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Practical Research

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Chapter 1



Information and Communication Technology commonly termed as ICT comes

from the acronym IT and CT and refers to methods of storing, manipulating and

communicating information. Information Technology (IT) as defined by the Smart

Computing Dictionary, a general term used to describe any technology that helps to

produce, manipulate, store, communicate, or disseminate information. IT refers to the

most expensive, complex computers, with devices usually dealing with electronic data in

binary format. However, these IT machines are not able to communicate with one

another. (CT) Communication Technology the term used to describe telecommunications

equipment through which information can be sought and accessed. (New Zealand MOE,


Globally, educational systems are adopting new technologies to integrate ICT in

the teaching and learning process, to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they

need in their subject matter. In this way the teaching profession is involving from

teacher-centered to students-centered learning environment.

“ICT Integration is understood as the usage of technology seamlessly for

educational process like transacting curricular content and students working on

technology to do authentic task” (Kainth and Kaur, 2010). Nowadays ICT facilitate not

only the delivery of lessons but also the learning process itself. This includes computer

based technologies, digital imaging, the internet, file servers, data storage devices,
network infrastructure, desktops, laptops and broadcasting technologies namely radio and

television, and telephone which are used as instructional tools at schools.

ICT has very strong effect in education and it provides enormous tools for

enhancing teaching and learning. There have been many studies that have highlighted the

various ways that ICT may support teaching and learning processes in arrange of

disciplinary fields such as the construction of new opportunities for interaction between

students and knowledge and accessing information ICT enable new ways teaching and

learning when used appropriately under right conditions such as suitable resources,

training and support, ICT also offers the potential to meet the learning needs of individual

students, to promote equal opportunity , to offer learning material, and also promote

interdependence of learning.

The enormous challenge teachers are facing in our society due to the rapid

expansion of knowledge. The modern technology in their teaching. Hence these new

technologies increase the teacher’s training needs.

Teacher’s attitudes toward computers are a key factor in the successful

implementation of ICT in education. They pointed out that teachers do not always have

positive attitudes toward computers and their poor attitudes toward computer based

projects. ( Gressard and Loyd, 1986 )

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) Integration to the students academic performance in

Mathematics. What are the main factors that affect the learning interests of the Sawang

National High School both Junior and Senior High School in the field of Mathematics?

This research will tackle more on students academic performance on ICT, why
they are more willing to learn. You will know what the backgrounds of ICT its

importance to the society.

Investigating ICT-Related issues is strongly time related. Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) has quickly, with in the last ten years, becomes a part

of ordinary life. So the learning interests of the student are become deeply wide.

The results of this indicate the academic performance of Sawang National High

School Students in Mathematics and it’s reflect to Sawang National High School


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the concept of Jamieson – Pocteretal.., (2013) citied

that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Integration in education

generally means technology – based teaching and learning process that closely related to

the utilization of learning technologies in schools. Due to the fact that students are

familiar with technology and they will learn better with in technology – based

environment, the issues of ICT Integration schools especially in the classroom is vital.

This is because the use of technology in education contributes a lot in the pedagogical

aspects in which the application of ICT will lead to effective learning with the help and

supports from ICT elements and components.

Furthermore, are search by Chien, Wu and Hsu (2014) has shown that students in

school are having high expectation on ICT Integration in classroom as the new generation

are born and grown with technologies and could be define as the digital - native

phenomenon. This research also shows that the acceptance of ICT of teachers and

students in classroom and outside of classroom where by both are more likely to use

technologies outside the classroom. They found that the barriers of ICT Integration in
classroom are confidence, competence and attitudes of teachers reduce of percentage of

ICT Integration.

The schema of the study is presented in Figure 1. The First box represents the ICT

Integration of Sawang National High School students. In the second box represents the

profile of the students in terms of Gender and age which reflects on the students

academic performance that found in the third box.

 Gender IN

Figure 1 Schema of the Study

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to analyze the effects of ICT Integration to the academic

performance of Sawang National High School Students in Mathematics.

Furthermore, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Gender?

1.2. Age?

2. What are the effects of ICT Integration to the students academic performance in

Significance of the study

This study aimed to contribute to the pool of knowledge on Information and

Communication Technology (ICT). This study is also beneficial to the following:

Students. This will serve as their daily learning strategies to their life, education, and in

positive thoughts of using ICT.

