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.Made Easy..
In Alphabetical order

Dr. R.L. Khullar
2… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

About The Author ‘Dr. R.L. Khullar’

Dr. R.L. Khullar is member of several National and

International Homoeopathic Organizations/Associations.
Dr. R.L. Khullar is a specialist in Acute and Chronic Cases.
During his long homoeopathic practice since 1962, he has
treated lacs of patients suffering from Chronic and
Inveterate diseases such as Male and Female Ailments,
Paralysis, Skin Eruptions, Mental, Sexual and Physical
Dr. R.L. Khullar has also Participated in T.V. Talk on
various Diseases.
He is highly Experienced and he is well known in
Renderning Quick and Accurate Computer Aided Treatment
in his air conditioned clinic.
Dr. R.L. Khullar is a renowned Homoeopath and is the first
choice of patients. His patients are highly satisfied with his
sympathetic approach and best quality Homoeopathic
Dr. R.L. Khullar has authored many popular and practically
very useful Homoeopathic Books which are highly
appreciated by homoeopathic Fraternity. He has held
Executive posts, and Membership of various Homoeopathic
Organizing Committees.
He has also visited many European, Asian and other
He has been honored by the Government with various
Awards :
He has been taking active part as a delegate in more than
200 National and International
Seminars/Conferences/Continued Medical Educational
Programmes since 1962.
3… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

All rights reserved. No part of this

publication, including its translation in any
language, may be reproduced in any form or by any
means, electronically or mechanically, including
photocopying, recording or any information storage or
retrieval system, without prior permission in writing
from the authors.


All rights of different technologies of online, offline,

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E-mails & other Computer applications remain
with the author Dr.R.L.Khullar.

Compiled & edited by :-

Dr. R. L. Khullar
D-248 Street No. 10,
Near Gate No. 1, of Metro Station,
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092.
Mob.+91- 9717307513, 011- 2202 7574
Website- www.drkhullar.com
E-mail- dr.rlkhullar@gmail.com

© Copyright -
All rights are reserved by Dr. R. L. Khullar.
4… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


Homoeopathic remedies are certainly NOT SLOW in Action

but it is generally the patient who seeks homoeopathic
treatment at a very late stage: usually after trying other
pathies in vain.

Homoeopathy renders complete and Permanent Cure of


There are NO EXTRA Precautions in Homoeopathic


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine based on natural

law of healing.

Homeopathy Cures chronic, Complicated and Hopeless


The Highest Ideal of CURE is rapid, gentle and permanent

restoration of Health.

Homoeopathic remedies are most efficient, non-toxic and

quick in action. These are safely prescribed according to
symptoms of each individual.

Homoeopathic remedies do not suppress but root out

chronic ailments (mostly without operation) and render
permanent cure and good health even to the declared
incurable cases by other systems of medicine.
5… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

This book contains KEY SYMPTOMS followed by most
indicated medicines and brief description of the ailment.
The book will render great service to lovers of
homoeopathy , practitioners of medicine to prescribe exact
medicine easily, precisely and quickly for the patients.

If potency is not mentioned alongwith medicine, the reader
is advised to use 30 potency normally.


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann founded the principle of
homoeopathic “Similia Similibus Curentur “ Which means
Like Cures Like. He explained that in order to cure disease
we must administer medicines that can excite similar
symptoms in a healthy body.
Dr. Hahnemann believed that there is „VITAL FORCE‟ an
energetic substance which is a balancing mechanism and
gives life to us Vital force is also termed as defence
mechanism and immune system of body. Diseases attack
only when our vital force is weak . Homoeopathic
medicines stimulate and reenergize the body.
Homoeopathic medicines render permanent cure and do
not suppress the diseases.

“Family Homoeopathy Book” is followed by „Biochemic
prescriber at a glance‟ containing ailments in alphabetical
order and Biochemic medicines with potency.
6… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIBER ............................................... 7

BIOCHEMIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE ................................... 649

BIOCHEMIC MEDICINES & DISEASES COVERED ......................... 651

HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF FIT WHOLE LIFE ..................... 652

BIOCHEMIC PRESCRIBER AT A GLANCE .......................... 654

REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS .......................... 669

DISEASES AND THEIR DESCRIPTIONS .............................. 673

REFERENCES OF DOCTORS ................................................ 683

DOCTORS QUOTED ............................................................. 686

7… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


A ball in perineum =Chim., Cann-i.

Abdomen =Anac.---Feels better after eating.
Abdomen =Bar-c.---Glands all over body enlarged and
indurate. Glands of the neck, glands of groin, lymphatics in
abdomen are affected. Knotty chain around the neck.
Abdomen =Bell.---Pressing downward as if the contents of
the abdomen would issue from the vulva > standing and
sitting erect; worse mornings (Lil-t., Murx., Sep).
Abdomen =Colch.---Burning or icy coldness in stomach and
abdomen. The abdomen is immensely distended with gas
feeling as if it would burst.
Abdomen =Graph.---Sensitiveness of abdomen to clothing
after eating.
Abdomen =Lach.---The patient lies on the back with
clothing lifted from the abdomen.
Abdomen =Thuj Q---Left inguinal hernia in infants, child
cries all the time and is only quiet when the left inguinal
region is relieved from pressure or the thigh is flexed on
the abdomen.
Abdomen =Thuj.---Abdomen as if an animal were crying,
motion as if something alive protrudes here and there like
the arms of a foetus (Croc., Nux-m., Sulph.).
Abdomen disorders =CANTH., CHAM., IP., PHOS., PULS.,
VERAT., Nux-v., Carb-v., Chin.---Mostly Prescribed
Abdomen distended =Bell.---Abdomen tender distended <
by least jar even of the bed, obliged to walk with great
care for fear of jar.
Abdomen distended =Nux-m.---Abdomen enormously
distended after every meal.
8… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Abdomen distended =Sil.---Scrofulous rachitic children

with large heads open Fontanelles and sutures much
sweating about the head (lower than Calc-p), which must
be kept warm by external covering (Sanic) distended
abdomen, weak ankle, slow in learning to walk.
Abdomen excessive pain =Plb.---Excessive Pain in
abdomen, radiating to all parts of body.
Abdomen flabby =Calc.---When abdomen is flabby it can
be observed that there are nodules in the abdomen. The
lymphatic glands are hard and sometimes can be felt
through the emaciated abdomen. There is a tubercular
Abdomen living animal =Thuj.---Fixed idea of a living
animal in the abdomen.
Abdomen lying on, amel =Am-c.---Amelioration-lying on
abdomen (Acet-ac); on painful side (Puls); in dry weather.
Abdomen nodules =Calc.---Nodules in the abdomen. May
be tubercular.
Abdomen pain after eating =Abies-nig.--- For pains in
abdomen soon after eating (reverse of Anac).
Abdomen pains =All-c.--- Indicated in colicky babies with
pains in the abdomen.
Abdomen pains in the lower =Coloc.---Pain in lower part
of the abdomen are relieved by drawing up the limbs and
pressing with fists. Colic from anger with indignation;
better from bending double and worse in the upright
position, while standing or bending backwards.
Abdomen sensation =Con.---Sensation as if something
living was jumping in the pit of abdomen or stomach.
Abdomen sensation =Cycl.---Sensation as if something
alive in abdomen (Croc., Thuj.).
Abdomen sensation =Plb.---Sensation in abdomen at night,
which causes patient to stretch violently for hours, must
stretch in every direction (Amyl-n).
9… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Abdomen tingling =Plat.---Voluptuous tingling extends in

the abdomen.
Abdomen uncovered =Tab.---Child wants abdomen
uncovered relieves nausea and vomiting coldness in
abdomen (Colch., Elaps., Lach.)
Abdomen uncovering =Tabac.---Abdomen is relieved of its
symptoms by uncovering abdomen.
Abdominal distension =Aloe.--- Abdominal distension with
rectal insecurity.
Abdominal pains =Vario.---Allays vomiting and abdominal
Abdominal wall =Plb.---Violent colic, sensation as if
abdominal wall was drawn, as if by string to the spine.
Abortion = Kali-c 1M., Apis 200., Apis 200., Sabin. 1m.,
Sep 1m., Sep 1m.
Abortion =Acon., Apis., Aur-m-n., Bell., Cham., Crocus.,
Erig., Caul., Gels., Ip., Helon., Kali-c., Nux-v., Puls.,
Sabin., Sec., Sep., Thuj., Vib-op., Vib-p., Zinc.---
Medicines mostly prescribed .
Abortion =Apis.---Abortion during early months. Menses
suppressed with cerebral, head symptoms especially in
young Women.
Abortion =Plb.---Plb., is capable of preventing habitual
abortion when the foetus does not grow beyond 13-14
weeks or even later months due to retroverted uterus (lack
of room for the foetus to grow). With this in 6x and Aur-
mur-Nat- 6x, thousands were helped go through
pregnancies normally. Of course, constitutional medicines
were also given where indicated.
Abortion =Puls.---Threatened abortion, flow ceases & then
returns with increased force, pain spasmodic, excites
suffocation and fainting; must have fresh air.
Abortion =Sabin.---Ailments following abortion or
premature labour; haemorrhage from the uterus, flow
partly pale red, partly clotted, worse from least motion
10… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

(Sec); often relieved by walking, pain extending from

sacrum to pubes.
Abortion =Sec.--- Uterine hemorrhage from agony,
especially after abortion or confinement, blood black and
offensive, worse from the slightest motion, threatening
Abortion =Sec.---Threatened abortion, copious, dark, fluid,
with pressing labour-like pains in abdomen; continuous
discharge of watery blood until next period.
Abortion =Zinc---All women prone to abortion should take
Sep and Zinc. - Dr. Hering.
Abortion after haemorrhage =Sabin.
Abortion bad effect =Helon.---For the bad effect of
abortion and miscarriages.
Abortion early months =Apis 200.
Abortion excitement =Gels 200
Abortion exertion from =Erig., Helon., Mill., Nit-ac.,
Abortion exposure to cold damp weather and places =Dulc.
Abortion fifth to eighth month =Sep.
Abortion habitual =Caul.---Habitual abortion from uterine
debility (Alet-from anaemia, with profound melancholy.,
Abortion last month =Op.
Abortion pains =Cimic.--- for abortion pains flying across
abdomen, fainting.
Abortion pains =Sabin.---for abortion pains going down to
Abortion premature =Aur-m-n.---Prevents habitual
abortion and premature labour due to induration or sterility
due to antiversion of uterus.
Abortion preventing =Vib-p.---Is particularly valuable in
preventing habitual abortions with uterine displacement
and miscarriage, whether habitual, threatened from
11… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

accidental causes or by criminal drugging, neutralizes the

action of Goss.
Abortion suppressed grief from =Ign., Nat-m.
Abortion tendency =Thuj.---Tendency to abortion,
specially .with gonorrhoeal history
Abortion tendency to =Apis., Calc., Caul., Cimic., Helon.,
Kali-c., Plb., Sabin., Sep., Sulph.
Abortion third month =Apis., Cimic., Croc., Eup-pur..,
Merc., Sabin., Sec., Thuj., Ust.
Abortion threatened =Helon.---Prevents abortion from
over exertion or irritating emotions, or threatened abortion
due to uterine debility.
Abortion threatened =Puls.---Threatened abortion, flow
ceases & then returns with increased force; pain
spasmodic, excites suffocation and fainting; must have
fresh air.
Abortion threatened=Caul., Vib.
Abortion thunderstorm from =Nat-c., Rhod.
Abortion urinary troubles =Rheum.
Abortion uterine debility from =Alet Q ., Cinamonum Q.,
Caul., Helon., Puls., Sabin.---Prophylactic against abortion
from uterine debility.
Abortion, ailments =Sabin.---Ailments; following abortion
or premature labor; haemorrhage from the uterus; flow
partly pale red, partly clotted; worse from least motion
(Sec); often relieved by walking; pain extending from
sacrum to pubes.
Abortion, from suppressed grief =Ign., Nat-m.
Abscess =Bell., Hep., Merc., Sil., Myris., Anthrac.
Abscess =Hep.---In cases where suppuration seems
inevitable. Hep. may open abscess and hasten the cure.
Abscess =Hep.---In early stage give low, 6th potency. The
abscess will open and low potency will work. After that
12… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hep 200 or Sil 200 will heal it. For recurring give Pyrog
Abscess =Hep.---The slightest injury causes suppuration
(Graph., Merc).
Abscess of liver = Nux-v., Bry., Bell., Chin., Hep., Merc.,
Lyc., Chel., Sil., Calc-s., Kali-c., Lach.
Abscess severe pain =Tarent-c---In any abscess where
there is severe pain around .
Abscesses =Hep.--- Cold sores, abscesses, boils, infected
Abscesses =Sil.---Ailments following vaccination, abscesses
and even convulsions.
Abscesses =Tarent.---Abscesses boils felons affected parts
of a bluish colour (Lach., and atrocious burning pain (Anth.,
Ars). the agony of a felon compelling the patient to walk
the floor for nights, Malignant ulcers, carbuncles, anthrax,
Abscesses affects the bones =Calc-Hypo., Ang.
Abscesses below the skin =Lyc.
Abscesses in the lungs =Carb-v., Lach.
Abscesses mammary =Sil., Phos.
Abscesses spine or hip joints =Carb-v., Stram.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, anus =Calc-p., Sil.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, axilla =Calc-s.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, gums =Sil., Caust.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, vulva =Sil.
Abscesses, of the teeth =Fl-ac., Lach., Hep., Merc.,
Pyrog., Sil.
Absence of thirst = Aeth.---Absence of thirst in fever with
profuse cold sweat.
Absent mind =Anac.--- Over exerted mind, forgetful,
absent mind.
Absent-minded =Agn.---Absent-minded, reduced power of
insight, cannot recollect; has to read a sentence twice
13… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

before he can comprehend (Lyc., Ph-ac., Sep); Premature

old age : melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-
contempt; arising in young. Persons from abuse of the
sexual powers; from seminal losses.
Absent-mindedness =Nux-m.--- 1st to 6th any potency.
Can be repeated 2-3 times a day till results appear.
Absorb blood =Sul-ac.--- Will absorb blood after injury.
Absorption =Crot-h.--- For absorption of intra ocular
haemorrhage into vitreous particularly non-inflammatory
retinal haemorrhage.
Abuse of drugs alcohol, tobacco =Nux-v. Tab., Sul-ac.,
Quercus Q.
Accident = Arg-n., Merc., Arn., Bar-c., Med., Staph.
Accommodation vision want of = Ruta 6.
Acetonemia =Acet-ac.
Aching =Arn., Rhus-t., Chin., Sil., Anan.
Aching =Ruta.---Aching in and over eyes with a blurred
vision as if they had been strained. After using eyes at fine
work, watch making, engraving (Nat-m) looking intently.
Aching back =Cimic.---Severe aching pains in the back,
below the thighs through the hips with heavy pressing
Aching glands =Phyt.--- Aching, induration, glandular.
Aching in legs =Med.---Aching in legs, with inability to
keep them still in bed, <when giving up control of himself,
when relaxing, in trying to sleep.
Aching in limbs =Eup-pur.---Intense soreness and aching in
the limbs as if beaten.
Aching muscles =Cimic.---Aching or soreness of all the
Aching pain =Bapt.---Aching, sore all over.
Aching pain =Cimic.---Intense aching pain in the eye-ball,
condition worse on moving head.
Aching pain =Eup.--- Aching, break-bone fever.
14… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Aching pain =Gels.---Aching, heavy, tired with

Aching pain =Lach.---Aching pain in the chin bones.
Aching pain =Rhus-t.---Aching, stiffness with.
Acid dyspepsia =Nat-c.---Acid dyspepsia, especially after a
vegetable diet, starchy food with hypochondriasis and
palpitation of the heart.
Acidic =Nat-p.--- Sour, acidic, anemic.
Acidity =Abrot., Calc-c., Carb-v., Hep., Lyc., Sul-ac.,
Nat-p., Nux-v., Rob.---Acidity, sour smelling body and all
Acidity =Abrot.---Intense indigestion and morbid appetite,
great marasmus specially of lower extremities, food passes
undigested burning from acidity.
Acidity =Carb-v.---Acidity heartburn flatulence &
distension of upper abdomen.
Acidity =Hep---Acidity, old dyspeptic, sour mouth.
Acidity =Nat-p.---Acidity and anaemic, with heartburn and
gas in lower abdomen.
Acidity- burning in esophagus, associated with burning
sensations =Sulph.
Acidity- burning in esophagus, associated with distention of
abdomen =Lyc.
Acidity- burning in esophagus, associated with sour
diarrhea =Nat-c.
Acidity- burning in esophagus, caused by indigestion =Nux-
Acidity- burning in esophagus, caused by over eating = Ant-
Acidity- burning in esophagus, caused by rich fat food
Acidity- colic due to acidity, after eating =Kali-p.
Acidity- colic due to acidity, bending backward =Dios.
Acidity- colic due to acidity, bending forward =Coloc.
Acidity- colic due to acidity, coming suddenly =Mag-p.,
15… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Acidity- colic due to acidity, during empty stomach

=Anac., Iod.
Acidity- colic due to acidity, immediately after food
Acidity- colic due to acidity, radiating from umbilical
Acidity- colic due to acidity, wind colic of children
Acidity- colic due to acidity, with diarrhoea =Rheum.,
Acidity gastritis =Nux-v., Lyc., Anac., Bell.
Acidity- much burning pain in stomach (ulcer) both water
and solid food vomited as soon it reaches stomach =Ars.,
Acidity- much burning pain in stomach (ulcer) water
vomited, solid food retains =Bism.
Acidity- sour diarrhoea, brown with mucous =Rheum.
Acidity- sour diarrhoea, green & frothy =mag-c.
acidity- sour diarrhoea, green & frothy, yellow orange or
saffron – like =Sul-ac.
Acidity- sour diarrhoea, white or light green =Hep.
Acidity- sour diarrhoea, whitish, worse afternoon =Calc.
Acidity- sour eructation, choking in throat =Puls., Abies.
Acidity- sour eructation, constipation =Hydr.
Acidity- sour eructation, milky tongue =Ant-c.
Acidity- sour eructation, Pale anaemic =Ferr-p.
Acidity- sour eructation, pressure in stomach =Nux-v.
Acidity- sour vomiting, aphthous mouth =Sul-ac.
Acidity- sour vomiting, excoriating throat =Iris.
Acidity- sour vomiting, large curds =Calc., Aeth.
Acidity- sour vomiting, teeth becoming sour (rob) =Nat-p.
Acidosis =Nat-p., Carb-v., Lac-ac., Lach., Kali-c., Kali-
n., Sil., Staph., Phos., Nat-m.
Acids =Ant-t.--- Craves for acids, which makes her sick.
16… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Acne =Kali-br 30., Calc-p 3x can also be tried.

Acne =Kali-br.---Acne Simplex indurate rosacea bluish red
pustular on face, chest, shoulders leave unsightly scars
(Carb-an) in young fleshy persons of gross habits.
Acne as on the face =Kali-br.---Every 4 hours almost
specific. Sulph iodide is also good for acne.
Acne rosacea =Carb-an, Hydrc., Nux-v., Agar., Ars-i.,
Sulph-i., Oophos., Kreos., Sulph., Rad-br.
Acne, pimples on face = Ars., Bov., Kali-br., Radium-br.,
Berb-a., Jug-r., Carb-v., Calc-p., Calc-pic., Psor.,
Cimic., Led., Ant-t., Insulin., Sang.
Acquired =Immune deficiency syndrome (see AIDS).
Acrid =Euphr.--- Acrid, watery, eyes.
Acrid =Kreos.--- Acrid, excoriated, irritated.
Acrid nasal discharge =All-c.--- Acrid, watery, coryza,
Nasal discharge acrid, making upper lip and nose sore.
Discharge from eyes is bland.
Acromegaly =Bar-c., Pitu-p., Thyr., Conch., Chrysar.
Actinomycosis =Nit-ac., Hippoz., Hecla., Kali-i., Pyrog.,
Action quicken =Lyc., Carb-v.---Action is quickened by an
occasional dose of once in eight days.
Active =Calc-p.--- Active, emaciated, weak spine.
Acute =Acon.---Acute, sudden violent invasion with
inflammation anywhere on external and internal organs,
fright and anxiety, heat and restlessness are the most
characteristic manifestation of Acon.
Acute =Ferr-p.--- Acute, early, inflammation.
Acute disease =Bapt.---Breath and body smell foul (Psor).
Acute pain =Acon., Cham., Coff.--- Acute pain remedies.
Addictions =Aven., Morph., Calc., Iod.---Prophylactic for
addiction to morphia and bad effects of morphine habit.
Addison’s disease =Adrenalin., Nat-m., Arg-n., Sil., Ars.,
Phos., Calc-ar., Merc., Hep.
17… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Adenitis acute =Apis., Bell., Dulc., Merc., Phyt., Iod.,

Adenitis chronic =Carc., Dulc., Hep., Phyt., Scroph-n.,
Adenoids =cist., Bar-c., Bar-m., Calc., Carc., Calc-ph.,
Merc., Mez., Thuj., Tub., Agra., Calc-i.
Adenoids tissue =Tub.--- Alone so that the child could
breath through the nose and close the mouth. Start
treatment with 200 potency which should not be repeated
before a fortnight or so.
Adherent placenta =Hydr =Adherent placenta in several
Adhesions =Calc-f.---If used after operation, reduce the
tendency to adhesions.(also Sil., Thiosin., Calen., Graph.,
Adiposity=Phyt-., Fuc., Calc., Caps., Ferr., Graph.
Adynamia=Ph-ac., Chin.
Aerophagia =Arg-n., Asaf., Plat.---Excessive swallowing of
Affecting =Ran-b.--- Rheumatic, affecting, chest.
Affecting small joints wrist =Act-sp.--- Affecting small
joints wrists, fingers, ankles & toes after fatigue.
Affection =Acon.---Affection, active sudden, storm-like.
Affection =Ars.---Affection , prostration, disproportionate
to ailment, alarming, rapid.
Affection =Croc.--- Affection, sensation, alternation.
Affection =Merc-c.---Affection, active violent.
Affections =Hep.---Affections from the abuse of mercury or
iodine particularly the iodide of potash.
Affections of children =Zinc---A characteristic of brain
affections of children is crossness in the evening and also
child repeats everything said to it, is a leading symptom.
Affects the fibrous tissue =Rhus-t.---Affects the fibrous
tissue especially (Rhod. Bry.); Muscular rheumatism,
18… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

sciatica, left side (Coloc); aching in left arm with heart

Afraid of sharp things =Spig.---Afraid of sharp, pointed
things, pins, needles, etc.
African fever =Ars., Crot-h., Ter.
Afternoon =BELL., PULS., Apis., Ars,. Carb-v., Cham.,
Nux-v., Phos., Sulph.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
After-pains=Caul., Mag-p.
Agalactia =Puls., Ric., Lact., Agn., Urt-u.
Agg. evening, afternoon =Calc.
Agg. evening, at fixed hours(p.m.), 1-2 =Ars.
Agg. evening, at fixed hours(p.m.), 3 =Apis.
Agg. evening, at fixed hours(p.m.), 4-8 =Lyc.
Agg. evening, at fixed hours(p.m.), After 3 =Bell.
Agg. evening, at fixed hours(p.m.), After 4 =Helon.
Agg. evening, in general =Acon., Puls.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours (a.m.), 10-11 =Nat-m.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours (a.m.), 5 =Sulph.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours (a.m.), 7 =Eup- per.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours (a.m.), 9 =Nux-v.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours (a.m.),11 =Sulph.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours(a.m.), 1-2 =Ars.
Agg. morning, at fixed hours(a.m.), 2-4 =Kali-c.
Agg. morning, on awakening =Lach.
Agg. morning, on beginning to move =Nat-s., Aloe.
Agg. morning, with sun, rising sun =Nat-m.
Agg. morning, with sun, sun rise to sun set =Spig.
Agg. morning, with sun, sun set to sun rise =Colch.
Agg. night, in general =Ferr., Merc., Sil.
Agg. night, in warmth of bed, itching =Psor.
Agg. night, in warmth of bed, while sweating =Merc.
19… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. =Bar-c.---Aggravation – when thinking of his disease

(Oxal-ac); lying on painful side; after meals; washing
affected parts.
Agg. =Con.---Aggravation with alcoholic drinks is keynote
symptom of Con., Headache < alcoholic drinks.
Agg. =Nat-c.---Aggravation from sweets Nat-c. (there are
other medicines also such as Sep., Phos., Merc-s).
Agg. =Sars.---Agg going up or down stairs.
Agg. =Syph.---Aggravation – at night, from twilight to
Agg. =Syph.---Aggravation of symptoms – from evening on
one day to morning on the other day- restlessness –
sleeplessness etc- whatever the complaint.
Agg. 10-11 am =Nat-m.
Agg. 11am =Sulph.
Agg. 1-2 hours after eating =Nux-v.
Agg. 2am or 3am =Kali-bi., Kali-c.
Agg. 3am =Am-c., Kali-c.---Cough, palpitation, prostration.
Agg. 3am =Kali-c.---Cough, fever, asthma.
Agg. 3pm = Apis., Bell.
Agg. 4-8pm =Lyc.
Agg. 4-9pm =Coloc.
Agg. 7am-9am =Eup-per.
Agg. 8 p.m. =Lyc.---Symptoms aggravate from 4 P.M. to 8
Agg. 9pm =Bry.
Agg. after eating =Puls.
Agg. after fright =Verat.
Agg. after midnight =Ars.
Agg. after sleeping =Apis.
Agg. alcoholic stimulants =Sulph.
Agg. all sour foods, milk =Ant-t.
20… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. altercation =Bry., Staph.

Agg. anger =Bry., Cham., Coloc., Nux-v., Staph.
Agg. antibiotic medicines =Sulph., Nux-v
Agg. anticipation =Gels.
Agg. any effort to think =Gels.
Agg. ascending =Ars., Calc., Iod., Nat-m.
Agg. asthma =Ars.--- Asthma Agg. after midnight; fears
suffocation while lying down.
Agg. at night =Cham.
Agg. bathing in cold water =Ant-c., Rhus-t., Sulph., Puls.
Agg. bed is intolerable =Apis.
Agg. beer =Kali-bi.
Agg. before midnight =Spong.
Agg. being at rest =Ruta-g.
Agg. bending forward =Dios
Agg. bending head back =Glon.
Agg. bread, acidic food =Nat-m.
Agg. butter =Puls.
Agg. cabbage =Petr.
Agg. change of weather =Phos.
Agg. closed warm room =Bry., Lyc., Puls., Sulph.
Agg. closed, heated room =Apis.
Agg. coffee, brandy =Ign., Carb-v., Nux-v.
Agg. coition =Agar., Kali-c., Lyc., Sep.
Agg. cold =Acon., Ars., Bell., Calc., Hyper., Mag-p., Nux-
v., Phos., Psor., Rhus-t., Rumx., Ruta-g., Sil.
Agg. cold air =Spong.---Sensation as if breathing through
dry sponge, aggravation cold air.
Agg. cold drinks, fruits, over-ripe or rotten fruit and food
Agg. cold dry weather =Acon., Caust., Hep.
Agg. cold milk =Kali-i.
21… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. cold wet weather- =Dulc., Nat-s., Nux-m., Rhus-t.,

Agg. consolation =Nat-m., Sep.
Agg. contradiction =Nux-v., Sep.
Agg. cool air =Hep.
Agg. cough =Rumx.---Cough aggravation from air
conditioned room, dry single cough, cough, constant
tickling in throat and aggravation by inspiration, cool air
and night, much sputum.
Agg. covering =Camph., Sec.
Agg. damp cold weather =Ant-t.
Agg. damp cold, changeable weather =Calc-p.
Agg. damp weather =Gels., Merc-v.
Agg. dampness =Dulc., Hyper.
Agg. decayed vegetables =Carb-v.
Agg. descending =Bor., Stann., Gels., Sanic.
Agg. downward motion =Bor.---Aggravation – downward
motion; from sudden slight noises; smoking which may
bring on diarrhoea; damp, cold weather; before urinating.
Agg. drinking =Caps., Verat .---Most complaints aggravate
after drinking.
Agg. drinking coffee and cold water =Canth.
Agg. dry weather =Ip., Nux-v.
Agg. dry, cold air =Hep.
Agg. dry, cold winds =Acon.
Agg. Dull =Arn.---Dull, heavy, sometimes violent pain
aggravated by motion and eating.
Agg. during perspiration =Merc-v.
Agg. during stool =Verat.
Agg. dust from =Brom.
Agg. early morning =Nux-v.
Agg. eating =Aloe., Ars., Bry., Chin., Colch., Cocc., Kali-
bi., Nux-m. Kali-c., Lyc., Bry., Rhus-t., Alum., Arg-n.,
Puls., Nux-v., Thuj.---Remedies usually prescribed.
22… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. eggs =Colch., Puls., Calc., Carb-v., Cocc., Ferr.,

Sil., Sulph.,
Agg. emotion =Gels., Ign.
Agg. empty stomach, specially on fasting =Iod., Anac.
Agg. evening =All-c., Ant-t., Nux-v., Phos., Carb-v.
Agg. evening and night =Acon.
Agg. exertion (physical) =Ars., Bry., Calc., Rhus-t., Sep.,
Agg. exertion mental =Arg-n., Nat-c., Nux-v., Lyc., Pic-
ac., Sel.
Agg. exertion, mental, causing headache =Arg-n.,
Agg. exertion, mental, causing vertigo & stupification
=Nat-c., Nat-ar.
Agg. exertion, mental, from noise =Bell., Mang-m., Nat-
Agg. exertion, mental, from odors =Sang., Sabin.
Agg. exertion, mental, from sound of running water =Lyss.
Agg. exertion, mental, from talking, laughing, reading
Agg. exertion, physical, by extending limbs =Thuj.
Agg. exertion, physical, by uncovering =Bell.
Agg. exertion, physical, on moving the eyes =Spig., Cimic.
Agg. exertion, physical, riding car or boat = Cocc.
Agg. exertion, physical, with profuse perspiration =Merc.
Agg. fasting =Cist., Lyc., Sang., Sulph.
Agg. fat foods =Carb-v.
Agg. feeling as from stone in stomach, immediately after
eating =Nux-m., Kali-bi.
Agg. fog =Hyper.
Agg. from cold bath, child cannot bear to take bath
=Sulph., Ant-c.
Agg. from cold bath, getting wet in rain-storm, specially
while perspiring =Rhus-t.
Agg. from heat, in general, not ameliorated by cold
23… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. from heat, in general, with amelioration by cold

Agg. from heat, radiating heat of fire =Ant-c.
Agg. from heat, sun heat, causing sunstroke =Glon., Lyss.
Agg. from heat, sun heat, increasing with rising sun =Nat-
Agg. from heat, sun heat, with headache and prostration
Agg. from heat, warm air =Iod., Sabin.
Agg. from heat, warm covering =Acon.
Agg. from heat, warm room, coming in from cold air =Bry.,
Agg. from heat, warm room, oppresses in =Puls.
Agg. getting wet =Calc-s.---Symptoms aggravated by
getting wet.
Agg. getting wet in hot weather =Phos.
Agg. haemorrhoids =Abrot.---Aggravation of haemorrhoids
when rheumatism improves.
Agg. hair dry =Sulph.
Agg. hat, cap, turban, helmet, weight of =Glon., Calc-p.,
Agg. heat =Apis., Arn., Cham
Agg. heat and cold =Merc-v.
Agg. heat of the bed =Led.
Agg. hot food =Bry.
Agg. ice =Ars.
Agg. jarring (shaking) =Bell., Berb., Con., Lac-c., Glon.,
Cocc., Spig.
Agg. late afternoon =Apis.
Agg. least motion =Verat.
Agg. lemons =Sel., Olnd.
Agg. lifting =Calc., Rhus-t.
Agg. light =Bell.
Agg. light touch =Arn., Bry
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Agg. lying =Bell., Ars., Kali-c., Spong.---Respiration.

Agg. lying =Cact., Nat-m., Phos., Puls., Spig.---Left Side.
Agg. lying =Carb-v.---Stomach pain.
Agg. lying =Merc., Mag-m., Spong.---Right side.
Agg. lying =Nux-v.---Backache.
Agg. lying cough =Hyos., Con.
Agg. lying down =Bell., Carb-v., Ip., Ruta-g., Spong.
Agg. lying on affected side =Acon.
Agg. lying on left or painful side =Phos.
Agg. lying on left or painless side =Puls.
Agg. lying on painful side =Hep.
Agg. meat =Ars., Nux-v.
Agg. melons =Zing.
Agg. menses during =Arg-n., Cimic., Lach.
Agg. mental exertion =Calc-p., Nux-v.
Agg. midnight before=Phos.---Most symptoms are
aggravated before midnight and during thunder storm.
Agg. milk =Aeth., Calc., Carb-v. Lac-d., Mag-c., Mag-m.,
Nat-c., Sep.
Agg. moon-lit =Ant-c.---Troubles aggravated during moon-
lit night.
Agg. morning =BRY., CALC-P., CARB-V., CHAM., IGN.,
NUX-V., PHOS., PULS., SULPH., VERAT.---Remedy Mostly
Agg. morning =Ign., Sulph.
Agg. motion =Bell., Bry., Cham., Chel., Colch., Lac-d.
Motion aggravates the symptoms.
Agg. motion exertion =Bry.---Aggravation –motion,
exertion, touch; cannot sit up, gets faint or sick or both;
warmth, warm fold; suppressed discharges of any kind.
Agg. music = Acon., Ambr., Calc., Graph., Nat-c.
Agg. new moon =Sil.
Agg. night =Cham., Led., Mag-p., Merc-v., Sulph.,.,
25… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. noise =Bell., Bor., Coff., Nit-ac., Nux-v., spig.,

Agg. noon =Apis., Ars., Carb-v., Phos., Sulph.
Agg. onions =Thuja.
Agg. open air =Nux-v.
Agg. open air, wind =Cham.
Agg. ornaments =Arg-n.
Agg. pastry, ice cream, mixed variety food =Puls.
Agg. physical or mental exertion =Phos.
Agg. pickles, sour food, acids =Lach.
Agg. position, at rest, at night while at rest =Dulc.
Agg. position, at rest, during rest =Rhod.
Agg. position, at rest, quietly sitting or lying =Rhus-t.
Agg. position, at rest, worse lying down =Bell.
Agg. position, on motion, but must move, he is so sore and
aches =Phyt.
Agg. position, on motion, more he moves, more he suffers
Agg. position, on motion, on beginning to move =Rhus-t.
Agg. position, on sitting up, with debility =Psor.
Agg. position, on sitting up, with vertigo =Cocc.
Agg. position, on standing, and walking =Aloe.
Agg. position, on standing, by jar =Sep.
Agg. position, on standing, standing most uncomfortable
Agg. potatoes =Alum.
Agg. pressure =Apis.
Agg. pressure =Lach., Chin.---Hard pressure relieves.
Agg. pressure, by lying on, in whatever position =Bapt.
Agg. pressure, by lying on, left side =Acon., Nat-m., Phos.,
Agg. pressure, by lying on, painful side =Bell., Kali-c.
Agg. pressure, by lying on, right side =Merc.
26… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. pressure, by touch, but can bear hard pressure =Chin.

Agg. pressure, by touch, cannot bear to be touched =Hep.
Agg. pressure, by touch, cannot bear to think even
scratching of linen =Asar.
Agg. pressure, by touch, cannot walk with legs close
together =Cann-s.
Agg. pressure, by touch, great sensitiveness to contract, in
ulcers =Asaf.
Agg. pressure, by touch, slightest touch, even of bed cover
Agg. pressure, by touch, with sense of constriction =Lach.
Agg. pressure, direct =Led., Kali-c., Bell.
Agg. rest =Mag-m., Rhod., Rhus-t., Iod., Kali-i., Arg-m.,
Arn., Nux-v., Sulph.
Agg. rice =Tell.
Agg. rich, fatty food =Puls.
Agg. riding in a carriage =Cocc., Petr.
Agg. right side =Apis., Ars.
Agg. rising from a seat =Arg-n., Caust., Sulph.---Backache.
Agg. salted butter, aspirin, bad eggs, bad liquor, and
poultry =Carb-v.
Agg. sexual excess =Lyc., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Staph., Sel.,
Chin., Con.
Agg. sight or smell of food =Ars., Colch.
Agg. sitting erect =Dig.---Aggravation – When sitting,
especially when sitting erect; motion.
Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Aesc., Lyc.---Frightened.
Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Am-c..---Chest trouble with
Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Arg-m.---Jerks and rouses
from sleep.
Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Cocc., Nux-v.---Loss of sleep.
Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Con.---Sweat.
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Agg. sleep, closing eyes for =Lach., Spong., Mag-m.---

Agg. sleeping =Sulph.
Agg. slightest draft =Hep.
Agg. slightest motion =Ip., Bry.
Agg. smell of food cooking =Ars., Cocc., Colch., Sep.
Agg. sour food and drinks =Acon., Ant-c., Carb-v., Hep.,
Nat-p., Olend., Nat-m., Sep.
Agg. smoking =Puls.
Agg. spices =Nux-v.
Agg. standing =Sulph., Tub.
Agg. stimulants, narcotics =Nux-v.
Agg. stooping =Aesc., Bry., Sep.
Agg. strawberries =Ox-ac.
Agg. strong odors =Ign.
Agg. strong pressure =Nux-v.
Agg. sugar =Arg-n.
Agg. sun =Ant-c., Bry., Gels., Glon., Lach., Nat-c., Nat-
Agg. sunset to sunrise =Syph.
Agg. swallowing =Spong.
Agg. sweat. =Cham.---Sweat, stools with thirst, colic,
bitter taste and bitter eructations.
Agg. talking =Spong.
Agg. temperature, from cold, in general, cold application,
cold water etc =Ars.
Agg. thinking of complaint =Caust., Calc-p., ox-ac., Ars.,
Med., Phos., Gels.
Agg. thunder storm =Nat-c., Phos., Rhod., Sil., Tub.
Agg. time 1 AM-2AM or 1PM -2PM=Ars.---Mental anxiety,
Agg. time to time =Sulph.
Agg. tobacco smoke =Acon., Ign., Gels.
28… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agg. touch =Apis., Canth., Hep., Hyper., Mag-p., Nux-v.,

Agg. touched or looked at =Ant-c., Cina.
Agg. turning head =Con.
Agg. twilight =Puls.
Agg. uncovering =Bell., Nux-v., Hep., Rhus-t.
Agg. undressing =Nat-s., Olnd., Rumex.
Agg. uninterrupted nap =Nux-v.
Agg. urinating =Canth.
Agg. vaccination =Sil., Thuj., Sulph., Maland.
Agg. visitor =Bry., Lyc., Ambr., Nat-m.
Agg. vomiting or loose motion, by least food and drink,
specially cold =Ars.
Agg. vomiting or loose motion, cold things specially ice
cream =Phos.
Agg. vomiting or loose motion, with heaviness of the head
Agg. vomiting or loose motion, with insecuring in rectum
Agg. waking =Spong.
Agg. walk =Borax.---Agg. walk going down stairs.
Agg. warm applications =Led.
Agg. warm food or drink =Phos.
Agg. warm room =Acon., All-c., Puls.
Agg. warm, moist weather =Carb-v.
Agg. warmth = Aeth., Bry., Nux-v.---Relieved by open air
and aggravated in summer and by warmth.
Agg. warmth of bed =Merc-v., Sulph.
Agg. washing =Sulph.
Agg. weather, cold, damp, damp air =Thuj., Aran.
Agg. weather, cold, damp, damp change =Bar-c.
Agg. weather, cold, damp, dry warm to wet cold =Dulc.
Agg. weather, cold, damp, during thunder storm =Rhod.
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Agg. weather, cold, damp, melting snow =Calc-p.

Agg. weather, cold, damp, rainy weather =Spig.
Agg. weather, cold, damp, snowy air =Pic-ac.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, every winter =Petr., Psor.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, from dry cold =Acon.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, sensitive to cold air, exceedingly
Agg. weather, cold, dry, sensitive to cold air, from
exposure to =Hep.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, sensitive to cold air, on least
exposure =Tub.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, sensitive to cold air, uncovering
head and feet =Sil.
Agg. weather, cold, dry, sensitive to cold air, walking in
Agg. weather, cold, wet weather =Rhus-t., Ruta., Nat-s.,
Nux-m., Sulph.
Agg. weather, damp cold =Dulc., Nat-s., Rhus-t.
Agg. weather, dry cold =Acon., Caust., Hep., Nux-v., Sil.,
Agg. weather, hot =Ant-c., Bry., Glon., Lach., Nat-c.,
Agg. weather, hot, desire to press gums =Podo.
Agg. weather, hot, milky white tongue =Ant-c.
Agg. weather, hot, weakness in anus =Aloe.
Agg. wheat flour new or old =Psor.
Agg. wine =Carb-v.
Agg. wine or stimulant =Ant-c., Carb-v., Fl-ac., Glon.,
Led., Zinc.
Agonizing =Acon.---Agonizing fear with.
Agonizing pain =Coloc.---Agonizing pain in abdomen
causing patient to bend double, with restlessness twisting
and turning to obtain relief> by hard pressure (>by heat
30… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Agranulocytosis =Cortico., Lach., Sulfa., X-ray.

Ague =(See malaria infection)
Ague=Nat-m., Chin., Cedr.
AIDS = Ars., Carc., Med., Merc., Pyrog., Thuj.
Ailment from Quinine =Carb-v.---Ailments from quinine
specially suppressed chills and fever from abuse of
mercury, from salt and meats, from putrid meat or fish and
rancid fats.
Ailments from- abuse of, patent medicines or stimulants =
Ailments from- abuse of, quinine =Nat-m.
Ailments from- abuse of, vaccination =Sil., Thuj.
ailments from- environmental causes, climatic change
from dry heat to damp cold =Dulc.
Ailments from- environmental causes, from falling in
water =Ant-c.
Ailments from- environmental causes, from radiated heat
or sun heat =Glon.
Ailments from- environmental causes, wetting in rain,
storm or damp sheet etc =Rhus-t.
Ailments from- excess of, coffee =Ign.
Ailments from- excess of, tea =Thuj.
Ailments from- mental causes, anger or indignation
Ailments from- mental causes, chronic effects of grief
=Ign., Aur-s.
Ailments from- mental causes, continued grief =Ph-ac.
Ailments from- mental causes, disappointed love =Ign.,
Nat-m., Aur., Hyos., Ph-ac., Puls., Staph.
Ailments from- mental causes, fright, punishment of
children =Ign.
Ailments from- mental causes, prolonged worry =Calc.,
Ailments from- mental causes, reserved vexation and
displeasure =Staph.
31… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ailments from- mental causes, strain of night watching or

riding car etc =Cocc.
Ailments from- mental causes, sudden surprise or shock
Ailments from- sexual excess =Ph-ac., Staph.
Ailments from- suppression of, general diseases =Thuj.,
Med., Syph.
Ailments from- suppression of, menses =Mosch., Mill.
Ailments from- suppression of, skin diseases =Sulph.,
Ailments from- suppression of, sweat =Ars-s-f.
Ailments from- sustained injuries, blows or contusion
Ailments from- sustained injuries, injury in bone or
periosteum =Ruta.
Ailments from- sustained injuries, injury, mechanical,
with bruises =Sul-ac.
Ailments from-excess of, wine =Zinc.
Ailments =Mill.---Ailments; from over-lifting, over-
exertion, or a fall.
Ailments =Ph-ac.---Ailments : from care, chagrin, grief,
sorrow, home sickness (Ign); sleepy, disposed to weep;
night sweats towards morning.
Ailments after wind =Hep.---Ailments after west or
northwest wind.
Ailments chronic of sedentary persons = Slowness of all
organs and faculties of men Alum 200, common ailments of
general people Nux-v 30 women Salvia tincture the
symptoms of salvia is enfeebled circulation, cold
extremities. Tincture in 20 drops, dose, in a little water.
The effect manifests themselves quickly two hours after a
dose , and they persist for four to six days.
Ailments from death of near & dear ones=Ign., Nat-m.,
32… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ailments from growing =Ph-ac.---Ailments from growing

very fast.
Ailments from suppressed itch =Psor., Sulph.---Ailments
from suppressed itch or other skin diseases, severe from
even slight emotions.
Ailments from vexation =Hyos.---Jealously, quarrelsome,
scold ailments from vexation.
Ailments of the heart =Scut.--- Use the tincture and lower
potencies. If there is any remedy especially deserving our
confidence in heart affections resulting from rheumatism
and also from obscure origin.
Air =Arg-n.---Great longing for fresh air. (Amyl-n., Puls.,
Sulph). Craving for sugar.
Air =Puls.---Must have fresh air.
Air open amel =Acon.---Amel – in the open air (Alum.,
Mag-c., Puls., Sab).
Air open craves =Puls.--- Craves open air; sensitive to
Air passages dryness =Spong.--- Dryness of all air
Air sickness =Bell.---Is a prophylactic against air-sickness.
Air sickness =Bor.---Is a preventive for complaints of air
borne passengers arising out of downward plunges.
Air sickness, Vomiting =Bor.---Three doses a day before
travelling by air.
Airplanes =Arg-n., Calc.
Alarming =Tarent.--- Alarming, emaciating & prostration.
Albumin in urine, during pregnancy =Apis 30 or Plb 30,
Ph-ac 30, Ter 30.--- Either of these remedies may be
Albuminous urine =Apis.---Is the head remedy for albumin
in urine. Give 30th potency or tincture.
Albuminuria =Ter.---Albuminuria acute, in early stages
when blood and albumin abound more than casts and
epithelium; after diphtheria, scarlatina, typhoid.
33… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Alcohol =Aur.---have cravings for alcohol.

Alcohol =Coca.---Longing for alcohol liquors and tobacco;
for the accustomed stimulants.
Alcohol =Dafne Q, Pscidea Q .---Appetiser & reduces
alcohol craving.
Alcohol =Nux-v.--- Bad effects of coffee, alcoholic
beverages, tobacco, highly seasoned foods, loss of sleep, or
strong drugs.
Alcohol =Sul-ac.---Sul-ac, one part, with three parts of
alcohol, 10 to 15 drops three times daily for three or four
weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for
liquor- Hearing.
Alcohol bad effect of =Ran-b.---One of our most effective
remedies for the bad effects of alcoholic beverages;
spasmodic hiccough; delirium tremens.
Alcohol craving =Caps., Querc., Sterculia., Sulph-ac.
Alcohol craving =Syph.---Craving alcohol, in any form.
Hereditary tendency to alcoholism (Asar., Psor., Tuber.,
Sulph., Sul-ac).
Alcohol giddiness =Querc =Pain in left side, great
giddiness flushed state and the unmistakably disgusting
breath, sign of the chronic tippler indicating undigested
alcohol indicate Querc (Dr. Burnett.)
Alcohol habit =Aven.---It helps in alcohol habit and
sleeplessness of alcoholics. It also helps in bad effects of
morphine. Habit. Nerve Tremors of the aged. Give in 10 or
15 drops doses.
Alcohol habit =Cinch-rubra., Sulph., Querc., Stroph.
Alcohol unconquerable longing =Asar.---Unconquerable
longing for alcohol; a popular remedy in Russia for
Alcoholic =Hydr.---Cahectic or malignant dyscrasia, with
marked derangement of gastric and hepatic region
functions broken down by excessive use of alcoholic.
34… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Alcoholic drink agg. =Con.---Conium patient cannot endure

even the slightest alcoholic drink. Any wine or stimulating
beverage will bring on trembling, excitement, weakness of
mind and prostration.
Alcoholic drinks =Rhus-t.---The most effcacious and
specific remedy for the frequently fatal effects of over-
lifting inordinate exercise of the muscles and contusion is
Rhus-t. (Dr. Hahnemann.)
Alcoholic habit =Querc.---10 drops in a Teaspoon of the
distilled spirit, three to four times a day take away craving
for alcohol. Angelica in tincture 10 drops , three times
daily produces disgust for liquor.
Alcoholic habits =Med.---It helps in loss of memory with
alcoholic habits.
Alcoholism + crime habits =Syph.
Alcoholism =Aven.--- Tincture 10 to 20 drops preferably in
water hot for some days.
Alcoholism =Nux-v., Cann-i., Op., Sul-ac., Querc., Caps.,
Nux-v., Sulph., Avena-sat Q.
Alcoholism chronic =Sulph.---Chronic alcoholism; dropsy
and other ailments of drunkards; “they reform”, but are
continually relapsing (Psor., Tub).
Alcoholism =Sul-ac.---In order to overcome craving for
alcoholic drinks make a mixture of Sul-ac one part and
three parts of alcohol.10 to 15 drops three times a day for
one month
Alimentary disorder = Dios. 6, 30, 200.--- When a patient
suffer from alimentary disorder and obtain relief from
bending backward, this is the first remedy to be thought of
Dios 6.
Alive sensation =Croc.---The sensation as if something
alive were moving in the stomach, abdomen, uterus, arms
or other parts of body (Sabad., Thuj., Sulph). This medicine
has been given to pregnant women who have complained of
violent foetal movements (Sil., Thuj., Sulph).
35… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

All complaints =Op.---All complaints; with great sopor;

painless, complains of nothing; wants nothing.
All excretions =Psor.---All excretions-diarrhoea,
leucorrhoea, menses, perspirations-have a carrion like
All gone =Puls.---All gone sensation in stomach in tea
drinkers especially.
All gone Feeling =Sep.---Painful sensation of emptiness,
“all gone feeling”, in the epigastrium relieved by eating
(Chel., Murex., Phos)
All varieties of neurasthenia =Gaert.
Allergic rhinitis =Nicc.---Allergic rhinitis with acute pain at
the root of nose < periodically every 2 weeks, yearly. This
medicine is very useful these days because of increased
nickel poisoning of atmosphere.
Allergic rhinitis =Skookum-chuck-aqua.---When allergic
rhinitis is associated with allergic dermatitis.
Allergies =Kali-m.---Prevents allergies.
Allergies =Puls.--- Often indicated in allergies, as hay
fever, asthma, eczema.
Allergies due to damp.---Dulc.---Allergies due to damp
weather, people working in ice factory.
Allergy agg. by demolition =Sec.---Allergy aggravated by
demolition or house, construction work.
Allergy air passages =Ars.---Air passages constricted due to
Allergy coryza =Ars.---Burning coryza, improved by heat,
worsened outside.
Allergy new house =Caust.---Allergy from newly
constructed house.
Allergy nose & eyes =All-c., Euphr.---Allergy, irritated
running nose, watering eyes, swollen eyelids sneezing
improved outside, worsened by heat.
Allergy to cosmetics =Bov.
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Allergy to leather articles =Carb-an.

Allergy traffic =Ter.---Allergy from traffic, smoke, from
newly painted smell, dyspnea from profuse expectoration.
Alone desires to be left =Caps.---Desires to be left alone;
wants to lie down and sleep. Home sickness (of the
indolent, melancholic), with red cheeks and sleeplessness.
Alone fears =Hyos.---Fears; being alone; poison; bitten;
being sold; to eat or drink; to take what is offered;
suspicious, of some plot.
Alone fears =Lac-c.---Fears to be alone (Kali-c); of dying
(Ars); of becoming insane (Lil); of falling down stairs (Bor).
Alone fears =Lil-t.---Fears; being alone, insanity, heart
disease; fears she is incurable; some impending calamity or
Alone great aversion =Kali-c.---Great aversion to being
alone (Ars., Bism., Lyc-desires to be alone, Ign., Nux-v).
Alopecia =Lyc. Ph-ac., Wies., Nat-m., Phos.
Alopecia =Ust.---Alopecia-not even single hair on head,
falling of nails.
Alopecia=Fl-ac., Pix.
Alternate diarrhoea =Ant-c.--- Alternate diarrhoea &
constipation of old age.
Alternating =Mez.--- Eruption, alternating, indisposition.
Alternation =Colch.--- Nausea, aversion, alternation.
Alternation =Croc.--- Affection, sensation, alternation.
Altitude =Coca., Calc., Carb-v., Sil.
Always better when occupied =Helon.---Always better
when occupied, when not thinking of the ailment (Calc-p.,
Always in a hurry =Nat-p.
Alzheimer’s disease =Hyos., Alum., Agn., Anac., Arg-n.,
Ars., Bar-c., Con., Crot-h., Helon., Lyc., Kali-br., Phos.
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Amaurosis =Both-a.---Amaurosis blindness from

hemorrhage into retina day blindness.
Amblyopia =Benz-d.---Macular degenration amblyopia
colour blindness retinitis-field. of vision contracted.
Amblyopia =Ter.--- Amblyopia from alcohol.
Amebic dysentry = Nux-v., Ferr-p., Merc-s., Coloc., Ip.,
Colch., Rhus-t., Gels., Arg., Cadm-s., China., Bapt.
Amel. 4 to 6 a.m. =Cham.
Amel. after sleep =Phos.
Amel. after sleep, after short sleep =Ph-ac.
Amel. being carried =Cham.
Amel. belching =Ant-t., Carb-v.
Amel. bending double =Coloc., Verat.
Amel. bending double =Mag-p.
Amel. bending forward =Gels.
Amel. bending head back =Bell.
Amel. bending head back =Hyper.
Amel. binding, head =Arg-n., Mag-m., Puls., Sil.
Amel. by covering =Bell., Nux-v.
Amel. by excretions, after expectoration =Ant-c.
Amel. by excretions, after passing stool =Nux-v.
Amel. by excretions, after passing urine [profuse watery]
Amel. by excretions, by sweating =Nat-m., Psor., Ars.
Amel. by excretions, restoration of discharges, seminal
emission =Zinc.
Amel. by excretions, restoration of discharges, suppressed
or delayed menstrual flows =Lach.
Amel. by excretions, while loose motion =Abrot.
Amel. by keeping doors and windows open =Sulph.
Amel. by loosening the clothes, around throat, chest,
abdomen etc =Lach., Sec.
Amel. by loosening the clothes, specially around abdomen
38… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Amel. by lying, quietly =Bry., Cocc., Spig.

Amel. by lying, with arms closed to the body =Psor.
Amel. by sitting, sitting perpendicular =Bell.
Amel. by sitting, standing being most uncomfortable
Amel. by sitting, with legs crossed =Sep.
Amel. by uncovering, kicks off the clothes =Acon.
Amel. by uncovering, putting the feet uncovered =Led.
Amel. by walking, around =Ferr.
Amel. by walking, in cold air =Iod.
Amel. by walking, in open air =Puls.
Amel. carried on being =Cham.
Amel. carried on being fast motion =Ars., Brom.
Amel. carried on being, slow motion =Puls., Ferr.
Amel. cold =Arg-n., Aur., Aloe., Apis., Bry., Cepa., Iod.,
Lyc., Lach., Kali-s., Puls., Led., Phos., Sec., Sulph.---
Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Amel. cold =Bry., Carb-v.
Amel. cold application =Cham., Led., Apis., Puls.
Amel. cold application, also cold food and drinks =Puls.
Amel. cold application, also cold room and air =Apis.
Amel. cold application, by putting feet, in cold water
Amel. cold application, by putting feet, out of bed =Sulph.
Amel. cold food and drinks, though not thirsty =Puls.
Amel. cold food or drink =Phos.
Amel. cold room =All-c.
Amel. cold, open room =Ant-t.
Amel. cold, sitting up =Ant-t.
Amel. constipation =Calc.
Amel. continued motion =Gels.
Amel. covering =Bell., Sil., Hep., Nux-v.
Amel. diarrhoea =Abrot., Nat-s., Zinc.
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Amel. dry, warm weather =Sulph.

Amel. eating & drinking, by drinking, cold drinks =Puls.
Amel. eating & drinking, by drinking, cold water =Caust.
Amel. eating & drinking, by drinking, hot drinks =Ars.
Amel. eating & drinking, by drinking, warm water or food
Amel. eating & drinking, by eating, all complaints better
after dinner =Chel.
Amel. eating & drinking, by eating, feels relieved after
eating =Iod.
Amel. eating & drinking, by eating, gastralgia better =Petr.
Amel. eating & drinking, by eating, pain in stomach
relieved =Anac.
Amel. eating =Anac., Chel., Iod., Petr., Phos., Nat-m.,
Cupr., Caust., Lyc.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Amel. eating =Hep.
Amel. eructation =Carb-v., Graph.
Amel. fanning =Carb-v.
Amel. firm pressure =Bry.
Amel. flatus =Carb-v., Lyc., Nat-s., Nux-v.
Amel. from motion, by continued motion but aggravated
while beginning to move =Rhus-t.
Amel. from motion, rising from a seat =Dulc.
Amel. from motion, specially in pain in the wrist =Ruta.
Amel. from quiet =Spig.
Amel. gentle massage =Canth.
Amel. gentle pressure =Mag-p.
Amel. hanging leg up to knee =Con.
Amel. hard pressure =Ign.
Amel. head elevated =Ars.
Amel. hot drinks =Ars.
Amel. increased urination =Gels.
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Amel. lying =Bry.---Amelioration –lying especially on

painful side (Ptel., Puls), pressure; rest; cold eating, cold
Amel. lying =Bry., Mang., Podo., Bell., Cina., Bry., Am-
c., Nat-m.
Amel. lying down =Arn.
Amel. lying on painful side, because it prevents motion
=Bry., Ign.
Amel. lying on right side =Sulph.
Amel. lying with head low.
Amel. menses =Lac-c., Lach., Zinc.
Amel. mental, pains disappear when thinks of them
=Camph., Ox-ac.
Amel. mental, when mind off herself =Helon.
Amel. motion =Apis., Puls.
Amel. motion =Ars., Brom.----Fast motion.
Amel. motion =Kali-i., Kali-s., Puls., Mag-c.---In open air.
Amel. motion =Puls., Ferr.---Slowly walking in cold air.
Amel. motion =Rhus-t.---In warm air.
Amel. on level walking =Cann-s.
Amel. open air =Acon., All-c., Apis., Gels., Phos., Puls.
Amel. perspiration =Bry., Cupr.
Amel. physical, arms bringing close to the body =Psor.
Amel. physical, drawing up limbs =Thuj.
Amel. physical, riding in carriages =Nit-ac.
Amel. pressure =Bry., Chin., Coloc., Ign., Lac-d., Mag-m.,
Puls., Mag-p.---Most Important Medicines.
Amel. pressure, by lying on hard floor backache =Rhus-t.
Amel. pressure, by lying on, painful side =Bry., Ign.
Amel. pressure, direct, hard pressure, wants to lie on
painful side =Bry.
Amel. pressure, direct, hard pressure, while lightest touch
increases the pain =Chin.
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Amel. pressure, direct, pressing something hard against the

abdomen. bending double, also relieved by heat =Mag-p.
Amel. pressure, direct, pressing something hard against the
abdomen. bending double, not relieved by heat =Coloc.
Amel. rest =Bell., Bry., Colch., Chel., Lac-d.
Amel. rest =Bry.
Amel. riding in a carriage =Nit-ac.
Amel. rubbing =Phos., Sil.
Amel. sleep =Nux-v.
Amel. sleep =Phos.
Amel. spitting =Ant-t.
Amel. standing or sitting erect =Bell.
Amel. stimulants =Gels.
Amel. summer =Calc-p.
Amel. swallowing =Ign.
Amel. touch =Cham.
Amel. uncovering =Apis.
Amel. uncovering =Camph., Sec.
Amel. urine, flow, of, relieves =Gels., Ign., Ph-ac., Sil.,
Amel. walking =Ign., Verat.
Amel. warm application, by hot application, burning nature
Amel. warm application, by hot application, pains. not of
burning nature =Mag-p.
Amel. warm application, by wrapping up, the head.
supplying artificial warmth =Sil.
Amel. warm application, by wrapping up, warm clothes,
wearing fur cap, even in summer =Psor.
Amel. warm application, warm foods and room =Nux-v.
Amel. warm application, warm in general =Rhus-t., Dulc.
Amel. warm, dry weather =Calc-p.
Amel. warm, wet weather =Cham.
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Amel. warmth =Ars., Bell., Calc., Ferr., Hep., Mag-p.,

Lyc., Sabad., Kali-c., Nux-v., Phos., Psor., Rumex.,
Rhus-t---Most Important Remedies.
Amel. warmth =Ars., Hep., Ign., Mag-p., Verat.
Amel. weather damp =Hep., Nux-v.
Amel. weather dry =Caust., Rhus-t.
Amel. weather, cold =Apis.
Amel. weather, cold, cool open air =Sep., Sabin., Kali-s.
Amel. weather, dry, dry air =Spig.
Amel. weather, dry, dry air and weather =Rhus-t.
Amel. weather, dry, dry weather =Dulc.
Amel. weather, dry, dry weather, also in room =Nux-m.
Amel. weather, hot, during summer =Petr.
Amel. weather, while moving, in cold air =Iod.
Amel. weather, while moving, slowly in open air =Puls.
Amel. wet weather =Hep.
Amel. with head low =Arn.
Amel. wrapping head up =Hep.
Amel. wrapping head warmly =Chin., Hep., Bell., Mag-m.,
Nux-v., Sil.
Amelioration =Med---Ameliration at sea-side. amelioration
in the mountains.
Amelioration by uncovering abdomen =Tab---A keynote
symptom of much importance in many abdominal cases is
amelioration by uncovering abdomen.
Amenorrhea =Puls., Calc., Caul., Ferr-m., Led., Sep.,
Graph., Nat-m.
Amenorrhea with leucorrhoea =Xan---Is a strong indication
for Xan. Dr. Cullis.
Amenorrhoea =Apoc.---Amenorrhoea in young girls with
bloating or dropsical conditions of abdomen and
extremities – dropsy with thirst. (Acetic-ac).
Amenorrhoea =Euphr.---Amenorrhoea, with catarrhal
symptoms of eyes and nose. Profuse acrid lachrimation.
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Menses, painful, regular, now lasting only one hour : or

late, scanty, short, lasting only one day (Bar-c).
Amoebiasis =Canth.---Stool passage of white or pale, red,
tough mucous, like scrapings from the intestines, with
streaks of blood (Carb-an., Colch.)
Amoebiasis =Nux-v., Ambelica Q.---In case of amoebiasis,
2 or 3 times a day after meals.
Amyotrophic muscular atrophy =Plb., Arg-n, Ars., Lach.,
Anaemia & impaired nutrition =Galeg---In case of anaemia
and impaired nutrition and to increase the quantity and
quility of milk nursing in women.
Anaemia =Alet.---Anaemic relaxed condition especially of
the females organism, tired all the time & suffers from
prolapse, leucorrhea & rectal distress habitual tendency to
abortion uterine tonic.
Anaemia =Calc-ph., Chin., Ferr-m., Lecithin., Ferr-cit.,
Nat-m., Phos., Nux-v.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Anaemia =Ferr-acet.--- Is a specific for anaemia, for
Stubborn anaemia and debility of children or take Ferr-p3x
regularly till improvement shows itself.
Anaemia =Ferr-p.---A valuable remedy in anaemia.
Anaemia =Irid.---In many cases of anaemia Irid is
considered to be admirable and even better than Chin. For
the aged and persons exhausted by disease, for puny, weak
limbed children and those who grow too fast.
Anaemia =Mag-acet.---Anemia with destruction of red
corpuscles. Jaundice nephritis with albuminuria. Fatty
Degeneration of Liver.
Anaemia =Rubia -tincture.---In ten drop doses of the
mother tincture it has been found to be an excellent
remedy in anaemia and under-nourished conditions
especially in spleenic anaemia.
Anaemia debility =Calc-p.--- Debility with Anaemia,
sweaty scalp.
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Anaemia pernicious =Pic-ac., Ars., T.N.T.---Progressive

pernicious anaemia neurasthenia with burning along the
Anaemia, blood regeneration of=Sulphanilamide.
Anaemic =Acet-ac.---Anaemic with dropsical affections.
Anaemic =Ars-s-f.--- Anxious, anaemic, sluggish.
Anaemic =Calc-p.---Anaemic, due to malnutrition.
Anaemic =Ferr.---Anaemic, congestion and heamorrages
Anaemic =Ferr-i.--- Pale, earthy, anaemic.
Anaemic =Lac-v-d.--- Cold, anaemic, weak.
Anaemic =Lac-v-def, Nat-ar.---Anaemic, with dropsical
Anaemic =Nat-ar.--- Angry, anaemic, weak.
Anaemic =Nat-m.---Anaemic, due to defective nutrition.
Anaemic =Nat-p.--- Sour, acidic, anaemic.
Anaemic, burning in face, without redness =Sulph.
Anaemic, cold like dead =Laur.
Anaemic, dry thin and tired =Alum.
Anaemic, gradual shrinking of muscles =Carbn-s.
Anaemic, pale but flushed easily =Ferr-p.
Anaemic, strained easily =Calc-sil.
Anaemic, trembling & twitching =Calc-i.
Anaemic, very cold & bloodless =Lac-v-def.
Anaemic, weak flabby women =Am-c.
Anaemic, with bursting headache =Nat-m.
Anaemic, with great paleness of mucous membranes
Anaemic, with oedema, In lower lids =Apis.
Anaemic, with oedema, In upper lids =Kali-c.
Anaemic, with oedema, whole face =Phos.
Anaemic, with open fontanels =Calc-p.
Anaemic, with sallow face =Chin.
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Anaemic, worn out with hard work =Helon.

Anaesthesia =Plb---Hyperaesthesia with loss of power and
also emaciation of suffering parts. Dr. Nash. But Dr. Kent
says there is hyperaesthesia in acute affections but in the
chronic loss of sensation and ability to feel anaesthesia of
the skin.
Anaesthesia of entire body =Kali-br.---For general failure
of mental powers.
Anasarca =Acet-ac., Alco., Ars., Cham., Dig., Plb., Urea.
Anasarca=Oxyd., Elat., Liat.
Anchylosis =Acon., Ant-s., Arn., Ars., Ba-sv., Bell., Bor.,
Bry., Crot-h., Fl-ac., Kali-c., Merc., Rhus-t., Ruta., Sil.,
Sulph.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Anemia = Nat-m., Puls., Lyc., Calc-p., Ferr., Chin.,
Alum., Helon., Calc., Kali-C.
Anemic =Sil.---Anaemic, due to defective assimilation.
Aneurism=Bar-c., Lyc.
Anger =Bell.---Violent delirium disposition to bite, spit,
strike and tear things, breaks into fits of laughter and
gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike the attendants
(Stram; tries to escape. (Hell).
Anger & indignation affections from =Coloc.---Affections
from anger, with indignation-colic (Cham., Staph),
vomiting, diarrhoea and suppression of menses.
Anger = Staph.--- Chronic effect of grief/anger.
Anger =Cham.---Child exceedingly irritable, fretful quiet
only when carried, impatient, wants this or that and
becomes angry when refused or when offered petulantly
rejects it (Bry., Cina., Kreos). Too ugly to live cross
Anger =Hyos.---Persons who are irritable nervous
Anger =Ign.---Sight, blame or opposition inflames his
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Anger =Lac-c.---Attacks of rage cursing and swearing at

slightest provocation (Nit-ac); intense ugliness hateful.
Anger =Lyc.---Irritable peevish and cross on waking ugly
kicks and screams easily angered, cannot endure opposition
or contradiction, seeks disputes is beside himself.
Anger =Nux-v.--- 30 Give in the evening one dose till it
shows results.
Anger =Nux-v.---Nux is chiefly successful with person of an
ardent character of an irritable impatient temperament,
disposed to anger, spite or deception -Hahnemann.
Anger =Stram.---Delirium is more furious, the mania more
acute though the congestion greater than Hyos is much less
than Bell., never approaching a true inflammation.
Anger bad effects of =Ign.---Bad effects of anger, grief, or
disappointed love (Calc-p., Hyos.); broods in solitude over
imaginary trouble.
Anger complaints from =Cham.---Complaints from anger,
especially chill and fever.
Anger violent =Coloc.---Persons who are haughty and
easily offended or chagrined have Coloc Complaints. Anger
will be followed by violent neuralgia in the head, eyes,
down the spine and in the intestines will have, > motions, >
pressure, > heat.
Anger, ailments from =Cham., Nux-v., Staph., Acon.,
Coloc., Ign.
Anger, bad effects =Nat-m.---For the bad effects : of
anger (caused by offence); acid food, bread, quinine,
excessive use of salts; of cauterization of all kind with the
silver nitrate; of grief, fright, vexation, mortification or
reserved displeasure (Staph).
Angina =Spong.---Angina pectoris; contracting pain, heat
faintness suffocation, anxiety and sweat; <after midnight.
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Angina pectoris = Acon., Puls., Bry-a., Rhus-t., Ars.,

Cact-g., Gels., Dig., Carb-v., Verat-a.
Angina pectoris =Cact-g., Acon., Crat., Apoc., Dig.,
Glon., Latrodect., Bry., Haematox., Oxalic-ac., Spig.
Angina pectoris =Canth., Bell., Merc-c.---Homeopathy
knows no specific remedy except the special remedy for
the individual yet our Dr. Hahnemann tells us some
remedies so exactly reproduce a disease condition as to
become specific such are in cystitis or scarlet fever. In
dysentery action of disease and remedy must match.
Angina pectoris =Tarent.
Angina pectoris after suppressed piles =Nux-v
Angina pectoris= Lactrodectus 12x.---Always keep in hand
as a preventive to the disease.
Anginal pain =Crat., Cact., Spig., Amyl-nit.
Angioma =Abort., Lyc., Sulph.
Angry =ACON., ARS., BRY., CHAM., HEP., IGN., NUX-V.,
SULPH.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Angry =Nat-ar.--- Angry, anaemic, weak.
Angry when touched =Tarent.
Anguish =Bism.---Anguish; he sits, then walks, then lies,
never long in one place.
Anidrosis =Nat-c., Phos., Plb., Kali-i.
Ankle =Carb-an.---Ankles turn when walking. Joints weak
easily sprained by slight exertion (Led). Easily strained
from lifting even small weight. straining and overlifting
easily produces great debility.
Ankle =Nat-c.---Easy dislocation and spraining of ankle
(Led.) so weak that it gives way foot bends under. (Carb-
an., Nat-m.)
Ankles & feet =Led.---Easy spraining of ankles and
Ankles =Carb-an.---Ankles turn when walking. Joints week;
easily sprained by slight exertion (Led.). Easily strained
48… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

from lifting, even small weights; straining and overlifting

easily produces great debility.
Ankles =Led.---Easy spraining of ankles and feet. (Carb-
Ankles =Nat-c.---Easy dislocation and spraining of ankles
(Led) so weak that it gives way, foot bends, under (Carb-
an., Nat-m).
Ankles sprains =Ruta-g.--- Helps in sprains of knees,
wrists, ankles.
Ankles-swelling =Apis., Stront-c., Led.
Anklosing spondylitis =Aesc., Kalm., Arg., Con., Nat-m.,
Annually complaints return (Carb-v., Lach., Sulph) =Ars.
Anorexia =Nux-v. 30, 200, 1M.---When there is gastro
intestinal problem, anorexia, inffectual desire for stool and
irritability & nervousness & alcoholism symptoms + Liver
Tests – Bilrubin Count – Abnormal.
Anorexia. =Iod., Nux-v., Hydr., Chin.--- for anorexia.
Anthrax =Anthr., Echi., Ars., Lach., Sil., Ars.
Anti flu, influenzeal =Influ 30.
Anti-abortive =Vib.---Mother tincture is a specific as an
Anticipates =Med.---Anticipates death, always anticipating
feels matters most sensitively before they occur and
generally correctly.
Anticipation =Gels.---The anticipation of any unusual
ordeal, preparing for temple, theatre, or to meet and
engagement, bring on diarrhoea; stage fright, nervous
dread of appearing in public (Arg-n).
Anticipation/anxiety =Gels., Arg-nit.--- For
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Antidote snake poison =Euph-po.---Is an antidote to snake

poison. Its use also renders the body immune to the
influnce of the snake vemon, and thus is a prophylactic.
Antipain =Acon., Cham., Mag-phos., Bell., Coff.
Anti-psoric =Echi.---It is a first class anti-psoric remedy.
Antrum of highmore =Phos., Mag-c., Merc-c., Chel.,
Antrum=Hep., Nit-ac., Kali-bi., Euph., Amyg.
Anus- constriction, as if from a splinter =Nit-ac.
Anus- constriction, causing anxiety & red face =Caust.
Anus- constriction, during colic =Plb., Op.
Anus- constriction, faeces causing tearing pain =Nat-m.
Anus- constriction, spasmodic =Bell.
Anus- constriction, with cutting pains =Ign.
Anus- constriction, with protruded piles =Lach., Mez.
Anus- constriction, with sensation of plug =Anac., Kali-bi.
Anus- constriction, with tenesmus =Cocc.
Anus- excoriation, burning =Ars.
Anus- excoriation, fissure in ani, worse by wiping =Graph.
Anus- excoriation, prolapsus ani =Merc.
Anus- excoriation, smarting =Puls.
Anus- excoriation, tingling =Chin.
Anus- excoriation, ulcerating =Cham.
Anus- excoriation, worse by stool =Sulph.
Anus- fissure / eruption, cracked, worse after stool =Nit-
ac., Rat.
Anus- fissure / eruption, dry, cracked & bleeding =Nat-m.
Anus- fissure / eruption, eczematous worse after wiping
Anus- fissure / eruption, mucous piles =Ant-c.
Anus- fissure / eruption, oozing of moisture =Carb-v., Sil.
Anus- fissure / eruption, surrounded with condylomata
Anus- worms, child feverish, cannot sleep =Acon.
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Anus- worms, child starts & screams. hacking cough =Ter.

Anus- worms, convulsion from worms =Cupr., Indigo.
Anus- worms, nausea & vomiting with colic =Sabin.
Anus- worms, pale face, and blue ring around eyes, (round
worm), canine hunger, grinding of teeth =Cina.
Anus- worms, pale face, and blue ring around eyes, thread
worm, nauseated colic about navel =Spig.
Anus- worms, pale face, and blue ring around eyes, thread
worms, sweet taste, colic, better by pressure =Stann.
Anus- worms, troublesome itching and tingling in anus
Anus =Mur-ac.---Mouth and anus are chiefly affected.
Tongue and sphincter ani are paralysed. If the anus be very
sensitive either with or without haemorrhoids anus sore
during menses.
Anus ailments =Ant-c., Caust., Graph., Ign., Nat-m., Nit-
ac., Nux-v.---Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Anus fissured =Thuj.---Anus fissured, painful to touch,
surrounded with flat warts or most mucus condylomata.
Anus itching, burning, crawing =Sulph., Rat., Ign.
Anus itching, due to worms =Sulph., Teucr., Spig.
Anus red =Sulph.--- Red orifices; lips, eyelids, anus.
Anxiety =Acon.--- Anxiety and restlessness with any
Anxiety =Acon., Arg-n., Gels., Ign., Nat-m.
Anxiety =Alum.---Mood is changeable, always anxious.
Anxiety =Anac.---Anxiety when walking as if some one
were pursuing him; suspects everything around him.
Anxiety =Ars.---Anxiety, deathly.
Anxiety =Ars-s.---Anxiety, physical and anaemic.
Anxiety =Bor.---Awkward and clumsiness.
Anxiety =Cocc.---Hysteria and other nervous troubles
arising from over anxiety , night watching and consequent
loss of sleep.
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Anxiety =Dig.---Great anxiety, is dread of future.

Anxiety =Graph.---Anxiety with fear. Anxiety during
sedentary work. Restlessness while sitting at work.
Anxiety =Lyc.---Anxiety with sadness and disposition to
Anxiety =Merc.---Anxiety and uneasiness especially in the
evening and at night weakness of memory unable to
recollect things, confusion of intellect comprehension
Anxiety =Stram.---Is a preventive against great anxiety
when the train is passing through a tunnel.
Anxiety =Sulph.---Fits of anxiety.
Anxiety and pain =Aeth.---Pain extending to the angle of
mouth giving the face and expression of great anxiety and
Anxiety before examination =Arg-n., Gels.---Is a
preventive for anxiety before examination and public
Anxiety great =Bor.---Great anxiety from downward
motion; when laying the child down on a couch or in the
crib, cries and clings to the nurse; when rocking, dancing,
swinging going down stairs, or rapidly downhill; horseback
riding (compare, Sanic).
Anxiety great =Nit-ac.---Great anxiety about his disease;
constantly thinking about his past troubles; morbid fear of
cholera (Ars); depressed and anxious in the evening.
Anxiety great downward motion =Bor.---Dread of
downward motion in nearly all complaints. Great anxiety
from downward motion; when laying the child down on a
couch or in the crib, cries and clings to the nurse; when
rocking, dancing, swinging; going down stairs, or rapidly
down hill; horseback riding. (Compare Sanic).
Anxiety with Fear =Hep
Anxious =ACON., ARS., VERAT., Ant-t., Apis., Carb-v.,
Nux-v., Spong., Sulph.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
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Anxious =Ant-t.---Anxious-lachrymose mood, the slightest

thing affects her (Puls.); abject despair-suicide by
Anxious =Ars.--- Anxious, restless, fearful, irritable.
Anxious =Ars-i.--- Anxious, burning, pulsating.
Anxious =Ars-s-f.--- Anxious, anaemic, sluggish.
Anxious =Aur-iod.--- Anxious, congestive, dropsical.
Anxious =Cocc.---Very sensitive mood, everything annoys
her. Always anxious as if she has committed a severe
Anxious =Nat-c.---Anxious and restless during electric and
thunder storms (Phos).
Anxious =Phos.--- Anxious, fearful, weak.
Anxious =Psor.---Anxious, full of fear, evil forebodings,
melanchol, sad, suicidal thoughts.
Anxious =Sulph-i.--- Anxious, hot, hurried.
Anxious fear of death =Ars.---Anxious fear of death; thinks
it is useless to take medicine, is incurable, is surely going
to die; dread of death, when alone, going to bed. Attacks
of anxiety at night driving him out of bed, <after midnight.
Anxious with fear =Psor.---anxious, full of fear; evil
forebodings. Religious melancholy; very depressed, sad
suicidal thoughts; despairs of salvation (Meli); of recovery.
Despondent : fears he will die; that he will fail in business;
during climaxis; making his own life and that of those about
him intolerable.
Aorta =Ran-s., Adren., Ant-ar., Ars-i., Bar-c., Bar-m.,
Apathetic =Ph-ac.---Is listless, apathetic; indifference to
the affairs of life; prostrated and stupefied with grief, to
things that used to be of most interest.
Apathetic =Phos.---apathetic; unwilling to talk; answers
slowly; moves sluggishly (Ph-ac).
53… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Aphasia =Anac., Kali-br., Lyc., Stram., Gels., Both.

Aphonia =Am-c Caust.--- Aphonia.
Aphonia =Ip.---Give 6 or 30 in half an hour repetition
restores the normal vocal function at the end of 4-5 hours.
Aphonia =Sel.---Aphonia after long use of voice husky when
beginning to sing obliged to clear the throat frequently of a
transparent starchy mucus (Arg-m., Stann). Tubercular
Aphonia=Alumn., Arg-m., Nit- ac., Caust., Ox-ac.,
Spong., Aur.
Aphthae (Mouth ulcers of stomatitis) =Bor., Merc., Nit-ac.
Aphthae remedies in general =Aeth., Borax., Merc., Nit-
ac., Kali-m., Hydrin-m.
Aphthous =Bor.--- Aphthous, sore, ulcerative.
Aphthous lesions =Bor.--- Aphthous lesions.
Apoplectic conditions =Op., Arn., Bell., Laur.
Apoplexy =Nux-v., Op., Phos., Arn., Bell.
Apoplexy =Plb.---Apoplexy, stupor, when Op. is
sufficiently similar to remove the cerebral congestion
which always surrounds the apoplectic clot. Plb. may
follow. Plb., Phos., and Alum. are three sheet anchors,
They conform to the symptoms often when the first state
has been like Op. the paralysis of the muscles, the
paralytic weakness of one side of the body or single parts
of the body, show its relation to such cases.
Apoplexy congestive =Verat-v.---Congestive apoplexy, hot
head, bloodshot eyes, thick, speech, slow full pulse, hard
as iron.
Apoplexy threatened =Lith-br, Laur mother tincture, Ign
Appendicitis =Cadm-i., Psor.--- Capable of preventing in
Appendicitis =Dios.--- Like Lach takes away the pains of
54… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Appendicitis =Psor, 200 or 1m. a preventive against

repeated attacks and the most specific of all the
Appendicitis=Echi., Bell., Lach., Iris-t.
Appetiser =Calc-p., Iod.
Appetite =Alum.---Abnormal appetite craving for starch,
chalk, charcoal, cloves, coffee or tea-grounds, acids and
indigestible things (Cic., Psor). Potatoes disagree.
Appetite =Cic.---Abnormal appetite for chalk and
indigestible things; for coal or charcoal; child eats them
and relish (Alum., Psor).
Appetite =Iod.---Absence of appetite. In a half cup of
water half an hour before meals time.
Appetite =Sec-cor.---Unnatural ravenous appetite even
with exhausting diarrhoea craves acids, lemonade.
Appetite diminished =Alf tincture.---5-10 drops several
times daily.
Appetite diminished =Aur-ar.---Increases appetite.
Appetite for various Things =Rheum.---Appetite for
various things, but cannot eat them, they become
Appetite tendency =Abies-c.---Great appetite and
tendency to overeat gnawing hungry, faint feeling in the
upper part of the stomach.
Appetite, hungry, better by eating but soon hungry again
Appetite, hungry, feels better after eating =Iod.
Appetite, hungry, must get up in night to eat =Tub.
Appetite, hungry, Worse after eating =Nat-m.
Appetite, hungry, worse after eating, constant hunger &
thirst =Ther.
Appetite, hungry, worse after eating, voracious with
nausea =Valer.
Appetite, hungry, worse after eating, without relish of
food =Chin-ar.
55… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Appetite, increased or changed =Cina., Calc-c., Chin.

Appetite, loss of =Chin., Nux-v., Ferr-m.
Appetite, loss of appetite, alternately with canine hunger,
in anaemia =Ferr.
Appetite, loss of appetite, alternately with canine hunger,
In worm troubles =Cina.
Appetite, loss of appetite, eats less drinks much =Sulph.
Appetite, loss of appetite, foods just eaten =Calc-p.
Appetite, loss of appetite, sense of satiety, after a few
mouthfuls =Lyc.
Apprehension =Arg-n.---Apprehension when ready for
function or temple, diarrhoea sets in (Gels).
Apthae =Borax., Alumn.---Apthous sore mouth; is worse
from touch, eating salty or sour food; of old people, often
from plate of teeth. Salivation especially during dentition.
Apthae chewing gum from =Merc.
Apthae children =Bor., Merc., Sul-ac.
Apthae eyes affections with =Brom.
Apthae mouth =Merc., Thuj., Ars., Bapt., Bor., Sulph.,
Sul-ac., Alumn., Brom.
Arms & fingers =Aur-m.--- Tearing pain & stiffness of
shoulders, arms & fingers.
Arms =BRY., PULS., Ars., Calc-p., Cham., Gels., Aur-m.,
Hep., Led., Mag-p., Nux-v., Phos., Sulph., Verat.---
Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Arrhythemia =Apoc.---Arrhythemia. Mitral and tricuspid
regurgitation alcoholism. Ars., Lach.
Arterial tension lowered =Gels.
Arterial tension raised =Verat-v., Visc.
Arterio sclerosis =Arn., Aur., Aur-m., Bry., Crat., Ergot.,
Nux-v., Plb., Stroph., Stront-c., Amon-i., Plb., Polyga.,
Bar-c., Glon 2x., Card-m., Sumb.
Arthritic =Apis., Benz-ac., Calc., Calc-f., Caul., Graph.,
Led., Lith-c., Lyc.
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Arthritic =Colch.---Arthritic pains in joints, patient

screams with pain on touching a joint or stubbing a toe.
(Compare: Bry. In rheumatic gout with serous effusions in
rheumatism in warm weather).
Arthritic =Sang.---In rheumatoid arthritic cases, there are
certain drugs which are known to be particularly effective
for specific joints.
Arthritic =Staph.---Arthritic nodosities of joints especially
of the finger joints (Caul., Colch., Lyc.) inflammation of
phalanges with sweating and suppuration.
Arthritic nodosities =Staph.---Arthritic nodosities of joints
especially of the fingers (Caul., Colch., Lyc.) inflammation
of phalanges with sweating and suppuration.
Arthritis =Actea-spicata., Caul.--- Two most frequently
used drugs. these are given in five drop doses put directly
under the tongue once or twice a day. The indications are
early stiffness of the fingers before any true arthritis or
deformity sets in.
Arthritis =Bry., Berb., Colch., Led., Pisc., Primula.,
Hyper., Phyt., Rhus-t., Act-sp., Caul., Rad-br., Ant-c.,
Arthritis =Rad-br.--- Its symptoms are :Severe aching pains
all over with restlessness, better moving about. Chronic
rheumatic arthritis. Describing the symptoms of arthritis
covered by Rad-br. Severe pain in all the limbs, joints,
especially knees and ankles, sharp pains in shoulders arms,
hands and fingers, legs, arms and neck feel hard and brittle
as though they would break in the morning. Cracking in
shoulders, pain in toes, calves, hip-joints. Aching pains
worse at night.
Arthritis =Rhus-t.--- For Rheumatic pains.
Arthritis =Sabin.---Chronic ailments of women, arthritis
pains tendency to miscarriages, especially at 3rd month.
Arthritis rheumatoid =Ant-c.---Almost a specific in
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artist, painter, lead worker, =Alum.

Ascarides =Abrot., Sabad., Cina., Spig.
Ascites = Acet-a., Ars., Lyc., Hell., Nat-m., Nat-s., Apis.,
Apoc., Dig.
Ascites =Apis 1x or 6th potency.
Asphyxia =Laur.---when the child is born, has no
mechanical obstruction but does not breathe, goes blue,
give a dose.
Assimilating power lacking =Sil 30, 200, 1m.
Asthenopia = Ruta 6.--- Useful for weakness and strain of
eyes from sewing or reading fine print.
Asthenopia=Nat-m., Ruta., Croc., Seneg.
Asthma =Ars., Aralia., Bell., Eriodictyon., Nat-s.,
Verat., Senega., Kali-m., Lobelia, Ip., Eucal., Adern.
Asthma = Euph-pi.---Mother Tincture cures all cases with
some emphysema, teasing cough in wheezing respiration all
day, the expectoration mucopurulent, frothy and ropy.
Asthma =Am-c.---Worse at 3 A.M.
Asthma =Ars.---Midnight aggravation; sits up, anxious,
restless, prostrated.
Asthma =Blatta. Q---It is a kind specific drug for all kinds
of asthma.
Asthma =Bry.---Wants deep breath which hurts,
aggravation from motion, warmth.
Asthma =Calad., Sulph.---Asthma and skin eruption
alternated first Calad., and then Sulph.
Asthma =Caladium.--Asthma alternating with skin
Asthma =Cann-s.---Asthma with bladder troubles &
palpitation, better by standing.
Asthma =Dulc & Nat-s.---In wet cold after warm weather,
rattling of mucus.
Asthma =Eriodictyon.
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Asthma =Graph.---Alternation of skin manifestation and

Asthma =Hep.---In asthma there is this difference which is
very valuable. Is worse in dry cold weather and better in
damp. (Nat-s.) Exactly opposite of this Hep is extremely
sensitive to damp.
Asthma =Hyper.---Worse by foggy weather.
Asthma =Ip.---Gets rigid and blue. Threatended suffocation
from mucus.
Asthma =Kali-bi.--- for asthma that follows coitus.
Asthma =Kali-c.---Sailors suffer from asthma on shore-
(Brom.) Asthma, relieved when sitting up or bending
forward or by rocking; worse from 2 to 4 A.M. Thirsty but
does not want to take water.
Asthma =Lach and Sulph.---For asthma during sleep.
Asthma =Med.---Asthma choking caused by weakness or
spasms of epiglottis larynx stopped so that no air could
enter only > by lying on face and protruding tongue.
Soreness of larynx as if ulcerated. Dyspnoea and sense of
constriction can inhale with ease but no power to exhale
(Samb), Cough dry incessant severe painful as if mucous
membrane was torn from larynx deep hollow like coughing
in a barrel < at night from sweets on lying down >lying on
stomach, sputa albuminous frothy small green bitter balls
viscid difficult to raise incipient consumption severe pains
in middle lobes.
Asthma =Med.---Asthma only ameliorated by lying on face
and protruding tongue.
Asthma =Merc-Bin-iod---Cases have been recorded in
which small doses of the 3x or2x have cut short an attack
of asthma if taken at bed–time, have prevented an
expected attack from developing during the night.
Asthma =Nat-s.---Humid asthma in children with every
change to wet weather with every fresh cold always worse
in damp rainy weather sputa green greenish copious
(Greenish grey-Cop.).
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Asthma =Nat-s---A very violent asthma which was always

induced by any unusual exertion, (Nat-s) Dr. Leonard.
Asthma =Nux-v., Chin., Aral., Samb., Dulc., Nat-s.,
Spong., Hep-s., Kali-c., Kali-bi., Caust., Tub., Lyc.,
Carb-v., Ars.
Asthma =Nux-v.---From disordered stomach, aggravated in
dry weather better in damp water.
Asthma =Sep.---Better by rapid motion dancing etc.
Asthma better at sea =Brom.
Asthma cardiac –Con., Iber., Ars-i.
Asthma dyspnoea =Psor.--- <in open air, sitting up (Laur);
lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart (reverse
of Ars.); despondent, thinks he will die.
Asthma in children = Calc-s 3x ., Ferr-p12x, Nat-s 3x.---
In biochemic treatment mix together and given. It can be
repeated every hour..
Asthma in children.---Nat-s 3x or 6x.---Is a constitutional
remedy for asthma in children.
Asthma miner’s =Nat-ar.---Good remedy for miner‟s
Asthma of gastric origin =Zing---Asthma of gastric origin,
attacks come in the night towards morning, patient must
sit up to breathe but despite the severity of the paroxysm
there is no anxiety.
Asthma winter =Aven-sat Q., Blatta Q ., Yerba-sant Q.
Asthma-acute cases =Chel., Am-c., Ant-t., Aralia.,
Pothos., Ars., Ip., Bry., Acon.
Asthmatic =Am-c.---The state of Dyspnoea that I have been
speaking of this time is not asthmatic dyspnoea, it is
cardiac asthma due to weak heart but this remedy also has
Asthmatic =Cham.---Asthmatic attacks induced by anger.
Asthmatic attack =Kali-c., Ars.---Asthmatic attack in
early morning.
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Asthmatic cough =Meph., Phos., Ant-t., Ars., Calad.,

Carb-v., Con., Croc., Hep., Iod.
Astigmatism (myopic) =Lil-t.
Athletes, runners etc =Rhus-t.
Atonic =Alumn.--- Weak, atonic, indurated.
Atonic =Hep.--- Sensitive, suppurative, atonic.
Atony =Berb., Calc., Calc-f., Gels., Op., Plb., Rhus-a.---
Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Atrophy progressive muscular =Plb.---Progressive
muscular atrophy, progressive paralysis chronic
constipation, chronic retention of urine, chronic giving way
of the mind.
Atrophy=Caust., Plb., Alum., Bar-c., Plb., Con., Iod.,
Kali-i.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Atrophy=Ol-j., Iod., Ars.
Auricular fibrillation=Dig., Quin.
Auto-immune=Ars., Carc., Lac-c., Lil-t.
Auto-intoxication=Skat., Indol., Sulph.
Autumn in =Colch.--- In autumn.
Aversion =Calc.---During either sickness or convalescence
great longing for eggs; craves indigestible things (Alum).
Aversion to meat.
Aversion =Colch.---Aversion to food loathing, nauses, even
the sight or still more the smell of it.
Aversion =Hyos.---Aversion to light and company.
Aversion =Nat-m.---Craving for salt (Cal-os., Caust); great
aversion to bread.
Aversion =Puls.---Aversion to liquid food. (Thirstlessness).
Aversion apple =Ant-t.
Aversion banana and plums =Bar-c.
Aversion beer =Nux-v.
Aversion bread, butter, and hot food =Nat-m.
Aversion cabbage, brandy =Carb-v.
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Aversion cheese =Arg-n.

Aversion coffee =Psor.
Aversion cold icy drinks =Ars.
Aversion cold water, garlic, onions, wine =Sabad.
Aversion eggs =Ferr.
Aversion fish, salt sugar =Graph.
Aversion fruits =Bar-c.
Aversion great =Sel.---Very great aversion to a draft of air
either warm, cold or damp.
Aversion hot milk, onions, oranges, spices, pastry =Phos.
Aversion ice cream =Rad-br.
Aversion meat & milk =Carb-v.--- Aversion to milk and
Aversion milk, honey =Nat-c.
Aversion pickles =Abies-nig.
Aversion potatoes =Alum.
Aversion sex =Raph-sat.---Aversion towards her own sex,
her children, especially girls.
Aversion soup =Rhus-t.
Aversion to cooked food =Cocc.
Aversion to covering =Camph.
Aversion to drink anything hot =Ferr-m.
Aversion to drink cold water =Stram.
Aversion to drink milk =Ign., Lac-v-d.
Aversion to food bread =Nat-m.
Aversion to fruit =Bar-c.
Aversion to meat =Ferr-m.
Aversion to oexercise =Chin.
Aversion to open air =Calc.
Aversion to potato =Alum.
Aversion to taste acid =Coc-ind.
Aversion to taste salty =Sel.
Aversion to taste sweet =Caust.
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Aversion to tobacco smoke =Ign.

Aversion vegetables =Mag-c.
Aviator’s= Coca., Cocc., Ars., Bell., Bor., Carc., Psor.
Avoids members of family =Sep.
Awkward =Agar.--- Awkward, twitching, trembling.
Awkward =Nat-m.---Awkward hasty, drops things from
nervous weakness (Apis., Bov).
Awkward =Nat-sil.--- Awkward, weak, emaciated.
Awkwardness =Bov.---Awkwardness, inclined to, laxness,
drop things from hand (Apis). Objects fall from powerless
Axilia, pain =Jug-c.--- In pain in the armpit give tincture to
third potency.
Azospermia & oligospermia =Ph-ac Q+ Ashwagandha Q +
Aven. Q+ Cact.+Dam. Q+Agn. Q+Yohim. Q .,
Sulphanilamide. 30., X-ray 200 ---Medicines for
Azospermia, Absence of sperm or deficient sperm. & all
medicines use Q potency. (Mother Tincture).
Azoturia=Caust., Senn.
B.coli =Sep.-Give 200. Sep should be continued for
sometime in strong doses 1x twice a day.
B.P. If it is low then Digitalis helps =Dig.
Babies =Lyc.---for babies sleeping all day and crying all
Babies cry =Thuj ---When babies cry much the umbilicus
protrudes growing red and sore especially when the father
has a sycotic history.
Baby cries =Lyc.---Baby cries day, sleep all night (reverse .
of Jal., Psor).
Bacillary dysentery = Acon., Merc-c., Aloe-s., Colch.,
Staph., Phos., Carb-v., Ars.
Back =Arn.---Aching in the back and expanding the chest,
the shoulders feel drawn together.
Back =Dios.--- Colic, bending, back.
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Back =Rhus-t.---Back pain between the shoulder on

swallowing, pain and stiffness in small of back <sitting or
lying > by motion or lying on something hard.
Back can’t lie on =Puls.---can‟t lie on back without having
an urge to urinate.
Back in small of =Bad.--- In small of back, hips, lower
limbs, stiff neck.
Back of palm =Dulc.
Back Pain =Med.---Pain in back between scapulae whole
length of spine sore to touch (chin-s) Intense burning heat
beginning in nape of neck and extending down spine with a
contractive stiffness <by stretching. Lumbar vertebrae
painful and sensitive to touch. Pain sacrum, coccyx and
back of hips running around and down limbs.
Back pains extend to=Sep.---Pains extend from other parts
to the back; (reverse. of Sab., are attended with
shuddering (with chillness –Puls).
Backache in connection with, Sexual excess =Staph.,
Backache = Aesc.--- Tincture to 3rd potency. Constant dull
backache, affecting sacrum and hips, much aggravated by
walking or stooping forward, with haemorrhoids as if
rectum was full.
Backache = Ant-t., Berb., Bry., Calc-p. Cimic., Led.,
Macrin., Rhus-t., Sabin., Calc-fl., Nux-v., Oxal-ac., Sep.,
Kali-c., Varid.
Backache =Hyper.---after injury.
Backache =Ip.---Backache short chill, long fever, mostly
heat with thirst, headache nausea, cough and sweat last.
Backache =Kali-c.---As if back and legs must give out drops
into a chair exhausted sweat. Pain before and during
Backache =Lac-c.---Backache, intense unbearable, across
super sacral region extending to r, nates and r. sciatic
nerve <by rest and on first moving (Rhus-t) spine aches
64… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

from base of brain to coccyx, very sensitive to touch or

pressure (Chin-s., Phos., Zinc).
Backache =Nux-m.---Backache while riding in a carriage.
Backache =Nux-v.---Backache must sit up, turn over in
bed, lumbago from sexual weakness from masturbation.
Backache =Nux-v.---In bed, must sit up to turn over sitting
is especially painful, with haemorrhoids.
Backache =Ox-ac.---for acute backache extending down
Backache =Rhus-t.---Backache relieved by lying on the
Backache =Rhus-t.---From lifting, straining, reaching high,
getting wet when perspiring in wet cold weather on
beginning to move
Backache =Sep.---Aggravated by sitting or stooping
Ameliorated from violent exertion and hard pressure.
Backache =Staph.---Worse at night in bed and in the
morning before rising. From masturbation.
Backache =Vario.---cures the backache of small-pox.
Backache =Zinc.---Backache worse sitting better walking.
Backache aggravated from, After seminal emission =Sel.
Backache aggravated from, Before & during menses =Kali-
c., Kali-sil.
Backache aggravated from, During motion =Ip.
Backache Aggravated from, Getting up in the morning
Backache Aggravated from, Raising arm, pain in deltiod
=Kali-m., Syph., Phyt.
Backache aggravated from, Rising from a seat =Sulph.
Backache aggravated from, Standing or sitting =Nux-v.
Backache aggravated from, Stiff on rising from bed =Ferr-
Backache aggravated from, Turning or twisting =Nux-v.
Backache aggravated from, Walking or stooping =Aesc.
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Backache ameliorated by, Continued motion =Rhus-t.

