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Modeling The Dielectric Mediums Impact On Coaxial Tranmission Line Performance

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Modeling the Dielectric Mediums Impact on

Coaxial Transmission Line Performance

Mohammed Qasim Taha
University of Anbar, College of Applied Sciences, Department of Biophysics.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4098-9824
Email: as.mohammad_taha@uoanbar.edu.iq

Abstract: In this research work, mathematical modeling for the coaxial cable has been used to analyze
transmission line performance under three different dielectric mediums, which are propagation medium in
the coaxial cable, and to illustrate their role in the amount of Characteristic impedance (Char imp) of the
transmission line. Polyimide, Polyethylene, and Teflon dielectric materials have been examined to extract
the values of the electrical model elements, hence the total reluctance and attenuation of the line. Also, this
analysis is related to dielectric mediums with respect to dielectric heat losses and its influences on coaxial
cable inner and outer conductors. Therefore, the mathematical model assembled by MATLAB is used to
examine coaxial cables performance according to the above effects of (dielectrics) insulators performance.
Extracted results have demonstrated the losses and attenuation in the propagation of electromagnetic

Keywords: Coaxial Transmission Line; Mathematical Model; Electrical Model; Dielectric Mediums;
Polyimide; Polyethylene; Teflon

INTRODUCTION transmission lines of telegraph communications. He has

The coaxial cables combined with inner conducting revealed that sheathing the transmission line conductor
wire surrounded by cylindrical insulating dielectric with insulation materials increases the traveling signal
material which is surrounded by a cylindrical clarity and improves the physical durability of the
conducting shield acting as the neutral wire. Also, transmission line. A year after, he invented the coaxial
coaxial cables are protected by an insulating sheath or cable in the United Kingdom and Siemens made the first
jacket. Thus, the term coaxial is to express that inner practical coaxial cable in 1884 [1-3].
wire and outer tubular shield share same geometric axis Manufacturing a cable in this way is to keep all
as shown in figure (1). traveling electromagnetic wave in the area inside it. The
coaxial cable is flexible and can be twisted or bent due
to its mechanical properties. Furthermore, if the cable is
strapped by conductive supporting materials, unwanted
currents will be induced. Although, in few gigahertz
frequency radiation applications, the propagation in
transverse electric magnetic mode, i.e. electric and
magnetic fields are perpendicular to the focal point of
propagation. Yet, the wavelength is remarkably shorter
than the circumference of coaxial cable transmission
Fig. 1. The cross-section of coaxial cable lines. Therefore, transverse electric and transverse
magnetic waveguide modes will propagate in the
Historically, in 1880, Oliver Heaviside an English dielectric medium. Coaxial cable inner solid copper
mathematician studied the skin effect phenomena in the conductor conducts the electrical signal is usually made
of a copper plated steel or may be stranded copper wire. The ideal dielectric materials cannot exhibit
The conductor is surrounded by a dielectric and all electrical conductivity if an electric field would be
reserved by a conducting shield [4]. The propagation of applied. Practically, dielectric mediums have some
electromagnetic waves through the coaxial cable before electric conductivity increases with the temperature
they suffer either sucking or reflection in the dielectric increase and applied field, i.e. when the applied field
materials. So physically the speed (S) of electromagnetic increases in critical magnitude, the dielectric suddenly
waves, propagating through coaxial cable, is affected by starts conducting, thus large current flows, accompanied
the physical and the composition of the dielectric by a visible spark breaking out in most cases. That
materials and given by causes an immediate partial destruction happens
depending on the size of supplied energy sent by a
source in such low conductivity path. This threshold of
electric field is defined by many factors such that; the
K= (µr × εr) specimen geometry, electrodes material and shape, the
ambient medium shielding the dielectric medium, and
C is the light velocity in vacuum = 0.3 G (m/s), µr time variation of the electric field signal. Also, there can
and εr are dielectric medium magnetic relative be temperature instability due to the generated heat by
permeability and relative permittivity, respectively. conductors or dielectric losses, which end with a thermal
It is concluded that the propagation velocity of an breakdown. Practically, this breakdown may be caused
electromagnetic wave traveling through a dielectric by other reasons such as operating several of
medium is always less than their propagation velocity neighboring cables simultaneously. However, careful
through a vacuum, since (K>1) for dielectric materials. experiments can possibly measure the critical field
