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New Credit Warriors Handbook PDF Version 3 Printable 112818 PDF

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Credit warriors, inc.

Starter handbook


Our purpose is to provide educational tools and resources that will assist our members in achieving financial freedom
and knowledge to not only repair their credit, but maintain it. Our members will learn principles of budgeting,
saving and investing with our DIY methods.

Copyright© Credit Warriors, Inc. 2017

All rights reserved.
T The Universe has a way with interrupting our lives. Sometimes it’s just a nudge, so we
often miss the blessing or in my case in the most grandiose way possible. I guess what I
am trying to
communicate to you all is this that I thought I knew what my purpose driven life calling was.
I mean I wrote a book, so I’m supposed to be this best-selling author who travels abroad,
living the life that she dreams of right? I started my own business, turning a 17-passenger
commercial vehicle into this posh fashion bus and my vision was to provide a one of a kind
shopping experience to all those who stepped on. I thought I was living my tangible dreams
turned reality. I was so wrong! I never would have guessed in a million years that serving
humanity would be my calling.

This credit restoration movement started off by accident. I literally had a financial meltdown
in February of 2016. My business needed repairs that totaled over $4,000, I was totally tapped
out of my reserve and my husband and I were scarcely making ends meet. To add insult to
injury, I was unable to get a small loan to cover costs of repairs due to my lack of
creditworthiness. I knew nothing about the proper guidelines to even begin to ask the bank for
money; yet I tried anyway, and failed miserably. To top it off, no income tax money due to me
SCREWING UP. Devastation, then depression eventually kicked in, and that was my
breaking point! I knew that I had to keep pushing, I knew I could not just throw it all away. I
worked so hard to get that business, invested over $30,000, I just knew there had to be a
better way.

That’s when it hit me. I needed to attempt to fix my credit. I went to a second-hand shop and
purchased every book I could get my hands on that detailed the subject; then it quickly dawned
on me why I totally avoided anything remotely close to the words CREDIT REPAIR, it was
so complex and intimidating. I needed to learn the correct verbiage, in a way that spoke to me,
yet complied with all state and federal laws. I discovered several tactical ways to clean up my
credit report just by knowing the law. As I began to master this craft, I became obsessed by my
discoveries, I just knew that I could not keep it a secret and I wanted everyone in the world to
know. I knew that this would literally change lives. I’ve never felt so liberated and happy in my
whole entire life! My joy comes from helping people achieve what they have always felt was
elusive. I eat, sleep and everything in between credit restoration! It’s literally all that I think

I just want to take this time out to thank you all for adding value to my life and to encourage
you to follow your bliss, no matter how crazy it may seem. Know that we all reign supreme,
there is nothing that we cannot be, do or have because anything is possible as well as
attainable. We were meant to reap the many beautiful rewards that life has to offer. It’s all in
the divine plan….
I challenge each and every one of you to channel your inner Credit Warrior, and teach the
next generation how to be great!

I wish you all peace, love, and prosperity. So, it is with great honor that I dedicate this
movement to all of you. As I write this, it has just dawned on me that one whole year has
come full circle and I can proudly say “I am now credit worthy!” #EachOneTeachOne

- Sypreme Essence
Credit Warriors offers an A-la-Carte style system for the templates you need and or require for your DIY
Credit Repair tasks. We offer single files for a specific need or file groups in specific bundles you will need
for a certain process. You only pay for what you need with no recurring subscriptions or paying for
hundreds of files you do not need. You can always browse our complete list of files by going to the
Credit Warriors SHOP Menu tab and view tons of available files and more are being added .

Sign up for privacy guard www.privacyguard.com to get all three

of your credit reports & scores for a $1.00 which is a 14-daytrial
period, $19.95 per month afterwards.

If you need to establish credit, sign up for a Self-Lenders credit

builder account http://slflndr.com/cw
If you have Collection Accounts on your Credit Report, sign up
for Free Credit Repair with Collection Shield 360.

Credit Warriors Inc. is partnered with Collection Shield 360, and we

stand by them. This is a great option for all, especially those who may be
on a fixed income and do not have the means to pay a credit repair
How does Collection Shield 360 work?
 Federal law requires that any disputed collection account which is inaccurate or
unverifiable must be deleted from all consumer credit reports.
 Collection Shield 360 provides consumers with a simple Free Credit Repair Dispute
service that gets incredible results without having to do the work yourself.
 CS360 is not a law firm, but if you have collection letters or errors on your credit reports,
they will connect you with consumer attorneys who provide 100% free legal help.
 80% of their clients had collection accounts deleted from their credit reports and
improved their credit scores through their free credit repair service.
Basic Membership:
 100% FREE, No Credit Card Required.
 1 Collection Account Dispute per Month.
 Manually enter your collection account information using a copy of your credit reports.
Premium Membership: Preferred for a fully automated dispute process and faster results.
 $1 for the First 2 Months, only $9.48/month after the 2 Month trial. Cancel anytime.
 3 Collection Account Disputes per Month.
 Automatically connect all your collection account information from Transunion.
 Automatic monthly updates with new Credit Reports and Scores from Transunion.
 Includes an option to automatically connect Credit Reports from all 3 Bureaus for $29.95.
The optional 3 Bureau Credit Report fee ($29.95) is only charged when you choose to order an update. The
charge for the Premium Membership is for your monthly credit monitoring service which automatically syncs
your Credit Report & Score and Collection Account details with your CS360 account every month.
Nearly one in four Americans do not have enough credit history to generate a credit score. Over
100 million Americans struggle with their credit and are denied access to traditional financial
products. Rental Harvest was founded to address this huge problem and provide a sustainable and
simple way for renters to establish and build credit history through their largest monthly payment,
Rental Harvest gives you the ability to build credit with your past two years of rent payments. Start
building credit with your last 24 months of rent payments the day you register. This can have an
immediate and powerful impact to your credit.
for more information on how this company will positively impact your credit score hit the link.
When you sign up use the code word creditwarriors (all lowercase to receive your valuable
discount.) https://rentalharvest.idevaffiliate.com/104.html
Credit Karma (creditkarma.com) - This is free and you can also download
the app to your mobile devices. You will only have access to your
Transunion and Equifax credit scores and reports.

FYI: The scores you receive in Credit Karma are your vantage scores and not your actual fico scores, some call these fako scores,
but these totals will at least give you a general range of where you are on the scoreboard and will update according to what's being
reported on your credit report

Credit Check Total (creditchecktotal.com) - This cost $1 for a free 7-day

trial and then $29.99 a month after your trial has expired. If you call and
cancel on the 6th day, credit check total will offer you the subscription for
$14.99. You will have access to all three credit bureaus fico scores and
reports. Also daily credit monitoring & alerts. You can also download this on
your mobile devices.

FYI: The scores you receive in Credit Check Total are your fico scores and any changes to your
credit reports will be updated here monthly with paid subscription.
myFico(myfico.com) - The cost is $29.95 for quarterly refresh or $39.95
for monthly refresh. Included in this price you will receive Instant access
to your 3-bureau credit report and FICO Scores— including the FICO
Scores most widely used in mortgage, auto and credit card lending, and
the newly released FICO Score 9. Access updated credit reports and your
most widely used FICO Scores every quarter. Track your FICO Score 8
from each bureau on a historical tracking graph.

FYI: Monitor your 3 credit reports for changes, and get FICO Score 8 updates with each new alert.

Free Score Online “scoresense”(freescoreonline.com) - This cost $1 for a free 7-day trial and then
$39.95 a month after your free trial has expired. You will have access to all three credit bureaus
CreditXpert scores and reports. Also daily credit monitoring & alerts.
You can download this to your mobile devices

FYI: The scores you receive from Free Score Online are your CreditXpert scores and any changes to your credit
reports will be updated here monthly with paid subscription.


When you order a $1.00 3-Bureau Credit Report & CreditXpert ® Scores from the above credit monitoring websites, you will
begin a 7-day trial membership and IF you don't cancel your membership within the 7-day trial period, you will be billed for
each month that you continue your membership. You may cancel your trial membership anytime within the trial period without
charge. Also, keep in mind your lender or insurer may use a different CreditXpert Score than the versions you receive from the
above credit monitoring websites, or another type of credit score altogether.
Credit Bureaus Contact Information
TransUnion Website

TransUnion Mailing Address TransUnion Phone Numbers

TransUnion Consumer Relations
TransUnion LLC 800-916-8800: Disputes Items & Status Checks 877-322-
• P.O. Box 2000 8228: Free Annual Credit Report
Crum Lynne, PA 19022
800-888-4213: Purchase Credit Report 888-909-

• 555 West Adams St 8872: Place a Security Freeze

Chicago, IL 60661 800-493-2392: Credit Monitoring Customer Support
866-922-2100: Business Services Assistance1
$1 Offer – TransUnion Credit Monitoring

Experian Website:

Experian Mailing Address Experian Phone Numbers

Experian National Consumer Assist. 800-509-8495: Dispute Credit Report Items 888-397-
3742: Report Requests & Fraud Help 877-284-7942:
• P.O. Box 4500
Existing Customer Support
Allen, TX 75013
888-243-6951: Business Credit Services

• 701 Experian Parkway

Allen, TX 75013

Equifax Website

Equifax Mailing Address Equifax Phone Numbers:

Equifax Credit Information Services, LLC 866-349-5191: Dispute Credit Report Items 800-685-
• P.O. Box 740256
1111: Request Free Credit Report 888-766-0008: Place
Atlanta, GA 30348
Fraud Alert on Profile 866-493-9788: Existing
• 1550 Peachtree Street, NW Customer Support
Atlanta, GA 30309-2468
888-202-4025: Business Solutions
Get a free copy of all three of your credit reports. You can get these from
annualcreditreport.comannualcreditreport.com (You are only allowed one free report
from each bureau once a year).

To remove public records i.e. Tax liens, judgments, & bankruptcies, you
must contact the following third party reporting agencies & have your
consumer files frozen. You also should suppress files as well especially with
Advance Resolution Services, Inc. (A.R.S.) – (800) 392-8911
LexisNexis – (888) 497-9172 www.lexisnexis.com/privacy
SageStream – (888) 395-0277 http://www.sagestreamllc.com/security-freeze
Credco/CoreLogic – (877) 532-8778 www.credco.com/securityfreeze
Innovis – (800) 540-2505 www.innovis.com
Factor Trust 1-844-773-3321 ws.factortrust.com
Clarity Services Inc. 1-866-390-3118 www.clarityservices.com
Microbilt 1-800-884-4747 option #5 or 1-888-222-7621 www.microbilt.com
All files must have a credit freeze prior to getting a bankruptcy, tax lien or judgment removed. The 609 letters can be
used to remove theses public records that are reporting on the 3 credit bureaus. Use the public record removal letter for
these type of accounts.

If you are in Chexsystems and you are trying to get a bank account. You can have a security freeze placed on your

Chexsystems: (800) 887-7652 – www.chexsystems.com Early Warning Services:

(800) 325-7775 - www.earlywarning.com
Telecheck: (800) 366-2425 https://www.firstdata.com/content/dam/FirstData/telecheck/telecheck-

We also have Chexsystems dispute letters in the Members Area of our website.


1. A scheduled appointment to your convenience.

2. We will go over each item that is reporting negatively (unlimited
number of accounts) collections, bankruptcy, judgments, tax liens,
hard inquiries that you did not receive new credit for, and late
3. We will begin the credit repair process based on the accounts we agreed on.


1. Pull your credit reports from PrivacyGuard.com for all three credit bureaus and
provide us with your log in information.
2. Upload a photocopy of your state issued identification to our website.
3. Upload your social security card to our website.
4. Upload most current utility bill (not cell phone bill) to our website.

Throughout the process you can contact your assigned personal consultant with any
questions or if you get any correspondence.

You are responsible for uploading your assigned consultant any correspondences you
receive from the creditors or credit bureaus. It may not take 3 cycles, but our fee
includes up to 3 cycles of service to you! (cycle = 30-45 days). There is no guarantee
in credit repair. There will be no refunds once the work begins.
Contact: our call center at 1- 888-776-5724 for availability and pricing or go to our
website to make an appointment in the SHOP Area by clicking here .
(Transunion, Equifax, Experian)

Review all personal information such as names, addresses, work history etc. and make sure they are
current and accurate. Review all hard inquires, credit accounts, collections, public records etc. Make
note of any inaccuracies and highlight for removal or correction.


• Dispute any misspelled names on your credit report. No matter how many.
• Remove all previous or incorrect addresses on your credit files. Only keep your
current address on file. (Unless performing “The shopping Cart Trick” in some
cases you should keep an old address that is reporting in order for it to work .
See Shopping Cart Trick below)
• Update your current phone number
• Remove old employers and add your current employer
Before proceeding to step 3, be sure to follow the rest of the steps with the dispute process on
the Pinned Post (Announcement Section) of the group.
(If you were affected by the glitch that occurred April - June of 2016 with Transunion, you can have your hard inquiries
removed). You will have to dispute your Equifax and Experian hard inquiries via dispute inquiry letters OR call the
lenders who ran your credit and ask them to remove them.

Before contacting each credit bureau, make sure you have a printed copy of your credit report

• Once you get a Trans Union representative on the line they will
proceed to ask for your personal information. Immediately request
to be transferred to a special handling agent in the USA. You want
your phone call to be handled by a US representative as previous
Credit Warriors have found a greater percentage of success when
speaking to a US special handling representative.
• Once transferred advised the representative that your inquires fell
off but were reinserted and you never received a five day notice
(which is a FCRA violation)
• Provide them the information they need to remove the hard
Wait until your credit report updates before moving on to step four
(Please view group files for information on disputing judgments, bankruptcy and student loans, remember you
are repairing your credit in small steps!)

• Collections
• Late Payments
• Charge offs
• Public Records
The most effective way to remove negative accounts from your credit report is to use
a 609 letter


Section (609) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act is a Consumers Disclosure section
which is to provide for the protection of consumers against false and erroneous
This section of the FCRA places the burden upon the Credit Bureaus and the
Creditor to prove an account is yours. To positively prove an account is yours, the
creditor must provide the credit bureau a copy of the original creditor's
documentation (whatever you filled out and signed upon opening the account with
the reporting creditor).

The FCRA was enacted by Congress to protect consumers from unverifiable accounts
and information from being reported on your credit report. Example: If you filed a
suit against someone and you showed up in court with no proof against that person,
what would the judge do - throw the case out of court! Without documentation, the
Credit Bureaus have NO right to list your personal financial information on your
credit report. They are required by law to verify and validate every single account on
your report.
609 letters are most effective in removing accounts and information that negatively
affect your credit score. It also creates physical proof of your disputes. Always send
609 letters via certified mail with proof of delivery.
You can dispute online as well, but please note that disputing online waives your right to dispute
again if the account comes back verified.
Please make sure to follow the instructions as they are detailed in order to increase your probability of

UPDATED 11/19/2018

The shopping cart trick, also known as the soft pull trick, is a clever method that
allows people with bad credit to get a credit card. The shopping cart trick relies on
the fact that many websites will pre-approve you for a credit card during the checkout
process without actually checking your score. When you opt in, you are in essence
registering yourself in the system of the creditor which makes credit approval faster.
There is a chance you could get a hard pull on your credit report.

The first step to begin the SCT is to opt in at

• Make sure you fill out all the information as it appears on your credit report. It
is a good idea to have a copy of your credit report handy so that you input the
information correctly.
• Wait 2 to 3 weeks for your information to be registered into the system. It has
been reported waiting 7 days is sufficient, but it’s better to wait at least 2 weeks
for optimum success with the SCT.
• Once you are ready, clear out your internet browser’s history and allow pop
ups. (Each internet browser client is different on how to accomplish this, please search google
for instructions.)
• There are dozens of websites that have been reported that works with the SCT,
but the retailer websites with the most reported success are as follows:

Victoria Secrets
JD Williams

• Go on any of the above websites and add items to your cart. It is advised to not
add more than $300.00 to your cart.
• Check out as a guest and input all personal information exactly as it is on your
credit report.
• If the SCT is successful a pop-up message of pre-approval will appear before
you are required to input payment information. Accept the offer and input all
your information along with the last four digits of your SSN. This will be a soft
pull and will not show up on your credit report as a hard inquiry.
• Empty out your cart and wait until your credit card comes in the mail.

Below are all the retailers that have been reported to work with the SCT. Some
have higher success rates than others.

Use this at your own discretion, but remember the goal is to acquire new credit lines so that
you can boost your credit score without the hard inquiry credit score reduction or hard inquiry
log on your credit report.

Comenity Credit CardList 2016

The following stores have a Comenity store credit card offer, and have been tested to work with the
shopping cart trick. To start, select a few off the list that you want, and save the websites for later. I
always recommend only focusing on three sites at a time, and if they fail, moving on to three more.

Abercrombie & Fitch

Ann Taylor
Bath & Body Works
Brylane Home
Coldwater Creek
Jessica London
King Size Direct
New York & Company
One Stop Plus
Overstock (Be careful with your social on this one! Only enter last 4!)
Sportsman Guide
Total Rewards
Victoria Secret

Below are a list of Credit Cards that can help you on your road to credit

For people with poor to fair credit the recommendations are to get a secured card:

Open Sky Secured Credit Card (soft pull)

For more detailed information visit:

Capital One Secured Credit Card (hard pull)

Capital One Secured Credit Card

First National Bank Secured Credit Card (hard pull)

First National Bank Secured Credit Card

Credit Builder Card

Credit Builder <Click Here

Credit Warriors will be compensated by the each company for all referrals

You can also get a secured credit card from the bank you currently bank with.
For people with Good credit the recommendations are to get a unsecured card:

Capital One - Platinum or QuickSilver (hard pull)

Capital One
Credit One - (hard pull)
Credit One
Store Cards - Walmart, Target, Sears, JCPenney etc... (hard pull)

Bank Cards - Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc... (hard pull)

You can go to each of these creditors website to research their information.

For people with Very Good to Excellent credit the recommendations are to get an
unsecured card:

All hard pulls.

Discover it
Amex (American Express)

You can go to each of these creditors website to research their information.

9K in guaranteed personal credit

Credit Warriors wants to show you the next level to building your personal credit. Your hard work
and dedication thus far clearing derogatory and incorrect concerns on your personal credit report
has shown some progression to your credit worthy goals. Now you need that extra boost or that last
push, well Credit Warriors has a passion and mission to be persistent in our research and dedication
to reach, teach, and empower as many as WARRIORS as possible. In our dedication to that mission
we have discovered something new will give you the boost you desire.
We at Credit Warriors have yet another empowerment tool that will help elevate you to a higher
standard of credit worthiness. This new option will put any Warrior in place to receive up to $9,000
in GUARANTEED Personal Credit. How you ask? Glad you asked.
With this tool you have three options that will guarantee up to $9,000 in new lines of credit that
reports directly to all three credit bureaus every month. You have a few options to choose from to
help you reach your personal credit goals:
1. Hutton Chase - offers a $1,500 line of credit that reports to Equifax and TransUnion
2. Ox Publishing - offers a $2,500 line of credit that reports to Equifax only.
3. Online Jewelry Store- offers $5,000 line of credit that reports to Equifax,
TransUnion, and Experian

Whatever option you choose to open (from $1,500 up to $19,000) you will position yourself to
balance out your Credit Utilization and Debt to Income (DTI) ratio. This new tool can play an
important part in boosting your credit score for immediate and long term goals like purchase a car
with a great interest rate or purchasing that family dream home and the list goes on.
To take advantage of this opportunities use the links listed below and click your way into the boost
that gets your closer to your dream credit score. Be sure to read all the details on each link to help
you better make your choices.
Hutton Chase
Ox Publishing

Online Jewelry Store


Thank you, Credit Warriors

*Remember use your new credit wisely.
BREAKING DOWN 'Debt-To-Income Ratio - DTI'
A low debt-to-income ratio demonstrates a good balance between debt
and income. Conversely, a high DTI can signal that an individual has
too much debt for the amount of income he or she has. According to
studies of mortgage loans, borrowers who have lower DTIs are more
likely to successfully manage monthly debt payments, so lenders prefer
to see low numbers. In general, 43% is the highest DTI a borrower can
have and still get qualified for a mortgage. A debt-to-income ratio
smaller than 36%, however, is preferable, with no more than 28% of
that debt going towards servicing a mortgage. The lower the number,
the better the chances that an individual will be able to get the loan
or line of credit he or she wants
To determine your DTI ratio, simply take your total debt figure and
divide it by your income. For instance, if your debt costs$3,000 per
month and your monthly income equals $10,000, your DTI
is $3,000 ÷ $10,000, or 30 percent.
*Please note that this book’s content is subject to change. I will work
diligently to provide new content, and to keep it updated for you.

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