Parents. ICT can give work and serve as their contribution of their knowledge that can

make them their child to gain more knowledge and skills for their future.

Teachers.This will serve as guide in integrating ICT in their day to day teaching the


Future Researcher. This serves as reference and guide to the future researcher whose

topic is relate to this.

School administrator. ICT can give a new ways of teaching and can helps in enhancing

and easy teaching methods.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study conducted twenty eight (28) students respondent in grade 8 in Sawang

National High School who graded in their first quarter and 2nd quarter grade in


Definition of Terms

The researchers use definition

File Server- is a server that provides access to files.

ICT- Prefer to technologies that provide access to Information through


Internet- is a worldwide network of computers that are connected and are using

the communication method called TCP/IP.

Laptop- Computers, also known as notebooks, are portable computers that you

can take with you and use in different environment

Network Infrastructure- is the hardware and software resources of an entire

network that enable network connectivity, communication, operations and management

of an enterprise network.

PowerPoint- Is a presentation program develops by Microsoft. It is included in

the standard office suite along with Microsoft Word and Excel.

Storage Device- is any computing hardware that is use for storing, porting, and

extracting data files and objects.

Smartphone- is a term use to describe a category of mobile devices with

computer-like functionality.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents the literature and studies that have barring on the present



Today’s generation we are facing the 21st century, that all used is Technology it is

a big help on us and also to the teachers because that is the easiest way to use on their

teaching style especially to the teachers in Sawang National High School who are using

ICT Integration in their teaching style.

The novice language teacher had attended trainings that mostly focused on

general computer applications such as word-processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and

databases. The experienced language teacher had attended equipment-specific trainings

like the use of laptops, interactive while boards, etc. He also participated in on-line

communities for professional discussions with other teachers. Both responded that they

had personal learning about ICT. It may be drawn out from the responses that the

experienced language teacher had attended more trainings relative to ICT as compared to

the novice language teacher. The trainings attended by the latter are basic computer

applications, while the former engaged in technology-used, multimedia course, and social

networking. This relates to the previous response of the experienced language teacher.

Since most of the themes of the trainings and courses he attended need Internet access,

he cannot apply the knowledge and skills he gained in the actual teaching scenario. This

may be the reason why he only makes use of ICT in his language class on a relatively low

percentage of time. As such, the situation leads to the idea that computers that are not
connected to the Internet need canned software-based language teaching-learning

applications to ease language instructions (Correos 2014).

Sipasio (2014) identified the challenges faced by language instructors on the

implementation of E-Portfolio via Facebook in a Philippine university. The researcher

made use of participatory development framework. Data were taken from the interviews

and feedback forms of participants from the department chair and project/program

committee, implementers/teachers, and students were subjected to content analysis.

Results revealed that students were strongly apprehended to publish their writings online,

while the teachers’ resistance towards the use of Facebook as an educational tool was

dominant among their responses. Some of the challenges perceived by both groups of

respondents include the potential threat of academic dishonestly and identity theft in the

virtual space. It was therefore recommended that participatory mechanism be adopted in

the university to meet the demands of evFB.

Krista Garcia ‘’RAPPLER’’ (Published 12:50 PM, March 21, 2016) better ICT

means better education for all. The Department of Education recognized the key role of

information and communications technology (ICT) in improving the state of education.

The internet, with its capacity to hold an infinite number of resources, can provide

accessible and comprehensive education for students, wherever they may be in the

country. Online learning data basis do not waste precious natural resources. A single

laptop and projector setup, for example, can be used for a learning session for an entire

classroom. In lieu of books and papers, students can access module, submit assignments,

and consult with their teachers and classmates online. Teachers can also benefit from

learning tools that do not required traditional logistics and multiple materials. For

example, the DepEd has launched the Learning Resources Management and
Development System (LRMDS), a portal for online teaching and learning materials

created by teachers and education partners. In a previous launch statement, current

DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro said: ‘’ These Programs will help our learners have more

access to relevant, up-to-date and quality education materials. It also provides a database

to our educators where they can derive their lessons from. These materials assist them in

their lesson plans, and may also give an array of contextualized classroom discussions. ‘’

Bong Santisteban ‘’RAPPLER’’ (Published 9:28 AM, December 11, 2017)ICT

Education Should bridge tech gaps between teacher, student- DepEd. Andaya says that

teachers should adopt to technological advances in education in order to allow maximum

learning with the use of modern gadgets. Manila, Philippines- With emerging trend in

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education, the Department of

Education (DepEd) is addressing technology gaps among teachers and students.

