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Why AutoLISP

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why AutoLISP? – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 1
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

Learning AutoLISP is radically different from learning AutoCAD. AutoLISP is a
programming language with its own commands, its own structure, and its own
syntax. However, with a knowledge of AutoLISP, AutoCAD operators can amplify
their powers with AutoCAD. AutoLISP puts new tools at your fingertips:

 Mathematical calculations
 Creating variables to hold values
 Creating reusable functionsReading and changing AutoCAD system
 Accessing and changing entity properties
 Accessing drawing file properties
 Reading and writing ASCII files

But why AutoLISP? Why not BASIC or Pascal or a language that’s more commonly

AutoLISP is based on the common LISP language, which is widely used in artificial
intelligence applications. As a subset of the LISP language, AutoLISP derives the
majority of its functions directly from the LISP language itself. AutoLISP is also a
superset of the LISP language, such that it contains commands specific to working
with AutoCAD. Thus, AutoLISP was chosen and developed to work with AutoCAD for
several reasons:

 LISP excels at working with lists, which is precisely the type of information
AutoCAD manipulates.
 The LISP interpreter is ideally suited to direct interaction by the designer.
 LISP is among the easiest of all programming languages to learn and to
 Because of LISP’s simple syntax, its interpreter is small and easy to

The purpose of this class is to provide each student with a solid foundation in
AutoLISP. We will write a number of AutoLISP routines during the course. Many of
these routines will be useful building blocks for future AutoLISP work that you will
want to do. Some of these programs will simply need to be typed in; for others you
will need to create the steps yourself. Not only will we learn the commands of
AutoLISP, we will learn to begin to think in AutoLISP, to debug our programs, to
translate the solution to a problem in terms of AutoLISP, to use good techniques that
will be easily understandable to ourselves and others.

We will use AutoCAD’s built-in Visual LISP editor to write the AutoLISP code, and
will learn many of its helpful features for formatting, checking, and debugging our

Though much can be learned during class, your success with AutoLISP depends on
practicing the concepts and methods that we will discuss. Be sure that you set aside
some time each week to try out the techniques that you’ll learn in this class.

AutoCAD and AutoLISP are Two

Separate Programs – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 2
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD
Though AutoLISP is an inherent part of AutoCAD, it is in fact an entirely separate
program with different executable files, its own set of commands and syntax.
AutoLISP expressions, however, can be typed in directly at the AutoCAD Command:
prompt, and hence there needs to be a means of differentiating AutoLISP expressions
from AutoCAD expressions.

To initiate an AutoLISP expression, it must begin with either an open parenthesis “(”
or an exclamation point “!”. When AutoCAD sees an expression that begins with
either of these, it knows that what follows is not an AutoCAD expression, but
an AutoLISP expression, and it sends the expression to the AutoLISP executables to
be evaluated.

 An open parenthesis “(” starts a AutoLISP expression. The expression must

also have a closed parenthesis “)” at the end.
 An exclamation point “!” asks AutoLISP to give the value of a symbol specified
by an AutoLISP expression.

Here are several examples of AutoLISP expressions that could be typed in at the
Command line:
(setq A 5)
(getpoint “Enter point:”)
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 “c”)

What makes AutoLISP so useful is its tight integration with AutoCAD and the
ability to easily share information between the two programs. We can even run
AutoCAD commands directly within AutoLISP, as we shall see by the end of
this chapter.

The Visual LISP Programming Environment

Visual LISP (VLISP) is an editing and debugging program designed to facilitate the creation of
AutoLISP routines. We will be using VLISP as our text editor and will learn many of the tools
that speed the formation of a working program including formatting, checking syntax and
values, and compiling the finished product.

AutoLISP Evaluates every

Expression – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 3
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD
The LISP part of AutoLISP stands for list processing, which describes what happens
when you run a routine: AutoLISP processes lists or, as we say here, evaluates
expressions. If you type in an AutoLISP expression at the Command line it will return
the results of the processed list.

Command: (+ 18 6)
24 Expressionresults

 Each AutoLISP expression is enclosed in parentheses.

 Expressions are made up of a function followed by arguments. The function is
analogous to the “verb” or action of the expression, while the arguments are
like the “nouns” or things that are acted upon.

 AutoLISP expressions are evaluated from left to right. Example: Basic Math
Example: Basic Math Functions

 An AutoLISP expression may have multiple arguments.

Command: (+ 3 8 16 12 2)

Command: (- 60 15 12)

 An AutoLISP expression can contain other AutoLISP expressions.

Such nested expressions are evaluated from the innermost parentheses

Command: (+ 3 8 (* 2 3))

 Spaces are used to separate the different parts of an AutoLISP expression.

Either a single space or multiple spaces, including tabs and carriage returns
(the <enter> key), may be used. Spacing makes the expression more

Command: (+ 6 3)
Command: (+ 6
(_> 3)

Note that in the last example, since we did not close our initial parentheses before
hitting the <enter> key, AutoCAD returned with a different prompt “(_>” telling us
that our AutoLISP expression is not complete and requires one more closing


Try out the following basic calculations. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.
(+ 8 4)
(– 7 3)
(* 5 2)
(/ 10 5)

(+ 10 17 21)
(* 3 12 (– 17 5))
(+ 15 5 (* 6 4))
(/ (+ 6 3) (– 18 15))

Higher Math Functions

AutoLISP is a math wizard. It can handle not only basic math functions but also
anything that a good scientific calculator can do.


Try out the following expressions. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

(abs 3.0)
(abs -3.0)
(sqrt 9)
(sqrt 9.0)
(min -3 7 6.0 10 0)
(max -3 7 6.0 10 0)
(sin (/ PI 2))
(1+ 3) (1- 3)
Every List is Evaluated in the Same
Specific Manner – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 4
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

AutoLISP assumes that a list is an expression that needs to be evaluated. The function
must be the first element in a list and its arguments must immediately follow it. A
generalized AutoLISP function would look this way:
 AutoLISP evaluates the expression depending on the function definition and
the explicit arguments that are designated.
 Some functions have required arguments and some have both required and
optional arguments. In this book we will designate optional arguments in
brackets, [optional argument]. The brackets are not used in the actual routine.

We’ve already seen several examples of AutoLISP functions: the basic math
functions. In generalized form, they would look like this:

AutoLISP Distinguishes among

Several Data Types – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 5
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD
The bulk of this class will concentrate on learning the functions of AutoLISP. But,
each of these functions requires certain types of arguments for the AutoLISP
expression to make sense. For example, a function that adds two numbers together
would require that its arguments be numbers.

We need to be able to distinguish among five different data types: integers, reals,
strings, lists, and symbols. We will learn about additional data types when we discuss
AutoCAD entities and selection sets in later sections.
 Atoms are anything that is not a list.

Integers (Whole Numbers)

An integer is any number without an explicit decimal point. Integers are most
frequently used when counting (“Enter number of rows: ”) or when making a
selection (“1” is on, “0” is off).

 May be preceded by optional “+” or “-”.

 AutoLISP uses 32 bit values internally, but some commands can accept only
16 bit values (-32,768 to +32,767). Greater values will be converted to reals to
be passed to AutoCAD.
 An integer evaluates to itself.


Examples of Integers
12, -18, 0, 32767

A real is any number with an explicit decimal point. Reals are commonly used to
designate such things as coordinates of a point, distances between two points, angles
(although AutoLISP uses radians to measure angles), or for any other value that can
vary by fractional components.
 Real numbers between -1.0 and 1.0 must have the zero placed before the
decimal point. Example: -0.125 or 0.0625.
 AutoLISP commands that expect reals can accept integers. Example:(getreal
“Type in a Real Number: ”) 12
 Reals may be expressed in exponential (or scientific) notation.
 A real evaluates to itself.

Command: !2.79

Examples of Reals
2.32, -1.0789, 0.0, 1.2E+07


Answer the following questions. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

1. Which of the following are not valid integers? Why or why not?


2. Which of the following are not valid reals? Why or why not?


3. Compare the results of the following two expressions:

(/ 12.0 5.0)
(/ 12 5)

Notice the different results in # 3 above. Since the two arguments in the first
expression are both reals, AutoLISP returns a real value as a result. However, in the
second expression, AutoLISP uses integer arithmetic and truncates (does not round)
the result to an integer value. Be careful when doing division of integer values.

A string is any alphanumeric character enclosed in double quotes. Strings are
commonly used to designate AutoCAD commands and options, filenames, directory
paths, and AutoCAD system variables. Anything in AutoCAD you would normally
type in at the keyboard must be enclosed in quotes.

A string evaluates to itself.

Command: !”APPLE”

Typing Directory Names in AutoLISP

Note the use of forward slashes to separate directory levels above. Backslashes have
special meaning in AutoLISP that we will learn about later. Forward slashes or
double backslashes are used to separate directory levels within AutoLISP.
“c:/blocks/mech/bearing.dwg” or

A list is any expression enclosed in parentheses. Lists are used to designate
fundamental AutoCAD properties: 2D and 3D points and entity definitions.

 Elements of a list can be integers, reals, strings, symbols, or even other lists.
We’ll soon see that every AutoLISP expression is enclosed in parentheses
and is, therefore, a list.
Symbols are AutoLISP’s variable names.

 They may be any printable character except: a space, open parentheses,

closed parentheses, period, single quote, double quote, semi-colon, i.e. ( ) . ’
 Numbers alone may not be used as symbols, but can be combined with other
valid characters to form a valid symbol.

Not valid: 12, -46

Valid: A1, 3C

 Symbol names are not case sensitive. The symbols PT and pt are equal. For
consistency in this book we will capitalize symbol names while leaving all
other functions and arguments in lower case.
 In the past, symbol names were usually kept short to reduce typing. However,
the Visual LISP text editor now has tools to speed up the input of names.
Therefore, it is a good idea to make your symbol names long enough to make
clear what information the symbol is storing. For example, instead of RN and

Examples of Symbols

Special Symbol Names

There are several special symbols that are defined by default. Some examples are PI
(3.14159), T (stands for True or non-nil), NIL (empty) and any AutoLISP function
name. Do NOT redefine these symbols.
Beware of using a function name as a symbol name. For example, ANGLE1 is fine,
but ANGLE is an AutoLISP function.
Visual LISP will warn you if you start to redefine one of the AutoLISP functions.

Answer the following questions. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

1. Indicate the data type that is used to express the following AutoCAD expressions in

2. Which of the following strings are invalid?

“This is a string.

3. Which of the following lists are invalid?

(A B C) D E)
(1.0 2.0 (3.0))
(“This is a string” 6.0 5 A)

4. Which of the following symbols are invalid?


Self Check:

Four Principles of AutoLISP

1. Where are mathematical operators positioned in an AutoLISP expression?

2. How does AutoLISP distinguish between real and integer numbers?

3. What is a list?

4. Name five data types that are used within AutoLISP.

Assigning Values to Symbols –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 6
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

One of the most powerful features of AutoLISP is the ability to store a variable and
then use it again later. In AutoLISP, these variables are called symbols, and they may
be assigned a value using the (setq) function.

Explanation: the (setq) function

(setq symbol expression)

 The (setq) function must have two arguments, the symbol name and an
expression assigned to the symbol name.

Command: (setq A 12.0)

 A single (setq) command can set any number of variables.

(setq symbol1 expression1

symbol2 expression2
symbol3 expression3
);end setq

 A symbol evaluates to its value. You can see the current value of a symbol at
any time by typing an exclamation point (!) prior to the symbol name.

Command: (setq B “This is text”)

“This is text”

Command: !B
“This is text”

 If no value has been assigned to a symbol, then its value is nil.Command: !C

 If several values have been assigned to a symbol, AutoLISP remembers only
the last one assigned.


Try the following exercises using the (setq) function. Estimated time for
completion: 5 minutes.

(setq A 5)
(setq B A)
(setq C (* A B))
(setq D (+ (* A B) C))
(setq D (+ D 15))
Executing AutoCAD Commands
through AutoLISP – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 7
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

Rather than have an entirely new set of drawing and editing commands, AutoLISP
permits the user to tap all of AutoCAD’s existing commands from within AutoLISP
using the (command) function.

Explanation: the (command) function

(command [command_name] [argument…])

The first argument to the (command) function is always the command name. It is
followed by the command’s options input in the same order they would be typed at
the AutoCAD “Command:” prompt.
 AutoCAD commands and options are typed in as strings.
 DO NOT use command aliases.
 You can include any AutoLISP symbol or expression that evaluates to an
appropriate value.

(setq RADIUS 1.25)

(command “circle” “4,4” RADIUS)

 Use the predefined symbol PAUSE to wait for user input.

(command “circle” PAUSE RADIUS)

 The null string “” is the equivalent of hitting the spacebar or <enter> key in

(command “LINE” PT1 PT2 “”)

The (command) function with no arguments is equivalent to canceling the active



The (command) function always returns nil.


This AutoLISP routine:

(command “line” “0,0” “1,5” “”)

looks like this at the Command Line:

Command: line
Specify first point: 0,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: 1,5
Specify next point or [Undo]:
Command: nil

 This AutoLISP routine:

(command “circle” PAUSE “2”)

looks like this at the Command Line:

Command: circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: <pick a point>
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 2
Command: nil

 This AutoLISP routine:


POINT1 “2,2” POINT2 “4,4”



looks like this at the Command Line:

Command: pline
Specify start point: 2,2
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or
[Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: w
Specify starting width <0.0000>: 0.100000000000000 Specify ending width
<0.1000>: 0.100000000000000
Specify next point or
[Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: 4,4
Specify next point or
Command: nil


Try the following statements at the Command line, first using the (setq) command
to specify several points, and then executing AutoCAD commands through
AutoLISP. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

(setq PT1 “0,0”)

(setq PT2 “6,3”)
(setq PT3 “2,5”)
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 “”)
(command “circle” PT2 2.0 )
(command “line” PT1 PT3 “”)
Storing and Setting AutoCAD’s
System Variables – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 8
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

AutoCAD’s SETVAR function, when used in conjunction with a system variable name,
will display the current value and permit the user to input a new value. In AutoLISP,
the user can read the value of any AutoCAD system variable using
the (getvar) function, and can set any non-read-only system variable using
the (setvar) function.

Explanation: the (getvar) function

(getvar) reads the value of any AutoCAD system variable: (getvar variable_name)

 The variable name is always a string.

 You should store the system variable information in a (setq).

(setq CURRENT_LAYER (getvar “clayer”))

Explanation: the (setvar) function

(setvar) allows you to change the value of any non-read-only system variable:

(setvar variable_name new value)

 The variable name is always a string

 The new value is an AutoLISP expression that evaluates to an appropriate

(setvar “CLAYER” “WALLS”)

 Both of these functions return the value of the variable name.

 A list of AutoCAD system variables can be found in the Command
Reference section of AutoCAD’s on-line help.


Command: (setq SNAP_ANGLE (getvar “snapang”))


Command: (setvar “snapang” (/ PI 4.0))


Command: (setvar “snapang” SNAP_ANGLE)


 It is a good idea to follow proper programming protocol and reset any

variables you change in your program.

At the beginning…

(setq OBJECT_SNAP_MODE (getvar “osmode”))

(setvar “osmode” 0)

At the end…

(setvar “osmode” OBJECT_SNAP_MODE)


Try the following statements that use (getvar) and (setvar). Estimated time for
completion: 5 minutes.
1. Use AutoLISP to erase all objects within the extents of the current drawing.

(setq LOWLEFT (getvar “EXTMIN”))

(setq UPRIGHT (getvar “EXTMAX”))
(command “erase” “crossing” LOWLEFT UPRIGHT “”)

2. Set the current settings for LTSCALE to half of the value of DIMSCALE.

(setvar “LTSCALE” (/ (getvar “DIMSCALE”) 2))

3. (Extra Practice) Create a program to reset all your favorite system variables. We
will learn how to save it in the next section.

Self Check:

Basic AutoLISP Functions

1. What function sets a variable equal to a value?

2. What AutoLISP function issues AutoCAD commands?

3. What is the purpose of the (setvar) and (getvar) functions?

Setting Up an AutoLISP Routine –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 9
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD
Section 1:Setting Up an AutoLISP Routine

In this section you will learn how to:

 Divide a LISP routine into parts

 Prompt for user input
 Create an AutoLISP file using Visual LISP

Typical Structure of a Routine

AutoLISP routines can become very complicated. Like any complex problem, it helps
to “divide and conquer” in order to understand the steps that will be necessary for the
solution. Considering one part at a time will help you figure out what else you need in
other parts. It also helps you make sure you have covered all the issues that may come

Although AutoLISP routines can have many different structures, a typical one might
be divided into five general parts:
1. Prepare

2. Get user input

3. Perform Calculations

4. Execute AutoCAD functions

5. Clean up

We have already seen step 4, using the (command) function to execute AutoCAD
commands. The next few sections will concentrate on how to get user input, prepare,
and clean up. For most of the remainder of the class we will be discussing how to
perform calculations.


