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Hello Grammar 6 8

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Hello Grammar!


Class-6 to 8 MONOPOLY
Teacher Manual Innovation by Design...

Hello Grammar!-6 criterions 9. babies 10. memos 11. selves

1. Sentences Based on Meaning 12. applauses 13. dancing 14. 1990s 15.
A. 1. Declarative, (.) 2. Imperative, (.) aluminium 16. roofs 17. fish 18. children
3. Declarative, (.) 4. Optative, (!) 19. difficulties 20. knowledge 21. geese 22.
5. Imperative, (.) 6. Interrogative, (?) videos 23. curricula 24. dishes
B. Do yourself B. 1. tomatoes 2. sugar 3. furniture 4.
C. 1. My sister does not live with my information 5. families 6. men
parents. 2. Shouldn’t I call or email you? 3. C. 1. They are beautiful ladies. 2. Books
I don’t want to leave now. 4. Don’t practice are good friends. 3. Small cars are great
with the exercises. 5. The boy doesn’t vehicles. 4. They are old churches. 5. Are
killed the spider with his shoe. 6. She those men workers? 6. Are they nice
doesn’t recognize him at once. 7. Didn’t characters?
you clean up your room? 8. Don’t cross the D. 1. students 2. people 3. time 4. fish 5.
road. workers 6. children
D. Do yourself 4. Nouns : Gender
E. 1. Did my father start a business? 2. A. 1. My mother has two daughters. 2.
Please believe me. 3. Did the teacher The twin babies are sisters. 3. The queen’s
punish the student? 4. Has she not been to daughter is a princess. 4. My aunt is an old
the movie? 5. Please help me. 6. What a lady. 5. The vixen is searching food. 6. The
terrible night! 7. Do you not use your city’s mayoress is getting married next
laptop? 8. She is very beautiful. year. 7. The girl helped the old woman
2. Nouns : Kinds across the road. 8. Grandmother Jonnah is
A. 1. London, river Thames - Proper my aunt’s mother.
2. Cleanliness - Abstract 3. truth - Abstract B. 1. heroine 2. lady 3. spinster 4. mare 5.
4. importance - Abstract 5. Honesty - hostess 6. heiress 7. baroness 8. priestess
Abstract 6. King Solomon - Proper C. 1. Its; its; its; its; Its; It; it; her; she; She;
7. committee - Common 8. fleet of ships - she; she
Collective D. 1. M 2. F 3. C 4. F 5. M 6. M 7. C 8. N
B. 1. university 2. Jupiter 3. boxes 4. 9. C 10. N
Cleopatra 5. The Library of Congress 6. 5. Importance of Time
A. 1. The feelings repaired their boats and
restaurant, Taste of Thai 7. cookie, coffee left the island. 2. Because there a lot of
8. Mr. Bell, students gold and silver in his boat and there was no
C. 1. Joy 2. Creativity 3. Fear 4. place for love. 3. Time 4. You are all wet
Childhood 5. Happiness 6. Joy 7. length 8. and might damage my boat.
obligation B. (i) felt (ii) took
D. 1. box 2. herd 3. colony 4. gaggle 5. C. (i) repaired (ii) overjoyed
crowd 6. pack 7. gang 8. pad D. 1. This summer we are going visit an
E. 1. Uncountable 2. Uncountable 3. island in southern. 2. You must persevere
Uncountable 4. Uncountable 5. Countable before you can accomplish any thing great
6. Countable 7. Countable 8. Countable India. 3. Sania Mirza was overjoyed by
3. Nouns : Number her grand success. 4. Her face was wet with
A. 1. men 2. furniture 3. experiences 4. tears. 5. The rich couple was blessed by a
gases 5. boxes 6. peace 7. cacti 8. criteria/ child. 6. He is capable of doing very

difficult tasks. 13. translated 14. sleeping 15. driven
E. 1. happiness 2. hate 3. impossible 4. 8. Adjectives : Comparison
ugly 5. question 6. younger A. happy - happier; hot - hotter;
F. 1. Past tense 2. Present tense 3. Present comfortable-more comfortable; exciting-
tense 4. Present Perfect tense 5. Future tense more exciting; fat-fatter; sunny-sunnier;
6. Pronouns silly-sillier;complicated-more complicated
A. 1. them 2. it 3. they, her 4. You, me 5. ; tall-taller; cold-colder; intelligent-more
them 6. He, us intelligent; big-bigger; sad-sadder;
B. 1. She 2. him 3. she 4. We 5. us 6. I 7. I contagious-more contagious; funny-
8. You 9. He 10. her 11. you 12. him funnier; ugly-uglier; crazy-crazier; pretty-
C. 1. theirs 2. hers 3. theirs 4. mine 5. prettier; cheap-cheapter; disgusting-more
yours 6. mine 7. yours 8. hers 9. ours 10. disgusting
his 11. mine 12. yours B. 1. (c) 2. (a), (b) 3. (c) 4. (c), (a) 5. (b) 6.
D. 1. Reflexive 2. Intensive 3. Intensive 4. (b), (a) 7. (a), (b)
Reflexive 5. Intensive 6. Intensive 7. C. 1. a bag of salt 2. a pencil case 3. a ruler
Reflexive 8. Intensive 9. Intensive 10. 4. a bag of crisps 5. a pack of gum
Intensive D. Do yourself
E. 1. who 2. what 3. whom 4. who 5. 9. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
who, whose 6. whoever 7. whose 8. that 9. A. 1. Transitive 2. Transitive 3. Transitive
4. Transitive 5. Transitive 6. Transitive 7.
that 10. what, that Transitive 8. Intransitive 9. Intransitive 10.
F. 1. this book - Demonstrative pronoun Intransitive 11. Transitive 12. Intransitive
2.that old t-shirt - Demonstrative pronoun B. 1. harsh 2. restless 3.weightless 4.
3. These shoes - Demonstrative pronoun overzealous, watchdog 5. close 6. taller
4. those houses - Demonstrative pronoun C. 1. a secret 2. Attorney General 3.
5. those old magazines - Demonstrative treasurer 4. uninteresting 5. inappropriate
pronoun 6. These - Demonstrative 6. vice president
adjective 7. That - Demonstrative adjective D. Do yourself
8. Those - Demonstrative adjective 10. Adverbs
9. That - Demonstrative adjective A. 1. quickly - Time 2. outside - Place 3.
10. these cookies - Demonstrative pronoun soundly - Manner 4. yesterday - Time 5.
G. 1. nobody 2. everything 3. somebody soon - Time 6. bravely - Manner 7. there -
4. no one 5. Everything 6. Many 7. some 8. Place 8. recklessly - Manner 9. outside -
Either Place 10. loudly - Manner 11. slowly -
7. Adjectives Manner 12. already - Time
A. 1. stressed 2. careless 3. reckless 4. B. 1. always - adverb of frequency 2.
damaged 5. upset 6. busy 7. nervous 8. often - adverb of frequency 3. incredibly-
shocked adverb of degree 4. pretty - adverb of
B. 1. their - Possessive 2. Whose - degree 5. usually - adverb of frequency 6.
Interrogative 3. These - Demonstrative 4. occasionally - adverb of frequency 7.
There - Possessive 5. Whose - Interrogative nearly - adverb of degree 8. monthly -
6. round - Quality 7. Many - Number 8. adverb of frequency 9. never - adverb of
there - Demonstrative 9. Each - frequency 10. hardly - adverb of frequency
Distributive 10. What - Interrogative 11. C. 1. why 2. when 3. where 4. Where 5.
cleaned - Quality 12. My - Demonstrative When 6. Why 7. why 8. where 9. why 10.
13. Neither - Distributive 14. big - Quality Why 11. where 12. when 13. When 14.
15. first - Number C. Do yourself where 15. Where
D. 1. smiling 2. washed 3. tired 4. shining D. 1. I saw him yesterday. 2. The teacher
5. mashed 6. typed 7. relaxing 8. ringing 9. speaks slowly. 3. We never go swimming.
amused 10. terrifying 11. filtered 12. fallen 4. You cannot go there. 5. They are waiting