DepEd’s Bureau of Curriculum Development Director Jocelyn DR. Andaya said

in a speech during the Education Summit last December 5, that closing the technological

gaps in ICT is the first step to enhancing the quality of education in the Philippines.

“For the framework to work, a transformational enabling environment must be in

place. While the learners are digital natives, most of the teachers today are digital

immigrants,” she said students are all digital natives - fluent “speakers” of the digital

language of computers, video games, and the internet, while teachers are digital

immigrants who were not born into the digital world but have adopted many aspects of

the new technology. Both terms were coined by Marc Prensky in 2001.

It is within this context that DepEd has been working in terms of closing the

technological gaps in ICT. Andaya also said that teachers should adapt totechnological

advances in education to allow maximum learning with the use of modern gadgets.
In the consultative workshop during the Education Summit, school heads from all

over the country raised their concerns regarding ICT Integration. According to them,

school heads must have enough capacity and appreciation of the benefits of ICT through

proper resource management. They also stressed the importance of strategic external

partnerships from private sectors. To address this, they suggested that a regular training

program for teachers they developed and periodic ICT for a beheld where teachers across

all levels can exchange ideas to advance the quality of ICT education on the country. The

kick starts the integration of the ICT program, DepEd initiated the Learners’ Information

System (LIS) that shows real-time registration of learners enrolled in public schools. LIS

is a tool to manage information and seeks to promote transparency informed decision

making, and empowerment at different levels of the organization. (READ: The

Philippines needs an ICT revolution, now)

Since its installations, LIS has allowed DepEd to generate total public school

enrollment based on the actual registration of learners.

Andaya (2017) also stressed the role of information technology in harnessing the

abilities of students under the Special Education (SPED) Program.“For SPED, ICT can

also support learners with special needs through the help of adaptive and assistive devices

and technology. These tools are used to assist the learners with disabilities to maintain

and improve their function capabilities, thus able to meet the same competencies,”

Andaya said (READ: Education and the Internet for a sustainable PH).

To fully realize this, Andaya said that teachers should understand that ICT is both

a platform and tool for delivering instructions. “ICT integration in digital literacy focuses

on learning about ICT itself, how the technology works, and how it is used in addressing

the need for inclusive education,” she added (READ: Education and the Internet for a
sustainable PH) Andaya emphasize that to bridge the technological divide among

educators and students, the challenge is to develop teachers who do not just teach, but

also innovate. Part of the challenge is making advancement not via competition, but


“As educators, our job is not to prepare kids for something. Rather, our job is to

help kids learn to prepare themselves for anything,” Andaya said.-Rappler.com.

Bonifacio(2013) believes that ICT must be used and taught in powerful and

meaningful ways. This may only be done through changing curricular standards for ICT

or as he calls it, a result-oriented paradigm shift. The necessity of acquiring technological

know-how through ICT in the 21st century arena may have been considered extremely

important by the novice and experienced language teachers – the reason why they

“strongly agreed” on the said premise on another note, the idea that radical changes

should be initiated in the school to accommodate ICT use was also perceive as necessary

by both subjects. Hence, the novice language, “agreed” with it, while the experience

language teacher “strongly agreed.”

On Gallaire,2014 ;the world is becoming challenged and interlinked due to the

continuous advancements in the human society. In the changing global technological

landscape, what compounds the difficulty in anticipating technological evolution is not

just a lack of understanding of the technology per se -with in itself is a formidable

question given the spread of change in Information but also the fact that is possible does

not always come to pass and what comes to pass may scarcely seem possible. Society

ultimately chooses which among all potential evolution will become real by deciding

where to invest and what to accept, adopt, or reject.

Wertlen (2014);defines Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a

general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store,

communicate, and or disseminate information.

