SQAM-2019 VolvoGroup
SQAM-2019 VolvoGroup
SQAM-2019 VolvoGroup
Safety management | 1
Quality lasts when we put it first. Every day in the Volvo Group,
we are relentlessly working to improve our processes, products and
competences to be best in class in our industry. Equally important
is the spirit of true commitment to quality excellence, having a
customer-focused approach at heart and a continuous improvement
mindset. This is where you as our supplier and business partner
come into the picture. We expect and encourage you to adopt
the same principles, practices and mindset. Both today, with your
unbeatable knowledge of well-known technologies, and your
competitive curiosity for tomorrow’s innovations.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Volvo Group
Safety Basic Safety Basic Production measurements
Sourcing APQP Sourcing APQP PPAP specific
management requirements Management Requirements requirements and corrective
requirements actions
This document defines the expectations and working procedures Nova Bus, Prevost Bus, Volvo
intended to assist suppliers in achieving and maintaining a Construction Equipment and Text in frame boxes like this
successful working business relationship with the Volvo Group. Volvo Penta. Nova Bus and provide an overview of the
This document is organized in eight chapters explaining our main Prevost Bus may be referred information in the section
processes. to as Volvo Bus North and may be used as a quick
America (VBNA). reference.
The Volvo Group definition of safety not only includes the safety
of the immediate user of our products, but also understanding the
entire scope of potential impact of our products on society.
1.1 Definition Suppliers are required to conduct a criticality analysis for features of
the product design and production process that could result in a safety
Safety requirements are determined based on the potential of a effect. For suppliers having design responsibility, special characteristics
feature, product or system to create a personal hazard to any person related to safety must be clearly identified within their design
in contact with the products or effects caused by the product. A specifications, verification/validation plans, drawings and technical
Safety Customer Effect is considered when a danger can lead to documentation. Suppliers who are design responsible for products
injuries to vehicle operators, passengers, other travelers, passers- impacting safety are required to develop System, Sub-System, Design
by or maintenance personnel. Suppliers of a safety critical part are and Process Failure Modes Effects Analysis to assist in the analysis.
categorized as a Safety Part Supplier.
Volvo Group must be notified of any product features or functions
Historically, Volvo Group defined safety critical parts by the feature where the potential failure mode and associated customer safety
of the part. Recently, Volvo Group defineds a new classification of effect are assigned a high severity score (9 or 10). (Severity for any
safety parts based on the use, function or application of the part. features identified by Volvo Group with a [CC] or [1] must have a
There is no single feature or characteristic of the part that defines the severity score of a 9 or 10 on the supplier’s FMEA.)
part as safety critical, rather the safety critical designation relates to
the safe reliable function of the part itself. These parts shall meet all
Suppliers are responsible to ensure that all sub-suppliers and
the requirements of a safety critical part with the exception of the
contractors are aware of and comply with the requirements related
requirement to maintain capability of a specific feature.
to safety requirements. Tier I suppliers must have procedures and
practices to ensure an adequate level of control and requirements
Suppliers of parts on the list of safety parts will be notified by the
are deployed at all suppliers or sub-suppliers whose product or
presence of a check box on the Part Version Report (PVR) or by
processes could have an effect on safety related features.
notification from the Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) assigned for
the component.
Safety Critical related features are designated by the presence of VOLVO GROUP MUST BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IN THE
the symbol [CC] or [1] next to the feature on the drawing or in a EVENT A NON-CONFORMANCE OR POTENTIAL CUSTOMER
specification. If any feature of a part is considered safety critical, RISK IS IDENTIFIED
the part is considered to be a safety critical part. All of the activities
A supplier that has a safety part without a critical characteristic Process parameters influencing conformance
will be required to complete a Short Safety Management Audit. Machine settings influencing conformance
A supplier who is supplying a part that has been identified as a Maintenance activity of machines, equipment, jigs, gauges and test
safety part and contains a critical characteristic will be required to equipment
participate in the Safety Management Audit (SMA). The SMA will be Personnel qualification records for operators performing the work
conducted during the sourcing process and potential suppliers are
required to achieve a passing score prior to the award of business. If product is controlled in lots or batches, a risk analysis related to
severity of non-conformance and probability of occurrence must
The target score for the SMA is minimum 90%. Suppliers that be conducted and used in establishing the lot sizes to minimize the
achieve a passing score, above 60%, but below 90% will be impact of product recall.