Practically the most common dielectric materials are; which is depending on the intrinsic insulating
Solid Polyethylene (PE) which supports low- characteristics of the material. This field is expressed as
temperature applications, Foamed Polyethylene (FPE) the intrinsic electric strength of the tested dielectric
which provides less capacitance and attenuation than material [9-11].
solid PE. However, the Air Spaced coaxial cables
support a lower dielectric constant than Polyethylene, COAXIAL CABLES EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT
but they allowed only in short diameter cable size [5-7]. The coaxial cable transmission lines contain many
In this paper, the Air has been examined as a dielectric parameters dictating his performance; Sending voltage
to depict its performance, despite it offers a good option (Vs), receiving voltage (Vr), capacitance (C), inductance
as a dielectric, it cannot always be used due to (L), resistance (R), and conductance (G). The equivalent
mechanical and practical limitations. Beside containing circuit of a coaxial cable is shown in figure (3).
and maintaining propagation, the dielectric material
maintains the critical spacing between the outer shield
and inner center conductor. A certain percentage of
signal energy is inevitably dissipated in the dielectric
medium itself since it is an imperfect insulator. Thus,
low-loss cables can be achieved by utilizing dielectric
materials with better insulating characteristics.
According to these requirements, Polyethylene is a most
common dielectric material option, has good electrical
properties, besides it is cheap and flexible. Also, PE has
less dielectric losses than Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC).
Fig. 3. Transmission line coaxial cable model
However, under voltage stress, PE is sensitive to
humidity. The chemical formula for PE is (C2H4) nH2 The dielectric medium and conductors in coaxial
as shown in figure (2). The material breaks down at high cable have a remarkable electrical impact on the test
temperatures [8]. setup. Coaxial cables are lossy elements with inductance
and lumped capacitance. However, practically the
electric effects of a coaxial are more complex compared
with single shunt capacitance value.
In this paper, the examination of the coaxial cable
electrical performance has been carried out. The ohmic
resistance, distributed capacitance, and inductance affect
the signal clarity. Thus, different dielectrics change
Fig. 2. The Basic Chemical PE polymer chain
these values and hence the coaxial cable performance. illustrated in figure (4), the dielectric losses increase
The coaxial cable modeling circuit contains: with the frequency (stress), because shunt conductance
increases linearly with signal frequency. This loss
Series resistance (ohms per meter) represents the represents another major loss accompany most coaxial
copper losses in the inner conductor and neutral shield at cables shown as dissipated heat power in the dielectric
low signal frequency [10-12]. However, at high and increase with frequency causing signal attenuation.
frequencies, the skin effect phenomena can increase the
cable effective resistance by decreasing the sectional
area and confines the current conduction to a thin skin
layer of the inner conductor. Series resistance is given
by the following equation:
R = (1/2π) × ((1/d) + (1/D)) × √(πfµ / σ) (1)
Where: d is inner conductor diameter
D: Outer shield diameter
µ: Dielectric magnetic permeability
σ: Inner wire Conductivity
Shunt capacitance (Farad per meter) is the coaxial
cable capability carrying a charge.
C = 2πϵ / ln(D/d) (2)
Also, as mentioned before when the stress increases
due to high frequencies traveling signal, the dielectric Fig. 4. Coaxial cable attenuation constant
medium becomes significantly lossy, because the The electrical dissipated Power losses also can be
insulating material absorbs some of alternating electric raised due to heating up the inner conductor and braid
field energy and consequently causing high heat. shield by the surrounding hot dielectric medium. Also,
Series inductance (Henries per meter) represents there is a capacitive energy loss depends on the
the circulating magnetic field along the inductor. Thus, dielectric insulator kind used between the two inner and
self-inductance is represented by a series inductor given outer shield conductors, causing heating up the dielectric
by: material with electric field variation [13-14].
L = (µ/2π) × ln(D/d) (3)
Shunt conductance is a very small value when The capacitance (C) in the cable can be calculated as
efficient dielectric mediums, with low dielectric follows,
constant, are used. The dielectric medium has high Wd = ω C Vo2 tan(δ) (6)
resistive losses at high frequencies. C = [(εr /18) × ln(D/d)] ×10−9 (F.m-1) (7)
G=2πσ/ln(D/d) (4) Where: d: Inner conductor Diameter (mm)
Char Imp Z is the total reluctance to the electrical Vo: The rated voltage of the cable
energy flow in the transmission line. It is defined and Wd: Dielectric loss per length unit, W.m-1
calculated by the coaxial cable electrical parameters; tan (δ): Insulation loss factor
capacitance, resistance, conductance, and inductance ω: The propagation angular frequency
