Appendix A PDF
Appendix A PDF
Appendix A PDF
Procedure Subject Page
T 502-96 Determining the Flow of Grout Mixtures Using a Flow Cono (2 pageo) .•...••............ T502-1
T 506-94 Determining Multiple Frsctured Faces on Coarse Aggregates (2 pages) ••.......•......... T506-1
T 509-94 Drying Soil and Aggregate Samples Using a Microwave Oven (3 pages) . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T509-1
T 511 Deleted
Rt:vised 1011196
Blank Page 1
FLH T 501-96
Standard Method of
1.1 This test method covers determina!ion of the thickness of compacted aspbalt paving
mixture specimens.
2.1 The thickness of a compacted aspbalt paving mixture is often used as a construction
check 10 insure that the proper quantity of material has been placed 01. a project and 10 corre~.
strength measurement on constant diameter specimens with varying heights.
3.1 Any of the following apparatus may be used 10 measure the thickness of test
specimens 10 the nearest millimeter:
3.1.1 A metal tape or rule.
3.1.2 A set of calipers.
3.1.3 A measurement jig or other device, fabricated in such a manner that it is capable
of measuring specimen thicknesses in accordance with this procedure.
4.1 Test specimens sball be laboraiOry compacted or from compacted asphalt pavements.
4.2 Pavement test specimens shall be taken with a core drill, diamond or carborundwn
saw, or by other suitable means.
4.2.1 Thickness measurements sball not be made on any specimen that has been
disiOrted or cracked in removal from the pavement, from laboraiOry compaction molds, or
in siOrage prior 10 measuring.
4.2.2 Specimens sball be free of foreign material such as sea! coat, foundation material,
soil, paper, or foil.
4.2.3 Where desirable, specimens may be separated from other layers by shearing or
other suitable means, provided a well defined construction plane is achieved.
FLH T 501-96
5.1 Thickness of specimens with relatively plane horizontal surfaces or layers with well
defined, uniforrn lines of dernarcation rnay be measured with a tape, rule, or calipers in
accordance with the following:
5.1.1 Measure the thickness of the specimen or layer using any of the apparatus
described in section 3 .1. Make thickness measurements approximately perpendicular lo the
upper plane of the specimen. Measure between upper and lower surfaces, between a well-
defined construction demarcation line and either the upper or lower surface, or between two
well-defined construction dernarcation lines.
5.1.2 Make three measurements at approxirnately the third points on the periphery of
cores or at the approxirnate midpoint of each of the four sides of rectangular, sawed
specimens. Record the average of these measurements as the thickness of the specimen.
5.2 The average thiclcness of specimens with relatively plane horizontal surfaces may
be measuwl r:·means of measurement jig or other suitable device, provided the device yie' 's
results consistently within ± 1 millimeter of those obtained in accordance with Section 5 .1.
NOTE l-5pecimens cut from the pavemc:fll with hand-held or power-operated chise!J should be trimmed
by abrasion or diamond sawing to rcmove any distorted arcas prior to measuring.
6.1 Report the thickness of the specimen as the average thiclcness determined by any of
the procedures described in sections 5.1 through 5.2. Report the mean of measurements lo
the nearest millimeter.
6.2 Indicate on the report which of the two procedures was used lo determine the
thickness; that is, measurement by tape, rule, or calipers (5.1), or by measurementjig (5.2).
7.1 No measurement precision data are presently available for this test method.
FLH T 502-96
Standard Metlwd of
1.1 This method of test oovers the procedure to be used both in the laboratory and in the
field for de1ermining the flow of grout mix1ures by measuring the time of efflux of a specified
volume of grout from a standardized flow cone.
2.1 Flow Cene. The flow cone sball conform to the dimensions and other requirements
indicated in Figure l.
2.2 Stop Watch. A stop watch baving 0.20 second increments or less.
- 6.4mn Thlck
Cast Al'-'Tllnlnl
FLH T 502-96
3.1 The flow cone shall be fumly mounted in such a manner that the top will be leve!
and the cone free from vibration. The discharge tube shall be closed by placing the finger
over 1he lower end. A quantity of water equal to 1725 mL ± 1 mL shall be introduced into
the cone. The point gauge shall be adjusted to indicate the leve! of the water surface.
5.1 Moisten the inside surface of the flow cone. Place the finger over the outlet of the
discharge tube. Introduce grout into the cone until the grout surface rises into contact with
the point gage. Start the stop watch and remove the finger simultaneously. Stop the stop
watch at the first break: in the continuous flow of grout from the discharge tube. The time
indicated by the stop watch is 1he time of effiux of the grout. At least two testa shall be made
for any grout mixture.
Note 1· A rcconuncnded proccdure for insuring that the interior of thc conc is properly wctted is to fill
!he cone with water and, one minute before beginning to add the grout IWilple, allow the water to drain from
the cone.
5.2 Report findings on form FHWA 1612. The report shall include the following
FLH T 503-94
Standard Method of
1.1 The purpose of this test procedure is to determine rapidly the presence in the
asphalt material of an effective amount of anti-stripping compound. The test is not
quantitative in the sense that a numerical value can be obtained.
Note 1--0nly the presence of amine-type anti-stripping additivea can be dc:tected by thiJ method.
2.1 One 60 mi glass bottle such as is commonly available at drug stores, preferably
with a screw cap.
2.2 An ordinary kitchen teaspoon or small spatula.
2.3 White paper toweling or blotters.
2.4 A small metal pan or ceramic bowllarge enough to mix 100 grams of asphalt with
about 36 grams of solvent.
2.5 Balance conforming to AASHTO M 231, Class G-2.
3.1 Standard ottawa sand (ASTM C 190 sand, 600 ~tm - 850 ~tm mesh).
3.2 Clean, potable water.
3.3 Naphtha.
4.f Use the following procedures for asphalt material which is liquid at temperatures
between 20° and 40° C:
4.1.1 Place 20 g ± 1 g of the standard ottawa sand in the 60 mi bottle.
4.1.2 Add clean potable water sufficient to cover the sand to a depth of about 1O mm
above the surface of the sand in the bottle.
Note 2-For RC 800, MC 800, RC 3000, or MC 3000 material, use water ata temperature of 40-So• C,
or dilute the aspbalt material with the naphtha to the consistency of an RC 250 or MC 250.
4.1.3 Add 1 g ± 0.2 g of the asphalt material to be tested by dripping it from a spoon
or spatula onto the surface of the water in the bottle.
4.1.4 Stopper the bottle and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.
4.1.5 Remove stopper and pour off excess water.
4.1.6 Tap wet sand out onto a piece of white paper toweling or blotter.
4.1. 7 Evaluate results in accordance with section 5.
FLH T 503-94
4.2 Use the following procedures for asphalt material which is not liquid at
temperatures between 20• and 40• C:
4.2.1 Weigh out approximately 100 g of asphalt into a small metal pan or ceramic
4.2.2 Heat or cool the asphalt cement to approximately so• to 90• C and slowly add
36 percent naphtha by weight of asphalt. Sorne reheating of the mixture on a hot plate may
be required to facilitate blending. Mix the asphalt and solvent thoroughly. This results in
a cutback similar to an RC 250. Check the weight of the solvent-asphalt mixture when
finished blending to insure proper amount of solvent. Add solvent if needed to attain the
36 percent solvent. Reheating is not normally required at this point.
Note 3 - WARNING!!I - Thc solvcnt will vaporize rapidly at lhill tcmpcraturc, so lhill atcp abould be
done whcrc tbcre is good ventilation and no open flarnea.
4.2.3 Using the fabricated cutback, follow the procedures indicated in section 4.1.1
through 4.1.7.
Note 4-An effoclive IADIOUIIt of anli-olripping addilivc, as delcmúncd by lhill 1eat mdbod, should not be
CODIInlCd as a ICCOIIIJIICIIdarion lhat aucb ao IADIOUIIt is ncccuariJy optimum lor a particular application.
FLH T 504-96
Standard Method of
1.1 This test rnethod is used to rneasure the srnoothness of a pavernent surface in rnetric
units by using a California type profilograph. The profilograph produces a hard copy trace
ofthe surface, frorn which deviations in the surface are identified and measured.
2.1.1 The profilograph shall be equipped with a graphic recorder capable of recording
the distance of travel and the magnitude of vertical variation. The recorder shall have a
horizontal scale of 1 millimeter = 0.3 meter, and a vertical scale of 1 millirneter = 1
rnillimeter. The paper in the recorder should ha ve non-rernovable tractor feed edges.
2.2 Blanking-Band Templa/e - The ternplate shall consist of a transparent plastic scale
approximately 50 rnillirneters wide and 333.3 rnillirneters long for a 0.1 kilorneter section
(See figure A); 333.3 rnillirneters equates to 100 rneters, or 0.1 ki1ometer. Each 0.1 kilometer
section is considered a sublot (N). Near the center ofthe template a 5.0 rnillirneter wide
opaque blanking-band shall be scribed forthe fulllength ofthe template. On each side ofthe
blanking-band, 4 or more parallellines shall be scribed 2.0 millimeters apart.
2.3 Bump Loca/ion Template- The ternplate shall consist of a piece oftransparent plastic
at least 130 rnillimeter long by 75 rnillirneters wide (See figure A). A line, parallel to the long
side, shall be scribed on the ternplate. This line shall be crossed with 2 perpendicularly
scribed lines 25.4 rnillirneters apart near the center ofthe template. Construct a straight slot
through the template, parallel to the longside and 10.0 rnillirneters from the frrst line scribed.