Backache ameliorated by, Emission =Zinc.
Backache ameliorated by, Lying on back =Rhus-t., Nat-m.
Backache ameliorated by, Lying on back, by lying, pain on
sacrum =Kali-m.
Backache ameliorated by, Moving in open air =Puls., Lyc.
Backache before menses-Kali-c., Puls., Lach.
Backache coughing, from =Sep., Bell., Bry., Kali-bi.
Backache damp cold, from =Dulc., Rhus-t.
Backache during menses =Caust., Kali-c., Puls., Sulph.,
Backache in connection with, kidney troubles =Berb., Ter.
Backache in connection with, menstrual troubles =Puls.,
Backache in connection with, Piles =Nux-v., Aesc.
Backache in connection with, uterine troubles =Nat-m.
Backache labour, during =Kali-c., Puls., Gels.
Backache lifting from =Rhus-t., Calc., Lyc., Graph.
Backache lower =Aesc., Cimic., Arn.
Backache lying on hard amel. =Nat-m., Puls., Rhus-t.
Backache menses during =Caust., Kali-c., Puls., Sulph.,
Backache menses suppressed from =Aesc., Kali-c., Puls.
Backache menses, before =Kali-c., Puls., Lach.
Backache motion, Amel. =Dulc., Puls., Rhus-t., Lyc.,
Backache pain, as if held in one position for long =Zinc.
Backache pain, as if hoop around =Anac.
Backache pain, as if hot iron thrust =Alum.
Backache pain, as if legs and back must give out =Kali-c.
Backache pain, as if would break =Bell.
Backache pain, avoides pressure back of chair =Ther.
Backache pain, bruised =Berb.
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Backache pain, constant, dull =Aesc., Lac-v-def.

Backache pain, crampy, between scapula =Ip.
Backache pain, lameness =Sel., Helon.
Backache pain, painful stiffness =Caust.
Backache pain, sticking [Phelland] Excruciating =Crot-h.
Backache pain, too weak to hold body =Ox-ac.
Backache prolapsus of uterus, with =Nat-m., Puls.
Backache rising, from a seat =Aesc., Arg-n., Caust.,
Sulph., Agar.
Backache slow walking amel. =Puls., Ferr.
Backache standing agg. =Sulph., Valer.
Backache standing amel. =Arg-n., Bell.
Backache stooping agg. =Aesc., Puls., Sep., Agar.
Backache walking amel. =Arg-n., Caust., Dulc., Rhus-t.,
Sulph., Arg-m.
Backache walking while =Aesc., Kali-c.
Backache with haemorrhoids =Aesc., Nux-v.
Backache =Aesc.--- for piles with backache or backache
with leucorrhoea.
Backache=Kali-c.---Backache, sweating, weakness, after
abortion, labor, metrorrhagia when eating, while walking
feels as if she must give up and lie down.
Backache=Vario---The Backache with small-pox is about
the worst Backache and is cured by (Vario). Dr. Burnett.
Bacterial infection =Thuj., Bac., Calc., Graph., Kali-bi.,
Plat., Staph.
Bad act committed, ailments =Cycl.---Ailments; from
suppressed grief and terrors of conscience; from duty not
done or bad act committed.
Bad effect =Verat.---Bad effects of opium eating tobacco
Bad effects coffee =Canth.--- Bad effects of drinking
Bad foul breath =Merc-s., Carbolicum-acid.
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Bad news =Bapt.---Threatened miscarriage from mental

depression, shock from bad news watching, fasting and low
Bad news =Ign.---Ill effects, from bad news; from vexation
with reserved displeasure; from suppressed mental
sufferings; of shame and mortification (Staph).
Bad taste in mouth =Puls.---Bad taste in the mouth,
specially in the morning or nothing tastes good or no taste
at all.
Baldness =Jab.---Even white hair and blonde hair have
been observed to turn black by this medicine.
Baldness =Rosemary.---Oil of has an ancient reputation as
a remedy for baldness, headache and flagging mental
powers. Hence it has been called herb of memory.
Baldness patches =Apis., Ars., Calc., FL-ac., Hep., Phos.,
Psor., Calc-p., Carb-an.
Ball sensation in inner parts-women =Sep.---Sensation of
a ball in inner parts, during menses; pregnancy, lactation,
with constipation, diarrhea, haemorrhoids, leucorrhoea and
all uterine affections.
Barber’s Itch =Rhus-t., Petr., Tell., Sulph-i., Thuj
Barber’s Itch =Sul-iod.---3rd trituration is very efficacious
in this itch. A skin disease caused by a fungoid organism
communicated by unsterilized apparatus.
Bartholinitis=Sil., Hep., Lach., Merc., Morg., Nit-ac.,
Sel., Tarent-c., Thuj.---Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Bath =Ant-c., Rhus-t., Sulph., Puls., Dulc.---Complaints
after bathing, particularly in cold water.
Bathing aversion =Ant-c.---Aversion to cold bathing; child
cries when washed or bathed with cold water; cold bathing
causes violent headache; causes suppressed menses; colds
swimming or falling into water (Rhus-t).
Beard=Hep., Nit-ac., Bac., Calc., Sul-ac.--- Medicines
Mostly Prescribed.
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Bearing down =Bell., Puls.---In the female causes and

cures constant violent bearing down with the curious
modality worse on lying down relieved by standing.
Bearing down =Lil-t.---Bearing down sensation, in
abdomen and pelvis as though all organs would escape
(Lac-c., Murex., Sep). <supporting vulua with hand, with
Bearing down =Nat-c.---Bearing down as if everything
would come out (Agar., Lil-t., Murx., Sep), heaviness
<sitting, > by moving.
Bearing down =Pyrog.---Most curious symptom. Bearing
down pain the prolapsus uteri only relieved by holding the
breath and bearing down.
Bearing down sensation =Lil-t.---Bearing down sensation,
in abdomen and pelvis as though all organs would escape
(Lac-c., Murex., Sep) < supporting vulva with hand, with
Bearing down sensation as if =Murex-p.---Bearing down
sensation as if internal organs would be pushed out, must
sit down and cross limbs to > pressure (but no sexual
desire- Sep). Bearing down with increased sexual desire
(Murex) and without sexual desire (Sep).
Bearing down weakness =Sanic.---Weakness, bearing down
as if contents of pelvis would escape; < walking, misstep or
jar> by rest, ;lying down; desire to support parts by placing
hand against vulva (Lil-t., Murex); soreness of uterus.
Bed =Op---Patient may not feel cold all day but may have
only a little chill at night, when in bed, complains that the
sheets felt so very hot. Dr. Guernsey.
Bed feels =Pyrog.---The bed feels hard (Arn); parts lain on
feel sore and bruised (Bapt); rapid decubitus (Carb-ac).
Bed sores =Arn., Calen-off., Acid-fl., Sul-ac.---Remedies
in General.
69… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Bedsores/pressure =Acid-fl., Paeon.--- Bedsores/pressure

Bed-wetting =Cina., Kreos., Sep., Sant.---for bed-wetting
(nocturnal enuresis) in children.
Bed-wetting =Cina., Sep., Kreos.
Bee stings =Apis.--- Bee stings and insect bites with
swelling, itching, and redness.
Bee stings =Hyper.--- Bee stings, if pains shoot upward.
Beer, loss of appetite, bad effects =Kali-bi.---Bad effects
of beer; loss of appetite; weight in pit of stomach;
flatulence; <soon after; vomiting of ropy mucus and blood,
round ulcer of stomach (Gymno).
Beginning to move =Pyrog., Rhus-t.---The great
difference between Pyrog., Rhus-t. is the former is better
when beginning to move but Rhus-t. is better for continued
Belching =Chin.---Uncomfortable distention of the
abdomen with a desire of belching it is not relieved by
Belching bitter sour =Nux-v.--- Nausea; vomiting; sour,
bitter belching, especially after improper eating or
overindulgence in food or drink. Worse in the morning and
after eating.
Belching general =Ant-t., Arg-n., Carb-v.
Belching with colic =Mag-p.--- Colic with belching, which
gives no relief.
Bell’s paralysis=Am-p., Caust., Zinc-pic.
Bending =Coloc.--- Colicky, bending, double.
Bending =Dios.--- Colic, bending, back.
Beri-beri =Rhus-t., Elat., Ars.
Besotted =Bapt.--- Besotted, bruised, putrid.
Bile dust ailments of= Chel., Chin., Chion., Chol., Hydr.
Bile-lessness =Mag-m.
Bilious = Chel., Eup-per.--- Bruised, break-bone, bilious.
70… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Bilious colic =Berb-v.---Colic from gall-stones. Bilious colic

followed by jaundice, clay colored stools fistula in ano with
bilious symptoms and itching of the parts, short cough and
chest complaints, especially after operations for fistulae
(Calc-p., Sil.) Renal Colic, <left side <Tab.-either side, with
urging and stranguary Canth.).
Bilious fevers =Sarr.---What Gels Is to bilious fevers Sarr
is to small-pox.
Bilious headache =Nat-s.---Bilious headache, jaundice,
diabetes and dropsy from liver affections.
Biliousness=Yuc., Euon., Bry., Podo., Merc., Sulph., Nux-
v., Nyct., Chel.
Birth pills, bad effect of =Falliculinum.
Birth, dead children = Cimic.--- If a lady is giving birth to
dead children or in case of still birth etc. Give Cimic 6 from
4th month onwards til the end of pregnancy, the lady will
deliver normal baby.
Bite and stings of insect =Led.---Punctured wounds and
stings numbness to touch pains extend upward wounded
parts may be cold.
Bite and stings of insect =Ox-acid.---Affected part cold
and numb, violent pain trembling of hands and feet.
Bite mosquito =Pulx., Pyrethrum., Staph.
Bite snake =Euph-pr.
Bite Wasp =Arn.
Bites of gnat =Canth.---Cures the inflamed and horrible
swelling that may follow gnat bites.
Bites of mosquito =Staph.---For many years Staph is used
for the prevention of mosquitoes and other insects from
Bites =Apis., Lyss., Calad.
Bites =Hyper.--- Puncture wounds from nails, bites,
Bites =Led.---Redness swelling and throbbing in point index
finger from prick of a needle Led. Mosquito bites, stings of
71… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

bees and wasps, rat-bites and needle pricks resulting in

whitlows confirm this observation.
Bites bad effect from the bites of animals =Led.---Is a
prophylactic for the bad effects from the bites of animals.
Bites in worm affections –Carb-v.
Bites objects =Bell., Bufo., Hyos., Sil., Stram.
Bites of animal =Anag., Led.---Animal bites and scratches.
Bites of bee =Urt-u.---Applied to a bee sting prevents the
pain and swelling and in a couple of hours the sting is
Bites of flea =Pulx.
Bites of rabid animals =Led.---Is employed to prevent
injurious effect from the bites of rabid animals.
Bites pillow =Hyos., Phos., Lyss.
Bites spoon etc =Ars., Bell., Cham., Cina., Cup., Puls.,
Bites Tumbler =Ars.
Bites wasp =Arn.---A strong tincture if applied to wasp
sting, prevents the pain and swelling and in a couple of
hours the sting is forgotten.
Bites worm affections in =Carb-v.
Biting and spitting =Stram., Bell.---Biting and spitting in
the face.
Biting fingers =Arum-t., Carc., Op., Plb.
Biting habit =Bell.
Biting hand =Hura., Op.
Biting nails =Arum-t., Med., Ambr., Bar-c., Hyos., Lyc.,
Sil., Sulph.
Biting nails –Arum-t., Med., Ambr., Bar-c., Hyos., Lyc.,
Biting tumblar etc.---Ars.
Bitten limb =Vipera C---Sweat on the whole body except
the bitten limb.
72… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Black eye = Led.---Black eye from a blow or contusion,

better than Arn. For this he says there is no remedy equal
to Led in the 200th potency. Dr. Nash.
Black eye =Arn., Ham., Led., Symph.
Black stool =Ars.---Black stool, thin and watery, with great
Black stool =Chin.---Black stools thin and watery great
prostration, no pain.
Black water Fever=Ars., Chin-s., Crot-h., Lyc., Pyrog.
Bladder & Urethra =Berb.---Stitching cutting pain from
left kidney following course of ureter into bladder and
Bladder =Bell., Canth., Acon., Apis., Ars., Calc-c., Carb-
v., Puls.
Bladder =Benz-ac.---Catarrh of bladder after suppressed
Bladder =Equis.---Sharp, burning, cutting pain in urethra
while urinating. Paralysis of bladder in old women. Enuresis
at night during sleep; profuse watery urine, when habit is
the only ascertainable cause.
Bladder =Lach.---Sensation as of a ball rolling in the
Bladder =Ruta.---Pressure on the bladder as if constantly
full; continues after urinating could hardly retain urine on
account of urging, yet if not attended to, it was difficult
afterwards to void it; scanty green urine; involuntary.
Bladder =Sars.---Painful distension and tenderness in
bladder; urine dribbles while sitting, standing, passes
freely; air passes from urethra.
Bladder =Ter.---Violent burning and cutting in bladder;
tenesmus, sensitive hypogastrium, cystitis and retention
from atony of fundus.
Bladder =Ter.---Violent burning and drawing pain in
kidneys, bladder, and urethera. (Berb., Cann-s., Canth).
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Bladder affection burning =Canth 30.---Sensation while

Bladder affection irritable =Cop.---First to third
attenuation is most effective. The symptoms of irritability
of the bladder are painful micturition by drops, catarrh of
the bladder constant desire to urinate.
Bladder affections =Solid.---Mother tincture 10 to 15 drops
in hot water or 3rd potency.
Bladder affections =Uva., Clem., Hyper., Plan.
Bladder irritable=Eup-pur., Cop., Ferr., Nux-v., Apis.,
Bleeding =Arg-n.---Coition painful in both sexes; followed
by bleeding from vagina (Nit-ac), leucorrhoea profuse with
erosion of cervix. Infant dies after delivery. Metorrhagia
after coition; during menopause; in young widows; in
Bleeding =Ham.,Crot., Mill., Trillium., Erig., Arn.,
Menis., Ust.---Remedies in general.
Bleeding =Kreos.---for bleeding next day following coitus.
Bleeding from orifices =Croc.
Bleeding from the rectum =Sang.---Peristent bleeding from
the rectum, the blood being watery. (Sang.)
Bleeding gums =Carb-v., Merc-s., Arn.
Bleeding gums =Phos.--- Profuse bleeding anywhere.
Nosebleed from vigorous nose blowing. Bleeding gums.
Bleeding piles =Hyper.---Externally and internally it is the
nearest thing to a specific in bleeding piles.
Bleeding piles =Nit-ac., Ham., Ferr-p.
Blepharitis = Graph 6 .--- Inflammation of edges of the
eyes or lids.
Blepharitis=Puls., Graph., Merc.
Blepharo spasm =Cod., Agar., Puls., Phys.
Blinding =Euph.---Corrosive tears fall in abundance, almost
blinding the patient.
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Blindness =Both-l.---Amaurosis. Day-blindness. Can

scarcely see her way after sun-rise.
Blindness =Phys.---Blindness during night.
Blindness followed by headache =Kali-bi.---In headache,
there is the symptom of blindness followed by headache
the sight improving as the pain becomes worse.
Blindness nervous =Sant.---Cases of nervous blindness said
to be cured by (Sant.) Dr. Hale.
Blindness =Lyc.---for night blindness.
Blisters =Nat-m., Canth., Apis.
Blood vomiting =Phos .---for blood spitting and vomiting
of blood.
Blood a person cannot look at, faints =Alum.
Blood being watery =Sang.---Peristent bleeding from the
rectum, the blood being watery. (Sang.)
Blood discharge =Ambr.---Discharge of blood between
periods, at every little accident- a long walk, after every
hard stool.
Blood discharge =Lyc.---Discharges of blood from genitals
during every stool.
Blood discharge of =Sabin.---Discharge of blood between
periods with sexual excitement. (Ambr).
Blood discharge of =Sil.---Discharge of blood from vagina
every time the child takes to breast (compare., Crot-t).
Nipple is drawn in like a funnel (Sars).
Blood in eye =Adrenalin.--- Blood in eye.
Blood Pressure High =Aur., Aur-m., Lach., Zinc Iod 6.
Bar-m 6x. When the arteries get hardened, it causes blood
Pressure. It is either High or low or Normal.
Blood pressure high=Bar-m., Glon., Aur., Visc.
Blood pressure low =Cact-g., Chin., Carb-v.
Blood pressure Low. =Camph 1x. 15 minutes interval.
Blood purification medicines in general =Echi., Bapt.,
Skook., Gunp., Calc-s., Ferr-ph., Carb-v., Muriatic-acid.,
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Hydrc., Vanad., Sars., Sulph.---Remedies usually

Blood rush of =Lach.---Rush of blood to head; after
alcohol; mental emotions; suppressed or irregular menses;
at climaxis; left sided. Apoplexy.
Blood to head and face rush of =Bell.---Rush of blood to
head and face (Amyl., Glon., Mel); Headache, congestive,
with red face, throbbing of brain and carotids (Meli); <from
slight noise, jar, motion, light, lying down, least exertion;>
pressure, tight bandaging, wrapping up, during menses.
Blood Vessels =Sabina.---Knots and enlargement in blood
Blood, loss of =Chin., Ham., Phos.
Bloody Fluid =Calc-p.---Oozing of bloody fluid from navel
of infant (of urine Hyos.).
Bloody stools =Bapt.---Offensive dark mucous or bloody
stools, with the tendency of typhoid.
Bloody, mucous =Arg-nit.---Bloody, mucous of epithelium
combined with muco-lymph, severe bearing down in the
Bluish =Acid-ox.--- Pale, bluish, shrunken.
Bluish tinge(ulcer) =Ars., Anthr., Tarent-c., Lach.
Blunt =Anac.---Blunt plug as if in parts.
Blushing =Ferr-m.---You need not hunt for remedies for
Body ache = Rhus-t., Bry., Kali-bi., Ruta-g., Phyt., Calc-
c., Calc-p., Coloc., Bell., Led-p.---Remedies Mostly
Body dark =Aur.---Things appear as if divided horizontally
the patient can see only the lower half and the upper half
seem to be covered with a dark body.
Body feels scattered =Bapt.---Body feels scattered about
tosses around to get the pieces together, cannot sleep
because he cannot get pieces together.
76… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Body sensation =Agar.---Sensation in various parts as if ice

touched or as ice-cold needles were piercing the skin.
Body sweats =Sil.---has sweaty head and dry body.
Boil in ear = Bell., Hep., Merc., Pic-ac.
Boils not much pain =Merc.
Boils pain, throbbing =Bell.
Boils pus, thick like butter =Hep.
Boils pus, thick, odorless mixed with blood =Calc-s.
Boils pus, thin dark & offensive =Lach.
Boils pus, thin, mixed with blood =Sil.
Boils relieved by hot but worse by cold =Sil.
Boils relieved by hot compress =Hep.
Boils worse by hot compress =Lyc.
Boils =Arn.---Tendency to small, painful boils one after
another extremely sore (Small boils crops, Sulph).
Boils =Hep.---To promote suppuration in boils abscesses
Boils =Lach.---Boils carbuncles ulcers with intense pain
(Tarent-c); malignant pustules decubitus dark bluish &
purple appearance tend to malignancy.
Boils =Merc-v.--- Abscesses ears, pus infection, boils.
Boils =Pic-ac.---Small boils in any part of body but not
especially in external auditory canal.
Boils =Sec.---Boils small painful with green contents
mature slowly and heal in the same manner very
Boils =Sil.---Is a remedy to prevent boils.
Boils =Sulph.---Boils coming in crops in various parts of
body or a single boil is succeeded by another as soon as
first is healed (Tub). Skin Itching voluptuous scratching >
feels good to scratch. Scratching causes burning <from heat
of bed (Merc); soreness in folds (Lyc).
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Boils =Tub.---Crops of small boils intensely painful

successively appear in the nose green foetid pus (Sec).
Boils abscesses = Hep., Bell., Sil., Merc., Arn.
Boils after itch =Psor.
Boils bluish & burning =Ars., Tarent-c., Tarent.
Boils curative =Arn.
Boils general=Arn., Berb., Echi., Gunp., Hep., Merc-s.,
Puls., Sil., Sulph.,---Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Boils habitual =Echi.---Mother tincture 1 to 10 drops per
Boils inflammation =Bell.
Boils No pain =Sil.
Boils pain, severely throbbing & sensitive to touch =Hep.
Boils pus continues to discharge =Sil., Calc-s.
Boils small summer boils, one after another painful =Arn.,
Boils suppuration =Hep., Myris.
Boils very big attacking bones =Calc-hp.
Boils when pus degenerates =Lach.
Boils when pus is already formed =Merc.
Boils where the skin is comparatively thin =Calc-Pic.
Boils=Bell-p., Calc-pic., Ferr-i., Ol-myr., Bell., Sil., Hep.,
Bone =Merc.---In bone disease, pains worse at night.
Bone affection, tubercular =Anthr 200.---Raised up
several people suffering from T.B. which made them bed-
ridden for a number of years.
Bone affection, tubercular =Rad-br 30.
Bone affections=Aur., Calc-p., Fl-ac., Ruta., Mez., Sil.,
Bone enlargement =Calc-f., Acid-fl., Hecla.,
Bone injuries =Symph., Arn., Ruta.
Bone injuries =Symph---Next to bone injuries in
importance are injuries to the ball of the eye ,as
78… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

distinguished from injuries to the soft parts around.

(Symph). Dr. H.C. Allen
Bone skull separated =Arg-nit.---Patient feels as if bones
of skull were separated.
Bone spurs =Aur., Aur-m., Calc-f., Hecla., Phos., Sil.
Bone-nonunion =Aur., Asaf., Eup-per., Merc., Calc-p.,
Bones =Calc-p.---Curvature if bones especially spine and
long bones extremities crooked bones irregularly
Bones =Calc-p.---Girls at puberty tall growing rapidly,
tendency of bones to soften or spine to curve (Ther).
Bones =Calc-p.---On union of bones promotes callous
Bones =Fl-ac.---Caries and necrosis especially of long
bones psoric or syphilitic abuse of mercury or silica (Agn).
Rapid caries of teeth. Fistula dental is or lachrymalis.
Exostosis of bones of face (Hecla).
Bones =Mez.---Bones especially long bones, inflamed,
swollen, nightly pains going from above downwards after
abuse of merc. After venereal disease, caries, exostoses,
tumors often from within out. Pain in periosteum of long
bones <at night in bed , least touch in damp weather
(Merc., Phyt)
Bones =Ph-ac.---Intestinal inflammation of bones,
scrofulous, sycotic, syphilitic, mercurial periosteum
inflamed, pains burning tearing as if scraped with a knife
(Rhus-t) caries rachitis but not necrosis growing pains.
Bones =Ruta.---Scrofulous Exostosis bruises and other
mechanical injuries of bones and periosteum sprains,
periostitis, erysipelas, fractures and especially dislocations
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Bones =Sang.---Pains in places where the bones are least

covered, as tibia backs of hands etc (Rhus-v.)
Bones =Symph., Calc-p.---For nonunion of bones.
Bones =Symph.---Facilitates union of fractured bones
(Calc-p) lessens peculiar pricking pain favors production of
callous when trouble is of nervous origin.
Bones caries =Aur.---Caries of the nasal, palatine, mastoid
and oscular bones.
Bones deep ulcers =Aur.---Deep ulcers affecting the
bones, after the abuse of murcury in syphilitic disease.
Bones diseases of =Aur., Asaf., Calc-f., Merc., Sil., Fl-
ac., Calc-p.
Bones feeling =Cham.---Felt as though she was walking
around on the ends of the bones of her legs and did not
have any feet, as though the feet were gone. Dr.Lippe.
Bones fractures =Calc-p.--- Fractures where bones do not
unite or are slow to do so.
Bones scrofula =Kali-i.---Especially adapted to those
persons who are suffering from scrofula have been
thoroughly saturated with
Bones, nonunion of bones =Symph., Calc-p.
Bones=Aur.---Syphilitic and mercurial affections of the
bones. Caries of the nasal palatine and mastoid bones
ozaena otorrhea excessively foetid discharge pains worse at
night, drive to despair of mercurial or syphilitic origin
Borborygmi =Rumex., Jatr., Haem.
Boring head into pillow =Hell.---Boring head into pillow;
rolling from side to side; beating head with hands.
Boring pain =BELL., PULS., Hep., Merc., Sulph.
Boring pain =Merc.---Boring pain in the exostoses at night.
Bowels pains =Ter.---Pain in the bowels which cause
frequent micturition.
Brachial neuralgia =Bry., Hyper., Kalm., Rhus-t.
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Bradycardia (slow pulse)=Abies-n., Dig., Kalm., Apoc.

Brain =Bar-c.---A feeling of looseness in the brain, as if the
brain fell from side to side. A sensation that brain moves to
and fro to correspond to the motion of the head.
Brain =Hell.---Brain symptoms during dentition (Bell.,
Pod); threatening effusion (Apis., Tub).
Brain affection =Acon., Bell., Hyos., Stram., Nux-v.,
Brain affections during dentition =Cupr.---Brain affections
convulsions etc from suppressed eruptions during dentition.
Brain affections of children =Zinc.---for brain affections
of children.
Brain and the cranial bones =Caust.---The patient rather
has an odd sensation, one not frequently met with, a
feeling of an empty space between the brain and the
cranial bones.
Brain burning pain in =Med.---Intense burning pain in
brain, <in cerebellum; extends down spine.
Brain concussion =Arn.--- Concussion of the brain.
Brain concussion of =Hell = Is a useful in concussion of the
brain after Arn has failed.
Brain diseases =Cic.---Brain diseases from suppressed
Brain fag =Kali-p.---3x then 6x, then, 12x, also effective .
Brain fag =Pic-ac.---Brain fag : of literary or business
people; slightest excitement, mental exertion or overwork
brings on headache, and causes burning along the spine.
Brain fag =Aeth.---30 potency for brain fag of students or
loss of memory funk before examination.
Brain Fag =Pic-ac.---Brain fag and neurasthenia, especially
sexual, great mental labour.
Brain fag =Zinc-br.---3x is without a rival.
Brain fag numb feeling in head. =Kali-br.
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Brain fag=Anh., Zinc., Phos., Anac., Sil.

Brain feel loose sensation =Sul-ac.---Sensation as if the
brain was loose in forehead and falling from side to side
(Bell., Bry., Rhus-t., Spig).
Brain feels loose, headache =Rhus-t.---Headache : brain
feels loose when stepping or shaking the head; sensation of
swashing in brain; stupefying; as if torn; from beer; returns
from least chagrin; < from sitting, lying in cold, > warmth
and motion.
Brain intense burning pain in brain, <in cerebellum :
extends down spine =Med.
Brain nerve power =Zinc.---Brain and nerve power
Brain paralysis =Zinc.---In the cerebral affections:
impending paralysis of brain; where the vis medicatrix
nature is too weak to develop exanthemata (Cup., Sulph.,
Tub); symptoms of effusion into ventricles.
Brain softening=Salam., Phos., Bar-c.
Brain turmoil =Bell.--- is turmoil in brain and (Cham)Is
turmoil in temper.
Break-bone =Eup-per.--- Bruised, break-bone, bilious.
Breast =Croto-t.---Compare in pains in breast-Bry., Borax.,
Phel., and Sil.
Breast feeding mothers =Calc-p.--- Promotes milk flow for
breastfeeding mothers, when other symptoms agree.
Breast nipple, icy coldness =Med.
Breast –Phel.---A lady aged 42 years –pain in right breast
extending through to back, H/o tub.
Breasts =Lac-c.---Breast : inflamed, painful; < by least jar
and towards evening; must hold them firmly when going up
or down stairs (Bry).
Breasts =Nux-m.---This remedy is especially useful for lean
women, those who have least flesh. The breasts are flat.
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Breasts =Phyt.---Tumefied breast neither heals nor

suppurates, is of a purple hue and “ hard as old cheese”
(Bry., Lac-c., Phel).
Breasts cold =Med.---Breasts and nipples sore and sensitive
to touch. Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially the
nipples, rest of body warm (during menses).
Breasts diminutive (Small) =Onos =Restored the breasts
their normal size with high potencies. (Dr. Yingling.)
Breasts Milk =Merc. sol. ---Has milk in virgin breasts
instead of menstrual flow.
Breath =Lac-c.---Sensation as if breath would leave her
when lying down, must get up and walk (Am-c., Grind.,
Breath =Puls.---Unable to breathe well or is chilly in warm
room-must have fresh air.
Breath =Spong.---Awakes in a fright and feels as if
suffocating as if he had to breathe through a Sponge.
Breath and body smell foul (Psor) =Merc.
Breath bad =Merc-v.--- Bad breath. Profuse, metallic-
tasting saliva.
Breath cold =Carb-v.---Breath cold and sweat on limbs.
Breath feeling =Feels as if he cannot draw another breath.
Breath foul =Aur.---Foul breath; in girls at puberty.
Breath loss =Op.---Loss of breath on falling asleep(Grin.,
Breath mouth .---Arum-t.---Cannot breath through nose
but can breath only through mouth.
Breathes rapidly =Ant-t.---Breathes rapidly with a little
difficulty as if the patient would suffocate and hence sit
Breathing =Am-c.---Must breath through the mouth with
great difficulty, dry cough.
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Breathing =Ars.---Breathing asthmatic must sit or bend

forward; springs out of bed at night especially after twelve
o clock unable to lie down for fear of suffocation attacks
like croup instead of the usual urticaria.
Breathing =Hep.---Asthma breathing anxious wheezing
rattling short deep breathing threatens suffocation must
bend head back and sit up after suppressed eruption (Psor).
Breathing =Iod.---Great weakness and loss of breath on
going upstairs (Calc-c.) during menses (Alum., Carb-an.
Breathing =Lac-c.---Sensation as if breathing would leave
her when lying down, must get up and walk (Am-c., Grin.,
Breathing =Lach.---The least thing coming near mouth or
nose interferes with breathing; wants to be fanned, but
slowly and at a distance (rapidly, Carb-veg.) as soon as he
falls asleep the breathing stops (Am-c., Grind., Lac-c., Op).
Breathing =Lob.---Sensation of congestion pressure or
weight in chest as if blood in extremities was filling it, > by
rapid walking.
Breathing =Nat-s.---Dyspnoea desire to take a deep breath
during damp cloudy weather.
Breathing difficult =ANT-T., APIS., ARS., BRY., CARB-V.,
Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Breathing difficult =Asaf.---Sensation of a ball rising in the
throat obliging frequent swallowing to keep it down.
Breathing difficult =Spong.--- Wakes fearfully out of sleep
with a sense of suffocation, loud cough, difficult breathing.
Breathing difficulty =Ars.---Difficulty in breathing,
prostration and other ailments from ascending a high place.
Breathing difficulty =Brom.---Difficulty of breathing,
cannot breath deep enough, sensation as if air passages
were full of.
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Breathing gasping =APIS., Acon., Ant-t., Ars.,

Breathing irregular =BELL., Ant-t., Ars., Cham., Ign.,
Nux-v., Puls.
Breathing rapid = Iberis-amara-Q., ACON., ANT-T., ARS.,
SULPH.---Medicines generally Prescribe.
Breathless =Ant-t.---Child at birth pale, breathless,
gasping through the chord still pulsates.
Breathlessness =Calc-c., Ars., Carb-v.
Bright’s disease With dropsy& albumen in urine , Fatty
degeneration of kidney =Phos., Aur.
Bright’s disease With dropsy& albumen in urine, Intense
thirst & vomiting =Ars.
Bright’s disease With dropsy& albumen in urine. Pain and
scanty urine without thirst =Apis.
Bright’s disease With dropsy& albumen in urine. Smoky
urine with decomposed blood =Ter.
Bright’s disease=Ars., Ph-ac., Apis., Merc-c., Ter., Kali-
cit., Nat-m.
Broken down =Agn.--- Broken down by sex-excess.
Bronchial asthma =Ip., Ars., Kali-c., Hep., Blatta. Q.
Nux-v., Kali-bi., Nat-s., Ant-t., Mosch.---Most Important
Bronchial asthma =Kali-c.---Bronchial asthma.
Bronchial coughs =Sang.---A greater portion of the
tracheal and bronchial coughs of epidemic influenza have
been cured.
Bronchial glands =Bac., Calc-c., Bell.,
Bronchiectasis=Ant-t., Kali-bi.
Bronchitis = Acon., Ferr-p., Ip., Ant-t., Bry., Sang.,
Caust., Hep-s., Seneg., Sulph., Chel., Lyc.
Bronchitis =Am-br., Euph., Ip., Sang., Ant-s., Kali-i.,
Eucal., Acon., Bry., Phos., Tart-e., Ferr-p., Jab., Hep-s.,
Lyc., Seneg., Ant-t., Caust., Chel.
85… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Bronchitis =Ant-s.--- Given 2x ,3x has been found curative

Bronchitis =Bell.---Bronchitis after result of ether
anesthesia is antidote.
Bronchitis =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Bronchitis =Goss.---Bronchitis from exposure to cotton
Bronchitis =Hipp.---Bronchitis in the aged where
suffocation from excessive secretion is imminent.
Bronchitis =Ip., Seneg., Lact.
Bronchitis =Kali-s.---Bronchitis, phthisis, pneumonia,
whooping cough.
Bronchitis =Narc-po---Bronchitis with continuous cough
which had resisted many of the standard remedies yields to
. Dr. J. Meredith.
Bronchitis chronic =Nit-ac., Ars., Am-c., Seneg., Sulph.,
Ant-c.--- During winter in chronic bronchitis has no
parallel. Give 6th potency
Bronchitis, associated with, breathing, Hot =Phos.
Bronchitis, associated with, breathing, offensive =Caps.,
Bronchitis, associated with, breathing, rattling =Lyc.
Bronchitis, associated with, breathing, whistling =Kali-c.
Bronchitis, associated with, sensation of, constriction
Bronchitis, associated with, sensation of, Rawness =Caust.
Bronchitis, associated with, sensation of, stitching pain
Bronchitis, associated with, sensation of, suffocation
Bronchitis, with expectoration, difficult to raise,
continuous cough =Am-c
86… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Bronchitis, with expectoration, difficult to raise, great

deal of mucous =Kali-c.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, difficult to raise, tough and
stringy =Kali-bi.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, difficult to raise, viscid
phlegm =Am-c.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, difficult to raise, viscid,
thready sort of slime =Phos.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, raised more easily, Loud
rales specially. in left lung =Sulph.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, raised more easily, profuse
foetid =Carb-v., Carb-an.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, raised more easily, Rales
all through the chest =Ip.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, raised more easily,
tenacious blood streaked =Bry.
Bronchitis, with expectoration, raised more easily, thick
creamy, with loud rales =Bals-p.
Bronchitis, With expectoration, raised more easily, Thick
yellow =Puls.
Broncho pneumonia =Aviare 30.--- has a marvelous
remedy for those little ones who have bronchitis which is
almost true broncho pneumonia.
Bronchorrhea =Am-c., Eucal., Bals-p., Stann., Bac.
Brow ague =Chin-sulph., Ars., Cedr.
Brown liver spots =Sep.---Brown liver spots on the skin,
specially on the chest and abdomen.
Brows hair falls out =ALUM., NIT-AC., SEL., Bor., Merc.,
Plb-act., Sanic., Sil.
Brows pimples on =Fl-ac., Sil., Thuj.
Brows warty growths on =Anan.
Bruised =Alet.--- Debilited, bruised, relaxed.
Bruised =Arn.--- Bruised, sore, haemorrhagic.
Bruised =Bapt.--- Besotted, bruised, putrid.
Bruised =Bapt.---Bruised, prostrated.
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Bruised =Eup-per.--- Bruised, break-bone, bilious.

Bruised =Ham.--- Bruised, weary, haemorrhagic (passive).
Bruised =Ruta.--- Strained, bruised, tendons.
Bruised lame sensation =Ruta.---Bruised lame sensation all
over, as after a fall or blow; worse in limbs and joints.
Bruised remedies (Sore) =ARN., RUTA., Acon., Bry.,
Canth., Led., Phos., Puls.
Bruised skin painful =Ruta-g.--- Painful, bruised skin.
Bruises =Arn.---Common bruises injuries from blow or fall
Bruises =Hyper.---Crushing injuries to nerves.
Bruises =Hyper.---Nerve injuries to crazy bones fingertips
nailbeds, palms, soles, of feet, tailbones, toes puncture
Bruises =Led.---Bruises cold and numb bruised parts long-
lasting black-eye, shiner splinter under nail, bruised nerve
puncture wounds.
Bruises =Ruta.---Injuries of bones periosteum, bone
covering shins soft tissue prolapsed, protruding rectum
wrist and ankles sprains.
Bruises of brain gland soft part=Con---It follows (Arn) in
bruises of soft parts. (Con) in bruises of glands and (Ruta)
in bruises of brain also(Sul-ac)
Bruises remedies =Arn., Led., Sul-ac., Ham.
Bubbling =Berb.--- Bubbling, radiating, renal.
Bubo=Bufo., Cinnb., Hep., Pyrog., Lach.
Bubo=Merc., Nit-ac., Carb-an., Phyt.
Bubonic plague=Bufo., Cinnb., Hep.
Bugs Bite =Pyre-r.---is very useful in preventing and
relieving the annoyance of mosquitoes, gnats, fleas and
Bulbar paralysis=Gua., Plb., Botul.
burning = Ran-b.---Often burning in small spots (Agar.,
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Burning =Agar.---Redness, itching and burning as if from

being frozen.
Burning =Am-m.--- Burning, excoriating, constricting.
Burning =Anthr---for violent burning when Ars fails to
Burning =Ant-t.---Burning in urethra during and after
Burning =Apis.---Burning with stinging and oedema, better
from cold.
Burning =Ars.---Burning pains, particularly in inner organs,
skin and ulcer, the pain is relieved by heat.
Burning =Ars.---Leads all the remedies for burning,
especially in acute diseases.
Burning =Ars-i.--- Anxious, burning, pulsating.
Burning =Asaf.--- Numb, nervous, burning.
Burning =Bell.---throat and skin burn. Heat, redness and
Burning =Bufo.---Burning specially. Female organs.
Burning =Camph.---Burning, great.
Burning =Canth.--- Burning, dribbling, frenzy mucous
Burning =Canth., Cann-s., Ter.--- Burning urethra, while
before and after urinating.
Burning =Caps.---Burning smarting with.
Burning =Caps.---Throat, stomach and mucous surface.
with soreness and rawness.
Burning =Carb-v.---Burning, internal, but external coldness
craves air and fanning.
Burning =Carc.---Dysentery, gonorrhoea or throat
affection. As if red pepper had been applied.
Burning =Cham.---Burning in the soles of the feet, puts
them out of bed.
Burning =Culx.--- Constant, scratching, burning.
Burning =Iris.---Burning, alimentary canal, whole of.
Burning =Kali-i.--- Burning, glandular, catarrhal.
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Burning =Kreos.--- Burning, pelvis, as of red hot coal.

Burning =Lyc., Kali-s., Bor.---Burning urethra, while and
before urinating.
Burning =Med.---Burning of hands and feet, wants them
covered and fanned (Lach., Sulph).
Burning =Phos.---Burning : in spots along the spine;
between the scapulae (as of a piece of ice, Lachn.); or
intense heat running up the back; of palms of hands (Lach);
in chest and lungs; of every organ or tissue of the body
(Ars., Sulph); generally in diseases of nervous system.
Burning =Phos.---Especially in palms and between
sacapulae heat runs up the spine.
Burning =Phos.---The sensation of burning in an intense
degree should always place phos in the front rank.
Burning =Sang.--- Burning, rheumatic, neuralgic.
Burning =Sang.---Circumscribed red cheeks in afternoon
burning in ears in bronchitis pneumonia phthisis.
Burning =Sanic.---Burning of soles of feet; must uncover or
put them in a cool place (Lach., Med., Sulph). Child Kicks
off clothing even in coldest weather (Hep., Sulph).
Burning =Sec.---Burning, internal, body ice-cold and
burning sensation. Wants Part to be uncovered better by
Burning =Sec.---Burning; in all parts of the body, as if
sparks of fire were falling on the patient (Ars).
Burning =Staph.---Burning, urethra, while not urinating.
Burning =Sul-ac.---Burning itching with.
Burning =Sulph.---Burning everywhere in chronic affection.
With itching burning redness with.
Burning =Sulph.---Burning in vertex, eyes, anus, urethra,
vagina, nipples, chest, haemorhoids, palms, soles etc.
Itching eruption burn after scratching.
Burning =Tritic---Dysuria driven almost mad with painful
micturition, the burning and straining were truly awful.
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Tritic mother tincture 10 drops in a little water cured. Dr.

Burning and itching = Salol.---In small-pox and other skin
affections attended with burning and itching. The relief in
itching in small-pox was a constant and most satisfactory
Burning chest =Carb-v., Sulph.
Burning in abscess.---Ars., Anthr., Pyrog., Tarent-c.
Burning in small spots =Ran-b.---Has burning in small spots
from needle work.
Burning in the vagina =Sulph.---Burning in the vagina, is
hardly able to keep still.
Burning mucous linings =Am-m
Burning of chest =Carb-v., Sulph.
Burning of eyes =Cephd.---Burning of eyes, burning of
face. Burning all over. Dryness of mouth with great thirst
for large quantities of water at a time. Dryness of throat
with diabetes mellitus.
Burning of soles =Sulph., Sang.
Burning of urine =Canth., Sulph., Merc-c.
Burning of vagina =Carb-an., Kreos., Sulph.
Burning on vertex =Graph.
Burning pain =Canth.---Intense burning pains in the
throat, mouth, stomach and intestinal tract.
Burning pains =Ars.--- Burning pains, better from heat.
Burning Pains =Ars.---Burning pains; the affected parts
burn like fire, as if hot coals were applied to parts (Anthr),
> by heat, hot drinks, hot applications.
Burning palms =Phos., Sulph., Petr., Sang., Bry., Lach.,
Burning remedies =APIS., ARS., CANTH., CARB-V.,
MERC., NUX-V., PHOS., SULPH.---Medicines Mostly
Burning sensation =Canth.--- Burning sensation in
esophagus and stomach.
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Burning sensation =Malar-off.---Sensation of burning flush

rising from knees to throat without sweat; relieved by lying
down. Burning of hands and feet; aching of hands and
Burning sensation of =Sulph.---Sensation of burning : on
vertex; and smarting in eyes; in face, without redness; of
vesicles in mouth; and dryness of throat, first right, then
left; in stomach; in rectum; in anus, and itching piles, and
scalding urine; like fire in ripples (Ars); in chest, rising to
face; of skin of whole body, with hot flushes; in spots,
between scapulae (Phos).
Burning soles =Sulph., Lyc., Puls., Cham., Petr., Sanic.,
Burning sore =Cycl.---Burning sore pain in heel, when
sitting, standing or walking in open air (Agar., Caust.,
Valer., Phyt).
Burning urination =Canth., Cann-s., Clem., Merc-c.,
Sulph., Ter.
Burning vagina =Carb-an., Kreos., Sulph.
Burning vertex =Sulph., Lach.
Burns =Arn.---To be given first to prevent shock.
Burns =Calendula-lotion.---Immerse burned area in cold
water with a few drops of calendula succus or tincture.
Burns =Canth.---If pain perists after Arn. give 2 doses
every 15 minutes until pain lessens. Repeat Canth. if pain
returns. Other medicines are Hep-s., Kali-bi.
Burns =Hypericum lotion.---Immerse burned area in cold
Hypericum lotion. Dressing should be saturated with
Hypericum Lotion and applied to burned area to prevent
serum loss and promote tissue formation.
Burns and scalds =Caust.--- is for bad effects from burns
and scalds.
Burns and scalds =Canth.--- Burns and scalds with rawness
and smarting, relieved by cold applications. Canth. aids
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healing and takes away the burning sensation. Pain with

Burns and scalds =Caust.---In the after effects of burns
and scalds when patients say. I have never been well since
that burn. Dr. Guernsey.
Burns instant relief =Urt-u.--- Instant relief from pain,
provides rapid healing.
Burns=Canth., Urt-u., Pic-ac.
Bursae=Arn., Bov., Nat-m., Sil., Stict., Benz-ac., Ruta.
Bursitis shoulders=Apis., Ruta., Sil.
Bursting remedies =BELL., BRY., MERC., PHOS., Acon.,
Hep., Ip., Puls., Spong., Sulph.---Medicines normally
Bursting sensation =Acon.--- Bursting throbbing Headache;
sensation as if band around head.
Business =Bry.---Delirium about his business, worse at
night desire to escape from bed or to go home.
Business embarrassments =Ambr.---After business
embarrassments, unable to sleep, must get (Cimic., Sep).
Great sadness, sits for days weeping.
Cachectic =Cina.--- Cross, cachectic, convulsive.
Cachectic =Sec.--- Cold, scrawny, cachectic.
Cachexia=Ars., Hydr., Nit-ac.
Cadm., Kreos., Carb-v., Sil., Nat-a., Thuj.
Calcific tendinitis =Acon., Kalm., Rhus-t., Phyt., Sang.,
Calc-s., Sil.
Calculi biliary=Chin., Berb., Chel.
Calculi formation =Hydrang., Lith-c., Lyc.---Are
preventive for calculi formation in bladder.
Calculus reputation =Card-m., Lith-benz---Has reputation
for prevention of further formation of stones.
Calculus =Berb.---Mother tincture, 10 drops twice in cup of
water is highly recommended. It is the head remedy for
93… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calculus =Frag.---Prevents formation of calculi, removes

tartar from teeth and prevents attacks of gout.
Calculus biliary =Chin.---Is preventive for formation of
biliary calculi.
Calculus preventive =Calc 2x or 200.---Lessens the
tendency to accumulation of tartar on teeth graval and
renal calculi.
Calculus remedies =Berb., Calc., Card-m., Chin., Frag.,
Hydrang., Lyc., Nat-p., Ter., Urt-u.
Calendula tincture can also be used for wash.
Calf pain =Cact-g.--- Calf pain after or during walking.
Callosities =Ant-c., Rad-br.
Callus =Ant-c.--- Corn & callus.
Cancer =Psor.---Sulph follows Psor well in mammary
Cancer =Ars-i.---Cancer of breast after ulceration has set
Cancer =Aster---Cancer of mammae acute lancinating
pain, drawing pain in breast swollen distended as before
the menses, breast feels drawn in.
Cancer =Aur-m-n.---Cancer tongue as hard as leather
induration after glossitis,
Cancer =Bufo.---Fetor in hopeless cases can be removed.
Cancer =Calc-a.---Cancer of pancreas and cancer pains.
Cancer =Carb-an.---Cancer of uterus burning pain down
Cancer =Carc.--- cancer, constrictive, inactive.
Cancer =Carc.---Cancer, history in family.
Cancer =Chim.---Cancer of the breast with auxiliary glands
swollen, irregular ulceration –with nipples drawn in,
Tumour in breast moveable with sharp pains.
Cancer =Chim.---Desire for juicy things, open air,
fastidious nature. Cancer of the left breast, tumour
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moveable, ulcerated nipple drawn in Axillary Glands

Cancer =Chol.--- It is used in cases diagnosed as cancer of
the liver, or in such obstinate engorgements that
malignancy was suspected.
Cancer =Chol.---Burnett twice cured cancer of the liver
with it.
Cancer =Con.---Adapted to the debility of old persons to
disease caused by a blow or fall and to persons suffering
from cancer and scrofula, with light, rigid fiber.
Cancer =Cond.---Allays the pain in gastralgia accompanying
cancer of the stomach.
Cancer =Crot-h.---Cancer of the bladder (urinary) or
cancer of the prostate gland-I have used with success Crot-
h 30 in the case of one Bijay Nath –Cancer of bladder used
to bleed, bleeding stooped.
Cancer =Graph.---Cancer of pylorus. Duodenal ulcer.
Cancer =Hydr.---Cancer breast hard adherent, skin
mottled puckered pain knife sharp cutting nipple retracted.
Cancer =Kreos.---Kreos., is followed well by Ars., Phos.,
Sulph, in cancer and disease of a malignant tendency.
Cancer =Lap-a.---Cancer affections of gland goiter pre-
ulcerative stage of carcinoma, fibroid/tumours with intense
burning pain through the part with profuse haemorrhage.
Cancer =Sang.---Cancer of rectum.
Cancer =Vib-p.---Cancer of tongue.
Cancer bladder =Tarax.
Cancer Breast =Aster.--- Ulceration state in breast cancer.
Cancer deposits =Maland.--- For clearing remnants of
cancer deposits.
Cancer epithelia=Acet-ac.
Cancer Fissures =Cund.--- Ulcerative stage when opening
or fissures are appearing.
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Cancer gastric=Ger.
Cancer growth remedies =Carb-an., Hydr-m., Thuja.,
Cund., Con., Scroph., Lob., Scirr., Scilla-maritima., Ars.,
Hydr., Ant-m., Gali.
Cancer gums and throat =Am-c.---Of gums and throat.
Cancer lip =Con.---Of lip from pressure of pipe.
Cancer lower lip =Cist.---Of the lower Lip.
Cancer mammae =Aster., Con., Plb., Carc.
Cancer middle tail =Bar-c.--- Of the middle portion of the
tail of the pancreas.
Cancer nodulated tumors of the tongue =Gali.--- For
suspending or modifying cancerous action used in cancerous
ulcer & nodulated tumors of the tongue.
Cancer of breast =Con., Carb-an., Phyt., Graph., Calc-f.,
Cancer of gallbladder =Bell., Nat-s., Hydr., Graph.,
Apis., Ars., Echi.
Cancer of intestinal =Orni.--- Cancer of intestinal tract
especially of the stomach and caecum.
Cancer of intestine =Hydr., Phos., Ars., Kreos., Carb-v.,
Lach., Echi.
Cancer of larynx =Calc-c., Brom., Phyt., Kali-bi., Ars.,
Merc-c., Thuj., Syph.
Cancer of liver =Chin., Carb-v., Chlol., Lyc., Hydr.,
Cancer of liver. =Chlor.--- in obstinate cases of the cancer
of liver.
Cancer of lungs =Calc-p., Calc., Phos., Sang., Carb-v.,
Cancer of oesophagus =Cund.--- Cancer of oesophagus or
stomach. Painful cracks in corners of mouth.
Cancer of pancreas =Calc-ar.--- Cancer of pancreas.
Cancer of prostate =Caust.---Lancinating pains in legs and
in the cancer of the prostate.
Cancer of rectum = Calc-s., Phos., Phyt., Sang.
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Cancer of stomach =Ova tosta.

Cancer of the liver =Chol.---In obstinate cases of cancer of
the liver tending toward malignancy.(Dr. Burnett.)
Cancer of the stomach =Crot-h.--- Cancer of the stomach
with black coffee ground or bloody slimy mucus vomit. Also
cancer of tongue with haemorrhage.
Cancer of the stomach =Hydr.--- Cancer of the stomach, it
seems to stunt the growth.
Cancer of tongue =Lac-c., Kali-m., Phyt., Merc., Merc-a.,
Ars-i., Phos., Kali-cyn.
Cancer of uterus =Phyt., Kreos., Con., Carb-an., Crot-h.,
Carb-s. Arg-m., Lap-a., Merc-i., Aur.
Cancer Painful cracks in corner =Cund.--- Cancer of
oesophagus or stomach. Painful cracks in corners of mouth.
Cancer pains =Euph., Bufo., Calc-acet.
Cancer prostate =Mag-m.---Of the prostate.
Cancer rectal=Ruta., Hydr., Kali-cy.
Cancer side effect =Cadm-s.---Side effect of chemo
Cancer throat =Crot-h.---Of throat with swelling spasm of
oesophagus, cannot swallow anything solid.
Cancer tongue=Aur-m., Kali-cy., Alumn., Apis., Ars.,
Aur., Carb-an., Carc., Con., Hydr., Kali-i., Lach., Mur-
ac., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Scirr., Semp., Sil.---Remedies
usually Prescribed.
Cancer tongue=Puli.
Cancer ulcerative stage =Cund.--- Ulcerative stage when
opening or fissures are appearing.
Cancer violent nausea =Cadm-s.--- When there is violent
nausea retching black vomit.
Cancerous =Iod.---Cancerous degeneration of the cervix
cutting pains in abdomen and haemorrhage at every stool.
Cancerous parentage =Bac---If it is primary spleen
affection that led up to the phthisis, when the phthisis
arises from a cancerous parentage. Bac will not always
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suffice until other remedies have prepared the way. Dr.

Cancerous sore mouth =Kali-p 3x.--- in repeated doses is
a specific.
Cancerous tumors =Trif-p---Persons disposed to cancer. It
retards the process of cancerous tumors and improves the
general condition of the patient. Dr. Fetter.
Cancrum oris =Merc-c., Mur-ac., Ars.. Sec., Kreos., Bapt.
Candida=Lyc., Thuj., Med., Puls.
Cannot bear =Cham.---An excellent name for it cannot
bear it.
Cannot stand for long time, seeks chair =Sulph.
Cannot Walk =Lil-t.---Cannot walk on uneven ground.
Canth., Sil., Ars., Ter.
Canthi(angles) itching, smarting =GAMB., HEP., ZINC.,
Alum., Ap-g., Ars., Carb-v., Fl-ac., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v.,
Phos., Succ-ac., Sulph.---Medicines Mostly prescribed.
Capillary stasis=Caps., Echi.
Car sickness =Cocc.---Is the most indicated remedy for car
sickness and sea sickness, a dose should be given before
the journey and then as needed.
Car sickness =Petr.--- In 30th potency two doses for a few
days before taking the journey.
Car sickness, travel sickness =Cocc., Ign., Petr.
Carbon monoxide, bad effect =Nat-m.---Should be used as
preventive against bad effects of exposure to carbon
monoxide gas.
Carbuncle =Tarent-c.---It may be given in 6th or 30th
potency. A boil of serious nature, generally on back of neck
or buttocks. Intense burning pains.
Carbuncle, affected parts bluish. discharge offensive
Carbuncle, intense pain & dark red =Rhus-t.
Carbuncle, swollen & purple or blackish =Lach.
Carbuncle, with fever diarrhoea & prostration =Tarent.
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Carbuncles =Arn.---Repeated doses will often abort a

Carbuncles=Anthr., Ars., Bell., Calc-s., Lyc., Sil.,
Tarent., Led., Lach.
Carb-v., Lach., Plb., Op.
Cardiac =Aur-m.--- Rheumatic, uterine, cardiac ailments.
Cardiac =Dig.--- Deathly, distressed, cardiac ailments
Cardiac =Kalm.--- neuralgic, rheumatic, cardiac ailments.
Cardiac =Naja.--- Cardiac, complaints with, suffocative,
nervous ailments.
Cardiac dropsy=Adon., Dig.
Cardiac dyspnea=Acon-f., Queb.
Cardiac pains =Ars.--- Subdues the frightful cardiac pains
in gastric ulcers.
Cardio-vasscular spasm=Act-sp.
Caries =Calc-p., Calc., Sil, Fl-ac., Hydr., Arn., Asaf.,
Caries of teeth =Coca.---Prevents caries of teeth.
Caries of teeth Remedies =Kreos., Merc., Plan.
Caries of vertebrae =Calc-p 6x or 30.---Is superior to any
other drug.
Caries=Aur., Asaf., Sil., Phos.
Carpal (wrists)=Ruta., Calc-f., Calc-p., Caust., Hyper.
Cartilages=Arg., Calc-f., Bell., Cimic., Nat-m., Plb.,
Caruncle, urethral=Thuj.
Catalepsy remedies =Cann-ind., Cic., Mosch., Acon.,
Gels., Op., Hyos., Lach., Coff.---Medicines mostly
Catalepsy=Cur., Hydr-ac., Cann-i.
Cataleptic condition =Graph.---Cataleptic condition;
conscious but without power to move or speak.
Cataract injuries from =Con.
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Cataract lachrymation with =Euphr.

Cataract menses-absence with =Lyc.
Cataract operations after =Seneg.
Cataract = Argmon-max., Calc-f. Calc-ph., Caust., Con.,
Cine, Kali-p., Nat-m., Nat-s., Sil. Sulph., Thiosin.,
Clem., Con., Calc., Phos., Plat., Ques., Plb., Naphtin.
Cataract = Cinerraria maritima succus, 2 Drops.---
Morning, evening and before bed time has some reputation
in the cure of cataract and corneal opacities .This must be
kept up for several months. Agar 12. Has cleared up
several cases of cataract. Calc-f 200x. daily is very useful
eye troubles. It is prophylactic and a great help in the
Cataract =Caust =Cataract with motor disturbance. Sparks
and dark spots before eyes.
Cataract =Clem., Con., Calc-c., Phos., Sil., Calc-f., Plb.,
Cataract after operation = Seneg .--- Promotes absorption
of fragments of lens after operation Give 30th .
Cataract senile =Carb-an., Sec.
Cataract women, in =Sep.
Catarrh =Brom.---Catarrh, and induration.
Catarrh =Dulc.--- Confused, climatic, catarrh.
Catarrh =Lyc.---Catarrh dry nose stopped at night must
breath through the mouth (Am-c., Nux-v., Samb); snuffles
child starts from sleep rubbing its nose, of root of nose and
frontal sinuses crusts and elastic plugs (Kali-bi., Mar-v.).
Catarrh =Merc.---Catarrh with much sneezing fluent acrid
corrosive nostrils raw ulcerated yellow-green foetid pus-
like nasal bones swollen <at night and from damp weather.
Catarrh =Nat-c.---Catarrh extends to posterior nares and
throat hawking much thick mucus from throat profuse
discharge during day stopped at night (Nux-v).
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Catarrh =Nux-v.---Catarrh snuffles of infants (Am-c.,

Samb); Coryza dry at night fluent by day <in warm room >
in cold air from sitting in cold places on stones steps.
Catarrh =Sabad.---Catarrh, and craves heat.
Catarrh chronic =Anemps., Nat-s., Aur., Eucol., Kali-bi.,
Puls., Sangin-n., Nat-c.
Catarrh chronic =Thuj.---Chronic catarrh after
exanthemata thick green mucus blood and pus (Puls).
Catarrh(Nasal) =Nux-v., All-c., Ip., Nat-s., Mere-S., Calc-
S., Graph., Ars .
Catarrhal =Caust.---The catarrhal troubles creep up the
Eustachian tube from the nose and throat into the ear,
resulting in roaring, cracking noises and reverberations in
the ear. There is great accumulation of ear wax; deafness
of catarrhal origin and deafness from paralysis of the
auditory nerve. Severe, dragging pains in the ear.
Catarrhal =Cocc.--- Cold, catarrhal, colicky.
Catarrhal =Hydr.--- Sinking, stringy, catarrhal.
Catarrhal =Ip.--- Nauseating, catarrhal, wheezing.
Catarrhal =Kali-i.--- Burning, glandular, catarrhal.
Catarrhal =Puls., Kali-bi.---When the catarrhal symptoms
are prominent in measles and we have coryza and profuse
lachrymation use (Puls) but instead of simple catarrh of the
eyes, you have pustules developed in the cornea, the
throat is swollen and pains go from the throat into the
ears, the salivary glands are swollen and there is catarrhal
deafness then you have to use. (Kali-bi.)
Catarrhal =Sab.--- Cold, catarrhal, constrictive.
Catarrhal =Seneg.--- Sore, catarrhal chest.
Catarrhal condition =Cocc-c., Dulc.
Catarrhal dull headache =All-c.---Catarrhal dull headache,
with Coryza; <in the evening> in open air; <on returning to
a warm room (compare, Euph., Puls).
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Catarrhal fever = Acon., Eup-per., Gels., Camph., Achy-

a.---Remedies in general
Catarrhal inflammation =Merc-d.---Catarrhal inflammation
of middle ear (kali-m). Eustachian tube closed; catarrhal
deafness and in psoric children; deafness of old age (Kali-
Catatonia general =Cic., Cortico., Cur., Kali-br., Puls.,
Catheter ailments from=Calen., Staph., Acon., Camph.,
Catheterism =Acon.
Cats =Puls---Dreams of cats.
Cause loss of vital fluid=Chin----bleeding, nursing
salivation whites, seminal emission profuse supuration, long
Cause, anger =Nux-v., Staph., Bry., Cham., Coloc.,
Acon., Ign.
Cause, coffee, alcoholic drink= Nux-v.---debauchery,
abuse of drug, business anxiety, sedentary habit, night
watching, too high living, anger masturbation, mental
exertion etc.
Cause, Cold bathing =Caust., Rhus-t., Ant-c., Sulph.
Cause, damp cold =Nat-s., Rhus-t., Dulc.
Cause, dry cold =Caust., Nux-v., Acon., Hep., Bry., Sil.
Cause, foot sweat, suppressed =Bar-c., Merc., Sil.
Cause, fright =Acon., Ign., Op., Verat., Gels.
Cause, grief =Caust., Ign., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Lach., Puls.
Cause, heat of sun =Nat-m., Ant-c., Bry., Gels., Glon.,
Lach., Nat-c.
Cause, indignation vexation =Ign., Nux-v., Coloc., Staph.
Cause, love disappointed =Ign., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Hyos.
Cause, onanism =Staph., Ph-ac., Chin., Con., Lyc., Nux-
v., Sel., Sulph.
Cause, Quinine =Ars., Nat-m., Carb-v., Ferr., Ip., Puls.
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Cause, straining, heavy lifting= Rhus-t.---severe exertion,

damp cold, sleeping on damp ground, getting wet when
Cause, suppressed eruption =Ars., Caust., Hep., Psor.,
Sulph., Apis., Cupr.
Cause, trauma =Nat-s., Arn., Con., Led.
Causes dislike to meat, fat and milk=Carb-v.--- which
causes flatulency.
Causes sitting up in bed causes fainting=Bry.
Causterised-throat, cervix uteri or eyelids =Nat-m.---
Ulceration where the throat has been cauterised or the
cervix uteri or eye-lids have been cauterised by nitrate of
silver, study Nat-m. and see if the symptoms of the case
would not justify its administration. It is the most common
natural antidote for these vicious practices. (Dr. Kent.)
Cautiousness excessive =Graph.---Excessive cautiousness;
timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything (Puls);
Fidgety while sitting at work. (Zinc).
Celiac Plexus, neuralgia=Camph., Phos.
Cellulities =Apis., Rhus-t., Vesp.
Cellulitis = Bell., Bry., Apis., Merc.
Censorious =Cyd.--- Chilly, chlorotic, censorious.
Cephalahematoma =Sil., Calc., Calc-f., Merc.
Cerebellar=Hell., Helo., Plb., Sulfon.
Cerebro – spinal meningitis =Cic., Zinc-cy., Cupr-act.,
Cerebro =Gels., Nux-v., Agar., Arg-n., Chin., Cocc., Ign.,
Cerebro spinal =Verat-v.---Cerebro-spinal diseases; with
spasms, dilated pupils, tetanic convulsions, opisthotonos;
cold, clammy perspiration.
Cervical & occipital region =Oreo.--- Constant dull ache in
cervical & occipital region.
Cervical region =Hypo.---Cervical region irradiating
towards the occiput.
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Cervical Spondylitis <cold & damp weather- Dulcamara 200

daily for 4 days.
Cervical spondylitis =Rhus-t., Con., Ph-ac.
Cervical spondylitis =Spig., Kalm.---Cervical Spondylitis
case- pain in heart region sudden severe extending to left
shoulder and arm ECG normal X-ray Cervical Spondylitis.
Spig 200., in similar pain benumbing from neck to right arm
Kalmia 30, 1000.
Cervical spondylitis =Ther., Tell.---In Cervical Spondylitis
with vertigo, nausea or vomiting with sensitiveness to
noise, Theridion is sure cure. Otherwise Tellurium 30, 1M
specific for Cerv, Spondylitis.
Cervix =Iod.---Cancerous degeneration of the cervix;
cutting pains in abdomen and hemorrhage at every stool.
Chagrin ailments arising from =Bry.---“Ailments arising
from chagrin”; these are headaches usually. violent,
congestive headache that come on a few hours after
alternation or controversy or little misunderstanding
Chancre =Merc., Nit-ac., Merc-c.
Chancre=Merc-i-r., Merc-i-f., Merc., Kali-i.
Change of life =Lach.---Women who have not recovered
from the change of life” have never felt well since that
Changeable =Squila.--- Cold, cloudy, changeable.
Changeable symptoms =Puls.
Changing =Valer.--- Sudden, changing, disposition.
Changing or shifting pains =Kali-bi., Puls., Lac-c., Colch.
Charcoal/cowdung =Cic.--- Removes craving for
Checked discharge=Cupr., Psor.
Cheek =Acon.--- Fevers; sudden onset; hot dry skin; often
one cheek red, other pale.
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Cheek =Cham.---one cheek red and hot the other pale and
Cheeks redness =Sang.---Circumscribed redness of one or
both cheeks.
Chemosis =Guare.---Chemosis and pterygium.
Chest =Arg-m.---Great weakness of the chest (Stann);
worse left side.
Chest =Cact-g.---Whole body feels as if caged, each wire
being twisted tighter and tighter. Constriction of throat,
chest heart bladder, rectum, uterus vagina; often caused
or brought on by the slightest contact. Oppression of chest,
as from a great weight, as if an iron band prevented normal
motion. Sensation of a cord tightly tied around lower part
of chest marking attachment of diaphragm. Heart feels as
if clasped and unclasped rapidly by an iron hand; as if
bound had no room.
Chest =Dig.---Great weakness of chest, cannot bear to talk
Chest =Hep.---Chest , wheezing, rattling, worse morning.
Chest =Ip.---Chest, wheezing, great mucous with.
Chest =Lob.---Dyspnoea from constriction of middle of
chest; <with every labour pain seems to neutralize the
pains; < by exposure to cold or slightest exertion going up
or down stairs (Ip).
Chest =Ph-ac.---Chest : weak from talking or coughing
(Stann); in tuberculosis; nervous from loss of vital fluids,
too rapid growth, depressing mental emotions.
Chest =Phos.---Heaviness of chest, as if a weight were
lying on it.
Chest =Ran-b.--- Rheumatic, affecting, chest.
Chest =Senega.--- Sore, catarrhal, chest.
Chest =Stann-m.---Chest, weakness, great, worse by
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Chest =Tarent.---Slight touch along the spine provokes

spasmodic pain chest and cardiac region.
Chest =Ther.---Violent stiches in upper left chest, below
the scapula extending to neck (Apis., Myr., Pix., Sulph.)
Chest affections =Spig.---Chest affections with stitching
pains synchronous with pulse; <from motion, <cold, wet
Chest coarse rattling =Ant-t.---Chest in coarse rattling.
Chest infections =Strep., Pencil.
Chest mucus =Ant-t.--- Cough; rattling of mucus in chest,
but nothing comes up. Wheezing. Difficult breathing as if
drowning in own secretions.
Chest oppression of =Cact.---Oppression of chest, as from
a great weight; as if an iron band prevented normal
Chest Pain = Acon.---After a violent chill, dry head and
lancinating pain in chest.
Chest pain =Naja-t.---Chest pain<by carriage riding or
lying on side.
Chest pain =Phos.---Pain acute especially in the chest,
<from pressure even slight in intercostal spaces and lying
on left side excited by slightest chill, open air intolerable.
Chest pain with flatulence =Carb-v.
Chest- Pain, Better, Sitting up. Bending forward =Kali-c.
Chest- Pain, With Sensation of, Burning rawness =Caust.
Chest- pain, with sensation of, heaviness =Phos.
Chest- pain, with sensation of, soreness =Eup-pur.
Chest- pain, with sensation of, weakness =Stann.
Chest- pain, worse, on ascending, coughing =Tub.
Chest- pain, worse, on inspiration =Calc.
Chest- pain, worse, on walking =Ran-b.
Chest- pain, worse, when coughing =Bry.
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Chest painful =Ferr-p.--- Hard, dry, tickling cough, with

painful chest and hoarseness.
Chest- pleuritis, associated with, exudation, Constriction
feeling = Apis.
Chest- pleuritis, associated with, high fever =Acon.
Chest- pleuritis, associated with, mucopurulent sputum
Chest- pleuritis, associated with, stabbing pain =Ran-b.
Chest- pleuritis, with stitching pain, worse bending forward
Chest- pleuritis, with stitching pain, worse by motion =Bry.
Chest- pleuritis, with stitching pain, worse lying on back
Chest- pleuritis, with stitching pain, worse lying on the left
side =Phos.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, begins as bronchitis &
extends downward =Ant-t.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, bilous- sp. after measles
or whooping cough =Chel.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, broncho- pneumonia
spasmodic cough, with vomiting =Ip.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, chest feels sore and
bruised =Ferr-p.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, great debility. formation
of heart clot =Am-c.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, high fever & restlessness
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, one or both lungs
consolidated =Bell.
Chest- pneumonia, earlier stages, tenesmus. expectoration
blood streaked =Merc.
CHEST- Pneumonia, Later Stages, Abscess formed in
lungs =Lach.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, after croupous exudation
taken place = Bry.
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Chest- pneumonia, later stages, after hepatization has

commenced =Kali- Hydro-iod., Iod.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, all complaints tend to
settle about heart =Naja.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, cardiac asthma =Naja.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, copious exudation with
little globules of pus =Kali-c.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, destruction of lung tissues
=Carb-v., Carb-an.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, extensive hepatization,
difficult breathing (typhoid) =Lyc.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, just when hepatization is
coming or it is going off =Phos.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, pain from lower chest to
epigastrium =Ox-ac.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, sore spot remaining after
pneumonia =Ran-b., Puls.
Chest- pneumonia, later stages, suppuration instead of
normal resolution (croupous) =Hep.
Chest remedies =ARN., APIS., ARS., BELL., BRY., CALC-
Chest sore =Ran-b.---Intercostal rheumatism chest sore
bruised <from touch motion or turning the body (Bry);
stormy weather (Rhus-t).
Chest stitches =Ran-b.---for stitches in chest, with every
change in weather.
Chest stretches =Cimic.--- for stretches all over the chest
in heart pang.
Chest weakness =Stann.---Great weakness in chest < from
talking laughing reading aloud singing so weak, unable to
Chewing motion =Hell.---Chewing motion of the mouth,
corners of mouth sore, cracked; nostrils dirty and sooty,
Cheyne-stroke respiration = Grin., Morph., Parth.
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Chicken Pox = Ferr-p., Bry., Rhus-t., Gels., Kali-m.,

Kali-s., Thuj., Sulph., Saras., Acon., Echi., Ant-t., Ant-
c., Merc., Camph., Vario., Puls.
Chicken pox =Ant-c., Ant-t., Puls., Rhus-t.---Is a
prophylactic against chicken pox.
Chicken pox =Vac.---Chicken pox.
Chickenpox =Puls.--- Helpful in childhood diseases such as
measles, mumps, and chickenpox.
Chilblains =Agar., Puls.---Agar.200 & Puls 200 are the two
remedies often indicated for chilblains covering about two
third of cases, Agar is worse from cold and has symptoms
resembling frostbite. Puls is worse in the evening and from
exposure to heat.
Chilblains =Agar.---Chilblains that itch and burn
intolerably frostbite and all consequences of exposure to
cold, especially in face.
Chilblains =Sulph., Tub., Bovinum., Abort., Agar., Tam.,
Chilblains =Sulph., Tub.---Is a preventive against
Chilblains bunion =Agar.---Allied to chilblains in bunion for
which almost a specific.
Child =Cuph.---If you have a child that is fretful and
feverish, vomits currdled milk, from hyper-acidity of the
stomach, has frequent, green, watery, acid stools, or even
if the stools are dysenteric, with great tenesmus and colic,
high fever and restlessness.
Child =Rheum.--- Sour, colicky, child.
Child =Stram.---Child is greatly frightened when awaken
and when sees anything and wants to get away from them.
Child =Sulph.-Child dislike to be washed or bathed.
Child at birth, pale =Ant-t.---Child at birth pale,
breathless, gasping through the chord still pulsates.
Child carried =Cham.---Child wants to be carried and gets
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Child clings =Ant-t.---Child clings to those around; wants

to be carried; cries and whines if any one touches it; will
not let you feel the pulse (Ant-c., Sanic).
Child constantly handles the penis =Maland.
Child cries =Lyc.---A child cries all day sleeps all night
(reverse jalapa., Bor).
Child cries =Zinc.---Child cries out during sleep; whole
jerks during sleep; wakes frightened, started, roll the head
from side to side; face alternatively pale and red.
Child digestion =Calc-p.--- Colic whenever child eats,
feeble digestion.
Child exceedingly irritable=Cham.---Child exceedingly
irritable, fretful; quiet only when carried; impatient, wants
this or that and becomes angry when refused, or, when
offered, petulantly rejects it (Bry., Cina., Kreos); “too ugly
to live”; cross spiteful.
Child fearful =Ant-c.---Child fretful and peevish, cannot
hear to be touched or looked at.
Child good =Psor.---Child is good, plays all days; restless,
troublesome, screaming all night (reverse. of Lyc).
Child ill-natured =Abrot.---Child is ill-natured, irritable,
cross and despondent; violent, inhuman, would like to do
something inhumen, cruel.
Child repeats everything said to it =Zinc---A characteristic
of brain affections of children is crossness in the evening
and also child repeats everything said to it is a leading
Child scratches =Calc.---A peculiar symptom of it is the
child scratches head impatiently on getting awake and
when disturbed in sleep.
Child smells sour =Rheum.---The child smells sourish, even
if washed or bathed every day.
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Child vomits =Valer.---Child vomits curdled milk in large

lumps; same in stools (Aeth). as soon as it was nursed,
after mother has been angry.
Child’s head =Calc-p.--- Delayed closure of fontanelles in
top of child‟s head.
Childbirth =Arn.--- Relieves soreness and bruised feeling
following childbirth, illnesses, fractures, and surgery.
Childbirth =Caul.---Caul. 6 or 30 given one doze daily for 3
weeks before childbirth has a reputation for making labour
quick and easy.
Children =Calc.---It is espacially indicated in fair, plump
children, those of a bone-phlagmatic temperament.
Children =Calc-p.---Often suitable medicine for children
but it may be indicated young while growing. Particularly
girls at or near puberty.
Children =Caust.---Children with delicate skin.
Children =Cham.---Especially useful to calm worry
excitement in every nervous women and children.
Children =Graph.---Children : impudent, teasing, laugh at
Children =Ign.---Spasmodic affections of children as a
result of being put to sleep soon after punishment. or
Children =Kreos.---Children; old looking, wrinkled (Abrot);
scrofulous or psoric affections; rapid emaciation (Iod).
Children =Med.---Children, pale, rachitic, dwarfed and
stunted in growth (Bar-c); mentally, dull and weak.
Children =Sars.---In children; face like old people enlarged
abdomen; dry, flabby skin (Bar-c., Op)
Children =Sulph.---Children can not bear to be washed or
bathed (in cold water- Ant-c); emaciated, big bellied,
restless, hot, kick off the clothes at night (Hep., Sanic);
have worm but the best selected medicines fail.
Children acne =Hep., Kali-br.
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Children adolescent moods =Ign., Nat-m., Nux-v., Puls.

Children are afraid of downward motions =Bor.
Children are obstinate =Sil.---Children are obstinate, head
strong, cry when spoken kindly to (Iod).
Children awake suddenly =Bor.---Children awake suddenly,
screaming and grasping sides of cradle, without apparent
case (Apis., Cina., Stram)/
Children bedwetting =Bell., Equis., Kreos., Puls., Sep.
Children burns = Canth., Hyper., Urt-u.
Children chew cloth and raw food-rice =Alum.
Children chicken pox =Antim-tart., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph.
Children colic, infantile =All-c., Aloe., Cham.
Children complaints of pains in legs at night =Calc-p.
Children constipation of infants =Alum., Bry., Mag-c.
Children croup =Acon., Hep., Spong.
Children cry and toss about all night (Psor) =Rheum.
Children crying before urinating =Lyc., Bor.
Children crying during teething =Cham., Calc-p.
Children crying during teething, milk disagrees =Aeth.
Children crying spells-withholding breathing, when crying
Children desire things but refuse when given =Cham., Bry.
Children diarrhoea of children during dentition =Calc.,
Podo., Cham.
Children dwarfish =Bar-c.---Dwarfish children who do not
grow (Children who grow too rapidly, Calc-os.); scrofulous
ophthalmia; cornea opaque; abdomen swollen; frequent
attacks of colic; face bloated; general emaciation. Children
both physically and mentally week.
Children eat earth, lime, clay, chalk =Calc., Alum., Nit-
Children eat excessive salt =Nat-m.
Children eat excessive sweets =Arg-n.
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Children emotional upset =Nux-v., Phos.

Children fear of falling =Gels.---Children fear of falling,
grasp the crib or seize the nurse (Bor., Sanic).
Children fever =Bell.
Children frightened in sleep =Lyc.
Children ill humoured =Staph.---Ill humoured children cry
for things which, after receiving, they petulantly push or
throw away (Kreos).
Children illegitimate =Mag-c.---The illegitimate children-
infants present some problem-they go into marasmus etc.,
helps such children.
Children impatient =Rheum =Children impatient,, desires
many things, and cries; dislikes even favourite playthings
(Cina., Staph).
Children infants, nose blocked at night =Samb.
Children injuries =Arn., Hyper.
Children irritable behaviour, quiet when carried =Cham.
Children keep hands moving on objects of the table =Kali-
Children late learning to talk =Nat-m.
Children measles =Bell., Bry., Dulc., Euphrasia., Ferr-p.,
Gels., Kali-bi. Puls.
Children menstrual disorders (girls) =Apis., Bell., Coloc.,
Mang-p., Puls.
Children mononucleosis =Cist.
Children mumps =Apis., Bell., Puls., Rhus-t.
Children night terrors of =Kali-br.---Night terrors of
children (Kali-p); grinding teeth in sleep, screams, moans,
cries; horrible dreams, cannot be comforted by friends.
Somnambulism (Sil).
Children play all day =Psor.---Children play all day and Cry
all through the night.
Children pull own hair =Bell.
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Children pulling penis frequently boys =Merc., Canth.

Children rachitic =Calc.
Children shake feet while sitting on chair =Lyc.
Children slow =Nat-m.---Children slow in learning to walk
or talk.
Children smell sour =Calc., Hep., Rheum.
Children spasms of =Op.---Spasms : of children, from
approach of strangers; from nursing after fright of mother
(Hyos-after anger of mother, Cham., Nux-v.); from crying;
eyes half open and upturned.
Children teething =Calc-p.--- Delayed or difficult teething
in children, rapid decay of teeth.
Children tonsilits =Apis., Bar-c., Bell., Ferr-p., Hep.,
Kali-m., Merc.
Children toss, kick clothes off, restless sleep =Ars.
Children very shy =Sil.
Children vomiting =Calc-p.--- Easy vomiting in children.
Children warts =Dulc., Nit-ac., Thuj.
Children weak, mentally or physically =Bar-c., Calc-p.,
Chill & heat=Cycl.---Heat of face follows chill. And heat
alternates. Sensation of heat through whole body,
particularly in face and hands. Heat with swelling of veins
(Chin). General heat after eating. Sweating at night during
sleep, offensive.
Chill =Camph tincture.---Malaria-fever. Very coldness of
the whole body.
Chill =Caps.---Chill starts from the back and spreads all
over in intermittent fever.
Chill =Gels.---Chill without thirst, especially along the
spine running up and down the back in rapid, wave-like
succession from sacrum to occiput.
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Chill =Nux-v.---Repugnance to cold air, chilly on least

movement from being uncovered, must be covered in every
stage of fever-chill, heat or sweat.
Chill =Pyrog.---Chill : begins in the back, between
scapulae; severe, general, of bones and extremities;
marking onset of septic fever; temperature 103 to 106;
heat sudden, skin dry and burning; pulse rapid, small, wiry,
140 to 170; cold clammy sweat follows.
Chill =Sabad.---Chill starts from below from extremities
and spreads upwards in intermittent fevers (Malaria cases).
Chill =Sil.---Want of vital heat always chilly even when
taking active exercise (Led., Sep).
Chill =Thuj.---Chill beginning in the thighs.
Chill at night =Op.---has a little chill at night, no chill
during day.
Chill without thirst =Gels.---Chill without thirst, especially
along the spine running up and down the back in rapid,
wave-like succession from sacrum to occiput.
Chill, beginning in the thighs =Thuj.
Chillblains =Kali-i.--- Chillblains in winters.
Chilliness =Coff.---In nervous patients, chill on movement
external dry physical exertions and excitement.
Chilliness =Gels.---Febrile chilliness, cold extremities, heat
of the head and face.
Chilliness =Merc---The chill of Merc is peculiar. It is not a
shaking chill but simply a creeping chillness. Is worse by
heat of bed but is better from rest in bed whereas Ars is
better form heat of bed but worse from rest in bed. Dr.
Chilliness =Verat.---Sensation of lump of ice on vertex
with chilliness (Sep) as of heat and cold at same time on
scalp as if brain were torn to pieces. Icy coldness of face,
tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms and many other parts.
Cold feeling in abdomen (Colch., Tab.).
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Chills =Caps.---Chills commence in back with thirst and if

the thirst is quenched with water, the condition becomes
Chills =Fuc.---Is a useful prophylactic against diseases due
to chills. It prevents the breaking of colds in head or an
illness due to chills.
Chills =Gels.--- Chilled and chills up and down back.
Chilly =Acon.---Chilly, throughout the body with chilly, in
waves, alternating with heat and burning.
Chilly =Ars.---Chilly, irregular shaking with.
Chilly =Calc-c.---Chilly, coldness, both objective and
subjective, sensitive to moist air.
Chilly =Chin.---Chilly, draft, cold susceptible to.
Chilly =Cyd.--- Chilly, chlorotic, censorious.
Chilly =Hep.--- Irritable, Chilly.
Chilly =Hep.---Chilly, wants unusual amount of clothing.
Chilly =Kali-s.---Chilly, always, evening and night and
dread of hot foods and drinks.
Chilly =Lyc.---Chilly, but worse when heated by exertion.
Chilly =Merc-c.--- Chilly, from least motion.
Chilly =Merc-s.---Chilly, creeping as if.
Chilly =Nat-c.---Chilly, wants much clothing.
Chilly =Nat-s.---Chilly, cannot get warm even in bed,
extreme sensitive to night air, specially Cold & damp.
Chilly =Nux-v.--- Chilly, impulsive, oversensitive.
Chilly =Nux-v.---Chilly, even during heat of fever, wants
covering oversensitive to draft of air.
Chilly =Psor.---Chilly, wears a fur cap, even during
Chilly =Puls.---Chilly, aversion to heat with.
Chilly =Sil.---Chilly, always shivering, cold extremities.
Chilly sensitive =Nux-v.--- Chilly, sensitive to drafts.
Chin., Apis., Phos., Ars.
Chlamydial infection=Med., Puls., Sulph., Thuj.
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Chloasma=Sep., Paul.
Chlorosis =Calc-ar.--- Cold, chlorosis, dropsical, grandual,
Chlorosis anaemia =Ferr-m., Ferr-cit., Calc-p., Ars.,
Chin., Alet.---Remedies in general.
Chlorosis=Ars., Ferr., Helon., Cupr., Puls.
Chlorotic =Cyd.--- Chilly, chlorotic, censorious.
Chlorotic =Ferr.--- Chlorotic, cold, congestive.
Chlorotic =Mang.--- Sore, tender, chlorotic.
Chlorotic =Senec.--- Chlorotic, menstrual, irregularity.
Chokes easily=Arg., Bell., Hyos., Lach..
Choking=Lyc., Puls., Hyos.
Cholecystitis inflammation gallbladder=Berb., Chel.,
Chin., Chol., Lach., Lyc., Nat-s., Nux-v.
Cholelithiasis=Chion., Hydr.
Cholera = Aeth.---Cholera infantum green watery or slimy
stool colic and convulsions eyes turn downward.
Cholera = Ars., Camph., Cupr., Verat., Aeth., Calc.,
Podo., Lach., Bism., Sec., Carb-v., Canth., Op.
Cholera = Camphor., Chin., Phos., Verat-a., Bism., Ars.,
Sec., Cupr., Carb-v., Camph., Canth., Op.
Cholera =Camph.---Cholera and choleric symptoms, first
stage or during the time when discharges are scanty or
suddenly suppressed dry skin. The body is as cold as ice.
Cholera =Camph.---Sudden attacks of vomiting and
diarrhoea; nose cold and pointed; anxious and restless; skin
and breath cold (Ver., Jatr.)
Cholera =Camph.---When attacked, spirit Camph 5 to 10
drops on sugar without water every half an hour, 4-5 doses.
Repeat it after every vomiting or purging even if the
interval is a minute.
Cholera =Cupr.--- for cholera with cold sweat and cramps.
Cholera =Cupr-ar.---In choleraic conditions, icy coldness of
the body with cramps and obstinate hiccough. Dr. J.N.
117… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Cholera =Ip.---Asiatic cholera, first symptoms, where

nausea and vomiting predominate (Colch.)
Cholera =Sulph.---It may be used by placing a little flower
of inside of the stockings, as recommended by Dr. Hering,
Several years ago.
Cholera =Verat., Cup-ars., Camph.
Cholera =Verat.---Cholera; vomiting and purging; stool
profuse; watery gushing; prostrating; after fright (Acon).
Cholera =Verat.---for cholera with cold sweat, profuse
vomiting and stool.
Cholera =Verat.---one dose daily is an execllent
prophylactic. Verat followed by Ars.
Cholera infant‟s diarrhoea =Cham., Calc-ph., Jalapa.,
Cholera infantum =Cupr.---Is very effective in this
complaint. It is preventive also Aeth., Calc-p.
Cholera like =Am-c.---Cholera-like symptoms at the
commencement of menstruation (Bov., Verat).
Cholera like =Grat.--- Purging, cholera like.
Cholera painless =Podo.---for painless cholera morbus.
Cholera =Camph --- Presents a complete picture of
Cholesterol =Constitutional medicines, interpolated with
miasmatic medicines have helped the problem of
cholesterol problem.
Cholesterol =Glyc-g Q .--- For Cholesterol problem cases
8-10 times daily.
Cholesterol increased=Chol., Calc., Dulc., Lyc.
Chondritis perichondritis =Arg., Bell., Cimic., Nat-m.,
Plb., Ruta.
Chordee =Kali-br., Canth., Sal-n., Yohim., Lup., Agav-a.
Chorea =Agar.--- Involuntary muscular twitching .
Chorea =Caul.---Chorea, hysteria or epilepsy at puberty,
during establishment of menstrual function (Cimic).
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Chorea =Gels.
Chorea =Zinc.---Chorea : from suppressed eruption fright.
Chorea =Zinc.---Chorea from suppressed eruption, from
Chorea=Absin., Agar., Hipp., Mygal., Tanac.,
Chronic =Calc.---Chronic rheumatism and other troubles
caused by working in water.
Chronic =Cham---As the chronic of is (Sanic). Dr. H. C.
Chronic ailments =Kali–i.---Third to 12th potency is
sometimes very effective.
Chronic catarrhal =Calc-s.---Chronic catarrhal condition
with purulent secretions.
Chronic congestive =Card-mar.--- Chronic congestive
Chronic diarrhoea =Liatrio-spicata., Sulph., Merc-c.---In
chronic diarrhoea following exposure in Camph. like liatrio
spicata acts best when Sulph or Merc-c is given first.
Chronic effect of grief =Manganum 30/ Staph.---Chronic
effect of grief/ anger.
Chronic stiffness =Franc--- Chronic stiffness of muscles in
back of head, spine, lower part of legs & in feet.
Chronic-recurring appendicitis =Psor.
Cicatrices=Thiosin., Graph.
Cicatrix =Thiosin., Phyt., Fl-ac.
Cigarette smoking =Scut---Has been found useful in weak
heart resulting from cigarette smoking (Scut)
Ciliary neuralgia =Prun., Spig., Sapo., Cinnb.
Cina Teucr =Scirrhinum.---where Cina and Teucr give
little relief.
Circulation =Acon.---Is turmoil in circulation, Bell is tumoil
in brain and Cham Is turmoil in temper.
Circulation is excited =Glon.---The brain is irritated
because the circulation is excited.
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Cirrhosis of liver= Nast., Nat-chlor ., Merc.

Clammy =Ant-t., Carb-v., Verat.
Clammy =Ter.--- Haemorrhagic, clammy, cloudy.
Clavus pain =Kali-c., Ign., Nux-v., Puls.---Fixed Pain in
forehead .
Clenched Jaws =Phyt., Merc-i-f., Hyos., Bell., Cic.,
Merc., Nux-v.
Climacteric =Kreos.---Climacteric ailments, haemorrhoids,
haemorrhages, hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning
vertex, headache, especially at or about the menopause
(Sang., Sulph).
Climacteric =Murex-p.---For the suffering during
climacteric (Lach., Sep., Sulph), great depression of spirits.
Climacteric =Sul-ac.---Adopted to especially women;
flushes of heat in climacteric.
Climacteric ailments =Lach.---Climacteric ailments;
haemorrhoids, hemorrhages; hot flushes and hot
perspiration; burning vertex, headache especially at or
after the menopause (Sang., Sulph); Women who have not
recovered from the change of life have never felt well
since that time”.
Climacteric ailments =Sang.---Climacteric ailments :
flushes of heat and leucorrhoea; burning of palms and
soles; compelled to thow off bed clothes; painful
enlargement of breasts; when Lach., and Sulph fail to
Climacteric flushings=Aml-ns., Lach., Sang., Cimic., Sep.
Climacteric haemorrhages =Cinch.---After climacteric
with profuse haemorrhages; acute disease often results in
Climactrericd disorders =Lach., Cimic., Bell.
Climatic =Dulc.--- Confused, climatic, catarrh.
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Chronic Spasms =Cupr.---Chronic spasms, beginning in

fingers and toes, and spreading over entire body; during
pregnancy; puerperal convulsions; after fright or vexation;
from metastasis from other organs to brain (Zinc).
Clots tendency to formation of =Both-l., Crot-h., Lach.
Cloudy =Hyos.--- Cloudy, illusive, convulsive.
Cloudy =Squil.--- Cold, cloudy, changeable.
Cloudy =Ter.--- Haemorrhagic, clammy, cloudy.
Clutching =Cact.--- Clutching, constricting, congestive.
Coal mine worker =Nat-s., Sulph.
Coccygodynia =Caust., Ant-t., Cic., Kali-bi., Hyper., Sil.
Coccyx =Bov.---Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx must
scratch till parts become raw and sore.
Coccyx pain due to injury =Hyper., Graph.
Coffee & wine =Nux-v.---Never well since after effects of
drugs in general – Coffee & wine.
Coffee bad effects =Nux-v.--- Bad effects of coffee,
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, highly seasoned foods, loss of
sleep, or strong drugs.
Coition aversion to =Graph.---Decided aversion to coition
(Both sexes).
Coition painful =Arg-n.---Coition painful in both sexes;
followed by bleeding from vagina (Nit-ac), Leucorrhoea
profuse with erosion of cervix. Infant dies early after
delivery. Metrorrhagia after coition; during menopause; in
young widows; in sterility.
Coition prevented =Thuj.---Coition prevented by extreme
sensitiveness of the vagina (Plat- by dryness, Lyc., Lyss.,
Coitus =Kali-bi.--- for asthma that follows coitus
Coitus =Kreos.---Coitus followed by flow of blood the next
day is a keynote symptom .
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Coitus aggravates =Tarent-h---Coition desire is excited in

both sexes to the point of mania but coitus aggravates the
sufferings of both.
Colapsing =Camph.--- Cold, crampy, colapsing.
Cold & Cough =Acon., Bry., Euphr., Cor-r. Spong.
Cold & hot =Cham.---One cheek red and hot; the other
pale and cold.
Cold =Acon.---3x or 30 will be useful. Give Camph mother
tincture, a few drops as soon as first chilly sensation is
Cold =Acon.3x---To be used within first 12 to 24 hours at
the first stage of cold, repeating every half hour until
Cold =Am-c.---Will often abort a recent cold.
Cold =Calc.---Very sensitive to the least cold air which
touches her.
Cold =Calc-ar.--- Cold, chlorosis, dropsical.
Cold =Calc-s.--- Cold, inactive, indurated.
Cold =Camph.--- Cold, Crampy, collapsing.
Cold =Chin-ar.---Cold, icy limbs with.
Cold =Coc-c.--- Cold, catarrhal, colicky.
Cold =Dulc.---If cold air or water chills him, tongue and
even the jaws get lame.
Cold =Ferr.--- Chlorotic, cold, congestive.
Cold =Kali-c.---Very much inclined to take cold.
Cold =Kali-sil.--- Cold, creeping, weary.
Cold =Lac-vac-defl.--- Cold, anaemic, weak.
Cold =Led.--- Gouty, craves, cold.
Cold =Mag-m.--- Cold, constipative, hepatic.
Cold =Nat-m.---This medicine is infallible for stopping a
cold commencing with sneezing, use 30 potency .
Cold =Rumex.--- Cold, copious, cough(tickling).
Cold =Sab.--- Cold, catarrhal, constrictive.
Cold =Sec.--- Cold, scrawny, cachectic.
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Cold =Squil.--- Cold, cloudy, changeable.

