Floor Heating Calculation
Floor Heating Calculation
Floor Heating Calculation
A calculation method for the floor surface temperature in radiant floor system
Xing Jin ∗ , Xiaosong Zhang, Yajun Luo
School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University, No. 2 Sipailou, Nanjing 210096, PR China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a calculation method for the floor surface temperature in radiant floor heating/cooling
Received 20 February 2010 system is proposed, a new formula is derived to estimate the floor surface temperature. The floor is
Received in revised form 24 April 2010 divided into two layers. The correlation for the thermal conductivity of the lower layer is developed
Accepted 13 May 2010
based on the numerical model of the radiant floor system built in this paper. The results show that the
floor surface temperature values from the proposed method are in agreement with the experimental and
numerical values.
Radiant floor system
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Numerical simulation
Composite grid
1. Introduction tem is proposed. The comparison of the calculated values with the
experimental and numerical values is also presented.
The radiant floor heating system has been widely used in many
countries for its energy savings, comfort and health [1,2]. Due to the 2. Methodology
high radiant heat output and the fact that the occupants are close to
the heat source (the floor), the same floor system obviously could 2.1. Floor construction
also be used for cooling [3]. In recent years, the radiant floor heat-
ing/cooling system has been studied by more and more researchers There are two kinds of floor constructions, which are homoge-
[1,4–7]. nous floor and multilayer floor, respectively [9]. The constructions
Because the room temperature and the heat transfer coefficient of them are shown in Fig. 1.The homogenous floor means there is
between the floor and the walls almost both keep the same dur- only one kind of material above the pipes. The material is usually
ing heating or cooling, the floor surface temperature is the most concrete, mortar or gypsum cement [7–9]. The material of sur-
important parameter which affects the heating/cooling capacity of face layer in multilayer floor may be wood, tile, etc. In some other
the system. In addition, considering the comfort and condensation, systems, there is not cement mortar layer.
the floor surface temperature of radiant floor system should be kept
in certain temperature ranges during heating or cooling. In sum- 2.2. Proposed method
mer, the floor surface temperature should not be lower than 19 ◦ C,
while in winter, it should not be higher than 29 ◦ C [1]. Therefore, The floor is assumed to have m layers above the insulating layer.
in the design and the operation of the radiant floor system, the The thickness of each layer is ı1 , ı2 , · · · ım , respectively. The thermal
floor surface temperature is one of the most important parame- conductivity of each layer is 1 , 2 , · · · m , respectively. All the layers
ters. above the insulating layer can be divided into 2 layers, as shown in
The temperature field of radiant floor is usually obtained by Fig. 2. The upper layer is consisted of the 1st layer, 2nd layer, · · · and
finite difference, finite volume or finite element method in sim- a part of the mth layer. The lower layer is consisted of the pipes and
ulation models, and then the floor surface average temperature is the rest part of the mth layer. The temperature of the bottom surface
calculated [8–12]. As we know, the partial differential equations of the lower layer is assumed to be equal to the water temperature.
are very complicated to solve, and it will take a lot of time to pro- The temperatures of the floor surface, the interface between the
gram and calculate. Therefore, in this paper, a method which is layers and the bottom surface of the lower layer are assumed to be
used to calculate the floor surface temperature in radiant floor sys- uniform.
The heat transfer equations can be obtained [13]:
q = hs (ts − ta ) (1)
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 25 83792722; fax: +86 25 83792722.
E-mail address: jxining@163.com (X. Jin). q = Ku (tb − ts ) (2)
0378-7788/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1754 X. Jin et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 1753–1758
a length (m)
A area ratio
b width (m)
D diameter (m)
F area (m2 )
Gr Grashof number
h heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2 K)]
H hydraulic diameter (m)
Fig. 2. Schematic of heat transfer in the floor.
K heat conduction coefficient [W/(m2 K)]
L characteristic length (m)
Pr Prandtl number l
Kl = = l (7)
q heat flux (W/m2 ) ıl Dp
R thermal resistance [(m2 K)/W]
where ıu and ıl are the thickness of the upper layer and the lower
S pipe spacing (mm)
layer, respectively. Dp is the diameter of the pipe. l is the thermal
t temperature (◦ C)
conductivity of the lower layer.
T temperature (K)
Eq. (3) can be re-written as follows:
X angle factor
tb = tw − (8)
Greek symbols Kl
ε emissivity
By substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (2):
thermal conductivity [W/(m K)]
Boltzmann constant [W/(m2 K4 )] Ku Kl (tw − ts )
q= (9)
ı thickness (mm) Ku + Kl
By substituting Eqs. (7) and (9) into Eq. (1), the formula for estimat-
ing the floor surface temperature is derived in Eq. (10):
a air
b between hs ta (1 + (Ku Dp )/l ) + Ku tw
ts = (10)
c convective hs (1 + (Ku Dp )/l ) + Ku
i insulating layer
The floor surface heat transfer coefficient in Eq. (10) can be calcu-
l lower
lated by Eq. (11) [13]:
os room other surfaces (walls and ceiling)
p pipe hr (ts − tos ) + hc (ts − ta )
hs = (11)
r radiant ts − ta
s floor surface where hr and hc are the radiant and convective heat transfer coef-
u upper ficient, respectively. tos is the average temperature of room other
w water surfaces (walls and ceiling).