inside. 6. Then I didn’t have time. 7. Dog talking 6. phoned, having 7. got, was
ran to the gate. 8. We often think about sitting 8. started, were getting
you. D. 1. had, eaten, came 2. opened, had
11. Swami Vivekananda forgotten 3. arrived, had, left 4. opened,
A. 1. 12 January, 1863 in Calcutta. 2. had eaten 5. had known, got 6. had
Narendranath Datta, Vishwanath Datta, cleaned 7. arrived, had, left 8. realised,
Bhuvaneshwari Devi. 3. A vast knowledge hadn’t bought 9. felt, had eaten 10.
of different subjects, especially western opened, had snowed
philosophy and history. 4. When he E. 1. They had been talking for over an
became a monk. 5. Essence of nationalism. hour before Samson arrived. 2. Claudia
B. 1. Acquiring 2. Practicing 3. had finished her work, she went to lunch.
Happening 4. Teaching 5. Rendering 6. 3. I washed the floor when the painter had
Terminating 7. Joining 8. Reaching gone. 4. How long had you waited to get
C. 1. more successful; most successful 2. on the bus? 5. I had never seen such a
stronger; strongest 3. more precocious; beautiful beach before I went to Brazil. 6. I
most precocious 4. better; best 5. more; did not have any money because I had lost
most 6. poorer; poorest 7. greater; greatest my wallet. 7. She only understood the
D. 1. He was born on 12 January, 1863 in movie because she had read the book. 8.
Calcutta. 2. She was endowed with deep Eva had never been to an opera before last
devotion. night.
12. Present Tense 14. The Future Time (Tense)
A. 1. The boss 2. I 3. Bread 4. Sam 5. You A. 1. We aren’t planning to play tennis
6. cat 7. child 8. My father this weekend. 2. Is Victor planning to join
B. 1. speak 2. ask 3. go 4. make 5. forget 6. the sports club? 3. What are you going to
listen 7. live 8. watch plane for next summer? 4. Look! That tree
C. 1. You do not speak very good is going to fall over. 5. Are you going to
Chinese. 2. Bill does not play the guitar work hard this year? 6. I am not going to
very well. 3. We do not agree about get a new car. 7. It is going to rain
holidays. 4. My father do not write poetry. tomorrow 8. Do Thomas and Parry going
5. Deborah does not live in London. 6. to make sandwiches for party?
Titus do not like parties. 7. I don’t like pop B. 1. I will be having a party for my
music. 8. Honey don’t remember faces birthday. 2. We will be leaving in ten
very well. minutes. 3. She will be waiting at the gate.
D. 1. looks; gets up; goes; is driving; 4. I will be meeting Susan this weekend. 5.
arrives; driving; take; has; taken; is They will be coming to see us soon. 6. At
looking; is watching; watches; starts; the concert tomorrow, she will be singing
takes; is having; is going; goes while I will be dancing. 7. I will not be
E. 1. since 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. using the computer for the next few hours.
for 7. since 8. for 9. since 10. for 11. for 12. 8. Don’t call me after 10 o’clock. I will be
for sleeping. 9. We will not be going back
F. 1. have, been getting 2. have, been there again. 10. I will be waiting for you
working 3. have lived 4. have studied 5. when your train arrives.
has, been talking 6. have been working 7. C. 1. will not forgotten 2. will have 3. will
has worked 8. have been looking not have made 4. will have bought 5. will
13. Past Tense have spoken 6. will have stopped 7. will
A. 1. went 2. was 3. went 4. walked 5. have 8. will have 9. will have prepared 10.
gave 6. came 7. didn’t rain 8. saw will have left 11. will not have finished 12.
B. Do yourself will have
C. 1. was lying 2. wasn’t working 3. D. 1. will have been teaching 2. will have
wasn’t listening 4. were, doing 5. were, been wearing 3. will have been driving 4.

will have been taking 5. will have been watching TV the previous night. 2. Ariel
having 6. will have been living 7. will have explained that she had seen the accident at
been living 8. will have been flying 9. will the corner of High Street. 3. The farmer
have been working 10. will have been said that he had not seen her. 4. Mr.
playing Samson said that as a young boy he had
15. Subject-Verb Agreement collected stickers. 5. Mother said that she
A. 1. were 2. is 3. are 4. has 5. is 6. seems had a headache. 6. Helen said that she was
7. was 8. was 9. is 10. are 11. have 12. have watching the late night show.
13. seems 14. is 15. is 16. are 17. is 18. have B. 1. I asked him if he was present at the
19. is 20. has meeting the previous day. 2. He asked her
B. 1. enjoys 2. need 3. has 4. is 5. is 6. buy if she was going home. 3. The officer
7. discuss 8. features ordered the clerk to do it immediately. 4.
16. Disastrous Dinner She asked me if I would help her. 5. He
A. 1. Last Friday ............... delicious asked if I was well then. 6. The father
dinner. 2. She bought ................ apple pie. asked his son if he heard a noise.
3. While she was ................. at the steak. C. 1. Ritu said, “I play tennis every
4. Mrs. Anderson threw ................. the Saturday.” 2. The teacher said to the boys,
window. 5. At the same ................ broken “Work hard.” 3. He said, “I will lend you
window. my grammar book if you think it would
B. Do yourself C. Do yourself help.” 4. The shop assistant said, “Is he
D. Do yourself E. Do yourself looking for something special?” 5. I said to
17. Prepositions the children, “Don’t make a noise.”6. I
A. 1. at 2. at 3. on 4. in 5. on 6. for 7. since said to my sister, “What are you doing
8. by 9. on 10. in now?”
B. 1. in 2. in 3. at 4. on 5. near 6. near 7. 20. Metal Detectors
above 8. over 9. under 10. below A. 1. Most clothes are .......... scanned for
C. 1. to 2. in 3. around 4. on 5. toward 6. metal. 2. The first metal ..... help miners.
across 7. on 8. on 9. to 10. to 11. toward 12. 3. They can look ............... these things. 4.
into 13. around 14. off 15. across People kept trying ..... and cheap. 5. Metal
18. Active and Passive Voice detectors also ..... and help the people.
A. 1. The assembly line was invented by B. 1. through 2. with 3. to 4. in 5. in
Henry Ford. 2. Letters were being written C. 1. when 2. and 3. and 4. but 5. because
by her. 3. The thieves were arrested by the D. 1. A 2. P 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. P 7. P
police. 4. His work will have been finished E. Do yourself
by him. 5. The robber was not found last 21. Letter Writing
week by the police. 6. This film has already Do yourself
been seen by us. 7. Five hamburgers were 22. Essay Writing
eaten by Tom and Max. 8. Good stories Do yourself
were told by grandmother.
Hello Grammar!-7
B. 1. The teacher explain the words
today. 2. Someone sent us a letter the day 1. Kinds of Sentences and their
before yesterday. 3. No one will steal this Transformation
old car. 4. They have already closed this A. 1. Interrogative 2. Imperative 3.
street because of snow. 5. They will open a Exclamatory 4. Optative 5. Interrogative
new restaurant next week. 6. They invited 6. Imperative
him to the party yesterday. 7. No one can B. 1. I wish that I were a princess. 2. It is a
see the blue box. 8. My friend gave me the very cold night. 3. Your sister has a very
book last Sunday. lovely smile. 4. It was a very beautiful
19. Direct and Indirect Speech sight. 5. I wish that I were young again.
A. 1. Stephen said that he had been C. 1. I can never forget you. 2. We will die