An AutoLISP routine designed to draw circular saw blades.



(defun DTR (deg) (* deg (/ pi 180)))

(defun c:SAW ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)

;;;Get User input

(setq CP (getpoint “\nCenter Point:”))
(setq ROUT (getreal “\nOuter Radius: “))
(setq RIN (getreal “\nInner Radius: “))
(setq NT (getint “\nNumber of teeth: “))
(setq HRAD (getreal “\nHole Radius: “))
(setq HUB (getreal “\nHub Thickness: “))
;;;Perform Calculations

(setq XCEN (car CP))

(setq YCEN (cadr CP))
(setq ANG1 (/ 360 NT))
(setq PT1 (list (+ XCEN ROUT) YCEN))
(setq PT2 (list (+ XCEN RIN) YCEN))
(setq PT3 (polar CP (dtr ANG1) ROUT))

;;;Execute AutoCAD functions

(command “circle” CP HRAD)

(command “circle” CP (+ HRAD HUB))
(command “pline” PT1 PT2 PT3 “”)
(command “array” “l” “” “p” CP NT “” “”)

;;;Clean up

(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as


Prompting for User Input

In a previous module we learned the function (getvar). This function “got” a system
variable stored in AutoCAD. Frequently when writing an AutoLISP routine, you’ll
want the user to provide information: the name of a layer, the endpoint of a line, the
angle of rotation, the number of rows, etc. AutoLISP provides a means of requesting
user input through the (getxxx) functions.

Explanation: the (getxxx) functions

(getint [prompt] )

This function pauses for integer input and returns an integer value.
The [prompt] here and throughout is optional, though recommended, information
for the user. The prompt must be in string form.

Command:(getint “Enter an integer: ”)1


(getreal [prompt] )
This function pauses for real input and returns a real value.

Command:(getreal “Enter a real number: ”)1.25


(getstring [ T ] [prompt] )

This function pauses for string input and returns a string value.

The optional T disables the spacebar for use as the <enter> key, allowing use of
spaces in a string. The T, which always has a value of T or non-nil, is most commonly
used as the flag, but anything that has value can be used, such as a number.

 Use the T option with (getstring) when the user will type in multiple
words or numbers.
 Do not use the T option when the user expects the spacebar to act
as <enter>, or when spaces are invalid (as when prompting for a
layer name in previous versions of AutoCAD).
Command: (getstring “What is your first name: ”)
What is your first name: Albert

Command: (getstring T “What is your full name: ”)

What is your full name: Albert Einstein
“Albert Einstein”

(getpoint [point-list] [prompt] )

This function pauses for point input and returns a point list of (x y z). The
optional point-list is used as a basepoint for the “drag” line.

Command: (setq A (getpoint “Pick a point: ”))

Pick a point: <pick a point>
(1.0 2.3 0.0) actual returned value may vary
Command: (getpoint A “Pick another point: ”)
Pick another point: <pick a point – a drag line

will show from the first point you picked.> (2.4 5.7 0.0) actual returned value may

(getcorner point-list [prompt] )

This function pauses for point input and returns a point list of (x y z). The point-
list is not optional this time. It is used as basepoint for a “drag” rectangle similar to a
zoom window.
Command: (setq A (getpoint “First corner: “))
First corner: <pick a point>
(3.60591 7.25652 0.0) actual returned value may vary
Command: (getcorner A “Opposite corner: “)
Opposite corner: <pick a point>
(12.2542 11.1953 0.0) actual returned value may vary
(getdist [point-list] [prompt] )

This function pauses for real input and returns a real value. The user can enter a
decimal number, or a number based on the current linear unit measurement setting,
or can pick two points and the distance between those points will be returned. The
optional [point-list] is used as basepoint for “drag” line requiring user to only enter
the second point.

 All inputs for points are available: pick, type in absolute or relative
coordinates, use an object snap, point filter, or tracking.
(getdist “Type in a distance or pick two points: “) Type in a distance or pick two
points: <pick point> Specify second point: <pick point>
9.125 actual returned value may vary

(getangle [point-list] [prompt] )

This function returns a real number in radians of an angle entered either by pointing
or by typing a value. The optional [point-list] lets you include a point (usually a
symbol that points back to information that gives you a point) that defines the first
point of the angle.

 Angles in AutoLISP are measured in radians. As long as AutoLISP

is using the information this is no problem. But when the angle
needs to be presented to the user the radians must be
reinterpreted in degrees. Later we will show you two
programs (DegreesToRadians) and (RadiansToDegrees) that will
do the translating for you.
 If you have changed the angle base or direction from the default (0
is the positive X-axis and counter-clockwise) then you might need
to use the (getorient) function.
Command: (getangle “Type in an angle: “)
Type in an angle: 135
2.35619 135 degrees in radians

Command: (setq PT1 (getpoint “Pick 1st point of angle: “))

Pick 1st point of angle: <pick a point>
(512.265 309.661 0.0) actual returned value may vary Command: (getangle PT1
“Pick 2nd point of angle: “)
Pick 2nd point of angle: <pick a point>
0.60734 angle in radians – actual returned value mayvary

 Note that the choice of which (getxxx) function to use depends on

the data type of the desired response. Only the appropriate data
type will be accepted as input. If you enter the wrong type of data,
AutoLISP will automatically ask you to try again.

Command: (getint “Type a number: “)

Type a number:1.25
Requires an integer value.
Type a number:3

 Always nest one of these (getxxx) functions inside a (setq) so that

you can recall the information later.
(setq NUMROW (getint “How many rows: ”))

Writing Prompts

 Write prompts so that the user will know exactly what you expect.
(getint “How many rows: ”)
 Always capitalize the first character of the prompt and use a colon
and a space to finish up the string. This makes it look like other
AutoCAD prompts. Don’t capitalize all of it because it looks like you

Type in the following functions. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

1. At the Command: prompt type in:

(setq NAME (getstring “Enter your name:”))

2. At the prompt, try to type your full name. What happens?

3. At the Command line type in:

(setq NAME (getstring T “Enter your name:”))

4. Now type in your full name.

5. At the Command: prompt, type the following and pick points or give numbers as
(setq PT1 (getpoint “Enter a point: ”))
(setq PT2 (getpoint “Enter a point: ”))
(setq R1 (getreal “Enter a number: ”))

Creating an AutoLISP File

You will want to use an AutoLISP routine over and over again and not have to type it
in at the Command line every time. An AutoLISP routine can be created in any text
editor or word processor, and then saved as a file in ASCII text format.

AutoCAD itself includes a powerful text editor and debugger called Visual LISP. We
will use Visual LISP as our text editor and later learn some of its debugging features.

 To open the Visual LISP editor, choose Tools>AutoLISP>Visual

LISP Editor from the pulldown, or type VLIDE at the Command
 All AutoLISP files must have the .LSP file extension. Visual LISP
saves to this extension by default.
 There is no word-wrapping in Visual LISP.
 You can have multiple AutoLISP files loaded at once.
 Visual LISP has an automatic backup feature on by default that
saves a file to filename._sp. It is controlled
under Tools>Environment Options> General Options.

Color Coding in the Visual LISP Editor

One thing you will notice as soon as you load a file into the Visual LISP editor is the
color coding. This helps to identify each type of data in a routine.

 You can change the colors in the Visual LISP editor

under Tools>Window Attributes> Configure Current.

In this practice you will open an existing AutoLISP file and identify the different
parts. Then, you will create an AutoLISP file that will ask for four unique points and
will then construct a closed, four-sided polygon by drawing a line between each
point. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

1. Start the Visual LISP Editor and open the file SAW.LSP.

2. List the Symbols used in this file:

3. List the Functions used in this file:

4. Start a new file in the Visual LISP editor and save it to the name BOX1.LSP. Using
the (setq), (getpoint), and (command) functions, write up a routine that will
request user input of four points and construct a line through each point to create a

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-

A.LSP and on the next page.

(setq PT1 (getpoint “Lower left corner: ”))

(setq PT2 (getpoint “Lower right corner: ”))
(setq PT3 (getpoint “Upper right corner: ”))
(setq PT4 (getpoint “Upper left corner: ”))
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 “close”)
Self Check:
Setting up an AutoLISP Routine

1. What are the five parts of a typical AutoLISP routine?

2. What function will allow the user to input a real value by picking two points?

3. What function will draw a dynamic “window” attached to the pointer?

4. What is the purpose of the optional basepoint in the (getpoint) function?

Loading an AutoLISP File –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 10
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

Once an AutoLISP file is created, it must be loaded in AutoCAD with
the (load) function in order to be used.
The (load) function
(load filename)

Loads the specified LISP file, where filename is the AutoLISP file name without the
“.LSP” extension (“.LSP” can be included, but why type more than you have to?).

 The filename is a string so don’t forget to include quotes “ ” around it.

Command: (load “box1”)

Dialog Box Access (APPLOAD)

You can also load AutoLISP files and other programs using the Load Applications
dialog box. To open the dialog, choose Tools>Load Application from the pull-
down, or type APPLOAD at the Command line.


Load the AutoLISP file you just created as described in the example above. If you
encounter problems, edit your file BOX1.LSP again and look for possible errors. We
will cover some typical errors in the next section. Estimated time for completion: 5

Using the Visual LISP Console

Window – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 11
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD
Another way to load and test routines is to use the Visual LISP console window. This
lets you run certain lines or complete programs while giving you feedback in Visual
LISP if you are using debugging tools.

To run selected lines of code

1. In the edit window, highlight the text (from parenthesis to parenthesis) by double-
clicking in front of the opening or behind the closing parenthesis.

2. Press the Load selection button on the Tools toolbar in Visual LISP.

To run the entire program

1.Make sure the file you want to run is the active window.

2 Press the Load active edit window button on the Tools toolbar in Visual LISP.


 The program will automatically switch to the AutoCAD graphics window if

needed to choose a point or gather other input and then switch back to Visual
LISP when you are done.
 The Console window will display the values of expressions, as well as error
messages if errors are detected in the code.
 You can also enter AutoLISP functions directly to the console.
 To clear the Console window, right-click in it and choose ClearConsole.
 If you are having trouble with a program you may want to turn on the Console
Log. This saves all the information in the console window to a log file. Right-
click in the console window and choose Toggle Console Log. The Open Log
dialog box will come up. Create a new or select an existing log file. Log files
can be read by any text editor.


1. Continue using the file BOX1.LSP that you have loaded in the Visual LISP editor.

2. Highlight the first line and Load it to the console. When it switches to AutoCAD,
choose a point.

3. Highlight the last line and load it to the console. Minimize Visual LISP and you will
see that it created a new box using the first point you just picked but it remembered
the rest of the points from the last time you created the box.

4. Load the entire active edit window and follow the prompts. Notice this time that it
automatically switched you back to the Visual LISP editor once you picked the points.
Troubleshooting AutoLISP Files –
AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 12
04/17/2017 By TUTOCAD

Whenever you work with AutoLISP you will come across errors. Sometimes this is
nothing more than a misspelling of a function or, very often, the wrong number of
parentheses. Below are some common errors and some possible solutions.
Explanation: the (type) function

The “error: bad argument” message means that you have used the wrong data type.
Quite often the arguments will be stored in a symbol so you will not be able to see
what type of data it is. You can use the AutoLISP function (type) to find out.

(type element)


Command: (setq A 1.0)

(type A)

Command: (type “This is”)

Command: (type 1783)

Using Visual LISP’s Check Function

Before you load a file it is a good idea to check it. Check Edit Window and Check
Selection will tell you if you have too many or two few arguments to a known

 Any error messages will be shown in a Build Output window.

 If you double-click on the error in the Build Output window it will highlight the
appropriate lines in the AutoLISP code.
 Some problems will not come clear until you actually load the command. For
example, Check cannot tell if you need an integer and you passed on a string.
Use the (type) command or other debugging tools if you have this problem.


In this practice we will create some problems for the BOX1.LSP file and then use
tools in Visual LISP to fix the problems. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

1. Continue using BOX1.LSP.

2. Erase the closing quote mark (“ ) after one of the prompts. Notice how the color of
all the following lines change. Where does the new string end?

3. Double-click in front of the opening parenthesis of that same line. What happens?

4. Add a close quote and two close parentheses at the end of the file. Try double-
clicking at the same place again.

5. Check the whole file. What happens?

6. Double-click on the error message in the Build Output window.

7. What is highlighted?
8. Fix the problem(s), check the routine again, and run it to make sure it works.

Defining AutoLISP Functions –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 13
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD

So far we have saved a series of AutoLISP expressions in a *.LSP file. Every time we
load the *.LSP file, all expressions contained within it are executed. What would be
more useful is to be able to create new AutoLISP functions and use them as many
times as desired without loading each time. Such user-defined AutoLISP functions
are created using the (defun) function.

Explanation: the (defun) function

(defun name ( [arguments] )

[the AutoLISP routine(s)…]
);close defun
The name is a symbol that becomes the name of the function. The arguments is a list
of all required arguments. Typically this is a list of all symbols used by the routine. It
can be an empty list.

 The rest of the information is the definition of the new function. Example

(defun DegreesToRadians (DEGREE)

(* DEGREE (/ PI 180.0))

The first line uses the (defun) function to create a user-defined function
called DegreesToRadians and declares that the new function will require one
argument that will be referred to as DEGREE during the evaluation of the function.

The second line describes what is going to happen whenever the

(DegreesToRadians) function is used. It will take the argument – DEGREE – and
multiply it by whatever is returned after dividing PI by 180. (This is the formula for
converting degrees to radians, which will be very useful later on.)

The last line closes the (defun) function.


 Think of this as a massive (setq) function, storing all the expressions listed
within the expression under the symbol name <name>.
 The (defun) function returns the name of the function.
 The new function can now be used as all other pre-defined functions:
(function argument1 … argumentn). All expressions within the function are
then evaluated, and the function will return the value of the last expression.
 If the user-defined function requires no arguments, simply provide an empty
list. (defun STUFF ( )…)
 Do not use the name of a pre-defined function as your function name or the
pre-defined function will become inaccessible.
 The name of the function is not case-sensitive.


In this practice we will define two AutoLISP

functions: DegreesToRadians and RadiansToDegrees. We will need these
later in the class. You will also want them for your work since all angles are
measured in radians by AutoLISP. Estimated time for completion:

10 minutes.

1. Start a new file in Visual LISP and name it TRANSLATION.LSP

2. Add the following code to it:

(defun DegreesToRadians (DEGREES)
(* DEGREES (/ PI 180.0))

(defun RadiansToDegrees (RADIANS)

(* 180.0 ( / RADIANS PI)

3. Once you have created the file, load it and try several different angles.

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TRANSLATION-


Creating AutoCAD Command

Functions – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 14
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
Not only can you create new AutoLISP functions, but in a similar manner, you can
also create new AutoCAD commands! That is, the function name can be typed directly
at the Command: prompt without using AutoLISP syntax. Creating a command-
line function is simply a modified form of (defun).

Explanation: the (defun C: ) function

(defun C:name ()

);end defun


 The function name argument must have a name that starts with “C:” .
 The function must be defined with a nil argument list (empty list).
 The function is invoked by typing the name at the “Command:” prompt.


By modifying BOX1.LSP we can make it a command-line function:

(defun C:BOX1 ()
(setq PT1 (getpoint “Lower left corner: ”))
(setq PT2 (getpoint “Lower right corner: ”))
(setq PT3 (getpoint “Upper right corner: ”))
(setq PT4 (getpoint “Upper left corner: ”))
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 “close”)

Command: (load “BOX1”)

Command: BOX1

AutoLISP vs. AutoCAD Functions

As you create new functions in AutoLISP, you will need to decide whether you want to
create a command-line function or not.

Command-line function

 Typed in directly at Command: prompt.

 User is prompted for required information.
 Result is usually to affect drawing directly.
 Cannot normally be used as a subroutine of another function.

Standard AutoLISP function

 Typed as an AutoLISP expression.

 Arguments are specified directly with the function.
 Result is usually some unique value.
 Can be used as a subroutine of other functions.
 Can be used transparently within AutoCAD commands.


DegreesToRadians as AutoCAD command

Command: DegreesToRadians
Enter degrees to be converted: 180

DegreesToRadians as AutoLISP function

Command: (DegreesToRadians 180)



Change BOX1.LSP to make it a command-line function and test it. Estimated time
for completion: 5 minutes.

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-B.LSP.

