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Note: SEC Regulation S-K (17 C.F.R. Part 229) became effective on
October 1, 1978, and has since been amended many times. Reference to
these standardized instructions for filing forms under the securities laws
is essential to an adequate formulation of this questionnaire.
FORM 10-K.
Notes to Counsel: Counsel should also check with the company’s
stock plan administrator for details on outstanding and new option and
stock grants to directors and officers; and with other benefit plan admin-
istrators for details on the full compensation package that must be
disclosed in the proxy statement under Regulation S-K Item 402.
1 The term "executive officer" means the president, any vice president in charge of
a principal business unit, division, or function (such as sales, administration or finance),
any other officer who performs a policy-making function, or any other person who per-
forms similar policy-making functions for the Company. Executive officers of subsidiaries
may be deemed executive officers of the Company if they perform such policy-making
functions for the Company. [Rule 3b-7 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.]
2 Other employees, such as production managers, sales managers, and research
scientists, who are not executive officers but who make or are expected to make signifi-
cant contributions to the Company’s business, must be identified and their background
disclosed to the same extent as in the case of an executive officer. Such disclosure need not
be made if the Company was subject to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) or was exempt from Section 13(a) by Section 12(g)(2)(G)
of such Act immediately prior to the filing of the proxy statement or annual report on
Form 10-K. [Regulation S-K, Item 401(c).]

* This content has been excerpted from Preparing For Your 2004 Annual Meeting (Bowne
SecuritiesConnectTM Library), updated by Brian J. Lane, Elizabeth A. Ising, Jacqueline
Landells and Spencer H. Wright of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. © 2004, Gibson,
Dunn & Crutcher LLP. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written per-
mission. Design and Layout Copyright © 2004 Bowne & Co., Inc.
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 102 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Counsel may want to review the items in the questionnaires distrib-

uted to directors on the audit committee to verify that the directors
satisfy the applicable independence, financial literacy and financial
expertise requirements. In this regard, counsel should consider editing
the questionnaire to add items, or including a separate attachment, to
track the language used by the exchange on which the company is listed,
regarding the independence requirements. In addition, counsel should
consider including an attachment to address the financial literacy and
financial expertise requirements for audit committee members under the
applicable listing standards as well as the audit committee “financial
expert” rule under Item 10 of Form 10-K and Item 401(k) of Regulation
S-K. References to the listing standards and SEC rules in the sample
Directors’ and Officers’ Proxy Statement Questionnaire are for infor-
mational purposes only. The listing standards of the NASDAQ,
AMEX and NYSE are available on their websites at http://www.nasd.com,
http://www.amex.com and http://www.nyse.com.
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 103 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Name of Respondent:


In connection with the preparation of the Proxy Statement for the
[YEAR] Annual Meeting of Shareholders of _________(the “Company”),
it is necessary that the Company obtain from you written verification of
certain information required to be disclosed in the Proxy Statement.
In order to obtain such verification, this Questionnaire (in two coun-
terparts) is being sent to each person who, during the Company’s Last
Fiscal Year (as defined below), served as an officer or director of the Com-
pany, as well as current officers and directors and all nominees for
election as a director and to certain officers or employees of the Com-
pany’s subsidiaries or other principal business units or divisions who
may be considered executive officers of the Company under rules of the
SEC. It is requested that you fill in the answers to the following ques-
tions, sign and date the Questionnaire, and return one signed copy to
________________ in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope not later than
[DATE]. The remaining copy is for your files.
Please use the utmost care in responding to this Questionnaire. You
should be aware that if the Proxy Statement contains any false or mis-
leading statements which are material to the election of directors or
other actions taken at the Annual Meeting, the validity of such actions
could be questioned and under certain circumstances the Company and
those in control of the Company, including officers and directors, could
be subject to liability. If the answer to any of the questions is “no,”
“none” or “not applicable,” please so indicate. Please do not leave any
questions unanswered.
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 104 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


As used herein, “Last Fiscal Year” refers to the Company’s fiscal

year ended ____________. Other italicized terms are defined in Appen-
dix A to this Questionnaire. Appendix B contains a list of all of the
subsidiaries of the Company.
If at any time before the Annual Meeting you discover that your
answer to any question was inaccurate, or if any event occurring subse-
quent to your completion hereof would require a change in your
answers to any questions (including any transaction reducing, increas-
ing or otherwise affecting your beneficial ownership of the Company’s
securities as reported Part II of this Questionnaire), please contact
____________by telephone at (___) ____________ immediately.

