Angle Modulation
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 1
Lecture outcome
After this lecture, you should be able to:
Describe and explain the differences between
AM and angle modulation schemes and
advantages and disadvantages of each.
Describe and explain the differences between
frequency and phase modulation and show the
relationship between the two.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 2
Three parameters can modulated with information
Phase and frequency changes are related, so we group
them together in term angle modulation
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 3
In FM, frequency of modulated signal varies with
amplitude of baseband signal.
In PM, phase of modulated signal varies with amplitude
of baseband signal.
In angle modulation, amplitude of carrier signal doesn’t
change with modulation.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 4
FM is more familiar in our daily life:
Radio broadcast
Sound signal in TV
Mobile radio system
Satellite communications
Cellular telephone systems.
PM is less familiar and mostly used in data communication
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 5
Basic Definitions
Let the unmodulated carrier a sinusoidal waveform,
s (t ) = Ec sin ( 2π f c t + θ 0 )
= Ec sin θ (t )
θ (t ) = 2π f c t + θ 0
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 6
Frequency Modulation (FM)
In FM, frequency of modulated signal varies with
amplitude of baseband signal.
f sig (t ) = f c + k f em (t )
= f c + Δf
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 7
Frequency Modulation (FM)
If the modulating signal is a sine wave
em (t ) = Em sin ωm t
f sig (t ) = f c + k f Em sin ωm t
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 8
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Modulation Index
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 9
Frequency Modulation (FM)
f sig (t ) = f c + k f Em sin ωm t
- + deviation
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 10
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 11
Frequency Modulation (FM)
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 12
Frequency Modulation (FM)
δ 75kHz
mf = = = 5.00
fm 15kHz
δ 75 × 103 Hz
mf = = = 1500
fm 50 Hz
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 13
Phase Modulation (PM)
In PM, θ (t) is varied linearly with the message signal
θ (t ) = 2π f c t + k p em (t )
= θ c + k p em (t )
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 14
Phase Modulation
If modulation signal is a sinusoidal one, phase of the
modulated carrier is given by
θ (t ) = θ c + k p Em sin ωm t
=θ c + φ (t )
φ(t) is the phase deviation in radian
The peak phase deviation is defined as phase
modulation index, given as
m p = k p Em (rad)
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 15
Phase Modulation
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 16
Relationships between FM and PM
With FM, the instantaneous frequency is
f sig (t ) = f c + k f em (t )
Since t
θ (t ) = 2π ∫ f sig (t )dt
t t
θ (t ) = 2π ∫ ⎡⎣ f c + k f em (t ) ⎤⎦ dt = 2π f c t + 2π k f ∫ em (τ )dτ
0 0
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 17
Relationships between FM and PM
The FM signal in time domain is given by
⎡ t
s (t ) = Ec sin ⎢ 2π f c t + 2π k f ∫ em (τ )dτ ⎥
⎣ 0 ⎦
= Ec sin ⎡⎣ 2π f c t + k p em (t ) ⎤⎦
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 18
Relationships between FM and PM
Conversely, a PM signal can be generated by first
differentiating em(t) and then using the result as the input
to a frequency modulator.
dem (t )
f sig (t ) = f c + k f
θ (t ) = 2π ∫ f sig (t )dt = 2π f c t + 2π k f em (t )
= 2π f c t + k p em (t )
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 19
Relationships between PM and FM
We may thus deduce all the properties of PM signals
from those of FM signals and vice versa.
Henceforth, we concentrate our attention on FM signals.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 20
Relationship between mf and mp
Either FM or PM results in changes in both frequency
and phase of modulated waveform.
For angle-modulated signal with sine wave, mp or mf
represent peak phase deviation from the phase of
unmodulated carrier.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 21
Relationship between mf and mp
An FM communications transmitter has maximum
frequency deviation of 5 kHz and a range of modulating
frequencies from 300 Hz to 3 kHz. What is the
maximum phase shift that it produces?
mf =
δ 5000
φmax = m f = = = 16.7 rad
fm 300
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 22
Relationship between mf and mp
A phase modulator has a sensitivity of kp= 3 rad/V.