Automatic Loading of LISP Files –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 15
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
Before a function can be used, the file which contains its code must be loaded using
AutoLISP’s (load) function. By combining a series of similar functions into a single
file with a .LSP extension, you can create a library of LISP files. For example, if all
the code for the BOX1, MIDPT, and TAG functions were stored in one file called
CLASS.LSP, you could load all those functions at once by typing:

(load “class”)

Special Files: ACAD.LSP and ACADDOC.LSP

If a group of LISP functions are needed in virtually every drawing session, then they
can be loaded automatically each time you start AutoCAD.

The file ACAD.LSP, if it exists, is automatically loaded by AutoLISP when AutoCAD

starts. It is available only in the first drawing you open. To have AutoLISP routines
available in all drawings that are opened during a session of AutoCAD use the

 Any AutoLISP expression can be included in the ACAD.LSP file including

function definitions and symbol values.
 These files do not exist by default.
 Do not modify the ACAD2000.LSP or ACAD2000DOC.LSP files. These files
include functions needed by AutoCAD. They are loaded directly before the


A sample ACADDOC.LSP file, this includes the code for DegreesToRadians and
then loads three separate LISP files, BOX1.lsp, MIDPT.lsp and TAG.lsp.

(defun DegreesToRadians (DEGREES)

(* DEGREES (/ PI 180))
(load “BOX1”)
(load “MIDPT”)
(load “TAG”)

Automatically Loading Menu Functions: ACAD.MNL

Another special file that you can create is the ACAD.MNL. This file of AutoLISP
routines loads whenever you load a menu by the name of ACAD. You can also create
additional *.MNL files for each partial menu you want to load. Just make sure the file
name is the same for both the .MNU and .MNL files.


If you have a partial menu file named PLOTTING.MNU then you would create an
additional AutoLISP file call PLOTTING.MNL that would call (load) the AutoLISP
routines needed for that menu.


Create an ACADDOC.LSP file in your class directory that will automatically load
the files you now have in TRANSLATION.LSP. We will add more later.

 The ACADDOC.LSP file must be stored somewhere in the primary search

path. You can add the class directory to this path through Options>Files.

Utility Functions to Improve

Performance – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 16
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
You may have noticed that our BOX1 program still doesn’t run as cleanly as most
AutoCAD commands or other LISP routines that you may have previously used. After
getting the core of a routine to work, you can add several simple functions to make it
run more smoothly.

Explanation: Utility Functions

 Each of these special commands returns nil except (princ). The
expression (princ) displays the null character ASCII 00.

Example “cmdecho”

Command: (setvar “cmdecho” 1)

Command: (command “line” “0,0” “1,5” “”)
line From point: 0,0
To point: 1,5
To point:
Command: nil

Command: (setvar “cmdecho” 0)

Command: (command “line” “0,0” “1,5” “”)
Command: nil


Edit BOX1.LSP as indicated below to clean up the way it displays at the Command
line and to ensure desired operation. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.
(defun c:BOX1 ()
(prompt “This routine will draw a box”)
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nLower left corner: ”))
(setq PT2 (getpoint “\nLower right corner: ”))
(setq PT3 (getpoint “\nUpper right corner: ”))
(setq PT4 (getpoint “\nUpper left corner: ”))
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 “close”)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-C.LSP.

 If you have time, edit the ACADDOC.LSP and add the following line:

(prompt “\nThe following programs have been loaded:


Telling AutoLISP Not to Evaluate

an Expression – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 17A
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
Besides specifying AutoLISP functions themselves, lists will be used for two key
purposes in AutoCAD: specifying coordinates in space (“point” lists) or describing a
specific AutoCAD entity (“entity definition” lists).

To explicitly type in a point list, a list of three real numbers, creates a problem:
AutoLISP will try to evaluate the list as a function.

Command: (setq PT1 (1.0 2.0 0.0))

error: bad function
(1.0 2.0 0.0)
(setq PT1 (1.0 2.0 0.0))

When typing in an explicit point list, the (quote) function will tell AutoLISP not to
evaluate the list.

Explanation: the (quote) function

A point list can be explicitly typed in using the (quote) function or its shortcut, a
single quote in front of the list.
(quote ( list )) or ‘( list )

The (quote) function returns the list unevaluated. The (quote) function can be used
with any AutoLISP expression, not just lists.


Command: (setq PT1 (quote (1.0 2.0 0.0))) or (setq PT1 ‘(1.0 2.0 0.0))
(1.0 2.0 0.0)


Establish three points, PT1, PT2 and PT3, whose coordinates are(0.0 0.0 0.0), (1.0
2.0 0.0), and (6.0 3.0 0.0) respectively. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

Creating a Point List from Symbols

– AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 17b
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
Many times you will want to create a point list but the coordinate values are
contained in AutoLISP symbols such as X, Y, and Z. What happens if we type …

Command: (setq PT4 ‘(X Y Z))

(X Y Z)

But we didn’t want an un-evaluated list (X Y Z), we wanted a list of the values of X, Y,
and Z. What if we type:

Command: (setq PT4 (X Y Z))

(X Y Z)
(SETQ PT4 (X Y Z))

To solve our dilemma, the (list) function enables us to create a list from a series of

 The (list) function works better than (quote). While (quote) requires a single
list as an argument, (list) can have as many items as needed to add to the list.

Explanation: the (list) function

(list expression1…expressionn)

 The (list) function returns a single list whose elements are the value of each of
the expressions. We have now added the needed function to the list of


Command: (setq PT4 (list X Y Z))

(3.0 4.0 0.0)


Create a program that will prompt the user for coordinates for the X, Y, and Z
values of a center point for a circle. Also prompt the user for the radius of the circle.
Then create the center point using the values of X, Y, and Z as its respective
coordinates. Then draw the circle. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to the Solution

1. Prompt the user for the real number for X, real number for Y, and real number for
Z using the setq function and the getreal function.
2. Create and store a list of the values being stored by the symbols X, Y, and Z using
the setq function and the list function.

3. Prompt the user for the radius of the circle using the getdist function and store it
using the setq function.

4. Use the command function to draw the circle.


(defun c:CIR ()
(setq X (getreal “\nX value for center point: “))
(setq Y (getreal “\nY value for center point: “))
(setq Z (getreal “\nZ value for center point: “))
(setq RAD (getdist “\nCircle radius: “))
(setq PT (list X Y Z))
(command “circle” PT RAD)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as CIR-A.LSP.

Extracting Elements from a List –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 17C
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
Extracting Elements from a List

There are times when you will want to create a list from other lists. For example, you
may want to get a point midway between two other points. To do this you would need
the x coordinate of one point and the y coordinate of the other, and then do a bit of

Two key functions, (car) and (cdr), are the essential tools in extracting elements
from a list. The others, (cadr), (caddr) and (last) can also help you make new lists
from existing ones.

Explanation: List extraction functions

 You can continue to return the next item in a list by adding a “d” to
the (caddr) function. Each “d” goes one item deeper into the list.
Thus (cadddr) would return the fourth element of a list.


Command: (setq PT2 (list 1.0 2.0 0.0))

Command: (car PT2)
Command: (cdr PT2)
(2.0 0.0)
Command: (cadr PT2)
Command: (caddr PT2)
Command: (last PT2)

Example: Improving on our BOX1.LSP Routine

This time we will have the user specify the diagonal corners of a rectangular box.
The LISP routine will then calculate the coordinates of the other two corners and
draw a box.
(defun c:BOX1 ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nEnter first corner of box: ”))
(setq PT2 (getcorner
(setq X1 (car PT1))
(setq X2 (car PT2))
(setq Y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq Y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq PT3 (list X1 Y2))
(setq PT4 (list X2 Y1))
(command “pline” PT1 PT3 PT2 PT4 “close”)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)

 Instead of setting so many variables, you could also create the following two
statements in place of the X1, X2, Y1, Y2 and the two PT3 and PT4 settings:

(setq PT3 (list (car PT1) (cadr PT2)))

(setq PT4 (list (car PT2) (cadr PT1)))

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-D.LSP and

for the alternate, BOX1-DA.LSP.


Use Visual LISP to create a file called MIDPT.LSP which will place a circle midway
between two points. The midpoint can be derived by adding the respective X, Y, and
Z values together, then respectively dividing them by two, then combining them
together in a new point. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to the solution

1. Get a point and store it as PT1.

2. Extract the coordinates as X1, Y1, Z1 from PT1.

3. Get a point and store it as PT2.

4. Extract the coordinates as X2, Y2, Z2 from PT2.

5. Let XMID, YMID, and ZMID be the coordinates of the midpoint.

6. Combine XMID, YMID, and ZMID to form the midpoint, MPT.

7. Place a circle at the midpoint.


(defun c:MIDPT ()
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nFirst point: “))
(setq X1 (car PT1))
(setq Y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq Z1 (caddr PT1))
(setq PT2 (getpoint “\nSecond point: “))
(setq X2 (car PT2))
(setq Y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq Z2 (caddr PT2))
(setq XMID (/ (+ X1 X2) 2))
(setq YMID (/ (+ Y1 Y2) 2))
(setq ZMID (/ (+ Z1 Z2) 2))
(setq MPT (list XMID YMID ZMID))
(setq RADIUS (getreal “\nRadius of Circle: “))
(command “Circle” MPT RADIUS)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as MIDPT-A.LSP

Using Additional Point List

Functions – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 18
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD
In the previous module we learned two AutoLISP functions that asked for user input
and returned a point list: (getpoint) and (getcorner). You can also
use (list), (quote), and a new function, (polar), to return a point list. Use these
point lists with an AutoCAD command to place objects or to generate other lists. Two
other functions also use points to give us information: (distance) and (angle).

 Angles in AutoLISP are always measured in radians relative to the X-axis in

counter-clockwise direction. You can use the routines we created
earlier, DegreesToRadians and RadiansToDegrees, if you need a
 The (polar) function uses the same three pieces of information as polar
coordinates (start point, distance, angle) but in a different order (start point,
angle, distance). You can use any start point, not just the last point picked.


Use the functions listed on previous page to draw a balloon-type tag. First, get
input of two points, one for the endpoint of the leader, the second for the center of
the circle. Then determine the angle and the distance between the points. Use a
quarter of the value of the AutoCAD variable DIMSCALE as the radius of the circle
so they always plot out at 1/4” diameter. Find the other endpoint of the leader by
going the same distance as the radius at the same angle as the leader endpoint to
the center point, from the center point by using (polar). Then draw the circle and
the line. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.


(defun c:TAG ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq OS-SAVE (getvar “osnapcoord”))
(setvar “osnapcoord” 1)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nPick the leader endpoint:”))
(setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 “\nPick the tag center point:”))
(setq RADIUS (/ (getvar “dimscale”) 4.0))
(setq ANGLE1 (angle PT2 PT1))
(command “line” PT1 LEADERENDPT “”)
(command “circle” PT2 RADIUS)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
(setvar “osnapcoord” OS-SAVE)

 A complete solution is on your class disk as TAG-A.LSP.

 This function will not work if you have the DIMSCALE set to “Scale dimensions
to Layout (paperspace)” because the variable is 0.

The OSNAPCOORD system variable controls the priority for keyboard entry verses
object snaps. Set this variable to 1 for AutoLISP routines so that the osnaps will not
take precedence over the point you assign through AutoLISP.
Restricting Acceptable Input Values
– AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 19
04/18/2017 By TUTOCAD

One of the most tedious tasks for the AutoLISP programmer is error trapping,
making sure the routine can handle all varied inputs from the user. By restricting the
acceptable input values with the (initget) function, you can control information
supplied by the user.

Explanation: the (initget) function

(initget [bits])

The bits is an integer that refers to the following restrictions to input:

 The (initget) function affects only the next (getxxx) function that is
 None of the initget bits affect the (getstring) function; we will learn how to
error-trap string input later in this chapter.
 More than one of these restrictions can apply simultaneously by summing the
corresponding integers. It is a good idea to show the addition in the routine
rather than the sum. This way someone else reading the routine will know
what is going on.

(initget (+ 1 2 4))


Command: (initget 1)
Command: (setq DST (getdist “Enter distance: ”))
Enter distance: <enter>
Requires numeric distance or two points.
Try again: 3.2

(initget (+ 1 2 ))
Command: (setq SF (getreal “Enter scale factor: ”))
Enter scale factor: <enter>
Requires numeric value.
Try again: 0
Value must be nonzero.
Try again: 2

1. Write out the initget/getxxxx combination that will be appropriate for specifying
“Number of rows:”

2. Add the appropriate (initget) functions to the BOX1.LSP file.

(defun c:BOX1 ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(initget 1)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nFirst corner of box: ”))
(initget 1)
(setq PT2 (getcorner PT1 “\nOpposite corner: ”))
(setq x1 (car PT1))
(setq x2 (car PT2))
(setq y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq PT3 (list X1 Y2))
(setq PT4 (list X2 Y1))
(command “pline” PT1 PT3 PT2 PT4 “close”)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-E.LSP.

Limiting Acceptable String Input

Values – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 20
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
In addition to the bit option that restricts input, there is a keyword option of
(initget) that expands the acceptable responses to include specific keyword strings.
String input can be limited to selected responses by using keywords along with
the (getkword) function.

Explanation: (initget) with keyword

(initget [bit] [keyword])

The keyword string is a single string that contains all acceptable keywords separated
by spaces.

(initget 1 “Red White Blue”)

 By capitalizing the minimum input required for each keyword, the user only
needs to enter the capital letter to have the whole keyword returned.
 Keywords work with all (getxxx) functions except (getstring).
 The bit option can still be included if you want the user to input either a
keyword or a number.
(initget 1 “Pi Two-pi”)
(setq X (getreal “Enter a number or [Pi/Two-pi]: “)

Explanation: the (getkword) function

To use (initget) with a group of keywords you have to ask for the keywork through
another string function, (getkword). This function limits acceptable string
responses to those in the keyword.

(getkword [prompt])

 To be functional, (getkword) requires a prior (initget) expression that includes

acceptable keywords.
 The function returns a string, the full keyword chosen even if only the
capitalized letter is typed in.


Command: (initget “LAyer LInetype”)

Command: (setq ANS (getkword “Enter LAyer or LInetype: ”))
Enter LAyer or LInetype: D
Invalid option keyword.
Enter LAyer or LInetype: L
Ambiguous response, please clarify…
LAyer or LInetype? LA


Modify BOX1.LSP to allow the user to draw a red, yellow, or blue box. You will need
to adjust and control the AutoCAD variable CECOLOR.

(defun c:BOX1 ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq CC-SAV (getvar “cecolor”))
(initget 1 “Red Yellow Blue”)
(setq CLR (getkword “\nSelect Red/Yellow/Blue: “))
(setvar “cecolor” CLR)
(initget 1)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nFirst corner of box: ”))
(initget 1)
(setq PT2 (getcorner PT1 “\nOpposite corner: ”))
(setq X1 (car PT1))
(setq X2 (car PT2))
(setq Y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq Y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq PT3 (list X1 Y2))
(setq PT4 (list X2 Y1))
(command “pline” PT1 PT3 PT2 PT4 “close”)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
(setvar “cecolor” CC-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-F.LSP

Good AutoLISP Programming

Techniques – AutoCAD tutorial 21
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

When creating AutoLISP routines, the programmer should keep in mind not only
correct syntax, but also a well-structured program that is easy to comprehend,
forgiving of mistakes, easy to debug, and easy to edit.


You can format manually while you type. But Visual LISP includes helpful formatting
tools. They automatically insert tabs and spaces where needed to give you added
clarity and help you track parentheses. You can either Format edit
window or Format selection.

 AutoLISP ignores spaces and carriage returns, so use them to make the
routine more understandable to the programmer.

Unformatted routine:

(defun C:TRIANGLE ()
(setq PT1 (getpoint “Pick a Point: “)
PT2 (getpoint “Pick another point: “)
PT3 (list (car PT1) (cadr PT2)))
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 “c”))

Formatted routine:

 You can set the formatting options under Tools>Environment Options>

Visual LISP Format Options.


Comments help you and anyone else reading the file to understand the code. Use a
semi-colon in front of any line to add comments to a file. Anything on a line to the
right of a semi-colon is ignored.
 At the beginning of the routine be sure to include a comment that states the
filename, what the function does, the author, the date, and the version.
 You may also want to break longer functions up into stages and explain what
each stage does.
 While just one semi-colon will do the job, some people prefer two or three for
visibility. Visual LISP automatically adds three semicolons in front of any
comment starting at a blank line that is not indented, two semicolons when the
new line is indented and one when tabbed over to a column location or after a
closing parenthesis.
 To automatically add comments after a closing parenthesis on a separate line,
check the “Insert form-closing comment” box in the dialog
under Tools>Environment Options> Visual LISP Format Options.