Question 1:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Items 401(a) and (b)]
Name and Date of Birth. Please set forth your full name
and date of birth.
Question 2:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 401(d)]
Family Relationships. If you have any family relationship, by
blood, marriage or adoption not more remote than first cousin, with, any
director, executive officer, or nominee to become a director or executive
officer of the Company, its parent, any of its subsidiaries (as listed in
Appendix B), or other affiliates, or any individual who has been
employed by the Company in the past three years as an executive officer,
please identify such relative and describe the nature of the relationship.
Question 3: Principal Occupation and Employment.
[SEC Regulation S-K, Items 401(a), (b), (e)]
(a) Please give a brief account of your business experience
during the past five years (together with applicable dates); include
your principal occupations and employment during that period,
including but not limited to any executive officer position; the name
and principal business of any company, partnership or other entity
in which such occupations and employment were carried on; and
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 105 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


whether such company, partnership or other entities a parent, sub-

sidiary or other affiliate of the Company. If you are an executive officer
of the Company and have been employed by the Company for less
than five years, include a brief explanation of the nature of your
responsibilities in prior positions. What is required is information
relating to the level of your professional competence, which may
include, depending upon the circumstances, such specific informa-
tion as the size of the operation supervised.
(b) Please indicate all positions and offices with the Company,
its parent or any subsidiary which you presently hold. State your
term of office and the period during which you have served as such.
(c) If you are a director, please indicate whether at any time in
the past you were an officer of the Company, its parent or any of its
subsidiaries. State the position you held and the dates you held such
Question 4: Other Directorships and Executive Officer Positions.
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 401(e) and 402(j), SEC Rule 16b-3(b)(3),
NASDAQ Rule 4200(a)(15), NYSE Rule 303.01(B)(3)]
(a) If you are, or have been nominated to become, a director of
the Company, list all other directorships held by you during the past
five years with respect to any company (or “investment company”
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940) required to
file periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



(b) Did you serve as a director, executive officer, general partner

or perform similar functions of any company, partnership or other
entity (public or private) during the Last Fiscal Year? (Omit entities
exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
YES _______________ NO _______________
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 106 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


If yes:
(i) Please specify the company name(s) and your position
within the company(ies):
(ii) Do you serve on any board committees or otherwise
determine compensation for the executives of such company? If
yes, please specify:
YES _______________ NO _______________
(iii) Did any executive officer of the Company serve on the
compensation committee of the board or otherwise determine
compensation of the executives of any such company during the
Last Fiscal Year? If yes, please give specifics:
YES _______________ NO _______________
(iv) Did any executive officer of the Company serve on the
board of any such company? If yes, please give specifics.
YES _______________ NO _______________
(v) If your answer to Question 4(b)(iv) above is “yes”, did
any executive officer of any such company also serve on the com-
pensation committee of the Company’s board or otherwise
serve on the Company’s board during the Last Fiscal Year? If
yes, please give specifics, including information about whether
that company is a competitor of the Company.
YES _______________ NO _______________
Question 5:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Items 103, 401(f) and 401(g)]
Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings. Have any of the fol-
lowing events occurred during the last five years:
(a) Was a petition under the Federal bankruptcy laws, as
amended, or any state insolvency law, as amended, filed by or
against you, or a receiver, fiscal agent or similar officer appointed by
a court for the business or property of (i) yourself, (ii) any partner-
ship in which you were a general partner at or within two years
before such event, or (iii) any corporation or business association of
which you were an executive officer at or within two years before
such event?
YES _______________ NO _______________
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 107 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


