Allen, Greenlees & Jones (2013)
Allen, Greenlees & Jones (2013)
Allen, Greenlees & Jones (2013)
Allen, M. S., Greenlees, I., & Jones, M. V. (2013). Personality in sport: A comprehensive
This review addresses personality in organised sport. We describe the extant literature that
has explored personality effects on athletic success and population based differences before
outline the role of personality in athletic interactions and group processes before considering
the practical applications of personality research and avenues for future study. Our review
identifies clear personality differences between individuals that participate in organised sport
and individuals that do not participate in organised sport. We also observe important
personality to intragroup relationships and team effectiveness in team sport. The interaction
can strengthen our understanding of personality effects on sport and exercise participation
and athletic success. We conclude by outlining implications for applied sport psychology.
Keywords: five factor model, developmental changes, behaviour genetics, social interaction,
peak performance
social behaviours is as popular today as at any point in its history (Funder, 2001; Funder &
Fast, 2010). The predictive power of personality is no more apparent than in reviews of
(Hampson, 2012; Ozer & Benet-Martínez, 2006). They show that personality traits can
predict outcomes for individuals (e.g. happiness, health), dyads (e.g. relationship
commitment), groups (e.g. team cohesion), and society (e.g. criminal behaviour). With such
a strong foundation of research evidence it is surprising that personality traits and their
contribution to athletic success has often been viewed in rather cynical and pessimistic
manner. Despite the historical impetus behind personality research in sport, Vealey (2002)
observed that “many researchers ... believe that sport personality research has yielded no
useful findings” (p. 71) while Gill and Williams (2008) comment that “most scholars see
little value in global personality measures” (p. 46). In this article we challenge these
conventional opinions and following a critical review of the extant literature arrive at rather
different conclusions to most narrative reviews on this topic. Moreover, we show that
personality has much predictive utility in organised sport and can contribute to the
we offer a number of possibilities for the progression and expansion of personality research
in this field.
Since its integration into Coleman Griffith’s teachings on the psychology of sport and
performance (Griffith, 1926, 1930) personality has remained a core element on most taught
sport and exercise psychology programmes and psychologists have continued their endeavour
to understand the personality of the successful athlete. When the first sport and exercise
psychology laboratories were developed during the early part of the 20th century, habit1 was
identified as a key factor influencing development and success in sport (Griffith, 1930). The
1930s to 1960s have been described as a rather stagnated period for sport and exercise
psychology research (Weinberg & Gould, 2011) but one area that continued to prosper and
dominated the field throughout this period was personality research. This included
differences between athletes and non-athletes (Carter & Shannon, 1940), descriptive
athletes competing in different sports (Booth, 1958) or different physical activity groups
(Flanagan, 1951), personality predictors of sport and exercise participation (Fauqier, 1940),
and personality determinants of performance outcomes (La Place, 1954) and performance
From the 1960s onward research inquiry increased exponentially and it has been
estimated that over 1000 studies were published during the 1960s and 1970s alone on
began to emerge during the turn of the 1990s (Digman, 1989; John, 1990; McCrae & Costa,
1987), transforming the field and strengthening understanding of personality trait structure,
research inquiry in competitive sport came to a rather abrupt end. Over the past twenty years
only sporadic attempts have been made to investigate personality in athletic populations and
there has been very little progress towards answering some of the fundamental questions
raised in the early part of the 20th century. This is evident in recent edited works that have
lack of progress in this field (e.g. Horn, 2008; Tennenbaum & Eklund, 2007).
The term personality was coined later by Allport (1937) to reflect what psychologists and laypeople currently
mean by the term.
speculate on how a field that dominated for so many years could suddenly fall out of favour
with researchers. It has been suggested that researchers did not so much abandon the topic of
personality, but rather, shifted their interests towards more specific foci such as trait anxiety,
optimism, hardiness, and mental toughness (Vanden Auweele, Nys, Rzewnicki, & Van Mele,
2001). These topics have been investigated extensively in recent years (see, for example,
Gucciardi & Gordon, 2011; O’Rourke, Smith, Smoll, & Cumming, 2011) and researchers
have generally used context (sport) specific measures to understand how athlete behaviour
show resilience, or be optimistic) across sport competitions may provide some insight into
their personality, such domain specific measures provide little information about the overall
contribution of traits to athlete and team behaviour. This article is concerned with deep-level
topics. We also exclude research on personality in exercise and health settings and readers
are referred to the comprehensive review by Rhodes and Pfaeffli (2012) for an overview of
this area.
