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D 4328 97 PDF
D 4328 97 PDF
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 11.01 and 11.02.
1000 3 D
5.10 Determine temperature and pressure of the water 5 BaSO4, ~molal2! 3 103 3 233 3 TDS 1 1000
system under investigation. 1000
6. Calculation of Ionic Strength
6.1 Calculate the ionic strength of the water under investi- where D 5 sample density.
gation as follows:
8. Calculation of Strontium Sulfate Supersaturation
µ 5 2(CiZi2 (1) (Refer to Appendix X1)
8.1 Calculate strontium sulfate solubility using the same
where: steps described for BaSO4(Section 7), but substituting the
µ 5 ionic strength, appropriate values for SrSO4 in Eq 2 (Refer to Appendix X3 or
Ci 5 molal concentration of each ion in solution, and Appendix X4).
Zi 5 charge number of ion, i.
NOTE 3—If barium sulfate supersaturation exists, the amount of sulfate
7. Calculation of Barium Sulfate Supersaturation (Refer available for strontium sulfate will be less by the amount of sulfate
to Appendix X1) equivalent to the calculated BaSO4 supersaturation.
7.1 Calculate barium sulfate solubility in the water under NOTE 4—If carbonate ions are present, strontium carbonate may
investigation, using the equation as follows: precipitate. The amount of strontium may then be corrected by that
required for strontium carbonate precipitation prior to the calculation of
S 5 ~=X 2 1 4K 2 X!/2 (2) SrSO4 solubility. (6) Practically speaking, however, due to the extremely
low solubility of SrCO3, this correction may usually be omitted.
where: 8.2 Calculate the amount of strontium sulfate moles per
S 5 solubility, moles of solute per kilogram of water kilogram water in the sample based on the lesser of the
corrected for the common ion effect, strontium or remaining sulfate ion concentration.
K 5 solubility product constant (molal) at the ionic
8.3 If the amount of SrSO4 in the sample (8.2) is less than
strength, temperature and pressure of the water under
its calculated solubility (8.1), the water in question is under-
investigation. For BaSO4 refer to Appendix X2, and
saturated with respect to SrSO4. If the amount of SrSO4 present
X 5 molal excess of soluble common ion.
is greater than its solubility, the water is supersaturated with
7.2 Calculate the amount of barium sulfate, moles per
respect to SrSO4. Calculate the amount of supersaturation,
kilogram of water, in the sample based on the lesser of the
moles per kilogram water by difference (Eq 3), or by substi-
barium or sulfate ion concentration.
tuting appropriate data in Eq 4 (Note 2).
7.3 If the amount of BaSO4 in the sample (7.2) is less than
8.3.1 Report SrSO4 supersaturation in terms of the weight of
its calculated solubility (7.1), the water in question is under-
SrSO4 per volume of water as follows:
saturated with respect to BaSO4. If the amount of BaSO4
present is greater than its solubility, the water is supersaturated SrSO4 supersaturation mg/L
with respect to BaSO4. Calculate the amount of supersaturation
as the difference between the two values: 1000 3 D
5 SrSO4, ~molal! 3 103 3 184 3 TDS
supersaturation 5 concentration 2 solubility
1000 1 1000
NOTE 2—Supersaturation may also be calculated directly from the
equation (1)4 9. Calculation of Calcium Sulfate Supersaturation (Refer
11 to Appendix X1)
~@Ba # 2 y!~@SO45# 2 y! 5 K (4)
9.1 Calculate calcium sulfate solubility using the same steps
where: described for BaSO4(Section 7), but substituting the appropri-
Ba++ 5concentration of barium, molal, ate values for CaSO4 in Eq 2 (Refer to Appendix X5).
SO45 5concentration of sulfate, molal, 9.2 Calculate the amount of calcium sulfate moles per
y 5excess (supersaturation) of BaSO4, molal, and kilogram in the sample based on the lesser of the calcium or
K 5solubility product constant (molal) of BaSO4 at remaining sulfate ion.
test conditions. 9.3 If the amount of CaSO4 in the sample (9.2) is less than
The value X may then be determined from the quadratic its calculated solubility (9.1), the water in question is under-
equation (see Appendix X1): saturated with respect to CaSO4. If the amount of CaSO4
2B 6 =B 2 2 4 AC present is greater than its solubility, the water is supersaturated
X 5 2A with respect to CaSO4. Calculate the amount of supersaturation
moles per kilogram by difference (Eq 3) or by substituting
appropriate data in Eq 4 (Note 2).