(b) Were you convicted in a criminal proceeding, or are you

the subject of a criminal proceeding which is presently pending?
Omit traffic violations
YES _______________ NO _______________
(c) Were you the subject of any order, judgment or decree of
any court (not subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated by any
court) permanently or temporarily enjoining you (i) from acting as
a futures commission merchant, introducing broker, commodity
trading advisor, commodity pool operator, floor broker, leverage
transaction merchant, any other person regulated by the Commod-
ity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), or an associated person
of any of the foregoing; or as an investment advisor, underwriter,
broker or dealer in securities; or as an affiliated person, director or
employee of any investment company, bank, savings and loan asso-
ciation or insurance company; or from engaging in or continuing
any conduct or practice in connection with such activity; or (ii) from
engaging in any type of business practice; or (iii) from engaging in
any activity in connection with the purchase or sale of any security
or commodity or in connection with any violation of federal or state
securities laws or federal commodities laws?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(d) Were you the subject of any order, judgment or decree of
any federal or state authority barring, suspending or otherwise lim-
iting for more than 60 days your right to engage in any activity
described in subparagraph (c) above, or to be associated with
persons engaged in any such activity?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(e) Has any court, the SEC, CFTC, NYSE, American Stock
Exchange, NASD or any commodity exchange or NASDAQ-
imposed a sanction against you or found you to have violated any
federal or state securities or commodities laws?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(f) Do you or any of your associates have any claims against the
Company or any of its subsidiaries; or are you or any of your associ-
ates a party adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries in any
legal proceeding; or do you or any of your associates have a material
interest adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries in any
legal proceeding?
YES _______________ NO _______________
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 108 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


(g) With respect to the following, are you aware of any claims
or pending legal proceedings against the Company, any of its sub-
sidiaries or any of its properties involving:
(i) any pending legal proceeding (or group of proceedings
involving the same legal or factual issues) which would involve
any claim for monetary damages greater than $[____million]
(10% of the Company’s current assets), other than proceedings
between the Company and [_____]; or
(ii) any pending administrative or judicial proceeding
arising under any federal, state or local provisions
regulating the discharge of materials into the environment or
primarily for the purpose of protecting the environment which
would involve a claim for monetary damages greater than
$[____ million] (10% of the Company’s current assets); or
(iii) any proceeding by a governmental authority, involv-
ing the imposition of sanctions greater than $100,000.
YES _______________ NO _______________

If the answer to any of the foregoing questions is “yes,” provide a

full description of the event or events and your connection therewith
(attach a supplemental page if necessary). You may explain any mitigat-
ing circumstances associated with any event or events identified.

Question 6: Your Securities Holdings.
[For Questions 6-8: SEC Regulation S-K, Items 402, 403(b) and 405, SEC Rule
13d-3, 16a-2 and 16a-3]
(a) As to each class of equity securities of the Company, its
parent or any subsidiary, state the total number of shares or other
units beneficially owned by you as of ______, 200__.


meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 109 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


In the table provided on the following page:

(b) If, as a result of applying the rules regarding beneficial own-
ership summarized in the Appendix to this Questionnaire, you have
included in the amount stated in answer to Question 5(a) above
under “Number of Shares or Other Units Beneficially Owned”
shares or units not issued in your name, please provide details as to
the nature of such beneficial ownership of such shares or other units
and state the amount of shares or units so owned; and
(c) If, as a result of applying the rules regarding beneficial own-
ership summarized in the Appendix to this Questionnaire, you have
excluded from the amount stated in the answer to Question 5(a)
above under “Number of Shares or Other Units Beneficially Owned”
shares or units which are issued in your name, please state the
amount so excluded and explain why you are not the beneficial owner
of such shares or units.

Title of Number of Nature of

Equity Shares or Beneficial
Security Units Ownership Explanation
(b) Shares or
Units Included
but Issued in
Another’s Name

(c) Shares or
Units Excluded
but Issued in
Your Name
(d) Of the total number of shares or units beneficially owned
by you, as reported in answer to Question 5(a), indicate below the
amounts as to which you have sole or shared voting or investment
power and the amount as to which you have the “right to acquire ben-
eficial ownership” (as defined in paragraph 2(b) of the Appendix).