The slot shall extend the distance between the perpendicular lines previously scribed. The
25.4-rnillirneter line corresponds toa longitudinal distan ce of7.62 meters on the longitudinal
scale ofthe profilograrn. The 10.0 rnillimeter distan ce between the parallellines represents
the rnaxirnum allowable burnp in 7.62 meters.
FLH T 504-96
2. . ~ ""'""'"' . . .
50 mm
Cleer Plestlc
Blenkin<;¡-Bend Templete
130 mm
- ,..
Worir.rng_5&J::. 1
vldth 0.5 111n1
75 mm
125.4 m~ 1
Cleer Plestlc
Bump Lecetlon Templete
Figure A - Templates
3.2 Vertical calibra/ion- Check the vertical calibration prior to initial use and at such
other times as may be required fer verification. Keep the profilograph stationary. Using pre-
measured calibration blocks measured to !he nearest 0.1 millirneter, pull or slide !he block(s)
under !he recording wheel. Measure the vertical trace line from the base line to !he peak and
retum. The trace line must retum to the base line. Compare !he actual heights of the
calibration blocks with the heights oftheir vertical trace line. These heights should be within
± 1 millimeter.
NOTE 1-lfthe longitudinal and vertical calibration checks are not within the allowablc tolerances specified,
make the appropriate adjustments or repairs.
FLH T 504-96
4.1 Establish ground controls on the section of roadway to be tested. Controls should
include the beginning and end with sufficient intennediate markers to facilitate correlation
of areas on the graphic readout to the actual ground Iocations. Mark the Iimits of excluded
areas. Excluded areas for smoothness and bump detennination are bridges, cattleguards,
horizontal curves with less than 150 meters radii, transverse joints with an existing pavement,
and miscellaneous paved areas such as driveways, parking areas, tuming or passing Ianes, and
side roads.
4.2 Provide for traffic control including appropriate warning signs and flaggers.
4.3 Assemble the instrument at the work site and perfonn the calibration procedures to
assure that the equipment is operating properly.
5.1 After detennining that the profilograph is operating properly, .:ove to the beginning
point. Lower the measurement wheel, set the tracing pen on the graph paper, and run the test.
NOTE 2-Do not back the instrument while the measuring wheel is on the pavement. This will cause damage
to the graphics system.
5.2 Pro file each Jan e of the project. Pro file continuously from beginning to end of
project. Do not break profile at excluded areas.
5.3 Mark Iandmarks and excluded areas on the profilogram for documentation purposes.
Mark the beginning and ending stations and identify the lane (either Ieft or right) and the
direction in which the trace is run (either ahead on Iine or back on line). Mark the trace by
making a spike or strum at least 20 millimeters long on the upside ofthe trace.
NOTE 3-Interrupting the test to add notes to the profilogram will not interfere with the recording. Locations
ofphysical features along the route such as mi le markers. cross drains, bridge ends, guard rail terminals, overhead
utility crossings, etc. should be noted on the profilogram. This will aid in matching the ground locations with
thc graphic record. Thc trace should be markcd and thc station identificd approximately every 150 meters. Do
not write on the trace line. Write notes at least 20 millimeters abo ve or below the line.
5.4 Operate the profilograph at a speed no greater than a nonnal walk ( 1 to 5 km/h) to
eliminate as much bounce as possible.
6.1 Detennine the roughness [Profile Index (Prl)) of each 0.1 kilometer section, or
sublot (N), by starting at the beginning ofthe profilogram and placing the blanking-band
template over the first 0.1 kilometer section ofthe pro file in such a manner asto blank out as
much ofthe pro file as possible with the opaque 5.0 millimeter blanking-band (See figure B).
Mark the trace at each blanking-band template Iocation and proceed to the next 0.1 kilometer
section. The blanking-bands need not connect one section to the next vertically, but connect
adjacent blanking-band template locations horizontally.
FLH T 504-96
6.2 On each side ofthe blanking-band are parallel scribed lines 2.0 millimeter apart.
These lines serve to measure the variations (called scallops) in the trace that extend above or
below the 5.0 millimeter wide opaque blanking-band. Measure the height of the scal/ops
appearing abo ve and below the opaque blanking-band. Measure to the nearest Y, division ( 1.0
millimeter) on the blanking band. Record each scallop's count to the nearest y, division or
to the nearest millimeter on the profilogram (See figure C). Do not measure narrow scallops
(spikes) less than 3 millimeters long or less than Y, division in height. When a scallop is
contained in two sublots, measure the maximum height of the scallop and include the
measurement in the sublot containing the maximum point.
Sum the scallop counts for each 0.1 kilometer section and multiply the total count for the 0.1
kilometer section by lO to convert to roughness in millimeters per kilometer. Record the
smoothness value on the profilogram (See figure B) and on the computation worksheet. Use
Form FHW A 1620 (or QL-PAY) to record roughness values and calculations.
6.3 All sublots shall be 0.1 kilometer in length. Do not extrapolate sublot roughness
from lesser lehgths. The partía! length of any last lane segment is excluded from
measurement, except for bumps according to 6.4.
6.4 Check the profilogram for bumps using the bump template. At each prominent peak
or high point on the profilogram, place the template so the crossed points ofthe scribed 25.4
mm !ine intersect the profilogram to form a chord across the base of the peak or indicated
bump (See Figure D). The scribed !ine on the template need not be horizontal. Ifthe parallel
slot intersects the trace, mark a line in the slot asan out-of-specification bump (deviation >
10.0 millimeters in 7.62 meters).
7.1 The preferred method for determining the roughness [Pro file Index (Prl)] ofeach 0.1
kilometer section or sublot (N) is by using the ProScan Profilogram Scanning System or an
approved equal. The ProScan Profilogram Scanning System is available from:
7.2 When using the ProScan Profilogram Scanning System it is necessary to set default
values for severa! parameters. The following default values shall be used:
Scallop filler 15
min. height 0.5 millimeter
min. width 2.0 millimeter
resolution 1.0 millimeter
Blanking band 5.0 millimeter
Grind template 10.0 millimeter
Minimum spike height 7.6 millimeter
FLH T 504-96
7.3 When using the ProScan Profilogram Scanning System it is necessary to identify and
mark the beginning point ofthe trace. It is also necessary to identify and mark all equations.
Mark the trace by drawing a heavy vertical line on the trace at appropriate locations. The
verticalline should extend at least 40 millimeters above and below the trace.
7.4 Sean the trace between marked beginning and ending points. The scanned trace may
consist of only one marked segment or it may consist of severa! segments. Provide the
software with appropriate stationing information at all beginning points. When an equation
is encountered, provide the software with the appropriate stationing information. Reposition
the trace as necessary after reaching an ending point or equation.
7.5 After scanning a trace, print a final report and plot the scanned profile.
8.1 Use the measurement results to determine the final pay factor in accordance with the
contract requirements. Do not use any sublot in the pay factor computation which contains
any port' n of an excl "ded area.
8.2 Report the pay factor and the statistical values which support the determination of
pay factor. Attach the ProScan Profilograph Report to the profilograrn trace to document the
scallop computations. When the Manual Method is used, attach the work sheet (Form FHWA
I 620) to document the scallop computations. The records shall al so identify the type of
equipment used, operators, project, lane and direction, track location, time and date of run,
weather conditions, and other data deemed appropriate.
FLH T 504-96
o lJ.I
(/) ()
'O L
e Q)
<1! Q) 1-
(/) E o
o + N a)
+- E L
e E (/)
J +-
o e <lJ
o o E
+- ..... o
L o
Q) ~
Vl L
L <lJ
<lJ a.
<lJ (/)
o +-<lJ
-......e o
o:J +-
+ o
E o
M o
Figure 8 - Example of Placing Blanking Band,
Summing Scallop Count, and Determining Profile lndex
FLH T 504-96
3 (3 mml 6 (6 mml
20.0 mm
5.0 mm
Sea le:
HORIZONTAL mm = 0.30 m
VERTICAL mm = mm
FLH T 504-96
uo.o mml
_/L~ 10.0 mm
7.62 m
Sea le:
HORIZONTAL 1 mm = 0.30 mm
VERTICAL 1 mm = 1 mm
Figure D - Examples of Placing Bump Location Template
FLH T 505-94
Standard Method of
1.1 This method covers a rapid field test for visually determining the loss of adhesion
in uncompacted asphalt-coated aggregate mixtures dueto the action of boiling water.
3.1 The conditions of test are designed to rapidly determine, in the field, the resistance
of asphalt-coated aggregate mixtures to the accelerated action ofboiling water. The loss of
adhesion of the asphalt to the aggregate is visual! y estimated.
3.2 This test method is useful as an indicator of the relative susceptibility of asphalt-
coated aggregate to water but should not be used as a measure of field performance because
such correlation has not been ·established.
5.1 Pour approximately 11iter of water into a suitable container as described in Section
4.2 and heat to boiling.
5.2 With a suitable implement (Section 4.1), place approximately 200 grarns of the
asphalt-coated aggregate in the boiling water while the container is exposed to the heat
source. Bring the water back to boiling and hold for 10 minutes. Avoid excessive
manipulation of the asphalt-coated aggregate. The temperature of hot mixtures should be
below boiling temperature (100° C) before placing in boiling water.
