TOPAS PS 120 Data Sheet
TOPAS PS 120 Data Sheet
TOPAS PS 120 Data Sheet
TOPAS PS 120 is designed for very high spatial resolution sub-bottom profiling in water depths from less
than 2 metres to more than 400 metres. The +80% relative bandwidth, low frequency signal is generated
in the water column as a difference frequency signal by non-linear interaction between two high frequency
signals (in the range from 70 kHz to 100 kHz). Similarly a sum frequency signal is also generated. However,
only the low frequency signal is used for sub-bottom profiling.
System specification: The transducer may be hull mounted or fixed temporarily to the
The portable Kongsberg TOPAS PS 120 parametric sub-bottom hull in other ways. This has the advantage of no deployment
profiler comprises the following units: or recovery of tow-fishes is necessary during the survey, which
results in more efficient survey time and improved positioning
• Transducer/hydrophone accuracy for the profile. Manoeuvrability of the survey vessel is
-- 4 x 6 channels also improved. In a “low-noise” vessel, excellent profiling results
-- Three band receiving hydrophone are achieved even at survey speeds of +12 knots.
• Transceiver Unit
-- Linear, switched mode power amplifier The system can operate with various signal waveforms for
-- Low noise receiver with 24 bit ADC optimum performance: Ricker pulses are used for very high
-- High dynamic range; >110 dB resolution work; Chirp pulses are used for deep water, high
• Operator Console penetration work and CW pulses are used for narrow band,
-- MMI frequency sensitive work. The transmitted acoustic beam is
-- Real-time processing electronically stabilised in both roll and heave (requires a verti-
-- PC-based platform (Windows) cal reference unit), ensuring that the insonified area on the sea
floor is accurately positioned.
The parametric sources have the advantage of generating a low
frequency signal beam with no distinct sidelobe structure. The Penetration performance depends on sediment characteristics,
beam tapers off smoothly, reducing the possibility of spurious water depth, transmitted signature etc. Penetration of more than
signals due to sidelobes in the received signal. 50 metres can be achieved in water depths up to more than 400
metres with a range resolution of typically better than 5 cm.
• Manual/automatic gain
• Attribute processing
• Statistics
• Power Spectral Density (PSD) display
PS120-00-8000B March 2018