Stock Other

Number of shares or units as to

which you have sole voting power
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 110 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Number of shares or units as to

which you have shared voting

Number of shares or units as to

which you have sole investment

Number of shares or units as to

which you have shared investment

Number of shares or units as to

which you have the “right to
acquire beneficial ownership” (see
paragraph 3(b) of Appendix A)

(e) Has the Company adjusted the exercise price of or other-

wise repriced any of your options during the Last Fiscal Year?
YES _______________NO _______________
(f) Are you aware of any transactions in the Last Fiscal Year
for which you did not timely file a Form 3 or Form 4?
YES _______________NO _______________
(g) Did you have any transactions, exempt from Form 4 filing,
which now need to be reported on Form 5? (The most common
transactions exempt from Form 4 reporting involve employee
benefit plans and certain acquisitions involving less than $10,000.)
YES _______________NO _______________
Question 7:
Disclaimer of Beneficial Ownership.
(a) If you wish to disclaim beneficial ownership of any securities
referred to above, please set forth the number of such shares or
units, the circumstances upon which the disclaimer of beneficial own-
ership is based, the name of the person or persons who should be
shown as the beneficial owner(s) of such shares or units, and your
relationship to that person or those persons.
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(b) Do you or any of your affiliates or associates participate in

investment decisions made by any nonprofit entity that owns
Company securities? If yes, please provide details and indicate
whether you disclaim beneficial ownership of such Company
YES _______________ NO _______________
Question 8:
Securities Holdings of Your Relatives. If any equity securities of the
Company, its parent or any subsidiary are beneficially owned by any rel-
ative of yours (by blood, marriage or adoption) who shares your home,
please indicate below the name of each such relative, your relationship
with him or her, and the amount of shares so owned.
A. 5% Holders of Company Securities. [SEC Regulation S-K,
Item 403(a)]
If you know of any person (including yourself) or group which bene-
ficially owns more than [x] shares of the Common Stock of the Company
[or more than [y] shares of (other voting securities]3, please state name
and address of such person, or the name and address of each member of
such group, and the number of shares beneficially owned by each such
person or group as of_____, 200_.
Name of Person or
Members of Group Address Number of Shares

B. Rule 10b5-1 Plans

Have you or a member of your immediate family who lives in your
household entered into a contract, issued an instruction or established a
plan (other than under any Company savings or compensation plan or
dividend reinvestment plan) that provides for the purchase or sale of
Company stock in the future (these are often called pre-arranged trading
plans or Rule 10b5-1 plans).
YES _______________ NO _______________

3 Note: “x” and “y” should be the amounts roughly equal to 5% of the outstanding
shares in the particular class of stock, perhaps rounded down to some convenient thresh-
old. Management can then determine if any person owns 5% or more.
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Question 10:
[For Questions 10-11, SEC Regulation S-K, Items 402(g) and 404(a), SEC
Rule 16b-3(b)(3), IRS Reg. 1.162-27(e)(3)]
State the amount of compensation paid to you pursuant to any stan-
dard arrangement applicable to all directors during the Last Fiscal Year
for your services as director (including any additional amounts paid to
you for committee participation or special assignments).
Question 11:
If, as a director of the Company, you received any payment for your
services as a director pursuant to any arrangement not applicable to all
directors of the Company, please state the amount of such compensation
and describe such arrangement.

Question 12:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 404(a)]
Transactions with Management. In the table on the following
page, describe any transaction (or series of similar transactions), during
the Company’s Last Fiscal Year, or any currently proposed transaction
(or series of similar transactions), to which the Company or any of its sub-
sidiaries was or is to be a party, and in which you had or anyone in your
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 113 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


immediate family has, a material direct or indirect financial interest.4

Identify the person(s) involved and state the nature of your or their
interest in the transaction, the amount of the transaction and the amount
of your or their interest in the transaction. (Attach a supplemental page
if necessary.)
Description of Persons Nature of Amount of Amount of
Transaction Involved Interest Transaction5 Interest6

Question 13:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 404(c), Section 402 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002]
Indebtedness of Management. If you or any associate of yours has
been indebted to the Company or any of its subsidiaries at any time
during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year, state: (a) the name of the indebted
person; (b) if the indebted person is an associate, the nature of your rela-
tionship to that person; (c) the largest aggregate amount of indebtedness
outstanding at any time during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year; (d) the
nature of the indebtedness and of the transaction in which it was
incurred; (e) the amount of indebtedness outstanding as of the latest
practicable date (indicating that date); and (f) the rate of interest paid or
charged thereon, if any.
Include (with respect to yourself only) any instances where the
Company, either directly or indirectly (including through a subsidiary),
extended or maintained credit for you, arranged for the extension of
credit, or renewed any extension of credit, in the form of a personal loan
to or for you.
Question 14:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 402(h) and 403(c)]

