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Modern Bread Enterprises

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Our visit

As a part Operation management project, it was a wonderful opportunity for us to visit Modern Bread
Enterprises Edapally.We got an opportunity to interview Mr Vishnu R, Asst. Lab Executive, Modern Bread

Company Profile

Modern is an iconic brand that pioneered the concept of bread, and literally created the bread category in India.
Launched in 1965 as Modern Bakeries (India) Limited, the company was rechristened Modern Foods India
Ltd. (MFIL) in 1982. Holding 40% share of the Indian bread market at one stage.

Modern Food Industries have bread manufacturing units in 13 cities spread across India.MIFL was wholly
owned by Central Government. It was taken over by Hindustan Unilever Limited in January 2000. Modern
Foods have over 40% of the bread markets in India.

Modern Bread Enterprises Edappally, registered in 2016, has gained immense expertise in supplying and
trading of Bread. The supplier company is located in Kochi, Kerala and is one of the leading sellers of listed
products. The company manufactures bread and bakery products. The company offers bread, cakes, rusks,
baked foods and other packaged food items.

1. Products/services, various other units & sister concerns of the company

There are variety of food items offered by the company.
a) Bread
White bread (800 g)
Milk classic bread (600 g)
Multi Grain bread (400 g)
Sweet bread (400 g)
Long loaf bread (400 g)
Fruity bread (200 g)
Brown bread (400 g)
Super seed bread (480 g)
Wheat bread (400 g)
Raggi bread (400 g)
Oats and flax bread (450 g)
b) Bun
Normal Bun
Sweet Bun
Fruity bun
Burger supreme bun
c) Rusk
Sweet rusk
Fruity rusk
Milk rusk
Wheat rusk
Tea rusk
d) Cakes
Festive Cakes
Cup cakes
Flavoured cakes
Cream rolls
e) Whole wheat Chappathi
f) Porotta


The company distribute their products to various agencies.

There are different ancillary units for the company distribute products to the units.

2 .Potential customers, suppliers, competitors

Potential customers are agencies, retail units, super markets and individual customers.
The company produces batches of bread based on the orders of each agency.
The raw materials are coming from Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
There are different agencies for suppling raw materials from different states so that shortage of raw
materials do not occur.
The company is not ready to disclose the names of their suppliers.
Major competitors are Elite and Britannia. Other competitors are Nature’s own, English oven and other
local brands.

3 Production capacity
Production Capacity is the maximum output that can be produced in a business with available
The company produces 100000 bread per day.Along with that buns, cakes, muffins, rusk, Chappathis
and Porrotta are produced daily

4 Location? Why that location?

The company is located at Edappally, Kochi. This land was given as a lease to the central government
by Kerala government. The company was constructed in 1965 and it is given as lease for 99 years. The
location has been chosen with an aim of providing employment opportunities to the local public.

5 Material handling equipments (complete list with capacity).

The material handling equipments are:
o Conveyer-capacity 1-50 kg
Conveyor systems are designed to move large amounts of materials at a quicker pace than, and
fraction of the cost of, manual labour.
o Trolley-
Industrial trolleys are a perfect mode of product transportation in the food processing industry,
ensuring a smooth workflow and optimum food safety.
Modern bread company uses two types of trolleys.
One trolley (2 wheels) is used for moving the floor and sugar sacs (capacity 50-100kg).
As a part of safety, the company advices not to carry more than 50kg s in a trolley.
Another trolley is used for collecting bread, which has 4 wheels (capacity 25 loafs of bread)
o Crane -capacity 50 kg.
The crane is used to automatically load the floor sacs without human effort. It mainly works
through link chain to save labour effectively.

6 Plant layout (Arrangement of machines & equipments on the shop floor of the
The company is not ready to disclose their plant layout.
The machines used by the company are:
 Sieving machine
 Mixing machine
 Weighing machine
 Divider
 Final Prover

7. Industrial Safety(various gadgets used).

Industrial safety is important as it safeguards human life, especially in high risk areas such as nuclear, aircraft,
chemical, oil and gases, and mining industries, where a fatal mistake can be catastrophic. Industrial Safety
reduces risks to people and processes.

The Modern Food Enterprises Pvt Ltd is also using certain safety measures.There is:

 Uniform
 Safety shoe
 Cap
 Gloves
 Safety line
 Jewellery policy
 Circuit breaker
 Covering for equipments
 Fire alarm
Safety line: This is the line across which human passage is inhibited. No person should cross the yellow
safety line.
Jewellery policy: The employees are not allowed to wear any type of jewellery like earrings, bangles,
chains, necklaces etc.Watches are also inhibited.
Circuit breaker: If there is any mistake anywhere in the company, the whole production process will
be stopped. The Curret supply will get cut. After correting the error the supply will be turned on.
Covering for equipments: There is covering for each equipments.Maida, sugar, fat etc are covered
immediately after the use.Tube glass, clocks etc are covered by fibre.
Fire alarm: The fire alarms are used in case of danger.As it rings every employees should ran through
the emergency exit door and gather in the alloted location

8.Production Process:

The business firm is basically a producing unit it is a technical unit in which inputs are converted into
output for sale to consumers, other firms and various government departments.
Production is a process in which economic resources or inputs (composed of natural resources like
land,labour and capital equipment) are combined by entrepreneurs to create economic goods and services
(also referred to as output or products).
Inputs are the beginning of the production process and output is the end of the process. Fig. 13.1 is a simple
schematic presentation of the production process, which can be conceived of as transforming inputs into