Find the maximum frequency deviation it produces
with a sine-wave input of 2 V peak at frequency of
1 kHz?
φ (t ) = k p Em sin ωm t
m p = φmax = k p Em
= 3rad / V × 2V = 6rad
φmax = m p = m f = ⇒ δ = m f f m = 6 × 1kHz = 6kHz
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 23
FM Spectrum
FM is nonlinear modulation so its spectrum is not
related in a simple manner to that of modulating signal.
To simplify FM spectral analysis, we proceed in the
following manner:
First, we consider single-tone modulation that
produces a narrow band FM signal.
Next, we consider single-tone modulation that
produces wideband FM signal.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 24
FM Spectrum
If the modulating signal is a sine wave
em (t ) = Em sin ωm t
f sig (t ) = f c + k f Em sin ωm t
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 25
FM Spectrum
With FM, the instantaneous frequency is
f sig (t ) = f c + δ sin ωm t
Since t
θ (t ) = 2π ∫ f sig (t )dt
θ (t ) = 2π ∫ [ f c + δ sin(2π f m t ) ] dt = 2π f c t − cos(2π f m t )
= 2π f c t − m f cos(2π f m t )
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 26
FM Spectrum
Thus, the FM signal is given by
s (t ) = Ec sin ⎡⎣ 2π f c t − m f cos(2π f m t ) ⎤⎦
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 27
FM Spectrum
sin( x − y ) = sin x cos y − cos x sin y
Narrowband FM
The FM signal is given by
s (t ) = Ec sin ⎡⎣ 2π f c t − m f cos(2π f mt ) ⎤⎦
By expanding this relation, we get
s (t ) = Ec sin ( 2π f c t ) cos ⎡⎣ m f sin(2π f mt ⎤⎦ + Ec cos ( 2π f c t ) sin ⎡⎣ m f sin(2π f mt ) ⎤⎦
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 29
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 30
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 31
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Based on Bessel functions s(t) can be rewritten as
s (t ) = A sin (ωc t + m sin ωm t )
= A{J 0 (m) sin ωc t
- J1 (m) ⎡⎣sin (ωc - ωm ) t - sin (ωc + ωm ) t ⎤⎦
+ J 2 (m) ⎡⎣sin (ωc - 2ωm ) t - sin (ωc + 2ωm ) t ⎤⎦
- J 3 (m) ⎡⎣sin (ωc - 3ωm ) t - sin (ωc + 3ωm ) t ⎤⎦
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 32
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 33
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 34
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Let unmodulated carrier have a voltage of A volts RMS
across a resistance of RL Ω.
Power at carrier frequency is
J 02 A2
Pc =
J12 A2
Similarly, power in each of sidebands are PSB1 =
Power in whole signal will be
A2 2
PT =
( J 0 + 2 J12 + 2 J 22 L)
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 35
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
An FM signal has deviation of 3 kHz and modulating
frequency of 1 kHz. Its total power PT is 5 W, developed
across a 50 Ω load. Carrier frequency is 160 MHz.
Calculate the RMS signal voltage VT
Calculate RMS voltage at carrier and first three sets
of sidebands
Calculate power at carrier and each of first three
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 36
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Signal power is constant with modulation, thus
PT = ⇒ VT = PT RL = 15.8V ( RMS )
Modulation index δ
mf = =3
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 37
FM Spectrum
Wideband FM
Vc = J 0 VT = 4.11V , ⇒ Pc = = 0.338W = 25.3dBm
V1 = J1 VT = 5.37V , ⇒ P1 = = 0.576W = 27.3dBm
V2 = J 2 VT = 7.74V , ⇒ P2 = = 1.2W = 30.8dBm
V3 = J 3 VT = 4.9V , ⇒ P3 = = 0.48W = 26.8dBm
PT = Pc + 2( P1 + P2 + P3 ) = 4.85W
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 38
FM Spectrum
For FM, bandwidth varies directly with fm as well as with mf.
