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Risk Assessment and Management For CO2 Capture and

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Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793


Risk Assessment and Management for CO2 Capture and

Transport Facilities
Angunn Engebøa, Nada Ahmeda, Jens J. Garstada, Hamish Holttb*
Det Norske Veritas AS, Veritasveien 1, N-
N 1363 HØVIK, Norway
Det Norske Veritas Ltd, Palace House 3 Cathedral Street, SE19DE London, United Kingdom


When discussing risk assessment and risk management related to Carbon Capture, transportation and Storage (CCS)
the attention usually focuses on risk related to storage. However, planning and designing a CCS value chain will also
require demonstrating the risk associated with carbon dioxide capture and transport is satisfactorily managed.

Risk related to processing and transport of carbon dioxide is not a totally new aspect, but the amounts processed and

industrial application of carbon dioxide.

As a project progresses from ffeasibility study via front end engineering to detail engineering, construction and finally
commissioning and normal operation, the amount of input data for a risk assessment of course increases. It may thus
be tempting to delay the safety risk assessment in the early stages as it can be done more accurately at a later stage.
However, early identification of safety issues can usually enable those issues be resolved with much less impact to a
not be lost. It should be noted that safety
concerns are commonly cited in objections for CCS projects and therefore getting an early understanding of the safety
risk will also help gain acceptance and support.

This paper will present an evaluation of the typical level of risk assessment done in early phases of a CCS project,
including a review of the risk analyses performed in the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) for selected CCS
projects. Moreover, experiences from the risk for carbon dioxide pipelines as well as processing and injection will be

Challenges related to risk assessment at each stage in the project, from feasibility study to normal operation, will be
discussed. Risk management measures, both of the preventive and of the consequence mitigating type, that should be
included within a project risk assessment and evaluations, will also be included in the discussions.

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+47-970-28929.

E-mail address: Angunn.Engebo@dnvkema.com.

1876-6102 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of GHGT
2784 Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793

For the early stages the focus will be on how to identify hazards that may have a significant impact and/or be costly
to mitigate at a later stage. The paper will focus on strengths and weaknesses of approaches and methods applied, and
will provide guidance on their selection and use.

As the project progresses, the attention will shift to managing the residual risk with the quantification and
specification of design load requirements. For quantitative risk analysis the paper will give an overview of available
risk analysis tools and their capabilities, with emphasis on modelling consequences of loss of containment.

Loss of containment of carbon dioxide encompasses an extensive range of widely different scenarios. Most
dispersion modelling tools will be capable of predicting the development of some scenarios, while other scenarios
may represent a yet insurmountable challenge for one tool on its own. A range of predictable loss of containment
scenarios will be presented, with an evaluation of the capabilities of selected tools for modelling these scenarios.
Further, practical examples from quantitative risk analyses on supplementing integral dispersion models by
computational flow dynamics models as well as simple calculations and available data will be given.

© 2013 The
Selection and/orpeer-review
Selection and/or peer-reviewunder
of of GHGT

Keywords: Risk assessment; carbon dioxide, dispersion modelling

1. Introduction

When discussing risk assessment and risk management related to CCS the attention usually focuses on
risk related to storage. However, planning and designing a CCS value chain will also require
demonstrating the risk associated with carbon dioxide capture and transport is satisfactorily managed.

CCS is generally not perceived as a goldmine. The line of eager investors is thus short, and the funds
for developing and doing risk assessment rather small.

How can we make those limited resources reach further ?

Our answer can be summarised in three simple statements: Utilise existing knowledge, Utilise
opportunities for saving money and Find the smarter way of risk assessment and modelling.

1.1. Utilisation of existing knowledge: Status of Risk Assessment in CCS projects (review)

While carbon capture and storage (CCS) may be regarded as a new concept, assessing and managing
risk management has always been essential for human survival and of increasing importance for
maximising profit. The shipping industry has been using classification services for managing economic
risk and the risk to lives of sailors for around 150 years. The development of nuclear power production
also brought us risk assessment methodology with the objective of also protecting the surroundings;
people as well as the environment.
Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793 2785

A Joint Industry Project, CO2RISKMAN (1), has investigated the applicability of current knowledge
for managing risk to carbon capture and storage. CO2RISKMAN has highlighted the following
challenges for managing risk, all of them also involving challenges related to risk assessment:
Lack of experience handling very large quantities of liquid phase CO2
Absence of CCS-specific or CCS-validated reference material and tools
Need to integrate hazard management across the whole CCS chain
Lack of maturity in CCS personnel competency development
Rapid technology development and innovation
Trans geographic, legislative and national nature of CCS
Political pressures (e.g. for rapid implementation, scale-up, cost reduction)
High impact of an actual or perceived major incident or event (e.g. a large leak from a CO2 pipeline)
Lack of stakeholder awareness and understanding

As can be seen, there are challenges related to the scale of CCS projects, to limited validated
knowledge and to dissemination of what is known about risks related to CCS. These challenges may
represent barriers to the effective development of CCS.

