Capital Market Theory
Capital Market Theory
Capital Market Theory
risky assets.
1. All investors are markwitz efficient investors who want
to target points on the efficient frontier. The exact
location on the eff frontier depnds on the investrs risk
retunr utility functn.
2. Investors can borrow or lend any amnt of money @ the
risk free rate of return. It is always possibl to lend money
@ the nominal risk free rate by purchasin risk free
securities like tbills cds, bt it is not always possble to
borrw @ thte risk fre rate.
3. All investors hav homogeneous expectations. They
estimate identical probability distr for future rates of
returns.this is not a realistic assumption
4.all investors hav the same one period time horizon such
as one month, 6 mnths or 1yr. Ie, the model is develpd for
a single hypothetical period
5. All investments are infinitely divisible. That means, it
is possible to buy or sell fractional shares of any asset
6. Ther r no taxes or transaction costs involved in buying
or selling some assets. For eg, neither pension funds nor
religious grps hav to pay taxes. Transaction costs on most
financial instrumnents are less than 1%
7ther is no inflation or ne chnage ininterest rates or
inflation is fully anticipated.
8. Capital mkts are in equillibrium situation. All assets are
properly priced in line with their risk levels.
There are two assets: one is risk free and the risky asset
When combined, the expected return from the portfolio
Wrf = weight of risk free
1- Wrf = weight of risky
E(Rport) = Wrf(Rrf) + (1-Wrf)(E(Ri))
E(σ2port) = wrf2 σrf2+(1+Wrf)2 σi2 + 2Wrf(1-Wrf)COVrfi
=(1+Wrf)2 σi2
E(σ port )= (1+Wrf) σi
There is a linear relationship between portfolio standard
deviation and standard deviation of risky assets.