Cold =Tub.--- Consumptive, cold, cravings.
Cold =Tub.---Takes cold easily without knowing how or
where seems to take cold every time he takes a breath of
fresh air (Hep).
Cold =Verat.--- Cold, copious, Crampy.
Cold air =Carb-v.--- Weakness; desire for fresh, cold air.
Cold Air =Phos.---Cough worse in evening and night, from
change from warm to cold air.
Cold air sensitive to =Sep.---Particularly sensitive to cold
air, “chills so easily”; lack of vital heat, especially in
chronic diseases (in acute diseases, Led).
Cold all time =Led.---Complaints of people who are cold all
the time,; always feel cold and chilly; lack of animal or
vital heat (Sep., Sil), the wounded parts are especially cold
to touch. Parts are cold to touch, but not cold subjectively
to patient.
Cold and cough =Puls & Kali-s.---to follow in cold and
Cold and heat =Merc-v.--- Extremely sensitive to heat and
Cold and hot =Ip.---One hand is cold and the other is hot.
Cold and pale =Cham.--- One cheek hot, the other pale
and cold.
Cold dry =Nux-v.--- Colds from dry, cold weather.
Cold extremities =Bell. ---Cold extremities (hand and feet)
with hot head.
Cold feeling in abdomen =Verat.
Cold flu =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Cold hands =Sep.---has cold hands with hot feet or hot
hands with cold feet.
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Cold head =Ars.--- Later stages of head cold, with

sneezing; red nose and eyes; and profuse, watery
Cold head =Bell.--- Earaches, especially the right ear,
after getting the head cold or wet. Sudden onset.
Cold head =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Cold like =Lauro-cerasus.--- Cold like dead.
Cold limbs =Carb-v.--- Limbs cold, bluish skin, sweat cold
and clammy.
Cold perspiration =Verat.---Cold perspiration on face,
especially on forehead (over entire body, Tab). particularly
in colic and the conditions of cholera.
Cold sensation =Sil.---has a cold sensation in ulcers while
Merc. has hot one.
Cold sensitive =Ars.--- Desires air but is sensitive to the
Cold sensitive =Hep.--- Sensitive to cold, cold air, drafts.
Feels as if wind is blowing on some part.
Cold sneezing =All-c.--- Cold onset with sneezing. watery
eyes and nose. Nasal discharge acrid, making upper lip and
nose sore. Discharge from eyes is bland.
Cold sores =Hep.--- Cold sores, abscesses, boils, infected
Cold sores=Camph., Dulc.
Cold sweat =Carb-v.---In the last stages of diseases with
copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost,
this remedy may save a life.
Cold sweat =Ip.--- Pale; cold sweat.
Cold sweat feels =Con.---Feels the flatus, the stool the
urine, the sweat all cold.
Cold symptoms =Rhodo.---All symptoms worse in cold,
stormy weather, during or before a thunder-strom.
Cold toothache =Cham.--- Toothache better from cold.
Worse from warm drinks and at night.
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Cold urine =Con., Nit-ac., Merc., Tarent.---While there is

coldness in anus during flatus and stool.
Cold water standing in =Mag-p.---Complaints from
standing in cold water or working in cold clay (Calc-os).
Cold weather =Nux-v.--- Colds from dry, cold weather.
Cold winter =Bac.---Fortnightly dose in the 200th potency
in winter months prevents colds.
Cold, cough & fever =Acon., Bry., Ferr-p., Kali-m., Phos.
Cold, cough, coryza problems =Acon., All-cepa., Gels.,
Cold, dry weather agg =Rhus-t., Calc., Dulc.
Cold, nose running during day and nose blocked at night
Coldness = Abies-c.---General Coldness Cold shivering as if
blood were in water sensation of cold water behind
Coldness =Ambr-g.---Sensation of coldness in abdomen
Coldness =Am-m.---Sensation of coldness in the back
between scapulae (Lachn).
Coldness =Arn.---Heat of upper part of body-, coldness of
Coldness =Brom.---Coldness, sensation of.
Coldness =Calc.---Coldness general of single parts (Kali-bi)
head, stomach, abdomen, feet and legs, aversion to cold
open air goes right through her. Sensitive to cold damp air,
great liability to take cold (Opp. Of sulph).
Coldness =Camph.---Great coldness of the surface with
sudden and complete prostration of the vital force.
Coldness =Eup-pur.---With chill more shivering than
degree of coldness warrants feels thirsty several hours
before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat.
Coldness =Led.---Complaints of people who are cold all the
time, always feel cold and chilly, lack of animal or vital
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heat (Sep., Sil.), the wounded parts especially are cold to

touch, parts cold to touch but not cold subjectively to
Coldness =Med.---Icy coldness of nipple of the breasts.
Coldness =Petr.---Sensation of coldness about the heart
(Carb-an., Kali-m., Nat-m).
Coldness =Sep.---Coldness of the vertex with headache.
(Verat-heat of vertex., Calc-os., Graph., Sulph.).
Coldness =Tab.---Icy coldness, cold sweats and
intermittent pulse.
Coldness =Tab.---Legs icy cold from knees down trembling
of limbs. Icy coldness of surface covered with cold sweat.
Hands icy cold, body warm, child wants abdomen
uncovered relieves nausea and vomiting coldness in
Coldness =Valer.---Sensation of coldness in head (on
vertex, Sep., Verat).
Coldness =Verat.---Coldness on the vertex, as if ice were
lying there.
Coldness in anus =Con., Nit-ac., Merc., Tarent.---While
there is coldness in anus during flatus and stool.
Coldness of legs and feet; hands and forearms =Med.
Colds coughs =Sulph.--- Sometimes helpful in failure to
recover completely from acute ailments; as when colds,
coughs, influenzas hang on too long.
Colds-damp =All-c.--- Colds in damp, cold weather. Onset
with sneezing. Watery eyes and nose. Nasal discharge
acrid, making upper lip and nose sore. Discharge from eyes
is bland.
Colic =Ip.---Flatulent, cutting colic about umbilicus.
Colic & hernia =Plb.---Colic and fatal vomiting
strangulated hernia femora, inguinal or umblical.
Colic =Ant-t.---Feels spasmodic colic with much flatus as
soon as the patient stoops forward.
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Colic =Bell.---Colic, burning, contractive, deep-seated pain

distention, pain on pressure.
Colic =Berb.--- For renal colic
Colic =Berb.---Colic from gall stones, bilious colic,
followed by jaundice, clay colored stools, short cough and
chest complaints specially after operation for fistulae.
Colic =Bov .--- Resembles Coloc. in colic but is relieved by
Colic =Bry.--- Colic, vomiting from rich or fatty foods.
Colic =Cham.--- Colic; painful, draws legs up.
Colic =Chin.---Colic at a certain hour each day periodical
from gallstones (Card-m) worse at night and after eating
better bending double (Coloc.).
Colic =Coloc., Dios., Nux-v., Cham., Ip., Cocc., Plb.
Colic =Coloc.---Colic pains, bends double. Colic so
distressing that they seek relief by pressing corner of tables
or bedposts against the abdomen.
Colic =Dios.---Violent twisting colic, bends back, occurring
in regular paroxysms, as if intestines were grasped and
twisted by powerful hand.
Colic =Mag-p.---Colic; Flatulent, forcing patient to bend
double;> by heat, rubbing and hard pressure (Coloc., Plb).
Colic =Med.---Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of
knees and terrible bearing down, labor like pains; must
press – feet against support, as in labour. Intense pruritus
of labia & vagina < by thinking of it.
Colic =Merc.---Colic, burning and tenesmus before, during
and after stools, chilliness between the stools.
Colic =Plb.---Delirium alternating with colic.
Colic =Rheum.---Colic;<at once by uncovering an arm or
leg with every sour stool; <when standing, not> by stool.
Colic =Stann.---Colic; > by hard pressure or by laying
abdomen across knee or shoulders, lumbrici; passes worms.
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Colic =Staph.---Colic after lithotomy or ovariotomy;

attending abdominal section (Bism., Hep.).
Colic in infants =Kali-br.---Daily colic in infants about 5
am (at 4pm Coloc., Lyc.)
Colic Pain =Cham.---From anger, in children, much wind,
tosses in agony.
Colic pain =Cocc.---Flatulent colic. As if abdomen is full of
sharp sticks.
Colic pain =Coloc.---From anger, doubles up, Cramps, with
vomiting and diarrhoea.
Colic pain =Dios.---Continuous colic pains, worse from
bending double, relieved by stretching the body out or by
standing erect and also by pressure.
Colic Pain =Dios.---Wind colic. From umbelicus radiates,
better straightening.
Colic pain =Kali-c.---Cutting and drawing like false Labour
pain. Wants hot drinks, coldness is felt in the abdomen.
Colic pain =Mag-p.---Of children with crampy pain,
relieved by heat.
Colic pain =Merc-c.---Very offensive persistent tenesmus,
and cutting colic pains after stool burning and tenesmus of
rectum and bladder, stools frequent nothing but mucus
tinged with blood.
Colic pain =Stann.---Better being carried with abdomen on
the mother‟s, shoulder.
Colic pain =Staph.---From anger, teeth grow black and
decay, has sore eyelids.
Colic pain =Verat.---Bends double, walks for relief, cold
sweat on forehead.
Colic Pains =Dios.---Colic Pains < from bending forward
and while lying or standing erect or bending backwards
(Reverse of Coloc.)
Colic violent after eating =Dios.
Colic with belching =Mag-p.--- Colic with belching, which
gives no relief.
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Colic with gas =Mag-p.--- Colic with gas, better from

gentle pressure and warmth.
Colic, of children =Cham., Coloc., Mag-p.
Colicky =Calc-p.---Colicky, child cries after every feeding
with pain.
Colicky =Cham.--- Colicky, child screams and kicks Cross,
colicky, neuralgic.
Colicky =Coc-c.--- Cold, catarrhal, colicky.
Colicky =Cupr.--- Crampy, convulsive, colicky.
Colicky =Mag-c.--- Dyspeptic, sour, colicky.
Colicky =Rheum.--- Sour, colicky, child.
Colitis =Merc-d., Aloe., All-s.
Colitis ulcerative = Acon., Merc-c., Aloe., Coloc., Canth.,
Colch., Rhus-t., Cadm-s.
Collapse =Camph., Carb-v., Verat., Hydr-ac., Stront-c.,
Morph., Ars.
Collapse =Camph.---Collapse in cholera disease, skin cold
yet cannot bear to be covered.
Collapse =Carbolic-ac.---Profound prostration, collapse,
surface pale and bath in cold sweat (Camph., Carb-v.,
Collapse =Carb-v. ---.---Sudden collapse from any cause It
is the great saviour in a threatened collapes.
Collapse =Carb-v., Chin.---Is to be recommended as a
remedy to prevent collapse following the opening of a cold
abscess such as occurs in spinal caries.
Collapse =Carb-v.---State of collapse, wants to be fanned
all the time (Carb-v) craves fresh air, skin cold yet throws
off the covers (Camph., Sec); cold and bathed with cold
perspiration (Verat).
Collapse =Tab.---Face pale, blue, pinched, sunken,
collapsed, covered with cold sweat (cold sweat on forehead
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Collapse =Verat.---Adapted to disease with rapid sinking of

the vital forces, complete prostration collapse, cold
perspiration on the forehead (over entire body, Tab); with
nearly all complaints.
Collapse cases =Hydr-ac.---A marvellous remedy for the
collapse cases when the vital power of the body is
Collapse sudden =Verat.--- Sudden collapse with coldness,
blueness, and weakness.
Collapse, after operation =Stront-c.30
Collapsed child =Carb-v 30 or 200.
Colliquative wasting of body = Ant-t., Chon., Eupi., Jab.
Colour blindness =Sant., Ben., Carbn-s.
Coma general unconsciousness = Acon., Bar-c., Bell.,
Cann-i., Cocc., Hell., Hydr-ac., Hyos., Ign., Lach.,
Mosch., Nux-m., Op., Ph-ac., Puls.---Main Medicines.
Coma vigil =Hyos.
Coma=Op., Pilo., Bell.
Comedones =Bar-c., Abrot., Aeth-a.
Common Cold = Acon., All-c., Ferr-p., Nux-V., Ip., Bry.,
Rhus-t., Nat-s., Calc-s.
Common cold =Acon., Ars., All-c., Euph., Justicia.,
Samb-n., Cassia-a., Nux-v., Rhus-t., Sabad., Ferr-p., Ip.,
Bry., Nat-s., Calc-s.
Compensation =Crat.---Failing compensation, irregularity
of heart. Insomnia of aortic sufferers. Arteriosclerosis. Said
to have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous
deposits in arteries. Cardiac dropsy and fatty degeneration.
Complaints =Op.---All complaints : with great sopor;
painless, complains of nothing; wants nothing. Delirium :
constantly talking : eyes wide open, face red, puffed; or
unconscious, eyes glassy, half-closed, face pale, deep coma
preceded by stupor.
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Completely immobile =Sil.--- Completely immobile elbow

Concentration =Aeth.---Lacks power of concentration and
inability to think. Fearful and anxious before examinations,
from sense of incapacity 6-8 pills BD start one month
before examination.
Concussion of brain =Sul-ac.---Concussion of brain from
fall or blow where skin is cold and body bathed in cold
Concussion =Cic.---Concussion of brain or spine (Chronic
effects when has not relieved). Suppressed eruptions:
getting splinters, fish bones, etc into flesh (Trismus).
Concussion brain=Arn., Cic., Hell., Hyper., Nat-s., Op.,
Concussions of the brain and spine =Cic-v.---Injuries,
chronic effects from concussions of the brain and spine,
especially spasms; trismus and tetanus from getting
splinters into flesh (Hyper).
Condemned =Aur-met.--- Condemned (self), corpulent,
Conduction=Alum., Cocc., Op.
Condylomata =Nit-ac., Staph., Thuj., Cinnb., Nat-s.
Confused =Ailanthus.--- confused, congestive, fullness.
Confused =Ars., Phos., Ail., Dulc., Lach., Cann-i., Glon.
Confused =Dulc.--- Confused, climatic, catarrh.
Confused, asks clarification about intake of medicine time
again and again =Lach.
Confusion =Cann-i.---Confusion, ecstatic.
Confusion ideas =Glon.---Confusion of ideas, cannot tell
where he is, streets seem strange and the way towards
home seem to be at great distant.
Congested =Aur-met.--- Condemned (self), corpulent,
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Congestion =Bell.---The more congestion the more

excitability Op.---The more congestion the less excitabilty.
Congestion =Ferr-m.---Congestion and irregular blood
Congestion =Mill.--- Local, congestion, haemorrhagic.
Congestion =Verat-v.---Congestion, especially to base of
brain, chest, spine, and stomach.
Congestion of liver =Aesc.---Congestion of liver and portal
system with constipation burning distress aching at navel
Congestions =Meli-a.---Congestion, relieved by
haemorrhage. Very red face preceds haemorrhage from
every organs. Congestive headache> by epistaxis.
Congestive =Ailanthus.--- Confused, congestive, fullness.
Congestive =Aur-iod.--- Anxious, congestive, dropsical.
Congestive =Bar-iod.--- Convulsive, congestive, fullness.
Congestive =Cact.--- Clutching, constricting, congestive.
Congestive =Dros.--- Spasmodic, congestive, constrictive.
Congestive =Ferr.--- Chlorotic, cold, congestive.
Conjunctivitis = Acon., Euphr., Bell., Apis., Puls., Arg-n.,
Merc., Calc-s., Ars., Hep.
Conjunctivitis = Acon.---Conjunctivitis resulting from
exposure to dry cold winds form surgical operation or from
a foreign body in the eye.
Conjunctivitis = Euph.--- 3rd and 6th Potency will control
all the trouble.
Conjunctivitis =Acon., Apis., Ars., Arg-m., Bell., Euph.,
Arg-n., Puls., Carica-papaya., Merc. , Calc., Guar., Calc-
s., Hep.
Conjunctivitis =Ferr-ph.---In measles with conjunctivitis
and photophobia. Dr. Tyler.
Consolation =Hell.---Consolation < (Ign., Nat-m., Sep., Sil);
does not want to be disturbed (Gels., Bry., Nat-m).
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Constant =Culx.--- Constant, scratching, burning.

Constant inclination to swallow painful and almost
impossible (Merc).
Constant movement =Tarent.---Constant movement of the
legs, arms, trunk with inability to do anything‟s twitching
and jerking of muscles.
Constant sneezing =All-c.---Constant sneezing with profuse
Coryza; worse when coming into a warm room better in the
open air.
Constantly changing his occupation =Sanic.
Constipated =Calc.--- Feels better when constipated.
Constipation = Lach.---Constipation, inactivity stool lies in
rectum without urging sensation of constriction of
sphincter (Caust., Nit-ac.)
Constipation =Aesc.---Congestion of liver and portal
system with constipation, burning distress aching at navel
Constipation =Aloe.---Goes to stool again and again but
nothing but wind passes hard lumps mingled with watery
stool; large balls passing involuntarily and unnoticed.
Constipation =Alum 200., Arg-n200., China 200.,---
Unsatisfactory evacuation of stool. 3 doses for a few days .
Constipation =Alum.---Constipation of nursing children
from artificial food bottle-fed babies of old people (Lyc.,
Op.) of pregnancy from inactive rectum (Sep.)
Constipation =Alum.---Stool adheres to the anus like soft
clay. Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool requires great
straining. Infantile constipation also Constipation during
Constipation =Am-m.---Constipation and hardness of stool
necessitates great strain for expulsion.
Constipation =Ant-c.--- Alternate diarrhoea & constipation
of old age.
Constipation =Bry.--- Constipated; stools no desire large,
dry, and hard as if burnt.
133… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Constipation =Caust.---Constipation frequent ineffectual

desire (Nux-v); Stool passes better when person is standing,
impeded by haemorrhoids touch and shining like grease in
children with nocturnal enuresis.
Constipation =Chel.---Constipation, stool hard round ball
like sheep‟s dung (Op Plb); alternate constipation and
Constipation =Coll.---Constipation and hemorrhoids when
associated with functional disturbances of the heart arising
there from.
Constipation =Hydr.--- Give 2x.
Constipation =Lac-d.---Constipation with ineffectual urging
(Anac., Nux-v.) faces dry and hard (Bry., Sulph.) stool large
hard great straining lacerating anus painful extorting cries.
Constipation =Lyc.---Constipation, since puberty, since
last confinement when away from home, of infants with
ineffectual urging, rectum contracts and protrudes during
stool developing piles.
Constipation =Lyc.---Frequent and ineffectual desire for
stool due to constriction of anus. First part of stool is hard
and difficult to start, last part is soft.
Constipation =Mag-m.---Great difficulty due to hard dry
stool no urging althought rectum is fall and knotty like
sheep dung, or crumbling as if burnt, especially in puny,
rachitic children with enlarged abdomen, or in infants
during dentition.
Constipation =Mez---Constipation after confinement has
proved a good indication for (Mez).
Constipation =Nat-m.---Constipation sensation of
constriction of anus torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards;
stool dry hard difficult, crumbling (Am-c., Mag-m), stitches
in rectum (Nit-ac.), involuntary, knows not whether flatus
or faeces escape (Aloe., Iod., Mur-ac., Oleam., Podo.).
134… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Constipation =Nat-m.---Stool hard, like sheep dung.

Constipation from inactivity of rectum, during menses, with
much soreness after stool. Stool crumbling.
Constipation =Nit-ac.---Persons suffering with chronic
diseases who take cold easily are easily disposed to
diarrhoea rarely to those who suffer with constipation.
Constipation =Nux-v., Lyc., Bry., Nat-m., Alum., Mag-m.,
Caust., Graph., Plat., Plb., Op., Nux-m.
Constipation =Nux-v.30., Nat-s.30.--- Unsatisfactory
evacuation of stool Because of sedentary habits. 3-4 doses
Constipation =Nux-v.---Constipation with frequent and
ineffectual desire for stool and sensation of constipation of
rectum, passing small quantities. Constipation from abuse
of drugs. More he stresses, harder it is to pass stools.
Constipation =Nux-v.---Constipation with frequent
unsuccessful desire passing small quantities of faeces,
sensation as if not finished. Frequent desire for stool
anxious ineffectual> for a time after stool in morning after
rising after mental exertion (inactive no desire Bry., Sulph)
Alternate constipation and diarrhea. (Sulph., Verat.) in
persons who have taken purgatives all their lives.
Constipation =Op., Hydr., Iris., Verat., Mag-m., Nux-v.,
Paraf., Lac-d., Lyc., Bry., Nat-m., Nux-m., Graph., Tan-
ac., Mag-p., Sulph., Alum., Verat., Plat., Plb.
Constipation =Op.---Constipation of children of corpulent,
good natured women (Graph) from inaction or paresis, no
desire from lead poisoning stool hard round black ball
(Chel., Plb., Thuj) faeces protrude and recede (Sil., Thuj)
Constipation =Phos.---Constipation, faeces slender long
dry tough and hard (Staph), voided with great straining and
difficulty (Staph).
Constipation =Plat.---Constipation while traveling (at sea,
Bry.) after lead poisoning from inertia of bowels frequent
135… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

unsuccessful urging stool adhere to rectum and anus like

soft clay (Alum) of emigrants of pregnancy; obstinate cases
after Nux has failed.
Constipation =Plb 12 and Op 12 in alternation work as a
good laxative.
Constipation =Plb.---Constipation stool hard scanty black
like sheep dung (Chel., Op); with urging and terrible pains
from spasm of anus obstructed evacuation from indurated
faeces, dryness of the excretions, paralysis or muscular
atony during pregnancy; from impaction of faeces when
Platina fails.
Constipation =Psor.---Constipation obstinate with
backache from inactivity of rectum when Sulph. Fails to
Constipation =Pyrog.---Constipation with complete inertia
(Op., Sanic) obstinate from impaction in fevers; stool large
black carrion-like small black like olives (Op., Plb.)
Constipation =Rat.---Constipation stool hard with great
straining protrusion of haemorrhoids followed by long-
lasting aching and burning in anus (Sulph); bowels inactive
pain after stool as if splinters of glass were sticking in anus
and rectum (Thuj) Excruciating pains after stool; burning
after stool (Nit-ac.)
Constipation =Rheum.---Relieved severe constipation in an
acid child who was intolerant of almost all remedies in the
attenuations. Dr. Clarke.
Constipation =Sel.---Constipation stool large hard,
impacted, so that it requires mechanical aid (Aloe., Calc-
os., Sanic., Sep., Sil.) after serious illness especially
enteric fevers.
Constipation =Sil, Marina.---In constipation for patients of
all ages. (Sil., Marina.) Crude. Dr. W. B. Clarke. Of
136… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Constipation =Sil.---Constipation always before and during

menses (Diarrhoea before and during menses Am-c., Bov.)
difficult as from inactivity of ; rectum; with great
straining; as if rectum was paralysed, when partly
expelled, recedes again (Thuj) Faeces remain a long time
in the rectum.
Constipation =Stann.---Monday constipation: constipation
occurring on days following rest days. (Stann) Dr. Hering.
Constipation =Sulph.---Constipation; stools hard knotty dry
as if burnt (Bry.) large, painful, child is afraid to pass the
stool on account of pain, or pain, compels child to desist on
first effort, alternating with diarrhoea.
Constipation =Syph.---Obstinate constipation for years;
rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was
used the agony of passage was like labour (Lac-c., Tub.)
Constipation =Tab.---Constipation inactive bowel or
paralysis of rectum, spasms of sphincter; prolapsus ani; of
years standing herpes of anus.
Constipation =Thuj.---Constipation violent pain in rectum
compel cessation of efforts; stool recedes after being
partly expelled (Sanic., Sil.)
Constipation =Verat 3x.---brings stool the quickest in
Constipation =Verat.---Constipation, no desire, stool large
hard (Bry., Sulph.); in round black balls, (Chel., Op., Plb.)
from inactive rectum frequent ; desire felt in epigastrium
(Ign., in rectum Nux-v.); painful of infants and children,
after Lyc, and Nux-v.
Constipation- Absence of desire for stool, Inactivity of
rectum =Alum.
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea = Nux-v., Ant-c.,
Chel., Lyc., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Op., Ptel., Podo., Puls.,
Constipation before and during menses =Nat-m., Sep
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Constipation Cascara Q +Hydrastis Q.---If stool is hard

not passing then drop doses will do.
Constipation Chronic =Graph.---Chronic constipation;
stool difficult, large hard knotty with lumps united by
mucous threads; too large (Sulph) smarting sore pain in
anus after stool.
Constipation chronic =Hydr-can.---In old cases where
enemas no longer act, when the faeces remain high up; or
do not come down into the rectum to excite desire, this
remedy has been of great service.
Constipation during pregnancy =Alum., Nux-v., Sep., Nat-
Constipation during pregnancy =Op.---If the stools are very
hard. Give 30 or 200.or Alum.30.In ordinary cases give
Constipation- even soft stool passes with difficulty, adhere
to anus like soft clay =Plat.
Constipation- even soft stool passes with difficulty, clay
like sour smelling =Hep.
Constipation- even soft stool passes with difficulty, until
there is large accumulation =Alum.
Constipation- frequent ineffectual desire, causes pain in
anus =Lyc.
Constipation- frequent ineffectual desire, passes better on
standing =Caust.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool,
bleeding from anus & rectum during stool =Calc-p.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool,
constipation alternating with diarrhoea =Tub., Kali-c.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, even
when soft but cannot pass in one sitting =Psor., Chin.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, hard
black balls =Thuj., Alumn.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool,
ineffectual desire and shining as if greasy =Caust.
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Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, knotty

and large united with mucous, thread of mucous follow
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool,
lacerating the anus =Lac-v-def.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, much
straining and sweating but inability to expel =Sil.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool,
receeds after partially expelled =Sil., Thuj., Sanic.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, urging
to stool but passes only hot flatus =Nat-s.
Constipation- great difficulty due to hard dry stool, with
paralytic feeling in rectum =Agar.
Constipation has to lean back =Med.
Constipation in children =Aesc., Coll., Bry., Alum.,
Paraf., Psor.
Constipation inactivity of rectum, from =Alum., Bry., Nat-
m., Sep., Sil., Anac., Op., Verat., Hydr., Nux-v., Lyc.,
Mag-m., Caust., Graph., Plb.
Constipation infants, of =Alum., Hydr., Mag-c., Mag-m.,
Constipation menses, before and during =Nat-m., Sep.,
Sil., Graph., Kali-c.
Constipation no desire for days =Alum., Bry., Hydr.
Constipation obstinate =Psor.---Constipation obstinate,
with backache, from inactivity of rectum, when sulph fails
to relieve.
Constipation of travelers =Plat., Nux-v.
Constipation passes better while standing =Caust.
Constipation pregnancy, during =Alum., Nux-v., Sep.,
Bry., Lyc., Op.
Constipation- require manual or mechanical aid, hard
black balls, lying in convulsion =Op.
Constipation- require manual or mechanical aid, manual
aid, specially in children =Sep.
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Constipation- require manual or mechanical aid, receeds

after being partially expelled =Sanic., Sep., Sel., Sil.
Constipation- require manual or mechanical aid, stool
being of immense size =Sel.
Constipation severe =Lac-v-d.---Severe, constipation
neither enema nor strong purgatives effect.
Constipation soreness, after stool =Nat-m., Alumn., Ign.,
Nit-ac., Rat.
Constipation stool =Alum., Plat.---Adheres to anus like
soft clay.
Constipation stool =Am-m., Mag-m.---crumbles at verge of
Constipation stool slips back =Sil., Thuj., Sanic.
Constipation strain, has to strain =Alum., Nat-m., Nux-v.,
Sil., Alumn., Chin., Nux-m.
Constipation travelers, of plat =Nux-v.
Constipation unable to pass stool in presence of others or
nurse =Ambr.
Constipation with large stools =Sulph.--- Constipation with
hard, dry, large stools; held back because of pain; stool as
if burnt helpful in anal fissures (cracks inside anus);
Constipation, no desire for days =Alum., Bry., Hydr.
Constipation, stool slips back =Sil., Thuj., Sanic-aq.
Constipation=Mag-mur.---Constipation, stool hard, scanty,
large , knotty like sheep‟s dung difficult to pass; crumbling
at verge of anus (Am-m., Nat-m) of infants during
Constipation-absence of desire for stool, suspension of
peristaltic action =Op.
Constipative =Mang-m.--- Cold, constipative, hepatic.
Constitution = Agar.---Person with lax skin and muscles,
old people with insolent circulation.
Constitution =Aged person or chlorotic girls with lean and
thin constitution and withered.
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Constitution =Apoc.--- Dropsical, watery, constitution.

Constitution =Aur.---When syphilis is implanted on a
scrofulous constitution.
Constitution =Bry.---Bry affects especially the constitution
of a robust, firm, fiber and dark complexion.
Constitution =Bufo.--- Low mind & constitution.
Constitution- worn out women by hard work =Helon.
Constitutions =Asaf.---Specially adapted to nervous,
hysterical, scrofulous individuals, with venous hemorrhoidal
Constricting =Am-m.--- Burning, excoriating, constricting.
Constricting =Cact.--- Clutching, constricting, congestive.
Constriction =Alum.---Constriction as of a band.
Constriction =Cact-g.---Constriction, clutchy, as of an iron
Constrictive =Carc.--- Cancer, constrictive, inactive.
Constrictive =Dros.--- Spasmodic, congestive, constrictive.
Constrictive =Sab.--- Cold, catarrhal, constrictive.
Consumption =Ther.--- Quick, consumption, nauseating.
Consumptive =Tub.--- Consumptive, cold, cravings.
Consumptives =Mantha pip.---relieves dry cough of
Continual rising =Mag-m.---Continual rising of white froth
into the mouth.
Continued motion =Pyrog., Rhus-t.---The great difference
between Pyrog., Rhus-t. is the former is better when
beginning to move but Rhus-t is better for continued
Contracture =Caust.--- Crampy, contracture, paralytic.
Contradicting =Puls.---It will often clear up cases which
have no head or tail to them in which the symptoms are
always changing and contradicting. Dr. Nash.
Contradiction cannot bear =Cocc.---Cannot bear
contradiction; easily offended; every trifle makes him
141… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

angry speaks hastily (Anac); Time passes too quickly (too

slowly, Arg-n., Cann-i).
Contusions=Arn., Ham.
Convulsion =Aeth.---Eyes turned down, sleepiness.
Convulsion =Bell.---Convulsion during teething, with fever
(without fever, Mag-p); come on suddenly, head hot, feet
Convulsion =Bell.---Face red, twitching in sleep.
Convulsion =Cham.---After Punishment, during dentition,
from anger.
Convulsion =Cic-v.---Head, neck and spine turned back.
Convulsion =Cina.---Due to worms, froth in mouth.
Convulsion =Cupr.---Twitching in fingers and toes, thumb
drawn into palms, eyes rolled up. Give 6 or 30 potency.
Convulsion =Glon.---Convulsions of children from cerebral
congestions; meningitis, during dentition, cases that seem
to call for Bell.
Convulsion =Nux-v.---With consciousness. Touch
Convulsion =Verat-v.---Convulsions : dim vision; basilar
meningitis; head retracted; child on verge of spasms.
Convulsions : Stram.---Convulsions : with consciousness
(Nux-without, Bell., Cic., Hyos., Op); renewed by sight of
bright light, of mirror or water (Bell., Lyss).
Convulsions =Cham.---Convulsions from anger.
Convulsions =Cic.---Convulsions: violent, with frightful
distortions of limbs and whole body; with loss of
consciousness; of opisthotonos; renewed from slightest
touch, noise or jar.
Convulsions =Cic.---For convulsions which are violent
whether epileptic, cataleptic clonic or tonic, eclampsia.
Dr. Guernsey.
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Convulsions =Cic-v.---Women subject to epileptic and

choreic convulsions; spasms of teething children, or from
Convulsions =Cupr.---Convulsions, with blue face and
clenched thumbs.
Convulsions =Hell.---Convulsions with extreme coldness of
body, except, head occiput which may be hot. (Arn).
Convulsions =Hyper.---Convulsions after blows on head or
Convulsions =Lyss.---Convulsions : from dazzling or
reflected light from water or mirror (Stram); from even
thinking of fluids of any kind from slightest touch or
current of air. (compare Bell., Canth., Hyos., Stram in
Convulsions =Nux-v.---Convulsions, with consciousness
(Strych); < anger emotion, touch, moving.
Convulsions =Op.---Sudden retrocession of the acute
exanthema results in paralysis of brain or convulsions
Convulsions =Plb.---Convulsions colic during (Kent); hard
pressure ameliorates.
Convulsions =Sant., Phos.---Prevented puerperal
Convulsions =Verat-v.---Convulsions : dim vision; basilar
meningitis; head retracted; child on verge of spasms.
Convulsions =Zinc.---Convulsion; during dentition, with
pale face, no heat, except perhaps in occiput, no increase
in temperature (reverse, of Bell); rolling the eyes; gnashing
the teeth.
Convulsions: =Hyos.---Convulsions : of children, from
fright or the irritation of intestinal worms (Cina); during
labor; during the puerperal state; after meals, child
vomits, sudden shriek, the insensible.
143… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Convulsive =Bar-iod.--- Convulsive, congestive, fullness.

Convulsive =Bar-m.---Convulsive and lassitude.
Convulsive =Cic.--- Utter prostration follows convulsive
attacks & spasms.
Convulsive =Cina.--- Cross, cachectic, convulsive.
Convulsive =Cupr.--- Crampy, convulsive, colicky.
Convulsive =Hyos.--- Cloudy, illusive, convulsive.
Cool or cold =ARS., CALC-P., IP., SULPH., VERAT., Ant-t.,
Bell., Carb-v., Cham., Ign., Led., Merc., Nux-v., Phos.---
Medicines mostly Prescribed.
Copious =Rumex.--- Cold, copious, cough(tickling).
Copious =Verat.--- Cold, copious, crampy.
Cord tightly sensation =Cact.---Sensation of a cord tightly
tied around lower part of chest marking attachment of
Cornea ulceration =Tub---Almost specific for ulceration of
cornea in children. Dr. Tyler
Corns =Ant-c 200.---Large horny corns on soles, end of
fingers and heels of feet (Ran-b); very sensitive when
walking especially on stone pavements.
Corns =Ant-c., Hyper., Ran-b., Thuj., Nit-ac.
Corns =Hyper.---Bunions and corns when pain is
excruciating showing nerve involvement.
Corns =Ran-b.---Corns sensitive to touch, smart burn
Corns =Tylophora-ind.---Plantar corns (Ruta & Sep).
Corns heel =Phos.
Coronary thrombosis = Dig., Acon., Caust., Spong.,
Kalm., Glon., Carb-v., Camph., Ars., Lach.
Corpulence =Phyt-b., Am-br., Aur., Calc-c., Calc-ar.
Coryza = Acon.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Stuffy nose,
Kicking off the cloth, with anxiety and heat.
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Coryza = All-c., Ars., Nat-m.---discharge from nose, eyes,

common cold.
Coryza = Am-c., Kali-c.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Nose
Coryza = Camph.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Stuffy nose,
Objects to cover inspite of coldness.
Coryza = Euphr.--- Acute, Fluent, watery, Not acrid with
Coryza = Kali-bi.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Stringy
discharge, Chronic, dry form, forming slugs & clinkers.
Coryza = Lac-c., Rhod.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Nostrils
obstructed alternately. Chronic, Dry form, Forming slugs &
Coryza = Merc.--- Acute, Fluent, watery, Thin, becoming
thicker afterwards.
Coryza = Nat-m.--- Is very useful in violent, fluent coryza,
lasting from one to three days.
Coryza = Nux-v.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Stuffy nose,
Better on covering and warm room.
Coryza = Samb.---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Stuffy nose,
Forced to breath through mouth
Coryza = Sep.--- Acute, Thick, bland, Expectoration tastes
Coryza = Stict. ---Acute, Inclined to dry up, Constant blow
of nose but hard to discharge
Coryza =Aesc.---Coryza thin watery burning rawness and
sensitive to inhale cold air.
Coryza =Aesc.---Coryza thin watery burning rawness and
sensitive to inhaled.
Coryza =All-c.---Acute catarrhal inflammation of mucus
membranes with increased secretion. Spring coryza after
damp northeasterly winds.
Coryza =All-c.---Coryza, acute, fluent profuse acrid watery
and sneezing.
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Coryza =Ars., All-c., Kali-iod.--- Acute, Fluent, watery,

Excoriating with burning in throat .
Coryza =Arum-t.---Coryza acrid fluent nostrils raw. Acrid
ichorous discharge excoriating inside of nose, and upper lip
(Ars., All-c).
Coryza =Bor., Kali iod.---Chronic, Dry form, Forming dry
Coryza =Cor-r.---Chronic, Loose form, Much dropping of
mucous into throat
Coryza =Euph., Gels., Nat-m.
Coryza =Euphr.---Profuse fluent coryza in morning with
violent cough abundant expectoration <from exposure to
warm south wind profuse expectoration of mucus by
voluntary hawking <on rising on morning.
Coryza =Euphr.---Profuse, bland, fluent coryza, with
scalding tears, with irritating eyes, cannot see towards
Coryza =Kali-bi.---Affections of the mucous membranes-
eyes, nose mouth throat bronchi discharge of tough stringy
mucus which adheres to the parts and can be drawn into
long strings.
Coryza =Lyc.--- Chronic, Dry form, Better by cold air.
Coryza =Nat-c., Alum-p. ---Chronic, Loose form, Thick
mucous constantly recollecting .
Coryza =Nux-v., Hep.--- Chronic, Dry form, Worse cold air,
better in warm room.
Coryza =Nux-v.---Coryza, fluent during the day and
stopped up at night.
Coryza =Phos.--- Chronic, Loose form, Frequent blowing
with blood .
Coryza =Puls., Kali-s.---Acute, Thick, bland, Yellowish
Better in cool open air.
Coryza =Sabad.---Dry coryza of infants (Sniffles); nose dry
and completely obstructed preventing breathing and
nursing (Am-c., Nux-v).
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Coryza =Samb., Am-c.---Chronic, Dry form, Forced to

breath with mouth.
Coryza =Stict.---Chronic, Dry form, Dry, as to form scabby.
Coryza =Sulph.--- Chronic, Loose form, Burning water from
Coryza =Thuj.---Acute, Thick, bland, Green or scabs
Coryza chronic =Kali-i.---Where there is profuse watery
acrid coryza associated with pain frontal sinus stuffiness
and dryness of nose without discharge .
Coryza chronic =Nat-m 200.---Coryza with sever sneezing
watering nasal discharge and profuse perspiration.
Coryza=Kali-s., Alum., Bals-p.--- Chronic, Loose form,
Thick bland type.
Cough = Acon., Bell., Rumx., Justica-a., Spong., Hep.,
Hyos., Bry., Caust., Ip., Ant-t., Dros., Cocc., Phos.,
Sang., Kali-bi., Stict., Ferr-p., Nux-v., Puls., Iod., Cupr.-
-- Medicines mostly Prescribed.
Cough = Cupr.---Cough in children threatning to suffocate.
Cough =Alum.---Cough soon after waking in the morning
and every morning a long attack of dry cough.
Cough =Am-c.---Cough asthmatic evening in bed.
Cough =Am-C.---Cures a cough left by influenza, if Bry
Cough =Ant-c.---Cough grows worse by entering into a
warm room.
Cough =Ant-t.--- For loose rattling cough.
Cough =Ant-t.---Cough constant day and night.
Cough =Ant-t.---Cough constant in influenza.
Cough =Apis.---Cough from deep inspiration in catarrh.
Cough =Apoc.---Cough constant in hydrothorax.
Cough =Arg-m.---Laughing excites cough (Dros., Phos.,
Stann); and produces profuse mucus in larynx.
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Cough =Arn.---Excited by cries in children, cries before

paroxysm. Aversion to being touched.
Cough =Bar-c.--- Cough children : in presence of strangers.
Cough =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Cough =Benz-ac---Cough from slight cold.
Cough =Brom.---Cough with sudden paroxysms of
suffocation respiration very short.
Cough =Bry., Am-c.---For the cough that maybe left by
influenza which should yield Bry to but may fail to do so.
Cough =Bry.---Excitement of cough as soon as the patient
comes into a warm room from the cold one.
Cough =Calc-s.---Cough chronic with tuberculosis.
Cough =Carb-v.---Cough constant day and night in pthsis.
Cough =Caust.---Caust., cough is a hard cough racks the
whole body. A drink of cold water ameliorates. Cough
waking him from sleeping in the morning and evening.
Cough relieved by swallow of cold water. Cough worse by
bending forward, Continual annoying cough; with each,
escape of urine.
Cough =Caust.---Cough bending forward agg.
Cough =Caust.---Cough, pains in hip and involuntary
discharge of urine.
Cough =Chel.---Cough constant in inflammation of right
Cough =Chin.---Cough during the day or in the evening, not
at night or in the morning.
Cough =Cina.---Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of
bringing on a paroxysm of coughing (Bry).
Cough =Cina.---Cough; dry with sneezing spasmodic
gagging in the morning periodic returning spring.
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Cough =Cocc.---Cough barking particularly night and

Cough =Cocc.---Cough constant lying down or during
Cough =Con.---Cough in spasmodic paroxysms caused by
dry spot in larynx (in throat, Cimic); with itching in chest
and throat (Iod); worse at night , when lying down and
during pregnancy (Caust., Kali-br.).
Cough =Cop.---Cough chronic with fistula in ano.
Cough =Crot-t.---Cough as soon as the head touched the
pillow a spasmodic paroxysm of cough set in suffocated
must walk about the room or sleep in chair.
Cough =Cupr.---Cough bending backwards agg.
Cough =Cupr.---Cough has a gurgling sound as if water was
being poured from a bottle. Cough, > by drinking cold
water (Caust., <by drinking cold water; Spong.). Whooping-
cough long lasting, suffocating, spasmodic cough unable to
speak breathless blue face rigid stiff three attacks
successively (Stann); vomiting of solid food after regaining
consciousness (Cann-i). cataleptic spasm with each
Cough =Cupr.---Face turns blue, eye turned up, thumbs
clinched. Cold water relieves the spasm.
Cough =Dros.---Nocturnal cough of young person in phthisis
bloody or purulent sputa. Cough; <by warmth, drinking,
singing, laughing, weeping, lying down after midnight.
Cough =Dros.---Vomiting of blood and bile in morning and
of mucus and food on coughing, tickling in larynx. Cough
after measles holds chest with the hand on coughing.
Palliative in cough of phthis.
Cough =Elaps.---Cough constant in pneumonia.
Cough =Euphr.---Pertussis excessive lachrymation during
cough only in day time (Ferr., Nat-m.)
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Cough =Eup-per.---Cough chronic loose with hectic chest

sore, must support it with hands (Bry., Nat-c.); < at night
following measles or suppressed intermittent.
Cough =Ferr-m.---Cough only in the day time (Euphr)
relieved by lying down > by eating (Spong.).
Cough =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Cough =Graph.---Cracks and fissures.
Cough =Hep.---Cough barking after measles.
Cough =Hep.---Cough caused by limbs getting cold.
Cough =Hep.---Cough when any part of the body is
uncovered (Rhus-t). croupy choking strangling from
Exposure to dry wind (Acon).
Cough =Hydr.---Cough constant day and night in laryngeo-
tracheatis and bronchitis.
Cough =Hyos.---Cough constant in bronchitis.
Cough =Hyos.---Cough; dry, nocturnal, spasmodic; <when
lying down relieved by sitting up (Dros); <at night after
eating drinking, talking singing (Dros., phos.->when lying
down, Mang-m.).
Cough =Hyper.--- Cough from least exposure to cold air
after a fall.
Cough =Ip.---Cough dry spasmodic constricted asthmatic
whooping cough child loses breath turns pale stiff and blue
strangling with gagging and vomiting of mucus bleeding
from nose or mouth (indigo). Cough with rattling of mucus
in bronchi when inspiring (Ant-t) threatened suffocation
from mucus.
Cough =Ip.---Cough, lose, ratting.
Cough =Ip.---Gagging and vomiting of all that he eats.
Becomes stiff and blue in the face. Coarse rattling that has
come on rapidly.
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Cough =Kali-bi.---Cough constant in membranous croup.

Cough =Kali-bi.---Cough violent rattling with gagging from
viscid mucus in the throat; <when undressing (Hep).
Cough =Kali-c.--- For violent cough with vomiting. Biting
pains in evening after lying down Aggravated at 3 AM. Bag
like swelling in upper eyelid. Cough following measles or
pneumonia. Stitching pain in chest on excitement.
Cough =Kali-c.---Cough asthmatic (habitual).
Cough =Kali-c.---Cough dry paroxysmal loosens viscid
mucus or pus which must be swallowed spasmodic with
gagging or vomiting of ingesta; hard white or smoky masses
fly from throat when coughing (Bad., Chel).
Cough =Lach.---Cough constant with retching and gagging.
Cough =Lyc.---Cough constant day and night in feeble
emaciated boys.
Cough =Lyc-.---Cough deep, hollow even raising mucus in
large quantities affords little relief.
Cough =Merc-c.---Cough agg. By talking, with white
PHLEGM occasionally greenish mucous expectoration (worse
Cough =Mill.---Cough with raising of bright blood in
suppressed menses or haemorrhoids with oppression and
palpitation after a fall from a height (Arn). After violent
exertion with blood daily at 4 pm (Lyc).
Cough =Nit-ac.---Cough barking in evening.
Cough =Nit-ac.---Cough chronic in winter.
Cough =Nux-m.---Cough going from warm in bed being
overheated during pregnancy (Con); bathing standing in
water living in cold damp places (Nat-s) loose after eating
dry after drinking.
Cough =Nux-v.---Cough from itching in air passages.
Cough =Phos.---Cough chronic of 18 years duration.
151… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Cough =Phos.---Cough going from warm to cold air (rev. of

Bry.); <from laughing, talking reading drinking eating lying
on the left side (Dros., Stann).
Cough =Phos.---Worse evening to midnight. More from
talking and lying on left side .Cough hurts him.
Cough =Plb.---Cough chronic with bloody expectoration.
Cough =Psor.---Cough chronic of 25 years.
Cough =Psor.---Cough returns every winter. Cough after
suppressed itch or eczema chronic of years duration
<morning on waking and evening on lying down (Phos.,
Tub); sputa green yellow or salty mucus; pus-like cough a
long time before expectorating.
Cough =Puls =Dry evening cough loose morning cough.
Worse lying and in a warm room. Chronic loose cough after
measles thick bland, greenish Yellow Expectoration.
Cough =Rhus-t.---Cough whenever he puts hands outside
the bed.
Cough =Rumx.--- Cold, copious, Violent cough aggravated
by talking and inspiring cold air at night. Stitching pain
through left lung just below left nipple.
Cough =Rumx.---Cough constant almost interrupted.
Cough =Rumx.---Tickling in throat pit causing dry teasing
Cough =Sabad.---Cough in children with lachrymation.
Cough =Sabad.---Cough worse on taking cold water.
Cough =Sali-ac.---Cough barking in diphtheria.
Cough =Samb.---Cough, suffocative with crying children
worse about midnight hollow, deep whooping with spasm of
chest with regular inhalations but sighing exhalations.
Cough deep dry, precedes the fever paroxysm.
Cough =Sang.---Cough dry waking him at night and not
ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus
circumscribed red cheeks night sweats diarrhoea.
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Cough =Sang.---for cough with hectic flush and dry throat.

Cough =Seneg---Cough often ends in sneezing Seneg.
Cough =Sep.---Cough worse on taking cold water.
Cough =Sil.---Cough constant all day.
Cough =Spong.---Cough dry barking croupy with dry larynx
grasping ringing wheezing whistling; everything is perfectly
dry, no mucous rale.
Cough =Spong.---Cough dry, sibliant like a saw driven
through a pine board <sweets; cold drinks smoking, lying
with head low, dry cold winds <reading, singing, talking,
swallowing, eating or drinking warm things.
Cough =Spong.---Cough with chill with expectoration.
Cough =Spong.---Cough, croupy.
Cough =Squil.---Cough, loose morning.
Cough =Stann.---Cough deep hollow shattering concussive
in paroxysms of three coughs (of two Merc); dry while in
bed, in evening empty sensation in chest.
Cough =Staph.---Cough only in the daytime or only after
dinner, worse after eating meat after vexation or
indignation; excited by cleaning the teeth.
Cough =Stict.--- Cough constant in consumptives.
Cough =Stict.---Cough after severe cold arouse at every
Cough =Sul-ac.---Cough from odour of coffee.
Cough =Sulph.--- Cough from driving in an open wagon.
Cough =Tarent-s.---cough is amel. by smoking.
Cough =Trimathyl…..for cough and rheumatism, needle
feels too heavy in hand.
Cough after bathing =Calc-sulph.
Cough after drinking milk =Ant-t., Spong.
Cough after smoking =Tarent.
Cough and cold = Ferr-p 30.---For cough, cold and tonsils.
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Cough asthmatic =Meph., Phos., Ant-t., Ars., Calad.,

Carb-v., Con., Croc., Hep., Iod.
Cough before and during =Cham., Lach.
Cough before and during chill =Rhus-t.
Cough chronic =Bar-c.---The chronic cough of psoric
Cough day time =Rumex.---has cough only in the day time.
Cough dry =Acon., Bell., Ip.
Cough dry =Gels.--- Summer colds with mild fever. Watery
discharge from nose with much sneezing. Dry cough with
sore throat.
Cough dry =Rumx.---Dry, incessant fatiguing cough worse
from changing air or room (Phos., Spong); evening after
lying down touching or pressing the throat pit lying on left
side (Phos); from slightest inhalation of cold air covers
head with bedclothes to make air warmer, little or no
Cough dry =Sang.---Neuralgia of face relieved by kneeling
down and pressing head firmly against floor. Pain extends
in all directions from the upper jaw. Again regarding cough
this peculiarity, cough dry wakes him at night does not
cease till he sits up and passes flatus. Dr. Allen’s.
Cough dry- sounds like, „minute gun‟ =Cor-r.
Cough dry- sounds like, sawing =Spong.
Cough dry- sounds like, trumpet tone =dros.
cough dry–associated with, chill in intermittent =Rhus-t.
Cough dry–associated with, enlarged tonsils =Bar-c.
Cough dry–associated with, involuntary urination =Caust.
Cough dry–associated with, or after measles =Stict., Coff.
Cough dry–associated with, racking of the whole body
Cough dry–associated with, trembling & moaning =Phos.
Cough dry–associated with, typical coryza =Stict.
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Cough dry–associated with, violent hawking =Nat-c., Lach.

Cough dry–associated with, vomiting of food =Ferr.
Cough dry–sensation of soreness, cannot lie with head low
Cough dry–sensation of soreness, child cries before
paroxysm as if sore =Arn.
Cough dry–sensation of soreness, child grasps throat with
hands =Iod.
Cough dry–sensation of soreness, sore and rawness =Caust.
cough dry–spasmodic, continuous hawking during day =Cor-
Cough dry–spasmodic, irritation worse by cough =Ign.
Cough dry–spasmodic, suffocative stiff & blue in face =Ip.
Cough dry–with pain in back, as if bruised from cough
Cough dry–with pain in, anus =Lach.
Cough dry–with pain in, chest so painful, the child dreads
to cough =Bell.
Cough dry–with pain in, chest supporting with hands =Bry.,
Cough dry–with pain in, distant parts (knees etc) =Caps.
Cough dry–with pain in, head =Acon.
Cough dry–with pain in, hips =Caust.
Cough dry–with pain in, root of nose =Stict.
Cough dry–with pain in, throat, child grasping with hands
Cough dry–with pain through left upper lung =Tub.
Cough eating agg. =Bry., Cocc-c., Kali-bi.
Cough enlarged tonsil, with-Bar-c.
Cough entering warm room from cold =Bry., Cocc., Ant-c.,
Cough expectoration =Cocc-c.
Cough explosive =Caps., Dros.
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Cough exposure, to cold air =Phos., Rumex., Acon., Calc.,

Kali-bi., Hep., Nux-v.
Cough followed by hiccough =Trif-p---Cough followed by
hiccough is a peculiar symptom of Trif-p.
Cough hoarse =Hep.--- Dry, cough hoarse. Worse whenever
any part of body becomes uncovered.
Cough in evening =Phos.---Dry tickling cough in the
evening, chest seems to be tight.
Cough incessant and violent =Ip.--- Cough incessant and
violent with every breath.
Cough is violent =Ip.---Cough is violent with every breath
and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Cough lying amel =Mang.
Cough lying, agg =Bry., Dros., Ars., Bell., Con., Hyos.,
Puls., Stict.
Cough measles, after =Dros., Coff., Kali-c., Sulph., Puls.,
Cough of consumptives =Salv.--- It is a tickling cough,
especially in consumption.
Cough old people, of =Alumn., Ant-t., Am-c., Bar-c.,
Hyos., Seneg.
Cough only during day =Rumex., Ferr-m., Mang.---One
characteristic of cough was cough only during day, not at
all at night cured by Rumx. Dr.Cardoza. Then it has a
place beside Ferr and Mang.
Cough pain head, on coughing-Bell., Bry., Caps.
Cough rattling =Carb-v.--- Rattling cough with itching in
the throat. Spasmodic cough with gagging, choking, and
vomiting of mucus.
Cough rattling =Hep.--- Croup with loose, rattling cough.
Cough rattling of mucus =Squil., Ant-t., Am-c., Bar-c., Ip.,
Cough sounds like, barking =Iod.
Cough spasmodic =Carb-v.--- Rattling cough with itching in
the throat. Spasmodic cough with gagging, choking, and
vomiting of mucus.
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Cough stitching pain, in chest =Bry, Dros., Rumex Squil.,

Nat-s., Kali-c.
Cough support the chest, has to =Bry., Dros., Phos., Arn.,
Bell., Eup-per., Hep., Nat-s., Sep.
Cough suppressed eruption, from =Ars.
Cough swallow of cold water, amel =Cocc-c., Caust.,
Cough talking agg. =Dros., Phos., Rumex.
Cough tickling =Ferr-p.--- Hard, dry, tickling cough, with
painful chest and hoarseness.
Cough uncovering, from =Hep., Rhus-t.
Cough urine escapes =Rumex., Squil., Caust., Puls., Sep.
Cough wet =Bry., Bell., Ant-t.
Cough whooping cough =Carb-v., Cocc., Dros., Ip.
Cough with vomiting of food =Ip., Dros., Ferr-p.
Coughing =All-c.--- Cough from inhaling cold air. Grasps
throat when coughing; feels as if cough would split or tear
Coughing =Blatta.---It act as a magic when the patient
feels unbearable pain in coughing.
Coughing =Ip.---It has paroxysmal character in coughing
with red face, vomiting and gagging with cough. The red
face, thirstlessness, violent whooping with convulsions,
with gagging and vomiting of all that he eats are symptoms.
Coughing =Merc.---Epistaxis when coughing at night during
sleep hangs in a dark clotted string from the nose.
Coughing better by =Tarent.---If the patient is better by
coughing then Tarent or Arania-d should be thought of.
Coughing=Bell., Bry., Caps.--- brings pain in head.
Cowpox = Acon., Bell., Sil., Thuj.
Crack Fissure =Graph.---Cracks of fissures in the end of
fingers, nipples, labial commissures of anus between the
Cracked lips, fingertips =Nat-m., Graph., Cund.
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Cracking =Nit-ac.--- Cracking, pricking, offensive urine.

Cracking joints =Nit-ac.
Cracking of cervical =Cocc.---Cracking of cervical vertebra
also of knee when moving.
Cracking of joints =Caust., Kali-bi., Petr.
Crackling, scratching over sensitiveness to =Asar.---Over
sensitiveness of nerves, scratching of linen or silk, crackling
of paper is unbearable (Ferr).
Cramp =Dros.---Cramp and cough, spasmodic.
Cramp =Sulph.---Cramps in calves of legs, or soles of feet
especially at night.
Cramping pains =Mag-p.--- Cramping pains in calves,
writer‟s cramp, menstrual cramps if relieved by heat.
Cramping watery diarrhea =Verat.--- Cramping, watery
P., NUX-V., PULS., SPONG., SULPH., VERAT.--- Medicines
generally prescribed.
Cramps =Coloc., Cupr., Mag-p
Cramps =Mag-p.--- Violent, spasmodic, cramps.
Cramps in abdomen =Vib.--- Cramps in abdomen & legs
during pregnancy.
Cramps in the calves =Eupion.--- Cramps in the calves
worse at night.
Cramps, legs and claves =Ambr., Cupr., Mag-p
Crampy =Camph.--- Cold, crampy, collapsing.
Crampy =Caust.--- Crampy, contracture, paralytic.
Crampy =Cupr.--- Crampy, convulsive, colicky.
Crampy =Verat.--- Cold, copious, crampy.
Cranium is excited =Bell.---The circulation within the
cranium is excited because the brain is irritated.
Craves =Amyl-n.---Craves fresh air, opens clothing,
removes bed covering and opens windows in the coldest
weather (Arg-n., Lach., Sulph).
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Craves =Led.--- Gouty, craves, cold.

Craving =Cic.--- Craving for charcoal/cowdung.
Craving =Lac-f.---Craving for slate/lime/papers.
Craving alcohol =Calc-ar.---Complaints of drunkards after
abstaining; craving for alcohol (Asar., Sul-ac.).
Craving alcohol =Syph.---Craving alcohol in any form.
Hereditary tendency to alcoholism (Asar., Psor., Tub.,
Sulph., Sul-ac.).
Craving bacon =Calc-p.--- Craving for ham, bacon, smoked
or salted meats.
Craving for acids =Verat.---Craving for acids or refreshing
things (Ph-ac).
Craving for apples =Ant-t.---Extra-ordinary craving for
apples (Aloe- for acids, pickles, Ant-c.).
Craving for lemon =Bell.---A strange thing-feature running
through Bell fevers of all sorts, is an unconquerable for
lemons and lemon Juice.
Craving for lemon =Verat.
Craving for liquor =Med.---Insatiate craving for liquor,
which before she hated (Asar) for salt (Calc-os., Nat-m);
for sweets (Sulph) for ale, ice, acids, oranges, green fruit.
Craving for liquor =Sul-ac.---Sulphuric acid Q-One part
with 3 parts of alcohol 10-15 drops, 3 times for 3 or 4
weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for
liquor –Herring.
Craving for liquor=Stercul.---Decreases the craving for
Craving for meat =Mag-c.---Inordinate craving for meat in
children of tubercular parentage.
Craving for meat =Mag-c.---Inordinate craving for meat in
children of tubercular parentage.
Craving for smoking =Calad., Tab., Nit-ac.
Craving for tobacco =Staph.
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Craving remove =Alum.---Removes craving for raw rice.

Craving tobacco =Calad.---Destroys craving for tobacco.
Cravings =Tub.--- Consumptive, cold, cravings.
Creeping =Kali-sil.--- Cold, creeping, weary.
Creeping chills =Merc-sol.---for dirty nosed children, with
creeping chills.
Creeping feeling =Ph-ac.---creeping feeling, tingling and
crawling feeling all over the body, especially where there is
hair, as if in the roots of the hair; formication over whole
body.” Sore spots in the spine; lame back. Backache.
Cretinism=Aeth., Anac., Bufo., Lap-a., Thyr.
Cries pitifully =Puls.
Crohn’s disease=Aloe., Ars., Carc., Chin., Merc-c., Nit-
ac., Phos.
Cross =Ant-c.--- Cross, crusty, horny.
Cross =Cham.--- Cross, colicky, neuralgic.
Cross =Cina.--- Cross, cachectic, convulsive.
Croup =Acon 200, Spong 200, Hep 200.---Croup because
the cough ends in a sound.
Croup =Acon.--- Croup; when child wakes frightened from
sleep with dry, hoarse, croupy cough. Usually the only
remedy needed.
Croup =Acon., Bell., Bry., Gels., Hep. Phos., Spong.
Croup =Hep.--- Croup with loose, rattling cough.
Croup =Hep.---Croup after exposure to dry cold wind
(Acon); deep rough barking cough, with hoarseness and
rattling of mucus; <cold air, cold drinks, before mid-night
or towards morning cough when any part of the body is
uncovered (Rhus-t).
Croup =Kali-bi.---Croup hoarse metallic with expectoration
of tough mucus or fibro-elastic casts in morning on
awakening with dyspnoea, > by lying down (Worse when
lying down, Aral., Lach).
Croup =Lach.--- for hopeless cases of croup.
160… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Croup =Spong.---Croup anxious wheezing, <during

inspiration (<during expiration., Acon); before midnight
(<before morning, Hep).
Croup =Staph.---Croupy cough in winter alternating with
sciatica in summer cough excited by tobacco smoke
Croup cold cough =Spong.--- Croup, cold, and cough
beginning in the throat, which is sensitive to touch. Feeling
as if there‟s a plug in the larynx.
Croup dry =Spong.---Croup, dry, barking, hollow cough,
with wheezing, whistling, sawing, difficult breathing worse
during inspiration and lying down.
Croup hopless =Lach.---For hopeless cases of croup.
Croup in children =Spong 30.
Croupous =Brom.--- Croupous, glandular, induration.
Croupy cough =Spong.--- Croupy cough, sounds like a saw
driven through a board. Dry, barking, rasping cough. Slow,
suffocating, crumbly.
Croupy dry cough =Phos.--- Croupy, dry, rasping, tickling,
tight cough, which is very exhausting. Worse from talking
or breathing cold air, Is said to act as a prophylactic and
prevents the return of croup.
Cruelity and want of moral sense =Anac.
Cry =Psor---Sick babies will not sleep day or night but
worry, fret, cry or good and play all day, restless,
troublesome, screaming all night Psor.
Crying infants =Syph---Crying infants when they developed
this propensity immediately after birth and did not cease.
Dr. Swan.
Cunning, quick and destructiveness =Tarent.
Cural neuralgia =Staph.
Curse and Swear =Anac.---Wants to curse and swear.
Curvature of spine and long bone =Calc.
Cushing’s disease-Chlorpr.
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Cuts-jagged =Hyper.--- Speeds healing of jagged cuts.

Cutting Pains =Ip.---Cutting pains across abdomen from
left to right (Lach., from right to left Lyc.)
Cyanosis =Napthalinum---Found it more useful in
whooping cough than any other remedy. Dr. Louis
Hartman. The spasmodic action and the cyanosis of the
drug are good indications here, though it is not necessary
to wait till the child is blue before prescribing, Dros
follows immediately.
Cyanosis lungs=Camph., Carb-v., Cupr., Dig., Cupr., Dig.,
Lach., Laur., Verat., Verat-v.Ant-t., Op.
Cystic growths =Med.
Cystitis = Bell., Berb., Canth., Eup-per., Equiset-hym.
Cystitis =Canth.--- Cystitis; frequent burning, painful
Cystitis =Canth., Bell., Merc-c.---Homeopathy knows no
specific remedy except the special remedy for the
individual yet our Dr. Hahnemann tells us some remedies so
exactly reproduce a disease condition as to become
specific such are in cystitis or scarlet fever. In Dysentery
and well to remember that even in pace of action disease
and remedy must match.
Cystitis =Ter.--- Give 6th potency.
Cystitis inflammation of bladder, frequent urination at
night =Chim.
Cystitis inflammation of bladder, accompanying pregnancy
Cystitis inflammation of bladder, excessive mucous in urine
Cystitis inflammation of bladder, frequent urging with
burning pains =Canth.
Cystitis inflammation of bladder, paralysis of bladder,
worse in damp weather =Dulc.
Cystocele=Calen., Staph.
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Damp basements or cellars =Ant-t.---Disease originating

from exposure in damp basements or cellars (Ars., Aran.,
Dampness, ailments =Nat-s.---Ailments which are < by, or
which depend upon, dampness of weather, damp houses or
cellars (Aran).
Dandruff =Bry.---Dandruff is common, sensitiveness and
great soreness of the scalp. Worse from the slightest touch
of the scalp, feels as if the hair were pulled; women must
always have the hanging down.
Dandruff =Calc., Thuj., Graph.
Dandruff =Canth.---scales on scalp, enormous dandruff.
Dandruff =Thuj.---High One Dose Only.
Dandruff profuse =Sanic.---Profuse, scaly dandruff on
scalp, eyebrows, in the beard.
Dandruff white scaly; hair dry and falling out =Thuj.
Dandruff=Phos.---Dandruff, falls out in clouds (Lyc); hair
falls out in bunches, baldness of single spots.
Dark, dusky besotted expression =Bapt.
Dark, enlarged glands =Iod.
Dark, Thin built =Nit-ac.
Dazed =Bry.--- Dry, dazed, dread of motion.
Dead appearance of affected parts=Plb., Sec., Ars., Carb-
v., Graph., Mez., Sel., Thuj.
Dead Children =Cimic 6.---If a lady is giving birth to dead
children or in case of still birth etc. give Cimic 6 from 4th
months onwards till the end of pregnancy, the lady will
deliver normal baby.
Dead like =Laur.--- Cold like dead.
Deafness = Bell., Ferr-p., Chin., Alum., Mang-met.,
Merc., Hep., Puls., Sil.
Deafness = Natrum-salicylicum 3. Cheir. mother tincture
for deafness. Give Internally 5 drops in a cup of hot water.
163… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Deafness =Bell.---A very chronic case of deafness cured

with single drop doses of Bell mother tincture. Dr. Cooper.
Death =Ars.---Highest potency gives quiet and ease to the
last moments of life. Carb-v. is useful in states of collapse
in cholera, typhoid. The patient must be almost lifeless,
but the head is not cold, breath cool, pulse imperceptible
and quickened respiration, Must have air, must be fanned
hard, Must have all the windows open.
Death anticipates =Med.---Anticipates death; always
anticipating, feels matters most sensitively before they
occur and generally correctly.
Death fear of =Cact.---Fear of death; believes the disease
is incurable (Ars).
Death Fear of =Ip.---When with gushing of blood, there is
over whelming fear of death (Acon).
Deathly =Aeth.--- sudden, deathly, depression.
Deathly =Ars.--- Depression, deathly, disproportionate.
Deathly =Dig.--- Deathly, distressed, cardiac.
Debilited =Alet.--- Debilited, bruised, relaxed.
Debilited =Alum-sil.--- Dull, Debilited , nervous.
Debilited =Aur-met.
Debilited =Chin.--- Deranged, distended, debilited. Due to
loos of fluids.
Debility =Alet., Caul., Chin., Helon., Sec.---Prevents
debility after delivery. Selection should be made according
to symptoms.
Debility =Carb-v., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Chin., Cocc.,
Debility =Curare., Bar-c.---Debility short of paralysis
indicates Curare. Debility of the aged and nervous debility
from loss of fluids. Follows well in the debility of the aged.
Debility =Mur-ac.---Debility, extreme.
Debility =Nat-c.---Great debility, caused by heat of
summer (Ant-c); exhaustion by least effort , mental or
164… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

physical, ready to drop after a walk; chronic effects of

Debility =Pic-ac---For the initial stage of sexual debility
Pic-ac will be indicated and for the fully developed
consequences of sexual abuse Onos Vi. Initial stage is
characterised by erethism while the ulterior consequences
are denoted by atony asthenia. The erethism of sexual
debility is partly evinced in Pic-ac and the ultimate
asthenia is as really discovered in Onos Vir.
Debility =Vitamin A, B, C, D, E.
Debility after fevers =Sel---Debility after fevers. When the
patient begins to walk after typhoid and feels great
weakness in the spine and fears paralysis.
Debility digestive power =Alst-c.---Debility from lack of
digestive power in the stomach or general assimilative
power. Not nervous debility.
Debility great =Mur-ac.---Great debility, as soon as he sits
down, his eyes close; lower jaw hangs down slides down in
Debility great =Nat-c.---Great debility; caused by heat of
summer (Ant-c); exhaustion from least effort, mental or
physical; ready to drop after a walk; chronic effects of
sunstroke; now, with return of hot weather, suffers from
Debility- prostration associated with aching all over the
body =Bapt.
Debility- prostration associated with dizziness on sitting
Debility- prostration associated with marked anxiety
Debility- prostration associated with warm sweat =Bism.
Debility- prostration with constant trembling of the whole
body & paralysis =Lach.
Debility- prostration with difficulty to stand walk to talk,
inability to hold the head up nervous debility from anger
and vexation =Alum-sil.
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Debility- prostration with difficulty to stand, walk to talk

inability to hold the head up alarming prostration =Tarent.
Debility- prostration with difficulty to stand, walk to talk,
inability to hold the head up complaints along nerves and
brain =Arg-m.
Debility- prostration with difficulty to stand, walk, to talk
and weakening her =Carb-an.
Debility- prostration with difficulty to stand, walk, to talk
inability to hold the head up =Cocc.
Debility- prostration with trembling or paralysis muscles
will not obey =Gels., Ferr-ar.
Debility- prostration with trembling or paralysis, from
below upward =Con.
Debility- prostration with trembling or paralysis, trembling
culminating to local paralysis =Caust.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted external coldness
with aversion to heat =Camph.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted icy coldness of whole
surface =Verat.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted lying motionless with
cold knees =Carb-v.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted restlessness and
burning pain =Ars.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted with stupor eyes
closed and lower jaw hanging =Mur-ac.
Debility- vital force nearly exhausted with stupor eyes half
open strenuous breathing =Op.
Debility- weakness from excessive loss of fluid =Chin.
Debility- weakness from over exertion of mind =Cupr.
Debility- weakness from sexual excess =Ph-ac.
Debility- weakness with faintness and slow weak heart
Debility- weakness with general emaciation =Sel.
Debility- weakness with persistent tired feeling =Pic-ac.
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Debility- weakness with sense of internal trembling =Sul-

Debility- weakness with want of nerve and brain power
=Zinc., Kali-p.
Debility- weakness with weak feeling in chest from talking
Debility- with delirium jerking the head in spasm =Stram.
Debility- with delirium picking the bed clothes =Hyos.
Debility, in women =Alet.---Give mother tincture 10 to 15
drops, thrice daily. Anemic condition. The patient is tired
all the time. Useful for chlorotic girls and pregnancy
Decalcification =Calc-p., Calc., Calc-f.
Decision inability to take a =Anac.
Decomposed =Pyrog.---Foetus or secundines retained,
decomposed; dead for days, black; horribly offensive
discharge; “never well since” septic fever, following
abortion or confinement. To arouse vital activity of uterus.
Decreases the craving =Stercul.--- Decreases the craving
for liquor.
Deep =Eup-per.--- Deep dull pain diarrhoea.
Deep aching =Ruta-g.--- Deep aching.
Deep-acting =Maland---The remedy should not be
repeated oftener than once a fortnight. Dr. Burnett.
Defective =Calc.---Defective bone development
Defective =Zinc.---Defective, vitality, in developing
Deficient milk =Lac Def.--- Deficient milk.
Degeneration of the spinal cord =Pic-ac.
Dehydration =Chin., Verat.--- Dehydration General loss of
vital fluids.
Delicate woman =Sul-ac---To a delicate woman who had
night-mare waking in a fright before each menstrual
period. Sul-ac 30. Dr. Clarke.
Delirious =ARS., BELL., BRY., VERAT.
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Delirious =Bapt.---Delirious stupor, falls asleep while

answering question or being spoken to.
Delirium & colic =Plb.---Delirium alternating with colic.
Delirium & mania =Stram.---Adapted to; ailments of young
plethoric persons (Acon., Bell); especially children in
chorea; mania and fever delirium. Delirium; loquacious,
talk all the time, sings, makes verses, craves; simulants
Bell and Hyos, Yet differs in degree. The delirium is more
furious, the mania more acute, while the congestion,
though greater than Hyos, is much less than Bell, never
approaching a true inflammation. Desire to escape, in
delirium (Bell., bry., Op., Rhus).
Delirium =Ars.---In the delirium he sees all kinds of vorms
on the bed “picks the bed clothes” , delirium during sleep-
unconscious mania.
Delirium =Bell, Hyos, Stram as the trios of delirium
Delirium =Hyos.---Diseases with increased cerebral
activity, but non-inflammatory in type; hysteria or delirium
tremens; delirium, with restlessness, jumps out of bed,
tries to escape makes irrelevant doing; but has no wants
and makes no complaints.
Delirium =Hyos.---In delirium, Hyos occupies a place
midway between Bell & Stram; lacks the constant cerebral
congestion of the former and fierce rage and maniacal
delirium of the latter. Is suspicious of some plot.
Delirium =Op.---Delirium; constantly talking; eyes wide
open, face red, puffed; or unconscious, eyes glassy, half-
closed, face pale, deep coma; preceded by stupor.
Delirium =Petr.---During sleep or delirium : imagines that
one leg is double; that another person lies alongside of him
in the same bed; that there are two in the bed. (Valer).
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Delirium =Ph-ac.---Delirium; muttering, unintelligible; lies

in a stupor, or a stupid sleep, unconscious of all that is
going on around him; when aroused is fully conscious,
answers slowly and correctly and relapses into stupor.
Delirium =Sabad.---Delirium during intermittents (Podo).
Delirium =Stram.---The delirium is more furious, the
mania more acute, while the congestion, though greater
than Hyos, is much less than Bell., never approaching a
true inflammation.
Delirium tremens =Cann-i.---Delirium Tremens;
Exaggeration of time and distance. Time seems too long
(Arg-n); a few seconds see ages. Distance seems immense;
a few meters seems miles.
Delirium tremens =Coff.--- 30 or 200 often produces
tranquillizing effect and induces sleep.
Delirium violent =Bell.---Violent delirium; disposition to
bite, spit, strike and tear things; breaks into fits of
laughter and gnashes the teeth; wants to bite and strike
the attendants (Stram); tries to escape. (Hell).
Delivery =Arn., Caul., Cimic., Gels.
Delivery =Gels.---For women who get habitual painful
labour. Cimic., and Caul., are recommended as remedies
that facilitate labour if taken previously.
Delivery, easy =Caul 6 or 30.---Taken daily four months
before .delivery, ensures safe delivery without pain.
Delivery, easy =Kali-p 6x.---should be given for two
months twice a day before delivery time,.
Delusion =Calc.---Delusion objects appear too far off.
Delusion =Calc.---Delusion that somebody is walking beside
her (Petr).
Delusion =Hyos.---Delusion and illusion.
Delusion-he is wealthy =Pyrog.
Dengue =Acon., Rhus-t., Bry., Eup-p.
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Dengue bleeding=Canth., Ham., Lach., Phos., Sec-cor.,

Sulph-ac., Crot-h.---Bleeding from skin, nose, gums,
kidney (Haematuria) & Gastro-intestines.
Dengue gastric symptoms =Ars., Carb-v., China., Colch.,
Coloc., Eup-p., Ip., Nux-v., Podo., Puls.--- Nausea,
Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abdominal ailments, Colic etc.
Dengue other medicines= Tinospora -cordifolia Q.
(Gloye) Ocimum-Can Q. (Tulsi) Trticum-Aestium Q.
(Wheat Grass). Emblica-off. Q. (Amla)Carica-papaya. Q
Drinking Coconut water and Goat’s milk eating Kiwi and
sharifa fruits.
Dengue prophylaxis =Baptisia 30 = For 3 days One dose
daily morning, Next two days Lach 30 One dose daily
morning. Next Two Days Pyrog 30 One does daily morning.
All the above seven days Eup-per 30 one dose daily
Dengue skin eruptions = Bapt., Echi., Lach., Merc-sol.,
Dengue treatment =Acon., Arn., Bry., Calc-f., Eup-perf.,
Ferr-met., Gels., Lach., Rhus-t.---At the onset, fever with
severe pains in head, eyes muscles and bones; paralytic
weakness of limbs; stiffness of neck, shoulders; swelling
and pains in joints.
Denies =Arn.--- s=Says he or she is not ill or that there is
nothing wrong.
Dental extraction =Ruta-g.--- “Dry socket” following
dental extraction.
Dental surgery =Arn.--- Soreness after tooth extraction or
dental surgery.
Dental surgery =Hyper.--- Dental surgery, including root
canal work or tooth extraction.
Dentistry =Ign., Nux-v.
Dentition =Calc.---Difficult dentition with little children.
Dentition =Calc-p.---Retarded dentition especially in
second dentition prevents teething troubles.
Dentition =Cham., Bell., Calc., Calc-p., Kreos., Ferr-p.
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Dentition =Cham.---Children, newborn and during period

of dentition, diarrhoea.
Dentition =Graph.---Dropsical affections of the brain,
especially after scralatina, or summer complaint, of during
Dentition =Phyt.---has an irresistible desire to bite during
Dentition =Phyt---In disorders of dentition irresistible
desire to bite the teeth or gums together.(Phyt )
Dentition delayed =Calc-p.---Difficult and delayed
dentition with characteristic head sweat and open
Dentition difficult =Podo., Rheum.---Difficult dentition;
child restless, irritable, peevish, with pale face and sour
smell (Kreos., Cham).
Dentition difficult =Podo.---Difficult dentition; morning,
grinding the teeth at night; intense desire to press the
gums together (Phyt); head hot and rolling from side to
side (Bell., Hell).
Dentition painful =Kreos.---Painful dentition; teeth begin
to decay as soon as they appear; gums bluish-red, soft,
spongy, bleeding, inflamed, scorbutic, ulcerated.
Dentition problems =Cham., Podo., Calc-p., Phyt., Bor.,
Aeth., Mag-mur.
Depressed =Apis.--- Depressed, dropsical, stingy.
Depressed =Nat-c.--- Dyspeptic, depressed, disagreed
Depression =Aeth.--- Sudden, deathly, depression.
Depression =Alum-p.--- Depression in elderly.
Depression =Ars.--- Depression, deathly, disproportionate.
Depression =Bapt.---Threatened miscarriage from mental
depression, shock from bad news, watching, fasting and
low fever.
Depression =Cocc.---Depression, general
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Depression =Gels.---General depression from heat of sun

or summer.
Depression of spirits =Podo.---Depression of spirits,
imagines he is going to die or he is very ill (Ars); disgust for
Depression profound =Lil-t.---Profound depression of
spirits, can hardly avoid weeping, is very timid, fearful and
weeps, much indifferent about what is being done for her.
Depression, during pregnancy =Puls 30 for fat and Sep
30. For thin women.
Depression, grief, worry problems =Ign., Nat-m., Puls.,
Kali-p., Sep.
Deranged =Chin.--- Deranged, distended, debilited.
Dermatitis =Cham., Hep., Merc., Rhus-t., Sil.
Desire =Bism.---Desires company solitude in unbearable;
child holds on to its mother‟s hand for company (Kali-c.,
Lil-t., Lyc.).
Desire =Carb-v.---Desire to be fanned.
Desire =Cycl.---Desire lemonade (Nit-ac., Bell., Sab).
Desire =Onos.---Lost sexual desire in women, desire-
Capability destroyed.
Desire =Sel.---Longing for spirituous liquors an almost
irresistible maniacal desire.
Desire =Sil.---Desire to be magnetized, which ameliorates
Desire =Stram.---Desire for company and light.
Desire cold in general =APIS., LED., PULS., All-c., Ant-t.,
Bry., Ip., Merc., Phos., Sulph., Verat.
Desire for acid =Hep., Verat.
Desire for addicted to smelling bottle =Am-c.
Desire for bitter =Nat-m.
Desire for craves for fresh air =Arg-n.
Desire for doors & windows open =Sulph.
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Desire for doors & windows open music =Carc.

Desire for drinks coffee =Ang.
Desire for drinks cold which aggravates =Phos.
Desire for drinks cold which ameliorates =Puls.
Desire for drinks hot drinks =Chel.
Desire for drinks spirituous liquor =Sel.
Desire for drinks tea =Hep.
Desire for food bread and butter =Ferr-m.
Desire for food egg =Calc-c.
Desire for food fruits =Chin.
Desire for food meat scrofulous child =Mag-c.
Desire for food meat smoked =Calc-p.
Desire for lemon=Verat.---Desire for lemon.
Desire for ridiculous things chalk charcoal etc. =Alum.
Desire for salt =Caust., Con., Gels., Sep., Nat-m., Phos.
Desire for salty =Nat-m.
Desire for sweets =Sulph., Arg-n.
Desire for to ride in strong wind open air =Tub.
Desire intense =Podo.---Intense desire to press the gums
together (Phyt). Grinding the teeth at night. Burning
sensation of tongue, difficult dentition.
Desire irresistible =Phyt.---Irresistible desire to bite the
teeth or gums together (Pod); during dentition.
Desire warmth in general =ARS., CALC-P., HYPER., MAG-
Desires air open =CARB-V., PULS., SULPH., Apis., Arn.,
Desires attention and sympathy =Puls.--- Sensitive,
weepy; desires attention and sympathy.
Desires drinks cold =ACON., CHAM., MERC., PHOS.,
VERAT., Ant-t., Bell., Led.
Desires food cold =PHOS., PULS., Ant-t., Verat.
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Desires various kinds of food =Rheum.---Desires various

kinds of food, but cannot eat them; becomes repugnant.
Desires warm =ARS., BRY., Carb-v., Hyper., Sulph.
Despondent =Lac-d.---Despondent; does not care to live;
has no fear of death, but is sure he is going to die.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, insipidus
with sugar in urinepain in the region of kidney =Helon.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, insipidus
with sugar in urineanaemia & itching eruptions =Nat-m.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urineexcessive sugar and debility =Sizygium
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urinesudden urge for urine, sp. at night
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urinewith indigestion and debility =Uran-N.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urineintense burning in the body =Acet-ac.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urinewith rheumatic pains in joints =Lac-ac.
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, mellitus
with sugar in urinewith veneral & skin diseases =Ars-br.
Diabetes =Syzyg., Uran-n., Ph-ac., Nat-m., Squil., Nat-
s., Arg-m., Cephd., Gymne., Abrom-aug., Aven-s.,
Ashwagandha., Helon., Jab., Dam., Sac-l., Arg-n.,
Acetic-ac., Sulph., Ars., Carb-v.---Medicines Normally
Diabetes =Uran-n---Many cases of diabetes have been
relieved or cured by Uran-n usually in the lower
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, insipidus
with sugar in urineurine comparatively dense & milky =Ph-
Diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh, insipidus
with sugar in urineintense burning in the body =Sec-cor.
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Diabetes insipidus = Acid phos 1x.Every 3 hours.

Diabetes insipidus = Helon., Squil., Nat-m., Nat-s., Ph-
ac., Arg-m.
Diabetes Mellitus = Ph-ac., Arg-n., Syzyg., Nat-m., Uran-
n., Acet-ac., Sulph., Ars., Carb-v.
Diagonally complaints =Agar.---Complaints appear
diagonally upper left and lower right (Ant-t., Stram., -
upper right, lower left-Ambr., Brom., Med., Phos., Sul-ac).
Diaper rash buttocks =Sul-ac., Bapt., Bor., Kali-chl.,
Merc., Merc-c., Mur-ac., Nit-ac., Sulph.---Medicines
usually Prescribed.
Diarrhoea = Abrot.---Diarrhoea and rheumatism after
sudden checked diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea = Nux-v., Puls., Ip., Aeth., Chin., Ph-ac.,
Cham., Arg-n., Podo., Nat-s., Verat-a., Carb-v.
Diarrhoea =Aloe., Puls., Nux-v.--- Has diarrhoea from
leaving off beer Nux-v. Has diarrhoea from leaving off
alcoholic drinks. Puls. Cures diarrhoea following the abuse
of Op.
Diarrhoea =Aloe.---Worse during hot weather and in
morning. Jelly Like Mucus comes out of the rectum almost
unnoticed. Stools are often passed involuntarily when
expelling flatus or passing urine. There is great rumbling
before stool.
Diarrhoea =Ant-c.---Alternate diarrhoea and constipation
of old persons.
Diarrhoea =Ant-t.---Diarrhoea in eruptive diseases, desire
for stool in vain.
Diarrhoea =Arg-n.---Diarrhoea; as soon as he drinks (Ars.,
Diarrhoea =Arg-n.---Diarrhoea; green mucus, like chopped
spinach in flakes; turning green after remaining on diaper;
after drinking, after eating candy or sugar, masses of
mucolymph in shreddy strips or lumps (Asar) with noisy
flatus (Aloe).
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Diarrhoea =Arg-n.---Green mucus or turning green after

remaining in diaper. Expelled with much spluttering; when
going to any unusual event he has diarrhoea. Nursing infant
will get green diarrhoea if the mother eats sugar.
Diarrhoea =Ars.---Diarrhoea after eating or drinking; stool
scanty; dark coloured, offensive and whether small or large
followed by great prostrarion. Agg. After midnight.
Diarrhoea =Ars.---Least food or drink excites vomiting or
stool or both, stool is black bloody and horribly offensive in
diarrhoea with burning thirst for sips of cold water.
Diarrhoea =Benz-ac.---Diarrhoea of children white, very
offensive stools running right through the diaper.
Diarrhoea =Calc =Cholera infantum or during dentition
with profuse sweat on head. Sour diarrhoea worse in the
afternoon, generally beter when constipated.
Diarrhoea =Calc., Podo.---Calc-carb cures diarrhoea only
in higher potencies 200, 1m, in Calc-carb like cases but in
low potency say 6 or 30, it cures constipation. Similarly ,
Podo 200 or 1M cure diarrhoea but in low potency, say 6 it
is good medicine for constipation also.
Diarrhoea =Cham.---Dentition with diarrhoea of green
stool smelling like rotten eggs. Colicky diarrhoea from
wind. Anger.
Diarrhoea =Cham.---Diarrhoea from cold anger or chagrin;
during dentition; after tobacco; in childbed; from
downward motion (Borax., Sanic.).
Diarrhoea =Chin,.---1st to 30. The symptoms of
undigested, forthy, painless stool very weakening with
much flatulence.
Diarrhoea =Chin.---Diarrhoea with undigested stools.
Diarrhoea =Coloc.---Dysentery like diarrhoea, renewed
each time after taking the least food or drink.
Diarrhoea =Crot-t.---The bowels are moved as if, by
spasmodic jerks,” coming out like a shot” (Gamb); as soon
as patient eats, drinks or even while eating, yellow watery
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stool. Constant urging to stool, followed by sudden

evacuation, which is shot out of the rectum (Gamb., Grat.,
Podo., Thuj.).
Diarrhoea =Dulc.---Diarrhoea from taking cold in damp
places or during damp foggy weather, change from warm to
cold weather (Bry.).
Diarrhoea =Eup-pur.--- Deep, dull, diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea =Ferr-m.---Diarrhoea, undigested stools at night
or while eating or drinking (Crot-t) painless with a good
appetite of consumptives.
Diarrhoea =Gels., Arg-n.---Prevents emotional diarrhoea
before examination or public engagements.
Diarrhoea =Gels.---Diarrhoea after sudden emotions as
grief, fear, bad news or the anticipation of an unusual
Diarrhoea =Hep-s.---Diarrhoea of children with sour smell
(Calc-os., Mag-c., child and stool have a sour smell,
Rheum) clay-coloured stool (Calc-os., Podo.).
Diarrhoea =Hep-s.---Green slimy diarrhoea of sour of a
sour smell.
Diarrhoea =Ip.--- for diarrhoea with persistent nausea,
bloody and mucoid stool.
Diarrhoea =Kali-m.---Diarrhoea with pale, yellow faces.
Diarrhoea =Mag-c.---Diarrhoea preceded by cutting,
doubling-up colic, occurs regularly every three weeks,
stools green, frothy, like scum on a frog-pond; white
tallow-like masses are found floating in stool the milk
passes undigested in nursing children.
Diarrhoea =Mag-c.---Diarrhoea, especially of children
stools green and frothy like the scum of frog of pond
griping pain, sour eructations.
Diarrhoea =Merc-dulcis.--- Diarrhoea of children stools
grass green, like chopped eggs; profuse causing soreness of
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Diarrhoea =Mur-ac.---Diarrhoea, stool involuntary, while

urinating, on passing wind (Aloe) cannot urinate without
having the bowels move at the same time.
Diarrhoea =Nat-s.---Diarrhoea; sudden urging gushing
much flatus on first rising and standing on the feet; after a
spell of wet weather living or working in basements.
Diarrhoea =Nit-ac.---Diarrhoea; great straining but little
passes as if faeces remained and cannot be expelled.
Diarrhoea =Nit-ac.---Old people with great weakness and
Diarrhoea =Oeno---Effortless diarrhoea. Exhausting watery
diarrhoea without efforts, with nervous exhaustion, even
incipient hydrocephaloid. (Oeno) Dr. Farrington.
Diarrhoea =Op.---Persistent diarrhoea; in those treated
with large doses of the drug.
Diarrhoea =Petr.---Diarrhoea; yellow watery gushing, after
cabbage sour fruit during pregnancy stormy weather always
in the daytime.
Diarrhoea =Ph-ac.---Diarrhoea; painless not debilitating
white or yellow watery from acids; involuntary with the
flatus (Aloe., Nat-m.) choleraic from fear.
Diarrhoea =Ph-ac.---has diarrhoea with no weakness at all.
Diarrhoea =Ph-ac.---In phosphoric acid there is
amelioration of complaints by ending in diarrhoea; the
stool is odorless, the little one smiles as if nothing were the
matter. There is no prostration.
Diarrhoea =Ph-ac---While diarrhoea does not weaken,
(Calc) feels better every way when constipated.
Diarrhoea =Phos.---Chronic painless diarrhoea of
undigested food, with much thirst during the night.
Diarrhoea =Phos.---Diarrhoea; as soon as anything enters
the rectum, profuse pouring away as from a hydrant,
watery with sago-like particles; sensation as if the anus
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remained open (Apis); involuntary during cholera time

(Which precedes cholera) (Ph-ac), morning, of old people.
Diarrhoea =Podo., Ars., Crot-t.---Diarrhoea; food
poisoning, smell and spurting.
Diarrhoea =Podo.---Diarrhoea alternating with fever.
Diarrhoea =Podo.---Diarrhoea of children during teething
after eating while being bathed or washed; of dirty water
soaking napkin through (Benz-ac) with gagging.
Diarrhoea =Podo.---Diarrhoea of long standing early in
morning, continues through forenoon followed by natural
stool in evening (Aloe) and accompanied by sensation of
weakness or sinking abdomen or rectum.
Diarrhoea =Podo.---Headache alternates with diarrhoea
(Aloe) headache in winter diarrhoea in summer.
Diarrhoea =Podo.---Stools profuse, offensive, aggravated
in morning in hot weather and during dentition, stool
comes out with force. There is prolapsus and sleep with
eyes half closed, rolling of head from side to side and great
desire to press the gums together during dentition.
Diarrhoea =Psor.---Diarrhoea sudden imperative (Aloe.,
Sulph.) stool watery dark brown foetid; smells like carrion
involuntary at night from 1 to 4 am after severe acute
diseases, teething in children , when weather changes.
Diarrhoea =Puls.---Diarrhoea from smoking.
Diarrhoea =Puls.---Diarrhoea only or usually at night
watery greenish yellow, very changeable soon as they eat,
from fruit, cold food or drink ice-cream (Ars., Bry., eating
pears, Verat, China, Onions, Thuj, Oysters, Brom, Lyc.,
Milk Calc-os., Nat-c., Nicc., Sulph., drinking impure water,
Camph., Zing).
Diarrhoea =Pyrog.---Diarrhoea horribly offensive (Psor)
brown or black (Lept) Painless involuntary uncertain when
passing flatus (Aloe., Olean.)
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Diarrhoea =Rheum.---Colicky diarrhoea of children during

dentition with sour stool the whole child smells sour.
Diarrhoea =Rheum.---Diarrhoea, stools brown and of an
excessively sour smell with much colic.
Diarrhoea =Rheum.---On the indication diarrhoea only
during active exercise, cured a case of diarrhoea in a horse
which came only when he was at work. Dr. Hundall.
Diarrhoea =Rhus-t.---Diarrhoea with beginning typhoid;
involuntary with great exhaustion, tearing pain down the
posterior part of limbs during stool.
Diarrhoea =Rumx.---Early morning diarrhoea from 5 to 10
am (Aloe., Nat-s., Podo., Sulph.); stools painless profuse
offensive, sudden urging driving out of bed in morning.
Diarrhoea =Sanic.---Diarrhoea changeable in character and
color like scrambled eggs, frothy grass-green turns green on
standing like scum of a frog pond after eating, must hurry
from table.
Diarrhoea =Sec-cor.---Diarrhoea profuse watery putrid
brown discharged with great force (Gamb., Crot-h.), very
exhausting painless, involuntary anus wide open (Apis.,
Diarrhoea =Spig---Whenever the pains are about to
commence a diarrhoea sets in (Spig)
Diarrhoea =Sulph.---Diarrhoea after midnight, painless,
driving out of bed early in the morning (Aloe., Psor.) as if
the bowels were too weak to retain their contents.
Diarrhoea =Tab.---Diarrhoea, sudden yellowish, greenish
slimy, urgent watery with nausea vomiting prostration and
cold sweat (Verat) with extreme, faintness from excessive
Diarrhoea =Thuj.---Diarrhoea early morning expelled
forcibly with much flatus (Aloe) gurgling as water from a
bung-hole <after breakfast, coffee, fat food, vaccination,
180… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Diarrhoea =Thuj.---Diarrhoea, stool expelled forcibly with

much noisy flatus or with gurling nose as water from a
Diarrhoea =Tub.---Diarrhoea early morning, sudden
imperative (Sulph) emaciating though eating well (Iod.,
Nat-m.) stool dark brown watery, offensive discharged with
great force; great weakness and profuse night sweats.
Diarrhoea =Verat.---Constipation from inactivity of rectum
or diarrhoea very painful, watery, copious, forcibly
evacuated followed by great prostration.
Diarrhoea =Verat.---Violent vomiting with profuse
diarrhoea. Diarrhoea frequent greenish watery gushing
mixed with flakes cutting colic with cramps, commencing
in hand and feet and spreading all over prostrating after
fright; <least movement; with vomiting cold sweat on
forehead during and prostration after (Ars., Tab.)
Diarrhoea- aggravation, after eating & drinking, after
eating sp. at night =Chin.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, after eating & drinking, after
every meal =Arg-n. Nux-v.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, after eating & drinking, from least
food or drink =Ars., Croto-t.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, after eating & drinking, slight
dietic error =Carc.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, after eating & drinking, while
eating or drinking =Ferr.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the day, damp weather
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the day, nausea and colic
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the day, preceeded by colic
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the day, sp. after noon
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Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the night, after midnight

=Sulph., Ars.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the night, good all day
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the night, painless =Chin.,
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the night, sp. in evening
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the weather, autumnal =
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the weather, damp =Dulc.,
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the weather, hot =Aloe.,
Diarrhoea- aggravation, during the weather, summer,
dentition =Podo., Sil., Grat.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, in the morning, 5 am, driving out
of bed =Sulph.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, in the morning, during dentition
Diarrhoea- aggravation, in the morning, when walking or
standing =Aloe.
Diarrhoea- aggravation, in the morning, with cough
Diarrhoea- alternating with constipation =Podo., Ant-c.,
Nux-v., Op., Chel., Nit-ac., Ptel.
Diarrhoea- amelioration, after passing stool, burning
Diarrhoea- amelioration, after passing stool, colic =Mag-
c., Rheum.
Diarrhoea- amelioration, by motion =Puls.
Diarrhoea- amelioration, during day time =Jal.
Diarrhoea- amelioration, in the morning =Puls.
Diarrhoea- amelioration, in the night =Nux-v., Bry.
Diarrhoea- anticipation =Arg-n., Gels.
182… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, alternately with,

constipation =Ant-c.
Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, alternately with,
rheumatism =Abrot.
Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, colic, after food or drink
Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, colic, during daytime, worse
before stool =Petr.
Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, colic, worse by least food or
drink sp. cold =Ars.
Diarrhoea- apt to occur with, cough =Rumex.
Diarrhoea- bad smell =Sep.---Diarrhoea yellow like pus or
of bad smelling, fluids excoriating.
Diarrhoea- burning in anus =Ars., Caps., Iris.
Diarrhoea- caused by cold drinks =Lyc., Calc-p., Ars.
Diarrhoea- caused by drinking impure water =Zing.
Diarrhoea- caused by during menses =Kali-p.
Diarrhoea- caused by fright, scolding or whipped =Cina.
Diarrhoea- caused by getting cold =Dulc., Calc.
Diarrhoea- caused by mental disturbances, sudden
excitement =Gels.
Diarrhoea- caused by mental disturbances, when ready to
go out =Arg-n.
Diarrhoea- caused by overeating =Iod., Ox-ac.
Diarrhoea- caused by sleeping on damp ground =Sil.
Diarrhoea- caused by suppression of skin affection, dark-
brown stool, of intolerably offensive odour =Psor.
Diarrhoea- caused by suppression of skin affection, mixed
with undigested substances =Graph.
Diarrhoea- caused by suppression of skin affection,
painless, driving patient out of bed early morning =Sulph.
Diarrhoea- caused by taking ice-cream =Calc-p.
Diarrhoea- caused by taking onion =Thuj.
Diarrhoea- caused by taking oyester =Lyc.
Diarrhoea- caused by taking sugar =Arg-n.
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Diarrhoea- caused by worms, complaints arising from

worms =Cina.
Diarrhoea- caused by worms, passes worms =Stann.
Diarrhoea- caused by, taking coffee =Lyc.
Diarrhoea- children, of =Arg-n., Calc., Cham., Podo.,
Rheum., Aeth., Calc-p., Sil., Ip., Mag-c.
Diarrhoea- cholera infantum =Arg-n., Calc., Podo., Aeth.,
Ant-t., Kreos.
Diarrhoea- chronic =Nit-ac., Psor.
Diarrhoea- colicky =Rheum., Cham., Mag-c., Coloc.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera infantum, arisen from painful dentition =Kreos.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera infantum, great sour vomiting & nausea = Iris.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera infantum, cadaverous stool & warm sweat =Bism.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera infantum, colic and convulsions =Aeth.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera infantum, persistent nausea =Ip.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera morbus, cold surface but aversion to heat =Camph.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera morbus, cold sweat on the forehead =Verat., Tab.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera morbus, cramps in stomach & extremities =Cupr.
Diarrhoea- continuous stool with vomiting etc cholera,
cholera morbus, incessant vomiting =Kreos.
Diarrhoea- damp weather =Nat-s.
Diarrhoea- dentition, during =Calc., Cham., Podo.,
Rheum., Calc-p., Mag-c., Sil.
Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, during summer, milky
tongue =Ant-c.
Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, during warm after cold
intense thirst =Bry.
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Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, from fruits, painless with

discharge of flatus =Chin., Ox-ac.
Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, from mixed diet, persistant
nausea =Ip.
Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, from over eating, heaviness
in stomach =Nux-v.
Diarrhoea- due to dietic error, from rich fat foods. relieved
by motion =Puls.
Diarrhoea- during dentition, abdomen bloated, wind- colic
Diarrhoea- during dentition, aversion to breast milk.
worse in hot weather =Sil.
Diarrhoea- during dentition, incessant vomiting =Kreos.
Diarrhoea- during dentition, very profuse, draining the
patient dry =Podo.
Diarrhoea- during dentition, water separates from =Cham.
Diarrhoea- during dentition, with much spluttering =Calc-
Diarrhoea- early morning =Sulph., Podo., Nat-s.
Diarrhoea- flatus, escape with =Arg-n., Chin., Aloe.,
Olnd., Calc-p., Nat-s., Pyrog.
Diarrhoea- food or drinking agg. =Crot-t., Ars., Ferr.,
Diarrhoea- forcible, like a shot =Crot-t., Podo., Grat.,
Diarrhoea- green =Arg-n., Cham., Calc-p., Mag-c., IP.
Diarrhoea hot weather =Podo., Ant-c., Dulc., Aloe., Bry.,
Diarrhoea in children =Cham 30.---If due to dentition.
Diarrhoea in children =Mag-c 3 or 30.---Green Stools.
Diarrhoea in children =Med 200.Not be repeated. In
richetty children.
Diarrhoea- involuntary =Arn., Pyrog., Mur-ac.
Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, anus as if wide open =Apis.
Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, heaviness in rectum =Aloe.
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Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, passing unconsciously =Arn.,

Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, rectum prolapsing =Mur-ac.
Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, sphincter paralyzed =Op.
Diarrhoea- involuntary stool, while passing flatus =Olnd.
Diarrhoea- lumpy and liquid =Ant-c., Crot-t., Lyc.
Diarrhoea- morning =Podo., Nat-s., Nat-s., Rumex.,
Aloe., Bry., Calc-p., Sulph.
Diarrhoea- move, on beginning to =Bry., Nat-s.
Diarrhoea- offensive =Cham., Podo., Nat-s., Graph.,
Bism., Pyrog., Psor., Bapt.
Diarrhoea painful =Merc-v.--- Painful diarrhea with a
“never get done” feeling.
Diarrhoea- painful colicky, atony in stool =Hep.
Diarrhoea- painful colicky, burning in anus =Iris.
Diarrhoea- painful colicky, distended stomach, worse by
touch =Calc.
Diarrhoea- painful colicky, worse before every stool =Dulc.
Diarrhoea- painful colicky, worse in region of liver =Nat-s.
Diarrhoea- painless =Bism., Chin., Ferr., Ph-ac., Pyrog.,
Diarrhoea painless =Sulph.--- Painless diarrhea drives
patient out of bed in early morning.
Diarrhoea- painless with marked debility =Chin., Ox-ac.
Diarrhoea- painless, not much debility =Ph-ac.
Diarrhoea- painless, with burning in anus =Grat.
Diarrhoea- painless, with vomiting =Bism.
Diarrhoea- painless, worse in the morning =Podo.
Diarrhoea- painless, worse in the night =Ferr., Phos.
Diarrhoea- profuse =Bism., Podo., Verat.
Diarrhoea routine = A combination of, Veratum 30, Podo
30, is an effective remedy for diarrhea.
Diarrhoea- rumbling, with =Aloe., Nat-s., Ph-ac., Gamb.
Diarrhoea- sour =Calc., Rheum., Hep., Mag-c.
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Diarrhoea- sour stink =Calc., Rheum., Hep.