4 A person who has a position or relationship with a firm, corporation or other

entity that engages in a transaction* with the Company or its subsidiaries may have an
indirect interest in such transaction* by reason of such position or relationship. However,
you are not deemed to have an indirect material interest in a transaction* where (a) your
interest in the transaction* arises only (i) from your position as a director of another cor-
poration or organization which is a party to the transaction* or (ii) from the direct or indi-
rect aggregate ownership of less than a 10% equity interest in another person (other than a
partnership) which is a party to the transaction*, by you, or by all other directors, officers*,
holders of any class of the voting securities of the Company or members of the immediate
family of any of the foregoing persons; or (iii) from both (a)(i) and (a)(ii); (b) your interest
arises only from your position as a limited partnership in a partnership in which you or
all other persons specified in (a)(i) and (a)(ii) have an interest of less than 10%; or (c) your
interest arises solely from the holding of an equity interest (including a limited partner-
ship interest, but excluding a general partnership interest) or a creditor interest in another
person that is a party to the transaction* with the Company, and the transaction* is not
material to such other person.
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Agreements Affecting Control

(a) If you know of any contractual agreements, including any
pledge of securities of the Company, the operation of the terms of
which has resulted since the beginning of the Company’s Last Fiscal
Year or may, at a subsequent date, result in a change in control of the
Company, please briefly describe the agreement, the parties thereto
and the number and class of securities involved.
(b) Do you know of or believe that any arrangements exist
pursuant to which more than 5% of the Company’s stock is held
or is to be held subject to any voting trust or other similar
YES _______________ NO _______________
(c) If you are an executive officer of the Company, are you party
to any employment, change in control or termination contract with
the Company or its subsidiaries?
YES _______________ NO _______________
If your answer to either questions 14(b) or 14(c) is “yes,” please
Question 15:
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 702]
Indemnification. If you know of any provision, other than the Cor-
poration Law of (state of incorporation of the Company), the Charter
and Bylaws of the Company and the Company’s officers’ and directors’
liability insurance policy, under which any director or officer of the
Company is insured or indemnified in any manner against any liability
which he or she may incur in his or her capacity as such? If so, please
describe such provision.

5 In computing the amount involved in the transaction* or series of similar trans-

actions,* include all periodic installments in the case of any lease or other agreement pro-
viding for periodic payments. For any transaction* involving the purchase or sale of
assets by or to the Company or any of its subsidiaries, otherwise than in the ordinary
course of business, state the cost of the assets to the purchaser and, if acquired by the
seller within two years prior to the transaction,* the cost thereof to the seller. Indicate the
principle followed in determining the Company's purchase or sale price and the name of
the person making such determination.
6 The amount of your interest should be computed without regard to the amount
of profit or loss involved in the transaction.*
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Question 16: Arrangements as to Election.

[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 401(a) and 401(b)]
(a) If you are a director or a nominee for election as a director,
state whether or not you were or are proposed to be elected pursu-
ant to any arrangement or understanding between yourself and any
other person or entity (except directors and officers of the Company
acting solely in their capacities as such), the names of such other
persons or entities and a brief description of the arrangement or
(b) If you are an officer of the Company, state whether or not
you were selected as an officer pursuant to any arrangement or
understanding between yourself and any other person or entity
(except directors and officers of the Company acting solely in their
capacities as such), the names of such other persons or entities and
a brief description of the arrangement or understanding.
Question 17: Certain Business Relationships. (Please answer the fol-
lowing if you are a director or nominee for director. Otherwise, proceed
to Question 19.)
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 404(b)]
(a) Are you now or have you been, during the Company’s Last
Fiscal Year, an executive officer of, or do you now own or have you
owned, during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year, of record or benefi-
cially, in excess of a 10% equity interest in, any firm, corporation, or
other business or professional entity:
(i) That has made, during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year
or proposes to make during the Company’s current fiscal year
payments to the Company for property or services7 in excess of
(A) 5% of the Company’s consolidated gross revenues for the
Company’s Last Fiscal Year ($________) or (B) 5% of such other
entity’s consolidated gross revenues for its Last Fiscal Year?
YES _______________ NO _______________
7 In calculating payments for property and services, exclude:
(i) Payments where the rates or charges involved in the transaction are deter-
mined by competitive bids, or common contract carrier or public utility at rates or
charges fixed in conformity with law or governmental authority; or
(ii) Payments that arise solely from the ownership of securities of the Company
and no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis by all holders of the class of
securities is received.
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(ii) To which the Company has made, during the Com-