Volvo Group requires tier I suppliers to have an active Safety
Management Audit process for their suppliers. For those suppliers
who do not have an audit process of their safety critical suppliers,
Volvo Group does offer assistance to tier I suppliers in developing
a Safety Management Program. This assistance may include
conducting a joint audit at a tier II supplier. The tier I supplier is
responsible to continue the SMA program and follow up on all
action items initiated during the original audit. Volvo Group does not
assume responsibility for the supplier’s SMA program, audit results,
or follow-up activity. All responsibility for the SMA program and the
quality of safety critical parts remain the responsibility of the tier I
“Never satisfied, let nothing happen by chance
and strive for ZERO defect performance”
Volvo Group has adopted quality processes and systems where Zero km quality Zero production impact
successful application by our suppliers is key to shared success. Internal campaigns
Customer claims (for Zero defects*
The success of our performance is determined by the final customer. powertrain)
First time through (FTT)
Volvo Group’s customers are the businesses and people who rely
Line stop
every day on safe, reliable transport solutions. Product audit
Q PM (ref. 8.4)
We believe that achieving this level of quality and reliability can only P PM
be achieved by robust processes and rigorous monitoring. Supplier First Time
Through (for Volvo CE)
This requires a customer focus mindset, a continuing search for
effective solutions, and opportunities for continuous improvement. Problem solving Zero time lag versus expectations*
Q J/QSP lead time (ref. Zero recurrence
Inspection Report lead
2.1 Performance expectations time (ref. 8.2)
The table below defines the target performance levels for Volvo 8 D robustness
Group suppliers. Our desire is for all Volvo Group suppliers to strive
to meet and exceed these target values. All suppliers are expected Management system Zero audit findings without an agreed-
Audit compliance upon action plan
to have a Zero Defect approach to quality and demonstrate a
continuous improvement towards the Zero Defect goal.
* Actual targets for a supplier may be modified based on commodity,
For specific products, additional part specific targets may be product technology, function or part criticality. Exceptions must be
defined in the Request for Quotation (RFQ). documented in a Long Term Agreement, or contract.
Quality system T
rucks:ISO 9001:2015 and IATF Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility
16949:2016 Volvo Group Supplier Code S elf-assessment
us, Penta, VCE: ISO 9001:2015 of Conduct Preferred: 100%
Acceptable: Greater than or equal to 60%
Environmental system ISO 14001:2015 current certificate No stopping parameters
Volvo Group Supplier Code S
of Conduct IMDS reporting Logistic evaluation MaterialsManagement Operations
Key Element Procedure 7 Guidelines/Logistics Evaluation
(Logistic) (MMOG/LE) self-assessment level A
Supplier Evaluation Model P
referred: Greater than or equal to 90% (Optional for VBNA and VCE suppliers)
cceptable: Greater than or equal to 60%
Key Element Procedure 1 N
o stopping parameters Electronic Data 100% Electronic communication
(General) Interchange
Key Element Procedure
Product Safety A
pproved: Greater than or equal to 90% 1&7
Management Program C
onditional: Greater than or equal to 60%
(Applies to suppliers of N
o stopping parameters
safety critical components)
Index Audit A
pproved: Greater than or equal to 80%
(Applies to suppliers of C
onditional: Greater than or equal to 60%
Index related processes, N
o stopping parameters
ref. 3.6)
Software S
(Applies to software C
urrent certificate
or equivalent by an
suppliers) accredited 3rd party
It’s the first step in building a strong relationship between the Volvo
Group and our suppliers.
3. Sourcing | 23
Suppliers have an important role to play in the selection process: The Short SEM collects general data about the company, its
products and capabilities. Specific quality topics included in the
Actively participating in evaluation audits performed by the Volvo Group Short SEM are:
Demonstrating their capability to achieve future quality results
Responding to action plans to reach the requested level Quality Systems:
Application and certification by an accredited third party to ISO 9001 or
IATF 16949 Quality Management System and ISO 14001 Environmental
The following chapter explains the main steps in the process Management System
required to become a Volvo Group supplier. Quality Performance:
Past performance in quality, reliability and deliveries
In this section the information that suppliers can expect to receive Reliability:
and the evaluations that are required are further defined. Practices in place for verification and validation testing that ensures their
products will meet the minimum useful life expectations
Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
3.1 Quality Management System requirements CSR self-assessment to evaluate supplier performance and compliance
with our ethical requirements
All potential suppliers must have a quality system compliant to
ISO 9001 as a minimum. Suppliers to the truck brands are required Current Volvo Group suppliers who have not participated in a
to have a Quality Management System approved to a third party recent evaluation may be requested to complete a Short SEM
registrar meeting the requirements of IATF 16949. Suppliers are or participate in a standard on-site SEM prior to the award of
required to have an Environmental Management system compliant additional business.
to ISO 14001 in place, functioning and also approved by a third
party registrar. Volvo Group routinely monitors all current suppliers based on
their performance as measured in the Supplier Scorecard (PPM,
QPM, recent audit scores, Inspection Reports, Low Performing
3.2 S
hort Supplier Evaluation Model Supplier (LPS) status, etc.). Based on these results, Volvo Group
Typically the first formal contact with a supplier will be a Request may request a new Short SEM to be completed or request further
for Information (RFI). At that time suppliers will be requested to evaluation audits.
complete the Short Supplier Evaluation Model (Short SEM).