FLH T 505-94
5-3 At the end of 1O minutes, remove the container from the heat source, drain the
water from the mixture, empty the wet mix onto a white paper towel, and allow to dry.
Place a similar amount offresh (unboiled) asphalt-coated mixture (approximately 200 grams)
on a separate white paper towel. Allow both samples to cool to room temperature before
taking the initial readings.
5.4 By observation after boiling and 24 hours later, estimate the percentage of the total
visible area of the aggregate that retains its original coating to the nearest 5 percent. Any
thin, brownish, translucent areas are to be considered fully coated. Also look to see that the
fine aggregate is coated.
6.1 Report the estimated original coated area for both samples at both times; i.e., after
boiling and 24 hours later. Use Form FHWA 1612 to record and report test results. See
exhibit 3.5 in chapter 3 of the FLH Field Materials Manual for a sample format.
6.2 Tabulate results as foJl' ·s:
7.1 If the unboiled sample does not show over 95 percent retained coating initially and
the asphalt content and gradation are within the job mix formula tolerances, the wet mixing
time may need to be increased.
7.2 lf the unboiled sample shows over 95 percent retained coating initially but less than
95 percent after 24 hours, the aggregate may not have been dried sufficiently before mixing
occurred. Drying time and/or temperature may need to be increased.
7.3 If the boiled sample fails to have over 95 percent retained coating and anti-strip
additive is specified in the approved job mix, verify that anti-strip additive is being added
to the asphalt, using FLH T 503, and verify that the equipment adding the anti-strip additive
on-site is functioning properly.
7.4 If the boiled sample fails to have over 95 percent retained coating and anti-strip is
not required, notify the Project Engineer and send loose mix box samples to the Division
Materials Laboratory for evaluation of the retained strength by AASHTO T 165. Repeat the
Marshall-Immersion test (15 and 20 blow) to verify the retained strength by this procedure.
FLH T 506-94
Standard Method of
1.1 This test method is used to determine the percentage by weight of the material
retained on the 4. 75 mm sieve which has one or more fractured faces.
2.1 Fractured Face-A fractured face on an aggregate particle is any sharp edge created
either by man-made or natural methods. A fractured face with rounded edges, regardless
of how the rounding occurred (natural or man-caused), shall not be counted as a fractured
4.1 Following AASHTO T 248, split out a representative sample that will yield retained
4. 75 mm material in accordance with weights shown in table l.
Table 1
Required Sample Size
Maximum Nominal Maximum Weight Retained
Particle Size on 4. 75 mm Sieve
37.5 mm 1500 grams
25mm 500
19mm 300
12.5 mm 200
9.5mm 150
4.75 mm 150
FLH T 506-94
4.2 Sieve the above representative sample over the 4. 75 mm sieve. Use all of the
material retained on the 4. 75 sieve in the fracture test.
6.1 Divide the weight of the particles having one fractured face by the total weight of
the material tested. Multiply this decimal by lOO to find the percent of aggregate particles
with one fractured face. ·
6.2 Divide the weight of the particles having more than one fractured face by the total
weight of the material tested. Multiply this decimal by lOO to determine the percent of
aggregate particles with more than one fractured face.
6.3 Add the percentage of aggregate particles with one fractured face (subsection 6.1)
to the percentage of aggregate particles with more than one fractured face (subsection 6.2)
to determine the percentage of aggregate particles with one or more fractured faces.
FLH T 507-94
Standard Method of
1.1 This test method is used to determine the percentage by weight of the material
retained on the 4. 75 mm sieve which has at least one fractured face.
2.1 Fracture on grave) is any sharp edge created either by man-made or natural
methods. A grave) that was previously fractured and then weathered so as to round off the
cdges wc .. Id not be e<-.JSidered sharp or fractured.
4.1 Following AASHTO T 248, split out a representative sample which will yield
retained 4.75 mm material in accordance with weights shown in .table l.
4.2 Sieve the above representative sample over the 4.75 mm sieve. Use all of the
material retained on the 4. 75 mm sieve in the fracture test.
Table 1
Required Sample Size
FLH T 507-94
6.1 Divide the weight of the particles having fractured faces by the total weight of the
material tested. Multiply this decimal by 100 to find the percent of fractured faces.
FLH T 508-96
Starui<lrd Method of
1.1 This metbod describes a procedure to determine tbe Flakiness lndex and tbe average
Least Dimension of Aggregates. The sieve analysis sball be performed in accordance with
Section 3. The median size shall be determined in accordance with Section 5. The Flakiness
lndex shall be determined in accordance with Section 6. The Average Least Dimension sball
be determined in accordance with Section 8.1.
3.1 A surface or oven dried sample sball be weighed and the distribution of particle
sizes obtained by sieving in accordance with AASHTO T 27. See Table 1 for minimum
sample size.
Table 1
Minimum Wei~ or Sample
Nominal Size Approximate
of Aggregate Mass
25.0 5000
19.0 2500
16.0 2000
12.5 1200
9.5 800
6.3 500
3.2 After sieving, weigh the material retained on each sieve and record. Determine the
mass passing ea eh sieve and express these masses as a percentage of the total mass of the
sample. Record these percentages.
FLH T 508-96
4.1 Report resullll of the sieve analysis to the nearest percent. Plot the resullll and draw
a gradation curve on the worksheet for determining median size of aggregate (Form FHWA
5.1 The median size is that theoretical sieve size in millimeters tbrough which 50
percent of the material will pass. Determine the median size from the gradation curve and
record on Form FHWA 1613.
6.1Aggregate retained on each sieve (4. 75-mmimeter sieve and larger) which comprises
at least 4 percent of the total sample shall be tested particle by particle for its ability to pass
through an appropriate slotted sieve or plate with enlongated openinga. The size of slolll
required for each fraction is given in Table 2 and shown in Figure l.
6.2 Record the masses of the aggregate particles retained on each slotted sieve and that
pass ea eh slotted sieve on the Flakiness Index worksheet (Form FHWA 1615). The total
amount passing the appropriate slotted sieve openinga shall be weighed to an accuracy of at
least 0.1 percent of the mass of the test sample.
Slot Size for Each A te Fraction
6.3 Compute the Flak:iness lndex. Flakiness Index is the total mass of the material
passing the slotted sieve openings expressed as a percentage of the combined mass of the
fractions tested on the slotted sieves. Record to the nearest whole percent.
FLH T 508-96
7.1 A sample of asphalt surface treatment aggregate with a dry mass of 10 000 grams
has been taken and a sieve analysis perfurmed in accordance with AASHTO T 27. The sieve
analysis is shown in Table 3. Record this data on the Flakiness Index worksheet.
s s·
1 1eve AnalJysiS
7.2Determine the median size ofthe aggregate in accordance with section 5.1. Plot the
aggregate gradation curve. See figure 2 for an example plot. Loca te the intersection of the
gradation curve with the 50 percent passing line and determine the screen opening size
(median size) for this point on the horizontal scale. In this example, the median size is 16
7.3 Determine the aggregates Flakiness Index in accordance with section 6.1. See
figure 3 for an examp1e flakiness index work sheet. The total mass of aggregate particles
tested should equa1 the total mass of the sample 1ess the mass of the aggregate particles
passing the 4.75-millimeter sieve. Compute the Flakiness Index (%)by dividing the total
mass of particles passing their slotted sieves by the total mass of the sample tested for
flakiness and multip1ying by 100. In this example, the Flakiness lndex is 28 percent
(28.49% rounded).
7.4 Detennine the Average Least Dimension of the aggregate in accordance with section
8.1. In this example, a flakiress index diagonal representing 28 percent was inserted and the
Average Least Dimension was detennined to be 10.75 millimeters. See figure 4 for an
example of an average least dimension plot.
8.1 Determine the Average Least Dimension using Form FHWA 1614. Locate the
median size of the aggregate on the horizontal axis. Identify a diagonal to represen! the
sample's Flakiness Index. When necessary, draw in an appropriate diagonalline. Proceed
vertically from the median size on the horizontal axis to the diagonal line representing the
sample' s Flaldness Index. From this point of intersection, proceed left horizontally and
determine the Average Least Dimension value on the vertical axis.
FLH T 508-96
9.1 Report tbe Flaldness Index to the nearest whole percent and the Average Least
Dimension to the nearest 0.25 millimeter. Good embedment properties are desirable
characteristics fur aggregates used in asphalt surface treatments. The flaldness index and the
average least dimension values are indicators on how well the aggregates will embed in tbe
aspbalt surface. Low flaldness index values and high average least dimension values indicare
cubical particles and cubical particles mean improved adhesion with the asphalt surface.
wl ~--
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O .......,. ....,_._,0111oo
, ...... ~.41z'' adc:w
Projccl: (?? éZ/1/i 7J(7') Sourcc: JI{~. 4-ary
When: Sllmpled: c~uJHarrQuiUIIily n:prcscntcd: ' wao é · - - -
C!>v~r ~q.
Samplc ur: ~..I.J!:!:: Lot no.: __¿ Samplc ño.: ___z_ Sarnplcd by·4 '[.,d D"c: #¿,
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Standard Sieve Sizes
flurn1FHWA 161)CRtY.IU·!XII
M• dlan Slze (mllllmeters) = [/¿-l :X:
FLH T 508-96
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•. .. - ;... : •. . '.. ..,' ···,• ....
~ 13
o 14
' '
7 8
10 11 12 13
~ '
16 17
18 ,...
