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Polysilicon Vs Metal Gate PDF

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VLSI Technology

Dr. Nandita Dasgupta

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Lecture - 36
MOSFET I –Metal gate vs self-aligned poly gate
So far, we have discussed about bipolar junction transistor technology in integrated
circuit. Today, we are going to start the discussion about the other branch of the most
important device in integrated circuit that is the MOSFET. Let us try to trace the history
of development of MOSFET technology. You know, the name MOS, MOS actually
means metal oxide semiconductor. So, the MOSFET as it started originally, it did have a
metal gate structure, ok? So, these were the older generation metal gate MOSFET. From
metal gate MOSFET we came to self-aligned polysilicon gate MOSFET technology. Ok?
We will first see what were the important processing steps in the metal gate MOSFET
technology, what were its limitations and how a self-aligned polysilicon gate technology
is going to, you know, going to give an enhanced performance of these devices and then
finally we will see how many more modifications were added later to the MOSFET
technology, so that we find the modern day submicron MOSFET. Ok?

To begin with, the MOSFET that was first made for integrated circuit, it was a PMOS.
That is the source and drain are boron doped, p-type; substrate is n-type, source and drain
are p doped. So, the steps for this metal gate MOSFET was something like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 3:30)

First of all you start with an n-type substrate. In those days people still used 111 ,

because you know, 111 was the cheapest substrate material. It is easiest to grow silicon

in 111 direction, so people still used 111 substrate and you take n-type substrate; you
grow a thick field oxide. So, that was the first step; you grow a thick field oxide. Then,
you have your first masking step, first lithographic step. This thick field oxide is grown
all over; you do not need any mask for that.
(Refer Slide Time: 4:37)

After this thick field oxide is grown, you open windows in this oxide to diffuse the source
and the drain, source and drain diffusion; boron diffusion for source and drain. In the next
step, you again grow or deposit another thick oxide. Either you grow thick oxide all over
again, in which case oxide will predominately grow over the source and drain where no
oxide is there; oxide growth will be smaller on the regions where already a thick oxide
exists, right, because you know oxidation follows a linear parabolic law. Otherwise you
could of course, deposit. If you deposit, it will be deposited uniformly all over the place.
(Refer Slide Time: 5:45)

So, let us say, we have a thicker oxide. That is step number 3, thick oxide, let us say,
grown all over the place or you can even use a deposition. Next step is the second
lithographic step, the second masking step that is for the gate and for the contact. So, you
open something here, something here and here.

(Refer Slide Time: 6:31)

Notice that windows are opened over source, over drain and over the gate region, ok and
notice one more thing. The gate region must connect between the source and the drain,

(Refer Slide Time: 7:42)

When the gate oxidation is done, the gate oxide must extend all the way from source to
drain, starting from the source region to the drain region, right? Otherwise the channel
will not be continuous. So, it is important in this metal gate technology that the gate
actually overlaps the source and drain region. The gate must overlap the source and drain
region, in order for the channel to be continuous. Ok? So, that is your next step. You
grow a thin oxide over the gate. When you are doing that you also have a thin oxide
grown over these contact regions, right? So, that is your step number 5, gate oxidation.
After that, you have a third mask for the contact windows. Ok? So, you have contact
windows opened again.
(Refer Slide Time: 8:52)

So, now you have contact metal deposited. This is for source, this is for gate and this is
for drain. So, this is your metal gate p MOSFET started with an n-type substrate. These
are p  regions for source and drain. This is the gate, aluminium metal was used. If you
note the interesting, the salient features of this metal gate MOSFET fabrication, you will
notice that the gate oxidation and metallization are the final steps. Towards the end of the
process flow, we do the gate oxidation and then follow it up with the metal deposition.
This is because, once aluminium is deposited on silicon, you cannot subject it to any high
temperature processing. That is why gate oxidation always has to be done towards the
end of the process flow.

