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MAY 2019 ISSN 2052-6474
MAY 2019 Editor’s Note 5
With billions of monies being laundered each year, governments Available from:
We also hear from Ben Fairhead at Pinsent Masons, who speaks Universal Media Limited:
Garrick House, 2 Queen Street, Lichfield, WS13 6QD
about an underlying issue: pension fraud. We don’t work for
Tel: 0044 (0) 1543 267633
decades for our money to be scammed from us, so what can
be done to deal with this?
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Lawyer Monthly
Jaya Harrar
Emma Tansey
Jaya Harrar
Editor - Lawyer Monthly James Southern
6 Inside This Issue MAY 2019
56. 5 Simple Mistakes Law Student Make
57. How Do I Get A Career In Law?
MAY 2019 Inside This Issue 7
62. The Gig Economy
65. Investments
70. How Has the Bulgarian Legal System
69 Progressed?
74. Music Copyright
76. Superyacht Law
80. Personal Injury
78 - Super Lawyers
89. What’s happening in the world of M&As and
88 IPOs?
98. The Althoff Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg
Should Robots Ever Get
Workers Rights?
1,188 votes ● Final Result
10 Monthly Round-Up MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Monthly Round-Up 11
A House of Commons dustry” but I beg to dif- tion, which has seen the Duncan Clark added:
summit has thrown the Duncan Clark, director fer. I see something more introduction of AI and “Countless start-ups
spotlight on how British of Academy at Patsnap, exciting and exhilarating globalisation.” make the fatal mistake
businesses need to edu- said: “It is a well-known than ever before and IP of seeing IP as a ‘bolt-
cate themselves on intel- fact that 80% of a com- is the fulcrum of this trans- Chris Skidmore, minister on’, with many only
lectual property (IP) and pany’s value is in intan- formation.” of state for universities, coming across it when
how it can help them gible assets such as IP, science, research and in- they’re faced with a le-
succeed in a tough eco- but unfortunately many Stephen Lambert is head novation, said: “Britain is gal battle. The video-led
nomic climate – or if Brit- British companies aren’t of the automotive elec- a world leader because courses PatSnap runs on
ain leaves the EU. making it part of their trification at McLaren of IP. It underpins every- the Academy are not
business strategy. In- Applied Technologies, a thing we do in the econ- about making people le-
Top IP institutions, law stead, they’re only learn- leader in the power elec- omy itself and is funda- gal experts – rather, they
firms, universities and ing about IP when it’s far tronic sector contributing mental to this country’s educate them on the
business leaders from too late or when it be- nearly £50billion to the UK success. We need to pro- basics of what they really
the automotive industry comes a legal issue.” economy. He added: “In vide a smooth and effec- need to know in order to
attended the confer- our world, we face rapid tive IP system regardless be able to innovate and
ence which was hosted “If we can create the en- development, we have of Brexit and we need to commercialise success-
by the Intellectual Prop- vironment to help British to fix problems quickly be prepared for all even- fully. Unfortunately, many
erty Awareness Network businesses utilise IP in their and have an innovative tualities, whatever the start-ups fail because
(IPAN) and backed by strategy from the outset, mindset. But IP isn’t in the outcome. IP is not a “Cin- they do not harness the
the leading IP business we will have a strong average mindset of an derella” subject in gov- benefits of IP.”
intelligence solutions economic advantage engineer because filing ernment and we need
and open, online training over our competitors. This patents mean you lose to work together as one Since 2017, Academy
courses, PatSnap. will be particularly useful your competitive advan- single IP community.” by PatSnap has collabo-
to the British automotive tage. We need to use IP rated with some of the
The aim of the summit, industry which needs to more to retain our inno- According to WIPO, one world’s top IP experts in
held ahead of the World find a way to stay afloat vation culture and pro- of the biggest mistakes order to provide free,
Intellectual Property when Britain leaves the tect what we have.” start-ups make is failing open intellectual prop-
Organisation’s (WIPO) EU.” to create a well-thought- erty education to its
World IP Day, was to en- John Ogier, chair and out IP strategy. For this community of over 3,000
courage the influential David Wong is senior convenor of the Finance, reason, in 2017 PatSnap members. Academy was
attendees to work to- tech and innovation Business and Economics launched the first-ever recently welcomed as a
gether to develop policy manager at the Society Group, IPAN, said: “IP is free online Academy member of IPAN (Intellec-
and support education of Motor Manufacturers based on the power of for R&D organisations, tual Property Awareness
that will help British busi- and Traders, represent- innovative imagination. inventors and entrepre- Network), a non-profit
nesses harness the ben- ing the views of the UK’s The world is changing neurs to educate them- network of organisations
efits of IP to support in- £82billion automotive in- fast and motoring needs selves about IP and why and individuals that cam-
novation in order to stay dustry. He commented: to be reimagined for the it needs to be an inte- paigns to raise awareness
competitive in a global “Automotive is often 21st century alongside gral part of their business and understanding of in-
marketplace. seen as the “sunset in- the fifth industrial revolu- strategy. tellectual property.
14 Lawyer Moves MAY 2019
• Nicola Reader who is based in the Abu Dhabi office. Nicola Jay Rains, Global Co-CEO, added, "These promotions demonstrate
trained with Clifford Chance and qualified into the London our ongoing investment in our business and represent the quality,
restructuring practice, and she has been based in the region breadth, and depth of DLA Piper around the world. These
since 2015. Her primary area of focus is financial restructurings/ exceptionally talented new partners have made significant
distressed debt and general financings. Nicola was recognised contributions to the firm's growth and development, and we are
as a Rising Star at the IFLR Awards 2018. confident that they will continue to thrive in their new roles. I look
forward to working with them in the next stage of their career."
MAY 2019 Lawyer Moves 15
Jones Day's Washington Office Adds Ashurst Boosts Global Real Estate
Partners David Applebaum, Michael Team with Partner Hire
Oblon and of Counsel Amie Breslow
International law firm Ashurst announced the appointment of
The global law firm Jones Day has announced the arrival of three partner Andrea Caputo in the real estate team in Milan.
lawyers to the Firm's Washington Office. David Applebaum and
Michael Oblon both join the Firm as partners in its Energy and Andrea joins from Freshfields where he has worked since
Intellectual Property practices, respectively, while Amie Colwell joining from Delli Santi & Partners in 2005. He has over 16
Breslow comes to Jones Day as of counsel in the Tax Practice. years' experience in advising clients on significant transactions
involving the acquisition, disposal and letting (including long
Mr. Applebaum counsels energy industry clients, representing them
term leases and lease-back structures) of large scale retail, office
in energy regulatory enforcement matters before the Federal
and logistics portfolios, including through real estate investment
Regulatory Commission ("FERC") and other agencies and in complex
civil litigations, government enforcement, and internal investigations. funds. Andrea has also advised international and domestic
He previously served six years at the FERC as director of the division of investment and corporate clients on the development of real
investigations in the Office of Enforcement, where he was involved in estate projects and has also been active in the negotiation of
major legal, policy, investigative, and litigation matters and was the construction contracts and corporate joint ventures.
division's liaison to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's office
of enforcement. Andrea will be also be joined by lawyer Diego Mallone from
Studio Legale Mannocchi & Fioretti and trainee Vincenzo
"David's experience at the FERC and his high-level client Esposito from Freshfields.
representations give him particularly good insight to the compliance
and enforcement matters that confront our energy clients," said Jeff Commenting on the appointment, Carloandrea Meacci,
Schlegel, who leads Jones Day's global Energy Practice. "His work with Managing Partner in Milan, said:
clients across different energy sectors make him a great addition to
our team in Washington, and we look forward to working with him."
"We are delighted that Andrea is joining the team. I have no
Mr Oblon focuses on patent and trade secret litigation and strategic doubt that he will make a significant contribution to developing
counselling for technology companies that develop software, our real estate capability in Italy. The arrival of Andrea follows
electronics and electromechanical products. On behalf of plaintiffs, the promotion of Elena Giuffrè and Umberto Antonelli to the
Michael has secured settlements totalling over $65 million. For partnership last year and reflects our commitment to having
defendants, he has won numerous patent cases on summary a team of highly qualified collaborative lawyers, who are
judgment of non-infringement, invalidity or both, and has won committed to excellence in client service."
affirmances of those judgments on appeal to the Federal Circuit.
Hugh Lumby, Head of Global Real Estate at Ashurst, added:
"As innovation continues to drive the global economy, it is essential "Real estate is a key area of strategic focus for Ashurst. With
to provide our clients with counsellors, like Michael, who have deep one of the highest performing teams in the market, we continue
experience litigating highly technical patent and trade secret cases.
to make focused and strategic investment in the group.
Michael is especially adept at explaining complicated technical
Andrea's appointment further demonstrates our commitment
concepts in a courtroom, with an animated and engaging style
to expanding our capability and operating at the forefront of
honed through years of teaching IP law as an adjunct professor," said
the global real estate market. Italy is a significant destination
Anthony M. Insogna, leader of Jones Day's global Intellectual Property
for capital investment, with many of our key international real
Practice. "Adding Michael to our team expands our IP litigation and
counselling capabilities in the electronics industry and we are excited estate clients in Asia, Australia and the UK having invested there
to work with him." over the past 12 months. We anticipate this trend will continue
and that Andrea's arrival will help to capitalise further on the
Ms Breslow comes to Jones Day with more than 20 years of significant market opportunities."
experience working in international tax planning. Most recently, Amie
worked at PwC where she advised clients on domestic and cross- As one of the leading real estate players globally, the firm has
border mergers, acquisitions, integrations, spin-offs and other divisive unparalleled end-to-end lifecycle capability. The team is known
strategies, and the pre-sale restructuring of assets and operations for advising on all aspects of real estate activity including high
located around the world. Her previous experience includes a profile acquisitions and divestments, asset management, large
position as senior tax counsel at GE, and serving for six years as an scale development schemes, real estate finance, funds, joint
attorney-adviser in the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate) ventures, construction, planning, environment and tax advice.
for the Internal Revenue Service.
Jones Day is a global law firm with more than 2,500 lawyers in 43
offices across five continents. The Firm is distinguished by: a singular
tradition of client service; the mutual commitment to, and the
seamless collaboration of, a true partnership; formidable legal talent
across multiple disciplines and jurisdictions; and shared professional
values that focus on client needs.
Written By Jaya Harrar
Sounds like a ridiculous question, doesn’t it? A prosecuted? The machine-specialists specifically
question that sounds like it almost belongs in designed their robot to eradicate human bias. Were
terminator, is slowly becoming our reality. With they negligent and did not try hard enough? Or, if
robots and machines expected to perform half of they had programmed it correctly, does it fall on the
all productive functions in the workplace by 2025, AI’s shoulders, as, after all, the system was the one
companies may be wondering if they need to develop picking and choosing. Or will it fall on Amazon’s giant
any regulations to protect their shiny, new automated lap, as surely there is at least one human, somewhere,
workers. vetting the process?
If we were to fast forward to when AI has advanced There are even controversial talks within the EU to
enough to create a world with robots that can give robots a ‘personhood’ status. It feels like a
convincingly simulate human intelligence (i.e., surreal topic to be debating, but EU lawmakers are
think iRobot), we (the judiciary and governments) considering whether or not the human inventor or
will be faced with an array of challenging questions robot should be held accountable for their actions.
regarding robots’ rights. Can a robot be harassed or In this debate, the EU are tampering with the notion
abused? Can they be discriminated against? Should that if personhood status was given to robots, they
robots be compensated for their work and if so, how? could be insured individually and be held liable for
Do robots have a right to their own union and if they damages; thus if something was to go wrong at work,
were to invent something, do they own that IP? they would face the consequences. Some say it is
common sense and will not guarantee that they will
We can take Amazon as an example of how robotics is have the same human rights, such as marriage, but
not as simple as we think it is. Back in October 2018, will put them on par with corporations. Others believe
the multinational tech company faced bad press after it is just a new way for manufacturers to avoid the
their machine-learning specialists realised that their responsibility of the actions of the machines they
AI recruitment ‘robot’ - which they had been working created.
on since 2014 - was discriminating against female
If responsibility lands on the robot’s shoulders, they
also could be given the same rights as humans,
Effectively, their AI tool had taught itself that male
especially in workplace situations, in order for them
candidates were supposedly more preferable; it
to better integrate and work symbiotically with their
was trained to vet applicants by observing previous
human colleagues. This could potentially overhaul
patterns in applications and CVs and, unsurprisingly,
employment legislation, impacting unions, workplace
as the tech industry was male-dominated, most of the
violence, termination, IP and a whole array of other
CVs it analysed were from men.
employment issues.
MAY 2019 Globalaw 19
20 Special Feature MAY 2019
MAY 2019 hickmanandrose 21
22 Special Feature MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Excello Law 23
24 Special Feature MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Nasstar 25
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The information presented should not be construed to be formal legal advice. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely
upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Any testimonial or
endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
As Lawyer Monthly’s flagship feature, our Expert Insight section brings
you the details and finer discussions surrounding numerous subjects
in the legal world. Over the next few pages our guest experts have
provided some very interesting topics and dialogues surrounding some
of the most crucial legal fields of today’s world.
From patent portfolios to IP disputes, we learn how businesses can
monetise their IP and when it is the best time for them to act on
infringement. Hearing from an array of experts in this area, we learn
the importance of effective IP management and how businesses can
use IP to their advantage.
28 Expert Insight MAY 2019
Are Regulators Struggling to Tackle Money
A whopping USD 800 billion to USD 2 trillion is predicted to be laundered
every year, globally. And even though the gap between the two
figures is vast, it goes to show how governments and authorities
struggle to handle such a crime. Money laundering is often associated
with drugs or gang-related crime, and often, something as mundane
as real estate or business transactions are hiding the culprits. What is the connection
between money laundering
and the property market?
Reconnecting with Dennis Miralis this month, we discuss international
money laundering through Australian real estate. How easy is it and The laundering of illicit funds
through real estate is an
what can be done to tackle the issue?
established money laundering
method in Australia. Studies
have shown that criminals may
be drawn to money laundering
through real estate due to
the fact that it is relatively
uncomplicated and requires
Dennis Miralis little expertise. Furthermore,
Dennis Miralis is a leading Australian defence real estate can be bought
lawyer who practices in the following areas of using cash, true ownership can
complex domestic and international criminal law; be disguised, and property is a
white-collar and corporate crime; bribery and secure investment with good
corruption; cybercrime; money laundering; seri- potential to increase in value.
ous fraud; worldwide asset forfeiture; transnational
crime; extradition; Interpol Red Notices; anti-terror- What are some of the most
ism law; national security law and encryption law. common methods of money
laundering through real estate
He appears in all courts throughout Australia and
in Australia?
regularly travels outside of Australia to advise in
complex international criminal law matters.