1.2. Properties of CO2 in a risk assessment context

Carbon dioxide, CO2, is at standard conditions a colourless, odourless gas, undetectable to human
senses and with a density or around 1.5 times that of air.

Humans have a certain tolerance for carbon dioxide; it is indeed one of the products from our
metabolism and normally present in our blood, but will in higher concentration become harmful or even
lethal. In addition to the hazard of asphyxiation due to CO2 displacing oxygen in the air, the inhalation of
elevated concentrations of CO2 can have toxic effects caused by increased acidity of the blood (1). The
reported toxicological symptoms in humans range from headaches (exposure to air concentration of
around 3% for 1 hour), increased respiratory and heart rate, dizziness, muscle twitching, confusion and
unconsciousness, or coma and death (exposure to air concentration of at least 15% for 1 minute) (2).

At atmospheric pressure carbon dioxide may only exist as a gas or in solid form; the sublimation
temperature is at -78.5oC. However, CO2 intended for injection will for technical and economic reasons
mostly be compressed into liquid or even supercritical form before transportation.

Any release of liquid or supercritical CO2 will, upon expansion, change phase to either a vapour or a
vapour/solid. Whether the release plume will be a vapour only or a 2-phase mixture will depend upon the
inventory pressure and temperature. Any solid phase CO 2 will immediately start subliming to vapour
within the release plume. The expanding release will draw in ambient air which will dilute the CO2
plume and provide warmth to enable the solid CO2 to change phase to vapour. The expanding release will
also cause Joule-Thomson (J-T) cooling that will result in a significant temperature drop. A liquid CO 2
inventory could upon release have a temperature drop due to J-T cooling of around 90°C. A CO2 release
cloud that is below the dew point temperature of the ambient air will cause the moisture in the air to
condense or freeze resulting in the formation of a thick, icy fog. Experiments have shown large clouds of
heavy, opaque fog formed from quite small releases (3). The heavier than air release cloud will tend to
slump, following slopes and dents in the ground downwards and collect at low points.
2786 Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793

A released of vapour phase CO2 will also result in J-T cooling but this will be less. The release will
remain as a vapour with no phase change. The expanded vapour phase release cloud will also be heavier
than air and will thus tend to form a gas cloud at ground level, except if sufficient momentum upwards.
Moreover, a release occurring in a partly confined space, such as within an industrial plant, will tend to
remain within that confined space, resulting in rather high concentrations and cold temperatures within,
compared to a release in an open space as well as compared to lighter or more diffusive gases.

1.3. Utilisation of opportunities for saving money: Early phases

Stakeholders in the early phases of a project will always look for benefits and opportunities to
minimise expenditure. The alliance between investors and a community in need of work can, for example,
be a rather strong one, effectively silencing or at least undermining the credibility of voices speaking of
potential threats. But history shows that potential threats often become reality, and the longer the project
has progressed, the more expensive are the fixes.

A robust project planning will thus include the critical questions from the feasibility phase via concept
and FEED studies to detail engineering, commissioning and start-up, and of course in planning of
operation, maintenance and decommissioning. During the earlier phases focus will be on potential show-
stoppers, and health and safety risk assessment and management related to CO 2 should be an integrated
item in the overall project risk assessment and management.

At an early stage of the project the limited amount of information available is usually seen as a major
challenge for doing a risk assessment. However, the limited information available is due to the fact that
few decisions have not yet been made, and there is thus more opportunity for design changes for reducing

Examples on how to include risk assessment and management in the project planning can be found in
the FEED documents for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Competition, published by
the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) (4).

For the Longannet CCS project each partner carried out health and safety risk assessments according
to their own procedures (5), -to- (6).
This review has identified several interface and across-chain issues of critical importance, such as
increased risk for running ductile fracture caused by volatile compounds in the exported CO 2.

The Kingsnorth CCS Project has not reported any across-chain risk assessments, and no interface
related hazards appear in their risk register (7), but several interface related

From a health and safety point of view, both approaches appear acceptable, but the first approach may
have the advantage of avoiding additional costs accosiated with late design changes.