Number 2 is which I have already mentioned; since you are doing gate oxidation after the
source and drain diffusion, you must ensure that the gate region extends all the way from
source and drain. You can only ensure it by allowing for the overlap over the source and
drain region. So, one feature of the metal gate MOSFET technology is that the gate
always overhangs the source and drain region. Otherwise, the channel will not be
continuous. Ok? The purpose of this thick oxide is to make sure that the parasitic
MOSFET does not get turned ON. What do I mean by the parasitic MOSFET? Let me
extend this.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:04)

I have another device here, right? That is also, let us say, that is the source of the next
MOSFET. So, you see I have the source, I have the drain of two different MOSFETs and
in between I have a thick field oxide. So, this is the parasitic MOSFET. This is your
active MOSFET with the thin gate oxide and this is the parasitic MOSFET in which you
have between the two source and drain regions, a thick oxide. Now, this oxide must be
thick, so that the turn ON voltage, the threshold voltage of this parasitic MOSFET is very
large. You know, Vt the expression for threshold voltage it is, we could say it is almost,

almost inversely proportional to the oxide capacitance C ox , the gate oxide capacitance.
Ok? So, that means thicker the gate oxide, smaller is the capacitance, right; thicker the
oxide, smaller is the capacitance and since threshold voltage is inversely proportional to
C oxide , thicker the oxide, larger is the threshold voltage. Ok?

So, you see, between this active transistor and the parasitic transistor, the threshold
voltage of the parasitic transistor will be much larger almost by the factor, the ratio of the
two thicknesses. For example, I have some data here.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:11)

If you use the gate oxide thickness, obviously this is an older transistor, gate oxide
thickness is 1200 A0 and the field oxide thickness is about more than 10 times that. So, in
this case, the threshold voltage for this p MOSFET was about - 4V and in this case, the
threshold voltage of the parasitic MOSFET was about - 37V. So, you see if you scale the
two oxide thicknesses by a factor of 10, slightly more than factor of 10, the threshold
voltage also scales by almost a factor of 10. Ok? So, that is the purpose of having this
thick field oxide, so that inadvertently this parasitic MOSFET does not get turned ON.
So, you can see there are some basic advantages in MOSFET technology over bipolar
junction transistor technology.

First of all, the steps are very simple. I do not need any epitaxy. I do not need to have an
epitaxial wafer. In case of bipolar junction transistor, we have seen that you have to have
an n epitaxial region. Here in MOSFET technology, the basic MOSFET technology, you
do not need the epitaxial layer. You also do not need any isolation. All you have to have
is this thick field oxide; you do not have to bother, so much about isolation. As in bipolar
junction transistor, you see, you do not really have to bother so much about the isolation.
So, these are the basic advantages of the MOSFET technology and obviously, the
packing density of a MOSFET is going to be much, much higher, right and the steps are
also very simple, much simpler compared to the bipolar junction transistor; you really do
not have to have double diffusion.

Like in bipolar junction transistor, you see, you have an epitaxial layer, you have to have
a buried layer diffusion, you have to have a base diffusion and then an emitter diffusion.
Here you do not need; you basically need one diffusion and one oxidation process, two
oxidation processes - one for the field oxide, one for the gate oxide and one diffusion for
the source and drain; that is it, very simple. Ok? So, these are some of the inherent
advantages of MOSFET. But, this could be a little bit misleading; in the sense, it is more
difficult to get a MOSFET working than a bipolar junction transistor, even though the
process steps are very simple. That is simply because, a MOSFET is a surface device and
everything depends on the oxide semiconductor interface and that is why even though the
theory of MOSFET was discovered prior to the theory of bipolar junction transistor, for
the first working MOSFET to be available, it took much more time. That is because the
technology of oxidation had to be perfected. The semiconductor oxide interface had to be
properly understood, in order to get the MOSFET working. Ok?

Now, for some of the problems in this early MOSFET technology; you will notice that I
said that the first integrated circuit MOSFET that was built was p MOS. But, why p
MOS? One should always automatically go for an n MOS technology, is it not, because
you know, MOSFETs are unipolar devices. In n MOS, carriers are electrons. They will be
much faster, right? Still, why did people fabricate p MOS? That is because they could not
get an n MOS, which answer to the specification. You see, in a p MOS we have a
negative gate voltage. So, you see, you have a negative threshold voltage which works
perfectly. When you apply the gate voltage, only then the MOS device is getting turned
ON; fine, no problem.

By the same token, in an n MOS, I apply a positive gate voltage. So, for an enhancement
mode device that is a normally OFF device, which should be OFF when no gate voltage
is applied that is when zero gate voltage is applied, it should be OFF. For such a device,
we must have a positive threshold voltage, right? It was very difficult to obtain an n
MOSFET with positive threshold voltage, because the, because of the presence of fixed
oxide charges. Ok?