24 | 3. Sourcing 3. Sourcing | 25
3.4 Request for Quotation Company profile Competence
Management Product development
To be considered for business, suppliers must fully address each Environment Finance
section of the RFQ and include all of the requested supporting Quality Productivity
documents when responding. This includes, but is not limited to:
Logistics Sourcing
After market
Preliminary Advanced Product Quality Plan (APQP)
Review of Technical Specification (RTS)
Statement of Work (if requested)
Documents needed to support the information in the RFQ response
The quality requirements and targets are highlighted in the quality
section of the RFQ. Suppliers are expected to be able to fulfill all
quality requirements. Volvo Group may audit the evidence related to
the fulfillment of these quality requirements. In the event of where
3.6 Index audits
all requirements cannot be fulfilled, suppliers may be required to The Index audit results are a major consideration in the sourcing
develop and submit an action plan with the returned RFQ. Suppliers decision process. Volvo Group requires all new suppliers, sub-
are responsible for all costs associated with the fulfilment of the suppliers and sub-contractors using the processes included in the
quality requirements. Some of these requirements may require list of technologies to have an Index assessment of their production
testing at Volvo Group approved testing facilities. These costs process prior to supplier selection in the sourcing process.
should be included in all RFQ responses.
Completion of the Index audit is a requirement for consideration of
award of new business. Current suppliers, who provide products
3.5 Supplier Evaluation Model covered by any of the technologies listed below, but have not had an
Index audit assessment, shall contact the Buyer and SQE to arrange
The Volvo Group Supplier Evaluation Model (SEM) has been for an audit and approval to
developed based on a history of working with suppliers, lessons ensure continued business with
learned and “Best in Class” practices. This audit normally takes two Volvo Group. Volvo Group has
to three days, depending on developed a group of
the size of the organization Index Audit scores are valid for a technology-based process
The Volvo Group SEM is and is required for each period of three years. A new audit audits (Index Audits)
the primary tool for the supplier manufacturing is required if there is a process that focus on production
evaluation and selection location that will be shipping processes that use
change within the three year
of suppliers. The audit is to a Volvo Group site. technology considered
cycle. The scoring of the Index
designed to provide a broad, critical to the function of
overview of the supplier’s Suppliers must achieve a Audit is similar to the scoring the products. The Index
organization. The SEM minimum score of 60% and process used for the SEM or Audit is required for
is an on-site face-to-face achieve an acceptable score general process audit. Regardless award of business. It may
evaluation of a supplier’s on all “Stopping Parameters”. of the score, suppliers are also be used in process
capabilities. The SEM audit is based on the expected to work aggressively to improvement or critical
evaluation of 11 criteria: address any concerns or action problem investigation.
items identified during the audit.
26 | 3. Sourcing 3. Sourcing | 27
Current Index Technologies: 4.
Casting (Grey Iron, Ductile,
Ferrous, Aluminum)
Wiring Harness
Surface Treatment
Metallurgy (Forging, Heat Software
Safety Management
Polymers (Plastic and Rubber)
Electrical Electronic
Steel Mill
Solution development
Kick Off
Industrialization Follow-up
C Builds P Builds
A B C C1 C2 C3
Software Software Software
Delivery Review Delivery Review Delivery Review
Volvo Group SW Supplier
(Engineering) (Engineering) (Engineering)
PPAP Order
Requirements Review
For the PPAP (as for the APQP) Volvo Group follows the AIAG
requirements, using the requirements applicable for trucks and
heavy equipment.
The design records and specifications have been properly understood and
The manufacturing process has the capability to produce conforming parts
in the actual production environment
The manufacturing process has the capacity to support production
quantities at a consistent quality level
The supplier is responsible for the PPAP preparation: In the case where interim approval is given, it must be supported
with an approved deviation. All deviation requests require review and
Suppliers must notify the Buyer and SQE of the proposed shipment date; approval by both the Volvo Group Design Engineer and the SQE. Full
failure to acknowledge the PPAP order is considered agreement to the approval of the deviation also requires a plan from the supplier that
due date
addresses correction of all open issues (ref. 7.2). The form is available in
Suppliers (tier I) are responsible for the planning, approval, corrective
the Quality section of the Library on the Volvo Group Supplier Portal.