The radiant heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by the
Eqs. (12) and (13) [13]:
q = Kl (tw − tb ) (3)
(Ts + Ts )(Ts2 + Tos
where hs is the floor surface heat transfer coefficient, Ku and Kl are hr = (12)
the heat conduction coefficient of the upper layer and the lower
((1/ε1 ) − 1) + 1/X12 + F1 / Fi ((1/ε2 ) − 1)
layer, respectively. ts is the floor surface temperature, ta is the air
temperature, tb is the temperature of the interface between the
layers, tw is the water temperature.
(Fi Ti )
The thickness and heat conduction coefficient of the layers are Tos = 6 (13)
presented in the following equations [13]: F
i=2 i
Fig. 1. The floor construction (a) the homogenous floor (b) the multilayer floor.
X. Jin et al. / Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 1753–1758 1755
H= (15)
2(a + b)
where a and b are the length and width of the room, respectively.
In the case of cooling, the natural convective heat transfer coef-
ficient for cooled floor can be calculated by Eq. (16) [13]:
hc = 0.27 (GrPr)0.25 (16)
L= (17)
In Eq. (10), l is the only unknown parameter. Therefore, for cal-
culating the floor surface temperature, l should be derived firstly
according to the floor construction. Fig. 3. Sub-domains of the floor.
3. The correlation of l
l = f (m , p , A) (18)
A= (19)
3.1. Numerical model of radiant floor system using finite volume The boundary conditions of the governing equations are:
method with composite grids
= 0, (x, y ∈ AE, GC, BF, HD) (22)
In order to simplify the model of heat transfer, the following ∂x
assumptions are applied: t = ti , (x, y ∈ CD) (23)
(1) The variation of the water temperature along with the pipe is ∂t
s = hs (t − ta ), (x, y ∈ AB) (24)
negligible, so the heat transfer in the floor can be simplified to ∂y
the two-dimensional heat transfer. t = tw , (x, y ∈ EG, FH) (25)
(2) The vertical central planes of the pipes are assumed to be adi-
abatic because of the symmetry of the temperature field. The floor surface average temperature is calculated by Eq. (26):
(3) The temperature of the bottom surface of the insulating layer S
is assumed to be uniform. 1
ts = ti0 dx (26)
(4) All the materials are assumed to be isotropic mediums. S 0
Fig. 6. The effect of p on l . Fig. 8. The effect of l on the floor surface temperature.
Table 1
Comparison of the calculated values with the experimental values in [7].
Material/water temperature 15 ◦ C 20 ◦ C 25 ◦ C 30 ◦ C 35 ◦ C 40 ◦ C
texp tcal texp tcal texp tcal texp tcal texp tcal texp tcal
Mortar 17.0 16.8 20.8 20.8 24.5 24.8 28.1 28.5 31.8 32.1 35.2 35.6
Plywood 19.1 18.6 21.3 21.6 23.5 24.6 26.1 27.3 28.1 29.8 30.1 32.3
PVC 18.2 17.2 21.1 21.0 24.0 24.8 27.0 28.2 30.0 31.5 32.7 34.8
Insulation mortar 19.0 18.4 21.6 21.5 24.1 24.6 26.0 27.4 28.0 30.0 30.0 32.5
Carpet 18.2 19.6 20.5 22.0 24.5 24.5 26.0 26.6 29.5 28.5 29.7 30.5
Aluminium 20.4 20.8 24.8 24.8 27.7 28.5 31.2 32.1 34.4 35.6
texp is the experimental floor surface temperature and tcal is the calculated floor surface temperature.
Fig. 10 shows the effect of the upper layer heat transfer con-
duction coefficient on the floor surface temperature when cooling.
The diameter of pipe is 20 mm, the temperatures of air, walls and
ceiling are all 26 ◦ C, the floor surface heat transfer coefficient is
6.4 W/(m2 K), and the water temperature is 17 ◦ C. As shown in this Fig. 13. The floor construction in [9].
figure, the surface temperature decreases with the increase of the
upper layer heat conduction coefficient. The same with l , the upper
layer heat conduction coefficient is greater, the effect on the floor 4.5. Comparison of the calculated values with the experimental
surface temperature is smaller. values by Ho [8]
Table 2
Comparison of the calculated values with the experimental values in [8].
Supply water temperature (◦ C) Return water Room temperature (◦ C) Floor surface heat Experimental floor Calculated floor surface
temperature (◦ C) transfer coefficient surface temperature in temperature (◦ C)
(W/(m2 K)) [8] (◦ C)
Table 3
Comparison of the calculated value with the numerical value in [9].
Supply water temperature (◦ C) Return water Room temperature (◦ C) Floor surface heat Numerical floor surface Calculated floor surface
temperature (◦ C) transfer coefficient temperature in [9] (◦ C) temperature (◦ C)
(W/(m2 K))
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