Educational Preparation & Continuing Nursing Education
Educational Preparation & Continuing Nursing Education
Educational Preparation & Continuing Nursing Education
Name : Sabiha
M.Sc. Nursing 1st Year
Subject : Advance nursing practice
Topic : Educational preparation, continuing
nursing education and professional advancement .
Group : M.SC. 1st year
Size of Group : 14
Venue : Virtual Classroom
Duration Of Teaching : 45 Mins
Method Of Teaching : Lecture cum Discussion
A.V. AIDS : PowerPoint Presentation
The group possess some knowledge about educational
preparation & continuing nursing education
At the end of presentation from student point of view
The student will be able to gain knowledge regarding
educational preparation & continuing nursing education
From Student teacher point of view
The student teacher will be able to take good lecture
regarding educational preparation & continuing nursing
Student gain knowledge regarding definition and
meaning of educational preparation & continuing
nursing education
Student gain knowledge regarding objectives of
educational preparation & continuing nursing education
Student gain knowledge regarding types of educational
preparation & continuing nursing education
Student gain knowledge regarding importance of
educational preparation & continuing nursing education
Student gain knowledge regarding advantages and
disadvantages of educational preparation & continuing
nursing education
The student teacher will be able to use different books.
The student teacher will be able to do effective planned
teaching and will gain confidence in teaching.
The student teacher will gain skill in teaching.
(INC 2002)
Why educational preparation for
Diploma in nursing
Two year associate degree in
nursing (ADN)
Four year bachelor of science in
nursing BSN.
of Duration Eligibility
ANM 18 10” Std
Health months
GNM 3½ 10+2
years with BPC
BSC 4 ½ year 10+2
Nursin with BPC
2 mins The benefit of A three year diploma program in Nurses attending PowerPoint
this program is nursing education at one time all these programs Presentation
that it is nurses in the united states were have more option
deigned to be diploma nurses. such as public
completed health nursing
more rapidly These programs were the most school in many
than the typical common route to becoming situations having a
BSN programs registered two year associate BSN , in necessary
because the degree in nursing AND programs to eventually
students in introductory nursing programs. advance into a
already hold senior nursing
bachelor’s These are typically offered by position.
degrees in community affordability is one
another program, being able to complete
discipline the program, in 2 years begin
working as a registered nurse also
make an attractive options
It should be
Learning CRITERIA FOR SELECTION IN provided for PowerPoint Who is the
experience NURSING : independent Presentation first nurse of
should be Candidates who wish to apply for thinking and study India?
varied and nursing courses should pass decision making
flexible provide physics and chemistry and biology good judgement
opportunity for as main subjects intellectual
the resourcefulness,
development MAIN COURSE IN NURSING self-discipline etc
to practice or
self-activity. The major courses their duration
and their eligibility requirements
are :
Auxiliary nurse midwifery program
: it is a nursing programme with
the duration of a 18 months it was
started at St. Mary’s hospital
Taren in Punjab in 1951.
These experiences
After a group EDUCATIONAL PREPARATIONS are designed to PowerPoint What is
of academic CONTINUING EDUCATION: promote the Presentation continuous
activities with Introduction : To assist each development of nursing
the purposes of employee to improve knowledge. Skills education?
updating performance in his or her present and attitudes for
complementing position and to acquire personal the enhancement
Supplying and professional abilities that of nursing practice.
knowledge and maximizes the possibility of easier Improving health
forming advancement. care services to
academic labor the public.
aspects that Directed towards the personal and
don’t lead to a professional growth of nurses and
diploma with other personnel while they are
out the subject employed by a health care agency.
to the levels
Educational CONTINUING EDUCATION objectives are the
objectives MEANING : statements of What do you
should focus It is an extension of opportunities direction and mean by
on the learner for reading ,study, and training to provides continuing
and continuous any person and adult following foundation of the education. ?
action verbs their completion of or withdrawal entire educative
that describe from full time school/College structure these are
measurable programme. the statement
behaviours. which express in
Continuing education is an measurable terms,
educational activity primarily an attitude that
designed to keep the registered will be developed
nurses abroad un their particular cognitive
field of interest and do not lead to psychrometer skill.
any formal advanced standing in
the profession.
To develop the
To meet the DEFINTION : practising abilities
health needs 1. Continuing education in of the nurse . PowerPoint What is
and public nursing it is a planned recognise gaps in Presentation continuing
expectations activity directed towards their knowledge to education. ?
meeting the learning shape or support
needs of the nurse. university
Following basic nursing education educational
exclusive of full time formal post policies and
basic education. practices .
A method
Teaching and FORMS OF CNE determined for
learning In service education verifying PowerPoint What are the
strategies Extramural education participation in an Presentation principle of
congruent with activity develop an CNE?
the activity ‘s PRINCIPLES ability to analyse
objectives and Effective CNE design . problems and to
teaching and Principles by American association work with others.
learning of critical care nurses . Maintain
strategies. standards of
Each educational activity should health care level.
be developed with :
1. Industrial nurse
2. Nursing services as a
private duty nurse
3. Military nursing services
Professional advancement in
nursing career the growth of the
whole individual and development
of all his her capacities physical,
mental ,social and spiritual
towards efficient and effective
performance of his her
professional. The stake of being
advance progression or
advancement of learning
There are 16 nursing trends that
will shape health care in 2020-
Nursing education is a professional
education which is consciously and
systematically planned and
implemented through instruction
and discipline.
AIM of nursing education:
The aim of nursing education is a
development of the nursing
profession. One way to promote
development is to clarify the
professional role. The role
definition for nursing is mostly
transmitted through tacit
knowledge. We consider that the
professional development of the
nursing profession in Sweden
requires a clear and well-defined
nurse role. Stated goals of
professional programmes for
nursing do not include the entire
body of tacit knowledge. The
overall development requires
recognition of a professional
status together with a clear and
well-defined role. We have found
a significant change in the
distribution of role-conceptions
which occurred after the nurses
had experienced their first year as
registered nurses, and which did
not occur during the educational
process. This indicates that the
conceptions of the need for a
more clearly defined nursing role
are assimilated during work
experience. This confirms the
necessity and importance of role
modelling, role repetition and
interactions with a professional
group as part of the educational
Introduction: Strategic recruitment, preparation, distribution,
and retention of US midwives requires a solid body of
knowledge about midwives' education and workforce
experiences. Although half of US midwifery education
programs currently require or prefer prior registered nurse
(RN) employment, data are lacking about whether and how
these criteria influence efforts to scale up the workforce to
meet reproductive care workforce shortages and