Diarrhoea- stool gushing out, as if from hydrant =Phos.
Diarrhoea- stool gushing out, as if from water bottle =Jatr.
Diarrhoea- stool gushing out, by sudden expulsion =Gamb.,
Diarrhoea- stool gushing out, coming like a shot =Croto-t.
Diarrhoea- stool gushing out, draining patient dry =Podo.
Diarrhoea- stool, black pitch-like =Lept.
Diarrhoea- stool, brownish, dark brown watery =Psor.
Diarrhoea- stool, brownish, with undigested substances
Diarrhoea- stool, cadaverous =Bism., Kreos.
Diarrhoea- stool, carrion-like =Psor.
Diarrhoea- stool, foetid =Graph., Chin.
Diarrhoea- stool, like rotten cheese =Bry.
Diarrhoea- stool, like rotten egg =Cham.
Diarrhoea- stool, musty =Coloc.
Diarrhoea- stool, sour =Hep., Rheum., Calc., Mag-c.
Diarrhoea- stool, foamy like yeast =Ip.
Diarrhoea- stool, frothy =Grat.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, like grass =Ip., Cham.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, sour & slimy =Mag-c., Rheum.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, turns green after remaining
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, with aphthous mouth =Bor.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, with bloated abdomen =Cham.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, with dysentery =Merc.
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, with much splutter-ring =Calc-
Diarrhoea- stool, greenish, with vomiting =Aeth.
Diarrhoea- stool, like chopped spinach =Arg-n.
Diarrhoea- stool, like orange pulp =Nat-c., Sul-ac.
Diarrhoea- stool, like scum of frog pond =Mag-c.
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Diarrhoea- stool, like stirred egg =Cham.

Diarrhoea- stool, like white of egg =Nat-m.
Diarrhoea- stool, smell, very offensive =Podo.
Diarrhoea- stool, watery colourless =Valer.
Diarrhoea- stool, with undigested substances =Graph.
Diarrhoea- stool, with white slimy substances =Calc-p.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, frothy =Grat.
DIARRHOEA- stool, yellow watery, gurgling before stool
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, profuse offensive =Podo.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, sudden expulsion =Croto-
t., Gamb.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, with large discharge of
flatus =Chin.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, with rumbling =Ph-ac.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, with sago like particles
=Phos., Jatr.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, with vomiting =Bism.,
Verat., Kreos.
Diarrhoea- stool, yellow watery, worse during night =Ferr.
Diarrhoea- undigested =Calc., Chin., Ferr., Graph., Olnd.
Diarrhoea- undigested =Nux-m.---Diarrhoea undigested,
like chopped eggs, loss of appetite and great sleepiness, in
summer with children.
Diarrhoea- white = Calc., Ph-ac.
Diarrhoea- with rumbling =Aloe., Nat-s., Ph-ac.
Diarrhoea- with undigested particles =Calc., Chin., Ferr-
Diarrhoea- worse day =Petr.
Diarrhoea- =Ant-c. ---For diarrhoea induced or Agg.. By
acids, heat or bathing.
Diarrhoea- =Croto-t.--- for prompt action in diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea- =Spig.---has diarrhoea whenever the pains
188… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Diarrhoea, during pregnancy =Aloe 30 or Podo 30.---

Should be tried. If tenesmus not relieved by motion
present, then ,Merc 30.Should be tried.
Diarrhoea=Phos.---Acts most beneficially when patient
suffers from chronic loose stool or diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea=Podo.---Diarrhoea alternating with fever.
Diathesis =Strept.
Dick vaccine =Bell.---Meets the evil effects of dick
Difficult breathing =Bapt.---Difficult breathing, lungs seem
tight and compressed, must have fresh air.
Difficult micturition/spasmodic =Thlaspi.--- Painful &
difficult micturition/spasmodic retention of urine.
Difficult swallowing =Phyt.---Difficult swallowing, with
every effort excrusiating shooting pains through both ears.
Difficulty in sitting =Bar-m., Calc-s.--- Spinal curvature,
difficulty in sitting.
Difficulty to =Euph.---Difficulty to rise from a sitting
Digestion =Bar-s.---Digestion, slow weak.
Digestion =Puls.---With (Puls.) with as said digestion is
slow. And a striking feature here is never wants water. Dry
mouth, but seldom thirsty.Dr. Kent.
Digestion problems =Nux-v., Puls., Ant-c., Carb-v.,
Chin., Lyc., Arg-n., Cham.
Digestive =Op.---Digestive organs inactive peristaltic
motion reversed or paralyzed; bowels seems closed.
Digestive disorders =Alum., Ant-c., Ars., Bry., Carb-v.,
Carica-papaya., Chin., Coloc., Hydr., Lyc., Mag-c., Mag-
p., Pep., Rob., Terminalia-chebula., Zing.---Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Diphtheria =Apis.---Burning and stinging in throat, better
from cold. Also used as prophylactic.
Diphtheria =Lac-c.---Alternates sides. Drink returns by
189… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Diphtheria =Lac-c.---Diphtheria and tonsillitis; symptoms

change from side to side.
Diphtheria =Lach.---Left sided, aggravated by hot drink
and after sleep.
Diphtheria =Lyc.---Right sided, goes from right to left.
Diphtheria =Merc.---Diphtheria and throat affections
where the cervical and parotid glands are enormously
swollen membrane begin on & is <on right side<by warm
drinks and empty swallowing (Lach).
Diphtheria =Merc.---Diphtheria; tonsils inflamed, uvula
swollen, elongated, constant desire to swallow; membrane
thick, gray, shred-like borders adherent or free.
Diphtheria =Merc-c.
Diphtheria =Merc-cy 6.---it has achived unquestioned
great result.
Diphtheria =Merc-cy., Diph., Kali-bi., Kali-m., Kali-p.,
Apis., Lach., Lyc., Brom., Lac-c., Diphtox.
Diphtheria =Merc-cy.---Malignant diphtheria with intense
redness of fauces and great difficulty of swallowing;
pseudo-membranous formation extends all over fauces and
down throat; putrid, gangrenous diphtheria, with
phagedenic ulceration; membranous croup.
Diphtheria =Phyt.---Bruised sensation. Pain extends into
Diphtheria and tonsillitis =Lach.---Diphtheria and
tonsillitis, beginning on the left and extending to right side
(Lac-c., Sabad); dark purple appearance (Naja); <by hot
drinks, after sleep; liquid more painful than solids when
swallowing (Bell., Bry., Ign); prostration out of all
proportion to appearance of throat.
Diphtheritic =Merc-biniode.---Diphtheritic and glandular
affections of left side fauces dark red; solids liquid
Diplopia=Bell., Gels., Olnd., Hyos.
190… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Diptheria =Sabad.---Diptheria tonsillitis can swallow warm

food more easily stiches and most symptoms especially of
throat go from left to right (Lach., Lac-c).
Dirty nosed children =Merc.---Dr. Guernsey.
Dirty offensive =Psor.---Dirty offensive body and
Disagreed =Nat-c.--- Dyspeptic, depressed, disagreed
Discharge =Arg-n.---Intensely pink or scarlet red abundant
mucopurulent discharge.
Discharge =Hydr.---Profuse discharge of thick, yellow
string mucous from nasal passages.
Discharge =Sabin.---Discharge of blood between periods
with sexual excitement (Ambr).
Discharge ears =Aur-ar.---Chronic Offensive discharge
Discharge from the ear = Puls 30. Thick, yellow Discharge.
Discharge of blood =Sil.---Discharge of blood from vagina
every time the child takes the breast (Compare, Crot-t).
Nipples are drawn in like a funnel (Sars).
Discharge of mucus =Nat-c.---Discharge of mucus from
vagina after an embrace- causing sterility.
Discharge pus =Aur.---Discharge of bad smelling pus from
Discharged =Aster .---A livid red spot appeared broke and
discharged gradually invaded entire breast, very foetid
odor, edges pale, elevated hard elevated bottom covered
with reddish granulations.
Discharges from nose =Kali-bi.---Discharge from nose
mouth and vagina or any mucus membrane of a touch
stringy mucus which sticks to the parts, any may draw out
in long strings.
Discoloration yellow =Ph-ac.---Yellow spots on the white
colour of the eyes.
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Diseases =Sep.---Diseases of women: especially those

occurring during pregnancy; child bed and lactation; or
diseases attended, with sudden prostration and sinking
faintness (Murex., Nux-m). the washer women‟s remedy,
complaints that are brought on by or aggravated after
laundry work.
Dislike of water =Sulph.--- Dislike of water. Bathing makes
patient feel worse.
Dislocations joints of = Calc., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Petr.,
Phos., Rhus-t., Ruta.
Disposition =Puls.---Disposition, changeable symptoms.
Disposition =Valer.--- Disposition, sudden changeable.
Disproportionate =Ars.--- Depression, deathly,
Dissecting wounds =Crot-h., Ars., Echi.
Distended =Chin.---Abdomen deranged, distended,
Distorted visuals field =Nat-m.--- For muscles imbalance
with distorted visuals field & unstready vision.
Distortions =Agn., Calc., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Petr.,
Phos., Rhus-t.
Distressed =Dig.--- Deathly, distressed, cardiac.
Distressing =Thuj.---Distressing, burning pain in left
ovarian region, when walking or riding must sit or lie down
(croc., Ust.); worse at each menstrual nisus.
Diverticulitis general=Aloe., Ars., Hydr., Chin., Chin-ar.,
Diverticulosis= Aloe., Ars., Hydr., Chin., Chin-ar., Nit-ac.
Dizziness =Acon.--- Faintness or dizziness on rising.
Dizziness =Gels.--- Dizziness, drowsiness, trembling, and
Dizziness =Nux-v.--- Headache in back of head or over
eyes, as if nail is driven in dizziness.
Dizzy =Gels.--- Dull, drowsy, dizzy.
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Dog bite =Stram.---Dog bite- use of antirabies Vaccine-

Dog bite cases =Hydrophobinum 1M & 10M.--- In the
1cases which have got complicated with after
administration of anti-rabies vaccination. This medicine is
available with M/s. Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Hahnemann house,, College Road, Kottayam.
hydrophobinum 1M & 10M with 8 hours interval followed by
Bell in Dog-bite cases.
Dogs =Bor.---Shot-shyness in sporting.
Double =Coloc.--- Colicky, bending, double.
Down’s syndrome = Bar-c., Calc., Carc., Pitu-gl., Thyr.
Dragging =Helon.--- Dull, dragging, worn out.
Dragging =Pic-ac.--- Weary, dragging, lassitude.
Drainage painless =Mill.---Painless drainage, from nose,
lungs, uterus; after labor or abortion; after great exertion;
after miscarriage. Preventive in post-partum haemorrhage.
Drawing =Caul.--- Gouty, drawing, shifting.
Drawing pain =Croto-t.---Drawing pain through the chest
from breast to scapula, of same side every time the child
nurses; nipple very sore.
Drawing pains =Sabin.---Drawing pains in small of back
from sacrum to pubes in nearly all diseases (from back,
going round the body to pubes- Vib., Op.).
Dread =Bor.---has an intense dread of downward motion.
Dread =Bry.--- Dry, dazed, dread of motion.
Dread great =Mag-p.---Great dread of; cold air; of
touching affected part; of cold bathing or washing; or
Dread of downward motion (Bor) =Sanic.
Dread of men =Lyc.---Dread of men; of solitude, irritable
and melancholy; fear of being alone (Bism., Kali-c., Lil-t).
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Dreams =Asaf., Bor., Mang., Sulph., Cann-i.--- Dreams

Dreams =Nat-m.---Dreams : of robbers in the house and on
waking will not believe to the contrary until search is made
(Psor).; of burning thirst.
Dreams =Rhus-t.---Dreams of great exertion; rowing,
swimming, working hard at his daily occupation (Bry).
Dreams =Sel.---Very forgetful in business, but during, sleep
dreams of what he had forgotten.
Dreams about waters =Verat-v------dreams about waters.
Dreams of cats =Puls.---dreams of cats.
Dreams of falling from a height =Thuj ---Almost every
night dreams of falling from a height. (Thuj) Dr.
Dressing =Stann.---While dressing in the morning, has to sit
down several times to rest.
Dribbling =Canth.--- Burning, dribbling, frenzy.
Dribbling urination =Pic-ac.---Lack of will power; cerebral
softening, dementia with prostration. Prostatic hypertrophy
and dribbling urination.
Drink =Caps.---After every stool thirst and after every
drink shivering.
Drink =Nux-v.--- Nausea; vomiting; sour, bitter belching,
especially after improper eating or overindulgence in food
or drink. Worse in the morning and after eating.
Drinker chain =Lach.---Lach 30 for chain drinker drinks in
slice; he starts in the morning & goes on drinking.
Drinking =Cupr.---When drinking the fluid descends with a
gurgling sound (Ars., Thuj.).
Drinking =Med.---Constant thirst, even, dreams he is
Drinking habit =Stercul Q.---Stercul Q- This remedy is also
for drinking habit. It improves the appetite and digestion
194… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

and lessens the craving for liquor. Give three to ten drops,
even one dram dose, three times daily.
Drinks =Sulph.---Drinks much, eats little. Water fills the
patient up.
Drinks desired, cold =Phos., Puls., Sel.
Drinks desired, very hot =Ars., Chel.
Driven to despair with excessive itching =Psor.
Drooping eyelids =Caust., Con., Gels., Sep., Ars.
Drooping of upper eyelids =Caust.---Drooping of upper
eyelids; cannot keep them open (Caul., Gels., Graph., of
both lids, Sep).
Dropping things =Caust.---Dropping of things from hands
Drops things from hand =Apis.
Dropsical =Acet-ac.--- Emaciated, anaemic, dropsical.
Dropsical =Apis.--- Depressed, dropsical, stingy.
Dropsical =Apoc.--- Dropsical, watery, constitution.
Dropsical =Aur-iod.--- Anxious, congestive, dropsical in
Dropsical =Aur-s.--- Prostrated Dropsical fullness with.
Dropsical =Calc-ar.--- Cold, chlorosis, dropsical.
Dropsical swelling =Kali-n.---Great value in sudden
dropsical swelling over the whole body.
Dropsy =Apis., Bry., Aur-met.
Dropsy =Apoc.---In all sorts of dropsy, both in disyathic and
Dropsy =Apoc-can.---Dropsy of serous membranes; acute
inflammatory dropsy with thirst (Acet-ac). Water discagress
or is vomited (Ars). most cases uncomplicated with organic
diseases after typhus, typhoid scarlatina cirrhosis after
abuse of quinine.
Dropsy =Coll.---Dropsy from cardiac disease.
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Dropsy =Ferr.---Dropsy after loss of vital fluids, abuse of

quinine suppressed intermittent (Carb-v., Cinch.).
Dropsy =Lac- d.---Dropsy from chronic heart-disease from
chronic liver problem advanced albuminuria following
intermittent fever.
Dropsy from cardiac disease =Coll.
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites intense thirst restless =Ars.
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites pain in rig hypochondrium
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites sour diarrhoea =Acet-ac .
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites thirstless waxy-skin =Apis.
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites vomiting by least food or drink
=Apoc., Ars.
Dropsy- of abdomen ascites with varicose veins =Phos.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus child cries by least
movement =Bry.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus child lies wholly
unconscious =Hell.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus constant fidgety motion of
feet =Zinc.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus early acute stage =Calc-c.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus hot head, flushed face,
starts in sleep =Bell.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus large head, bulging of
frontal bones =Apoc., Calc-p.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus sharp cries child roles head
from side to side =Apis.
Dropsy- of brain hydrocephalus slow, weak pulse, with cold
sweat =Dig.
Dropsy- of chest hydrothorax black urine with decomposed
blood =Clem., Lac-c.
Dropsy- of chest hydrothorax food or water immediately
ejected =Apoc.
Dropsy- of chest hydrothorax intense thirst restless =Ars.
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Dropsy- of chest hydrothorax unable to lie down thirstless

Dropsy of chest. =Merc-s.---like Ars is important in dropsy
of chest.
Dropsy- of joint hydrarthrosis forming abscessed etc =Calc-
c., Sulph.
Dropsy- of joint hydrarthrosis knee and hip joint, of
scrofulous =Phos., Sil.
Dropsy- of joint hydrarthrosis worse after walking =Apis.
Dropsy- of lower limbs forming abscesses etc =Calc-c.,
Dropsy- of lower limbs leg covered with ulcers =Lyc.,
Dropsy- of lower limbs of feet worse after walking =Apis.
Dropsy- of lower limbs with enlarged spleen =Ferr-m.
Dropsy- of lower limbs with gastric troubles =Apoc.
Dropsy- of pericadium pain in left acromation =Aspar.
Dropsy- of pericadium sinking in epigastrium =Apoc.
Dropsy- of pericadium tinging pain =Apis.
Dropsy- of pericadium with slow weak pulse =Dig.
Drowned persons asphyxia of = Ant-c., Carb-v., Lach.
Drowsiness =Gels.--- Dizziness, drowsiness, trembling, and
Drowsiness =Nux-m.---All the ailments are accompanied by
drowsiness and sleepiness (Ant-t., Op.). or an inclination to
faint even from slight pain (Hep); complaints cause
sleepiness. Stupor and insensibility; unconquerable sleep.
Drowsiness =Ph-ac., Gels .
Drowsy =Ant-c.---Old men feel drowsy constantly.
Drowsy =Ant-t.--- Rattling, thirstless, drowsy.
Drowsy =Chel.--- Dull, drowsy, jaundiced.
Drowsy =Nux-m.--- Dry, drowsy, thirst-less.
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Drugs strong =Nux-v.--- Bad effects of coffee, alcoholic

beverages, tobacco, highly seasoned foods, loss of sleep, or
strong drugs.
Drunkards complaints of =Calc-ar.---Complaints of
drunkards, after abstaining; craving for alcohol (Asar., Sul-
Drunkards diseases peculiar to =Cocc. (See Suited to)
Drunken stupor =Acon, Mother tincture 5 drops in a
teasponful of water. One dose sufficient.
Dry =Alum.--- Dry, peevish, paralytic.
Dry =Bry.--- Dry, dazed, dread (of motion).
Dry =Calad.--- Prostrated, dry, nervous.
Dry =Ferr-p.--- Hard, dry, tickling cough, with painful
chest and hoarseness.
Dry =Nux-m.--- Dry, drowsy, thirst-less.
Dry body =Sil.---has sweaty head and dry body. Rhus-t. has
sweaty body.
Dry cough =Hyos.---Spasmodic, dry cough, condition worse
when lying down at night, relieved by sitting up.
Dry cough =Menth---It relieves even the cough of
consumptives. A single dose of 30th potency suffices.
Dry fatiguing =Nux-v.---Dry fatigue cough in the evening
after lying down or very early in the morning, also with
roughness and scraping in the chest.
Dry heat =Samb.---A grand characteristic is profuse sweat
during waking hours, dry heat when asleep.
Dry itch =Sulph------for dry itch and Hep. For the moist
Dry mouth =Puls.---With (Puls.) with as said digestion is
slow. And a striking feature here is never wants water. Dry
mouth, but seldom thirsty. Dr. Kent.
Dry mouth, yet no thirst =Apis., Nux-m., Puls.
Dry rough skin =Maland.---Case of unhealthy dry rough
skin remaining for years after vaccination.
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Dry scaly eruptions =Psor.---Dry, scaly eruptions disappear

in summer, return in winter.
Dry skin =Acon.--- Fevers; sudden onset; hot dry skin;
often one cheek red, other pale.
Dry skin =Bell.--- Skin dry and hot to the touch.
Dry, hacking cough =Sang.---Dry, hacking cough caused by
tickling in the throat pit with a crawling sensation
extending down beneath the sternum.
Dryness =Bry.---great dryness and lack of secretion, mouth
and lips are dry and parched, dry hard cough, dry stools as
if burnt.
Dryness =Nux-m.--- Dryness, excessive
Dryness in finger-tips =Ant-t., Sil.---Feeling of dryness in
finger-tips as if made of paper. Ant-t., and Sil. Have this
symptom but only Sil. In afternoon.
Dryness of mouth =Bry., Ars.
Dryness of mouth, no thirst =Apis., Nux-m., Puls.
Dryness of mouth, nose & throat =Onos.---Leading
symptoms of this remedy.
Dryness of tongue =Nat-m.---Great complaints about the
dryness of tongue which is in fact not very dry.
Dryness rawness with =Rumex.--- Dryness rawness with.
Dull =Alum-sil.--- Dull, debilited, nervous.
Dull =Chel.--- Dull, drowsy, jaundiced.
Dull =Eup-pur.--- Deep, dull, diarrhoea.
Dull =Gels.--- Dull, drowsy, dizzy.
Dull =Helon.--- Dull, dragging, worn out.
Dull =NUX-V., PULS., All-c., Apis., Gels., Hyper., Merc.
Dull pressing =Anac.---Dull pressing or penetrating pain, as
from a plug in different parts.
Dull pressive pain =Lil-t.---Dull, pressive pain in the region
of heart or sharp pain with fluttering of the heart.
Dupuytren’s contraction =Gels., Thiosin., Caust., Plb.,
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During the chill =Hyos.---During the chill, the patient feels

thirsty, external warmth pleasant but during the fever
heat, no thirst and external warmth is quite intolerable.
Dusty eeather =Kali-s.---Cannot bear dusty weather.
Dwarfed and stunted growth =Med 1m.---For dwarfed and
stunted growth, both physically and mentally.
Dwarfish =Bar-c.--- Dwarfish, delayed, glandular.
Dwarfish delayed =Bar-c.--- Dwarfish, delayed, glandular.
Dying agony, while=Acon., Ars., Lat-m., Tarent.
Dyscrasic constitution =Ars-br.---Good result can be
obtained by the daily use of one drop of this solution kept
up for a very long time in dyscrasic constitution who spend
a fortune to regain their health and fail with every other
treatment. Dr. Samuel Lilienthal.
Dysenteric fever=Bapt., Chin., Chin-s., Ferr-p., Nux-v.
Dysenteric Stools =Cuph.---If you have a child that is
fretful and feverish, vomit curdled milk, from hyper-acidity
of the stomach, has frequent, green, watery, acid stools,
or even if the stools are dysenteric, with great tenesmus
and colic, high fever and restlessness .
Dysentery =Aloe., Ars., Canth., Colch., Bell., Ferr-p.,
Merc., Kurch., Coloc., Emetine., Ip., Merc-c.---Medicines
usually Prescribed.
Dysentery =Arn.---Most marked indication in dysentery is
long interval between stools, namely from four to six
Dysentery =Ars.---Homoeopathic prophylactics for
dysentery are Ars., And Merc-c.
Dysentery =Bapt.---Dysentery of old people diarrhoea of
children especially when offensive (Carb-v., Podo., Psor.).
Dysentery =Canth., Bell., Merc-c.---Homoeopathy knows
no specific remedy except the special remedy for the
individual yet our Dr. Hahnemann tells us some remedies so
exactly reproduce a disease condition as to become
specific such are in caystitis on scarlet fever. In dysentery
and well to remember that even in pace of action disease
and remedy must match.
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Dysentery =Canth., Colch.--- In dysentery if there is

tympany is far preferable.
Dysentery =Canth.---Dysentery of blood and mucus or like
scrapings from the intestines accompanied by burning in
anus and dysuria.
Dysentery =Carb-ac.---Dysentery fluid mucous like
scrapings of mucous membranes and great tenesmus
(Canth) diarrhoea, stool thin involuntary black of an
intolerable odour .
Dysentery =Colch.--- for dysentery with tympanitis is
better than Canth and Merc.
Dysentery =Colch.---Autumnal dysentry discharges from
bowels contain white shreddy particles in large quantities
white mucous “Scrapings of intestines” (Canth., Carb-ac.).
Dysentery =Colch.---Dysentery, specially in gouty or
rheumatic subjects with stools of gelationous mucus, or
containing white particles.
Dysentery =Ip.---Autumnal dysentery cold nights after hot
days (Colch., Merc.).
Dysentery =Merc.---Dysentry stool slimy, bloody with colic
and fainting great tenesmus during and after, not > by
stool, followed by chilliness and a “can not finish”
sensation. The more blood the better indicated.
Dysentery =Merc-c., Chap.---In dysentery when the action
of other medicines has come to a standstill and there are
three or four bloody motions daily with more or less pain.
Dysentery =Merc-c.---Dysentery and summer complaints of
intestinal canal occurring from may to Nov. Tenesmus of
rectum not> by stool (>by stool, Nux-v.) incessant
persistent stool hot scanty bloody slimy offensive shreds of
mucous membrane and terrible cutting colicky pains.
Dysentery =Merc---In dysentery with intense tenesmus
even after stool there are the two additional symptoms of
perspiration before and after stool most pronounced on
201… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

lower part of body and thigh and cutting colic below

umbilicus not found under Merc-c.
Dysentery- first stage, with good deal of blood =Ferr-p.
Dysentery- first stage, with pain & fever =Acon.
Dysentery- relieved by, evacuation =Nux-v.
Dysentery- relieved by, hot application =Ars.
Dysentery- with colicky pains, burning as if from red
pepper =Caps.
Dysentery- with colicky pains, of crampy nature = Coloc.
Dysentery- with colicky pains, with burning cutting pain
Dysentery- with colicky pains, with distension of abdomen
Dysentery- with pain down the thighs tearing =Rhus-t.
Dysentery- with pain, in the sides of abdomen =Zinc-s.
Dysentery- with pain, through abdominal wall, stitching
Dysentery- with pains and tenesmus, after passing stool
Dysentery- with pains and tenesmus, all through =Merc.
Dysentery- with pains and tenesmus, before & during
evacuation =Nux-v.
Dysentery- with pains and tenesmus, extending to bladder
Dysentery- with stool, bloody offensive, absence of pain
Dysentery- with stool, bloody offensive, with stitching pain
Dysentery- with stool, dark horribly offensive with
distension, burning in abdomen =Carb-v.
Dysentery- with stool, dark horribly offensive with
distension, burning thrust, restless =Ars.
Dysentery- with stool, dark horribly offensive with
distension, worse by attempt to eat or drink =Chin.
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Dysentery- with stool, jellylike, bloody or transparent

Dysentery- with stool, jelly-like, brownish frothy =Kali-bi.
Dysentery- with stool, jelly-like, white lump =Colch.
Dysentery- with stool, like scrapings from intestines,
bloody and shredy =Canth.
Dysentery- worse by eating or drinking =Staph., Coloc.
Dysentery, bloody or mucus =Kurch 3x +Merc-c 6x +
Mag-p 3x+Ars 3x.---Mix all and take a pinch of the mixed
Dysmenorrhea = Puls., Nux-v., Coff., Cham., Bell., Calc-
p., Mag-ph., Kreos., Sep., Cimic.
Dysmenorrhoea =Bell.---Uterus clutched or tightened.
Dysmenorrhoea =Cact.---Violent clutching and cramping of
Dysmenorrhoea =Calc-p.---Labour like pain at beginning of
Dysmenorrhoea =Caul.---This medicine-can be indicated in
the diseases of dysmenorrhoea, spasmodic pain in uterus
and several portion of the hypogastric regions.
Dysmenorrhoea =Cham.---Large black clots, membtranous
of dysmenorrhoea.
Dysmenorrhoea =Cimic.---Pain at back through hips down
Dysmenorrhoea =Cimic.---Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, with
great mental and nervous irritability, sensitive low spirited,
Dysmenorrhoea =Cocc.---With great distention of
Dysmenorrhoea =Coff.---With excessively painful colic.
Dysmenorrhoea =Croc-sat.---Dysmenorrhoea; flow black,
stringy clotted (Ust).
Dysmenorrhoea =Helon., Vib-p., Scut., Dios., Aven.,
Gels., Xan., Puls., Sep., Nux-v., Bell., Nux-v., Coff.,
Bell., Calc-p., Mag-p., Kreos., Cimic., Caul., Vip.
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Dysmenorrhoea =Mag-p.---Better by hot application to

Dysmenorrhoea =Mag-p.---Spasmodic retention of the
urine dysmenorrhoea.
Dysmenorrhoea =Plat.---Profuse menses, sensitiveness of
Dysmenorrhoea =Puls., Sep., Nux-v., Bell.
Dysmenorrhoea =Verat..---Dysmenorrhoea; with vomiting
and purging, or exhausting diarrhoea with cold sweat (Am-
c., Bov.); is so weak can scarcely stand for two days at
each menstrual nisus (Alum., Carb-an., Cocc.).
Dysmenorrhoea =Verat.---Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting
and purging or exhausting diarrhoea with cold sweat.
Dysmenorrhoea =Vib.---In spasmodic dysmenorrhoea.
Dysmenorrhoea =Vib.---Pain beginning in back, going
around to loins and to uterus, ending in cramp there.
Dysparenia =Staph 30.---Painful coitus of the newly
married women.
Dyspepsia = Nux-v. Puls., Aeth., Ant-c., Lyc., Hep., Arg.,
Anac., Chin., Carb-v., Calc-c., Kali-c., Chel., Nat-s.
Dyspepsia =Arg-n.--- Dyspepsia, and gastralgia.
Dyspepsia =Carb-v., Chin., Lyc.
Dyspepsia =Ip.---Dyspepsia intermittent every other day at
same hour fever with persistent nausea.
Dyspepsia =Kali-s.---Dyspepsia with slimy, yellow coating
of the tongue.
Dyspepsia =Mag-c.--- Dyspepsia, acidic.
Dyspepsia =Nux-m.---Weakness of old age, dyspepsia of old
Dyspepsia =Nux-v., Nat-c.--- Dyspepsia, old.
Dyspeptic =Mag-c.--- Dyspeptic, sour, colicky.
Dyspeptic =Nat-c.--- Dyspeptic, depressed, disagreed milk.
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Dyspnea =Spig.---Dyspnea : must lie on right side or with

head high (Cact., Spong); pains in chest are stitching
Dyspnea=Apis., Ars., Ip., Queb., Spong.
Dyspnoea =Ant-t.---When every cold spell brings on
catarrh of the chest with thick white mucus-dyspnoea-must
sit up and be fanned. Dr. Kent.
Dyspnoea =Aspin.--- When Ip and Ars fail to relieve
Dyspnoea =Ip., Ars.---For spasmodic dyspnea. Dr. Samuel
Dyspnoea =Samb.---Dyspnoea child awakens suddenly
nearly suffocated face, livid sits up in bed; turn blue gasps
for breath which it finally gets attack passes off but is
again repeated child inspires but cannot expire (Chlorine.,
Mephitis); sleeps into the attack (Lach).
Dyspnoea =Sep.---Dyspnoea ,sitting after sleep in
room>dancing or walking rapidly.
Dyspnoea =Spig.---Dyspnoea must lie on right side or with
head high (Cact., Spong) pains in chest are stitching pains
synchronous with pulse <from motion <cold, wet weather.
Earache = Acon 30. Cold From
Earache =Acon., Bell., Cham., Ferr-p., Hep., Kali-m.,
Mag-p., Merc., Puls.
Earache =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Earache =Cham.--- Earache with severe pain. Ears feel
stopped. For earache of infants also.
Earache =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Earache =Mag-p.---Chorea, earache, headache, whooping
cough, flatulent colic, dysentery, sciatica.
Ear-ache =Puls., Cham.---Difference between Puls.,
Cham., Child in ear-ache. The Puls. Child when not amused
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has pitiful cry and the Cham. Child a snarling cry . You will
want to caress the one and spank the other. Dr. Kent.
Early =Ferr-p.--- Acute, early, inflammation.
Early ejaculation =Titan.---Lower and middle potencies.
Its symptom is sexual weakness with too early ejaculation
of semen in coitus.
Ears – deafness, deafness to human voice, sp. in old age
Ears – deafness, hardness of hearing, cat – cat sound,
cannot follow words =Sulph.
Ears – deafness, hears better when riding in car, in noise
Ears – deafness, humming in the ear, eustachian tube
plugged =Alum.
Ears – deafness, reverberation of sounds, sp. patients own
voice =Caust.
Ears – discharge from ear, catarrhal inflammation of
eustachian tube and middle ear =Kali-m.
Ears – discharge from ear, mucous or muco- purulent
otorrhoea =Bor.
Ears – discharge from ear, pus or growth of polypi =Thuj.
Ears – discharge from ear, thick discharge from ear =Calc-
Ears – earache, chronic inflammation of the middle ear,
glands swollen =Kali-m.
Ears – earache, every pain of upper parts settles in ear
Ears – earache, pain shooting into other ear or head
inflammation in middle ear =Bell., Merc.
Ears – earache, pulsating, tearing pain worse at night
=Puls., Sil.
Ears – earache, pus formed in middle ear, that finally
escapes =Calc-s.
Ears – earache, suppuration impeded =Hep.
Ears – earache, violent pressing pain, in spells =Cham.,
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Ears – external ear, very red with burning =Sulph.

Ears – external ear, very red with soreness =Caust.
Ears =Bell., Cham., Hep., Merc., Phos., Puls., Sulph.,
Kali-I., Acon., Con.
Ears =Kreos.---Roaring and humming in ears; with
deafness, before and during menses.
Ears =Thuj.---Ears; chronic otitis; discharge purulent, like
putrid meat; granulations, condylomata; polypi, pale red,
cellular, bleeding easily.
Ears abscessed =Merc-v.--- Abscessed ears, pus infection,
Ears auditory nerve =Chen.---Torpor of auditory nerve.
Buzzing in ears & aural vertigo.
Ears cracking in =Nit-ac.---Cracking in ears, on
masticating; of the joints, on motion (Cocc., Graph).
Ears cystic tumor in ears =Acid-n.
Ears eczema =Tell.---Eczema behind ears. Catarrh of
middle ear, discharge acrid, smells like fish pickle. Itching,
swelling, throbbing in meatus. Deafness.
Ears external =Puls.--- Earache with thick yellow discharge
External ear hot swollen and red.
Ears feel too much open =Mez.---Feels too much open, as
if tympanum was exposed to cold air and it blew into cold
air. Desire to bore fingers in.
Ears humming & buzzing in the ears =Kali-p.
Ears infected =Hep.--- Cold sores, abscesses, boils,
infected ears.
Ears Noise = Kali-i 30
Ears pain =Bell., Acon., Cham.
Ears roaring =Iris-v.---Roaring, buzzing, ringing in ears
with deafness.
Ears scaly eruptions behind ears =Thlaspi.
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Ears soreness =Sanic.---Soreness behind ears with

discharge white, gray, viscid fluid (Graph., Psor).
Ears vertigo =Thiosin.---Arterio-sclerotic vertigo, Tinnitus.
Catarrhal deafness with cicatrical thickening. Subacute,
suppurative otitis media, formation of fibrous bands
impending free movement of the ossicles. Thickened drum.
Deafness due to some fibrous changes in the nerve.
Ears wax =Con.---The proper treatment in the case of ear
wax is to remove the accumulation of wax by careful
syringing and then give Con to prevents its formation anew.
Earthy =Ferr-i.--- Pale, earthy, anaemic.
Easy sweat =Wyeth.--- Langour, easy sweat.
Eat =Calc-p.---With every effort to eat causes aching in
Eating =Anac.---Eating relieves temporarily all symptoms
of discomforts and dyspepsia.
Eating =Bellis per.--- For complaints from eating cold
things while heated.
Eating =Merc.---has cold sweat while eating.
Eating more =Cina., Iod., Sulph.
Eats well but looses weight =Abrot., Iod., Nat-m.
Ebola infection=Crot-h., Ars., Canth., Carb-v., Phos.
Ebullition =Sang.
Ecchymosis =Arn., Led., Sul-ac., Nux-v.
Ecchymosis =Sul-ac.---Ecchymosis cicatries turn blood red
or blue are painful (turn green Led.).
Eclampsia=Apis., Merc-c.
Ecstatic =Cann-i.--- Ecstatic, incoherent, weary.
Ecthyma =Ant-t., Ant-c., Crot-t., Hep.
Eczema =Ant-c.---Eczema of nostrils and about in the
Eczema =Ars., Graph., Mez., Tell., Hydro-a., Aza.,
Eupatorium., Sulph., Merc-v.
Eczema =Ars-i.---Eczema of the beard.
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Eczema =Cic.---Eczema no itching exudation forms into a

hard lemon colored crust. Pustules which run together
forming thick yellow scabs on head and face. Sycosis menti.
Eczema =Cic.---Pustules which run together forming thick
yellow scabs on head and face. Eczema no itching
exudation forms into a hard lemon-coloured crust.
Eczema =Graph.---Any skin problem eczema etc. behind
Eczema =Graph.---Eczema capitis of the whole scalp
forming massive dirty crusts which mat the hair together,
painful and sore to touch.
Eczema =Graph.---Eczema of lids eruption moist and
fissured lids red and margins covered with scales or crusts.
Eczema =Graph.---Moist eczema on the face, especially on
chin and around the mouth and folds of skin.
Eczema =Mez.---Eczema and itching eruption after
vaccination. Ulcers with thick, yellowish –white scabs,
under which thick yellow pus collects. Vesicles appear
around the ulcers, itch violently, burn like fire (Hep);
shining fiery-red aerola around. Linen or charpie sticks to
the ulcers they bleed when it is torn away. Eczema
intolerable itching, <in bed and from touch, copious,
serious exudation. Child scratches face continuously, which
is covered with blood; eruptions moist itching worse at
night inflammatory redness of face.
Eczema =Staph.---Eczema yellow acrid moisture oozes
from under crusts new ulcers from contact of exudation by
scratching one place after itching ceases, but appears one
in another. Figwarts dry pediculated cauliflower-like after
abuse of mercury (Nit-ac., Sab., Thuj.).
Eczema =Tub.---Eczema tubercular over entire body
itching itense ,at night when undressing from bathing
immense quantities of white bran-like scales oozing behind
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the ears in the hair in folds of skin with rawness and

soreness fiery red skin Ringworm.
Eczema capatis and moist =Kali-m.---Is one of the most
satisfactory remedies in the treatment of eczema capatis
and moist eczema, especially when chronic and obdurate in
character. Use 6x, 12x or 30x.
Eczema of adults =Graph 6 or Ars 30.---The symptom of
Graph is: Eruption oozing out a sticky exudation, discharge
glutinous, thin, and sticky like glue or honey.
Eczema of lids =Graph.---Eczema of lids; eruption moist
and fissured; lids red and margins covered with scales or
Eczema of Scrotum =Croto-t, 6th to 30 potency.
Eczematus =Staph.---Eczematus eruption.
Effusion=Apis., Bry., Zinc.
Ejaculation of semen in coitus =Titan---In cases of sexual
weakness too early ejaculation of semen in coitus.
Elbow Joint =Rhamnus-californica.---Elbow joint pain
rhemnus Californica 200 TDS.
Elbow joint =Sil.---Ankylosis of elbow joint.
Electricity =Morph.---Paralysis caused by electricity was in
several cases quickly relieved by both in solution and
Elephantiasis =Myris.---Principal remedy in elephantiasis
arabum. Dr. Kippax.
Elephantiasis=Elae., Ars., Hydrc., Lyc.
Emaciated =Acid-acet.--- Emaciated, anaemic, dropsical.
Emaciated =Calc-p.--- Active, emaciated, weak (spine).
Emaciated =Nat-sil.--- Awkward, weak, emaciated.
Emaciated =Sel.--- Weary, exhausted, emaciated.
Emaciated in alarming as if flesh falls off him =Tarent.
Emaciated in face child looks like little withered old man
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Emaciated in face emaciated upper parts and bloated

lower, premature lines on face =Lyc.
Emaciated in face pinched and looking old =Sil.
Emaciated in face young people looking old =Fl-ac.
Emaciated in general cannot walk without fatigue =Tub.
Emaciated in legs =Abort.
Emaciated in limbs with sweaty head and growth seems
stand still =Sil.
Emaciated in neck even when blooded wants cold places.
better after eating =Iod.
emaciated in neck glands & muscles =kali-sil.
emaciated in neck induration a common feature =Ars.
Emaciated in neck induration of stony hardness =Calc-f.
Emaciated in neck induration or exudation =Kali-m.
Emaciated in neck skin lying in fold =Sars.
Emaciated in neck with yellowness all over jaundice =Plb.
Emaciated in quick consumption =Thyr.
Emaciating =Tarent.--- Alarming, emaciating &
Emaciation =Led.---Emaciation of affected parts (Graph.).
Emaciation =Led.---Emaciation of suffering part. The nerve
that supplies that part takes on an ascending neuritis, pain
shoot along the nerve, the muscles that are supplied by the
nerve dwindle & the part withers. We have in Puls., a
similar state. „the diseased limb withers”.
Emaciation =Nat-c.---Emaciation with pale face and blue
rings around the eyes, dilated pupils, dark urine; anaemic;
milky, watery skin and great debility.
Emaciation =Nat-m.---Great emaciation; losing flesh while
living well (Abrot., Iod); Throat and neck of children
emaciate rapidly during summer complaints (Sanic).
Emaciation =Nat-s.---Emaciation, rapid.
211… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Emaciation =Plb.---Excessive and rapid emaciation;

general or partial paralysis; extreme with anaemia and
great weakness. Muscular atropjy from sclerosis of spinal
system. (Blue rings around gums).
Emaciation =Plb---Hyperaesthesia with loss of power and
also emaciation of suffering parts (Plb) Dr. Nash. But Dr.
Kent says there is hyperaesthesia in acute affections but in
the chronic loss of sensation and ability to feel anaesthesia
of the skin.
Emaciation =Samb.---Persons formerly robust and fleshy
suddenly become emaciated (Iod., Tub).
Emaciation =Sanic.---Emaciation, progressive, child looks
old, dirty, greasy and brownish, skin around neck wrinkled,
hang down in folds (Abrot., Iod., Nat-m., Sars.).
Emaciation =Sars.---Great, emaciation skin become
shrivelled or lies in folds.
Emaciation =Syph.---Extreme emaciation of entire body
(Abrot., Iod).
Emaciation =Tarent.---Emacuation, alarming.
Emaciation =Tub.---Emaciation rapid and pronounced;
losing flesh while eating well. (Abrot., Calc-os., Con., Iod.,
Emaciation of affected parts =Sel.
Emaciation of cheeks and back =Tab.
Embolism=Kali-br., Kali-m.
Emergencies after effects of loss of any vital fluids =Chin.
Emergencies asthma =Arn., Carb-v., Ip., Nux-v.
Emergencies bleeding =Arn., Carb-v., Ip., Phos., Sabin.
Emergencies blood loss =Chin.
Emergencies blood poisoning =Pyrog.
Emergencies breathing difficulty =Apis., Ant-t.
Emergencies collapse =Carb-v.
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Emergencies eye injury =Acon., Arn., Hyper., Led., Ruta-

g., Symph.
Emergencies fainting =Cham., Coff., Hep., Puls.
Emergencies fever =Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Cupr., Gels.,
Phos., Pyrog.
Emergencies food poisoning =Arn.
Emergencies heat exhaustion =Cupr., Verat.
Emergencies intolerance =Cham.
Emergencies shock =Arn.
Emergencies sleeplessness =Coff
Emergencies sunstroke =Bell., Glon.
Emission =Merc.---Nocturnal emissions stained with blood
(Led., Sars).
Emissions, seminal =Lupin 1x.
Emotional sensitiveness =Thuj.---Emotional sensitiveness;
music causes weeping and trembling.
Emotional, easily excited =Acon., Ars., Caust.
Emotions sudden, ailments =Coff.---Ailments; Bad effects
of sudden emotions or pleasurable surprises (Caust)
exciting or bad news, (Gels); weeping from delight;
alternate laughing and weeping.
Emphysema =Am-c., Ant-ar., Ant-t., Hep., Lach., Lob.,
Emprosthotonos=Canth., Ip.
Emptiness in abdomen =Podo.---Fainting with sensation of
emptiness in abdomen after stool.
Empty =Stann.--- Introvert, exhausting, empty.
Empty space =Caust.---The patient rather has an odd
sensation, one not frequently met with, a feeling of an
empty space between the brain and the cranial bones.
Empyema=Ars., Calc-s., Kali-s., Merc., Sil., Sulph.
Empyocele=Calc-sil., Kali-s., Sil., Sulph.
Encephalitis =Bell., OP., Gels.---Give 200 according to
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Encephalitis =Glon 2x.--- Inflammation of brain. 6 to 8

drops in a cup of water.
Encephaloma =Aeth., Bufo., Con., Phos., Plb., Sil.
Enchondroma =Sil., Graph., Calc-f.
Endocarditis = Bry., Ign., Spig., Cimic., Lach., Naja-t.
Endometriosis=Med., Carc.
Enemas=Chin., Lyc., Nux-v., Op.
Enfeebled =Ambr.--- Senility, enfeebled, trembling.
Enfeebled =Ph-ac.--- Weak, enfeebled, lameness.
Engorgement =Bry.---In weaning is used to prevent
Enlarged liver =Ferr-ars.---Enlarged liver and spleen with
fever. When there is no fever Ferr-iod.
Enlarged spleen =Cean.---Specific remedy for enlarged
spleen of malarious and kalazar cases.
Enteralgia =Cupr-ars.--- is a valuable remedy for violent
Enteroptosis = Ba-sv., Stann.
Enuresis =Caust. Give 30 potency.
Enuresis =Equis.---Enuresis diurnal-et nocturna; profuse
watery urine , where habit is the only ascertainable cause.
Enuresis =Kreos., Sep., Caust., Cina., Equis.
Enuresis =Mag-p.---Enuresis : nocturnal; from nervous
irritation; urine, pale, copious; after catheterization.
Enuresis =Psor.---Enuresis; from vesical paresis; during full
moon, obstinate cases, with a family history of eczema.
Enuresis =Puls.---Nocturnal enuresis, particularly in little
Enuresis =Sec.---Enuresis of old people; urine pale, watery
or bloody; urine suppressed.
Enuresis =Sep.---Enuresis ; bed is wet almost as soon as
the child goes to sleep (Kreos); always during the first
214… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Enuresis in children =Cina.---Santonin a derivative has

produced and cured nocturnal enuresis in children-not
necessarily connected with worms.
Enuresis nocturna =Mullein---Enuresis nocturna and
painful micturition. (Millein) oil 3x Dr. Cushing.
Eosinophilia =Aspar.---Inceased eosinophilia, great
oppression in chest with irritability, desire to cough.
Eosinophilia =Nat-s., Kali-s., Ferr-p., Ars.
Ephelis (freckles) =Kali-c., Bufo.
Epididymitis testes=Puls., Rhod., Spong.
Epigastrium =Lac-c.---Sinking at epigastrium, faintness in
Epigastrium food =Puls., Bry.---Just a feeling in the
epigastrium as if food were lying there.
Epilepsy =Amyl Nitrosum.--- 2 to 5 Minims Dropped on a
handkerchief will give immediate relief in epileptic
Epilepsy =Aster.---Epilepsy; twitching over the whole body
four or five days before the attacks.
Epilepsy =Cupr.---Epilepsy; aura begins in knees and
ascends; <at night during sleep (Bufo); about new moon, at
regular intervals (Menses); from a fall or blow upon the
head; from getting wet.
Epilepsy =Hydr-ac.---ranks high for epilepsy.
Epilepsy =Ign., Oenanthe., Kali-br., Zinc-phos.
Epilepsy =Ign.---Attacks of even chronic epilepsy which
only occir after mortification or some similar vexation may
always be prevented by timely administration .
Epilepsy =Kali-br.---Epilepsy; congenital, syphilitic,
tubercular; usually a day or two before menses; at new
moon; headache follows attack.
Epilepsy =Lach.---Epilepsy; comes on during sleep (bufo);
from loss of vital fluids; onanism, jealousy.
Epilepsy =Oena.--- 1 to 6th Potency
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Epilepsy =Sil., Tanacetum---for epilepsy four times a day.

Epilepsy =Sil.---Epilepsy aggravated around full moon
generally needs.
Epilepsy =Verat.---In case of epilepsy – cold sweat on the
forehead during convulsion.
Epilepsy =Zincum vale.---for epilepsy without aura.
Epilepsy deep lesion.---Plb., Thalium., Zinc.
Epilepsy from suppressed eruptions (Psor., Sulph).
Epilepsy, rush of blood to head =Calc-.---Rush of blood to
head before an epileptic attacks, Epilepsy with heart
Epileptic =Cupr.---A case of epileptic fit in which the child
wanted cold water after he got up. He rested after taking
cold water.
Epileptic- blue-breath holding spell =Cupr.
Epileptic spasms during menses =Bufo.---Attack worse at
time of menses when a girl lies in an unconscious condition
during the menstrual period and has several epileptic
spasms which she has no realisation until told, and then she
is too much dazed to understand.
Epiletic spasms =Aeth.---Epiletic spasms, with clenched
thumbs, red face, eyes turned downwards, pupils fixed and
dilated; foam at the mouth, jaws locked; pulse small, hard
Epistaxis = Mill.---Mother tincture or 3. Ferr-p 1st
potency Which never disappoints.
Epistaxis =Am-c.---While washing face in morning.
Epistaxis =Arn.---From injury.
Epistaxis =Bry., Mill., Ip.
Epistaxis =Bry.---After suppression of menses.
Epistaxis =Chin.---In anaemic subjects. Also Ip Meli, Merc,
Epistaxis =Trill.---Epistaxis; profuse, passive, bright red.
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Epistaxis at night =Rhus-t., Bry.--- Epistaxis at Night Rhus-

t; at Morning Bry.
Epistaxis(belching) = Ferr-p., Calc-s., Plat., Merc., Mill.,
Ham., Sil., Merc-c.
Epithelioma=Abr., Ars., Thuj., Chr-ac.
Epitheliomatus =Nat-ar., Kreos., Merc., Sul-ac., Carb-
an., Syph.
Eplilepsy =Tanac---Every case of eplilepsy with drop doses
of the fluid extract four times a day and with marked
success. (Tanac) Dr. Pierson
Epulis =Calc.---A small elastic tumor of the gums give 30,
200, 1m.
Erections =Calad.---Erections when half asleep. Ceases
when fully awake. Impotency, relaxation of penis and
excitement, no emission and no orgasm during embrace.
Ergotine poisoning=Sec., Agar., Chin., Lach., Nux-v., Sol-
Erotomania =Pic-ac., Canth., Phos.
Erratic symptoms =Lac-c.---symptoms erratic., pains
constantly flying from one part to another (Kali-bi., Puls);
changing from side to side every few hours or days.
Eructations =Lyc.---Eructation sour. Everything tastes
sour; eructations, heartburn, water brash, sour vomiting
(between chill and heat).
Eructations smoking after =Sel.
Eructations =Arg-n., Carb-v., Sulph.
Eructations =Carb-v.---Eructations give temporary relief.
Eructations =Carb-v.---Violent, sour but empty
Eructations =Ferr-m.---Regurgitation and eructation of
food in mouthfuls (Alum), without nausea. (also see
217… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Eructations =Nux-v.---Eructations sour, bitter. nausea and

vomiting every morning with depression of spirits after
Eructations =Sul-ac.---Chronic heartburn, sour eructations
, sets teeth on edge (Rob).
Eructations eating after =Nat-m.
Eructations long continued = Glon.
Eructations meat from =Rumx.
Eructations menses at = Lach.
Eructations milk after =China., Sulph.
Eructations sour-bitter =Nux-v., Iris.
Eructations sugar after =Caust.
Eructations vertigo during =Sars.
Eruption =Aeth.---Herpetic eruption on the end of the
Eruption =Ail =Irregular patchy, livid eruption disappears
on pressure.
Eruption =Ars.---Bran-like, dry scealy eruption, with
itching and burning the letter is increased by scratching
and then it is followed by bleeding.
Eruption =Caust.---Pimples and warts on nose. Eruption on
the tip of the nose stoppage of both the nostrils.
Eruption =Hep.---Eruption, when retrocedent, causes
respiratory ailment.
Eruption =Mez.---Eruption, alternates with internal
Eruption =Petr., Psor.---Eruptions, worse in winter.
Eruption =Staph.--- Indignation, eruption, induration.
Eruption in winter =Alum., Petr., Psor.
Eruption on palm =Nat-m.
Eruption –Sang.---Eruption of face of young women.
Especially during scanty menses (Bell-p., Calc-os., Eug-j.,
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Eruption Yellow =Ant-c.---Yellow crusty eruption on

cheeks and chin.
Eruption, varicosities in mouth & throat =Thuj.
Eruption, vesicles in mouth burning =Sulph.
Eruption=Calad.---Alternating with asthma.
Eruptions =Led.---Eruptions which burn and sting like the
bites or stings of insects. Especially useful in insect bites,
particularly mosquitoes.
Eruptions =Maland.---Eruptions in hollow of arms and
knees red scaly with intense itching <when becoming
Eruptions =Rhus-t.---Vesicular and pulstular eruptions with
burning and itching.
Eruptions =Sars.---Herpetic eruptions on all parts of body
ulcer after abuse of mercury in syphilis. Rash from
exposure to open air dry itch-like eruption prone to appear
in spring become crusty. Itching eruptions of forehead
during menses (Eug-j., Sang., Psor). Rhagades skin cracked
on hands and feet pain and burning particularly on sides of
fingers and toes skin hard indurated.
Eruptions =Sulph.---The skin eruptions of (Sulph)are dry,
itching and not sensitive to touch, while opp (Hep) The skin
is un-healthy, suppurating, moist and intensely sensitive to
touch. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Eruptions =Syph.---Eruptions dull copper coloured spots
becoming blue when getting cold.
Eruptions =Zinc.---Relief comes from the appearance of
discharge or eruptions.
Eruptions dry, scaly, disappear in summer & return in
winter =Psor.
Eruptions in winter =Alum., Petr., Psor.
Eruptions on genitalia =Petr & Rhus-t.---In both, we have
two wonderful medicines for eruptions on genitalia, male
or female but the former produces small vesicles while the
latter produces large blebs.
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Eruptions suppurating =Lyc.---Humid suppurating

eruptions, specially on occiput and face, crusts thick, easily
bleeding, oozing a fetid moisture, worse from scratching
and from warmth.
Eruptionss =Jug-c.---All kinds of eruptions have been
Eruptive fevers =Acon., Bell., Gels., Ferr-p.---In many
inflammatory and some eruptive fevers it seems to stand
between the intensity of the dullness.
Erysipelas = Acon., Bell., Rhus-t., Apis. , Sulph., Merc.,
Ars., Lach.
Erysipelas =Graph.---To overcome the tendency to
repeated attacks of erysipelas.
Erysipelas =Passi.---Use mother tincture.as a local
application acts promptly. Inflammation of the skin and
subcutaneous tissues accompanied by fever.
Erysipelas =Rhus-t.---Erysipelas from L to R.; vesicular
yellow vesicles much swelling inflammation burning itching
Erysipelas preventive =Graph.---Graph seems to have
removed the tendency to recurring erysipelas.
Erythema =Bell., Mez.,
Erythism =Sep.---Erythism; flushes of heat from least
motion; with anxiety and faintness; followed by
perspiration over whole body; climacteric (Lach., Sang.,
Sulph., Tub); ascends from pelvis organs.
Esophagus and stomach =Canth.--- Burning sensation in
esophagus and stomach.
Euthanasia=Acon., Ars., Tarent.
Evacuation =Verat.---Evacuation, sudden alarming.
Evening =ANT-T., ARN., BELL., BRY., CARB-V., CHAM.,
MERC., PHOS., PULS., RUTA., SULPH.---Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Examination =Arg-n.---Apprehension when reading for
examination. Restless, anxious, compelled to walk.
220… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Darkness before eyes. Craves sweets. Anxiety if time is set,

dose 6-8 pills BD start one week before examination and
continue during examination.
Examination =Gels.200---Shivering with fears at the
approach of examination. Fear causes diarrhoea and
frequent urination, dose 6-8 pills twice daily. Start one
weak before examination.
Examination fear =Aeth., Anac., Arg-n.---Two or three
days before the examination and Gels. on the day of
examination will remove the examination fear, funk and
Examination funk/fear =Aeth/Anac/Arg-nit/Gels.---
Examination funk/fear.
Excessive bleeding give Ficus Religiosa Q + Asoka Q for
stooping bleeding.
Excessive hostility to liquids =Stram.---Excessive hostility
to liquids, water, a mirror or any thing bright, excites
convulsions or spasmodic constriction of throat.
Excitable =Gels.---Excitable, irritable, sensitive; for the
nervous affection of onanists of both sexes (Kali-p).
Excoriated =Kreos.--- Acrid, excoriated, irritated.
Excoriating =Am-m.--- Burning, excoriating, constricting.
Excoriation =Agn.---Prevents excoriation following
Excoriation of skin =Sanic.---Excoriation of skin about
anus (Sulph) covering perineum and extending to genitals.
Excrescences =Sil.
Excruciated =Hyper.--- Lacerated, excruciated, nerves.
Exercise =Symph.---for pains in back after much exercise
or sexual indulgence.
Exhausted =Mag-c, Chin.---Is to exhausted nerves what
Chin. Is to exhaustion from loss of fluids.
Exhausted =Sel.--- Weary, exhausted, emaciated.
Exhausting =Stann.--- Introvert, exhausting, empty.
221… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Exhausting diseases, bad effects =Carb-v.---For the bad

effects of exhausting diseases, whether in young or old
(Cinch., Phos., Psor).
Exhaustion =Sel.--- Exhaustion, quick and easy, sp in
summer heat.
Exhaustion =Senna---Simple exhaustion with excess of
nitrogenous waste. The exhaustion is exemplified in the
sinking immediately after meals. (Senna) Dr. Farrington.
Exhaustion =Stann.---Extreme exhaustion of mind and
Exhaustion and heaviness =Spong.--- Exhaustion and
heaviness of the body after slight exertion.Symptoms are
similar to Hep. Symptoms except that the Spong patient is
warm while the Hep. Patient is chilly.
Exoriation, marked =Kreos.--- Exoriation, marked.
Exostoses General=Aur., Aur-m., Calc-f., Con., Hecla.,
Merc., Phos., Sil., Ruta., Merc.
Exostosis =Calc-f., Fl-ac., Hecla.
Expectant motherhood.---Caul.---A pregnant woman who
has been treated throughout her pregnancy will approach
her confinement free from physical or mental ailments.
This drug has power of regulating the processes of labour.
Take daily four months before the birth of the child.
Expectoration yellow =Ammc.---When the expectoration is
yellow will put him through. Dr. Kent.
Exposure =Gels.--- Symptoms develop several days after
Exposure to cold winds, all diseases =Acon., Rhus-t.
Expulsion of foreign bodies =Sil.
Expulsion promotes =Sabin.---Promotes expulsion of moles
or foreign bodies from uterus. (Canth).
External coldness =Carb-v.--- Internal burnings and
external coldness.
Extravasations from injuries=Arn., Sul-ac.
Extreme sexual desire =Staph., Phos.
222… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Exudation =Kali-m.--- Inactive, induration, exudation.

Exudative pleurisy=Abort.
Eye pain in =Symph.---Pain in eye after blow of an obtuse
body; snow ball strikes the eye; infant thrusts its fist into
its mother‟s eye (to soft tissues around the eye, Arn).
Follows well; after Arn., for pricking pain, and soreness of
periosteum remaining after an injury.
Eye-balls =Hep.---Eye-balls : sore to touch; pain as if they
would be pulled back into head (Olnd., Paris).
Eyeballs =Spig.---Intolerable pressive pain in eyeballs;
could not turn the eyes without turning the whole body;
worse, especially on making a false step.
Eye-balls =Symph.---foir injuries to the eye-balls.
Eyeballs sharp, stabbing =Spig.---Sharp, stabbing, sticking
pains through eyeballs back into the head; from cold,
damp, rainy weather.
Eyelashes =Bor.---Eyelashes : loaded with dry, gummy
exudation; agglutinated in morning; turn inward and
inflame the eye, especially at outer canthus; tendency to
“wild hairs”.
Eye-lashes =Nit-ac.---has eye-lashes stiffly pointed
towards the nose.
Eyelids twitching =Croc., Dulc.
Eyelids- bluish =Lach., Zinc.
Eyelids can scarcely raise the eye-lids =Con.
Eyelids chronic thickening =Calc.
Eyelids constantly obliged to wink =Caust.
Eyelids- ecchymoses =Arn., Led.
Eyelids eruption, granular =Zinc.
Eyelids eruption, itch-like =Sars.
Eyelids eruption, pustullar (inflamed) =Graph.
Eyelids eruption, styes, also condylomata chalaza etc
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Eyelids eruption, styes, covering lid and suppurating =Sil.,

Eyelids eruption, styes, one after another (ulcerating)
Eyelids eruption, styes, sp. on the upper lid =Puls.
Eyelids eruption, tumor (tarsal) =Thuj.
eyelids inflammation, discharge, hot scalding tears
Eyelids lids fall down when looking steadily =Gels.
Eyelids =Bac.---Eczematous condition of eyelids.
Eyelids =Caust.---Drooping of upper eyelids; cannot keep
them open. (Caul., Gels., Graph., of both lids., Sep.).
Eyelids =Gels.--- Tiredness and aching of whole body.
Limbs, head, eyelids feel heavy.
Eyelids =Gels.---Eyelids partially paralyzed, similar
condition of tongue to organs of deglutition.
Eyelids =Gels.---Great heaviness of the eyelids; cannot
keep them open (Caust., Graph., Sep).
Eyelids =Thuj.---Eyelids; agglutinated at night; dry scaly
on edges; Styes and tarsal tumors; chalaza, thick, hard
knots, like small condylomata; after staph partially but
does not cure.
Eyelids =Thuj.---Eyelids; agglutinated at night; dry, scaly
on edges; Styes and tarsal tumors, thick, hard knots, like
small condylomata; after Staph., partially > but does cure.
Eyelids baglike swelling =Apis., Kali-c.
Eyelids contraction =Rhus-t.
Eyelids drooping =Con., Caust., Gels., Sep.
Eyelids drooping =Gels., Sep.
Eyelids drooping of the eye-lids =Gels.
Eyelids eczema =Graph., Staph.
Eyelids eyelashes growing inward =Bor.
Eyelids glued together after sleep =Bor, Puls., Arg-n.
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Eyelids heavy as lead =Thuja.---Eyelids heavy as lead.

(Thuja.) One dose at bed-time permanently cured.
Eyelids inflammation, discharge, not excoriating =Puls.
Eyelids inflammation, discharge, red & excoriating =Sulph.
Eyelids inflammation, discharge, tendency to form pus
Eyelids inflammation, discharge, thin acrid =Merc.
Eyelids inflammation, oedematous upper lids =Kali-c.
Eyelids inflammation, oedematous, lower lids =Apis.
Eyelids inflammation, oedematous, under lids =Phos.
Eyelids itching =Nux-v., Lach.
Eyelids nictitation =Ign.
Eyelids red oedematous =Apis.
Eyelids red, borders =Sulph.
Eyelids sensation, twitching of the eye-lids =Ferr-p.
Eyelids spasm =Agar.
Eyelids stick =Puls.--- “Ripe” head colds with profuse,
thick, yellowish discharge. Eyelids stick together in the
Eyelids- stiffness =Kalm., Nat-m.
Eyelids styes =Graph., Puls., Staph.
Eyes - pain in eye ball, due to injury =Led., Symph.,
Eyes dim sightedness cataract, fog or cloud before eyes
Eyes dim sightedness cataract, halo around light =Sulph.
Eyes dim sightedness cataract, letters appear red =Phos.
Eyes dim sightedness cataract, white stars alm =Alum.
Eyes half open, blood shot =Op., Vesp.
Eyes half sightedness, sees left half =Lyc.
Eyes half sightedness, sees lower parts =Aur.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with burning, smarting and sensitive =Acon.
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Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,

with burning, smarting and biting =All-c.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with burning, bruised =Hep.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with burning, feeling dry =Staph.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, bland, not acrid =All-c.,
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, bland, thick yellow =Puls.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, bland, corneal opacity =Calc.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, purulent, fistula lachrymalis =Nat-sil.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, purulent, agglutination in the morning
EYES inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, purulent, sticky removed by winking
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, purulent, lids swollen from pus =Arg-n.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with discharge, purulent, pouring out on open eyes =Merc.,
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with flow of tears (lachrymation), acrid =Euphrasia., Ars.
Eyes inflammation of mucous membranes conjunctivitis,
with flow of tears (lachrymation), not acrid =All-cs.,
Staph., Puls.
Eyes pain in eye ball, due to strain =Ruta., Nat-m.
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from , ray of light
(photophobia), inflamed =Ant-c.
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, motion of eyes, with
bruised feeling =Nat-m.
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Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, motion of eyes, with

hurting as if too large =Spig
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, motion of eyes, with
stiffness =Kalm.
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, motion of eyes, with
violent shooting pain =Bry.
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, ray of light
(photophobia), better by pressure =Con.
Eyes pain in eye ball, worse from, ray of light
(photophobia), smarting as if from sand =Ign.
Eyes staring red =Bell.
Eyes turned downward =Aeth.
Eyes =Asar.---Cold air or cold water very pleasant to the
eyes; sunshine, light and wind are intolerable.
Eyes =Asar.---When reading, sensation in eyes as if they
would be pressed asunder or outward; relieved by bathing
them in cold water.
Eyes =Bell.---The eyes smart and burn as if full of sand,
profuse discharge of tears, eyes inflamed pupils dilated.
Eyes =Cedr.---Inclination to the eyes, lids seem heavy,
especially when originating in damp warm marshy climates
or in tropical countries and obstinately recurring.
Eyes =Cycl.---Flickering before eyes, as of several colours ,
glittering needless firy sparks.
Eyes =Euphr.--- Acrid, watery, eyes.
Eyes =Euphr.---The eyes water all the time and are
agglutinated in the morning; margins of lids red, swollen,
Eyes =Phos.---Eyes : hollow, surrounded by blue rings; lids,
puffy, swollen, oedematous (upper lids, Kali-c; lower,
Eyes =Stram.---Eyes. Wide open, prominent, brilliant;
pupils widely dilated, insensible; contortion of eyes and
227… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Eyes =Thuj.---Eyes : ophthalmia neonatorum, sycotic or

syphilitic; large granulations, like warts or blisters; > by
warmth and covering; if uncovered, feels as if a cold
stream of air were blowing out through them.
Eyes aching =Ruta.---Aching in and over eyes, with a
blurred vision, as if they had been strained. After using
eyes at fine work. watch making, engraving (Nat-m);
looking intently. (Senec).
Eyes acute ophthalmia neonatorum =Syph.---Acute
ophthalmia neonatorum; lids swollen, adhere during
sleep; pain intense at night <from 2 to 5 A.M.; pus profuse;
> by cold bathing.
Eyes amaurosis =Tab.---Amaurosis, from atrophy of retina
or optic nerve.
Eyes amblyopia =Ruta.---Amblyopia or asthenopia from
over-exertion of eyes or anomalies of refraction; from
over-use in bad light; fine sewing, over-reading at night;
misty, dim vision, with complete obscuration at a distance.
Eyes bag-like swelling =Kali-c.---Bag-like swelling between
the upper eyelids and eyebrows.
Eyes black =Led.--- Black eye caused by a blow.
Eyes bright =Bell.--- Fever, especially in children. Pupils
dilated, eyes bright.
Eyes burn =Ruta.---Eyes burn, ache, feel strained; hot,
like balls of fire; spasms of lower lids.
Eyes burn, =Rhus-t.---Eyes, burn, ache, feel straind and
fatigued as after reading too long, from fine sewing, too
much reading, worse using them in the evening.
Eyes burning, tears bland =All-c., Ars.
Eyes contusions =Led.---Contusions of eyes and lids,
especially if much extravasation of blood; ecchymosis of
lids and conjunctiva.
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Eyes day blindness =Ran-b.---Day blindness; mist before

eyes; pressure and smarting in eyeballs (Phos).
Eyes dim-sighted =Tab.---Dim-sighted : sees as through a
veil; strabismus, depending upon brain troubles.
Eyes diplopia =Syph.---Diplopia, one image seen below the
Eyes disorders, watering, red etc =Euphr.
Eyes dropping of upper eyelids =Caust.---Drooping of
upper eye-lids; can not keep them open (Caul., Gels.,
Graph., of both lids, Sep).
Eyes dryness of =Nux-m.---Dryness of eyes; too dry to
close the lids.
Eyes fistula lachrymal is =Sil.
Eyes flickering =Cycl.---Flickering before eyes, fiery
sparks, as of various colors, glittering needles and dim
vision of fog or smoke.
Eyes glaucoma right side =Caust.
Eyes granular lids =Nat-s.--- Granular lids : like small
blisters (Thuj); green pus and terrible photophobia;
gonorrheal or sycotic.
Eyes haemorrhage =Led.---Haemorrhage into anterior
chamber after iridectomy.
Eyes hemiopia =Aur.---Hemiopia; sees only the lower half
(sees only the left half, Lith-c., Lyc.).
Eyes hot red =Ruta-g.--- Red, hot eyes. Eyestrain followed
by headache.
Eyes injuries =Acon.--- Eyes; relieves pain and aids healing
in injuries such as a scratch on the eyeball, or pain from a
foreign body in the eye.
Eyes injury =Arn., Led., Symph.
Eyes intense photophobia =Psor.---Intense photophobia,
with inflamed lids; cannot open the eyes; lies with face
buried in pillow.
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Eyes itching =Puls., Euphr., Sulph.

Eyes lachrymation =All-c., Bell., Euphr., Nat-m., Puls.,
Eyes lachrymation =Euphr.---Profuse acrid lachrymation,
with profuse, bland coryza (reverse of all-c.).
Eyes lachrymation =Nat-m.---Lachrymation; tears stream
down the face whenever he coughs (Euph).
Eyes lashes =Nit-ac---A curious symptom. Eye lashes of
right side all point stiffly towards nose. (Nit-ac)
Eyes lids =Scilla---Left eye was much smaller and lids not
so wide open as those of right eye. (Scilla) . repeated each
month for three months. Eyes became perfect match. Dr.
Eyes muscles =Lil-t., Arg-n.--- Restores power to weak eye
Eyes opthalmia =Arg-n., Merc.
Eyes overstraining =Ruta., Nat-m., Seneg.
Eyes pain =Kalm.---Severe stitching pain in right. eye and
orbit (Left eye, Spig.); stiffness in muscles, pain <when
turning the eyes (Spig); begins at sunrise, <at noon and
leaves at sunset –(Nat-m).
Eyes pain after using eyes =Phys.---Pain after using eyes;
floating black spots, flashes of light, twitching of lids and
muscles of eyes (Agar).; nystagmus.
Eyes pain sickly =Ph-ac.---Pale sickly complexion, eyes
sunken and surrounded by blue margins.
Eyes photophobia =Arg-n., Bell., Con., Graph., Euphr.
Eyes ptosis =Syph.---Ptosis : paralysis of superior oblique;
sleepy look from drooping lids (Caust., Graph.).
Eyes puffy =Apis.--- Puffy swellings may be around the
face, eyelids, eyes, mouth, or in throat.
Eyes pupils dilate when child is reprimanded =Stram.
Eyes reading a woman may have a staring expression to her
eyes she dreads to go to bed for fear she will have horrid
230… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

dreams the pulse has sharper stroke than normal. she

needs Rhus-t.
Eyes reading headache after eating means derangement of
the peptic glands.
Eyes reading if pupils are contracted it means nerve
tension and irritation.
Eyes reading if the pupil of the eye is dilated, it indicates
an apathetic, drowsy, nervous state.
Eyes reading if there is tension to the pulse and
contraction to the puplis of the eyes the person either is or
lately has been in pain.
Eyes reading in cancer consumpion, bright‟s disease,
chronic diarrhoea, diabetes or any cause there is a pearly
appearance to the white of the eyes.
Eyes reading orbital soreness shows retention, pain or
soreness in back of head.
Eyes reading red vessels in the eye indicate retention and
congestion , vascular weakness, contracted capillaries and
Eyes reading the greenish tint to the cloudiness of eyes
sometimes indicates decomposing albumen.
Eyes reading when the eyes present a congestion or blood-
shot appearance there is retention of waste matter in the
Eyes reading yellow spots on white of eyes indicate toxic
matter in the blood.
Eyes red =Bell.--- Eyes red, sensitive to the light, pupils
Eyes redness =Arg-n., Bell., Euphr., Sulph.
Eyes sensation =Spig.---Sensation : as if eyes were too
large for the orbits (Act.; com.); sensitive to touch; as if a
band around head (Cact., Carb-ac., Sulph).
Eyes sore =Acon., Bell., Arg-n., Arn., Euph.
Eyes strain =Ruta., Nat-m., Seneg.
Eyes styes =Puls.---Styes : especially on upper lids; from
eating fat, greasy rich food or pork (compare Lyc., Staph).
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Eyes styes =Staph.---Styes, chalazae on eyelids or upper

lids, one after another, leaving hard nodosities in their
wake (Con., Thuj).
Eyes traumatic conjunctivitis =Ham.---Traumatic
conjunctivitis; suggillations, or extravasations into
chambers of eye; from severe coughing; intense soreness
(Arn., Calen., Led).
Eyes upper lids swelling =Kali-c.
Eyes vision dim =Phys.---Vision dim; from blur or film;
objects mixed.
Eyes, dark rings around =Chin., Nat-c., Phos.
Eyes, mechanical injuries =Symph.---Pain in eye after
blow after blow of an obtuse body; snow ball strikes the
eye, infant thrusts its fist into its mother‟s eye (to soft
tissues around the eye, Arn.).
Eyes, overstraining of =Nat-m., Ruta., Seneg.
Eyes, swelling below =Apis.
Eyesight tonic =Ruta 200.---Tonic for eye sight for those
students who study hard dose 6-8 pills once in the evening,
alternate days.
Eyestrain headache =Ruta-g.--- Red, hot eyes. Eyestrain
followed by headache.
Face & head swollen =Ferr-m.---Face red like fire, vins of
the face and head swollen.
Face =Ant-t.---Face cold pale, blue covered with cold
sweat, chin and lower jaw tremble and shudder incessantly
by itching vesicles on the lips.
Face =Bapt.---Face flushed hot and dusty or dark red with
a besotted expression.
Face =Meli.--- Firy, flushed, face.
Face =Sulph.---Black comedones on the face.
Face and lips- Eruption, Pearl-like blisters around mouth
sp. in fevers =Nat-m.
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Face cold =Ant-t.---Face cold, blue, pale, covered with

cold sweat (Tab).
Face hot =Stram.---Face hot and red with cold hands and
feet; circumscribed redness of cheeks; blood rushes to
face; nisus sardonicus.
Face neuralgia =Bell., Mag-p., Coloc.---The faceache is
especially important because Colocynth is one of the most
frequently indicated remedies. There are three remedies
which are indicated in faceache more often than any
Face neuralgia =Mag-p.---Neuralgia of face, supra or infra-
orbital side, intermittent darting, cutting <by touch cold
air pressure > by external heat.
Face neuralgia =Sang.---Neuralgia of face> by kneeling
down and pressing the head firmly against the floor, pain
extends in all directions from the upper jaw.
Face pain =Acon., Kalm., Spig.
Face reading =Bell.---When the face is very red eyes
blood-shot and you can see the carotids throbbing plainly
there is a wild delirium patient thinks he sees ghosts and
hideous things the pulse is full bounding with no tension.
Face reading =Ferr-p.---When the face is flushed eyes are
blood-shot, respiration hurried, pulse rapid full and soft the
foregoing symptoms.
Face reading =Gels.---Facial muscles contracted especially
around the mouth .
Face reading =Hell.---When a child seems very stupid very
thirsty, wrinkle forehead, cold sweat, motion of jaws as if
chewing, continued motion of one leg and one arm.
Face reading =Meli.---A very red face . the indication for
this remedy is a headache that is relieved by nose-bleed.
Face reading =Nat-m.---A sad expression to the face eyes
look as if wet with tears.
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Face reading =Nat-s.---Every look as if they had been

without sleep a gloomy melancholy face, with tendenct to
Face reading =Nux-v.---Brown spots on the forehead and
yellowish-white around the mouth.
Face reading =Psor.---Skin has dirty look as if the patient
never washed himself and the body has a filthy smell even
after a bath.
Face reading =Sep.---Yellow saddle across the nose and
yellow color around the mouth.
Face reading =Verat.---Pneumonia, typhoid fever, cholera
infantum and cholera with cold sweat on the forehead.
Face reading =Verat-v.---Face almost purple, full-
blooded, red veinlets in white of eyes stupid expression to
the face pulse full bounding with tension.
Face, acne, of boys =Calc-Pic.
Face, convulsion, with eyes turned downward = Aeth.
Face, lock-jaw with dry mouth =Nux-m.
Face, lock-jaw, with spasm or convulsion =Cic.
Face, lock-jaw, with tension & stiffness =Ang.
Face, much oily, greasy =Nat-m., Thuj., Psor.
Face, neuralgia, left sided =Spig.
Face, neuralgia, relieved by heat =Mag-p.
Face, neuralgia, right sided =Kalm.
Face, neuralgia, worse by eating =Mez.
Face, twitching, associated with nausea =Ip.
Face, twitching, ceases during sleep =Agar.
Face, upper lip swelling =Hep., Apis., Nat-m.
Face-ache =Coloc., Bell., Mag-p.
Face-ache =Coloc.---The face-ache is especially important
because colocynth is one of the most frequently indicated
remedies. There are three remedies which are indicated in
face-ache more often than any other Bell., Mag-p., and
Coloc., Bell., pains are violent accompanied by red face
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flushing eyes hot head and great sensitiveness of the part

to touch . In Coloc ., the pains come in waves are better
from heat pressure and worse if anything during rest and
brought on by excitement or vexation. They are generally
on the left side and those of Bell., are on the right side and
caused by cold. Mag-p has tearing pains that shoot like
lightening along the nerves> by heat and pressure.
Facial blemishes =Berb-a., Cimic., Sep.
Facial pain =Kalm., Puls., Acon., Spig., Coloc.
Failure of the heart =Camph.---Every 5 to 10 minutes is
the best stimulant in emergency.Can also use amritdhara.
Faint =Bar-s.--- Faint, feeble, fullness.
Faint as some women go to a close place they faint =Am-c.
Faint tendency to =Nux-v.---Tendency to faint (Nux-m.,
Sulph); from odors; in morning; after every labour pain.
Fainting =Am-c.--- Flabby, feeble, fainting.
Fainting =Mosch.---All complaints which have easy fainting
as a leading accompaniment may want Mosch.
Fainting =Nux-m.---A strong keynote of this remedy is
fainting. Nux-m. Persons who easily faint away, from sight
of blood from standing as to have a dress tried on and
those who have faintness or fainting during or associated
with evacuations these are likely to want Nux-m.
Fainting =Verat.---Attacks of fainting from least exertion
(Carb-v., Sulph. )
Fainting attacks of from least exertion (Carb-v., Sulph);
excessive weakness =Verat.
Fainting fits =Am-c.
Faintness =Acon.--- Faintness or dizziness on rising.
Faintness =Crot-t.---Faintness after stool (Nux-v.)
Faintness =Dig.---Faintness or sinking at the stomach
exhaustion extreme prostration feels as if he were dying.
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Faintness =Dulc., Ox-ac., Petr., Sulph., Crot-t.---

Faintness during stool-scanty stool.
Faintness =Sang.---American sick headache-rush of blood
causing faintness and nausea, pains lancination or
throbbing. Dr. Hearing.
Faints =Plb.---Lassitude faints on going into a room full of
Faints =Sep.---Faints easily after getting wet from
extremes of heat or cold ,riding in a carriage while
kneeling at church.
Falling out of hair =Ph-ac., Lyc., Nat-m.
Falls general=Arn., Calen., Hyper., Ruta.
Fastidiousness =Ars., Anac., Nux-v.
Fat =Graph.--- Fat, foetid, fissured.
Fat and salt =Nit-ac--- In the desire for fat and salt (Sulph)
only in the repertory competes with (Nit-ac) but in lower
Fat craves =Sulph---It is only warm remedy that craves fat.
Fat desire for =Nit-ac.---like Sulph has a very strong desire
for fat.
Fat food and pastry bad effect =Carb-v.---Compare Carb-
v., with Puls in bad effects from fat food and pastry –Phos,
in easily bleeding ulcers.
Fatigue =Ars., Coca., Rhus-t.
Fatigue =Rhus-t.---Will enable persons to withstand
muscular fatigue.
Fatigue =Sil.---Mental labor very difficult; reading and
writing fatigue cannot bear to think.
Fatigued =Lyc.--- Flatulent, fatigued, satiety.
Fatigued =Psor.--- Foul, fatigued, fear (of cold).
Fatigueness =Oxyt., Phos., Kali-i.
Fatness =Calc.---Fatness without fitness sweating without
heat, bones without strength, tissues of plus quantity and
236… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

minus quality,mere flabby bulk with weakness and

Fats aversion to =Puls.--- Stomach upsets from rich foods.
Aversion to fats.
Fatty degeneration of heart (Phos) =Aur.
Fatty degeneration of liver =Vanad.---6, 12, potencies
.this is a remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and
Fatty degeneration of the heart muscle =Stry 3 or
30.This drug acts through the cerebro-spinal system upon
muscles, in their stiffness weakness and loss of power.
Fault finding =Nux-v.
Favus =Corrosive-sublimate., Sep., Medor.
Fear =Acon., Gels., Arg-n.--- Fear Anticipation ailments
from .
Fear =Gels.--- Fear Unusual ordeal of any.
Fear =Grind.---Fear of going to sleep on account of loss of
breath which awakens him. On falling asleep, respiratory
movement ceases, and is not resumed until awakened by
suffocation resulting. Humid asthma from catarrhal
bronchitis –cardiac asthma-cough from reflex causes. Much
Tenacious mucus difficult to detach.
Fear =Lyc.--- Fear of failure with.
Fear =Merc.--- Fear Impending evil sense of.
Fear =Phos., Tub., Calc.--- Fear Anticipation dentist or
physician before going to.
Fear =Psor.--- Foul, fatigued, fear (of cold).
Fear before operation =Phos.---Prevents fear before
Fear death =Psor.---Despondent; fears he will die; that he
will fail in business during climaxis; making his own life and
that of those about him intolerable.
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Fear of death =Ars.---Anxious fear of death thinks it is

useless to take medicine is incurable, is surely going to die
dread of death when alone or going to bed.
Fear of death =Ip.---When with gushing of blood, there is
overwhelming fea of death (Acon).
Fear of death =Nit-ac.---anxiety about his disease with
fear of death.
Fear of examination=Aeth., Gels., Anac., Carb-v., Lyc.,
Sil., Thuj.--- Fear of Examination before.
Fear of fire =Nat-s.
Fear of imaginary things =Bell.---Fears of imaginary,
wants to run away from them; hallucinations.
Fear of insanity probably, the main remedy is =Manc.
Fear or fright =Acon., Bell., Kali-c., Plat., Stram., Anac.
Fear to go to sleep =Nux-m.---Painless pulsation in the
head, with fear to go to sleep.
Fear touch =Arn.--- Fear of being touched or of anyone‟s
coming near.
Fearful =Ars.--- Anxious, restless, fearful, irritable.
Fearful =Phos.--- Anxious, fearful, weak.
Fearfully =Spong.--- Wakes fearfully out of sleep with a
sense of suffocation, loud cough, difficult breathing.
Fears downward motion (Bor). =Sanic.
Fears =Acon.--- Intolerant of pain, fears will not recover.
Fears at night =Syph.---Terrible dread of night on account
of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is
intolerable, death is preferable.
Fears death of being poisoned =Rhus-t.---Great
apprehension at night; fears he will die of being poisoned;
cannot remain in bed.
Fears thunderstorm =Rhod.---Nervous persons who dread
a storm and are particularly afraid of thunder; <before the
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storm, especially an electrical storm(Nat-c., Phos., Psor.,

Febrile =Nat-p.---Febrile conditions with acid conditions
with acid or sour swelling perspiration.
Feeble =Am-c.--- Flabby, feeble, fainting.
Feeble =Bar-s.--- Faint, feeble, fullness.
Feeble =Zinc.--- Feeble, fidgety, inactive.
Feeble minded =Calc-p.---Feeble minded‟; anaemic
children, slow of comprehension; headache, improves IQ,
does- 5 Tabs – twice daily. Take for a long time with a
weekly break every month.
Feel as though =Anac.---Feels as though he had to wills
one commanding to do what the other forbids.
Feel become hot, the hands become cold =Sep---The hands
are hot and the feet are cold, or as soon as the feet
become hot, the hands become cold. This is an excellent
indicating symptom for (Sep). Dr. Farrington.
Feelings- of cobweb on face =Brom., Rann.
Feelings- of cobweb on the forehead =Graph.
Feelings- of hair lying in throat =Sil.
Feelings- of intoxication with confusion =Bapt.
Feelings- of intoxication with dizziness =Gels.
Feelings- of looseness as if brain is loose in forehead and
falling from side to side =Sul-ac.
Feelings- of looseness as if hips, sacro and small of back
will fall apart =Tell.
Feelings- of looseness as if stomach and bowels relaxed
and hanging down =Ip.
Feelings- of looseness feels scattered about and cannot get
pieces together =Bapt.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr a cap helmet on the head =Calc-c.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr hot wires running along side of face =Acon.
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Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck

paris quadr a stone crushed on vertex =Nux-v.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr round ball in forehead =Staph.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr cold water down the back =Puls.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr cold or hot needles on parts =Agar.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr cold air spreading along back =Agar.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr dried white of egg on face =alum.
Feelings- of mechanical appliance weight as if on the neck
paris quadr hair grasped roughly =Chin.
Feelings- of mice creeping on the hand =Sec.
Feelings- of mice running across the room =Aeth.
Feelings- of womb as if living animal were in the abdomen
Feelings- of womb as if something moving and hopping
Feelings- of womb with heaviness in the pelvic =Helon.
Feelings- other creeping & crawing all over =Tarent.
Feelings- other sense of constriction =Carc.
Feels sweat cold =Con.---Feels the flatus, the stool the
urine, the sweat all cold.
Feels worse =Nux-m.---Feels worse in the morning, soon
after waking, also worse after mental exertion and after
Feet tender =Med.---for tender feet, can walk only on
Feet =All-C.--- For sore, raw spots on feet, especially heels
from friction.
Feet =Apis., Arn., Ars., Carb-v., Led., Merc., Nux-v.,
Ruta., Verat.
Feet =Calc.---feet constantly cold and damp.
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Feet =Cham.---Felt as though she were walking around on

the ends of the bones of her legs and did not have any feet,
as though the feet were gone. Dr.Lippe.
Feet burning =Sang., Cham., Sulph.
Feet heaviness =Alum., Ars., Nat-m.
Feet numbness =Ars., Nat-m., Ph-ac.
Feet, sweat offensive =Sil., Calc.,
Felon =Iris.---It will abort felon.
Felons =Calc-s.---abort felons and furuncles.
Felons =Iris.--- aborts Felons and abates vomiting.
Female =Bar-c.---Females have many troubles, sterility,
dwindling of mammary glands and yet the lymphatic
become enlarged and infiltrated, leucorrhoeal discharge-
whitish thick, persistent often copious, worse about a week
Female breast feeding =Calc-p., Phyt., Puls.
Female easy childbirth =Arn., Carb-v., Caul.
Female headache =Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Gels., Iris.,
Kali-bi., Nux-v., Sang.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Female insomnia =Ars., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Gels., Ign.,
Nux-v., Puls.
Female nausea of pregnancy =Anac., Nat-p., Nux-v.,
Female postpartum blues =Kali-c.
Female problems =Vib-p. Q.--- For lot of problems of the
females such as Leucorrhoea, threatened abortion and
other ladies‟ problems in particular if a female is not
conceiving start giving 5 drops of Vib P.Q. 3-4 times daily it
will set right everything.
Female urinary problems =Acon., Apis., Canth., Merc-c.,
Nux-v. Phos.
Female varicose veins =Ham.
Females frigidity of =Dam.
Fester =Hep., Sil., Petr.,
241… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Fever =Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Gels., Puls., Rhus-t.,

Ferr-ph., Chin., Sulph.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Fever =Acon.---Dry hot skin and no sweat, tosses about in
agony with great fear of death. Great distress in heart and
Fever =Ant-t.---Great sleepiness during heat and sweat.
Pale face.
Fever =Apis.---Chill at 3 PM thirstless.
Fever =Ars.---Aggravation between 12-2AM or PM
persistent restlessness prostration, frequent thirst for a
little at a time.
Fever =Bapt.---Stupor; Stool, urine or sweat is extremely
offensive. Tries to get himself together.
Fever =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Fever =Bell.--- Fever, especially in children. Pupils dilated,
eyes bright.
Fever =Bell., Acon., Bry., Gels.---In fever low or high,
restlessness, chills, inflammation, pneumonia, pleurisy with
Fever =Bell.---A strange thing feature running through the
Bell fevers of all sorts is an unconquerable for lemons and
Fever =Bell.---Fever with predominant affection of the
brain, Inflammation of the brain of the spinal cord, of the
respiratory organs, with determination of the blood
inflammation of the skin erysipelas.
Fever =Bell.---head is hot while the extremities are cold.
Face red, eyes blood-shot-carotids throb. Semi stupor jerks
and twitches in sleep. Fears imaginary things with delirium.
Distress is in head and throat.
Fever =Bry.---Lips dry and cracked, stool hard and dry as if
burnt, lies perfectly still, thirst for large quantity at long
interval. Delirium about the business of the day.
Fever =Caps.---Chill being between shoulder blades and
242… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Fever =Cham.---Fever, diarrhoea or convulsions from local

irritation during dentition, from indigestible substance in
the stomach or intestines etc.
Fever =Eup-per.---Chill 7-9 AM; Bone Pain vomiting of bile
at end of chill.
Fever =Ferr-p.---A chief remedy in fevers, inflammatory
and congestive diseases, before exudation has taken place.
Fever =Gels.---Fever heat with drowsiness sleep with half
waking and murmuring frequently. Little thirsy feels very
languid and wants to lie still.
Fever =Ign.---Thirst only during chill; red face frequent
sighing better heat.
Fever =Ip.---Persistent nausea.
Fever =Lyc.---Chill at 4 PM.
Fever =Nat-m.---Chill 10-11 AM; Bursting headache during
heat, sweat relieves.
Fever =Nux-v.
Fever =Podo.---Great loquacity during chill and heat;
Fever =Pyrog.--- Unrythmic, septic, fever.
Fever =Pyrog.---Can tell when fever is coming on, because
she must urinate.
Fever =Rhus-t.---A dry, teasing cough before and during
chill in intermittent fever cough with taste of blood.
Fever =Rhus-t.---Cough in chill, restless and tossing about.
Fever =Sel.---for debility after fever.
Fever african =Ter.---Is recommended as a prophylactic in
african and malarial fevers.
Fever at noon =Stram---For fever at noon there is only one
drug. (Stram). A brilliant cure was made on this symptom
coupled with-facial muscles constantly play in delirium. Dr.
Fever catheter =Camph-ac---Is employed as prophylactic
for catheter fever in cystitis 15 grain three times a day also
prevention of night sweats.
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Fever consumptive.---Kali-c 30, Particularly if it sets in

after pleurisy.
Fever- continued milder type dry mouth without thirst. no
head and tail to the case =Puls.
Fever- continued milder type dry, cracked lips with
intense, thirst lies quiet =Brom.
Fever- continued milder type dry, cracked red face, with
watery eyes nose etc. lies drowsy =Gels.
Fever- continued milder type dusky face besotted eyes,
confused. sweat & excretions. offensive =Bapt.
Fever- continued milder type first stage of inflammation
pale anaemic subj. =Ferr-p.
Fever- continued milder type moist tongue with intense
thirst profuse sweat without relief =Merc-s.
Fever- continued milder type muscles stiff & sore. cannot
lie quiet. low grade delirium =Rhus-t.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness dry
skin intense thirst tosses in agony =Acon.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness on
cheek red other pale heat & chill intermingled moist skin
wetting hair =Cham.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness red
hot face, with paleness around mouth =Cina.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness run
higher at night great thirst and milky white tongue =Am-c.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness
sceptic fever. tongue smooth as vernished =Pyrog.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness sp.
face red and hot feels chilly by moving or uncovering =Nux
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness
sweat on covered parts jerks and twitches in sleep. =Bell.
Fever- continued violent type great heat and redness
tendency to spasm red streak on tongue =Verat-v.
Fever dengue =Eup-per., Acon., Bry., Rhus-t.
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Fever gradual =Ferr-p.--- Fever with gradual onset. Pale

complexion with red cheeks. Soft and rapid pulse.
Fever hay =All-c., Anthr., Ars., Psor.
Fever hay =Ars., All-c.---As a prophylactic may be given
for some time before the expected time for hay asthma.
Fever hectic =Bapt., Ars., Chin., Chinin.
Fever intermittent.---Ip 30.---In Malaria also. If the fever
rises at twelve to one afternoon , during day or in mid-
night Ars 200, if at 10to 11 am. Nat-m 200, If at 4-8 pm.
then Lyc 200. If all the limbs and bones pain then Eup-per
30. If every day exactly at the same time, Cedron 30.
Fever malaria =Ars., Chin-s., Eup-per., Gels., Malar.,
Nat-m., Sulph., Tere.
Fever mild =Gels.--- Summer colds with mild fever. Watery
discharge from nose with much sneezing. Dry cough with
sore throat.
Fever panama =Ars.---Better result are obtained.
Fever Periodic =Saba.---Is employed as prophylactic and
cures in autumnal periodic fevers.
Fever pneumonia =Hyos., Lach., Sang.
Fever prostration, with =Ars., Phos-a., Mur-ac.
Fever puerperal =Bapt., Glon., Kali-c., Sulph., Ferr.,
Puls., Lyc., Pyrog.
Fever puerperal =Pyrog.---Has demonstrated its great
value in preventing septic fevers especially puerperal.
Fever relapsing =Bry., Ars., Rhus-t., Bapt., Eup-per.
Fever remission =Tela.
Fever remittent.---Pyrog 200.---Is a burnett‟s remedy for
typhoid if constipation dominates, then Bry 12 or 30. If
watery stools dominates, then Rhus-t 30 is the remedy. At
the onset of the disease Typhoidinum 200. Keeps the
disease under control and it does not prolong. In puerperal
fever (Pertaining to child-birth) Pyrog 200 is the remedy.
Fever scarlatina =Bell.
Fever scarlet =Ail., Bell., Cham., Phyt., Scarl., Sulph.,
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Fever scarlet =Phyt., Rhus-t.---Preventive for smooth type

of scarlet fever.
Fever septic =Anthr., Ars., Pyrog.
Fever simple =Camph.---Mother tincture
Fever simple =Rhus-t. 30.---if from sudden cold after
being warm or exposure to coldness or rain after hot
Fever simple Cold =Acon 30.---If the fever is from cold,
then Acon 30. If after getting wet, Dulc 30.
Fever simple irregular =Ip 30.
Fever typhoid =Ars., Bapt., Bry., Carb-v., Hyos., Gels.,
Lach., Ph-ac., Rhus-t., Phos., Typhoid.---Medicines Mostly
Fever typhoid =Bapt =As a prophylactic for typhoid fever
it is well advised to 6x potency Bapt.
Fever yellow =Camph., Bry., Cadm., Ars., Cimic., Carb-
Feverish =Bry.
Feverish =Puls., Kali-i., Fl-ac.--- Feverish and heat,
without actual rise in temperature.
Fevers =Acon.--- Fevers;sudden onset;hot dry skin; often
one cheek red, other pale.
Fevers african =Ter., Ars., Crot-h.
Fibroids genitalia=Aur-m-n., Calc., Calc-f., Frax., Phos.,
Sep., Thyr., Ust.
Fibroma =Sil., Sec., Epih., Thyr.
Fibrosis =Pic-ac., Tub., Rhus-t., Sang.,Nat-c., Kali-c.,
Sulph., Psor.
Fidgety =Graph.---Fidgety while sitting at work (Zinc).
Fidgety =Kali-bi., Kali-br., Phos., Zinc.
Fidgety =Zinc.--- Feeble, fidgety, inactive.
Fidgety =Zinc.---Incessant and violent fidgety feeling in
feet or lower extremities; must ,move them constantly.
Fig-warts =Sabin.---Fig-warts with intolerable itching and
burning exuberant granulations (Thuj., Nit-ac.).
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Filaria =Calc-f., Ferr-p.