Median Size ofAggregate in Mllllmeters -1
1-fwm 1-"HWA 161~ tK-=,·· 10·1J61
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FLH T 509-94
Standard Method of
1.1 This method covers the use of microwave ovens to dry soils or aggregates to a constant
3.1 Either at the beginning of a test procedure or during a test procedure, moisture
composed of water must be removed from the sample to determine the dry weight of the sample.
3.2 The microwave oven causes the moisture to gain temperature at an accelerated rate and
¡' lessens the time required to dry a sample to a constant weight. Conventional ovens, convection
or forced-ilraft, heat the aggregate and moisture by heat transfer from the heated air in the interior
of the oven to the aggregate and moisture. Microwave ovens cause the molecules in the moisture
to oscillate at a high rate and become heated by molecular friction. The microwave is an efficient
method of drying soil and aggregate material.
4.1 Balance-Balance shall conform to AASHTO M 231 for the class of general purpose
balance required for the principal weight of the sample being tested.
4.2 Microwave aven-An oven rated at 1,000 watts minimum. The power output shall be
continuously variable from O to 100% of maximum output. The interna) chamber shall be
approximately 0.05 cubic meters in size. (See note 1.)
4.3 Drying pans-Pans or dishes composed of heat-tempered glass. Glass manufacturers
produce dishes of various sizes and shapes specifically to be used in microwave ovens.
4.4 Stirring tools-Spatulas, spoons, or other utensils to mix the sample to facilitate the
even heating of the particles.
NOTE 1-Microwave ovens should be tested at leas! once a month for leskage around the edges ofthe door.
Document the findings. If leskage is above the level reeommended by the manufacturer, the oven should no! be used
until repaired. A simplified leskage test can be performed with a smalllow wsttage neon tube held next to the door.
If the tube lights at all, contact the FLHD Safcty Officer.
FLH T 509-94
5.:1. Sampling shall be governed by the test procedure in which the microwave oven will
be used. Table 1 will generally yield a sample of sufficient size to meet the requirements for a
given test procedure. The samples for testing shall be prepared in accordance with AASHTO T
248 or other approved method to achieve the required size.
Table 1
Minimum Sample Size for Drying
Nominal Size Sample Weight
of Aggregate (grams)
2.36mm lOO
4.75 mm 500
9.5mm 1000
12.5 mm 1500
19.0mm 2500
25.0mm 3000
37.5 mm 5000 '·
6.:1. If a moisture determination is required, the sample shall be weighed and the weight
recorded before drying.
6.2 Estimate the drying time required as follows.
6.2.:1.. ldentify the microw¡¡ve oven's output capacity in watts and, using the following
formula, approximate an initial drying time for an estimated moisture content.
(4.18)(c)(A t)
t = ------
Where: t = Drying time in seconds.
e = Estimated moisture content of sample in grams.
At = Temperature rise in degrees Celsius necessary to raise the temperature ofthe
sample to 100" C.
W = Power output of microwave oven in watts.
FLH T 509-94
6.2.2 The following is an example of the use of the formula for an estimated drying time:
In this example, round drying time to 80 seconds. Adjust the drying time as conditions and
material warrant.
6.3 Place the sample in the oven and set the timer for approximately half the estimated
time determine<! in section 6.2. When drying moist fine-grained particles, cover the sample with
a paper towel or reduce the time of the drying cycles to prevent loss of fine particles.
6.4 When the timer expires, open the oven door and stir the sample. If the sample is still
moist, set the timer for the rernainder of the estimated drying time and continue drying.
6.5 When the sample appears dry, cool the sample to room temperature and determine the
weight of the sample. Place the sample back into the microwave for additional 30-second intervals
until there is no measurable loss in weight between subsequent weighings.
6.6 After the sample is dried to a constant weight, proceed with testing.
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FlH T 510.94
Standard Meilwd of
1.1 The cementation test is used to determine the unconfined compressive strength of fines
taken from a material that ls to be used for crosbed aggrepte surfacing and ls primarily applicable
to material with a plasticity index of less than four. Some non-plastic or slightly plastic material
has natural cementing qualities superior to plastic material, especially under wet conditions.
1.2 Most specifications require a plasticity index (AASHTO T 90) of 4 to 12 for assurance
that the binder of an aggregate, material passing a 2.00 mm sieve, will malee a grave! surface that
will not ravel. Material having a natural cementation of over 1200 lePa malee excellent grave!
surfacing. If the natural cementation ls between 500 lePa and 1200 kPa, material is marglli...
· for grave! surfacing. If the natural cementation is below 500 kPa, the material ls unsuitable for
grave! surfacing. The above criteria are independent of the plasticity index of the aggrepte.
2.1 Sieves- Sieves (4.75 mm and 2.00 mm) shall conform to AASHTO M 92.
2.2 Oven-An oven shle to malntaln a drying temperature of 110" e ± s·.
) 2.3 Specimen Molds-Specimen molds for SO mm cube specimens shall conform to
AASHTO T 106, Section S.3.
2.4 Balance-Balance shall conform to AASHTO M 231, Class G-2.
2.5 Ttmq7er-Tamper shall conform to figure l.
2.6 Mechantcal .~plltter-Splitter shall conform to AASHTO T 248.
2.7 Stralghtedge-Trowel or straightedge shall have a steel blsde 100-lSO mm in length
with straight edges.
2.8 Testing Machine-Testing machine shall be able to malntaln a controlled rate of straln
and shall conform to AASHTO T 106.
3.1 Shake a properly quartered or split sample over the 2.00 mm screen. Approximately
1SO g of the material passing a 2.00 mm sieve is needed for the two specimens required by this
test procedure.
T51 Q-1
FLH T 51Q-94
5.1 Record the total maximum load indicated by the testing machine. If the cross sectional
area of a specimen varies more than 5 percent from the nominal, use the actual area fur calculation
of the compressive strength. Tbe compressive strength of al! sound and cubical test spe(:imens
from the sample shall be averaged and reported to the nearest kPa. '·
Use Form FHWA 1617 to record and report test results. See Exhibit No. 3.20 in Chapter 3 of
the FLH Field Materials Manual fur a sample format.
FLH T 510·94
) 1
L 1
Notc: Dimcnai01111 may be varicd with lhc cxoeption oflhc free fall of thc
lllidin¡ weisht and lhc oquare bammer base.
Not to Scalc
Figure 1 - Cementation Hammer
Blank Page 1
FLH T 512-94
Standard Method of
1.1 'Ibis test metbod is used to determine the adherent coating or adherent fines on coarse
aggregate (aggregate retained on the 4. 75 mm sieve) or on total aggregate for the following
1.1.1 Preliminary investigation of mineral aggregate sources.
1.1.2 Control of mineral aggregates used in hot asphalt concrete pavements, seal coats,
cover coats, surface treatments, and portland cement concrete at the source of supply.
1.1.3 Control of mineral aggregate processing requirements.
1.1.4 Acceptance or rejection of aggregates based on adherent coating or adherent fines.
3.1 Aggregate for hot asphalt concrete pavement and coarse aggregate for portland cement
3.1.1. A weighed sample of dry aggregate is separated on the 4.75 mm sieve and the
difference in the amount of material passing the 75 JLM sieve on the coarse aggregate (material
retained on the 4. 75 mm sieve) between dry sieving and washing is determined and reported as
adherent coating or adherent fines.
3.2 Aggregate for seal coats, cover coats, and surface treatments.
3.2.1 A weighed sample of dry aggregate is sieved and then washed. The difference in
the amount of material passing a 75 JLM sieve on the aggregate between dry sieving and washing
is determined and reported as adherent coating or adherent fines on the aggregate.
FLH T 512-94
4.3 The weight of the test sample shall conform to table 1 below.
Table 1
Weight ofTest Sample
Nominal Maximum Size Weight of Test Sample
Square Openings (mm) M"mimum Maximum
(Kg) (Kg)
9.5 1 2
12.5 2 3
19.0 5 7
25.0 10 12
37.5 15 18
6.1 Aggregate for hot asphalt concrete and portland cement concrete.
6.1.1 Calculate the amount of coated material (material passing the 75 p.m sieve) by
washing the material retained on 4. 75 mm sieve in accordance with AASHTO T 11.
FLH T 512-94
A = Weight of material passing 75 ¡.un sieve washed off the coarse aggregate.
w. = Dry weight of aggregate retained on the 4.75 mm sieve after sieving in
accordance with AASHTO T 27 and before washing.
6.2 Aggregate fur sea! coat, cover coat, and surface treatment.
6.2.1 Calculate the amount of coated material (material passing the 75 ¡.&m sieve) by
washing the material retained on the 75 ¡.un sieve in accordance with AASHTO T 11.
6.2.2 Calculate adherent coating on the aggregate as fullows:
7.1 · Report the adherent coating (adherent fines) to the nearest 0.1 percent on Form
FHWA 1612.
Blank Page 1
FlH T 513-94
Standard Metlwd of
1.1 This method of test is used to find the percent of relative compaction by first deter-
mining the actual moisture content and dry density of material in-place.
NOTE 1-The DS and MS counts are stored in the gaugc's memory and may be =allod by pressing MS or
DS keys. They will remain in the gauge 'a memory until the POWER!I'IME awilch is tumod lo the OFF pos ilion, or
untila new stsndard count is initiated.