Case studies have revealed
that criminals may buy real
and their repayment can be amount of illicit funds that can intention of conducting criminal How exactly do these
used to mix illicit with legitimate be laundered to service the activity at the property5, such professional facilitators help in
funds. Money launderers often debt. as drug production. the laundering process?
also collude with third parties
such as real estate agents The audit trail may be further Illicit funds can also be used to These professionals may
to manipulate the value of a confused by reselling property pay for renovations, thereby assist criminals to launder
property. in quick succession4. The increasing the value of money through real estate in
property is sold at a higher property. The property is then a number of ways including
sold at a higher price. establishing and maintaining
Can you explain more about value, either to related or
domestic or offshore legal
the manipulation of property acquainted third parties, or to
One of the most commonly entity structures, such as trusts
values? companies or trusts controlled
known methods is the or companies, facilitating
by the criminal. This gives an
use of front companies, or conducting transactions
The key methods used are over appearance of seemingly
shell companies, trusts on behalf of the criminal,
and under-valuation. legitimate profits while the
and company structures2 receiving and transferring large
criminal maintains ultimate
established in Australia or amounts of cash, establishing
Under-valuation3 involves control over the property.
overseas. Property held in complex loans and other credit
recording the property value
the name of one of these arrangements, introducing
on a contract of sale which is What are some other ways
companies allows criminals criminals to financial institutions
less than the actual purchase that money is laundered
to distance themselves from and facilitating the transfer of
price. The difference between through real estate that allow
ownership. ownership of property to third
the contract price of the criminals to evade detection in
property and its true worth is Australia?
How is the money laundering
paid secretly by the purchaser How and where do these
process facilitated? Which
to the vendor using illicit funds. Cash may be deposited below professional money launderers
parties are involved?
The purchaser is able to claim the $10,000 reporting threshold3 operate?
that the amount disclosed in across different banks/ The Financial Action Task
the contract as having been branches to avoid triggering Force (FATF) recently released Investigations and research
paid is within their legitimate threshold transaction reports to a report6 on the international have shown that they operate
financial means. If the property AUSTRAC. The funds are then activities of professional all over the world, and often it’s
was sold at the market or used to obtain bank cheques money launderers. The report a very sophisticated network
higher value, the apparent to buy real estate. shows that professionals such with various professionals
profits would serve to legitimise as lawyers, accountants, responsible for distinct portions
the illicit funds. This method Another common method real estate agents, financial of the money laundering
is also used to pay less stamp is leasing out the properties, advisers and trust and process, as well as associates
duty. providing tenants with illicit company service providers or contacts that coordinate
funds to cover the rental may assist criminals to launder with each other to facilitate
Criminals may also overvalue payments, in order to legitimise money through real estate. money laundering. Such
real estate with the aim of the illicit funds. These parties also commonly groups frequently conduct
obtaining the largest possible conduct legitimate businesses their activities and transactions
loan from a lender. The larger Criminals may buy property alongside their dealings with across multiple borders and
the loan, the greater the using illicit funds with the the proceeds of crime. countries.
30 Expert Insight MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 31
in attractive markets such information which is available country’s financial intelligence enforcement bodies working
as Australia. Transparency to law enforcement, and unit should be independent collaboratively to investigate
International proposed a set preferably also in a public and should have powers and collect the necessary
of reforms and measures to registry. This information should to request information and evidence across borders. The
establish an effective system include name, nationality, conduct on-site checks. use of mutual legal assistance
to detect and prevent money date of birth, address, and how requests, the issuing of Interpol
laundering through real estate: control is exercised. Sanctions in the sector should red notices and the freezing
be effective and dissuasive of assets are some of the
Coverage of anti-money Suspicious transaction report Administrative and criminal procedures often found in
laundering provisions should (STR) rules should be adequate sanctions should be enforced these cases. It is also likely
be adequate. and implemented against individuals and that a decision will need to be
All entities involved in real Governments should require companies to punish non- made about which jurisdiction
estate transactions (e.g. all parties involved in real compliance with anti-money
will ultimately prosecute the
real estate agents, lawyers, estate transactions to report laundering legislation.
offender, which in turn means
accountants and mortgage suspicious transactions to the
that there could be a request
lenders) should be required by financial intelligence unit,
Governments to conduct due and these reports should be for extradition. Individuals
What are some of the
diligence on customers. accessible by law enforcement who are being investigated
challenges faced when
agencies. Supervisory bodies and prosecuted against this
representing clients charged
Beneficial ownership should provide guidance on backdrop, therefore, face
with international money
identification should become identifying ‘red flags’ and on many legal and procedural
the norm effectively submitting STRs. challenges in many jurisdictions
Governments should require Given what has been in a way that has never really
that real estate agents and Professionals who can engage said already about the been seen before in criminal
other entities engaging in in real estate transactions international nature of money law. It remains fundamental
property transactions keep should be registered and laundering and the difficulties to international criminal justice
records on the beneficial submit to “fit and proper” tests involved in detecting it, it is that all of these processes
owners of customers before All relevant parties should unsurprising that prosecutions comply with the rule of law
proceeding with the sale or be required to register with a and a suspect’s human rights,
for international money
purchase. designated public authority including the right to silence,
laundering are intelligence
and undergo anti-money bail, legal representation and
based and resource intensive.
Checks on foreign and laundering training.
Often, they involve several law a fair trial. LM
domestic politically exposed
persons (PEPs) should be Money laundering risks in the
enhanced sector should be understood 1. AUSTRAC, 2010. AUSTRAC typologies and case studies report 2010 (Case 9).
Governments should require all and fully acted upon
reporting entities who engage Both governments and 2. AUSTRAC, 2009. AUSTRAC typologies and case studies report 2009 (Case 28).
in the buying and selling of reporting entities should
real estate to identify whether conduct risk assessments and 3. AUSTRAC, 2012. AUSTRAC typologies and case studies report 2012 (Case 9).
a customer is a PEP, a family use the findings to improve
member or an associate of a enforcement and compliance, 4. AUSTRAC, 2007. AUSTRAC typologies and case studies report 2007 (Case 39).
due diligence. Foreign PEPs 5. AUSTRAC, 2010. AUSTRAC typologies and case studies report 2010 (Case 1).
and their associates should be Supervision of the sector should
6. FATF, 2018. Professional Money Laundering.
treated as high-risk clients. be consistent and effective
Governments should determine
7. AUSTRAC, 2018. AUSTRAC’s approach to regulation.
Foreign companies should a single independent
only gain access to the real supervisory body to oversee 8. Transparency International, 2017. Doors Wide Open – Corruption and Real Estate
estate market upon providing reporting entities’ compliance in Four Key Markets.
information on their real owners with anti-money laundering
Governments should require legislation. 9. European Parliamentary Research Service, 2019. Understanding money
that companies provide laundering through real estate transactions.
beneficial ownership Supervisory bodies and the
34 Expert Insight MAY 2019
What Employment Issues Can Arise During
M&A Transactions?
What employment issues can potentially arise during a merger and
acquisition process? One of the most important aspects for corporations to
consider during a merger or acquisition process is human resources. Whether
the transaction is by way of sale of the business as a going concern or sale of
assets or court-approved merger schemes, it is important that the seller and
purchaser consider carefully the mode of employee transfer. Senior Partner,
Ms Nohid Nooreyezdan expands more below.
Accordingly, Section 25FF of payments if the terms were
the Industrial Disputes Act, not comparable.
1947 (“IDA”) re transfer of it is important for parties to
ownership or management review the terms and conditions of Accordingly, whilst statutorily
of an undertaking from the there is no consultation
former employer to a new
employment offered by the transferor entity
obligation in such a case
employer (“Section 25FF and map this against the new terms and (unless the employer has
Transfer”), that would trigger
a deeming provision where
conditions being offered by assumed such obligations
under an arrangement or
every “workman” who has the transferee entity. a settlement with workmen
been in continuous service individually or with their trade
for not less than one year unions), it is important that the
is deemed to have been to his being transferred, then How can clients avoid seller ensures that the Section
retrenched - unless inter the workmen who have such issues? What are the 25FF Conditions are fulfilled
alia the workman agrees been in continuous service premeditated measures they and the workmen accept
to be transferred - their for one year (i.e., 240 days) ought to take in this instance? the transfer. Additionally,
services are not interrupted
or more, would be deemed What measures must you for the transferee entity, it
by such transfer. In other
to have been retrenched by take when constructing new is important, to the extent
words, seniority benefits
the Transferor. Consequently, service agreements and possible, to achieve a
for the workman’s past
salary in lieu of notice and harmony of the service
period of employment are contracts?
retrenchment compensation conditions for these
preserved post transfer and
as laid down in Section 25F transferring employees with
the terms and conditions In light of Section 25FF, it is
of the IDA would be due to their existing employees for
of service offered by the important for parties to review
be given by the transferor to smooth integration into the
new employer are no less the terms and conditions
such employees. transferee entity.
favourable in comparison to of employment offered by
the one immediately before the transferor entity and
the transfer (“Section 25FF In such cases, the transferee In order to comply with
map this against the new
Conditions”). entity should ensure that Section 25FF of the IDA, the
all dues and social security terms and conditions being
transferee will be required
contributions due to the offered by the transferee to provide the workman
Therefore, in case of Section
transferring employees are entity. This takes on a greater with terms and conditions
25FF Transfer, if the Section
25FF Conditions are not cleared and paid by the significance where the client of service which are no less
complied with by the transferor entity to mitigate is the transferor who would favourable to the workman
Transferee entity or where the liability on the transferee otherwise have to bear the post transfer; however, there
workman does not consent entity for past dues. burden of the severance is no statutory restriction
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 35
36 Expert Insight MAY 2019
How to Monetise Your IP
For a wide variety of businesses to grow and maintain their intellectual
property portfolios, they must enforce their intellectual property rights. With
his experience in the courtroom, Mark Mizrahi brings a litigator’s eye to IP
issues, taking care to ensure the IP right is enforceable; he speaks with Lawyer
Monthly about how you can get the most value from your IP.
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 37
Mark Mizrahi
I am a Partner at the law
firm of Freeman Freeman &
Smiley, LLP in its Intellectual
Property Department. My
practice includes all aspects
of intellectual property law,
How can a business turn IP from from patent and trademark
a revenue drain to gaining to copyright matters. My ex-
money? pertise includes preparing
Whether or not such licensing
trademark and copyright ap-
opportunities would apply to the IP assets plications, preparing and ne-
An IP holder can also explore
its licensing opportunities of a particular industry depends much gotiating licenses and agree-
within its own industry. on the nature of the asset. ments relating to intellectual
Oftentimes, companies have property rights, and prepar-
limited capital and cannot ing patent applications.
exploit their IP rights to their
of litigation, as a means to IP rights holder may have a
fullest, even within their own
Industries. This gives rise to
obtain licensees and revenue. relatively easy time convincing Contact
That approach does not fit third-party infringers to take Mark Mizrahi
licensing opportunities, even
every IP asset or every IP asset licenses, short of litigation. Partner
to competitors in exchange
holder – much will depend Litigation is otherwise very FREEMAN FREEMAN
for a royalty. That way, the IP
on the strength of the IP asset expensive and time-consuming & SMILEY, LLP
rights holder can maximize its Phone: 310.255.6129
and the infringement case.
revenue and allow it to not only for the IP rights holder, so
If the IP asset is both strong Fax: 310.255.6229
recoup its investment in the one must closely consider
and the infringement case is
development and protection those factors before pursuing
straightforward, one may be
of the IP rights, but also to litigation. At the same time, if
able to have a law firm take
generate a profit stream from one lets its IP rights be trampled
on the enforcement of the IP
them. upon without consequence,
rights on contingency, which
will allow the IP asset holder one would likely be rendering
What is your advice on using IP to minimize its risk. Also, where the IP asset worthless. As with
as a litigation vehicle? the asset is strong and the any business decision, all
infringement is clear, even the pros and cons must be
In some instances, one can without engaging the services weighed before deciding on
use litigation, or the threat of a contingency law firm, an the appropriate strategy. LM
38 Expert Insight MAY 2019
IP Issues on the Internet
Allowing the globe to rapidly like, share and manipulate others’ content, the
internet comes with several advantages, yet challenges alike. The IP sector is
no different. We speak with Yiannos Georgiades about how the internet has
impacted IP law and what issues are presented for inventors and artists alike.