Fu, (2013) stated; that numerous studies have been undertaken to investigate the

relationship between ICT and Students' performance. These studies posed two core


First, it is difficult to determine the performance of students since the common

approach used by many researchers accredits the curriculum responsible for the

performance achievement in terms of grade.

Second, lies in technological changes that are rampant where it is difficult to treat

their impact different form their environment. This aspect therefore makes such research

attract high contention on the ground that rapid changes in technology would render the

used parameters ineffective; therefore, no conclusive results can be drawn from such



Chai, Koh and Tsai (2013) undertook an extensive literature review (74 papers) of

TPACK and highlighted a number of relevant studies that applied the conceptual

framework. They claim that “Integration ICT into classroom teaching and learning”

continues to be “challenging” for teachers and that at times they feel inadequately prepare

for this task (Chai Koh& Chai,2013. p. 31). The researchers believe that TPACK is an

important conceptual framework which will guide research into teacher’s use of ICT in

the classroom. While useful to understand the measures of success of technology

integration at the classroom level, TPACK would be limiting to the study, as the study
does not intend to measure the success of technology integration, instead it aims to

understand the process required for implementation of the ICT policy.

Al harbi,( 2014b). ICT has become an important requirement for participation in

society and the workplace. All learners need to become competent with ICT skills to fully

engage in social activities. This is particularly important as public and other services are

increasingly available online. Finally, ICT has the potential to transform pedagogical

practices and increase the breadth and richness of teaching and learning.

Kolbakova’s (2014) research study aimed at reviewing findings carried out among

English Teachers from Estonia and others across Europe and Asia. The study further

identified the relations to ICT use when teaching ordinary students and students with

language differences. It was found out that even though preferences of teachers are

generally similar, differences. It was found out that ICT tools, ICT-related tasks, and

activities between the respondents from Estonia and others from Europe and Asia.

Finally, it was revealed that teachers from the aforesaid research locales make use of the

same ICT- related materials when teaching ordinary students and students with language


European School net’s (2013) Survey of Schools: ICT in Education which aims to

benchmark progress in ICT in education in some selected European countries by serving

students , head teachers and teachers on availability and use , including opinions and atti-

tudes, of ICT in schools.

Salleh and Laxman (2014b) carried out a study in Brunei (Australia), primary

schools to examine strategies adopted by school leaders to promote the use of ICT in

learning and how these strategies are related to teacher’s awareness to use ICT in their

classroom practices pedagogically. It was evident from the study that principals envisage
strategic planning and ICT goals as key policy blueprints in incorporating ICT in the

teaching and learning process.

Salleh and Laxman,(2014b,p.354). It was also interesting to note that majority of

the principals confirmed the use of ICT in the teaching process as a requirement for all

teachers in their schools Consequently, since many teachers held the belief that using ICT

was a need in the schools, a majority of them were actively using ICT in their pedagogic

activities More so Salleh and Laxman (2014b) suggested that in enhancing the use of ICT

in the school, principals can; play a role as motivator who encourages teachers to use

ICT,give moral support to sustain teachers’ use of ICT in teaching, facilitate or

necessitate teachers’ use of ICT in teaching thereby acting as an enforcer (Salleh &

Laxman, 2014b,p 357)

Sawang, Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte
Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Integration to the Students Academic Performance in

A Research
Presented to the Committee of
Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for



Republic of the Philippines
Sawang, Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte




SCHOOL, this research entitled Effects of Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) Integration to the Students Academic Performance in

Mathematics has been prepared by ARGIE JONES M. PINGOL, DANICA D.


who are hereby recommended for FINAL DEFENSE.

Republic of the Philippines
Sawang, Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte



The research entitled “EFFECTS OF INFORMATION AND




JOY B. PANCHO, and SUZZANE MAY B. BUHISAN, has been examined, accepted

and approved by the Research Committee with the rating of __________ .



Vice Chairman


Member Member


Member Member / Statistician


Member/ Censor
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the method used, research environment, the research

instrument and the data gathering procedure.

Method Used

The study utilized a descriptive method of research. It addresses the effects of ICT

Integration to the students academic performance in Mathematics to their first quarter and

2nd quarter grade. The researchers are interested to know if there are significant

differences between using ICT and Non ICT. This is also used in looking at the effect of

ICT to the students academic performance and it will be analyzed.