Comment Block/Uncomment Block

To use these tools, simply select the lines you want to comment or uncomment and
press the button. Comment Block adds semicolons at the start of the selected
lines; Uncomment Block removes the semicolons.

For example, you may want to test just a portion of your routine in AutoCAD. You can
highlight the undesired portion and comment it out with the click of a button. When
you are ready to test this section as well, highlight it again and press
the Uncomment Block tool.

Commenting Example

;;;This program draws a triangle based on the two

;;;endpoints of the hypotenuse.
;;;June 14, 2012

(defun C:TRIANGLE ()
(setq PT1 (getpoint “Pick a Point: “)
PT2 (getpoint “Pick another point: “)
PT3 (list
(car PT1)
(cadr PT2) )
;end list
) ;end setq
(command “line” PT1 PT2 PT3 “c”)
) ;end defun


 Use symbol names that make sense. Use a name that relates to the value
such as, PT1, ReferencePoint, SCALE_FACTOR, etc.
 Visual LISP will complete a function or symbol name if you type the first few
letters and the press Ctrl + Spacebar. Repeat if you don’t come up with the
right name at first.
 Symbols are not case sensitive but capitalization can help you differentiate
between symbols and functions when you are not in Visual LISP.
 Remember, don’t use PI, T, or any function name such as ANGLE as a symbol
 Give understandable file names for your LISP routines. For example, not


Use error control such as the (iniget) and (getkword) functions. Expect the
unexpected input. Make the routine as easy to use as possible.

Write prompts that look like AutoCAD’s. This makes a smoother interface between
your LISP routine and the main package. For example: “Choose a color: Red or
[Blue/Yellow/Green]: ” Don’t forget that AutoCAD 2000 has a new prompt style.

Setting Local Variables

Another good clarity practice is to keep the track of the variables you use as symbols
and make sure you do not leave them active in AutoCAD if they will impact another
routine. This is called localizing the variables.

 All variables in use in a session of AutoCAD are stored in the atom list. This
also includes all the AutoLISP function names.

Explanation: the (defun) function options

A variable can be declared exclusive to a given function. These “local” variables are
declared in the same parentheses as the argument list of the (defun):

(defun function_name ([arguments / local_variables])

The optional arguments are the variables that you will want permanently assigned in
a drawing session. These may be symbol information that you will use in another
AutoLISP routine. Or they are the ones you must supply for the function to work.

The optional local_variables set aside the name and value of local variables. They
will not be added to the atom-list and will only be retained in memory while the
function is executing.

 Arguments and local variables are separated by a forward slash “/”.

 Local variables remain in memory only while the routine is executing. This
allows the use of longer and clearer variable names.
 You may need to exit and restart AutoCAD to remove any existing variables.
Explanation: the (atoms-family) function

The (atoms-family) function returns a list of all the symbols currently defined,
called the atom list. This way you can know what symbols have been defined in the
drawing session.

(atoms-family format [symbol])

The format argument specifies whether the symbols will be returned as symbols or
strings: 0 returns a list of symbols and 1 returns list of symbols converted to strings.

The optional symbol argument is used to check whether each symbol in the symbol
list exists in the current editing session. If the symbol exists, the argument returns a
symbol name; otherwise it returns nil.

Command: (atoms-family 1 ‘(“CAR”))


Example: Localized Variables

;;;C:MATRIX – A function to create a rectangular array
;;; by total row and column distance.
(command “graphscr”)
(initget (+ 1 2 4)
(setq ROW-NUMBER (getint “Number of rows (—): “))
(initget (+ 1 2 4)
(setq COL-NUMBER (getint “Number of columns (|||): “))
(setq STARTPT (getpoint “Starting point: “))
(initget (+ 1 2)
(setq TOTAL-ROW (getdist STARTPT “\nTotal row distance: “))
(initget (+ 1 2)
(setq TOTAL-COL (getdist STARTPT “\nTotal column distance: “))
(setq SS1 (ssget))
(command “array” SS1 “” “r” ROW-NUMBER COL-NUMBER ROW-DIST COL-
DIST) (princ)
); close defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as MATRIX-A.LSP.


Open the TAG.LSP program that you have been working on. Format it using Visual
LISP, add comments, and check the symbol names and prompts.
The Simplest Looping Function
(repeat) – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 22a
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

Programs frequently need to perform the same series of expressions multiple times.
Rather than copy the same line a given number of times, the (repeat) function
simplifies the process.

Explanation: the (repeat) function

(repeat number
… expression …

The number is the number of times, in integers, to repeat the enclosed expressions.
Provided you can predetermine the number of loops desired, the (repeat) function is
the simplest choice.


(defun c:MCIRCLE ()
(setq NUMBER (getint “\nEnter number of circles: “))
(setq CENTER (getpoint “\nSelect center point: “))
(setq RADIUS (getdist CENTER “\nRadius of 1st circle: “))
(setq INCREMENT (getdist “\nEnter radius increment: “))
(repeat NUMBER
(command “circle” CENTER RADIUS)
;_ end of repeat
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as MCIRCLE-A.LSP.

Note: With the (repeat) function and the other branching and looping functions, it
is a good programming technique to indent all the arguments to the looping or
branching function for easier readability. Visual LISP will do this for you
automatically as you type or when you use the Format buttons.


Modify the BOX1.LSP routine to include a prompt for the number of boxes to be


(defun c:BOX1 ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq CC-SAV (getvar “cecolor”))
(initget 1 “Red Yellow Blue”)
(setq CLR (getkword “\nSelect Red/Yellow/Blue: “)) (setvar “cecolor” CLR)
(initget 1)
(repeat (getint “\nEnter number of boxes: “)
(initget 1)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nFirst corner of box: ”))
(initget 1)
(setq PT2 (getcorner PT1 “\nOpposite corner: ”))
(setq X1 (car PT1))
(setq X2 (car PT2))
(setq Y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq Y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq PT3 (list X1 Y2))
(setq PT4 (list X2 Y1))
(command “pline” PT1 PT3 PT2 PT4 “close”)
);end repeat
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
(setvar “cecolor” CC-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-G.LSP.

Processing the Elements of a List –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 22b
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

When we are working with a list of data, we frequently need to work with each
individual element rather than the list as a whole. For instance, if we wanted to create
a point, PT2, which is twice as far from the origin as PT1, then we will want to
increase each of its coordinates separately by a factor of 2. By use of
the (foreach) function, we are able to act on each element in a list.

Explanation: the (foreach) function

(foreach item list

… expression …

The (foreach) function temporarily holds each element in list in a local

variable item. The expression within the (foreach) will then perform appropriate
calculations using the constantly changing item symbol.


Command: (setq PTLST ‘((2.0 2.0 0.0) (2.0 3.0 0.0) (1.0 2.0 0.0))) ((2.0 2.0
0.0) (2.0 3.0 0.0) (1.0 2.0 0.0))
Command: (foreach PT PTLST (command “circle” PT 1.0))


Modify the BOX1.LSP file to draw a 1⁄2” circle at each of the corners of each of the
boxes. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.


(defun c:BOX1 ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq CC-SAV (getvar “cecolor”))
(initget 1 “Red Yellow Blue”)
(setq CLR (getkword “\nSelect Red/Yellow/Blue: “))
(setvar “cecolor” CLR)
(initget 1)
(repeat (getint “\nEnter number of boxes: “)
(initget 1)
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nFirst corner of box: ”))
(initget 1)
(setq PT2 (getcorner PT1 “\nOpposite corner: ”))
(setq X1 (car PT1))
(setq X2 (car PT2))
(setq Y1 (cadr PT1))
(setq Y2 (cadr PT2))
(setq PT3 (list X1 Y2))
(setq PT4 (list X2 Y1))
(command “pline” PT1 PT3 PT2 PT4 “close”)
(foreach PT (list PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4)
(command “circle” PT 0.25)
);end foreach
);end repeat
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
(setvar “cecolor” CC-SAV)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOX1-H.LSP.

Object Snaps vs. Keyboard Entry

When you are running AutoLISP routines that place points you will need to make
sure you have the Keyboard Entry overriding the Object Snaps. You should either
set OSNAPCOORD to 1 in your routine or change the option “Priority for Coordinate
Data Entry” to “Keyboard Entry” in the Options dialog> User Preferences tab.

Creating a List of Points –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 22c
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
Now that we have seen how useful the (foreach) function is in working with a list of
data, we need to be able to easily gather data into lists. We already know one
function, (list), that can be used to create a list. The (cons) function can help add
data to a list, especially when used in a loop.

Explanation: the (cons) function

(cons new_first_element list)

The (cons) function creates a new list by adding new_first_element to the beginning
of list.

For example, if the list NLIST was set to (“Bob” “Susan” “Hussein”), then the

(cons “Keisha” NLIST)

would return:
(“Keisha” “Bob” “Susan” “Hussein”)

Creating a List of Points

To create a list of points, we would use a programming loop to repeat

the (cons) function.

(repeat 5
(setq PTLIST (cons (getpoint “Pick a point:”)

This would prompt the user five times to pick a point, and return a list of the points
selected. Now, (foreach) can be used to process these points.

 If the list argument is nil, (cons) will return a single element list consisting of
whatever is returned by the first expression.
 The list will be in reverse order.
 The (reverse list) function reverses the list so the numbers will be placed in



(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(initget (+ 1 2 4))
(setq NUMBER (getint “\nNumber of doortags: “))
(initget (+ 1 2 4))
(setq TAGNUMBER (getint “\nTag starting number: “))
(repeat NUMBER
(setq POINTLIST(cons (getpoint “\nLocation of doortag: “)
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of repeat
(foreach PT (reverse POINTLIST)
(command “circle” PT (/ (getvar “dimscale”) 4.0))
(command “text”
(* (getvar “dimscale”) 0.125)
) ;_ end of command
) ;_ end of foreach
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
) ;_ end of defun

 The empty parentheses in the (defun) function have been filled with the
names of the symbols used in the routine. This localizes the variables so that
they remain in memory only while the routine is executing.
 The (itoa) function converts atoms of an integer data type to a string data
type. (Data conversion will be covered later in the course.)
 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as DOORNUMBER-

Conditional Expressions –
AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 22d
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

Sometimes you will want a program to do different things depending on different
conditions. This is called branching. In order to create program branches, we need to
construct “test conditions.” If the test is true, then we do one result; if false, a
different result.

Conditional expressions can be used with several functions to achieve branching in

AutoLISP routines.

1. Any expression can be used as a conditional.

In AutoLISP, any expression is true if it evaluates to a non-nil value. Any expression

is false if it evaluates to nil. Hence, each of the following is a valid conditional

(setq A 5)
PT1 – as long as it holds some value
(getpoint “Enter center point: “)
(setq A B)

2. Specific functions are designed to be conditional expressions.

These expressions return the value of “T” if true, and “nil” if false. They are divided
into two types: Numerical (=,<,>, etc.) for numbers and Logical (equal to, less than,
greater than, etc.) for other expressions.


Command: (= 5 5.0)
Command: (/= 5 (- 7 1))
Command: (setq G 3.0 H 2.96)
Command: (= G H)
Command: (equal G H 0.1) – are G & H equal within 0.1?
Command: (equal G H 0.04) – are G & H equal within 0.04?

Numerical Conditions

The following conditional expressions are valid for numbers and strings:
Logical Conditions

The following conditionals will work with any expression:


Test the following expressions at the Command line.

(equal 0.1 0.2)

(equal 0.1 0.2 0.1)
(= “this” “that”)
(equal “this” “that”)
(or “this” nil “that”)
(and “this” nil “that”)
(> (+ 5(/ 4 5)) 8)

A More Versatile Loop : the while

Function – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 23
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

The (repeat) function is limited to situations where the programmer (or the user)
can determine beforehand the number of loops desired. The more common looping
situation is to continue to execute a series of expressions until a certain changing
condition is met. This is exactly the use of the (while) function.

Explanation: the (while) function

(while expression1

where expressionx is a conditional statement.

The (while) function first evaluates the expression1. As long as it is non- nil, the
remaining expressions are evaluated and it then re-evaluates the expression1. (The
assumption is that the expressions within the loop are somehow changing
the expression1.) The cycle continues until the expression1 is nil, and
the (while) function returns the most recent value of the last expressionn.


(setq RADIUS 1.0)

(setq PT (getpoint “\nEnter a center point: “))
(while (< RADIUS 2.25)
(command “circle” PT RADIUS)
(setq RADIUS (+ RADIUS 0.125))

This expression draws concentric circles at a center point picked by the user. It starts
with a radius of 1 and adds 0.125 to the radius of each successive circle until the value
of the radius reaches 2.25.

 Any non-nil character may serve as a conditional expression.

(setq PT (getpoint “\nPick a point:”))

This expression could be used as the conditional expression in a (while) loop: as

long as the user picks a point, the loop will repeat. If the user hits the spacebar or
<enter> key, that returns nil and the loop is exited. Thus the user’s input becomes the
condition of the (while) statement.


(while (setq PT (getpoint “\nPick a point:”))

(setq PTLIST (cons PT PTLIST))
(foreach CPT PTLIST
(command “circle” CPT 1.0)

This expression will continue to add points to the list of points as long as the user
picks or enters coordinates, then use the list of points to draw the circles.

Modify the file TAG.LSP to include incremental numbers inside the circle as long as
the user selects a point for a tag. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to the solution

1. Get starting number from user.

2. Request placement point for leader endpoint and center of tag.

3. Draw leader and tag.

4. Increase the next tag number by 1.

5. Loop back to Step 3 as long as user selects endpoint of leader.


(defun c:TAG ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq OS-SAVE (getvar “osnapcoord”))
(setvar “osnapcoord” 1)
(initget (+ 1 2 4))
(setq TAGNUMBER (getint “\nTag starting number: “))
(while (setq PT1 (getpoint “\nPick the leader endpoint or Press Enter
tofinish: ” ))
(setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 “\nPick the tag center point: “))
(setq RADIUS (/ (getvar “dimscale”) 4.0))
(setq ANGLE1 (angle PT2 PT1))
(command “line” PT1 LEADERENDPT “”
“circle” PT2 RADIUS
“text” “m” PT2(* (getvar “dimscale”) 0.25)0(itoa
) ;_ end of command
;_ end of while
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
(setvar “osnapcoord” OS-SAVE)
) ;_ end of defun

Note: The (itoa) function converts atoms of an integer data type to a string data
type. (Data conversion will be covered later in the course.)
 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TAG-B.LSP.

The Simplest Program Branch- the

(if) Function – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 24
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

Branching is a fundamental part of programming. Based on the conditional
statements from the previous topic, the (if) function creates a two-pronged branch:
“if the condition is true, then do this; otherwise, do that.” The structure of
the (if) function permits only one test. To evaluate multiple expressions, use
the (progn) function.

Explanation: the (if) function

(if test-expression then-expression [else-expression])

The test-expression is the conditional expression; if it is non-nil, the then-
expression is evaluated. If it is nil, the optional else-expression is evaluated if present,
and program flow continues below the (if) statement.

Explanation: the (progn) function

(progn expression1 … expressionn)

The (progn) function evaluates each expression in order and returns the value of the
last expression. To the (if) function, the series of expressions appears as only one.


(defun c:Larger ()
(setq A (getint “\nEnter an integer: “))
(setq B (getint “\nEnter another integer: “))
(if (< A B)
(prompt “\nThe second number is larger.”)
(prompt “\nAnd the difference is “)
(prompt (itoa (- B A)))
(prompt “\nThe second number is larger.”)
(prompt “\nAnd the difference is “)
(prompt (itoa (- B A)))

 A complete solution to this example is on your class disk as LARGER.LSP.


Add an (if) statement to the TAG.LSP practice that will check to see if the layer
KEYNOTE exists. If it does exist then set it current and if it does not exist create it.
This requires a test expression, (tablesearch “layer” “keynote”) that we will cover
more in-depth later.

When you have completed the routine, open a new drawing based on the
PROTOMECH.DWT template and test it. Estimated time for completion: 10

(defun c:TAG ()
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq CLAYER-SAVE (getvar “clayer”))
(if (tblsearch “layer” “keynote”)
(setvar “clayer” “keynote”)
(progn (command “-layer” “n” “keynote” “c” “cyan” “keynote” “”)
(setvar “clayer” “keynote”)
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(setq TAGNUMBER (getint “\nTag starting number: “))
(while (setq PT1 (getpoint “\nPick the leader endpoint [Press Enter to finish]: ”
) ;_ end of getpoint
) ;_ end of setq
(setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 “\nPick the tag center point: “))
(setq RADIUS (/ (getvar “dimscale”) 4.0))
(setq ANGLE1 (angle PT2 PT1))
(setq PT3 (polar PT2 ANGLE1 RADIUS))
(command “line” PT1 PT3 “” “circle” PT2 RADIUS
“text” “m” PT2 (* (getvar “dimscale”) 0.25)0 (itoa TAGNUMBER)
) ; end of command
; end of while
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE) (setvar “clayer” CLAYER-SAVE) (redraw)
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TAG-C.LSP.