Looking around the production floor of a bread factory there are many areas to increase safety and
quality for products. Mold, pathogens, and food borne illnesses are just a few things bakers actively
avoid. Taking steps to keep products and processes safe can also increase the overall quality and
consistency of their baked goods
General Production Process of a Bread

10. Quality Assurance of products and Services

Quality check points for raw materials, employee training, and finished product analysis can reduce
the risk of product recalls and ensure a safe and consistent finished product.When we visit factory we
wear a veil that fully covers our hair and we are not permitted to wear watches,bangles all these are
part of safety Here are some of the points:
 Quality check points for incoming raw materials
 Magnets at the flour silo to remove metal objects in flour
Flour Screens for flour going into the mixer to remove foreign (non-metal) objects
 Infestation or pest control checks on incoming bagged ingredients
 Recording lot numbers of raw ingredients on every batch mixing sheet
 Training for employees on getting injured on the job.
 Using brightly colored gloves for different departments or allergens.
 Trained QA personnel to watch for food safety issue input and process

11.Iso 9001 certification and other Certifications

The industry's certification is for FSSAI ,& Legal Metrology

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) : Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(FSSAI) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. It certifies that food is
tested and the hygiene, safety requirements as set by the government of India have been followed by
the food operators. If not complied it would attract penalty set by the government.

Other certification: Legal Metrology

Legal Metrology :In India, legal metrology is the New name of Standards of Weights and Measures.
The Standard of Weights and Measures Act,1976 was enacted primarily to establish standards of
weights and measures, to regulate trade or commerce in weights, measures and other goods that are
sold or distributed by weight, measure or number. It is based on the metric system and international
system of units recognized by OIML–International Organization of legal metrology. India is one of
the members of OIML. This Act was subsequently replaced by the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 with
the aim of protecting consumer interests and other stakeholders including industry.The Legal
Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules ,2011were prescribed in order to regulate pre-packaged
commodities. Under the said rules, pre-packaged commodities are required to comply with certain
mandatory labeling requirements for net quantity, MRP and Customer care information. In this
industry some of the officers may visit for inspection.The visit may be without any pre information.
12.Maintenance Policy.

Maintenance management is an important component of a well-functioning production. It helps

companies maintain their resources while controlling time and costs to ensure maximum efficiency of the
manufacturing process, the utilities and related facilities.

 In this company there is a maintenance department.Engineering department is having in charge of

this.4-5 persons are there in daily and if any issue comes it will be immediately corrected by them.
 Saturday is the maintenance day. Every machines will be checked. They will put oil in the conveyer,
oven etc.
 If anything happens to a machine(break down), production will not be stopped. Machine from another
plant will be used and the production continues.

13.Purchase and stores.

The raw materials are purchased from various states including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Uttar
Pradesh. The materials are purchased from various states to avoid raw materials.
There are different stores in the company.
 Raw material store
 Packing material store
 Flour store
 Cold storage (10000 kg)
 Salt store (20000 kg)
 Sugar and Atta store
 Bread store

14.Sustainable waste disposal.

1. Water treatment plant

2. Incinerator
3. Chimney

Water treatment plant: To treat the waste water from the plant and then it is used in the paddy fields and in

Incinerator: These are used to burn the waste materials.

Chimney: These chimneys are 60 feet long and is connected to each plant.These are used to pass smoke from
the oven.

Market return bread: The breads returned from the market is seperated as bread and plastic cover.Bread is
send to Tamil Nadu which would use as food for cattles, poultry farm etc.And the plastic cover is also send to
Tamil Nadu which would be recycled.

Some of the other information we collected are:-

 How the input materials are selected?

The input materials are coming from different suppliers from states.There are up to 4-5 suppliers for
each material.There is a packing date,expiry date,batch no. etc for the incoming materials.These are
checked and also the vehicles used in transportation is also checked(is the vehicle clean, does the
cooling system is working properly etc).They will look for COA(Certificate of Analysis), which is a
certificate showing their product (raw materials) is safe to use.All the above mentioned things are
valuated and if it is correct the materials will be unloaded.This will be given for series of test and if
they pass in the test they are issued to the production store otherwise it will be rejected.
 Does the company is celebrating quality week, safety week etc?
Yes.There is quality week, safety week, productivity week etc. Quality week is celebrating in
November and safety week is celebrating in 1st week of march.3rd Wednesday of every month is
considered as 5S day.
5S are:
 Seri(sort)
 Seition(set in order)
 Seiso(shine)
 Seiketsu(standardize)
 Shitsuke(sustain)

These are monitored by human resource management . Competitions will be held in these days. Prizes will be
given to those who are participating in slogan competition, script playing etc.In the quality week they discuss
on what all methods can be used to improve the quality of the products. In the safety week they give different
classes to employees. Motor vehicle inspectors will conduct class for safe driving, fire and safety classes etc .

 Which type of process is used in production? Is it job shop or flow shop or batch
production or project type?
They are using batch production. Different type of bread are produced there. Some of them are :
Milk classic bread(600g)
Multi grain bread(400g)
Sweet bread(400g)
Brown bread(400g)
At first a batch is produced say 600g of milk classic bread.Then for the production of 400g bread,
some arrangements have to be made in the machines.eg:- temperature has to bet set accordingly and
the time has to be adjusted.

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