Lab Manual Power Plants PDF
Lab Manual Power Plants PDF
Lab Manual Power Plants PDF
Lab Manual
Engr. Yasir Hussain Siddiqui
3. To study about wind turbine power plant laboratory unit and its control
9. To study about the working of a Turbo Jet Engine (an application of Gas
Turbine) using Turbo Jet demonstration model.
To draw the layout of Power Plant Laboratory.
Lab Session No: 02
To learn about the working principle of a wind turbine
The moving air is called the wind. This movement of air is caused by the difference of air
pressure within our atmosphere. Air moves from high to low pressure. The greater the
difference of air pressure, the faster will be flow of air. Wind is usually described with
direction and speed. Wind has different levels of speed such as breeze (a gentle wind) and
gale (a very strong wind) depending on how fast it blows. On the basis of speed, wind is
described on ‘Beaufort scale’ which divides wind speeds in 12 different categories. Francis
Beaufort (an Irish hydrographer) was the creator of Beaufort scale. Wind velocities according
to Beaufort scale are shown in the table below;
Wind Turbine:
A wind turbine is that device which converts kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy via
a wind generator. It has two types
An anemometer measures the wind speed and transmits wind speed data to the controller.
Wind vane:
It measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive to orient the turbine
properly with respect to the wind.
The nacelle sits atop the tower and contains the gear box, low- and high-speed shafts,
generator, controller, and brake. The nacelle is actually the housing or enclosure that seals
and protects the generator and gear box from the elements. It is easily removed for
maintenance of the wind.
Blades lift and rotate when wind is blown over them, causing the rotor to spin. Most turbines
have either two or three blades.
It is actually central part of the rotor at which the blades are bolted. Hub is fixed to the rotor
shaft which drives the generator through the gearbox.
Blades and hub together form the rotor.
Brake is used to stop the rotor mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically, in emergencies.
A controller is used to starts the machine at wind speeds of about 8 to 16 miles per hour
(mph) and shuts off the machine at about 55 mph. Turbines do not operate at wind speeds
above about 55 mph because they may be damaged by the high winds.
High-speed shaft:
The high speed shaft is used to drive the generator.
Gear box:
It connects the low-speed shaft to the high-speed shaft and increases the rotational speeds
from about 30-60 rotations per minute (rpm), to about 1,000-1,800 rpm which is the
rotational speed required by most generators to produce electricity. The gear box is a costly
(and heavy) part of the wind turbine and engineers are exploring "direct-drive" generators
that operate at lower rotational speeds and don't need gear boxes.
Wind power generator converts wind energy (Mechanical Energy) into electrical energy.
It is used to support the structure of the turbine. Because wind speed increases with height,
taller towers enable turbines to capture more energy and generate more electricity.
It turns (or pitches) blades out of the wind to control the rotor speed, and to keep the rotor
from turning in winds that are too high or too low to produce electricity.
Yaw drive:
It orients upwind turbines to keep them facing the wind when the direction changes.
Downwind turbines don't require a yaw drive because the wind manually blows the rotor
away from it.
Yaw motor:
It is used to Power the yaw drive.
A Horizontal Axis wind turbine with all of its parts is shown in fig. below;
Fig.5. (Components of a HAWT)
To study about wind turbine power plant laboratory unit and its control box.
The three rotor blades are connected to the rotary axes by the hub. The pitch of the rotor
blades can be adjusted using these axes. A special mechanism connects the ends of the rotor
blade axes in the housing of the hub. This mechanical control adjusts the pitch of the rotor
blades once the wind velocities have reached speeds above the rated velocity. In this way it is
possible to regulate the performance of the wind turbine above the rated velocity at a constant
value. The mechanical principle of operation of this control system is based on a combination
of centrifugal and aerodynamic forces.
Wind Profile:
Wind profile while passing through the rotor blades is shown in the fig. below;
It is clear from the figure that area A1 of wind is smaller before entering to the rotor. It means
that velocity of the wind V1 is greater before entry to the rotor blades. After passing through
the rotor, wind area A2 becomes larger. It means that velocity of wind V2 decreases after
passing through the rotor. It is because some of the velocity (Kinetic energy) of the wind has
been consumed in rotating the rotor blades.
Cp = PR/Pw
This is based on the quotients of the output rotor power PR divided by the total kinetic power
PW contained in the wind based on the swept area.
1. Fixed Resistor:
Resistors are the power consuming devices used to dissipate (waste) electrical power in the
form of heat.