For FM, situation is complicated by the fact
mf =
Increase in fm will reduce mf and thus number of
Increase in fm means further apart sidebands in
The above two effects work in opposite directions making
FM bandwidth to some extend constant.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 39
FM Spectrum
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 40
FM Spectrum
Carson’s Rule: The bandwidth of FM signal is given
B = 2 δ + f m( max ) )
Example: An FM signal has a deviation of 3 kHz and
a modulating frequency of 1 kHz. Using Carson’s rule
calculate the bandwidth.
B = 2 (δ + f m )
= 2 ( 3kHz + 1kHz ) = 8kHz
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 41
No theoretical limits to modulation index or frequency
deviation of an FM signal.
In general larger values for deviation result in increased
BW of an FM signal is generally limited by government
regulations that specify:
Maximum frequency deviation
Maximum modulating frequency
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 42
FM and Noise
Reduced noise is still one of the main advantages of FM
over AM.
We may think of noise voltage as phasor having random
amplitude and phase angle.
Noise will add to signal, causing random variations in
amplitude and phase.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 43
FM and Noise
Since FM doesn’t depend on amplitude, receiver can
use limiter to remove amplitude variations from FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 44
FM and Noise
As long as signal amplitude is considerably larger than
noise, amplitude of noise is not a problem.
It is not possible for receiver to ignore phase shift.
Figure below shows situations at input of receiver.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 45
FM and Noise
Peak phase shift due to noise occurs when noise phasor
is perpendicular to resultant ER.
φN peak
= sin −1 ( EN / Es )
≈ E N / ES
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 46
FM Noise
An FM signal has frequency deviation of 5 kHz and a
modulating frequency of 1 kHz. The signal-to-noise
ratio at the input to a receiver (output of limiter) is
20 dB. Calculate the approximate signal-to-noise
ration at detector output.
⎛ S / N (dB) ⎞
Es / EN = anti log ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 20 ⎠
= 10 ⇒ EN / Es = 1/10 = 0.1
Since Es >> EN then φN peak ≈ EN / ES = 0.1 rad
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 47
FM Noise
Receiver will interpret noise as an FM signal with
modulation index equals to
m fN = φN peak = 0.1
Frequency deviation due to noise is
δ N = m fN f m = 0.1× 1 kHz = 100 Hz
Receiver output voltage is proportional to deviation
⎛ δ S ⎞ ⎛ k f Es ⎞ ⎛ Es ⎞ 5kHz
⎜ =
⎟ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ = = 50
⎝ δ N ⎠o ⎝ k f EN ⎠o ⎝ EN ⎠o 100 Hz
( ES / EN )o (dB) = 20 log(50) = 34dB
There is an improvement by 14 dB over input.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 48
Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis
With FM, noise at higher-modulating frequencies is
greater in amplitude than at lower frequencies.
With FM, S/N at higher frequencies is lower than S/N at
lower frequencies
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 49
Preemphasis and Deemphasis
To compensate for that, high-frequency modulating
signals are emphasized or boosted in amplitude prior to
To compensate for this boost, the high frequency
signals are deemphasized or attenuated after
This produces uniform S/N at the output of FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 50
Preemphasis and Deemphasis
This produces uniform S/N at the output of FM
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 52
FM Stereo
With mono, it is impossible to separate sound spatially.
Information signal sound is received as though it is
coming from the same direction (no directivity to the
With stereophonic transmission, information signal is
spatially divided into two 50 Hz to 15 kHz audio
channels (left and right).
Music originated on the left side is reproduced only on
the left speaker and the same for the right one.
With stereo, its possible to produce music with spatial
effect, in similar way to life entertainment.
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 53
FM Stereo
Prepared by Prof.V.K.Jain 54