accretionary (isometric and
allometric); Regeneration: Modes of regeneration, epimorphosis, morphollaxis and
compensatory regeneration; Ageing: Concepts and models.
Unit-IV: Teratogenesis: Teratogenic agents and their effects on embryonic development; In vitro
fertilization; Amniocentesis; Infertility: Definition and causes; Test tube baby: Techniques,
advantages and disadvantages; Stem cell culture; Gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT); Intra
cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI); Artificial insemination (AI).
Books recommended:
Unit-I Introduction to sericulture industry in India. Role of Central Silk Board and its
research institutes in promoting the silk industry. Types of commercial silk in
India. Mulberry and non-mulberry silkworm species, their distribution, host
plants and raw silk production from each variety. Concept of pure races and
hybrid, univoltine, bivoltine and tri-or multivoltine races of silkworm.
Unit-IV Insect pests and diseases of mulberry plantations and their control measures.
Diseases of silkworm, bombyx mori and their management. Pest in sericulture –
precocoon and postcocoon and their control measures.
Books Recommended
Credits: 02
Sessional 30
End-Term Examination 70
Total: 100
Unit-I: Origin and Evolution of life: Concept, process, product and sequence of evolution; Theories
of organic evolution; Evidences of organic evolution from Comparative anatomy,
Embryology and Palaeontology; Origin of diversity; Zoogeographical regions.
Unit-II: Structure and functions of vital organs; Heart: Cardiac cycle, Electrocardiogram (ECG),
Common heart diseases; Kidney: Different excretory products, Formation of urine,
Regulation of water and salts, Osmoregulation in aquatic animals; Lung: Breathing and gas
exchange; Transport mechanism of O2 and CO2, Oxygen dissociation curves; Endocrine
glands: Types, function and associated diseases.
Unit-III: Introduction and scope of Applied Zoology; Edible species of fishes; Fish culture: Sources of
fish feeds and induced breeding, Cultivable fish species, Fish by-products; Edible species of
prawn, lobsters and molluscs; Shell fish farming: Prawn and pearl oyster;
Unit-IV: Brief account of Sericulture, Apiculture and Lac-culture; Poultry industry and commercially
important poultry breeds in India; Meat, leather and wool industries, their production and
export potentials; Breeds of cattle and buffaloes, Dairy farming in India; Milk production and
Books recommended:
Unit-I: Comparative anatomy of integument from fishes to mammals; types external scales
in fishes viz., placoid, ganoid, cycloid, ctenoid; dermal scales in reptiles; derivatives
of integuments; hooves, antlers in mammals; feathers viz., contour, down and
filoplume and; evolution of heart; comparative anatomy of heart in vertebrates;
evolution of aortic arches and their significance.
Unit–III: Digestive system: Comparative anatomy of jaw suspension, oral cavity, teeth
(dentition in mammals); oesophagus, stomach and intestine in vertebrates;
comparative accounts of digestive glands viz., liver, pancreas, gall bladder.
Unit-IV: Urogenital system: Types of kidney, developmental stages of kidney and their ducts
in anamniotes; developmental stages of kidney and their ducts in amniotes;
comparative accounts of testes and ovaries from fishes to mammals.
Unit-I: Introduction to animal behaviour: brief history and scope. Types of stimuli:
internal and external cues. Kinds of behaviour: foraging behaviour, territorial
behaviour, mate selection and courtship behaviour, parental care, defensive
behaviour, allelomimetic and maladaptive (abnormal) behaviour.
Books recommended:
1. Animal Behaviour (Ethology) by Reena Mathur
2. Ethology (Animal Behaviour) by Satguru Prasad
3. Animal Behaviour (Ethology) by Devid Farland
4. Animal Behaviour (Ethology) by V.K. Agarwal
BOS: 02.06.2018
Credits: 04
Sessional 30
End-Term Examination 70
Total: 100
Unit-II: Biochemistry and Physiology: Physiological Salines, Buffers and the use of pH meter.
Extraction of Tissue Glycogen, Proteins, Lipids and Nucleic Acids by Graaf’s Method.
Subcellular Fractionation by Differential Centrifugation. Basic Principle and Application
of Colorimetry and Spectrophotometry, Beer-Lambert’s Law. Separation of Biomolecules
by Native PAGE, 2D PAGE, Agarose gel electrophoresis and Chromatography.
Unit-IV: Cell Culture and Laboratory Animals: Cell culture and its basic requirements. Culture
media-Nutrient and Non-nutrient, commonly used media for human cell lines. Sterilization
of culture wares and Media. Lymphocyte culture. Cell harvesting and Storage Methods. In
Vitro culture of Entamoeba histolytica, Coenorhabditis elegans. Maintenance and
Handling of laboratory rats and rabbits. Bioethics.
Books recommended:
Credits: 04
Sessional: 30
End-Term Examination: 70
Total: 100
Unit-I: Definition of wildlife. Values of wildlife- positive and negative. Status of wildlife in India;
endangered birds and mammals of India. Wildlife rich areas of India with reference to hotspot
sites. Introduction to protected areas in India: Wildlife sanctuaries, National parks, Biosphere
reserves, Conservation reserves and CommUnity reserves.