For both FEED studies detailed concequence assessments have been performed, except for the onshore
pipeline part of the Longannet project. The Longannet project intended to use existing infrastructure,
except for the carbon capture plant. The Kingsnorth project intended to build new infrastructure, all the
way from power generation to the injection facilities and wells.
Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793 2787

The main conclusion from the Longannet site Major Accident Hazard Report (9) is that they expect to
be able to demonstrate that all risks associated with the combined heat and power and carbon capture
plant are as low as reasonably practical. No recommendations regarding plant design or layout are given.

The Longannet project has also produced a health, safety and environment (HSE) design case report
(10) for the onshore pipeline from St Fergus as well as offshore transport and storage, including the
injection plaform. The assessment also refers to a range of tests with CO2 release and dispersion. The
report also discusses design and layout of the existing infrastructure and concludes that the design most
likely is acceptable.

The Kingsnorth consequence assessment (11) focuses on pipeline releases, but does also discuss
exposure of capture plant and injection platform workers. The dispersion assessment concludes that the
widest dispersions (high concentrations furthest from the release) can be expected from deep water
(offshore) releases. The report does not give any recommendations to layout, pipeline routing etc.

1.4. Utilisation of risk assessment and modelling Examples

1.4.1. Pipeline risk assessments

CO2 capture and storage will require large capacity for transmission of CO2 from the capture site to the
storage site. A substantial portion of that capacity is expected to be pipelines. Safe and reliable
transmission of CO2 in pipelines is the basis for the CO2PIPETRANS Joint Industry Project (JIP) led by

One major element of the CO2PIPETRANS project is experimental releases of CO 2 for the purpose of
gaining experience as well as gathering validation data for dispersion models. The experimental
programme encompasses both unconfined and confined jet releases of liquid and supercritical phase
phase CO2 (3).

The experiments carried out within the CO2PIPETRANS JIP has been used for validation of the

from the validation work is that the flow rate was predicted accurately by the Phast discharge models
(within 10%) and the concentrations were found to be predicted accurately (well within a factor of two)
by the Phast dispersion model (UDM) (12).

Pipeline releases from subsea pipelines are less investigated. However, experience from modelling
relases from subsea natural gas pipelines may be utilised here.

As CO2 transmission pipelines will have high pressure, a release will initially have a high momentum.
Releases from shallow water subsea pipelines can thus, if directed vertically, be expected to blow away
the water cover, effectively behaving like a vertical release from an overground pipeline. This
approximation is used for modelling natural gas leaks from shallow water pipelinesshould also be valid
for CO2 leaks. An example of a CO2 pipeline release modelled with this approximation is shown in
Figure 1.
2788 Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793

Releases of gas in greater water depth will result in a plume of gas rising to the sea surface. A study of
subsea natural gas blowouts has indicated the diameter of the plume at the surface can be taken to be 20%
of the depth to the release point, regardless of the gas flow rate (13). Assuming further conservation of
momentum; reduction of the release velocity proportional to the increase of release area the consequences
of a subsea release may be modelled using e.g. the PHAST User Defined Source model. An example of a
CO2 pipeline release modelled with this approach is shown in Figure 2.

Comparing the results for a shallow water release in Figure 1 with the results for the same release
modelled as a deep water release (Figure 2) shows that the water depth may have a substantial influence
on the consequences of a subsea release from a CO 2 pipeline. The approach used for modelling deep
water releases is similar to the one used In the Kingsnorth pipeline release consequence assessment
described, and that study also concluded that deep water releases will give the widest dispersion of CO2.

Figure 1: CO2 dispersion from shallow water pipeline rupture. Concentration after 10 minutes. Red
(inner) line represents extent of concentrations above 15 % CO2; yellow above 7.5 %; green above 3 %
and blue (outer) line represents extent of concentrations above 1.5 %.
Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793 2789

Figure 2: CO2 dispersion from deep water pipeline rupture. Concentration after 10 minutes. Red
(inner) line represents extent of concentrations above 15 % CO2; yellow above 7.5 %; green above 3 %
and blue (outer) line represents extent of concentrations above 1.5 %.

1.4.2. Carbon capture and injection facilities Introduction and discussion of options

Carbon capture, conditioning and compression facilities in an industrial plant as well as offshore, are
generally located in confined areas. The CO2 facilities themselves will contribute to the confinement.