individual’s enduring and distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving” (Pervin &
Cervone, 2010, p. 8). Personality theory has an extensive history and comprehensive
accounts of personality structure can be found in the works of Hippocrates (460-370 BC),
Galen (AD 129-199) and many other natural philosophers. The modern era of personality
(scientific) research continues to adopt the concept of personality “dimensions” and the
hierarchical approach to personality structure, initially proposed by Allport (1927, 1937), has
been incorporated into most modern theories of personality (see Barenbaum & Winter, 2008,
There are two main approaches to the assessment of personality: type based
assessments (that categorise an individual as one type or another) and trait based assessments
(that position an individual on a series of bipolar linear continua). Although type based
assessments are still used in personality research (most often in clinical settings to identify
people with particular personality disorders) they have received considerable criticism from
psychometric researchers (cf. Asendorpf, 2003; Pittenger, 2004) as personality test scores
consistently produce a normal distribution curve. This fails to support the concept of “type”
(e.g. introvert or extravert) as most people fall on the middle of the scale (McCrae & Costa,
1989). Trait based assessments offer an accurate location for personality test scores on a
continuous probability distribution and after many decades of research the field has achieved
a consensus on a general taxonomy of personality traits: The so-called “big five” personality
perspective but were derived from analyses of the natural language and describe the most
basic and general dimensions upon which persons are typically perceived to differ (John,
Naumann, & Soto, 2008). Perhaps the most significant advance in this area was the
1992; McCrae & Costa, 2008). The five-factor model adopts the basic tenets of trait theory
(e.g. cross-situational consistency) and contends that the five personality dimensions, named
number of more specific traits (termed facets). For example, the neuroticism dimension
assesses the degree to which individuals are prone to emotional instability and includes facets
other dimensions, extraversion (that assesses the quantity and intensity of interpersonal
interactions), openness (that assesses individuals’ tendency to seek out new experiences)
agreeableness (that assesses individuals’ concern for cooperation and social harmony) and
number of more specific facets (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Although not without its critics
(see, for example, Block, 2010), the five-factor model has become the most widely accepted
are associated with a number of personal, interpersonal, and social behaviours including, but
not limited to, leadership (Bono & Judge, 2004; Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt, 2002),
motivation (Judge & Ilies, 2002), coping strategies (Connor-Smith & Flachsbart, 2007; also
see Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010), work-family conflict (Michel, Clark, & Jaramillo, 2011),
Thorsteinsson, Schutte, Bhullar, & Rooke, 2010), burnout (Alarcon, Eschleman, & Bowling,
2009), job satisfaction (Judge, Heller, & Mount, 2002), job performance (Barrick & Mount,
1991; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000; Oh, Wang, & Mount, 2011), academic performance (Poropat,
2009; also see Poropat, 2011), and team performance (Bell, 2007; Peeters, Van Tuijl, Rutte,
& Reymen, 2006a). Unfortunately, sport based research has not progressed to the level of
systematic research synthesis with only a handful of studies having investigated the
relationship between the five personality dimensions and performance in sport. Nevertheless,
important trends can be observed in the extant literature that provide valuable insight into
There are good reasons to expect personality to predict athletic success based on the
related to capacity and willingness to perform and these are governed by personality
(Poropat, 2009). In sport settings, success is also determined, at least in part, by an athlete’s
capacity (e.g., ability to cope with pressure) and willingness to perform (e.g. effort,
perseverance) and it is tempting to assume that associations between personality and sport
However, a number of critical differences between these domains (e.g. competitive sport is an
optional endeavour whereas academia and employment are compulsory) may prevent
findings transferring directly across contexts. Thus, the similarities between these domains
might suggest similar associations with personality, but these similarities are not sufficient to
The relationship between personality and sport performance has been investigated
using a variety of research designs. One particular approach has been to compare personality
test scores of athletes competing at a lower performance level with those competing at a
higher performance level. Although these types of research designs cannot exclude the
possibility that other confounding variables are contributing to performance differences, they
success in sport. Findings from small sample studies have generally shown few personality
differences between elite and recreational level athletes (Davis & Mogk, 1994; Frazier, 1987;
Gat & McWhirter, 1998). However, large sample studies have demonstrated important
differences that point towards elite athletes being more extraverted and emotionally stable
than recreational level athletes (Egloff & Gruhn, 1996; Kircaldy, 1982a; Williams & Parkin,
1980). More recently, athletes competing in national or international competitions have been
found to have lower levels of neuroticism and higher levels of conscientiousness and
agreeableness than athletes competing in club or regional competitions (Allen, Greenlees, &
Jones, 2011).