if you poison us. 3. We shall take revenge Whereas 14. Wherever 15. in order
if you wrong us. 4. Nobody can bear an 3. Kinds of Sentences Based
unprovoked insult. 5. Everyone knows on Structure
him. 6. We will bleed if you prick us. A. 1. Compound 2. Compound
D. 1. No student is absent today. 2. We 3. Complex 4. Compound - Complex
did not find the hotel very bad. 3. He is not Sentence 5. Compound 6. Compound 7.
always foolish. 4. Nothing but the letter Compound 8. Complex
has 20 words. 5. None but he can do it. 6. B. 1. She saw a cat run in front of her, so
Della never hated Jim. she fell down while roller-skating. 2.
E. 1. Is she not my friend? 2. Has he not Gillian did not like to read, for she was not
finished his work? 3. Is there anything very good at it. 3. The little boy did not
particularly impressive about this picture? like to go to school, yet he went anyway. 4.
4. Who worships the setting sun? 5. Could You could cry like a baby, or you can clean
Gulliver hear his watch ticking in his your room like an adult. 5. Let's go to the
pocket? 6. Why to cry over spilt milk? swimming pool, for it's hot inside the
F. 1. How kind of you to invite us! 2. house.
How foolish of him to behave like that! C. 1. Eva never rides the Giant wheel
3.How prudent of the boy to have alerted because she is afraid of heights. 2. I will
the policeman! 4. How careless of him to call you after I get back from the movie.
leave the door unlocked! 5. How good of 3. The railroad finally came, though many
him to help the poor man. businesses had already left the area by
2. Phrases and Clauses then. 4. Unless we do all of our
A. Do yourself homework, we won't be able to play. 5.My
B. 1. to stay .... adjective .... modifies dog waited at the door for us until we got
choices to go .... adjective .... modifies home.
choices 2. to warn them of the problem .... 4. Nouns
noun....direct object 3. to resign from the A. 1. Honesty - Abstract 2. committee -
position....noun....object of preposition, Collective 3. fleet - Collective 4. bunch -
except 4. to tell the truth....adverb Collective 5. his - Proper 6. Tagore - Proper
....modifies the predicate adjective, afraid 7. floats - Abstract 8. Bombay - Proper 9.
5. to offer their service....noun....direct school - Common 10. cow’s - Common
object 6. to make money....adjective B. 1. Common 2. Proper 3. Common 4.
....modifies noun, scheme Common 5. Common 6. Proper
C. 1. Participial 2. Infinitive 3. Gerund C. 1. much 2. many 3. much 4. a little 5.
4. Participial 5. Gerund 6. Prepositional many 6. many 7. a little 8. a few 9. much
7. Participial 8. Gerund 10. a few D. Do yourself
D. 1. Phrase 2. Clause 3. Phrase 4. Phrase 5. Pronouns
5. Phrase 6. Clause 7. Clause 8. Phrase A. 1. We 2. It, we 3. mine 4. it 5. us 6.
E. 1. that were meant to be cool - adjective yours 7. his 8. me 9. she 10. them
(which?) - modifies houses 2. who is my B. 1. herself 2. themselves 3. ourselves 4.
brother - adjective (which?) - modifies yourself 5. yourself 6. herself 7. ourselves
architect 3. before a proper foundation is 8. yourself 9. themselves 10. himself
designed - adverb (when?) - modifies verb
phrase "is done." 4. who like tiny dogs - C. 1. These 2. These 3. those 4. these 5.
adjective (which?) - modifies people. 5. Those 6. That 7. this 8. That
whoever likes Shetland Sheepdogs - noun - D. 1. That – demonstrative pronoun
subject 2. These – demonstrative pronoun
F. 1. Wherever 2. After 3. because 4. so 3. Neither – demonstrative pronoun
that 5. Although 6. If 7. After 8. Since 9. If 4. Everybody – indefinite pronoun
10. because 11. so that 12. Although 13. 5. Those – demonstrative pronoun

6. few – indefinite pronoun C. Do yourself. D. Do yourself.
7. others – indefinite pronoun 8. Finite and Non-Finite Verbs
8. that – demonstrative pronoun A. 1. finite verb 2. finite verb 3. non-finite
9. one – indefinite pronoun verb 4. non-finite verb 5. finite verb 6. non-
10. Somebody – indefinite pronoun finite verb
E. 1. One 2. Everybody 3. either 4. B. 1. participle 2. infinitive 3. gerund
Nobody 5. Nobody 6. either 7. anybody 8. 4. participle 5. gerund 6. participle
Neither C. 1. to listen 2. to get 3. driving 4. eating
F. 1. What – interrogative pronoun 5. jumping 6. to move D. Do yourself.
2. whom – interrogative pronoun E. 1. Rejected by his family he decided to
3. which – relative pronoun become a monk. 2. Who is that pretty girl
4. whatever – interrogative pronoun sitting in the corner? 3. Most of the people
5. that – relative pronoun invited to the party, didn’t turn up. 4. Not
6. which – interrogative pronoun knowing what to do, I called the police. 5.
7. What – interrogative pronoun He was sitting at a table covered with
8. that – relative pronoun papers 6. Who is that girl dancing with
G. 1. who 2. him 3. him 4. them 5. who 6. your brother?
us 7. him 8. them 9. Tenses
6. Pollution and its Effects A. 1. build 2. does 3. is writing 4. do not go
A. 1. Pollution is the .............. or directly. 5. cheering 6. play 7. use 8. reads
2. The sources of ............... accidents, etc. B. Dan: has forgotten, has been waiting,
3. Land pollution is the ................. and has been taking, Dane: has been walking,
landslides. 4. Water pollution is ............... have already given the order, Dan: have
typhoid fever. 5. To control environmental been Dane: have not given order, have
............. dangers of pollution. been sitting Dan: has even noticed, has
B. 1. They may not be affected and been running Dane: is not looking
altered permanently by pollution. 2. The C. Do yourself.
sources of pollution are not numerous. 3. D. 1. had been looking 2. had not done 3.
Land pollution isn’t destruction of the had met 4. had finally found 5. had finished
Earth’s land surfaces. 4. It cannot be 6. had changed 7. had 8. had happened 9.
harmful to organisms and plants which had already been working 10. had still not
live in the water. 5. High air pollution arrived/still had not arrived
levels cannot cause damage to the E. 1. will not be able 2. will be leaving 3.
environment. will be giving 4. will be enjoying 5. will be
C. 1. substances 2. sources 3. effects 4. looking 6. will be wearing 7. will be finding
disasters 5. chemicals 6. planets 7. habitats 8. will not be using 9. will be helping 10.
8. wastes 9. minerals 10. landslides will have to
7. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs F. 1. will have finished 2. will have been
A. 1. buy - verb; new car - direct object; working 3. will have been studying 4. will
Transitive 2. moved; slowly verb - boat - have left 5. will have returned 6. will not
direct object; Transitive 3. order - verb; have risen 7. will have been waiting 8. will
hamburger, milkshake - direct object; you have done 9. will have been watching
Transitive 4. gave - verb; parents, bouquet - 10. will have been sleeping
direct object; Transitive 5. contained - 10. Subject-Verb Agreement
verb; stone, crystal - direct object; A. 1. are 2. share 3. climb 4. are 5. am 6.
Intransitive 6. arrived - verb; the stadium - share 7. has 8. have 9. look 10. works
direct object; Transitive 7. assembled - B. 1. go 2. are 3. expect 4. doesn’t 5.
verb; cabinet - direct object; Transitive 8. enjoys 6. enjoy 7. don’t 8. travel 9. decline
made - verb; Mexican dinner - direct object 10. is 11. were 12. were
Transitive C. 1. was 2. were 3. has 4. has 5. give 6.