pany’s Last Fiscal Year or which the Company proposes to
make during the Company’s current fiscal year payments for
property or services in excess of (A) 5% of the Company’s con-
solidated gross revenues for the Company’s Last Fiscal Year
($_______) or (B) 5% of such other entity’s consolidated gross
revenues for its Last Fiscal Year?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(iii) To which the Company was indebted,8 at the end of the
Company’s Last Fiscal Year, in an aggregate amount in excess
of 5% of the Company’s total consolidated assets at the end of
that fiscal year ($_______)?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(b) Are you, or in the past three years have you been, a partner
in, a controlling stockholder or an executive officer of, any for-profit
business organization to which the Company has made, or
from which the Company has received, payments (other than those
arising from investments in Company securities) that exceed 5%
of the Company’s or the business organization’s consolidated
gross revenues for that year, or $200,000, whichever is more? (5%
of the Company’s gross revenues for each of the past 3 years is:
2002-- $______; 2001 -- $_______; and 2000 -- $_______.)
YES _______________ NO _______________
If yes, please give the name(s) of such business organization(s)
and the nature of such organization’s business:
(c) Are you now or have you been, during the Company’s Last
Fiscal Year:
(i) A member of, or of counsel to, a law firm that the
Company retained during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year or that
the Company proposes to retain during the current fiscal year?
YES _______________ NO _______________

8 In calculating indebtedness, exclude:

(i) Debt securities that have been publicly offered, admitted to trading on a
national securities exchange or quoted on the automated quotation system of a registered
securities association; or
(ii) Amounts due for purchases subject to usual trade terms.
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(ii) A partner or executive officer of any investment

banking firm or accounting firm that performed services for the
Company (other than as a participating underwriter in a syndi-
cate) during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year or that the
Company proposes to have perform services during the current
fiscal year?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(d) Are there any other relationships between you and the
Company or its management that are substantially similar in nature
and scope to those described in this Question 17?
YES _______________ NO _______________
If you have answered “Yes” to any of the items in this Question 17,
please describe (attach a supplemental page if necessary):
(1) the identity of the entity with which the Company has such
a relationship;
(2) the nature of your affiliation with such entity;
(3) the nature of the relationship between such entity and the
Company; and
(4) the amount of business conducted between the Company
and such entity during the Company’s Last Fiscal Year or proposed
to be conducted during the Company’s current fiscal year.
Question 18: Board Meeting Attendance
[SEC Regulation S-K, Item 402(j) and Schedule 14A, Item 7(f)]
(a) The Company’s records indicate that of the ___ board
meetings held during the Last Fiscal Year, you attended [___] of
such meetings, and that of the [__] meetings of the [______] commit-
tee[s] on which you serve, you attended [___] such meetings. Is this
YES _______________ NO _______________
If no, please provide correct information.
(b) If you have been nominated to stand for election to the
Board of Directors of the Company at the 200_ Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, do you agree to serve if elected?
YES _______________ NO _______________
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 118 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Question 19:
[For Question 19-20, SEC Regulation S-K, Item 402(a) and 404(a)]
If you are an executive officer of the Company, state whether: (a) you
received any amount in the Last Fiscal Year (including any personal ben-
efits) from any third party (individual or entity) or (b) anyone in your
immediate family received any amount from the Company or its subsid-
iaries, under any transaction or due to any relationship, including those
described in Questions 12 and 13, the primary purpose of which was to
furnish you such compensation for services rendered to the Company or
its subsidiaries and describe and state the amount(s) of compensation
Question 20:
If you are a director of the Company, state whether: (a) you received
any amount in the Last Fiscal Year (including any personal benefits) from
any third party (individual or entity) or (b) anyone in your immediate
family received any amount from the Company or its subsidiaries,
under any transaction or due to any relationship, including those
described in Questions 12, 13 and 17, the primary purpose of which was
to furnish you such compensation and describe and state the amount(s)
of compensation received.
Question 21. Compliance with “Outside Director” Requirements of
Internal Revenue Service Regulation 1.162-27(e)(3).
Please respond to the following questions only if you are a Director
of the Company.
(a) If you are a former employee of the Company, its’ parent
or any of its subsidiaries (for purposes of this Question __, the Com-
pany, its parents and its subsidiaries are referred to collectively as
the “Affiliated Group”) and received compensation for your prior
services (other than benefits under a tax-qualified retirement plan)
during the Company’s last fiscal year, please state the amount and
nature of such compensation and the member of the Affiliated
Group from which such compensation was received.
(b) (i) During the Last Fiscal Year did you or any entity
(including any sole proprietorship, trust, estate, partnership,
corporation or other entity) in which you own, or have owned,
in excess of a 50% beneficial ownership interest (i) receive pay-
ments, either directly or indirectly, from a member of the
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 119 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Affiliated Group in exchange for property or services (other

