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Maximum retail price list

For SKF domestic industrial products –

Deep groove ball bearings and taper roller bearings

Effective from
1st April, 2018
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Compiled by: RG • Approved by: SC • Issued by: SC
• MRP 2018, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st April, 2018

Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`)

Deep groove ball bearings 6003/C3HD8 176 6007-RS1/C3 338

6003-2RS1 230 6010 653
16008 405 6003-2Z 201 6010/C3 653
1838001/C3 274 6003-2Z/C3 201 6010-2RS1 731
1838001/C4 274
1838001/HN3C3 274 6003-RS1 183 6010-2Z 713
6003-RS1/C3 183 61804/C2LHT23 320
1888180 1,177 6003-Z 188 61804/C3 320
1888451 1,129 6003-Z/C3 188 61805 215
306445 C 883

6000 134 6004 192 61902/C3 229
6004/C3 192 61902-2Z 227

6000/C3 134 6004/CNHD8S0VG043 192 61902-Z/C3 229
6000/C3D8VG043 134 6004/HN3 222 61905/C3 246

6000-2RS1 182
6000-2RS1/C3 182 6004-2RS1 249 61906/D8S0VB578 289

6004-2RS1/C3 249 6200 124
6000-2RS1/C4HTF7 182 6004-2Z 222 6200/C3 124
6000-2Z 150 6004-2Z/C3 222 6200-2RS1 177

6000-2Z/C3 150
6000-Z 144 6004-RS1 224 6200-2RS1/C3 177

6004-RS1/C3 224 6200-2Z 153
6000-Z/C3 144 6004-Z 206 6200-2Z/C3 153

6001 131 6004-Z/C3 206 6200-RS1 158
6001/C3 131
6001/HN3C3VG043 131 6005 216 6200-Z 137
6005/C3 216 6200-Z/C3 137

6001-2RS1 191 6005-2RS1 274 6201 103
6001-2RS1/C3 191 6005-2RS1/C3 274 6201/C3 103
6001-2RSH 191

6001-2Z 149 6005-2Z 246 6201-2RS1 148
6005-2Z/C3 246 6201-2RS1/C3 148
6001-2Z/C3 149 6005-RS1 241 6201-2RS1/C3LLHT23 148
6001-2Z/GJN 149 6005-RS1/C3 241 6201-2Z 126
6001-RS1/C3 165
6001-Z 145 6005-Z 233 6201-2Z/C3 126
6005-Z/C3 233 6201-RS1 125
6001-Z/C3 145 6006 279 6201-RS1/C3 125
6002 149 6006/C3 279 6201-Z 116
6002/C3 149
6002/C3H 149 6006-2RS1 334 6201-Z/C3 116
6006-2RS1/C3 334 6202 114
6002-2RS1 204 6006-2Z 319 6202/C3 114
6002-2Z 179 6006-2Z/C3 319 6202/HN3C3 115
6002-2Z/C3 179
6002-RS1 187 6006-RS1/C3 297 6202/S00VG043 114
6006-Z 297 6202/VG043 136
6002-Z 161 6007 296 6202-2RS1 158
6002-Z/C3 161 6007/C3 296 6202-2RS1/C2LHT23 158
6003 176
6003/C3 176 6007-2RS1 376 6202-2RS1/C3 158
6007-2RS1/C3 376 6202-2RSH/C3 158
6007-2Z 370 6202-2Z 139
6007-RS1 338 6202-2Z/C3 139

SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Compiled by: RG • Approved by: SC • Issued by: SC
• MRP 2018, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st April, 2018

Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`)

6202-2Z/MT33F9 139 6205-2RZ/C3 333 6208-2RS1 584

6202-RS1 142 6205-2Z 321 6208-2RS1/C3 584
6202-RS1/C3 142 6205-2Z/C3 321 6208-2Z 559
6202-RS1/MT33F9VG043 142 6205-RS1 316 6208-2Z/C3 559

6202-Z 128 6205-RS1/C3 316 6208-2Z/C3HTVT530 540
6202-Z/C3 128 6205-Z 300 6208-RS1 547
6203 145 6205-Z/C3 300 6208-Z 532
6203/C3 145 6205-Z/HN3C3H 300 6208-Z/C3 532