doubt 7. roll 8. like 9. are 10. make 15. Modal Auxiliaries
D. Do yourself A. 1. could 2. can’t 3. can 4. couldn’t 5.
11. Alexander Fleming can’t 6. couldn’t 7. couldn’t 8. can
A. 1. A poor farmer 2. He saw a boy was B. 1. could 2. can 3. might not 4. can’t
in the ............. more he sank. 3. I’ll make a 5. couldn’t 6. can 7. may 8. could
deal ............. be proved of. 4. penicillin. 5. C. 1. should 2. had better 3. had better
Sir Winston Churchill. 4. ought to 5. should 6. had better 7. had
B. 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. e better 8. should
C. 1. was – Transitive 2. lived – D. 1. mustn’t 2. needn’t 3. must 4. needn’t
Intransitive 3. ran – Intransitive 4. pulled – 5. mustn’t 6. needn’t 7. must 8. dare not
Intransitive 5. replied – Transitive 6. knew 16. Adventure
– Intransitive A. 1. Life is a challenge. 2. Adventure is a
D. Do yourself challenge ............. physical strength. 3.
E. Do yourself Adventure is another .......... and pleasure.
12. Determiners 4. Adventure-seekers ............. great
A. 1. The, the 2. a, the, the 3. A 4. a 5. an celebrities today. 5. No. 6. For not, ...........
6. an 7. a 8. a value to you.
B. 1. their 2. My 3. Those 4. Its 5. Her 6. B. 1. challenge 2. spirit
These 7. Their 8. That 3. accomplishment 4. games 5. adventures
C. 1. a few 2. very little 3. little 4. few 5. 6. toughness
some, some 6. many 7. much 8. some C. 1. present perfect tense 2. Future time
D. 1. Every 2. every 3. Neither 4. every 5. (tense) 3. Future time (tense) 4. Present
either 6. each 7. every 8. Either tense 5. Past tense 6. Present tense
E. 1. another - Difference words 2. the - 7. Future time (tense)
Definite article 3. much - Quantifies 4. D. 1. challenge 2. exciting, joyful
which - Interrogative 5. a - Indefinite 3. enough 4. proper 5. troubles 6. simple
article 6. a - Indefinite article 7. the - 7. physical endurance, skill 8. adventure
Definite article 8. who - Interrogative E. 1. must 2. may not 3. must 4. might
13. Adjectives 5. cannot 6. should
A. 1. Jill, Hawaiian - Proper Adjective 17. Adverbs
2. Victorian - Proper Adjective 3. Maxican A. Do yourself
-Proper Adjective 4. licking - Attributive B. 1. frequently - adverbs of frequency; 2.
5. Demonstrative 6. Demonstrative 7. any occasionally - adverbs of frequency; 3.
- indefinite adjective 8. Chinese - Proper always - adverbs of frequency; 4. usually -
adjective 9. Renaissance - Adjective of adverbs of frequency; 5. normally - adverbs
quality 10. Possessive of degree; 6. often - adverbs of frequency;
B. 1. four-foot 2. part-time 3. cold- 7. frequently - adverbs of frequency; 8.
blooded 4. open-minded 5. brand-new 6. almost - adverbs of degree; 9. sometimes -
old-fashioned 7. long-sighted 8. deeply- adverbs of frequency; 10. nearly - adverbs
rooted 9. well-mannered 10. densely- of degree;
populated C. 1. Time 2. Degree 3. Time 4. Place 5.
C. 1. larger, than 2. more, expensive, than Number 6. Time 7. Place 8. Manner 9.
3. worse, than 4. easier, than 5. older, than Reason 10. Manner 11. Number 12.
6. higher, than 7. better 8. friendlier Reason
9. most, important 10. more, difficult D. 1. why 2. where 3. why 4. when 5.
14. Articles where 6. when 7. where 8. where 9. why
A. 1. the 2. the 3. the 4. An, the 5. the 10. where
6. a 7. a 8. the 9. the 10. an E. 1. certainly 2. extremely 3. perhaps 4.
B. 1. a, a, an 2. an, a, the 3. a, an 4. a 5. the therefore 5. temporarily 6. Surely 7.
6. the, the, the 7. a, a 8. a, the 9. a, the 10. an because 8. definitely 9. briefly 10. Perhaps

F. 1. most gracefully 2. clearer 3. higher 4. 20. The Coming of a Silent Spring
more carefully 5. faster 6. farther 7. better A. 1. May 27, 1907 Springdale,
8. worse 9. more thoroughly 10. brightest Pennsylvania 2. To become a writer. 3. That
18. Prepositions the world would not embrace a woman
A. for, in, for, After, on, across, to, inside, scientist. 4. Arthritis, flu, stomach ulcer. 5.
by, of, around, on, on, beside, with, on, In, That Rachel was an alarmist.
despite, toward, Around, of, between, B. 1. early 2. differently 3. badly 4.
beyond, in, Within, out of, from Silently 5. gradually
B. 1. to 2. at 3. at 4. of 5. for 6. about 7. C. 1. on, in 2. at 3. from 4. of, in 5. from 6.
while 8. while 9. for 10. since on, at
C. 1. comply with 2. appointed to 3. D. As, and, and, that, where, that, but
addicted to 4. amazed at 5. bestowed on 6. 21. Active and Passive Voice
called at A. 1. The injured were taken to the
D. 1. after 2. for 3. in 4. by 5. during 6. At hospital by the firemen. 2. The town was
7. in front of 8. between destroyed by an earthquake. 3. The
teacher was pleased with the boy’s work. 4.
E. 1. adverb 2. preposition 3. adverb 4.
The building was damaged by the fire. 5.
preposition 5. preposition 6. preposition 7.
You will be given a ticket by the manager.
preposition 8. preposition
6. The streets were thronged with
19. Conjunctions
spectators. 7. This house was built in 1991
A. 1. and 2. as 3. or 4. so 5. because 6. so by Earl. 8. We will be blamed by everyone .
B. 1. but today I am walking - disagree- 9. The trees were blown down by the wind.
ment 2. I like strawberry and chocolate ice 10. The snake was killed with a stick by
cream - agreement 3. I am smarter than my someone.
brother - disagreement 4. nor do I try very B. 1. I shall never forget this experience.
hard in school - agreement 5. It is raining 2. Mother made a cake yesterday. 3. The
outside today - agreement 6. He is always tiger was chasing the deer. 4. She has
crying - agreement learned her lesson. 5. The police have
C. 1. and - Coordinate 2. than - caught the thief. 6. My brother has
Subordinate 3. during - Subordinate 4. but completed the work. 7. Somebody stole
- Coordinate 5. or - Correlative 6. my pen yesterday. 8. Nurses look after the
Subordinate patients. 9. The sudden noise frightened
D. 1. and 2. but 3. so 4. or 5. because 6. the dog. 10. Edison invented the light bulb.
when 7. As long as 8. whereas 9. unless 10. C. 1. By whom has this picture been
even though 11. until 12. before 13. painted? 2. By whom was she deceived in
However 14. While 15. in spite of love? 3. Where was this picture got by you?
E. 1. Not only, but also 2. neither, nor 3. 4. How was this book got by you? 5. Which
what with, and 4. not only, but also 5. not book was purchased by you? 6. By whom
only, but also 6. Scarcely, when 7. Both, was she escorted to the door? 7. By which
and 8. not only, but also 9. as, as 10. team the match was won? 8. Where was
Neither, nor this pen found by you? 9. What mistake
F. 1. Although - contrast 2. unless - was committed by him? 10. What action
condition 3. although - contrast 4. was taken against him by the teacher?
whenever - reason 5. because - reason 6. D. Do yourself
Although - contrast 7. Because - reason 8. 22. Direct and Indirect Speech
When - reason 9. condition 10. because - A. 1. The girl said that it gave her great
reason 11. Although - contrast 12. After - pleasure to be there that morning. 2. The
purpose 13. though - contrast 14. because - man said that he must go as soon as
reason 15. If - condition 16. Although - possible. 3. She said that she didn't want to
contrast see any of us and ordered us to go away. 4.