Filaria =Caps.---Twice daily is a preventive to filaria or
Calc-f and Ferr-p30x tablets thrice a day.
Filariasis = Ferr-p., Nux-v., Bry., Rhus-t., Nat-s., Kali-c.,
Nat-s., Med.
Filariasis =Ars., Sulph., Myris., Cedr., Fl-ac., Ham.,
Rhus-t., Bry., Apis., Hydrc., Vipera., Ferr-p., Nux-v.,
Nat-s., Kali-c., Med.
Filthy smell =Psor.---Body has a filthy smell even after
Financial=Ars., Aur., Calc-p. Con., Ign., Psor.
Fine needle workers engravers – see suited to =Arg-m.,
Crot-t., Nat-m., Ruta., Seneg.
Finger =Am-m.---Shooting in tips of finger and toes.
Finger bite habit =Arum-t., Carc., Op., Plb.---For
correcting finger bite.
Finger nail =Ant-c.---Crushed finger nail grow in splits, and
like warts with Horny Spots.
Fingers =Acon., Hep.
Fingers, boring in nose by children =Cina., Sulph.
Fingers, Crack =Calc., Nat-m., Petr.
Firy =Meli.--- Firy, flushed, face.
Fishbone sensation(throat) =Arg-n., Hep., Nit-ac., Kali-c.
Fissure = Ferr-P., Calc-P., Nat-ar., Graph., Aesc., Carb-
v., Sil.
Fissure =Aesc., Rat., Nit-ac., Coll., Paeon., Ham., Ferr-
p., Calc-p., Nat-ar., Graph., Carb-v., Sil.
Fissure =Rat.---Fissure of anus great sensitiveness of
rectum. Excruciating pains after stool burning after soft
stool (Nit-ac.).
Fissure cracks of =Graph.---Cracks of fissures in ends of
fingers, nipples, labial commissures; of anus between the
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Fissure in anus =Syph.---Fissures in anus and rectum

(Thuj) prolapse of rectum obstinate cases with a syphilitic
Fissure in rectum =Nit-ac.---Fissure in rectum tearing
spasmodic pains during stool lancinating even after soft
stools (Alumn., Nat-m., Rat.)
Fissure of anus =Graph., Nit-ac., Paeon., Sil.
Fissure pain rectum =Nit-ac.---Pain as if rectum or anus
were torn or fissured (Nat-m); violent cutting pains after
stool, lasting for hours (Rat., Sulph., during and after
Merc); Fissure in rectum : tearing, spasmodic pains during
stools; lancinating, even after soft stools (Alum., Nat-m.,
Fissured =Graph.--- Fat, foetid, fissured.
Fissures =Alum.---This remedy has fissures, He suffers
greatly from constipation, he does much straining, the
mucous membrane is thickened and swollen and hence we
have a fissure. If you look into the nature of Nit-ac.,
Caust., & Graph., you will find that they have a wonderful
record of curing a fissure.
Fissures =Caust.---In a woman, who is nursing a child the
milk almost disappears in consequence of fatigue, night
watching and anxiety. The nipples get sore and crack,
another instance of the tendency to form fissure.
Fissures =Rat.---Fissures of anus, great sensitiveness of
Fissures =Rat.---Fissures of nipples in nursing women
(Graph., Sep).
Fissures and cracks =Graph., Sil.
Fistula =Calc., Calc-p., Sil., Nit-ac.
Fistula =Nit-ac 6.--- This remedy slected for its special
action the outlet of the body where the mucus membrance
and skin meet.
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Fistula =Sil.---Fistula in ano alternates with chest

symptoms (Berb., Calc-p., ) fauces remain a long time in
the rectum. Fissure-ani great pain after stool.
Fistula in ano = Calc-P., Calc-s., Sil., Hep., Nit-ac., Fl-
ac., Sulph., Berb-v., Kali-c.
Fistula in ano =Sil.---Fistula in ano (Berb., Lach.) Fissures
and haemorrhoids painful with spasm of sphincter. Stool
comes down with difficulty when partly expelled recedes
again, faeces remain a long time in rectum. Constipation
always before and during menses.
Fistula, ailments from closing fistula by operation or
ointment =Berb., Calc-p., Kali-c.
Fistula, amelioration by cold =Fl-ac.
Fistula, anus always moist with pus =paen.
fistula, burning like fire before and after stool =Berb., Rat.
Fistula, highly sensitive & burning like fire =Kali-c.
Fistula, thin offensive pus, worse, walking & during stool,
better by warmth =Sil.
Fistula, very painful, relapsing & turning to boils =Hep.,
Fistula, with lung symptoms, result of operation for
removal =Calc-p.
Fixed =Thuj.--- Sycotic, sensitive, fixed (ideas).
Fixed ideas =Thuj.---Fixed ideas : as if a strange person
were at his side as if soul and body were separated; as if
living animals were in abdomen, of being under the
influence of a superior power.
Flabby =Am-c.--- Flabby, feeble, fainting.
Flatulence = Carb-v 30.---If it is in the lower portion of
the abdomen then Lyc 30.
Flatulence =Carb-v., Chin., Lyc., Arg-n., Kali-c., Nux-m.,
Flatulence =Carb-v.---Excessive flatulence, and distention
after operations on the abdomen. Abdomen is so full as if it
249… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

would brust but the abdomen is worse from least food the
condition becomes better from eructations and passing
Flatulence =Ter.---Abdomen extremely sensitive to touch
distension, flatulence excessive tympanitis; meteorism
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas as if it would burst
not relieved by passing flatus or eructation =Chin.
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas in whole of the
abdomen causes pressure upon organs of chest and
abdomen =Nux-m.
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas, worse immediately
after eating =Kali-c.
Flatulence- as if it would brust, bloating with stuffed
feeling =Puls.
Flatulence- as if it would brust, with upward pressure
Flatulence- as if it would brust, worse after eating =Kali-c.
Flatulence- as if it would burst, belching difficult, but
finally rushes with great noise =Arg-n.
Flatulence- distention, painful, colicky, =Cham.
flatulence- distention, painful, colicky, abdomen as if full
of stones or sharp sticks =Cocc.
Flatulence- distention, painful, not colicky, surface nerves
very sensitive to touch = Lach
Flatulence- distention, painful, not colicky, worse by
pressure, relieved by diarrhea =Colch.
Flatulence- distention, painless, mostly in upper part, wors
lying down apt. to occur with diarrhoea =Carb-v.
Flatulence- distention, painless, uncomfortable, pressing
downward. apt to occur with constipation =Lyc.
Flatulence- distention, painless, uncomfortable, protruded
here and there, great rumbling =Thuj.
Flatulence- distention, tympanities, excessive with glossy
tongue =Ter.
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Flatulence- distention, tympanities, hard, no flatus up or

down =Raph.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, belches wind
upward and passes flatus downward =Kali-c.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, collects here
& there, as it if were a lump =Carb-v.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, diarrhoea apt
to dysenteric type =Nux-v.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, gurgling as
from watery stool =Ph-ac.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, in the right
illeocaecal region =Nat-s.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, just before
stool =Aloe.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, relieved by
belching =Graph.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, sp. in the
ascending colon =Podo.
Flatulence- rumbling with stomach disorder, swashing in
the intestine =Croto-t.
Flatulence =Lyc.---has flatulence in the lower part of the
abdomen Flatulent, fatigued, satiety.
Flatulent =Ip.---Flatulent, cutting colic about umbilicus.
Flatus =Brom.---Loud-Noisy flatus from rectum.
Flatus =Brom.---Physometra loud emission of flatus from
the vagina (Lyc) membranous dysmenorrhea (Lac-c.)
Flatus =Lac-c.---Discharge of flatus from vagina (Brom.,
Lyc., Nux-m., Sang.)
Flatus =Aloe.--- is afraid of stool being slipped out while
passing flatus(Oleand).
Flatus, =Con.--- feels, the flatus, the stool, the urine, the
sweat, all cold.
Floating kidney : kidney failure =Aur-m 2x or 3x.Twice a
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Floating sensation =Valer.---Feels light as if floating in the

air (Asar., Lac-c., as of legs were floating. Stict).
Flower pollen =Sang.---Flower Pollen.
Flu =Acon., Eup-per., Gels., Camph., Achy-a.
Flushed =Meli.--- Firy, flushed, face.
Flushing in climacteric =Lach 200.
Flushings =Amyle-n.---Flushings : start from face,
stomach, various parts of body, followed by sweating,
often hot profuse; abruptly limited, parts below are icy
cold; followed by great prostration. Face flushes at the
slightest emotion (Coca., Ferr).
Foetal movements =Op---One of the chief remedies for
foetal movements when they become excessive.
Foetid =Graph.--- Fat, foetid, fissured.
Foetus =Lyc.---Foetus appears to be turning somersaults.
Foetus =Pyrog.---Foetus : or secundines retained,
decomposed, dead for days, black, horribly offensive
discharge; never well since septic fever, following abortion
of confinement. To arouse vital activity of uterus.
Foetus in Uterus =Plb.---Feels lack of room for foetus in
uterus; inability of uterus to expand; threatening abortion.
Fontanelles =Calc-p.---Retarded dentition especially in
second dentition.
Food =Nux-v.--- Nausea; vomiting; sour, bitter belching
especially after improper eating or overindulgence in food
or drink. Worse in the morning and after eating.
Food =Sil.---Constitutions which suffer from deficient
nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or in
quantity, but from imperfect assi-milation (Bar-c., Calc-
os); oversensitive, physically and mentally.
Food non-assimilation =Calc-p 1x.--- in water given half
an hour after food is very effective, if after taking
sufficient food the patient, adult or child, complains of
252… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Food poisoning =Ars.

Food Poisoning =Echi.---Food Poisoning cases to be
repeated frequently.
Foods disagree =Carb-v.--- All foods disagree, turn to gas,
especially fats. Gas worse lying down.
Foods rich =Puls.--- Stomach upsets from rich foods.
Aversion to fats.
Foot =Apis.---Toes and the whole foot seem to be too large
and very sensitive to touch.
Forehead =All-c.--- Headache, mostly in forehead.
Forehead =Arn.---Aching in the forehead, shooting through
the temples.
Forehead =Aur.---Beating through the brain to forehead.
Forehead eruptions =Led., Nat-m., Sep.
Forehead heaviness =Acon., Bell., Nat-m., Sec.
Foreign bodies =Sil.---Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies
from the tissues; fish bones, needles, bone splinters.
Foreign=Acon., Sil., Hep., Lob., Myris., Calen.
Forgetful =Anac.---Over exerted mind, forgetful, absent
Forgetful =Sel.---Very forgetful in business, but during
sleep dreams of what he had forgotten.
Forgetful very =Lac-c.---Very forgetful, absent-minded
makes purchases and walks away without them (Agn.,
Anac., Caust., Nat-m).
Forgetful very =Lac-c.---Very forgetful, absent-minded;
makes purchases and walks away without them (Agn.,
Anac., Caust., Nat-m).
Forgetfulness =Cann-i.---Forgets his last words and ideas;
begins a sentence, forgets what he intends to speak;
inability to recall any thought or event on account of other
thought crowding his brain (Anac., Lac-c).
Forgetfulness of old persons =Lyc., Ph-ac., Bar-c.
253… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Forgets or loses his way in well-known streets =Glon.

Formication =Acon., Agar., Nat-m.
Formication =Sec.
Formication affected part =Coloc.
Formication angina during =Dig.
Formication anxiety with =Cist.
Formication bad news after =Calc-p.
Formication body, around =Helo.
Formication cold =Agar., Frax., Lac-c.
Formication dyspnea with =Cist.
Formication emissions, after seminal =Mez.
Formication here and there =Op.
Formication menses before =Ant-t.
Foul =Psor.--- Foul, fatigued, fear (of cold).
Fractures of bones =Arn., Symph., Ruta.
Fragmentry provings =Vario.---Only fragmentary provings.
Framboesia, or yaws =Jatr., Merc-n.
Freckles =Nit-ac., Ferr-ma., Kali-c., Sep.
Frenzy =Canth.--- Burning, dribbling, frenzy.
Frequent burning =Canth.--- Cystitis; frequent burning,
painful urination.
Frequent micturation =Ter.---for pain in bowels with
frequent micturation.
Frequent urging =Rauw.--- Frequent urging for urination
every 2hrly.
Fright =Acon.--- Ailments from fright; sudden onset and
intense symptoms.
Fright =Hyper.---For ill Effect of shock fright &
Fright =Op.---Fright-complaints from., history of fright
years back.
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Fright ailments from =Aur., Lyc., ---Ailments from fright,

anger, contradictions, mortification, vexation, dread or
reserved displeasure (Staph).
Fright =Acon.--- is curative in ailments from fright- mental
or physical.
Fright, ailments from =Acon., Ign., Op., Aur., Lyc.
Fright, fear & exciting news bad effects =Gels.---Bad
effects from fright, fear exciting news and sudden
emotions (Ign- from pleasant surprise, Coff).
Fright, grief, mental disturbances =Plat.---Mental
disturbances after fright, grief, vexation; onanism, pride.
Frightened =ACON., Canth.
Frightened mind =Bac.---Mind given to be frightened
particularly by dogs.
Frigidity of female =Dam.
Frontal headache =Adren.---Frontal headache,
supraorbital, with congested nose and eyes.
Frost bite =Camph., Chion., Agar., Ferr-p., Puls., Fl-ac.,
Zinc., Petr., Phos., Sil., Tam.
Frost bite =Camph.---Rubbing with the least protected
parts before the exposure to cold.
Frost bite =Give Puls for a month, then for another month
Sulph or Fl-ac and third month come back to Puls. In fact
the preventive treatment must be carried on for a long
Frozen shoulders/stiffness shoulders =Thiosin., Ferr.,
Rhus-t., Ruta., Sang.
Full =Ferr-ar.--- Full, relaxed, heavy.
Fullness =Aesc.--- Vascular, haemorrhoidal, fullness feeling
of all parts.
Fullness =Ail.--- confused, congestive, fullness.
Fullness =Aur-s.--- Prostrated, dropsical, fullness.
Fullness =Bar-i.--- Convulsive, congestive, fullness.
Fullness =Bar-s.--- Faint, feeble, fullness.
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Fungal nail infection =Sil., Ant-c.--- Fungal nail infection.

Fungus growth, corns, warts =Thuj., Caust., Nit-ac.
Furunculosis=Arn., Bell-p., Calen., Squil., Ter.
Gait =Aster.---Gait unsteady, muscles refuse to obey the
will (Alum., Gels).
Galactorrhea=Salv., Calc.
Gall bladder, post operative cases = Lept 3.---its
symptoms are jaundice and enfeebled portal circulation
with black, tarry stools.
Gallstone = Chin., Dios., Bell., Calc., Lyc., Berb., Chel.,
Gallstone =Bell., Berb., Chel., Lyc., Nat-s., calc., Chin.,
Dios., Card-m.
Gallstone colic =Chin 6x.---6 pills twise a day till 10 doses
are taken , then 6 pills every other day till 10 doses are
taken , then 6 pills every other day till 10 doses are taken
, then at last one dose only a month
Gallstone Colic =Chol.---Almost specific for gallstone-stone
colic, relieves the distress at once, and this after failure
with Nux-v. China., Carduous., Podo., and other apparently
well selected remedies.
Gallstone pain =Calc., Berb., Chin., Chol., Lyc.
Gallstone.---Card-m. Q.---Dr. S.R. Wadia of Bombay(NJH-
Nov; Dec., 92) gives a case of gallstone –a female of 105
kgs. With sedentary habits, Card-m Q was given for a year;
all the complaints disappeared with improved digestion.
Gall-stones =Chel.---Gall-stones with pain under the right
shoulder-blade (Terrible attack of gall stone colic Card-m).
Gallstones =Chion.---Prevents formation of gall stones and
promotes the discharge of those already formed.
Gall-stones removal =Chel.---Use tincture which is a head
remedy for gall-stones. If taken for long, it expels stones
from the gall-bladder and prevents their formation.
Gall-stones removal =Hydr.---Mother tincture 5 to 10
drops in hot water. Its action on liver is marked.
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Ganglion =Ruta., Benz-ac.

Gangrene =Ars., Ign., Op.
Gangrene =Calen.---It is said, will largely prevents scars
also gangrene and tetanus when used as a dressing on
wounds after injuries.
Gangrene =Echi.---Five to ten drops every two hours
internally of mother tincture is best.
Gangrene =Sec-c.---Gangrene dry senile, <from external
heat. Large ecchymosis; blood blisters; often
commencement of gangrene.
Gangrene =Sul-ac.--- In painful gangrenous wounds said to
destroy septic germs. Prevents excessive suppuration of
Gangrenous =Anthr.---Gangrenous ulcers felon carbuncle
erysipelas of malignant type. Felon the worst cases with
sloughing and terrible burning pain (Ars., Carb-ac., Lach).
Malignant pustules; black or blue blisters; often fatal in
twenty-four or forty-eight hours (Lach., Pyrog.) carbuncles
with horrible burning pains discharge of ichorous offensive
pus. Suspicious insect sting. If the swelling changes color
and red streaks from the wound map out the course of
lymphatics (Lach., Pyrog).carbuncles; with horrible burning
pains. Discharge of ichorous offensive pus. Suspicious insect
stings. If the swelling changes colour and red streaks from
the wound map out the course of lymphatics (Lach.,
Gas = Abis-c.---Bowel constipated palpitation owing to
accumulation of gas in intestines.
Gas in the stomach =Calc-p.---1st to 3rd trituration or
higher is almost an infallible remedy for excessive
accumulation of gas.
Gas with colic =Mag-p.--- Colic with gas, better from
gentle pressure and warmth.
Gasping air =Ip.--- Gasping for air.
257… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gastralgia =Iris.---has been for many years one of the

foremost remedies. Use 30 potency.
Gastralgia =Nux-v.---is an excellent remedy for gastric
Gastralgia =Petr.---Gastralgia of pregnancy, with pressing,
drawing pains, whenever stomach is empty, relieved by
constant eating (Anac., Chel., All-c.).
Gastric =Ant-c.---Gastric and intestinal catarrh, caused by
hot weather during measles, gout and rheumatic caused by
sour wine, bathing in the river, exposure to cold and over-
eating. Symptoms seem to gather round about the stomach,
condition worse in night and in the morning.
Gastric =Atro., Arg-n., Bell., Anac.
Gastric =Colch.---Gastric disturbance specially gastralgia.
associated with gout or rheumatism, or following
suppressed gout, always nausea with annoyance of food,
the smell of food being particularly hostile.
Gastric acid conditions=Nat-p.---It is indicated in gastric
and intestinal disturbances with acid conditions of the
stomach, sour eructation.
Gastric affections =Bry.---Gastric affection, dry mouth and
tongue, tongue coated white and giddy. Forehead heavy
when stooping or rising bitter taste of food.
Gastric and bilious =Tarax.---For gastric and bilious
attacks, especially gastric headache, with mapped tongue.
Gastric and intestinal =Ant-c.---Gastric and intestinal
affections; from bread and pastry; acids, especially
vinegar; sour or bad wine; after cold bathing; over-heating;
hot weather.
Gastric inflammatory =Bry.---Gastric inflammatory
affections and disordered stomach, gastric affections in
young girls from suppression of the menstrual flow, gastritis
– gastroenteritis.
Gastric irritation =Cadm-s.---A great remedy in the gastric
irritation of carcinoma and great Palliative.
258… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gastric problems =Cabo-v., Puls., Calc.

Gastric troubles =Nux-v.---for asthma from gastric
Gastric ulcer =Cund.---Use tincture 5 drops doses before
meals in water. Also 30th potency .
Gastric ulcer =Hep.---A case of gastric ulcer with a recent
history if haematemesis and a craving (surely unusual in
that disease) for vinegar and pickles cured up rapidly under
which has that craving.
Gastric ulcer =Uran-n.---arrests the formation of gastric
Gastritis =Nux-v. Puls., Ant-c., Cham., Nat-p., Merc-s.,
Iris., Sul-ac., Carb-v., Lyc., Arg., Nit-ac. China., Ars.
Gastritis =Ars.--- for all forms of gastritis and in all its
Gastro intestinal and alcoholism =Nux-v. 30, 200, 1M.---
When there is gastro intestinal problem, anorexia,
inffectual desire for stool and irritability & nervousness &
alcoholism symptoms + Liver Tests – Bilrubin Count –
Gastrodynia =Nux-v., Ars., Oxal., Bism.
General weakness problems =Chin., Sep., Kali-p., Calc-p.
Genitalia female abortion =Bell., Sabin., Vib.
Genitalia female aversion to coition =Sep.
Genitalia female cancer =Con.---Uterus.
Genitalia female cancer =Graph.---Cervic uteri.
Genitalia female cancer =Kreos.---Uterus with
Genitalia female cancer =Lach.---uterus-bluish, bleeds.
Genitalia female cancer =Phos.---Uterus, profuse bleeding.
Genitalia female excrescences =Nit-ac., Thuj.
Genitalia female intolerance of pressure in uterine region
259… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Genitalia female leucorrhoea =Alum., Ars., Iod., Kreos.,

Nat-m., Puls., Sep.
Genitalia female nymphomania =Canth., Hyos., Lil-t.,
Murx., Phos., Plat., Grat.
Genitalia female painful dysmenorrhoea =Cham., Cimic.,
Mag-p., Vib., Sulph., Bell., Bor., Cocc., Coff., Puls., Sep.
Genitalia female prolapsus of uterus =Bell., Lil-t., Murx.,
Podo., Plat., Nat-m., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep.
Genitalia female stoppage of menses =Kali-c., Puls., Sil.,
Genitalia female vicarious menstruation =Bry., Ham.,
Phos., Senec.
Genitalia hair falls off the pubes =Nit-ac.
Genitalia handles genitals-Hyos., Merc.
Genitalia itching of scrotum =Crot-t., Graph., Petr., Rhus-
Genitalia phimosis =Merc., Nit-ac., Sulph.
Genitalia pull sat the penis =Canth., Merc.
Genitalia seminal emissions, bad effect of.---Lyc., Nux-v.,
Phos., Ph-ac., Sel., Staph., Sulph.
Genitalia vagina dry and flatus escapes there from =Lyc.
Genitals =Mur-ac.---Cannot bear least touch, not even of
sheet on genitals (Murex).
Genitals =Sars.---Intolerable stench on genital organs, fluid
pollutions, bloody, seminal emission (Led., Merc.).
Genitals =Zinc---Has a strong action on the generation
sphere and a notable symptom is the patient is continually
pressing on the pubes or applying the hand to the genitals.
Genitals burning, hot =Coff., Tarent.
Genitals female abortion caused by fright or anger =Acon.
Genitals female abortion due to contraction of uterus =Sec.
Genitals female abortion due to mechanical injury =Arn.
Genitals female abortion due to non development of uterus
260… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Genitals female abortion impending abortion with

characteristic pain =Vib.
Genitals female abortion threatened miscarriage with
flying pains =Acet-ac.
Genitals female abortion threatenedi abortion at third
month =Sabin.
Genitals female abortion with dark or black clotted flow
Genitals female abortion withour much pain =Sep.
Genitals female bearing down pains, morning, walking
=Nat-m., Ferr-i.
Genitals female bearing down pains, relieved by pressing
up with hands =Lil-t.
Genitals female bearing down pains, relieved by sitting
with legs crossed =Sep.
Genitals female bearing down pains, with uncontrolable
sex desire =Murex.
Genitals female bearing down pains, with lack of sex desire
Genitals female bearing down pains, worse from standing,
sitting erect =Bell.
Genitals female excessive sexual desire but so sensitive
cannot bear to be touched =Plat., Mur-ac.
Genitals female excessive sexual desire excited by least
contact of the part =Murex.
Genitals female excessive sexual desire uncontrolable &
leading to mania =Phos.
Genitals female labour pains mouth of uterus is tight
=Bell., Gels.
Genitals female labour pains, severe labour pains, patient
cries in fear =Coff., Cham.
Genitals female labour pains, artificial labour pain from
three months before =Mit.
Genitals female labour pains, irregular spasmodic labour
pains =Caul.
261… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Genitals female labour pains, mouth is open but labour is

delayed for want of sharp pain =Sec.
Genitals female labour pains, mouth of uterus does not
open for want of sharp pain =Puls.
Genitals female labour pains, placenta descending
down=Cinamonim Q, Aletris-f Q.
Genitals female labour pains, placenta retained in the
womb =Puls.
Genitals female lack of sexual desire aversion sp. with
prolapsus =Sep.
Genitals female lack of sexual desire due to ovarian excess
Genitals female lack of sexual desire painfull coitus =Sep.,
Genitals female lack of sexual desire sexual shyness
Genitals female ovarian colic burining pains =Ars.
Genitals female ovarian colic sensation of swelling =Arg-n.
Genitals female ovarian crampy pain relieved pressure
Genitals female ovarian dropsy =Apis., Col., Iod.
Genitals female ovarian inflammation left sided =Lac-c.
Genitals female ovarian inflammation right sided =Apis.
Genitals female ovarian inflammation suppuration of ovary
=Hep., Plat.
Genitals female ovarian left ovary =Lach.
Genitals female ovarian tumors =Iod.
Genitals female ovarian with pain running down the thigh
Genitals female uterine colic great burning pain =Canth.
Genitals female uterine colic relieved by heat =Mag-p.
Genitals female uterine colic relived by flow =Lach.
Genitals female uterine colic relived by pressure =Coloc.
Genitals female uterine displacement great debllity
262… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Genitals female uterine displacement piles and backache

Genitals female uterine displacement various
displacements =Helon., Lil-t.
Genitals female uterine during flow =nux-v.
genitals female uterine prolapsus enlarged & indurated
=Aur., Hell.
Genitals female uterine prolapsus from straining or child
birth =Podo., Rhus-t.
Genitals female uterine prolapsus with pelvic symptoms =
Genitals female uterine tumors with haemorrhage =Lap-a.
Genitals female uterine tumors with ulceration =Kreos.
Genitals impotence bad effect of wine and idle living or
masturbation =Nux-v.
Genitals impotence excessive sexual desire, inspite of
weakly constitution =Kali-c., Mosh., Tarent.
Genitals impotence genitals relaxed =Ph-ac., Calad.
Genitals impotence genitals shrivelled =agar.
genitals impotence intense desire but unable to penetrate
Genitals impotence of old people or liver patients =Lyc.
Genitals impotence physical and mental weakness physical
and mental weakness due to sexual excess =Ph-ac.
Genitals impotence sexual desire obliterated =Kali-p.
Genitals impotence strong desire with terrific errection
following corresponding weakness =Pic-ac., Aur
Genitals impotence strong desire, slow ejaculation but
quick emission =Sel.
Genitals inflamed =Rhus-t.---External genitals inflamed,
erysipelatous oedematous.
Genitals male hydrocele after bruises =Con.
Genitals male hydrocele caused by hurt injury =Arn.
Genitals male hydrocele of children =Abrot.
263… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Genitals male hydrocele of congenintal form =Puls.

Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles due to sexual excitement =Sars.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles from suppression of gonorrhoea =Puls., Clem.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles left sided worse by least movement =Spong.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles rheumatic origin very sensitive to touch =Rhod.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles right sided syphilitic origin =Aur.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles sore feeling and involuntary discharge =Arg-n.
Genitals male inflammation of spermatic chord and
testicles testes crushed =Ox-ac.
Genitals male involuntary discharge of semen
(spermatorrhoea) frequent emission during sleep =Phos.,
Genitals male involuntary discharge of semen
(spermatorrhoea) old haggard looking =Con., Zinc.
Genitals male involuntary discharge of semen
(spermatorrhoea) parts masturbation sp. at night =Gels.
Genitals male involuntary discharge of semen
(spermatorrhoea) weakness from sexual excess =Ph-ac.
Genitals male involuntary discharge of semen
(spermatorrhoea) weak feeling in knees afterward =Dios.
Genitals, eruption =Rhus-t., Petr., Sulph.
Genitals, itching =Coff., Rad-br., Nat-m.
Genitals, offensive odour =Sars., Sulph., Thuj.
Georged =Aur.--- Georged, plethoric, indurated.
Giardia=Chin., Ars., Cina., Nat-p.
Giddiness =Arg-n., Coloc., Sil.
Giddiness =Caust., Puls., Kali-p.
Gingivtis=Kreos., Merc., Nat-m., Phos., Sil.
Gland =Calc.--- Gland hard and painfully swelled.
264… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gland =Calc.---The patient is unable to digest lime, he

goes into state with enlarged glands, emaciation of, the
neck and of the limbs while the fat and glands of the belly
increase. Enlarged glands etc. Nodules in the abdomen.
Gland =Dros., Tub.---Cervical glands enlargement and
induration-with tubercular family history have been helped
Gland =Phyt.---Parotid and submaxillary glands indurated
after diphtheria, scarlet fever. Mammae full of hard and
painful nodosities. Breast shows an early tendency to full
stony hard and painful especially when suppuration is
inevitable; when child pain goes from nipple all over body
(Goes to back Crot-t., to uterus, Puls., Sil).
Gland Goitre =Brom., Carb-an., Con., Spong., Iod.
Gland parotid =Rhus-t.
Glanders=Ars., Kali-bi., Lach., Merc.
Glands =Agn., Juglans., Phos.
Glands =Bac.---Glands of both groins enlarged and
indurated, cries out in sleep, strawberry tongue. Indurated
and palpable glands everywhere. Inguinal glands indurated
and visible excessive sweats, chronic diarrhoea. Glands of
neck enlarged and tender.
Glands =Carb-an.---Glands indurated, swollen, painful in
neck, axillae, groin, mammae pains lancinating cutting
burning (Con).
Glands =Carb-s.---Glands, specially of axilla inguinal and
mamary swelling, hard and painful.
Glands =Cic.------ Glands, swolled and suppurating.
Glands =Con.---Glandular induration of stony hardness of
mammae and testicles in persons of cancerous tendency
after bruises and injuries of glands (Compare , aster. Rub).
Breast sore hard and painful before and during
menstruation (Lac-c., Kali-c).
265… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Glands =Iod.---Hypertrophy and induration of glandular

tissue-thyroid, mammae, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate
or other glands, breasts may dwindle and become flabby.
Glands =Med.---Great heat and soreness with enlargement
of lymphatic glands all over body.
Glands =Mers-s.--- Glands, inflamed and swelled.
Glands- buboes (of the groin) hard like stone =Carb-an.,
Glands- buboes (of the groin) suppurating forming pus
Glands- buboes (of the groin) throbbing radiating redness
Glands- general enlargement and induration of glands
=Iod., Brom.
Glands- general enlargement of all glands except the
mammary =Iod.
Glands- general enlargement of lymphatic glands. sp.
buboes =Carb-an., Bad.
Glands- general gland in neck, under jaws, behind ears. sp.
tonsils =Bar-c.
Glands- general glands hard and sore from every little cold
Glands- general glandular swelling with sore mouth =Merc.
Glands- general lymph glands of neck axillae etc. =Calc-c.,
Glands- general rough nodular over skin =Kali-i
Glands- general stony hardness of glands addicted =Con.,
Glands- general tissue pile up here & there into nodules
Glands- general with dark purplish hue =Lach.
Glands- goitre(of the thyroid) hard and large =Spong.
Glands- goitre(of the thyroid) hard without pains =Iod.,
Glands- goitre(of the thyroid) with burning pains =Lap-a.
266… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) excess of milk, pains

streaking up and down =Phyt.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) hard on palpation
cutting pain =Brom.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) hard, little nodes
with burning =Carb-an.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) induration or atrophy
of the glands =Iod.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) pain from nipple to
back, when child nurses =Crot-t.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) pain in milk-ducts
between acts of nursing =Phel.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) pale-red with
stitching pains =Bry.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) radiated redness &
throbbing =Bell.
Glands- mastitis(of mammary glands) stony hard without
pain =Con.
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) discharge of purulent matter
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) face puffed & pale =Calc-c.
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) hot red & swollen =Bell.
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) large indurated painful
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) purple discharge thin and
excoriating =Lach.
Glands- mumps(parotid gland) restless & moaning =Ars.,
Glands swelling = Rhus-t., Merc., Aur.
Glands swelling =Bar-c.---Swelling and indurations or
incipient suppuration of glands especially cervical and
Glands, malignant of the neck =Cist.---Give 30th potency
. Locally use the tincture diluted as a wash to arrest fetid
267… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Glands, stony hard =Brom., Con., Carb-an.

Glands-mumps(parotid gland)with scarlatina =Rhus-t.
Glandular =Bar-c.--- Dwarfish, delayed, glandular.
Glandular =Bar-m.--- Timid, glandular, lassitude.
Glandular =Brom.--- Croupous, glandular, induration.
Glandular =Clem.--- Glandular, swelled, painful.
Glandular =Kali-i.--- Burning, glandular, catarrhal.
Glandular =Merc.---Glandular and scrofulous affections of
Glandular =Merc-i-f.--- Glandular, swelling, side (right).
Glandular =Phyt.--- Aching, indurating, glandular.
Glandular complaints =Con.---Is the specific remedy for
glandular hardness, mammary tumors or beginning of
cancer best in higher potencies given infrequently,
especially for glandular growth or hardness.
Glandular swelling =Iod 3x.---Check glandular swelling.
Glandular swellings =Bell., Bar-c., Arum-t., Calc-c.,
Merc-s., Nit-ac., Hep., Sil.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Glass sensation =Thuj.---Sensation as if body, especially
limbs were made of glass and could break easily.
Glaucoma=Com., Phos., Gels., Acon., Bell., Bry., Jab.,
Osm., Phys., Rhus-t., Spig., Cocc., Sulph., Aur. ---
Remedies Normally Used.
Gleet = Kali-i., Sulph., Sep., Puls., Nat-m.---Remedies
Normally Used.
Gliding sensation =Asar.---The sensation of gliding while
walking is strong under.
Globus hystericus=Ign., Asaf.
Glossitis=Apis., Crot-c., Crot-h., Lach.
Goiter = Spong., Iod., Phyt., Graph. Lyc., Brom., Fl-ac.,
Goitre =Brom.---Hard goitre cured after Iod.
Goitre =Calc., Iod., Spong., Phyt., Graph.
Goitre =Calc-i.---Breasts very small with Goitre.
268… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Goitre =Dros 200.---In goitre cases Dros-200, where

protrusion of eyes is prominent, has cured cases-Dros 200
has been said to be given at interval of month.
Goitre =Iod.---Hard goitre in dark-haired persons (light-
haired, Brom); feels > after eating.
Goitre =Iodum 6x.---Is almost most specific for this
Goitre =Spong.---Thyroid glands swollen even with chin;
with suffocative paroxysms at night, goitre.
Goitre swelling =Spong.---Swelling and induration of
glands; goitre (Brom).
Gonorrhea =Nat-s 3x.---five tablets , four times a day
together with a dose of thuj 3 once a day.It would rapidly
Gonorrheal =Med.--- Sycotic, sensitive, gonorrheal.
Gonorrhoea =Cann-s.---Specially in first stage, also simple
urethritis much burning and smarting, discharge not
Gonorrhoea =Hydr., Merc., Petr., Sel., Canth., Thuja.,
Puls., Sep.---Main Medicines.
Gonorrhoea =Hydr.---gonorrhoea second stage, thick,
yellow discharge.
Gonorrhoea =Merc-s.---Gonorrhoea; with Phimosis or
chancroids; green discharge, <at night; urging to urinate;
intolerable burning in forepart of urethra when passing last
few drops; prepuce hot, swollen, oedematous and sensitive
to touch; of a torpid character; with threatening or
suppurating bubo.
Gonorrhoea =Sars.---Gonorrhoea checked by cold, wet
weather or mercury followed by rheumatism.
Gonorrhoea =Veiscaria communis.---A magic for curing
the chronic and acute cases of gonorrhoea.
269… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gonorrhoea acute inflammatory stage=Cann-s.---Acute,

inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea (Second stage, burning
after urination, discharge thick, yellow, pus-like Cub).
Gonorrhoea suppressed =Med.---The feet were so tender
that the man had to walk on his knees. A case cured by Dr.
Gonorrhoea suppressed =Thuj.---Suppressed gonorrhoea;
causing particular rheumatism; prostatitis; sycosis;
impotence, condylomata & many constitutional troubles.
Gout & rheumatism =Arn.---Gout and rheumatism, with
great fear of being touched or struck by a person coming
near him. Sore, lame, bruised feeling all through the body,
as if beaten; traumatic affections of muscles.
Gout =Benz-ac., Led., Urt-u., Colch., Guai., Berb., Arn.,
Frag., Graph., Abort., Coloc.---Remedies Normally Used.
Gout =Benz-ac.---A gouty rheumatic diathesis engrafted on
a gonorrheal or syphilitic patient. Gouty concretions
arthritis voga; affects all the joints, especially the knee
cracking on motion, nodosities (Berb., Lith-c., Lyss). Useful
after Colch, fails in gout after abuse of Cop., in suppression
of gonorrhea.
Gout =Colch.---Adapted to the rheumatic gouty diathesis
person of robust vigorous constitutions disease of old
people. Compare Bry. In rheumatic gout with serous
effusions in rheumatism in warm weather.
Gout =Frag.--- Prevents attacks of gout.
Gout =Gaul.---In acute gouty pain.
Gout =Led.---Adapted to the rheumatic gouty diathesis
constitutions abused by alcohol (Colch). Rheumatism or
gout begins in lower limbs and ascends (Descends., Kalmia)
especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse
of Colch; joints become the seat of nodosities and Gout
stones which are painful acute and chronic arthritis.
270… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gout =Lyc.---Gout with increased levels of uric-acid in

blood serum.
Gout =Rhod.---Gout with fibrous deposit in great toe-joint,
rheumatic often mistaken for bunion (Colch., Led).
Gout =Urt-u.---10 drops of tincture twice a day. Also good
for rheumatism.
Gout, joints =Urt-u-Q., Benz-ac., Led.
Gouty =Benz-ac.--- Weary, urinous, gouty.
Gouty =Benz-ac.---Gouty concretions arthritis vaga affects
all the joints especially the knee cracking on motion
nodosities (Berb., Lith-c., Lyss).
Gouty =Caul.--- Gouty, drawing, shifting.
Gouty =Colch.--- Gouty with nausea.
Gouty =Guai.--- Gouty, rigid, rheumatic.
Gouty =Led.--- Gouty, craves, cold.
Gouty =Merc-i-f.--- Glandular, suppurating, gouty.
Gouty =Ruta.--- Gouty, wrist and ankles specially.
Gouty arthritis = Ferr-p., Puls., Kali-s., Led., Caust.,
Sulph., Guai., Calc., Syph., Med.
Gouty pain =Elat-e.--- Gouty pain in great toes, sharp pain
in fingers thumb, knee, toes & in steps.
Grandual =Chin-ar.--- Chlorotic, grandual, weakness.
Grandual =Vespa.--- Grandual, physical, prostration.
Grandular =Cis.--- Grandular, swelled, suppurative.
Grandular diseases =Carb-an.---Grandular diseases of the
schirrhous nature, with fetid discharge, accompanied by
immense debility and prostration.
Granulating scar =Graph.--- For granulating scar.
Grave =Crot-h.--- Grave, rapid, affection.
Gravel =Coc-c., Ph-ac., Graph., Chin-s., Sep. Ox-ac.,
Sars..---Remedies Normally Used.
Gray Hair =Ph-ac.---Hair turns gray early.
Greasy skin =Nat-m., Bry., Caust.
271… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Great giddiness =Con.---Great giddiness. Everything in the

room seems to go around. Vertigo worse from stooping. The
slightest spiritous drink intoxicates him. Vertigo when
turning the head, like turning in a circle, when rising from
a seat; worse when lying down, as though the bed were
turning in a circle; when turning in bed or when looking
around. The vertigo most common in Con is that which
comes on while lying in bed rolling the eyes or turning the
Great thirst =Sulph.---Great thirst, little sppetite.
Great Weakness =Psor.---Great weakness and debility,
remaining after acute diseases.
Greedy & miserly =Lyc.---Greedy & miserly; intolerant of
contradiction; ailments going from right to left;
aggravation of complaints from 4 to 8 PM. Are key
Grief sorrow & fright =Lach.---Ailments from long lasting
grief; sorrow fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed love
(Aur., Ign., Ph-ac.).
Grief & sorrow ailments from =Caust.---Ailments; from
long-lasting grief and sorrow (Ph-ac); from loss of sleep,
night watching (Cocc., Ign.); from sudden emotions, fear,
fright, joy (Coff., Gels); from anger or vexation; from
suppressed eruptions.
Grief =Ign.---Ailments from grief or subdued mental
Grief =Mang., Staph.--- Chronic effect of grief/anger.
Grief ailments from =Calc-p.---Ailments from grief,
disappointed love (Aur., Ign., Ph-ac.).
Grief ailments from =Calc-p.---Ailments from grief,
disappointed love (Aur., Ign., Ph-ac).
Grief or misdeeds, of others ailments =Colch.---Ailments;
from grief or misdeeds of others (Sulph).
272… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Grief shock and disappointment =Ign.--- Bad effects grief,

worry, shock, and disappointment.
Grief worry =Ign.--- Bad effects of grief, worry, shock, and
Grief, effects of =Ign., Nat-m., Caust.
Grief, sorrow ailments from =Ph-ac.---Ailments; from
care, chagrin, grief, sorrow, homesickness (Ign); sleepy,
disposed to weep; night-sweats towards morning.
Grievances =Ph-ac.---is curative in chronic complaints
from grievances.
Grinding of teeth =Cina., Bell., Calc.
Gripe of children =Cham., Coloc., Mag-p.
Growing =Stann.--- Growing feeble.
Growth disorders=Bar-c., Calc-p., Calc-p.
Guillain =Carc., Con., Lath., Thuj.
Gumboil=Bell., Merc., Hecla., Phos.
Gums =Carb-v., Kreos., Lach., Merc., Nit-ac.
Gums =Carb-v.---gums painfully sensitive while chewing.
Gums abscess =Hecla.--- Gum abscess.
Gums bleeding =Carb-v., Merc., Nit-ac.
Gums boil =Hecla 3x.---also useful in toothache with
swelling about jaws and abscess of gum.
Gums diseases =Merc., Carb-v., Bell., Hep., Sil., Nit-ac.
Gums painful =Merc.
Gums swollen =Merc., Bell.
Gums swollen =Plb.---Distinct blue line along margin of
gums; gums swollen, pale. Show a lead-coloured line.
Gums swollen-spongy =Merc-s.--- Gums swollen-spongy.
Gums together =Zinc.---In case there is a tendency to
press the gums together or gnashing of teeth during
difficult dentition, loosening of teeth & bleeding gums.
273… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gums ulcers on =Merc.---Ulcers on gums tongue, throat,

inside of the cheek, with profuse salivation irregular in
shape, edges undefined; have dirty and unhealthy look.
Gums, bleeding =Carb-v., Lach., Merc., Nit-ac., Phos..---
Remedies Normally Used.
Gums, painful boil and swelling =Bor., Bell., Merc.
Gums, receding =Am-c., Merc., Carb-v.
Gums-rash =Cham., Ant-c.
Gunshot=Arn., Arn., Calen., Hyper., Led.---Medicines
Mostly Prescribed.
Gush =Crot-t.--- Swashing, sudden, gush.
Gush =Gam.--- Stool, sudden, gush.
Gushing bright =Ip.--- Gushing of bright, red blood.
Gutkha & pan masala =Daph., Thuj.---Take a way craving
for gutkha & Pan Masala.
Habit of cracking =Meph.--- Habit of cracking knuckles.
Haematemesis =Ger.---Haematemesis –large quanitities of
blood was being vomited-the blood clogged the air passages
causing breathing problem. Geranium Maculatum Q-15
drops 3-4 times daily.
Haematemesis =Ham., Ip., Arn.,
Haematuria =Sars., Hep., Lyc.
Haematuria =Ter.---Haematuria; blood thoroughly mixed
with the urine; sediment, like coffee-grounds; cloudy,
smoky, albuminous; profuse, dark or black, painless.
Congestion and inflammation of viscera; kidneys, bladder,
lungs, intestines, uterus; with haemorrhage, and malignant
Haematuria =Thlaspi.---Give Mother tincture 5 or 6 drops
every four hours.
Haemicrania=Ol-an., Onos., Sep., Stann., Coff.
Haemiopia =Lith., Lyc., Mur-ac., Aur.
274… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Haemiplegia=Olnd., Cocc., Both.

Haemoglobin, to raise = Ferr-p. 3x., Sulphanilamide.
Haemoglobinuria=Pic-ac., Phos.
Haemophilia=Crot-c., Ferr., Hir., Lach., Lat-m., Nit-ac.,
Phos., Nat-sil.
Haemoptysis =Acalph-ind.--- It is a successful remedy in
profuse haemoptysis and haemorrhage from lungs and
during paroxysms of cough in phthisical patients. It is more
effective than justicia adhotada in these troubles (Acalpha-
ind). Miracle of mother Tinctures.
Haemoptysis =Ham.---Haemoptysis : tickling cough, with
taste of blood or sulphur; venous, without effort or
coughing; sometimes monthly, for years.
Haemoptysis =Mill.---Haemoptysis : after injury; in
incipient phthisis; in haemorrhoidal patients; from a
ruptured blood vessel. Cough ; with raising of bright blood;
in suppressed menses or haemorrhoids; with oppression and
palpitation; after a fall from a height (Arn); from violent
exertion with blood daily at 4 PM. (Lyc).
Haemoptysis =Tril.---Haemoptysis : incipient phthisis, with
bloody sputa; in advanced stages with copious, purulent
expectoration and troublesome cough.
Haemorrhage =Arg-m.---Prolapsus with pain in left ovary
and back extending forward and downward (right ovary,
pall); climacteric haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage =Arn., Coca., Mill., Phos., Pitiun., Puls.
Haemorrhage =Cact.---Haemorrhage : from nose, lungs,
stomach, rectum, bladder (Crot-h., Mill., Phos).
Haemorrhage =Caul.---Haemorrhage, after hasty labor;
want of tonicity; passive, after abortion (Sec., Thlaspi).
Haemorrhage =Chin.---Haemorrhage : of mouth, nose,
bowels or uterus, long continued; longing for sour things.
275… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Haemorrhage =Coca.---Prevents Haemorrhage from going

to high altitudes and rarefied air.
Haemorrhage =Croc.---Haemorrhage; from any part, blood
black, viscid, clotted and forming into long black strings
hanging from the bleeding surface (Elaps).
Haemorrhage =Fic.---Ficus-Religiosa: In Haemorrhage from
any orifice of the body. This blood is bright red, lacking the
restlessness which would make it an Acon. and lacking the
nausea which would make it an Ip., case. In the case of
Vomiting of bright red blood from the stomach where every
other remedy prescribed failed, the first dose of this
remedy will give desired effect.
Haemorrhage =Guai--- for passive haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage =Ham.---It is adapted to venous
haemorrhage from every orifice of the body; nose, lungs,
bowels, uterus, bladder. Bruised pain in affected parts.
Haemorrhage =Hyos.---Haemorrhage of drunkards (Nux-v.,
or Op., ), in haemoptysis of drunkards.
Haemorrhage =Ip.--- 1M like Trillium stops haemorrhage at
Haemorrhage =Ip.---Haemorrhage; active or passive, bright
red from all the orifices of the body (Erig., Mill), Uterine
bleeding, profuse, clotted; heavy, oppressed breathing
during haemorrhage; stiches from navel to uterus.
Haemorrhage =Mill.---Haemorrhage : painless, without
fever; bright red, fluid blood (Acon., Ip., Sab); from lungs
bronchi, larynx, mouth , nose, stomach, bladder, rectum,
uterus, of mechanical origin (Arn); of wounds (Ham).
Haemorrhage =Nit-ac.---Haemorrhage from bowels in
typhus (Crot-h., Mur-ac.) after miscarriage or post-partum,
from over exertion of body bright profuse or dark.
Haemorrhage =Phos.---Haemorrhage; frequent and
profuse, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time;
276… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

metrorrhagia, in cancer; haemoptysis, vicarious, from nose,

stomach, anus, urethra, in amenorrhoea.
Haemorrhage =Pitutrinum.---Is used chiefly for its action
on the uterus to prevent bleeding after delivery.
Haemorrhage =Sul-ac.---Haemorrhage of black blood from
all the outlet of the body (Crot-h., Mur-ac., Nit-ac., Ter).
Haemorrhage =Thlaspi.---Haemorrhage or delaying
menses form uterine inertia; exhausting, scarcely recovers
from one period before another begins.
Haemorrhage =Thlaspi.---Profuse passive haemorrhage
from every outlet of the body; blood dark and clotted.
Metrorrhagia; with violent cramps and ulceration; passive,
dark with ulceration or epithelial degeneration.
Haemorrhage =Trill-pen.---Haemorrhage : copious, both
active and passive, usually bright red; from nose, lungs,
kidneys and uterus (Ip., Mill). Epistaxis; profuse, passive,
bright red. Bleeding from cavity after extraction of a tooth
(Ham., Kreos.), Flooding, with fainting.
Haemorrhage after tooth extraction =Arn., Ham., Bov.
Haemorrhage- associated with cold blue surface =Carb-v.
Haemorrhage- associated with faintness ringing in ears
Haemorrhage- associated with irritation of rectum and
bladder =Erig.
Haemorrhage- associated with veins sore to touch =Ham.
Haemorrhage- associated with very sensitive to touch
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red absence of pains
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red active or passive
kind =Tril.
277… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red active profuse

Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red congestive stage
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red faintness =Chin.
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red paleness of
surface =Carb-v.
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red profuse active
Haemorrhage- colour of blood bright red violent irritation
Haemorrhage- colour of blood dark black viscid stringy
Haemorrhage- colour of blood dark light with dark clots,
coagulate easily =Ferr-m.
Haemorrhage- colour of blood dark liquid =Mur-ac.
Haemorrhage- colour of blood dark very dark clotted
Haemorrhage diathesis =Crot-h. 200---Haemorrhagic
diathesis; blood flows from eyes, ears, nose and every
orifice of the body; bloody sweat.
Haemorrhage diathesis =Kreos.---Haemorrhagic diathesis;
small wounds bleed freely (Crot., Lach., Phos.); flow
passive, in epistaxis, haemoptysis, haematuria; in typhoid,
followed by great prostration; dark, oozing, after the
extraction of a tooth (Ham).
Haemorrhage diathesis =Lach.---Haemorrhagic diathesis;
small wounds bleed easily an profusely (Crot-h., Kreos.,
Phos); blood dark, non-coagulable (Crot-h., Sec).
Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid.---Hydrin-s.
Haemorrhage from the uterus =Sabin.---Haemorrhage from
the uterus, in parosysms, worse from motion, blood dark
278… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

and clotted from loss of tone in uterus, also after abortion

or confinement, with pain from back to pubes.
Haemorrhage from uterus =Ip.---Haemorrhage from the
uterus, blood bright red, profuse, clotted with heavy
oppressed breathing.
Haemorrhage history of =Chin.---History of haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage- in connection with anaemia or debility
Haemorrhage- in connection with congestion =Ferr-p.
Haemorrhage- in connection with heart troubles =Cact-g.
Haemorrhage- in connection with mechanical injury =Arn.
Haemorrhage- in connection with urinary troubles =Ter.
Haemorrhage of uterus =Sed-t.---Sedum-telephium has
cured obstinate cases of haemorrhage of uterus, bowels
and rectum. It is a popular remedy in Switzerland all forms
of uterine haemorrhage. “if you have an obstinate case of
uterine haemorrhage, menorrhagia or metrorrhagia
especially at the climacteric, think of Sedum Teleph, when
your best selected remedy fails. Sedum-Teleph is a
wonderful remedy for haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage Uterine =Ham.---Uterine haemorrhage
active or passive; from jolting while riding over rough
roads; bearing down pain in back. After haemorrhage from
piles, prostration out of all proportion to amount of blood
lost. (Hydr), bad effects from loss of blood (Cinch).
Haemorrhage, after climacteric =Aur-m.---Three times a
day. Cases of bleeding from the womb at, and about , and
after the change of life that came before him, he
considered them as incipient cancer and they get well
often very quickly.
Haemorrhage, after climacteric postpartum =
Cinnamonum.---Mother tincture, 5 drops at a does is one of
279… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

the most certain remedies. Or, give 3rd potency. Its use in
Haemorrhage has abundant clinical verification.
Haemorrhage, controls =Erig, Tril., Mill.
Haemorrhage, from uterus =Sabin., Ham., Chin.
Haemorrhage, intra-occular = Crot-h.---For absorption of
intra occular Haemorrhage within the globe of the eye.
Haemorrhages =Fic.---This drug causes haemorrhages of
many kinds of Haematemesis, menorrhagia haemoptysis
etc. & bloody urine (compare, Acal, Mill., Thlaspi., Ip.)
Haemorrhages =Graph.---Passive Haemorrhages from all
parts of the body.
Haemorrhages =Sec., Tril., Sabin., Bov.
Haemorrhages =Strept.---Various types of haemorrhages
especially from uterus when the indicated remedies fail .
Haemorrhages =Trill-p.---Haemorrhages, blood bright red,
profuse sacroilac syndochoroses full as if falling apart,
better from a tight bandage.
Haemorrhagic = Fuc.--- is the best for haemorrhagic
Haemorrhagic =Arn.--- Bruised, sore, haemorrhagic.
Haemorrhagic =Bov.--- Awkward, haemorrhagic, laxness.
Haemorrhagic =Ferr-m.--- Haemorrhagic, anaemic with.
Haemorrhagic =Ham.--- Bruised, weary, haemorrhagic
Haemorrhagic =Mill.--- Haemorrhagic, local congestion
Haemorrhagic =Phos.--- Haemorrhagic, hot, hungry.
Haemorrhagic =Sec.--- Haemorrhagic, passive type.
Haemorrhagic =Ter.--- Haemorrhagic, clammy, cloudy.
Haemorrhagic anti- =Thlaspi.---Is an anti-haemorrhage
and anti uric-acid remedy. Haemorrhage from uterine
fibroids with aching in back of general bruised soreness.
280… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Haemorrhagic diathesis =Phos.---Haemorrhagic diathesis;

small wounds bleed profusely (Kreos., Lach); from every
mucous outlet.
Haemorrhagic diathesis =Sec.---Haemorrhagic diathesis;
the slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks (Lach.,
Phos.), discharge of sanious liquid blood with a strong
tendency of putrescence; tingling in the limbs and great
debility, especially when the weakness is not caused by
previous loss of fluids.
Haemorrhoidal =Aesc.--- Vascular, haemorrhoidal,
Haemorrhoids =Aesc., Calc-f., Lyc., Nux-v., Ars., Paeon.,
Sulph., Vip., Graph., Ham., Aloe., Ign., Kali-c., Aloe.,
Nit-ac., Hyper.
Haemorrhoids =Ham.---Haemorrhoids: bleeding profusely;
with burning, soreness, fullness, heaviness; as if back
would break; urging to stool; bluish color; anus feels sore
and raw.
Haemorrhoids =Ign 200 or 1M.--- A patient- started
passing blood in stool – background revealed that his friend
has died sometimes back – He was very intimate. There was
also a threat to him from some quarters.
Haemorrhoids =Ign.---Haemorrhoids : prolapse with every
stool, sharp stiches shoot up the rectum (Nit-ac); <for
hours after stool (Rat., Sulph).
Haemorrhoids =Kali-c.---Haemorrhoids –relieved by sitting
on foot – so as to press on the anus. Boenninghausen –
Recommends Kali-c. Piles – relieved by riding on horseback.
Haemorrhoids =Mur-ac.---Haemorrhoids : swollen, blue,
sensitive and painful to touch; appear suddenly in children;
too sore to bear least touch even the sheet is
uncomfortable. Prolapse while urinating.
281… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Haemorrhoids see piles also =Aloe.---Haemorrhoids : blue

like a bunch of grapes (Mur-ac); constant bearing down in
rectum; bleeding, sore, tender, hot, relieved by cold
water; intense itching. Itching and burning in anus
preventing sleep (Indg.).
Haemorrhoids, bleeding =Nit-ac., Ham., Hyper.
Haemorrhoids, blind =Aesc., Nux-v., Sulph.
Haemorrhoids, internal =Nux-v., Ars., Sulph.
Hair =Bor.---Hairs become frowsy and trangled; splits,
sticks together at the tips; if these bunches are cut off,
they form again cannot be combined smooth (fl-ac., Lyc.,
Psor., Tub).
Hair becomes grey =Lyc.
Hair dry =Calc., Thuj., Sulph.
Hair dyes =Bov.---Problems after use of hair dyes and
Hair fall =Nat-m.---The hair falls out when touches, in
nursing women (Sep); face oily, shiny, as if greased (Plb.,
Hair fall with great rapidity =Thal.
Hair falling =Emb Q.---10 drops twice daily prevents falling
of hair and becoming grey too early.
Hair falling =Morg.--- Hair falling.
Hair falling =Ph-ac.---Falling out of the hair is a striking
feature, falling of the hair from the genitals, whiskers,
eyebrows, head. It is closely related to Nat-m., and Sel. If
falling out of the hair. Sel., has falling out of the hair from
the head, eyebrows and lashes, beard and genitals, from all
over the body. Nat-m., causes the hair to become very
thin; during confinement and the hair falls from the
282… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hair falling =Sep.--- It is doubtful if any drug controls the

falling of hair better than it may be used for this both
locally and internally, and seems to have a real power to
encourage new growth over thin and bald patches.
Hair falling after parturition =Carb-v., Sulph., Lyc.
Hair falling after pregnancy and disease =Nat-m., Sep.
Hair falling from eye brows. =Hell.---Hair falling From eye
brows/ whiskers.
Hair falling here & there leaving bald spots. =Hep.
Hair falling in bunches, handfuls =Carb-v., Mez., Phos.
Hair falling mostly =Merc.---Hair falling mostly on sides,
temple after.
Hair falling much itching =Petr.--- Hair falling much
itching scurf on the hairy scalp & falling of the hair & loss
of eyelashes.
Hair falling when combing =Canth.---Hair falling When
combing during confinement.
Hair falling when combing =Sel.
Hair falling with dandruff =Am-m.
Hair falls =Syph.---Hair falls out profusely. Syph 200
brought back the hairs.
Hair falls out from eyebrow & beard =Anan.
Hair Gray =Ph-ac.---hair turns gray early.
Hair great disposition =Kali-i.---Great disposition for hair
to change color and fall out.
Hair great falling =Sep.---Great falling of the hair, after
chronic headaches or at the climacteric period.
Hair oily and greasy =Bry., Merc., Ph-ac.
Hair on face on lips unwanted hair =Thuj., Ol-j. 3x
Hair on unusual parts =Thuj., Ol-j.
Hair prematurely =Syco-Co.--- Hair prematurely grey.
283… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Half of the body =Puls.---The occurrence of symptoms on

only one half of the body is a frequent peculiarity.(Dr.
Hallucination =Stram.--- Horror, Hallucinations which
terrify the patient; imagines all sorts of things; that she is
double, lying crosswise etc. Head feels as if scattered
about (Bapt).
Hallucinations=Antip., Stram., Bell.
Hamstrings =Am-m.---Hamstrings feel painfully short when
walking; tension in joints as from shortening of muscles
(Caust., Cimex).
Hamstrings =Nat-m.---Painful contractions of the
hamstrings (Am-m., Caust., Guai).
Hand =Caust.---Dropping of things from hands (Agar)
Hand keep on moving on objects placed on objects placed
on the table, plays with his fingers=Kali-m.
Handles genitals =Zinc------presses on pubes or handles
Handling old books =Brom.---Handling old books from the
Hands =Bov.---Awkwardness inclined to drop things from
hand (Apis), objects fall from power-less hands.
Hands =Hep., Sulph.
Hands =Sulph.---Unsteady gait, tremor of hands.
Hands feel shaky =Tarent-c.---Hands feel shaky when he
picks up anything the hands tremble. Even when sitting in
fact all the time his hands Shake nothing.
Hands tremble =Cocc.---Hands tremble when taking hold
of anything or he takes hold of it awkwardly and drops it.
Inco-ordination runs through this remedy, and hence it has
been used with good effect in locomotor ataxia. It has
staggering and numbness. Numbness is quite a feature of
284… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

this remedy. Numbness of the lower extremities in the

finger, in the shoulder of the side of the face. Complaints
from anxiety.
Hanging on to mother =Puls., Bism., Bor.
Hard =Calc-f.--- Stonny, indurated, hard.
Hard =Ferr-p.--- Hard, dry, tickling cough, with painful
chest and hoarseness.
Hard bed sensation =Bapt., Arn.---He feels well when
desperately ill. But it has not the drowsiness. Or the
besotted condition of (Bapt) though they both have the
hard bed sensation markedly.
Hard bed, lying on sensation-Arn., Bapt., Pyrog.
Hard too =Arn.--- Everything on which patient lies seems
too hard.
Hardness of hearing =Hep.---Chronic tonsillitis when
accompanied by hardness of hearing refer (Hep.) Dr.
Hardness of hearing =Nit-ac.---Hardness of hearing > by
riding in carriage or train (Graph). Cracking; in ears, on
masticating; of the joints, on motion (Cocc., Graph).
Hardness of tissues =Alumn 30 .--- Useful in ulcer with
indurated Base. Veins become varicose and bleed.
Tendency to induration , hardening of uterus etc.
Harelip.---Calc-s.---To prevent harelip in children, given to
the mother, granules of trituration every morning and
evening during pregnancy in the third to seventh months.
Hasty =Coff.---Hasty eating and drinking (Bell., Hep.)
Hasty =Hep-s.---Hasty eating, drinking and speech. Etc.
Hasty eating and drinking (Bell., Hep) =Coff.
Hasty eating, drinking and speech also =Hep.
Hawking =Aloe.---Hawking of thick jelly like mucus in
285… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hawking up mucus taste =Teucr ---Patient had with the

cough a mouldy taste in the throat when hawking up
mucous which is a key-note. (Teucr) Dr. C. M. Boger.
Hay Fever =Ambrosia.---Hay fever with acrid lachrimation
and intolerable itching of eyes.
Hay fever =Arund.---Hay fever begins with burning and
itching of palate and conjunctiva. Annoying itching in the
nostril and roof of mouth, coryza with ozaena (Nat-m).
Hay Fever =Wyethia.---Hay Fever with itching in posterior
NUX-V., PHOS., PULS., SULPH.---Medicines Mostly
Head =Apis.---It seems as if head is empty and hollow.
Head =Arn.---Tight cough, the chest feels bruised with
darting pains in the head.
Head =Bapt.---Head feels large and heavy, with numbness
of head and face.
Head =Calc.--- scratched his head impatiently on getting
Head =Calc.---Head very large, fontanelles not closing.
Head =Cimic.---It seems as if the top of head would fly off.
Head =Gels.--- Tiredness and aching of whole body. Limbs,
head, eyelids feel heavy.
Head =Mez.---Head covered with a thick, leathry crust
under which pus collects and mats the hair.
Head =Sil.---Head wet from sweating, particularly at night.
Head =Verat---For terrific unbearable pains in the head
that change the face, almost induce insanity, with the icy
sensation in the vertex.(Verat)
Head and face rush of blood to the (amyl., Glon., Meli)
286… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Head and neck =Sanic.---Head and neck of children sweat

profusely during sleep wets the pillow far around (Calc-os.,
Head blow =Nat-s.---for mental symptom brought by a
blow on the head.
Head boring =Bell.---Boring the head into the pillow (Apis.,
Hell., Podo).
Head boring into pillow =Hell.---Boring head into pillow;
rolling from side to side; beating head with hands.
Head feels heavy =Med.---Head feels heavy and is drawn
backwards. Sensation of tightness and contraction :
extends down whole spine.
Head feels large =Glon.---Head : feels enormously large;
as if skull were too small for brain; sunstroke and sun
headache; increases and decreases every day with the sun
(Kalm., Nat-c)/
Head heat in the =Cact.---From mental exertion is a strong
symptom of Cact, this symptom is found who are trying to
break of from coffee.
Head injury, pathological remedy =Hell 200 1m or 10M.--
-Pathological remedy for the after effects of head injury. It
is useful when individual indications are difficult to obtain.
Head into pillow boring the (Apis., Hell., Podo) =Bell.
Head is hot =Stram.---The head is hot during the chill and
the patient does not want to be uncovered.
Head painful =Carb-v.---Head painfully sensitive to
pressure particularly of the headwear, sensation remains
even after the removal of head wear.
Head problems, late effect of injuries =Arn., Nat-s., Nat-
Head rolling of from side to side – in distress =Tarent.
287… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Head terrific shock =Glon.---Terrific shock in the head,

synchronous with the pulse. Throbbing pulsating headache;
holds head with both hands; could not lie down, “the pillow
would beat”.
Head vertex burning round=Graph.---Burning round spot on
vertex (Calc-os., Sulph., -cold spot, Sep., Verat).
Head weight and pressure on vertex (Sep); like lead, in
occciput =Lach.
Head, heat troubles =Glon.---Head troubles : from
working under gas-light, when heat falls on head; cannot
bear heat about the head, heat of stove or walking in the
sun (Lach., Nat-c).
Head, large =Calc., Bar-c., Sil.
Headache Frontal =Ptel.--- Give 30 Potency.
Headache school-girls =Tub.---School-girl‟s headache:
<study or even slight mental exertion; when using eyes in
the close work and glasses fail to, with a tubercular history
Headache =Gels.--- headache starting in the occiput or
nape coming up to eyes.
Headache =Usn.---for congestive headache.
Headache =Verat.---controls the unbearable and terrific
headache of severe kind.
Headache <sweets =Ign.
Headache =Acon., Bell., Bry., Sang., Spig., Glon., Gels.,
Nat-m.---Medicines Mostly Indicated.
Headache =Adren.---Headache coming on at 11 a.m.
lasting until 12.30 at night, > by eating.
Headache =Adren.---Headache extending all over head but
< on left side and over eyes across forehead, headache
extending to the ears. All headaches are < in the afternoon
or evening, in close warm room; in the evening they appear
288… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

about 7 p.m. and last until relieved by walk in the open air
or sleep or by eating.
Headache =Aloe.---Headache alternates with lumbago,
with intestinal and uterine affection and piles.
Headache =Aloe.---Headaches across the forehead <by
every footstep (bell., Bry); with heaviness of eyes and
Headache =Am-c.---The headache is worse from stepping
especially the headache that comes at the menstrual
period. Headache < in the morning.
Headache =Anac.---Headache : relieved entirely when
eating (Psor); when lying down in bed at night, and when
about falling asleep; worse during motion and work.
Headache =Ant-c.---Headache : after river bathing; from
taking cold; alcoholic drinks; deranged digestion, acids,
fats, fruit; suppressed eruption.
Headache =Ant-t.---Headache as from a band compressing
the forehead.
Headache =Arg-n.---Headache : congestive, with fullness
and heaviness; with sense of expansion; habitual gastric, of
literary men; from dancing; hemicrania, pressive, screwing
in frontal eminence of temple; ending in bilious vomiting;
<from any exhaustive mental labor; >by pressure or tight
bandaging (Apis., Puls).
Headache =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Headache =Bell.---Throbbing carotids, worse stooping and
lying down to head, even from having the hair cut.
Headache =Bism.---Headache returning every winter;
alternating with, or attended by gastralgia.
Headache =Bry.---Better in dark and lying still, from
binding or pressure, worse stooping, ironing, hot weather
289… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

coughing, motion. Bursting headache. Headache after

washing face from cold water.
Headache =Bry.---Headache : when stooping, as if brain
would burst through forehead; from ironing (Sep); on
coughing; in morning after rising or when first opening the
eyes; commencing in the morning, gradually increasing
until evening; from constipation (Aloe., Collin., Op).
Headache =Bry.---Headaches after washing himself with
cold water when face was sweating. “ that is taking cold
from suppression of perspiration. The headache always <
after eating the aggravation after eating is in keeping with
the Bry state in general.
Headache =Cact.---Headache, pressing like a heavy weight
on vertex (<by pressure, Meny). Climateric (Glon., Lach).
Headache and neuralgia; congestive, periodic, right sided;
severe, throbbing, pulsating pain.
Headache =Calc-p.---Headache of school children.
Headache =Carb-ac.---Dull, heavy, frontal headache, as if
a rubber band were stretched tightly over the forehead,
from temple to temple (gels., Plat., Sulph).
Headache =Caust.---Caust, Headache standing out by
itself. It will usually be associated with rheumatic and
gouty conditions which also affect the scalp. The scalp
contracts and tightens up in places like the contractures in
other parts. Rheumatic headaches; sometimes the pain is
so severe as to cause nausea, and vomiting. Blinding
headaches followed by paralysis.
Headache =Chin.---Headache : as if the skull would burst.
Excessive haemorrhage followed intense throbbing of head
and carotids, face flushed from occiput over whole head;
<sitting or lying, must stand or walk; after haemorrhage or
sexual excesses.
290… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache =Con.---Excitement will bring on headaches.

Numbness if the scalp is one of the common symptoms of
Con. It is a general symptom. Whenever there is trouble
there will be numbness; numbness with pains, very often
numbness with the weakness. Paralytic condition are
attended with numbness. Sick headache with inability to
Headache =Crocus-sat.---Headache :during climacteric,
throbbing, pulsating. <during two or three days of
accustomed menstrual flow; nervous or menstrual
headache before, during or after flow (Lach., Lil., Sec).
Headache =Cupr.---Epileptic from convulsion tottering and
falling unconscious without a scream frothing from the
mouth, followed by a headache.
Headache =Cycl.---Headache in anaemic patients, with
flickering before eyes or dim vision, on rising in morning.
Headache =Gels.--- Headache as if band around head.
Scalp sore to the touch.
Headache =Gels.---At the base of the brain aggravated by
mental Labour smoking tobacco lying with head low and in
the heat of the sun.
Headache =Gels.---Headache : proceeded by blindness
(kali-bi), >by profuse urination.
Headache =Gels.---Headache; beginning in the cervical
spine; pains extend over the head, causing a bursting
sensation in forehead and eye-balls (Sang., Sil., beings in
same way but semi-lateral); <by mental exertion; from
smoking; heat of sun; lying with head low.
Headache =Glon.---Headache : occurring after profuse
uterine haemorrhage; rush of blood to head, in pregnant
291… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache =Hyper.---Headache : after a fall upon occiput,

with sensation as if being lifted up high into the air; great
anxiety lest she falls from this height.
Headache =Ign.--- Headache as if nail were driven out
through the side. Often follows anger or grief. Worse from
Headache =Ign.---Headache < from eating sweets.
Headache =Ign.---Headache by smoking tobacco or being
where another person is smoking. Relieved by lying on the
painful side.
Headache =Ign.---Headache, as if a nail was driven out
through the side, relieved by lying on it (Coff., Nux-v.,
Headache =Kali-bi.---Headache : blurred vision or
blindness precedes the attacks (Gels., Lac-d); must lie
down; aversion to light and noise; sight returns as
headache increases (Iris.,. Nat-m., Lac-d).
Headache =Kali-p.---It is used in nervous headache,
dysentry, typhoid conditions, enuresis etc.
Headache =Lach.---Headache : pressing or bursting pain in
temple ,from motion, pressure, stooping, lying, after sleep;
dread to go to sleep because she wakes with such a
Headache =Lach.---Headache, especially at or after the
menopause (Sang., Sulph).
Headache =Lil-t.---Headaches and mental ailments
depending on uterine irritation or displacements. Menstrual
irregularities and irritable heart.
Headache =Lob-inf.---Headache; gastric, with nausea,
vomiting and great prostration; following intoxication;
<afternoon until midnight; sudden pallor with profuse
sweat (Tab); <by tobacco or tobacco smoke.
292… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache =Lyss.---Headache : from bites of dogs, whether

rabid or not; chronic, from mental emotion or exertion;
<by noise of running water or bright light.
Headache =Mag-c.---Headache: begins in occiput and
extends over head (Sang., Sil); of school girls; face red,
flushed; from mental emotion, exertion or hard study; <10
to 11 A.M. or 4 to 5 P.M.; >by pressure and external heat.
Headache =Mag-m.---Headache; every six weeks, in
forehead and around the eyes; as if it would burst; <from
motion and in open air; > from lying down, strong pressure
(Puls); and wrapping up warmly (Sil., Stront).
Headache =Meli-a.---Violent congestive or nervous
headache; epistaxis afford relief (Bufo., Ferr-p., Mag-s).
Headache =Meny.---Headache : pressing in vertex from
above downwards, >during hard pressure with hand (Verat);
as of a heavy weight pressing upon the head at every step
(Cact., Glon., Lach); <ascending (Calc-os); often with icy
coldness of hands and feet (Calc-os., Sep).
Headache =Mez.---Headache, violent after slight vexation;
painful on the slightest touch; right sided.
Headache =Nat-c.---Headache : from slightest mental
exertion; from sun or working under gaslight (Glon., Lach);
with tension in nape or occiput before menses; head feels
too large, as if it would burst.
Headache =Nat-c.---Headache vertigo, melacholia etc.
Occuring during summer season in persons who have a
previous sunstroke.
Headache =Nat-m.---Chronic, comning in proxysms,
throbbing,, of school girls in anaemic patients after menses
eye strain and in sun‟s heat.
Headache =Nat-m.---Headache : anaemic, of school girls
(Calc-p); from sunrise to sunset left-sided calves; as if
before, during and after menses; as though a thousand
293… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

little hammers were knocking in the brain during fever; >by

Headache =Nat-m.---Headache; beginning with blindness
(Iris., Kali-bi); with zig-zag dazzling, like lightening in eyes,
ushering in a throbbing headache; from eye strain.
Headache =Nux-m.---Eating a little too much causes
headache; painfulness and distress in stomach while eating
or immediately after (Kali-bi).
Headache =Nux-m---A striking instance of headache
ameliorated by hard pressure in a man convalescing from a
severe gunshot wound of the head. The man wanted the
nurse to bear her whole weight on it is given as cured by
(Nux-M) by Dr. J.C. White. With the headache, was rapid
anxious breathing as if he could not get air enough and the
wind would be shut off. (Nux-m) 3x was first given, then a
high potency.
Headache =Nux-v.--- Headache in back of head or over
eyes, as if nail is driven in dizziness.
Headache =Nux-v.---With gastric, hepatic or haemorrhoids
affection, from mental exertion anger open air, on awaking
in morning after eating abuse of coffee, noise high living
from constipation.
Headache =Petr.---Headache : in occiput, which is as
heavy as lead; pressing; pulsating pain; as if every thing in
the head were alive; numb, bruised; as if made of wood.
Headache =Ph-ac.---Headache : crushing weight on vertex,
from long lasting grief or exhausted nerves; in occiput and
nape; usually from behind forward, <by least motion,
noise, especially music, > lying (Bry., Gels., Sil).
Headache =Ph-ac.---Headache of school girls from eye-
strain or overuse of eyes (Calc-p., Nat-m); of students who
are growing too fast.
294… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache =Pic-ac.--- Headache slightest motion or mental

Headache =Pic-ac.---Headache : of students, teachers and
overworked business men; from grief or depressing
emotions; in occiput-cervical region (Nat-m., Sil); <or
brought on by slightest motion or mental exertion.
Headache =Plat.---Headache : numb, heavy pain in brain
or on vertex; from anger or chagrin; hysterical, from
uterine disease; pains gradually increase and decrease.
Headache =Psor.---Headache : always hungry during;
>while eating (Anac., Kali-p); from suppressed eruptions, or
suppressed menses; > nosebleed (Mel).
Headache =Psor.---Headache ; proceeded by flickering
before eyes, by dimness of vision or blindness (Lac-d., Kali-
bi), by black spots or rings.
Headache =Puls.---Better in cool open air pressure or lying
up tightly.
Headache =Rhus-t.---Headache : brain feels loose when
stepping or shaking the head; sensation of swashing in
brain; stupefying; as if torn; from beer; returns from least
chagrin; <from sitting, lying, in cold, >warmth and motion.
Headache =Rob.---Headache with the acidity of Rob., is
accompanied by frontal headache. Intensely acrid
eructations. Dull throbbing frontal pain: worse motion and
reading. Gastric headache with acid vomiting.
Headache =Rosemary.---Oil of (Rosemary) has an ancient
reputation as a remedy for baldness, headache and flagging
mental powers. Hence it has been called herb of memory.
Headache =Sabad.---Headache : from too much thinking,
too close application or attention (Arg-n); from worms.
Headache =Sang.---for sick headache with faintness and
295… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache =Sang.---From back of head to right eye, with

nausea and vomiting. Better in dark room and in quiet.
Headache =Sang.---Headache begins in occiput, spread
upwards and settles over right eye (Sil., -over or in left
orbit, Spig).
Headache =Sang.---Headache, returns at the climacteric;
every seventh day (Sabad., Sil., Sulph- eight thy day, Iris).
Headache =Sang.---The periodical sick headache; begins in
morning, increases during the day, lasts until evening; head
feels as if it would burst, or as if eyes would be pressed out
relieved by sleep.
Headache =Sep.---Headache : in terrific shocks; at
menstrual nisus, with scanty flow; in delicate, sensitive,
hysterical women; pressing, busting<motion, stooping,
mental labor, > by external pressure, continued hard
Headache =Sil., Con.---Headache generally Semilateral, so
called nervous, accompanied by great exaltation of the
spinal sinus.
Headache =Sil.---Headache better from binding head
tightly or from wrapping it warmly.
Headache =Spig.---Begins in occiput, settles in left eye
which waters. More from noise or jar increases or
decreases with the sun.
Headache =Spig.---Headache; at sunrise, at its height at
noon, declines till sunset (Nat-m., Tab).
Headache =Stann.---Headache or neuralgia; pains begin
lightly and increase gradually to the highest point and then
gradually decline (Plat).
Headache =Stann.---Stann-met., Headache- gradually
increasing and then diminishing gradually. The pain
sometimes begins with sunrise, increases until noon and
gradually diminishes and ceases with sunset. On the other
296… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

hand it may begin at any time, as often 10 a.m. and

increasing for ten or twenty minutes, then gradually
decrease until gone. A few other remedies have these sun
headaches. Kalm. has a similar headache, not so regularly
increasing and diminishing, but especially worse at noon.
Cact. has a sun headache. Nat-m., has never been known
to cause it, but has cured it, especially when beginning at
10 A.M. and worse from 2 to 3 P.M. Sang. Has headache
coming and going with the sun.
Headache =Syph.---Headache, neuralgic in character,
causing sleeplessness ad delirium at night; commencing at
4 p.m; worse from 10 to 11 and ceasing at daylight (ceases
at 11 or 12 p. m. Lyc); falling of the hair.
Headache =Tarent.---Headache : intense, as if thousand of
needles were pricking in the brain.
Headache =Tarent.---Headache so severe that one strike
the head to the wall.
Headache =Tarent.---Headache, neuralgic < by noise,
touch, strong light, >by rubbing head against the pillow.
Headache =Ther.---Headache : when beginning to move,
as of a dull heavy pressure behind the eyes; violent, deep,
in the brain; <lying down (lach); very much <from others
walking on the floor, or from least motion of head.
Headache =Tub.---Headache : chronic, tubercular; pain
intense, sharp, cutting, from above rt. Eye to occiput; as of
an iron hoop around head (Anac., Sulph); when the best
selected remedy only palliates.
Head-ache =Usn---Congestive headache . Must be used in
mother tincture.
Headache =Zinc.---Headache from drinking even small
quantities of wine.
Headache > by conversation =Dulc.
297… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache american sick headache =Lac-d.---American

sick headache : begins in forehead, extending to occiput, in
morning on rising (Bry); intense throbbing with nausea,
vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation (Epig., Iris.,
Sang); <noise, light, motion (Mag-m., Sil); during menses
(Kreos., Sep); great prostration; >pressure by bandaging
head tightly (Arg-n., Puls); copious, pale urine.
Headache and diarrhoea from jarring of cars =Med.
Headache- as if nail driven into the brain in sp. hysteric
subjects =Ign.
Headache- as if a nail driven into the brain all over =Nux-
Headache- as if a nail driven into the brain one sided
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting affecting
like inverted =Syph.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting and
profuse flow of urine =Lac-v-d.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting changing
to side not lain on =Calc-ar.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting deep
crushing neuralgic =Syph.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting deep
throbbing =Carc.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting extreme
aversion to food =Colch.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting gastric or
hepatic origin =Iris-ver.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting headache
in spots =Ox-ac.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting heaviness
with constriction of scalp =Kali-m.
298… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting wandering

neuralgic =Med.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting wants dark
room =Sang.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting with
joyousness, singing and unable to lie down =Thyr.
Headache- associated with nausea and vomiting worse on
riding car or boat =Cocc.
Headache- associated with profuse urine =Sars., Benz-ac.
Headache- associated with sensation of flickering before
eyes =Lac-v-d.
Headache- at the base of the brain =Gels.
Headache- back of head and in neck =Nat-m., Sil., Pic-ac.
Headache- back of the head =Petr., Bry., Cimic., Nux-v.
Headache binding, better by =Bry., Lac-d., Puls., Sil.,
Arg-n., Apis., Mag-m., Mag-p.---Medicines usually
Headache blindness, preceeded by =Gels., Nat-m., Kali-
bi., Iris.
Headache- bursting as if eye-balls too large =Spong.
Headache- bursting as if top would fly off =Cimic.
Headache- bursting as if would burst =Bry.
Headache causes =Iris-v.---Sick headache, caused by
gastric-atoc derangement, dull, heavy and throbbing
headache with vomiting of food and bile.
Headache ceases while eating =Lith-c.
Headache chronic sick =Sil.---Chronic sick headache, since
some severe disease of youth (Psor); ascending from nape
of neck to the vertex, as if coming from the spine and
locating in one eye, especially the right (left,. Spig);
<draft of air or uncovering the head; > pressure and
wrapping up warmly (Mag-m., Stront-c); profuse urination.
299… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache climaxis, during =Sang., Sep., Lach., Sulph.

Headache cold air, from =Bell., Nux-v., Sil.
Headache cold, ameliorated in -Arg-n., Lac-d., Puls.
Headache coldness of vertex =Sep.---Coldness of the
vertex with headache (Verat – heart of vertex, Calc-os.,
Graph., Sulph).
Headache congestive =Bell.---Headache congestive with
red face. Throbbing of brain and carotid (Meli); <from
slight noise, jar, motion, light, lying down, least exertion;
>pressure, tight bandaging, wrapping up, during menses.
Headache Congestive =Bell.---Throbbing congestion
Headache controversy, after =Bry., Staph.
Headache dark and quiet, amel =Bry., Lac-d., Nux-v.,
Headache due to heat = Glon 30.
Headache- exertion mental =Nat-c.
Headache- exertion over fatigued =Epip.
Headache eye, from overstraining =Nat-m., Ph-ac., Ruta.,
Headache eyestrain =Ruta-g.--- Red, hot eyes. Eyestrain
followed by headache.
Headache forehead =Bell., Bry., Nat-m., Puls., Sil. ---
Main Medicines.
Headache from back of head to eyes and forehead =Gels.,
Sang., Sil.
Headache- from defective circulatory system anaemia sp.
of school girls =Calc-p., Nat-m.
Headache- from defective circulatory system congestion of
the head =Bell., Glon., Meli.
Headache- from exposure to cold bath =Ant-c.
300… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache- from exposure to sun =Glon., Lach.