than your service as a director) provided to the Affiliated
Group, or (ii) enter into any agreement by which you or such
entity are entitled to receive payments for property and services
provided to the Affiliated Group?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(ii) Are you, or have you been during the Last Fiscal Year,
an employee of, or self employed by, or have you owned during
the Last Fiscal Year, a beneficial ownership interest in excess of
5% but less than 50% in any entity (including any sole propri-
etorship, trust, estate, partnership, corporation or other entity)
to which the Affiliated Group made or proposes to make any
payments in exchange for property or services (other than ser-
vices as director of a member of the Affiliated Group)?
YES _______________ NO _______________
If your answer is “Yes,” please answer the following question:
(A) Does the amount of such payments made or proposed
to be made by the Affiliated Group exceed the lesser of (i) 5% of
such entity’s gross revenues for its last fiscal year or (ii) $60,000?
YES _______________ NO _______________
(iii) Are you, or have you been during the Last Fiscal Year,
employed or self employed by an entity (including any sole pro-
prietorship, trust, estate, partnership, corporation or other
entity) that performed personal services for the Affiliated
Group? For purposes of this question, “Personal Services”
includes personal or professional services such as legal,
accounting, investment banking, management consulting and
similar services.
YES _______________ NO _______________
If your response to any part of question __(b) is yes, please indicate
the amount of each such payment, the goods or services provided, the
Affiliated Group member making or required to make such payments,
and, if payment is not made to you, the nature of your interest in the
entity receiving payment.
Question 22. [Include only if the Company was organized in the past
five years]
Transactions with Promoters. If you are a promoter of the Company,
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 120 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


(a) State the nature and amount of anything of value (includ-

ing money, property, contracts, options or rights of any kind not
reported elsewhere herein) received, or to be received, by you,
directly or indirectly, from the Company and the nature and
amount of any assets, services or other consideration therefor
received, or to be received, by the Company.
(b) As to any assets acquired, or to be acquired, by the
Company from you, state the amount at which the assets were or are
to be acquired and the principle followed or to be followed in deter-
mining such amount and identify the persons making the
determination and their relationship, if any, with the Company or
any promoter. If the assets were acquired by the promoter within
two years prior to their transfer to the Company, also state the cost
thereof to you.
I hereby acknowledge, by my execution and dating of this Question-
naire in the places indicated below, that my answers to the foregoing
questions are true and correct to the best of my information and belief.
If I am a nominee for director, I confirm my consent to being named as
such in the proxy statement and to serve if elected.
If at any time before the Annual Meeting I discover that my answer
to any question was inaccurate, or if any event occurring subsequent to
my completion hereof would require a change in my answers to any
questions, I agree to contact _________by telephone at (___) _________
DATED: _________________
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 121 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Director Education Programs