profiles of starting athletes with non-starting athletes and by correlating personality test
scores with competition performance. Generally, regular starters and non-regular starters
have not shown any meaningful differences in personality characteristics (Evans &
Quarterman, 1983; Garland & Barry, 1990) and personality measures have not been
Srhoj, & Božin, 2006). Two further approaches include studies correlating personality test
scores with season-long performance indicators and studies comparing athletes who progress
to professional level with those that do not progress to professional level. Small but
significant effects have been observed between personality and season-long performance
indicators (Piedmont, Hill, & Blanco, 1999; Sindik, 2010) whereas large effects have been
observed between personality and progression to an elite level of competition (Aidman, 2007;
Gee, Marshall, & King, 2010; Martin, Malone, & Hilyer, 2011; Morgan & Johnson, 1978).
For example, the study by Aidman (2007) found that personality test scores of elite junior
football players could predict whether they had progressed to professional level seven years
later. Although more critical tests are required, these findings suggest that long-term success
It is not surprising that personality test scores have struggled to predict short-term
(single-game) success since a single moment of bad luck, an unexpected event, or a poor
order to identify whether personality has any meaningful short-term effects researchers have
begun to explore how personality dimensions relate to behaviours associated with success in
sport. For instance, a recent study of British gymnasts demonstrated that conscientiousness
was positively associated with athletes’ quality of preparation in the lead up to competition
and emotional stability was positively associated with effective coping during competition
(Woodman, Zourbanos, Hardy, Beattie, & McQuillan, 2010). Other research has explored
the effect of personality on psychological states such as aggressiveness (Trninić, Baranĉić, &
Nazor, 2008) and coping functions (Allen, Frings, & Hunter, 2012; Allen et al., 2011;
Kaiseler, Polman, & Nicholls, 2012). These studies show that athletes with low levels of
behaviours, athletes with low levels of openness and/or emotional stability are more prone to
using avoidance coping strategies, and athletes with high levels of conscientiousness,
extraversion, and/or emotional stability are more prone to using problem-focused coping
In addition to the direct effects observed between personality and outcomes, important
moderating effects have also been identified in athletic samples. Indeed, the degree to which
sport performance is influenced by the presence of an audience (Graydon & Murphy, 1995)
and the degree to which emotions have positive or negative effects on sport performance
extraverted athletes appear to outperform introverted athletes when an audience is present but
not when there is no audience present and anger appears to have a positive effect on sport
performance but only for athletes with high levels of extraversion. These emerging findings
and further research into the moderating role of personality would be particularly valuable to
practicing sport psychologists designing interventions that target the psychological constructs
under investigation. Collectively, the available data show that personality has an important
role in sport performance but further research is required to provide more detailed
information about effect sizes (for each of the five dimensions) and how personality relates to
other important factors associated with success in sport (e.g. burnout, leadership). Because
understand how personality differs across discrete athletic populations so that practitioners
can tailor their interventions towards the particular client or context in which they are
For a long time researchers have contemplated whether there is such a thing as an
athletic personality (Carter & Shannon, 1940; Thune, 1949). This remains an important
samples. There is good evidence to suggest that personality is associated with participation
in regular exercise (Rhodes & Pfaeffli, 2012; Rhodes & Smith, 2006) and personality
differences can also be found between people that participate in organised sport and people
higher levels of extraversion than non-athletes (Colley, Roberts, & Chipps, 1985; Egloff &
Gruhn, 1996; Paunonen, 2003) and some studies have observed that (in addition to being
more extraverted) athletes have greater levels of emotional stability (Egan & Stelmack, 2003;
Kirkcaldy, 1982a; McKelvie, Lemieux, & Stout, 2003; Newcombe & Boyle, 1995) and are
more open to new experiences (Hughes, Case, Stuempfle, & Evans, 2003; Kajtna, Tušak,
In the comprehensive meta-analysis by Rhodes and Smith (2006) it was shown that
physical activity involvement has a medium positive association with extraversion (r = .23), a
personality that predict participation in organised sport should mirror those that predict
participation in regular exercise. However findings may not transfer directly across contexts.