Headache- from eye strain over use of eyes =Nat-m., Calc-
Headache from suppressed menses =Glon.---Intense
congestion of brain from delayed or suppressed menses;
headache in place of menses.
Headache- frontal =Acon., Bell., Bry.
Headache frontal extending to back of head, neck and
spine=Bry., Gels., Lac-d.
Headache frontal pain =Menth.---Frontal headache pain
over frontal sinuses, descend to eye balls. Supra-orbital
pain over left eye. Pain in eye balls.
Headache- gastric also hepatic =Iris-v.
Headache- gastric also rheumatic =Ip.
Headache gastric and nervous of sedentary persons (Arg-
n., Bry., Nux-v) =Anac.
Headache- gastric troubles =Nux-v., Puls.
Headache general routine = Bell 30.
Headache goes from left to right =Lach.
Headache goes from right to left =Bell.
Headache hammering pain, with =Bell., Nat-m., Chin.,
Glon., Ferr., Lach.--- Main Medicines.
Headache hunger with =Ign., Phos., Psor.
Headache- in the forehead and root of nose =Rhus-t.
Headache injury, after =Arn., Nat-s.
Headache left side of head = Spig 30.
Headache left sided =Eup-per.---Left sided headache with
vertigo. Pain from left shoulder to Occiput.
Headache left sided =Spig-ant., Coloc., Lach.
Headache mental exertion from =Gels., Nux-v., Sep., Pic-
ac., Arg-n.--- Main Remedies.
301… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache nausea and vomiting with =Lac-d., Sang., Ip.,

Cocc., Iris.
Headache nervous =Spig.---Nervous headache; periodical,
beginning in morning at base of brain, spreading over the
head and locating in eye, orbit and temple of left side
(right side, Sang., Sil); pain pulsating, violent, throbbing.
Headache noise, aggravated by =Bell., Nux-v., spig.,
Headache occipital = Gels 30.
Headache occiput =Bell., Gels., Glon., Ph-ac., Petr., Sil.,
Spig.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Headache of school-girls =Calc-p., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Puls.
Headache- on setting in the back of head and shooting
down the neck =Cimic.
Headache- on the vertex with heart troubles =Caust.
Headache- on the vertex worse by awaking =Lach.
Headache- on the vertex worse by least jar =Glon.
Headache pain on vertex as if the hair were pulled (kali-n.,
phos) =Mag-c.
Headache periodical = Zinc-P 3x.--- Periodical headache of
teachers and clergymen.
Headache periodical =Sang.
Headache pressure, better from =Bry., Lac-d., Puls.,
Sep., Mag-m., Mag-p., Chin.---Remedies normally
Headache riding in boat or carriage =Cocc., Petr.
Headache right sided= Bell., Sang., Calc.
Headache rush =Sang.---American sick headache-rush of
blood causing faintness and nausea, pains lancination or
throbbing. Dr. Hering.
Headache severe before during menses (Sep) =Kreos.
302… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache sick =Sulph.---Sick headache every week or

every too weeks; prostrating, weakening (Sang); with hot
vertex and cold feet.
Headache sick =Verat-v---Nervous or sick headache;
congestion form suppressed menses; intense, almost
apoplectic, with violent nausea and vomiting. Congestive
apoplexy, hot head, bloodshot eyes, thick speech, slow full
pulse, hard as iron.
Headache side of the head = Sang 30.
Headache sleep, after =Lach.
Headache sleep, loss of sleep(night watching) =Cocc.,
Headache small spot, located in =Kali-bi.
Headache sudden pain on right side of head as if struck by
a hammer or a club =Tab.
Headache sun from overheating in =Bry., GELS., Nat-m.,
Puls., Nat-c., Lach., Ant-c., Glon.---Medicines Mostly
Headache- syco-syphillitic form suppression of gonorrhea
syphilitic eruption =Sars.
Headache- syco-syphillitic sycotic origin =Thuj.
Headache temple =Bell., Chin., Puls., Spig.
Headache throbbing =Ferr-p.--- Throbbing headache that
is better from cold applications.
Headache- throbbing with face or slightly flushed apt to
occur during menses =Nat-m., Calc-p.
Headache- throbbing with face or slightly flushed
hammering flushed by least exertion =Ferr-m.
Headache- throbbing with face or slightly flushed sunken
eyes with dark rings =Chin.
Headache- throbbing with red burning face eyes ejected as
if brain moving in waves =Glon.
303… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Headache- throbbing with red burning face eyes ejected

glowing as red face =Meli.
Headache- throbbing with red burning face eyes ejected
red puffed face carotid throbbing visibly =Bell.
Headache- throbbing with red burning face eyes ejected
with gastric troubles =Nux-v.
Headache –Thuj.---headache : as if a nail had been driven
into parietal bone (Coff., Ign); or as if a convex button
were pressed on the part; <from sexual excesses;
overheating; from tea (Sel); chronic, or sycotic or syphilitic
Headache urine, flow of relieves =Gels., Ph-ac., Sil., Ign.,
Headache vertex =Alumn., Cact., Lach., Sulph.
Headache- with asthenopia =Ruta., Arg-n.
Headache with eye strain =Onos.---It has cured probably
more cases of headache associated with eye-strain, than
any other remedy since it was proved.
Headache wrapping head warmly, better by =Mag-m.,
Mag-p., Sil.
Headache, coldness =Sep.---Coldness of the vertex with
headache (Verat-heat of vertex., Calc-os., Graph., Sulph).
Headaches =All-c.---Headache ceases during menses;
returns when flow disappers (Lach., Zinc.); Catarrhal dull
Headaches =Aloe.---Headaches; are worse from heat,
better from cold applications (Ars); alternating with
lumbago; after insufficient stool.
Head-lice =Nat-m., Carb-ac., Psor.
Healing is poor in ulcers, boils =Hep., Merc., Sil.
304… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Health impairment =Puls.---The first impairment of health

is referred to pubertic age, have “never been well since”
anaemia, chlorosis, bronchitis, phythysis.
Health impairment of =Puls.---The first serious
impairment of health is referred to puberic age, have
“never been well since – anaemia, chlorosis, bronchitis,
Hears better when in a noise =Graph.---Hears better
when in a noise; when riding in a carriage or car, when
there is a rumbling is a rumbling sound (Nit-ac).
Heart =Cact., Dig., Kalm., Phos., Rhus-t., Spig.---
Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Heart =Cact.---Heart feels as if clasped and unclasped
rapidly by an iron band; as if bound, “had no room to
Heart =Colch.---Metastasis of gout to internal organs,
specially the heart with severe cardiac pains weaker heart
action thread like soecially perceptible pulse great
apprehension and dyspnoea.
Heart =Coll.---After heart is relieved old piles reappear, or
suppressed menses rectum.
Heart =Mag-p.---Spasmodic palpitation of the heart.
Heart =Phyt ---Pain leaves heart and appears in right arm.
This symptom is important as it is unusual (Phyt)
Heart =Strep.---Heart damaged in childhood by rheumatic
Heart =Syph.---Heart : lancinating pains from base to
apex, at night (from apex to base, Med; from base to
clavicle, or shoulder, Spig).
Heart affections =Cact.---Heart affections : Cactus has the
weakness and coldness of the extremities which
characterize many heart cases “Periodical attacks of
suffocations with fainting cold sweat on face and loss of
305… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

pulse.” “Fluttering and palpitation of heart <walking or

lying on left side.” Heart diseases with swelling of left hand
only. Numbness of left arm. Many symptoms are <at night.
Many symptoms < lying down or come on when lying down.
Periodicity is well marked 11 A.M. or 11 P.M.
Heart affections =Rhus-t.---Heart affections with
numbness of left arm- Rhus-t., Acon., Tingling in fingers-
Kalm., Puls.,; numbness especially about elbow – Act-t.,
Phyt; as though arm tightly bound to right arm.
Heart anxiety =Meny.---Anxiety about the heart as if some
evil was impending.
Heart beats loud =Verat-v.---Heart beats loud, strong,
with great arterial excitement, pulse incompressible, high
Heart burn =Calc-p.---Heart burn and other gastric
symptoms one or two hours after dinner.
Heart complaints =Ham.---Excessive thirst with most heart
complaints will be cured.
Heart- dilatation, with frequent pallor =Crat., Tab.
Heart Disease =Cact.---It helps a large number of cases of
weakened and painful heart; and if its keynote symptom of
constriction “as if an iron band prevented its normal
movement” or “Heart as if compressed and as violently
struggled to burst its bounds” of present it will cure. Pain
and numbness in left arm accompanying heart disease.
Heart disease =Coll.---In Heart disease complicated with
haemorrhoids consult Collinsonia when Cact., Dig., and
other remedies fail.
Heart diseases =Kalm.---In heart diseases that have
developed from rheumatism, or alternate with it. Pulse
slow, scarcely perceptible (35 or 40 per minute); pale face
and cold extremities.
306… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heart disorders =Adon., Arjuna., Aur-met., Cact-g.,

Conv., Crat., Dig., Kali-p., Kalm., Laur., Spong., Squil.,
Stroph-s., Valer., Visc.---Medicines mostly used.
Heart enlarged & tired =Pyrog.---Distinct consciousness of
a heart; it feels tired; as if enlarged; purring, throbbing
pulsating, constant in ears, preventing sleep; cardiac
asthenia from septic conditions, Pulse abnormally rapid,
out of all proportion to temperature (Lil-t.).
Heart fatty degeneration =Kali-c.---Heart; tendency to
fatty degeneration (Phos); as if suspended by a thread
Heart- fatty degeneration, thirst & restlessness =Ars.
Heart- fatty degeneration, with dropsy =Apoc.
Heart- fatty degeneration, with puffiness of face =Phos.
Heart fluttering of the =Nat-m.---Fluttering of the heart;
with a weak faint feeling < lying down (Lach). The heart‟s
pulsations shake the body (Spig).
Heart hypertrophy & tachycardia =Iber.---The excessive
nervousness and frightened condition so frequently
associated with heart affections, is pronounced in Iber. It
does great service in hypertrophy & Tachycardia.
Heart hypertrophy =Naja-t.---Simple hypertrophy of
heart. For restoring a heart damaged by acute
inflammation, or from relief of suffering of chronic
hypertrophy and valvular lesions. Irritating, dry,
sympathetic cough in the acute stage of rheumatic carditis,
or chronic organic lesions (Spong). Threatened paralysis of
heart, post-diphtheritic. Pulse irregular in force, but,
regular in rhythm. Severe stitching pain in region of heart.
Heart- hypertrophy, chest feel bruised & sore =Arn.
Heart- hypertrophy, constriction about the heart =Cact.
Heart- hypertrophy, with rheumatic diathesis =Rhus-t.
Heart- hypertrophy, worse on attempting to walk =Aur.
307… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heart intermittent =Tab---Intermittent heart in old people

(Tab) Dr. Cooper.
Heart neuralgia =Kalm.---Adapted to acute neuralgia,
rheumatism, gouty complaints, especially when heart is
involved as sequel of rheumatism or gout.
Heart- palpitation, better from, chronic nervous =Naja.
Heart- palpitation, better from, keeping doors & windows
open =Sulph.
Heart- palpitation, better from, lying on right side, with
head high = Spig.
Heart- palpitation, better from, moving around =Mang-m.
Heart- palpitation, better from, slight exertion =Aur-m.
Heart- palpitation, better from, walking slowly =Ferr.,
Heart- palpitation, worse from, approach of menses
Heart- palpitation, worse from, approach of old age
Heart- palpitation, worse from, at night =Ars.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, lying on left side =Nat-m.,
Heart- palpitation, worse from, manual labour =Iod.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, much anxiety =Puls.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, on ascending =Calc.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, on descending =Stann.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, sudden motion or emotion
=Phos., Calc-ar.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, when moving walking
=Cact., Naja.
Heart- palpitation, worse from, when quiet =Mang-m.
308… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, sound

audible several inches away = Spig.
Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, sound
audible to the patient =Ars., Mosch.
Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, with
anxiety and congestion to chest =Aur., Lyc.
Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, with
gasping for breath =Sulph.
Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, with
irregular intermittent pulse =Nat-m.
Heart- palpitation, violently shaking the whole body, with
remarkable slowness of puls =Kalm.
Heart pulsation over whole body =Lil-t.---Pulsation over
whole body, and full, distended feeling as if blood would
burst through the vessel (Aesc).
Heart pulsation shake the body (Spig) =Nat-m.
Heart rheumatic affections of =Spig.---Rheumatic
affections of heart (Kalm., Led., Naja); systolic blowing at
apex. Aneurism.
Heart sensation as if =Lil-t.---Sensation as if heart was
grasped in vise (Cact); as if blood had all gone to the heart;
feels full to bursting; inability to walk erect.
Heart sensation as if =Lob.---Sensation as if heart would
stand still; deep-seated pain at base (at apex., Lil-t).
Heart sensation of coldness =Petr.---sensation of coldness
about the heart (Carb-an., Kali-m., Nat-m).
Heart tonic = Crat.---Use mother tincture .must be used
for some time in order to obtain good result . 1 to 15
Heart was squeezed sensation =Iod.---Sensation as if the
heart was squeezed together; as if grasped with an iron
hand (Cact., Sulph).
309… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heart weak =Dig.---Weak heart without valvular

complications. Sensation as if heart would stop beating if
she moved (Cocaine-fears that unless constantly in the
move, heart will cease beating, Gels).
Heart will cease beating, fears =Gels.---Fears that unless
on the move heart will cease beating (Fears it would cease
beating if she moved, Dig). Slow pulse of old age.
Heart-beat rapid =Lil-t.---Rapid heart-beat, 150 to 170 per
Heartburn =Mag-c.---Heartburn sour belching eructations
taste and vomiting of pregnancy.
Heartburn =Mag-p.--- Frequent hiccough with heartburn.
Heartburn =Sul-ac.---Water drunk causes coldness of the
stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor. Chronic
heartburn, sour eructations, set teeth on edge (Rob.)
Heart-failure =Am-c.---If given in time it would save life.
Heat =Sulph.---has heat in patches. Calc-c. has cold in
Heat and cold =Merc-v.--- Extremely sensitive to heat and
Heat burning =Petr.---Heat and burning of soles of feet
and palms of hands (Sang., Sulph).
Heat burning =Sulph.--- Burning heat; of palms of hands,
top of head, and especially soles of feet; at night, uncovers
feet, throws off bedcovers.
Heat burning Sensation =Ars., Sang., Sulph.
Heat constant =Sulph.---Constant heat on vertex; cold feet
in daytime with burning soles at night, want to find a cool
place for them (Sang., Sanic); puts them out of bed to cool
them off (Med); cramps in calves and soles at night.
Heat exhaustion =Verat.--- Heat exhaustion.
310… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heat flushes of =Glon.---Flushes of heat; at the

climacteric (Amyl., Bell., Lach); with the catamenia (Ferr.,
Heat flushes of =Sep., Sulph., Phos., Lach., Glon., Sumb.,
Sang., Lyc., Petr., Calc.,

Heat in soles =Sulph.---Heat in soles or feet or cold feet

and burning soles, wants to find a cool place for them, or
puts them out of bed.
Heat of bed =Merc.
Heat of face =Gels.---Heat of face, chilliness, thick voice
fullness in head and brain feels as if bruised.
Heat of sun cannot bear (Gels., Glon., Lach., Nat-m)
Heat of the head, as if surrounded by hot air =Aster.
Heat of upper part =Arn.---Heat of upper part of body,
coldness of lower. Face alone is hot, the body cold.
Heat sensation of =Sulph., Phos., Sep., Calc., Lyc., Nat-
m., Nat-c., Kali-c., Bell., Puls.
Heat sudden flushes of =Dig.---Sudden flushes of heat,
followed by great nervous weakness and irregular
intermitting pulse, occurring at the climateric; <by least
Heat violently =Glon.---Heat acts violently, distinct
pulsation over the whole body.
Heat vital =Sil.---Want of vital heat, always chilly, even
when taking active exercise (Led., Sep).
Heat with thirst = Acon.---Heat with thirst, hard full
frequent pulse anxious impatience, inappeasable. Beside
himself teasing about with agony.
Heated becoming = Ant-c., Bry., Carb-v., Kali-c., Puls.,
Zinc., Sil., Acon., Glon., Nux-v.
Heaviness =Bar-m.--- Heaviness, internal and external.
311… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Heaviness =Gels.---Heaviness of head, relieved after the

profuse discharge of watery urine.
Heaviness of abdomen, load =Lyc., Aloe., Graph.
Heaviness of bladder =Lyc., Nat-m., Sep.
Heaviness of stomach after eating =Chin., Nux-v., Puls.
Heaviness of uterus =Chin., Sep.
Heavy =Ferr-ar.--- Full, relaxed, heavy.
Heavy =Hell.--- Stupefied, heavy, sluggish.
Heels pain =Am-mur.---Ulcerative pain in heels.
Heels Pain =Aran.---Heels pain > continued motion
<standing walking>by rest.
Heels pain =Puls., Caust., Cycl.
Heels Pain =Puls.---Boring pain in heels towards evening.
Heels Pain =Valer.---Pain in heels when sitting.
Heels pain in =Cycl 30, Thuj 30.---Useful heels pain. It
may be given 200 or 1m.
Heels Stitches =Petr.--- For stitches in heels as if splinters
were lodged there. Dr. Hahnemann.
Height & Growth =Bar-c, Bar-ph, Calc-ph, Sil, Thuj,
Calc-f, Calc.

Height Growth =Bar-p.---For increasing Height of children.

The constitutional medicines with intercurrenet nosodes
have helped such cases with over-all health improvement.
Hemoptysis =Lycps.---Hemoptysis due to valvular heart
disease. Wheezing cough with haemoptysis, bleeding small
but frequent.
Hemorrhage form stomach =Ger.---Use mother tincture,
is an excellent remedy. catarrhal gastritis with profuse
secretion, tendency do ulceration and passive
312… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hemorrhage =Iod.---Cancerous degeneration of the cervix;

cutting pains in abdomen and haemorrhage at every stool.
Hemorrhoidal diathesis =Dol.--- Tincture in drops-doses
can be considered as a specific against hemorrhoidal
Hemorrhoids =Aesc., Arn., Coll., Graph., Nit-ac., Nux-v.,
Hemorrhoids =Lycps 30.---is useful in bleeding from
rectum .
Hepatic =Mag-m.--- Cold, constipative, hepatic.
Hepatitis=Bry., Merc., Lach., Nat-s.
Hernia = Acon., Sulph., Nux-v., Lyc.
Hernia =Cocc.--- Is said to be a preventive for hernia when
a weakness in the abdomen indicates that a hernia may
take place though the symptom is probably of purely
nervous character.
Hernia =Lyc., Nux-v., Nit-ac., Cocc., Acon., Sulph., Carb-
v., Lach., Plb., Op.
Hernia =Lyc.---Hernia : right sided, has cured many cases
especially in children.
Hernia =Nux-v.---Weakness of abdominal ring region.
Strangulated hernia (op) forcing in lower abdomen towards
genitals. Umblical hernia of infants.
Hernia =Plb.--- Colic and fatal vomiting strangulated
hernia femoral inguinal or umblical.
Hernia early cases =Symph.---Mother tincture once daily
may often cure this complaint.
Hernia inguinal Left =Thuj---Left inguinal hernia in
infants, child cries all the time and is only quiet when the
left inguinal region is relieved from pressure or the thigh is
flexed on the abdomen. (Thuj O)
Hernia strangulated, especially umbilical =Nux-v.
Hernia strangulated, femoral, inguinal or umbilical =Plb.
313… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hernia umbilical =Cocc.---Has cured umbilical hernia with

obstinate constipation, after Nux-v. failed.
Herniated=Aesc., Agar., Bry., Hyper.
Heroin poisoning ailments from =Aven., Ip., Nux-v., Op.
Herpes =Hep., Calc., Vario.
Herpes =Hep.---Ulcers herpes surrounded by little pimples
or pustules and spread coalescing. Middle lip cracked (Am-
c., Nat-m. cracks in commissures, Cond.).
Herpes =Mez.---Herpes zoster shingles excruciating pain
area becoming black.
Herpes =Petr.---Herpes of genital organs extending to
perineum and things itching redness skin cracked rough
bleeding dry or moist. Painful itching chilblains and
chapped hands <in cold weather decubitus.
Herpes =Sep.---Herpes circinatus in isolated spots on upper
parts of body (in intersecting rings over whole body, Tell).
Itching of skin of various parts of external genitalia is not >
by scratching and is apt to change burning.
Herpes =Skook., Graph., Petr.
Herpes =Vario.---Prevents post herpetic neuralgia.
Herpes labialis=Caps., Nat-m., Rhus-t.
Herpes simplex = Ferr-p., Nat-S., Rhus-t., Ran-b., Hep.,
Sil., Calc., Med.
Herpes zoster =Mez =In Old People may be tried. Use 30
Herpes zoster =Rhus-t., Ran-b., Mez., Merc., Ars.,
Anthr., Kalm.---Remedies mostly used.
Herpes zoster =Rhus-t.---When occuring in middle-aged
persons . This medicine is, of itself, sufficient to relieve
pain and itching. It Shortens the duration of the eruption
and prevents its sequale.
Herpes=Sep., Tell.
314… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hiatus hernia =Ant-c., Carb-v.---In hiatus hernia with

Hyperacidity give Ant-c., 30 & carb-v., 30 before meals and
after meals.
Hiccough =Gins.---tincture, 5 drops will stop the deadly
Hiccough =Hyos.---Hiccough after abdominal operation.
Hiccough =Ign.--- Hiccough and hysterical vomiting.
Hiccough =Iod.---5 drops in water will also stop.
Hiccough =Ran-b.---Hiccough Hichki Kali-br. 3
Hiccough =Scut---In a case of severe and rapid hiccough
ten drops of the mother tincture every two hours.(Scut)
Dr. Churton.
Hiccough =Zinc., Valer.---In obstinate hiccough cases.
Hiccoughs =Mang-p, Nux-v., Ign., Verat-alb., Ars.,
Cajuput., Cic., Hyos.
High blood pressure = Glon., Visc., Rauw., Bar-c. Kali-p.
High living =All-s.--- People accustomed to high living
without discrimination; veritable. If afterwards they suffer
from the slightest irregularities in diet.
High temperature =Phos.--- Appears to be well despite
high temperature.
Hip joint =Ph-ac.---Pain in hip joint. Pain in the long bones
between joints better by motion. Old gouty constitution.
Tissue becomes weak, Red Spots appear wherever the flesh
is thin and these sports relations to the periosteum.
Pereositis. Pains in the tibia at night. Bone feels, as if
scraped. Cold hand and hot feet. Ulcers on the legs with
watery offensive discharge.
Hip-joint =Verat.---Difficult walking, first right, left hip-
joint feels paralytic.
Hips =ARS,. HEP., LED.
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Hips =Bad.--- In small of back, hips, lower limbs, stiff

Hips, painful =Arn., Phyt., Ruta.
Hives =Apis.--- Hives.

Hives urticaria= Urt-u., Apis., Ars., Astac., Carb-ac.,

Led., Nat-m., Rhus-t., Sulph.--Medicines Mostly
Hoarseness =Sel.---for hoarseness as soon as begins to
Hoarseness = All-c.---Hoarseness and whooping cough
inspiring cold air. Tickling in larynx. Sensation as if larynx,
split or torn.
Hoarseness =All-c.--- Hoarseness, beginning laryngitis.
Hoarseness =Arg-m.---Voice hoarseness of professional
singers, public speakers (Alum., Arum-t) total loss of voice
with professional singers. Throat and larynx feel raw or
sore on swallowing or coughing.
316… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hoarseness =Arg-n., Arum-t., Caust., Carb-v., Caps.,

Phos., Spong., Sel., Alum., Phyt., Rhus-t..--Remedy
mostly prescribed.
Hoarseness =Arg-n.---Hoarseness caused by smoking.
Hoarseness =Calc.---Hoarseness painless < in the morning.
Hoarseness =Carb-v.---Hoarseness ,evening; damp evening
air; warm wet fails when exerted (<morning-Caust.).
Hoarseness =Carb-v.---Hoarseness and rawness worse in
the evening aphoni worse in the morning.
Hoarseness =Caust., Arum-t., Sulph.
Hoarseness =Caust.---Caust 200., is the chief remedy for
loss of voice from whatever cause. If positive indications
for other remedies are absent. It is worth for trial.
Hoarseness =Caust.---Compare hoarseness with Rumx and
carb-v., when < changes to evening Sulph. In chronic
Hoarseness =Caust.---Hoarseness due to polypus in the
larynx with Caust. 200 to 10 m. Caust., is selected because
there was morning agg. In hoarseness and the patient has
extreme sympathy for others.
Hoarseness =Caust.---Hoarseness with rawness and
aphonia <in the morning in the evening, with scraping in
throat Carb-v., Phos.).
Hoarseness =Cina.---Has cured aphonia from exposure
when Acon., Phos., and Spong., had failed.
Hoarseness =Coca.---Tincture or third attenuation is also
useful. Give 5-6 drops , every half an hour before expected
demand of voice.
Hoarseness =Dros.---Constriction and crawling in larynx
hoarseness and yellow or green sputa. Laryngeal phthisis
following whooping-cough (Bronchial catarrh following,
Coc-c.). Sensation of feather in Larynx exciting cough.
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Hoarseness =Dros.---Rough, scraping, dry sensation deep

in the faces and in soft plate with deep hoarseness and fear
of the chest causing difficult expiration.
Hoarseness =Ferr-p.--- Hard, dry, tickling cough, with
painful chest and hoarseness.
Hoarseness =Hep.--- Hoarseness with loss of voice.
Hoarseness =Ign.---Hoarseness better by talking.
Hoarseness =Nux-m.---Sudden hoarseness, <from walking
against the wind. (Euphr., Hep.).
Hoarseness =Phos.--- Hoarseness, loss of voice.
Hoarseness =Phos.---Hoarseness worse evening larynx very
painful. Clergyman‟s sore throat violent tickling in larynx
while speaking. Aphonia worse evening with rawness.
Hoarseness =Rumx.---Hoarseness worse evening after
exposure to cold voice uncertain.
Hoarseness =Sel.---Aphonia after long use of voice husky
when beginning to sing obliged to clear the throat
frequently of transparent starchy mucus (Arg-m., Stann).
Tubercular laryngitis.
Hoarseness =Stann.---Hoarseness deep husky hollow voice
relieved for the time being by coughing and expectorating
Hoarseness =Stann.---Hoarseness, and roughness in the
chest, larynx with great weakness in the chest.
Hoarseness of singers =Sel---Hoarseness of singers,
appearing as soon as they begin to sing or after long use of
the voice with frequent necessity to clear the throat from
accumulation of clear starchy mucus. (Sel) Dr. Clarke.
Hoarseness of voice =Caust., Phos., Coca., Sol-n., Carb-
v., Arg-m., Just. Remedies mostly used.
Hoarseness with soreness =Spong.--- Hoarseness with
soreness and burning.
Hodgkin’s diseases =Acon., Calc-f., Kali-m., Nat-m.
Home sickness =Ign., Bry., Ph-ac., Caps.
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Homoeomycin =Terramycin.
Honour= Staph., Aur., Caust., Coloc., Lyc., Ign., Nat-m.,
Nux-v.--- Aliments from wounded honour.
Hookworm=Chen-a., Thymol.
Horny =Ant-c.--- Cross, crusty, horny.
Horrible sick =Bapt.---Horrible sick feeling all over, feels
weak, tired and bruised.
Horror =Stram.--- Horror, hallucinations, painlessness.
Hot =Bell.--- Red, hot, inflamed restlessness.
Hot =Iod.--- Hot, hungry, hypertrophic.
Hot =Phos.--- Haemorrhagic, hot, hungry.
Hot =Sulph-i.--- Anxious, hot, hurried.
Hot dry skin =Acon.--- Fevers; sudden onset; hot dry skin;
often one cheek red, other cheek pale.
Hot face =Stram.--- Red, hot face with cold feet.
Hot flushes =Sulph.---Hot flushes during the day with
weak, faint spells, passing off with a little moisture.
Hot hands =Sep.---has cold hands with hot feet or hot
hands with cold feet.
Hot stuffy =Puls.--- Fainting from hot stuffy atmosphere.
Hot weather =Gels.--- Bad effects of sun or hot weather.
Housemaid’s Knee =Apis., Sticta-p., Rhus-t., Kali-i.
Humid =Nat-s.--- Humid, hydrogenoid, hyper-bilious.
Humour changeable =Nux-m.---Changeable humour; one
moment laughing, the next crying (Croc., Ign); “sudden
change from grave to gay, from lively to serene” (Plat).
Hunger =Cina.---Great hunger soon just after eating,
desire for different things.
Hunger =Iod., Abrot., Nat-m.
Hunger =Iod.---Suffers from hunger must eat every few
hours, anxious and worried if he does not eat, (Cina.,
Sulph.) feels > while eating or after eating when stomach is
319… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hunger =Lyc.---Hunger, but small quantity of food seems

to fill his stomach. Waking at night feeling hungry (Cina.,
Hunger =Sel.---Hunger at night (Cina., Psor.)
Hunger appetite =Cina.---Canine hunger; hungry soon
after a full meal; craving for sweets and different things;
refuses mother‟s milk.
Hunger appetite =Iod.---Ravenous hunger eats freely and
well, yet loses flesh all the time Hot, hungry, hypertrophic.
(Abrot., Nat-m., Sanic., Tub.)
Hunger canine =China.
Hunger ravenous =Staph.---In fever ravenous hunger for
days before attack.
Hungry =Petr.--- Rough, ragged, hungry.
Hungry =Phos.--- Haemorrhagic, hot, hungry.
Hungry =Psor.---Hungry in the middle of the night, must
have something to eat (Cina., Sulph.)
Hungry =Staph.---Extremely hungry even when stomach is
full of food.
Hurried =Sulph-i.--- Anxious, hot, hurried.
Hurried and rapid talking (Hep) =Merc.
Hurry =Arg-n., Lach., Med., Sul-ac.
Hurry =Med.---is in a great hurry when doing something is
in such a hurry, she gets fatigned, very impatient peevish.
Hurry =Sulph.---Feels in great hurry everything must be
done quickly (Arg-n).
Hurry great =Sul-ac.---Feels in a great hurry; everything
must be done quickly (Arg-n).
Hurry, always in a =Nat-p
Hydrocele =Bry. Arn., Rhod., Puls., Sil., Aur., Calc.,
Graph. Remedies Mostly prescribed.
Hydrocele =Bry.---Is the remedy of congenital hydrocele.
320… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hydrocele =Fl-ac 30.---In dropsy of limbs in old, people of

deeble constitution this remedy will be useful.
Hydrocephalic babies =Calc-p.---Given during pregnancy
will prevent mothers from giving birth to hydrocephalic
Hydrocephaloid =Podo.---Will often prevent
hydrocephaloid when the symptoms accompany profuse
exhausting stools.
Hydrocephalus =Apis., Calc-p., Merc., Podo., Sulph.Main
Medicines used.
Hydrocephalus =Apis., Merc.---Are great remedies to ward
off, or cure hydrocephalus after scarlet fever.
Hydrocephalus =Hell.---Hydrocephalus, posy scarlatinal or
tubercular which develops rapidly (Apis., Sulph., Tub);
automatic motion of one arm and leg.
Hydrogenoid =Nat-s.--- Humid, hydrogenoid, hyper-bilious.
Hydrophobia =Bell., Hyos., Stram., Canth., Cup., Lyss.,
Phos., Sabad.
Hydrophobia =Bell.---Besides its prophylactic powers in
scarlet fever. It is the best preventive of hydrophobia gives
at first event third or fourth day and then at longer
Hydrophobia =Stram.---Hydrophobia; fear of water, with
excessive aversion to liquids (Bell., Lyss).
Hydrophobia prophylactic =Bell., Hyos., Lyss., Stram.
Hydrophobia= Bell., Lyss .--- Fear of water, with excessive
aversion to liquid.
Hydrorrhea =Kali-p., Puls.
Hydrothorax = Merc-s., Lact., Ran-b., Kali-c., Merc., Fl-
ac., Adon.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Hydrothorax =Merc-S---As important as in dropsies of
chest. Dr. Lippe. When it acts it produces a profuse watery
diarrhoea with great relief to the patient. Pain in the right
chest extending to scapula. can scarcely breathe :
321… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

aggravation 4 to 5 P.M. Oedema of legs. Hydrothorax

depending on liver or heart affections.
Hyper thyroid = Iod., Bell., Cact., Calc., Ferr-i., Fl-ac.,
Glon., Kali-i., Nat-m., Phos., Piloc., Spong., Thyr.
Hyperaesthesia =Plb---Hyperaesthesia with loss of power
and also emaciation of suffering parts (Plb) Dr. Nash. But
Dr. Kent says there is hyperaesthesia in acute affections
but in the chronic loss of sensation and ability to feel
anaesthesia of the skin.
Hyper-bilious =Nat-s.--- Humid, hydrogenoid, hyper-
Hyperchlorhydria=Chinin-ar., Rob., Orex., Arg-n., Atro.,
Anac., Iris.---Medicines normally prescribed.
Hyperglycemia=Arg-n., Lyc., Phos.
Hyper-pituitarism =Calc., Nat-m., Phos., Sulph., Ph-ac.,
Kali-p., Alum., Kalm.
Hypersensitive to light =Nux-v.--- Irritable, impatient,
hypersensitive to noise, touch, light, odors, etc.
Hypersensitive=Med., Nit-ac., Puls., Sulph.
Hypertension =Coff., Visc., Glon., Rauw., Stront-c.,
Acon., Agar., Aran., Aster., Bar-m.
Hyperthyroidism = Arn., Nat-s., Calc-p., Sars., Lyc.,
Cycl., Iod., Nat-m., Nat-Ph., Kali-p., Calc., Sulph., Rhus-
t., Ars.
Hypertrophic =Iod.--- Hot, hungry, hypertrophic.
Hypertrophy =Brom.---Hypertrophy of heart from
gymnastics in growing boys (from calisthenics in young
girls, Caust).
Hypertrophy compensatory (Heart) =Adonis-ver.
Hypo Thyroid = Calc., Calc-i., Graph., Kali-i., Nat-m.,
Sep., Spong., Thyr., Bar-c., Sil., Calc-p., Rhus-t., Caust.
Hypochondriasis =Nux-v., Nat-m., Aur-m., Act-r., Hyos.,
Con., Stann., Valer.
Hypoglycemic symptoms =Sulph.--- Hypoglycemic
symptoms; sinking feeling in stomach an hour before lunch
322… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Hypo-pituitarism = Arg-n., Ambr., Plb., Lyc., Chin.,

Lach., Alum., Ferr-a
Hypotension = Acon., Agar., Aran., Bar-m., Cur., Gels.,
Halo., Hist., Lach.
Hypothyroidism = Bar-c., Sil., Calc-p., Nat-m., Calc-c.,
Graph., Rhus-t., Caust.
Hysteria =Ign.--- is one of the chief remedies for hysteria
spasmodic, paradoxic, hysteric.
Hysteria =Mosch., Ign., Croc., Nux-v., Nux-m., Plat.,
Asaf., Act-r., Tarent., Valer.---Medicines Normally Used.
Hysteria =Pothos.---Abnormal sensation emotions or
Hysteric =Mosch.--- Hysteric, spasmodic, nervous.
Hysterical =Fl-ac.--- Hysterical neuropathic.
Hysterical fits =Stram.---Hysterical fits, fear of darkness,
seeing ghosts at night and Religious Mania.
Hysterical joint =Ign., Cham., Arg-m., Cham.
Hysterical vomiting =Ign.--- Hiccough and hysterical
Hystero-epilepsy =Mosch., Zinc-val.
Ice-cold drinks =Phos.--- Thirst for ice-cold drinks, which
are vomited as soon as they become warm in the stomach.
Ichthyosis =Thyr., Ars., Nat-c., Thuj.
Icy cold & warm =Cinchona.---One hand icy cold, the other
warm (Dig., Ip., Puls).
Icy coldness =Chel.---Icy coldness of tips of fingers. Pain in
arms, shoulders, hands, tips of fingers.
Illness never fully recovered =Carb-v.--- Has never fully
recovered from the effects of some previous illness.
Illusion =Acon.---Arn.---That he is well and does not need
a doctor.
Illusion =Anac.---Bapt.---He is scattered about, tries to get
scattered pieces together.
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Illusion =Bry.---Thinks he is away from home , wants to be

taken there.
Illusion =Calc., Hyos ---That other people think her to be
Illusion =Croc.---As if something is moving about in
stomach or uterus.
Illusion =Ind.--- has an illusion of having a large goiter.
Illusion =Sabad.---Illusion : that he is sick, parts shrunken;
that she is pregnant when merely distended from flatus;
that she has some horrible throat disease that will be fatal.
Illusion =Sulph.---Even rage seem beautiful.
Illusion =Thuj.---As if made of glass. As if a living animal
were in abdomen. As if under influence of superior power.
As if strange persons were at his side.
Illusive =Hyos.--- Cloudy, illusive, convulsive.
Imaginary =Iod.---Emaciation, skin dirty yellow, great
weakness and prostration.
Imaginary troubles =Ign.---Broods over imaginary troubles.
Imagines =Bell.---Imagines, he sees ghosts, hideous faces,
and various insects (Stram); black animals, dogs, wolves.
Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them;
Immobile completely = Sil.---Completely immobile elbow
Impatient =Nux-v.--- Irritable, impatient, hypersensitive to
noise, touch, light, odors, etc.
Impetigo =Cic., Crot-t., Mez., Ant-t., Calc-m., Ant-t..---
Remedies mostly used.
Impotence =Arg-n.---Impotence : erection fails when
coition is attempted (Agn., Calad., Sel). Sexual desire
wanting : organ shriveled.
Impotence =Calad.---Impotence : of young men, from
onanism or sexual excess; penis small, cold, relaxed; old
324… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

men, with strong desire but imperfect erections; falls

asleep during an embrace : premature emission.
Impotence =Lyc 1m.---Useful For impotence of old people.
Impotence =Lyc.---Impotence of young men, from onanism
or sexual excess; penis small, cold, relaxed; old men, with
men, with strong desire but imperfect erections; falls
asleep during an embrace; premature emission.
Impotence =Sel.---Impotence, with desire; lewd thoughts,
but physically impotent (sudden impotence, Chlor).
Impotence, after frequent attacks of gonorrhoea. Bad
effects from suppressed gonorrhoea (Med).
Impotence complete =Agn.---Complete impotence :
relaxation, flaccidity, coldness of genitalia. No sexual
power or desire (Calad., Sel).
Impotence erections slow =Sel.--- Impotence, with desire,
lewd thoughts, but physically impotent (sudden impotence,
chlor). Erections slow, insufficient, too rapid emission with
long-continued thrill; weak, ill-humored after coitus, often
involuntary dribbling of semen and prostatic fluid which
oozes while sitting, at stool, during sleep; gleet (Calad).
Priapism glands drawn up. (Berb. –drawn down. Canth).
Impotency =Calad., Agnus-cast., Sel., Sulph., Acid-fl.,
Ambra-g., Con.---Medicines Normally Used.
Impotency =Dam.---Said to be of use in sexual
neurasthenia; impotency. Sexual debility from nervous
prostration. Frigidity of females.
Impotency =Eup-per.---Impotency in the male and sterility
and uterine atony in the female have been cured. Dr. Hale.
Impotency =Lyc.---For old men who marry again, and find
themselves impotent. And the case of young men who have
become impotent from masturbation and sexual excesses,
Lyc. The desire is strong but the power is absent, penis
small, cold and relaxed.
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Impotency and spermatorrhoea =Pic-ac.---It cures

impotency and spermatorrhoea when the mind is unable to
control the lust state.
Impotency due to masturbation =Staph., Agn., Lyc.,
Impotency male sexual organs =Ph-ac.---Male sexual
organs. Sexual weakness and prolonged, exhaustion,
impotency, masturbator, nightly pollutions with great
exhaustion „prostatorrhea immediately after any erection,
discharge of prostatic fluid, even when passing a stool, the
prostatic fluid is discharged.
Impotency old age 3-4 doses daily =Nuph Q or 3, Onos 3
0r 6.
Impulsive =Alum.---He is impulsive, when he sees sharp
instruments or blood, impulses rise up within him and he
shudders because of these impulses. An instrument that
could be used for murders or for killing, causes, these
impulses to rise; impulse to kill himself.
Impulsive =Nux-v.--- Chilly, impulsive, oversensitive.
Inactive =Calc-s.--- Cold, inactive, indurated.
Inactive =Carc.--- Cancer, constrictive, inactive.
Inactive =Kali-m.--- Inactive, induration, exudation.
Inactive =Zinc.--- Feeble, fidgety, inactive.
Inactive =Zinc-p.--- Slow, sluggish, inactive.
Inactive lethargic =Nux-m., Ph-ac., Gels.
Inclination = Agar.---Inclination to prophecy and
Incoherent =Cann-i.--- Ecstatic, incoherent, weary.
Incontinence of urine =Caust., Ph-ac., Kreos.
Incordination =Cocc.--- Inco-ordination and paralytic
Indifference entire indifference to life; sure she will die
326… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Indifferent =Sep.---Indifferent; even to one‟s family, to

one‟s occupation (Fl-ac., Ph-ac); to those whom she loves
best. Greedy, miserly (Lyc); indolent, does not want to do
anything, either work or play : even exertion to think.
Indifferent apathetic =Staph.---Apathetic, indifferent, low
spirited, weak memory from sexual abuses (Anac., Aur.,
Indifferent listless , apathetic =Ph-ac.---Is listless,
apathetic; indifferent to the affairs of life; prostrated and
stupefied with grief, to those things that used to be of
most interest, especially if there be debility and
Indifferent to others =Ph-ac., Sep., Ambr.
Indigestion =Bry., Carb-v., Cham., Chin., Ign., Lyc., Nux-
v., Puls., Hydr., Kali-c. , Nat-p., Ant-c., Aeth., Abies-c..-
--Medicines mostly used.
Indigestion =Mag-m.---Indigestion of children during
dentition, milk causes pain in stomach and passes
Indigestion =Puls.---In case of indigestion where puls is
indication, the patient dreams of animals that are black in
colour and dreamer runs backward as the animal starts
chasing him.
Indignation =Staph.--- Indignation, eruption, induration
honour wounded.
Indignation nervous excitement =Staph.---Will be suitable
to patients suffering from sleeplessness and headaches, you
do not have to work long upon that case because more than
likely Staph. will be suitable. (Dr. Kent.)
Indisposition =Mez.--- Erruption, alternating, indisposition.
Indolent =Carbo-a.--- Indolent, indurated, nodes.
Indolent =Sep.---Indolent does not want to do anything,
either work or play; even an exertion to think.
Indurated =Alumn.--- Weak, atonic, indurated.
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Indurated =Aur.--- Georged, plethoric, indurated.

Indurated =Calc-f.--- Induration stony hardness with.
Indurated =Calc-s.--- Cold, inactive, indurated.
Indurating =Phyt.--- Aching, indurating, glandular.
Induration =Alum.---Induration and lack of tone.
Induration =Brom.--- Croupous, glandular, induration.
Induration =Kali-m.--- Inactive, induration, exudation.
Induration =Phyt.---Induration of glands.
Induration =Staph.--- Indignation, eruption, induration.
Ineffectual urging =Nux-v. altered with sulph.--- for
constant ineffectual urging.
Infantile liver =Med.---Rectifies the obscure metabolic
defects in the mother and prevents infantile liver in new
Infants colds =Acon., Bell., Bry., Gels., Hep., Merc-viv.,
Nux-v..---Remedies mostly used.
Infants colic =Bry., Calc-c., Cham., Coloc.
Infants constipation =Nux-v., Puls.
Infants croup =Acon.
Infants cuts & scrapes =Calen Q.
Infants diaper rash =Calen.
Infants diarrhoea =Acon., Ars., Cham., Coloc., Dulc.,
Merc-viv., Nux-v., Podo., Puls..---Medicines Normally
Infants ear infections =Acon., Bell., Cham., Dulc., Ferr-
p., Hep., Mag-p., Puls.,.
Infants influenza =Gels.
Infants sore throat =Bell., Hep., Merc-v.
Infants teething =Bell., Calc-c., Calc-p., Cham., Sil..---
Main Medicines.
Infants vomiting =Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Ip., Phos.---
Main medicines.
Infection localize =Hep.--- This remedy also helps to
localize infection.
328… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Infectious=Chin., Gels.
Infiltrates tissues=Con.
Inflamed =Bell.--- Red, hot, inflamed.
Inflammation =Ferr-Ph., Bell., Acon.--- For inflammation
of the 1st stage. inflammation and swelling of tonsils even
from the least cold.
Inflammation =Arn.---Inflammation and tingling of the
skin, injuries, bruises etc.
Inflammation =Bry.---Inflammation of joints whether of
rheumatic character or not whether from cold exposure or
injury. Bry is often indicated in injuries of joints where
Arn. would be a failure.
Inflammation =Calc-s.---Inflammation, refuses to heal.
Inflammation =Canth.---Erysipelatius inflammation forming
blisters, or burns before blisters have been formed.
Inflammation =Caust.---Inflammation of the eyes.
Suppuration about the eyes lachrymation. Droping of upper
lids, unable to keep them open as if they are paralysed.
Inflammation =Ferr-p.--- Acute, early, inflammation.
Inflammation =Hep.---Inflammation, croupous stage.
Inflammation =Kali-s.---Inflammation late stage.
Inflammation =Led.--- Inflammation of knee-joint.
Inflammation =Sabin.---Inflammation of ovaries or uterus
after abortion or premature labour.
Inflammation =Sil.---Inflammation swelling and
suppuration of glands, cervical axillary parotid mammary
inguinal sebaceous malignant gangrenous.
Inflammation of eye-lids =Graph., Mez., Arg-nit.
Inflammation of veins =Ham.---Is used whenever there is a
sensitiveness to the vein or where there is trauma to the
vein or when the possibility of some inflammation of a vein
is developing the dose is ten drops in water three times a
day until improved and then reduce slowly. Where the
patient has rather large varicose veins, give a does or two
329… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Inflammations =Apis.---In inflammations and fevers when

there is alternate dry heat the sweating think of. Dr. Nash.
Inflammatory =Ferr-p.---Indicated inflammtory conditions.
Inflammatory =Kali-s.---It is used in the third stage of
inflammatory and catarrhal conditions.
Influenza = Acon., Nux-v., Rhus-t., Bry., Euphr., Gels.,
Merc., Bapt.
Influenza = Influenza is almost a specific in the 3x for the
attack and the 30th for the resulting debility. Dr. Cooper.
Influenza =Am-c.---Burning coryza nose stopped up at
night, influenza.
Influenza =Bry., Am-c.---For the cough that maybe left by
influenza which should yield (Bry)to but may fail to do
Influenza =Gels.---Should be thought of in early stages of
flu.It has sneezing frequent and violent chilliness, watery
discharge from nose, aching pains in muscles, acute coryza
with dull headache and fever. First to third potency most
often used. After influenza is cured but a few left overs
remain like cough etc. Give a dose of Am-c 200. And cure
will be complete.
Influenza =Kali-i.---Is recommended as a prophylactic
against colds and influenza.
Influenza =Merc-c.---Influenza, chest remains tight,
burning, stinging in trachea with hoarseness and aphonia.
Influenza cough =Sang.---After influenza children often
get a cough scarcely distinguishable from whooping cough.
Also it is a remedy for severe cough, the cough returns with
every cold. Dr. Clarke.
Ingrown toe nail =Mag-polus., Australis., Teucr., Acid-
n., Sil.--- Ingrown toe nail.
Injection =Vesi.--- The new homoeopathic world is trying
its injection intermuscularly with guranteed success.
Injections ailments from=Hyper., Led., Plat., Crot-h.
Injured =Led.--- Injured parts are cold and are relieved by
cold applications.
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Injured bruised bones =Ruta--- Injured, “bruised” bones,

eyes, rectum, periosteum (the membrane surrounding the
Injuries = Act-ac.---Great prostration after injuries (Sulph-
ac after surgical shock after anesthetics).
Injuries = Ars 200., Arn 200.---Small piece of iron with
rust pierced eye-corneal ulcer.
Injuries =Arn.---Bad effects resulting from mechanical
injuries even if years ago.
Injuries =Arn.---Should be used in affections acute or
chronic which are the result of trauma, such as concussion,
fracture of skul with compression of the brain, headache of
long standing, meningitis, apoplexy, inflammation of the
eye with suggilation or even retinal Haemorrhage,
deafness, epistaxis, newly filled teeth, affection from blow
on stomach or other viscera.
Injuries =Bry.---Bryonia is often indicated in injuries of
joints where Arnica would be a failure.
Injuries =Calen.---Calendula is similar to Hyper. in injuries
to parts rich in sentient nerves where pain is excessive and
out of all proportion to injury.
Injuries =Euphr 6.---Ammonia Gas contact-swelling lids-
tenderness of eye ball (corneal oedema).
Injuries =Euphr.---Bad effects from falls contusions of
mechanical injuries of external parts (Arn).
Injuries =Ham.---Chronic effects of mechanical injuries
(Con) Traumatic conjunctivitis suggillations, or
extravasations into chambers of eye from severe coughing,
intense soreness (Arn., Calen., Led.) Wounds incised
lacerated contused injuries from falls, checks haemorrhage
removes pain and soreness (Arn).
Injuries =Hell. 200 ---Boring head into pillow rolling from
side to side beating head with hands.
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Injuries =Hell.---Boring head into pillow rolling from side

to side beating head with hands.
Injuries =Hyper.---Injuries from treading on nails needles
pins splinters (Led) from rat-bites prevents lockjaw.
Injuries =Hyper.---Injury to parts rich in sentient nerves
fingers toes matrices of nails palms or soles-where the
intolerable pain shows nerves are severely involved of
tissues of animal life as hands and feet.
Injuries =Hyper.---Mechanical injuries of spinal cord, bad
effects of spinal concussion pains after a fall on coccyx.
Injuries =Hyper.---Nervous depression following wounds or
surgical operations removes bad effect of shock of fright of
Injuries =Hyper.---Preserves intergrity of torn and
lacerated membranes when almost entirely separated from
body (Calen).
Injuries =Led.---Contusions of eyes and lids, especially if
much extravasation of blood ecchymosis of lids and
Injuries =Led.---Haemorrhage into anterior chamber after
Injuries =Nat-s.---Mental traumatism, mental effects from
injuries to head chronic brain effects of blows fall.
Injuries =Rhus-t., Ruta.---strains or injuries of single
Injuries =Staph.---Mechanical injuries from sharp-cutting
instruments post-surgical operations stinging smarting pains
like the cutting of a knife.
Injuries =Sul-ac.---Bad effects from mechanical injuries
with bruises chaffing and livid skin prostration (Acet-ac.).
Injuries =Sul-ac.---Concussion of brain from fall or blow
where skin is cold and bathed in cold sweat.
332… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Injuries =Sul-ac.---Ecchymosis cicatrices turn blood-red or

blue are painful (Turn green, Led.)
Injuries =Symph.---Facilitates union of fractured bones
(Calc-p) lessens peculiar pricking pain favours production
of callous when trouble is of nervous origin.
Injuries =Symph.---Follows well after Arnica for pricking
pain and soreness of periosteum remaining after an injury.
Injuries =Symph.---Irritability at point of fracture
periosteal pain after wounds have healed.
Injuries =Symph.---Mechanical injuries blows bruises
thrusts on the globe of the eye.
Injuries =Symph.---Pain in eye after blow of an obtuse
body snow ball strikes the eye infant thrusts its fist into its
mother‟s eye (to soft tissues around the eye).
Injuries =Syph 1M.---A cyst due to trauma & a case of loss
of vision.
Injuries blows =Arn.--- Injuries from blows, falls, or blunt
Injuries bruising =Arn.--- Bruising injuries to soft tissues.
Injuries joints =Bry.---Bry., is often indicated in injuries of
joints where Arn., would be a failure.
Injuries mechanical =Symph.---Mechanical injuries; blows,
bruises, thrusts on the globe of the eye.
Injuries mental traumatism =Nat-s.---Mental traumatism;
mental effects from injuries to head; chronic brain effects
of blows, falls.
Injuries old =Arn.--- Helpful even in old injuries.
Injuries sports =Arn.---Bruises, black eye, face bruise, heel
or toe bruise, knee bruise, strains.
Injuries sports =Arn.---Fractures for shock and pain.
Injuries sports =Arn.---Overexertion bruised sore feeling
black eye aching muscles and joints general fatigue.
Injuries sports =Arn.---Shin splints.
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Injuries sports =Arn.---Take on first day.

Injuries sports =Bell.----Pupils dilated pulse strong,
pounding skin burning dry, flushed .
Injuries sports =Bry.---Broken rib pain.
Injuries sports =Bry.---If worse from slightest motion; take
on second day.
Injuries sports =Calc.---If weakness is still present after 2
Injuries sports =Calen.---Athletes‟s foot.
Injuries sports =Calen.---Bleeding from mouth.
Injuries sports =Calendula lotion.---Cuts and abrasions
Injuries sports =Canth.---Blisters raw burning pains better
from cold applications.
Injuries sports =Cupr.---cramping, in addition to Verat.
Injuries sports =Glon.---Sunstroke and heat exhaustion
face hot and flushed bursting headache waves of throbbing.
Injuries sports =Hyper.---Crushed nerves of lips fingers lips
and toes etc.
Injuries sports =Ip.---Bright red blood; gushing.
Injuries sports =Led.---Sprained ankle or wrist if better
from cold applications.
Injuries sports =Phos.---Nosebleed profuse bleeding from
vigorous nose-blowing.
Injuries sports =Rhus-t.---Tendonitis painful when
beginning to move; better after continued motion worse in
damp weather.
Injuries sports =Ruta.---After Arn. If necessary.
Injuries sports =Ruta.---Lame feeling lack distinct
Injuries sports =Ruta.---Tennis Elbow.
Injuries sports =Ruta.---Twisted knee.
Injuries sports =Symph.---When pain lessens to promote
healing of bone.
334… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Injuries sports =Verat.--- nausea pallor clammy sweat

prostration pulse rapid and feeble.
Injuries to nerves =Hep.--- Helpful in injuries to nerves.
Injuries to the ball of the eye =Symph---Next to bone
injuries in importance are injuries to the ball of the eye, as
distinguished from injuries to the soft parts around.
(Symph). Dr. H.C. Allen
Injury =Hep.---The slightest injury causes suppuration
(Graph., Merc.).
Injury =Hyper.---Injury to parts rich in sentient nerves
fingers toes matrices of nails, palms or soles where the
intolerable pain shows nerves are severely involved of
tissues of animal life as hands and feet.
Injury bleeding =Arn.--- Bleeding caused by injury.
Injury bruise =Arn.--- Sprain-bruise-fatigue.
Injury bruises, from =Arn., Ham., Led., Sul-ac.
Injury Consolidation =D.N.A.---Late consolidation of
Injury delayed union =Thyr.--- Delayed union of fractures.
Injury due to fracture =Symp., Arn., Calc-p.
Injury ecchymosis =Arn., Led., Nux-v., Sul-ac.
Injury eye =Arn.--- Eye injuries, black eye.
Injury fatigue =Arn.--- Sprain-bruise-fatigue.
Injury fracture =Symph., Calc-p.--- Fracture that fail to
Injury gland, to =Con.
Injury head, to =Arn., Nat-s., Cic.--- Head injury & late
Injury laceration =Hyper.--- For laceration/wounded parts
rich in nerves such as lips, finger tips.
Injury late effects =Nat-s.--- Head injury & late effects.
Injury oedema =Bov.--- Oedema in joint after fracture.
Injury old burns =Caust.---Old burns that do not get well.
Injury periosteum to =Calc., Ruta.
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Injury punctured wound =Led.---Stepping on a nail,

splinter into the palm of hand or under the nail; bite of rat,
mosquito, wasp when injured part gets cold, numb.
Injury shock =Arn.--- Shock from injury.
Injury shoulders =Ruta., Rham-Cal., Ind.--- Tennis elbow
frozen shoulders.
Injury spinal =Hyper.--- Pain shoots upward from the
wound, especially up the limbs, or, in spinal injury, up and
down the spine.
Injury sprain =Arn.--- Sprain-bruise-fatigue.
Injury sprain =Arn., Calc., Rhus-t., Ruta.
Injury sprain by lifting =Rhus-t.---Sprain by lifting heavy
Injury sprain of ankle =Ruta-g., Carb-an.--- Sprain of
ankle or wrist by lifting even small weight.
Injury stings and bite =Acet-ac., Apis., Am-c., Cedr., Led.
Injury surgery =Caust.--- Urine retention after surgery.
Injury surgical wound =Anthr., Arn., Carb-v., Cepa-n.,
Phos., Staph., Stront-c.---Remedy Mostly Used.
Injury surgical wound =Pyrog.---Surical wound which do
not heal oozing pus almost the whole life.
Injury tailbone =Hyper.--- Severe concussions of the spine
and the brain. Injury to the tailbone, or coccyx.
Injury tennis elbow frozen =Ruta., Rham-Cal., Indium.---
Tennis elbow frozen shoulders.
Injury to eyeball =Arn., Led., Nux-v., Symph.
Injury to head =Arn., Nat-s., Cic.
Injury to sexual organs =Staph.---Use 30 potency.
Injury to spine =Hyper.--- Injury to spine/coccyx.
Injury urine =Caust.--- Urine retention after surgery.
Injury wound =Calen.--- To promote healing of open
Injury wounded =Hyper.--- For laceration/wounded parts
rich in nerves such as lips. Finger lips, Toes etc.
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Injury wrist =Ruta-g., Carbo-a.--- Sprain of ankle or wrist

by lifting even small weight.
Injury, bone wounds problems =Arn.,, Calc-p., Calc-f.,
Symph., Ruta-g., Led-p., Hyper.---Remedy Mostly Used.
Injury, sprains, strains =Rhus-t., Calc., Nux-v.
Insane =Verat---It promotes a cure of almost one-third of
the insane in lunatic asylums. (Verat) Dr. Hahnemann.
Insane women will not be touched or approached =Thuj.
Insanity =Bell, Hyos, Stram., Verat.
Insect bites and sting =Apis.---Burning stinging pains rapid
rosy swelling, not red. Puffiness rather than hard swelling.
Insect bites and sting =Arn.---Bee hornet, and wasp sting,
relieves pain at once.
Insect bites and sting =Calen.---Relieves [ain and swelling
when applied directly to sting.
Insect bites and sting =Canth.---Red and inflamed stings
burning sensation.
Insect bites and sting =Carb-ac.---Dusky red face pale
around mouth and nose listless, sluggish sensitive to odors.
Insect bites and sting =Crot-h.---Rapid, violent onset of
symptoms much swelling discoloration around bite.
Insect bites and sting =Echi.---Red streaks blood poisoning
and infection sepsis, foul-smelling discharge.
Insect bites and sting =Hyper.---Severe pain shooting
Insect bites and sting =Lach.---Affected part dusky red or
blue oozing of dark blood.
Insects bites =Apis., Led., Ars.
Insecure feeling =Bry.---Insecure feeling, financial loss,
lonely feeling.
Insecure feeling, chronic condition =Psor.
Insecure feeling-fear of illness =Ars.
Insensible =Aloe.--- Rectum, insecured, insensible.
Insomnia =Ambr.--- Insomnia in businessmen.
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Insomnia =Aven and Passi.--- Tincture 10 Drops of each

every 2 hours And Acon 30, Kali-p200x together in one or
two doses at bed time. Kali-p works better in highest
potency. If Insomnia Due to excited Brain-Coff 200.
Insomnia =Nux-v.--- Insomnia after mental strain, abuse of
coffee, alcohol, tobacco. Weakens between 3 and 4 a.m.,
falls asleep at daybreak, unrefreshed on waking.
Insomnia, sleeplessness =Acon., Ign., Coff.
Inspiring =Brom.---Blind, intensely painful haemorrhoids
with black stool.
Insulin =Insul.---In potency prevents ill effects of insulin.
Insult and indignation =Staph.---is curative in ailments
from insult and indignation.
Insult, bad effects of =Anac., Ign., Coff., Kali-p20x.,
Insulted =Staph.---Was insulted; being too dignified to
fight, subdued his wrath and went home-sick, trembling
and exhausted (the reverse of Nux).
Intelligent coward untidy =Lyc.
Intense colic =Plb.---Intense colic, abdomen retracted to
the spine as if drawn in by a string.
Intense headache =Phyt.---Intense headache and
backache; lame, sore bruised feeling all over; constant
desire to move but motion <pains (Lac-c., Merc.,- motion
>, Rhus-t).
Inter-coastal rheumatism =Ran-b.---Inter-coastal
rheumatism, chest feels sore and bruised, as from sub-
cutaneous ulceration.
Intercurrent remedy =Sulph.---As an intercurrent remedy,
when carefully selected remedies fail to produce a
favourable effect.
Intermittent fever =Chin-s.---Intermittent fever,
paroxysms at the same hour every day, or every other day
or a little earlier each day distinct stages aperexia
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Intermittent fever =Ip., Nux-v., Chin.

Intermittent fever =Nat-m.---Intermittent fever,
especially inveterate or badly treated cases after quinine in
damp region or newly turned ground. Chill at 10 or 11 A.M.
Intermittent fevers =Rhus-t.---In orbital cellulitis it is
almost a specific.
Intermittents =Chin., Kreos.---In intermittents may be
given after but not (Kreos.) after.
Intermittents =Ip.---In all cases of intermittents on which
no other particular remedy is indicated should be given to
begin with. Dr. Jhar.
Internal burnings =Carb-v.--- Internal burnings and
external coldness.
Intertrigo skin=Caust., Graph., Kreos., Sulph., Cham.
Intestinal osbtruction = Nux-v., Coloc., Bell., Mag.-p.,
Stann., Op., Carb-v., Ars.
Intestines =Crot-t.---Swashing sensation in intestines, as
from water, before stool (rumbling before stool, Aloe.).
Intestines =Mag-c.---Spasmodic affections of stomach and
intestines (Coloc., Mag-p.).
Intestines =Op.---Opium renders the intestines so sluggish
that the most active purgatives lose their power.
Intolerable =Canth.--- Intolerable constant urge to
Intolerance of milk. = Aeth.---Intolrance of milk. Ejected
as soon as taken and then the child becomes relaxed and
Intolerance of tight bands about neck or waist =Lach.
Intolerance pains =Cham.--- Intolerance of pain; fainting
and sweating from severe pain.
Intolerance tobacco =Ign.--- Intolerance of tobacco.
Intra-cranial haemorrhage, while being born =Arn.---Give
1m. Happens that when the child is born after difficulty,
though it seems well, but after some days due to intra-
cranial haemorrhage in the head due to the intra-cranial.
339… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Intracranial scars =Hell.--- For intracranial scars following

Introvert =Stann.--- Introvert, exhausting, empty.
Intussusception=Coloc., Op., Plb., Verat.
Inveterate cases =Teucr---In inveterate cases where (Cina)
and (Teucr) have given little relief (Scirrhinum) has
wrought a great change for the better.
Involuntary discharges =Sec-cor.---Involuntary discharges
from bowels & bladder.
Involuntary sighing =Ign., Calc-p., Lach.
Involuntary stool in children =Aloe.
Iritis =All-c., Bell., Rhus-t., Hep., Merc., Merc-i., Merc-
c., Lach.
Iritis prostate gland =Sabal.---Almost specific in iritis
when the prostate gland is involved. Dr. E.S. Evans 0f
Iron tonics bad effects of =Puls.
Irregularity =Senec.--- Chlorotic, menstrual, irregularity.
Irritability =Ferr.---Irritability : slight noises like crackling
of paper, drive him to despair. (Asar., Tarent).
Irritability =Symph.---Irritability at point of fracture;
periosteal pain after wounds have healed.
Irritable =ACON., APIS., BELL., BRY., CARB-V., CHAM.,
HEP., NUX-V., PHOS., PULS., SULPH.---Remedies mostly
Irritable =Ars.--- Anxious, restless, fearful, irritable.
Irritable =Hep.--- Irritable. Chilly.
Irritable =Lil-t.--- Warm, irritable, relaxed.
Irritable =Nux-v.--- Irritable, impatient, hypersensitive to
noise, touch, light, odors, etc.
Irritable children =Cham.--- Sensitive, peevish, irritable
children. Child asks for things, then flings them away;
wants to be carried.
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Irritable extremely =Coloc.---Extremely irritable,

impatient; becomes angry or offended on being questioned.
Irritable throws things out of his hands.
Irritable headstrong =Nit-ac.---Irritable, headstrong;
hateful and vindictive; inveterate, ill-willed, unmoved by
Irritable=Helon.---Irritable, fault finding cannot endure
least contradiction or receive least suggestion (Anac).
Profound melancholy; deep mental; depression.
Irritated =Kreos.--- Acrid, excoriated, irritated.
Irritated when questioned =Nux-v.
Irritating =Kali-c.--- Sensitive, irritating, stitching (pain).
Irritative cough =Tarent------Irritative cough, feels short
of breath for at least an hour after each coughing attack.
Only ameliorated from smoking. (Tarent) Dr. C.M. Boger.
Itch suppressed ailments from =Psor.---Ailments; from
suppressed itch or other skin diseases; when Sulph fails to
relieve; severe, from even slight emotions.
Itching & burning =Sabin.---Figwarts with intolerable
itching and burning; exuberant granulations (Thuj., Nit-ac).
Itching =Aloe.---Itch appears each year as winter
approaches (Psor).
Itching =Alum.---Dry tettery itching eruption worse in
winter (petr); intolerable itching of whole body when
getting warm in bed (Sulph); scratches until bleeds then
becomes painful.
Itching =Alum.---Due to the warmth of bed and intolerable
itching scratches until it bleeds.
Itching =Antipyrin 2x or 3X =All over the body.
Itching =Ant-t.---Violent itching with profuse perspiration
on forehead and saliva taste resembling abundantly rotten
Itching =Apis.--- Bee stings and insect bites with swelling,
intolerable itching, redness and hives.
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Itching =Bov.---Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx must

scratch till parts become raw and sore. Persons who suffer
from tettery eruption dry or moist.
Itching =Calc.---Itching of the scalp when children are
Itching =Croto-t.---In skin disease which itching very much
but the patient cannot bear to scratch very hard as it hurts,
a very slight scratch, a mere rub suffices to allay the
itching .
Itching =Crot-t.---Intense itching of skin, but so tender is
unable to scratch >by gentle rubbing eczema over whole
body (Rhus-t). Intense itching of genitalia of both sexes
(Rhus-t); vesicular eruption on male; so sensitive and sore
is unable to scratch.
Itching =Dol or Sulph.---Itching voluptuous, without
Itching =Dulc.---Nettle-rash with much itching, after
scratching it burns increases in warmth, better in cold.
Itching =Echi.---it is the best medicine for itching. Septic
cases when all medicine fail.
Itching =Graph.---Itching bloches, from which oozes a
corrosive, watery stickly fluid, on many parts of the body.
Itching =Hep.---Itching during jaundice. (see astacus fluvia
Itching =Kreos.---Itching so violent toward evening as to
drive one almost wild (itching, without eruption, Dol.) .
Itching =Kreos.---Violent corrosive itching of pudenda and
Itching =Led.---Red pimples or tubercles on forehead and
cheeks, as in brandy drinkers stinging when touched.
Itching =Merc.---Itching of genitals, made worse from
contact of urine remaining on the parts.
342… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Itching =Mullein---For itching piles an ointment made of

(Mullein) oil mother tincture and applied at bed time
relieves itching. Dr. Gerarde.
Itching =Nat-m.---Itching <sun exposure or near seashore.
Itching =Rumx.---Skin itching of various parts <by cold , >
by warmth when undressing uncovering or exposing to cold
air (Hep., Nat-s., Olnd).
Itching =Sabin.---Figwarts with intolerable itching and
burning; exuberant granulations (Thuj., Nit-ac).
Itching =Salol.---for relief in itching in small-pox burning.
Itching- =Sulph.---Voluptuous itching and tingling, burning
and soreness more from scratching.
Itching anus =Spig.3x, 6
Itching around joints = Aeth
Itching barber’s itch =Sul-i.---Itching on ears, nose and
urethra. Papular eruptions on face. Arms covered with
itching rash. Cold sore on lips, boils on neck.
Itching better by warmth =Tub 200.
Itching burning =Agar.---Burning itching redness of various
parts, ears, nose, face, hands and feet, parts red swollen
Itching changes place =Staph .---Pruritus followed by
change of site of itching. While itching when one place is
relieved by scratching it immediately appears at another
part. Now it is arm next second legs, chest etc.
Itching on undressing =Nat-s., Olnd., Rumex.
Itching pruritus =Croto-t 6 to 30th potency.
Itching pruritus =Menthol 2 to 10 grains in an ounce of
Itching urethra =Sul-iod, 3rd trituration.
Itching without eruptions =Dol., Ars., Mez.
Itching, anus =Cina., Aloe., Sulph.
Itching, burning after =Rhus-t., Petr., Sulph.
Itching, scratches till it bleeds =Mez., Ars., Psor.
343… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ivy poison =Tanac.

Jaundice = Hep. (1M., 10M).---Rubrics, skin, itching,
Jaundice = Nux-v., Bry., Lyc., Chel., Nat-s., Card-m.,
Sulph., Dig., Ars., Phos., Berb-v., Crot-h.
Jaundice =Card-m.---Specific for jaundice and all liver
Jaundice =Chel., Chin., Lach., Nux-v., Phos., Sulph.,
Dig., Ars., Berb-v., Crot-h., Merc., Nat-s., Lyc., Bry.,
Card-m., Myric.---Remedies mostly used.
Jaundice =Chel.---Hepatic disease jaundice pain in right
Jaundice =Chion.---it should be used in mother tincture 3
to 10 drops or first attenuation, Useful for yellow
Conjuctivitis jaundice, it removes the disease of years
standing in from 8 to 10 days .Chel is a specific for
Jaundice =Cina 1M.---Jaundice, liver enlarged
concomitant symptoms jaundice was found (Where there
are no worm in stool). Yawning symptom was there.
Jaundice =Crot-h.---Malignant jaundice haematic rather
than hepatic.
Jaundice =Dig.---People having weakness dizziness on
sitting up or jaundice etc. of Dig., has been wonderfully
cured by Dig, high 30, 200, when pulse was Slow and By 3x
or 3 or even 6 when the pulse rate was fast.
Jaundice =Hep.---Itching during jaundice.
Jaundice =Kali-m.---Is a well known proven anti-infective
and antivirus remedy. It Can be used as a prophylactic for
epidemic jaundice.
Jaundice =Phos.--- A specific for Jaundice cases. Given
this remedy in 1m potency and repeated it by giving one
dose daily for 5-7 days yields excellent results. The
Jaundice does occur mostly in Phos., Constitutions.
344… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Jaundice =Tarax.---Jaundice with enlargement and

induration of liver. (mapped Tongue.).
Jaundice, liver painful =Chin., Podo., Sep.
Jaundiced =Chel.--- Dull, drowsy, jaundiced.
Jaws =Sang.---Fullness and tenderness behind angle of
jaws is a key-note. Also swelling of glands. Dr. Cooper.
Jaws Clenched =Phyt., Merc-i-f., Hyos., Bell., Cic.,
Merc., Nux-v. ---Remedies mostly used.
Jaws swelling =Hecla., Kreos., Nit-ac.
Jealousy ailments from =Apis.---Ailments from jealousy;
fright, rage, vexation, bad news.
Jerk =Stann.---Fingers jerk when holding pen. Neuritis.
Typewriter‟s paralysis.
Jerk =Zinc.---Child cries out during sleep whole body jerks
during sleep, wakes frightened, starts, rolls the head from
side to side face alternately pale and red.
Jerking =Agar.---Involuntary movements while awake,
cease during sleep, cholera from simple motion and jerk of
single muscles to dancing of whole body trembling of whole
body (twitching of muscles of face Mygal).
Jet, lag=Arn., Gels., Melat.
Joints =Am-mur.---Hamstrings feel painfully short when
walking tension in joints from shortening of muscles
(Caust., Cimex).
Joints =Bry.---Joints red and hard with stitching pain from
the slightest motion.
Joints =Carb-an.---Joints weak easily sprained by slight
exertion (Led.).

Joints =Ruta., Puls., Sang., Calc-hp., Nat-p., Rhus-t.---In

rheumatoid arthritis cases there are certain drugs, which
are known to be particularly effective for specific joints,
Sang., for a right shoulder joint. Ruta or Puls., for knee,
Rhus-t for lumbago, jaw for any place where there is relief
345… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

from continuous movement, Calc-hp., for hands and wrist.

Nat-p for elbows, the Cadm salts for the upper back and
many others.
Joints =Ruta.---After arnica, it hastens the curative
process in the joints after (Symph) in injuries of bones.
Joints =Ruta.---Bruised lame sensation all over as after a
fall or blow worse in limbs and joints. (Arn.).
Joints cracking of =Caust., Kali-bi., Petr., Glon., Acon.
Joints eruption, at bends of =Graph., Nat-m.
Joints for stiff-joint =Syph
Joints inflammation =Bry.---Inflammation of joints,
whether of rheumatic character or not, whether from cold,
exposure or injury. Bry, is often indicated in injuries of
joints where Arn would be a failure.
Joints injuries =Bry.---Is offen indicated in injuries to
joints, when Arn fails.
Joints Pain =Apis.---Uterine disease with pains in joints
and limbs.
Joints pain =Eup-per., Arg-m., Symph., Apis.
Joints weakness of ankle =Nat-c.
Joints weakness of wrist =Ruta.
Joy, excessive, ill effects, insomnia =Coff.
Kala-azar =Bry., Gels., Rhus-t., Ferr-m., Ferr-ar.
Keeps feet apart, while urinating =Chim.
Keeps hands moving on objects placed on the table, plays
with his fingers =Kali-m.
Keloid =Sil., Fl-ac., Graph., Nit-ac.
Keloids =Fl-ac., Sil., Thuj., Diph.
Keloids scar =Diph.--- For Keloids scar.
Keloids skin=Carc., Graph., Sil., Thiosin.
Kidney =Berb.---Burning and soreness in region of kidneys.
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Kidney =Berb.---Stitching ,cutting pain from left kidney

following course of ureter into bladder and urethra into
bladder and urethra (tab.-right kidney Lyc.).
Kidney =Cub.---Skin diseases concomitant with kidney
Kidney =Cupr-ars.--- Kidney function retarded or
Kidney =Plb.---Bright‟s disease, colic pain abdomen
retracted, rapid emaciation excessive debility contracted
Kidney- diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh,
mellitus with sugar in urine, excessive sweat =Am-act.
Kidney- diabetes excessive urine, thirst and loss of flesh,
mellitus with sugar in urine, sharp pains, before urination
Kidney failure =Cupr., Zing.---If both kidneys failure-
Serious condition. Cuprum-ars 6 + Zing 6 -4 doses daily.
Kidney=Sars., Lyc., Oci.---Excruciating pains from right
kidney downward.
Kidneys =Berb.---bubbling sensation in kidneys (Med);
urine greenish blood red with thick slimy mucus
transparent reddish jelly-like sediment.
Kidneys =Berb-v.---Burning and soreness in region of
kidneys. Stitching, cutting pain from left kidney following
course of ureter into bladder and urethra (Tab-r. Kidney
Kidneys =Ter.---Ascites with anasarca in organic lesions of
kidneys dropsy after scarlatina (Apis ., Hell., Lach).
Kidneys =Zing---Prolonged retension of urine or complete
cessation of the function of the kidneys is an indication for
Kidneys disorders =Berb., Apis., Ter.
Kill, impulses to =Arg-n., Hep., Nat-s.
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Klepto-mania (steals money) =Calc.

Knee =Jac-c.--- Pain Right Knee.
Knee House maid’s =Stict---In house maid‟s Knee it comes
as near being a specific as a remedy ever can.
Kneel =Sep---The fact that a person cannot kneel without
faintness or giddiness or whatever it may be.
Knees =Bac.---Tubercular inflammation of knee.
Knees =Cann-i.---Agreeable thrilling from the knees down
with a sensation as if a bird‟s o law clasping the knee.
Knees =Carb-v.---Awakes often from cold limbs and suffers
from cold knees at night (Apis).
Knees =Tab.---Icy coldness from knees to toes.
Knees pain, rheumatic =Benz-ac., Caust., Phyt.
Knees pain, simple =Berb., Dios., Rhus-t.
Knees sprains =Ruta-g.--- Helps in sprains of knees, wrists,
Knees, swelling =Apis., Led., Nit-ac.
Knees, synovitis =Apis., Sulph., Bry.
Knock-knee =Maland.---A case of knock-knee in a child
who was constantly handling his penis cured by(Maland)
Dr. Burnett.
Labia =Apis., Cocc.
Labor pains =Caul.---Labor pains short, irregular,
spasmodic; tormenting, useless pains in beginning of labor
(Act); no progress made. Will correct deranged vitality and
produce efficient pains, if symptoms agree.
Labor pains =Kali-c.---Labor pains insufficient; violent
backache; wants the back pressed (caust).
Labour Difficult =Gels.--- For women who get habitual
painful labour.
Labour difficult.=Arn., Bell., Caul., Cimic., Gels., Kali-
p., Puls., Sec., Vib., Visc.---Remedies mostly used.
Labour during =Sec.---During labour; pains irregular, too
weak, feeble or ceasing; everything seems loose and open
348… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

but no expulsive action, fainting. Suppression of milk; in

thin scrawny, women, the breasts do not properly fill. The
skin feels cold to touch yet the patient cannot tolerate
covering, icy coldness of extremities.
Labour easy =Caul. –--- Like cimici. Renders the labour
Labour pain =Bell.---Red faced, plethoric, vigorous women
who have married late. Uterus will not Relax. Excitement.
Sensitive to touch and jar.
Labour pain =Caul., Cimic., Gels., Puls.
Labour pain =Cham.---Exceedingly sensitive to pain. Cross.
Labour pain =Cham.---With cramp. Much pain in back.
Can‟t endure the pain.
Labour pain =Cimic.---All at once screams out and grasps
her hips. She has to be rubbed and turned over.
Labour pain =Cimic.---Pain suddenly goes to hips causing a
Labour pain =Gels.---Insufficient labour pains or labour
delayed by a rigid os.
Labour pain =Gels.---Kali-c., Pain are feeble and in back.
Labour pain =Nux-v.---Insufficient pain, extends to
rectum, frequent stools and urination.
Labour pain =Puls.---Absence of marked contraction,
better slow walking in cold.
Labour pain =Puls.---Irregular changeable pain, mild ,
better open air.
Labour pain =Sec.---In weak cachectic women of lax
muscular fiber subject to passive haemorrhage.
Labour pain alternate with haemorrhage =Puls.
Labour pain back paroxysmal in =Nux-v., Sep.
Labour pain by spasm =Mag-m.
Labour pain cramp in hip, from =Cimic.
Labour pain cutting, left to right =Ip.
Labour pain darting upward from cervix =Sep.
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Labour pain desperate, make her =Aur., Cham.

Labour pain down the, into gluteal muscles =Kali-c.
Labour pain escape wants to =Bell.
Labour pain in umblical region =Ip.
Labour pain interrupted =Caul., Mag-m., Plat.
Labour pain left sided =Plat.
Labour pain noise agg =Cimic.
Labour pain prolonged =Cinnb., Puls., Sec.
Labour pain shooting =Kali-c.
Labour pain short =Caul., Puls.
Labour pain sluggish =Puls.
Labour pains =Caul.--- brings on the labour pains if found
Labour pains =Cimic.--- renders labour pains easier and
prevents after pains.
Labour pains =Kali-p.---Dry on the tongue every 15
minutes excites labour pains very promptly.
Labour pains =Nux-v.---Labor pains; violent, spasmodic,
cause urging to stool or to urinate; <in back prefers a
warm room.
Labour pains =Sec.---During labour; pains irregular, too
weak, feeble or ceasing; everything seems loose and open
but no expulsive action, fainting.
Labour pains false; pains pass up the back =Gels.
Labourer suited to = Cist.
Lacerated =Hyper.--- Lacerated, excuriated, nerves.
Lacerations injuries=Calen., Carb-ac., Hyper.
Lachrymation =Nat-m---Lachrymation with laughter is a
pure golden symptom for. Dr. Blunt.
Lachrymation =Sabad.---Sneezing abundant, lachrymation
and coryza improved outside worsened by cold.
Lachrymation, =Euph.--- Lachrymation, copious acrid.
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Lack =Sep.--- shallow, lax, lack (affection).

Lack of =Alum.--- Lack of tone and induration.
Lack of reaction =Psor.---Lack of reaction after severe
acute disease. Appetite will not return.
Lack of thirst =Ip.--- Lack of thirst.
Lack of tone =Carb-v.--- Lack of tone.
Lack of tone in =Hep.--- Lack of tone in passing stool and
Lack of vital =Carb-v., Alum-p.--- Lack of vital heat.
Lactation (breast milk) late coming and suppressed later
=Acon., Asaf., Calc.
Lactation, absence of milk =Mill.
Lactation, for terminating =Lac-c., Puls.
Lame =Alum-p.--- Weary, lame, lassitude.
Lameness =Kali-p.--- Nervous, lameness, weakness.
Lameness =Ph-ac.--- weak, enfeebled, lameness.
Lameness =Rhus-t.---Lameness, stiffness and pain on first
moving after rest or in rising in the morning relieved by
continued motion.
Lancinating =Cimic.--- Rheumatic, lancinating, neuralgic.
Lapraotomy =Hyper.---controls the pains following
Laryngismus stridulus =Gels.--- 1st to 3rd potency is most
often used and is of great value. It is almost a specific.
Laryngismus=Bell., Gels., Ign., Mosch.
Laryngitis = Acon., Ferr-p., Spong-t., Kali-bi., Caust.,
Hep-s., Arg., Carb-v.
Laryngitis = Hep.---Considers it the most effective. 30 or
200 potency may be used.
Laryngitis =All-c.--- Beginning laryngitis.
Laryngitis =Phos.--- Painful laryngitis; tight, heavy chest.
Larynx =Carb-v.---great roughness in the larynx voice
deeply rough condition worse in the evening.
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Larynx =Phos.---Cannot talk the larynx is so painful is dry

raw rough sore.
Lascivious mania =Hyos.--- Lascivious mania; immodesty
will not be covered, kicks of the clothes, exposes the
persons, sings obscene songs, lies naked in bed and
Lasciviousness =Hyos.---Phos., cures lasciviousness when
Hyos., Fails.
Lassitude =Acid-pic.--- Weary, dragging, lassitude.
Lassitude =Alum-p.--- Weary, lame, lassitude.
Lassitude =Bar-m.--- Lassitude and convulsion.
Lassitude =Bar-mur.--- Timid, glandular, lassitude.
Lassitude =Sep., Ph-ac., Ferr-p.
Lassitude = Kali-sil.--- 200 potency, Desire to lie down
all the time.
Laugh =Cann-i.---Laughs immoderately at every trifling
word spoken to him. Full of fun and mischief, then perhaps
moaning and crying. Laughs at serious remarks. Laughs and
weeps. Spasmodic Laughter.
Laughing causing more of disease =Bor., Stann-met.,
Laughing on matters that are insignificant =-Cann-i., Hyos-
Laughing when he should be serious =Anac.
Lax =Sep.--- Shallow, lax, lack (affection).
Laxative medicines =Hydr., Nux-v., Podo., Aesc., Bry.
Laxness =Bov.--- Awkward, haemorrhagic, laxness.
Lead colic =Alumn.---Will often overcome this tendency
and enable them to go back to hair business (Dr. Kent)
Lead Worker, painter, artist =Alum.
Learning late =Bar-c.---Bar-c., has late learning, how to
walk even with pretty good limbs; Calc. has weekly limbs
352… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

and late walking is in Calc. also (Compare with Bor., Nat-

Left Leg =Agar.---Complaints often appear diagonally for
instance on right arm and left leg.
Left side =All-c.--- Symptoms begin on the left side and
extend toward the right.
Left Side =Apis.---Emaciation and pains in left side are
most characteristic.
Left side of body affects principally the (Lach., Thuj) =Lil-
Left side symptoms =Phos.--- Symptoms are worse on the
left side.
Left to right pains go from (Lach) =Colch.
Leg shorter =Cinnb.--- feel his left leg shorter than the
right leg.
Legs weak =Ph-ac.---Patient trembles , legs weak stumbles
easily or makes missteps weak and indifferent to the affairs
of life.
Lentigo brown =Calc., Puls., Sulph.
Leprosy = Sec.--- One part of mother tincture of Sec to
two parts of alcohol and three parts of water in a
teaspoonful measure, once daily will make some very
marked cures.
Leprosy =Hura---Hura is a known medicine for leprosy. All
leprosy patients have Hura state of mind that is a leper is
man who through a stroke of bad luck comes into a position
where all his friends have ditched him, they hate him,
despise him, loose affection for him and however much he
tries, he cannot compensate. The old feeling cannot
rectum-once a leper, always a leper this mental state
belongs to Hura. Br. If this feeling is present even in AIDS
patients and the feeling is very strong the medicine may
353… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Leprosy =Hydrc .--- 1st to 6th potency. Its symptoms are

great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation of
Leprosy =Vacc., Maland., Thyr., Hoang-n., Hydrc.,
Hura., Anac., Ars-i., Aur.---Remedies mostly used.
Leprosy=Elae., Hydrc., Crot-h., Pyrar.
Lethargic =BRY., GELS., Nux-m.
Leucocythaemia (excess of white blood corpuscles)
=Cean., Nat-m., Calc-c., Pic-ac.---Excess of white blood
Leucoderma =Ammi-v.---Schwabe India has come up with
one medicine Ammi-v Q ., they say it is useful in
Leucoderma cases, 8-10 drops 3-4 times daily in water.
Leucoderma =Ars-sul-rub.--- Dr. Velayudham found Ars-
Sulph-Rub. to be working better than Ars-sulph-flav.
Leucoderma =Carc., Thuj.---Carc., & Thuj., are other
nosodes to be used when family history of cancer or
immunization is there.
Leucoderma =Hydro., Calotropis., Kali-i., Ars., Ars-s-f.
Leucoderma =Kali-i.---Leucoderma can be cured with Kali-
I 30, based on mental symptoms. Kali-I 30 in daily dozes
with very good results. Some doctors have confirmed the
utility of Kali-I in Vitiligo Cases.
Leucoderma =Nit-ac.--- Hydrocotyle 30 one dose daily 6-
months has cured cases where skin is bit black and white
and in those cases where skin is acute white then Ars-
sulph-fl. 3x., followed by 200 & 1M intercurrently.
Leucoderma =Nit-ac.---When muco-cutaneous junctions
(Corners of mouth or the eyes, nose, nipple, anus or glans
penis), are affected Acid-Nit., is quite useful.
Leucophlegmatic =Calc-c.--- Tired, torpid,
354… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Leucorrhea =Stann.---Leucorrhoea, great debility,

weakness seems to proceed from chest (from abdomen,
Pelvis, Phos., Sep).
Leucorrhoea = Alum., Ars., Ars., Kreos., Merc., Calc.,
Sep., Bor., All-c., Jonosia-asoka., Ol-sant., Cann-i.,
Chen., Clem., Thuj., Puls., Ovatosta., Cop.---Remedies
mostly used.
Leucorrhoea =Aesc.---Thick, dark corroding leucorrhoea
with aching and lameness in the back across the sacro-iliac
Leucorrhoea =Alum.---Leucorrhoea, copious acrid
excoriating, yellow leucorrhea; so copious that it runs down
the thighs, making the parts red and inflamed, ulceration
about the os. There is dragging down from the relaxed
condition of the ligaments. Sensation of weight. The
discharges are commonly thick and yellow; but they may be
albuminous, stringy, looking like white of an egg, copious
and acrid leucorrhoea corroding, profuse, running down to
heels. It is more noticeable in the day time, because these
complaints are worse when walking or when standing.
Leucorrhoea =Alum.---Transparent leucorrhoea profusely
runs down to the feet during the day.
Leucorrhoea =Am-m.---Haemorhoids after suppressed
Leucorrhoea =Am-m.---Leucorrhoea resembling a white
egg after each and every urination.
Leucorrhoea =Carb-an., Chel., Kreos., Prun.---
Leucorrhoea –Strain linen yellow.
Leucorrhoea =Carb-v.---Morning leucorrhea, milky, acid
and excoriating the parls.
Leucorrhoea =Caul.---Leucorrhoea : acrid, exhausting,
upper eyelids heavy, has to raise them with the fingers
(Gels); with moth spots on forehead (Sep); in little girls
(Calc); preventing pregnancy.
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Leucorrhoea =Cina.---Leucorrhoea in little girls. Menses

too frequent, copious.
Leucorrhoea =Graph.---Leucorrhoea; acrid, excoriating;
occurs in gushes day and night; before and after menses
(before Sep; and after Kreos.).
Leucorrhoea =Helon.---Tincture to 6th attenuation.Its
Symptoms are a sensation of weakness, dragging and
weight in the sacrum and pelvis, with great languor and
Leucorrhoea =Hydr.---Leucorrhoea; ropy, thick, viscid,
yellow, hanging from os in long strings (Kali-bi). Pruritus.
Leucorrhoea =Iod.---Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, staining
and corroding the linen, most abundant at time of menses.
Leucorrhoea =Kai-mur.---For leucorrhea and glandular
swelling. It is most efficacious medicine.
Leucorrhoea =Kreos., Carb-an., Chel., Prun.---
Leucorrhoea-Stains linen yellow.
Leucorrhoea =Kreos.---Leucorrhoea acrid corrosive
offensive : worse between periods (Bov., Bor); has the
odour of green corn; stiffens like starch, stains the linen
yellow. Lochia; dark brown,. Lumpy, offensive acrid,
almost ceases, them freshens up again (Con, Sulph).
Leucorrhoea =Kreos.---Putrid, leucorrhoea in general
especially if very fetid and exhausting.
Leucorrhoea =Mag-m.---Leucorrhoea after exercise; with
every stool; with uterine spasm; followed by metrorrhagia;
two weeks after menses for three or four days (Bar-c.,
Bov., Con).
Leucorrhoea =Merc.---Leucorrhoea : acrid, burning,
itching with rawness, always worse at night; pruritis, <
from contact of urine which must be washed of (Sulph).
Leucorrhoea =Merc.---Leucorrhoea worse at night, itching,
burning, smarting corroding with rawness.
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Leucorrhoea =Murex-p.---Leucorrhoea : > mental

depression, happier when leucorrhoea is worse.
Leucorrhoea =Nux-m.---At every menstrual nisus, mouth,
throat and tongue become intolerably dry, especially when
sleeping, leucorrhoea in place of menses (Cocc).
Leucorrhoea =Nux-m.---Leucorrhoea in place of menses
(Coc-c); patient awakened with dry tongue (Lach);
physometra (Lyc., Lac-c).
Leucorrhoea =Psor.---Leucorrhoea large, clotted lumps of
an intolerable odor; violent pains in sacrum; debility;
during climaxis.
Leucorrhoea =Sang.---Climateric ailments: flushes of heat
and leucorrhoea; burning of palms and soles; compelled to
throw off bed clothes; painful enlargement of breasts;
when Lach. and Sulph., fail to relieve.
Leucorrhoea =Sep 30.---For Little girls leads all other
Leucorrhoea =Sep., Bor., All-c., Kreos., Jonosia-asoka.,
Puls., Calc-p., Ferr-p., Nat-s., Calc., Sil., Sulph., Carb-
v.---Main Medicines.
Leucorrhoea =Stann.---Leucorrhoea great debility,
weakness seems to proceed from chest (from abdomen,
pelvis., Phos., Sep).
Leucorrhoea =Syph.---Leucorrhoea; profuse, soaking
through the napkins and running down to heels (Alum).
Leucorrhoea =Thlaspi.---Leucorrhoea; bloody, dark,
offensive; some days before and after menses.
Leucorrhoea- albuminous, lumpy =Am-c mur.
Leucorrhoea- albuminous, ropy =Kali-bi.
Leucorrhoea- albuminous, stringy =Hydr.
Leucorrhoea- albuminous, tenacious =Alum.
Leucorrhoea- bad odour =Helon.
Leucorrhoea bluish-gray tinge =Ambr.
357… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Leucorrhoea brown =Am-c mur.

Leucorrhoea copious =Alum.---Leucorrhoea, copious acrid
excoriating, yellow leucorrhoea; so copious that it runs
down the thighs, making the parts red and inflamed,
ulcerated about the os. There is dragging down from the
relaxed condition of the ligaments. Sensation of weight.
The discharges are commonly thick and yellow, but they
may be albuminous, stringy, looking like white of an egg,
copious and acrid; leucorrhoea corroding, profuse, running
down to heels. It is more noticeable in the day time,
because these complaints are worse when walking or when
Leucorrhoea greenish =Thuj., Nit-ac.
Leucorrhoea milky = Ferr.
Leucorrhoea- profuse, coming in gushes =Graph.
Leucorrhoea- profuse, running down the heels =Alum.
Leucorrhoea- profuse, sensation of warm water running
down =Bor.
Leucorrhoea- putrid =Kreos., Ign.
Leucorrhoea- somewhat offensive =Sep.
Leucorrhoea- thick, bloody =Murex.
Leucorrhoea- thick, clear mucous =Stann., Ambr.
Leucorrhoea- thick, green =Thuj.
Leucorrhoea- thick, jellylike =Kali-bi.,
Leucorrhoea- thick, like white of an egg =Calc., Mez.
Leucorrhoea- thick, purulent corossive =Ign.
Leucorrhoea- thick, pus like =Kali-Fcy.
Leucorrhoea- thick, transparent =Podo.
Leucorrhoea- thick, white albuminus =Puls.
Leucorrhoea- thick, yellow =Nat-c.
Leucorrhoea- thin watery, containing little lumps =Ant-c.
Leucorrhoea- thin watery, excoriating =Lil-t.
Leucorrhoea- thin watery, greenish =Nit-ac., Asaf.
358… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Leucorrhoea transparent =Alum., Podo.

Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, bearing
down pain =Sep.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, burning and
itching =Calc., Calc-p.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, itching the
parts coming in contact =Kreos.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, pain in
bladder & uterus =Calc-p.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, prolapsus
recti =Podo.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, shooting
pain, from naval into pelvis =Palladium.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, smarting
and feeling of dryness =Nat-m.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, sore and
aphthous =Carb-v.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, ulcer cervix-
uteri =Arg-n., Helon.
Leucorrhoea white discharge associated with, urinary
symptoms =Berb.
Leucorrhoea white discharge corroding, eats holes in linen
Leucorrhoea white discharge corroding, frequent bleeding
Leucorrhoea white discharge corroding, staining linen
yellow =Kreos., Carbo animalis.
Leucorrhoea white discharge corroding, ten days after the
menses =Con mac.
Leucorrhoea white discharge excoriating, genitals sore and
aphthous =Carb-v.
Leucorrhoea white discharge excoriating, profuse, coming
in gushes =Graph.
Leucorrhoea white discharge excoriating, watery yellowish
=Lilium tig.
359… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Leucorrhoea white discharge excoriating, with spasmodic

pains =Staph.
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, after every stool
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, after every urine
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, before puberty
=Calc., Caul.
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, between menses
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, following uterine
spasm =Mang-m.
Leucorrhoea white discharge worse, in place of menses
=Sil., Nux-m., Chin.
Leucorrhoea white weakening the patient, albumen in
discharge =Alum.
Leucorrhoea white weakening the patient, can scarcely
able to stand =Cocc.
Leucorrhoea white weakening the patient, specially of
little girls =Caul., Calc.
Leucorrhoea white weakening the patient, weakness
unbearable =Stann.
Leucorrhoea yellow =Kali-s.---Yellow leucorrhoea ,
staining the linen, causing great soreness and irritation of
the parts.
Leucorrhoea yellow =Nat-c., Arg-n., Merc-c.
Leucorrhoea yellowish green =Sep., Stann.
Leucorrhoea =Alum.--- has leucorrhoea running down the
Leucorrhoea =Caul.--- is best for leucorrhoea in little
Leucorrhoea =Xan ------for leucorrhoea with amenorrhea.
Leukemia=Ars., Nat-ar., Carc., Hecla., Nat-s.---Remedies
Normally Used.
Lice =Nux. V---Dreams of lice.
360… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Lice =Olean.--- Lice like biting.

Lichen planus =Gaert.--- All varieties of neurasthenia
increases energy level and also cures lichen planus.
Lichen planus=Ant-c., Ars., Ars-i., Jug-c., Kali-bi., Sul-i.-
--Remedies mostly used.
Lie down =Ant-t.---Cannot lie down because of the
difficult breathing and filling up of the chest. Will ease him
. Dr. Kent.
Lie on something hard =Sanic---On the peculiar symptom
wanted to lie on something hard, thin as he was. Sanic. 50
M. Dr. H. C. Marrow.
Lienteria =Ferr-m, Abrot., Alston.
Life weary of, full of gloomy forebodings =Phos.
Lifting straining of muscles and tendons = Rhus-t., Ruta.,
Arn., Bry., Calc., Carb-an., Graph.---Remedies mostly
Lifting weight, causing pain, strains =Arn., Rhus-t.
Light =Stict.--- Light, stiff, rheumatic.
Lightning strike ailments =Phos., Arn., Crot-h., Hell.,
Lach., Morph., Nux-v., Op.---Remedies mostly used.
Limbs =Cimic.---Bearing down in uterine region and limbs
feel heavy and torpid.
Limbs =Gels.--- Tiredness and aching of whole body.
Limbs, head, eyelids feel heavy.
Limbs and Joints =Rhus-t.---Bruised feeling all over, as
from a fall or a blow, worse in limbs and joints.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, and tingling in fingers
=Acon., Kalm.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, as if arm was bandaged
to the body =Kreos.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, lame feeling of ankles
=Nat-m., Cocc.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, left arm and left
shoulder =Rhus-t.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, limbs lame after taking
cold =Dulc.
361… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, of left arm with heart

disease =Cact.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, particularly about the
elbow =Puls.
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, right arm & shoulder
Limbs- arms and hands, numbness, with tingling joints, as
if gone to sleep =Ip.
Limbs- arms and hands, oedema, of left hand =Cact.
Limbs- arms and hands, oedema, of the hands =Apis.
Limbs- arms and hands, oedema, on exertion or hanging
down =Arn.
Limbs- arms and hands, pain, in left arm, with heart
disease =Rhus-t.
Limbs- arms and hands, pain, in shoulder joints, sp. on
raising them =Alum., Nit-ac.
Limbs- arms and hands, pain, right arm and shoulder
Limbs- arms and hands, trembling, fingers become
unmanageable. also legs. =Gels.
Limbs- arms and hands, trembling, hands tremble while
eating =Cocc.
Limbs- arms and hands, trembling, with vomiting followed
by drowsiness =Ant-t.
Limbs- deformed extremities, curvature of bone sp. spine
& long bones =Calc.
Limbs- deformed extremities, joints stiff, tendons
shortened, drawing limbs out of shape =Caust.
Limbs- fingers and toes, cracks between toes =Sulph.
Limbs- fingers and toes, cracks eczema =Sanic.
Limbs- fingers and toes, cracks in the ends =Graph.
Limbs- fingers and toes, cracks on the joints =Petr.
Limbs- fingers and toes, cracks sp. on the sides =Sars.
Limbs- fingers and toes, pain swelling joints =Caul.
362… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Limbs hang down =Con.---It is common for aches and pains

to be relieved by putting the feet up on a chair or bed. But
the sufferings and conditions are better by letting the limbs
hang down.
Limbs- heels, pain in, as if ulcerated =Am-c mur., Sep.
Limbs- heels, pain in, blisters on heels =Graph., Nat-c.
Limbs- heels, pain in, burning at night =Led.
Limbs- heels, pain in, cannot bear weight =Caust., Mang.
Limbs- heels, pain in, inflamed =Puls.
Limbs- heels, pain in, numbness of heels when stepping =
Limbs- heels, pain in, plethoric women =Sabin.
Limbs- heels, pain in, soreness worse when walking =Ant-c.
Limbs- heels, pain in, ulcers by friction of shoes etc =All-c.
Limbs- heels, pain in, with bluish spots =Mang.
Limbs- legs and ankles, heaviness in legs, can hardly drag
them =Alum.
Limbs- legs and ankles, heaviness in legs, can hardly lift
them =Pic-ac., Med.
Limbs- legs and ankles, heaviness in legs, of the knee &
feet =Nat-m.
Limbs- legs and ankles, swelling of, ankles =Led.
Limbs- legs and ankles, swelling of, foot and leg =Apis.,
Limbs- legs and ankles, swelling of, inflammation of knee
joints =Stict.
Limbs- legs and ankles, weakness in ankles, bends outward
Limbs- legs and ankles, weakness in ankles, child slow in
learning to walk =Sil.
Limbs- legs and ankles, weakness in ankles, sp. in children
Limbs- legs and ankles, weakness in ankles, turns easily
Limbs- nails, defective, brittle distorted =Thuj.
363… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Limbs- nails, defective, crippled =Sil.