The teacher says that I would pass, if I 14. Imperative 15. Declarative
worked hard. 5. He said that the film had B. 1. Simple 2. Complex 3. Complex
begun at seven o'clock. 6. She said that she 4. Compound 5. Compound-Complex
always drank coffee. 7. He explained that 6. Compound 7. Complex 8. Simple
he was reading a book. 8. She said that he 9. Compound 10. Compound-Complex
had finished his work. 9. He told me that 11. Compound-Complex 12. Compound-
he had been to Spain. 10. He said that Bill Complex
arrived on Saturday. C. 1. Whenever she’s ner vous -
B. 1. Erica said, 'I write a letter.' 2. dependent clause; she bites her nails -
Monica said, 'I have bought a pen independent clause 2. Moving quickly up
yesterday.' 3. John said, 'I am going to the field - dependent clause; Roberto was
church.' 4. Ron said, 'I have been playing in a position to score - independent clause
cricket.' 5. Tim said, 'I have done his 3. I have many computer skills -
homework.' 6. He said, 'I have been independent clause; but my sister is the
reading a novel.' 7. He said, 'I'll go to real expert - dependent clause 4. That’s
London tomorrow.' 8. Tom said, 'I have Naomi, whose brother is a famous actor. -
visited her aunt on the weekend.' 9. Sandra dependent clause 5. I drank the whole
said, 'I am going to watch a movie today.' pitcher of lemonade that she made. -
10. Mary said to us, 'I have two brothers dependent clause 6. Racing around the
and one sister.'' C. 1. Do yourself. track - dependent clause; Sally headed for
D. They wanted to know what daily life the finish line - independent clause 7.
was like in Afghanistan. People at the Before you leave - dependent clause;
conference also asked if the journalists felt would you please shut the windows -
their lives were in danger and wanted to independent clause 8. I stood at the
know what their thoughts were on the window - independent clause; but I didn’t
upcoming election. E. Do yourself see him - dependent clause 9. Proof
23. Phrasal Verbs reading his resume one last time -
A. break out 2. look forward to 3. ran out dependent clause; Nathan discovered a
4. keep up 5. called of 6. put up with spelling error - independent clause 10. If
B. 1. Take off 2. look after 3. find out 4. you do the laundry - independent clause;
try on 5. Hurry up I’ll mow the lawn - dependent clause
24. Essay Writing D. Do yourself
Do yourself 2. Clauses
25. Paragraph Writing A. 1. Dependent 2. Independent 3.
Do yourself Dependent 4. Dependent 5. Independent
26. Report Writing 6. Dependent 7. Dependent 8.Independent
Do yourself B. 1. didn’t let the phone ring long
27. Letter Writing enough. D 2. on time for the party. S 3. be
Do yourself late for the meeting. S 4. should have
28. Notice Writing signed his or her name. D 5. makes no
Do yourself difference to me. D 6. he would tell the
truth. S 7. That anyone else could be doing
Hello Grammar!-8
the same experiments S 8. where the
1. The Sentence treasure was kept. S 9. safe was behind the
A 1. Imperative 2. Interrogative picture. D 10. will never be forgotten in our
3. Assertive 4. Optative 5. Interrogative town. S 11. we were in for a spell of hot,
6. Interrogative 7. Exclamatory humid weather. D 12. will be assured of a
8. Declarative 9. Interrogative freshly painted room. D
10. Exclamatory 11. Imperative C. 1. You know that the telephone uses
12. Interrogative 13. Optative electricity. (direct object) 2. What you say

into a phone creates sound waves. favourite hangout. 8. The man in the blue
(Subject) 3. An electric current carries the shirt whom I first met in Canada at a
sound to whoever is listening. (object of a conference is the speaker tonight. 9. The
preposition) 4. Basically, this is how a woman who has the orange hair is my
telephone operates. (Predicate/ comple - mother. 10. My cat which is soft and sweet,
ment noun) 5. You can talk to whomever hates dogs.
you like and say whatever you think. F. 1. Wherever there are computers -
(object of a preposition, direct object) 6. Place 2. After the fruit is harvested - Time
Campaign workers use whatever helps 3. because I’m shy - Cause 4. so that she
them. (direct object) 7. That telephones could get a better job - Purpose 5.
can be very helpful has been shown in Although Gaurav has a Master’s degree -
many elections. (Subject) 8. Who will win Contrast 6. If you save your money -
the election is what people want to know. Condition 7. Since I started going to
(Subject) 9. Examiners ask whoever fitness class - Time 8. until pass inter-
answers a series of questions. (direct mediate - Time 9. because I am not
object) 10. Whether a candidate is popular studying enough - Reason 10. Since the
is a vital matter. (Subject) 11. Another government cut spending - Time 11. as
question may be what the major issues are. there are too many cars - Manner 12.
(Predicate/ complement noun) 12. Voters though his party disagrees - Manner 13.
usually give whoever is calling an answer. Even though I studied every day - Contrast
(indirect object) 14. Wherever he goes - Place 15. where I
D. 1. who lives next door - adjective put my pen - Place 16. as if wolves were
clause; registered nurse - modifies 2. which chasing him - Manner 17. when he saw the
is Dave’s favourite subject - adjective policemen - Time 18. as carefully as his
clause; has always been easy for him - father does - Condition
modifies 3. Harry’s letter - modifies; which 3. Relative Pronouns and Clauses
he mailed Tuesday - adjective clause 4. A. 1. whose 2. who 3. whom, whose 4.
which is my favourite season - adjective which 5. who 6. which 7. which 8. whose
clause; will be here in another week - 9. which 10. whose 11. which 12. whom
modifies 5. That dog - modifies; that you B. 1. Defining, Non-defining
found - adjective clause 6. There is a 2. Defining, Non-defining 3. Defining,
chance - modifies; that Bartlet will win the Non-defining 4. Defining, Non-defining
election - adjective clause 7. the school - 5. Defining, Non-defining 6. Defining,
modifies; that I attended - adjective clause Non-defining 7. Defining, Non-defining
8. Is that the antique show - adjective 8. Defining, Non-defining 9. Defining,
clause; you - modifies 9. have a dog - Non-defining 10. Defining, Non-defining
modifies; that is fourteen years old - C. 1. Defining 2. Non-defining
adjective clause 10. butter chicken - 3. Non-defining 4. Defining 5. Non-
modifies; which is my favourite dish - defining 6. Non-defining 7. Defining 8.
adjective clause Defining 9. Non-defining 10. Non-
E. 1. A bird which was trying to build a defining 11. Defining 12. Defining 13.
nest had been injured. 2. The structure that Non-defining 14. Non-defining 15. Non-
stands on a mountain can be seen for defining
miles. 3. Aunt Elisha who is my father's D. 1. was the son of a book seller, who
sister, visits us in June. 4. The man who was born in 1709. 2. Oxford, where he
found his wallet is happy. 5. I will never studied at Pembroke College. 3. was too
forget the day when graduated. 6. The poor to pay the fees, that he had to leave
book which was written by Charles Oxford without a degree. 4. moved to
Dickens is very popular. 7. I like to drink London, where he wrote poetry, essays
coffee with Brandin because it is my and biographies. 5. to write his dictionary,