6203-2RS1 188 6206 420 6209 603
6203-2RS1/C3 188 6206 N 420 6209/C3 603

6203-2RS1/C3GJNVP101 188 6206 N/C3 420 6209-2RS1 684
6203-2RS1/C3HTF7 188 6206 NR/C3 420 6209-2RS1/C3 684


6203-2Z 173 6206 TN9/C3VQ488 427 6209-2Z 670

6203-2Z/C3 173 6206/C3 420 6209-2Z/C3 670
6203-RS1 165 6206/HN3C3H 420 6209-2Z/C3HTVT530 647
6203-RS1/C3 165 6206-2RS1/C3 483 6209-Z 633


6203-Z 158 6206-2RS1/C3MT33 484 6209-Z/C3 633

6203-Z/C3 158 6206-2Z 476 6210 633
6204 208 6206-2Z/C3 476 6210 N 637

6204 N 208 6206-RS1 456 6210 N/C3 637

6204/C3 208 6206-RS1/C3 456 6210 NR 665
6204/D8 208 6206-Z 444 6210/C3 633

6204-2RS1 270 6206-Z/C3 444 6210-2RS1 843
6204-2RS1/C3 270 6207 414 6210-2RS1/C3GJN 843

6204-2RS1N 271 6207 N 404 6210-2Z 708
6204-2RZ 270 6207 NR 414 6210-2Z/C3 708
6204-2RZ/C3 270 6207 NR/C3 414 6210-2Z/C3HTVT530 684
6204-2RZN/C3 270 6207/C3 414 6210-Z 673

6204-2Z 243 6207/C3D8 414 6210-Z/C3 673
6204-2Z/C3 243 6207/D8 414 6210-ZNBR 993
6204-RS1 240 6207-2RS1 491 6211 830
6204-RS1/C3 240 6207-2RS1/C3 491 6211/C3 830

6204-Z 227 6207-2Z 467 6211-2RS1/HTF7 902
6204-Z/C3 227 6207-2Z/C3 467 6211-2Z 903
6204-Z/HN3 227 6207-RS1 444 6211-2Z/C3 903
6204-Z/HN3C3 227 6207-RS1/MT 462 6211-RS1 883

6205 279 6207-Z 442 6211-Z 870
6205 E/HN3VK374 283 6207-Z/C3 442 6212 944
6205 NR/C3 283 6208 499 6212/C3 944
6205/C3 279 6208 N 508 6212-2RS1 1,090

6205/HN3 283 6208 N/C3 508 6212-2RS1/C3 1,090
6205-2RS1 349 6208 NR 526 6212-2Z 1,068
6205-2RS1/C3 349 6208 NR/C3 526 6212-2Z/C3 1,068
6205-2RZ 333 6208/C3 499 6212-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,032

SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Compiled by: RG • Approved by: SC • Issued by: SC
• MRP 2018, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st April, 2018

Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`)

6212-Z/C3 1,056 6303-2RS1/C3HTF7 304 6306-Z 459

6213 1,033 6303-2Z 277 6306-Z/C3 459
6213/C3 1,033 6303-2Z/C3 277 6307 511
6213-2Z 1,086 6303-RS1 276 6307 N 513

6213-2Z/C3 1,086 6303-RS1/C3 276 6307 N/C3 513
6213-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,049 6303-Z 263 6307 NR 532
628/D8 131 6303-Z/C3 263 6307 NR/C3 532
628-2Z 135 6304 210 6307/C3 511

629-2RS1 132 6304 N 223 6307/D8 504
629-2Z 113 6304 N/C3 223 6307-2RS1 723

629-2Z/C3 113 6304/C3 210 6307-2RS1/C3 723
63/28/C3HN3 573 6304-2RS1 268 6307-2RS1NR/C3 737


6301 106 6304-2RS1/C2LHT23 268 6307-2Z 550

6301/C3 106 6304-2RS1/C3 268 6307-2Z/C3 550
6301-2RS1 137 6304-2RS1/MTF7 268 6307-RS1/MT 723
6301-2RS1/C3 137 6304-2Z 244 6307-Z 529