A More Versatile Program Branch-

the (cond) Function – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 25
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
Many decision branches are multi-forked—that is, there are several possible
outcomes, each with a unique result. Rather than nest a series of (if) statements, a
single (cond) function can handle a multi-fork branch extremely well.

Explanation: the (cond) function





(T nil)
) ;end cond

 Each test expression is evaluated sequentially until one is found that is non-
nil. It then evaluates those expressions that follow the test that succeeded,
returning the value of the last of these expressions.
 Any number of test expressions is possible.
 It is common to use T as the final test expression as an error-checking
mechanism in case all other tests fail. For example:

( T (prompt “\nNo conditions were met.”))


(defun c:object ()
(initget 1 “Circle Square Rectang”)
(setq CMD (getkword “\nEnter object type Circle/Square/Rectangle: “))
(setq PT (getpoint “\nEnter a point: “))
((= CMD “Circle”) (command “circle” PT 0.5))
((= CMD “Square”) (command “pline” PT “@1<0” “@1<90” “@1<180” “c”))
((= CMD “Rectang”) (command “pline” PT “@2<0” “@1<90” “@2<180” “c”))

 A copy of this example is on your class disk as OBJECT.LSP


Create an AutoLISP routine that will let the user select from a list of blocks and
insert it. Test it in the file OFFICE.dwg. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to solution

1. Ask user to select from a list of blocks.

2. Test which block name was chosen and insert the block.


(defun c:furn ()
(initget 1 “Chair Desk PC Plant”)
(setq FURN (getkword “\n Enter furniture type to insert Chair/Desk/PC/Plant: “))
((= FURN “Chair”) (command “insert” “Chair” “s” “1” pause pause))
((= FURN “Desk”) (command “insert” “Desk” “s” “1” pause pause))
((= FURN “PC”) (command “insert” “PC” “s” “1” pause pause))
((= FURN “Plant”) (command “insert” “Plant” “s” pause pause))

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as FURN-A.LSP.

What an entity definition list looks

like – AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

Every object in AutoCAD has specific information associated with it that is stored in a
database. This includes such information as layer, color, and linetype, as well as the
points that define its specific geometry. This is known as the entity definition list, also
called the entity association list. Since we cannot directly read the database we will
need special AutoLISP functions to access the database and tell us about the entity.
Once we have the entity name of a selected object, we can use it to obtain its entity
definition list, by way of the (entget) function.

Explanation: the (entget) function

(entget ename)

The (entget) function returns the list containing the definition data for the entity
whose name is ename. Notice from the example below that it is a list of sublists,
which is uniquely known as an association list in AutoLISP. Each of these sublists,
known as an association pair or dotted pair, begins with an integer, and has either
one other element separated by a dot (8 . “OBJECT”) or three other elements which
are all reals (10 1.0 9.0 0.0).

Command: (setq ELIST1 (entget ENT1))

((-1 . <Entity name: 60000014> (0 . “LINE”) (8.”OBJECT”) (5 . “15”) (10 1.0 9.0 0.0)
(11 5.0 8.0 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0))

 The initial integer of each sublist refers to a DXF Group Code which correlates
to an entity property such as entity name, layer, entity type, endpoints of a line,
 The remaining elements in each sublist refer to the entity property’s unique
value for this entity, such as value of the entity name, the value of the layer,


For each of the entity names that you created in the last practice, find the entity
definition list for each and assign them to the symbols “ELIST1” to “ELIST5.”
Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.
How to interpret and manipulate an
entity definition list (association
list) – AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
To see an entity definition list is fine, but our ultimate goal is to be able to use the
values associated with certain DXF codes, and often to change the properties of an
entity. To do that, we will need to understand the unique properties of an association
list so that we can extract an object’s properties and change its definition list.

Explanation: the (assoc) function Extracting association pairs

(assoc code list)

The (assoc) function searches the association list list for the key element code and
returns the complete association pair if the code exists in list. If code is not found, it
returns nil.

For example, to find the layer association pair for entity ENT1:

Command: (assoc 8 ENT1)

(8 . “0”)

Isolating Data
To isolate just the data associated with a DXF code we use the (cdr) function:

Command: (cdr (assoc 8 ENT1))


As you create more programs that use the data gathered from existing entities, you
will use this series of functions quite often:

(cdr (assoc x (entget xx)

 It would be convenient to create your own user-defined function that calls

these three pre-defined functions as a shortcut whenever you wish to extract
the data associated with a certain DXF code on a certain entity name. (See
additional practice.)


Create a routine that will switch the current layer to the layer of an object the user
picks. Use the drawing RATCHET.DWG to test the routine. The solutions below are
not completely clean, so you may also want to add Command echo toggles.
Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.


(defun C:SETLAY ()
(setq OBJECT(car (entsel “\nSelect object for new current layer: “)))
(setq LAYERNAME (cdr (assoc 8 (entget OBJECT))))
(command “-layer” “set” LAYERNAME “”)

Additional Practice

Create your own (getdxf) function that can be used in the place of the three pre-
defined functions cdr, accoc, and entget. Your function will require two arguments:
the DXF code number and the Ename of the entity from which the data will be
extracted. Then rewrite SETLAY.LSP using the DXF function.



(cdr (assoc CODE (entget ENAME)))

 It would be an excellent idea to add the code from this program to your
ACADDOC.LSP file, so it will load automatically and be available to any of
your programs.
Solution: (setlay) with (GETDXF) code

(defun C:SETLAY ()
(setq OBJECT (car (entsel “\nSelect object whose layer will become current: “)))
(setq LAYERNAME (getdxf 8 OBJECT))
(command “-layer” “set” LAYERNAME “”)

 Complete solutions to these practices are on your class disk as: SETLAY-

How to change entity properties

through AutoLISP – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 29
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

In the previous section we looked at methods that allows us to use DXF code data.
Now we will examine how to change DXF code data. We could just continue to call
AutoCAD’s CHANGE command using the (command) function to change the
properties of an object. But, there is an old AutoLISP adage that states, “Real
programmers don’t use the (command) function!”

First we need to create new association pairs, then substitute one association pair for
another, and finally update the object in the drawing database.

Creating New Association Pairs

To create a new association pair we must connect the DXF code with the proper
information. To add information to a list, we use the (cons) function.

Explanation: the (cons) function with DXF codes

(cons new_first_element list)

The (cons) function creates a new list by adding new_first_element to the beginning
of list.

For example, if we wanted to create a new association pair that represented the start
point of a line, where PT1 is (1.0 1.0 0.0) and 10 is the DXF code:

Command: (cons 10 PT1)

(10 1.0 1.0 0.0)

But, the (cons) function will create a dotted pair if the second argument is
an atom instead of a list. This is the only way to create a dotted pair.

(cons new_first_element atom)

For example, if we wanted to create a new association pair that represented the layer

Command: (cons 8 “WALLS”)

(8 . “WALLS”)

Tip: (cdr) with Dotted Pairs and Lists

The (cdr) function, when a dotted pair is its argument, returns the second element
as an element, not a list.
Command: (cdr (cons 8 “WALLS”))
But, when a list is its argument, the (cdr) function returns the second element as a
Command: (cdr (cons 10 PT1))
(1.0 1.0 0.0)

Substituting one Association Pair for Another

To switch association pairs we will need to use a new command,

the (subst) function.

Explanation: the (subst) function

(subst new_item old_item list)

The (subst) function searches the list for old_ item. If found, it replaces every
occurrence of old_ item with new_item and returns a new list with the changes
made. If old_item is not found, (subst) returns list unchanged.

For example, if we wanted to change the layer in our entity definition list, ELIST1,
from its existing layer to WALLS:

Command: (setq OLDLAY (assoc 8 ELIST1))

(8 . “0”)
Command: (setq NEWLAY (cons 8 “WALLS”))
(8 . “WALLS”)
Command: (setq NEWENT1 (subst NEWLAY OLDLAY ELIST1))

Updating the Entity in the Drawing

Simply changing the entity definition list does not change the entity in the drawing. It
is also necessary to update the drawing database, using the (entmod) function, to
reflect changes made in the entity definition list.

Explanation: the (entmod) function

(entmod ename)

The (entmod) function updates the drawing database for the entity whose name is
specified by the “-1” DXF code , or entity name, in ename.

Command: (entmod ENAME)

((-1 . <Entity name: 60000014> (0 . “LINE”) (8 .”WALLS”) (5 . “15”) (10 1.0 9.0 0.0)
(11 5.0 8.0 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0))

Tip: Changing Subentities

If changes are made to a subentity (e.g. vertex of a pline or attribute of a block), an

additional step is required to update the drawing by using the (entupd) function:
(entupd ename)
The (entupd) function causes the modified pline or block with name ename to be
updated on the screen. It may be used with any entity, and simply causes that entity
to be regenerated. See the Appendix for more information about working with


Create a function, CHANGEBLOCK.LSP, that will enable you to replace one block
with another user-designated block. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.


(setq ENT (car (entsel “Select block to replace: “))
NEWBLOCKNAME (getstring “New block name: “)
(if (/= NEWBLOCKNAME “”)
(setq OLDELIST (entget ENT)
(entmod NEWELIST)
(prompt “\nA block name was not entered.”)
(princ) )

Open the drawing BLOX.DWG and load the function. Use the CHANGEBLOCK
function to change the block FROWN to SMILE.

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as CHANGEBLOCK-


Automatically Updating an Object

Just as we previously created a user-defined function, (getdxf), to isolate the data

associated with a certain DXF code, you will find it convenient to create a user-
defined function to automatically update an entity based on the DXF code number,
the new value for that DXF code number, and an ename.


(assoc CODE (entget ENAME))
(entget ENAME)
) ; end subst
) ; end entmod
) ; end defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as SETDXF-A.LSP.

Tip: Modularity in Programming

Looks like that new function will save us quite a few keystrokes! Creating functions
like this that can be used within a larger routine is called modularity. By loading
such functions into your ACADDOC.LSP file you can also make them useable by
many other functions. You are creating your own AutoLISP commands. Here are a
few more:
;;;GETNAME – returns the Entity Name (ename)
;;; of the selected entity
(defun GETNAME ( )
(car (entsel))
;;;GETLIST – returns the Entity List
;;;of the selected entity
(defun GETLIST ( )
(entget (car (entsel)))

How to create entities – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 30
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
Entity definition lists can also be used to create an entity from scratch. To create an
entity, you must define its properties. Supplying an association list or creating the list
by asking for information from the user can do this.

Explanation: the (entmake) function

(entmake list)

The (entmake) function creates a new entity defined by the list. The data in
the list must be association lists and must contain the minimum information required
to define the entity. Different entity types require different minimum association
lists. If the list contains insufficient information to create an entity, the function
returns nil.

 Some information, such as the layer name, is optional. If that information is not
supplied in list, the default value is used.
 If a layer name does not exist in the drawing, a new layer is created.
 The entity type (line, arc, circle, etc.) must be listed first in list unless an entity
name is supplied. If an entity name is supplied, it must be listed first, followed
by the entity type. The entity name is ignored when the entity is created.

Command: (entmake ‘((0 . “line” )(8 . “newlayer”)

(10 1.0 2.0 0.0)(11 2.0 2.0 0.0)))

(defun C:MAKECIRCLE ()
(setq LAYER (getstring “Layer: “))
(setq CENTER (getpoint “Center: “))
(setq RADIUS (getdist cen “Radius: “))
(entmake (list
(cons 0 “circle”)
(cons 8 LAYER)
(cons 10 CENTER)
(cons 40 RADIUS)
) (princ)


In this practice you will change the TAG routine so that it uses
the (entmake) function to create the objects in your drawing rather than
the (command) function. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to the solution

1. Write up the list of association pairs needed for the line, circle, and text objects. If
you do not know the group codes needed, check the DXF Reference Guide (Entities
section) in the Help files.

2. Add these as needed to create the objects.


(defun c:TAG ()

Remove (command) functions and add the following:

(entmake (list (cons 0 “line”)

(cons 10 PT1)
(cons 11 LEADERENDPT)))
(entmake (list (cons 0 “circle”)
(cons 10 PT2)
(cons 40 RADIUS)))
(entmake (list (cons 0 “text”)
(cons 72 4)
(cons 10 PT2)
(cons 11 PT2)
(cons 40 (* (getvar “dimscale”) 0.25))
(cons 1 (itoa TAGNUMBER))))

) ;_ end of defun

 The DXF dotted pair code for middle justification is ( 72 . 4) . Text also needs
both 10 and 11 set when you are using a justification other than the default.
 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TAG-D.LSP

Creating a Selection Set in

AutoLISP – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 31
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD

Rather than work with a single entity, it is frequently more useful to work with groups
of entities. By creating an appropriate selection set each entity within that selection
set can be changed accordingly.
Explanation: the (ssget) function

(ssget [mode] [pt1] [pt2] [filter–list])

If no options are specified, (ssget) prompts the user through AutoCAD’s general
“Select objects:” prompt.

Command: (setq SS1 (ssget))

Select objects: . . . <select interactively> . . .
Select objects: <enter>
<Selection set 1>

 The (ssget) function returns a selection set. This is a unique data type we
haven’t discussed before. What function can we use to find the data type of
what is returned by (ssget)?

The optional mode arguments correspond to AutoCAD selection modes:

 Selection sets contain main entities only (no attributes or polyline vertices).
 The selected objects are highlighted only when the (ssget) function is used
without any arguments.
 You can have up to 128 open selection sets at one time. If more are
attempted, AutoLISP returns nil to all (ssget) tries. To close a selection set
variable, set its value to nil.


In this practice you will create a new “Move and Rotate” command by selecting
objects, moving them and then rotating them. Estimated time for completion: 10
Steps to the solution

1. Use (ssget) to have users select the objects to move and rotate.

2. Get the basepoint, second point, and rotation angle from the user.

3. Run the MOVE and ROTATE commands using the information gathered above.


(defun C:MoveRotate ()
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq SS (ssget))
(setq CP (getpoint “\nBase point: “))
(setq PT2(getpoint “\nSecond point: “))
(setq ANG (getdist “\nRotation Angle: “))
(command “move” SS “” CP PT2)
(command “rotate” SS “” PT2 ANG)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as MOVEROTATE-


Manipulating Selection Sets –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 32
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
Once a selection set is created, a variety of functions can be used to make changes to
the selection set or to give you information about it.

Explanation: the (ssxxx) functions


In this practice you will modify the previous Move and Rotate routine to make sure
that you have selected or deselected all the desired objects. Estimated time for
completion: 10 minutes.

Steps to the solution

1. Use (ssadd) to add any additional items to the selection set.

2. Use (ssdel) to remove any unwanted items from the selection set.


(defun C:MoveRotate ()
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq SS (ssget))
(while (setq ENAME (car (entsel “\nAdd any additional items to selection
set: “)))
(ssadd ENAME SS)
(while (setq ENAME (car (entsel “\nRemove any unwanted items from
the selection set: “)))
(ssdel ENAME SS)
(setq CP (getpoint “\nBase point: “))
(setq PT2 (getpoint “\nSecond point: “))
(setq ANG (getdist “\nRotation Angle: “))
(command “move” SS “” CP PT2)
(command “rotate” SS “” PT2 ANG)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as MOVEROTATE-


Processing Entities within a

Selection Set – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 33
04/19/2017 By TUTOCAD
Once we have created a selection set, the next step is to access each object in the set
and apply the rest of the routine to it. But, we cannot use the (foreach) function we
used earlier. Selection sets are a special data type called a pickset and need specific
functions to access the data. The function to process the elements of a selection set
is (ssname).

Explanation: the (ssname) function

(ssname selection_set position)

The selection_set is a selection set and the position is the location of the object you
want to process within the set.

 The index position numbering begins at 0.


Command: (setq EN1 (ssname SS1 0))

<Entity name: 60000014>
This gets the first object in the selection set.

Command: (setq EN2 (ssname SS1 1))

<Entity name: 60000028>

This gets the second object in the selection set.

