Corporate Profile
The headquarters and main facility of Chemtool Incorporated is located on a rolling 58-acre landscaped site in Crystal
Lake, Illinois housing one of the largest manufacturers and custom formulators of lubricants and specialty products for
industry worldwide. Chemtool is supported by a large on-site Research and Development team with highly qualified
chemists, biologists, and technical specialists. This R&D team excels in finding best-in-class solutions for complex design
and performance engineering problems. Chemtool products are used in a variety of global industries including:
Automotive Construction Marine
Over the years, Chemtool Incorporated has been the source of numerous innovations in custom products for industry.
Chemtool technologies and services provide design engineers with solutions to problems, improving performance,
extending service life, process improvements and reducing overall cost. Chemtool is responsible for breakthrough
technology in the following product lines:
Die Casting Release Products Food Grade/Biodegradable Lubricating Greases
Cutting & Grinding Fluids Anti-Seize/Tool Joint Compounds Adhesives & Sealants
Facilities: CHEMICAL
Crystal Lake, IL Headquarters, manufacturing, distribution, research, laboratory & field support
Antwerp, Belgium Europe, Africa, Middle East (E.A.M.E.) Distribution, field support
(Belgium Website)
Synthetic Metal Working Fluid
Physical Metal Recommended
Product Properties Compatibility Concentration
Product Description
Name Appear-
Carbon High
pH Steels, Alloy Milling,
ance Alloys Tapping
Cast iron Steels Drilling
For use on rotary (Blanchard), double disc,
Lubricut 4215 surface and O.D grinding of ferrous alloys
Clear 9.6 X X NR 4-6 % NA
1. Reduce grobal warming
2. Reduce your cost of new fluid purchases by
20 to 45 percent
3. Reduce the cost of fluid disposal by 60 - 90 percent
4. Clean coolants and parts washing chemicals
assists with the consistency of the process
5. Helps with ISO 14000 goals
6. Safeguarding worker health & safety
Reduce oil smoke & mists from the workplace by
removingtramp oils and small fines that contaminate
machine coolants and parts washing solutions and can
lead to:
1. Dermatitis
2. Bronchial irritation from coolant mists
3. Odors
4. Oil mists which end up on the floors,
creates dirty machine tools, etc.
5. Also benefit by:
- Minimizing the smoke in heat treat departments
that require expensive smoke remediation
- Minimize chance of fires in heat treat
Die Cast Release Agent
Physical Properties & Alloy Pain
Basic Chemistry Compatibility table
Product Dilution
Product Description
Name High Range
pH Temp Oil Al Mg Zn Y/N
Semi-synthetic with three different high
performance polymers for operating 9.5 X X X X X Y 30 – 200:1
ranges from 92 °C to 425 °C
840D family of products 9.1 X X X X X Y 20 – 100:1
840D family of products 9.1 X X X X X Y
High performance non-silicone. It is for-
Lubricast mulated for die caster with complex or
9.2 X X X Y 20 – 100:1
898NS detailed molds. forms a micro-stable so-
lution in both hard and soft water
Plunger Lubricant
Product Viscosity Graphite
Product Description pH
Name SUS Y/N
Lubricast PL 14 Neat form, brush or pump application NA 9,000 No
Lubricast PL 4C Neat form, brush or pump application NA 9,000 Yes
Water based, Ratio from Neat form up to 6:1, drip
Lubricast PL 679 NA NA No
brush or sprayed into sleeve
Lubricast Proshot
Our new micro pellet with 1 – 2.5 mesh size graphite NA NA Yes
Micro Pellet 229
Lubricast Proshot 429 4 – 9 mesh size graphite NA NA Yes
Lubricast Proshot 629 Non graphite NA NA No
Chemtool Incorporated is specialist and provided quality solutions for its
Die Cast customers for over 50 years. Our experience and innovation have
enabled plants like yours to run much more efficiently. We produce all the
releases, specialty chemicals and lubricants involved in your die cast opera-
tion. We work as your die cast partner. As a team member,
General Purpose
Product Thick- Based Operating Droping
Applications Color NLGI
Name ener Oil °C point °C
MC2215 Economical general purpose grease
Lithium for industrial, household and commer- Mix Mix 1.5 (-) 20 to 130 185
EP2 Plus cial applications.
Heavy Duty
Premium lithium complex grease with
HV LC EP-2 Lithium
high base oil viscosity for high temper- Mineral Amber 1 to 3 (-) 20 to 160 > 260
HT complex
atures and high loads.
Unique high performance premi-
um grade. Used where high water
resistance and corrosion protection is Tan
Alpha 2000 OBCS Mineral 0 to 3 (-) 20 to 177 > 270
required. Marine, construction, convey- Smooth
ors, farm equipment, wheel bearings
and high temperture appliceaions.
Heavy duty version of Alpha 2000
where even higher temperatures and
Alpha 2000 Tan
heavier loads are encountered. Excel- OBCS Mineral 0 to 3 (-) 20 to 177 > 260
HD Smooth
lent choice for steel caster applica-
Steel Mill Grease
Product Thick- Based Operating Droping
Applications Color NLGI
Name ener Oil °C point °C
Premium lithium complex grease with
HV LC EP-2 Lithium
high base oil viscosity for high temper- Mineral Amber 1 to 3 (-) 20 to 160 > 260
HT complex
atures and high loads.
Heavy duty version of Alpha 2000
where even higher temperatures and
Alpha 2000 Tan
heavier loads are encountered. Excel- OBCS Mineral 0 to 3 (-) 20 to 177 > 260
HD Smooth
lent choice for steel caster applica-
Food Grade
Premium (H 1) food grade grease with Aluminum White
FMG 2 Extra WMO 1 to 3 (-) 20 to 150 250
excellent water resistance. Complex Smooth
Unique clear (H 1) food grade grease
FUTURA for applications where high water re- Water
Silica PAO 1 to 3 (-) 40 to 180 340
FMG 2 sistance and broad temperature appli- Clear
cations are required.
High performance lubricating grease
used where incidental contact with CHEMICAL
food is a possibility (H1). It also ex-
cels in applications where resistance Calcium
to water washout and broad operating sulfonate Mineral Tan 2 (-) 40 to 204 300
temperatures are absolutely neces- complex
sary. It contains no heavy metals or
other environmentally undesirable ad-
Mining industry Open gear application Bio-base lubricant Crane lubricant Bearing grease