Research Environment

This study was conducted in Sawang National High School that is located at

Sibutad, Zamboanga Del Norte to get the data from twenty eight (28) selected students.

Research Respondent

This research was conducted to the twenty-eight (28) Grade 8 students

respondents. This comprises of twenty-eight (28) student respondents in Grade 8 enrolled

during the school year 2018-2019.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The researchers utilized frequency count as statistical tool and also percentage.

Tables were made to present the effects of ICT Integration to the students, in terms of

gender and age. Researchers also utilized frequency count to analyze the first quarter and

2nd quarter grade in Grade 8 junior high school students as the respondents.

Data Gathering
This study followed the procedures. First the researchers searched from the

internet sample survey questionnaire related to this study. Second the researchers

modified some questions from the researched questionnaire. After the preparing

questionnaire they sought permission from the School Head to conduct the survey.

Finally, the survey was conducted to twenty-eight (28) sampled student –


Research Instrument

This study was conducted using a researchers-modified questionnaire to get the

data from the twenty-eight (28) selected students as the respondents of this research.

Researchers modified questionnaire in which format and some questions are made

by the researchers and check by the subject in charge.

Chapter 4


The chapter of this study was present the data with their corresponding analysis

and interpretation were organized according to the order of the problems in the chapter 1.

Problem: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Gender?

1.2. Age?

Table 1.
The table 1 was represent the gender and age of the twenty-eight (28) students in

Grade 8 in junior high school.

Profile of Grade 8 Respondents

In grade 8, age 11-14 there were thirteen (13) students in male and twelve (12) in

female. Age 15-18, one (1) student in male and two (2) in female. Those students that age

19-22, 23 and above was zero (0).

Age Male Female

23 and above 0 0
19 – 22 0 0
15 – 18 1 2
11 - 14 13 12

Survey Questionnaire
Questions Always Sometimes Never
1 5 15 8
2 6 15 7
3 9 13 6
4 10 10 8
5 7 15 6
6 5 17 6
7 6 14 8
8 5 13 10

Table 2. The percentage of students in terms of gender and age

The table represent the profile of the students in Grade 8 in terms of gender and

age. What will be the highest percentage in academic performance is it female or male?

NUMBER OF 1ST 2nd Quarter

Non -ICT

1. 13 80 81
2. 13 84 85
3. 14 83 84
4. 12 84 84
5. 16 81 80
6. 13 80 80
7. 13 81 80
8. 14 81 81
9. 13 80 80
10. 13 86 87
11. 12 87 87
12 14 81 80
13 14 80 80

14 12 79 79
Total Grades 1ST to 2nd Quarter: 1147 1148
Total Computation For Boys 1147+1184/28
= 81.96 %

15 14 80 82

16 13 82 82
17 14 84 85
18 16 83 82
19 13 82 82
20 13 82 81
21 12 89 89
22 12 90 90

23 16 80 80

24 12 89 90

25 13 84 85

26 13 80 81

27 14 80 80

28 12 82 82

Total Grades 1ST to 2nd Quarter: 1167 1171

Total Computation For Boys 1167+1171/28
= 83.5 %

Problem 2. What are the effects of ICT Integration to the students

academic performance in mathematics?


Sawang National High School Grade 8 Junior High, in their first quarter grade

Non using ICT and 2nd quarter using ICT. The following data represent their grade in

Mathematics. The Junior High School Students of SNHS (Sawang National High School)

selected twenty eight (28) students. Perform an analysis of significance, if ICT

Integration can affect to the students academic performance. To differentiate if there is

significance or not? As it shown in the table their first quarter and 2nd quarter grade in

grade 8 junior high school student will be compute and revealed.

I. Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant effect between ICT Integration to the students academic


H1: There is a significant effect between ICT Integration to the students academic



Grade 8 students 1ST Quarter 2nd Quarter

Respondents Non- ICT ICT

1 80 81
2 84 85

3 83 84
4 84 84

5 81 80
6 80 80

7 81 80
8 81 81

9 80 80
10 86 87
11 87 87

12 81 80
13 80 80
14 79 79
15 80 82
16 82 82
17 84 85
`18 83 82
19 82 82
20 82 81
21 89 89
22 90 90

23 80 80
24 89 90
25 84 85
26 80 81
27 80 80
28 82 82

1st Quarter Non-ICT

𝐾 = √𝑁
𝐾 = √28
K= 5.291

Class Interval F LB CF

86-90 5 85.5 28
81-85 14 80.5 23

76-80 9 75.5 9

71-75 0 70.5 0

N=28 60

Mean x = n1+n2+n3

x = 9+23+28

x = 60

x = 2.142 857

2ND Quarter Using ICT

Class Interval F LB CF

90 - 95 2 89.5 28

84 – 89 8 83.5 26

78 – 83 18 77.5 18

72 – 77 0 71.5 0

66 – 71 0 65.5 0

60 – 65 0 59.5 0

N = 28 72

Mean x = n1+n2+n3
x = 18 + 26 + 28

x = 72

x = 2.571 428

Therefore this study has accept the H1 which reflects to the Students

Academic Performance in Mathematics that there is a significant effect to the students,

that the mean or average using an ICT Integration 2.571 428 greater than the Non-ICT

which is 2. 142 85.

Chapter 5



The chapter of this study presented the summary of the study. It includes the

presentation of the findings, conclusion and recommendations was offered.


This study was analyze the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to

the junior high students of Sawang National High School.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of :



2. What are the, effects of ICT Integration to the students academic performance.

The descriptive method of this research was used in utilizing the data, techniques

and comparative analysis that there were twenty eight (28) students was the respondent

the we conduct. And each of them where analyze.


The following findings were revealed:

1. The effects were analyzed, for the students about in their gender and age, and

also to their academic performance. In terms of gender and age. For the male there were

one (1) student that Age, 15 – 18 and age, 11 – 14, was thirteen (13). And for the female

there were two (2) students that age, 15 – 18 and age, 11 – 14 is twelve (12). And also

male and female students that age 19 – 22 and age 23 and above was zero.
2. Hence in the twenty eight (28) students in terms of gender and age. There were

thirteen (13 ) male students in Grade 8 junior high school in Sawang that age, 11 – 14

and is more than twelve (12) in female that age, 11 – 14.

3. These respondents had answered eight (8) questions from the survey

questionnaire that based in the ICT Integration about the effects of ICT to the students.

4. Therefore the opinion of the twenty eight (28) selected students respondents

was mostly prefer to sometimes Integrating ICT.

5. Researchers also compute their average in mathematics in their first and 2nd

quarter grade, in the terms of profile in gender that female must got a high percentage of

83.5 % than male 81.96 %.

6. On the other hand researchers also compute their grade in mathematics that in

the first quarter, not using ICT and in second quarter using ICT Integration. The twenty

eight (28) students in Grade 8 had a highest mean or average in the second quarter using

ICT (2.571 428) than first quarter (2.142 857) not using ICT.

7. Furthermore there is a significant effect to the students academic performance

in mathematics that ICT had a big contribution to the students and also to the teaching

style of the teachers in Sawang National High School.


Based on the analysis, interpretation, and findings, the following conclusions are


1. ICT is important to the students and to the teachers and etc.

2. It can help to the teacher for easy doing their work and it was not hard for them to

use it. Because of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) they can fasten to

proceed to the another lesson, no need the used of chalk and books, or any kind of
teaching materials without using ICT, it was easy to search, used power point, to the

teachers and also to the students using ICT Integration.

3. Now were in the 21st century the use of technology to our society and that was ICT

(Information and Communication Technology) the use for the present century. If ICT

will used in a good way not in the bad way of learning.

Therefore in this research there is a significant effect between ICT Integration to

the students academic performance.


Based on the findings and conclusion of this research the following

recommendation was hereby offered:

1. The potential of ICT to facilitate the development of student’s literacy and

numeracy skills and to develop a range of skills in students must be exploit.

2. Teachers should make greater use of ICT to differentiate the implementation of

the curriculum within the classroom.

3. They should regularly review the use of ICT with a view to expanding their

repertoire of teaching strategies.