 In most cases you will let the code do the numbering for you. See the practice


In this practice you will use the AutoLISP selection set tools to update the
(changeblock) function created earlier so that users may select more than one block
at a time. Test the routine in BLOX.DWG. Estimated time for completion: 10


(setq NEWBLOCKNAME (getstring “\nNew block name: “))
(if (/= NEWBLOCKNAME “”)
(setq SS (ssget))
(setq POSITION 0)
(while (setq ENAME (ssname SS POSITION))
(setq OLDELIST (entget ENAME)
) ;_ end of setq
(entmod NEWELIST)
) ;_ end of while
(setq SS nil)
) ;_ end of progn
(prompt “\nA block name was not entered.”)
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as CHANGEBLOCK-


Modular Code for Selection Sets (Optional)

You may want to create a modular routine that will work whenever you need to
process entities within a selection set. Here is an example called SSMOD. It uses
another modular routine called SETDXF, which is also included below.

;;;SETDXF – isolates data associated with a certain

;;; DXF code and automatically updates the entity
;;;SETDXF requires three arguments:
;;; CODE- the DXF code number of the type
;;; of information you wish to change
;;; NEWVALUE The new value of the changed
;;; information
;;; ENAME – the ename of the entity to be changed


(assoc CODE (entget ENAME))
(entget ENAME)

;;;SSMOD – modifies each entity in a selection set

;;; based on a new value for a given DXF code
;;;SSMOD requires three arguments:
;;;SS – The selection set to modify
;;;CODE – the DXF code number of the type
;;;of information you wish to change
;;;NEWVALUE – The new value of the changed information
;;;Two other variables, POSITION and ENAME, do not
;;; require input from the user.


(setq POSITION 0)
(while (setq ENAME (ssname SS POSITION))
) ;_ end of while
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as SSMOD-A.LSP

Creating Selection Sets Using
Filters – AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

Besides using the standard selection set tools analogous to AutoCAD (Window,
Crossing, Previous, Last, etc.), AutoLISP provides a mechanism, through
the (ssget) filter, to select all entities within a drawing that have specific properties.

Explanation: the (ssget “X”) function

(ssget “X” filter-list)

The “X” mode of the (ssget) function scans the entire drawing and creates a selection
set containing the names of all main entities that match the criteria specified in
the filter-list.
The filter-list is an association list that contains a series of entity property association
pairs, the DXF code and the corresponding answer (8 . “layer name”), that are desired
to be selected. See next page for list of available DXF codes.


(setq SS1 (ssget “x” ‘((8 . “object”))))

The code above would select all entities in the drawing located on the OBJECT layer.
(setq SS2 (ssget “x” ‘((8 . “object”) (0 . “line”))))
The code above would select all lines with linetype DASHED in the drawing located
on the OBJECT layer.

 An empty or absent filter-list would cause (ssget “x”) to select all entities in
the drawing.

DXF Codes

Here are some of the more commonly used DXF codes accepted by the (ssget
“X”) function:


In this practice you will create a routine that will select all the text objects in a file
and change their layer to the layer TEXT. This uses the (ssget “X”) function. Note
the similarity to the (changeblock) routine that we created earlier. Estimated
time for completion: 10 minutes.

;;;TEXTLAYER – moves all text in a drawing to the

;;; “Text” layer
(defun C:TEXTLAYER ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq SS (ssget “x” ‘((0 . “text”)) ))
(setq POSITION 0)
(while (setq ENAME (ssname SS POSITION))
(setq OLDELIST (entget ENAME)
NEWLAYERNAMELIST (cons 8 “text”)
) ;_ end of setq
(entmod NEWELIST)
) ;_ end of while
(setq SS nil)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TEXTLAYER-


Additional Filter Options for

(ssget) – AutoCAD Autolisp
tutorial 35
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
Filter lists for (ssget) can include a variety of options, including relational tests for
numerical values and Boolean expressions that look for information such as “this and
that,” “this or that,” or “not this and that.”

Relational Tests

For numeric groups (integers, reals, points, and vectors) you can use relational test

 To apply a relational test to the value of a numeric group within a filter-list,

place a -4 group code along with the operator in a sub-list immediately
preceding the group to which you want the test applied.

This filter-list would return all the Circle entities in a drawing which have a radius
greater than or equal to 1.0 units.

(ssget “x” ‘((0 . “CIRCLE”) (-4 . “>=”)(40 . 1.0)))

Boolean Operators

Unless otherwise specified, an “equal to” test is implied for each item in a filter list.
AutoCAD allows four Boolean operators in filter lists: AND, OR, XOR, and NOT.

You can test groups of objects by creating nested Boolean expressions that are
specified in -4 groups, like the relational operators. Each Boolean expression must be
paired and balanced correctly. The number of operands that an expression can
enclose depends on the operation.


This filter-list would select all circles with a radius of 1.0 and also select all lines on
layer OBJECT:
(ssget “x”
‘((-4 . “<OR”)
(-4 . “<AND”)
(0 . “CIRCLE”)
(40 . 1.0)
(-4 . “AND>”)
(-4 . “<AND”)
(0 . “LINE”)
(8 . “OBJECT”)
(-4 . “AND>”)
(-4 . “OR>”)

 For string groups, use wild-card tests, instead of relational tests.


In this practice you will change the (textlayer) routine we created in the previous
practice so that it selects both TEXT and MTEXT. Estimated time for completion: 5


(defun C:TEXTLAYER ()
(setq CE-SAV (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq ss (ssget “x” ‘((-4 . “<OR”) (0 . “mtext”)(0 . “text”) (-4 . “OR>”))))
(setq POSITION 0)
(while (setq ENAME (ssname SS POSITION))
(setq OLDELIST (entget ENAME)
NEWLAYERNAMELIST (cons 8 “text”)
) ;_ end of setq
(entmod NEWELIST)
) ;_ end of while
(setq SS nil)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAV)
) ;_ end of defun

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TEXTLAYER-


Combining Entity Selection and Filter Lists

When creating selection sets, you can combine the selection mode with a filter-list.
For example, you can select all the Circle entities on layer 0 with a color of red (or 1)
that fall within a Crossing window with a lower left corner of 0,0 and an upper
right corner of 12,9.
You can even combine interactive object selection with a filter list. For example, the
following code prompts the user to create a selection-set, then filters all the objects
and returns only those objects that the user has selected and are LINE entities on
Layer 0.

(setq SSET (ssget ‘((0 . “LINE”) (8 . “0”))))

Accessing Symbol Tables –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 36
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

Certain information about each drawing is contained in symbol tables. Specifically,
there are tables that contain the properties of all layers, linetypes, named views, text
styles, block definitions, UCSs, and viewports within the drawing.

Explanation: the (tblnext) function

(tblnext table_name [T])

The (tblnext) function is used to scan an entire symbol table. For example: (tblnext

Valid tables that can be scanned include:

Each time the (tblnext) function is executed, it returns information on the next item
in the given table. If the optional argument T is set (any non-nil character will do),
the (tblnext) function starts at the beginning of the table again. The properties of
each item in the table are returned in the form of an association list.

Explanation: the (tblsearch) function

Another function, (tblsearch), will search a table for a particular entry:

(tblsearch table_name symbol)

(tblsearch) will search the table table_name for the entrysymbol and will return the
association list which defines the entry.


Command: (tblnext “layer” T)

((0 . “LAYER”) (2 . “0”) (70 . 0) (62 . 7)(6 . “CONTINUOUS”))
Command: (tblsearch “layer” “object”)
((0 . “LAYER”) (2 . “OBJECT “) (70 . 0) (62 . 0)(6 . “DASHED”))

Additional Example

You may want to use a specific layer in a routine. If the layer does not exist, your
program will crash. Therefore, you could do a table search to see if the layer exists,
make it current if it does, and if it does not, create it:
(if (tblsearch “layer” “keynote”)
(setvar “clayer” “keynote”)
(progn (command “-layer” … create the layer…)
(setvar “clayer” “keynote”)
); _end progn
): _end if

 Information obtained from the symbol access tables

using (tblnext) and (tblsearch) is READ-ONLY and cannot be changed
directly through AutoLISP.


Create a Bill of Materials function that gives a count and a list of all the block names
in the drawing. Test it on BLOX.DWG. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.


(defun c:BOM ()
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK” T))
(while BLK-INFO
(setq BLK-NAME (cdr (assoc 2 BLK-INFO)))
(setq SS1 (ssget “X” (list
(cons 0 “INSERT”)
(cons 2 BLK-NAME)
(if SS1
(setq COUNT (sslength SS1))
(setq COUNT 0)
(prompt “\n”)
(prompt (itoa COUNT))
(prompt ” “)
(prompt BLK-NAME)
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK”))

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOM-A.LSP.

Tip: Layouts and AutoLISP

There is a new function in AutoLISP for AutoCAD that will list the layouts in your
drawing. They are not stored in a table.

Command: (layoutlist)
(“Architectural Plan” “Electrical Plan” “Lighting Plan”)
Modifying Table Entries –
AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 37
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

While you cannot modify table entries that were accessed
using (tblnext) or (tblsearch), a more powerful function, (tblobjname), is
included that makes it easier to access table entry information and, more
importantly, allows you to modify the information.

Explanation: the (tblobjname) function

(tblobjname table_name symbol_name)

The (tblobjname) function returns an entity name for the specified table entry.
Using (entget) with the entity name returns an entity definition list that can be
modified, and the table can then be updated using (entmod).

Command: (setq LAYERNAME (tblobjname “LAYER” “Walls”))
<Entity name: 19505a8>

Command: (entget LAYERNAME)

((-1 . <Entity name: 19505a8>) (0 . “LAYER”) (5 . 35”)
(100 . “AcDbSymbolTableRecord”) (100 . “AcDbSymbolTableRecord”)
(2 . “WALLS”) (70 . 64) (62 . “BLUE”) (6 . “CONTINUOUS”))

 Symbol Table entries may only be modified with (entmod) if they were
obtained using (tblobjname). They cannot be modified if they were obtained
using (tblnext) or (tblsearch).
 You can create new Symbol Table entries using (entmake).


In this practice you will use (tblobjname) to obtain the entity name of a text style
so that you can modify the style. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

1. Open the drawing RATCHET.DWG. Make “Title” the current text style and place
some text on your drawing.

2. Get the entity name of the text style “Standard” by using:

(setq TXNAME (tblobjname “style” “standard”))

3. Get the entity definition list of the style using:

(setq TXL (entget TXNAME))

4. Change the font of the style to “romand.shx” by typing in the following expression:

(setq TXL2 (subst (cons 3 “romans.shx”) (assoc 3 TXL) TXL))

5. Update the style’s definition using:

(entmod TXL2)

6. REGEN to see the change.

7. Change the color of layer “OBJECT” to color 4 using the same process

8. If you have time: Create a standard versatile program that would do this according
to the table and DXF information.
Working with String Data –
AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 38
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

To create “clean” and effective displays and prompts, we will need to manipulate
string data as shown in the functions below.

Explanation: the (strxxx) functions

 Grouping strings and symbols:

(setq LASTFILE “tryme.txt”)

(setq PS (strcat “\nEnter file name or [” LASTFILE
Command: Enter file name or [tryme.txt]:

 the system variable DWGNAME holds the extension as well as the name. To
remove the extension you can use (strlen) and (substr) to remove the last
four characters (the dot and three-letter extension).

(setq NAME (getvar “dwgname”))

(setq NAME (substr NAME 1 (- (strlen NAME) 4)))

 Sorting a list of strings:

(setq STRINGLIST (list “Charlottesville” “Richmond” “Norfolk” “Arlington”))

(acad_strlsort STRINGLIST)
(“Arlington” “Charlottesville” “Norfolk” “Richmond”)


Add a prompt to the TAG.LSP file that will include the last number used if there is


(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq CLAYER-SAVE (getvar “clayer”))
(if (tblsearch “layer” “keynote”)
(setvar “clayer” “Keynote”)
(command “-layer” “n” “Keynote” “c” “cyan” Keynote” “”)
(setvar “clayer” “Keynote”)
(if (setq HOLD (getint
(strcat “\nTag starting number or [“(itoa TAGNUMBER)”]:”)
) ;_ end of getint
) ;_ end of setq (setq TAGNUMBER HOLD)
) ;_ end of inner if
(setq TAGNUMBER (getint “\nTag starting number: “))
) ;_ end of outer if

(while (setq PT1

(getpoint “\nPick the leader endpoint [Press Enter to finish]: ” )
) ;_ end of setq
(setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 “\nPick the tag center point: “))
(setq RADIUS (/ (getvar “dimscale”) 4.0))
(setq ANGLE1 (angle PT2 PT1))
(setq PT3 (polar PT2 ANGLE1 RADIUS))
(command “line” PT1 PT3 “” “circle” PT2 RADIUS “text” “m” PT2 (* (getvar
“dimscale”) 0.25) 0 (itoa TAGNUMBER))
) ;_ end of while
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)
(setvar “clayer” CLAYER-SAVE)
) ;_ end of defun

 Note that we did not include the TAGNUMBER with the local variables in the
function definition. This is so we can include the last number from the previous
use as the next number in our prompt.
 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as TAG-E.LSP

Formatting Strings with Control

Codes – AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
Some simple formatting of text can be handled through the use of expanded ASCII
codes or control codes. We have already seen one of these, “\n”, which generates a
new line. Here are some others that may be useful.

Note that multiple control codes can be used within the same string.
 The control codes must be within the double quotes.
 The control codes must be lowercase.


Command: (prompt “This text \nis on \nthree lines with a \ttab.”)

This text
is on
three lines with a tab.nil

Translating ASCII Codes

Two other functions will help you work with specialty ASCII characters.

(ascii string)

Changes the string to the appropriate ASCII character as an integer.

(chr integer)

Changes the integer to the appropriate ASCII string.

Command: (ascii “N”)
Command: (chr 78)


Open the drawing file BLOX.DWG and then edit the LISP file BOM.LSP so that there
is a title showing “Number” and “Name”, the prompts are joined together with
(strcat), and there are tabs between the information so that the returned
information is easier to read.

(defun c:BOM ()
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK” T))
(prompt “\n NUMBER \t\tNAME”)
(prompt “\n——————–“)
(while BLK-INFO
(setq BLK-NM (cdr (assoc 2 BLK-INFO)))
(setq SS1 (ssget “X”
(list (cons 0 “INSERT”)
(cons 2 BLK-NM)
) ;_ end of list
) ;_ end of ssget
) ;_ end of setq
(if SS1
(setq COUNT (sslength SS1))
(setq COUNT 0) ) ;_ end of if
(prompt (strcat “\n \t” (itoa COUNT) “\t \t” BLK- NM))
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK”))
) ;_ end of while
) ;_ end of defun

Converting Data Types – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 40
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

Since the (prompt) function must be a string, you will frequently need to convert
information in a different data type to a string. We have done this repeatedly with
the (itoa) function from an integer to a string. There are also functions that convert
reals and angles to strings. Of course you may also need to change strings back to
integers, reals, or angles.

 Remember, real numbers are calculated and stored using at least 14
significant digits, although only 6 are displayed to the user in AutoLISP. They
must be converted to strings to be displayed longer.
 The “f” in several functions stands for “floating point,” another name for real
 The function (float) changes an integer to a real and the function (fix) truncates
rather than rounds a real to an integer.

Units & Angle Modes

The functions (angtos), (rtos) and (distof) can be displayed using various unit and
angle settings. For example, you may want the angles to display in degrees, minutes
and seconds or the distance to be in architectural units.
 If no mode or precision argument is supplied, the current settings of AUNITS
and AUPREC are used for (angtos) and LUNITS and LUPREC for (rtos) and
LUNITS for (distof).

Translating Unit Types: (cvunit)

If you are working with English and Metric units you may also need a function that
converts a value from one unit of measurement to another.

(cvunit amount from_unit to_unit)

The amount is the integer or real you want to convert. The from_unit is the existing
type of unit and the to_unit is the new unit type.

 The types of units you can choose from are found in the ACAD.UNT file.
 If you try to translate between two incompatible units (such as “gallons” and
“years”) the function will return nil.
 If you are converting many numbers in a program you may want to convert the
number 1.0 once. Then you can use the resulting number as a scale factor.

(setq SCALE_FACTOR(cvunit 1.0 “in” “mm”))


Command: (cvunit 2.00 “in” “mm”)

Command: (cvunit 2 “in” “m”)


(initget (+ 1 2))
(setq INCHES (getdist “\nEnter a distance in inches:
(setq MM (cvunit INCHES “inches” “millimeters”))
(setq BEFORE (rtos INCHES 2 4)
AFTER (rtos MM 2 4))
(strcat “\n\t” BEFORE ” inches = ” AFTER “millimeters.”))

 A complete solution to this example is on your class disk as IN2MM.LSP


Create a command line function, STAMP, that will allow the user to place a 1⁄4” high
text string at a point in their drawing that contains the current date and time
formatted such as 12/16/1999 11:46. Use the CDATE system variable to get the
current date and time expressed as a real number. Try doing it on your own, only
look at the solution when you get stuck. Estimated time for completion: 15 minutes.