This is because the motives that drive people towards exercise (e.g. health) can differ from
those that drive people towards organised sport (e.g. competition). In particular, we might
expect openness to have a greater role in predicting participation in organised sport (since
openness reflects a tendency to seek out new and exciting experiences) and conscientiousness
reflects a tendency towards careful and compulsive behaviour). These possibilities have yet
to be tested empirically, but findings cannot be assumed to transfer directly across contexts
and further research is needed to verify the role of conscientiousness, openness, and
personality test scores can discriminate between athletes participating in different sports . For
the most part, personality test scores have never been particularly successful in separating
athletes competing in one sport from athletes competing in another sport (Johnson & Morgan,
1981; Lackie, 1962; O’Sullivan, Zuckerman, & Kraft, 1998). However, important
personality differences have been observed between athletes participating in different types of
sport (Dowd & Innes, 1981; Geron, Furst, & Rotstein, 1986; Peterson, Webber, & Trousdale,
1967; Schurr, Ashley, & Joy, 1977). These studies have consistently demonstrated that team
sport athletes have different personality characteristics to individual sport athletes most often
differing on facets of extraversion (team sport athletes show greater levels of extraversion).
greater range of personality dimensions. Specifically, team sport athletes show higher levels
of extraversion and lower levels of conscientiousness than individual sport athletes (Allen et
al., 2011; Nia & Besharat, 2010; Eagleton, McKelvie, & deMan, 2007) and athletes in high
risk sports show higher levels of extraversion and lower levels of conscientiousness than
athletes in low risk sports (Castanier, Le Scanff, & Woodman, 2010; Coetzee, 2010; Rhea &
Martin, 2010; Tok, 2011). These findings support the contention that personality test scores
can discriminate between discrete athletic populations and that extraversion and
In team sports it is also possible that athletes differ in personality relative to the
position or role in which they perform. To date, only a handful of studies have explored
personality differences across playing positions. Often, research has focused on specific
athlete behaviours, rather than personality characteristics, and these small sample studies
have observed that athletes in offensive positions have better anxiety control (Cox & Yoo,
1995) and are more responsible (Greenwood & Simpson, 1994) than athletes in defensive
positions. Only three studies have directly explored differences in personality across playing
positions. There is some evidence that athletes in more offensive positions are more
extraverted than athletes in more defensive positions (Kirkcaldy, 1982b; Schurr, Ruble,
Nisbet, & Wallace, 1984). More recent research, however, has reported that offensive,
defensive, and goaltending athletes do not differ substantially on any of the five personality
expect personality differences between playing positions as different positions often require
different behaviours that may be more or less suited to persons with particular personality
characteristics. Currently, however, the evidence base is not sufficient to draw any
reasonable conclusions about those differences and personality variation across playing
Outside of sport, a number of meta-analytic and large sample studies have observed
personality differences between men and women (Costa, Terracciano, & McCrae, 2001;
Feingold, 1994; Schmitt, Realo, Voracek, & Allik, 2008). The general finding of these
investigations is that, compared with men, women tend to have higher levels of neuroticism,
populations women are likely to display personality characteristics closer to those of men
than non-athletic women (Fleming, 1934; Williams, 1980). Although researchers have not
explored this hypothesis directly, a number of investigations have compared personality test
scores of men and women participating in organised sport. In one study of adolescent
athletes, it was found that girls were more extraverted and emotionally unstable than boys
(Newcombe & Boyle, 1995). Two studies in adult sport performers also found that women
were more emotionally unstable than men with no observable difference on extraversion
(Colley et al., 1985; Kirkcaldy, 1982a). A more recent study assessing a greater range of
personality dimensions has shown that, compared with men, women have higher levels of
neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Allen et al., 2011). Although further tests
are required, these findings appear to directly mirror those observed in non-athletic
Population based differences are clearly evident in the extant literature and it is likely
that all five dimensions of personality have a role in discriminating between samples and sub-
samples of athletes. The effect sizes of each personality dimension remain unknown and
these will become clearer once a more substantial body of research has accumulated and
findings. Understanding these effects is of value in and of itself but perhaps a more
speculate on the causes of athlete – non-athlete personality differences, the most obvious
explanation is that people choose to take part in activities that require behaviours manifest in
their personality. Sport competitions involve much communication and social interaction and
are therefore best suited to extraverted individuals. This could also explain why athletes in
team sports differ from athletes in individual sports since team sports generally involve
greater levels of interdependence and social interaction (this is sometimes referred to as the
gravitation hypothesis). However, it is also possible that taking part in sport, and being
compelled to communicate and cooperate with others, helps to develop desirable personality
There has been little progress towards understanding the causes of these group-based
directly affects participation in organised sport and whether participation in sport contributes
the biological basis of personality and the stability of personality traits throughout the
The traditional research focus of behavioural genetic enquiry was to estimate the
evidence for hereditary contributions to personality has come from twin, family and adoption
studies. These studies have demonstrated that monozygotic (identical) twins are more similar
in personality than are dizygotic (fraternal) twins (Riemann, Angleitner, & Strelau, 1997),
that adopted children are more similar in personality to their biological parents than to their
adoptive parents (Loehlin, Willerman, & Horn, 1985), and that monozygotic twins reared
apart are more similar in personality than are dizygotic twins reared together (Hershberger,
Plomin, & Pedersen, 1995; Pedersen, Plomin, McClearn, & Friberg, 1988). The hereditary
contributions to human personality are now well established. Studies have repeatedly
demonstrated that adult personality traits show substantial genetic contributions (in the region
of 50%), that shared environments (e.g. family income, parenting style) contribute little to no
variance in observed traits, and therefore, that non-shared environments also have a
substantial effect on personality traits (Krueger & Johnson, 2008; Krueger, South, Johnson, &
Iacono, 2008).