How much of an issue is European Council has been as Google News. Therefore, is the fact that hyperlinks to
copyright infringement now, in a controversial development, according to the Directive, news articles accompanied
comparison to a decade ago, especially concerning Article journalists must get a share by “individual words or very
when the use of the internet 11 and Article 13 (former of any copyright-related short extracts” are permitted
was not as wide as it is today? Articles 15 and 17 respectively). profit gained by their news to be shared freely without
Article 13 states that “Online publisher. Even though this any issue of infringement. There
Copyright infringement is by content sharing service does not apply to private and are a few exclusions from the
all means a serious legal issue. providers and right holders non-commercial use of press Directive, specifically memes
The internet, in all its glory, shall cooperate in good publications, the introduction or GIFs, which are a form of
has complicated copyright faith in order to ensure that of this provision raises concerns communication through the
protection to a great extent, unauthorised protected works on implementation and use of scenes of movies and
given that people nowadays or other subject matter are not practicality. other video or image material.
are able to share content available on their services.” This
throughout social media means that major companies
and the internet so easily. such as Youtube and Facebook
At the same time, however, will be forced to remove
copyright laws and regulations any content if it infringes on The most recent development
are applicable whether the copyright and the responsibility in EU regulations on copyright has
infringement is taking place is on the company in case of
on the internet or not. What infringement. proven to be a very strict approach
becomes more complicated to copyright infringement.
through the use of the internet Contrary to the EU
is the implementation of Directive, Section 230 of the
copyright law, given the Communications Decency
transparent nature of the Act of the United States, helps
internet. guarantee free speech on The amendments approved What are inappropriate
the internet with the provision constitute a major change in allegations of trademark
The most recent development that “No provider or user the way data and content is infringement when regarding
in EU regulations on copyright of an interactive computer presented online, especially the internet?
has proven to be a very service shall be treated as since key internet platforms
strict approach to copyright the publisher or speaker of will now be liable for content Even though the internet
infringement. On 26th March any information provided by that users upload, and they operates as a world wide
2019, the revised proposal for another information content must in some way filter content web and content may be
amendment of the European provider”, a provision which in order to prevent copyright accessed by the whole world,
Union Directive on Copyright gives legal protection to online infringement. In saying that, the trademark infringement is
in the Digital Single Market platforms. new directive amendments usually straightforward in the
(“EU Copyright Directive”) was are vague in that there is no sense that a trademark will only
approved by the European Article 11 states that news indication on how internet be considered to be infringed
Council. The EU Copyright publishers “may obtain fair and platforms may achieve the if the alleged trademark or
Directive is designed to limit proportionate remuneration filtering process, something similar is used in such a way
how copyrighted content is for the digital use of their press which is a great task especially so as to create a likelihood of
shared on online platforms. publications by information given the large number of users. confusion as to the origin of
The new EU Copyright society service providers”, Adding to the vagueness of the the goods or services and the
Directive passed by the namely news platforms, such amendment of the Directive, possibility of an association
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 39
40 Expert Insight MAY 2019
send their lawyer a copy of their application. In this way, developments in this field since,
work by special delivery post, the patent or trademark is as has been proved from the
which gives a clear date stamp registered to a large number recent EU Copyright Directive
on the envelope, leaving the of countries at the same time which was passed this year,
envelope unopened on its and there is more security in the laws and regulations in
return. It is important to note case of infringement. Patent relation to intellectual property About Yiannos
that this does not prove that applications include the EPC rights seem to be forever Georgiades
a work is original or created which includes 38 European My name is Yiannos Georgia-
adapting to the developments
by the creator, but it may be countries automatically des and I am the Managing
in technology and the internet.
useful to be able to show the and the PCT international Director and founder of the
It is important for everyone
court that the work was in application which covers most law firm Y. Georgiades & As-
involved in the field of
the owner’s possession at a of the industrialised world. sociates LLC, established in
intellectual property to be well-
particular date. A trademark international 1992 in Nicosia, Cyprus. I am
informed at all times in relation
application is made using a member of the Bar of Eng-
Owners of text-based the Madrid System and to the provisions governing
land and Wales (Honourable
publications may also apply covers protection in up to 120 intellectual property law in Society of Gray’s Inn), Cy-
for an ISBN (International countries. order to be able to secure the prus Bar Association and the
Standard Book Number), which rights of your business and as Athens Bar Association. I am
is a product identifier used to Further, an advantage is that a lawyer to be able to advise the President of the Cyprus
identify the registrant as well upon filing the first application, your client accordingly. Chapter of the European
as the specific title, edition the application is placed in a Court of Arbitration, execu-
and format. Even though it theoretical queue in all other There are still issues which tive member of the Court
does not convey any form of countries. The applicant may remain unclear in relation and an online mediator for
legal or copyright protection, decide within twelve months to private international law commercial disputes for the
the ISBN is used to identify to file applications in other and jurisdiction in cases of Chamber of Commerce of
that a particular piece of work countries and these further Milan, and the Vice-President
infringement over the internet,
belongs to a particular creator. applications will be treated of AEA International Lawyers
however, one may expect new
as if they were filed on the Network. In 2017 I became
issues to arise in the upcoming
With trademarks and patents same date as the first one, the Co-founder of a business
years in relation to among
not necessarily being an provided they relate to the acceleration company un-
others, new methods of selling
international application, what same invention. In this way, the der the name KV Kinisis Ven-
products and advertising. tures Limited, a company
issues does the worldwide web applicant claims priority from
Similarly, practices such as dealing with innovation and
present for businesses that their first application.
cybersquatting and the use technology and specifically
expand at a quicker rate than
predicted? What would be your advice of metatags are ongoing companies established in Cy-
to businesses and lawyers cyber-problems for which prus which would like to scale
The advice we provide to each working on IP in this area? What limited legislation has been up in the United States.
client who would like to register should they be preparing for in introduced and usually only
a patent or a trademark is to the upcoming years? protect distinctive or famous
proceed with an international enough trademarks to warrant Firm Profile
application and/or an EU It is difficult to determine future protection. LM My law firm is essentially inter-
national in outlook with ap-
proximately three-quarters of
the clientele of international
Contact origin, which also has a firm
Yiannos Georgiades, Managing Director foothold in the domestic mar-
Y. GEORGIADES & ASSOCIATES LLC ket, providing an extensive
2, Ayios Pavlos & Kadmos Street, Wisdom Tower, 3rd Floor, 1105 Nicosia range of legal consultancy
P.O.Box 24144, 1701 Nicosia services to both Cypriot and
Tel: +357 22819292 | multinational clients.
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 41
Licensing Your IP: When Should You Consider It?
Kara K. Martin, Partner | | 801-575-5001
An IP license is essentially giving another person the right to use your intellectual
property, which can be anything from your trademark, your copyright, your patent,
your know-how, formulas and other processes and things you have created. Many
people refer to IP as creations of the mind. Through a license, you are allowing others
to use your creations for a specific reason and for a set period of time. Essentially it is
a partnership between the intellectual property owner and another who wants to use
the intellectual property.
Why should businesses On the other hand, what should 2) Set clear boundaries in the
consider licensing their IP? businesses be cautious of? How agreement and make sure the
can they protect themselves IP is actually protected. If you
When you have created from things going wrong? are licensing your trademark
something of value, and want for a drink you created, and
to expand your business, In theory, an IP license is a not the formula for the drink, About Kara Martin
maximize potential revenue, simple document: I give you you want to make sure the I’m Kara Martin, a Partner
or improve or increase your the rights to use my intellectual agreement has protections and Shareholder of the
market position, licensing property and you agree to against reverse engineering, Franchise & Business Law
is a great option. There are pay me for that right. Simple changing the end product or Group. We are a boutique
several types of IP licenses enough. However, these types putting another trademark on law firm headquartered in
from technology licenses to of agreements really need the beverage. Salt Lake City, Utah and
franchising, which can be to take into consideration a I work out of our satellite
simple to complex, depending multitude of factors, and if
3) Be wary of granting office in the Kansas City,
on the type of IP being licensed ignored, can really harm the
exclusivity. A potential licensee Kansas Metro area.
and the purpose for the license. intellectual property and could
may come to you with a lot
Our law firm typically sees create a situation where the
of money and seem to be
businesses seeking to license owner loses their rights and
the best option for expansion, creating a business plan for
their IP through franchising, business completely.
and in return, they may want how and when you will expand
which is an effective way to
use the assets of others to to be the exclusive licensee. is a great way to ensure that
To protect your IP, you should
expand the market share and However, you want to make your IP license doesn’t turn into
really remember four key
reach of your IP. sure that limiting your options a negative experience.
to provide other licenses or use
What are the benefits 1) Make sure you actually your own IP in the ways you see How do you devise the rights
associated? own the rights and if the IP is a fit, are in your best interest. and relationship between the
technology or know-how, that licensee and licensor?
The main benefit as I stated it actually works and performs 4) Lastly, and this ties with
above is to leverage the as intended. This seems setting boundaries and An attorney knowledgeable
assets of others to expand your obvious, but this seemingly exclusivity, make sure you have in all types of IP license
business or take your product simple step is at the heart of the capacity to expand at the agreements can create an
into markets you would not the IP license. There are a lot of rate the license provides. Many agreement that specifically
otherwise be able to reach on things that go into creating IP companies have either gone meets your needs and gives
your own. and depending on the type of under or had their IP so diluted you the protection you require.
IP and the agreements in place that it becomes so devalued That same attorney will also
surrounding the creation, you because they expanded help you understand what you
may have to share ownership too quickly and could not need to know about your own
or limit the rights to just those meet the demands of either intellectual property and help
that are needed to meet your the licensee(s) or the public. ensure that your creations and
objectives. Establishing test territories and rights are protected. LM
42 Expert Insight MAY 2019
How Do IP Disputes Impact a Business?
What effect can an IP dispute have on business? “At worst, an IP dispute
has the potential to shut down a business entirely, or at least prevent it
from continuing to sell an important product line”, explains Katrina Crooks,
Principal of Shelston Lawyers. Below, she expands on this and how IP disputes
play out in Australia.
Expanding on the time rarely stands alone. Either the Australian arm of an
aforementioned on how an the applicant or respondent international dispute. We have
IP dispute has the potential may hold other IP which can a wide network of overseas
to shut down a business, this is be marshalled to leverage a law firms who we work with
While evidence in chief is
because where infringement particular result. There may regularly and we are well
generally given by way of
is found to have taken place, also be strategies for obtaining accustomed to working in
affidavit, witnesses are required
an injunction will usually be additional IP which can assist a multi-jurisdictional team.
to be available for cross-
granted, which may prohibit in protecting the client’s We appreciate that close
examination and oral evidence
the sale of a particular product. commercial interests and legal coordination is key in such
is an important aspect of the
In a number of situations, an position. cases and have built up a
case. Almost all patent cases,
IP rightsholder may also be sound appreciation of IP law
and many other IP cases,
able to obtain an interlocutory At Shelston Lawyers, we are in other jurisdictions, many of
involve expert evidence. A
injunction, preventing the sale fortunate to work closely our lawyers having practised peculiar Australian innovation
of a product until the dispute with our associated patent overseas during their careers. is the expert ‘hot tub’, in
is heard by the Court (which in and trademark attorney which experts representing
Australia could take at least 12 firm. In many cases, they will In some circumstances, both parties give concurrent
months). already have a thorough international patent disputes evidence in Court, having
understanding of a client’s IP may play out in Australia prepared a joint report prior to
The grant of an interlocutory portfolio or can ascertain this, before other countries. This the trial without the input of the
injunction, while not which allows us to quickly assess is because Australia has a lawyers. IP cases are generally
permanent, may have the any other IP which can be pre-grant opposition process, heard before a single judge of
effect in practice of preventing brought to bear on the dispute which usually involves the the Federal Court. While there
further sale of a product, at hand and to consider filing of independent expert is no separate IP Court, certain
because once it has been strategies for strengthening the evidence and an oral hearing, judges within the Federal Court
withdrawn from the market, client’s IP position. For example, with potential appeal to the are designated to hear IP
it may not be practical or where the client has a suitable Federal Court. As a result of this cases, and these judges are
commercially worthwhile to re- pending patent application early substantive opposition well experienced in IP cases.
market it, even it is ultimately it may be possible, at least process, Australia may be the Discovery is available and can
found not to be infringing. For for the time being, to make first jurisdiction where expert be significant in many cases.
this reason, our experience is an application for a divisional evidence is prepared and
that prompt attention to an innovation patent tailored to filed. Our firm has a strong track How does your firm advise
IP issue can be crucial. This is the infringing conduct. We also record in handling pre-grant clients to prepare for IP
true for both the rightsholder often find that an IP dispute oppositions and in a number litigation?
and an accused infringer. If left or litigation is the catalyst for of cases has gone on to deal
without attention, contentious further review by a client of with subsequent post-grant Through our association
situations tend only to get their IP portfolio more generally. Court proceedings in the same with Shelston IP, we are
worse and usually require We are ideally placed to assist matter. often consulted before
greater effort and financial clients with this process with our any particular dispute is in
investment to resolve. specialist attorneys. How does the resolution of IP contemplation - as far back as
disputes differ in Australia from the prosecution of a patent or
How can a wider IP strategy How do international IP other parts of the world? trademark -, to advise on how
impact on the course of an IP disputes play out in Australia? the client’s position can best
dispute? The Court process in Australia be strengthened at that stage
There is no doubt that we is broadly based on the English for any future litigation. Having
A single piece of IP which may operate in an international system of litigation, meaning input at that early stage from
be in dispute at a particular field. Many of our cases form that it is an adversarial model. a purely litigation perspective
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 43
can significantly improve may differ from the practice expertise of our associated Katrina Crooks
prospects in litigation later. in other commercial cases. It attorney practice to support
Katrina Crooks is a Principal
is important to be aware of any particular litigation
of Shelston Lawyers, one of
When acting for a rightsholder these practices and plan the case, whether it be related
Australia’s leading special-
in relation to a contentious issue litigation accordingly. As our to immunology or mining
ist IP law firms, based in Syd-
that has already developed, firm deals only with IP cases, engineering. While technology
ney. She co-heads the firm’s
we generally recommend we are very familiar with these is constantly changing, the law
litigation team, which acts
that we evaluate the peculiarities. It is a particular is sometimes slow to catch up.
strength of the IP right before feature of IP litigation, and for a variety of clients includ-
In many instances, the law
commencing proceedings, patent litigation especially, ing large multinationals and
operates in a technology
since validity will always be an that there will usually be a leading Australian corporates
neutral way but there are
issue up for grabs in Australia, counterclaim for invalidity. in a range of IP disputes. Dual
certainly some aspects of
and a revocation challenge As a result, both parties are in qualified as a lawyer and
the law that have struggled
will be heard together with an the position of advancing their patent attorney, Katrina has
to adequately deal with
infringement action. This may own case and simultaneously a wealth of international IP
technological reality. This
range from a full search and defending the other party’s litigation experience.
can be seen, for example, in
validity assessment of a patent case. Further, there is a
the copyright sphere, where
to a more limited analysis. substantial interplay between
the Internet has infinitely Firm Profile
In some cases, the validity each side of the case – an Shelston Lawyers works close-
changed the way material
analysis may identify issues that argument for infringement can ly with its associated patent
can be copied. In Australia,
should be addressed before potentially have an impact on and trademark attorney firm,
there have been attempts to
issuing of proceedings. Filing the invalidity case, and vice Shelston IP, leveraging the
modernise legislation where
an amendment to a patent is versa. To successfully navigate outstanding technical exper-
necessary, although in some
generally much simpler in the these ‘squeezes’, familiarity tise of its attorneys.
cases this has only come after
Patents Office than in litigation with all aspects of patent law
changes in other countries. An
in Australia and so it may be is key.
example is the amendment of Contact
advisable to amend the patent Katrina Crooks
the copyright legislation in 2015
before litigation kicks off. Given How does IP law keep pace Principal, Shelston Lawyers
the level of potential discovery with technological change, to introduce website blocking
injunctions for overseas Level 9, 60 Margaret Street,
in Australia, the client should and how does your firm keep Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
also ideally conduct an audit up with developments in both websites, requiring an ISP to
P: +61 2 9777 2450
of relevant correspondence technology and the law in the disable access to a website,
E: KatrinaCrooks@ShelstonIP.
and documentation. IP space? given that an Australian
com |
injunction may be ineffective
How does the resolution of At Shelston Lawyers our entire against an offshore online
IP disputes compare with focus is IP. Our lawyers join infringer. The proper extent
resolution of other commercial our team because they want of safe harbour provisions in
disputes? to practice in IP and so it is copyright law is another area
not surprising that they have of ongoing debate in Australia
In Australia, there is no specific a natural inclination towards in efforts to balance the rights
IP Court, however, particular innovation and technology. of rightsholders and users in an
practices are generally We also have the advantage everchanging technological
followed in IP litigation, which of drawing on the depth of context. LM
44 Expert Insight MAY 2019
When Should You Act on Infringement?