(defun c:STAMP ()
(setq PT (getpoint “\nTime stamp insertion point: “)
CD-R (getvar “cdate”)
CD-S (rtos CD-R 2 4)
YR (substr CD-S 1 4)
MO (substr CD-S 5 2)
DY (substr CD-S 7 2)
HR (substr CD-S 10 2)
MN (substr CD-S 12 2)
DT(strcatMO“/”DY“/”YR“ ”HR“:”MN)
(entmake (list (cons 0 “TEXT”)
(cons 1 DT)
(cons 10 PT)
(cons 40 0.25)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as STAMP-A.LSP.

Advanced List Functions –
AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 41
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

Another common task is processing lists so you can come up with the correct item to
prompt or convert. You should become familiar with as many list functions as
possible. These are the fundamental tools for storing, retrieving, and processing
information with AutoLISP.

Explanation: List functions


(setq LISTX ‘(“jan” “feb” “mar” “apr” “may” “jun” “jul” ))

(setq LISTZ ‘(“aug” “sep” “oct” “nov” “dec”))
Command: (reverse LISTX)
(“jul” “jun” “may” “apr” “mar” “feb” “jan”)
Command: (length LISTX)
Command: (nth 4 LISTX)
Command: (member “apr” LISTX)
(“apr” “may” “jun” “jul”)
Command: (append LISTX LISTZ)
(“jan” “feb” “mar” “apr” “may” “jun” “jul” “aug” “sep” “oct” “nov” “dec”)


Create a function in a file called EVERY3.LSP that returns a list containing every
third element of LISTX using Nth and Length. Test it using the following list:

(setq listx ‘(“jan” “feb” “mar” “apr” “may” “jun” “jul”))


(defun EVERY3 (LISTX)

(setq COUNT 0)
(while (<= COUNT (length LISTX))
(setq LISTO (cons (nth COUNT LISTX) LISTO))
(setq COUNT (+ COUNT 3))
(setq LISTO (reverse LISTO))

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as EVERY3-A.LSP.

Extra Practice
Edit EVERY3.LSP and create EVERYN.LSP, a function that lets you select every nth
element. Test it on the following list:

(setq LIST99 ‘(A B C D E F G H I J K L)) (everyn 2 LIST99)


;** EVERYN – returns a list containing every nth member of

;** an indicated list
(setq COUNT 0)
(setq LISTO nil)
(while (<= COUNT (length LISTX))
(setq LISTO (cons (nth COUNT LISTX) LISTO))
(setq COUNT (+ COUNT N)) )
(reverse LISTO) )

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as EVERYN-A.LSP.

Working with External Files –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 42
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
We are not restricted to the AutoCAD drawing as the only place to store and retrieve
information. AutoLISP provides the capability to use external files.

In order to use a file you must first open it, giving it a symbol name and designating
whether it is to be read from, written to, or appended. After use, the file must be

Explanation: the (open) and (close) functions

(setq file_symbol (open filename mode))

(close file_symbol)

The file_symbol is any symbol name you want to use to name the file. It is required
so that you can close the file.

The modes are defined: “w” for writing, “r” for reading, or “a” for appending to an
existing file. The mode argument must be lower case and in quotes.

 The (open) function returns a reference handle or “file descriptor” which is of a

special data type called a file.
Command: (setq FILE (open “text.txt” “w”))
#<file “text.txt”>
Command: (type FILE)
Command: (close FILE)

Reading and Writing ASCII Text Files

The most common use of external files is to read and write string data.

Explanation: Read and Write functions


(setq FILE1 (open “SAMPLE.TXT” “w”))

(write-line “First line in file.” FILE1)
(write-line “Second line in file.” FILE1)
(write-line “Third line in file.” FILE1)
(close FILE1)

(setq FILE2 (open “SAMPLE.TXT” “r”))

(setq L1 (read-line FILE2))
(setq L2 (read-line FILE2))
(setq L3 (read-line FILE2))
(setq L4 (read-line FILE2))
(close FILE2)


Create a generic routine that will put a text file into an AutoCAD drawing.
Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

1. Create a file called READ.LSP that has the following contents:

(defun C:READ ()
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(while (= (setq FILENAME (getstring “\nFile to read: “)) “”)
(prompt “\nA file name must be entered…”)
(setq FILE (open FILENAME “r”))
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nStarting Point: “))
(setq HT (getdist PT1 “\nHeight: “))
(setq SPACE (* HT 1.667))
(while (setq TEXTLINE (read-line FILE))
(command “TEXT” pt1 ht “0” TEXTLINE)
(setq PT1 (list (car PT1) (- (cadr PT1) SPACE)))
(close FILE)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)

2.Use READ.LSP to write the file NOTES.TXT to a drawing.

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as READ-A.LSP.

Additional Practice

Edit BOM.LSP to write the lines to a file called “dwgname.bom”. You can then use
the file to with the (read) function we created on the previous page to bring it into a

(defun c:BOM ()
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK” T))
;;;Get the drawing name and then remove the extension from it.
(setq NAME (getvar “dwgname”))
(setq NAME (substr NAME 1 (- (strlen NAME) 4)))
;;;Open the file and give it the extension .bom
(setq FILE (open (strcat NAME “.bom”) “w”))
;;;Enter information on screen
(prompt “\n NUMBER \t\tNAME”)
(prompt “\n——————–“)
(while BLK-INFO
(setq BLK-NM (cdr (assoc 2 BLK-INFO)))
(setq SS1 (ssget “X”
(list (cons 0 “INSERT”)
(cons 2 BLK-NM)

(if SS1
(setq COUNT (sslength SS1))
(setq COUNT 0)
(prompt (strcat “\n \t” (itoa COUNT) “\t \t” BLK-NM))
;;; write information to file
(write-line (strcat (itoa COUNT) ” ” BLK-NM) FILE)
(setq BLK-INFO (tblnext “BLOCK”))
(close FILE)
(princ) )

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as BOM-B.LSP.

Printing Information to Files

Another way to add information to a file is to use the (prxxx) commands with a file
name. These functions that can print not only strings but also other expressions to
the command window and send the output to a file.

Explanation: the (prxxx) functions


Typed in Visual LISP editor and loaded to the console:

(setq FILE (open “test.txt” “w”))

(princ (+ 5 7) FILE)
(princ (list 3.0 2.0 0.0) FILE)
(princ “\nThis is a string \twith a tab using princ” file)
(print “\nThis is a string \twith a tab using print” file)
(prin1 “\nThis is a string \twith a tab using prin1” file)
(close FILE)

Returns in the Visual LISP console window:

#<file “test.txt”>
(3.0 2.0 0.0)
“\nThis is a string \twith a tab using princ”
“\nThis is a string \twith a tab using print”
“\nThis is a string \twith a tab using prin1”
Shows in the file test.txt:

12(3.0 2.0 0.0)

This is astring with a tab using princ
“\nThis is a string \twith a tab using print” “\nThis is a string…
…\twith a tab using prin1″ (not on a new line)

Object Snap Modes

In our practice we will be using an object snap. The OSMODE system variable uses
the following numbers to specify the running object snaps. To include more than one
object snap mode you would add them together.

 Remember it is always good practice to store existing settings at the beginning

of your program and then reset them at the end.

(setq OSNAP-SAVE (getvar “osmode”))

(setvar “osmode” (+ 1 2 4 16 32))
… run program
(setvar “osmode” OSNAP-SAVE)


Open the drawing file POINTS.DWG. Create an AutoLISP routine that will go to the
drawing and ask the user to select points in the drawing. (Turn on the Node object
snap.) As each point is selected, write it to a file. Then, read the information from
that file and put it back in the drawing as a list of points.

(defun c:points (/ FILE POINT FILEREAD PT1 HT SPACE)

;;;Setup the environment
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq OSNAP-SAVE (getvar “osmode”))
(setvar “osmode” 8)
;;;Open file, write points to it and close it (setq FILE (open “Pointlist.txt” “w”))
(while (setq POINT (getpoint “\nPick a point: “))
(print POINT FILE)
(close FILE)

;;;Reopen file and print out information to the drawing

(setq FILEREAD (open “Pointlist.txt” “r”))

(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nStarting Point for text: “))

(setq HT (getdist PT1 “\nText height: “))
(setq SPACE (* HT 1.667))
(while (setq LINE (read-line FILEREAD))
(command “text” PT1 HT “0” LINE)
(setq PT1 (list (car PT1) (- (cadr PT1) SPACE)))
(close FILEREAD)
;;;Reset environment and exit quietly
(setvar “osmode” OSNAP-SAVE)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)

 If you have time, clean up the prompts so that users do not have to type in a
text height every time but can use the previous one.
 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as POINTS-A.LSP

Dialog File Access – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 43
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
Sometimes it helps to bring up a dialog box instead of having the user type in
information. The (getfiled) function brings up a file dialog where you can specify the
default extension. Other dialog boxes that might help in your work are the color
dialog, (acad_colordlg), and alert box, (alert).

The (getfiled) function

This function displays the standard AutoCAD file dialog box. It returns the name of
the file selected by the user, or nil if no file was selected.

(getfiled title filename extension flags)

The title argument specifies the text in the title bar of the dialog.
The filename argument specifies a default filename for the dialog. This value can be
an empty string. The extension argument specifies the default file extension used to
filter the files–if a null string “”, it defaults to * (all file types). The flags argument is
the sum of specific values shown below.

(setq FILENAME (getfiled “LISP FILES” “” “lsp” (+ 1 4)))

The (acad_colordlg) function

If your user needs to choose a color in the middle of an AutoLISP routine you can also
call up the color dialog box.

(acad_colordlg color_number)

The color_number argument is the default color choosen.


Instead of using a list of colors to choose from like we did in our box routine earlier:

(initget 1 “Red Yellow Blue”)

(setq CLR (getkword “\nSelect Red/Yellow/Blue: “))

You could use a dialog choice:

(setvar “cecolor” (itoa(acad_colordlg 4)))
 Notice that we had to translate the integer supplied by the color dialog box to
an ASCII character that the system variable “cecolor” could read.

The (alert) function

Another way to make sure users know what is going on in an AutoLISP routine is to
post an alert dialog with a single OK button.

(alert string)

 The string argument is displayed as the warning message in the alert.

 Text in the alert box is left-justified.


Open READ.LSP and save it to a file called READ-BOM.LSP. Then add the file
dialog in place of the existing prompt to name the file.

(defun C:READ ()
(setq CE-SAVE (getvar “cmdecho”))
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq FILENAME (getfiled “Bill of Materials Files” “” “bom” 4))
(setq FILE (open FILENAME “r”))
(setq PT1 (getpoint “\nStarting Point: “))
(setq HT (getdist PT1 “\nHeight: “))
(setq SPACE (* HT 1.667))
(while (setq TEXTLINE (read-line FILE))
(command “TEXT” pt1 ht “0” TEXTLINE)
(setq PT1 (list (car PT1) (- (cadr PT1) SPACE)))
(close FILE)
(setvar “cmdecho” CE-SAVE)

Tip: Finding Files

When a routine calls for an external file, it is often inconvenient or impossible for
the user to supply the full pathname. AutoLISP provides the capability to check for
the path and returns the full pathname and filename as a string.
(findfile filename)

 If the file is not found, (findfile) returns nil.

 If multiple copies of the file exist, the first copy found is returned.

The (findfile) function checks the current directory, the ACAD.EXE directory, and
the support files search path set in the OPTIONS dialog box, in that order. If a
directory path is supplied, (findfile) searches only the designated directory.

Command: (findfile “acad.mnu”)
“C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\AUTOCAD 2000\\support\\acad.mnu”

A function that requires an AutoCAD support file, such as ACAD.MNU or

ACAD.PGP, could include a (findfile) function to locate the file on any machine.

Converting Lists to Strings Using

an External File – AutoCAD
Autolisp tutorial 44
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
There is no predefined function to convert either a list or a symbol to a string. But we
can create on using an inverse (read) function that converts data of any type to a
string. Noting that (princ) will write any data type to a file, and that (read-
line) returns a string, we can use a temporary file for conversion.

(defun XTOS (ARG / FILE)

(setq FILE (open “$temp” “w”))
(princ ARG FILE)
(close FILE)
(setq FILE (open “$temp” “r”))
(setq ARG (read-line FILE))
(close FILE)


Command: (setq PT1 (list 1.0 3.0 0.0))

(1.0 3.0 0.0)
Command: (xtos PT1)
“(1.0 3.0 0.0)”
Command: (strcat “\nThis is a list of points: ” (xtos PT1))
“\nThis is a list of points: (1.0 3.0 0.0)”

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as XTOS-A.LSP.

Searching the AutoLISP File –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 45
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
Searching the AutoLISP File

Throughout this class we have used these tools found in the Visual LISP editor to help
us process the code:

 Parentheses matching
 Color coding
 Formatting
 Loading partial and full functions
 Checking the function in the console window
 Commenting

We are now going to look at other debugging functions in the Visual LISP editor.
These are not all the tools that come with Visual LISP but will give you a good start.
The ones we will cover in this class can help you create and fix routines by using the
search functions, creating breakpoints where you can stop and start your program,
inspecting objects such as symbols, and watching the value of symbols.

Search Functions
The search functions help you find symbol and function names used in your program.
You can find words or parts of words and replace them if needed. For instance, you
could use Find and Replace if you used shortcut symbol names such as CP and later
want to replace them with more descriptive names such as CenterPoint.
 To go to the next instance of the search, press the Find toolbar string button
on the Search Toolbar, go to Search> Find/Replace Next on the pull-down
menu or press F3.
 If you have already searched for a string it will be available in the Toolbar
String drop-down list on the Search toolbar. This list only shows when the
toolbar is docked.

 The options for Replace are similar to Find.


In this practice you will use Find to identify the location of one symbol and then
replace the instances of at least one other variable. Estimated time for completion: 5

1. Open the file SAW.LSP in the Visual LISP text editor.

2. Find every instance of the symbol CP. Which AutoLISP functions use this symbol?

3. Find the symbol DTR. Replace each instance of this symbol with the new name

4. If you have time, change some of the other variable names to longer, more
descriptive ones.

5. Save the file, then load the function and test it.

Halting the Program – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 46a
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD

To use most of the other debugging tools, you need to stop the program in the middle
of the process and then walk through it step by step. To do this, put a breakpoint in
front of the parenthesis where you want to start. Then you can use the step buttons to
proceed as needed. You can add as many breakpoints as you want in a routine.

Toggle Breakpoint

The Toggle Breakpoint command places a “stop” in your program or turns the
breakpoint off if there was one. When you run the program it will stop at the
breakpoint, return to the VLISP editor, and highlight the next expression.

 Breakpoints are displayed as a red rectangle around a white parenthesis.

 The breakpoint must be at a parenthesis. If it is not, it will jump to the next one
and ask if you want to “Set breakpoint here?”
 After you set breakpoints, load the code using the Load active edit
window button (or Load selection for just part of the routine).

 You can also toggle a breakpoint by right-clicking and choosing Toggle

Breakpoint on the cursor menu.
 You can disable a breakpoint by picking in front of or behind it and right-
clicking. The top choice of the menu will be Breakpoint Service. Choose this
and select the Disable button. The breakpoint symbol will change to a blue
background. The breakpoint will be ignored until you enable it again through
the same process.
 You may view all breakpoints in all open files under View> Breakpoints

Stepping Through the Code

When you have reached a breakpoint you can step through the rest of the program by
using the Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out functions.

Step Into

Step Into takes you to the starting parenthesis of the innermost nested expression at
the breakpoint. For example, if you set the breakpoint at the expression below, the
cursor would move to the beginning of (getpoint “\nSelect a point: “).

(setq POINT (getpoint “\nSelect a point: “))

If you pick Step Into again it would jump to the end of the nested expression and
then out to the end of the entire phrase. After that it would go to the first parenthesis
of the next expression in the routine.

 You can tell if you are at the beginning or ending parenthesis by looking at
the Step Indicator button.
 The shortcut key-in for Step Into is F8.

Step Over
Step Over evaluates the entire expression including all its interior nested
expressions and then stops at the end of the expression. Press the button again to
evaluate the next expression.

 The shortcut key-in for Step Over is <Shift>+ F8.

Step Out

Step Out The shortcut key-in forevaluates all functions contained in the current
function. Step Out is <Ctrl> + <Shift> + F8

Continue, Quit, Reset

You can also use tools that will ignore or evaluate the expressions and move to the
next breakpoint or out of the program.

