Latest PT3 CEFR Alligned Slides
Latest PT3 CEFR Alligned Slides
Latest PT3 CEFR Alligned Slides
• 40 Marks = 25%
Marking criterion
• [C]=Content
Answer the question
• [CA]+Communicative Achievement
Give opinion regarding the answer/make it natural
• [O]=Organization
Use cohesive devices in your writing
• [L]=Language
Check your spelling and grammar/ use EVP
Tackling Writing Paper
Tip Number 1
English Vocabulary Profile
• Great for vocabulary
• Useful phrases
• Good for writing
• Username : englishprofile
• Password : vocabulary
Tackling Writing Paper
Let’s do this together!
Vocabulary Item
Tackling Writing Paper
Tip Number 2
Which one is more natural in your life?
Situation A Situation B
Tackling Writing Paper
Which one is more natural in your life?
our writing
Sample Answer
Hi Alex,
I am quite surprised to learn that you are thinking to start a new
hobby. I was confident that you would do your stamp collecting
hobby for years!
Nonetheless, this is my advice for you. I would suggest you to take
up cooking. I know that you have a well-equipped kitchen in your
home. That would be great for your new hobby. Importantly, I
know you have passion in cooking. Ergo, cooking will be the most
suitable for you.
p/s : Don’t make a haste decision! Sleep on it and let me know your
Hi Alex,
I am quite surprised to learn that you are thinking to start a
new hobby. I was confident that you would do your stamp collecting
hobby for years!
Nonetheless, this is my advice for you. I would suggest you to take
up cooking. I know that you have a well-equipped kitchen in your
home. That would be great for your new hobby. Importantly, I
know you have passion in cooking. Ergo, cooking will be the most
suitable for you.
p/s : Don’t make a haste decision! Sleep on it and let me know your
Tackling Writing Paper
Part 2 : Notes expansion
1. Create essay outline
2. Organise your ideas –
put them in sequence
3. Expand your ideas – add
relevant details
4. Add details to make your
essay interesting
Tackling Writing Paper
Writing Part 2 template
1. Use writing Part 2
template to help you
drafting your essay
2. Write at least 2 interesting
sentences for each point
3. Use simple and compound
4. Use complex sentences if you
know how to.
Tackling Writing Paper
Point Sentence
In my entire life, there is one celebration
Paragraph 1
Point Sentence
Point 1 Hari Raya is celebrated right after the end of Ramadhan.
Paragraph 2
When you This day is marked as the 1st of Syawal in Islamic calendar.
celebrate it
Point 2 Muslims celebrate Hari Raya to rejoice their effort of
fasting for a month.
Why you It is a symbolism of winning a difficult battle of thirst and
celebrate it hunger.
Tackling Writing Paper
Hari Raya is celebrated right after the end of Ramadhan. This day is
marked as the 1st of Syawal in Islamic calendar. Muslims celebrate Hari Raya
to rejoice their effort of fasting for a month. It is a symbolism of winning a
difficult battle of thirst and hunger.
Thank You!