Limbs- nails, defective, grow in splits =Ant-c.
Limbs- nails, defective, hang nails =Nat-m.
Limbs- nails, defective, thick crippled =Graph.
Limbs numb =Ox-ac.---Spinal affections, weak loins , hips
legs with numb limbs.
Limbs- soles painful, can hardly walk on =Led.
Limbs- soles painful, corns & callosities =Ant-c.
Limbs- soles painful, pain in soles =Lyc.
Limbs- soles painful, painful, foreign bodies =Sil.
Limbs- wrist, “wrist drop” =Plb.
Limbs- wrist, pain sp. in wrist =Ruta.
Limbs- wrist, soreness as if broken =Euphr.
Limbs- writers cramp, cramp in the wrist when writing
Limbs- writers cramp, cramp of the fingers =Cupr.
Limbs- writers cramp, finger pushes, while writing or
typing =Stann.
Limbs- writers cramp, trembling of finger if pen is pressed
Lips =Arum-t.---Picks lips until they bleed, corners of
mouth sore cracked bleeding (with malignant tendency
cond). Bites nails until fingers bleed.
Lips =Hell.---Constantly picking his lips, clothes boring into
his nose with his finger (While perfectly conscious, Arum-t).
Lips =Hell.---Constantly picking his lips, clothes or boring
into his nose with his fingers (while perfectly conscious.,
Lips =Hep.---Middle of lower lips cracked (Am-c., Nat-m.,
Cracks in commissures, Cund).
Lips =Nat-m., Hep., Rhus-v., Ars., Lyc., Sep.
Lips =Nat-m.---Fever blisters like pearls about the lips; lips
dry sore and cracked ulcerated (Nit-ac.)
364… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Lips =Nit-ac.---Affects especially the mucus outlets of the

body where skin and mucus membranes join mouth, nose,
rectum, anus, urethra, vagina (Mur-ac).
Lips =Sep.---Swelling and cracking of lower lip.
Lips =Sulph.---Bright redness of lips as if the blood would
burst through (tub).
Lips bright redness =Sulph.---Bright redness of lips as if
the blood would burst through (Tub.).
Lips cracked =BRY., CARB-V., SULPH., Arn., Ars., Cham.,
Ign., Merc., Phos., Verat., Nat-m., Sep., Psor.
Lips dry =BRY., PULS., SULPH., Acon., Ant-t., Apis.,
Bell., Canth., Gels., Ign., Merc., Nux-v., Phos., Verat.
Lips dry cracked =Nat-m.---Lips dry, cracked, upper lips
swollen breaks out around the mouth.
Lips pale =ARS., Apis., Ferr-p., Puls., Ferr., Hydr-ac.,
Kali-ar., Med.
Lips red =ARS., Apis., Ferr-p., Puls.
Lips, colour, bluish, with heart troubles =Dig.
Lips, colour, deathly pale, ring around eyes =Bism.
Lips, colour, red as vermillion =Sulph., Tub.
Lips, colour, yellow, jaundiced =Plb.
Lips, crack, general with excessive dryness =Bry., Ars.
Lips, crack, sp. in corners, eczematous =Graph.
Lips, crack, sp. in corners, sore, with crusty nostrils =Ant-
Lips, crack, sp. in corners, ulcerated & scabby =Nit-ac.
Lips, crack, sp. in the middle, deep painful fissure =Nat-m.
Lips, nature, thickening =Calc ., Nat-m.
Lips, nature, tingling =Nat-m.
Lips, nature, twitching =Ip.
Lithaemia =Berb., Lyc., Sep., Canth.
Lithiasis=Aspar., Lyc., Sep.
365… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Liver =Aloe., Chel., Chin., Lyc., Lept., Phos., Dol.,

Yuca.---Remedies mostly used.
Liver =Am-m.---Cough accompanied by liver affections and
Liver =Calc-ar.---Infantile enlarged liver and spleen. Dr.
P.C. Mujumdar.
Liver =Card-m.--- Chronic congestive liver.
Liver =Carica-papaya., Card-m., Chion., Chel.
Liver =Chol.---Burnett claims to have twice cured cancer
of the liver with it and in hepatic engorgements that by
reason of their intractable and slow yielding to the well
selected remedies make one think of interrogationally of
Liver =Mag-m.---Pressing pain in liver when walking and
touching it, liver hard enlarged <lying on right side (Merc.,
Liver =Malar.---Liver spleen and kidneys affected, cannot
breath on account of pain in liver <lying down > hard
Liver =Nat-s.---Enlargement of the liver.
Liver =Podo.---Patient is constantly rubbing and shaking
the region of liver with his hands.
Liver =Tub.---Symptoms ever changing, ailments affecting
one organ then another, the lungs, brain kidneys, liver,
stomach, nervous system, beginning suddenly, ceasing
Liver Cancer =Chol.--- There is great advantage from its
use in cases diagnosed as cancer of the liver or in such
obstinate engorgements that malignancy was suspected.
Burnett claim to have twice cured cancer of the liver with
it and “in Hepatic engorgements that by reason of their
intractable and slow yielding to well selected remedies
make one think interrogationally of cancer. In such
conditions where the diagnosis is in doubt especially if the
366… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

patient has been subjected to repeated attacks of biliary

colic cholestrinum, he claims is very satisfactory and at
times its actions even striking.
Liver- contracted [atrophy], empty feeling in abdomen
Liver- contracted [atrophy], flatulence and sense of satiety
Liver diseases cancer =Chol 3x.---Burning pain in side. on
walking holds his hand on side as it hurts him so much. it
should be remembered in organic liver diseases.
Liver diseases deficiency of bile =Iris.---Increases the
flow of the bile. Use 30 or 200. Favourable report from the
very highest potencies.
Liver diseases enlarged =Chion.---Tincture or first
Liver diseases spot =Lactic acid.---Apply locally. If one
application is not sufficient, repeat until the epidermis
peels off.
Liver diseases violent pain jaundice =Med 1m or 10 m
May be tried. Do not repeat it.
Liver disorders, general =Chel., Lyc.
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], abscess formed in liver
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], foetid odour from mouth.
worse lying on rt. side =Merc.
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], hard & sensitive to touch
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], melancholy & ashy- white
stool =Aur.
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], of drunkards =Nux-v.
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], pain in the right scapula
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], soreness, worse by lying on
left side =Nat-s.
Liver- enlarged [ hypertrophy], stitching pain with dry hard
stool =Bry.
367… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Liver enlarged =Ferr-ars.---Enlarged liver and spleen with

fever. When there is no fever Ferr-iod.
Liver enlarged =Nat-sulph., Lyc.
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], dizziness & bad taste in
mouth =Card-m.
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], imprints of teeth on
tongue =Merc.
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], pain in right scapula
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], preceeded by diarrhoea
=Podo., Lept.
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], with renal diseases
Liver- gall- stones [billous colic], with renal diseases,
chronic congestion =Card-m.
Liver- hardened [cirrhosis], fatty degeneration of liver
Liver- hardened [cirrhosis], flatulence sense of satietry &
tension =Lyc.
Liver- hardened [cirrhosis], melancholy & ashy white stool
Liver- hardened [cirrhosis], with dropsy & drowsiness
LIVER- jaundice, abdomen retracted towards the spine
Liver- jaundice, abdomen swollen & tympanitic =Merc.
Liver- jaundice, abdominal complaints with jaundice =Nux-
v., Bry.
Liver- jaundice, bilous vomiting with sensitivity to cold
Liver- jaundice, febrile state tending to jaundice =Nux-v.
Liver- jaundice, liver swollen & sensitive to touch =Chin.,
Liver- jaundice, nausea, & vomiting with dull headache
368… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Liver- jaundice, shooting in every direction, sp. under

scapula =Chel.
Liver- jaundice, stitching pain shooting downwards =Berb.
Liver- jaundice, stitching pain shooting upwards =Bry.
Liver with heart symptoms =Agar., Aur., Cact., Calc.,
Dig., Mag-m., Myric.
Living birth =Cimic.--- ensures living birth in women giving
birth to dead babies.
Local =Mill.--- Local, congestion, haemorrhagic.
Lochia =Pyrog.---Lochia : then acrid, brown, very foetid
(Nit-ac), suppressed, followed by chills, fever and profuse
foetid perspiration.
Lochia =Pyrog.---Lochia thin acrid, brown very foetid (Nit-
ac). Suppressed, followed by chills, fever and profuse
foetid perspiration.
Lochia protracted =Caul.---Lochia protracted; great atony;
passive oozing for days from relaxed vessels (Sec).
Lock jaw = Acon 3 or 30.--- If it is due to exposure to cold.
Lock jaw =Gels 3.--- Every one hour.
Lock jaw =Hyper 200.--- If it is due to injury.
Loco-motor ataxia =Ang.---Paralysis of extermities,
difficulty in walking.
Locomotor ataxia =Arg-n., Src., Sil., Plb., Bell., Pic-ac.,
Phos., Nit-ac.
Locomotor ataxia =Plb-p 30.---Which had favourable
Locomotor ataxia mania =Tarent.---Tarent., is important
medicine –its main features are –Locomotor Ataxia, Mania,
spinal irritation, Hysteria, Feigning Sickness, chorea –
Epilepsy. Restless, moving about, not satisfied, music
ameliorates, sexual desire to the point of mania. Tarentula
H Personality-Cunning mentality, Foxing Mentality,
Destructive mentality, Ungrateful mentality.
369… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Loose rattling cough =Puls.--- Loose rattling cough; worse

on becoming heated and at night.
Loquacity =Lach., Podo., Stram.
Loquacity great =Lach.---Great loquacity (Agar., Stram);
wants to talk all the time; jumps from one idea to another;
one word often leads to another story.
Loss of blood =Chin.---Weakness and other complaint after
the loss of blood and other fluid, especially from nursing,
salivation, hemorrhoids etc. or leucorrhoea, night sweats
seminal emissions onanism.
Loss of consciousness =Cic.---Convulsion with loss of
consciousness ,frightful distortions of the face, limbs and
whole body.
Loss of memory =Med.---Loss of memory with alcohol
Loss of speech =Cadm-s.---Loss of speech –facial paralysis-
Cadmium sulph 2 doses at ½ hr. interval every 3rd day.
Loss of vision =Naphthin.---Loss of vision due to retinal
detachment and other pathologies.
Loud cough =Spong.--- Wakes fearfully out of sleep with a
sense of suffocation, loud cough, difficult breathing.
Love disappointed, bad effect =Ign.---Bad effects of
anger, grief, or disappointed love (Calc-p., Hyos); broods in
solitude over imaginary trouble.
Love disappointment ailment from =Ign., Nat-m., Aur.,
Hyos., Ph-ac., Puls., Staph.
Love unfortunate with jealousy bad effects =Hyos.---Bad
effects of unfortunate love; with jealousy, rage incoherent
speech or inclination to laugh at everything; often followed
by epilepsy.
Love unhappy =Dig.---Anxious and concentrated sadness,
with sleeplessness at night owing to pains at the heart, for
instance from unhappy love, especially in women of brown
complexion from and obstinate dispositions. Dig. Is far
preferable to Ign (Dr. Taste.)
370… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Low blood pressure =Acon., Cact-g., Dig.

Low mind =Bufo.--- Low mind & constitution.
Lower Back =BRY., CANTH., LED., NUX-V., PHOS., PULS.,
Lower limbs =Bad.--- In small of back, hips, lower limbs,
stiff neck.
Lower part of leg =Franc.--- Chronic stiffness of muscle in
back of head, spine, lower part of leg & in foot.
Lumbago =Coll.
Lumbago =Rhus-t.---is the head remedy for lumbago.
Lumbago =Rhus-t.---Lumbago jaw or any place where
there is relief from continuous movement.
Lumbago =Rhus-t.---Of lumbago it is the remedy whether
the patient is better from motion or not. Dr. Farrington.
Lump =Arg-nit.---Canthi red as blood, standing out like a
lump of red flesh, clusters of intensely red vessels external
from inner canthus to cornea.
Lump =Graph.---If you know a women who is suffering
from an old scar that has formed a lump in the breast
when she is about to go into confinement, give a dose as a
Remedies. It will very often stop this induration, remove
the hardness from the old cicatrix and remove the blocking
of milk for the newly born child.
Lump feeling in throat =Asaf., Ign.
Lump sternum =Chin.---Lump under the sternum but
higher up.
Lung = Abis-c.---Feels as if right lung and lever were small
and hard.
Lung =Calc-s.---Advanced stage of lung diseases.
Lung =Caps.---Cough epels in offensive breath from lungs.
Lung diseases =Calc-p.---Lung diseases of tall slender
rapidly growing youth. (Upper third of right lung Ars.-
upper left, Myrt-c., Sulph.); oftener the guide to the
constitutional remedy than Phos., (Compare- Tub.).
371… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Lungs & respiration = frequent desire to long breath,

better lying on painful side =Ign.
Lungs & respiration = frequent desire to long breath,
coming from open air into warm room =Bry.
Lungs & respiration = frequent desire to long breath, with
a sense of constriction =Cact.
Lungs & respiration = frequent desire to long breath, with
loose cough =Nat-s.
Lungs & respiration = oppressed breathing, force to lie
down that causes cough =Laur.
Lungs & respiration = oppressed breathing, wants doors and
windows open =Sulph.
Lungs & respiration = oppressed breathing, wings of nose
expand with fan like motion =Lyc.
Lungs & respiration = rattling, chronic asthma worse in
damp weather =Nat-s.
Lungs & respiration = rattling, great accumulation of
mucous =Ant-t.
Lungs & respiration = rattling, patient feels asthamatic
worse in dry cold air =Hep.
Lungs & respiration = rattling, with snoring –like sound =
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, causing
difficulty in drinking, drinks in sips =Kali-n.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, causing
disturbed sleep, cannot lie with head low =Spong.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, causing
disturbed sleep, least thing coming near to mouth or nose
=Lach., Crot-h., Naja.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, causing
disturbed sleep, breath stops when dropping off to sleep
=Grin., Dig.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, on ascending,
with sensation of coldness =Calc.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, on ascending,
with sensation as if heart was squeezed =Iod.
372… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, on descendig,

from downwards motion =Bor.
Lungs & respiration = shortness of breathing, on
descending, weakness in chest, going down stairs =Stann.
Lungs & respiration = wheezing, air passage seems
constricted =Ars.
Lungs & respiration = wheezing, cough worse in the
evening =Aral.
Lungs & respiration = wheezing, dry barking cough =Iod.
Lungs & respiration oppressed breathing, greatly in acute
and chronic lung affection =Phos.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, at night =Kali-
P., Dig.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, by slighted
exertion =Calc-p ., Calc.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, going upstairs
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, on lying =Calc-
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, on walking
=Calc-s., Kali-c.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, sp. old people
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, suffocates
when falling as sleep =Lach., Crot-h., Naja.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, wakes up at
night gasping for breath =Graph.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing, with sensation
of load in chest =Ferr.
Lungs & respiration shortness of breathing. must open up
collar or he would suffocate =Graph., Glon.
Lungs & respiration wheezing, great ccumulation of
mucous =Ip., Hep.
Lungs =Kali-c.---Persons suffering from ulceration of the
lungs can scarcely get well without this anti-psoric remedy-
373… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Lungs, congestion=Acon., Verat-v., Ferr-p.

Lupus =Bacil., Thuj., Tub., Calc., Hydr., Ars., Aur-m.,
Kali-bi.---Remedies mostly used.
Lupus =Calc-c., Calc-a., Sil., Ars-i., Thuj., Tub., Ars.,
Lupus erythematosum=Ars.. Lyc., Nit-ac., Rhus-t., Thuj.
Lupus vulgaris=Ars., Ars-i., Aur., Cist., Hep., Hydr.,
Hydrc., Kali-bi., Kali-i., Sulph., Tub.
Lyco Action =Carb-v.--- quickens the action of lyco. Taken
Lying =Puls.---Symptoms which occur while lying still on
the back are ameliorated by sitting upright,seldom the
Lying agg =Acon.---Agg – lying on affected side (Hep., Nux-
Lying down causes amelioration =Nux-v., Bry.
Lying Left side cause amelioration =Nat-m., Sulph.
Lying painful side cause amelioration =Bry., Puls., Calc.
Lying right side cause aggravation =Rhus-t., Mag-m.,
Lying to sitting =Puls.---is from lying to sitting, from
sitting to standing then moving.
Lyme disease=Ars., Merc., Tarent., Thuj.
Lymphoid tissue ailments =Carc., Kali-m., Rad-br.
Lypothemia =Ign., Nux-m.
Malaria =Ars., Nat-m., Chin., Chin-sulph., Aza., Eup-
pur., Alst-c., Caes-b., Nyct., Malar., Acon., Bry., Rhus-
t., Bell., Chin-ar., Ferr-ar., Ars., Op., Chin-s., Grin.,
Malaria off = Antidotes to Bry., Nux-v.
Male sexual organs =Bar-c.---Of the male sexual organs
we have some strange features. This medicine takes away
all sexual desire and ability leaving the genitals relaxed,
and in a stage of impotency. “Relaxed penis – Impotence.”
374… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Males-females =Merc.---According to Dr. Teste Merc is

suited to males and to females.
Malformation =Carc., Fl-ac., Syph., Phos.
Malformation =Phos.---If taken in minute doses, during
pregnancy prevents malformation of the offspring, such as
clubfoot, twisted hands spine curve etc.
Malicious disposed to be =Anac.---Disposed to be
malicious, seems bent on wickedness. Irresistible desire to
curse and swear (Lac-c., Lil-t., Nit-ac., wants to pray
continually, Stram).
Malignant disease =Cist.---Malignant disease of the glands
of neck-facial, open bleeding.
Malignant pustule =Ip.---Internally and externally it is
considered to be almost a specific for malignant pustule
and anthrax.
Malnutrition=Alf., Calc-p.
Malposition of foetus, correction =Puls.---Has the power
to correct the position of the child in the womb when given
during labour. Give 30th or 200 or 1m.
Mammae nipples, sore , cracked and bleeding =Graph.
Mammae =Bry., Lac-c., Phyt., Sil.
Mammae =Cimic =Inframammary pain in the left side
during climaxis.
Mammae =Con.---Glandular induration of stony hardness of
mammae in persons of cancerous tendency after bruises
and injuries of glands (Compare Aster).
Mammae =Crot-t.---Pain runs through to the back when
child nurses.
Mammae =Cycl.---Mammae swollen, containing milk in
non-pregnant women. Mammae swollen and very hard after
Mammae =Merc.---Mammae painful as if they would
ulcerate at every menstrual period (Con., Lac-c.); milk in
breasts instead of the menses.
375… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mammae =Merc.---Mammae painful, as if they would

ulcerate at every menstrual period (Con., Lac-c); milk in
breast instead of the menses.
Mammae =Phyt.---Mammae full of hard and painful
nodosities. Breast shows an early tendency to cake is full
stony hard and painful especially when suppuration
Mammae =Phyt.---Mammae full of hard, painful nodosities.
Breasts, shows an early tendency to cake; is full stony,
hard and painful, especially when suppuration is inevitable;
when child nurses pain goes from nipples all over body
(Goes to back, Crot-t; to uterus, Puls., Sil.).
Mammae cancer =Aster., Con., Lach.
Mammae dwindling =Iod.
Mammae hardness during menses =Bry., Con., Lach.
Mammae lumps and tumors =Carb-an., Con., Phyt., Sil.
Mammae mastitis inflammation =Bry., Crot-t., Lac-c.,
Mammae metastasis of mumps =Puls.
Mammae milk diminishes after delivery =Asaf., Phyt.
Mammae milk fever (lying in period) =Bell., Bry., Phyt.
Mammae milk in breast of non-pregnant women =Asaf.,
Merc., Puls.
Mammae special kinds of pain in nursing =Cham.---Every
time the child is put to the breast, there is cramp of uterus
and in back.
Mammae when drying of milk is necessary =Lac-c., Puls.
Mammae when suppuration is inevitable =Phyt., Hep., Sil.
Mammary abscess =Phyt.---Mammary abscess; fistulae,
going angry ulcers; pus sanious, ichorous, foetid;
Mammary glands =Phyt.---When the mammary glands are
inflamed, without any general symptoms, but merely an
inflammation of the glands give Phyt. (Dr. Kent.)
376… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mammary glands =Sabal Serr.---In retoring the size and

secertary powers of the mammary glands is great Service.
3rd potency often better.
Mamme painful =Merc.---Mamme painful as if they would
ulcerate at every menstrual period (Con., Lac-c); milk in
breasts instead of the menses.
Mania =Hyos., Bar-m., Calc-c., Act-r., Stram., Bell.,
Cann-i., Croc., Verat., Cupr.
Mania =Verat.---Mania with desire to cut and tear
everything, especially clothes (Tarent); with lewd,
lascivious talk, amorous or religious (Hyos., Stram).
Mania to read books =Calc.
Marasmus =Abrot.---Marasmus of lower extremities-
marasmus of children with marked emaciation especially of
legs (Iod., Sanic., Tub). Skin flabby, hangs loose in folds (of
neck Nat-m., Sanic., ). In marasmus head weak, can not
hold it up (Aeth). Ravenous hunger, losing flesh while
eating well. (Iod., Nat-m., Sanic., Tub).
Marasmus =Abrot.--- Marasmus and metastalis.
Marasmus =Acet-ac.---Marasmus & other wasting diseases
of children(Abrot., Iod., Sanic., Tub).
Marasmus =Calc-p.---When given in season will often
prevent marasmus.
Marasmus =Op.---Marasmus; child with wrinkled skin, looks
like little dried up old man (Abrot).
Marasmus general=Aeth., Calc., Nat-m., Sil.
Marsh Fever=Ars., Chin., Ip., Nat-m., Cedr.
Mastitis Infection=Bell., Phyt., Bry., Lac-c., Sil., Sulph.
Mastoiditis=Caps., Aur., Sil.
Masturbation =Bufo.
Masturbation =Grat.---Almost a specific masturbation and
nymphomania in females. Dr. Burnett.
Masturbation =Plat 30.---For Female.
377… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Masturbation =Staph.---For Men

Masturbation =Staph---For removing the habit of
masturbation in children Dr. Gallavardin.
Masturbation children =Orig 3.---causing sexual discharge
by using the hand. Its tincture can be used without the
knowledge of the patient by pouring teaspoonful into the
milk or tea.
Masturbation habit, ill effects =Ph-ac., Staph.
Masturbation of bad effects of =Staph 30.---useful in
sexual sins and excesses.
Mathematical calculations inability for =Calc-c.
Mathematics horror of =Calc.---Horror of mathematics.
Children disposed to grow fat. Sweat easily. Squint,. Dose
6-8 pills one does every week till cured.
Measles =Acon., Ars., Morbill., Puls., Sulph., Euph.,
Gels., Squila., Ant-c., Euphr., Bry., Cupr., Zinc. Hep.
Measles =Acon30 and Puls 30.---taken alternately for 3-4
days is a preventive. Morbill 200 is also preventive. It is a
nosode. Keep the patient only on Acon and use Puls When
eruptions appear.
Measles =Dros., Euphr., Puls.
Measles =Morbill.---Has been used as a prophylactic
against infection by measles.
Measles =Puls.---Is Helpful in childhood diseases such as
measles, mumps, and chickenpox, preventive of measles.
Administered during the disease, it ten to prevent
Measles =Vacc.---It is a sure preventive remedy for all
kinds of pox and measels. Also when, there is no singn or
symptoms of that disease in the family is found, and the
neighbour or locality is infected.
Measles all sequelae of =Camph..---After effects of
Measles never well since past history of measles infection
378… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Measles scarlatina =Camph.---Measles and scarlatina when

eruption does not appear; with pale or cold blue,
hippocratic face; child will not be covered (Sec).
Meats salted =Calc-p.--- Craving for ham, bacon, smoked
or salted meats.
Mechanical injuries =Staph.---Mechanical injuries from
sharp-cutting instruments; post-surgical operations;
stinging, smarting pains, like the cutting of a knife.
Mediterranean fever =Colch., Bapt., Bry., Merc., Rhus-t.
Megrim=Menis., Coff., Sep., Stann.
Melancholia =Kali-p.---Where a care laden individual
threatens to become a victim to melancholia.
Melancholy =Tub.---Melancholy, despondent, morose,
irritable, fretful, peevish; taciturn, sulky; naturally of
sweets disposition, now on the borderland of insanity.
Melancholy profound =Aur.---Profound melancholy : feels
hateful and quarrel-some; desires to commit suicide; life is
a constant burden; after abuse of mercury; with nearly all
Melanosis eyes =Aur.
Memory weakness =Nux-m.---Weakness or loss of memory
(Anac., Lac-c., Lyc). vanishing of thoughts while reading
talking or writing; uses wrong words; does not recognize
well-known streets (Cann-i., Lach).
Memory weakness =Plb.---Weakness or loss of memory;
unable to find the proper word (Anac., Lac-c).
379… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Memory weakness of =Med.---Weakness of memory;

cannot remember names, words or initial letters; has to ask
name of most intimate friend; even forgets his own name.
Cannot spell correctly; wonder how a well-known name is
spelled. Constantly loses the thread of conversation. Great
difficulty in stating her symptoms, question has to be
repeated as she loses herself.
Memory =Rosemary oil.---for baldness, headache and
failing memory
Memory deficient =Bar-c.---Memory deficient; forgetful,
inattentive; child can not be taught for it can not
remember; threatened idiocy.
Memory deficient =Bar-c.---Memory deficient; forgetful,
inattentive; child cannot be taught for it cannot remember;
threatened idiocy.
Memory impaired =Anac.---Restores the memory it often
cures the patient of all other troubles (Dr. Tyler)
Memory loss of =Anac.---Sudden loss of the memory, dose
6-8 pills BD, start 4 days before examination.
Memory loss of =Kali-br.---Loss of memory; forgets how to
talk; absent-minded; has to be told before he could speak
it (Anac).
Memory loss of =Syph.---Loss of memory; can not
remember names of books, persons or places, arithmetical
calculations difficult.
Memory sudden loss of =Anac.---Sudden loss of memory;
everything seems to be in a dream; patient is greatly
troubled about his forgetfulness; confused, unfit for
Memory weak =Zinc-m.
Memory weakness =Anac.---Great weakness of memory.
Memory weakness =Bar-c.---Child cannot be taught from
weakness of memory. Dwarfish mentally and physically.
380… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Idiotic vacant look, shy and afraid of strangers. Does not

play, just sits and watches, concentration difficult.
Improves IQ 6-8 pills once a week continue for one year.
Memory weakness =Bar-c.---Great mental amd physical
debility, short memory child cannot remember or be
Memory weakness of =Med.---Weakness of memory; can
not remember names, words or initial letters; has to ask
name of most intimate friend even forgets his own name.
Meniere’s disease=Chin-s., Phos.
Meningitis =Bac., Bell., Cicuta-vir.
Meningitis =Bell., Cic-vir.---Is a preventive for cerebro-
spinal meningitis. As a prophylactic measure which has
been widely practised in cases where there is a tubercular
inheritance, Bac.
Meningitis =Hell.---Meningitis : acute cerebro-spinal,
tubercular, with exudation; paralysis more or less
complete; with criencephalique.
Meningitis =Iodof.---3x triituration internally with such
marked result that he was led to look upon it as almost a
specific for any form of meningitis with massage of
iodoform cerate into the scalp.
Meningitis =Tub.---Acute cerebral; or basilar meningitis,
with threatened effusion; nocturnal hallucinations; wakes
from sleep frightened, screaming; when Apis., Hell., or
Sulph, though well selected, remedies fail to improve.
Menopause =Calc-ar.---Complaints of fleshy women when
approaching the menopause.
Menopause =Crot-h.---Menopause; intense flushings and
drenching perspiration : faintness and sinking at stomach,
prolonged metrorrhagia, dark fluid, offensive; profound
Menopause =Lach.---Illness beginning at puberty-Puls.
After menopause.
381… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menopause =Thalaspi-bursa Q .---Thalaspi Bursa Q has

been found to be very useful in menopausal cases without
flushings etc.
Menorrhagia =Sabin.---Menorrhagia : during climacteric, in
women who formerly aborted, with early first menses.
Menorrhagia =Sulph.---Menorrhagia has not been well since
her last miscarriage. “ A single dose at new moon”
Menorrhagia =Trill.---Menorrhagia; flow profuse gushing,
bright red; at least movement (Sab), from displaced uterus;
at the climacteric; every two weeks, dark clotted. (Thlas.,
Menorrhagia Insidious = Ip., Mill., Sabad., Plat., Ferr-m.,
Chin., Ham., Sec.
Menses = Pituitrin 200.--- If Menses are delayed for a
number of months – give Pituitrin 200-1 does daily for first
2-3 days & thereafter twice a week, then every week, it
sets menses right.
Menses =1st menses are delayed & size of uterus is small,
Damiana Q 20-30 drops TDS dose helps in such cases.
Menses =Am-c.---Menses commences with symptoms having
resemblance with those of cholera.
Menses =Am-m., Bov.---Only at night in bed.
Menses =Am-m.---Bowels discharge blood during menses.
Exerts great strain for expulsion.
Menses =Bell.---The monthly period is too soon and too
abundant, sometimes with anguish cramp and forcing pain.
Menses =Calc.---Menses several days very early and very
copious, swelling of head.
Menses =Cimic.---Chronic affections at puberty, the
menses not appearing.
Menses =Cocc.---During the menses the patient is so weak
that can scarecly stand or talk.
Menses =Con.---Menses; feeble, suppressed; too late,
scanty, of short duration, with rash of small red pimples
382… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

over body which ceases with the flow (Dulc); stopped by

taking cold; by putting hands in cold water (Lac-d).
Menses =Cycl.---Complaint after weaning (Chin). After
menses, milk in the mammae.
Menses =Cycl.---Menses long-protracted. (Opposite of
Menses =Ferr.---Menses : too early, too profuse, too long
lasting, with fiery red face, ringing in the ears : intermitent
2-3 days & then return : flow pale watery, debilitating.
Menses =Graph.---Menses : too scanty, pale, late with
violent colic, irregular : delayed from getting feet wet
(Puls). Morning sickness during menstruation; very weak
and prostrated (Alum., Carb-an., Cocc).
Menses =Ham.---Menses : flow, dark and profuse; with
soreness in abdomen; after a blow on ovary, or a fall; all
suffering < at menstrual period (Cimic., Puls).
Menses =Helo.---Menses not appearing for months-
Damiana Q 10 Drops in water 4-5, times daily. Always has
some problem with uterus (Always conscious of womb).
Menses =Kali-c.---Will bring on menses when Nat-m,
although indicated fail.
Menses =Kreos.---Menses : too early, profuse, protracted;
pain during, but<after it ; flow on lying down, cease on
sitting or walking about; cold drinks relieve menstrual
pains; flow intermittent, at times, almost ceasing, then
commencing again (Sulph).
Menses =Lac-c.---Menses; too early, too profuse, flow in
gushes bright red, viscid and stringy (dark, black, stringy,
crocus), breasts swollen, painful, sensitive before and
during menses (Con).
Menses =Lac-d.---Menses : delayed; suppressed, by putting
hands in cold water (Con); drinking a glass of milk will
promptly suppress flow until next period (compare, Phos).
383… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menses =Lach.---Menses at regular time; too short scanty,

feeble; pains all relieved by the flow; always better during
menses (Zinc).
Menses =Lil-t.---Menses; early, scanty, dark, offensively
flows only when moving about; case to flow when she
ceases to walk (Caust; on lying down, Kreos., Mag-c.).
Menses =Mag-m.---Menses with great excitement at every
period; flow black, clotted; spasms and pain< in back when
walking, extend into thighs; metrorrhagia, <at night in bed,
causing hysteria (Cimic., Caul).
Menses =Mag-p.---Menses : early; flow dark, stringy; pains
<before > when flow begins (Lach., Zinc); pains darting,
like lightning, shooting, < r side, ) by heat and bending
double; vaginismus.
Menses =Med.---Menses : profuse, very dark, clotted;
stains difficult to wash out (Mag-c).
Menses =Mill.---Menses : early,, profuse protracted;
suppressed, with colic pain in abdomens.
Menses =Nux-m.---Clotted, too often, too long; dry mouth,
Menses =Nux-v., Calc-c., Sep.---The characteristics of the
menses are more or less same for Nux And Calc.but
temperaments different patients that require Nux for this
condition can hardly ever take Puls for anything Sep on the
other hand would do well.
Menses =Nux-v.---Menses : too early, profuse, lasts too
long; or keeping on several days longer, with complaints at
onset and remaining after; every two weels; irregular;
never at right time; stooping and starting again (Sulph);
during and after, < of old symptoms.
Menses =Nux-v.---Menses a few days before the time and
rather very copious or continuing for several days longer
with complaints at the onset and remaining after.
384… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menses =Plat.---Menses too early, too profuse, too long

lasting dark clotted, offensive with bearing down spasms,
pains in uterus with twitching; genitals sensitive.
Menses =Podo.---Suppressed menses in young girls (Puls.,
Menses =Puls.---Scanty; stops and flows, stops and flows
again; from getting stops feet wet; vicarious nose bleeding.
Menses =Sabin.---Menses too early, too profuse, too
protracted, partly fluid partly clotted (Ferr); in persons
who menstruated very early in life; flow in paroxysms with
colic and labour like pains; pains from sacrum to pubes.
Menses =Sep.---Irregular menses of nearly every form-
early, late, scanty, profuse, amenorrhea or menorrhagia –
when associated with above named symptoms.
Menses =Sil.---Increased menses with repeated paroxysms
of icy coldness over the whole body.
Menses =Stann.---Menses too early, too profuse; sadness
before; pain in molar bones, during.
Menses =Sul-ac.---For night-mare, walking in fright before
Menses =Sulph.---Menses : too early, profuse and
Menses =Thlaspi.---Alternate profuse and scanty menses.
Menses =Thlaspi.---Menses too early , too profuse;
protacted (eight, ten, even fifteen days); tardy in starting,
first day, merely a show; second day colic, vomiting,
haemorrhage with large clots, each alternate period more
Menses =Trill.---Menses : profuse every two weeks lasting
a week or longer (Calc-p); after over exertion or too long a
385… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menses =Tub.---Menses : too early, too profuse; too long-

lasting; tardy in starting; with frightful Dysmenorrhoea; in
patients with tuberculous history.
Menses absent =Nat-m., Kali-c.---Absent menses Nat-m,
Puls, Kali-c three times daily.
Menses at regular time =Lach.---Menses at regular time;
too short, scanty, feeble; pains all relieved by the flow;
always better during menses (Zinc).
Menses delayed =Dam.---If first menses are delayed-if
uterus is small and conception is not taking place then Dam
Q, 30-35 drop doses -3 times daily helps.
Menses during =Am-m.---During menses; diarrhoea and
vomiting, bloody discharge from the bowels (phos);
neuralgic pains in the feet; flow more profuse at night (Bov
–on lying down., Kreos).
Menses early =Lil-t.---Menses early, scanty, offensive; flow
only when moving about; cease to flow when she ceases to
walk (caust., On lying down Kreos., Mag-c.).
Menses excessive =Trill., Ust., Thlaspi., Fic., Chin.
Menses first =Lyc., Bac.---First menses are delayed in
young girls with under development of breasts then give
Lyc. with Bac. intercurrently.
Menses flow only at night =Bov.---Menses : flow only at
night; not in daytime (Mag-c- only during the day, ceases
lying – Cact., Caust, Sil.). Diarrhoea before and during
menses (Am-c). Occassional show every few days between
periods (Bor); every two weeks, dark and clotted; with
painful bearing down (Sep).
Menses irregular =Nux-m.---Haemorrhage, blood thick and
dark with such as have had menses very irregular.
Menses Irregular =Sec.---Menses irregular, copious, dark,
fluid, with pressing labour-like pains in abdomen;
continuous discharge of watery blood until next period.
386… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Threatened abortion especially at 3rd month (Sabin),

prolonged bearing down pains, forcing pain.
Menses Irregular =Sep.---Irregular menses of nearly every
form- early, late, scanty, profuse, amenorrhea or
menorrhagia – when associated with above named
Menses Late =Puls.---Menses too late and scanty or
suppressed from getting the feet wet.
Menses painful bearing down in uterine =Kali-c.
Menses painful boring, sp. in the left =Lach., Zinc.
Menses painful bruised sore or stinging =Apis.
Menses painful burning excoriating =Sulph.
Menses painful crampy in abdomen =Nux-v.
Menses painful griping better by hard pressure =Coloc.
Menses painful labour like pain =Ign.
Menses painful menstrual colic, burning restless. relieved
by warm application =Ars.
Menses painful menstrual colic, cramp in abdomen.
frequent faint spells =Nux-v.
Menses painful menstrual colic, dark flow with uterine
spasm. limbs tremble =Cocc.
Menses painful menstrual colic, dark pitchy =Bism.
Menses painful menstrual colic, griping pain, better by
hard pressure =Coloc.
Menses painful menstrual colic, labour like pain, better by
pressure =Ign., Dig.
Menses painful menstrual colic, scanty dark but not
relieved in cool air =Cycl.
Menses painful menstrual colic, scanty dark flow. better in
cool air =Puls.
Menses painful menstrual colic, very dark flow, patient is
cross =Cham.
Menses painful pain in back when walking. in thighs when
sitting =Mang-m.
387… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menses painful relation with flow, more profuse the flow

greater the pain =Act-rac.
Menses painful -relation with flow, pains continues with
flow =Plat.
Menses painful shooting, from right to left =Lyc.
Menses painful stitching upward =Sep.
Menses painful tearing in back & limbs =Caust.
Menses painful-relation with flow, flow between the pains
=Am-c., Mag-c.
Menses painful-relation with flow, pains following
discharge =Graph.
Menses painful-relation with flow, pains relieved when
flow starts =Lach., Mosch.
Menses preceded =Mag-c.---Menses preceded by sore
throat (Lac-c), labor-like pain, cutting colic, backache,
weakness, chilliness; flows only at night or when lying,
ceases when walking (am-m., Kreos., rev. of Lil); acrid
dark, pitch like; difficult to wash off (Med).
Menses profuse =Trill.---Menses : profuse every two weeks
lasting a week or longer (Calc-p); after over exertion or too
long a ride.
Menses suppressed =Cimic.---Menses suppressed from cold
or emotion.
Menses suppressed =Con., Lac-def.---Suppressed menses
due to working in cold water or putting hand in cold water
with congestion in back and swelling in breast – Con 200
was given. The menses returned (Suppressed menses- from
working in cold water- Kent Repertory –Con., Lac-def.
Menses suppressed =Cycl.---Menses suppressed palpitation
of the heart, weeping, aversion to company and dread of
open air. Rush of blood to the head and scanty flow.
Suppressed menses from over exertion or being over
388… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menses Suppressed =Puls.---Derangements at puberty;

menses suppressed from getting the feet wet; too late,
scanty slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent flow, with
evening chilliness; with intense pain and great restlessness
and tossing about (Mag-p), flow more during day (on lying
down, Kreos). Delayed first Menstruation.
menses suppression of =Sulph.---Sulph may be used in
spinal congestion when the trouble result from suppression
of menses.
Menses too early =Cycl.---Menses too early, too profuse,
black and clotted membranous (too late, scanty, Puls).
Better during flow (worse, Act, Puls).
Menses too early =Lac-c.---Menses; too early, too profuse,
flow in gushes bright red viscid and stringy (dark, black,
stringy, crocus), breasts swollen, painful, sensitive before
and during menses.
Menses too early =Plat.---Menses too early, too profuse,
too long lasting; dark clotted, offensive, with bearing down
spasms, pains in uterus with twitching; genitals sensitive.
Menses too early =Sabin.---Menses too early, too profuse,
too protracted, partly fluid partly clotted (ferr), in persons
who menstruated very early in life; flow in paroxysms with
colic and labour like pains; pains from sacrum to pubes.
Menses too early =Stann.---Menses : too early, too
profuse; sadness before; pain in molar bones, during.
Menses too early =Thlaspi.---Menses too early, too
profuse; protracted (eight, ten, even fifteen days); tardy in
starting, first day, merely a show; second day colic,
vomiting, a haemorrhage with large clots, each alternate
period more profuse.
Menses too profuse =Plat.---Menses too profuse, too early,
too long lasting; dark, clotted, offensive, with bearing
389… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

down spasm, pains in uterus with twitching; genital

Menses, complaints after =Bor., Graph.
Menses, complaints before =Puls., Calc., Sulph.
Menses, complaints before and after =Nat-m.
Menses, complaints during =Puls., Graph.
Menstrual =Med.---Intense menstrual colic, with drawing
up of knees and terrible bearing down, labor like pains
must press-feet against support, as in labour. Intense
pruritus of labia & vagina < by thinking of it.
Menstrual =Nux=m.---At every menstrual nisus, mouth,
throat and tongue become intolerably dry especially when
sleeping, leucorrhoea in place of menses (Cocc).
Menstrual =Rhus-t,---Menstrual flow causes biting pain in
the vulva.
Menstrual =Senec.--- Chlorotic, menstrual, irregularity.
Menstrual colic =Caust--- Cures a menstrual colic when
Coloc. Fails.
Menstrual Colic =Puls.---Menstrual colic with easiness,
tossing in every possible direction.
Menstrual disorders amenorrhea =Polyg.,---Irregularity or
suppression of menstruation. Aching Pain in hips and loins.
Sensation of weight and tension within pelvis. Mother
tincture in teaspoonful doses three time a day.
Menstrual disorders dysmenorrhea =Xan.--- use 1x or 1st
to 6th potency. Too Early and painful menstruation.
Menstrual disorders menorrhagia =Hydr.---1x during the
excessive loss; give 2x or 3x of this remedy during the
interval of the menstrual flow.
Menstrual disorders menstrual irregularities =Joan.---It is
a made of the bark of Indian tree ashok. Very effective.
Use Tincture.
Menstrual disorders metrorrhagia =Hydr 1x.---Uterine
hemorrhage between menstrual periods.
390… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Menstrual flow =Merc. ---Has milk in virgin breasts

instead of menstrual flow.
Menstrual flow =Bry.---If the menstrual flow should be
checked suddenly from cold, nose bleed comes on. Dryness
in the nose.
Menstrual nisus =Nux-m.---At every menstrual nisus,
mouth, throat and tongue become intolerably dry,
especially when sleeping.
Menstruation =Calc.---Menstruation too early, too profuse,
too long lasting; with subsequent amenorrhea and chlorosis
with menses scanty or suppressed.
Menstruation =Graph.---Especially adapted to persons
incined to fatness, particularly women with disposition to
delayed menstruation.
Menstruation feels badly =Kali-c.---Feels badly, week
before menstruation : backache, before during menses.
Menstruation profuse agg =Cimic.---Agg – During
menstruation : the more profuse the flow the greater the
Menstruation vicarious =Crot-h.---Menstruation vicarious;
in debilitated constitutions (Dig., Phos). Malignant diseases
of uterus; great tendency to haemorrhage, blood dark,
fluid offensive.
Mental anxiety =Merc-c.---Mental anxiety, memory short.
Mental confusion =Dulc.---Mental confusion; cannot find
the right word for anything.
Mental development slow =Bar-c., Nat-m., Calc.
Mental disorders =Kali-p.---It is chiefly used in mental
disorders, neurasthenic conditions and insomnia.
Mental emotion =Bry.---A queer symptom is “On slight
mental emotion (on laughing) there occurs suddenly a
shooting (itching) burning all over body this burning came
on afterwards by merely thinking of it, or when he got
heated Dr.Hahnemann.
391… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mental emotions bad effects =Samb.---Bad effects of

violent mental emotions; anxiety, grief, or excessive sexual
indulgence (Ph-ac., Kali-p).
Mental excitability =Lach.---Mental excitability; ecstasy,
with almost prophetic perceptions; with a vivid
imagination; great loquacity (Agar., Stram); wants to talk
all the time; jumps from one idea to another; one word
often leads into another story.
Mental excitement & hair-cut bad effect =Glon.---Bad
effects of mental excitement, fright, fear, mechanical
injuries and their later consequences; from having the hair-
cut (Acon., Bell.).
Mental exertion aversion to =Bapt.---Aversion to mental
exertion; indisposed, or want of power to think. Perfect
indifference; don‟t care to do anything‟s inability to fix the
mind on work.
Mental impressions =Staph.---Very sensitive to slightest
mental impressions; least action or harmless word offends
Mental labour =Nux-v.---Continued mental labour causes
Mental labour very difficult =Sil.---Mental labour very
difficult; reading and writing fatigue cannot bear to think.
Mental powers =Rosemary.---Oil of Rosemary has an
ancient reputation as a remedy for baldness, headache and
flagging mental powers. Hence it has been called herb of
Mental problems =Kali-p.---Mental disorders, softening of
the brain fag, loss of mental power etc.
Mental state =Bell.---Mental state in Bell take the form of
acute mania, when the patient will bite the spoon; will
back like a dog will do all sorts of violent things even jump
out of the window. The face is red and skin is hot. During
all this the time the feet are cold. Head hot, feet cold or
392… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

feet and hands cold as ice. In the delirium of Bell, he wants

to jump out window, wants to run and wants to get away
from his attendants. He thinks they are doing him injury
“rage Fury”.
Mental strain =Coca.---For persons who are wearing out
under the physical and mental strain of a busy life; who
suffer from exhausted nerves and brain (Compare., Fl-ac).
Mental strain =Nux-v.--- Insomnia after mental strain,
abuse of coffee, of coffee, alcohol, tobacco. Wakens
between 3 and 4 a.m., falls asleep at daybreak,
unrefreshed on waking.
Mental stress =Ign.
Mental tiredness =Kali-p., Nux-v., Gels.
Mental Traumatism =Nat-s.---Inability to think (Nat-c.).
mental traumatism; mental effects from injuries to head;
chronic brain effects of blows, falls.
Mental Weakness =Aeth.--- 3 or 30 is the remedy in such a
Mental Weakness =Pic-ac.--- 6 Potency will remove this
tired feeling.
Mentally and physically =Hep.--- Great sensitivity mentally
and physically.
Mentally physically exhausted =Ign.---Persons mentally
and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief.
Mercurial poisoning =Hep., Nit-ac., kali-i.
Mercury ailments from abuse of =Arg-m.
Mesmerism =Hyper.--- for ill-effects of shock, fright and
Metastatic =Abrot.--- Metastatic, marasmus, motions.
Metorrhagia sudden = Ip., Sec., Cham., Sabad., Chin.,
Plat., Carb-v., Ham.
Metritis = Acon., Nux-v., Bell., Hep., Sec., Ars., Canth.,
Metritis chronic=Aur-m-n., Mel-c-s., Merc.
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Metrorrhagia =Arg-n.---Metrorrhagia : in young windows; in

sterility; with nervous erythism at change of life/. (Lach).
Metrorrhagia =Con.---Metrorrhagia of dark viscid stringly
blood in black clots condition worse from slightest motion.
Metrorrhagia =Med.---Metrorrhagia: at climacteric; profuse
for weeks, flow dark, clotted, offensive; in gushes, on
moving; with malignant disease of uterus.
Metrorrhagia =Med.---Metrorrhagia; at climacteric; profuse
for weeks, flow dark, clotted, offensive; in gushes, on
moving; with malignant disease of uterus.
Metrorrhagia =Thlaspi.---Metrorrhagia with violent cramps
and uterine colic; in chlorosis; after abortion, labour,
miscarriage; at with cancer uteric (Phos., Ust).

Miasmatic fever=Carc., Cedr., Chin., Med., Syph., Tub.

Micturition =Ter---Pains in the bowels which cause
frequent micturition Dr. Burnett.
Micturition Painful =Tritic---Dysuria driven almost mad
with painful micturition, the burning and straining were
truly awful. (Tritic) mother tinctureten drops in a little
water cured. Dr. Burnett.
Migraine =Cimic., Iris., Sang.
Migraine =Prunus-spinosa.---Migraine-headache will pain
in eyes, constipation-body smelling foul. Difficulty in
passing urine. Prunus-Spinosa 30 BD-15 days.
Migraine =Sil.---Migraine with sinus- Give Sil 1M 4 doses
four days- then wait for 10 days then repeat 2-days & wait
for 15 days.
Migratory =Kali-bi.--- Migratory, stringy, spots (painful).
Mild, yielding disposition (Puls) =Ph-ac.
Milk =Aeth.---Intolerance of milk cannot bear milk in any
form; it is vomited in large curds as soon as taken; then
weakness causes drowsiness (Compare, Mag-c.)
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Milk can’t digest =Nat-c.---Can‟t digest milk if taken

diarrhoea ensues.
Milk dry up =Lac-c.---Serviceable in almost all cases when
it is required to dry up milk (Asaf-to bring back or increase
it Lac-def.).
Milk fever=Acon., Bry., Calc., Cham., Coff., Lach., Ph-
ac., Puls., Sep., Sil.
Milk in breasts =Bry.---Bry- Give a dose of Bry 200 for
increasing supply of milk and helping breast inflammation
and engorgement. For drying up milk or decreasing supply,
give Bry 3 or 6; 3-4 doses daily.
Milk in mammae =Agn.---After confinement if no milk
comes in mammae, if there is a history of secret vice, if
Agn-cast is given it will bring on the milk. When the milk
ceases after it has started or becomes scanty when history
of secret vice is known, Agn-c will cure.
Milk in virgins breasts =Cycl.
Milk loss of =Lac-c.---Loss of milk while nursing without
any known cause (Asaf).
Milk mother’s =Puls.--- To dry up mother‟s milk when no
longer needed.
Milk sour = Aeth.---Sometime, milk comes up in very sour
curds, so large that it would seem almost impossible the
child could have ejected them.
Milk, intolerance by children =Aeth., Mag-c., Nat-c.
Milk-leg=Bufo., Ars., Puls., Rhus-t., Ham.
Mind = Agar.---Irritative or peevishness.
Mind =Acon.---Fear of crowd, of crossing the street, of
death. Sometimes an arrogant woman will Say, “Doctor
there in is no use your planning for my confinement. I know
I am going to die in that confinement”. Anxiety and
Mind =Alum.---Impulse to kill on seeing sharp instrument or
blood, time passes slowly, gets into a hurry.
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Mind =Anac.---Swearing and cursing. Fears that he is

pursued. Forgetful.
Mind =Ant-c.---Child Cannot bear to be touched or looked
at. Fretful . Sentimental in moonlight.
Mind =Arg-n.---Impulsive, always hurried . apprehension-
diarrhoea when about to meet an engagement or going out.
Mind =Arn.---Does not want to be touched or looked at.
Fretful . sentimental in moonlight.
Mind =Ars.---He thinks there is no use taking medicine, he
cannot get well. Everything should be placed in order.
Mental restlessness. If he is able to get up he goes from
chair to chair goes from nurse to mother and from one
person to another.
Mind =Aur.---Deepest gloom and despair, life a burden,
desire death.
Mind =Bapt.---Feels there are two of him, tries to get the
pieces together.
Mind =Bapt.---Mental preplexity wild wandering feeling.
Mind =Bar-c.---Weakness of mind amounting to idiocy.
Afraid of strangers, bashful, childishness.
Mind =Bry.---Irritability of mind, but sluggish not
excitable. In delirium thinks he is away from, home and
wants to be taken there. Talks of his business of the day.
Mind =Calc.---Fears that something sad or terrible will
happen. Fears that she will lose her reason and go insane.
Mind =Caps.---Home sick.
Mind =Caust.---Melancholy, sadness and hopelessness.
Mind =Cham.---Great irritability, answers are snapish.
Cross and ugly. Kicks and strik the nurse. Wants to be
carried. Goes from nurse to mother, then to father then to
nurse again. It wants something new every minute but
refuses everything that it has asked for.
Mind =Cina.---Aggravated by touch and even by being
looked at. Worse by seeing strangers. Wants things but
pushes them away when offered.
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Mind =Coff.---Affections after sudden emotion of pleasure

causing surprise.
Mind =Con.---Melancholy arising from celebacy.
Mind =Fl-ac.---Aversion to his children, to his dearest
friends and his wife. He is never satisfied with one women
continually changes his mistress.
Mind =Glon.---Loses his way in well known streets,
produced by exposure to great heat.
Mind =Graph.---Has forebodinngs of some imaginary
accident or mishap which is about to take place.
Melancholy worse by music.
Mind =Hep.---Hasty in speech. Oversensitive to touch and
pain. Hard to get along with. Mania to setfire to things.
Mind =Ign.---Nervous women burdened with grief of recent
origin,, but she hides her grief from others. Changeable
mood, launching and crying. Easily frightened.
Mind =Kali-c.---Irritable to the very highest degree.
Mind =Lach.---Suspicious, never sees a whispered
conversation going on but they are talking about her.
Mind =Lyc.---Does not like company does not want to be
talked to, dreads the presence of new persons, yet likes
that there is someone in the adjoining room. Irritable.
Mind =Nat-m.---Melancholy aggravated by consolation.
Unrequited love, grief over loss of money or a dear
relative. If anyone is present
Mind =Nux-m.---One moment laughing, the next crying.
Mind =Nux-v.---Violent , temper, cannot be contradicted
or opposed. If a chair is in the way, he kicks it over, if
while undressing a part
Mind =Ph-ac.---Stupefied with grief at the loss of a friend,
lover property and the effect seems to be even deeper
rooted than in those cases which call for Ign. Does not want
company or being spoken to.
Mind =Phos.---Can‟t stand or sit still. Aggravated in dark or
when left alone, also before a thunder storm.
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Mind =Plat.---Pride and over estimation of one‟s self. Gay

and sad alternately.
Mind =Psor.---Sad, hopeless, despair of recovery. Full of
Mind =Puls.---Mild, gentle and tearful, yet she is
remarkably irritable, not in the sense of pungnacity, but
easily irritated, extremely
Mind =Sep.---Loss of affection for husband and Children.
Mind =Sil.---If he has any unusual mental task to perform,
he fears he will make a failure of it, yet he does it well.
Mind =Staph.---Cross and ugly. Throws things away
indignantly or pushes them away on the table. Very
sensitive to slightest mental impression, least action or
harmless word offends. Mind dwells continually on sexual
Mind =Thuj.---That she is pregnant. Thinks she is followed
or that someone is walking beside her. Thinks she is made
of glass and that she will break, or that she is under the
influence of a superior power.
Mind =Tub.---Has a constant desire to travel and go some
where and do something different or to find a new doctor.
Mind ameliorates =Puls.
Mind anger =Bry., Cham., Kali-c., Nux-v., Sep., Staph.
Mind anticipation =Arg-n., Gels.
Mind anxiety =Acon., Ars., Caust., Phos., Puls.
Mind consolation aggravates =Nat-m.
Mind contradiction intolerable =Nux-v., Sep.
Mind cursing =Anac.
Mind desire to be carried fast =Cham., Ars.
Mind desire to be carried slowly=Puls.
Mind fear, ailments from =Acon., Ign., Op.
Mind grief =Aur., Ign., Caust., Nat-m., Ph-ac.
Mind haughty =Plat.
Mind impatience.---Nux-v.
Mind indifference to loved ones =Phos., Sep.
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Mind jealousy =Hyos., Nux-v.

Mind looked at, can‟t bear to be =Ant-c., Cina.
Mind loquacity =Lach., Podo., Stram., Verat.
Mind loses =Graph.---Mind loses control over the body,
must strongly concentrate the mind on what he is doing
muscles do not render proper service.
Mind love disappointed =Ign., Hyos., Nat-m., Ph-ac.
Mind malicious behaviour =Nux-v.
Mind naked, wants to be =Hyos., Phos.
Mind nymphomania =Grat., Hyos., Plat.
Mind of being alone ailments from=Ars., Lyc., Phos., Nat-
m., Puls.
Mind of darkness agg. =Phos., Puls., Stram., Aur., Bell.,
Mind of death predicts the time.---Acon.
Mind surprise, pleasant ailments from =Coff.
Mind throws things away =Staph.
Mind to indifference personal appearance =Sulph.
Mind well says he when he is very sick =Arn.
Miscarriage =Bapt.---Threatened miscarriage from mental
depression, shock from bad news, watching, fasting and
low fever.
Miscarriage =Sabin., Sec., Cimic.
Miscarriage =Vib =Prevents abortion with false labour
pains, frequent and early miscarriage.
Miscarriage =Vib-p.---Particularly valuable in preventing
abortion and miss-carriage whether habitual or otherwise
whether threatened from accidental causes or by criminal
drugging ,neutralizes the action of Goss.
Miscarriages =Helon.---For the bad effects of abortions and
Miserly avaricious =Lyc.---Avaricious, greedy, miserly,
Mistrustful =Merc.
399… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Modifies always =Lach.---Always modifies, bad effects of

poison wounds, post-mortum (pyrog).
Moist itching =Sul-ac.---follows Arn. In bruises of soft
part. Con. Of glands. Ruta of brain.
Moist, =Merc.---has moist, watery mouth with much thirst.
Moisture oozing =Sep.---comes after Ant-c. In moisture
oozing from the anus.
Moisture oozing from anus =Ant-c---In moisture oozing
from anus he compares it with (Ant-c) which has the first
place. (Sep) Dr. Nash.
Mollities ossium =Phos., Calc-i.
Molluscum fibrosum =Sil., Brom., Bry., Calc., Calc-ar.,
Kali-i., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Sulfa., Sulph., Teucr., Thuj.
Mononucleosis infection=Calc., Carc., Merc.
Morning diarrhoea =Podo.---Diarrhoea with great sinking
at the epigastrium, sensation as if everything would drop
through the pelvis.
Morning diarrhoea =Rhus-t.---Morning diarrhoea, brown
and watery.
Morning sickness =Sep.---Morning sickness of pregnancy;
the sight or thought of food sickness (Nux-m); the smell of
cooking food nauseates. (Ars., Colch).
Morning sickness=Lac-ac., Merc., Nux-v.
Morphine habit=Aven.
Morphinism or op habit =Avena., Cham., Aesc., Cann-i.
Morvan’s disease =Thuj., Sil., Lach., Aur-m., Aur., Bar-
m., Lach., Sec.
Mosquito bites =Staph.---Mosquito bites.
Mosquito bites burn and itch intensely =Calad., Staph.
Most terrible sepsis or gangrene =Gunp.
Mother counseling =Lyc., Plat., Sep.---The third method
is counseling-mother does not love the child-may be a step
mother-has enough children-this may be a last one-in such
a situation one of the medicines is prescribed.
400… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Motion =Glon.---Wave-like motion in the brain.

Motion arising from =Bry.---Complaints arising from
motion of the arms, doing work with the arms, as in various
kinds of business that are carried on with the use of the
arms, give rise to complaints of upper parts of body.
“Complaints from Ironing”. It requires use of hand and is
done in warm room.
Motion sickness=Cocc., Sep., Petr.
Motions =Abrot.--- Metastatic, Marasmus, motions.
Mountain climbing bad effects =Coca.---Bad effects; from
mountain climbing or ballooning (Ars); of stimulants,
alcohol, tabacco.
Mountain sickness= Coca., Calc., Carb-v., Sil.
Mountains =Coca., Ars., Syph., Acon., Med.
Mountains =Syph.---Aggravated in the mountains.
Mouth =Ant-c.---Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils, and
corners of mouth.
Mouth =Bor.---Aphthae on the tongue in the mouth inside
cheeks with great dryness of mouth, child weeps or cries
when nursing.
Mouth =Iris.---Mouth and tongue feel as if that had been
Mouth =Rhus-t.---Corners of mouth ulcerated and sore or
chafed around the genitals.
Mouth and anus are chiefly affected =Mur-ac.---Mouth
and anus are chiefly affected; the tongue and sphincter ani
are paralyzed.
Mouth aphthae =Sul-ac.---Aphthae; of mouth, gums, or
entire buccal cavity; gums bleed readily; ulcers painful
offensive breath (Bor).
Mouth bitter, bad taste =Puls., Merc.
Mouth blisters, corners =Nat-m., Puls., Merc.
Mouth corners =Rhus-t.---Corners of mouth ulcerated,
fever blisters around mouth and on chin (Nat-m).
401… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mouth- dry =Nux-m. & Bry.--- for dry mouth.

Mouth dry no thirst =Puls.---has dry mouth with no thirst.
Mouth dry =Ars. --- has dry mouth, only sips but
Mouth dry =Bry.--- has dry mouth with large thirst after
long intervals.
Mouth dryness =Puls.--- Dryness of mouth with lack of
Mouth dryness but with thirst =Bry.
Mouth great dryness =Nux-m.---Great dryness of the
mouth (Apis., Lach); tongue so dry it adheres to roof of
mouth; saliva seemed like cotton‟; throat dry, stiffened, no
thirst (Puls).
Mouth malignant affections of =Mur-ac.---Malignant
affections of mouth; studded with ulcers, deep,
perforating; having a black or dark base; offensive, foul
breath; intense prostration; diptheria, scarlatina, cancer.
Mouth- offensive odour, sleeping =Merc., Aeth., Carb-v.
Mouth puffy =Apis.--- Puffy swellings may be around the
face, eyelids, eyes, mouth, or in throat.
Mouth- salivation, soapy or stringy =Merc.
Mouth- salivation, watery and salty =Nat-m.
Mouth- smells foul with excessive weakness =Mur-ac.
Mouth- smells, bad odour, with dryness =Lach.
Mouth- smells, foul with ulcerated mouth =Bapt.
Mouth- smells, offensive with aphthous mouth & sour
stomach =Sul-ac.
Mouth- smells, putrid, eructation smelling like rotten eggs
Mouth- smells, very offensive with moist flabby tongue
Mouth- sore, aphthous, entire buccal cavity =Sul-ac.
Mouth- sore, aphthous, gangrenous =Ars.
Mouth- sore, aphthous, sp. in children =Bor.
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Mouth- sore, ulcerated, malignant effect, ulcers dark, base

bluish =Mur-ac.
Mouth- sore, ulcerated, red, raw condition of buccal cavity
Mouth- sore, ulcerated, sore mouth, in last stage of
consumption =Lach.
Mouth- sore, ulcerated, sp. corners of mouth =Nit-ac.,
Mouth- sore, ulcerated, varicosities on mouth and throat
Mouth- sore, ulcerated, with foul smell, ulcerated mouth
and tongue =Syph.
Mouth- sore, with foul smell =Bapt.
Mouth- tastes, bitter or no taste at all =Puls.
Mouth- tastes, bitter with intense thirst =Bry.
Mouth- tastes, like rotten eggs =Arn.
Mouth- tastes, metallic =Cocc.
Mouth- tastes, putrid in throat while eating or drinking
Mouth- tastes, sour sp. after eating =Nux-v.
Mouth- tastes, very bad in the morning =Tub.
Mouth- ulcer =Bor., Sul-ac., Merc. Merc-s., Nit-ac., Kali-
m., Cund.
Move =Pyrog.---first beginning to move (Rhus-t) when
starting to move).
Movements involuntary =Agar.---Involuntary movements
while awake, cease during sleep; chorea, from simple
motions and jerks of single , muscles to dancing of whole
body; trembling of whole body.
Moves fast nothing =Alum.---Nothing moves fast, time
seems so slow, everything is delayed. He gets into hurry.
Mucous =Bry.---Mucus membranes are all dry.
Mucous =Hydr.---All mucus secretions tenacious, thick
yellow colour of mucus surfaces with palpitation.
403… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mucous =Kali-m.---All catarrhal diseases with thick, white

phlegm seretion from any of the mucous membranes gray
or white coating of the tongue.
Mucous colitis =Arg-n., Canth.
Mucous membranes =Puls.---Secretions from all mucous
membranes are thick, bland and yellowish-green (Kali-s.,
Mucous patches =Nit-ac., Thuja.
Mucus =Ant-t.---Hollow rattling of mucus with little
expectoration and the nostrils flap.
Mucus =Bov.---Discharge from nose and all mucous
membranes very tough stringy, tenacious (Kali-bi).
Mucus =Hydr.---Hawks yellow, viscid mucus from posterior
nares and fauces; ulceration after mercury or chlorate of
potash syphilitic angina.
Mucus =Kali-bi.---Affections of the mucus membranes-eyes
nose mouth throat gastro intestinal and genito urinary
tracts discharge of a tough stringy mucus which adheres to
the parts and can be drawn into long strings (Compare,
Hydr., Lyss).
Mucus =Merc-d.---Catarrhal affections of the mucous
membranes especially of the eye and ear.
Mucus =Nit-ac.---Affects especially mucous from posterior
nares drops into throat causing choking at night (Hydras).
Mucus =Spig.---Copious offensive mucous from posterior
nares drops into throat causing choking at night (Hydr).
Mucus =Spong.---Great dryness of mucus membranes of air
passages throat larynx trachea bronchi dry.
Mucus discharge of tough =Kali-bi.---Discharge of tough,
stringy mucus which adheres to the parts and can be drawn
into strings (compare, Hydr., Lyss).
404… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Mucus membranes, corrosive discharge =Kreos.---

Corrosive, foetid, ichorous discharge from mucous
membranes; vitality greatly depressed.
Multiple sclerosis=Caust., Gels., Nat-m., Phos.
Mumps = Acon., Ferr-p., Bell., Merc-s., Rhus-t., Puls.,
Carb-v., Lach.
Mumps =Bell 30.--- = is an excellent remedy.
Mumps =Bell., Merc., Puls., Rhus-t., Phyt., Acon., Jab.---
Remedies usually prescribed.
Mumps =Jab.--- It is a swelling of the gland near the ear
this is called parotid.
Mumps =Merc.---Mumps diphtheria tonsillitis with profuse
offensive saliva tongue (Lach., Nat-m., Tarax.).
Mumps =Parot., Trif-r.---Mumps.
Mumps =Phyt.---Tension and pressure in parotid gland.
Mumps follicular pharyngitis.
Mumps =Piloc-m---In mumps, chief remedy should be used
once daily as a preventive against mumps. (Piloc-m) 3x DR.
Mumps =Puls.---Mumps metastasis to mammae or testicle.
Mumps =Rhus-t.---Throat sore with swollen glands sticking
pain on swallowing Parotitis left side.
Mumps helpful =Puls.--- Helpful in childhood diseases such
as measles, mumps, and chickenpox.
Mumps.-----Parot.---Has been used as a prophylactic
against infection by mumps.
Muscae volitantes =Nit-ac., Phos., Nux-v.
Muscles =Carl-s.--- Muscles, gradual sinking of.
Muscles =Caust.---Tendons become shortened resulting in
temporary or permanent contracture and the limb is drawn
up tendons of the forearm contract and there is gradually
increasing flexion. Sometimes while muscles will harden
and shorten so that it can be felt by the hand as hard ridge.
Contracture of the muscle and tendons.
405… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Muscles =Caust.---The laryngeal muscles unable to act,

cannot speak a loud word.
Muscles =Con.--- Muscles, tremble, twitch and jerk.
Muscles =Croc.---Spasmodic contractions and twitching of
single sets of muscles (Agar., Ign., Zinc).
Muscles =Kali-br.---Incoordination of muscles (Gels)
nervous weakness or paralysis of motion and numbness.
Muscles =Rhus-t.---Ailments from spraining straining a
single part muscle of tendon (Calc-os; overlifting, Nux-v);
overlifting, particularly from stretching high up to reach
things lying on damp ground too much summer bathing in
lake or river.
Muscles rigidity of =Senec-j---Constant rigidity of muscles
chiefly of neck and shoulders aggravated at night, it seems
like a habit. (Senec-J)
Muscles, sprains, strains =Arn., Rhus-t., Caust.
Muscular =Astragalus.---Irregularity in gait, paralytic
affection- loss of muscular co-ordination.
Muscular =Phys.---Great prostration of muscular system;
impaired locomotion. (Gels).
Muscular =Ran-b.---Muscular pain about margins of
shoulder-blades in women of sedentary employment, often
burning in small spots from needle work, type-writing,
piano playing. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Muscular =Sec.---Women of very lax muscular fibre;
everything seems loose and open; no action, vessels
flabby;; passive haemorrhages, copious flow of thin, black,
watery blood; the corpuscles are destroyed.
Muscular atrophy progressive =Phos., Plb., Arg-n., Ars.,
Muscular coordination =Astr.---Irregularity in gait,
paralytic affections loss of muscular cordination.
Muscular coordination =Gels.---Lack of muscular co-
ordination, confused, muscles refuse to obey the will.
406… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Muscular dystrophy = Nat-p., Nat-c., Calc., Caust., Plb.,

Ferr-a., Phos., Laur.
Muscular fibre =Sec.---Women of very lax muscular fibre;
everything seems loose and open; no action, vessels flabby;
passive haemorrhages, copious flow of thin, black, watery
blood; the corpuscles are destroyed.
Muscular pain =Ran-b.---Muscular pain about margins of
shoulder blades in women of sedentary employment often
burning in small spots (Agar., Phos.) from needlework
typewriting piano playing (Cimic).
Muscular pain of Women =Cimic.
Muscular weakness =Mag-p.--- General muscular
Muscular weakness =Mur-ac.---Cures the muscular
weakness following excessive use of opium and tobacco.
Musculoskeletal disorders =Aur., Asaf., Calc-f., Merc.,
Sil., Fl-ac., Calc-acet., Calc-ph., Arn., Rhus-t., Bry.,
Caust., Gels., Cimic., Hyper.---Remedies usually
Music & sun heat agg =Nat-c.---Agg. From music; in the
sun; excessive summer heat; mental exertion; a
Music =Acon.---Music is unbearable-makes her sad (Sabina-
during menses Nat-c).
Music =Sabin.---Music is intolerable, it produces numbness
and goes through bone and marrow.
Music amel. sometimes =Tarent.---Sometimes music
ameliorates all the symptoms and other times it aggravates
them. He becomes violently excited from music.
Music causes a tendency to suicide =Nat-c.---Music causes
a tendency to suicide, melancholy, weeping; music causes
sadness which increases to religious insanity. Agg. from
slam of door, a pistol shot, which causes headache and
general agg. From music.
407… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Music depressed =Nat-s.---Depressed; lively music makes

her sad; satiety of life must use great self-control to
prevent shooting himself.
Music intolerable =Sabin.---Music is intolerable : produces
nervousness, goes through bone and marrow. (causes
weeping, Thuj).
Music to aversion =Viol-O---A peculiar symptom is aversion
to music especially violin. (Viol-O)
Myalgia =Bry., Dulc., Gels., Verat-v., Ant-t., Colch.,
Caust.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Myasthenia=Alum., Con., Gels.
Myatrophy=Phos., Plb.
Mycosis=Sil., Calc., Calc-sil., Graph., Syc-co.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Myelitis =Acon., Nux-v., Cic.
Myocardial degeneration after influenza=Nux-v., Gels.
Myocarditis=Dig., Spig.
Myopia = Phys.--- It is useful to stop increasing myopia.
Myositis non-suppurative =Ferr-p., Rhus-t., Nat-c., Nat-
sil., Puls., Plb., Caust., Ferr-ar.,
Myositis ossificans =Ferr-p., Rhus-t., Phyt., Graph., Calc-
p., Calc., Caust., Gam.
Myositis=Arn., Rhus-t., Ruta.
Myxedema=Ars., Thyr.
Naevus =Thuj., Calc-c., Phos., Lyc., Vac., Fl-ac.
Nail biting =Ign.---Biting nails – In talking or chewing bites
inside of cheek.
Nail biting =Nat-m., Arum-t.--- Thumb sucking/nail biting.
Nails =Graph.---The nails brittle crumbling deformed (Ant-
c); painful sore as if ulcerated thick and crippled.
Nails =Hyper.--- Puncture wounds from nails, bites,
Nails =Myris.---In pain in finger-nails with swelling of the
phalanges. It hastens suppuration and shortening its
408… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

duration. Acts more for suppuration and shortening its

duration. Acts more power-fully than Hep or Sil.
Nails cracked =Nat-m., Ant-c., Sil.
Nails injuries=Hyper., Arn., Nat-m., Sulph.
Nails Skin =Ant-c.---Disposition to abnormal growths of the
skin fingernails do not grow rapidly crushed nails grow in
splits like warts with horny spots.
Nails, do not grow =Ant-c.
Nails, grow quickly =Fl-ac.
Nails, ingrowing =Sil., Graph., Mag-p.Magnet-pol-aus.
Nails, white spots =Sil.
Narcolepsy=Ant-t., Nux-m., OP.
Nasal bleeding, infants =Abrot., Nux-m.
Nasal bone in syphilitics =Hep.
Nasal catarrh =Ther.---Chronic nasal catarrh discharge
thick yellow greenish offensive (Puls., Thuj).
Nasal Polypus =Kali-nit.---Nasal polypus right nostril.
Nasal Polypus =Lem-m.---Nasal Polypi, swollen turbinates.
Atrophic rhinitis.
Nasal Polypus =Sang.---Laryngeal or nasal polypi (Sang.,
Psor., Teucr).
Nasal, polypus = Teucr.---1st to 6th potency is useful in
such catarrhal condition of both anterior and posterior
Nasal-discharge =Merc.---Acrid nasal discharge secretions
having odour of old cheese nostrils red raw ulcerated.
Naso-pharyngeal =Elaps.---Chronic naso-pharyngeal
catarrh with greenish crusts and subjective disagreable
odour almost a specific. Dr. E.V. Moffat.
Nature- active hurried anxious =Iod.
Nature- active impulsive =Arg-n.
Nature- active quick lively =Phos.
Nature- active quick very emotional =Coff.
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Nature- active quick wiry nervous =Sulph.

Nature- coma coarse rattling due to accumulation of
mucous, face pale or cyanotic =Ant-t.
Nature- coma with sighing or snoring like breathing face
dark red or purple =Op.
Nature- coma, with excessive dryness of mouth. tongue
sticking to roof of mouth, yet no thirst. =Nux-m.
Nature- delirium of violent form, with face red and puffed
Nature- delirium stupid muttering form. face pale and
sunken, picking bed clothes =Hyos.
Nature- passive aversion to mental work weary of life
Nature- passive dead of undertaking anything new =Lyc.
Nature- passive lack of stamina, dread of failure =Sil.
Nature- passive sluggish mental & physical =Carb-v.
Nature- passive sluggish slow movement leucophlegmatic
Nature- passive sluggish state of mind =Bry.
Nature- passive the mind is slow and unable to comprehend
Nature- restless great prostration and fear of death. wants
to move continuously but change of position gives no relief
Nature- restless with great agony change of position giving
no relief =Acon.
Nature- restless without remarkable agony or prostration,
change of position giving temporary relief =Rhus-t.
Nature- wildly chattering babbling from, throwing himself
into all shapes and screaming(loquacious) =Stram.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea persisting & predominant, not
relieved by vomiting with a clean tongue =Ip.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, from lifting head,
riding car =Cocc.
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Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, from rising up or

motion =Bry.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, from smell of
food =Colch.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, gagging without
vomiting =Podo.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, in the evening,
bitter taste =Puls.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, in the morning,
sour taste =Nux-v.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, relieved by
vomiting =Ant-c.
Nausea & vomiting- nausea predominant, with vertigo &
cold sweat on face =Lob.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, cholera,
incessant =Kreos.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, cholera,
worse rising =Verat., Camph.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, dietic error,
bitter bilious =Puls.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, dietic error,
sour watery =Nux-v.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, great pain
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, heart
troubles =Dig.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, intermittent
fever, sour =Lyc.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, intermittent
fever, bitter (bile) =Eup-per.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, liver troubles
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, nerve
troubles =Lach.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, pregnancy,
all gone feeling = Sep.
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Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, pregnancy,

by slight axertion =Ther.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, pregnancy,
by smell of food =Colch.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, pregnancy,
worse lifting head =Cocc.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting associated with, worm
troubles =Cina.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, blood =Erig.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, faecal =Op., Raph.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, food not digested,
retained all day =Ferr.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, food not digested,
retained longer than water =Bism.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, food not digested,
retained several hours =Kreos.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, large curds, with great
relaxation =Aeth., Valer.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, large curds, with sour
stool =Calc.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, ropy mucous, stringy glary
=Iris., Coc-c.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, ropy mucous, with
heaviness in stomach =Kali-bi.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, water, after getting warm
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, water, as soon as reaches
stomach =Ars ., Bism., Ric.
Nausea & vomiting- vomiting of, worms =Stann.
Nausea =Aeth.30--- is an excellent remedy for vomiting of
Nausea =Ant-c 6.---has vomiting with white coated tongue
, as if white washed.
Nausea =Ant-c.---The child is delirious, drowsy, with
nausea, red, hot, face, irregular pulse and feverish heat
cries when washed or bathed.
412… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nausea =Bry.---Brynoia patient when lying perfectly quite

is sometime quite from nausea, but the instant the head is
raised the dreadful sickness returns so that he cannot sit
up. He cannot be raised in bed, because of nausea.
Nausea =Cocc.---Nausea or vomiting from riding in a
carriage, boat or, car (Arn., Nux-v) or even looking at a
boat in motion; sea-sickness, car sickness.
Nausea =Colch.---Smell painfully acute; nausea and
faintness from the odour of cooking food especially fish,
eggs, or fat meat (Ars., Sep.) bad effects from night
watching (Cocc.).
Nausea =Ip., Ars., Nux-v.
Nausea =Ip.---In all diseases with constant and continued
nausea. Nausea with profuse saliva; vomiting of white
glairy mucous in large quantities without relief; sleepy
afterwards worse from stooping the primary effects of
tobacco of pregnancy.
Nausea =Ip.---is the head remedy, give 200 potency.
Nausea =Kreos 30.---proves a specific when vomiting starts
from other causes than the stomach-upset.
Nausea =Nux-v.--- Nausea; vomiting; sour, bitter belching,
especially after improper eating or overindulgence in food
or drink. Worse in the morning and after eating.
Nausea =Nux-v.---Nausea constant, after eating in the
morning; from smoking; and feels better by vomiting
Nausea =Phos.---As soon as water becomes warm in
stomach it is thrown up. Regurgitation of ingesta in
mouthfuls (Alum) Nausea from placing hands in warm
water; sneezing from putting hand in water (lac-d).
Nausea =Podo.---Podo is called for after Ipecac and Nux-v
in gastric affections and Calc-os and Sulph in liver disease.
Nausea =Sang.---American sick headache, rush of blood
causing faintness and nausea, pains lancination or
throbbing. Dr. Hearing.
413… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nausea =Stann.---Nausea and vomiting in the morning from

the odour of cooking food (Ars., Colch.)
Nausea =Tab.---Nausea incessant as if seasick vomiting on
least motion with faintness . > in open air.
Nausea =Tab.---Sense of relaxation of stomach with
nausea (Ip., Staph).
Nausea =Ther.---Nausea from least motion and especially
on closing eyes from fast riding in a carriage. Sea sickness
of nervous women. They close their eyes to get rid of the
motion of the vessel and grow deathly sick.
Nausea =Ther.---Nausea, noise from. Every sound seems to
penetrate through the whole body causing nausea and
Nausea felt in ears =Dios-v.
Nausea felt in head =Cocc.---Nausea felt in head and
Nausea felt in rectum =Ruta-g.
Nausea in pregnancy =Nux-v., Sep., Tab.
Nausea of pregnancy =Lac-v-c.---Is given in the nausea of
pregnancy, the indication being nausea of pregnancy with
desire for food and ameliorated by drinking cold milk.
Nausea with violent vomiting =Verat.--- Nausea with
violent vomiting and profuse diarrhoea, clammy sweating
and collapse.
Nausea, indulgence eating =Ant-c., Ip., Puls.
Nauseating =Ip.--- Nauseating, catarrhal, wheezing.
Nauseating =Ther.--- Quick, consumption, nauseating.
Neck =ARS., BELL., GELS., Acon., Apis., Bry., Calc-p.,
Carb-v., Ferr-p, Hep., Ign., Ip., Mag-p., Merc., Phos.,
Puls.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Neck =Verat.---Neck is so weak that child can scarcely
keep it erect, especially in whooping cough.
NECK and back- backache, can‟t sit or stand still =Phos.
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Neck and back- backache, extends to back and sacrum

Neck and back- backache, extends to, from nipple to
scapula =Crot-h.
Neck and back- backache, extends to, hips =Kali-c., Berb.
Neck and back- backache, extends to, hips and sacrum
Neck and back- backache, extends to, limbs as if broken
Neck and back- backache, extends to, right breast =Phel.
Neck and back- backache, extends to, sp. to calves with
weariness =Arg-n.
Neck and back- backache, extends to, spinal column and
lower limb sensitive =Agar.
Neck and back- backache, tired aching, desire to lie down
Neck and back- backache, tired aching, worse when sitting
Neck and back- backache, with burning between scapula,
seems to coming from the spine =Phos.
Neck and back- backache, with burning between scapula,
worse 4 to 8 p.m =Lyc.
Neck and back- backache, with burning between scapula,
worse when rising from a seat =Sulph., Caust.
Neck and back- lumbago, compels patient to get up early
Neck and back- lumbago, crampy pain over hips =Led.
Neck and back- lumbago, pain shoot down to the buttocks
Neck and back- lumbago, stiffness in lumber region =Sulph.
Neck and back- lumbago, worse in the morning =Petr.,
Neck and back- lumbago, worse on attempting to rise =
415… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Neck and back- neck, painful, extending to down to left

hand =Kalm.
Neck and back- neck, painful, in the nape of neck =Ph-ac.
Neck and back- neck, stiff, after taking cold =Dulc.
Neck and back- neck, stiff, drawing head back =Act-r.
Neck and back- neck, stiff, head drawn to one side =Caul.
Neck and back- neck, stiff, muscles feel, as if bound
Neck and back- neck, stiff, rheumatic origin. due to damp
sheet etc =Rhus-t.
Neck glands =Merc-v.--- Swollen, inflamed neck glands.
Neck pain =Cimic., Rhus-t., Bry.
Neck stiff =Acon., Bell., Caust.
Neck-stiffness = Cic 200.---Its symptoms are head turned
or twisted to one side. Cervical muscles contracted,
muscular spasm.
Neck-stiffness =Lachn.---For neck drawn over to one side,
rheumatism of the neck, pain in nape as if dislocated.
Needle work =Ran-b.---Muscular pain about margins of
shoulder-blades in women of sedentary employment, often
burning in small spots from needle work, type-writing,
piano playing. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Needle workers engravers, fine – See suited to
Nephritis = Acon., Canth., Mere-c., Ter., Apis., Hell.,
Ars., Phos.
Nephritis =Cadm-s. Equal in power to solidago in the
backache of nephritis. It is wonderful for quieting those
kidneys down. Cadm sulph acts longer than solidago.
Nephritis =Ter.---Nephritis with burning, drawing pains in
the region of kidneys, heaviness and pressure, strangury,
scanty, bloody urine.
Nephritis acute interstitial =Iod.---and especially iodide of
sodium have produced not only of the symptoms of
arterio-sclerosis, but also of those pf intesterstitial
416… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nephritis chronic interstitial =Aur-m.---The chloride of

gold has probed of great value in chronic interstitial
nephritis one grain
Nephritis inflammation of kidney, with burning & smarting
Nephritis inflammation of kidney, with cutting & tenesmus
Nephritis inflammation of kidney, with sharp cutting pains
Nephritis inflammation of kidney, with sharp stitching
pains =Kali-c.
Nephrotic syndrome=Apis., Ars.
Nerve =Kali-p.---One of the greatest nerve remedies.
Prostration. Weak and tired. Especially adopted to the
young. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous
Nerves & brain apoplexy(sudden loss of sensation & motion
by cerebral stroke) deep-red face & stertorous breathing
Nerves & brain apoplexy(sudden loss of sensation & motion
by cerebral stroke) mouth partly open and saliva runs =Bry
Nerves & brain apoplexy(sudden loss of sensation & motion
by cerebral stroke) jaw drops & idiocy follows =Hell.
Nerves & brain apoplexy(sudden loss of sensation & motion
by cerebral stroke) followed by paralysis =Bell., Lach.
Nerves & brain apoplexy(sudden loss of sensation & motion
by cerebral stroke) followed by complete stupor =Apis.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
arm & legs persist during sleep =Zinc., Tarent.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
due to anaemia of brain or spinal chord =Agar.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
due to emotional origin sp. in face =Ign.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
due to fear during pregnancy = Cimic.
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Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)

due to rheumatic or uterine troubles =Cimic., Caust.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
sides left angular movements better sleep =Arg-n.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
sides left head alternately backward & forward =Bell.,
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
sides left with rheumatic ailments etc =Cimic.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
sides right head jerked to right. also arms & legs =Mygal.
Nerves & brain chorea (involuntary movements of muscles)
sides right head moves side to side arms & legs. worse
during sleep =Caust., Hyos.
Nerves & brain eclampsia (spasm during child-birth etc)
alternating sides restless =Arg-n.
Nerves & brain eclampsia (spasm during child-birth etc)
during pregnancy with albumen in urine =Helon.
Nerves & brain eclampsia (spasm during child-birth etc)
each pain re-excites spasm. foam in mouth =Bell., Glon.
Nerves & brain eclampsia (spasm during child-birth etc)
preceded by drowsiness and twitching of parts =Glon.
Nerves & brain eclampsia (spasm during child-birth etc)
with twitching & jerking =Hyos.
Nerves & brain epilepsy (senselessness with convulsion)
cerebral symptoms prominent =Bell.
Nerves & brain epilepsy (senselessness with convulsion)
due to suppression of some eruption =Sulph., Calc.
Nerves & brain epilepsy (senselessness with convulsion)
rigid staring frothing & locked jaw =Cic.
Nerves & brain epilepsy (senselessness with convulsion)
rotating eye-balls, frothing grinding of teeth =Cupr.
Nerves & brain epilepsy (senselessness with convulsion)
trembling of hands. pupils dilated before attack =Arg-n.,
418… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nerves & brain general nervous debility & ailments =Kali-

Nerves & brain hiccough after cold drinks =Puls., Ars.
Nerves & brain hiccough after full meal =Am-m.
Nerves & brain hiccough after hot drinks =Stram., Verat.
Nerves & brain hiccough worse by eating & smoking =Ign.
Nerves & brain hysteria alternately laughs and cries =Ign.
Nerves & brain hysteria changeable mood, mild and rude
Nerves & brain hysteria from sudden suppression of
discharge =Asaf.
Nerves & brain hysteria head jerked forward, jaws
clenched =Nux-m.
Nerves & brain hysteria with sudden arrest of breath worse
ascending =Calc-c., Plat., Mosch.
Nerves & brain insanity abnormal impulses lies awake for
hours =Hyos., Kali-br.
Nerves & brain insanity acute mania, delusion &
hallucination mingled =Bell.
Nerves & brain insanity besides herself, laughs, claps hands
over head =Sec., Plat.
Nerves & brain insanity excited sensorium perverting its
functions wild type =Stram.
Nerves & brain insanity fixed delusion, unnaturally active
and hurried =Thuj.
Nerves & brain insanity tears up his clothes & plays with
old soiled rags =Sulph.
Nerves & brain insanity uncovers himself without shame
Nerves & brain insanity wants to commit suicide =Aur.
Nerves & brain locomotor ataxia(disease of spinal chord
causing incoordination etc.) sudden loss of power loss of
power in legs in the morning =Nux-v.
419… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nerves & brain locomotor ataxia(disease of spinal chord

causing incoordination etc.) great heaviness of the legs
Nerves & brain locomotor ataxia(disease of spinal chord
causing incoordination etc.) feels, as if back would burst on
motion =Phos.
Nerves & brain meningitis anguish foolish muttering =Acon.
Nerves & brain meningitis glandular swelling, sore mouth
flushed face =Merc.
Nerves & brain meningitis lies in stupor with jerking of legs
Nerves & brain meningitis loud scream followed by
convulsions =Cupr.
Nerves & brain meningitis lower jaw tends to drops =Hell.
Nerves & brain meningitis red face, parched lips constant
chewing pain worse by motion =Bry.
Nerves & brain meningitis red face, throbbing carotid,
starts & jerks in sleep =Bell.
Nerves & brain meningitis shrill outcries in sleep =Apis.
Nerves =Arg-m.--- Nerves and brain complaints along with.
Nerves =Arg-m.--- Nerves, tearing pain.
Nerves =Calad.--- Nerves and genitals of.
Nerves =Hyper.--- Lacerated, excruciated, nerves.
Nerves painful =Acon., Bell., Mag-p.
Nerves paralysis general of one sided =Staph.
Nerves paralysis general sp. of left sided =Lach., Stann.
Nerves paralysis general sp. of right sided =Caust.
Nerves paralysis general with insensibility =Op.
Nerves paralysis muscles refuse to obey =Gels.
Nerves paralysis one side paralyzed the other convulsed
Nerves paralysis particular auditory nerves =Syph.
Nerves paralysis particular eye muscles =Syph.
Nerves paralysis particular eyelids =Glon.
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Nerves paralysis particular laryngeal =Caust., Gels.

Nerves paralysis particular of arms =Nat-m.
Nerves paralysis particular of bladder =Hep., Caust.
Nerves paralysis particular of bowels =Phos., Ter.
Nerves paralysis particular of brain =Op., Lach.
Nerves paralysis particular of face =Caust.
Nerves paralysis particular of legs =Pic-ac.
Nerves paralysis particular of limbs =Olnd.
Nerves paralysis particular of tongue =Caust., Bry-c.
Nerves paralysis particular of wrist =Plb.
Nerves paralysis particular pharyngeal =Caust.
Nerves sensibility =Asar.
Nerves- with external expression of convulsion with
backward bending =Cic.
Nerves- with external expression of convulsion with
twitching =Hyos., Ign.
Nerves- with external expression of cramp in calves with
cold sweat on forehead =Verat.
Nerves- with external expression of cramp, cramping pain
everywhere =Mag-p., Coloc.
Nerves- with external expression of external trembling
muscles do not obey =Gels.
Nerves- with external expression of external trembling
violent trembling all over =Zinc.
Nerves- with external expression of from extreme
weakness =Lach.
Nerves- with external expression of from mental causes
=Ign., Hyos.
Nerves- with external expression of in calves during night
=Sulph., Nat-c.
Nerves- with external expression of spasm starting from
fingers & toes =Cupr.
Nerves- with external expression of twitching all over the
body all grades of nerves =Caust.
421… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nerves- with external expression of twitching all over the

body ceasing during sleep =Agar.
Nerves- with external expression of twitching all over the
body from eye to toe =Hyos., Ign.
Nerves- with external expression of twitching single of
muscle sp. of eyelids =Clem.
Nerves- with external expression of twitching single of
muscle sp. of arms & fingers =Nat-c.
Nerves- with external expression of twitching, single of
muscle all over the body =Zinc.
Nerves- with external expression of with one side
paralysed =Stram.
Nerves- with external expression of with sinking of
strengtht =Caust.
Nerves- with internal expression of beginning in dorsal
region =Lach., Eup-p.
Nerves- with internal expression of even fingers & toes
Nerves- with internal expression of fidgety all over =Phos.
Nerves- with internal expression of fidgety of the feet
Nerves- with internal expression of fidgety of the hands
=Kali-bi., Kali-br.
Nerves- with internal expression of in head and hands
Nerves- with internal expression of internal trembling with
weakness =Caul.
Nerves- with internal expression of nervous chill beginning
between scapula =Sep., Caps.
Nerves- with internal expression of nervous chill from
sacrum to occiput =Gels.
Nerves- with internal expression of numbness in hands &
feet =Cocc.
Nerves- with internal expression of numbness with tingling
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Nerves- with internal expression of pulsating all over the

body =Puls.
Nerves- with internal expression of specially during menses
Nerves- with internal expression of with crawling =Sec.
Nerves, lacerated =Hyper.
Nervous =Alum-sil.--- Dull, debilited, nervous.
Nervous =Asaf.--- Numb, nervous, burning.
Nervous =Asar.--- Nervous, shivering, sensitive.
Nervous =Cadm-s.--- Nervous and spasmodic.
Nervous =Calad.--- Prostrated, dry, nervous.
Nervous =Cimic.---Nervous or muscular irritation especially
in delicate hysterical women, being affected by more or
less disease the generative organs.
Nervous =Kali-br.---Nervous, restless; cannot sit still, must
move about or keep occupied; hands and fingers in
constant motion; fidgety hand (Fidgety feet, Zinc);
twitching of fingers.
Nervous =Kali-p.--- Nervous ailments.
Nervous =Kali-p.--- Nervous, lameness, weakness.
Nervous =Mag-c.---for nervous worn out women (200).
Nervous =Mosch.--- Hysteric, spasmodic, nervous.
Nervous =Naja.--- Cardiac, suffocative, nervous.
Nervous =Spig.--- Neuralgic, nervous, palpitation.
Nervous =Valer.---Excessive nervous excitability.
Hysterical nervous temperament (Ign., Puls). Persons in
whom the intellectual faculties predominates changeable
Nervous =Zinc.---Excessive nervous moving of feet in bed
for hours after retiring, even when asleep.
Nervous affection =Merc.---Nervous affection after
suppressed discharges especially in psoric patients (Asaf).
423… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nervous affections =Lil-t.---Nervous affections of the

heart which depend upon uterine and ovarian diseases.
Nervous depression =Hyper.---Nervous depression
following wounds or surgical operations; removes bad
effect of shock, of fright of mesmerism.
Nervous diseases =Kali-p.---Nervous diseases incontinance
of urine, sciatica, neuralgia nervous dyspepsia, asthma,
Nervous diseases =Sabad.---Nervous diseases twitching,
convulsive, Trembling catalepsy from worms (Cina., Psor).
Nervous diseases from worms =Sabad.---Nervous
diseases; twitching, convulsion trembling, catalepsy; from
worms (Cina., Psor).
Nervous exhaustion =Zinc.---Persons suffering from
cerebral and nevous exhaustion; defective vitality; brain or
nerve power wanting; too weak to develop exanthemata or
menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate; to
comprehend, to memorize.
Nervous fear =Scut.--- Nervous fear of some calamity.
Nervous hunger in pregnant women =Psor.---Nervous
hunger in pregnant women who cannot sleep unless they
get up at night and eat crackers .
Nervous organism =Tarent-h.---Adapted to highly nervous
organism, especially chronic affections where whole body
or right arm or left leg are affected (left arm and right leg,
Nervous prostration =Pic-ac.---Is often restorative of
wasted and worn out system a fair picture of nervous
postration (Kali-p).
Nervous weakness =Nat-m.---Awkward hasty drops things
from nervous weakness (Apis., Bov.)
Nervousness =Gels.--- Nervousness, apprehension, anxiety
prior to dental work or surgery.
424… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nervousness =Kali-p., Ferr-p., Stry., Phos., Cinch.---Main

Nervousness =Rhod.---Nervousness, with dread of strom
always afraid of thunder.
Neural =Arg-m.--- Withered, weary, neural.
Neuralgia =Zinc-p.---Neuralgia of head and face.
Lightening like pains in locomotor ataxia brain fag
nervousness and vertigo sexual excitement and
Neuralgia =Acon., Bell., Coloc., Spig., Ars., Cedr.,
Sulph., Mag-p., Stann., Spong., Kali-bi., Lyc., Kalm.,
Glon., Kali-i., Arg-n., Rhod., Phyt.---Remedies usually
Neuralgia =All-c.---Neuralgic pains like a long thread in
face head neck chest. Traumatic chronic neuritis. neuralgia
of stump after amputation burning and stinging pains.
Neuralgia =Berb.---Neuralgia under fingernails with
swelling of finger-joints.
Neuralgia =Calen.---Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma
(All-c); neuritis from lacerated wound (Hyper); exhausted
loss of blood and excessive pain.
Neuralgia =Chel.---Orbital neuralgia with profuse
lachrimation pupils contracted, relieved by pressure. Right
sided headache down behind ears and shoulders blade.
Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek-bone and right ear
with excessive lachrimation preceded by pain in liver.
Neuralgia =Chel.---Periodic orbital neuralgia (right side),
with excessive lachrymation; tears fairly gush out (Rhus-t).
Neuralgia =Gaul.--- for inflammatory rheumatism and
Neuralgia =Kalm.---Adapted to acute neuralgia
rheumatism gouty complaints especially when heart is
involved or succeeded by numbness of affected part
(Acon., Cham., Plat.)
425… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Neuralgia =Mag-c.---Neuralgia, especially the face,

lightening painful, conditionworse at night great
restlessness, must get up and walk
Neuralgia =Passi.---Has a quietening effect on the nervous
system. 30 to 60 dropss repeated several times.
Neuralgia =Ran-b.---Shingles preceded or followed by
intercostal neuralgia (Mez) vesicles may have bluish
Neuralgia and pains =Mag-p---It is indicated in all
spasmodic conditions, neuralgia and pains of spasmodic or
convulsive character.
Neuralgia anywhere with numbness =Cham.
Neuralgia ciliary =Cimic., Spig., Prun., Sapo., Cinnb.---
Main Medicines.
Neuralgia headache =Stann.---Neuralgia headache, being
lightly and increases gradually to its point, and then there
is gradual declination.
Neuralgia of face =Sang.---Neuralgia of face relieved by
kneeling down and pressing head firmly against floor. Pain
extends in all directions from the upper jaw. Again
regarding cough this peculiarity, cough dry wakes him at
night does not cease till he sits up and passes flatus. Dr.
Allen’s. Keynotes.
Neuralgia of face, left =Spig.
Neuralgia, face right side =Acon., Puls., Kalm.
Neuralgia, obstinate =Med.
Neuralgias =Arn---Arn for the neuralgias but (Nat-s) for the
mental symptom following a blow on the head. Dr. Kent.
Neuralgic =Aesc.---Neuralgic dartings from right to left.
Neuralgic =Cham.--- Cross, colicky, neuralgic.
Neuralgic =Cimic.--- Rheumatic, lancinating, neuralgic.
Neuralgic =Kalm.--- Neuralgic, rheumatic, cardiac.
Neuralgic =Morph.---Violent and sudden neuralgic pains
and sudden fainting Neuralgias intensely painful left
supraorbital right intercostal better from heat multiple
426… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

neuritis. Sore feeling all over. Agg. After sleep (Lach).