which took him nine years to complete. 6. won the match. 9. My daughter is blamed
His home at that time was in 17 Gough for having done something. She tells me
Square in London, which is a museum now that she didn't do it. I believe her. She
now. 7. died in 1752, whose name was would tell me if she had done it. 10. Last
Elizabeth Porter. 8. was published, which year, my daughter was blamed for having
was called A Dictionary of the English done something. She told me that she
Language. hadn't done it. I believed her. She would
4. Conditional Sentences have told me if she had done it.
A. he’ll never take an umbrella with him. E. 1. would have bought 2. will get 3.
2. he would know about the history test. wanted 4. would have bitten 5. would be 6.
3. he will get fat. 4. it would not smell in will see
our room. 5. he would be in the school 5. Nouns
team. 6. he could be better at social A. 1. teacher, student - Common; France
studies. 7. his neighbour would not be - Proper 2. Mexico - Proper 3. wickedness -
angry with him. 8. he can save more abstract 4. witness’s, man - Common
money. 9. the air in the room will be (Concrete) 5. Iron - Material 6. parent,
better. 10. his parents would buy him a children’s - Common (Concrete)
new one. 7. Calcium - Material 8. factory - Common
B. 1. will study, will pass 2. will shine, 9. Plastic - Material 10. tribe - Collective
will walk 3. will have, will see 4. will 11. hive - Collective 12. flock - Collective
come, will be 5. will earn, will fly 6. will 13. Hemingway - Proper 14. Paul - Proper ;
travel, will visit 7. will wear, will slip 8. brother - Common 15. people - Collective
will forget, will give 9. will go, will listen 16. animals - Collective
10. will wait, will ask B. 1. Longing 2. Strongest 3. Width
C. Do yourself 4. Youngness/youth 5. Humbleness
D. 1. It didn't rain yesterday. So I had to 6. Decency 7. Cruelly 8. Bitterness
water the plants yesterday. If it had rained 9. Prudency 10. Darkness 11. Wiseness
yesterday, I would not have watered the 12. Goodness 13. Vacancy 14. Sweetness
plants. 2. It didn't rain yesterday. So I am 15. Humanity 16. Freedom 17. Proudness
watering the plants now. If it had rained 18. Bravery/Braveness 19. Novelty 20.
yesterday, I would not water the plants Poverty 21. Justice 22. Vainness/Vanity
now. 3. I went to bed late last night. So I 23. Saneness/Sanity 24. Ignorance
am still tired now. If I had gone to bed C. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C
earlier yesterday, I would not feel so tired 9. A 10. A
now. 4. I went to bed late last Tuesday. So D. 1. Countable 2. Uncountable
I was very tired the following day. If I had 3. Countable 4. Uncountable 5. Countable
gone to bed earlier that Tuesday, I would 6. Uncountable 7. Countable 8. Countable
not have felt that tired the following day. 9. Countable 10. Uncountable
5. After a night out, I want to drive home 11. Countable 12. Uncountable
now. I haven't drunk any alcohol. If I had 13. Uncountable 14. Countable
drunk alcohol, I would not drive. 6. After 15. Countable
a night out last weekend, I drove home. I E. 1. pigeons - P; building’s - S 2. year’s - S;
hadn't drunk any alcohol. If I had drunk pigeons - P 3. owner’s, mother’s - S 4.
alcohol, I would not have driven. 7. We mom’s - S; davids - S 5. pigeons - P; bird’s - S
won the match last week. So when we F. 1.Citie’s - City’s 2. falcons’s - falcons’
came home, we looked really happy. We 3. scientist’s - scientist 4. peoples’ - people’s
would not have looked that happy if we 5. parakeet’s - parakeets’ 6. birds’s - birds’
had not won the match. 8. We've just won 7. owls’s - owl’s 8. sentrys’ - sentry’s
a match. So we look really happy now. We G. 1. IO 2. 3. DO 4. IO 5. PN 6. PN 7. DO
would not look that happy if we had not 8. DO 9. DO 10. PN

6. Chess table. 5. The king took an exhausting - 2
A.1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. b week trip. 6. Alice prefers black, leather,
B. Do yourself Italian furniture. 7. Archaeologists get
7. Pronouns very excited when they find prehistoric,
A. 1. She 2. They 3. They 4. She 5. It 6. He large, animal bones. 8. I bought some
7. It 8. He 9. He 10. They 11. We 12. He 13. charming Victorian Silver ornaments at
They 14. She the flea market.
B. 1. Reflexive 2. Intensive 3. Reflexive 4. E. 1. bigger 2. more beautiful 3. taller 4.
Reflexive 5. Reflexive 6. Reflexive 7. sweet 5. colder 6. more popular 7. worse 8.
Reflexive 8. Intensive 9. Intensive 10. more intelligent 9. most handsome 10.
Intensive 11. Reflexive 12. Reflexive 13. worse 11. prettiest 12. most comfortable
Intensive 14. Reflexive 15. Reflexive 13. worse 14. stubborn 15. hottest 16.
C. 1. which - relative pronoun 2. Whom - sunnier, wetter 17. large 18. higher 19.
interrogative pronoun 3. What - interroga- shorter 20. pleasant
tive pronoun 4. What - interrogative F. 1. as much as 2. drearier 3. the best 4.
pronoun 5. whose - relative pronoun 6. more enjoyable 5. more uses than 6. as
whom - relative pronoun 7. who - relative friendly
pronoun 8. which - interrogative pronoun 9. Tenses
9. what - interrogative pronoun 10. whose A. 1. rain 2. is running, wants 3. speaks,
- relative pronouns comes 4. 5. is holding, smells 6. snowing,
D. Do yourself snows 7. don’t know 8. are, doing 9. think,
8. Adjectives is looking 10. am driving 11. are lying 12.
A. 1. The Flat desert stretched before listen 13. don’t understand taking 14.
weighs, looks 15. usually travel 16. is
him. 2. The sleek gray horse galloped getting 17. requires 18. are having 19. is he
across the pasture. 3. The long, narrow waiting 20. washes B. Do yourself
column of soldiers marched through the C. 1. was driving, heard 2. walked, called
pass. 4. Every qualified person can enter 3. had not seen, were talking 4. was
having, opened 5. were walking, heard 6.
the contest. 5. Quiet and sullen, he sat in were having, decided 7. arrived, were
the corner. 6. She looked sick to me. 7. playing 8. was having, saw 9. were you
Great flocks of large birds migrate here in doing, rang 10. were you running, saw 11.
the spring. was raining 12. were playing 13. were
B. 1. my : possessive adjective 2. quantity dancing 14. told 15. was talking
3. Interrogative 4. descriptive 5. quantity D. 1. Do yourself.
6. quantity 7. possessive 8. distributive 9. E. 1. going to 2. going to 3. will 4. shall 5.
demonstrative 10. descriptive 11. quantity shall 6. going to 7. going to 8. will 9. going
12. demonstrative 13. interrogative 14. to 10. will 11. going to 12. going to 13.
emphasizing 15. proper going to 14. shall 15. will
C. 1. when, bright, smiling 2. Someday, F. 2. He’ll sleeping by eleven o’clock 3.
old, white 3. A haunted 4. smartest, We’ll be working very hard by next month.
seventh 5. What, sunny, noisy, fun 6. 4. They will be travelling the whole night.
important stop, beautiful 7. loud, shrill 8. 5. She’ll be doing the working in an hour’s
noisy, crowded, little 9. third, fourth 10. time. 6. He will still be mending his car by
small, hairy dinner time. 7. I’ll be driving a BMW in
D. 1. They have a lovely old red post-box. two year’s time. 8. I’ll be studying English
2. She is selling her flashy 3-years-old from 8 to 10. 9. I’ll be having an interview
Italian car. 3. It was a beautiful cold day. 4. by 2 o’clock this afternoon. 10. We’ll be
She wants a gray, square, stone, coffee listening to pop music by this time
tomorrow. G. Do yourself