Further evidence for genetic and environmental influences on personality has come
from longitudinal studies. Not surprisingly, the literature points to the role of genetic factors
in maintaining personality stability throughout the lifespan, and unique environmental factors
acting to promote personality change (Krueger & Johnson, 2008). Personality continuity has
also been shown to increase with age. A comprehensive meta-analysis of 152 longitudinal
studies showed test-retest correlation coefficients of .31 in childhood, .54 in university years,
.64 at age 30, and .74 between age 50 and 70 (Roberts & DelVecchio, 2000). These values
were relatively consistent for each of the five dimensions and support the notion that
personality is more variable in childhood and adolescence. More recent research has
supported these findings but suggest that personality continuity may plateau at an earlier age
patterns. As people progress from adolescence through late midlife, they become more
agreeable, conscientious and emotionally stable (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005; McAdams
& Olson, 2010). This has become known as the maturity principle and was recently
across age decades (Roberts, Walton, & Viechtbauer, 2006). It was shown that
gradually up to age 50 and more rapidly between age 50 and 60 before levelling off, and
these developmental patterns and some people have been shown to change more than others.
Those individuals that show greater consistency in personality traits appear to be those who
already display a personality profile associated with maturity – low neuroticism, and high
agreeableness and conscientiousness (McAdams & Olson, 2010). This suggests that
maturational development progresses at different rates and these rates of change may be a
The genetic contribution to human personality has also been explored in greater
detail. One particular line of inquiry has explored associations between components of
personality and common gene variations (termed polymorphisms). Two relationships have
received the greatest attention from personality researchers: the association between the
dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) and extraversion/novelty seeking traits, and the
association between the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and neuroticism/anxiety related
traits. Generally, the results linking individual genes with personality traits have not been
overly convincing or consistently replicated (Munafò et al., 2003) and several comprehensive
meta-analyses show a non-significant role for DRD4 in extraversion (Munafò, Yalcin, Willis-
Owen, & Flint, 2008; Schinka, Letsch, & Crawford, 2002) and a small but significant role for
5-HTT in neuroticism (Clarke, Flint, Attwood, & Munafò, 2010; Munafò et al., 2009;
Schinka, Busch, & Robichaux-Keene, 2004; also see Terracciano et al., 2009). This finding
may reflect the traits under investigation being polygenic, meaning that many genes (each
with small effects) are involved in the expression of each personality trait (Krueger &
Johnson, 2008). A number of other candidate genes have also been implicated in personality
variation (see, for example, De Moor et al., 2012; Arias et al., 2012). However, a more
environment interactions.
environment interactions are evident when environmental differences are shown to moderate
the effect of genes on personality traits or when genetic differences are shown to moderate
the effect of environmental differences on personality traits. For instance, boys carrying the
low-activity variant of the monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) gene have been shown to display
antisocial behaviour in adolescence and early adulthood, but only if they had been subjected
to severe parental maltreatment (Caspi et al., 2002). In another study, adolescents carrying
the low expressing (LG or S) alleles of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) have been
shown to display depressive symptoms if and only if they reported having experienced prior
idiographic stress (Hankin, Jenness, Abela, & Smolen, 2011). These are just two examples
from the growing field that is beginning to uncover how gene and environmental inputs
At this point readers may be questioning the relevance of this discussion for organised
to explore the role of sport participation on the maturity principle. Through sport
participation children and adolescents are subjected to adult concepts such as organisation,
development and personality traits more commonly observed in adults (low neuroticism, and
environment interaction effect in the context of sport participation facilitating maturity but
only for those with particular genetic traits. Indeed, research in national level swimmers
(aged 10-24 years) has demonstrated that variability in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT)
gene is associated with positive psychological development in the context of sport (Golby &
Sheard, 2006).