Unit-II: Management practices in protected areas of India: Grassland management (burning, cutting
etc.), Logging of forests and its impact on habitat. Wetlands as major habitat for waterfowl.
Carrying capacity of habitat and its evaluation. Fire as management tool for wildlife habitat
Unit-III: Concepts of zoning in protected areas: Core zone, buffer zone, multiple use zone. Forest fires
and its impact on wild life habitat. Wildlife corridors. Weeds and their management. Wildlife/
Eco-tourism in protected areas and its significance. Management of locally abundant wildlife
population by translocation.
Unit-IV: IUCN categories of conservation status of species such as endangered, vulnerable, near
threatened, threatened and least threatened taxa. Wildlife conservation and NGOs: BNHS,
WWF-India, Wetlands International; Major initiatives taken by Government of India for wild
life conservation such as Indian Board of Wildlife (IBWL). Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), RAMSAR sites. Wildlife Protection Act 1972, its amendments and
implementation. Project Tiger; Project Elephant; Rhino reintroduction; Lion conservation.
Suggested Readings:
Books recommended:
Unit-I: General structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Major organic and inorganic constituents
of cells (ions, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes and nucleic acids). Structure and
function of plasma membrane (fluid mosaic model and Unit mosaic model). Structure and
function of extra-nuclear cell organelles (mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, lysosomes, ribosomes, polysomes, microsomes and plasmids). The cytoskeleton:
microfilaments, microtubules tonofilaments / intermediate filaments
Unit-II: Structure and function of the nuclear membrane. Chromatin fibres, chromosomes –
nomenclature, types and structure. Salient stages in mitosis and meiosis. The eukaryotic
cell cycle. DNA structure and variants; RNA structure and variants.
Unit-III: Introduction to tissues. Histological techniques. Epithelial tissue: types, structure and
characteristics. Apical surface modifications: striated/brush border, cilia, flagella, sterocilia.
The basement membrane: structure and characteristics. Cell junctions. Exocrine glands:
types, structure and classification. Endocrine glands: characteristics and structure of
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and adrenals. Connective tissue: Classification of
connective tissue. Connective tissue cells, fibres and ground substance. Structure and
function of loose, dense and adipose tissue. Cartilage: hyaline, elastic and fibrous.
Unit- IV: Bone: classification, gross organization and fine structure. Development of long bone. Blood:
characteristics of plasma. Types of blood cells – their structural and functional
characteristics. Lymph and its characteristics. Bone marrow and haemopoeisis. Structure &
function of spleen. Muscular tissue: organization, structure including ultrastructure of
smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Muscle tendon attachment.
Organization of nervous tissue. Structure and classification of neurons. Types of supporting
(glial) cells and their function. Myelin sheath and its formation. Types of sensory nerve
endings. Degeneration and regeneration of neurons. Membranes of the brain and spinal
Books recommended:
1. Powar: Cell Biology
2. Cooper: The Cell – a molecular approach
3. Karp: Cell Biology
4. Bloom & Fawcett: A Textbook of Histology
5. Kelly, Wood & Enders: Bailey’s Textbook of Microscopic Anatomy
6. Majumdar: A Textbook of Histology
BOS: 02.06.2018
Unit – I: Introduction and scope of Applied Zoology and its role in human welfare,
pharmaceuticals from animals, sea food: fish by-products, value addition,
MPEDA, HACCP, FSSAI, Animal-waste recycling, biogas and its
production, types of biogas plants and their functioning.
Unit–II: Edible species of fishes; fish culture: Source of fish seeds and induced
breeding, cultivable fish species. Types of fish ponds, management of fish
culture farm, harvesting and marketing. Polyculture of Indian major carps.
Edible species of prawn, lobster and mollusks, shellfish farming: prawn and
pearl oyster.
1. H.C. Nigam: Modern Trends in Biology & Economic Zoology
2. G.S. Shukla and V.B. Upadhyay: Economic Zoology
3. P.D. Srivastava: Economic Zoology
4. Prakash Malhotra: Economic Zoology
5. P.R. Venkitaraman: Textbook of Economic Zoology
BOS: 02.06.2018
Unit-III: Introduction, Basic concepts, Sampling and its Techniques, Sample Mean, Median,
Mode Variance, Random Samples and Random Numbers, Sample SD, SEM;
Collection, Classification, Tabulation and Presentation of Data; Idea of Significance,
t-tests, X2 tests; Correlation of Measurements, Correlation Coefficients and
Significance Tests.
Recommended Books:
1. Bioinformatics-A practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins by Baxevanis & Ouellette.
2. Bioinformatics by SK Agarwal
3. Bioinformatics by Arunima Mukherjee
4. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by Jonathan Pevsner
5. An introduction to Experimental Design and Statistics for Biology by David Heath
6. Statistical Methods in Biology by Baily
7. Biostatics- How it Works by Steve Selvin
8. Biostatics by Sarma, Reddy, Pullaiah.