2. RPM Display:
It displays RPM of the wind turbine rotor.
3. Charge Controller:
Besides the wind turbine, the charge controller is the most important component of the
system. The charge controller is used to regulate the controlled charging of the accumulator
(Battery). The important thing in this case is that a predetermined charge current is not
exceeded, so as to prevent premature aging or damage to the accumulator. When the charge
end voltage is reached, the charge controller reduces the charge current and stops the charge
cycle completely after a transition phase. Charge controller of the unit is shown in the fig.
5. Lamps:
Lamps are the power consuming devices. Electrical power produced by the wind turbine can
be supplied to the lamps through proper connection to illuminate them. In this case the lamps
will act as the electrical load.
6. Stop Switch:
It is used to switch on the electrical power to the unit by turning it on. It is also used to cut off
electrical power supply to the control unit by switching it off.
7. Discharge Controller:
It is used to switch on the electrical power to the battery when the battery is fully discharged.
8. Accumulator (Battery):
Accumulator is actually a 12 V battery which is to be charged by the electrical energy
provided by the wind generator. Accumulators have become standard for storing electrical
energy in small to medium-sized systems. Accumulators are often the most cost-effective
solution, especially for storage in the short and medium term. Lead-acid accumulators are
usually used in stationary applications where no particular weight saving is required. They
are composed of individual electrochemical cells that in a charged state each supply a cell
voltage of roughly 2 V. A typical 12 V accumulator therefore comprises 6 individual cells.
The most important characteristic variable of an accumulator is given by its capacity. The
capacity is expressed in the unit of ampere hours Ah. As with other types of accumulator, the
service life of a lead-acid accumulator depends on the type of usage. Accumulator cells of the
unit are explained below;
9. Inverter:
Inverters feed electric power from a direct current circuit into an alternating current circuit
via an intermediate circuit using semiconductor valves. The required alternating voltage is
provided by switching parts of the intermediate circuit on and off.
10. Fuses:
Fuses are used to protect battery from short-circuit.
The electrical power generated by wind turbine generator is supplied to the control box via
proper cabling. This electrical power provided by the generator can be used for following
1. To charge the battery (A 12 volt battery is supplied with the unit). Charge controller will
be used to control the charging of the battery. Charge controller will disconnect the power
supply to the battery when it becomes fully charged of up to 12 V.
2. To supply the power to the lamps (lamps will serve as electrical load in this case)
3. To dissipate power in the fixed resistors in the form of heat (Fixed resistors will act as
electrical load in his case).
Power Coefficient:
The efficiency of the conversion of kinetic energy into rotational energy is described by the
dimensionless power coefficient cp.
Cp = PR/Pw
This is based on the quotients of the output rotor power PR divided by the total kinetic power
PW contained in the wind based on the swept area
So according to Betz' Law, a proportion of up to 59% of energy can be extracted from the
λ= Vu/ Vw
Vw=Wind speed
On the basis of value of lambda, we can compare different wind turbines. Wind turbines with
a tip speed ratio <6are referred to as low speed. Wind turbines with a tip speed ratio >6 are
referred to as high speed.
Angle of attack:
It is the angle between reference line of the blade and and relative wind vector. It is shown in
fig. below;
The blade of a turbine has a cambered design meaning that the top and bottom of the blade
are asymmetrical and curved. Due to this shape, the velocity of the air on either side of the
blade will be different. The air passing below the blade slows down, whilst the air passing
over the top will speed up. Going to Bernoulli’s theorem at a point of low velocity, in this
case the bottom of the wing, there will be an area of high pressure. At the top of the wing, the
air is moving faster, creating an area of low pressure. When this happens, lift is generated and
will cause the turbine to spin. The faster the wind flows, the lower the pressure on the top of
the blade will be. This means the blade will rotate faster as there is less pressure on the top of
the blade to inhibit the motion caused by the high pressure area.
Lab Session No: 04
To draw the performance curves of a horizontal axis wind turbine under no load condition.
Horizontal Axis wind turbine coupled with control box.
System Diagram:
Number of Blades = 3
3. Do not install the wind generator at places where the rotor area could be approached by
Measuring Ranges:
Voltage = 12 VDC
Capacity = 8 Ah
Voltage = 12 VDC
Power = 55 W (Each)
1. First of all install the wind turbine in a proper location where enough wind is available to
rotate the turbine blades.
2. If there is not enough wind available in real atmosphere, then run the turbine (rotate the
turbine blades) with the help of a wind tunnel. Keep the RPM of the wind tunnel under the
limit of the turbine rotor as very high rpm of the wind tunnel may damage the turbine blades.