FLH T 513-94
4.1 This test is used to determine if the gauge is monitoring the radiation from the
radioactive source within the limits of normal statistics.
4.2 The same steps are followed to do this test as the steps prescribed for testing for
standard counts, except for the following:
e The POWER!TIME switch is set at 1 minute.
• The SHIFI' key is not depressed.
e The ERR message appears as the counting is accumulating. Wben ERR
disappears, _!-minute count has been completed.
• Depress DC key to display Density Count.
• Depress MC key to display Moisture Count.
• Record counts.
4.3 Continue this process (section 4.2) until twenty 1-minute counts have been read and
4.4 Add the 1tandard counts and then divide by 20 to find "n. •
4.5 Find the error for each individual count by subtracting •n• from the count.
4.6 Find "E2 • by squaring each error.
4.7 Find "E" by totaling "E2."
4.8 Calculate the ratio for moisture and density. These ratios must fall between 0.18 and
0.3S to prove that the gauge is operating properly.
Percent PR = X 100
FLH T 513-94
NOTE 2-CAUTION-Whcn driving lhc pin into a ooü or a;grcptc, remcmbcr yo u are applying considerable
force with each hamrner blow. Thc pin wiU mushroom and flakc with time, aod metal chipa wiU lly from lhc pin u
it is Btruclc with the hamrner. The pin can be ground to lcuen Ibis effeet. Safcty g1usea are advised.
FLH T 513·94
11.1 This instrument calculates a "K" factor to correct for hydrogen in the measured
material which is not contained in the free water removed during standard oven-drying procedures.
This correction factor, as used with other types.of equipment, is a function ofthe dry density and
is only valid for one value of dry density. The correction used in this instrument is independent
of dry density and correctly adjusts the apparent moisture to a true moisture, regardless of the dry
11.2 There are two ways to get the correction factor. The first and easier method uses the
instrument in the field to calculate the value of "K. •
11.2.1 Assuming that the soil is a type which allows an accurate "fast dry, • a sample can
be talren from under the gauge and a val ue of %M obtained while the co•mt data is stored in the
gauge memory. · ·
.8.2.2 Depress %M. Ifthe displayed value is higher than the value obtained from the "fast
dry;" set the sign switch on ·-.• Use"+" if the computed %Mis lower than the ·"fast dry."
Increment the MOISTURE CORRECTION switches, beginning with 00, until the computed value
is equal to the "fast dry" value, and record the final switch setting. Repeat this procedure for four
or more sites and average the "K" values. This average can now be set up as the MOISTURE
CORRECTION constant and can be used for all futute tests on this soil.
8.2.3 An easy way to set the MOISTURE CORRECTION switches is to depress and hold
down the %M k:ey while turning the CORRECTION switches. This places the processor in a
continuous calculation mode. If ERROR 40 appears while adjusting the switches, release and
depress the k:ey again. ERROR 40 occurs if the processor attempts to read the switches at the
instant the switch was rotated. '..
8.3 The second method of getting the correction factor is to malee four or more gauge %M ·.
measurements with the MOISTURE CORRECTION switches set to "+"OO. Samples from each
site should be tak:en to the laboratory for the oven-dry. The minimum recommended sample size
is 500 grams. Care should be talren to k:eep the samples from drying out.
8.3.1 For each sample, the "K" factor can be computed by the following formula:
%M (True) - %M (Gauge)
K = X 1,000
%M (Gauge) + 100
8.3.2 The final value of "K" should be the average of four or more samples rounded to
an integer. The value will fall between -99 and +99. This value is then set into the gauge
MOISTURE CORRECTION switches and used for all measurements on the particular soil.
NOTE 3-Uac the second method deacribed in acction 8.3 wben "fut dry" methods deacn'bed in section 8.2
~ not available in the field. ·
FLH! 513-94
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Blank Page 1
FLH T 514-96
Standard Method of
1.1 This method covers a procedure for removing asphalt from hot-mixed paving
mixtures using a biodegradable solvent. Aggregates obtained by this method may be used for
sieve analysis following the procedures of AASHTO T 30.
4. REAGENT (Solvent)
4.1 The biodegradable solvent sball bave been formulated to permit the solvent to be
removed from aggregate by wasbing with water. The solvent sball be supplied in clean and
appropriately lined metal containers.
5.1 The size of sample shall be governed by the nominal size of particles of aggregate
in the mixture. The minimum size of sample sball conform to Table l.
FLH T 514-96
Mi. 1 s·tze fiora G.¡ven s·tzeOfA1ggregate
rumum Samp1e
Nominal Aggregate Size Sample Size
U .S. Standard Sieves 1 (grams)
4.75 mm 500
9.5mm 1000
12.5 mm 1500
19.0mm 2000
25.0mm 3000
37.5mm 4000
NOTE 1- Sievea conforming to AASHrO M 92.
6.1 Determine the asphalt content, using a nuclear test instrument in accordance with
FLH Test Procedure T 513, T 516, or T 517. Record data.
6.1.1 Determine moisture content, using a microwave oven in accordance with FLH
Test Procedure T 515. Record data.
6.1.2 Weigh the sample and record the mass.
6.1.3 Calculate and record the mass of dry aggregate.
6.2 Cover the sample of asphalt concrete mixture with 1200 mL of solvent and allow
it to soak for 20 minutes. After the soak period, agitate and decant the solution over the 1.18
mm and 75 p.m mesh sieves nested over the container described in section 3.3. Add
additional increments of solvent (300 mL) and stir for 2-minute periods before decanting. In
usually five to eight washes, the solvent wili become a cocoa-brown color when agitated. See
Note 2. At this point, discontinue the solvent rinses. Dispose of the resulting asphalt and
solvent solution in a manner consisten! with appropriate governing regulations.
6.3 Wash the sample vigorously with water as in AASHTO T 11. Agitale the sample
vigorously to result in the complete separation from the coarse particles of all particles finer
than the 75 p.m sieve and bring them into suspension in order that they may be removed by
decanta!ion of the wash water. Care shall be tak:en to avoid, as much as possible, the
decanta!ion of the coarse particles of the sample. The opera!ion shall be repeated until the
wash water is clear.
NOTE 2-Vigorous washlng wilh solution to remove !he asphalt from !he aggregate may cause sorne
aggrcgate degradation. To determine !he extcnt, if any, of !he degradation, pcrfonn a mínimum of 3
companion wash tests (AASHTO T 27 and AASHTO T 11) on proccsscd aggregate wilhout asphalt. The
comparison oflheac rcsults should idcntify !he amount of degradation occurring. lf degradation is occurring,
an adjustment in the percent pusing the sieves may be required. Do not adjust test resulta if the difference
of an individual aievc size perccnt passing is lesa than 10 percent of the mean percent passing the given sieve
in the companion test resulta.
FLH T 514-96
6.4 Al! material retained on the nested sieves shall be returned to the container. The
washed aggregate in the container shall be dried ID constan! mass ata temperature of 110 oc
± 5o and weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram and recorded.
6.5 The aggregate shaU then be sieved over sieves of the various sizes required by the
specification covering the mixture, in accordance with AASHTO T 30 and recorded. The
summation of these various weights must check: the dried weight after washing within 0.2
percent of the total weight. The weight of dry material passing the 75 ¡.¡m sieve by dry-
sieving sha1l be added ID the weight of minus 75 ¡.¡m material removed by washing in section
6.4, in order ID obtain the total amount passing the 75 ¡.¡m sieve.
7.1 The results of the sieve ana1ysis shaU be reported as the total percentages passing
each sieve. Percentages shall be reported to the nearest who1e number except for the
percentage passing the 75 ¡.¡m sieve, which shaU be reported ID the nearest 0.1 percent.
Blank Page 1
FLH T 515·94
Standard Method of
1.1 This method covers the use of microwave ovens to determine moisture content in
asphalt concrete paving mixtures using a microwave oven.
2.1 This method is used to determine the amount of moisture content in a sample of
asphalt concrele paving mixture. The method is intended to be used in combination with
nuclear asphalt content test procedures.
2.2 The microwave oven causes the moisture to gain temperature at an accelerated rate
and lessens the time required to dry a sample to a constant weight. Conventional ovens,
convection or forced-draft, heat the sample by heat transfer from the beated air in the
interior of the oven to the sample. Microwave ovens cause the moisture molecules in the
sample to oscülate at a high rate and become heated by molecular friction.
3.1 Balance - Balance shall conform to AASHTO M 231 for the class of general
purpose balance required for the principal weight of the sample being tested.
3.2 Microwave oven - An oven having an output of 1000 watts minimum aod an
internal cbamber approximately 0.05 cubic meters in size. The oven interior shall have a
metal or ceramic lining. The oven shall have a variable power control mode. (See note l.)
3.3 Drying pans-Pans or dishes composed of beat-tempered glass. Glass
manufacturers produce dishes of various sizes and shapes specifically to be used in
microwave ovens.
3.4 Stirring tools-Spatulas, spoons, or other utensils to mix the sample to facilitate the
even heating of the particles.
NOTE 1-Microwave ovens should be tested at lesst once a month for leakage around the edges of
the door. Document the findings. lf lesk.age is above the leve( recommended by the manufacturer,
the oven should not be used until repaircd. A aimplified leakage test can be performed with a arnall
low wattage neon tube held next to the door. lf the tube lighta at all, contact the FLHD Safety
4.1 The size of sample used for moisture determinations sball be 500 to 1000 grarns.
The samples for testing shall be prepared in accordance with AASHTO T 248 using the
quartering method.
FlH T 515-94
5.1 When the aspbalt concrete material to be used to determine aspbalt content of the
paving mixture is separated out from the sample taken, also quartet-out an approximate
amount of material fur determining its moisture content. Thorougbly mix the sample and
break up any large lumps. Weigb out an amount not less Iban 500 grams fur the test. Keep
the remainder of the sample in a tigbtly covered container.
6.1 Prepare a sample in accordance with section S .1. Weigb and record the weigbt of
the sample, place the sample in a disb and place it in the microwave oven. Set the oven
timer to 2S minutes and set the oven to operate at a low power setting. As the drying cycle
progresses, the sample sbould be checked periodically to assure that it is not being beated
above 140• C. If overbeating occurs, the sample will smoke and a portion of the oils in the
asphalt cement will be driven off. If overbeating occurs, the sample sbould be discarded and
another sample tested. · (See note 2.)
NOTE 2. - Eve;ry mix wil1 requiro a alightly cliffi:ront cbyius time. A dcfinilc cbyiug time can u.ually
be ucertaincd by cbccldng the dry wcigbt of the mix at S-minlllc intervals unlil a collltUit weight il
6.2 Record the dry weigbt of the sample. Calculate and record the percent moisture
by original weigbt of sample as described in section 7.1.
7.2 Record the percent moisture content to the nearest 0.1 percent.
FlH T 516-94
Standard Method of
:1..1 The nuclear asphalt content gauge is used to determine the amount of asphalt contained in loose
asphalt concrete mixtures.
3.1 Obtain a representative sample of the processed aggregate (without asphalt) and dry to a
constant weight at uo· e ± 5" for at lesst 4 hoUrs (30 000 grams ± 1000 grams).
3.2 Split or quarter the aggregate into 4 fractloils.
3.3 Weigh one of the pans provided with the gauge and record its tare weight on the calibration
worksheet (Form FHWA 1631).
3.4 Fill the tared pan with a representative portion of the dry aggregate. Rock the pan back and
forth by lowering and raising first the right side then the left side. Raise and lower esch side 10 times.
3.5 If the aggregate has consolidated in the pan, add sufficient material to refill the pan. Strike
off the excess material with a straightedge.
3.6 Weigh and record the weight of pan and aggregate. Subtract the pan tare weight from the
gross weight and determine the net weight of the aggregate. 'Ibis net weight of the aggregate will be used
to determine the weight of mix to be placed in the pan during calibration and subsequent testing. Save
the tared pan filled with dry aggregate.
3.7 Using one of the other splits, weigh and add exactly a quantity of asphalt equal to the desired
asphalt content target value less 1.0% by weight of total mix. Record data on an appropriate form.
3.8 After mixing, bring the mix to a temperature of 110" e ± 5". (When testing for asphalt
content from Section 5.2, the moisture sample should also be heated to 110" e ± 5" and testad for
moistuie content.)
3.9 The mix shall be compactad in two layers of equal weight not to exceed the net aggregate
weight specified in 3.6.
3.10 Tare a pan and weigh one half of the weight necessary to fill the pan.
FLH T 516-94
3.11 Preheat the compaction plate (figure 1). Use the plate and the 4.54 k:g rammer to densify
the mix with seven compaction blows. Drop the hammer from a height of 457 mm.
3.12 Remove the .compaction plate and add additional mix until the predetermined weight is met.
(Calculated weight = tare weight + compacted net aggregate weight)
3.13 Again use the 4.54 k:g rammer, dropped from a height of 457 mm, with the compaction plate
to densify the top layer with seven blows.
3.14 The compacted mix is now ready. Refer to Test Procedure for Gauge Calibration in annex B.
3.15 An additional calibration sample must be made using an asphalt content equal to the desired
asphalt content target value plus 1.0% asphalt. Repeat the procedures in 3.7 through 3.14.
NOTE 1-Ail cahbration and subsc:quent tcat ssmplca mUJt be of thc oamc weight and hcight in thc ssmplc pana. This
cannot be ovcr-cmphasizcd. Duc to ssmpling crrors and ststútics, thc calibration and tcat ssmplcs should be aalsrge as possiblc.
Ususlly this can be accomplisbed by using thc weight of dry aggrc¡¡stc that it takca to cxactly fill the samplc pan. This weight
of a hot ssmplc containing aaphalt will always lit into thc aamplc pan.
4.1 After calibration of the nuclear asphalt content gauge has been completed, a moisture
correction curve should be determined, using the following procedure.
4.2 Place tared pan containing the dry aggregate (saved in accordance with section 3.6 above) into
the gauge and follow instructions for asphalt determination in annex B. The aggregate must be cooled
to room temperature befare the moisture calibration is attempted. The initial measured count on the
aggregate represents no moisture or ZERO. This count must be subtracted from the counts at 0.5% and
l. O% moisture content to determine thb effect of the moisture in relation to the count.
4.3 Record measured count (MC) on lineA, Form FHWA 1631.
4.4 Remove pan from gauge.
4.5 Calculate 0.5% moisture by total weight of the sample.
4.6 Set pan filled with aggregate on the scale and pour the calculated weight of water over the
4. 7 Place pan in the gauge and follow section 4.2 again.
4.8 Record MC on line (B) and calculate corrected moisture MC [B - A] and record.
4.9 Remove pan from the gauge.
4.10 Add an additional 0.5% moisture as in 4.5 and 4.6 to bring total to l. O% moisture.
4.11 Place pan in the gauge and follow section 4.2 once again.
4.12 Record MC on line (C) and calculate corrected moisture MC [C - A] and record.
4.13 Plot the three points that represent the difference in count in relationship to the moisture on
the Moisture Curve Work:sheet (Form FHWA 1632) and develop the moisture correction curve (often a
straight line).
5.1 Split or quarter a representative portion of the mixture to the approximate weight required to
fill the pan.
5.2 Use the same procedure outlined in sections 3.8 through 3.13.
5.3 Refer to the test procedure for asphalt determination in Annex B and follow the indicated
instructions. Read and record the measured count (MC) on Form FHWA 1619.
5.4 A correction for the moisture present must be made. Refer to FLH Test Procedure T 515 for
details and record percent moisture.
FLH T 516·94
5.5 The percent moisture should be plotted on the Moisture Curve Worksheet to determine the
corresponding MC.
S.ll The corrected MC for asphalt (MC for the mix less the MC for moisture) should be recorded.
S. 7 Asphalt content (AC) in percent is determined by- the following calculation:
AC = (C)(S) + (I)
Where: C is the asphalt MC corrected for moisture, S is the slope ratio representing the
change in asphalt content to the MC, and I is the point on the Y-axis where the line
repres""ting the slope ratio intersects the Y-axis (always a negative number). Record asphalt
content to the nearest 0.1 percent.
FlH T 516-94
r -
+ 1-
·······-··-t.····· . l!!
8 dla. I'Otlnd -
-2 plocoo boro
~In mm
(2) Olher deelgno ant ..-ptablo provldod the -ry""""""""'
NOTE: (1) Loca1o thevont.,_ ._lmalolvequldlalont omund the
lo -od.
FLH T 516-94
Test Procedure for Gauge Calibration
Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge
Push - Depicts wbst tbe operator will e:nter manually in the gauge.
Plug in
OPERATIONAL 1 16. Set function switch on CALIBRATE
FLH T 516·94
ANNEX A (continuad)
MC= 1
24. Push SIART 32. Push SIART
FLH T 516-94
ANNEX A (continuad)
Put in sample to be measured
Blank Page 1
FLH T 516-94
Test Procedure for Asphalt Uetermination
Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge
Push - Depicts what the operator will enter manual)y in the gauge.
NOTE: lf you want to changc to only onc 4 mirwtc
count, movc thc POWERIJ'IME .witch to NOR.-
CAUB? YES/NO 1 16.
17. Push START
10. Push DEC
FLH T 516-94
ANNEX B (continuad)
FlH T 517-94
Standard Merhod of
1.1 The nuclear asphalt content instrument is used to determine the amount of asphalt
contained in loose asphalt mixtures.
3.1 Before the 3241-C Series instrument can be calibrated or used for testing, a background
count and statistical stability test should be performed (see attached procedures).
3.2 Obtain a representative sample of the processed aggregate (without aspbalt) and dry to
a constant weight at 110• e ± s• for at least 4 hours (30 000 grams ± 1000 grams).
3.3 Quarter the aggregate into 4 fractions.
3.4 Tare one of the pans provided with the instrument and record on calibration worksheet.
3.5 Fill the tared pan with a representative portion of the dry aggregate. Rock the pan back
and forth by loweríng and raising first the ríght side then the left side. Raise and lower eacb side
approximately 10 times.
3.6 If the aggregate has consolidated in the pan, add sufficient material to refill the pan.
Strike off the excess material with a straightedge.
3.7 Weigh and record the weight ofpan and aggregate on Form FHWA 1631. Determine
the net weigbt of the aggregate. This net weight of the specimen will be used wben determíning
the weight of mix to be placed in the pan during calíbratíon and subsequent testing. Save the tared
pan filled with dry aggregate.
3.8 Using one of the other quarters that has been split out, weigh and add exactly a quantity
of asphalt equal to the designed asphalt content (TV - 1.00%) by weight of total mix. Record data
on Form FHWA 1631.
3.9 After mixing, bríng the mixto a temperature of 110• e ± s•. (When testing for aspbalt
content from Section S, the moísture sample should also be heated to u o• e ± s• and tested for
moisture content.)
3.10 The mix will be compacted in two layers of equal weight.
3.11 Tare a pan and weigh one half of the weíght necessary to fill the pan.
FLH T 517-94
3.12 Preheat the compaction plate (figure 1). Use the plate and the 4.54 kg rammer to
densify the mix with seven compaction blows. Drop the hammer from a height of 457 mm.
3.13 Remove the compaction plate and add additional mix until the predetermined weight is
met. (Calculated weight = tare + compacted aggregate.)
3.14 Using the rammer and the compaction plate, densify the top layer with seven blows.
Drop the hammer from a height of 457 mm.
3.15 The compacted mix is now ready. See "Instrument Calibration Procedure" in annex C.
3.16 Two additional calibration samples must be tested. One sample with an asphalt content
equal to the designed asphalt content TV and one sample equal to the designed asphalt content TV
plus 1.0% asphalt. Repeat procedures 3.8 through 3.15.
NOTE 1-All cahbration and aubacquent test aamplea must be of !he aamc weight and hcight in !he aamplc pana.
Titis cannot be ovcr-cmphaaizcd. Due lo rlampling erron and otatistica, !he cahbration and test aamplca should be as
large as possible. Ususlly Ibis can be accomplishcd by using !he weight of dry aggregstc that it takea lo exactly fill !he
aample pan. Titis weight of a hot aamplc containing asphalt will always fit inlo !he aamplc pan.
4.1 After calibration of the nuclear asphalt content instrument has been completed, a ~110isture
correction curve should be determined, using the following procedure.
4.2 Place tared pan containing the dry aggregate (saved in accordance with section 3. 7 above)
into the instrument and follow instructions for asphalt determination in •Asphalt Mix Testing and
Measurement Procedure" in annex D.
4.3 Record measured count (MC) on Form FHWA 1631.
4.4 Remove pan from instrument. ·.'
4.5 Calculate 0.5% moisture by total weight of the sample.
4.6 Set pan filled with aggregate on the scale and pour the calculated weight of water on the
4.7 Place pan in the instrument and repeat section 4.2.
4.8 Record the MC. Detemnne the MC correction for a moisture content of 0.5% by
subtracting the dry aggregate MC.
4.9 Remove pan from the instrument.
4.10 Add an additional 0.5% moisture as in 4.5 and 4.6 to bring total to 1.0% moisture.
4.11 Place pan in the instrument and follow section 4.2 once again.
4.12 Record the MC. Determine the MC éorrection for a moisture content of 1.0% by
subtracting the dry aggregate MC.
4.13 Plot the three points on a Moisture Curve Worksheet (Form FHWA 1632) and develop
the moisture curve.
5.1 Split or quarter a representative portion of the mixture to the approxiniate weight required
to fill the pan.
5.2 Use the same procedure outlined in sections 3.9 through 3.14.
5.3 Refer to • Asphalt Mix Testing and Measurement Procedure" in annex D and follow the
indicated instructions. Read and record the MC on Form FHWA 1619.
5.4 A correction for the moisture present must be made. Refer to FLH Test Procedure T
515 for the details and record percent moisture.
FLH T 517-94
5.5 The percent moisture should be plotted on the Moisture Curve Worksheet and
corresponding MC recorded.
5.6 The corrected MC for asphalt (MC for the mix less the MC for moisture) should be
S.7 Asphalt content (AC) in percent is determined by the following calculation:
' - .
AC = (O.OOl)(C)(S) + (1)
Where: C is the MC corrected for moisture, S is the slope ratio representing the change
in asphalt content to the MC, and I is the point on the Y-axis where the line representing
the slope ration intersects the Y-axis (always a negative number). Record asphalt content
to the nearest 0.1 percent.
FLH T 517-94
r '
. ·:-··\ -· le
{·-·- ·-·-·-·---~---·-
Hondle- Hex H.D. M12 BoN
with e :t dla. round hancUo bara
2 placea
NOTE: (1) Locate the vent holea approxlmaloly oquldJstant around tho guido aloevo.
(2) Other doalgna aro accaptable providod the noceaaary compactlon 1:1 achlevod.
FLH T 517-94
l. Turn instrument on NOTE: Prcaaina Cl! will retum lhc diJplay to:
2. Do not turn gauge
off during this test 7. Press YES
9. Press #4
NOTE: During SclfTclll, prcuing ony tcy dlorplaya:
Please wait 10.
16 minutes
NOTE: Prcuing Cl! will retum lhc diaplay to:
4. ************* 1 GAUGE READY
Time: - minutes
Calib # Factory
ll. Malee sure sample cbamber is empty
and the door is closed and latched.
S. Press TIME
12. Press BKG
cCount Time-
6. - · min.
Background: -
Do you want
13. Time: 16 minutes
to cbange? Want lo take a
new Background?
FlH T 517-94
ANNEX A (continuad)
New Background
count: ...,.,.,.,.,.
.Empty clwnber & Want to use the
15. Press START for new count?
16 minute
Background count 18. Press YES
FLH T 517-94
The Stat Test is used to determine if the instrument is operating properly and should be performed after the
background count has been taken. U pon completion of the test, the ratio of instrument resdings should fall
between 0.35 and 0.71, with 0.50 being ideal.
Stability Test -
Close door &
Press Start
Blank Page 1
FLH T 517-94
Instrument Calibration Procedure
with Troxler 3241-C Asphalt Content Instrument
Upon completion of the Background and Stat Tests, the display sbould read GAUGE READY. The
instrument is now ready for calibration. Use Fonn FHWA 1631 and Fonn FHWA 1632 for recording
calibration dsta.
Ssmple pan tare weights sbould be marlced on the front of each pan. The ssmple should always be put into
the ssmple chamber with the front of the pan facing the door.
FLH T 517·94
ANNEX e (continuad)
15. Press START 27. Press START
counts: Counts:
Press ENTER 28. Press ENTER
Sample #2
Input and
press ENTER
Load Sample #2
Close Door NOTE: Thc Fit. Cocf. ia actuaUy thc goodneu of fit.
20. Valucs abovo 0.95 an: good. 1.00 ia pcñoct.
Load Sample #3
Close Door
FLH T 517-94
ANNEX C (continuedl
A3: 00000
NOTE: Al ""' Tbo Iotcrt:ept (a negativo No.). CAUBRATION
A2 • Thc Slopc.
A3 = Alway• :Uro. WANT TO STORE
39. Record Slope and Intercept.
Press YES
50. Press YES
#1: _ _ % AC
counts: ------ CAUBRATION lf!
Diff. = % AC 51.
(press YES) Input and press
47. Press NO
Blank Page 1
FLH T 517-94
Asphalt Mix Testing and Measurement Procedure
with Troxler 3241-C Asphalt Content Instrument
Perform a background count at the beginnin¡ of each day before usin¡ the instrument. Follow the
backsround count test procedures in annex A. Jf the instrument IIJlii"'II11 to be operatin¡ in an erratic manner
or questiooable, a Drift Teat may be necessary. Contact the Materials En¡ineer for instructions.
After the backsround count is completed, malee sure that the correct calibration has been activated. Follow
the instrument calibration procedures in annex C.
l. "...,DATE"""
7. Put sample to be teated into sample
Time: - minutes chamber and press START.
Calib ti
f Calib# _ _
8. Input empty pan
Count Time Weight: _ _ ¡
2. -min. and press ENTER
to chan¡e?
9. Jnputempty pan weight and press
3. Press YES
FLH T 517-94
ANNEX O (continuad)
Calib 11
15. Presa START
T:~2 sec.
TIME: 4 min.
NO'l'll: T'11110 wiiiC<lWit down from 240 -~ (4 min.) CALIB: _ _
FLH T 518-96
Standard Method of
1.1 This test method covers verification procedures 10 determine if actual values of a
concrete mixture conform 10 the values es1ablished in the approved mix design for cement
content and water/cement (W/C) ratio.
2.1 These procedures are intended 10 verify the validity of concrete mix designs and
process control procedures. These procedures are not 10 be used for acceptance tests.
However, if compu1ed results consistently deviate from the approved mix design parameters
or from the W/C ratio indica1ed on the producer's batch ticket, the cause for the discrepancies
sball be determined.
If there are errors in the original mix design parameters such as the specific gravities of the
aggregates, this will cause the rneasured unit mass 10 be consistently higher or lower than the
design unit mass. However, if the mix design parameters are reasonably accurate, chronic
discrepancies in cernen! factor or W /C ratio can generally be attribu1ed 10 poor contractor
process control and corrective action should be taken.
3.1 AASHTO T 121, Weight per Cubic Meter, Yield, and Air Content of Concrete
3.2 AASHTO T 152, Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method
FLH T 518-96
4.2 Determine the unit mass (kilograms per cubic meter) of the concrete according to
AASHTO T 121 and record the value.
4.3 Verify the total batch masses of all components. Record net batch mass delivered.
Normally, the batch masses will equal the desígn masses with minor adjustments for mix
water which is withbeld or added at the work site. Water in addition to the design mix water
may be added only if the maximum permissible water/cement f:W/C) ratio is not exceeded.
4.4 Determine the mass of water added to the batch at the work site and record the
value. Asswne one liter of water weighs LOO kilogram.
4.5 Calculate the net mass of a cubic meter of concrete using the net batch mass from
4.3 and the mass of added water from 4.4. Determine the yield by dividing this net iñass by
the unit mass from 4.2.
4.6 Calculate the cement factor by dividing 1 by the yield from 4.5.
NOTE 1-The contractor's process control can be consideml adequate if the eement factor is between 0.98
and 1.02.
4. 7 Determine the air content (%) of the concrete according to AASHTO T 152 and
record the value.
4.8 Using the design air content (%) and the air content determined in 4. 7, determine
a Unit Weight Correction Factor using form FHWA 1633.
4.9 Divide the unit mass from 4.2 by the design unit mass (kg/m') and determine a
Measured Unit Weight Factor.
4.10 Using the Measured Unit Weight Factor from 4.9 and the Unit Weight Correction
Factor from 4.8, determine a W/C Ratio Correction Factor using form FHWA 1634.
4.11 Determine an approximate W/C ratio for the batch of concrete by multip1ying the
design W/C ratio by the W/C Ratio Correction Factor determined in 4.10.
NOTE 2-The maximum water/eement ratio is established by the contract speeificationa and should not be
FLH T 518-96
5.3 Determinations
• Yield = _....;1:::::3...::8~18::.:..9::..__ = l.O17
. We1"ght Factor =
• Measuredumt 2220.2
_ = 0965
2300 6
• Using form FHWA 1634 (see fignre 2), p1ot the 0.973 unit weight correction factor
on the 1.00 W/C ratio correction factor line. Draw a line through this point that parallels the
existing diagonals. Locate the unit weight factor (0.965) on the X-axis and vertically intercept
the 0.973 diagonalline. From this intercept, move horizontally 1eft from this intercept to the
Y-axis and read the W/C Ratio Correction Factor of 1.075.
6.1 No measurement precision data are presently availab1e for this test method.
FLH T 518-96
1' !
1+ +·
r-:·: . ¡!
..! '! 1'!!
'!:' ''
-i-H-; -¿-¿-t-t-H-:-+±±H-H ! rH- ·i-t-t .1 '' ¡ ¡ 12
·,,,, 11 ~· '','~i ,, 1
' u
. ' ' ' -+-1- ' -¡ ' +-1-l-i-; -
'' ¡ '
~ . . , +++++- 1-l-H-++·zt 8 ..,..e
1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92
Unit Weight Correctjon Factor
U .S. O.,M\mNII otT....-portalloa
O NenrlltlcbaY 4 h'
Podttal ~ Hifh-'f Otf.c.
•....,.•• .,a«&'~) ....... ..-L Somplo No. _L_ .......... By1 d 7&, le Ootot Tntodlly: J ]),,{,.•ltj1/~
1.15¡,, :\ '" \::.··.j!. !\.:::j,__.; ..:.;\J.;.:l-~1-:t;:\¡.:.:¡,¡ll'\i.\l..!.ll~-~-~\;;.,\ ::;\i!'" 1
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3 • •ó '1\''
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o 1.10 1 ; ; i ¡ ; i i 1 1 l 1 i ¡ i i i ; ; ' i
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1.05 ' ' ' 1 . ! n: . 'T' j\¡,·r
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1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1
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1 \
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, , 'rr···n 1'"TI'
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1 , T, T
1P.<L T1 '¡, 1
Blank Page 1
FLH T 519-95
Standard Method of
1.1 This method covers the procedure for the determination of an operator asphalt retention
factor to be used in conjunction with the quantitative extraction of asphalt from asphalt paving
mixtures (AASHTO T 164).
3.1 Before an operator performs the AASHTO T 164 test procedures for extracting asphalt
from asphalt paving mixtures for process control or acceptance, a retention factor shall be
. determined. A retention factor is obtained using samples of fabricated asphalt mixture containing
exact quantities of asphalt and aggregate. These samples are prepared by using the asphalt and
aggregate actually used on the project.
4.1 In addition to the apparatus listed in AASHTO T 164, the following apparatus is required
for determining the retention factor (R,).
4.1.1 Oven - An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 150° C ± 5°, except when
polymer modified asphalts are specified the oven shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of
4.1.2 Mi.xing Bowl - Mixing bowl of suitable design and shape to allow thorough mixing of
the asphalt mixture. A large stainless steel salad, or mixing bowl with a capacity of approximately
8 liters is acceptable.
4.1.3 Miscel/aneous Apparatus- Thermometers, spatulas, stirring spoons, gloves, metal pans,
and metal pouring containers as necessary.
FLH T 519-95
5.1 Threé asphalt concrete mixtures each containing approximately 2.S kilograms of dried
aggregate and the appropriate quantity of asphalt shall be combined into a mixture and the asphalt
cement then extracted from the mixture prior to production and/or quality control testing.
Note: The aggregate for tlris procedure shall be obtained from t!Je aggregates that have been producedfor use
in the production of the aspha/J concrete mixture for the project work.
5.1.2 Asphalt Cement - Obtain a sample of the asphalt cement (approximately one Iiter) in
accordance with AASHTO T 40 from the same asphalt cement that will be used in the production
of the asphalt concrete mixture. Heat the Iiquid asphalt in a separate container to the appropriate
temperature specified in S .l. l.
5.1.3 Mixing Equipment- Pre-heat the mixing bowl and spoon to the appropriate temperature
as specified in S.l.l above.
6.1 Preparation of Test Mixes - Weigh the heated aggregate to the nearest 0.1 gram and
record the weight. To obtain the weight of asphalt needed, multiply the weight of the heated
aggregate by the percent asphalt (by weight of aggregate) specified in the approved Job Mix
6.2 Pre-tare the heated mixing bowl and spoon. Place the heated aggregate in the tared
mixing bowl, make a small crater in the center of the aggregate, and add the required amount of
heated asphalt. Record the weight of asphalt added to the nearest 0.1 gram. Hand mixing using
the spoon and bowl has been found to be an acceptable mixing method. Reheating the mixture in
the oven may be necessary to completely coat al1 the aggregate. Use caution not to lose any of the
mix (aggregate or asphalt) from the spoon or bowl. After mixing is complete, weigh the mixed
sample, the bowl and mixing spoon to the nearest 0.1 gram. The dry original weight of the
mixture before extraction is obtained by subtracting the bowl and spoon tare from this weight.
6.3 Quantitative extraction of the asphalt concrete mixture is then performed according to
AASHTO T 164 and the method specified in the contract. Use caution not to leave any material
in the bowl or on the spoon. The endpoint of the retention extraction should not differ from the
endpoint of a normal extraction test.
FLH T 519-95
6.4 Repeat the steps set forth in sections 5.1 through 6.3 above for the remaining two
separate test mixes. Determine a percent asphalt and calculate a retention factor for each test
7.1 Calculate the percent of asphalt extracted from each test mix in accordance with the
appropriate method in AASHTO T 164. Calculate the actual percent asphalt added to the aggregate
for each test mix using the weight of asphalt added and weight of the heated aggregate from
section 6.
A retention factor for each test mix is then determined by subtracting the percent asphalt extracted
from the actual percent asphalt added to the aggregate.
The overall retention factor for the same operator, performing the tests on al! asphalt extractions
using the same Job Mix Formula (Mix Design), is the mean of three valid tests.
Note: A new retentionfactor detennination must be madefor each Job Mix Fonnu/a requiring a new mix design.
8.1 If the results of any of the three retention factor determinations are not within 0.10 of
the mean of the three tests, the tests are considered invalid and must be rerun.
Blank Page
Standard Metlwd of
1.1 This test method covers tbe determination of tbe roundness of glass bead specimens.
2.1 This procedure is designad to determine tbe percent of round beads in a sample of
large size beads. A round bead is defined as a spberical or fundamentally oval bead
witb an aspect ratio of 1.2: 1 or less and having no otber particles adbered to tbe parent
bead. .
3.1 The beads shall be transparent, clean, colorless glass conforming to AASHTO M 247
and tbe gradation requirements for tbe Type specified. Use appropriate safety
procedures and devices for eye protection. Clean up any spillage of beads immediately
to avoid slipping or falling accidents.
4.1 Microficbe Reader (Bell and Howell Model ABR vm or equivalent) witb a 20 mm
4.2 Transparencias tbat define a· 1.2: 1 aspect ratio for tbe following sizes of beads:
" 1.70 mm
'" 1.40 mm
• 1.18 mm
" 1.00 mm
.. 850 ¡nn
4.3 1/1 Mini-splitter
4.4 Clear, transparent, adbesive tape
4.5 Syringe, 3 cm3 capacity, witb a 0.32±0.07 mm inside diameter needle
4.6 Microscope slide
4.7 Stsndard 1.5 refractive index liquid (a Wesson8 * cooking oil or equivalent witb an
approximate 1.5 refractive index is acceptable)
4.8 Appropriate containers and utensils such as scoops, spoons, brusbes, etc.
FLH T 520-93
5.1 Sample the beads and perform the sieve analysis test according to ASTM D 1214.
Do not count particles that are twins, satellites, agglomerates, angular, or tire polished
as a round bead.
6.1 Calculate the percentage of round beads in each sieve fraction as follows:
FLH T 520·93
7.1 Reportthepercentageofround beads for each sieve fraction tested to the nearest 0.5%.
Round according to the rounding-offmethod of AASHTO R 11.
8.1 No measurement precision data are presently available for this test method.
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