Protected Variables

If you use a protected variable such as ANGLE, DISTANCE or T as a symbol name,

Visual LISP will automatically stop the program and show an alert dialog box.

Enter the break loop and press the Reset button to cancel out of the program. Then
go into your file and change the symbol name. Reload the program and try it again.


In this practice you will set a breakpoint in the program and then run it. Once it
stops you will step through the rest of the program. Estimated time for completion:
5 minutes.

1. Continue using the file SAW.LSP.

2. Set a breakpoint in front of the line:

(setq XCEN (car CP))

3. Use the Load active edit window button to load the file, and start the routine by
typing SAW at the AutoCAD command prompt.

4. When you have finished typing in the variables, the process will switch back to the
Visual LISP editor.

5. Press Step Into 3 times. Notice the position of the cursor in the Step Indicator

6. Press Step Over several times.

7. Press Step Out twice to finish the process.


1. Start a new LISP file.

2. Type in the following code:

(setq DISTANCE (getdist “\nPick two points: “))

3. Highlight the code and press the Load Selection button.

4. Select the two points as directed at the command line.

5. When the Question box comes up choose to enter the break loop and then press
the Reset button.

6. Change the symbol name to DISTANCE1 and try it again.

7. What other clue did Visual LISP give you that DISTANCE should not be used as a
symbol name?

inspecting values – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 46b
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
Inspect windows show information about AutoLISP objects and AutoCAD objects
stored in symbols in your program. You can inspect AutoLISP entities such as strings,
numbers, lists and symbols as well as AutoCAD objects such as a polyline, block
definition, or selection set.

For example, if you inspect the number 360, you will see the following window
showing the value of the integer in binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and character

To inspect an object

1. Highlight the object you want to inspect.

2. Start the Inspect command.

3. If there is additional information you can double-click on the object in the Inspect
window and it will bring up the next Inspect window.

4. Or… You can start Inspect without anything highlighted and pick from the Inspect
dialog box or type in the object name.


 If you select an AutoLISP expression, Inspect will process the function and
return the final value. For example,
(setq YCEN (cadr CP))
will show a real number in the Inspect window as long as CP was a point list.

 You can have any number of inspect windows open at one time.


In this practice you will inspect the values of objects in an AutoLISP file and then
select an AutoCAD object and inspect its value. Estimated time for completion: 5

1. Continue using SAW.LSP

2. Highlight the line (setq ANG1 (/ 360 NT)) and choose Inspect.

3. Highlight each component of that same line and inspect them. What sort of
information do you get in the Inspect window for each of these?

4. In AutoCAD draw a polyline.

5. In a blank AutoLISP file type in the following line:

(setq ENT1 (entsel “\nselect an object: “))

6. Load this function and select the polyline you drew.

7. Go back to Visual LISP, highlight the symbol ENT1 and inspect it.

8. Double-click on the Entity name. Drill down as far as you can. Notice how many
inspect windows you can get from one object.

Watching Evaluations – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 47
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD

The Watch Window allows you to follow the current value of symbol variables as
they are run through the program. If you are having a problem with incorrect data
types being passed to a function you could see the actual information process as it is

Adding Symbols to the Watch Window

To add a symbol to the window, highlight the symbol name in the program, right-
click, and pick Add Watch. You can also use the Add Watch button and type in the
symbol name.

One useful symbol to watch is the Last Value variable. It keeps track of the last
value used in an expression. To add this to your Watch Window,
select Debug>Watch Last Evaluation from the pull-down menu.

Clearing Symbols from the Watch Window

To remove one symbol from the Watch Window, highlight it, right-click and
select Remove from Watch. To clear the entire list, choose the Clear
Window button in the Watch Window.

Animate Mode
The animate mode steps through your program showing each function as it evaluates
it. It is most useful if you also have up the Watch window with the LAST-VALUE
symbol showing. To start it choose Debug>Animate on the pull-down menu. This
is an on/off toggle.


In this practice you will load several symbols into the watch window and then view
them after you have run the routine. You can also work with the Animate mode.
Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

1. Open the SAW.LSP file if it is not already open. Add several symbols to the Watch

2. Run the program and then look at the values stored in the Window.

Optional: Animate
1. Highlight the “Get user input” section of the SAW routine and load the selection.
Fill in the information in AutoCAD.

2. Turn Animate on and add LAST-VALUE to the Watch window if it is not already

3. Add several other symbols such as XCEN, YCEN, ANG1, PT1 and PT2 to the watch

4. Highlight the “Perform Calculations” section and load that selection. Watch what
happens as it processes through. Check the values of the symbols.

Tip: Trace Log

You can save the information found in the Watch Window to a log file by pressing
the Copy to Trace/Log button in the Watch Window. To start the trace log, go
to File>Toggle Trace Log on the main Visual LISP pull-down menu. It will ask
you which log file you wish to use; you can also append or replace an existing file.
The Yes button will append and the No button will overwrite the file.

Angles in AutoLISP – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 48
04/20/2017 By TUTOCAD
If you are using angles other than the default measured counter-clockwise from the
positive X-axis, you will need to know the difference between two related commands:
(getangle) and (getorient).

 The (getangle) function measures with the zero-angle at the current base
angle setting in the Units dialog (system variable ANGBASE).
 The (getorient) function always measures with the zero-angle to the right
(east, or positive X-axis), regardless of the ANGBASE setting.
 The system variable ANGBASE controls the zero (0) direction for angles. By
default it is set to 0, the positive X-axis. If you set it to 90 then zero will be
north or the positive Y-axis. You can use any angle.
 The system variable ANGDIR controls the angle direction: 0 for counter-
clockwise (the default) or 1 for clockwise.

Explanation: the (getangle) and (getorient) functions

(getangle [point] [prompt])

(getorient [point] [prompt])
The optional [point] lets you include a point (usually a symbol that points back to
information that gives you a point) that defines the first point of the angle. The
optional [prompt] allows you to prompt the user.

Both these functions return a real number representing the value in radians of an
angle entered either by pointing or by typing a value.


 All replies are in radians.

When ANGBASE and ANGDIR are set to the AutoCAD default, both functions give
you the same information:
Command: (getangle)
2.35619 135 degrees
Command: (getorient)
2.35619 135 degrees

Changing the system variable ANGBASE to 90 (North or Y-axis) results in:

Command: (getangle)
2.35619 135 degrees, based on current ANGBASE
Command: (getorient)
3.92699 225 degrees, based on default ANGBASE

Further changing the system variable ANGDIR to clockwise (1) results in:
Command: (getangle)
3.92699 225 degrees, based on current ANGBASE
Command: (getorient)
5.49779 315 degrees, based on default ANGBASE

 The angle input by the user is based on the current ANGDIR, but
both (getangle) and (getorient) ignore ANGDIR in the value returned.
 If ANGBASE is set to 90, using (getangle) for BLOCK insertions will allow an
input of 0 to equal 0.
 If ANGBASE is set to 90, using (getorient) for TEXT insertions will allow an
input of 0 to insert text along the X-axis.

Accessing Subentities – AutoCAD

Autolisp tutorial 49
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD

When we execute the (entget) function with the name of a polyline as the argument,
we get a list similar to the following:

((-1 . <entity name: 60000018>) (0 . “Polyline”) (8.”0″)(66.1)(

(40.0.0) (41.0.0)( (74.0)(75.0))

Notice that this list contains no information on the vertices of the polyline, while
AutoCAD’s LIST command returns information on each vertex of a polyline.

A similar situation applies to the attributes associated with a block insertion. Block
inserts and polylines are considered complex entities because they consist of
subentities in addition to the main entity itself. There are two functions designed to
access subentities, (entnext) and (nentsel).
Accessing Entity Names and Lists Quickly

For our discussion of subentities we will use two functions that were created in an
earlier module and stored in the GET.LSP file. This will save us a lot of typing, so load
GET.LSP if you created it or type in the following code:

;;; GETNAME – returns the ENTITY NAME (ename)

;;; of the selected entity
(defun GETNAME ()
(car (entsel))
;;; GETLIST – returns the ENTITY LIST
;;; of the selected entity
(defun GETLIST ()
(entget (car (entsel)))

A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as GET-A.LSP.

Extracting Subentity Names –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 50
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD
Since there are times when we need to access parts of polylines and blocks, we will
need to get to the subentities using (entnext) and (nentsel).

Explanation: (entnext) with polylines

(entnext [entity name])

(entnext) takes as its argument an entity name and returns the entity name of the
next entity or subentity. If we execute the following function and pick a polyline, the
entity name returned refers to the main entity:

Command: (setq PNAME (GETNAME))

<Entity name: <60000018>

 Executing (entnext) with the entity name of a main entity such as a polyline as
its argument returns a subentity name:

Command: (setq VERTEX1NAME (entnext PNAME))

<Entity name: <60000030>
The entity name above refers to the first subentity of the complex entity, in this case
the first vertex of the pline.

 Executing the (entnext) function using the name of a subentity returns the
name of the next subentity:

Command: (setq VERTEX2NAME (entnext VERTEX1NAME))

<Entity name: <60000048>

Thus if the argument is the name of the main entity, the first subentity is returned,
and if the argument is a subentity, the next subentity is returned.

 As always, (entnext) with no argument returns the first non-deleted entity in

the database.

The SEQEND Subentity

There is a special subentity type called SEQEND, which indicates the end of the list of
subentities. The SEQEND is useful when processing a list of subentities. A polyline
with three vertices, for example, will have a main entity, three subentities with entity
type “VERTEX”, and a fourth subentity, its “SEQEND”:

Command: (setq SEQNAME (entnext VERTEX3NAME))

<Entity name: <60000078>

This subentity name refers to the SEQEND.

 (entnext) with the entity name of a SEQEND or non-complex entity as its

argument returns the name of the next main entity in the database.
 Note that SEQEND is spelled without a “u” after the “q”.

Obtaining Entity Definition Lists of Subentities

So far we have only extracted the name of the subentity. To obtain further
information about the subentity, use (entget) with the subentity name as the

Command: (entget VERTEX1NAME)

((-1 . <Entity name: 60000048>) (0 . “VERTEX”) (8 . “0”)
( (50 . 0.0))

Notice that DXF code 0, entity type, is associated with the string “VERTEX”. Other
DXF codes indicate position, starting and ending width, and other properties relating
to bulge and curvature, depending on how the polyline was created.

The entity definition list of a SEQEND is different from that of a vertex:

Command: (entget SEQNAME)
((-1 . <Entity name: 60000078>) (0 . “SEQEND”) (8 . 0) (-2 . <Entity name:

In addition to the entity name of the subentity, its entity type and the layer, this list
returns the entity name of the main entity, associated with DXF code -2.

Autolisp - Visual Lisp Tutorials

Extracting Block Entities –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 51
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD

Just as (entnext) works with old style polylines and attributes in a block, it may also
be used to extract the entities that make up a block. This is done through the block
definition table.

Explanation: (entnext) with blocks

Command:(setq B1 (tblnext “BLOCK” T))
((0 . “BLOCK”) (2 . “PART99”) (70 . 64) (10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
(-2 . <Entity name:40000018>))

The entity name associated with DXF code -2 is the first subentity of the block.

Command: (setq SE1 (cdr (assoc -2 B1)))

(Entity name: <40000018>)

The definition list returned by (entnext) will be the same as for the original

Command: (entget SE1)

(-1 . <Entity name:40000018>) (0 . “CIRCLE”) (8 . “0”) (10 3.0 3.0 0.0) (40 . 1.0)
(210 0.0 0.0 1.0))

(entnext) will find the name of the next subentity in the block:
Command:(entnext SE1)
(Entity name 40000031)

 There is no SEQEND in the case of entities that comprise a block.

(entnext) with the last subentity of a block as its argument returns

Create SUBEN.LSP, which includes two functions, (suben) and (nextsub), that
will give information about subentities in polylines and blocks. They are printed
below. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.

;;; SUBEN – returns entity definition list
;;; of first subentity of the
;;; selected complex entity
(load “GET”) ;a file we created earlier that
;;;includes the routine GETN
(defun SUBEN ()
(setq SUB (entnext (GETN))) (entget SUB)
;** NEXTSUB – returns entity list of next subentity
(defun NEXTSUB ()
(setq SUB (entnext SUB))
(entget SUB)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as

Now try the routine:

1. Start a new drawing.

2. Change the PLINETYPE system variable to 0. This allows you to draw old style

3. Draw a polyline of two line segments and insert a block named PARTB.

4. Load SUBEN.LSP. Type in (SUBEN) and select the polyline.

5. Type in (NEXTSUB). Repeat (NEXTSUB) until the entity type is “SEQEND”

rather than “VERTEX.”

6. Type in (SUBEN) again, select the block insert, and repeat the procedure.

 Processing subentities is often accomplished by creating a loop

that begins with the main entity name and steps through the
subentities checking for an entity type SEQEND, which will appear
associated with DXF code 0. The next practice uses this technique.


Create a function that places a point at each vertex of a polyline. Use the subroutine
technique discussed earlier. Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes.


1. First create a subroutine that returns a list of subentity names for a selected entity.

2. The main function will process that list and place the points.

Solution (PTPL.LSP)

(defun SUBENT ()
(setq SUBLIST nil)
(setq SUBNAME (car (entsel)))
(setq SUBTYPE (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (entnext SUBNAME)))))
(while (not (= SUBTYPE “SEQEND”))
(setq SUBNAME (entnext SUBNAME))
(setq SUBTYPE (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (entnext SUBNAME)))))

(defun C:PTPLINE ()
(setvar “cmdecho” 0) (SUBENT)
(setvar “PDMODE” 34)
(princ SUBNAME)
(setq ENXY (cdr (assoc 10 (entget subname))))
(command “point” ENXY)
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as PTPL-



Create the following routine in the file SUBBLK.LSP, that will give the entity
definition list of the first entity in a block. Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

;** SUBBLK-returns the entity definition list of the 1st
;** subentity of a block in the block definition table
(defun SUBBLK ()
(setq B1 (tblnext “BLOCK” T))
(princ (cdr (assoc 2 B1)))
(setq SUB (cdr (assoc -2 B1)))
(entget SUB)

Load and execute the above routine, and type in (NEXTSUB) several times.

 A complete solution to this exercise is on your class disk as


Accessing Subentities (Alternate) –

AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial 52
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD
An alternative method of accessing subentities is through the (nentsel) function,
“nested entity selection.” (nentsel) is similar to (entsel), except that when a
complex entity is selected information on a subentity is returned.

Explanation: the (netsel) function


Command: (nentsel [prompt])

Select object: Pick on a pline
((<Entity name: 60000088>) (5.4532 7.20987 0.0))

The Entity name is that of the nearest vertex to the selection point.


(nentsel) also lets us directly extract information about the entities that make up a
block without accessing the block definition table.
Command: (nentsel)
Select object: Pick an entity in a block insertion (<Entity name: 400000be> (3.0 5.0
0.0) ((1.0 0.0 0.0)
(0.0 1.0 0.0) (0.0 0.0 1.0) (4.0 3.0 0.0)) (<Entity name:600000ea>))

 The first two elements of the list are the name of the subentity and the pick
 The third element is a list of points designating the model-to-world
transformation matrix, useful in determining the orientation of the UCS both at
the time of creation of the block and at its insertion. (For more information, see
(nentsel) in the AutoLISP Function Catalog of the on-line help.)
 The fourth element is the entity name of the block containing the selected
entity or, if the entity picked is part of a nested block, it is the list of the names
of all the nested blocks from innermost to outermost.


 If the object is not a complex object, for example a line, then (nentsel) gives
the same information as (entsel).
 Remember, lightweight polylines are not considered complex objects.

Type in (nentsel) and select various parts of the polyline and block insert.
Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes.

Accessing Subentities without User

Input – AutoCAD Autolisp tutorial
04/21/2017 By TUTOCAD
While (nentsel) is very useful in accessing subentities, it does have the drawback of
requiring user input. For instances in which the point selecting the subentity is
already defined, the (nentselp) function is provided.

Explanation: the (nentselp) function

Command: (nentselp [prompt] point )

((<Entity name: 60000093>) (10.50000 11.43533

(nentselp) returns the same lists as (nentsel). When a PLINE is selected, it returns
a two-element list similar to the one shown above. When a subentity of a BLOCK is
selected, (nentselp) returns the same seven- element list as that returned
by (nentsel).


In this practice you will use (nentselp) to extract the vertex of a polyline. Estimated
time for completion: 5 minutes.
1. Define a point using (setq PT1 (getpoint “\nPick: “)).

2. Start the PLINE command, pick a few points, then enter !PT1 for one

of the points. End the PLINE command.

3. Extract the vertex at PT1 by typing in: (setq V1 (nentselp PT1)).

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