action, follow-up and retention of PPAPs submitted by sub-suppliers and
Supplier must indicate to the SQE if this PPAP part has been produced
The full approval of the PPAP triggers the release of the final funding
from new, revised or refurbished Volvo Group owned tooling, including our for tooling. Suppliers are required to upload and update their tooling
tooling order number as reference inventory information on Volvo Group Supplier Portal and submit
Cpk studies on special characteristics, identified by [SC] or [CC], must be photographs of the tool and the tooling asset identification for the
completed on a minimum of 30 pieces selected at random from the SPR final release of funds. Volvo Group owned tooling must be identified
parts* with the following information:
100% dimensional evaluation (including evaluation to the Digital Shape
Model) is required on five parts selected from the Significant Production
“Property of Volvo Group”
Run (SPR)**
Tool Number (Asset Number)
Part Number
* For suppliers delivering small production runs, the requirement for Cpk studies
and SPR may be waived with approval by the SQE Part Name
**Cpk studies and SPRs are waived for Service Part suppliers
Upon satisfactory completion of all required measurements and 5.3 Significant Production Run
tests, the supplier shall complete the required information on the A Significant Production Run (SPR) is required for all new part
Part Submission Warrant and/or the Software Submission Warrant introductions and is the basis for the PPAP. This sample run is to
(PSW/SSW). be conducted using production tooling/equipment, environment
(including production operators), facility, and cycle time.
Completing the PSW/SSW:
Suppliers are requested to use the Volvo Group PSW/SSW form that is
available on the Volvo Group Supplier Portal
A separate PSW or SSW shall be completed for each Volvo Group part
number unless otherwise specified by the SQE
The PSW/SSW shall be signed by the authorized supplier representative
before submission
THE PPAP MUST BE FULLY APPROVED OR HAVE INTERIM The requirements associated with IMDS reporting are required for
PPAP APPROVAL WITH APPROVED DEVIATION BEFORE the full approval of the PPAP. IMDS information must be submitted
STARTING SERIAL PRODUCTION and approved prior to submitting the PPAP documentation.
S The supplier shall submit a copy of the records or documentation and retain a
copy at appropriate locations
R The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations and make available to Volvo
Group upon request
* The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations and submit to Volvo Group
upon request
** Volvo Group specific requirement
S The supplier shall submit a copy of the records and retain a copy at
appropriate locations
R The supplier shall retain a copy and make available to Volvo Group upon request
Review of Product
Technical Part Handling Special
Specification Review characteristics
requirements Prototype
Cleanliness compliance
and parts and
requirements and IMDS
Conformity of CPOT-IPD reporting
Functional System- or
Pre-launch Service parts safety organizational
control plans requirements requirements changes
Primary references
Constituent Parts
RTS timing
Solution development
The requirements related to special characteristics are also applied Volvo Group requires suppliers to follow the regulation to obtain
to all parts classified as Safety Critical or Conformity of Production their approvals as well as follow all valid regulations related to
(COP). The specific application and any additional requirements COP during the part’s lifetime. By conducting business with the
related to Safety and COP are detailed in the relevant sections of Volvo Group, all suppliers agree to comply with any and all such
this document. regulations. Each time the supplier changes the authority approval
(new extension, new amendment level or whatever the reason), the
In addition to the special characteristics identified in Volvo Group supplier will provide that information to Volvo Group six months in
drawings or technical documents, suppliers must identify any advance, since the system and, potentially, vehicle certificates are
special characteristics related to their product. Suppliers should impacted. Any update of a certificate from authority to supplier,
communicate any special characteristics identified along with their the supplier is required to immediately send a copy of that signed
standards for selecting and ranking critical or key characteristics document to the Volvo Group.
and the methods used for identification on drawings. Suppliers
shall also define any special considerations for handling, assembly, Volvo Group will, during APQP/PPAP, endeavor to confirm that the
application, capability or use required to ensure safe, reliable suppliers have a system in place to record and document their own
performance of the product. process of COP, so the COP approval continues to be valid, although
required to ensure compliance to [2R], [3R] regulation must Develop an action plan to recover full conformance
be included in the control plan. A summary of the results from
inspections or tests must be communicated to the Volvo Group at
regular intervals. Conformance to COP process requirements must
be respected during the entire product lifetime. No changes to ALL [2R], [3R] FEATURES MUST BE MEASURED AND THE
product or process are allowed without formal approval from Volvo RESULTING DOCUMENTATION MAINTAINED
Group. No deviations are allowed on features designated as [2R].
Technology and performance enhancements to the vehicles requires Prototype parts to the A or B documentation release:
improved cleanliness of certain components. These components Parts are expected to be fully conforming to Volvo Group dimensional
are required to meet a cleanliness requirement. The cleanliness specifications
requirement will be specified on the part drawing or in the Technical Prototype parts to the C documentation release:
Requirements document. These prototype parts are designated as Conforming Part out of Tool
(CPOT), with the purpose to ensure the production intent tooling is
capable of producing parts conforming to the drawing and technical
When required, cleanliness testing must be performed using the
specifications early in the APQP Process Development phase
flushing method as defined in the Volvo Group standard STD:
107-0002. Alternative testing methods must be approved by Volvo CPOT prototypes shall meet the following requirements:
Group Product Development. Suppliers are required to perform
cleanliness testing at intervals that demonstrate adequate control of
Be geometrically and functionally correct based on agreed drawing release
the cleaning process.
