PIL Reviewer
PIL Reviewer
PIL Reviewer
This reviewer is based on the Public International Law (PIL) syllabus of the 2017 Bar Examinations. The reference
materials used were the following: the PIL Bar Reviewer (2009) of Atty. Sarmiento, Introduction to PIL (2009) of
Father Bernas, the Handbook of International Law by Anthony Aust (2010), Principles of International
Environmental Law by Philippe Sands (2012), notes from the lectures of Atty. Abad, Atty. Arriola, Atty. Magante,
Atty. Aguinaldo and Atty. Sta. Maria, the Powerpoint presentation of Justice Carpio on the West Philippine Sea,
the ASIL PIL reviewer of Atty. Macaraeg, the Nationality and Statelessness Handbook (2005) by the Inter-
Paliamentary Union with the UNHCR, and previous ASIL PIL Bar Reviewers of past members of the ASIL
Executive Committee. This is dedicated to all ASIL bar takers. One Team. One Dream.
The material is sensitive and confidential, and shall be kept within the membership
of the Society. By downloading, acquiring possession, and/ or using this document,
whether by electronic or other means, the member of the Society agrees to protect
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conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter
se, as well as with some of their relations with persons, whether natural or juridical.
Q. Differentiate Public International Law (PIL) & Private International Law (PRIL).
A. PIL governs the relationships between and among states and also their relations with
international organizations and individual persons. PRIL otherwise known as Conflicts of Law,
is that part of municipal law which determines whether in dealing with a legal situation, the
law or judgment of another state will be recognized and given effect or applied (Coquia).
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Q. Is there a hierarchy among the sources?
A. No. The sources mentioned in Art. 38(1) of the ICJ Statute simply prescribes the order
rather than the hierarchy of the sources that the ICJ must adhere to. Thus, a distinction must
be made between the first three sources as against the fourth source. While the first three
(i.e. treaty, custom, GAPL) are primary sources, the fourth (i.e. judicial decisions, teachings
of MHQPs) are subsidiary in nature. As such, judicial decisions and teachings of MHQPs have
persuasive value before the court insofar as they aid the interpretation of the primary sources.
Q. What is a Treaty?
A. A treaty is an: (a) international agreement; (b) conducted between states; (c) in written
form; and (d) governed by international law; (e) whether embodied in a single instrument or
in two or more related instruments, and whatever particular designation they may be given.
[VCLT, Art. 2(1)(a)]
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Q. How is custom proven?
A. State practice may be evidenced by various forms such as treaties, diplomatic
correspondence, statements of national leaders and political advisers, and the conduct of
states. It must be noted however, that these only arise as customary law if they are
characterized by opinio juris, the existence of which is subject to the proof discharged by the
state claiming it.
Q. What is the Philippine practice with regard to customary international law? (Bar
A. According to Art. 2, Sec. 2 of the Constitution, the Philippines “adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land.” This provision, more
popularly known as the incorporation clause, considers both norms under customary
international law and generally accepted principles of law as part of the law of the land.
Q. Can the Court apply decisions of national courts, or other international tribunals
A. Yes, Art. 38(1)(d) of the ICJ Statute does not distinguish between cases decided by the
ICJ as against those decided by other courts, whether international or local.
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Q. What is a State?
A. According to Art. 1 of the Montevideo Convention, a state is one with the following
qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) defined territory; (c) government; and (d)
capacity to enter into relations.
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Q. What is the legal status of diplomatic and consular law under the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR)?
A. According to the ICJ in the Tehran Hostages case, although parts of the VCDR were
progressive, widespread acceptance and implementation means that is now is mostly
reflective of customary international law.
Q. What is the extent of the mission’s inviolability with respect to its archives,
documents, and official correspondence?
A. The archives and documents of the mission as well as its official correspondence is
inviolable at any time and wherever they may be. (VCDR, arts. 24 and 27). In Tehran
Hostages, there was a significant breach of this obligation when the US embassy was
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ransacked and documents purporting to come from the diplomatic archive of the mission were
disseminated by the Iranian militants and media outlets.
Q. What is the rule on immunity of diplomatic agents from civil and administrative
A. A diplomatic agent is immune from local civil and administrative jurisdiction, except in the
case of:
a) A real action relating to private immovable property in the territory of the receiving
State (exception to the exception: if the property is held on behalf of the sending State
for the purposes of the mission);
b) An action relating to succession in which the agent is involved as executor,
administrator, heir, or legatee in his/her capacity as a private individual; and
c) Any professional or commercial activity by the diplomatic agent outside his/her
official duties. [VCDR, art. 31(1)]
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CIVIL Immune except for (a) Same as Immune with Same as Same as No immunity
JURISDICTION certain actions relating diplomatic respect to acts administrative administrativ under the
to real property, (b) agents. performed in the and e Convention.
estate matters in VCDR, art. course of official technical and technical Jurisdiction
which the agent is 37(1); duties. VCDR, staff. staff. VCDR, to be asserted
acting as private art. 37(2). VCDR, art. art. 37(3); so as not to
party, and (c) actions 37(2); interfere
relating to private unduly with the
professional or functions
commercial activities. of the mission.
VCDR, art. 31(1). VCDR, art.
JUDICIAL Immune from Same as Generally Same as Immune with No immunity
PROCESS obligation to give diplomatic immune to same administrative respect to under the
evidence. Immune agents. degree as and acts VCDR.
from execution of VCDR, art. diplomatic technical performed in Jurisdiction to
judgments except in 37(1). agents, except staff. the course of be asserted so
non-immune civil immune from the VCDR, art. duties. as not to
action where execution execution in a 37(2). VCDR, art. interfere
will not infringe on the civil judgment 37(3). unduly with the
inviolability of his only if it functions of the
person or residence. concerns acts mission. VCDR,
VCDR, art. 31(2), (3). performed in the art. 37(4).
Private residence course of official
deemed inviolable to duties. VCDR,
same degree as art. 37(2).
diplomatic mission.
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from inspection except agents. VCDR, at time of first technical may relate to Jurisdiction to
where there are art. installation. staff. acts be asserted so
serious grounds to 37(1). VCDR, art.37(2). VCDR, art. performed as not to
believe there are 37(2). in the interfere
contraband articles or course of the unduly with the
articles not for duty. VCDR, functions of the
personal or official art. 37(3). mission. VCDR,
use. VCDR, art. 36. art. 37(4).
SOCIAL Exempt with respect to Same as Same as Same as Same as No immunity
SECURITY services rendered for diplomatic diplomatic diplomatic diplomatic under the
the sending State. Not agents. VCDR, agents. VCDR, agents. agents. Convention.
exempt with respect to art. 37(1). art. 37(2). VCDR, art. VCDR, art. Jurisdiction
personal servants who 37(2). 37(3). to be
are U.S. nationals or asserted so as
permanent not to interfere
residents, or who are unduly with
not covered by social the functions
security provisions of of the mission.
the sending State or a VCDR, art.
third State. 37(4).
VCDR, art. 33(1)-(2).
MILITARY / Immune from all Same as Same as Same as No immunity No immunity
PUBLIC public service and diplomatic diplomatic diplomatic in under the
SERVICE military obligations. agents. agents. agents. Convention Convention.
VCDR, art. 35 VCDR, art. VCDR, art. VCDR, art. Jurisdiction
37(1). 37(2). 37(2). to be
asserted so as
not to interfere
PAGE | 12
unduly with
the functions
of the mission.
VCDR, art.
IMMIGRATION No specific immunity Same as Same as Same as Same as No immunity.
under the Convention, diplomatic diplomatic administrative administrativ Jurisdiction
but immune generally agents. VCDR, agents, and e to be asserted
from civil and art. with respect to technical and technical so as not to
administrative 37(1). actions taken in staff. staff. VCDR, interfere
jurisdiction under course of official VCDR, art. art. 37(3.) unduly with
VCDR, art. 31. duties. VCDR, 37(2). the functions
art. 37(2). of the mission.
VCDR, art.