(Refer Slide Time: 19:35)

You see, if you have fixed oxide charge, the threshold voltage gets shifted by an amount
 Qf
of . Unfortunately in silicon, almost always the fixed oxide charge is positive; it is
C ox
always positive. So, your threshold voltage gets shifted by that amount in the negative
direction. Ok? That is why all the early n MOSFETs, they had negative threshold voltage
and if you have a negative threshold voltage, your device will become a depletion mode
device, which is not very desirable for various circuit applications, because when you
have not applied any gate voltage, you do not want the device to idle power. If it is a
depletion mode device, even when the gate voltage is zero, the device is still conducting,
right? So, it is actually idling power. Ok? Also, what happens is that you design the
device to be an enhancement mode device and then, because of this Q f , you have
actually a depletion mode device; all your circuit operation goes haywire. That is why it
was very difficult to have the early n MOSFETs working in enhancement mode.
Then, people figured out that there is one way we could make the threshold voltage
become positive and that is by increasing the substrate doping. Ok? Now, increasing the
substrate doping that has various detrimental, various adverse effects, such as for
example, if the substrate doping concentration is enhanced, is increased, then the mobility
of the carriers in the channel will be reduced. Ok? So, the one major effect of substrate
doping increased is  degradation. Secondly, the higher the substrate doping, the more
prone the device is to substrate bias effect, body bias effect. Ok? So, this is another
problem. The other problem is of course, the capacitance of the drain to body, drain to
substrate; drain to substrate capacitance will increase significantly and that is another
detrimental effect. So, even though it will give you an enhancement mode device, the
performance of this device will not be very good, will not be very optimum.

Then, technology came to the rescue of all integrated circuit, in the sense that ion
implantation was used in order to tailor the threshold voltage. The concept was you do
not change the entire substrate doping concentration.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:17)

What you do is simply you have the same p-type substrate that you wanted to have and
you simply have a very thin layer, tailor this. If you have a very shallow boron
implantation, ok if you have a very shallow boron implantation, you know that boron is
an acceptor type of dopant, right? So, when these dopants are ionized, it will give you
negative charge sitting at the interface, right? They are acceptors; they have accepted
electrons, so they are negatively charged in the ionized state, right? Ok. So, effectively
what do you have? You have a thin sheet of negative charge at the interface. What is its
effect? Exactly in the direction opposite to that of Q f . In case of Q f , what did you have?
You had a thin sheet of positive charge sitting at the semiconductor oxide interface.

Now, you are combating that effect by putting a thin sheet of negative charge at the

(Refer Slide Time: 24:50)

So, effectively you are allowing the threshold voltage to get shifted by an amount
C ox
without actually affecting the substrate threshold voltage, this sorry, the substrate doping
(Refer Slide Time: 25:09)

This thin sheet of charge is located very close to the surface, so that it does not really
affect the depletion layer edge; the depletion layer edge is still not affected. So, it does
not really affect your body bias or even the  degradation at the channel. None of these
effects are felt. The only effect is to shift the threshold voltage back, shift it in the
positive direction by an amount of the charge you put in divided by Cox . So, you see, by
ion implantation, you can precisely monitor how much boron you are going to put close
to the surface. Ok? So, by adjusting the dose and making the energy of implantation very
low, you can have a very shallow implant very close to the surface, which is called the
threshold tailoring implant, threshold tailoring implant, in order to modify the doping
concentration, modify the threshold voltage. So, one major problem of nMOS technology
was sorted out by ion implantation technique that is by using threshold tailoring implant.

Then, as the device dimensions became smaller and smaller, the other problem began to
be dominant. What is that other problem? Remember, in the first metal gate technology,
we had to have the gate region overhanging the source and drain region, ok and that
started to give a lot of problem. Number 1 problem is of course, area requirement. So,
that means you have to have an allowance, right; you have to have the gate region
overlapping the source and drain.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:16)

So, particularly when the device dimensions are becoming smaller, when the length of
this region itself is becoming smaller, you see, in order to ensure that there is an overlap
you cannot really cut down the overlap dimensions much. That depends on your
photolithographic limitations. Suppose your photolithography has a resolution of 1
micron, then in order to ensure that the gate region overhangs the source and drain, the
overhang must be 1 micron on each side, right, in order to ensure that the gate region is
extending all the way from source to drain. I cannot go anywhere below the minimum
resolution. So, now the overhang region itself becomes comparable to the channel length.
If your channel is, in those days the channel was, let us say, close to 1 micron, 2 micron
or something like that. So, you want a 2 micron channel length, but you have to have
2+1+1, 4 micron, right?