Produced on serial intent tooling when specific tooling is required
Be verified by the supplier for conformance to all dimensions and features
Cleanliness Requirements STD 107-0002 according to the agreed technical specification
Max number of particles /cm2 /Nc 6,000 400 0.01 0 Be produced by the production supplier
Particle Sizes ≤ µm 5 15 500 1,000 In cases where specialized tooling is required, the parts may be
manufactured at the tool maker’s location (the CPOT pick up point shall be
Wetted surface cm2 Ac 9,600 equal to the regular pick up point for serial production).
In addition, a Cleanliness Audit in accordance with Volvo Group The appearance requirements for CPOT may be waived based on
Standard STD: 107-0003 may be required by the SQE. The SQE agreement between the Volvo Group and supplier during the RTS
will provide the appropriate information if a Cleanliness Audit is process (e.g. no chroming, no graining).
required. Document and product
release version (e.g. ”C03”)
A- or B-release level prototypes: Suppliers will receive a PPAP sample order, a tooling order for
100% measurement/verification evaluation prior to shipment production tooling (depending on the business arrangement), and a
C-release level prototype (CPOT): specific purchase order defining the quantity of CPOT parts required
Measurement/verification of 100% of the characteristics/dimensions/ for the current issue.
features on 5 pieces of the shipment
Measurement/verification of 100% of any applicable Special
Characteristics of all parts of the shipped quantity ([SC], [CC], [2R]. [3R],
CPOT-IPD (In Plant Delivery) is the date defined by the project,
[1], [2], [3]) when CPOT parts are required to be delivered and received at the
respective Volvo Group facility. The exact “In Plant Delivery” date
All exceptions to these requirements (number of samples/features will be communicated in the purchase order for the CPOT parts.
measured) must be agreed prior to the “Signing” of the RTS
and must be documented in the RTS. Exceptions for functional Acceptance and use of CPOT parts by Volvo Group does not
requirements must be identified in the Verification Report as imply production approval. Compliance to the CPOT requirements
“RTS not measured” characteristic. The evidence of inspection, does not replace the requirements for conducting the PPAP.
verification and measurements must be recorded in a Verification Demonstration of process capability is not required for CPOT parts,
Report and copies of the records forwarded to Volvo Group prior to however, the CPOT process provides an excellent opportunity to
shipment. evaluate capability of the tooling prior to the SPR.
For any prototype parts not achieving full compliance to the Unique requirements related to prototype parts specific to a Volvo
technical specification, shipment is not authorized unless approved Group facility, business unit or region are available on the Volvo
by Volvo Group Engineering and supported by an approved Group Supplier Portal or by contacting the Buyer.
Solution development
6.8 REACH compliance and IMDS reporting imported in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year per company,
manufacturers and importers need to demonstrate that they have
REACH is a regulation of the European Union, adopted to improve appropriately identified and managed the associated risks by means
the protection of human health and the environment from the of a registration dossier, which must be submitted to the European
risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. REACH stands
for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Companies established outside the EU are not bound by the
CHemicals. This regulation went into effect on 1 June 2007. obligations of REACH even if they export products into the
European Union. The responsibility for fulfilling the requirements
To comply with the regulation, companies must identify and manage of REACH, such as pre-registration or registration lies with the
risks linked to the substances they manufacture and market. For importers established in the European Union, or with the “Only
substances listed on the Candidate list which are manufactured or
Solution development
Final verification RG EG
Industrialization Follow-up
C Builds P Builds
A B C C1 C2 C3
Software Software Software
Delivery Review Delivery Review Delivery Review
Volvo Group SW Supplier
(Engineering) (Engineering) (Engineering)
PPAP Order
FSJR1 Component
Development Start
FSJR2 Detailed
Safety Requirements
Suppliers should notify the Buyer or SQE when these types of changes
are pending. While notification of these types of changes is not
required under the PPAP and PPCN requirements, suppliers are invited
to use the PPCN form to notify Volvo Group of pending changes.
Product or Requesting
Process deviations to Lot traceability
Change specifications
First In Sub-tier
First Out supplier Packaging
inventory requirements
Laboratory Record
Warranty requirements retention
Once approved by Volvo Group, suppliers will be notified by an In addition to the agreed labelling, the supplier shall inform the
official letter. Upon receipt of the approval letter, suppliers should affected SQP(s) about the first delivery of material under deviation
implement the modification project according to the agreed (shipment date, delivery note numbering). Shipments under
implementation plan. deviation may be subjected to additional inspection upon arrival at
the Volvo Group facility.
The level of PPAP documentation required to support the
introduction of the change will be determined by the SQE. Suppliers requesting a deviation must complete an 8D response
Authorization to start shipping (with the changes implemented) identifying the cause, corrective action, and measures taken to
is only granted via the return of the signed PSW and/or SSW prevent recurrence.
following PPAP approval.