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Table 2
DEFINITION Any person, including Not defined Any person Not defined by Any person Consular
the head of a consular by the VCCR employed in the the VCCR. employed in officer other
post, entrusted in that administrative the domestic than career
capacity with the or technical service of a consular
exercise of consular service of a consular post. officer of the
functions. VCCR, art. consular post. VCCR, art. sending State.
1(d). VCCR, art. 1(e). 1(f). VCCR, art.
CRIMINAL Immune from No immunity Immune from No immunity No immunity No immunity
JURISDICTION jurisdiction with under the jurisdiction in under the under the from arrest,
respect to acts VCCR. respect to acts VCCR. VCCR. detention, or
performed in the performed in the prosecution,
exercise of consular exercise of but
functions. Immune consular proceedings
from arrest and functions. are to be
detention pending VCCR, art. 43. carried out
trial, except in case of expeditiously
grave crime pursuant with as little
to a decision by a interference
judicial authority. with official
Criminal proceedings functions as
to be conducted so as circumstances
not to interfere unduly will allow.
with consular VCCR, art. 63.
functions. VCCR, arts.
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Q. Do oral treaties come under the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of
A. No. While no particular form is prescribed, the definition found in Article 2 of the VCLT explicitly
states that a treaty is an agreement in written form. There are no specific requirements of form in
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international law for the existence of a treaty, although it is essential that the parties intend to
create legal relations as between themselves by means of their agreement.
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purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application
to that State.
Q. When one state ceases to exist and is succeeded by another on the same territory, is
the new state bound by the commitments made by its predecessor?
A. No. The “clean slate” rule applies. Article 16 of the 1978 Vienna Convention on the Succession of
States with Respect to Treaties state that: “A newly independent State is not bound to maintain in
force, or to become a party to, any treaty by reason only of the fact that at the date of the succession
of States the treaty was in force in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates.”
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Q. Is there an exception to the “clean slate” rule?
A. Yes. (1) a new state may agree to be bound by the treaties made by its predecessor, and (2) the
rule does not apply to treaties affecting boundary regimes.
Q. What is nationality?
A. According to Oppenheim, the nationality of an individual is his quality of being a subject of a
certain State and therefore its citizen. It is a politico-legal term denoting membership of a State.
According to the Lynch Claim it is a legal relationship that involves rights and corresponding duties
upon both the citizen and the State.
Q. What is the difference between de jure stateless and de facto stateless persons?
A. De jure stateless persons are those who have not received nationality automatically or through
an individual decision under the operation of any State’s laws, while de facto stateless persons are
those who cannot establish their nationality and does not enjoy national protection.
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elementary education, and public relief and assistance. He shall also be issued identity papers in
their territory when he does not possess a valid travel document.
Q. Can a State detain stateless persons who do not have a legal stay?
A. Normally, no. As advised by the UNHCR, “detention should be avoided and only be resorted to if
clearly based on national legislation that conforms to international human rights law.” Detention
must be a last resort measure. For those instances where detention is necessary, reasonableness
and proportionality to the objectives to be achieved must be substantially evident.
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wipe out all the consequences of the illegal act and re-establish the situation which would have
existed if the wrongful act had not been committed.
Q. Can the acts of State organs or entities in excess of their authority or contravention of
instructions be attributable to the State?
A. Yes. It is clear from Art. 7 of the AOSR that the conduct of an organ of a State or of a person or
entity empowered to exercise elements of the governmental authority shall be considered an act of
the State under international law if the organ, person or entity acts in that capacity, even if it
exceeds its authority or contravenes instructions.
Q. What conduct can be attributable to the State in the absence or default of official
A. According to Art. 9 of the AOSR, the conduct of a person or group of persons shall be considered
an act of a State under international law if the person or group of persons is in fact exercising
elements of the governmental authority in the absence or default of the official authorities in
circumstances such as to call for the exercise of those elements of authority.
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existing State, then its conduct shall be considered as an act of the new State under international
Q. What is a countermeasure?
A. According to the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project case, a countermeasure is a conduct of a State
in response to a previous international wrongful act of another State and directed against that State.
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A. According to Art. 34 of the AOSR, full reparation for injury caused by an internationally wrongful
act shall take the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, either singly or in combination.
Q. Can the Responsible State rely on the provisions of its internal law?
A. No. According to Art. 32 of the AOSR, a State cannot rely on the provisions of its internal law as
justification for failure to comply with its obligations. This is an affirmation of Article 27 of the VCLT.
Q. What is jurisdiction?
A. It concerns the power of the state under international law to regulate or otherwise impact upon
people, property and circumstances and reflects the basic principles of state sovereignty, equality
of states and non-interference in domestic affairs. It may be achieved by means of legislative,
executive or judicial action. Jurisdiction, although primarily territorial, may be based on other
grounds; for example, nationality.
Principles of Jurisdiction:
A. TERRITORIALITY P RINCIPLE - A state has absolute, but not necessarily exclusive, power
to prescribe, adjudicate and enforce rules for conduct that occurs within its territory.
i. Effective control must be established. (Las Palmas)
ii. Effects doctrine - A state has jurisdiction over acts occurring outside its territory
but having effects within it. (Lotus case)
Objective territorial principle - a state has jurisdiction to prosecute and punish for crime
commenced without the state but consummated within its
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(Trail Smelter Arbitration)
Q. What are the rules on boundaries where states are not islands but parts of a larger land mass?
A. According to the Third Restatement:
1. The boundary separating the land areas of two states is determined by acts of the states
expressing their consent to its location.
2. Unless a consent to a different rule has been expressed,
(a) when the boundary between two states is a navigable river, its location is the middle of
the channel of navigation (Thalweg doctrine),
(b) when the boundary between two states is a non- navigable river or a lake, its location is
the middle of the river or lake.
Q. Explain the French and the English Rule over questions of jurisdiction over foreign
vessels in the Philippines.
A. French Rule – crimes committed abroad a foreign merchant vessel should not be prosecuted in
the courts of the country within whose territorial jurisdiction they were committed unless their
commission affects the peace and security of the territory
English Rule – crimes perpetrated under such circumstances are in general triable in the courts
of the country within whose territory they were committed. The Philippines adheres to this rule.
B. N ATIONALITY P RINCIPLE - Every state has jurisdiction over its nationals, even when those
nationals are outside the state. Example: X is a US Citizen living in France, and he failed
to respond to a subpoena served by requiring him to be a witness in behalf of the US.
By this principle, X can be held in contempt because the US retained its authority over
X. (Blackmer v. US)
Q. Discuss the jurisdiction of a state over corporations and maritime vessels under the nationality
A. As to corporations, a state has jurisdiction over corporations organized under its laws. Many
states assert jurisdiction over corporations whose principal place of business or registered office
is located in their territories. States have also sought to regulate corporations organized or having
their principal place of business abroad when these corporations are owned or controlled by
nationals. This last is controversial. More controversial still are multi-national corporations which
register various addresses for different purposes.
As to maritime vessels, state has jurisdiction over vessels flying its flag (Lotus case) Each state
determines requirements for registration. But flags of convenience might be challenged on the
ground of lack of sufficient link. The same principle is generally applicable to aircraft and
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C. P ROTECTIVE P RINCIPLE - This principle provides that states may exercise jurisdiction over
aliens who have committed an act abroad which is deemed prejudicial to the security of
the particular state concerned. Examples: Plots to overthrow the government, forging
its currency, plotting to break its immigration regulations.
E. P ASSIVE P ERSONALITY - It asserts that a state may apply law – particularly criminal law
– to an act committed outside its territory by a person not its national where the victim
of the act was its national. The principle is more accepted when applied to terrorist and
other organized attacks on a state’s national by reason of their nationality, or to
assassination of a state’s diplomatic representatives or other officials. Example: the US
Court has jurisdiction over a criminal proceeding against the several Arab men who
hijacked a Jordanian airline on the basis that some of the nationals taken hostage were
Americans. (US vs. Fawiz-Yunis)
F. CONFLICTS OF JURISDICTION – Since there are various accepted principles for assuming
jurisdiction, more than one state may have a valid claim to jurisdiction. In order to
develop more sophisticated modes of resolving conflicts of jurisdiction, U.S. courts
developed three modes: “The balancing test”, “International comity”, and “forum non
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i. Fundamental Principles
1. Principle of dual criminality – an offense is extraditable only when punished
in both the requesting and requested State
2. Principle of double jeopardy or non bis in idem – a person should not be tried
or punished twice for the same offense
3. Principle of specialty – the extradited person, without the consent of the
requested State, cannot be convicted for other criminal offenses than that
expressly shown in the request for extradition
ii. Procedure
1. Requesting State submits an extradition request, along with necessary
supporting documents, to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
2. If the request complies with the requirements provided for by law and the
relevant treaty, these are forwarded to the Secretary of Justice, who shall
designate an attorney to handle the case.