6301-2RS1/C3VC5131 137 6304-2Z/C3 244 6307-Z/C3 529

6301-2RS1/VC5131F7 137 6304-RS1 244 6308 749
6301-2Z 127 6304-RS1/C3 244 6308 N 754

6301-2Z/C3 127 6304-Z 232 6308 N/C3 754

6301-RS1 127 6304-Z/C3 232 6308 NR 778
6301-RS1/C3 127 6305 315 6308 NR/C3 778

6301-RS1/C3MTF9 127 6305 N 317 6308/C3 749
6301-RS1/C3VC513F9 127 6305 N/C3 317 6308-2RZNR/C3 837

6301-RS1/MT33F9 127 6305/C3 315 6308-2Z 818
6301-RS1/MTF7 127 6305/C3H 320 6308-2Z/C3 818
6301-RS1/VC5131F9 127 6305-2RS1 373 6308-2Z/C3HTVT530 791
6301-Z 121 6305-2RS1/C3 373 6308-Z 783

6301-Z/C3 121 6305-2Z 352 6308-Z/C3 783
6301-Z/MT33F9 121 6305-2Z/C3 352 6308-ZN 786
6302 214 6305-RS1 347 6308-ZN/C3 786
6302/C3 214 6305-Z 332 6308-ZNR 813

6302-2RS1 265 6305-Z/C3 332 6309 1,225
6302-2RS1/C3 265 6306 440 6309 N 1,233
6302-2Z 233 6306 N 441 6309 N/C3 1,233
6302-2Z/C3 233 6306 N/C3 441 6309 NR 1,271

6302-RS1 237 6306 NR 455 6309 NR/C3 1,271
6302-RS1/C3 237 6306/C3 440 6309/C3 1,225
6302-Z 225 6306/HN3CNP 435 6309-2RS1 1,332
6302-Z/C3 225 6306-2RS1 504 6309-2RS1/C3 1,332

6303 244 6306-2RS1/C3 504 6309-2Z 1,308
6303/C3 244 6306-2Z 476 6309-2Z/C3 1,308
6303-2RS1 304 6306-2Z/C3 476 6309-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,264
6303-2RS1/C3 304 6306-RS1/MT 476 6309-RS1 1,280

SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Compiled by: RG • Approved by: SC • Issued by: SC
• MRP 2018, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st April, 2018

Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`)

6309-RS1/C3 1,280 BB1B 420205 149 32010 X/Q 737

6309-Z 1,271 BB1B 420206 260 32012 X 1,104
6309-Z/C3 1,271
6310 1,235 Tapered roller bearings 32012 X/QVB531 1,104
32013 X/QVB533 1,173
6310 N 1,241 02872/2/02820/2/Q 732 32014 X/Q 1,371
6310 N/C3 1,241 09067/09195/Q 507 32020 X/Q 2,306
6310 NR 1,280 11590/11520 436
6310 NR/C3 1,280 15123/15245/Q 501 32205 BJ2/Q 436
32207 J2/Q 708

6310/C3 1,235 1888400/Q 1,996 32210 J2/Q 941
6310-2RS1 1,361 1988/1922/Q 470 32211 J2/Q 872

6310-2RS1/C3 1,361 24780/24720/Q 790
6310-2Z 1,324 25572/25520/Q 819 32212 J2/Q 1,499

32213 J2/Q 1,829
6310-2Z/C3 1,324 25577/2/25523/2/Q 833 32214 J2/Q 1,756

6310-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,279 25580/25522/Q 795 32216 J2/Q 2,316
6310-Z 1,304 25590/2/25520/2/Q 904
6311 1,811 25590/2/25523/2/Q 904 32217 J2/Q 3,206

32218 J2/Q 4,599
6311/C3 1,811 25877/2/25821/2/Q 723 32305 J2/Q 659

6311-2RS1 1,844 2789/2729/Q 749 32307 J2/Q 1,024
6311-2RS1/HTF7 1,933 28580/2/28521/2/Q 896

6311-2Z 1,918 30203 J2/Q 316 32308 J2/Q 999
32309 J2/Q 1,269
6311-2Z/C3 1,918 30204 J2/Q 352 32911/Q 1,105
6311-Z 1,867 30205 J2/Q 375 33005/Q 475

6311-Z/C3 1,867 30206 J2/Q 496
6312 2,140 30207 J2/Q 541 33010/Q 991
33019/Q 2,580

6312/C3 2,140 30208 J2/Q 842 330201/Q 1,499
6312-2RS1 2,276 30209 J2/Q 621 330356 B/Q 1,829
6312-2RS1/C3 2,276 30211 J2/Q 1,127
6312-2Z 2,245 30214 J2/Q 1,489 330632 C/Q 2,439
33108/U4Q 693
6312-2Z/C3 2,245 30215 J2/QCLN 1,584 33111/QVB500 1,199
6312-2Z/C3HTVT530 2,169 30302 J2/Q 355 33112/Q 1,476
6312-Z 2,198 30305 C 525
6312-Z/C3 2,198 30306 J2/QCLN 616 331257 1,213
33215/Q 2,425
6313 2,452 30308 J2/Q 872 34306/34478/Q 2,343
6313/C2 2,452 30309 J2/Q 1,220 344/332/Q 787
6313/C3 2,452 30312 J2/Q 2,240
6313-2RS1 2,590 31309 J2/QCLN 1,288 3585/3525/Q 1,218
369 S/2/362 A/2/Q 1,037
6313-2RS1/C3 2,590 31594/2/31520/2 933 3780/3720/Q 1,357
6313-2Z 2,558 320/32 X/Q 441 3782/3720/Q 1,386
6313-2Z/C3 2,558 32004 X/Q 435
6313-2ZNR 2,613 32006 X/Q 433 387/382 A/Q 1,058
395/394 A/Q 1,272
6313-RS1/C3HTVT193 2,468 32007 X/Q 544 395 A/394 A/Q 1,246
6313-Z 2,506 32008 X/Q 605 395 S/394 A/Q 1,246
6313-Z/C3 2,506
BB1B 420204 97 39580/W/2/39520/2/Q 1,946
39581/39520/Q 1,946

SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Compiled by: RG • Approved by: SC • Issued by: SC
• MRP 2018, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st April, 2018

Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`) Designation MRP (`)

3982/3920/2/Q 1,601
3984/2/3920/2/Q 1,472

39585/39520/Q 1,281
399 A/394 A/QVB079 1,212
418/414/Q 891
42687/42620 1,589

42690/42620/Q 1,897
462/453 X/VB535 1,284

47487/47420 X 1,545
47890/47820/Q 2,212


482/472/Q 1,462

497/492 A/Q 2,771
535/532 A 1,474

539/532 X 1,206

566/563/Q 1,526

567/563 1,543
575/572/Q 1,930

580/572/Q 1,664

55200 C/55437/QVE807 2,155
6379/K-6320/Q 2,708
683/672/Q 3,047
687/672/Q 2,781


72212/2/72487/2/Q 1,515
HM 212049/011 1,987

HM 903249/2/210/2/Q 1,414
JLM 710949/910/Q 1,152

JM 511946/910/Q 1,195
JM 716649/610/Q 2,786
LM 11949/910/Q 457
LM 29749 F/711/Q 511

LM 29749/710/QCL7CVA607 568
LM 48548/510/Q 432
LM 501349/310/Q 621
LM 501349/314/Q 781

LM 603049/011 763
LM 603049/012/Q 585
M 12649/610/Q 491
M 802048/011/Q 1,171

M 86649/2/610/2/Q 774
M 88048/010/Q 757


Price list serial no.:
MRP18/IM/Ed. No.1:

SKF Authorized Industrial Distributor

1. The maximum retail price list is effective from 1st April, 2018 and
supersedes all the previous price lists issued by us.
2. These prices represent the maximum retail prices to be charged by SKF
Authorized Industrial Distributors and they are at liberty to sell at prices
lower than the maximum retail price.
3. This price list shall be amended whenever there will be additions /
deletions in the domestic industrial products range.

SKF in India
North: 611 - 617, 6th Floor, Bestech Chambers,
B Block, Sushant Lok, Phase - 1,
Gurgaon 122 002, Haryana
East: Ecostation, Flat No 1203, Plot No 7, Block BP, Sector V,
Bidhan Nagar (Salt Lake), Kolkata, West Bengal 700 091
Tel: +91-33-39861816
West: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Building,
Netaji Subash Road, Charni Road,
Mumbai 400 002, Maharashtra
Tel: +91-22-6633 7777, Fax: +91-22-2281 90744
South: 1st Floor, SKCL Design Square, S-11 & S-12,
Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600 032, Tamil Nadu
Tel: +91-44-6661 4000, Fax: +91-44-2250 1103
Central: Milestone - Kandla 333, Village-Kerala,
Taluka-Bavla, Ahmedabad-Rajkot Highway,
District Ahmedabad 382 220, Gujarat
Tel: +91-271-4619100, Fax: +91-271-46192022
Toll Free: 1800 222 007
Email us at: indiacustomercare@skf.com
CIN No: L29130MH1961PLC011980

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April 2018

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