Mathew Forde, Director, Forde Campbell LLC | 1-3 Lombard Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT1 1RB
Tel: 02890 897610 |
Mathew Forde tells us more below, alongside when to act and how to react to
possible infringers.
When should a business or exploitation, (iii) policing and the commercial value of those About Mathew Forde
client seek legal action during (iv) enforcement. The history of rights as compared to the cost I am one of the founding
infringement cases? its dealings in relation to each of asserting those rights, the partners of Forde
of those steps is vital to proving available court remedies, time Campbell LLC, a boutique
My advice to any business the strength, scope and value factors and, finally, the larger commercial law practice
clients is that if their IP rights of those rights. commercial picture. based in Belfast and
truly matter to them then they Dublin, which specializes
must act quickly to protect When confronting any When should the infringer be in IP, IT and media law. I
those rights when they are infringement scenario, the contacted? am a director of the firm
under threat. Delay serves strategies that need to be and an IP and reputation
no useful purpose. However, considered typically involve Immediately, assuming, of litigation specialist. I
legal action doesn’t always direct commercial negotiation course, that they can be also head up the firm’s
require the direct involvement combined with the threat of identified and contacted. The commercial litigation
of lawyers and businesses can enforcement of rights via the reason why notification is so department. Before
take a variety of steps to assert courts. More often than not important is that once a party founding Forde Campbell
their legal rights themselves. a successful resolution will has been placed on formal in 2006 I practised as
That said, if those DIY steps require leverage that is part notice of the infringement it in-house counsel for a
prove ineffective, then direct commercial inducement and cannot subsequently claim global pharmaceutical
legal action may be the only part threat of judicial sanction. ignorance of its unlawful company (2002-2006) and
option remaining and that may actions. Therefore, any prior to that I practised as
be the sensible time to pick up How do you decide which continuing acts of infringement
a commercial litigator for
the phone to your lawyer! strategy is best? will have been done in the
the City law firm, Lawrence
knowledge of the wrongdoing
Graham (1994-2001).
What are the available Whichever strategy is and will be considered
strategies to confront employed, ultimately the flagrant. Courts tend to award
infringement? determining question should higher damages to claimants Although there are some
remain the same, which is to take into account acts of statutory exceptions to this rule,
If a business can demonstrate simply this: what strategy flagrant infringement. in the UK, we have a common
that it has actively managed is more likely to achieve law rule called the doctrine of
its IP rights, then the task of a commercially realistic What occurs if nothing is done? acquiescence that basically
enforcing those rights before outcome at the least cost to Can you lose your IP? states that if you knowingly
a court of law becomes so the client? permit another party to infringe
much easier. My advice to any Doing nothing is hugely risky your civil rights and you chose
business is that it should apply Other influencing factors may and can, in some cases, to do nothing about it, then
a four-step holistic strategy be whether there are strengths completely undermine your you cannot later make a
when managing IP rights. These or weaknesses in any arguments ability to enforce your IP rights claim against the person who
steps are: (i) protection, (ii) asserting the business’s rights, against an infringing party. infringed them. LM
Over the next few pages, you will read about court instructions, the
complexities involved in forensic investigations, and about the profes-
sional expertise of each of our contributors. The variation in these roles
is outstanding, and it’s easy to see why these expert witnesses are in-
structed as leaders in their professions, whether it be computer science,
vehicle collisions, engineering systems, or even the most niche of jobs.
about how a building’s shape, decoration, features
and materials come together to form a look or a style.
In his treatise de Architectura, military engineer John Perry, B.Arch., B.Sc.(arch), RIBA, FRSA, ARB, MAE, AaPS
BLDA Architects
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio set out, in the 1st Century BC,
a definition as “firmitatis, utilitatis, venustatis” which What are common legal cases the case that each building is
can be translated as “stability, utility, beauty” and in that arise in architecture? a prototype with the exception
a more anglicised translation: “firmness, commodity, of mass housing. Such housing
delight”. I have been instructed on can suffer from its own particular
many cases brought against difficulties if a generic mistake
Within this complex realm of art, design, technology architects by their clients. There is perpetuated across a design
seems to be a common theme
and construction, there is myriad opportunity for type.
running through many claims
things to go wrong. Most of the time, architecture is
characterised by a lack of What are the standard
successfully created and fortunately, things rarely go organisation and management regulations and codes architects
wrong. However, in this article, I reflect on some of the within the architect’s business. must meet?
areas where sadly this happens. A result of this can be a lack of
attention and skill being provided Architects must have a working
at the proper time within the knowledge of an increasingly
ABOUT JOHN PERRY ramifications if no such writ- design process. The effects wide variety of British Standards
As a Director of BLDA Ar- ten brief is established. can range from architects not and to date European
chitects, my work is wide- providing a good service, to Standards. There are up to some
ranging across the field I am responsible for major them in acting in a negligent 100 such standards of which an
of architecture, although refurbishment works to List- manner. There are areas of architect must be aware. An
currently, focused on high ed Buildings in St James’s failure between these two architect must know where, and
quality residential and be- Square and Belgravia Lon- extremes which require enquiry. have the resources, to research
spoke office architecture. don and for new houses in Perhaps surprisingly, it is less often the detail of these standards.
Kensington and in Suffolk. I the case that an architect has Separately there are the Building
am partner in charge of a made after considering a wrong Regulations to be complied
Spanning a career of 40
rolling refurbishment pro- design or detailing decision, with. These are signally complex
years in private practice, I
gramme for a major central and more often that insufficient to understand. Compliance
have been responsible for
London estate. I am re- consideration has been applied may require component testing
the design and construc-
sponsible for the design of a at the time it should have for the more unusual building
tion of many building types
national programme of low been to that part of the design designs.
ranging in contract size
energy low carbon homes. process.
from £40,000,000 to £50,000.
Architects must be aware
A recent commission Oce- The standard of Architectural of planning regulations, the
I also act as an expert in
anic House Pall Mall London education in British Universities town planning process and
professional and construc-
SW1 won the UK Property is generally a high one. I have its rules and of planning
tion-related disputes. I am
Award 2018/2019 for multi- seen a less rigorous approach law, of regulations affecting
engaged in pre-action ad- ple residencies. to training architects on how neighbouring property and also
vice, report writing, meet- to manage the process of of contract law, most especially
ings of experts, mediations, I am a visiting lecturer at the design within a commercial where an architect is appointed
adjudications and appear- University of Bath School of environment. I have a lingering as Contract Administrator for a
ance in court. In Freeborn & Architecture. concern that the claims I see construction contract.
Anor v Marcal [2019] EWHC result from this. It is clear that
454 (TCC) I was instructed Clients include private indi- such claims tend to arise after The detail of such necessary
on behalf of the claimants. viduals, private estates, de- a period when architectural understanding cannot be
Findings, in this case, in- velopers, contractors, com- practice has been stretched for held by one person for more
cluded the requirement that mercial owner occupiers, adequate resources. than the simplest of building
a written brief be provided investors, insurers and other design processes. It is therefore
by the architect and the financial organisations. The design of buildings is a highly imperative that an architects’
complex matter. It is just about practice is organised and
MAY 2019 Expert Witness 49
50 Expert Witness MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Expert Witness 51
Are there any regulations which There was one case where we and suck everything off of it.
can block the process of you had only a scanned document Various jurisdictions limit what
and your team locating deleted that was purportedly a printout can be reviewed because our
files? of an email. It was hard to find whole lives might be on there.
what was underlying it, until Because it just fits in our pocket,
Not regulations so much as we noticed that the time/ we often don’t realize we’ve
agreements between the date header said PDT (Pacific got a portable supercomputer
parties. Typically, in order for Daylight Time) on a date that with large amounts of storage
the team to be allowed to was actually in PST (Pacific that we’re carrying around with
investigate, the parties involved Standard Time). us. My iPhone holds more than
agree to a stipulation that limits 25,000 times the data of the first
the team to specific types of With added concerns of hard drive data recoveries I did
searches or procedures. If the cybersecurity and data at the beginning of my career.
devices containing the evidence placement, can you share what
are instead ordered by the you predict you will be instructed I would say that mobile devices
judge to be produced, there still on in Courts? are involved in more than half of
are likely to be limits to what we the criminal defense cases I see CONTACT
can search for. In some cases, Generally, we are instructed to these days. Burgess Consulting
we are required to act as the dig deeper to find what may and Forensics
gatekeepers of the evidence, have been compromised. And of course, a philanderer 3421 Empresa Drive,
producing only responsive data Computers contain many may have the names, Suite B, San Luis Obispo, CA
no matter who has hired us or logs that are helpful in putting phone numbers, photos, and Tel: 866-345-3345
is paying us. If additional data together a picture of what conversations with his or her 805-349-7676
is drawn out besides what was happened. There are records extracurricular love interest steve@burgessforensics.
required in the stipulation, there of successful remote logins and sitting right there, inches away com
is a “clawback” provision that of unsuccessful remote logins. from their spouse. It doesn’t
keeps it out of evidence. There may be IP addresses take much to review all of that
embedded in malware install incriminating – and often racy –
You have worked on cases files that have been deleted information.
determining fake documents: but are recoverable. There may
how is this determined? How also be IP addresses embedded What does the future hold for
can such a result impact legal in remote access logs or VPN digital forensics and testimony?
cases? (Virtual Private Network) logs.
And of course, there’s malware I think we will see smarter and
In many cases, one side will galore. smarter programs automating of forever, so more advanced
present electronic evidence more and more of the process of tools are necessary.
that is only a purported scan or Are phones and mobile devices discovery. Artificial intelligence
printout of an email or another a significant part of your work? will make inroads into the tools But pressing a button isn’t all that
document, without providing we use. is involved. The expert witness
the underlying actual electronic Yes. More and more over the will need to understand the
evidence. We forensic guys past 10 years, mobile devices When I began in this career, underlying operating systems
barely consider that to be are significant parts of evidence, everything was manual – we and structures, how the forensic
evidence. The underlying especially in Criminal Law and had to search for individual programs derive their results,
headers of email contain Family Law. letters and punctuation across and to be able to explain
Message IDs and the names 10 million bytes. But hard drives them in simple enough terms
and IP addresses of the mail It’s easy enough for an officer now hold trillions of bytes and for attorneys, judge, and jury to
servers traversed on the way to grab a phone from a suspect a manual search of modern understand. I expect we’ll have
from sender to recipient. Tracing and take it to a local FBI or storage devices and complex human experts in the courtroom
these back can show fakery. local law enforcement kiosk data structures would take half for a long time to come. LM
52 Expert Witness MAY 2019
We speak to one of
the most experienced
chartered surveyors in
the UK specialising in
the horticultural industry,
Simon Quinton Smith.
He speaks with Lawyer
Monthly about the
Simon Quinton Smith, Quinton Edwards
importance of hiring
an expert with notable From your experience, when from the Internet (i.e. the Land presents any other unique
experience in the dealing with proceedings Registry) and we identify that aspects than other specialist
specified industry, in order regarding rent reviews and a lot of them are actually deals areas. I do not believe that the
to avoid unsatisfactory lease renewals, what are the that I have previously transacted. majority of Chartered Surveyors
common issues which arise? In some instances, people have
and erroneous results. who undertake valuations within
used evidence of deals that
my specialist sector should be
In my experience, I often deal were never completed, where
doing so. They are not doing
with surveyors who do not we have had properties or
have specialist knowledge transactions, they don’t have
businesses on the market, and
which sometimes makes the they have not sold. the evidence and, accordingly,
job more difficult; it is easier they do not really know what
once they realise the current The problem they have is that they are doing. I personally
situation, once I have shared they may know that a garden would not undertake valuations
the knowledge and experience. centre sold for £X, but they do outside my specialist sectors
not know how to devalue it such as care homes and petrol
What can those involved in the between the land, infrastructure, stations.
disputes do to avoid these issues buildings, trading potential, etc.
in the first instance?
Your valuations are based on
I find that when I come up
comparable evidence which
Those involved in disputes should against district valuers for
always employ a specialist, negotiations for tax, compulsory goes back many years: can you
someone who knows what they purchase, etc., who may have share how this helps during all-
Simon Quinton Smith are doing and has access to been intransigent when dealing important court cases?
My name is Simon Quinton detailed comparable evidence, with surveyors with insufficient
Smith and I trade as Quinton rather than hiring chartered knowledge, and I provide them Having hard comparable
Edwards, the trading name surveyors who say they know with my CV and list of notable evidence of deals that I
of Quintons (Commercial) what they are doing, but do not achievements and hard personally have transacted
Limited, specialising in actually undertake sales, lettings comparable evidence of which makes all the difference in the
providing property and and acquisitions. I have personally transacted,
Court believing my opinion
business advice to the they often capitulate and
over those of another surveyor
garden centre, horticulture With your specialism in the accept that the evidence
who has not undertaken the
and farm shop business horticulture sector, can you which I have put forward is
expand on how others who indeed correct. transactions and thus cannot
throughout the United
do not specialise in this area explain the market to the same
Kingdom and a little into
may not be in tune to solve the It would appear that whether I degree I can.
Ireland and Europe.
challenges presented in this am in Court or negotiating with
area? parties who have no detailed There are instances where Expert
Contact knowledge of my specialisms Witnesses have to base advice
Simon Quinton Smith We regularly come up against that the information that I on their experience rather than
Email: our peers in the industry who provide holds considerable hard evidence and because I
Office: 01635 551441 either (a) say they cannot find weight.