3. Once all the supporting documents are in order, the DOJ attorney will prepare
the extradition petition and file it with the RTC.
4. The judge may issue a warrant of arrest if in the court’s opinion, the
immediate arrest and temporary detention of the accused will best serve the
ends of justice.
5. Summary hearing and decision will be rendered.
6. If extradition is granted, the accused shall be placed at the disposal of the
authorities of the requesting State.
7. Provisional arrest may be granted pending receipt of the request for
extradition, but the period of detention is only 20 days. (P.D. 1069)
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Q. Is bail a matter of right in extradition proceedings?
A. As a general rule, bail is NOT a matter of right in extradition proceedings. However, it may be
granted as an exception if:
1. He/she is not a flight risk; and
2. There exist special, humanitarian and compelling circumstances. (Gov’t of the U.S.A v.
Purganan, 2002)
Deportation Extradition
Purpose is to expel unwanted Concerned with the transfer of an
immigrants. It has no preference as individual to a specified foreign state
to the destination of the individual. so that he may be prosecuted there.
Only aliens may be deported. Aliens and nationals may be
Unilateral act of the deporting state. Arises from the request of a foreign
The individual must be deported to a The individual is extradited to a
receiving state. requesting state.
Q. What are the seven core international human rights conventions under the direct
auspices of the UN?
A. The seven core instruments are the following:
1. The International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD);
2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);
3. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR);
4. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW);
5. The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CAT);
6. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
7. The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and
Members of their Families (ICRMW).
Q. Are derogations from the protection of rights allowed under the international human
rights conventions and agreements?
A. Yes, the requirements are:
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1. There must be a public emergency which threatens the life of the nation;
2. Such public emergency must be officially proclaimed;
3. Derogation is allowed only to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation;
4. The measures taken should not be inconsistent with their other obligations under
International Law; and;
5. The measures may not involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, color, sex,
language, religion or social origin.
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performed. On the other hand, in a declaration, there is a presumption that something less than full
effectiveness in terms of law is intended. It serves as moral rules rather than a contract, as there
is no juridical tie or vinculum juris.
Q. Who is a refugee?
A. According to the Refugees Convention, the term refugee shall apply to any person who, owing to
a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or,
owing to such fear is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having
a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such
events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.
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Philippine Constitution in the Articles pertaining to Social Justice; Family; Education, Science and
Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports.
Q. What is torture?
A. Torture is any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally
inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a
confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having
committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on
discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with
the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.
Q. What is slavery?
A. Slavery is the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to
the right of ownership are exercised.
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A. International Humanitarian Law (IHL) deals with the means and methods of warfare. It applies
as soon as there is an armed conflict. Thus, it is known as the Laws of War. It sets certain bounds
on the use of force against an adversary. It determines both the relationship of the parties to a
conflict with one another and their relationship with neutral states. Certain provisions of
international humanitarian law are also applicable in the relationship between the state and its own
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iv. War of National Liberation Movements - situations “in which peoples are
fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist
regimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination, as enshrined in the
Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration on Principles of International
law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among states in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations.” It is treated as a conflict of an
international character.
Q. Who is a civilian?
A. Art. 50 (1) of Protocol I defines a civilian as any person who is not a combatant. In case of doubt,
a person is considered a civilian.
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Q. Who are Prisoners of War?
A. Art. 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 states that it covers the following persons
belonging to one of the following categories, who have fallen into the power of the enemy:
(1) members of the armed forces of a party to the conflict, including militias or volunteer corps that
are part of the armed force; and
(2) members of other militias and volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance
movements, belonging to a party to the conflict provided they:
(a) being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;
(b) having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;
(c) carrying arms openly;
(d) conducting operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.
(3) Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory who, on the approach of the enemy, spontaneously take
up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular
armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war.
The definition provided by the Third Geneva Convention is supplemented by Art. 45 of Additional
Protocol I of the Geneva Convention which provides that a person who takes part in hostilities and
falls into the power of an adverse party shall be presumed to be a prisoner of war and therefore
protected by the Third Convention.
Q. What is Neutrality?
A. Neutrality is the legal position of a State which remained aloof between two other States or
groups of States while maintaining certain rights towards the belligerents and observing certain
duties prescribed by customary law or by international conventions or treaties.
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Q. What are neutralized States?
A. Neutralized States are States upon which the status of permanent neutrality in all future wars
was formally imposed by a group of great powers. The act of neutralization generally took the form
of a treaty between the parties and was as a rule accompanied by a guarantee of the independence
and territorial integrity of the neutralized State.
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1. Sovereignty of a coastal State extends, beyond its land territory and internal waters and, in
case of an archipelagic State, its archipelagic waters, to an adjacent belt of sea, described
as territorial sea
2. Sovereignty extends to the air space over the territorial sea as well as to its bed and subsoil
3. Sovereignty over the territorial sea is exercised subject to this Convention and to other rules
of international law
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A. No.
Q. Distinguish the territorial sea and the internal waters of the Philippines.
Territorial sea Internal waters
Under the UNCLOS, the territorial sea is an Article I of the 1987 Constitution defines the
adjacent belt of sea which may extend up to a internal waters of the Philippines as “the waters
breadth of 12 nautical miles from the baseline around, between, and connecting the islands of
over which the sovereignty of a coastal State the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
extends. dimensions.”
Q. What are the rights that can be exercised over the Contiguous Zone? [FISC]
A. A coastal state exercises authority over that area to the extent necessary to prevent
infringement of its fiscal, immigration, sanitation or customs authority over its territorial waters
or territory and to punish such infringement
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Q. In which Court/Tribunal did the Philippines file its maritime claim against China?
A. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) which facilitated a Tribunal constituted under Annex
VII of the UNCLOS.
1. Sovereignty over natural resources and the responsibility not to cause damage to the
environment of other states or to areas beyond national jurisdiction
P RINCIPLE 21 - States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and
the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources
pursuant to their own environmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that
activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of
other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
P RINCIPLE 2 - States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the
principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant
to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure
that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment
of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.
2. Sustainable Development - development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
3. Principle of Preventive Action – the obligation requiring the prevention of damage to the
environment, and otherwise to reduce, limit or control activities which might cause or risk such
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4. Precautionary Principle – aims to provide guidance in the development and application of
international environmental law where there is scientific uncertainty. It is reflected in Principle
15 of the Rio Declaration.
5. Polluter-pays Principle – establishes the requirement that the costs of pollution should be
borne by the person responsible for causing the pollution and is reflected in Principle 16 of the
Rio Declaration.
1. Bayan v. Zamora (2000): The contention as to “recognition of the other contracting state” of the
treaty means that the contracting party simply accepts or acknowledges it as a treaty. There is no
need to submit the agreement to the US Senate to be considered as recognition by the US of the
binding character of the said treaty.
2. Lim v. Exec. Secretary (2002): The VFA permits the US to engage in “activities” here in the
country, but there is no exact definition of what the activities mean. Art. 31 and 32 of the VCLT
provides that in interpreting international agreements, the general rule is to give its ordinary
meaning in light of the intention of the parties but one may resort to supplementary means. Here,
the SC construed that the term “activities” was deliberately made to give both parties room to
negotiate and it includes the Balikatan exercises being done as including the exercises done in the
3. Pimentel v. Executive Secretary (2005): The President, being the Head of State, has the sole
authority to negotiate with other states and to enter into treaties. However, this power of the
President is limited by requiring the concurrence of ⅔ of all the members of the Senate for the
validity of the treaty. Nevertheless, the President still has the authority to decide whether to submit
or refuse to ratify a treaty. The steps in treaty-making are as follows: negotiation, signature,
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ratification, and exchange of instruments of ratification. Here, the Senate’s role is limited only to
giving or withholding its consent to the ratification. The Court cannot enjoin the President of
performing his official duties.