4. Provides opportunities to the students and teachers to learn in different ways.

5. Promotes distance learning, where teachers can access teaching materials from

all over the world.

6. Promotes individual learning to the students and teachers.











Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Statement of the Problem 6

Significance of the Study 6

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6

Definition of Terms 7


Literature 8

Studies 13


Method Used 16

Research Environment 16

Research Respondent 16
Statistical Treatment of the Data 16

Data Gathering 16

Research Instrument 17





Summary 25

Findings 25

Conclusions 26

Recommendations 27




Figure Page

1. Schema of the Study 5


Figure Page

1. Schema of the Study 4

Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Integration to the Students Academic Performance in


This study aimed to look into the Effects of Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) Integration to the students academic performance.

This study utilized a descriptive method that used to broad of how useful in

Integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to the present century

and the importance of ICT to the people who used it, specially to the students and also to

the teachers in Sawang National High School.

Descriptive method is determines and describes the way, things are. Compares

how sub-groups view issues, topics, and to look beyond the fact. To observe, to go

beyond the observation and also frequently used in this study, used to influence opinion,

useful for investigating a variety of educational problems.

There were twenty eight (28) students respondents in Grade 8 Junior High School.

Researchers selected fourteen (14) boys and fourteen (14) girls students to answer the

eight (8) questions as to how often they used ICT in their classes, either always,

sometimes, or never. As the respondent received the questionnaire and answered the

eight questions, they put marked check to their corresponding answer.

In terms of gender and age, for there were thirteen (13) male respondents that age,

11 – 14 and while twelve (12) are female respondents. Researchers also get the

percentage of their grade in mathematics separate with male and female that, female in

grade 8 got a high percentage of 83.5% than male 81.96%.

The study revealed that female got a high grade in mathematics than male.
The study revealed that there is significant effect between ICT Integration to the

students academic performance in mathematics because base in the frequency table the

study has accept the H1 which reflects to the Students Academic Performance in

Mathematics that there is a significant effect to the students, that the mean or average

using an ICT Integration 2.571 428 greater than the Non-ICT (books, chalk, chalkboard,

and etc) which is 2. 142 85. Hence ICT will have a big contribution to the students

academic performance. (Chapter 4, p 21 - 24)

Therefore ICT is important to the teachers and students. It can help to the teacher

for easily do their work. Because of ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

they can swiftly proceed to another lesson, no need the used of chalk and books, or any

kind of teaching materials without using ICT. It is easy to search, use power point, for the

teachers and also to the students using ICT Integration because now were in the 21st

century the use of technology to our society and that was ICT (Information and

Communication Technology) the use for the present century. If ICT will used in a good

way not in the bad way.

Furthermore this recommendation will be broad the perspective of the students

and teachers.

The potential of ICT to facilitate the development of student’s literacy and

numeracy skills and to develop a range of skills in students must be exploit.

Teachers should make greater use of ICT to differentiate the implementation of

the curriculum within the classroom.

They should regularly review the use of ICT with a view to expanding their

repertoire of teaching strategies.

Provide opportunities to the students and teachers to learn in different ways.

Promotes distance learning, where teachers can access teaching materials from all

over the world.

Promotes individual learning to the students and teachers.


The researchers would like to express their profound gratitude for the invaluable

support and assistance of the following personalities in the preparation of this study:

Mrs. Ma. Nancy E. Ageas, Their new principal of Sawang National High School

for being our chairman of the committee;

Mr. Ernesto E. Wahing, Teacher 1 of Sawang National High School, their

research adviser, for sharing his knowledge in the field of Research, for his effort as

being their statistician, and for sharing his free time to the researchers.

Mrs. Sheena Jane B. Dabucon, Teacher 1 of Sawang National High School for

imparting her knowledge and giving them the opportunity to experience Research.

Mrs. Zeline Z. Mamenta, Former School Head of Sawang National High School

for allowing them to do the research paper.

Mr. Jay Chyrel Molina, Head Teacher of Sawang National High School for

sharing some thoughts about research.

To Sawang National High School Teaching Staff, for motivating and helping

them to do their research paper.

Their Parents, for all the unselfish moral support that give the researchers and

with strong determination.

Their Relatives, for giving some moral support and motivation.