combined in the following equation:
1) Coaxial Cable Line Modeling
Generally, among all forms of coaxial cable losses, The coaxial transmission line with many different
radiation losses are the least effective losses. Therefore, dielectrics is tested by MATLAB to illustrate the
reducing coaxial cable losses such as impedance influence of different dielectric on the transmission
matching, skin effect, and dielectric losses, is more quality of the coaxial cable. Using theoretical equations
important in the coaxial cable industry. (1-10), the MATLAB code can measure the electric
parameters affecting the performance of the
DIELECTRIC LOSSES transmission lines, which mostly defined by the effect of
Dielectric medium losses are due to the electric the dielectric mediums (Polyimide, Polyethylene, and
absorption of energy since it suffers fast polarization in a Teflon) whose relative permeability constants are
different direction. Also, it rises with the conductance. illustrated in table (1) and finally display the electric
Besides, Dielectric losses are increasing with the parameters in tables (2-5). Every dielectric has different
increasing sending voltage on the cable conductor. As properties which mean different attenuation constant.
Table 1: Relative Permittivity of Tested Dielectrics Table 3: Result of Polyimide Dielectric Medium
Dielectric Medium ϵr Coaxial parameters Polyimide (εr = 3.4)
1 Polyimide 3.4 1 Conductance (S/m) 5.3078×10-16
2 Polyethylene 2.25 2 Capacitance (F/m) 1.5957×10-10
3 Teflon 2.1 3 Inductance (H/m) 2.3675×10-7
4 Resistance (ohm/m) 9.3354
The assumed physical specifications of the cable are: 5 Gamma 0.1212+231.71i
• 6 MHz propagation wave 6 Alpha α (Np/m) 0.12118
• The inner conductor diameter (d= 0.45) 7 Beta β (rad /m) 231.7125
• Inside diameter of shield (D = 1.47)
8 Char imp Z (Ω) 38.52-0.0201i
• Conductor conductivity = 5.8 × 107
The Propagation constant (ᵧ) can be calculated equation Table 4: Result of Polyethylene Dielectric Medium
below: Coaxial Parameters Polyethylene (εr=2.25)
1 Conductance (S/m) 5.3078× 10-16
(8) 2 Capacitance (F/m) 1.0559 ×10-10
3 Inductance (H/m) 2.3675 ×10-7
Using the equations (1-8) the assumed physical constant 4 Resistance (ohm/m) 9.3354
values, the MATLAB cod has been assembled 5 Gamma 0.0986+188.495i
6 Alpha α (Np/m) 0.098577
MATLAB code 7 Beta β (rad /m) 188.4956
m = pi*4e-7; 8 Char imp Z (Ω) 47.351-0.02476i
eo=1e-9 /(36pi);
a = 0.45; %the inner cond. radius Table 5: Result of Teflon Dielectric Medium
b = 1.47; %the outer shield radius Coaxial Parameters Teflon (εr=2.1)
er = 2.1; %relative permittivity 1 Conductance (S/m) 5.3078×10-16
sd = 1e-16; %dielectric conductivity 2 Capacitance (F/m) 9.8555×10-11
sc = 5.8e7; %conductor conductivity 3 Inductance (H/m) 2.3675×10-7
ur = 1; %conductor permeability 4 Resistance (ohm/m) 9.3354
f=6e9 %input frequency 5 Gamma 0.09523+182.1i
% calulations 6 Alpha α (Np/m) 0.09523
Rs = sqrt(pi * f * ur * m/sc); 7 Beta β (rad /m) 182.1
L=m*log(b/a)/(2*pi); 8 Char imp Z (Ω) 49.0127-0.02563i
C=2pi*er*eo / log(b / a); 2) Char Imp
R =(1000*(a-1+b-1))*Rs)/(2pi); This value is directly determined by homogeneous
G=2pi*sd / log(b/a); dielectric relative permittivity. Typically, it can be
O = 2*pi*f; %Omega computed using electrical modeling of the coaxial cable.
RL = R + i*O*L; In this paper, MATLAB simulation illustrates the
GC = G + i*O*C; pattern of Char Imp with respect to the signal frequency
G= sqrt(RL*GC); %Gamma band traveling in the line [15]. The MATLAB code to
Zo = sqrt(RL/GC); %Char imp demonstrate the value of the Char Imp with the respect
A = real(G); %Alpha of frequency as follows:
B = imag(G); %Beta MATLAB code
v = 3e8;
Table 2: Results of Air Dielectric Medium
Er = 3.4;
Coaxial parameters Air (εr = 1)
1 Conductance (S/m) 5.3078×10-16 u = v / sqrt(Er);
2 Capacitance (F/m) 4.6931×10-11 a = 4.30;
3 Inductance (H/m) 2.3675×10-7 % calulations
4 Resistance (ohm/m) 9.3354 f =(u/(2*.0254*a));
5 Gamma 0.0657+125.664i flo =1.7e9/sqrt(Er);
6 Alpha α (Np/m) 0.065718 fhi= 2.6e9/sqrt(Er);
7 Beta β (rad /m) 25.6637
N = 1e2;
8 Char imp Z (Ω) 71.026-0.03714i
df = (fhi-flo)/N; 3) Attenuation
fo = flo : df : fhi; Term attenuation defines the losses in the coaxial
K= sqrt(1-((f./fo).)^2); cable measured in decibels per meter (dB/m) to
Z =(120*pi/sqrt(er))./K; represent the losses on a logarithmic scale. The typical
fr =f./1e9; coaxial cable used for satellite application contains an
inner copper conductor with 1mm radius and an outer
plot(fr,Z) shield copper conductor with radius b. Practically, outer
ylabel('impedance (ohms)') shield thickness must be typically narrower than the skin
xlabel('frequency(GHz)') depth to minimize the influence of attenuation. The ratio
of the outer shield to the inner diameter (b/a) is typically
450 1.5 to 10.
Polyimide er=3.4
Polyethylene er=2.25 To depict the pattern of the attenuation and its with
Teflon er=2.1 respect to the Char Imp for different permittivity
400 constant (Teflon, Polyimide, and Polyethylene)
dielectrics, considering the frequency fixed at 1 GHz,
the MATLAB code below demonstrates the attenuation
(dB/m) behavior with respect to the coaxial cable line
impedance (ohms)