4. Abaya v. Ebdane (2007): The exchange of notes can be a form of executive agreements and is
considered binding even without concurrence by the Senate. SC agreed that pacta sunt servanda
must then be observed and that the award was proper.
5. Pharmaceutical v. DOH (2007): International law can be part of domestic law by transformation
or incorporation. Here, the international instruments cited such as the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child, ICESCR, and the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against
women are only guides for the State to follow. There must first be legislation for the provisions of
the World Health Assembly resolutions to be implemented by the DOH.
6. The Province of North Cotabato v. GRP Peace Panel (2008): The MOA-AD would not amount
to an “international agreement or unilateral declaration” binding on the Philippines under
international law since respondents’ act of “guaranteeing amendments” is, by itself, already a
constitutional violation that renders the MOA-AD fatally defective.
7. Tanada v. Angara (2007): The provisions in Art. 2 of the Constitution are not self-executing but
are merely guides for the exercise of judicial review and for the legislature. The constitution also
recognizes the need to do business with the global community. It does not promote an isolationist
policy. And, contrary to the petitioners’ belief, the WTO recognizes the need to protect weak
8. Magallona et al. vs. Executive Secretary Ermita et al. (2011): As to the matter of reducing
territory, the SC held that the UNCLOS is not a means to acquire or lose territory. It merely marks
out the basepoints along the coasts to serve as notices to the international community of the scope
of our maritime space. As to the second issue, the right of innocent passage is customary in nature
and in observance of international law, no State can validly prohibit innocent passage. Lastly, the
use of the framework to define the “regime of islands” is not inconsistent with the country’s claim
of sovereignty over these areas. Such classification does not diminish the maritime area and it is
pursuant to the basepoints mapped out by previous baseline law (RA 3046). (Bar 2015)
9. Gov’t. of U.S.A. v. Hon. Purganan (2002): Given that extradition proceedings are sui generis
and are not criminal proceedings, they do not call into operation the rights of the accused under the
Bill of Rights. The Constitutional provision on bail only applies when a person has been arrested and
detained for violating Philippine criminal laws and where the presumption of innocence is at issue.
The general rule is that bail is not a matter of right in extradition cases. However, it may be granted
as an exception if a) the defendant can show that he is not a flight risk; b) there are exceptional,
humanitarian, or compelling circumstances.
10. Gov’t. of Hongkong v. Olalia (2007): In light of the modern trends and instruments (UDHR,
ICCPR) in international law highlighting the primacy of human rights, the Court re-examined its
judgment in the Purganan case. Following the ruling in Mejoff v. Director of Prisons wherein bail can
be granted to deportation proceedings, the Court said that there is no reason why it cannot apply
to extradition proceedings which are also administrative in nature and the innocence or guilt of the
person detained is not an issue. However, the Court held that since Munoz has not presented
evidence to show he is a flight risk, they remanded the case to the trial court to determine whether
Munoz can be granted bail on the basis of “clear and convincing evidence.”
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11. Sanders v. Veridiano (1988): Given the official character of the letters, the petitioners were
being sued as officers of the U.S. Government. The complaint therefore cannot prosper unless the
government sought to be held liable has given its consent to be sued (Art. XVI, Sec 3 of the
Constitution). The doctrine of state immunity applies not only to our own government but also to
foreign states to be subjected to the jurisdiction of our courts. Such application is derived from the
principle of the sovereign equality of states, which wisely admonishes par in parem non habet
imperium. Our adherence to this precept is formally expressed in Art. II, Sec. 2 of our Constitution.
12. United States v. Guinto (1990): The restrictive application of state immunity is proper only when
the proceedings arise out of commercial transactions of the foreign sovereign, its commercial
activities or economic affairs. A State may have be said to have descended to the level of an
individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its consent to be sued only when it enters
into business contracts. It does not apply where the contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign
functions. The Court finds barbershops subject of the concessions granted by the U.S. Government
are commercial enterprises operated by private persons
13. Republic of Indonesia v. Vinzon (2003): The mere entering into a contract by a foreign State
with a private party cannot be construed as the ultimate test of whether or not it is an act jure
imperii (public acts) or jure gestionis (private acts). In this case, the establishment of a diplomatic
mission is undoubtedly an act jure imperii. Petitioner was acting in pursuit of a sovereign activity in
entering into the Maintenance Agreement. The existence alone of a paragraph in a contract stating
that any legal action arising out of the agreement shall be settled according to the laws of the
Philippines and by a specified court of the Philippines is not necessarily a waiver of sovereign
immunity from suit. Submission by a foreign state to local jurisdiction must be clear and
unequivocal. It must be given explicitly or by necessary implication.
14. Minucher v. CA (1992): The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations lists the classes of heads
of diplomatic missions to include: a) ambassadors or nuncios accredited to the heads of state; b)
envoys, ministers or internuncios accredited to heads of states; and c) charges d’affaires accredited
to the ministers of foreign affairs. Comprising the “staff of the (diplomatic) mission” are the
diplomatic staff, the administrative staff, and the technical and service staff. Even while the VCDR
provides for immunity to the members of diplomatic missions, it does so, nevertheless, with an
understanding that the same be restrictively applied. Only “diplomatic agents,” under the terms of
the Convention, are vested with blanket diplomatic immunity from civil and criminal suits.
Ultimately, the main yardstick in ascertaining whether a person is a diplomat entitled to immunity
is the determination of whether or not he performs duties of diplomatic nature. Scalzo was an
Assistant Attaché of the U.S. diplomatic mission and was accredited as such by the Philippine
Government. Attachés belong to a category of officers in the diplomatic establishment who may be
in charge of its cultural, press, administrative, or financial affairs, but they are not generally
regarded as members of the diplomatic mission. In any case, vesting a person with diplomatic
immunity is a prerogative of the executive branch of the government.
15. Nicolas v. Romulo (2009): The equal protection clause is not violated, because there is a
substantial basis for a different treatment of a member of a foreign military armed forces allowed
to enter our territory and all other accused. The rule in international law is that a foreign armed
forces allowed to enter ones territory is immune from local jurisdiction, except to the extent agreed
upon. Applying the provisions of the VFA, the Court finds that there is a different treatment when it
comes to detention as against custody. The moment the accused has to be detained, e.g. after
conviction, Article V, Sec. 10 of the VFA applies, stating that detention shall be by Philippine
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16. Marcos v. Manglapus (1989): The right to return to one’s country is not among the rights
specifically guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, although such right may be considered as a generally
accepted principle of international law. Still, it remains distinct and separate from the right to travel,
which enjoys a different protection under the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights. It
would therefore be inappropriate to construe the limitations to the right to return to one's country
in the same context as those pertaining to the liberty of abode and the right to travel.
17. International School Alliance of Educators v. Quisumbing (2000): The ICESCR provisions
on the rights to equal treatment in employment and labor are violated when there are no substantial
distinctions to justify the differences in such treatment afforded to persons in like circumstances.
There is no evidence here that foreign-hires perform 25% more efficiently or effectively than the
local-hires. Both groups have similar functions and responsibilities, which they perform under similar
working conditions.
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In December 2015 at the Paris Climate Conference (COP21), 195 countries adopted the Paris
Agreement on Climate Change which is the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate treaty.
The Agreement aims to hold the increase in global temperature average to well below 2°C above
pre-industry levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C in order to
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.
