CHM 510
CHM 510
CHM 510
The separation of analytes from its compound by using Gas Chromatography (GC)
instrument is based on volatility. The more volatile compound will elute faster and spend less
time in the column which means have small retention time. The injection techninue is very
important to prevent peak shoulder and broadening. There are two modes of injection which
are split and splitless. In this experiment, the split mode is chosen because the sample is
concentrated. The flow rate and temperature are the most important things in gas
chromatography in order to separate the analyte at good resolution and sharp peak.
Resolution is the measure of how well the separation of compound in the columns. This
definition can be proven by this formula :
2(𝑡𝑅2 − 𝑡𝑅1)
𝑅𝑠 =
𝑊𝑏1 + 𝑊𝑏2
Rs > 1.5 is ideal resolution that indicate good separation or baseline separation between
Rs < 1.5 is when the two species is not completely separated while too high resolution will
need longer analysis time. The objective of this experiment is to explore gas chromatography
including the concepts of retention time and resolution using a mixture of methyl esters,
methyl laurate, methyl myristate, methyl palmitate, methyl stearate and methyl linoleate. The
effects of column temperature and flow rate on the separation of these compounds will be
To explore gas chromatography including the concepts of retention time and resolution using
a mixture of methyl ester like methyl laurate, methyl myristate, ethyl palmitate, methyl
stearate and methyl linoleate. Other than that, to study the effect of column temperature and
flow rate on the separation of these compounds.
Gas chromatograph xAgilent Technologies 6890N) equipped with flame ionization detector
xFID) and 30m x 250µm HP5-MS capillary column.
B. Effects of the variation of column temperature at optimized gas flow rate on the
The optimized column condition is at 70cm/s of gas flow rate and 210 °C column
temperature because it produced the resolution which is nearest to the ideal resolution value
which is 1.5 other than having shorter analysis time.
C. Retention time of standard compound of the methyl ester at optimum condition.
2 (2.683−1.928)
RS (2,3) =
2 (2.684−1.929)
RS (3,4) =
= 27.69
In this experiment, to identify the various components in the standard mixture of methyl
ester, gas chromatography was used by using the optimized GC conditions. The standard
methyl ester contains three individual components, which are methyl laurate, methyl
myristate and methyl palmitate. The instrument has been set to use split injection because
only small amount of sample get into the column. The sample for the injection should not too
large and get into the column as a plug of vapour for optimum column efficiency because
slow injection of large sample will cause band broadening and loss resolution.
As the effects of carrier gas flow rate and column temperature on gas chromatography
separation of compounds mixture were studied in this experiment, the optimum condition
for this experiment is determined by injection of sample at different temperature and flow
rates. The standard mixture was injected at flow rate of 30, 50 and 70cm/s and temperature
of 170°C, 190°C, and 210°C in order to determine the suitable flow rate and temperature for
the separation. The resolutions have different value at different temperature and flow rate has
been compared in order to determine the best condition for the better separation.
Based on the chromatograms of standard mixture, the optimum condition of this experiment
was at temperature 210°C and at flow rate of 70cm/s. The injection of sample at temperature
210°C and flow rate 70cm/s gives the lowest resolution value compared to other temperature
and flow rate. The ideal resolution value for chromatography separation is around 1 to 20. If
the resolution value between two peaks calculated is greater than 20, the separation takes
longer time to complete. Then the individual methyl esters are identifying by comparing the
chromatograms of individual compounds and the standard mixture. The average retention
times of individual peaks of methyl laurate, methyl myristate and methyl palmitate at
optimum GC condition is 1.930, 2.686 and 4.212. The average retention time of the standard
mixture at the same condition is 2.306. So, the individual components of methyl ester can be
identified. Based on the comparison of retention time of standard mixture and individual
components of methyl ester, methyl laurate elute first followed by methyl myristate and
methyl palmitate.
The optimized condition for the separation of the methyl ester is at 70cm/s of gas flow rate
and 210°C of column temperature. The elution orders of compound are methyl laurate
followed by methyl myristate and methyl palmitate.