Their Love ones, for always cheering them up and undeniable love and support.

Their Punong Barangay Hon. Clyde M. Tinnae, for letting them borrowed the

BARANGAY OFFICE for a meanwhile when they do the research paper and allowing

them to use all the resources of the barangay.

Above all to the reason of everything, the ALMIGHTY FATHER, for his never

ending guidance and protection. Most of all for giving them a healthy body to finish the

research paper of the researchers.



This undertaking is wholeheartedly dedicated:

To our dear parents thanks for all your moral and financial support.

To our research adviser Mr. Ernesto R. Wahing, for exerting time and effort on our

research, without you, this paper would not be possible.

To our teacher in practical research, Mrs. Sheena Jane B. Dabucon, for all the knowledge,

without your thoughts and knowledge we cannot experience this kind of scenario, apply

and share this knowledge for the future.

To Mr. Jay Chyrel Molina, for his thoughts and opinion to make our research and also to

the teaching staff of Sawang National High School for your support and efforts and


To our classmates, for their moral support for staying overnight and for the teamwork,

hard-work and perseverance.

To the Almighty God, Thank you for the good health and knowledge that You gave to us

researchers and giving us strength and in this research.

Argie Jones, Danica, Suzzane Mae, Jessa Joy


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Marc Prensky , Digital Natives Digital Immigrants (from on the Horizon ,(MCB

University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001) speaker, writer, consultant, and game

designer in the critical areas of education and learning . He is the author of Digital

Game – Based Learning (Mc Graw – Hill, 2001), founder and CEO of Games 2 train

a game- based learning company , and founder of The Digital Multiplier, an

organization dedicated to eliminating the digital divide in learning worldwide. He is

also the creator of the sites < www. Social Impact Games. Com >, < www. Dod

Game Community . com > and < www. Games Parents Teachers. Com >. Marc

holds an MBA from harvard and a masters in teaching from yale. More of his

writings can be found at <www. Marcprensky. Com / writing / default . asp>

Contact Marc at: marc@games 2 train . com.

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Appendix A

In this study , the researchers conduct a survey to get the data. About the effects

in ICT integration to the Students Academic Performance in Mathematics .

Researcher-Made Questionnaire on Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Integration to the Students Academic Performance

NAME: _______________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
AGE: ______________ Female Male

Direction: Please check (√) and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually
do given the statements using the following scales:

3 – always 2– sometimes 1 – never

EFFECTS: 1 2 3
1. ICT acts as tool for my learning
2. ICT motivates me
3. ICT help me on my studies
4. I am more interested to listen to my teacher while
integrating ICT
5. ICT can enhance my skills
6. ICT is an avenue for me to enhance and
developed my talent
7. My teachers always integrates ICT during class
8. ICT is my way to get information fasten
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
+63 94846 97365


Sex : Male
Age : 24
Date of Birth : November 5, 1994
Place of Birth : Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Church Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Height : 5,6’’
Weight : 92 kgs.
Parents : Rolando Medina Pingol Jr
Joy Grace Loyola Manansala


Secondary : Sawang National High School 2011-2012

Elementary : Sawang Elementary School 2003-2004
Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
+63 93563 81714


Sex : Female
Age : 17
Date of Birth : September 15, 2000
Place of Birth : Dapitan City
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Church Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Height : 5,5’’
Weight : 50 kgs.
Parents : Candelario D. Tagbacaola
Mila D. Tagbacaola


Secondary : Sawang National High School 2015-2016

Elementary : Sawang Elementary School 2011-2012
Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
+63 95034 31321


Sex : Female
Age : 19
Date of Birth : March 25, 1999
Place of Birth : Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Church Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Height : 5,5’’
Weight : 50 kgs.
Parents : Enrique B. Pancho
Elma B. Pancho


Secondary : Sawang National High School

Elementary : Sawang Elementary School
Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
+63 92621 60558


Sex : Female
Age : 20
Date of Birth : May 8, 1998
Place of Birth : Sawang, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Church Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Height : 5,5’’
Weight : 55 kgs.
Parents/Guardian : Nibbie A. Buhisan
Isabel E. Bantilan- GrandMother


Secondary : Sawang National High School

Elementary : Sawang Elementary School

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