3. Connect the output wire of the generator with the control box of the unit so that the
electrical power of the generator can be transferred to the control box.
4. To transfer the electrical power to the control box, adjust the position of stop switch to the
run mode.
5. Now wind speed V1 and rotor speed R1 can be noted on the control panel.
6. The power produced by the wind generator can be measured by the system diagram of the
system software using a computer attached to the control box.
7. Cut off all the connections to the fixed resistors and lamps to keep the generator under no
load condition.
9. At the end draw the graphs between wind speed V1 (x-axis) and
To draw the performance curves of a horizontal axis wind turbine using fixed resistors as an
electrical load.
Horizontal Axis wind turbine coupled with control box.
Number of Blades = 3
Blade Material = Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics
1. Do not approach the running rotor.
3. Do not install the wind generator at places where the rotor area could be approached by
Measuring Ranges:
Voltage = 12 VDC
Capacity = 8 Ah
Voltage = 12 VDC
Power = 55 W (Each)
1. First of all install the wind turbine in a proper location where enough wind is available to
rotate the turbine blades.
2. If there is not enough wind available in real atmosphere, then run the turbine (rotate the
turbine blades) with the help of a wind tunnel. Keep the RPM of the wind tunnel under the
limit of the turbine rotor as very high rpm of the wind tunnel may damage the turbine blades.
3. Connect the output wire of the generator with the control box of the unit so that the
electrical power of the generator can be transferred to the control box.
4. To transfer the electrical power to the control box, adjust the position of stop switch to the
run mode.
5. Now wind speed V1 and rotor speed R1 can be noted on the control panel.
6. The power produced by the wind generator can be measured by the system diagram of the
system software using a computer attached to the control box.
7. Complete the connection providing electrical power to the fixed resistor. Cut off the
connection providing the power to the lamps. The resistors will act as the power consuming
devices here and will dissipate the electrical power in the form of heat. The resistance value
of these resistors is fixed and it cannot be varied.
9. At the end draw the graphs between wind speed V1 (x-axis) and
Lab Session No: 06
To draw the performance curves of a horizontal axis wind turbine using lamps as an electrical
Horizontal Axis wind turbine coupled with control box.
Number of Blades = 3
Blade Material = Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics
1. Do not approach the running rotor.
3. Do not install the wind generator at places where the rotor area could be approached by
Measuring Ranges:
Voltage = 12 VDC
Capacity = 8 Ah
Voltage = 12 VDC
Power = 55 W (Each)
1. First of all install the wind turbine in a proper location where enough wind is available to
rotate the turbine blades.
2. If there is not enough wind available in real atmosphere, then run the turbine (rotate the
turbine blades) with the help of a wind tunnel. Keep the RPM of the wind tunnel under the
limit of the turbine rotor as very high rpm of the wind tunnel may damage the turbine blades.
3. Connect the output wire of the generator with the control box of the unit so that the
electrical power of the generator can be transferred to the control box.
4. To transfer the electrical power to the control box, adjust the position of stop switch to the
run mode.
5. Now wind speed V1 and rotor speed R1 can be noted on the control panel.
6. The power produced by the wind generator can be measured by the system diagram of the
system software using a computer attached to the control box.
7. Complete the connection providing electrical power to the lamps. Cut off the connection
providing the power to the fixed resistors. The lamps will act as the power consuming devices
here and will dissipate the electrical power in the form of light.
9. At the end draw the graphs between wind speed V1 (x-axis) and
Observations & Calculations:
Sr. Wind Rotor Power Tip Power Power to Voltage Current
No. Speed Speed produced Speed Coefficient the to the to the
‘V1’ ‘R1’ ‘P_W’ Ratio ‘Cp_el’ lamps lamps lamps
(m/s) (rev/min) (W) ‘λ’ ‘P4’ ‘U4’ ‘I4’
(W) (Volt) (amp)
Lab Session No: 07
To draw the performance curves of a horizontal axis wind turbine using battery
(Accumulator) as an electrical load.
Horizontal Axis wind turbine coupled with control box.
Number of Blades = 3
Blade Material = Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics
1. Do not approach the running rotor.
3. Do not install the wind generator at places where the rotor area could be approached by
Measuring Ranges:
Voltage = 12 VDC
Capacity = 8 Ah
Voltage = 12 VDC
Power = 55 W (Each)
1. First of all install the wind turbine in a proper location where enough wind is available to
rotate the turbine blades.