Mobile: 07785 732460 have only specialised in garden
any hard evidence because it is
centres, horticulture and farm
either off-market, or it has been From this, what unique aspects
shops since 1986, rather than the
done by one of the very few does the horticulture sector
surveyors such as myself (and I present in regards to valuations majority of other surveyors who
do not share my evidence with and rent reviews? will have a much wider spread
anybody); or, (b) they try and of work, my evidence usually
use evidence either gleaned I do not think that horticulture holds more weight. LM
MAY 2019 Expert Witness 53
54 Expert Witness MAY 2019
A Fair Hearing in
Hard of hearing? What
can the NHS do to avoid
Mr F Javed Uddin, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon
litigation and why are
cases common? Dr Uddin
What do you think makes a realised they could claim patient journey. They may meet
treats ear, nose and good expert witness? compensation for prolonged a different doctor on each
throat conditions and exposure to occupational noise appointment and only see their
speaks with us on his role I believe that there are two damage. The current situation consultant surgeon once – on
key prerequisites: knowledge is much better. There is now the day of their operation. This
as an expert witness.
and experience. Knowledge is legislation and all employers are is not ideal nor good practice.
essential to understand the field required to provide protective In the current climate, there
and practice as a specialist, measures. are also many delays and long
which is also a requirement for waiting lists, so the patient
becoming an expert witness. The second group of patients may already be frustrated
Experience is also indispensable are those that undergo surgery
with waiting times. In private
as, undoubtedly, an individual where complications have
practice, however, the doctor
with many years of experience arisen. The nature of surgery
and patient build a unique
is likely to be a better expert is that there are inherent risks,
relationship. The patient’s first
witness than someone with less but doctors are dutybound to
appointment is followed through
experience. However, there is a follow the guidelines set out by
by the same professional that will
caveat in that senior clinicians the general medical council.
are not always as up to date conduct the surgery and review
They must always ensure that
with the latest literature and patients have given informed them following their operation.
Mr F Javed Uddin A level of trust is established,
advances in their field. consent and are aware of the
Javed Uddin is a consultant
potential risks and benefits so that if a complication was
ENT surgeon in Leicester and
Although medicine and of the procedure. There are to occur, the patient, possibly,
has been practising as a
technology continue to two groups: common risks may be less likely to complain.
consultant for 7 years and
develop, the advantage and significant risks. One of However, within the NHS, there is
doing ENT since 2001. He
of experience is that when my areas of expertise is sinus less of a rapport established with
was awarded the prestigious
confronted with difficulty, the surgery; the risk of breaching a particular doctor and patient,
Gold medal from the Royal
years of experience allow one to the thin bone that separates the hence patients may be more
Society of Medicine for his navigate through the problem. sinuses from the eye or brain, prone to complain should there
performance in the national Hence, in summary, a mixture of for example, is very small. But be an adverse outcome with
final surgical exams prior to knowledge and experience will it is so significant if it occurs, their care.
his consultant appointment. prove to be most beneficial. that it would be negligent not
to mention it. Even though the In order to avoid litigation, the
What are common cases ENT consent process is rigorous, NHS needs to look at this key
Contact expert witnesses see? when rare complications arise, aspect: continuity of patient
Mr F Javed Uddin patients can and do complain care. Another factor to consider
Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon Two categories come to mind: and claim compensation; is that the younger generation
BSc(Hons), MB ChB(Hons),
the first group are patients with that is where an expert witness
FRCS(Eng), FRCS(ORL-HNS) is generally more aware of their noise-induced hearing loss, and may get involved - to analyse
rights, potentially more litigious
the second are those who have where the complications arose
and perhaps less accepting of
had complications following and if these were potentially
surgery. preventable and whether there
is a case of negligence.
The key to avoiding legal
Noise-induced cases were
disputes is good, safe medical
prominent in the past as prior to In your opinion, do you think
practice and to keep the
the Noise Regulations in 1989, there is anything the NHS could
there were no requirements change, in order to make patient at the centre of what
for employers to protect their medical-related disputes run you do. It is acknowledged
workers from excessive noise. smoother, or for them to be that there are challenges and
The cases from the 1960s and avoided? pressures in the NHS, but every
1970s did not come to the legal patient deserves nothing less
field until a few decades later, Due to the pressures within than excellent care. I believe it
so in the 1990s, there was an the NHS, a patient may see is with this culture of excellence
explosion of medicolegal cases, different medical professionals that the medical profession can
where previous employees at different grades in one minimise the risk of litigation. LM
Climbing your way up the legal profession is not an easy trek. The legal world is,
unfortunately, renowned for being a tough industry to crack, but of course, the good
things in life do not come easy.
Where our readers have perseverance and motivation to conquer the legal profession,
Lawyer Monthly aims to make the journey into the profession as easy as possible. This
section will feature advice articles on how to go from Paralegal to Partner and key
aspects to know in order to work your way up the profession.
We will speak to established professionals, and Lawyer Monthly will seek to find the
answers to all the questions you constantly ask; from: ‘How do I establish myself in
corporate law’, all the way to ‘What do I do after graduation?’, we hope Legal Ladder will
push you up one step further to success!
Here, Emma Jones, Senior Lecturer in Law and member of the Open Justice team at The Open
University, lists five common mistakes that law students make in their assignments which can
easily be avoided.
1. Not reading the question ally contain the key points on will a useful checklist for your detail. Make sure you use the
properly. a topic, and perhaps suggest answer. You can include the full word count to provide as
It may sound obvious, but it is some other sources to read. main topics, key points and much depth as possible.
amazing how common this If you have a set textbook arguments and relevant ex-
mistake is. Sometimes students for your course, you should amples. You can also make Another important point is ref-
are so keen to get on with re- always read the relevant sec- a note of the format (for ex- erencing. Putting in citations
search and writing they don’t tions/chapters too, as they will ample, introduction, main will show your marker that you
spend long enough to un- add depth to your writing. body and conclusion for an have used appropriate sourc-
derstand what the question is essay). That means that when es. It will also demonstrate that
actually asking for. Other times When looking at other sources, it comes to drafting your an- you understand academic
they focus on one aspect or it is important to remember that swer you can really focus on conventions. Most importantly,
idea and fail to see the big- lots of information on the inter- getting your writing as clear it will avoid any problems with
ger picture. This means it is re- net only offers a brief summary and appropriate as possible, plagiarism.
ally important to build in time and is unlikely to be appropri- to fully demonstrate your un-
ate for legal study. Peer re- 5. Repeating, not reasoning.
to read the question carefully derstanding.
viewed journal articles tend to Often students will repeat an
and analyse what it is looking
be the most reliable source of Another bonus of making a argument from a textbook or
further information. However, plan is that you can appor- journal article in their work. This
One approach that can be even then you need to check tion word count per section can be helpful and relevant,
useful is to identify “process” the date and that it is discuss- and/or topic. This means you but just because it is given in
words (such as “discuss” or ing the correct jurisdiction! can write to the word count, an academic source doesn’t
“explain” or “evaluate” and rather than having to edit your make it right. It is important
also “content” words (the As a general rule, you also work down at the end. Often to ask questions about it, for
words or phrases identifying need to avoid relying too this can make your work flow example, how reliable is the
the key topics to be looked heavily on any one particular better, whereas cut and past- source? How strong is the ar-
at). Then spend some time en- source. This can suggest to ing and deleting words can gument? What evidence has
suring you know what each of whoever is marking your work make your writing feel a bit been given to support it? What
these words or phrases means. that you haven’t done wider disjointed. are the counter-arguments?
Doing this ensures you don’t research (or that you haven’t Doing this type of critical think-
miss anything. understood how to use it prop- 4. Not showing what you ing will enable you to include
erly). Try to get a balance in know. more of your own reasoned
If you are given additional the sources you draw on to It is common for a student to opinion in your work. If you go
advice or guidance on the show you have fully utilised say that they understand a into the legal profession, you
question and/or provided with them. topic, but that they are strug- will spend a lot of time devel-
learning outcomes, research gling to put what they know oping arguments, so it’s im-
hints or similar, it is important 3. Failing to plan (and plan- into words. It is really important portant to get the practice in
to read these thoroughly too. ning to fail!) to make your writing as clear during your degree.
They will be there to guide you Often students will say they as possible to make sure you
on what to include so it’s vital were in a hurry or they were demonstrate your knowledge The mistakes above are com-
to make the most of them. eager to get started, so they and understanding. Using mon, but they are also ones
moved straight from research- short sentences, constructing which can be easily avoided.
2. Not doing the research ing into writing their answer. appropriate paragraphs and Reading the feedback from
Usually, an assignment will re- Doing this means that you are proof reading your work care- your previous assignments
quire you to do at least some having to focus on getting in fully can all help with that. carefully and preparing
independent research. Skip- the right content and on your some form of checklist for as-
ping this step will mean your format and writing style all at Being over the word count signments drawing on these
assignment is less detailed and once. This makes it almost im- was mentioned above, but points, and others raised by
may even feel a bit basic or possible to give each element being under the word count your markers, can all help
shallow. A good starting point your full attention. can be just as problematic. you to demonstrate your abili-
for research is your lecture and It can mean you haven’t de- ties as fully as possible in your
seminar notes. They will usu- Doing a plan provides you scribed something in each work. LM
Of course, you’ll need a plan of action to get there. Keep reading to find out how to attain a
career in law.
GCSE levels applicants as you’re already the personal preference of after your intermediate
The earlier you start planning, familiar with the subject – so the budding law learner. apprenticeship if you decide
the better your chances. make sure that you meet the not to go down the A-Level
GCSEs will be the foundations university’s requirements. Heading to university route after completing your
of everything and will allow At university, you can start to GCSE studies.
you to progress and climb Going for an Intermediate narrow down on your specific
higher on the law ladder. Apprenticeship field of interest. Depending Consider a Solicitor
Achieving good grades at If you don’t want to pursue on the preference of the Apprenticeship
GCSE level will show your A-Levels, you can go for an student, to have a career If you’re itching to get into
determination and work apprenticeship. This route to in law, you can either study the working world, this
ethic, making you more likely a career in law is seemingly a law degree or non-law one is for you. A solicitor
to benefit when deciding becoming more popular apprenticeship is a paid six-
degree – although those
which next path to go down: among young people.
who decide to study a year course which will enable
A-Levels or an apprenticeship Although there are specific
non-law degree will face you to gain on the job training
scheme. requirements for you to take
the hurdle of studying the which you will later receive a
this path, anyone looking
seven foundations of legal qualification to become a
After GCSEs to do an intermediate
practices, a GDL, so when solicitor and at the end of the
With your GCSEs done, you apprenticeship must have
it’s combined with a non-law fourth year, you will receive
can either progress with the minimum of five GCSEs
degree, it’s equivalent to a a law degree. To be in a
you’re A-Levels or seek an (although more may be
law degree. chance of winning a place
apprenticeship programme. required depending on
on this sort of scheme, you
This can be a tough decision the firm) that are graded
Exploring a Paralegal usually need the minimum of
to make once you’ve from A*-C or anything
Apprenticeship five GCSEs graded A*-C and
received your results – and equivalent. The benefit of
You aren’t limited to just three A-Levels (graded C or
if you’ve followed our first apprenticeships in this field
university after your A-Levels. above). Work experience
stage and gained incredible is that students are able to
After completing your always plays in favour with
grades, your doors are wide work in the real environment
A-Levels, this 23-30-month candidates that apply for
open with opportunity. with qualified professionals,
course could be the perfect this type of apprenticeship.
whether this is assisting on
Going for A-Levels route for you. Although this Once this apprenticeship has
cases in administration
If you opt for A-Levels, you’ll is a brilliant opportunity as ended, you are a qualified
or meeting with different
need to continue to aim for it is, it can then lead you solicitor, legal executive and
clients. Intermediate
the top grades. Usually those onto training to become a paralegal.
Apprenticeships usually run
who study A-Levels progress Chartered Legal Executive.
for two years and will help
onto university to advance To participate in this type Academic routes
develop the skills of those
themselves for their career of scheme, usually you are Let’s look at the academic
who gain their place in the
in law.If you choose this required to have the minimum route now. Once you’ve
route, there are some top of five GCSEs grading A*-C completed your law degree
tips that you should know. With A-Levels… and three A-Levels that are (or equivalent with GDL),
Some universities prefer that Upon finishing you’re graded C or above – or the there are three different
you study traditional subjects A-Levels, there are a few equivalent. You will be able routes that you can go down
at A-Level such as history, different routes you can to learn law, legal practice, depending on what position
languages or literature – go down. These include legal skills, commercial skills you want to have: Barrister,
studying law at this level is university, a paralegal and professional conduct Solicitor or Legal Executive.
not always a requirement apprenticeship or a solicitor by entering this type of
for doing this subject at apprenticeship. There is no apprenticeship. It is also worth Continue reading at
university but it might put you right option, picking one of knowing that you can do a
in a better position than other the three should be down to paralegal apprenticeship LM
Here Bhavini Kalaria, the founder of The London Law Practice, a firm operating with a network
of consultant solicitors and lawyers, explains the factors she believes have led to the rise of the
legal freelancer.
and leave the headache of
taking on insurance and the
problems associated with
closing down a practice to
17 TH
First 100 Years
From the definition of Gig Economy to the claims of its believing that the strong socio- obligates the workers to make
protagonists: on one side, is the convenience of home economic dependence that the deliveries that are forwarded
binds them to the platform to them during the time of
delivery which has become customary, and, on the
makes it unfair to exclude them availability that they previously
other, the claim of decent wages and safety at work. from the typical protections indicated and that the chief of
Courts all over Europe are increasingly discussing granted to workers under the fleet has approved (there is
gig worker issues, resulting in outcomes that are not dependent employment. no longer, as it used to, a system
always consistent. for awarding time slots). At the
Before focusing on the topic, time (co-)decided, the worker
let’s have a look at the data will have to go to one of the
regarding this phenomenon. starting areas, predetermined,
Firstly, what do we mean by the algorithms, that the orders of the According to various reports activate the app of the platform
gig economy? thousands of users registered in 2018 (McKinsey data), in
It is the so-called “economy of to the service are coordinated (which entails localization), and
the United States and Europe,
odd jobs”, i.e. those activities, and processed centrally. wait for the order. Each time a
the gig economy industry is
usually occasional, that have delivery request is sent to the
expanding rapidly and, to date,
always been carried out on aside From the development of such rider, the latter is completely free
provides a job to about 2.5% of
the main occupation, either to platforms and applications for to accept it or not, however, if
the total employed population.