gene-environment interactions. Using twin designs it has been established that genetic
variation contributes substantially to sport and exercise participation (De Geus & De Moor,
2011; Stubbe & De Geus, 2009) and this may involve genes influencing, among other factors,
personality (Stubbe et al., 2006). The environmental influences on sport participation are
well established (Biddle, Atkin, Cavill, & Foster, 2011) and researchers may look to explore
further how personality continuity during adolescence interacts with environmental changes
to affect continued participation in sport and physical activity. One possible avenue for
research is to explore the dopamine receptor genes associated with both personality (Munafò
et al., 2008; Noble et al., 1998) and participation in sport and physical activity (Knab &
Lightfoot, 2010; Lightfoot, 2011). Changes in personality may be directly responsible for the
reduction in physical activity throughout adolescence and early adulthood, and this may help
Stubbe, Boomsma, and De Geus (2005) observed that between ages 13 and 16 genetic factors
have little effect on sport participation (between 16% and 22%), at age 17-18 genetic factors
have a slightly greater role (36%), and after 18 years genetics largely explain individual
differences in sport participation (85%). Further studies have supported the notion that
environmental factors have a greater role in adolescence and genetics a greater role in
adulthood (Stubbe & De Geus, 2009) and personality may have an important role in this
developmental change.
increases in occupational success coincide with increases in extraversion (Scollon & Diener,
2006) and similar effects may be observed with athletic success. Moreover, the combined
effects of genes and environmental influences (e.g. social support) should have the greatest
influence on athletic success (Baker, 2007). Using twin designs it has been established that
genetics contributes substantially to sport performance (Davids & Baker, 2007; Lippi, Longo,
& Maffulli, 2010) and these include a number of genes associated with psychological
aptitude (Lippi et al., 2010). In particular, variability in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT)
gene has been associated with hostility, irritability and negativism (components of
implicate genetic influences in neurotic behaviours in sport and such effects may be more or
less prevalent when socially learned cues signal the appropriateness of such actions (a gene-
environment interaction effect). Research into the genetic and environmental influences on
personality is a promising avenue of inquiry that can strengthen our understanding of both
sport and exercise participation and athletic success. However, personality is important not
only for the athlete but also for the people with whom they interact. This review now
switches from person centred effects to consider the role of personality in between-person
interactions in sport.
received little attention in competitive sport. This is a little surprising since sport
participation is governed by social interactions (Carron & Eys, 2012) and personality has
family and romantic encounters (Driskell, Goodwin, Salas, & O’Shea, 2006; Leary & Hoyle,
2009). There is compelling evidence outside the domain of competitive sport that personality
stability, conflict and commitment (Cuperman & Ickes, 2009; Denissen, van Aken, & Dubas,
2009; Malouff et al., 2010). In most instances these effects have been explored at the
intrapersonal level – where self-report measures of personality are correlated with self-report
measures of relationship variables (actor effects), but researchers have also observed
important effects at the interpersonal level – where personality scores for one person are
correlated with relationship variables of the other person (partner effects). By assessing both
actor and partner effects it is possible to explore further how personality similarity (or
relationships has been noticeably absent from sport based research. However, two recent
papers have made important advances towards redressing this balance. In a study of
Dimmock, Gucciardi, & Grove, 2010) observed that athletes were more committed to their
athletic partnership when they rated themselves (or when their partner rated him/herself) as
highly agreeable, conscientious, or open to new experiences. They also observed that athletes
were more committed to their partnership when they rated their partner as highly agreeable,
conscientious, and open to new experiences. Another study by Jackson and colleagues
(Jackson, Dimmock, Gucciardi, & Grove, 2011) explored how personality relates to
relationship commitment and relatedness in coach-athlete dyads. They found that coaches
and athletes were more committed and showed greater relatedness when they rated
perceptions of relatedness as well as commitment when their partner was highly agreeable
and/or conscientious. The study also found that greater dissimilarity in personality traits
(extraversion and openness) between athletes and coaches was associated with reduced
These findings compliment recent research in amateur coaches that found coaches
perceive athletes as easier to instruct and mentor if they are highly agreeable and/or
commitment and relatedness is apparent both inside and outside competitive sport (Jackson et
al., 2011). However, the long-term effects of relatedness and commitment to relationship
quality and longevity remain unknown. Research into these areas would be particularly
athlete and coach-athlete dyads (see Jowett & Nezlek, 2012; Rhind & Jowett, 2011).