Suppliers to Volvo Group Trucks and Volvo Penta may request a 7.3 Lot traceability
deviation using the Global Deviation Request form, available in the
Quality section of the Library on the Volvo Group Supplier Portal. Lot control and traceability should be established to limit the
The completed form is submitted by email to the functional mailbox size and impact in the event of the need for product recalls
address listed on the deviation form with a copy to the SQE or if or campaigns. The control system must be capable of linking
agreed to the Volvo Group Plant Supplier Quality (SQP). Suppliers to production quantities to production processes to support root cause
VBNA must complete the template and follow the process defined analysis activity.
as specific for Nova Bus in the Library on the Volvo Group Supplier
Portal. When lot control is utilized, the system must establish and maintain
one-to-one relationship between a lot/batch traceability number and
a certain quantity of produced parts. If a traceability number, other
than the serial number, is used for identifying serialized parts, a one-
PPM and
Non- Corrective Supplier Quality
conforming action scorecard Perfomance
material response Measurement
The Continuous Performing Field quality
Volvo Group improvements Supplier issues
process audit process
It is in the interest of both Volvo Group and the supplier, to identify Expedited replacement of non-conforming material
and address non-conforming parts as quickly as possible. Suppliers Provide resources to perform required sorting or rework
shall take all necessary actions to respond to non-conforming Provide third party sorting resources
product that reach a Volvo Authorize Volvo Group to begin third party activities on the
Group facility (production supplier’s behalf
site, warehouse etc). Every Provide instructions and acceptance criteria required to support
In the event non-conforming inspection, sorting, or rework
parts or material have been effort is taken to investigate
identified at a Volvo Group and document non- Provide product specific gauging
84 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 85
8.2 Corrective action response If the resolving time lasts longer than 20 days, the supplier must
reach an agreement with either the SQE or the concerned SQP.
Volvo Group uses the 8 Disciplines (8D) process as common
problem solving process for quality issues. Each time a non-
8D submission response timing
conformance or a defect has been documented, the causes for the
problem must be investigated and reported in the 8D connected to
the IR. Suppliers should submit their corrective action response in Problem identified
the system as soon as possible, and no later than the due time. 8D
Timing Activity Submission
In addition to the cause and corrective action conducted during 24 Hours PROBLEM IDENTIFIED AND
the 8D process, suppliers should conduct root cause analysis
for all major issues. Root cause analysis requires evaluation of 48 Hours CONTAINMENT COMPLETED D3
the weaknesses within the organization processes or systems
that allowed the problem to occur. Root cause generally requires 10 Days ROOT CAUSE ANALYTICS
management action to address the underlying systems or
processes. 20 Days VERIFIED D6-D7
AN 8D RESPONSE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NON- In addition to correction of the documented problem, suppliers
CONFORMANCES shall apply the lessons learned to all similar products or processes
(horizontal deployment). Permanent countermeasures for all defect
categories should be implemented for all parts and processes.
It is of vital importance that the supplier starts the problem solving
process upon notification. It is critical that appropriate actions 8.3 Supplier scorecard
occur immediately to contain the problem and avoid any further
disturbances to production or potential quality hazard. When Volvo Group maintains a scorecard of the quality and delivery
notified of a non-conformance suppliers are requested to react in performance for each supplier that delivers parts to a Volvo Group
accordance with the following timeline: facility. The measurements on this scorecard are regularly reviewed
Immediately: Acknowledge receipt of IR and initiate containment
to track supplier performance
activities. and identify negative trends.
24 Hours: Begin containment activities to include sorting internally, in-
This information is available for The scorecard is a tool
transit and at Volvo Group facilities, (third party allowed). Problem analysis supplier review over the Volvo for monitoring supplier
started. Identify other Volvo Group sites at risk. Group Supplier Portal. It is performance. The scorecard
48 Hours: Containment completed and short term corrective action fully recommended that suppliers is made available to
implemented. review this information on a suppliers to allow them to
10 working days: Cause analysis complete for both occurrence and non- regular basis. Regular review of be proactive in addressing
detection, permanent corrective action defined and implemented. (Timing their performance data allows production quality issues.
starts after confirmation and acceptance of non-conformance.)
suppliers to take action to The scorecard can also assist
20 working days: Effectiveness of permanent corrective action checked in reviewing performance for
address problems and trends
and recurrence prevented. negative quality trends.
before Volvo Group is required
to take action with the supplier.
86 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 87
The supplier’s performance is calculated for a calendar month
and the scorecard is updated during the first half of the following
month. Information about the latest update can be found under
“information/sources”. The scorecard shows information for the Evaluations and
prior three months, with the ratings calculation based on a three
month rolling average. Information for other periods is available
using the “View Performance Breakdown” page.