The boldfaced numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of 9.3.1 Report CaSO4 supersaturation in terms of the weight
this standard. of CaSO4·2H2O (gypsum) per volume of water after converting
(Nonmandatory Information)
Convert moles/L to molal 5 moles/L 3
~Sp gr 3 1000! 2 1000
5 moles/L 3
1078 2 106.5
5 moles/L 3 1.029
0.1 1.54 3 10 −9
2.00 3 10 −9
2.70 3 10 −9
3.34 3 10 −9
3.76 3 10 3.97 3 10−9
0.2 2.70 3.36 4.76 5.93 7.06 7.74
0.4 4.49 5.63 7.92 10.61 13.69 16.13
0.6 6.08 7.74 11.03 15.38 20.45 24.97
0.8 7.74 9.60 13.69 20.16 26.57 33.49
1.0 9.22 11.24 16.38 24.02 32.76 42.02
1.5 12.54 15.38 22.20 32.40 44.94 62.00
2.0 15.63 19.04 27.23 39.60 56.17 78.96
2.5 18.23 21.90 31.33 44.94 63.50 93.64
3.0 20.74 24.65 34.97 49.73 70.23 107.57
3.5 23.41 27.56 38.81 53.82 76.73 120.41
4.0 25.92 30.63 42.44 58.08 82.94 132.50
4.5 28.56 34.23 45.80 63.00 89.40 144.40
X4.1 Experimental SrSO4 solubility data have been re- µ 5 solution ionic strength,
duced to the following regression equation for calculating the T 5 temperature,° K.
solubility product constant ( K) at various solution ionic X4.1.1 Coefficients of the above equation for R are as
strengths over a temperature range of 100 to 300°F (38 to follows:
149°C) and pressures up to 3000 psig. The equation is
adaptable to computer calculation which can then substitute the
value for K in Eq 2 (Section 6) for computing the solubility of A 5 0.266948 3 10 −3
SrSO4 at desired conditions. B 5 −244.828 3 10 −3
C 5 −0.191065 3 10 −3
Log KSrSO4 5 X/R
D 5 53.543 3 10 −6
where: E 5 −1.383 3 10 −12
X 5 1/T, F 5 1.103323 3 10−6
R 5 A+BX+Cµ1/2+Dµ+EZ2+FXZ+Gµ1/2Z, G 5 −0.509 3 10− 9
Z 5 pressure (psig),
(1) Ostroff, A. G., “Introduction To Oilfield Water Technology,” a NACE of Strontium Sulfate,” presented at NACE Middle East Oil Technical
publication, second edition, 1979. Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, March 1981.
(2) Templeton, C. C., “Solubility of Barium Sulfate In Sodium Chloride (5) McDonald, Jr., J. P., Skillman, H. L., and Stiff, Jr., H. A., Paper No.
Solution From 25°C to 95°C,” J. Chem. and Engineering Data, 5 No. 906-14-I, “A Simple Accurate, Fast Method For Calculating Calcium
4, Oct. 1960, p. 514. Sulfate Solubility In Oilfield Brine,” presented at the Spring Meeting
(3) Goldberg, J. B., Jacques, D. F., and Whiteside, W. C., SPE 8874,
of the South Western District, API, Lubbock, TX, 1969.
“Strontium Sulfate Solubility and the Effects of Scale Inhibitors,”
presented at NACE Middle East Oil Technical Conference/79, Bahr- (6) Fletcher, G. E., French, T. R., and Collins, A. G.,“ A Method for
ain, March 9–12, 1979. Calculating Strontium Sulfate Solubility, U.S. Department of Energy
(4) Bourland, B. I., and Jacques, D. F. SPE 9625, “A Study of Solubility Publication DOE/BETC/BI-80/10, April 1981.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.