However, personality is important not only for interpersonal relationships but also for
behaviours related to group functioning and integration in sports teams. In one of the earliest
reviews on the topic, Mann (1959) observed that components of personality are associated
with how a person behaves and is perceived in small groups. This article was intended to
serve as a platform for further research into personality and team effectiveness but it was not
until recently that researchers began to uncover the personality characteristics that make an
The contribution of personality to team performance has been explored in two recent
systematic reviews. The first, a meta-analysis of ten independent samples and 527 teams,
found that team performance was positively associated with average team levels of
associated with team performance (Peeters et al., 2006a). The second, a meta-analysis of 22
– 39 independent samples and 1,439 – 2,243 teams, found that average team levels of
positively associated with team performance (Bell, 2007). Moreover, when relationships
were explored exclusively in field-based studies larger positive associations were found for
.20) dimensions. Although these systematic reviews did not include any samples from sport
teams, the larger effect sizes in applied settings suggest that personality may have an
important role in this context. It is interesting to note that these findings differ from meta-
& Donovan, 2000; Poropat, 2009). This suggests that the qualities that make an effective
individual performer differ from those that make an effective team performer.
Both the average team personality and the variance in team members’ personality
appear to have important effects on global team performance. However, the relationship
between individual differences in personality and team outcomes is contingent on the nature
of the task (Driskell et al., 2006). Team performance is multidimensional and different
(Driskell et al., 2006). Therefore, in order to understand these effects in more detail
researchers have started to explore how personality relates to components of group dynamics
associated with team performance. In particular, researchers (in non-athletic domains) have
explored the contribution of team member personality to components of team cohesion and
team satisfaction. In addition to analysing average team personality and variances, studies
have also analysed how extreme scores (minimum and maximum) contribute to hypothesised
(someone dissimilar to other members of the group) is having a destructive influence (or a
In two large sample studies of established organisational teams, higher levels of social
cohesion were predicted by higher mean levels of extraversion and emotional stability
(Barrick, Stewart, Neubert, & Mount, 1998; Van Vianen & De Dreu, 2001). Further, using
the minimum scores method these studies observed that higher minimum levels of
extraversion and emotional stability were associated with higher levels of social cohesion.
These findings demonstrate that a single introverted or emotionally unstable individual can
affect the extent to which the group as a whole is socially cohesive. In addition to personality
effects on social cohesion, Van Vianen and De Dreu (2001) also found that higher minimum
levels of conscientiousness and agreeableness were associated with higher average levels of
task cohesion. This suggests that a single disagreeable or apathetic individual can disrupt a
satisfaction with the team was associated with higher mean levels of agreeableness and
emotional stability, and greater similarity in conscientiousness (Peeters, Rutte, Van Tuijl, &
Reymen, 2006b). This study also found that greater dissimilarity in extraversion was
associated with lower levels of satisfaction but only for those team members with low levels
was shown to have a negative effect on team members’ satisfaction with the team, and team
both satisfaction with the team and satisfaction with the team’s performances (Gevers &
Peeters, 2009). These studies not only demonstrate important relationships in student work
groups but also highlight the different approaches that can be used to explore associations in
group-based personality research. The choice of whether to explore group means, group
will depend largely on the research question being asked and we encourage researchers to
There are good reasons to expect personality to predict success in sports teams based
on the theoretical predictions that govern associations between personality and team
effectiveness in small groups (Driskell et al., 2006; LePine, Buckman, Crawford, & Methot,
2011). However, the relationship between personality and team performance is contingent on
the nature of the task (Driskell et al., 2006) and a number of moderating variables including
team experience, team confidence, team stability, and levels of interdependence can affect the
magnitude of associations between personality dimensions and team success (Bell, 2007;
O’Neill & Allen, 2011; Tasa, Sears, & Schat, 2011). These relationships require urgent
empirical attention in team sport given the practical advantages of being able to statistically
predict team success on the bases of team members’ personality. We now consider in a little
more detail the practical relevance of personality research to sport psychology consultants.
predict athletic behaviour. In addition to being able to select (or deselect) appropriate
persons to fit the needs of a team (or a particular competition) understanding personality can
help coaches and practitioners identify athletes requiring greater support during important
personal or career transitions (see Laurin, 2009). Because personality is consistent and
enduring (Pervin & Cervone, 2010), it would not be practical to design interventions that
members and coaching staff can be trained to facilitate integration of persons for whom social
interaction and integration can be difficult (Beauchamp, Jackson, & Lavallee, 2007).
causal relationships essential to athletic success. If personality can affect how athletes
respond to positive and negative emotions (Woodman et al., 2009) this information has
important consequences for the emotional control strategies targeted towards certain groups
of athletes.