H. 1. are being discussed 2. are being 9. probably 10. upstairs 11. certainly 12.
discussed 3. His being asked 4. is being completely 13. neatly 14. slowly
asked 5. is being renovating 6. is being C. 1. respectable 2. morally 3. confidently
renovating 7. am being looked 8. are being 4. hardly 5. cowardly 6. outright 7. briefly
washed 9. is being counted 10. are being 8. soundly 9. Normally 10. immediately
painted I. Do yourself D. 1. How many 2. How much 3. How
10. Non-Finite Verbs much 4. How quickly 5. How often 6. How
A. Do yourself loudly 7. How long 8. How often 9. Where
B. 1. To complain – noun, 2. to pick – 10. When
adjective, 3. to run – noun, 4. to begin – 12. The Grand Canyon
adverb, 5. to cross – adjective, 6. to finish – A. 1.a 2. a 3. b 4. c
noun, 7. to clean – noun, 8. to leave – B. 1. Seven 2. Magnificent 3. snowfall 4.
adverb 9. to advance – noun 10. to help – 1848
adverb C. 1. climate 2. various
C. 1. He made me do it all over again even D. 1. scarce 2. inaccurate 3. deny 4.
though he told me I could sing quite well. modern 5. together 6. asleep 7. depart 8.
2. He will be able to swim very soon once praise 9. kind 10. expensive
the weather gets warmer. 3. I used to live in
13. Determiners
a caravan, but now I live in a teepee. 4. You
A. Do yourself B. Do yourself
ought to go today because it may rain
C. 1. many 2. many 3. many 4. a little 5.
tomorrow. 5. You needn't say anything,
a lot of 6. Few 7. little 8. less 9. Some 10.
just nod your head and he will understand.
6. I want to see the house where our
D. My, His, Their, His, our, Her, his, his,
president was born. 7. He made her repeat
the message: 'May I use your phone?' 8.
You needn't ask for permission; you can E. 1. a few, 2. the, 3. some, 4. A, 5. much,
use it whenever you like. 9. You might like 6. some, any, 7. some, 8. an, a, 9. the, the,
to know that this test is almost over. 10. 10. the, those of, 11. a, the, 12. the, the, 13.
This is the final question! Did you like to The, 14. a, the, 15. A, 16. The, 17. a 18.
take this test? some, 19. The, 20. the
D. 1. I like to walk along the sea-shore. 2. 14. Modal Auxiliaries
The shipwrecked sailors were overjoyed to A. 1. needn’t 2. mustn’t 3. must, may 4.
see the land. 3. To tell the truth is could, can 5. Can, needn’t 6. Can, can’t 7.
sometimes more difficult than to win a need 8. might 9. shouldn’t, may10. mustn’t
battle. 4. I was glad to hear his voice. 5. I 11. Must 12. May 13. needn’t 14. Can,
should be sorry to hear that you couldn't can’t
do this exercise. 6. Richard was told not to B. 1. should 2. must 3. should 4. must 5.
touch the cakes. 7. Mr. Brown asked to see should 6. can 7. must 8. can 9. shouldn’t
the principal. 8. I was very sorry to hear 10. should
that you had an accident. 9. John said that C. 1. Could, would, might, would,
he did not expect to succeed. 10. George should, would 2. Could, might, might,
asked to borrow Bill's bicycle. could, would 3. Should, should, would,
11. Adverbs would, would
A. 1. already 2. out 3. directly 4. never 5. 15. Prepositions
enough 6. thus 7. Why not 8. not at all A. 1. in 2. on 3. in front of 4. behind 5.
B. 1. always 2. often 3. definitely 4. even between 6. under 7. next to 8. behind
5. only 6. tomorrow 7. quickly 8. happily B. 1. at 2. x 3. in 4. on 5. in 6. x 7. x 8. in 9.
x 10. at
C. 1. up, down 2. into 3. across 4. under 5. cunning that it cannot be deceived. 9. The
around 6. off 7. across 8. over 9. around problem of population is so serious that
10. up 11. down 12. off 13. over 14. along one cannot be overlooked. 10. He is over
15. out of 16. across 17. through 18. down eager for praise.
, 19. into 20. through B. 1. The news is too good to be true.2.
D. 1. with 2. to 3. to 4. at 5. on 6. at 7. We are too clever not to guess your every
across 8. upon 9. to 10. of 11. from 12. by plan. 3. They were too weak to solve the
E. 1. in 2. listen to 3. drop with 4. write in paper. 4. It is too dark to see anything. 5.
dark ink 5. compensate me for damage 6. My heart is too full of words. 6. The tree is
drop again 7. drop from 8. correct 9. too high to climb. 7. One is never too old to
correct 10. Whom are you talking to? learn. 8. I am too brave not to face the
16. Conjunctions enemy. 9. The class is too noisy. 10. Trees
A. Do yourself are too valuable to fell them unnecessarily.
B. 1. (and, yet) 2. (not only, but also, so C. 1. many 2. many 3. many 4. a little 5. a
that) 3. (but, neither, nor, as/for/because lot of 6. few 7. little 8. less 9. some 10.
4. (Since/As/Because, so that) 5. (as/ much
since/because, and, so, that) 6. (or else, D. 1. Taj Mahal is grander than any other
but, so, that, and) 7. (as well as, not only, building of the world. 2. No other book is
and) 8. (either, as/for/since) 9. (but, so interesting as this. 3. Iron is the most
because/as/for) 10. (Since/As/Because, useful metal. 4. This is the biggest
nevertheless, but) diamond that I have ever seen. 5. Very few
C. Do yourself kings of India were as great as Ashoka. 6.
17. One Word for Many A lion does not run so fast as a deer. 7. Rice
A. 2. Anchor 3. Astronaut 4. Florist 5. is not more nutritious than some other
Sculptor 6. Usurer foods. 8. Football is one of the most
B. 1. c 2. d 3. h 4. g 5. e 6. i 7. j 8. a 9. b 10. f popular games. 9. Vikramaditya was more
C. 1. Diplomacy 2. dilemma 3. Embers 4. famous for his judgement than any other
Famine 5. Usurp 6. Exemplary 7. ruler of India. 10. Democracy is the best
Astrology 8. Panacea 9. Revolution 10. kind of government.
Pandemonium 11. Ornithology 12. Stable E. 1. Do yourself
13. Philanthropist 14. Gazette F. 1. You are so kind-hearted that you
D. 1. Emigrant, 2. Ambassador cannot be a good officer. 2. James is not so
3. Inflammable 4. Linguistic 5. Anarchy intelligent as my brother. 3. No sooner did
6. Manuscript 7. Astronomer the birds see me than they flew at once. 4.
It never rains but pours. 5. None but a
8. encyclopaedia 9. Amateur 10. Insolvent
tactful businessman can earn a lot of
18. Sir Charlie Chaplin
money. 6. Never insult your elders. 7. I was
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. a
not sure that it was you. 8. I am not a rich
19. Transformation of Sentences
man of my town. 9. You cannot touch the
A. 1. Sara is so gentle that she cannot sky. 10. He does not fail to go for a walk
harm you. 2. The water was so hot that I daily in the morning. G. Do yourself
could not bathe in it. 3. He is so rich that he
20. Idioms and Phrases
can buy a car. 4. He is extremely fond of
A. 1. ‘To cost an arm and a leg’ 2. ‘let the
money. 5. He is so expert that he cannot be
cat out of the bag’ 3. ‘When pigs fly’ 4. ‘To
defeated in the race. 6. The shoe is big for
kill two birds with one stone’ 5. ‘Once in a
my foot beyond the proper limit. 7. The
blue moon’ 6. ‘to feel under the weather’ 7.
people of Delhi are so active that they
‘To cut corners’ 8. ‘To add insult to injury’
cannot miss the train. 8. The fox is so