Aside from the 1.5°C goal, the Paris Agreement also recognizes the following:
• Climate Justice – the Agreement recognizes the impact of mitigating climate change to
promote human rights, including the rights of indigenous peoples, women, youth and
migrants among others;
• Support in finance, technology and capacity building for all adaptation and mitigation efforts
– the Agreement recognizes the urgent need for developed countries to support the finance,
technology and capacity-development capabilities of developing countries in order to
enhance their pre-2020 actions;
• Loss and Damage – “loss” refers to complete disappearance of something (i.e., human lives,
habitat, species) while “damage” refers to something that can be repaired (i.e., roads,
buildings). The Agreement recognizes the important of averting, minimizing and addressing
loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change and extreme weather
events (i.e., flooding, drought). In line with this, the Agreement sets to enforce the
continuation of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for Loss and Damage. The WIM
for Loss and Damage is an institution established in COP19 in 2013 to explore initial questions
about loss and damage. However, there is a move for the creation of a Loss and Damage
article separate from WIM that would ensure recovery and restoration of communities,
livelihoods and ecosystems adversely affected by extreme weather events and climate
The Philippines is a signatory to the said Agreement. The Agreement is due to enter into force in
2020. However, it can be provisionally applied prior to the said date.
The United States of America as announced its intention to leave the Paris Agreement last June 1,
2017. However, in accordance with Article 28 of the agreement, the earliest possible withdrawal
from the agreement will be 4 years after the ratification, or on 04 November 2020.
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Hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Syrians, Afghans, and Eritreans, have crossed the
Mediterranean Sea and the Balkans to reach Europe in a bid to flee war or persecution. One out of
three of them were Syrians which, according to the United Nations Refugee agencies, ought to
qualify as “refugees”. Under the 1951 Refugee Convention, the European States who are signatory
to the Convention cannot deport these refugees. This posed a policy problem to European
governments who must spread and allocate the said refugees across European States.
Due to the domestic and regional tensions brought about by this influx, there is a debate whether
categorize these people as “refugees” or “migrants”. Under the 1951 Refugee Convention, a
“refugee” is a person who is outside the country of his nationality owing to a well-founded fear of
being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular opinion and
is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country. On the other hand, a “migrant” is
anyone moving from one country to another, not because of a direct threat or persecution, but to
mainly improve their lives by finding work, or in some cases for education, family reunion, or other
reasons. Unlike refugees, migrants can safely return to their country of origin. The 1951 Refugee
Convention and its additional 1967 Protocol obligates States to give asylum to the former but not
the latter. This is in due to principle of non-refoulement (no forced return) under Article 33 of the
Convention. Thus, refugees cannot be deported but migrants can be for various reasons such as for
not possessing legal papers.
While the U.N. already identified the fleeing Syrians as refugees, the European Union introduced a
complication by creating a rule that the refugees’ application for asylum must be handled in the by
the country of their first arrival. Thus, refugees who have come from Greece, Italy or Austria and
have moved to another European State can be sent back to those countries. This rule was heavily
opposed by countries who had overwhelming numbers of first arrivals. Another argument for this
rule is that refugees who have moved from their country of first arrival are no longer refugees, but
are migrants who are seeking for better opportunities at another European State. The U.N. disagrees
with this by countering that a refugee does not cease to be a refugee or become a migrant simply
because they leave one host or travel to another. Instead, the U.N. insists that the Convention’s
definition must hold – that a person is a refugee because it lacks protection from their country of
origin and such status cannot not be altered by any supervening circumstances.
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The European Union (EU) is the most advanced regional union of States with notable features such
as the ‘EU Single Market’ and the ‘Schengen Area’. It was established by the Maastricht Treaty which
was further amended and modified by various succeeding treaties such as the Lisbon Treaty. The
United Kingdom (UK) has been an EU member since 1973. However, over the past four decades,
calls to break membership developed due to the influx of immigrants and refugees as well as the
growing contempt against non-democratically elected EU leaders in Brussels, among others. UK’s
Parliament, through Prime Minister David Cameron, recognized this discontent and pushed for a
referendum to determine the future of UK’s EU membership. This was dubbed as the ‘Brexit’ (British
Exit) referendum. On 24 June 2016, the ‘Leave’ camp won by a controversial margin over the
‘Remain’ camp by 51.9% (17,410,742) against 48.1% (16,141,241) of the total votes cast. The
fallout was immediate. The value of the pound cliff-dived, PM Cameron tendered his resignation
effective on October, 2016, and widespread divide in various demographics sparked throughout UK.
Notably, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the city of London heavily voted in favor of ‘Remain’ while
England and Wales heavily voted in favor of ‘Leave’. Scotland, in particular, seeks to retain EU
membership with its First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, calling for a second Scottish referendum to
secede from the UK in order to achieve such goal. As of date, UK has yet to send a formal withdrawal
notification to the European Council.
Legal Analysis
The withdrawal of a State party from a treaty may take place only as a result of the application of
the provisions of the treaty or of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) [VCLT, art.
42(2)]. Thus, for UK to formally withdraw from the EU, it must follow the withdrawal requirements
set by the Lisbon Treaty. Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, a member State which decides to
withdraw from the EU can do so (i) in accordance with its own constitutional requirements followed
by (ii) sending a notification of such decision to the European Council. After such notification, the
EU will then negotiate a withdrawal agreement with the withdrawing State. The Lisbon Treaty shall
cease to apply from such State from the date of the withdrawal agreement’s entry into force, or
failing that, two years after the Article 50 notification. Technically, the Brexit referendum is not
binding to UK’s Parliament. Hence, it cannot compel Parliament to trigger the withdrawal process.
In any case, for UK to withdraw, its constitution requires that the Parliament must first pass a bill
to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act which incorporated EU law into the UK. Thereafter,
its would-be Prime Minister can send the Article 50 notification to the European Council and formally
start the negotiation for the withdrawal agreement. Conversely, absent such repealing bill and
notification, the UK remains part of EU.
With respect to UK’s international obligations, Brexit will render them largely unaffected. This is
because the withdrawal of a State party from a treaty shall not in any way impair such State’s duty
to fulfill any obligation under international law independent of the treaty (VCLT, art. 43). Thus, with
respect to the refugee crisis, UK’s exit from the EU will not affect its obligation to grant asylum to
refugees as it remains a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its additional 1967 Protocol
– obligations which are independent from the Lisbon/Maastricht Treaty.
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I. Introduction
● The Parties to this arbitration are the Republic of the Philippines
(“Philippines”) and the People’s Republic of China (“China”).
● This arbitration concerns disputes between the Parties regarding:
○ The legal basis of maritime rights and entitlements in the South
China Sea;
○ The status of certain geographic features in the South China Sea, and;
○ The lawfulness of certain actions taken by China in the South China
● The basis for this arbitration is the 1982 United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (“UNCLOS”). Both the Philippines and China are parties to the
Convention, the Philippines having ratified it on 9 May 1984, and China on 7
June 1996.
● UNCLOS was adopted as a “constitution for the oceans” in order to “settle all
disputes relating to the law of the sea,” and has been ratified by 168 parties.
UNCLOS, however, does not address the sovereignty of States over land
territory. Accordingly, this Tribunal has not been asked to, and does not
purport to, make any ruling as to which State enjoys sovereignty over any land
territory in the South China Sea. None of the Tribunal’s decisions in this award
are dependent on a finding of sovereignty.
● Moreover, this Award does not delimit any maritime boundary between
the Parties or involving any other State bordering on the South China
Sea. Although UNCLOS does contain provisions concerning the delimitation of
maritime boundaries, China made a declaration in 2006 to exclude maritime
boundary delimitation from its acceptance of compulsory dispute settlement,
something expressly permitted by UNCLOS. Thus, the Tribunal was not asked
to, nor does it purport to, rule on maritime boundaries.
● The disputes that the Philippines has placed before the Tribunal fall broadly
within four categories:
○ First, the Philippines has asked the Tribunal to rule on the source of
maritime rights and entitlements in the South China Sea.
Specifically, the Philippines seeks a declaration that China’s rights are
based on the Convention and not any claim of historic rights, and that
the “nine-dash line” is without legal effect.
○ Second, the Philippines has asked the Tribunal to resolve a dispute
between the Parties concerning the entitlements to maritime zones
that would be generated under the Convention by Scarborough
Shoal and certain maritime features in the Spratly Islands that
are claimed by both Parties.