The other problem is of course more important and that is the overhang capacitance. So,
this overlap will create a problem both …. As far as area is concerned, as you go to
smaller and smaller dimension devices, you want to save more and more area; this is
proving to be the bottleneck. The second thing is that gate to source or gate to drain
overlap capacitance. So, we needed a technology where the gate will be automatically
aligned to the source and drain. One way to achieve this is if we first define the gate
region, ok? So we have thick field oxide everywhere. We open an active area; then, we
define the gate region. So, whatever is not protected either by the gate or by the thick
field oxide is subjected to source and drain diffusion. So, automatically source and drain
gets aligned to the gate. Do you understand what I am trying to say?

Suppose I have a scheme like this; you look at the top view of the masks. Ok?

(Refer Slide Time: 30:13)

First of all you have thick field oxide everywhere and then you open an active transistor
region in this. Rest is all protected by oxide. Ok? The hatched region is all thick field
oxide and I have opened a window in that thick field oxide. Now, let me define my gate,
ok have a thin oxidation done, protect it with the gate metal and then pattern the gate
metal, so that I have … This is my gate. Ok? Now, look at the structure. What do I have?
I have, everywhere else I have thick field oxide, only over the gate I have the gate oxide
protected by the gate metal. What are the only openings here? This and this. Let me
subject it to diffusion. I will have source and I will have drain and the gate will extend all
the way from source to drain, right?
Let us compare it with the older, the previous technology that we were talking about. In
that what did we have?

(Refer Slide Time: 32:02)

We had, the first step we had thick field oxide. Then we had opened the source and drain
window in that. So, first step was opening the source and drain window and then, after
that we had to define the gate. So, what we had to do is to make sure that the gate actually
overlaps the source and drain region. Compare it with this.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:35)

Here because the gate is defined first, the source and drain are automatically aligned to
the gate. Then why could not we do it for this technology? For the very simple reason
that we were using aluminium gate and once you put aluminium, you cannot subject the
semiconductor to any high temperature processing. Whether you do diffusion or you do
ion implantation followed by annealing for source and drain regions, you need high
temperature processing. So, if you use aluminium gate, you cannot have source and drain
done after the gate pattern. That was the reason why here we had to do the source and
drain first and then follow it up with the gate.

So, the idea is, if I want to have a self-aligned gate to source and drain, if I want to have a
self-aligned technology, I can no longer use a metal gate. I must use a material which can
withstand high temperature and at the same time have low resistivity. Polysilicon, doped
polysilicon answered to the description. So, from metal gate nMOS process we came to
self-aligned polysilicon gate nMOS process. So, in self-aligned polysilicon gate nMOS
process, it is very simple; I have already actually outlined the steps, let me do it once
(Refer Slide Time: 34:23)

You have the thick field oxide and then you open the window in that thick field oxide.
Then, you grow a thin gate oxide all over the place and then you have polysilicon
deposited all over and then you pattern it. That is you retain it over certain regions and
remove it from the rest of the portions.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:05)

So, your gate region is defined. So, you see, you have certain regions protected by the
thick field oxide and the gate region protected by the polysilicon and now you can subject
it to high temperature processing and you can have source and drain which will be
automatically aligned to the channel, right? So, this is the self-aligned poly gate nMOS

However, there is one small problem in this self-aligned poly gate nMOS technology and
what is that problem? That is the problem of topography or the problem of surface
planarity. I have already told you that this thick field oxide is needed, so that the parasitic
MOSFET does not get turned ON and in order to keep the threshold voltage of the
parasitic MOSFET sufficiently high, the field oxide thickness must be high. But, if I have
a very thick field oxide that means the surface is going to be non-planar; surface is going
to be all ups and downs. So, in order to maintain the planarity of the surface layer it was,
the technology was further modified and instead of growing the thick field oxide all over,
it was decided to have local oxidation technique, LOCOS.