Name of Program Website Address
American Society of http://fisher.osu.edu/exec/ethics/corpgovnro
Corporate Secretaries Issues le.htm
Updates Seminars
Babson School of Executive http://www3.babson.edu/SEE/default.cfm
Education and the NACD's
2003 Corporate Governance
Seminars Series
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC http://www.bassberry.com/
Directors and Officers
Center for Professional http://www.cpeonline.com/corpgov/
Chicago-Stanford-Wharton http://www.directorsconsortium.net/director
Directors' Summit sconsortium.nsf
College at the University of http://www.boardcompliance.com/university
Richmond _of_richmond_dc.htm
Columbia Business School http://www-1.gsb.columbia.edu/execed/
Conference Board Directors' http://www.conference-board.org/knowledge
Institute /govern/govInstitute.cfm
Corporate Directors Forum http://www.directorsforum.org/
- Directors Institute
Corporate Governance http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/cfi/
After Sarbanes-Oxley: A
"BootCamp" for Directors
on their Changing Roles by
Baruch College and
Colorado State University
Corporate Governance http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/corpgov/
Institute, a joint venture
between the Corporate
Directors Forum and San
Diego State University
College of Business
Corporate Governance http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/exed/cgp/
Program by Stanford
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 122 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


Corporate Governance http://www.directors.org/

Programs by UCLA
Corporate Governance http://goizueta.emory.edu/execed/di.html
Series by Harvard Business
Dartmouth's Center for http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/ccg/
Corporate Governance
Deloitte & Touche / The http://www.directorsnetwork.com/
Directors' Network -
Continuing Education for
Boards and Audit
Directors' College http://www.be.udel.edu/ccg/
cosponsored by
and the University of
Duke University's Directors' http://www.cpeonline.com/corpgov/
Education Institute
Finance, Audit and Risk http://www.cpeonline.com/corpgov/
Issues, a Joint Program by
Wharton and Chicago
Fluno Center of Executive http://www.uwexeced.com/directorssummit/
Foley & Lardner's Directors http://www.foley.com/404.aspx?404;http://w
Institute ww.foley.com/resourcecenter/r_sem_full.asp
Goizueta Directors Institute http://goizueta.emory.edu/execed/di.html
at Emory University
Kellogg School of http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/exece
Management Corporate d/programs/governance.htm
Governance Programs
National Association of http://www.nacdonline.org/
Corporate Directors
New York University and http://www.nyse.com/pdfs/NYSENYU%20D
New York Stock Exchange ir%20Instit.pdf
Directors' Institute
New York University School http://www.scps.nyu.edu/
of Continuing and
Professional Studies
meeting2004_101-123.fm Page 123 Monday, March 8, 2004 10:46 AM


New York University Stern http://www.stern.nyu.edu/executive/progra

School of Business ms/programs_open.shtml
Executive Program
PLI's Directors' Institute on http://www.pli.edu/product/upprog_prod_
Corporate Governance detail/product_overview.asp-wtype=1&ptid=
Robins School of Business http://www.boardcompliance.com/university
Board of Directors College _of_richmond_dc.htm
Seattle University School of http://www.law.seattleu.edu/cle/events-mod
Law e=standard
Seminar on Corporate http://fisher.osu.edu/exec/ethics/
Governance and Audit corpgovnrole.htm
Committee Reform by Ohio
State University
SMU Dedman School of http://smucdi.law.smu.edu/
Law Corporate Directors'
Institute Fall 2003 Program
Stanford Law School's http://www.law.stanford.edu/programs/
Directors' College execed/
State of Wisconsin Directors' http://uwexeced.com/directorssummit/
The Buck Stops in the http://www.thebuckstops.com/
The University of Georgia's http://www.terry.uga.edu/exec_ed/director_
Terry College of education/
Business/NACD Directors'
The University of Texas at http://som.utdallas.edu/iecg/
Dallas, School of
Management, The Institute
for Excellence in Corporate
UC Irvine's Corporate http://www.gsm.uci.edu/EventSites/CorpDir
Directors Conference Conf/index.asp
Vanderbilt Directors College http://law.vanderbilt.edu/about/news/2003/
Wharton/SpencerStuart http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/corpgov/
Directors' Institute wharton.html

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