Abstract: Background: Obstetric emergencies are responsible for 70.6% of the maternal mortality and 86% of the perinatal mortality.
Management can be done by the utilization of antenatal care services, family planning, access to skilled labour and emergency care.
Proper prenatal care is the best way to prevent from obstetrical emergencies. So, the need for education and awareness among the
student nurses remains evident. Objectives: To assess the existing level of knowledge regarding obstetric emergencies by using
structured knowledge questionnaire, to evaluate the effectiveness of PTP on knowledge regarding obstetrical emergencies and to
associate the pre test level of knowledge on obstetric emergencies with selected demographic variables. Material and methods: Data were
collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The demographic variables analyzed in the study were age, sex, religion and
marital status. The study sample was selected using Purposive sampling technique. Data obtained were tabulated and analyzed in terms
of objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study revealed that 33(66%) had good knowledge,
16(32%) had average knowledge and 1(2%) had poor knowledge. The overall mean pre test knowledge score was 21 with SD 4.86 and in
post test, mean score was 28 with SD 5.85. There was a significant difference between the pre test and post test knowledge scores of the
Final year GNM students after the planned teaching programme. There was a significant increase in post test knowledge scores at
P<0.05 level and calculated paired‘t’ value was 10.17. There was no association between the knowledge and age, sex, religion, marital
status of the Final year GNM students. Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed that educating the students would be effective in
updating the knowledge and skills regarding management of Obstetric emergencies.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Obstetric emergencies, Planned teaching programme, Final Year GNM students.
3. Results
1) Findings related to socio-demographic variables of
Final year GNM students:
4) Findings related to the association between the pre test Table 4: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation And
knowledge scores of Final year GNM students and Range Of Knowledge Scores Of Subjects Regarding
selected demographic variables: Management Of Obstetric Emergencies Among The Final
The association between pretest knowledge scores and Year GNM Students, n=50
socio-demographic variables was computed by using chi-
square (χ2). The obtained chi-square value for all the
selected demographic variables such as age (χ2=3.77, df=4),
sex (χ2=4.65, df=2), religion (χ2=9.526, df=6) and marital
status (χ2=0.07, df=2) was less than the table value which
showed that there was no significant association between the
pre test knowledge scores of Final year GNM students and
Table 4 revealed differences between pretest score and post
selected demographic variables.
test score showing that overall difference between pretest
and post test in Mean was 7, Median was 7, Mode was 7,
Standard Deviation was 0.99 and Range was 7.
Graph 2: A Line graph showing Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Range of knowledge scores of subjects
regarding management of Obstetric emergencies among the Final Year GNM students.
4. Discussion
The findings of the study have been discussed under the The present study revealed that most of the Final year GNM
following headings: students, 36 (72%) were female while 14 (28%) were male.
Author Profile
Ms. Heikham Gineta Chanu, M.Sc in Obstetrics and
Gynecological Nursing, KLE University‟s Institute of Nursing
Sciences, Belgaum- 590010, Karnataka, India.
Prof.(Dr.) Sudha A. Raddi, M.Sc (N), MPhil (N), Ph.D, Dean and
Principal, KLE University‟s Institute of Nursing Sciences,
Belgaum- 590010, Karnataka, India