al., 2011) and personality assessments could be used to identify athletes and coaches more
susceptible to clashes and disputes. By creating awareness that coaches and athletes are
that support relationships if and when these conflicts arise. A greater awareness of
personality effects in team settings can also help individuals to communicate and interact
more effectively with their teammates and prevent members adopting tendencies that might
The relevance of personality also extends beyond the content of interventions to the
manner in which those interventions are delivered. That is, sport psychology consultants
need to be aware of their own personality and how it can affect their relationships with clients
many practitioners would agree that the first consultation with a new client is as much about
developing an understanding of their personal and sporting background. It is likely that sport
psychologists intuitively adjust their consultancy style to satisfy the needs of their clients and
difficult to envision a consultation that is not in some way tailored towards the individual
have not featured in sport-based research. This information would be particularly valuable to
those working in both amateur and professional sport settings and is an important avenue for
These are just a few of the practical advantages that can be gained by undertaking a
programme of research into personality in sport and we expect that readers can fathom many
others to supplement these. How research moves forward from here depends largely on the
interests and aspirations of researchers, and the topics we have run through represent our own
outlook on the areas we feel would best suit the progression of this field. We conclude this
review by summarising what we know (and what we do not know) and briefly describing an
assortment of research questions we feel offer the best prospects for moving sport-based
Over the last few years (since the turn of the 2010s) personality research has started to
re-emerge as an important academic pursuit following a near 20 year hiatus from organised
sport. Our motivation in writing this review was not only to synthesise the current state of
knowledge in this important field, but also to address gaps in our knowledge and illustrate the
discussions it may appear as though there are more gaps in the literature than actual
substance. However, our reading has led us to a number of conclusions about the role of
personality in competitive sport. First, there is good evidence from population comparison
and longitudinal research that long-term success and short-term behaviours can be predicted
unknown). There is also good evidence that personality test scores can discriminate between
athletes consistently show higher levels of extraversion than non-athletes, and team sport
athletes (and high risk sport athletes) show higher levels of extraversion and lower levels of
conscientiousness than individual sport athletes (and low risk sport athletes).
That these are the most noteworthy findings after nearly 70 years of research is a little
disappointing. Indeed, we still have almost no information about the size of these effects and
these will become clearer once a more substantial body of research has accumulated and
researchers are able to quantitatively synthesise study findings. In the meantime, researchers
publishing empirical studies on personality in sport. Furthermore, with most studies being
published prior to the development of the five factor model, the contribution of
extraversion and neuroticism. The value of the five factor model is that it encompasses most
of the variance in trait personality descriptions and brings order to an otherwise chaotic
personality in sport.
may also wish to explore how the five personality dimensions contribute to athletic
responses to stress), critical events during competition (e.g. attention processes, coping
counterfactual thinking), and important issues outside of competition (e.g. burnout, eating
disorders). Researchers should also focus on the processes underlying observed relationships
between personality traits and outcomes (see Hampson, 2012) and move beyond the
conventional focus on the individual athlete to consider a wider focus on the role of
personality in social interactions and group processes. One area of research that we
developmental studies can help to shed light on whether the interaction of genetic and
environmental (e.g. family) influences contribute to sport participation and whether sport
participation (in combination with genetic influences) can facilitate maturational (personality)
Validation efforts are also required for personality assessments commonly used in
athletic samples. The recently revised NEO-PI-3 and NEO-FFI-3 scales (Costa & McCrae,
2010), derived from the NEO-PI-R and the NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992), have shown
evidence of construct and concurrent validity in non-athletic samples (McCrae & Costa,
2007), as have the big five inventory (John et al., 2008), the international personality item
pool (Goldberg et al., 2006), and the ten item personality inventory (Gosling, Rentfrow, &
Swann, 2003). These measures can be used in both self-report and other-report formats and
there is an urgent need to assess the validity and reliability of these instruments in adult and
youth sport populations. The scales can then be used to identify how the five dimensions of
personality relate to various personal, interpersonal, and social behaviours in individual and
In this review we have attempted to lay the groundwork for a new era of personality
research, rather than simply provide a structured dissection of the available literature. Many
of the topics covered here have so far attracted no interest from sport psychology researchers
and this may reflect the (rather undeserved) scepticism surrounding the predictive utility of
personality in sport. But while sport personality research has stagnated, personality research
in general has continued to prosper and we now have well supported conceptual models (e.g.
McCrae & Costa, 2008) and an abundance of validated measurement tools (see John et al.,
2008) to support the progression of this field. We hope readers have found this review
insightful and (for some) have been inspired to undertake a programme of research into
personality in sport.
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