“round up” a monthly wage, smartphones, a new type of the request is accepted, the
In Italy too, the phenomenon
or by a student or someone work was created, which rather assignment will have to be
is well present, even if slightly
without a fixed occupation, etc. than “on call” could be defined carried out within a determined
below the average, affecting
We are talking about services as “work noticed via app” or, number of minutes.
about 2.03% of the employed
that can range from home simply, “on demand”. On the (DeBenetti-INPS data). If it is
delivery to babysitting services, one hand, you can order almost In regards to compensation, on
interesting to note that only 12%
from the use of your car as a any kind of food and other the other hand, according to
of these are riders, it must also
taxi, to private lessons. goods from your sofa, yet on case studies, both hourly fees
be said that for 25% of Italian gig
the other hand, all you need is and variable fees are used
workers, work on demand is the
The gig economy, hence, owes a bike and a smartphone and depending on the deliveries
only source of income.
its name to the sporadic and you can become a rider and made, and, frequently, some
extemporaneous performance respond through the app to that How are the contracts for gig systems of remuneration are
typical of these types of jobs, particular order. workers and, more specifically, used which combine the two
since “gig” is a term used to for riders structured? factors.
indicate small and improvised This management method, These relationships generally
musical performances, suitable for converting a large take the form of coordinated Finally, a rider has to declare that
which usually are rendered number of requests on few and and continuous collaborations, they have a mean of transport
without a specific frequency large managers, has ended up although it is not uncommon to make deliveries (which can
and especially without any questioning the very essence for such relationships to be be a bicycle, a scooter or a
obligation of service. of the “odd job”; i.e., it soon declined under other types of car) and a smartphone with
becomes a reoccurring job, self-employment; the common adequate internet connection,
The revolution of the last few given that the keenest gig feature of all contractual texts while the safety devices and
years - which has sparked a workers may receive even a on the subject is, in fact, the transport equipment are
debate on the potentials and significant compensation in express exclusion of any form of generally leased.
criticalities of the development return of their work. Similarly, the subordination of gig workers in
of this sector – is due to the fact substantial stability of the rider carrying out their activities. What are the actions respectively
that large digital platforms have - app relation has led to strong taken by gig economy actors in
taken over the management criticism of the classification of In the case of riders, in particular, Italy, and what are their claims?
of “gigs”, and it’s through their gig workers as self-employed, the contract text normally One of the most critical issues
MAY 2019 Thought Leader 63
was, right from the start, the legal exception of some minimum
qualification of gig workers and, social security protection).
in particular, of riders, given that
they were contractually framed As it was logical, most of the
as self-employed workers. claims made by the riders were
Reversing the point of view, a aimed at obtaining recognition
question arose: whether - and of their job as dependent
to what extent - food delivery employment rather than self-
companies, in their essence employment, with arguments
as digital platforms, should be aimed at demonstrating
considered, from a labour law their submission to the typical
standpoint, as mere principals or managing, organisational, the riders have invoked the were free to make available the
real employers. and disciplinary powers of the application of Article 2 of various work slots offered by the
employer. The riders, in fact, Legislative Decree no. 81/2015. company and that, in the event
The Italian legal system states - claim that their performance is Under this provision, introduced of refusal (which could also be
unlike, for example, the Anglo- essentially determined by the in 2015 by the much-criticized the case for the actual failed
Jobs Act, the application of the appearance), they were neither
entire corpus of subordinate obliged to justify themselves nor
SAFETY AT WORK ISSUES ARE CONCERNED, IT workers whose activity results However, if the judges at first
in “exclusively personal, instance agreed to reject the
IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE LEGISLATOR THEMSELVES continuous work performance riders’ claims in their entirety, the
TO INTERVENE and whose execution methods
are organised by the client also
Court of Appeal, while excluding
the subordinate nature of the
with reference to the time and relationship, reformulated the
Saxon system – that there are manager of the food delivery place of work”. The so-called previous decision of the Court of
only two different types of service, which establishes the “hetero-organised” worker Turin by recognising the “hetero-
workers, those employed under priority of orders to be met, remains always formally and organised” nature under Article
article 2094 of the Civil Code the path to follow, the timing substantially a self-employed 2 of Legislative Decree no.
and the self-employed under for delivery (managerial- collaborator but, given the 81/2015 of the service provided
article 2222 et seq. of the Civil organisational power), and nature of their bond with the by the riders.
Code. Unquestionably, this they also complain about their client (evidencing almost
second class comprises both submission to an evaluation by certain economic subjection), The coordination is found in the
hetero-organised collaborations the algorithm in relation to their the Legislator considered it fact that it is the platform that
under article 2 of Legislative loyalty, speed and reliability, necessary for them to have determines the possible shift
Decree no. 81/2015 and the from which they would derive access to the guarantees to be observed, the meeting
“coordinated and continuous” different priorities on the provided for employees. points at the beginning of the
ones under article 409 point 3 allocation of deliveries and shift, the maximum delivery
of the Code of Civil Procedure. availability times (organisational- Is there any jurisprudence on the times; this would put in place
It would be out of the scope disciplinary power). matter yet? precisely the situation described
of this article to go through the Since last May, a total of three by the aforementioned rule,
abundant jurisprudence relating For the food delivery giants, decisions of the Italian judiciary which requires the application
to the distinction between the on the other hand, the service on the subject have been taken, of the discipline of employment
two cases. It is sufficient enough is rendered by self-employed two by first grade Courts (Turin of collaborations for which the
to consider here that only the providers, given that the rider and Milan, with judgments given place and time of the service is
first type of workers – whose is not required to respect a respectively on 7 May 2018 and coordinated by the client.
work activity is “directed” by the certain hourly presence, nor to 10 September 2018) and one
employer - are entitled to all the guarantee a certain minimum by the Court of Appeal of Turin In practice, this has led to the
protections deriving from over 50 availability, just as there is no (judgment of 11 January 2019). application, pursuant to art.
years of legislative elaboration obligation to take charge of All three judgements excluded 36 of the Constitution, of the
and, in particular, the first and the deliveries reported by the the existence of “hetero- minimum hourly wages set for
fundamental labour protection system. direction” relative to the work the bellboys of the NCLA for
of a proportionate and sufficient performance of the riders by the Logistics Transport, with the
salary, in accordance with In addition to these antithetical various food delivery platforms, consequent order that the
art. 36 of the Constitution; the positions, subject to the and, therefore, no dependent food delivery platform pay the
second, on the other hand, is recognition of the subordinate employment. The decisive riders the relative differences in
still almost non-existing (with the nature of the relationship, factor was that the workers wages.
64 Thought Leader MAY 2019
It is interesting to note that, January 2019, extended these is substantially unknown even
according to the Court, the conclusions also to the drivers of to national top management
aforementioned rule was UBER (defined by the EU Court (who, when questioned as
introduced by the Legislator of Justice in its judgment of 20 witnesses, have always provided
precisely to “ensure greater December 2017 as an actual partial answers when they have
protection for the new types service in the transport industry not declared that they do not
of work that, as a result of the under EU law), thus creating a know).
evolution and the increasingly new orientation of the French
accelerated introduction case law that is ever more As regards to this second
of recent technologies, are oriented to consider the nature aspect, on the other hand, it is
developing”: the gig workers, in of subordination of the type of difficult at the moment to reach Avv Luca Daffra Studio Ichino
other words. work of gig workers. an efficient solution by purely
legislative means. The failure of
mediation between the Ministry
of Labour and the Riders Union
of Bologna (the first Italian
“union” of riders) is proof of this
POINT 3 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. employees would lead to an
excessive increase in the cost of A further solution (even if not
the service for consumers, such feasible, at the moment, in
that it would be the same food
Italy, given the position of social
Have there been any judicial Moreover, similar conclusions delivery services to disappear
security institutions) could be the
interventions in Europe too? have recently been reached by and, with them, the jobs
Belgian one, where some digital
Over the past two years, the the Spanish and Dutch courts produced.
platforms finance the so-called
issue of gig workers has been (the latter overturning previous
umbrella companies, which
brought to Court in almost all decisions to the contrary), With regard to remuneration, in
are entrusted with the task of
major European countries, while in England the opposite addition to the jurisprudential
including Spain, France, the approach still prevails. openings mentioned above, it guaranteeing to registered
Netherlands and England, and is considered that an effective workers a minimum adequate
the conclusions were not always What the new frontier may be option could be the intervention salary, but also a social security
consistent with each other. There are basically two knots of the social partners and protection and contributions
to be untied: on the one collective bargaining, albeit for the repair of bicycles and
The ruling of 28 November 2018 hand, the transparency of the in the context of independent smartphones.
of the French Supreme Court is algorithm that governs the collaboration (as, moreover,
worth to be mentioned, which, entrustments and, on the other has already happened in the However, time flies: what will
reforming the statement of the hand, the possibility of finding field of market research with happen - presumably not soon
court of appeal (which had a compromise between the the Collective Agreement for - when home delivery services
expressed itself in similar terms positions of the riders and the the Regulation of Exclusively are entrusted to drones?
to the Italian courts), found a digital platforms. Personal Collaborations in the As it is increasingly the case,
constraint of subordination, Sector of Market Research of 24
the pace of progress risks
instead, binding the rider to If the algorithm modified the July 2017).
making certain issues old even
the digital platform (of food preferences for the distribution
before they can be governed
delivery in the specific case); of assignments in the event of As far as social security and
by the respective dedicated
according to the French courts, behaviour that was not fully safety at work issues are
the provider would be able to compliant with the worker’s concerned, it is essential for
constantly monitor the position requirements - or perhaps even the legislator themselves to
of the worker, thus controlling on the basis of user evaluations, intervene - which has been Perhaps we should resell the
the performance, and could which were certainly not a fully announced several times - in classic dichotomy between self-
also deactivate the account, “objective” evaluation tool - its order to prevent a massive employment and employment
thus exercising a kind of disciplinary nature would, in number of lawsuits, which would to start discussing minimum
disciplinary power. fact, be evident. However, the be to the detriment of both worker protection, which must
algorithm remains inaccessible social security institutions and be guaranteed to all regardless
The French Supreme Court on 10 to courtrooms, also because it companies. of the type of contract. LM
MAY 2019 Thought Leader 65
With Brazil being the seventh biggest economy in the world with a GDP of USD 2.3 trillion, it is no surprise that investors
are more interested in expanding outside their jurisdiction. However, alongside the benefits of a strong labour force
and an expanding consumer market, comes a complex regulatory system and high taxes. We speak with Leandro
Luzone on how foreign companies can prepare for the complexities they may face.
attract foreigners to set up their After the creation of the Our main job is to soften these
LEANDRO LUZONE business here. business plan, the first thing to barriers in order to provide
consider is the most appropriate foreign investors with greater
Leandro Luzone is the Recently, after amendments in legal corporate structure efficiency and agility in
founding partner of Luzone the law, it is possible to obtain in accordance with each conducting business in Brazil,
Advogados – Law Firm, as a residence visa by means of situation, while considering the
always focusing on the legal
well as a legal expert in investment, in ready or under tax impacts on the operation
certainty of international
civil and commercial law, construction residential or and other laws, including labour
business and corporate law, commercial real estate. and consumer law.
and in private international
With the investment, foreign For the foreign investor, the Knowing the corporate legal
law. Many foreign clients
investors will be entitled primary issue for a business challenges, we always try
asked for his opinion on
various issues related to a provisional two-year investment decision is legal to anticipate the problems,
to Brazilian Law. He has residence permit. After that, certainty. Everything is clear passing on to the foreign client
worked as a lawyer and the authorisation becomes when the company knows the general challenges that they
legal adviser for several permanent. the legal and bureaucratic may face when conducting
foreign companies and requirements of the business you business locally.
their affiliates with activity in This measure facilitates the entry want to explore.
Brazil and abroad. of investors and helps the growth As Thought Leader in this sector,
of the real estate market, which The foreign company or investor
can you share some tips that
was adversely affected during needs to be sure that they will
help foreign clients, individuals
the crisis. not be presented with any
or companies, in order to be
surprises and that they can plan,
successful with their projects
How can a foreign company contract and execute their
be sure that the business projects within an expectation in Brazil? What are your tips for
conducted in Brazil is bringing already calculated under the foreign traders entering Brazil for
progress to the company locally aspect of legal certainty. business?
and regionally?
Can you share what the current From this, can you share It is important for a foreign
foreign investment scene is like In order to provide legal certainty the common challenges investor, individual or company,
in Brazil? to the foreign investment, it is clients face regarding foreign to have an intimate knowledge
important that the company, investment in Brazil? How do you of the local environment,
Among the most difficult with the support of a legal assist with this? including both the direct
aspects for foreign investment in expert, prepare the necessary
and indirect costs of doing
Brazil are regulatory, tax, labour, preliminary documents and The biggest challenges that
business in Brazil, related to
and bureaucratic issues; factors follow the bureaucratic foreign clients face in Brazil are
distribution, government
which when unsuccessful or procedures. As for the segment related to: the opening times
procedures, employee
mismanaged, can seriously of operations, there may be a of the company; bureaucracy
benefits, environmental laws
impact the results of a project. differentiation regarding the and obtaining the necessary
need for registration before licenses to start operations; and complex tax structure. As
However, despite high costs specific public agencies, as the difficulties related to the speed in Brazil is a real problem,
and bureaucracy, the huge well as different variations of adaptation of the local business the investor also must adjust
Brazilian consumer market and procedures according to the culture; and, the complexity of the budgets and business plan
the availability of investments intended business structure. tax and labour legislation. accordingly. LM
66 Thought Leader MAY 2019
Why Is Pension Fraud So Common?
Most of us will grind for a major chunk of our lifetime, hoping to save, spend or pass on our money. Collecting our
pension after much needed retirement is what many people look forward to, however, for some, it may result in a
less expected shock: fraud. Speaking with Ben Fairhead, we explore why pension fraud is common and how people
can avoid finding themselves in dispute.
The combination of large sums as establishing what companies What is the Pensions
BEN FAIRHEAD of otherwise inaccessible funds or individuals are associated Ombudsman’s role in all of this?
and some flaws in the system with the scheme. Dormant or Do you think changes ought to
Ben Fairhead, Litigation have made pensions a ripe area newly registered companies be made in this area?
Partner at Pinsent Masons for fraud. can sometimes be a warning
LLP, with a focus on Pensions sign, for example. The Ombudsman was previously
Disputes and potential areas What (regulatory) changes do inundated with complaints
of dispute, with significant you think should be made to What sort of disputes are there by members who had either
experience of dealing with prevent this from occurring?
in this particular area and what transferred pensions into
pension scams. Ben is a outcomes have there been? schemes that had turned out
member of the Pension I think a lot has been done
to be scams or who have been
Scams Industry Group that already that really ought to
There have been a number of prevented from transferring
prepared the Code of Good have reduced the scale of the
cases concerning the status because of concerns raised.