2. If there is not enough wind available in real atmosphere, then run the turbine (rotate the
turbine blades) with the help of a wind tunnel. Keep the RPM of the wind tunnel under the
limit of the turbine rotor as very high rpm of the wind tunnel may damage the turbine blades.
3. Connect the output wire of the generator with the control box of the unit so that the
electrical power of the generator can be transferred to the control box.
4. To transfer the electrical power to the control box, adjust the position of stop switch to the
run mode.
5. Now wind speed V1 and rotor speed R1 can be noted on the control panel.
6. The power produced by the wind generator can be measured by the system diagram of the
system software using a computer attached to the control box.
7. Complete the connection providing electrical power to the battery. Cut off the connection
providing the power to the fixed resistors and lamps. The battery will act as the power
consuming devices here and will be charged using electrical energy. Here charge controller
will be used to control the charging of the battery. When the battery will be fully charged, the
charge controller will cut off power supply to the battery. When the battery is discharged,
then the charge controller will switch on the power supply to the battery and will begin to
charge the battery until it is full charged.
9. At the end draw the graphs between wind speed V1 (x-axis) and
Observations & Calculations:
Sr. Wind Rotor Power Tip Power Power to Voltage Current
No. Speed Speed produced Speed Coefficient the to the to the
‘V1’ ‘R1’ ‘P_W’ Ratio ‘Cp_el’ battery battery battery
(m/s) (rev/min) (W) ‘λ’ ‘P3’ ‘U3’ ‘I3’
(W) (Volt) (amp)
Lab Session No: 08
To compare the performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine under loaded and unloaded
To study about the working of a Turbo Jet Engine (an application of Gas Turbine) using
Turbo Jet demonstration model.
Compressor Combustion Chamber
Turbine Nozzle
Turbojet Engine:
Gas turbines are particularly suited for aircraft propulsion because of their favourable power
to weight ratio. The turbojet engine is commonly used for this purpose as shown in fig.
Diffuser Nozzle
C Combustion Chamber T
T = Turbine; C = Compressor
This type of engine consists of three main sections, diffuser, gas generator and the nozzle.
The diffuser placed before the compressor decelerates the incoming air relative to engine. A
pressure rise known as ram effect is associated with this deceleration. The gas generator
section consists of a compressor, combustion chamber and the gas turbine. In compressor this
high pressure air coming from the diffuser is compressed. This compressed air is then heated
by the fuel in the combustion chamber. This heated air is then expanded in the turbine. The
gases leave the turbine at a pressure significantly higher than atmospheric pressure and
expand through the nozzle at a high velocity. The overall change of velocity of gases relative
to the engine gives rise to the propulsive force or thrust to the engine. Some turbojets are
equipped with an afterburner. Afterburner is a reheat device in which additional fuel is
injected into the gas exiting the turbine and burned producing a high temperature at the
nozzle inlet which will increase its inlet velocity resulting in increased thrust.
Cycle of Operation:
T 5
a-1: Isentropic compression in diffuser
If the burned gases after the turbine or nozzle reject heat in the atmosphere then it is called
open cycle gas turbine. If the hot exhaust rejects heat in the heat exchanger and then enters
again to the compressor after cooling, then it is a closed cycle gas turbine.
Lab Session No: 10
To learn about the working of a stream turbine power plant.
Q1 = Heat Transferred to the working fluid
Rankine Cycle:
Many of the impracticalities associated with the Carnot cycle can be eliminated by
superheating the steam in the boiler and condensing it completely in the condenser, as shown
schematically on a T-s diagram in Fig. below;
The cycle that results is the Rankine cycle, which is the ideal cycle for vapour power plants.
The ideal Rankine cycle does not involve any internal irreversibilities and consists of the
following four processes;
Water enters the boiler as a compressed liquid at state 2 and leaves as a superheated vapour at
state 3. The boiler is basically a large heat exchanger where the heat originating from
combustion gases, nuclear reactors, or other sources is transferred to the water essentially at
constant pressure.
The superheated vapour at state 3 enters the turbine, where it expands isentropically and
produces work by rotating the shaft connected to an electric generator. The pressure and the
temperature of steam drop during this process to the values at state 4, where steam enters the
condenser. At this state, steam is usually a saturated liquid–vapour mixture with a high
Steam is condensed at constant pressure in the condenser, which is basically a large heat
exchanger, by rejecting heat to a cooling medium such as a lake, a river, or the atmosphere.
Steam leaves the condenser as saturated liquid and enters the pump, completing the cycle.