Modelling liquid and supercritical CO2 releases in level open space has been validated with acceptable
results for PHAST v.6.6, but for releases where ground topography or into confined spaces it is generally
recommended to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) type modelling tools, enabling obstructions
and confinement to be accounted for. CFD modelling is however a lot more time consuming than more
simple consequence models.
2790 Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793

In some cases there is another option available. For some plants or installation ventilation modelling
has been carried out, e.g. as part of a risk assessment related to flammable gas. For an area where
ventilation modelling results are available (given as air changes per hour) the PHAST In-Building
Release model can be used for modelling concentration development over time from a gaseous or two-
phase release.

The In-Building Release model is a simple model calculating average concentration as a function of
time over a specific period. For estimation of fire or explosion risk this would be too simplified as local
maximum concentration may exceed the lower flammable limit even if the average concentration is well
below. But for a mildly toxic compound such as CO2 where the degree of danger is really related to the
concentration in the blood, the average concentration in a space will give a good indication of the danger
a person somewhere in that space is exposed to. Ventilation modelling case

The In-Building Release model in PHAST is a relatively simple model used for describing the
dispersed concentrations of CO2 with a limited set of key input variables. Due to this, the calculated
results will be associated with a higher degree of uncertainty as discussed in previous section. The level
of uncertainty will be very sensitive to the accuracy of the input variables of the model. Some input
variables can be established with a high degree of accuracy. Other input variables come with a significant
level of uncertainty, and enhanced accuracy is only possible by performing advanced calculations.

The ventilation rates of the external air flow through the dispersion monitor area are generally
associated with a relatively high level of uncertainty. Detailed CFD studies are needed to calculate
ventilation rates through confined and congested areas in order to obtain acceptable limits of uncertainties
of the input to the PHAST dispersion model.

The approach described below for calculating ventilation rates through confined areas as input to the
PHAST CO2 dispersion modelling are similar to the ventilation calculations performed for an explosion
analysis in line with NORSOK Z-013 (14). For this reason, when detailed risk assessments related to
flammable gas are available, the ventilation results from the NORSOK analysis may be applied directly
when performing CO2 risk assessments.

A facility geometry containing the CO2 processing area is imported to the CFD tool geometry format
from CAD files. A computational domain is established around the geometry, containing the grid which
the governing mass and momentum conservation equations are solved through the Reynolds Average
Navier-Stokes approach, using an appropriate turbulence model. The Cartesian grid is refined inside and
in the proximity of the dispersion monitor region. The dispersion monitor area is defined as the confined
area containing potential CO2 leak sources. A simplification is made assuming that the volume air flow
through the confined area is a function of the wind speed and wind direction only.

The computational domain is extended between the facility to the outflow boundaries in order to
include eddies and wake flow pattern within the computational domain. At the boundaries of the domain
appropriate boundary conditions are assumed. The ventilation rates are highly dependent on the wind
speed. In turn, higher concentration of CO2 following an accidental release is expected when ventilation
rates are reduced. For this reason, a realistic, yet slightly conservative wind speed somewhat below the
Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793 2791

average wind speed is applied in the simulations. The ventilation simulations are performed with 8
different wind directions distributed around the platform.

A steady-state solution is generally obtained by using some initial conditions in the complete domain
and then calculating an updated flow field at a subsequent point in time. This process is repeated for a
number of time steps sufficiently large that a steady-state solution is approached, i.e. the flow patterns
would not change if additional steps were calculated.

The strength of ventilation is represented by the volume of air passing through the boundaries of the
dispersion monitor area per second. The volume flow rate of air through the area, Quref (m 3/s), for the
reference wind speed and direction, is calculated through the simulation. The number of Air Changes per
Hour, ACH (h-1), for the average wind speed is then calculated for each simulated wind direction by
dividing the volume airflow through the area per hour for each specific wind direction by the volume of
the area.

To summarize, the input to the CO2 dispersion modelling obtained with ventilation simulations include
the number of Air Changes per Hour of the dispersion monitor area considering average wind speed,
reported for each of 8 wind directions. Use of ventilation modelling results in risk modelling

For each confined area the CO2 concentration development resulting from different CO2 leak sizes and
ventilation rates corresponding to wind directions may thus be calculated in the In-Building Release
model. The discharge rate is calculated in the PHAST discharge model. In addition the size of the area
(height, width and length) is required input.

For the case described a single value criterion was used for assessing effect to humans: CO2
concentrations exceeding 15 % was defined to cause death in case people were present and not able to

All areas were assumed to have CO2 detection and alarms, and the probability of escape was set to 90
% for partly open areas. For compressor enclosures the probability of escape was set to 0 i.e. no escape
assumed. A high-pressure release in an enclosed area will, as described in section 1.2, leave a person with
very little possibility for successful escape. This is also confirmed by experience gained during the
CO2PIPETRANS JIP confined space release experiment.