Practice giving guidance problem: it has become harder
of the pension schemes set
on combating pension to set up pension schemes, and
a cold calling ban has been up to liberate pensions – they The problem is that the law, as
brought in recently, giving are by their nature unorthodox it currently stands, is generally
scope for significant penalties and have created a lot of going to establish a right on the
for those in breach. legal uncertainty. There have member’s part to go ahead
also been a number of claims with a transfer irrespective
However, there are still plenty of pursued against the original of concerns about the risk of
pension scams out there, and trustees and parties behind the it falling into the hands of a
the models evolve more quickly scams as well as action initiated scammer. The party being
than the law can be changed. by the Pensions Regulator using asked to make the transfer can
Pension liberation fraud is seen Greater publicity of the risks is its own powers. – and is expected to – carry out
as one of the most common more important than anything due diligence and warn the
forms of financial crimes; else. Victims of scams have also individual before allowing the
from your opinion, why is it so triggered a large number transfer to go ahead. Ultimately
common? What signs would you advise of claims and complaints, though, an insistent individual
clients to look out for, in order to particularly against those can simply demand that the
Pensions are generally locked avoid such fraud?
operating the pension schemes transfer goes ahead.
up and unavailable to you
that have allowed transfers
before the age of 55, yet large The Code of Good Practice
into suspected scams. There Many of those operating
amounts can build up. sets out detailed helpful
have, however, also been pension schemes would prefer
guidance for pension trustees
a large number of Pensions the law to be changed to
Until relatively recently, it was and providers, who often want
Ombudsman complaints make it easier to object to such
straightforward to set up a advice as to what to do when
a member of a pension scheme against trustees who have transfers proceeding. That
pension scheme, as many
pension scammers have done, is pressing to transfer funds into a refused to allow transfers when might well save thousands of
and lure members of the public suspicious-looking scheme. concerned the member might pounds from disappearing into
into transferring their pension be about to move monies into pension scams although there
funds in. This is often with the This ranges from clear red flags, a scam. Some might say the is some tension with a desire to
enticing prospect of being such as the member being pensions industry has been ensure individuals have freedom
presented with 50% or so of approached through a cold between a rock and a hard to choose what they do with
those monies as cash. call, to more subtle points such place in recent years. their pensions. LM
Do you think our hard-working lawyers
deserve hero status? Because we do. Being
a legal professional is no easy walk in the
park, especially during administrative and
regulatory changes.
This month learn more about the music industry. Speaking to Paul
Kempton, we learn about how the digital age has impacted the
music industry and the ‘value gap’.
74 Professional Excellence MAY 2019
The Value Gap: what is it? However, the “Value Gap” isn’t exist in legislation in the USA copyright and creates a
Digital technology has just created as a consequence and Europe. This legislation number of new licensing and
revolutionised the music and of non-payment of royalties. establishes exemptions for royalty rules for the digital era.
entertainment industries in Even where deals are being content intermediaries from That’s not to say that it’ll all
many ways, not least in the way reached voluntarily between direct and indirect responsibility be plain sailing from now on.
in which music is distributed. rights holders and the relevant for copyright infringing content Recently, Spotify and Amazon
The old “analogue” distribution digital players, those deals may in user uploads. have officially challenged a
paradigm has been turned still not satisfy the requirement Copyright Royalty Board ruling
on its head, especially in for value or a “fair share” of In Europe, there has been in the USA that set royalty rates
relation to physical products, the value created by the much heated and passionate for songwriters there, for on-
and technological advance products using rights holders’ debate in recent times which demand subscription streaming
continues to create new and IPR. Take Spotify – a driving
exciting opportunities, not force for streaming – as an
only for getting the product example. Many rights holders
to the consumer but also for have been vocal in their The main challenge is the
establishing new relationships disapproval of the amount of
difference between the revenues
with consumers. This also royalties they receive and, in
presents a number of real certain cases, have withdrawn effectively received by rights holders
challenges to the financial their repertoire (if only on from the exploitation of their copyrights
ecosystem that must underpin a temporary basis in some
this growth. cases). Nevertheless, Spotify by content-sharing platforms, such
has been reported to spend as YouTube and Facebook
The main challenge is the roughly 80% of its revenues in
difference between the rights payments. This is clearly
revenues effectively received an unhealthy situation for both
by rights holders from the rights holders and Spotify. It’s has culminated in the new EU and other mechanical uses,
exploitation of their copyrights also been variously reported Copyright Directive, recently that would rise by 44% over the
by content-sharing platforms, that the difference between approved by the EU Council next five years. Looking at the
such as YouTube and royalties received by ad-based and, therefore, now ready economics of Spotify’s business,
Facebook, and the value that content-sharing platforms and to be implemented locally it’s perhaps understandable
those platforms receive from services like YouTube, and in Member States. Article that they’ve taken this action,
exploiting such content. This subscription-based services 17 of the Directive amends but it has been met with howls
is commonly referred to as the such as Spotify, is between the previous “Safe Harbour” of protest by rights holders
“Value Gap”. five and twelve times. This provisions (contained in the EU and their representatives,
comparison should be treated Electronic Commerce Directive the National Music Publishers
The sense of “injustice” that with some caution though as, in 2000) and, broadly speaking, Association, for instance,
creators feel around the “Value whilst there might be some requires content-sharing calling it a “shameful” move
Gap” issue is exacerbated commonality in the experience services to have licences for which equates to “suing
by the growth of digital the user enjoys, there are also copyrighted material with songwriters”.
revenues enjoyed by those differences between the “fair remuneration” for rights
commercialising the music. services. This also illustrates holders. It also makes platforms Furthermore, although the
According to the recently the degree of disparity that liable for content made by its legislative change in Europe
published Global Music Report characterises the “Value users. has been hailed as a major
2019 from the International Gap”. breakthrough, only time will tell
Federation of Phonographic Whilst there is no similar change the extent to which it closes
Industries (IFPI), representing How can the Value Gap be in prospect in the USA regarding the Value Gap. Nevertheless,
record labels and artists, paid closed? “Safe Harbour” legislation, it is clear that legislation has a
streaming accounted for 37% Traditionally, the origin of the the Music Modernisation Act central part to play in creating
of the total global recorded Value Gap is rooted in the 2018 has brought about an an environment where the
music revenue in 2018. “Safe Harbour” provisions that extensive overhaul of music Value Gap can be closed, but
MAY 2019 Professional Excellence
LM90-17 75
it cannot be the only instigator fourth consecutive year of lack of suitable technology,
of change. global growth. It was also but in the fact that the relevant
“the highest rate of growth data doesn’t all sit in one place.
Content management in since IFPI began tracking the This is a consequence of the
the digital era has been market in 1977”. Additionally, fragmented way in which the
inadequate and contradictory the Report states that “fuelled music industry has traditionally
and, so far, lacking in a clear by the continued investment worked, the changing aspects
and coordinated strategy. from record companies, the of copyright ownership and
Delayed awareness and global story is one of dynamic, the fragmented ownership of
reaction to the changes being diverse markets evolving songs. As a result, the industry
brought about by digital rapidly and finding routes to is in the throes of a significant
content distribution have also growth. Within the top 10, some transition. It will inevitably take
contributed to a rights licensing of the fastest growing markets time but that may not be a
landscape that is extremely are in Asia and Latin America bad thing in the long run as a
complex. (South Korea, Brazil) with Asia lot of the data problems being
becoming the second largest uncovered relate to things that Paul Kempton
It’s also clear that accurate and region for physical and digital have been taken for granted Managing Director
Footprint Music Ltd
swift identification of musical music combined for the first in the past, and they’re now T: +44 (0)1344 887880
assets are pre-requisites for time”. having to be dealt with in a
generating revenue in a fast- systematic way in order to
moving transactional market. From a music publishing solve them.
The challenge isn’t based on perspective, there also seems
lack of suitable technology, to be a rebound in fortunes What’s next?
but in the fact that the relevant which has been reflected by The fact that digital
About Paul Kempton
data doesn’t all sit in one place. a number of significant music technologies have
Paul is Founder and
This is a consequence of the publishing business acquisitions revolutionised the distribution
Managing Director of
fragmented way in which the in the last couple of years. The of music is beyond doubt.
the Footprint Music Ltd, a
music industry has traditionally rapid rise of streaming and the Establishing what the “Value
specialist rights and licensing
worked, the changing aspects effective push by streaming Gap” really is, especially
consultancy celebrating its
of copyright ownership and companies to increase their when compared against
25th anniversary this year. The
the fragmented ownership of user base may well have acted benchmarks set in the old
consultancy is focused solely
songs. As a result, the industry as drivers for this activity. In any world of physical product, is
on music copyright and
is in the throes of a significant event, it would seem unlikely much tougher. Commerce
associated rights in the media
transition. It will inevitably take that such investment would will ultimately drive its own
and entertainment industries.
time, but that may not be a be occurring if the investors solution, as it always does,
Paul has advised both
bad thing in the long run as a didn’t believe in the business but not without the continued
national and international
lot of the data problems being proposition. help of legislation, better data television broadcasters,
uncovered relate to things that management, more effective digital platforms and content
have been taken for granted in Does this upturn in revenues and licensing models and, above makers and has appeared
the past. Dealing with them in investment percolate down all, collaboration between all as an expert witness or filed
a systematic way now should through the system to produce the stakeholders, including expert testimony in a number
result in a far more robust an adequate reward for creators, artists and other rights of international court cases,
data set. creators? It would seem not yet. holders. At that moment, tribunals and mediations.
whenever it occurs, the “Value He is also a member of the
Of course, commerce also It’s clear that accurate and Gap” debate should give way International Association of
continues to play its part. The swift identification of musical to a much more progressive Entertainment Lawyers and
IFPI Global Music Report 2019 assets are pre-requisites for environment. Those who was co-editor of their 2018
informs us that, in 2018, the generating revenue in a fast- are still looking backwards yearbook “Finding the Value
global music market grew moving transactional market. will simply be facing the in the Gap”.
by 9.7% and that it was the The challenge isn’t based on wrong way. LM
76 Professional Excellence MAY 2019
What Is the Purpose of a Superyacht Lawyer?
In this article, we explore the reasons behind needing a legal expert for
the purchasing and ownership of yachts and superyachts. We speak with
Bernardo Ruiz Lima more about this.
Many are unaware of a ‘supery- has extensive practical sailing lease scheme; the cross border
acht lawyer’; can you share and sea-going experience on- tax implications; the choice of
more on what you do? board yachts and superyachts, registration and flag; and to
grand-prix racing yachts and negotiate taking good care of
We provide legal advice and private pleasure crafts giving us possible insolvency risks; refund
practical guidance in relation an in-depth understanding of and performance guarantees;
to all aspects of yachts and su- Bernardo Ruiz Lima
the industry. I also work closely variation of contracts, etc. Partner
peryachts. Our day to day work with our commercial, employ-
deals with ownership, sale, pur- ment and ship finance groups What are the most troublesome Tel: +34 91 781 6670
chase, finance, dispute resolu- so that I can advise clients on aspects of the contract when Mob: +34 65 896 8466
tion, insurance, management, building or purchasing a yacht? Email: bernardo.ruizlima@
the broad range of superyacht
advising a large variety of par- matters. We have global reach
There are many legal aspects LinkedIn:
ticipants in the yacht industry; with offices in countries also
these clients may be the own- that should be taken into ac- bernardo-ruiz-lima-b5296667/
known for ‘yachting’ and ‘su-
ers, managers, insurers, yacht count by a UHNW. Among
peryachting’ including Spain,
brokers, yards and marinas. others, I would highlight the fol-
UK, France, Greece and Singa-
lowing troublesome aspects: fi-
pore. Our team and I can read-
We have considerable exper- nance, leasing structures, cross
ily advise on multi-jurisdictional
tise in many superyacht related border and tax implications,
issues affecting superyachts. About Bernardo Ruiz Lima
matters, such as: building and payment schedules, insolvency
I am a Spanish qualified
refit contracts, urgent casu- What are the pre-contract risks, delays in delivery, insur-
lawyer and Partner at
alty response (personal injuries, considerations a UHNW should ance, confidentiality, variations
Thomas Cooper LLP,
groundings, salvage, towing, make prior to designing or pur- of contract, warranties, agree-
Madrid office. I am a
etc.), chartering, crewing and chasing their yacht? ment of a good dispute reso-
key contact for yacht
employment, dispute resolu- lution clause, implications of a
The buyer or the future charter- and superyacht related
tion, insurance related matters, future commercial use of the
er of a superyacht has to take matters in the firm. I hold
management, marina and superyacht and the crew prob-
care of many legal aspects an LLM in Maritime Law,
yard´s liabilities, sale and pur- lems.
and practicalities before order- International Trade and
chase, registration and finance.
ing the design or the construc- How does insurance work in this Marine Insurance from
We are particularly involved in
tion of a complex high-value area? Cardiff University (UK). I
the new aspects of racing rules,
project. Most probably, several am currently completing
regattas and sports law, cyber- It is essential to liaise with a re-
jurisdictions will be involved with a PhD, focusing my final
crime and its insurance. liable and first-class insurance
different applicable laws and dissertation on insurance.
Why and when should a client company, not only post-deliv- I am a teaching professor
several international treaties.
hire you to act as a superyacht ery (H&M, P&I, etc.) but also to for a number of Master
Therefore, a reliable law firm,
lawyer? with international presence, cover the design and building degrees and specialised
and a lawyer with relevant ex- process. An in-depth analysis of courses in Spanish
Problems with superyachts perience are essential. policy covers should be taken Universities. I am also
do occur and generally re- with brokers and legal advice a qualified Average
quire immediate action and After the decision is made about should be sought. I recommend Adjuster having taken
a cross-border perspective. I the designer of the project, and requesting and reviewing the courses at the Spanish
have considerable experience before signing the contract with builder´s risks policy (with the Merchant Academy
in handling disputes across the builder, a UHNW should be insolvency cover) and always (COMME); an Arbitrator
this spectrum. I am available given strong advice on the lo- think carefully about the insur- and mediator; and
24/7 together with our firm´s cal legal aspects of the coun- ance value and the possibility of member of the Spanish
emergency response team. try, including: where the supery- asking for a waiver of the yard´s Maritime Law Association
Our experience derives from acht will be built; the possible rights, in case of negligence and the Spanish
our long history as specialists use of a SPV; the finance, mort- of the owner or the owner´s Arbitration Association.
in maritime law. Our team also gages, possibilities of using a tax servants. LM
Lawyer Monthly welcomes our devoted US readers. If you reside
in America or are simply interested in how one of the globe’s
most influential countries is progressing legally and financially, the
following features are for you!
Personal injury
What’s the Issue with Workers’ Compensation?
Lawyer Monthly sits down with certified specialist Richard Meechan for an interview
about his practice and the current state of workers’ compensation.
82 Expert Insight MAY 2019
Can Your Company Fire You If It Finds Out
You Have A Criminal Record?