Let me outline the LOCOS steps once again. In LOCOS, what do we do? We protect
certain regions by first having a thin pad oxide and topping it up with a thick silicon
nitride layer. So, what we have is something like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:30)

You have first a thin pad oxide and then top it up with a silicon nitride layer, about 2000
A0 of silicon nitride and about 200 A0 of pad oxide. Ok? So, the silicon nitride layer
thickness is 10 times that of the pad oxide. Now, on top of this you deposit another layer
of silicon dioxide. So, let us have another layer of silicon dioxide and then let us have
positive photoresist. So, you have a composite layer - positive photoresist on top,
underneath that CVD silicon dioxide, underneath that silicon nitride and then finally a
thin pad oxide. Ok? Now, I will have to pattern it. So, I will pattern the positive
photoresist first.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:05)

I have removed positive photoresist from certain regions. Next, I remove CVD silicon
dioxide from this region. To remove silicon dioxide you use buffered HF and then in
order to remove silicon nitride, you use orthophosphoric acid. Ok? So, actually that is the
reason why we needed to put the CVD silicon dioxide, you see. If you just have silicon
nitride and then protected it with positive photoresist or try to protect it with positive
photoresist, positive photoresist cannot withstand orthophosphoric acid. So, in order to
protect this silicon nitride layer, I must have a silicon dioxide on top. Ok? Silicon dioxide
will withstand positive photoresist, silicon dioxide will withstand orthophosphoric acid;
of course, this top layer will get destroyed when you are putting it in orthophosphoric
acid, ok fine. So, you see, after this, all you have to do is to remove the thin pad oxide
from here and here. So, this is what you have. Ok?

Now, you see, suppose now I carry out oxidation. Ok? You know, oxidation cannot
progress underneath silicon nitride.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:11)

So, there will be no oxidation here, but oxidation will have, will take place here and when
oxidation is taking place here, you know, approximately half of it will grow above the
surface and half it will grow below the surface. So, we will have something like this. So,
even if you have a very thick field oxide, you are loosing surface planarity only by half
the amount. That is if even I want to grow say, 10,000 A0, even if I want to grow say, 1
micron thick field oxide, on the surface only 5500 will project out. Ok?

(Refer Slide Time: 42:01)

I can of course, if I want to make the surface more planar, I can of course, first carry out
an etching step and then follow it up with oxidation, right? I can first carry out an etching
step and then follow it up with oxidation, so that the oxide comes exactly up to the
surface, right? So, this is LOCOS, fully recessed; fully recessed LOCOS. Fully recessed,
what does it mean? That is after the oxidation, the top oxide surface coincides with the
surface of the semiconductor. It does not protrude anywhere above the surface. You have
a perfectly planar surface. But, every technology will have its drawback. LOCOS is also
not entirely free of this drawback.

The problem is simply this. We said that oxidation does not proceed underneath the
silicon nitride; quite right, but there is a slight protrusion underneath. Ok? There is a
slight movement inside, so that actually what you have is not exactly like this.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:21)

What you have is a little bit of projection inside. You see, this problem of the oxide
penetrating a little bit inside is more if you have the thin pad oxide. Ok? So you see, there
the silicon surface is actually in contact with the pad oxide and the oxidation can actually,
at this corner actually it can proceed slightly underneath, underneath the pad oxide. Ok?
But at the same time, we need to have the pad oxide, because if you put silicon nitride
directly on silicon, it will give rise to a lot of stress. There will be stresses and there can
be dislocations and mind you, that is going to be very serious, because this region is
going to house your active transistor.

You cannot afford to have that region damaged, right? So, you must ensure that when
you put silicon nitride on this region, this region, the electronic property of this region is
not affected at all. That is why you are putting the pad oxide. But, if you put the pad
oxide, then the problem of oxide projecting slightly inside is more and the problem is
going to be much more severe when you have a recessed oxide that is when you first etch
the silicon and then you want to have the oxide.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:18)

That is because at this point, you have done the etching. Let us look here. You have done
etching. So, not only this surface of silicon, but this surface of silicon is also available for
oxidation, right? So, obviously now it is going to project more; actually you are going to
have something like this. Because oxidation is also taking place on the sidewall, so there
also it is going to have some oxide underneath that surface and some oxide above that
surface. So, what you are going to have is a shape like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:12)

This portion is called the bird’s beak, because it looks like bird’s beak and you have a
projection here. This is called the bird’s head. In different books it is referred to
differently, like bird’s head or bird’s crest or even bird’s nest, as if a bird is nesting under
the protected region. Ok?