88 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 89
Measurement criteria: 8.5 The Volvo Group process audit
Parts Per Non-conforming Inspection Volume
Million parts Reports value Volvo Group routinely conducts
process audits as a prevention
PPM Points NC Points IRs Points Vol Points activity as well as to support Periodically Volvo Group
parts raised val % Supplier Quality will
corrective actions. Process audits
1-100 0 0 0 0-1 0 <0,01 0 may be performed under any of the conduct an in depth
following circumstances: audit of the process
101-500 5 1-5 5 2 5 0,01≤x<0,16 5
steps that have a direct
501-2000 10 6-25 10 3-4 10 0,16≤x<0,41 10 impact on the quality
During APQP of delivered products.
15 26-250 15 5-8 20 0,41≤x<1,01 15
During production ramp up Suppliers are required
5001 - 20 251 - 20 9-12 30 1,01≤x 20
New supplier evaluation to develop a robust
13 - 40 improvement plan to
Introduction of a new process
Move production to a new location close the gaps identified
Explanation of terms: during the process audit.
Poor quality performance
After a major incident
Parts Per Million:
The number of parts rejected, divided by the number of parts delivered In addition to the situations listed, the production processes of
multiplied by 1 million
components that have been identified as critical to the safe, reliable
Inspection Report:
The number of IRs issued to a supplier during the three month window
function of a vehicle may be subjected to annual audits. These
audits are to ensure that the production processes used during the
Non-conforming parts:
Refers to the total number of parts returned during the months being “Significant Production Run” remain unchanged and capable of
evaluated. delivering consistent quality products.
Volume value:
The percentage calculated by dividing the cost of returned material for a Volvo Group reserves the right to perform process audits whenever
three month period by the total value of products delivered during that it is deemed necessary. Suppliers will be given reasonable advance
same time period. This calculation compensates for the situation where notice of a pending audit. A copy of the process audit template used
suppliers may have a large number of rejects of very low value products
while successfully supplying high value products but at a lower volume.
by Volvo Group in conducting the audit is available for review on
Volvo Group Supplier Portal.
Formula for calculating QPM:
QPM = PPM points (T/R type reports) + NCp points (T/R type reports) + IRs One or more process audits may be required during the
Created points (T/R/A/P type reports) + Vol val points (T/R type reports) development and launch phases of the introduction of a new
product or process. The SQE will communicate this requirement
to the supplier during the development of the APQP activities. In
addition to audits conducted by Volvo Group, suppliers are expected
to routinely conduct internal audits of their production processes.
Records of any findings from internal audits and actions taken in
response to findings should be available for review during the Volvo
Group process audit.
90 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 91
8.6 Continuous improvements Supplier improvement activities are initiated and monitored through
an elevation process. Each stage will have defined criteria for
Suppliers are expected to use the lessons learned from each entry and exit and identified actions to be completed during the
incident to improve production process, product design, or stage. Exit criteria are based on improved performance results and
underlying business systems. The goal is to eliminate the possibility implementation of process improvements. Suppliers that do not
of similar incidents, not only by making procedural and process meet the criteria for a stage by the target completion date may be
adjustments on the manufacturing floor, but by removing the elevated to the next stage.
environment that allowed the issue to surface. Lasting improvement
requires correcting the systems and strategies that support the Each time the supplier is elevated to a higher stage, the actions
production process. required will be those of all previous stages, plus the additional
actions required by the new stage. At any time that the exit criterion
In addition to responding to identified non-conformances, suppliers is met for a specific stage the supplier is moved to the “Monitoring”
should use statistical data to continually evaluate and refine their status. Supplier performance is tracked based on the Volvo Group
processes. This evaluation should include analysis of quality out assigned Parma code.
of control indications, high PPM, scrap, downtime, and warranty
failures. The clear objective of this analysis must be reduction of
variation with the finished product. The supplier shall have on-
going, active improvement projects that target two or three of the
largest problem areas and be able to demonstrate a positive trend in A SUPPLIER CAN BE PLACED IN A SUPPLIER
reducing incidents and repeat occurrences. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BASED ON PERFORMANCE
8.7 Supplier improvement programs
Volvo Group monitors supplier performance on a monthly basis.
When any of the monitored measurement parameters indicate
negative performance trend or significant abnormality, the supplier
is considered for elevation into a supplier improvement program.