For the case described, the results, all incidents with a potential of exceeding 15 % CO2 concentration
were put into a risk model also encompassing wind data and personnel occupancy for each of the areas.

The modelling concluded that the compressor enclosures were the most dangerous areas. This was not
unexpected, but being able to quantify the risk also made it possible to compare the risk related to CO 2
with other risks at the installation and to assess whether the existing safety barriers and other risk
reducing measures are sufficient.

It should also be noted that the above assessment is made just on the hazard posed by elevated CO 2
concentrations. The hazard of low temperature exposure due to the J-T cooling and exposure to solid CO2
particles which have a sublimation temperature of -78°C has not been considered. Future work to
2792 Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793

undertake a detailed assessment of thermal impact is needed to compare the hazard posed by low
temperature exposure versus elevated CO2 concentration inhalation to determine which poses the greatest
threat to life.

1.5. Discussion

For the early stages of a project the risk assessments should aim at identifying hazards that may have a
significant impact and/or be costly to mitigate at a later stage.

As has been seen in real studies carried out, an -Value- hazard identification exercise
can be really beneficial for identifying potential interface risks at an early stage, preventing expensive
design changes later. For carbon capture and storage projects there is nearly always at least two and often
three or four organisations responsible for different parts of the value chain. Across-Value-Chain
assessments are thus of higher benefit, bringing the different organisations together, making sure

A key overall CCS project goal is to ensure effective, holistic risk management across the whole CCS
chain. Such a project goal would drive the individual parts of the CCS chain to work together to reduce
risk and avoid one part of the chain reducing risk at the expense of increasing it elsewhere along the

The properties of CO2 involve that terrain and plant layout will have more influence on the risk than in
the case of lighter and/or more diffusive gases. It could thus be beneficial, even at an early stage, to utilise
CFD CO2 dispersion models to demonstrate potential effects of terrain and plant layout to help reduce
risk within the early design process, when design change is usually low cost. This potential for avoiding
future costs could have been significantly improved within the early phase risk assessments reviewed.

For submarine pipeline releases the consequences are to a large extent dependent on the water depth.
Perhaps a little surprising, the potential hazardous consequences appear to increase as water depth
increases. There is quite a potential for risk reduction if dispersion modelling for relevant pressures and
depth, as well as high population densities, are included in the pipeline routing evaluation.

An assessment of an installation already built will have more attention on managing the residual risk.
The consequence modelling tools used in an early phase may also be applied to assessments in the later
stage. But for an existing installation there may be previous assessments available that can also be utilised
for assessing risk related to CO2.

The example presented here was about ventilation calculations originally carried out for supporting
flammable gas dispersion and explosion calculations, reused for modelling CO2 dispersion. This approach
enables a relatively detailed consequence assessment to be carried out for about the same amount of cost
as for a simple consequence assessment. Moreover, being able to quantify the risk also makes it possible
to compare the risk related to CO2 with other risks in a facility and to assess whether the existing safety
barriers and other risk reducing measures are sufficient.
Angunn Engebø et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 2783 – 2793 2793

1.6. Conclusion

An overview of the current status in risk assessment and its application in risk management for CCS
projects has been given.

A review of early phase risk assessments carried out has shown that the potential for utilizing risk
assessment for avoiding future costs could have been significantly improved. Moreover, examples of
improved utilization of risk assessment are given.


The authors would like to thank all the partners in the Joint Industry Projects CO2RISKMAN and CO2
PIPETRANS for the accomplishment and publishing of their research results. Further, we would also
thank the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for publishing the complete FEED
documentation from the UK CCS Commercialisation, 1st competition.

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9. Mott MacDonald and ScottishPower CCS Consortium. UK Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Competition MAH
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10. Shell / Scottish Power CCS Consortium. UK Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Competition Design HSE Case.
http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/emissions/ccs/ukccscomm_prog/feed/feed.aspx, 2011.
11. E.On. Kingsnorth Carbon Capture & Storage Project Consequence Assessment of CO2 Pipeline Releases.
http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/emissions/ccs/ukccscomm_prog/feed/feed.aspx, rev. 2.
12. Witlox, H.W.M., Harper, M., Oke, A. and Stene, S. Phast validation of discharge and atmospheric dispersion for carbon
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13. Milgram, J.H. & McLaren, W.G. The Response of Floating Platforms to Subsea Blowouts. Massachusetts Institute of
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14. Norwegian Technology Centre. Risk and emergency preparedness analysis . Lysaker, Bærum, Norway : Standards Norway,
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