○ Third, the Philippines has asked the Tribunal to resolve a series of
disputes between the Parties concerning the lawfulness of China’s
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actions in the South China Sea. The Philippines seeks declaration that
China has violated the Convention by:
■ Interfering with the exercise of the Philippine’s rights by the
Convention, including with respect to fishing, oil exploration,
navigation, and the construction of artificial islands and
■ Failing to protect and preserve the marine environment by
tolerating and actively supporting Chinese fishermen in the
harvesting of endangered species and the use of harmful
fishing methods that damage the fragile coral reef ecosystem
■ Inflicting severe harm on the marine environment by
constructing artificial islands and engaging in extensive
land reclamation at seven reefs in the Spratly Islands
○ Fourth, the Philippines has asked the Tribunal to find that China has
aggravated and extended the disputes by restricting access to a
detachment of Philippines marines stationed at Second Thomas
● China has consistently rejected the Philippines’ recourse to arbitration.
Nevertheless, this Award is binding on the Parties has per Article 296(1) of
UNCLOS and Article 11 of Annex VII (of UNCLOS).
● Despite its decision not to appear formally at any point the proceedings, China’s
Foreign Ministry on 7 December 2014 published a Position Paper which
argued that the Tribunal lacks jurisdiction because:
○ “The essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration is the sovereignty
over the relevant maritime features in the South China Sea”;
○ “China and the Philippines, have agreed, through bilateral
instruments and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the
South China Sea, to settle their relevant disputes through negotiations,”
○ The disputes submitted by the Philippines “would constitute an integral
part of maritime delimitation between two countries.”
● The Tribunal decided to treat the Position Paper and communications from China
as equivalent to an objection to jurisdiction and to conduct a separate
hearing and rule on its jurisdiction as a preliminary question.
● The Tribunal issued its Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility on 29
October 2015. In its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal reached conclusions
with respect to 7 of the Philippines’ 15 Submissions while deferring decisions on
seven other Submissions for further consideration.
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• Philippines appointed Judge Wolfrum, a German national, as a member of the
Tribunal in accordance with Article 3(b) of Annex VII to the Convention.
• China did not appoint an arbitrator so the President of the International Tribunal for
the Law of the Sea:
• Appointed Judge Pawlak, a national of Poland, as the second arbitrator
pursuant to Articles 3(c) and 3(e) of Annex VII to the Convention
• Appointed the remaining three arbitrators, in accordance with Articles 3(d) and
3(e) of Annex VII to the Convention
• The Tribunal issued an Order adopting the Rules of Procedure and fixing a date for
the Philippines to submit a Memorial that shall fully address all issues.
• Philippines submitted its Memorial addressing all aspects of the case including issues
of jurisdiction, admissibility, and the merits, and concluded with 15 submissions
setting out the relief sought.
• The Philippines wrote to the Tribunal concerning recent actions of China to prevent
the rotation and resupply of Philippine personnel stationed at Second Thomas
(Ayungin) Shoal, regarding China’s most recent actions in and around the same, and
expressing concern about China’s activities at several features in the South China
Sea, in particular the land reclamation at McKennan Reef, Hughes Reef, Johnson
Reef, the Gaven Reefs, and Cuarteron Reef.
• The Chinese government expressed that it will not participate in the arbitration
unilaterally initiated by the Philippines.
• Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands sent a second letter to the members of the
Tribunal recalling China’s practice of resolving the disputes related to territory
through negotiation and noting China’s “legitimate right” under the Convention not
to accept any imposed solution or any unilateral resorting to a third-party
settlement, a right that it considered the Philippines breached by initiating the
• Philippines filed written responses to questions posed by the Tribunal. China did not
respond but instead published remarks reiterating that they are neither accepting
nor participating in the arbitration, as well as that the Arbitral Tribunal has no
• Tribunal issued its Award on Jurisdiction, which was unanimous, only addressed
matters of jurisdiction and admissibility; it did not address the merits of the Parties’
• The Tribunal confirmed that it was ready to proceed with a hearing on the merits
and any outstanding questions of jurisdiction and admissibility and stated that it was
willing to make schedule adjustments if China decided to participate. China did not
• The Hearing on the Merits – oral presentations in two rounds in late November 2015
at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands.
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○ Throughout the proceedings, China has rejected and returned
correspondence from the Tribunal sent by the Registry, reiterating on
each occasion “that it does not accept the arbitration initiated by the
Philippines.” UNCLOS, however, expressly acknowledges the possibility
of non-participation by one of the parties to a dispute and confirms that
such non-participation does not constitute a bar to the proceedings.
○ The Tribunal has taken a number of measures to safeguard the
procedural rights of both China and the Philippines, such as ensuring
that all communications and materials have been promptly delivered to
the Ambassador of China in The Hague and providing multiple hearings
and opportunities for both parties to comment on certain materials
relevant to the dispute.
○ The Tribunal has considered and addressed the disadvantages of non-
participation such as (1) delay, (2) lack of opportunity to address any
specific issues that the Arbitral Tribunal considers not to have been
canvassed, or to have been canvassed inadequately, and (3) the
participating party being put in the ‘position of having to guess’ what the
non-participating party’s arguments might be and to ‘formulate
arguments for both States.’”
● Steps Taken by the Tribunal to Satisfy Itself that It Has Jurisdiction and that
the Claim is Well Founded in Fact and Law
○ The Tribunal has actively sought to satisfy itself as to whether it has
jurisdiction over the dispute. Following China’s decision not to file a
Counter-Memorial, the Tribunal requested the Philippines under Article
25 of the Rules of Procedure to provide further written argument on
certain jurisdictional questions and posed questions to the Philippines
both prior to and during the Hearing on Jurisdiction.
○ Article 9 of the Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure has led the Tribunal to take
steps to test the evidence provided by the Philippines and to augment
the record by seeking additional evidence, expert input, and Party
submissions relevant to questions arising in this merits phase, including
as to the status of features in the South China Sea, the allegations
concerning violations of maritime safety obligations, and claims about
damage to the marine environment.
● Summary of the Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction
○ There is a dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation or
application of the Convention, which is a basis for the dispute settlement
mechanisms of the Convention
○ The Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider the Philippines’ Submissions
● Status and Effect of the Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction
○ The Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction is an “award of the arbitral tribunal”
for the purposes of Article 10 of Annex VII to the Convention. Pursuant
to Article 11 of Annex VII to the Convention, “[t]he award shall be final
and without appeal, unless the parties to the dispute have agreed in
PAGE | 52
advance to an appellate procedure. It shall be complied with by the
parties to the dispute.”
○ China has not, to date, accepted the decisions in the Tribunal’s Award
on Jurisdiction and has stated that the Award “is null and void, and has
no binding effect on China.” China’s objections are:
■ First, the essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration is
territorial sovereignty over several maritime features in the
South China Sea, which is beyond the scope of the UNCLOS.
■ Second, even assuming some of the claims were concerned with
the interpretation and application of the UNCLOS, they would still
be an integral part of maritime delimitation, which has been
excluded by China through its 2006 Declaration and consequently
is not subject to compulsory arbitration
■ Third, given that China and the Philippines have agreed to settle
their disputes in the South China Sea through negotiation, the
Philippines is precluded from initiating arbitration unilaterally.
■ Fourth, the Philippines failed to fulfill the obligation of exchanging
views with China on the means of dispute settlement.
○ After considering each of these objections, the Tribunal reaffirms in full
the conclusions and reasoning set out in its Award on Jurisdiction.
IV. The “Nine-Dash Line” and China’s Claim to Historic Rights in the Maritime
Areas of the South China Sea (Submissions No. 1 and 2)
● Submission No. 1: China’s maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, like those
of the Philippines, may not extend beyond those expressly permitted by UNCLOS
● Submission No. 2: China’s claims to sovereign rights jurisdiction, and to “historic
rights” with respect to the maritime areas of the South China Sea encompassed by
the so called “nine dash line” are contrary to the Convention and without lawful effect
to the extent that they exceed the geographic and substantive limits of China’s
maritime entitlements expressly permitted by UNCLOS
● The Philippines’ Position: Jurisdiction
○ China’s statements since May 2009 make a consistent distinction between
claims to “sovereignty” and claims to “sovereign rights and jurisdiction,” and
a further distinction between the “islands in the South China Sea and the
adjacent waters” and the “relevant waters”.
○ The nature of China’s claim as one of sovereign rights and jurisdiction is
confirmed by China’s conduct in (a) seeking to ban fishing by other States
within the ‘nine-dash line’; (b) interfering with the Philippines’ petroleum
exploration activities; and (c) offering concessions to oil blocks in areas within
the ‘nine-dash line’ but beyond the possible limits of China’s entitlements
under the Convention.
○ The exception to jurisdiction in Article 298 of the Convention is limited to
disputes involving “historic bays or titles.”, covered by Article 298(1)(a)(i).
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The Philippines argues, “China’s claim of ‘historic rights’ within the area
encompassed by the nine-dash line is not covered by this article.
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of other States. At the same time, China gained a greater degree of
control over the maritime zones adjacent to and projecting from its
coasts and islands. China’s freedom to navigate the South China Sea
remains unaffected.
■ The Tribunal’s decision should not be understood to comment in any
way on China’s historic claim to the islands of the South China Sea.
● Conclusion
○ With respect to Submission No. 1, the Tribunal concludes that, as between the
Philippines and China, the Convention defines the scope of maritime
entitlements in the South China Sea, which may not extend beyond the limits
imposed therein.
○ With respect to Submission No. 2, the Tribunal concludes that, as between the
Philippines and China, China’s claims to historic rights, or other sovereign
rights or jurisdiction, with respect to the maritime areas of the South China
Sea encompassed by the relevant part of the ‘nine-dash line’ are contrary to
the Convention and without lawful effect to the extent that they exceed the
geographic and substantive limits of China’s maritime entitlements under the
Convention. The Tribunal concludes that the Convention superseded any
historic rights or other sovereign rights or jurisdiction in excess of the limits
imposed therein.
PAGE | 55
121(3), are disqualified from generating an exclusive economic zone
(EEZ) or continental shelf
○ “Fully entitled islands”: high-tide features which are not rocks, and
which pursuant to Article 121(2) enjoy the same entitlements as other
land territory under UNCLOS (i.e. exclusive economic zone and
continental shelf)
○ Submerged features: features that are fully submerged, even at low
● The status of the following 10 features are in dispute:
○ Scarborough Shoal, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Johnson Reef,
McKennan Reef, Hughes Reef, the Gaven Reefs, Subi Reef, Mischief Reef,
and Second Thomas Shoal
● The Philippines submits that each of the 5 maritime features mentioned in its
Submissions 4 to 6 is a low-tide elevation: Second Thomas Shoal, Mischief
Reef, Subi Reef, “Mckennan Reef including Hughes Reef” (treated as one
feature), and the Gaven Reefs.
● The Tribunal notes that the inclusion of the term “naturally formed” in the
definition of both low tide elevation (Art. 13(1)) and an island (Art. 121(1))
indicates that as a matter of law, human modification cannot change the
seabed into a low-tide elevation or a low-tide elevation into an island.
Thus, despite the substantial human modification made on some of these
islands (e.g. installations, airstrips, etc.), the Tribunal considers that UNCLOS
requires that the status of a feature be ascertained on the basis of its earlier,
natural condition, prior to the onset of human modification.
● Art. 13(2) states that, except where a low-tide elevation falls within the breadth
of a territorial sea generated from a high-tide feature or mainland, it generates
no territorial sea of its own. Thus, a low-tide elevation is not entitled to
an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, as necessarily implied in
Arts. 57 and 76.
● As for the other features, particularly Scarborough Shoal and all of the high-
tide features in the Spratly Islands, the Philippines seeks a declaration that
they are “rocks” within the meaning of Art. 121(3) of UNCLOS and thus
generate no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf. (Art. 121(3) states:
“Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own
shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf”).
● The following are the conclusions reached by the Tribunal with regard to the
interpretation of Art. 121(3):
○ First, the use of the word “rock” does not limit the provision to features
composed of solid rock. The geological and geomorphological
characteristics of a high-tide feature are not relevant to its classification
pursuant to Art. 121(3).
○ Second, the status of a feature is to be determined on the basis of its
natural capacity, without external additions or modifications intended
to increase its capacity to sustain human habitation or an economic life
of its own.
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○ Third, with respect to “human habitation,” the critical factor is the
non-transient character of the inhabitation, such that the inhabitants
can fairly to be said to constitute the natural population of the feature,
for whose benefit the resources of the EEZ were seen to merit protection.
The term “human habitation” should be understood to involve the
inhabitation by a stable community of people for whom the feature
constitutes a home on which they remain (military personnel not
○ Fourth, the term “economic life of their own” is linked the requirement
of human habitation and the two will in most instances go hand in hand.
The Tribunal considers that the “economic life” in question will
ordinarily be the life and livelihoods of the human population
inhabiting and making its home on a maritime feature or group
of features. Also, the phrase “on its own” means that economic life
must be oriented around the feature itself and not solely on the waters
or seabed of the surrounding territorial sea.
○ Fifth, the text of Article 121(3) is disjunctive, such that the ability to
sustain either human habitation or an economic life of its own would
suffice to entitle a high-tide feature to an EEZ and continental shelf. But
as a practical matter, the Tribunal considers that a maritime feature
will ordinarily only possess an economic life of its own if it is
inhabited by a stable human community.
○ Sixth, Article 121(3) is concerned with the capacity of a maritime
feature to sustain human habitation or an economic life of its own
(necessarily an objective criterion), not whether the feature is presently,
or has been, inhabited or home to economic life.
○ Seventh, the capacity of a feature to sustain human habitation or an
economic life its own must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
○ Eighth, the Tribunal considers that the capacity of a feature should be
assessed with due regard to the potential for a group of small island
features to collectively sustain human habitation and economic life.
○ Ninth, the evidence of physical conditions alone is insufficient to
determine whether the features are capable of sustaining a human
habitation or economic life.
○ Thus, the Tribunal considers that the most reliable evidence of the
capacity of a feature will usually be the historical use to which it
has been put.
○ The Tribunal also concludes that there is no evidence for an agreement
based upon State practice on the interpretation of Article 121(3) which
differs from the interpretation as outlined.
● The following have been used as evidence to determine the status of these
features: satellite imagery, nautical surveying and sailing directions.
● The Tribunal concludes that the following are high-tide features:
○ Scarborough Shoal, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Johnson Reef,
McKennan Reef, Gaven Reef (North)
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VI. Chinese Activities in the South China Sea (Submissions No. 8 to 13)
● The Philippines’ Submission No. 8 requests the Tribunal to declare that
China has unlawfully interfered with the enjoyment and exercise of the
sovereign rights of the Philippines with respect to the living and non-living
resources of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf
● China has objected to or acted to prevent petroleum exploration by the
Philippines in the South China Sea w/in 200 nautical miles of the Philippines’
baselines on several occasions:
○ Petroleum Blocks at Reed Bank and the M/V Veritas Voyager incident
○ West Calamian Petroleum Block
○ North-West Palawan Petroleum Blocks
● China has also acted to assert its jurisdiction over fisheries in the South China
Sea and to restrict fishing by Philippine nationals in areas within 200 nautical
miles of the Philippines’ baselines:
○ China’s Prevention of Fishing by Philippine Vessels at Mischief Reef
○ China’s Extension of Jurisdiction over Fisheries in the South China Sea
● The Philippines’ Position
○ Jurisdiction: there are no maritime features in the South China Sea
claimed by China that can generate entitlements to an exclusive
economic zone in the areas relevant to its Submission No. 8
○ Rights in the EEZ: China’s interference with oil and gas exploration and
exploitation, and measures adopted to prevent fishing in these areas are
violative of UNCLOS
● China’s Position
○ China has sovereignty and sovereign rights in the questioned areas
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ China has, through the operation of its marine surveillance vessels with
respect to M/V Veritas Voyager on 1 to 2 March 2011 breached Article
PAGE | 58
77 of the Convention with respect to the Philippines’ sovereign rights
over the non-living resources of its continental shelf in the area of Reed
○ The Tribunal further finds that China has, by promulgating its 2012
moratorium on fishing in the South China Sea, without exception for
areas of the South China Sea falling within the exclusive economic zone
of the Philippines and without limiting the moratorium to Chinese flagged
vessels, breached Article 56 of the Convention with respect to the
Philippines’ sovereign rights over the living resources of its exclusive
economic zone.
● The Philippines’ Submission No. 9 states that China has unlawfully failed to
prevent its nationals and vessels from exploiting the living resources in the
Philippines’ EEZ, specifically Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal
● The Philippines’ Position
○ The Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider its Submission No. 9, for the
same reasons set out with respect to its Submission No. 8
● China’s Position
○ The Philippines does not have rights in the questioned areas
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ China has, through the operation of its marine surveillance vessels in
tolerating and failing to exercise due diligence to prevent fishing by
Chinese flagged vessels at Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal in
May 2013, failed to exhibit due regard for the Philippines’ sovereign
rights with respect to fisheries in its exclusive economic zone.
○ Accordingly, China has breached its obligations under Article 58(3) of
the Convention.
● The Philippines’ Submission No. 10 states that China has unlawfully
prevented Philippine fishermen from pursuing their livelihoods by interfering
with traditional fishing activities at Scarborough Shoal since 2012, in particular
their interactions with Philippine fishermen proximate to the feature
● The Philippines’ Position
○ China violated its obligations under Article 2(3) of the Convention, and
considers this conclusion supported indirectly by reference to Articles
51(1) and 62(3) of the Convention.
○ Additionally, China has violated Articles 279 and 300 of the Convention
○ China has “unlawfully endangered justice by exacerbating the dispute
between it and the Philippines concerning their maritime rights and
entitlements in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal
● China’s Position
○ China claims sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal and asserts that its
waters constitute a traditional fishing ground for Chinese fishermen.
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ China has, through the operation of its official vessels at Scarborough
Shoal from May 2012 onwards, unlawfully prevented Filipino fishermen
PAGE | 59
from engaging in traditional fishing at Scarborough Shoal, without
prejudice to the question of sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal
● The Philippines’ Submissions 11 and 12(b) state that:
○ 11: China has violated its obligations under the Convention to protect
and preserve the marine environment at Scarborough Shoal, Second
Thomas Shoal, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson
Reef, Hughes Reef and Subi Reef
○ 12(b): China’s occupation of and construction activities on Mischief Reef
violate China’s duties to protect and preserve the marine environment
under the Convention
● Documents adduced by the Philippines record the following:
○ A number of instances since the late 1990s in which Chinese fishing
vessels have engaged in environmentally harmful fishing practices and
the harvesting of endangered or threatened species.
○ China undertook some construction and land reclamation on seven
features in the Spratly Islands [(a) Cuarteron Reef, (b) Fiery Cross Reef,
(c)Gaven Reef (North), (d) Johnson Reef, (e) Hughes Reef, (f) Subi Reef,
and (g) Mischief Reef] from the early 1990s to 2013
● The Philippines’ Position
○ China’s actions have damaged the diverse and fragile ecosystem of the
South China Sea
● China’s Position
○ China has not directly stated its position with respect to the allegations
as presented in the Philippines’ Submissions No. 11 and 12(b).
Nevertheless, China’s position can be discerned from contemporaneous
official statements.
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ China has, through its toleration and protection of, and failure to prevent
Chinese fishing vessels engaging in harmful harvesting activities of
endangered species at Scarborough Shoal, Second Thomas Shoal and
other features in the Spratly Islands, breached Articles 192 and 194(5)
of the Convention.
○ China has, through its island-building activities at Cuarteron Reef, Fiery
Cross Reef, Gaven Reef (North), Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef, Subi Reef
and Mischief Reef, breached Articles 192, 194(1), 194(5), 197, 123, and
206 of the Convention
● The Philippines Submissions No. 12(a) and 12(c) state that China’s occupation
of and construction activities on Mischief Reef:
○ (a): violate the provisions of the Convention concerning artificial islands,
installations and structures
○ (c): constitute unlawful acts of attempted appropriation in violation of
the Convention
● The Philippines’ Position
○ China’s activities at Mischief Reef violate Articles 60 and 80 of the
Convention, relating to artificial islands, installations. and structures.
PAGE | 60
and constitute unlawful acts of attempted appropriation under the
● China’s Position
○ China emphasised the economic character of its activities and explained
that the construction was intended to provide shelter for fishermen from
local winds; in short, that China’s activities are for civilian purposes
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ China has, through its construction of installations and artificial islands
at Mischief Reef without the authorisation of the Philippines, breached
Articles 60 and 80 of the Convention with respect to the Philippines’
sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
○ The Tribunal further finds that, as a low-tide elevation, Mischief Reef is
not capable of appropriation.
● The Philippines’ Submission No. 13 requests a declaration that China has
breached its obligations under the Convention by operating its law enforcement
vessels in a dangerous manner causing serious risk of collision to Philippine
vessels navigating in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal
● The Philippines’ Position
○ China has operated its law enforcement vessels in a dangerous manner,
causing “serious risk[] of collision” to Philippine vessels navigating in the
vicinity of Scarborough Shoal, and that China has breached its
obligations relating to safe navigation under Articles 94 and 21 of the
Convention and related provisions in the Convention on the International
Regulations for Preventing of Collisions at Sea, 1972
● China’s Position
○ China, through contemporary statements, considers its actions at
Scarborough Shoal to have been generally lawful
The Tribunal’s Decision
PAGE | 61
○ (d) Conducting dredging, artificial island-building and construction
activities at Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef,
Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef, and Subi Reef
● The Philippines’ Position:
○ On Jurisdiction: The Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider its Submission
No. 14; Articles 297 and 298 of the Convention do not exclude the
Tribunal’s jurisdiction to consider conduct that aggravates a dispute
pending arbitration
○ The Philippines has a right to have a dispute settled peacefully, and that
China is under a corresponding obligation not to aggravate or extend a
dispute pending its resolution
○ China has dramatically and dangerously altered the status quo pendente
lite since the commencement of this arbitration, by aggressively
challenging “the long-standing presence of the Philippines at Second
Thomas Shoal” and “unlawfully preventing” the routine rotation and
resupply missions “that the Philippines has been conducting consistently
since 1999.
● China’s Position
○ China has on a number of occasions commented on the importance of
good faith and the duties incumbent on States Parties pursuant to the
Convention. It has consistently asserted that it has indisputable
sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, which include the Ren’ai Jiao, and
the adjacent waters. China hereby strongly protests and firmly opposes
to the Philippines’ reinforcement of a military vessel illegally ‘grounded’
on the Ren’ai Jiao.
○ China notes that its “indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Islands and
their adjacent waters” includes Mischief Reef and Fiery Cross Reef,
among others.
● The Tribunal’s Decision
○ The Tribunal thus reserved any final decision on its jurisdiction with
respect to Submission No. 14 for further consideration in this
Award.1454 The Tribunal also notes that the Philippines’ amendment of
its claims to include Submission No. 14(d) took place following the
Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction and that the Tribunal has not yet
considered its jurisdiction in respect of the Philippines’ amended claim.
○ The Tribunal found that that China has in the course of these proceedings
aggravated and extended the disputes between the Parties through its
dredging, artificial island-building, and construction activities. In
particular, while these proceedings were ongoing:
■ (a) China has aggravated the Parties’ dispute concerning their
respective rights and entitlements in the area of Mischief Reef by
building a large artificial island on a low-tide elevation located in
the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.
■ (b) China has aggravated the Parties’ dispute concerning the
protection and preservation of the marine environment at
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Mischief Reef by inflicting permanent, irreparable harm to the
coral reef habitat of that feature.
■ (c) China has extended the Parties’ dispute concerning the
protection and preservation of the marine environment by
commencing large-scale island-building and construction works
at Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef (North), Johnson
Reef, Hughes Reef, and Subi Reef.
■ (d) China has aggravated the Parties’ dispute concerning the
status of maritime features in the Spratly Islands and their
capacity to generate entitlements to maritime zones by
permanently destroying evidence of the natural condition of
Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef
(North), Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef, and Subi Reef.
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