Nearly one out of every three working-age Americans have a criminal conviction.1
This means a significant portion of the population faces the real possibility that their business necessity (disparate
employment prospects may be jeopardized by criminal conviction discrimination. impact liability).” Thus, the
Knowing your rights and understanding employer obligations as they relate to EEOC recommends that the
criminal history is therefore imperative. This article sets out the legal landscape - as employer develop a targeted
screening program with respect
regards Federal, New York State and New York City laws - that protect prospective
to criminal backgrounds of
employees from discrimination on the basis of their criminal history. applicants that considers at
least the nature of the crime,
What classifies as criminal discrimination only occurs 1. TITLE VII AND THE FCRA
the time elapsed, and the
conviction discrimination? where the prospective Pursuant to Equal Employment
nature of the job (the three
employer denies employment Opportunity Commission
factors identified by the court
Before laying out the based on a general assumption (“EEOC”) Enforcement
in Green v. Missouri Pacific
legal landscape, it is first of poor moral character, Guidance #915.002 (4/25/12),
Railroad, 549 F.2d 1158 (8th Cir.
important to understand what despite the fact that there is Consideration of Arrest 1977)). According to the EEOC,
constitutes criminal conviction neither a relationship between and Conviction Records in the employer’s policy should
discrimination. Article 23-A of the conviction and the job, nor Employment Decisions Under also provide an opportunity for
the New York Corrections Law2 any reasonable risk of harm. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of an individualized assessment
mandates that an application 1964: “An employer’s use of an in order to determine if the
for employment cannot be Furthermore, it is extremely individual’s criminal history in policy as applied is job-related
denied on the basis of a criminal making employment decisions and consistent with business
important to note that
conviction simply because may, in some instances, necessity. Finally, the EEOC
discrimination does not include
the prospective employer violate the prohibition against points out that “[a]lthough
rejection of applicants who lie
believes it shows a lack of employment discrimination Title VII does not require
about their conviction history3.
“good moral character.” There under Title VII of the Civil Rights individualized assessment in
An employer can reject a
are, however, two important Act of 1964, as amended. […] all circumstances, the use of
candidate who lies about a
exceptions. First, an employer A violation may occur when a screen that does not include
conviction, even if the said
can lawfully deny employment an employer treats criminal individualized assessment is
conviction is not related to the
on the basis of a conviction if history information differently more likely to violate Title VII.”
nature of the job. Clearly, in
there is a direct relationship for different applicants or
this instance, as is in most of
between the offense and employees, based on their race Under the Fair Credit Reporting
the nature of employment. life, honesty is always the best or national origin (disparate Act (“FCRA”), an employer
Second, employment can policy. treatment liability). [Moreover] may only obtain and use a
also be denied where it would [a]n employer’s neutral policy commercial background
pose an unreasonable risk What laws protect the (e.g., excluding applicants report – whether it pertains to an
to property, people, or the convicted from from employment based on individual’s criminal or credit
general public. discrimination? certain criminal conduct) may history – “for employment
disproportionately impact purposes” (i.e., hiring,
The above standard indicates There are several laws some individuals protected promotion, reassignment,
that not all instances of protecting New Yorkers under Title VII, and may or retention decisions)4.
employment refusal constitute from criminal conviction violate the law if not job- Moreover, the employer must
discrimination. Rather, discrimination. related and consistent with get the individual’s permission
MAY 2019 Expert Insight 83
84 Expert Insight MAY 2019
documents that formed the In another instance, the same employers can do is to educate
basis for the analysis, such as, court ruled that termination of their staff, especially those
a rap sheet) and provide him/ a court reporter’s employment on the front-lines of the hiring
her a chance to respond. In was proper because, her process. Legally compliant
response, a candidate may offense (identity theft and policies are useless in the face
wish to challenge the accuracy credit card fraud) was of management/staff that are
of a rap sheet or provide directly related to her ability ignorant of said policies and, as
evidence of rehabilitation (such to produce true, accurate, a result, engage in blatant acts
as a diploma, a community-
and complete records of of conviction discrimination.
service award, or a 12-step
court proceedings, as were Such discrimination can lead
certificate). Such information
her duties as an officer of the to significant liability on the part
may cause an employer to
court.10 Notably, both the New of employers, especially in the
reassess its analysis. It is only
York State Corrections Law and form of class action disputes.
after completing all steps in
the New York City Fair Chance For example, in 2013, Target
this process, i.e. extending a
Act expressly state that they do agreed to a multimillion-dollar
conditional offer, performing ERICA RUTH SANDERS
not apply to or protect those settlement, resolving class
the eight-factor analysis, and Erica Ruth Sanders is an associ-
allowing a candidate a chance seeking entry into the police action claims filed on behalf
ate in the White Plains office of
to respond, that an employer force. For understandable of employees with criminal
Phillips & Associates. She repre-
may choose to rescind its offer. reasons, those seeking careers convictions.11 Thus, employers sents employees in connection
in law enforcement are held to would do well to make sure with issues involving workplace
Are there any jobs where a different standard than the that their policies are up-to- discrimination, wage theft, and
having a criminal conviction general public when it comes date and their staff are well- executive compensation. Ms
is per se unacceptable? to their criminal conviction trained. Sanders also has prior experi-
history. ence working internationally
The short answer is: YES.
TO SUMMARIZE: in Paris and Dubai on matters
Depending on the nature of
As can be seen from the Though New York’s anti- involving complex commercial
an individual’s conviction,
above, whether or not a discrimination laws regarding litigation and arbitration. She is
s/he may be lawfully
criminal conviction will criminal convictions are some an active member of the New
denied employment if the
disqualify a candidate is an of the strongest and most York Chapter of the National
aforementioned eight-
entirely individual assessment progressive in the country, Employment Lawyers Associa-
factor analysis warrants such
based on the specifics of the those who have criminal tion and chairs the organiza-
rejection. For example, the
conviction and the nature of records should know that their tion’s mentorship committee.
Supreme Court of New York,
the duties s/he is to perform. criminal history could lawfully She holds a dual degree in
Appellate Division held that
have bearing on eligibility for common and civil law from
a firefighter applicant was
What would you advise employment under certain McGill University, as well as a
rightly denied employment
employers to do, in order to circumstances. Thus, it is critical Master’s degree in social psy-
on the basis of a prior drunk
driving conviction, because change their perception that candidates and employers
the nature of his duties as a and embrace those alike have full knowledge of
firefighter would “involve an who may have previously their rights and responsibilities
unreasonable risk to property, committed a crime? under New York’s dynamic
and to the safety and welfare legal landscape with respect
of the general public.”9 The single most important thing to criminal convictions. LM
1 Erica Ruth Sanders
N.Y. Correct. Law § 752, N.Y. Exec. Law § 296(15). | 3Stewart v. Civ. Serv. Com., 84 A.D.2d 491 (1st Dep’t 1982).
15 U.S.C. §§ 1681a(h), 1681b(a)(3)(B). | 515 U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(2)(A). | 615 U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(3)(A).
Phillips & Associates
NYC Administrative Code §8-107(11-a). Unlike the other laws discussed, which apply to employers throughout New York State, www.newyorkdiscrimination-
the Fair Chance Act applies only to employers in New York City with four or more employees.
Grafer v. N.Y. City Civ. Serv. Com., 181 A.D.2d 614 (1st Dep’t 1992).
Matter of Association of Surrogates, & Supreme Ct. Reporters v State of New York Unified Ct. Sys., 48 A.D.3d 228 (1st Dep’t 2008).
Com p l e t i n g
The Deal
IP LOAN Investment is pinnacle to every
JOINT VENTURE MBOjurisdiction’s
across theFUNDING
globe. Development and growth
BUSINESS in this area willMERGER
enable enterprises to grow, shrink, and change the nature of their business or competitive position.
a commercial and economicIP LOAN
point JOINT
of view, VENTURE
and acquisition CROWD
transactions generally FUNDING
result in
the consolidation of assets and liabilities under one entity. But from a legal point of view, the two are different;
a merger is a legal consolidation of two entities into one entity, but an acquisition occurs when one entity takes
of another SHARES
entity's stock, PURCHASE
equity interests or assets. AGREEMENT CAPITAL IP LOAN JOINT
There is substantial effort behind a successful M&A transaction; due diligence is of utmost importance, good
communication and amicable connections can help ensure all goes smoothly. For the lawyers behind all this, a
keen eye for detail IP
and LOAN
expertise MBO
is deeply sought ACQUISITION
to enable these corporations BUSINESS
and businesses
This month we reveal all you need to consider regarding fundraising strategies with Arden Partners.
86 Completing The Deal MAY 2019
The key points to consider able and incentivised to simply journey. As a rule of thumb, a
when firms are completing a manage the business. The key fully consensual partnership
fundraising strategy: to this is a decisive governance will take approximately two
structure where business needs years to convert to a model
Is there an “internal investor” can be addressed swiftly and that is attractive to external
culture? the rapid pace of change shareholders. It is also a
Many partnerships are incumbent in modern legal complicated story to investors.
idiosyncratic and bespoke businesses accommodated. DWF have been planning their
groups of individuals. To IPO with advisers / stockbrokers
attract external investors, they Differentiation an important for over twelve months.
must see partners keen to be guide to success
A growing historic financial
shareholders. Partner lock The legal services market is very
track record is vital as well as About John
ins on equity received and
significant internal investment
fragmented but at the same
time there is often inadequate
a stable management team and The Firm
with clear experience in the Arden are a dedicated cor-
in the shares are attractive to differentiation with many “me
business. porate adviser and multiserv-
investors. too” propositions. There are
ice stockbroker. I head our
over ten thousand law firms in The marketing of a fundraising professional services team
Do they have a clear and the UK, and of these, even the strategy will draw on the historic who are one of the leading
evident strategy for growth? larger firms are not particularly financial record (last 3 years). advisers on mergers, acquisi-
Financial investors will want separated and often lumped Any significant downturn in tions and fundraising for the
to see a clear growth plan together into groups. External this track record will require professional firms and busi-
articulated. Firms must investors want firms that stand explanation and may impact nesses. We have developed
highlight clear financial key out in the crowd. They look success. At the same time the a particular specialisation in
performance indicators (KPI’s) for market leaders, sector key management team must the legal space where our
that demonstrate how and specialists, high operating have a demonstratable track Research team has become
why a businesses growth profit margins, a “roll out” story. record in the business. They a market leader and has cov-
targets will be met. Profits Articulate precisely the use of must also be planning to remain erage of the majority of newly
growth is key. Track record and funds with the firm for the foreseeable listed firms.
management expertise also future. Premature departures
underpin investor confidence Often overlooked, but all post flotation, especially in the Contact
that the team have “earned investors need to be told first year, will negatively affect John Llewellyn-Lloyd
their share”. how the funds will be used. share price. LM Director, Corporate Finance
Acquisitions, lateral hires and Head of Professional Services
Is there effective corporate technology investment are
governance and proof that common themes. Money for W:
managers manage? partners’ exit is not attractive.
One of the strengths of the
corporate listed model is the Give yourself enough time The legal services market is very
freedom it gives to lawyers to To take partners on a journey
fragmented but at the same time there
focus on quality and delivering from one “hundred percent
top quality client service. draw” to corporatised is often inadequate differentiation with
When linked to a specialist shareholdings and salary with many “me too” propositions.
management team who are profit shares, can be a long
Adviser Name: Parag Shah, Director
Company: Grant Thornton
Deal Name: EAPEF Invests in Software Technologies Limited, Kenya...........................90
A top deal this month was EDPR announcing its first sell down
transaction in North America of a 499MW portfolio of onshore wind
assets. The deal is valued at USD 1803 million.
With the M&A sphere being as proactive as ever, over the next
few pages you can read some exclusive interviews with the legal
experts who have been working on M&A deals that have taken
across all over the globe.
90 Transactions MAY 2019
MAY 2019 Transactions 91
Operating across 145 countries and with 47,000 employees, Dentsu Aegis
Network is one of the largest communication groups in the world and
Brothers Publicidad
a leader in data and digital advertising services. The acquisition brings
together the creative capabilities and expertise of one of Spain’s most
reputed creative agencies with media and data strategy and planning
and the media buying capabilities of a major advertising network.
This announcement appears as a matter of record only
On a Turkish Financial Reporting Standards basis, Ulusoy Elektrik had sales for
the trailing 12-month period ending September 30, 2018, of 555 million lira
($126 million based on the average exchange rate for the period) and EBIT
of 158 million lira ($36 million converted on the same basis).
92 Transactions MAY 2019
The starting point is the contract with TruckPad. Through it, Tora's operation
with freelance truckers, which contracts around 2,500 trucks every month,
will be managed by the system created by the TruckPad team responsible
for the application of the same name launched in 2012.
Legal adviser to
Estrela Comércio e Participações: Dias Carneiro advised Estrela Comércio e Participações S.A. with a team
including Anna Dutra, Karin Luiza Fernandes Rocha and Beatriz Angelo.
announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Avanxo, a
leading cloud transformation company with presence in the United
States, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina. Subject to the
fulfilment of certain requirements, the transaction is expected to close
Legal advisers to Globant: in February 2019.
"Avanxo shares our vision on how to deliver profound digital and cognitive
transformations for the most demanding customers. With Avanxo, we'll
broaden our transformation approach as we keep bringing our digital
culture to optimize our customers' corporate processes," explains Martin
Migoya, Globant CEO and Co-founder. "We have found an amazing
team that complements our model, and we are confident that this
acquisition will help us propel.”
This announcement appears as a matter of record only
MAY 2019 Transactions 93
Each month, Legal Lifestyle will feature
a selection of some of the best five-star
hotels; whether you are looking for a break
to relax or a quick stop for an all-important
meeting, our choices will provide the places
with the best services, accommodation
and location for your stay.
MAY 2019 Legal 99
Housed in a palace built in 1703 by Prince Johann Wilhelm II, The Althoff
Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg is a celebration of baroque architecture cleverly
mixed with modern interior design and contemporary comforts. Originally
intended as a hunting manor, the building is the second largest baroque palace
north of the Alps and promises stunning views of Cologne’s impressive gothic
cathedral in the distance and the outskirts of the city. With a 1000m2 spa and an
indoor pool, nine conference rooms and a ballroom, as well as two restaurants to
cater to all tastes, this hotel actually does have it all.
Historic features like domed frescoes and puttos still remain in The Althoff
Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg, giving it character and charm in spades. The 84
rooms and 36 suites are elegant, spacious and bright, with some original period
features retained. For a real taste or luxury, stay at the 155m2 Presidential Suite,
which comes with its own whirlpool tub and a private sauna; but to really ease
away the aches of the day, head down to the 4 Elements Spa. Kitted out with an
indoor swimming pool, a sauna and eight luxurious treatment rooms, there really
is nowhere better to rest and rejuvenate. If you fancy a sweaty session before
breakfast or after a day of exploring Cologne, visit the spa’s state-of-the-art gym
where a personal trainer could help you keep your training on track even when
With its perfect balance of unique history and contemporary luxe, as well as
phenomenal cuisine, there’s no place better for your next visit to Cologne than
The Althoff Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg!