Modeling The Dielectric Mediums Impact On Coaxial Tranmission Line Performance
Modeling The Dielectric Mediums Impact On Coaxial Tranmission Line Performance
Modeling The Dielectric Mediums Impact On Coaxial Tranmission Line Performance
Abstract: In this research work, mathematical modeling for the coaxial cable has been used to analyze
transmission line performance under three different dielectric mediums, which are propagation medium in
the coaxial cable, and to illustrate their role in the amount of Characteristic impedance (Char imp) of the
transmission line. Polyimide, Polyethylene, and Teflon dielectric materials have been examined to extract
the values of the electrical model elements, hence the total reluctance and attenuation of the line. Also, this
analysis is related to dielectric mediums with respect to dielectric heat losses and its influences on coaxial
cable inner and outer conductors. Therefore, the mathematical model assembled by MATLAB is used to
examine coaxial cables performance according to the above effects of (dielectrics) insulators performance.
Extracted results have demonstrated the losses and attenuation in the propagation of electromagnetic
Keywords: Coaxial Transmission Line; Mathematical Model; Electrical Model; Dielectric Mediums;
Polyimide; Polyethylene; Teflon
Char Imp.
300 m = pi*4e-7;
e = 8.854e-12;
a = 1; %inner cond. radius
250 Er = 3.4;
sd = 2e-4;
sc = 5.8e7;
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
frequency(GHz) % calulations
b = 1.5:.1:10;
Fig. 5. Char Imp with Frequency
G = 2pi*sd./log(b.*a-1);
As illustrated in figure (5), Char Imp has indirect C=2*pi*Er*e./log(b.* a-1);
correlation with the frequency. It decreases with the
L = m*log(b./a)/(2pi);
increasing of frequency. Thus, the impedance for
frequency bandwidth (0.9 to 1.8) GHz, is high, but Ro = sqrt(pi*f*m/sc);
frequency increases more than 2 GHz, such as in the R=(1e3*((.a-1)+(b-1))*Ro)/(2pi);
satellite frequency band, the impedance is ranging from RL = R+i*2pi*f*L;
50 to 100 ohms. As depicted in the figure, Polyamide GC = G+i*2pi*f *C;
offers the lowest Char Imp. However, PE is wider used
G= sqrt(RL.*GC);
as the dielectric medium in coaxial cable industry due to
the bending flexibility and other physical properties that Z = abs(sqrt(RL./GC));
Polyimide cannot offer, besides it is cheaper as well. A = real(G);
Loss = exp(2*A*1);
Generally, this impedance defines and limit the
amount of transferred power and attenuation along the Loss_db = 10*log10(loss);
transmission line. Also, it determines the percentage of plot(Z,loss_db, 'r')
the traveling, standing, and reflected waves. Thus, the xlabel('Characteristic Impedance
Char Imp directly affects the propagation and equality of (ohms)')
the signal transmission. The most important
ylabel('attenuation (db/m)')
consideration of transmission and propagation that char
imp value should be equal at both the transmitting and Assuming the lossless line to calculate Char Imp. In
receiving terminals of the transmission line to reduce the figure (6) is illustrating the attenuation and its pattern
propagation losses. due to the variation of the Char Imp that is changing
due to the frequency change of an electromagnetic
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