92 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 93
Release Probation Period OK? OUT
(Case by Case Approach)
YES OK? Level 3
Examples of actions
op Management
No Actions NO Review
OK? Level 2 irewall by third party
(at suppliers expense)
eep new business
YES Examples of actions on hold
anagement Review
M SC/Panel
NO irewall by third party
Committee Decision
Level 1 (at suppliers expense) Initiate Phase Out
New business on
Supplier Switch
WARNING OK? Examples of actions hold
Prepare business
Management Review case for backup
Monitoring of end warning letter
S Firewall at Supplier solution Supplier
Volvo Group Process audit/SMA Update/Redefine T op Management
supplier Establish action plan Control Tower Volvo
performance Supplier Definition of Exit S QE
indicators Quality Manager
Criteria Supplier SQ&D manager
94 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 95
8.8 Field quality issues Following the pre-investigation Volvo Group will decide the most
appropriate solving process. A field quality issue could be resolved
It is in Volvo Group’s and our supplier’s best interest to solve using either the Quick Solving Process (QSP) or Quality Journal
customer quality issues as quickly as possible. Therefore, when a (QJ) process. Both processes follow the 8D methodology:
customer quality issue is identified as potentially related to supplier
delivered parts, the supplier may receive a notification letter
The QSP is applied when the failure is related (directly or indirectly) to a
regarding the pending investigation. If it is determined that a formal supplier part that is found to deviate from the technical specifications for the
investigation and problem solving activity is required, suppliers will part (e.g. manufacturing process deviation)
be invited to join a formal Kick-Off meeting. During this meeting
the scope of the problem is defined, the plan for investigation, The solving process will be led by the supplier and Volvo Group will
and the timing for resolution is presented. Suppliers are invited to monitor progress of the implementation and verification of the solution
participate in the investigation and expected to provide all needed An 8D report is required for all QSP
support required for timely resolution of the problem. Expected solving lead time is the same as for Inspection Reports (ref. 8.1)
When Volvo Group detects an issue in the field and assess that a The QJ process is applied for critical and complex cases where the problem
purchased part is either directly or indirectly involved, Volvo Group is determined to be related to Volvo Group design or process where a
will request supplier support in order to investigate the case and fine supplier part or product is involved
tune the problem description (1D phase).
The supplier will be notified by an official letter of the opening of a QJ
Volvo Group expects the following outcome from the pre- The QJ will be led by Volvo Group, the supplier is expected to take an
investigation: active part in the cross-functional work
Expected solving lead time is communicated in the QJ notification letter
Parts analysis
Initial cause analysis Other solving processes, based on PDCA or DMAIC methodologies,
Estimated failure occurrence are also used in some parts of Volvo Group.
Proposed containment action
96 | 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions 8. Performance measurements and corrective actions | 97
Glossary PPCN Product or Process Change Notification
Ppk Performance Analysis Index
8D 8 Disciplines, a problem solving method
PPM Part Per million
AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group
Product Audit Audit of samples taken from production process
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning
PSW Part Submission Warrant
[CC] Critical Characteristic
PVR Part Version Report
CG Concept Gate
QDCF Quality Delivery Cost Feature
COP Conformity of Production
QDCFTSR Quality Delivery Cost Feature Technology
Cpk Capability Analysis Index Sustainability Risk Management
CPOT-IPD Conforming Part Out of Tool-In Plant Delivery QDPR Quality and Development Process Requirements
C Builds/P Builds Physical build to confirm product design and verify QJ Quality Journal: Volvo Group internal problem solving
production solution, based on C/P release process for field failure issues
DCP Dimensional Control Plan QPM Quality Performance Measurement
DG Development Gate QSP Quick Solving Process: Problem solving process for field
DVP Product Development Process issues related to manufacturing processes (not design)
ECHA European Chemicals Agency REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction
EDI Electronic Data Interchange of Chemicals
EE Electrical Electronic RFQ Request for Quote
EG End Gate RG Release Gate
E-Library A library of documents and procedures on the Volvo RTS Review of Technical Specification
Group Supplier Portal [SC] Significant Characteristic
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning SEM Supplier Evaluation Module
Fault Frequency Measure of product failures occurring on product Service PPAP Service Production Part Approval Process
after delivery to customer SMA Safety Management Audit
FDG Final Development Gate SOW Statement of Work
FIFO First In First Out SPC Statistical Process Control
FIG Final Industrialization Gate SPICE (CL3) Software Process Improvement and Capability
FMEA Failure Modes Effects Analysis dEtermination (Capability Level 3)
IATF International Automotive Task Force SPR Significant Production Run
IDM Identity Manager SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
IMDS International Material Data System SQP Plant Supplier Quality
Index Audit An audit conducted on a technology related SREC Supplier Request for Engineering Change
production process SSEM Short Supplier Evaluation Module
IR Inspection Report SSW Software Submission Warrant
Key Element Procedure A series of guideline procedures for companies Stopping Parameter Issue in SEM where failing score eliminates supplier
doing business with Volvo Group from consideration for business
MP Measurement Point Plan STD Standard
MRP Material Resource Planning SW Software
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness SWTP Software Test Plan
OR Only Representative SWTR Software Test and Verification Report
PAA Part Application Agreement SWVD Software Version Description
PHR Part Handling Review TR Technical Requirements
Poka Yoke A Japanese term for error proofing VBNA Nova Bus and Prevost Bus
PPAP Production Part Approval Process VCE Volvo Construction Equipment
98 99
Revision record Concluding words
Edition Revisions description
I hereby thank all of our suppliers and partners who are part on
our journey and mission in driving prosperity through transport
100 101
Volvo Group Purchasing
2 | Safety management