In order to, even you see, when I discussed the LOCOS technique in bipolar junction
transistor, I said that if you have recessed oxide, you are going to have this bird’s beak
problem. However, in case of bipolar junction transistor, it was not very serious; ok
because you are only using these regions for isolation, so it was not very serious. But
here, it is going to be extremely serious, because you are going to have an encroachment
in the active region itself. So, a lot of your active region will get eaten up by this bird’s
beak and bird’s head problem. Particularly as the device dimensions are becoming
smaller, this problem will become more and more serious. Ok?

In case of bipolar junction transistor you see, the device is actually vertical; it is a bulk
device. So, nothing really gets affected; neither the base width gets affected,
consequently the beta of the transistor does not get affected. Nothing really gets affected.
But here, if the channel length gets affected, that is a very serious problem. So,
particularly for MOSFET technology, the bird’s beak problem is a very serious problem
and one tries to prevent it by various ways.

One way is called the sidewall masked insulation; side wall masked isolation or side wall
masked insulation. The acronym is SWAMI.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:31)

You understand that this protrusion is taking place at the sidewall of the etched region of
silicon. So, if somehow we can protect the sidewalls also by silicon nitride, then the
amount of protrusion will become less. That is the principle behind the sidewall masked
isolation. So, in that what do we do is very simple.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:23)

You have the pad oxide and you have the silicon nitride on top. Now, you carry out the
etching to the desired depth. Ok? Now, you do another, a second silicon nitride
deposition. So, you deposit it all over the place like this, ok and then remove it by doing
an anisotropic etching.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:29)

You have just removed half of the silicon nitride. That is only the second layer of silicon
nitride you have removed, but now you are using anisotropic etching, so that the silicon
nitride is retained on the sidewalls and only removed from the horizontal surface. Ok?

(Refer Slide Time: 51:09)

So, now when you subject it to oxidation, even the sidewalls now are protected by silicon
nitride. So, it cannot really penetrate; slight penetration here, but nothing much. Ok?
After that you remove the silicon nitride. So, what you have is something like this. Ok?
(Refer Slide Time: 51:54)

Now, you do another CVD deposition of silicon dioxide, so that these regions are all
filled up and then you can planarize.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:11)

You can just partially etch the silicon dioxide layer, so that you have …
(Refer Slide Time: 52:26)

Nothing has penetrated in the channel region. So, this is the sidewall masked isolation.
The basic principle is that the protrusion of the oxide in the active region is occurring
because of the oxidation of the sidewall. So, we protect the sidewall by putting another, a
second layer of silicon nitride and anisotropically etching it, so as to retain the silicon
nitride on the active region as well as on the sidewalls and then, you follow it up with the
oxidation, so that the oxide does not penetrate in the active region. Then, you remove the
silicon nitride and whatever recesses you have you fill it up with CVD silicon dioxide
and then planarize it by partially etching. Ok? So, this is one possibility.

The other possibility which is called a silo technique that is actually an acronym for
sealed interface local oxidation, in that case what you do is the basic concept is like this.
Because of the pad oxide, you have more projection inside. Ok? At the same time, the
pad oxide is needed to relieve the stress at the silicon nitride interface. Ok? So, what you
have is a composite layer. You first put a silicon nitride layer, a very thin silicon nitride
layer, so that the stress is not too much. Then, you put the pad oxide and then you put the
silicon nitride. So, what you have essentially is something like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:20)

First step you have thin silicon nitride, about 100 to 150 A0 of silicon nitride. Then you
put a slightly thicker, about 200 A0 of silicon dioxide and then you put your regular 1000
or 1500 A0 of silicon nitride. Ok? So, this and this is silicon nitride and this is silicon
dioxide. So, the stress is still being relieved by the pad oxide layer. But, the pad is not in
contact with silicon. At the interface, you actually have a very thin silicon nitride layer,
which will not cause dislocation in the active region, but at the same time, it will prevent
the oxidation from projecting underneath. So, this is called silo - sealed interface local
(Refer Slide Time: 55:29)

We will stop here today.

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