Char Imp.
300 m = pi*4e-7;
e = 8.854e-12;
a = 1; %inner cond. radius
250 Er = 3.4;
sd = 2e-4;
sc = 5.8e7;
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
frequency(GHz) % calulations
b = 1.5:.1:10;
Fig. 5. Char Imp with Frequency
G = 2pi*sd./log(b.*a-1);
As illustrated in figure (5), Char Imp has indirect C=2*pi*Er*e./log(b.* a-1);
correlation with the frequency. It decreases with the
L = m*log(b./a)/(2pi);
increasing of frequency. Thus, the impedance for
frequency bandwidth (0.9 to 1.8) GHz, is high, but Ro = sqrt(pi*f*m/sc);
frequency increases more than 2 GHz, such as in the R=(1e3*((.a-1)+(b-1))*Ro)/(2pi);
satellite frequency band, the impedance is ranging from RL = R+i*2pi*f*L;
50 to 100 ohms. As depicted in the figure, Polyamide GC = G+i*2pi*f *C;
offers the lowest Char Imp. However, PE is wider used
G= sqrt(RL.*GC);
as the dielectric medium in coaxial cable industry due to
the bending flexibility and other physical properties that Z = abs(sqrt(RL./GC));
Polyimide cannot offer, besides it is cheaper as well. A = real(G);
Loss = exp(2*A*1);
Generally, this impedance defines and limit the
amount of transferred power and attenuation along the Loss_db = 10*log10(loss);
transmission line. Also, it determines the percentage of plot(Z,loss_db, 'r')
the traveling, standing, and reflected waves. Thus, the xlabel('Characteristic Impedance
Char Imp directly affects the propagation and equality of (ohms)')
the signal transmission. The most important
ylabel('attenuation (db/m)')
consideration of transmission and propagation that char
imp value should be equal at both the transmitting and Assuming the lossless line to calculate Char Imp. In
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