9. ‘Break a leg’ 10. ‘Speak of the devil’ 11. he had not warned him against that before
‘See eye to eye’ 12. ‘The best of both hand. 3. John asked his sister if it was not a
worlds’ 13. ‘you can’t judge a book by its surprise to see her friend there that day.4.
cover’ 14. ‘To hit the nail on the head’ 15. The doctor asked his patient if he was
‘A piece of cake’ taking medicine prescribed to him
B. 1. to explode 2. put into practice 3. to regularly. 5. She asked me if I knew how to
continue 4. to become known 5. become swim. 6. The captain asked the players if
extinct 6. quarrel 7. to escape 8. to bear 9. they would put their heart and soul in
to lay aside 10. to take off playing the game so that they might win
C. 1. Take off 2. look after 3. find out 4. the match. 7. The stranger asked the lady if
try on 5. hurry up 6. sit down 7. get on 8. she had ever been to Delhi. 8. The old man
look up 9. fill in 10. put out asked the child why he had broken that
21. Using a Thesaurus Effectively window pane. 9. The rich man asked the
A. Do yourself B. Do yourself beggar why he did not do any work and if
22. Active and Passive Voice he did not feel ashamed in begging alms
A. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c from others. 10. Boys asked the teacher
B. is, prepared, crushed and beaten, is when he intended to start the class that
added, as taken, is prepared, are put, is day. 11. The traveller asked the cab man
heated, are allowed how long he would take to reach the
C. 1. Who did the job? 2. He sings a song. destination and if he could not drive the
3. The boy killed the spider. 4. Help him. 5. cab a little faster. 12. The customer asked
People speak English all over the world. 6. the shopkeeper what the price of that
I taught him English. 7. All trust an honest article was and if he could give him two of
man. 8. Whom did you laugh at? 9. Put the those articles. 13. The old lady asked the
bottle on the table. 10. No one can see the young man if he could tell her where that
wind. road led to and if he would guide her way
23. Direct and Indirect Speech to the railway station. 14. The priest asked
the gentleman where that young lady
A. 1. The saint said that we are mortal. 2.
came from and if he could tell him that.
The milkman says that his cow does not
15. Shylock asked Portia how she could
give much milk. 3. Pamela said that it was
call him a cheat and if she would not pay
very hot, and the cooler was out of order.
him his dues according to the deed.
4. He said that the noise of the passing
vehicles distracted his attention. 5. The C. 1. Mother advised daughter to put on
electrician told the owner that the fuse had her shoes. 2. The teacher ordered me to
blown. He would have to mend it. 6. All open my notebook. 3. Merry forbade her
will say that the government should not uncle to be mad at her. 4. The coach
use atom bomb. 7. The teacher told the ordered Jack to get on his feet. 5. The
students that all the plants need air, water, cashier told Angela to give him her receipt.
and soil to grow. 8. The teacher said that 6. Adam requested his mother to help him
we should study a few chapters every day. with his homework. 7. The officer forbade
9. Mr. Anderson said that the Taj Mahal us to park there. 8. The ambulance driver
was built by Emperor Shah Jahan. 10. advised pedestrians to move out of the
Edna said that her sister would talk to my way. 9. The players proposed that they
sister in the evening. should start the game. 10. The clerks
requested their boss that they should be
B. 1. Her brother asked her what present
allowed to see the match on TV.
he should bring for her when he returned
from Mumbai. 2. His friend asked him if 24. Figures of Speech

A. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b red handed. 2. I purchased a pen which is
B. 1. f 2. c 3. a 4. g 5. d 6. b 7. e very costly. 3. Show me the place where
C. Do yourself you went yesterday. 4. Wordsworth loved
25. Synthesis Lucy who lived in the forest. 5. The bicycle
A. 1. My uncle goes for a walk daily in the on which I go to school is second hand. 6.
morning. 2. Undoubtedly he will be an Take my pen which you like. 7. All know
M.P. 3. The prizes having been distributed Duke very well who is an artist. 8.
to the students, they were glad. 4. Having Something that glitters are not gold. 9.
won a jackpot he built a big mansion. 5. Such students as abuse others do not keep
Standing on tip-toe he reached for the their company. 10. A boy who was talking
bunch of grapes. 6. He is going to London with you is our monitor.
to pursue higher education. 7. Milton, the E. 1. As soon as I reached the circus, it
Homer of England, wrote Paradise Lost. started. 2. He went to Dehradun because
8. Using the methods of persuasion and he wanted to consult a doctor. 3. Although
coercion Patel, a strong man, brought all he is poor, he is always ready to help
the Princely States into the Indian Union. others. 4. If you want to pass, work day
9. Having realized the danger of and night. 5. No other pen is better than
communal conflicts Gandhi, a great this pen. 6. You must run fast so that you
visionary, sacrificed his life to bring about may catch the train. 7. He is as intelligent
unity. 10. She went out smiling. as his sister. 8. I saw the place where Shah
B. 1. I have neither seen nor heard about Jahan was buried. 9. He worked hard lest
this book. 2. Either watch the programme he should fail. 10. I learn my lesson as my
quietly or leave the room. 3. He was unwell elder brother teaches me.
yet he came for meeting. 4. He was F. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. b 9.
mischievous therefore he was punished. 5. c 10. b
She was asked to sing a song for she has a 26. The Circus Elephant
sweet voice. 6. He came to my house but A. 1. curled 2. bright 3. prowl 4. benign 5.
remained silent. 7. I do not go to school for ploy 6. proper B. Do yourself
I have no school uniform. 8. Morning C. 1. adolescent 2. soft 3. restricted 4.
walk is not only useful but also refreshing. happiness 5. large
9. I went to my uncle and he gave me D. 1. The children. Because they watch
hundred rupees. 10. I can't see for it was the circle elephants performing various
very dark. tricks. 2. They were thinking of roaming
C. 1. I do not know where the thief has freely in the jungle. 3. No. 4. Night - light -
run away. 2. Tell me why you are not sight, delight - right.
working hard. 3. I asked him if he would E. Do yourself
go to Delhi on Monday. 4. It is not known 27. Letter Writing
who entered the house. 5. The news that he Do yourself
has won the election is wrong. 6. Listen to
28. Precis Writing
what your teachers say. 7. It is not certain
how long I shall teach him. 8. That he is a Do yourself
knave is known to all. 9. I do not know 29. Notice Writing
who has stolen my pen. 10. Do you know Do yourself
that he is innocent? 30. Essay Writing
D. 1. The boy who was copying, caught Do yourself


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