Neuralgia after zoster (Mez).
Neuralgic =Sang.--- Burning, rheumatic, neuralgic.
Neuralgic =Spig.--- Neuralgic, nervous, palpitation.
Neuralgic arthritic =Ran-b.---Neuralgic arthritic and
rheumatic affections, always worse from damp weather or
from change of temperature.
Neuralgic pains =All-c.
Neurasthenia =Kali-p.--- 6x, 30 or 200 is an excellent
Neurasthenia =Xan.---Neurasthenia and neuralgia
Neuritis traumatic chronic =All-c.---Traumatic chronic
neuritis; neuralgia of stump after amputation; burning and
stinging pains.
Neurofibromatosis=Calc-f., Graph., Hyper., Lepro.
Neuroma =Calen.---Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma (All-
c.) neuritis from lacerated wound (Hyper) exhausted from
loss of blood and excessive pain.
Neuropathic, hysteric =Mosch.
Neurosis=Acon., Calc., Gels., Iber., Mosch., Nux-v.,
Spig., Tab.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Night =ACON., ARN., ARS., CALC-P., CHAM., HEP., IP.,
MERC., PHOS., PULS., SULPH.---Remedies usually
Night blindness =Ran-b.---Night blindness. Can see well
during the day . Dr. Hering.
Night pollutions =Ashwgandha Q + Ph-ac Q +Dam Q +
Salix-n Q.---Night pollutions intercurrently Staph 200, Lyc
Nightmare =Nux-v., Kali-br.
Night-mare =Sul-ac.---For night-mare, waking in fright
before menses.
Night-sweats=Acet-ac., Nat-tel., Pop., Agar., Picro.,
Salv., Pilo.---Remedies usually prescribed.
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Night-watching=Cocc., Carc.
Nipple =Sars.---Retraction of nipples; nipples are small,
withered, unexcitable (Sil).
Nipple =Castor-equi.--- It has proved to be highly useful
remedy in my hands as well as those of others in cracked
and ulcerated nipples, the nipples are very sore and tender
and pain when the child sucks. It has helped many a nursing
mothers, who have suffered from this complaint without
any other constitutional symptoms.
Nipple =Croto-t.---Compare : Sil., pain from nipple
through to back when nursing.
Nipples =Arn.---Spurious pleurisy, inflammation of the
breast, soreness of the nipples.
Nipples =Calen., Arn., Ham., Hydr., Benz-ac.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Nipples =Cycl.---Sensation as if air streamed from nipples.
Mammae swollen containing milk in non-pregnant women.
Mammae swollen and very hard after menses.
Nipples =Phyt.---Nipples, sensitive, sore fissured (Graph);
< intensely, by nursing, pain radiates over whole body.
Nipples inflamed =Cham.---Nipples inflamed, tender to
touch (Helon., Phyt); infant‟s breasts tender to touch.
Nipples retracted =Sars.---for retracted nipples, they do
not come out.
Nipples ulcerated=Castor-er., Eup-a., Rat.
Nocturnal enuresis =Med.---Nocturnal enuresis : passes
enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high coloured urine in
bed every night <by overwork or over play, extremes of
heat or cold, when the best selected remedy fails, with a
history of sycosis.
Nodes =Carb-a.--- Indolent, indurated, nodes.
Nodes =Kali-bi., Sil., Kali-i.
Nodes ear behind =Bar-c., Ph-ac.
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Nodosities of joints=Am-p.
Nodular =Con.--- Stony, painless, nodular.
Nodules=Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph.
Noise cannot bear noise =Bell.---Cannot bear the noise of
vehicle going along the street-because it creates such
violent suffering (Nit-ac).
Noise great sensitiveness to noise (Ign., Nux., Ther.)
Noise, extreme sensitiveness to noise =Cann-i.---Extreme
sensitiveness to noise –Cann-i., Nit-ac. (to roaring and
rumbling of wagon in street); coffea to all sounds; Borax-
slightest Noise-fall of door latch, rumbling of paper,
rustling of silk; Asar-to scratching of linen or silk or even
the thought of it. Noise like a crash or explosion in head.
Noise, very sensitive =Calad.---Very sensitive to slightest
noise, startles from sleep (Asar., Nux., Tarent).
Noises in the head =Kali-i., Dig., Carb-s., Graph., Hydr,
Merc.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Noisy flatus =Brom.---Loud- Noisy. Flatus from rectum.
Nose =Am-c.---Stooping nose mostly at night must breath
through the mouth a keynote even in diptheria long lasting
coryza snuffles of infants (Hep., Nux-v., Samb., Stict).
Nose =Am-c.---Stopping of nose, mostly at night, must
breathe through the mouth, a keynote even in diphtheria,
long lasting Coryza, sunffles of infants , One of the best
remedies in emphysema. (Hep., Nux-v., Samb., Stict).
Nose =Ant-c.---Nostrils and labial commissures sore,
cracked and crusty.
Nose =Arum-t.---Constant picking at nose until it bleeds.
Nose =Arum-t.---Coryza acrid fluent nostril raw . Nose
feels stopped insipte of watery discharge (Compare-Am-c.,
Samb., Sinap); sneezing < night. Constant picking at the
429… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

nose until It bleeds boring with the finger into the side of
the nose. Picks lips until they bleed; corners of the mouth
sore, cracked bleeding (with malignant tendency). Bites
nails until fingers bleed.
Nose =Bor.---Nostril crusty inflamed tip of nose shining red
nose of young women.
Nose =Cina.---Constantly digging and boring at the nose
picks the nose all the time itching of nose rubs the nose at
the pillow or shoulder of the nurse (Mar-v).
Nose =HEP., PULS., Ars., Sulph.
Nose =Lac-c.---One nostril stuffed up the other free and
discharging those conditions alternate; discharge acrid nose
and lip raw (Arum-t., All-c.).
Nose =Nit-ac.---Ozaena green casts from the nose every
Nose =Sep.---Yellowness of the face conjunctive yellow
spots on the chest yellow saddle across upper part of the
cheeks and nose tell tale face of uterine ailments.
Nose =Tub.---Croup of small boils intensely painful
successively appear in the nose green foetid pus (Sec.).
Nose =Verat-v.---Nose grows pointed, seems to be longer,
face cold and sunken.
Nose bleed = Agn-c.---Nose bleed in old age.
Nose bleed =Nat-n 2x.--- This is useful in hemorrhages
from mucous membranes, particulary nasal.
Nose bleeding =Arn., Bry., Mill., Ham., Cyn-d., Fic.
Nose bleeding when washing face =Am-c.
Nose bleeding, not knowing cause =Bell., Ferr-p.
Nose blocked =Stict., Plb.---Complete blockage of nose
worsened by sudden temperature changes.
Nose blocking on sleeping =Samb., Lyc.
Nose blocking when going out =Hep.
Nose boring by children till it bleeds =Arum-t.
430… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nose boring by children, frequent =Cina.

Nose boring when going out =Arum-t.
Nose- colour, nose peaked & pointed with pale face
Nose- colour, outlet of nose red and scabby =Sulph.
Nose- colour, red knobby tip =Aur.
Nose- colour, swollen & red =Mang-m., Lith-c.
Nose- colour, tip of nose red and skin peels off =Nat-c.
Nose dirty =Merc.---for dirty nosed children, with creeping
Nose discharge =Arum-t.---Burning, ichorus and fluid
discharge from nose.
Nose discharge =Nat-c.---Thick yellow green offensive
musty hard discharge from nose often ceasing after a meal.
Nose- discharge, of blood epistaxis ,blood coagulating and
hanging like icicles =Merc.
Nose- discharge, of blood epistaxis ,profuse with polypus
=Phos., Sang.
Nose- discharge, of blood epistaxis ,readily with scabs
=Sulph., Petr.
Nose- discharge, of blood epistaxis ,when washing mouth in
the morning =Am-c., Kali-c.
Nose- discharge, of blood epistaxis ,with white deposit
Nose- discharge, of pus, acrid perforation of nasal bones
Nose- discharge, of pus, excessive foetid, ulcerated filled
with crusts = Aur.
Nose- discharge, of pus, purulent mucous from nasal cavity
Nose- discharge, of pus, thin, bloody excoriating matter
Nose fan like motion of ali-nasi =Ant-t., Brom., Lyc., Sul-
Nose- growth of, vesicles about the nose =Graph., Lach.
431… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nose- growth of, warts or eruption on wings =Thuj.

Nose obstructed at night =Am-c., Lyc., Nux-v., Samb.
Nose- pain at the root of nose, cramp like =Zinc.
Nose- pain at the root of nose, pressing =Cinnab.
Nose- pain at the root of nose, squeezing =Plat.
Nose- pain at the root of nose, with headache =Ign.
Nose- pain at the root of nose, with swelling =Sars.
Nose pressive pain =Kali-bi.---Nose pressive pain in root of
nose (in forehead and root of nose, sticta); discharge of
plugs, Clinkers, tough ropy green fluid mucus in clear
masses and has violent pain from occiput to forehead if
discharge ceases.
Nose red tipped nose of old drunkards-Agar., Lach., Led.
Nose running =All-c., Ars., Euphr.
Nose- sensation of, burning =Merc-c., Kali- H.
Nose- sensation of, dryness & cracked =Lac-c., Sin-n.
Nose- sensation of, soreness & scabs =Brom.
Nose- sensation of, stuffiness =Stict., Nux-v.
Nose- sensation of, tingling =Nat-m., Mar. Ve. Teucr.
Nose stuffed =All-c.
Nose stuffed =Nux-v.--- Nose stuffed, especially at night
and in the open air. Nose drips during the day and in a
warm room.
Nose stuffed up at night = Am-c., Lyc., Nux-v., Hep.,
Sticta., Samb.---Remedies Normally Prescribed.
Nose syphilitic nose =Aur., Hep., Merc-c.
Nose, chronic dry catarrh =Am-c., Hep., Lyc., Nat-c.,
Nose, polyp =Lem-m.
Nosebleed =Meli-a.---Nosebleed preceded by intense
redness, flushing of face throbbing of carotids (Bell); with
general relief.
432… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nosebleed = Croc.---Nosebleed : black, tenacious, stringy,

every drop can be turned into a thread with cold sweat in
large drops on forehead (Cold sweat, but wants to be
fanned; with bright red blood, Carb-v.); in children who
develop too rapidly (Calc-os., Phos).
Nosebleed =Am-c.---Nosebleed : when washing the face
(Arn., Mag-c); and hands in the morning, from left nostril;
after eating.
Nose-bleed =Ferr-pic.---Almost a specific in nose-bleed.
Nosebleed =Ham.---Nosebleed : flow passive, long-lasting,
blood non-coagulable (Crot-h); profuse> headache (Mel);
idiopathic, traumatic, vicarious, of childhood.
Nosebleed =Kali-c.---Nosebleed when washing the face in
the morning (Am-c., Arn).
Nose-bleed =Vip.---In our experience the especially
effective remedy even when the condition is life-long-the
complaint being nose-bleed-is. Dr. Tyler.
Nosebleed during =Nat-s.---Nosebleed during menses
(instead of menses ) (Bry., Puls).
Nostril dripping =All-c.--- Only one nostril dripping.
Numb =Asaf.--- Numb, nervous, burning.
Numb limbs =Ox-ac.---Spinal affection, weak loins, hips,
legs with numb limbs.
Numbness =Acon.--- Pains followed by numbness and
Numbness =Arg-n.---Numbness in the forearms at night.
Numbness =Bov.---Stage of Numbness and tingling in
multiple neuritis.
Numbness =Cact-g.--- Numbness, in left hand.
Numbness =Con.---Numbness of scalp is one of the
common symptom of Con., it is general wherever there is
trouble there will be numbness with pain very often
433… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

numbness with weakness paralytic condition is attended

with numbness.
Numbness =Dig.---The fingers go to sleep frequently and
Numbness =Glon.---Numbness lower lip. Chin feels
elongated. Obliged to put hand to chin repeatedly to be
sure this was not the case. Prover had injured chin by a fall
twenty years before.
Numbness =Mag-acet.---Legs feel numb. Wilsons‟ disease.
Paralysis agitans.
Numbness of feet, hands or soles =Alum.
Numbness of head =Asaf., Kali-p.
Numbness sensations =Calc-p.--- sensations of numbness
and crawling.
Numbness, general =Nat-m., Acon., Rhus-t., Acon.,
Cham., Plat., Plb.
Numbness, lying on limbs =Carb-v., Puls., Rhus-t.
Nursing of other ailment from=Carc., Cocc.
Nux-v., Sulph., Ars., Carb-v.
Nyctalopia =Bell., Hell.
Nymphomania =Grat.---Almost a specific masturbation and
nymphomania in females. Dr. Burnett.
Nymphomania =Plat.---Nymphomania : < in lying in
women; excessive sexual development, especially in virgins
(Kali-p); -vaginismus, spasm, and constriction.
Nymphomania=Rob., Canth., Hyos., Phos., Murx.
Oak Poison =Rhus-t.---Is a prophylactic against oak poison.
Obesity = Calc-os.---Disposed to grow fat, corpulent and
Obesity =Ant-c.---For children and young people inclined
to grow fat (Calc-os) for the extremes of life.
434… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Obesity =Fuc.--- Fuc. 30, 3 times daily for reducing

weight. With honey 1 tsp. + lemon with warm water every
morning for reducing weight.
Obesity =Fuc., Calc., Phyt.
Obesity =Fuc.---Mother tincture, 5 to 20 drops three times
a day before meals in a cup of hot water. If the patient is
corpulent and sweats in the forehead, wetting the pillow,
then Calc is his constitutional remedy and it should be
tried in 30, 200, 1m, 10m Potencies in the series.
Obesity =Graph.---Suited to women inclined to obesity
who suffer from habitual constipation with a history of
delayed menstruation.
Obesity =Iod.--- Iod 200, 1M for adding weight to the
emaciated boys and girls but Iod 2X or 3X is given in
reducing weight in obese girls and boys along with
indicated constitutional medicine in high potency.
Obesity =Kali-bi.---Adopted to tall persons inclined to
obesity, acts better in children than in adults.
Obesity =Lac-d.---Old people with dropsy with dark hair,
lax fibre inclined to obesity (Am-c., Graph) Obesity, fatty
Obesity irregular bone development, soft parts suffering
from over fat =Calc-c.
Obesity particularly women , with delayed menstruation
Obesity=Calc., Caps., Ferr., Graph., Phyt.---Remedies
generally prescribed.
Objects appear too far off =Anac.
Obstinate =Cycl.---Obstinate and censorious. She grows
steadily weaker; fainting spells come on; she becomes pale
and anaemic. These symptoms are important if associated
with scanty menses or amenorrhea.
Obstinate =Nat-c.---In obstinate cases of sterility think of
435… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Obstinate constipation =Hydr.--- Obstinate constipation.

No desire for days.
Obstinate flatulence =Thea.
Obstinate skin diseases =Sulph-i---Obstinate skin diseases
notably barber‟s itch for which it is almost a specific.
Occupied =Helon.
Ocular muscles =Caust.--- Paralysis of the ocular muscles.
Odontalgia =Kreos.---In children and adults it is the chief
remedy for odontalgia when caused by caries of teeth Dr.
Odour intolerable =Sil.---Intolerable, sour, carrion like
odour of the feet, without perspiration, every evening.
Odour of body =Kali-i., Merc., Phos.
Odour of flowers =All-c.--- Odour of flowers.
Odour of stool=Sanic.---Odour of stool foul despite bathing
Odour sour =Sul-ac.---Child has a sour odour despite
careful washing (Hep., Mag-c., Rheum).
Odour, intolerance from body =Merc., Psor.
Odour, offensive feet-sweats =Calc., Sil.
Oedema =Apis.---Oedema, bag like puffy swelling under
the eyes (over the eye, Kali-c); of the hands ankles and
feet dropsy without thirst(with thirst-Acetic acid, Apoc).
Affects right side; enlargement or dropsy of right ovary
right testicle.
Oedema =Bell., Apis., Bar-c., Guai.---It has the bright
redness (Bell)of the oedema of (Apis.)and the tendency to
suppuration of tonsils of(Bar-c., Guai.)
Oedema =Bry.---There are plenty of urinary symptoms in
this remedy. Inflammatory condition of kidneys pinkish
urinary deposits, uric-acid crystals, urine profuse. It is
gouty constitution with kidney failure to urinate and
436… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

involuntary discharge of urine. Burning in urethra when not

urinating-relieved by passing urine.
Oedema =Lyc.---Uric Acid Diathesis. In uric-acid diathesis
cases, one of the best selected remedies is Lyc and this
medicine in 1M potency with great success; Intercurrent
doses of Carb-v., are given to boost the action of Lyc.
Oedema =Stront.---for chronic sprains of ankles with
Oedema =Sulph.---To facilitate absorbtion of serous or
inflammatory exudate in brain pleura, lungs joints when
Bry., Kali-m., or the well selected remedy fails.
Oedema, general =Apis., Ars., Colch.
Oedema, upper lids, eyes =Kali-c.
Oedematous =Kali-bi.---Oedematous, bladder-like
appearance of uvula; much swelling but little redness
Oesophagus =Alum.--- has a sense of constriction in
oesophagus while eating.
Oesophagus =Verat---When he drank water, as if it ran
down the outside and did not go down the oesophagus. So
marked that he requested his friends to see if it did not run
down the outside. (Verat) Dr. Hahnemann.
Offended easily =Staph., Ign., Nux-v.
Offensive =Acid-m.--- Prostrated, sensitive, offensive.
Offensive =Nit-ac.--- Cracking, pricking, offensive (urine).
Offensive =Podo.--- Profuse /offensive morning diarrhoea.
Offensive foot sweat =Sil.---Offensive foot sweat, rawness
between the toes also complains after checking it.
Offensive odor =Merc-v.--- Profuse sweating with no
relief. Offensive odor.
Old age =Caust.---Give Caust 1M- once in two weeks &
Urtica-urens 200; once a week on old age. It will clear
way; not allow any trouble to come.
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Old age =Oxyt.---Some of the old age problems are

covered by oxytropis : trembling, sensation of emptiness,
staggering gait and loss of co-ordination, mental
Old age =Thiosin 2x or 3x.--- Retards old age. It is a
preparation of mustard seeds, it is a resolvent, externally
and internally, for dissolving scar tissues, tumors, enlarged
glands, lupus, strictures, adhesions, opacities of cornea and
cataract, it should be taken 2 grain twice a day. It is useful
for fibroid, arterio-sclerosis etc.
Old age disorders, general =Ambr., Bar-c., Lyc., Con.,
Alum., Ginkgo-biloba.
Old man =Bar-c.---Especially adapted to complaints of first
and second childhood. Diseases of old men; the psoric or
tubercular, hypertrophy or induration of prostate and
testes; mental and physical weakness. Apoplectic tendency
in old people.
Old men =Con.---Especially for diseases of old men; maids;
old bachelors; with rigid muscular fibre; persons with light
hair who are easily excited; strong persons of sedentary
Old men diseases of =Bar-c.---Diseases of old men;
hypertrophy or induration of prostate and testes; mental
and physically weakness. Apoplectic tendency in old
people. complaints of old drunkards; headache of aged
people, who are childish.
Old people =Alum.---In ailments of old people (Bar-c.,
Old people =Ginkgo-biloba.--- Ginkgo-biloba is a medicine
for old people.
Old scar =Graph.---Old scar that has formed a lump when
she is about to go into confinement give a dose of(Graph.)
Old tibial =Echi.---Old tibial ulcer-recurring boils.
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Oligospermia =Lyc., Ph-ac., Dam.---In cases of

Oligospermia Lyc 1M intercurrently with Ph-ac Q + Dam Q
Onanism =Ph-ac.---Onanism; when patient is greatly
distressed by the culpability of the act (Compare Dios.,
Onanism =Staph.---Onanism; persistently dwelling on
sexual subjects; consistently thinking of sexual pleasures .
One foot hot and the other cold (Cinch., Dig., Ip).=Lyc.
Onychia=Sil., Psor.
Oophoritis =Tub.
Oophoritis=Apis., Bell., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Podo., Tub.,
Sabin.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Oozing of moisture =Med.---Oozing of moisture from anus,
foetid odor of fish brine (Caust., Hep.) can pass stool by
leaning far back, very painful, as if there was lump on
posterior surface of sphincter so painful as to cause tears.
Op and Morphia habit =Ip.---The tissue irritability of (Ip)
mother tincture as an antidote to Op and morphia habit.
Op is helpful in Hiccough cases. Spasmodic hiccough.
Operation fear =Phos.---Is a prophylactic against fear
before an operation.Arn Prevents the shock operation.
Operation haemorrhages =Stront-c.---Chronic sequelae of
haemorrhages after operations with much oozing of blood
and coldness and prostration. For shocks after surgical
Operation, after effects =Rhus-t., Hyper., Cimic.
Operation-pain =Hyper.--- Relieves pain after operations.
Opium tobacco bad effect =Verat.---Bad effects of
Opium., eating, chewing.
Orbital cellulitis =Rhus-t.---In orbital cellulitis it is almost
a specific.
Orchitis = Rhus-t., Puls., Bell., Rhod., Arn., Ars.
439… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Orchitis =Spong T---In orchitis with heaviness and screw-

like squeezing pain in cord and testicle, the chief remedy is
(Spong T) though other remedies are required before that
stage is reached.
Orchitis, inflammation of testicles =Clem., Spong., Merc.
Orderliness liking =Kali-c.
Organs injury=Bell-p., Mill., Arn.
Orifices red =Sulph.--- Red orifices; lips, eyelids, anus.
Orifices=Staph., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Sulph.
Osgood (tibial tubercle)=Calc-p., Sil.
Osseous or bony tumour =Sil., Calc-f., Calc., Fl-ac., Calc-
i., Phos.
Osteo-arthritic =Thiosin.---Thiosinaminum 3x helps in
general in Osteo Arthritic cases.
Osteogensis=Calc-p., Calc-f., Sil.
Osteomalacia=Asaf., Calc.
Osteomyelitis=Aur., Calc-p.
Osteoporosis=Calc-p., Calc., Symph.
Ostio-myelitis =Acon., Bell., Apis., Ars., Tub., Syph.,
Asaf., Arn.
Ostosclerosis=Calc-f.. Thiosin.
Otitis = Ferr-P., Cham., Bell., Hep., Puls., Kali-M.,
Merc., Kali-S.
Otitis media =Bar-c.---Is prophylactic against otitis media.
Otorrhea =Kali-bi 30.---If the discharge is sticky and
thready. In otorrhea better give 200 potency.
Otorrhoea =Merc.---Otorrhoea; bloody, offensive
discharge, with stabbing tearing pain; <r. side, at night and
lying on affected side.
Otorrhoea =Psor.---Otorrhoea; thin, ichorous, horribly
foetid discharge, like decayed meat; chronic, after measles
or scarlatina. rear; humid scurfs and soreness on and
behind ears; oozing an offensive viscid fluid (Graph).
Ovaralgia=Zinc-val., Apis., Lach.
440… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ovarian cyst =Syph.---In Ovarian cysts give Syph.,

Ovarian cyst=Ov., Kali-br., Apis.
Ovarian pain =Caul.---Left ovarian pain- Caul., Lil-t.,
Lach., Sulph., Ust., Vib., also in inframammary pains.
(Internal trembling-small joints pains-spasms etc).
Ovarian tumors =Pall., Vespa., Lach., Coloc., Orch.,
Coloc., Lob.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Ovarian tumour =Coloc.---Ovarian Tumour with pain is
very often cured by Coloc.
Ovaries =Lil-t.---Weak and atonic condition of ovaries,
uterus and pelvic tissues, resulting in anteversion and
retroversion, sub involution (Helon., Sep.); slow recovery
after labour, nearly always with constipation, from
Ovaries affection =APIS., Ars., BELL., MAG-P., Acon.,
Bry., Ign., Merc., Phos., Puls., Lyc., Lach.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Ovaritis =Colch., Lil-t., Hep., Plat., Arg-n., Staph., Apis.,
Ovaritis=Apis., Lach., Plat., Coloc., Sep., Xan.---
Remedies usually prescribed.
Ovary =Pall.---Problems of right sided ovary. (when patient
wants to be praised).
Ovary =Podo.---Pain and numbness in right ovary, running
down thigh of that side (Lil-t.).
Ovary left =Cham., Cupr., Arn., Puls., Rhus-t.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Ovary left =Lach.---Neuralgia, tumor cancer.
Ovary pain =Coloc., Podo., Lach.
Ovary right =Apis., Podo.---Pain and tumor.
Ovary right =Lyc.---Neuralgia tumor.
Over exerted mind =Anac.---Over exerted mind, forgetful,
absent mind.
441… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Over fatigue =Arn.---Consequences of over fatigue or

Over lifting, pains thereof =Rhus-t.
Over sensitiveness =Coff.---Over sensitiveness; all the
senses more acute, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch
(Bell., Cham., Op).
Overdoses of Acon =Coff or Nux-v.---Will put the patient
into a better condition. (Dr. Kent.)
Over-estimation =Plat.--- Over-estimation of oneself.
Overexertion =Arn., Bell-p.--- Soreness of limbs from
Over-heated =Fl-ac.--- Over-heated, over-worked,
Oversensitive =Coff-c.--- Sleepless, oversensitive.
Oversensitive =Hep.---Oversensitive, physically and
mentally; the slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty
speech and hasty drinking.
Oversensitive =Nux-v.--- Chilly, impulsive, oversensitive.
Oversensitive =Nux-v.---Oversensitive to external
impressions; to noise, to odors, light or music (Nux-m);
trifling ailments are unbearable (Cham); every harmless
word offends (Ign).
Over-straining =Ruta.--- Over-straining of tendons.
Over-worked =Fl-ac.--- Over-heated, over-worked,
Oxaluria=Senn., Nit-m-ac.
Ozaena = Cadm-s 3x.--- Tightness at the root. Nose
obstructed. Caries of nasal bones.
Ozaena, offensive nasal discharge =Asaf., Merc-c., Calc.
Ozaena=Alum., Hippoz., Aur., Nit-ac., Merc., Hydr.,
Cadm-s., Sulph.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Ozoena =Rhus-t., Stict., Puls., Kali-s., Ars., Aur-m, Calc-
fl., Sil.
442… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain & aches =Ph-ac.---Pain and aches all over the body
ameliorated from motion & worse from cold. The pain
seems deep seated, often along the nerves but especially
along the long bone as if a rough instrument was dragged
over the bones. The pains are commonly worse at night.
Severe bone pain.
Pain =Aesc 200.---Pain from elbow to hand, relieved by
heat, pain at back. Also study other medicines Kali-bi.,
Nit-ac., Ars., Syph., Puls.
Pain =Agar 200.---Pain appear diagonally, right arm and
left leg, numbness and sensation of cold.
Pain =Am-m.---Pain as from a sprain in the groins, hence
cannot walk straightly.
Pain =Arg-nit.---Pains decrease and increase gradually.
Pain =Arn 200.---Pain, bruised and sprained, due to injury
cannot bear touch.
Pain =Ars.---The pain increase in worse type after
Pain =Bell.---Pain suddenly coming and suddenly
Pain =Benz-ac.---Gouty pain complaints with offensive
Pain =Berb.---Pain heels better by putting most of weight
over them.
Pain =Bry. 200.---Pain of joints with swelling and pains
increase with movements .
Pain =Bry. 200.---Sharp stitches pains in the chest, and
riles, cannot bear to move or draw a deep breath.
Pain =Calc-c 200.---When Rhus-t Fails to work, pain worse
in cold better by movement.
Pain =Calc-s 200.---Pain arm to elbow or thumb to elbow.
Pain =Canth =Pain in the loin, abdomen and kidneys,
painful urination. Pruritus in females, with strong sexual
desire, painless and without
443… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain =Caul.---Joints of fingers, hand and feet painful

aggravation during menses or at the beginning of
Pain =Caust.---Long bones pain.
Pain =Caust.---Pain in right frontal eminence. Dull
pleasure in the brain.
Pain =Cham 200.---Pains, of joints or muscles with
Pain =Chel 200.---Pain arm and fingers.
Pain =Chin.---Pain worse touch and when there has been
loss of vital fluids.
Pain =Cimic 200 .---Pain of large muscles, pain more at
night in wet weather.
Pain =Colch.---Pain of heels and toes, swelling, coldness,
stiffness, feverish feeling.
Pain =Coloc.---Pains are worse after eating or drinking,
compel patient to bend double (Mag-p; <by bending
double- Dios.)
Pain =Fl-ac.---Pain better from shaking the part.
Pain =Gels 200.---Pain elbow, left.
Pain =Guai 200.---Pain and nodosities of joint.
Pain =Ign.---Change of position relieves the pain.
Pain =Iod.---Constant heavy offensive pain in the region of
the heart with biting, moveable pain and great precordial
Pain =Ip.---Pains as if bones were all torn to pieces (as if
broken, Euphr).
Pain =Kali-c 200.---Pain hip to knee with swelling of
Pain =Kalm 200.---Pain traveling downwards affecting
large part of a limb.
Pain =Kalm.---Pain sticking darting pressing shooting in a
downward direction (Cact- upward, Led); attended or
succeeded by numbness of affected part (Acon, Cham.,
444… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain =Kalm.---Pain sticking darting pressing shooting in

downward direction (Cact., upward, Led); attended or
succeeded by numbness of affected parts (Acon., Cham.,
Pain =Led 200.---Pain of great toe calves and joints with
swelling, soreness pain is more in warmth, pressure by
motion and pain travels upwards.
Pain =Lyc 200.---Gouty pain complaints with red urine.
Pain =Ox-ac 200.---Pain elbow right.
Pain =Ph-ac 200.---Long bone pain, hip joint pain better
by motion.
Pain =Phyt 200.--- Pains fly like electric shock, exposure
to dampness, pains better by warmth.
Pain =Phyt 200.---Pain sides lain on, Pain under thigh.
Pain =Phyt.---Pain flying like electric shocks, shooting,
lancinating rapidly shifting (Lac-c., Puls) worse from
motion and at night.
Pain =Pic-acid 200.---Arthritic deformans particularly
Pain =Plb.---Sharp lighting like neuralgia, pain in lower
limbs mostly from hips to knees, occuring in paroxysms
more from movements.
Pain =Podo.---Pain and numbness in right ovary running
down thigh of that side.
Pain =Puls 200.---Pains shifting worse during rest, night
and warmth, better by cold, open air and movement.
Pain =Rhod 200.---Enlargement of joints, pain worse
during rest and when storm approaches.
Pain =Rhus-t 200 ---Complaints worse during rest and
exposure to cold, better by movements pain thighs .
Pain =Ruta-g.---Long bones pain due to injury or with eye
pain symptoms .
Pain =Sang.---Pains in place where the bones are least
covered as tibia, backs of hands etc. (Rhus-v.)
445… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain =Sep 200.---Rheumatic pain of joints worse after

washing clothes.
Pain =Stann.---Pain grandually coming and gradually going.
Pain =Stann.---Pain in limbs and limbs give away while
standing for a long time or sitting of long time.
Pain =Urt-ur.---Gouty pain with high uric and urates.
Pain Abdomen retracted to spine =Plb. As if pulled by
Pain and bleeding =Staph., Tril.--- Pain and bleeding after
extraction of teeth.
Pain and numbness =Podo.---Pain and numbness in right
ovary, running down thigh of that side (Lil-t).
Pain- associated delirium =Verat.
Pain- associated frequent micturation =Thuj.
Pain- associated profuse menstrual flow =Sabal.
Pain- associated profuse sweat =Cham.
Pain- associated with chill =Puls.
Pain- associated with faintness =Hep.
Pain back too pubes =Sabin.
Pain back, then goes round =Vib. Ends with cramp in
Pain- bearing down as if chord too short =Nat-m., Nat-c.
Pain- bearing down as if muscles contracted =Am-m.,
Pain- bearing down place where bone is least covered
=Sang., Kali-hp.
Pain- bearing down soreness and contraction of ligaments
Pain better =Camph.---Pain better while thinking of it
(Hell., -worse, Calc-p., Helon., Ox-ac.).
Pain- bruised bones and joints as if broken =Eup-per., Bell-
p., Pyrog.
Pain- bruised bones and joints as if sprained =Chin.
446… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain- bruised bones and joints deeper in tibia, teeth &

bones of forehead =Rhod.
Pain- bruised bones and joints sp. in wrist joints =Ruta.
Pain- bruised muscles & joints with pressing in the limbs
Pain- bruised muscles bed feeling too hard stool urine and
sweat extremely offensive =Bapt.
Pain- bruised muscles bed feeling too hard stool urine
passing unconsciously =Arn.
Pain- bruised muscles limbs as if there is no strength
Pain- bruised muscles sore and stiff can hardly move
without groaning =Phyt.
Pain- bruised muscles worse on first beginning to move
Pain burning.---Apis., Canth., Caps., Caust., Sulph., Sec.-
--Remedies usually prescribed.
Pain- central under sternum deep seated =Sil., Syph.
Pain- changing moving crosswise also changing sides
alternately =Lac-c.
Pain- changing moving crosswise from joint to joint =Mang.
Pain- changing moving up and down beginning in feet &
traveling upward =Led.
Pain- changing moving up and down moving from above
downward =Kalm.
Pain- changing wandering in joints to joint =Kali-s.
Pain- changing wandering in joints worse standing =Tub.
Pain- changing wandering in parts appearing suddenly
Pain- changing wandering in parts shifting rapidly =Puls.
Pain- changing wandering in parts worse standing =Tub.
Pain chest, in =Nat-s., Rumx., Chel., Kali-c., Merc.,
Ther., Sulph., Ars., Calc.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones before chill
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Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones rheumatism

(chronic) enlargement of the joints =Sulph.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones rheumatism
(chronic) stiffness =Rhus-t.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones rheumatism
(chronic) drawing pain =Caust.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones rheumatism
(chronic) tenderness of joints =Lith.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) ameliorated by heat =Mag-p.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) ameliorated by lying on painful side =Bry.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) ameliorated walking =Am-m.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) crampy ameliorated by heat =Mag-p.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) running down posterior portion =Coloc.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) running down outer side =Phyt.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) sense of numbness =Gnaph.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones sciatica
(nerve) sense of contraction in tendons =Am-m.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones syphilitic
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones worse in bed
at night =Kali-i.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones, bone
carries & exostoses =Merc.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones, long bones
ameliorated by warmth =Sil.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones, long bones
ameliorated by cold =Fl-ac.
Pain- connected with nerves tissues and bones, nose &
palate =Aur.
448… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain Constriction.---Cact, Lil-t.---Iron band prevents

heart‟s normal movement
Pain Cramping.---Cupr., Coloc., Mag-p., Cham.---
Everytime child is put to breast, cramp in back and uterus.
Pain- dull sudden & darting =Gels.
Pain- dull with sensation of plug =Anac.
Pain from darkness to daylight =Syph.---Pains from
darkness to daylight; begin with twilight and end with
daylight (Merc., Phyt).
Pain- gradual begins slowly but decline suddenly =Sul-ac.
Pain- gradual, gradually increasing & gradually declining
Pain gradually comes and goes =Plat., Stann.
Pain in all parts of body =Nit-ac.---Stitches and sticking
pains as from splinters especially on touch in all parts of
the body.
Pain in around shoulders =Gran.---Pain in around
shoulders if heavy load had been carried pain in all fingers
Pain in back-dorsal =Onos.---Pain in back-dorsal & lumbar
regions numbness-acts as if born tired.
Pain in carpal =Viol.---Pain in carpal & meta carpal joints.
Pain in chest =Ferr-m.---Pains in the chest and spitting of
blood, especially in persons who flush easily and are
subject to binding of the nose dyspnoea, palpitations.
Pain in chest =Phos.---Pains in chest with coughing,
relieved by external pressure.
Pain in left shoulder =Calc-f 1m
Pain in liver =Ph-ac.---Pain in the liver during
Pain in long bones =Eup-per., Staph., Mez.
Pain in right eye ball =Prun.--- Pain in right eye ball as if
it would burst better by lachrymation (irido-choroidits).
Pain in right shoulder/arm = Xan.
449… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain in shin-bones =Lach.---A minor characteristic of

(Lach) is pain in shin-bone. Much pain in shin bones of an
aching kind only. When such pains occur concomitantly
with throat affections it is a specific. Dr. Guernsey.
Pain in small =Berb.---Pain in small of back; very sensitive
to touch in renal region < when sitting and lying from jar
from fatigue.
Pain in stomach =Coloc.--- give 30 potency.
Pain In Stomach =Oeno---Severe pain in somach after
meals for over two years. 25 drops of the mother tincture.
Dr. Hunt.
Pain in the hollow =Phys.---Pain in the hollow of right
Pain increases and decreases =Bell., Kali-bi., Kali-c.
Pain Inframammary pain.---Cimic.---Left side during
Pain- insupportable driving patient out of bed =Verat.
Pain- insupportable tossing about in agony =Coff-c.
Pain- insupportable with over sensitiveness =Acon.
Pain- insupportable with profuse sweat =Cham.
Pain intolerant of =Acon.--- Intolerant of pain, fears will
not recover.
Pain left foot =Dulc-3x.---Pain left foot; her profession
involved-getting feet wet; pain was severe to disturb sleep.
Pain- left in abdomen vague, down to iliac region =Iod.
Pain- left in arms & shoulder arms with heart disease
Pain- left in arms & shoulder infra scapula =Chen.
Pain- left in chest lower through =Nat-s.
Pain- left in chest upper through to scapula =Sulph.
Pain- left in chest lower infra mamary =Cimic., Crot-t.
Pain- left in chest upper through to back =Tub.
Pain- left in general moving to right =Lach.
450… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain Left lung= Phos., Aur-t., Sulph.---Symptom of acute,

sharp, fixed or darting pain in apex and through upper third
of left lung is a gem . Dr.Nash, also Dr. Burnett.
Pain- left right in general moving to left =Lyc.
Pain leg =Cact.---Pain leg calf after or during walking.
Pain lower lobe of left lung =Ox-ac.---Sharp pains through
the lower lobe of the left lung. No matter what the name
of the disease is. When that pain is present.
Pain nipple to back =Crot-t.---Of the same side when
Pain numbness, with =Acon., Cham., Gnaph., Kalm.,,
Pain over sensitive to =Bell.---Cham- Patient is also over
sensitive to pain, but we do not need to sympathise with
Cham. patient. He will forget it out himself but you pity
the Bell. patient, you will pity the Puls. patient and Nit-ac.
Pain pricking, as of splinter =Nit-ac.
Pain- radiating from a center =Berb.
Pain- right in arms & shoulders =Sang.
Pain- right in arms & shoulders infra scapula =Chel.
Pain- right in chest lower lobe =Phos.
Pain- right in chest lower through =Kali-c.
Pain- right in chest pectoral region =Bor.
Pain- right in chest upper through =Calc-c.
Pain- right in chest upper through upper third =Ars.
Pain sense of dropping =Cann-s.---Around or in region of
Pain sensitive to pain =Acon., Cham., Coff., Hep.
Pain sexual indulgence =Symph---Pain in the back after
wrestling or excessive sexual indulgence. (Symph)
Pain- sharp excruciating =Crot-t.
Pain- sharp lancinating =Cimic.
Pain- sharp pricking =Nat-ar.
451… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain- sharp stabbing =Spong.

Pain- sharp stinging =Apis.
Pain slight =Hep.--- Faints from slight pain.
Pain soreness and rawness =Caust.
Pain spot, limited to small =Kali-bi.
Pain- spots can be covered with the point of a finger =Kali-
Pain- spots in small circumscribed spots =Ign.
Pain stitching =Bry., Kali-c., Nat-s., Rumex.
Pain- stitching almost all tissue & independent of motion
Pain stitching pain =Bry., Kali-c., Merc-v., Nat-s.,
Rumex.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Pain- stitching sp. in serous membranes worse by motion
Pain- sudden appearing & disappearing suddenly =Bell.
Pain- sudden lightending like in coming & going =Mag-p.
Pain- sudden piercing causing faintness =Mag-c.
Pain suddenly comes and goes =Bell., Kali-bi., Kali-c.,
Ign., Mag-p., Tub.
Pain tearing =Rhus-t.---When there are tearing pain down
the thighs during defecation in dysentery.
Pain- throbbing with hammering & pulsating =Ferr-m.
Pain- throbbing with over sensitiveness =Hep.
Pain walks the floor in agony =Puls., Rhus-t., Nit-ac.,
Mag-c., Cham.
Pain walks the floor, in =Puls., Ferr., Nit-ac., Rat., Mag-
c., Verat.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Pain wandering =Kalm., Kali-bi., Lac-c., Mang., Puls.,
Kali-i.---Main remedies .
Pain, absent =Stram., Con., Op.--- Pain, absent, in
Pain, bearing down =Bell., Nat-m., Sep.
Pain, colicky =Coff.--- Pain, colicky, worse by noise.
452… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pain, colicky =Coloc.--- Pain, colicky, abdominal, bends

Pain, colicky =Mag-p.--- pain, colicky, cramping sudden.
Pain, crushing =Ph-ac.--- pain, crushing, on parts lain on.
Pain, in spots =Ox-ac.--- Pain, in spots, lightning like.
Pain, insupportable =Coff., Cham.--- pain, insupportable.
Pain, maddening =Cham.--- Pain, maddening, followed by
Pain, migratory =Kali-bi.--- Pain, migratory, small spots.
Pain, pricking =Nit-ac.--- Pain, pricking, as from splinters.
Pain, sacrum =Sab.--- Pain, sacrum to pubes.
Pain, sharp =Abrot.--- Pain, sharp, here and there.
Pain, stinging =Apis.--- Pain, stinging, burning.
Pain, stitching =Kali-c--- Pain, stitching, sudden sharp.
Pain, sudden =Mag-c.--- Pain, sudden, piercing.
Pain, unbearable =Sars.--- Pain, unbearable, in conclusion
of urine.
Pain, where bone =Sang.--- Pain, where bone is least
Painful =Clem.--- Grandular, swelled, painful.
Painful =Thlaspi.--- Painful & difficult
micturition/spasmodic retention of urine.
Painful heels =Thiosin., Merc.--- Painful heels.
Painful joints =Harp.---Painful joints tendons and muscles
worse change of weather.
Painful menstrual =Puls., Cham., Coloc., Mag-p., Cimic.,
Sabin.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Painful micturition =Mullein---Enuresis nocturna and
painful micturition. (Mullein) oil 3x Dr. Cushing.
Painfulness = Agar.---Painfulness and violent burning
shooting pain in spinal column.
Painless =Bism.--- Profuse, painless, purging.
Painless =Con.--- Stony, painless, nodular.
Painless =Op.--- Painless, in activity.
453… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Painless =Op.--- Painless, passive, stupor.

Painlessness =Stram.---No pain with most complaints;
painlessness is characteristic (Op).
Painlessness =Stram.--- Horror, hallucinations,
Painlessness =Stram., Con.--- Painlessness, in all
Pains right arm =Phyt.---Pains leave the heart and appear
in the right arm.
Pains =Benz-ac.---pains, tearing, stictching in large joints
of big toes redness and swelling of joints gout aggravation
at night.
Pains =Chin.---Pains drawing or tearing in every joint all
the bones, Periosteum as if strained sore all over obliged to
move limbs frequently as motion gives relief renewed by
contact and the gradually increase to a great height.
Pains =Cimic.---Pains in every part of the head but more in
vertex and occiput pressing and aching, sometimes pains
extend up to shoulders and down to the spine.
Pains =Med.---Pains arthritic rheumatic a sequel of
suppressed gonorrhea (Daph., Clem) constricting seem to
tighten the whole body (Cact), sore all over as if bruised
(Arn., Eup).
Pains =Phos.---Longs for : cold food and drink juicy
refreshing ice cream >gastric pains.
Pains =Sep.---Pains extend from other parts to the back;
(reverse of Sep. are attended with shuddering (with
chilliness –Puls).
Pains =Sep.---Violent stitches upward in the vagina,
lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus.
Pains bones =Calc-p.--- Pains in joints and bones, “growing
Pains bursting type =Acon., Bry., Caps.
Pains deep in bones =Aur., Asaf., Eup-per.
454… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pains during night only =Aur., Asaf., Merc.

Pains in back =Symph.---for pains in back after much
exercise or sexual indulgence.
Pains in damp weather =Rhus-t., Dulc., Merc.
Pains in scapulae =Chel., Coloc., Ferr.
Pains in soles =Tart-ac.---for tearing pains in soles near
Pains in the bowels =Ter---Pains in the bowels which
cause frequent micturition. (Ter) Dr. Burnett.
Pains joints =Calc-p.--- Pains in joints and bones, “growing
Pains lancinating or throbbing =Sang.---American sick
headache-rush of blood causing faintness and nausea, pains
lancination or throbbing. Dr. Hearing.
Pains squeezing type =Cact., Nit-ac., Sulph.
Pains sticking darting =Kalm.---Pains sticking darting,
pressing, shooting in a downward direction (Cact upward,
Led.); attended or succeeded by numbness of affected part
(Acon., Cham., Plat).
Pains stitching =Bry.--- Stitching pains, better from firm
pressure, worse from motion.
Pains stitching type =Bry., Nat-s., Kali-c.
Pains throbbing =Bell.--- Throbbing pains, with redness
worse from motion or jarring.
Pains with periodicity =Sang., Ars., Chin.
Pains, body worse during rest =Rhus-t., Kali-c, Mag-p.
Pains, burning type =Apis., Ars., Sulph.
Pains, cramps type =Cupr., Coloc., Puls.
Pains, dull type =Chin., Nux-v., Ign.
Painter, lead workers artist =Alumina.
Pale =Calc-sil.--- Pale, weak, strained.
Pale =Carb-v.--- Pale, pinched, sluggish.
Pale =Ferr-i.--- Pale, earthy, anaemic.
Pale =Glon.--- Pale, pressure, pulsating.
455… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pale =Ox-ac.--- Pale, bluish, shrunken.

Pale =Plat.--- Proud, pale, pervesive.
Pale and cold =Cham.--- One cheek hot, the other pale
and cold.
Pale child at birth =Ant-t.---Child at birth pale,
breathless, gasping through the chord still pulsates.
Pale urine =Ign.--- is hysteria with profuse pale urine.
Pale, Deathly pale with rings around eyes =Bism.
Pale, fast pulse =Ferr-i.
Pale, Pale and puffed =Calc.
Pale, pale and sunken =Hyos., Verat.
Pale, pale during nausea =Ip.
Pale, very pale or cyanotic form =Ant-t.
Pale, with lax muscles =Puls., Sil.
Palliate =Bry---By the way, a word of warning may be
needed to cure the most terrible headaches but do not give
it during a severe attack at risk of a fearful aggravation.
Give its acute (Bry) for the immediate pain and to palliate,
and the curative drug later on, when the attack is over. Dr.
Palm =Anac.---Warts on palms of hand.
Palpitation = Acon.---If due to indigestion or flatulence.
Palpitation = Ign.--- If hysterical palpitation Then Mosch 3
Palpitation = Nux-v.---If due to nervousness.
Palpitation =Bov.---Adapted to old maids with palpitation.
Palpitation =Calc-ar.---The slightest emotion causes
palpitation of heart (Lith-c).
Palpitation =Coll.---Palpitation, in patients subject to piles
and indigestion, heart action persistently rapid but not
Palpitation =Hydr.--- for mucoid stool with palpitation.
Palpitation =Iod.---Palpitation worse from least exertion
(compare Dig-from least mental exertion. Calc-ar.).
456… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Palpitation =Lac-c.---Palpitation violent when lying down

on left side> turning on right (tab).
Palpitation =Lach., Nat-m.., Phos., Spig.
Palpitation =Lil-t.---Palpitation; fluttering; faint feeling,
hurried anxious sensation about apex, sharp pain in left
chest, awakens at night; irregular pulse; extremities cold
and covered with cold sweat; < after eating on either side
(on left side, Lach).
Palpitation =Mag-m.---Palpitation and cardiac pains while
sitting, < by moving about (compare Gels).
Palpitation =Mur-ac.---Palpitation of heart is felt in the
Palpitation =Nux-m.---Fainting with palpitation of the
heart followed by sleep.
Palpitation =Spig.--- Neuralgic, nervous Palpitation of
heart, quite audible and visible.
Palpitation =Spig.---Palpitation : violent, visible and
audible; from least motion; when bending forward; systolic
blowing at apex.
Palpitation =Spong.---Palpitation : violent with pain and
gasping respiration; awakened suddenly after midnight with
suffocation and great anxiety; valvular insufficiency; before
or during menses.
Palpitation =Tab.---Great despondency with indigestion,
palpitation, intermittent pulse.
Palpitation =Tab.---Palpitation, violent when lying on the
left side; goes off when turning to the right.
Palpitation chronic =Naja-t.---Chronic palpitation
especially after public speaking; pain <by carriage riding or
lying on side. Inability to speak with choking.
Palpitation violent =Coca.---Violent palpitation; from
incarcerated flatus (Arg-n., Nux-v); from over exertion;
from heart strain (Arn., Bor., Caust).
457… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Palpitation violent =Glon.---Violent palpitation with

throbbing in carotids, heart‟s action labored, oppressed,
blood seems to rush to heart and rapidly to head.
Palpitations =Ferr-m.---Pains in the chest and spitting of
blood, especially in persons who flush easily.
Palpitations at night =Calc., Cann-i., Lach.
Panaritium=Am-c., Fl-ac., Sil.
Pancreatitis=Bell., Spong.
Paradoxic =Ign.--- Paradoxic, spasmodic and hysteric.
Paralysed =Dulc.--- for paralysed parts when they feel icy
Paralysed =Stram.---One side of the body paralysed, the
other convulsed.
Paralysis =Caust.--- Paralysis of the ocular muscles.
Paralysis =Caust., Cupr., Gels., Op.. Rhus-t., Sil., Lol.,
Oxyt.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Paralysis =Caust., Rhus---t.---If an epidemic is feared
immunize your children with botanical or homoeopathic
Gels. And you will not lose any sleep over it. They will be
quite safe though has scourge, may be raging all around
them. Cup., Op., Sil., is a preventive for pulmonary with
diaphragmatic paralysis.
Paralysis =Caust.---Paralysis general right or left – Caust
1M or 10m should be considered.
Paralysis =Caust.---Paralysis of one side of the mouth.
Paralysis =Caust.---Paralysis; of single parts; vocal cords,
tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder; generally of
right side; from exposure to cold wind or draft; after
typhoid; typhus, or diptheria; gradually appearing.
Paralysis =Lath.--- for infantile paralysis and myelitis.
Paralysis =Plb.---Paralysis left side-Plb 1M alternate days
(indication urine oily).
Paralysis =Rhus-t.---Paralysis : with numbness of affected
parts from getting wet on lying on damp ground; after
458… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

exertion, parturition, sexual excesses, ague, or typhoid;

paresis of limbs; ptosis.
Paralysis agitans =Gels 30, Hyos 200,Tarent 30.--- May
be Tired.
Paralysis and rheumatism =Caust., Rhus-t., Sulph.
Paralysis antidotes =Caust.---Caust., antidotes the
paralysis from lead poisoning (bad effects of holding type in
the mouth of compositors).
Paralysis complete =Caust.---There is also the condition of
complete paralysis of both the pharynx and oesophagus,
the food goes the wrong way and enters the larynx or post-
nares. The paralysis of organs of speech, paralysis of
tongue, awkward at talking and awkward while chewing.
Bites tongue and cheeks while chewing.
Paralysis diptheritic =Caust.---For post diptheritic
paralysis is a serious condition and only a few remedies can
cure it. Caust is one of them . Lach. and Cocc. are also
important. Dryness of mouth and throat, rawness of throat,
must swallow constantly on account of sensation of fullness
in the throat, a nervous feeling-this is often a forerunner of
paralysis cases.
Paralysis eyelids =Caust.---Intermittent periodicity, clock-
like even in its paralysis of upper eyelids
Paralysis left side =Arn.---Paralysis, left side; pulse full,
strong, stertor, sighing and muttering.
Paralysis of brain=Op.---Sudden retrocession of the acute
exanthema result in paralysis of brain or convulsions (Zinc).
Paralysis of left side =Helon 200.---Paralysis of left side –
with coldness of left side – hands & feet with symptoms
Arctic coldness of the parts involved – numbness; coldness
as ice.
Paralysis of oesophagus =Caust.---Paralysis of oesophagus,
paralysis of throat, such as occurs after diptheria. Paralysis
459… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

of upper eyelids, paralysis of bladder, paralysis of the

lower limbs great lassitude.
Paralysis of sphincters =Hyos.---Paralysis of sphincters,
soils while standing/running. Frequent/profuse urination at
Paralysis single muscles =Plb.---Paralysis of single muscles
and these muscles wither. There is paralysis of both
extensors and flexors. The paralysis begins in the extensors
in that we have wrist drop. He cannot raise or lift anything
with the hand. This occurs in the piano players; they
cannot lift their fingers sufficiently to keep up the pace
while flexion is alright. Curare is another remedy which
corresponds to this state in piano players, a paralysis from
over exertion of extensor muscles.
Paralysis, ailments =Op.---Ailments : with insensibility and
partial or complete paralysis that originate from fright, bad
effect of, the fear still remaining (Acon., Hyos); from
charcoal vapors; from inhaling gas; of drunkards.
Paralytic =Alum.--- Dry, peevish, parlytic.
Paralytic =Anac.--- Perplexed, plugged, paralytic.
Paralytic =Caust.--- Crampy, contracture, paralytic.
Paralytic =Cocc.--- Paralytic, weakness and inco-
Paralytic =Con.--- Paralytic, weakness.
Paralytic =Plb.--- Paralytic and paretic.
Parametritis =Bell., Merc., Hep., Sil.
Paraphimosis =Acon.
Paraplegia=Mang-o., Kali-t., Lath., Thal., Hyper., Anh.--
-Remedies Normally Used .
Parasites ailments from=Chin., Cina.
Paresis of the intestines =Plb.---Paresis of the intestines,
constipation, cannot strain at stool. The patient can use
the abdominal muscles but rectum is in a state of paralysis
and he cannot expel the faeces.
460… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Paresis=Aesc-g., Bad.
Paretic bladder =Plb.---Bladder is also paretic; can not
expel urine, the muscles do not cooperate & there is
retention. Plb has both retention and suppression of urine.
Parkinson’s=Merc., Rhus-t., Zinc.
Partial glossitis =Lyc., Sil., Merc-s., Hep., Calc., Sulph.
Passive =Carb-v.--- Passive, bleeding, oozing.
Passive =Ham.--- Passive, bleeding.
Passive =Op.--- Painless, passive, stupor.
Pathogenesis =Op---Abnormal Painlessness is a grand key-
note but in the pathogenesis many acute pains will be
found such as horrible labour like pains in uterus which
compelled her to bend double with anxious almost
ineffectual urging to stool. A case of worst painful
menstruation was cured by (Op) 30. Dr. Clarke.
Patient threatens =Tarent.---If some patient comes and
he threatens you saying „Dr. if I do not get well I will not
come again “ then give Tarent. To such patient.
Peevish =Alum.--- Dry, peevish, paralytic.
Peevish =Calc-p.--- Peevish and restless.
Peevish =Cham.--- Sensitive, peevish, irritable children.
Child asks for things, then flings them away; wants to be
Peevish =Sil.--- Peevish, punny, pusy.
Pellagra =Ars-s-r.
Pellagra=Ars., Sec., Hep.
Pelvic heamatocele =Ham., Arn.
Pelvic inflammatory disease uterus=Bell., Apis., Ars.,
Bell., Canth., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc., Med., Sabin., Sec.,
Ter.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Pemphigus =Lach., Rhus-t., Ars., Merc-c.
Penicillin allergy =Penic.
Penis =Coca.---A sensation as if the penis were absent.
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Penis =Maland.---A case of knock-knee in a child who was

constantly handling his penis cured by(Maland) Dr.
Peptic ulcer = Nux-v., Ign., Cham., Anac., Mag-p.,
Coloc., Chel., Petr., Kali-c., Arg-n., Plb., Stann., Ars.,
Pericarditis=Acon., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Kali-bi., Merc.,
Phos., Psor., Mez., Sil., Spig., Sulph., Apis.
Perimetritis =Merc-c., Bell.
Periods irregular =Sabal. ---has irregular periods with
dissimilar breasts.
Periostitis = Bell., Ruta., Kalm., Mang., Hep., Calc.,
Asaf., Lach.
Peristaltic =Nux. V---There is no reason for confounding
(Bry) and (Nux. V) in constipation. The constipation is
caused by lack of secretion in the intestines. With (Bry)
there is no desire and the stools are dry and hard as if
burnt. Dr. Carrol Dunham.
Peritonitis = Acon., Coloc., Nux-v., Carb-v., Bell., Merc-
c., Bry., Apis., Lyc., Iod., Calc., Canth., Ars., Lach.
Peritonitis =Merc-c.---Has high curative power of a specific
Peritonitis= Ant-t., Apis., Ars., Bell., Bry., Colch.,
Coloc., Merc-c., Sin-n., Sangin-n., Wye., Hyos., Lach.,
Laur., Lyc., Phos., Pyrog., Rhus-t., Ter.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Perspiration =Apis.---Afternoon chill with thirst worse in
motion and heat, perspiration breaks out.
Perspiration =Bapt.---Dark red, dark putrid ulcer, tonsils
and parotids swollen, can only swallow water no pains.
Perspiration =Merc.---Profuse perspiration attends every
complaint but does not relieve, may even increase the
suffering (profuse perspiration relieves Nat-m., Psor.,
Perspiration =Nat-m.---Perspiration (sweat) > pain
(headache etc).
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Perspiration =Psor.---Profuse perspiration after acute

diseases with relief of all suffering (Calad., Nat-m).
Perspiration =Sil.---Intolerable sour carrion like odour of
the feet, without perspiration every evening.
Perspiration =Thuj.---Perspiration smelling like honey on
the genitals.
Perspiration =Verat.---Cold perspiration on the forehead
(over entire body-Tab)with nearly all complaints.
Perspiration at night =Calc., Cann-i., Lach.
Perspiration, excessive =Ph-ac., Rhus-g., Thuj.
Perspitation =Scolo-v---A symptom worth noting is no
perspitation of the right arm for three months.
Pervasive =Plat.--- Proud, pale, pervasive.
Phagedenic=Ars., Caust., Crot-h., Merc., Sil., Staph.,
Pharyngitis & tonsillitis = Acon., Ferr-p., Bell., Phyt.,
Merc-sol., Hep-s., Calc-p., Bar-c., Arg-n., Kalm-l., Lyc.,
Lach., Merc-c., Merc-s-c.
Pharyngitis = Sang-n.--- If remedy to be employed in
absence of clear indication for another. use 3x.
Pharyngitis =Bell., Kali-bi., Merc., Sang-n.
Pharynx =Apis.---Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in pharynx,
easily hawked up only in the morning.
Phimosis=Merc., Nit-ac.
Phlebitis =Ham.--- tincture or 6x, Calc-f 6x or, vipera
30th potency. swelling of venis or varicose venis.
Phlebitis=Acon., Bry., Calc., Clem., Ham., Lach., Rhus-
t.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Phlebitis-puerperal-after forceps delivery =All-c.
Phlegmasia alba dolens =Acon., Puls., Bism.
Phosphaturia = Lec 12.---The presence of phosphates in
Photophobia =Ferr-p.---In measles with conjunctivitis and
photophobia Dr. Tyler.
463… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Photophobia intense =Con.---Photophobia intense, out of

all portion to the objective signs of inflammation in the
Phthisical despondent =Stann.---It is a low spirited
remedy and when phthisical patients are despondent and
without hope Stann. Will most likely be needed.
Phthisis =Bac---Bacillary phthisis taken early and
complicated with nothing else is curable by (Bac) but
where for instance vaccinosis is also present, the vaccinosis
must be first cured or the phthisis remains uncured do what
you will. Dr. Tyler
Phthisis =Bac---If it is primary spleen affection that led up
to the phthisis, when the phthisis arises from a cancerous
parentage. (Bac) will not always suffice until other
remedies have prepared the way. Dr. Tyler
Phthisis =Dros.---Even in declared phthisis Dros in low
attenuations (Dr. Scarand) In high attenuation it should not
be repeated. (Dr. Hahnemann)
Phthisis =Nit-ac.--- In phthisical cases Nit-ac. Follows well
the action of Kali-c. And in sycotic cases Nit-ac is followed
well by Thuja.
Phthisis =Ther---In phthisis florida it is indispensable and
affects a certain cure if given in the beginning of the
disease. (Ther) Dr. Baruch.
Physical =Vespa-v.--- Gradual, physical, prostration.
Physical and mental exhaustion =Lach.---Great physical
and mental exhaustion in morning on rising.
Piano playing =Ran-b.---Muscular pain about margins of
shoulder-blades in women of sedentary employment, often
burning in small spots from needle work, type-writing,
piano playing. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Piercing pain =Ip.---Piercing pain in abdomen almost
constantly moving from left to right.
Piles = Sulph., Nux-v., Ign., Bell., Calc., Chin., Graph.,
Lyc., Kali-c.
Piles =Kali-c.---relieves burning of piles by sitting in cold
464… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Piles =Lach.---Drunkards with congestive headache and

haemorrhoids prone to erysipelas or apoplexy.
Piles =Plan---One of the most useful of local remedies in
homoeopathy and one of its local uses is an application to
inflamed piles (Plan)
Piles burning =Mullein oil.
Piles swollen =Thuj.---Piles swollen, pain most severe
when sitting. Anus fissured, painful to touch, surrounded
with flat warts or moist mucus condylomata.
Piles, see haemorrhoids also =Coll.---After heart is
relieved old piles reappear, or suppressed menses rectum.
Chronic, painful, bleeding piles; sensation as if sticks, sand
or gravel had lodged in rectum (Aesc).
Piles, acute bleeding from piles (arterial) bleedings =Coll.
Piles, blue haemorrhoids, protruded like bunch of grapes,
better by cold water =Aloe.
Piles, blue haemorrhoids, small but much bleeding =Lyc.
Piles, blue haemorrhoids, very sensitive, better by hot
application =Mur-ac.
Piles, oozing of mucous, occasional =Sep.
Piles, oozing of mucous, offensive moisture =Kali-p.
Piles, oozing of mucous, staining the linen =Ant-c.
Piles, with burning pain, as if fire in anus =Ars.
Piles, with burning pain, bleeding from piles =Erig., Coll.
Piles, with burning pain, protruding bleeding painful =Calc-
Piles, with burning pain, with pain in back =Sulph.
Piles, with burning pain, worse when sitting =Graph.
Piles, with itching & creeping, relieved after stool =Nux-v.
Piles, with itching & creeping, worse after stool =Ign.
Piles, with sensation, as if plug in the rectum. internal
piles =Anac.
Piles, with sensation, as if splinters pricking the folds
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Piles, with sensation, as if sticks in the rectum =Coll.

Piles, with sensation, burning like coals of fire =Ars., Kali-
Piles, with sensation, extreme suffering ¾ hours after
every stool =Paeon.
Piles, with sensation, extremely painful better lying on
back =Am-c.
Piles, with sensation, pain worse by standing walking,
better by heat =Calc-p.
Piles, with sensation, stitching upward. protruded with
scanty menses =Lach.
Piles, with smarting sensation, violent pain worse lying,
better by slow motion =Puls.
Piles, with soreness, and raw, worse on walking =Caust.
Piles, with soreness, bleeding with back pains =Bell.
Piles, with soreness, protruded cracked bleeding =Nit-ac.
Piles.---Ham.---After haemorrhage from piles prostration
out of all proportion to amount of blood lost.
Pimples =Sulph, Sil, and Carb-v all 30, in a mixture, one
drop or pillules of each , as specfic for acne pimples.
Pimples =Sulph., Carb-v., Sil., =All the three mixed
together making one dose.
Pimples, general =Bell., Carb-v., Kali-br.
Pin worms =Rat.---It has cured of pin-worms (Sant.,
Teucr., Spig). Itching of anus.
Pinched =Carb-v.--- Pale, pinched, sluggish.
Pitiful cry =Puls., Cham.---Difference between Puls.,
Cham., Child in ear-ache. The Puls. Child when not amused
has pitiful cry and the Cham. Child a snarling cry . You will
want to caress the one and spank the other. Dr. Kent.
Pityriasis =Ars., Fl-ac. Mez., Sep., Graph.
Pityriasis rubra =Ars., Nat-ar.
Placenta retained =Sabin.---Retained placenta from atony
of uterus; intense after pains (Caul., Sec.).
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Placenta =Hydr.---Five drops daily from the fourth month

will stop the habit of adherent placenta at evert delivery.
Placenta =Pyrog.---It has a great reputation in the U.S.A.
for its power of expelling the retained placenta and one
has seen it with cows also. Dr. Tayler.
Placenta, adherent =Visc.---An abnormal adhesion of the
placenta to the uterine wall after child-birth. For expulsion
of placenta. Give tincture lower potencies.
Placenta, descending down =Cinnamonum Q
Plantar warts =Ruta.
Platelet count =Erb.---For increase of platelet count.
Plethoric =Aur.--- Georged, plethoric, indurated.
Pleurisy = Acon., Ferr-p., Bry., Seneg., Squil., Kali-c.,
Merc-sol., Hep-s., Ran-b., Apis., Sulph., Calc ., Nat-a.,
Pleurisy =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Pleurisy =Sabad.---for pleurisy when Acon. And Bryo. Fail.
Pleurisy pain = Bry 30.--- Is an excellent remedy in
Pleurodynia =Acon., Kali-c., Arn., Chel., Ars.
Pleurosthotonos=Acon., Bell., Bry., Hyos., Phos., Stann.,
Stram..---Remedies usually prescribed.
Plica polonica-Vinc., Lyc.
Plug sensation =Anac.---Sensation of a plug, all through
the body, in the head, eyes, the navel and down the spine.
Plugged =Anac.--- Perplexed, plugged, paralytic.
Plugging of nails, sensation =Ign., Thuj., Anac.
Plurodynia = Guai.---Use tincture or 6th potency.
Pneumoia =Pneu, Bry., Phos.
Pneumonia = Acon., Ferr-p., Bell., Hep-s., Sulph., Phos.,
Rhus-t., Lyc., Puls., Merc-s., Bry., Iod., Carb-v., Ars.
Pneumonia = Bry 6x and Phos 6x given alternated
467… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pneumonia =Acon., Ant-t., Ars., Bry., Carb-v., Ip., Lyc.,

Nat-s., Phos., Rhus-t., Lach., Hyos., Sang., Sulph.,
Pneu..---Remedies usually prescribed.
Pneumonia =Acon.---From dry cold wind fever anguish
restless fear of death.
Pneumonia =Ant-t.---Mucus with coarse rattling and
inability to expel.
Pneumonia =Ars.---Last stage of pneumonia in old people.
Pneumonia =Bry., Kali-c., Phos.---In pneumonia cases use
of Bry., Kali-c., and Phos.
Pneumonia =Bry.---Stitching pain through lower right chest
better from rest and pressure.
Pneumonia =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Pneumonia =Kali-c.
Pneumonia =Kali-m.---This medicine is used in the second
stage of inflammatory diseases, pneumonia, cough, croups
Pneumonia =Lyc.---Pneumonia neglected or maltreated
base of right lung involved especially to hasten absorption
or expectoration.
Pneumonia =Nat-s.---Sycotic Pneumonia lower lobe of left
lung great soreness of chest during cough has to sit up in
bed and hold the chest with both hands .
Pneumonia =Phos.---Broncho-pneumonia case: due to
suppressed measles patient was lying on right side was
changed to left-but patient goes on to the right. Thirst for
cold water; warm water was rejected. Phos 200 at intervals
cured. Eruptions came out and Pneumonia was cured.
Pneumonia =Ran-b.---Pleurisy or pneumonia from sudden
exposure to cold while overheated or vice versa (Acon.,
468… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pneumonia =Sabad.---Follows Bry. And Ran-b., well in

pleurisy and cured after Acon., and Bry Failed.
Pneumonia =Sang.---Circumscribed red cheeks in
afternoon burning in ears in bronchitis pneumonia phthisis.
Pneumonia never well since past history of pneumonia
infection =Kali-c.
Poisonous bite =Echi.---A most reliable remedy in
poisonous bites, gangrene erysipelas, boils, carbuncles.
Polio =Carb-ac., Lath., Phys., Plb., Gels.
Polio =Lathyrus sativa.---Homoeopathic physicians are
satisfied that they have a really safe and better polio
preventive in Lathyrus sativa. When properly given. This
preventive is absolutely without danger and will probably
give immunity for a lifetime instead of for a period of
about two years of the salk vaccine.
Polio management =Acon 6 , Rhus-t 6, Kali-p 6 , Calc-p 6
and if paralysis is there, add Sul-ac 6 for dissolving the
Poliomyelitis =Acon., Aeth., Rhus-t., Nux-v., Calc., Gels.,
Caust., Merc-a., Lach.
Poliomyelitis infection=Gels., Lath.
Pollen dust =Abrosia.---Pollen dust causing hay fever.
Poly arthritis =Berb.---Berberis-vulgaris 30 has been found
to be very helpful in Poly-arthritis cases Berberis-Vulgaris is
good antisycotic and perhaps this is why it helps in arthritis
Polychrome spectra=Anh.
Polycythemia blood=Carc., Ferr., Phos.
Polyp, nasal =Sang-nit., Calc., Teucr-mar.
Polypi =Tub.---Polypi a remedy of first importance in
chronic nasal catarrh with atrophy. Large offensive crusts
and clinkers Ozaena. Loss of smell.
Polypi=Phos., Calc., Sang., Thuj.
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Polypus =All-c.---Polypus left nostril, Lem-m., 3x or 6;

Right side Teucr 3x even inhaling Nasal Polypus (Mar-v.,
Sang., Sanguin-n., Psor.).
Polypus =Form.---Has a marked deterrent influence on the
formation of polypus.
Polypus =Sang.---Right sided of use in polypus if the nose.
Acute and chronic catarrh.
Polypus =Thuj., Calc-c., Thuj., Kali-n., Kali-bi.,Nit-ac.,
Sang..---Main Medicines.
Polypy in ear = Calc-p., Calc-c., Hep., Thuj., Calc-i.
Polyuria =Arg-nit., Calc-f., Ph-ac.
Polyuria=Arg-m., Ph-ac., Murx., Squil., Uran-n., Rhus-
a..---Remedies usually prescribed.
Portal congestion=Aesc-g.
Portal system =Sulph.---Adapted to person of a scrofulous
diathesis, subject to venous congestion especially of portal
Portal system=Coll., Nux-v.
post-mortum (Pyrog) =Lach.
Post-operative scar =thiosinaminum-Rhodallin.--- For
post-operative scar.
Pray =Stram.---Never ceases to pray.
Predicts =Acon.---The countenance is expressive of fear;
the life is rendered miserable by fear is sure his disease
will prove fatal; predicts the day he will die, fears death
during pregnancy.
Pregnancy =Calc-ph.---Is a general tonic of pregnancy and
a prophylactic to toxaemias and anaemias. This remedy
seems to regulate the calcium Phos metabolism and is a
catalyst for the assimilation of iron.
Pregnancy =Caul.---Taken a dose daily during that last two
or three weeks of pregnancy it is found to make labour
easy. 12th or 30th potency.
470… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pregnancy =Cimic.--- for disturbances peculiar to early

months of pregnancy.
Pregnancy =Phos---A curious symptom during pregnancy.
She is unable to drink water. The sight of water makes her
vomit. Must Close her eyes while bathing.
Pregnancy =Podo---A peculiar symptom of pregnancy
indicating this remedy is, can lie comforably only on
stomach-during early months. (Podo)
Pregnancy =Puls 200.---Taken 4 days before the date of
menstruation every month will suffice to prevent
Pregnancy complaints =Symphoricarpus 3x.---This drug is
highly recommended for persistent vomiting of pregnancy.
It is also a specific.
Pregnancy constipation =Alum., Bry., Nux-v., Plat., Sep.
Pregnancy fear of death =Acon.
Pregnancy motion of foetus painful =Arn.
Pregnancy prepares well for confinement =Carb-v.
Pregnancy toothache =Chin., Mag-c., Rat.
Pregnancy vomiting of pregnancy =Kali-c., sep., Ferr.,
Phos., Symphoricarpus 3x.
Pregnant thinks =Verat.---Thinks she is pregnant or will
soon be delivered.
Premature old age =Agn-c.---More useful in premature old
age, which arises in young persons from abuse of sexual
powers marked by melancholy apathy, mental destruction,
self contempt, general debility and frequent loss of
spermatic fluid.
Pre-menstrual tension =Lach.
Presentation of the fetus =Puls.---It helps rectifying the
position of the fetus at child-birth.
Pressing =Nat-m.---Pressing, pushing towards genital,
every morning; must sit down to prevent prolapsus (Lil-t.,
Murx., Sep).
471… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pressing =Nat-m.---Pressing, pushing towards genital,

every morning; must sit down to prevent prolapsus (Lil-t.,
Murex., Sep).
Pressive Pain =Spig.---Intolerable pressive pain in the
eyeballs, they feel too large their orbits, condition worse in
turning the eyes.
Pressure =Bry.--- wants pressure on chest. Ran-b. Does
not bear pressure.
Pressure =Glon.--- Pale, pressure, pulsating.
Prevents =Merc.bin-iod 3x.--- Cuts short or prevents
expected attack of asthma.
Previous illness =Carb-v.---Persons who have never fully
recovered from the exhausting effects of previous illness;
asthma after measles or pertussis of childhood; indigestion
from a drunken debauch; bad effects of a long ago injury;
has never recovered from bad effects of typhoid (Psor);
cachectic persons whose vitality has become weakened or
Priapism =Sel.---Priapism, glands drawn up. (Berb-drawn
Priapism=Pic-ac., Canth.
Pricking =Nit-ac.--- Cracking, pricking, offensive (urine).
Primary complex =Kreos., Abrot., Teucr., Tub.
Problems =Cheir.--- Problems with eruption of wisdom
Problems during menopause =Lach., Amyl-nit., Sulph.,
Veratrum-viride., Caul., Strontium-carb..---Remedies
Mostly Prescribed.
Proctitis = Acon., Aloe., Ars., Ferr-p., Bell., Plb., Op.,
Sil., Phos., Podo., Colch., Nit-ac., Ant-c., Coll.
Profuse =Bism.--- Profuse, painless, purging.
Profuse =Podo.--- Profuse, putrid, prostrated.
Profuse bleeding =Phos.--- Profuse bleeding anywhere.
Nosebleed from vigorous nose blowing. Bleeding gums.
472… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Profuse perspiration =Psor.---Profuse perspiration after

acute diseases, with relief of all suffering.
Profuse perspiration =Rhus-g.---Profuse perspiration
arising out of debility and profuse sweat during sleep.
Profuse sweat =Con., Nit-ac., Merc., Tarent.---While
there is coldness in anus during flatus and stool.
Profuse sweat =Nit-ac---A characteristic accompaniment
of (Nit-ac) is profuse sweat breaks out on hands and feet.
When this occurs in spinal injury (Nit-ac) is the remedy.
Profuse sweat =Samb.---A grand characteristic is profuse
sweat during waking hours, dry heat when asleep.
Profuse sweating =Merc-v.--- Profuse sweating with no
relief. Offensive odor.
Profuse uterine =Trill.---Profuse uterine haemorrhage at
climacteric; flow every two week; pale, faint, dim sight,
palpitation, obstruction and noise in ears (Form). Painful
sinking at pit of stomach.
Profused =Podo.--- Profused/offensive morning diarrhoea.
Profusely =Chin.---Sweating profusely causing weakness.
Progressive muscular atrophy =Phos., Plb.
Prolapse cases =Sep.--- Prolapse cases 3rd degree –give
monthly dose of Sep 1M, repetition after 15 days and then
after 1Month.
Prolapse of rectum =Ruta-g.---Prolapse of rectum
immediately on attempting a passage from the slightest
stooping; after confinement frequent unsuccessful urging.
Prolapse of rectum =Sep., Ruta-g., Podo., Mur-ac., Ign..-
--Remedies usually prescribed.
Prolapse of uterus =Sep., Nat-m., Bell.
Prolapsed and indurated uterus =Aur.---Prolapsed and
indurated uterus; from over – reaching or straining (Podo.,
Rhus-t.); from hypertrophy (Con); menstrual and uterine
affections with great melancholy, < at menstrual period.
473… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Prolapsus (rectal) = Aloe., Podo., Ign., Ruta., Hydr.,

Stann., Mur-ac., Lach.
Prolapsus =Frax.---Falling away of the uterus from its
normal position after child-birth. 10 to 15 drops of tincture
three times a day.
Prolapsus =Lyss.---Many cases of long standing. Give 30
Prolapsus =Podo.---Prolapsus of rectum before or with
Prolapsus =Sep.---Prolapsus of uterus and vagina; pressure
and bearing down as if everything would protrude from
pelvis; must cross limbs tightly or sit close to prevent it;
with oppression of breathing (Compare Agar., Bell., Lil-t.,
Murex., Sanic).
Prolapsus ani =Ign.---Prolapsus ani from moderate
straining at stool lifting or stooping (Nit-ac., Podo., Ruta.)
< when the stool is loose.
Prolapsus hernia =Alet., Cinch., Helon., Hydr.
Prolapsus of uterus and vagina =Sep.---Prolapsus of uterus
and vagina; pressure and bearing down as if everything
would protrude from pelvis; must cross limbs tightly of “ sit
close” to prevent it; with oppression of breathing (compare
Agar., Bell., Lil-t., Murex., Sanic).
Prolapsus utei =Lyss.---Prolapsus uteri; many cases of
years standing cured.
Prolapsus uteri =Pyrog.---Most curious symptom. Bearing
down pain the prolapsus uteri only relieved by holding the
breath and bearing down.
Prolapsus Uteri =Stann.---Leucorrhoea, great debility,
weakness seems to proceed from chest (from abdomen,
pelvis, Phos., Sep).
Prolapsus uteri =Stann.---Prolapsus uteri; worse during
stool (with diarrhoea, Podo); so weak she drops into a chair
instead of sitting down.
474… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Prolapsus uterie =Podo.---Prolapsus uterie; from over

lifting or straining; from constipation, after parturition,
with sub-involution.
Prolapsus with pain =Arg-m.---Prolapsus with pain in left
ovary and back, extending forward and downward (right
ovary, pall); Climacteric haemorrhage.
Promotes healing =Arn.
Prophylactic = =Aven.---Is a prophylactic for addiction to
morphia and bad effects of morphine habit.
Prophylactic =Puls---As a prophylactic against measles it
has great reputation (Puls) three times a day. Dr. Clarke.
Prosopalgia =Spig.---Prosopalgia periodical left sided orbit
eye malar bone teeth from morning until sunset, pain
tearing burning, cheek dark red during cold rainy weather
from tea.
Prosopalgia=Cact., Verb., Kalm., Puls.
Prostate =Merc-d .---Acute affections of prostate after
maltreated stricture.
Prostate =Thuj., Puls., Kali-i., Cann-i., Sabal., Staph.,
Iod., Dig., Hydr., Chin., Merc., Arg-n., Ferr-pic..---
Remedies normally prescribed.
Prostate enlarged =Con.---Enlarged prostate gland with
hard nodules. Interrupted urination; urine stops and starts>
standing then it flows freely. Urine feels hot. Imperfect
erection and of too short duration. Sexual nervousness,
dejection after coition. III effects of suppressed sexual
desire without erection.
Prostate enlargement =Thuj.---Prostate enlargement. Pain
and burning felt near neck of the bladder with frequent
and urgent desire to urinate. There may be chronic
induration of the testicle. Urinary stream split and small,
bladder feels paralysed. Must wait for urination, frequent,
hasty, with pain in other parts, urging with profuse flow.
475… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Prostate gland =Ferr-pic.---It is very useful remedy for

senile hypertrophy of the prostate gland with frequent
urination at night with full feeling and pressure in the
rectum. There is a smarting at the neck of the bladder with
retention of the urine.
Prostate glands enlarged =Dig.---In old cases of enlarged
prostate glands.
Prostate, hypertrophy =Hydrang.---Use tincture 6 drops
morning and night.
Prostatic hypertrophy=Ferr-pic., Thuj.
Prostatitis [inflammation of prostate glands], great
tenesmus with enlarged prostate =Puls.
Prostatitis [inflammation of prostate glands], swelling in
perineum, as if sitting on a ball =Chim.
Prostatitis [inflammation of prostate glands], urine
dribbling afterwards with frequent urge =Staph.
Prostatitis [inflammation of prostate glands], urine flowing
better when standing =Con.
Prostatitis =Sabal-Q., Con., Ferr-pic.
Prostrate =Chim., Clem., Sabal., Pareir.
Prostrate gland =Con., Dig., Staph.
Prostrated =Aur-s.--- Prostrated, dropsical, fullness.
Prostrated =Bapt.--- Prostrated, and bruised.
Prostrated =Calad.--- Prostrated, by sex or tobacco.
Prostrated =Calad.--- Prostrated, dry, nervous.
Prostrated =Mur-ac.--- Prostrated, sensitive, offensive.
Prostrated =Podo.--- Profuse, putrid, prostrated.
Prostration = Aeth.---Prostration or weakness and anxiety
but totally absence of thought.
Prostration =Ars.--- Prostration, disproportionately to
Prostration =Cocc.--- Inco-ordinating, paralytic,
476… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Prostration =Ph-ac.---Gratiola has similar state of

prostration but the fluid is green, when seen it looks like
shining through a green glass sometimes thicker like green
Prostration =Tarent.--- Alarming, emaciating &
Prostration =Vespa-v.--- Gradual, physical, prostration.
Prostration coldness =Stront.---After a surgical operation
instead of Carb-v. will relieve congestion all ovar body.
The patient gets warm and has a confortable might.
Stront-c is the Carb-v. of the sugeon (Dr.Kent.)
Protudes from one subject to other quickly =Lach.
Proud =Plat.--- Proud, pale, perversive.
Prurigo capitis=Calc-m.
Pruritis =Rhus-t., Rumex., Sulph.
Pruritus pudendi =Lap-a 200.Intense itching of female
Pruritus pudendi intense =Antipyrin 2x.---Is useful for
itching and burning of vagina, intense.
Pruritus vulvae =Calad.
Psilosis =Frag., Calc-l.
Psora miasm=Calc., Calc-s., Graph., Psor., Sulph..---
Remedies usually prescribed.
Psoriasis =Agar., Syph.---Psoriasis -skin itching burning
worse after coition. In Kent‟s Rep. Page 1328, single
medicine is given against rubric-Itching on skin after
coition-Agar- followed by Syph., is said to have cured the
case. D.N.A. 200 in psoriasis cases where heredity is the
action material of the gene. In other cases give
Psoriasis =Ars., Rad-br., Thyr., Cupr., Petr., Graph.,
Cic..---Remedies usually prescribed.
Psoric constitution =Psor.---Especially adapted to the
psoric constitution.
477… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pterygium=Zinc., Rat., Sulph.

Pthisis florida =Ther.---is indispensable in pthisis florida
if given early.
Ptomaine poisoning=Ars., Bell., Kreos., Pyrog.
Ptyalism =Merc., Kali-m., Syph. 200, one dose
Ptyalism =Merc.---Give 30 or 200. If great thirst with moist
Ptyalism =Piloc 6x.---Cases of excessive salivation in
Puberty derangements at =Puls.---Derangements at
puberty; menses suppressed from getting the feet wet; too
late, scanty, slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent flow,
with evening chilliness; with intense pain and great restless
and tossing about (Mag-p), flow more during day (on lying
down, Kreos.). Delayed first menstruation.
Pubes =Zinc---Has a strong action on the generation sphere
and a notable symptom is the patient is continually
pressing on the pubes or applying the hand to the genitals.
Puerperal convulsions =Cupr.---In puerperal convulsions
the urine is scanty and albuminous. During the process of
labour, the patient suddenly becomes blind. All light seems
to her to disappear from the room, the labour pains cease
and convulsions come on, commencing in the fingers and
toes. When you meet these cases do not forget. Dr. Kent.
Puerperal mania =Recovery from puerperal mania seldom
occurs unless menstruation is re-established. Dr. Talcott.
Puffiness of face =Apis., Ars., Calc.
Puffing =Apis.---Sudden puffing up the whole body.
Puffy =Led., Lach.---Puffy, purple and hot is(Lach) puffy
purple and cold.
Puffy =Puls.--- Touch, Stuffy, puffy.
Puffy swellings =Apis.--- Puffy swellings may be around
the face, eyelids, eyes, mouth, or in throat.
Pulls own hair =Bell.
478… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pulmonary=Ant-t., Apis., Apoc., Ars., Bry., Colch., Hell.,

Kali-c., Lach., Lyc., Merc-s.---Remedies usually
Pulsates =Ant-t.---Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping
through the chord still pulsates.
Pulsating =Ars-i.--- Anxious, burning, pulsating.
Pulsating =Glon.--- Pale, pressure, pulsating.
Pulsation =Acet-ac.--- Pulsation, with heat.
Pulsation =Glon.--- Pulsation, violent.
Pulsation =Lil-t.---Pulsation over whole body; and full
distended feeling as if blood would burst, through the
vessels (Aesc).
Pulsation =Phos.---Sticking and burning in the brain.
Pulsation, pit =Oln.--- Pulsation, pit of stomach.
Pulse =Calc-ar.---Every fourth beat of pulse omits with
great regularity.
Pulse =Nat-m.---In my practice I have found that pulse rate
abnormally high say 140-150 per minute yields only to Nat-
m 200 or higher.
479… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pulse =Tab.---Pulse; quick, full large; small, intermittent,

exceedingly slow; feeble, irregular, almost imperceptible.
Pulse =Verat-v.---Pulse suddenly increases and gradually
decreases below normal; slow, soft weak; irregular,
intermittent. (Dig., Tab).
Pulse =Verat-v.---Verat-v., should not be given simply to
“bring down the pulse” or “control the heart‟s action but
like any other remedy for totality of the symptoms.
Pulse abnormally =Pyrog.---Pulse abnormally rapid, out of
all proportions to temperature.
Pulse full bounding but no tension =Bell.
Pulse full bounding tension =Verat-v.
Pulse full irregular =Dig.---Pulse full, irregular, very slow
and weak; intermitting every third, fifth or seventh beat.
Pulse- full, accelerated but weak =Rhus-t.
Pulse- full, alternately rapid & slow =Bell.
Pulse- full, bounding =acon.
Pulse- full, flowing =Gels.
Pulse- full, fluttering =Apis., Sul-ac.
Pulse- full, growing soft & feeble =Glon.
Pulse- full, hard =Bry., Bapt.
Pulse full, hard, and quick =Acon.
Pulse- full, round and soft =Ferr-p.
Pulse- full, yielding =Ferr.
Pulse hard =ACON., BELL., BRY., Ant-t., Arn., Canth.,
Ign., Merc., Nux-v., Phos., Sulph.---Remedies normally
Pulse hard and quick =Bry.
Pulse irregular =Iber Q .---Iber Q – pulse irregular – Ectopic
beats & other serious heart problems. It is a medicine
which helps if B.P. is higher than normal.
Pulse- irregular, double beats =Cycl.
Pulse- irregular, intermittent, due to weak heart =Nat-m.
480… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pulse- irregular, intermittent, every 3rd or 5th beat =Nit-

Pulse- irregular, intermittent, every third beat =Mur-ac.
Pulse- irregular, intermittent, loss of pulse =Cact.
Pulse- irregular, intermittent, rapid & weak =Kali-c.
Pulse- irregular, intermittent, slow & feeble =Apoc.
Pulse- irregular, intermittent, thready =Phos., Naja.
Pulse- irregular, one moment the next regular =Con.
Pulse- irregular, quick, but weak =Merc-c., Hyos.
Pulse- irregular, variable =Ign., Nux-m.
Pulse- irregular, weak =Sang.
Pulse irregular, weak and small =Chin.
Pulse- quick, all the time 100-120 beats/min =Tub.
Pulse- quick, as high as 130-140 beats/minute =Merc cy.
Pulse- quick, increased frequency without force =Coff.
Pulse- quick, rapid & intermittent =Lyc.
Pulse- quick, rapid & very weak =Kali-c.
Pulse- quick, rapid without volume =Hyos.
Pulse rapid =ACON., APIS., ARN., ARS., BELL., BRY.,
Remedies Usually Prescribed.
Pulse rapid =Verat.--- Pulse rapid and weak.
Pulse rapid full and soft =Ferr-p.
Pulse sharper stroke than normal =Rhus-t.
Pulse slow =GELS., Acon., Ant-t., Bell., Canth., Verat.
Pulse slow =Kalm.---Pulse slow, scarcely perceptible 35 or
40 per minute ); pale face and cold extremities.
Pulse slow irregular with an intermission every third, fith
or seventh beat =Dig.
Pulse slow of old age =Gels.
Pulse- slow, and full =Op.
Pulse- slow, but intensified =Myric.
Pulse- slow, remarkably slow =Kalm.
481… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pulse- slow, seeming to come in long waves =Zinc.

Pulse- slow, very slow 30 beats/minute =Dig.
Pulse small =Sec.---Pulse small, rapid, contracted and
often intermittent.
Pulse small hard, frequent pulse =Apis.
Pulse- small, almost imperceptible =Hell., Hydr-ac.
Pulse- small, almost pulseless slight ripple =Carb-v., Sec.
Pulse- small, contracted =Asaf.
Pulse- small, grows less and less strong =Mosch.
Pulse- small, thread like =Verat.
Pulse- small, tremulous =Lach.
Pulse soft, compressible =Gels.
Pulse thin small empty pulse it feels as if there was only a
small stream of blood flowing through the radial artery.
Pulse weak =ANT-T., ARS., CARB-V., GELS., Arn., Canth.,
Ign., Ip., Merc., Phos., Puls..---Medicines usually
Pulse weak =Ip.--- Pulse weak.
Pulse weak =Verat.--- Pulse rapid and weak.
Pulse weak feeble, trembling pulse =Ant-t.
Pulse weak irregular =Apoc.
Pulse weak rapid intermittent =Nat-m.
Pulse weak, rapid, disappearing for the time beings, as in
acute indigestion and second stage of cholera =Verat.
Pulse with marked tension and irritability =Mag-p.
Puncture wounds =Led.--- Helpful for puncture wounds
from sharp-pointed objects such as nails and splinters.
Puncture wounds=Hyper., Led., Nit-ac.
Punny =Sil.--- Peevish, punny, pusy.
Purgative speedy.---3 spoonful of sugar of milk in a cup of
hot milk in the morning will activate the bowel in one or
two hours.
Purging =Bism.--- Profuse, painless, purging.
482… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Purging =Grat.--- Purging, like cholera.

Purpura =Phos., Ham., Acon., Rhus-v., Ars., Kali-i.,
Merc-v., Lach., Ph-ac.---Remedies normally prescribed.
Purpura haemorrhage =Ter.---Purpura haemorrhage; fresh
ecchymoses in great numbers from day to day (Sulph-ac).
Haemorrhage; from bowels, with ulceration; passive, dark
with ulceration or epithelial degeneration.
Purulent opthalmia =Arg-n.--- Inflammation of the
conjunctiva. Purulent opthalmia, with intense pains which
are better in the open air.
Pus =Tub.---Pus with bacill from tubercular abscess.
Pus forming, boils =Merc., Hep 200
Pus infection =Arn., Calen., Rhus-t., Sulph-ac.
Pus innfection =Arn.---Is a prophylactic for pus infection
and prevents suppuration and septic conditions.
Pusy =Sil.--- Peevish, punny, pusy.
Putrid =Bapt.--- Besotted, bruised, putrid.
Putrid =Podo.--- Profuse, putrid, prostrated.
Pyaemia=Ars-i., Chinin-s., Lach., Pyrog.
Pyelitis=Merc-c., Hep., Ter., Cupr-ar., Epig., Juni-v..---
Main medicines.
Pylorus =Nux-v., Phos., Hep., Sil.
Pyorrhoea =Euclyptus glob.--- for pyorrhoea.
Pyorrhoea =Euclyptus oil--- for pyorrhoea.
Pyrosis=Gall-ac.. Bism., Caps.
Pyrrhoea, bad smell from mouth =Merc-c., Kali-c., Carb-
Quinine abuse, complaints abuse =Meny.---Complaints
from abuse of cinchona and quinine.
Quinine ailments =Carb-v.---Ailments; from quinine,
especially suppressed intermittents; abuse of mercury,
salt, salt meats; spoiled fish. Meats or fats; from getting
overheated (Ant-c).
483… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Quinine drugging bad effect =Nat-m.---Bad effects of

prolonged drugging with quinine.
Quinsy =Bar-c., Hep., Calc., Psor.
Quinsy =Bar-c.---Is a prophylactic for quinsy.
Quinsy =Psor.---Quinsy tonsils greatly swollen difficult
painful swallowing burns feels scalded cutting tearing
intense pain to ears on swallowing (painless., Bar-c.)
profuse offensive saliva touch mucus in throat must hawk
continuously to not only >acute attack but eradicate the
tendency. Hawks up cheesy balls size of pea of disgusting
taste and carrion-like odour. (Kali-m).
Quite, still =BRY., GELS.
Rabies =Ars., Bell., Canth., Hyos., Lyss., Scut., Stram..-
-- Medicines usually prescribed.
Rabies =Lyss.---To prevent convulsions, after bites of mad
dogs, give Lyss evening and morning every week till it
produces fever and diarrhoea.
Rachitis =Calc-p.---Is an excellent remedy to prevent
rachitis if it fails, you may still fall back on Sil.
Rachitis =Ther.---In rachitis caries, necrosis, it apparently
goes to the root of the evil and destroys the cause” Dr.
Rachitis=Calc., Iris., Phos., Sil.
Radiating =Berb.--- Bubbling, radiating, renal.
Radiation sickness =Arn., Cadm-i., Fl-ac., Phos., Sil.
Radiation syndrome =Fl-ac., Phos., Sil.---Is a preventive
against effects of radiation.
Radiation syndrome =Phos.---Is a prophylactic against
radiation sickness.
Radiations bad effect =X-ray, Rad-br.---Bad effects of
exposure to frequent radiations.
Ragged =Petr.--- Rough, ragged, hungry.
Ranula = Merc.---Give 30, 200. Has cured most cases.
484… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ranula =Thuj., Merc., Calc-c., Ambr.--- Medicines Mostly

Ranula =Thuj.---Ranula : bluish or varicose veins on tongue
or in mouth (Ambr.).
Rapid =Crot-h.--- Grave, rapid, affection.
Rapidly forming =Merc-cy.--- Rapidly forming ulcers.
Rash =Sulph.--- Red, rash, rush.
Rash, children =Acon., Bry.
Rash, mosquito bite =Dulc.
Rattle of wagon very sensitive to =Nit-ac.---Very sensitive
to rattle of wagon over paved street; crackling in ears on
masticating; of the joint on motion (Cocc., Graph).
Rattling =Ant-t.--- Rattling, chest.
Rattling =Ant-t.--- Rattling, thirstless, drowsy.
Raw =Arum-t.--- Raw, red, sore, condition.
Raw rice =Alum.--- Removes craving for raw rice.
Raynaud’s disease =Bac., Ferr., Sec.
Rectal =Aloe.--- Rectal, insecured, insensible.
Rectal Abscess = Ferr-P., Bell., Hep., Merc., Calc-s., Sil.,
Rhus-t., Ars.
Rectal insecurity =Aloe.--- Abdominal distension with
rectal insecurity.
Rectal pockets=Polyg-h.
Rectum = Aloe.---Hemorrhoids push forward like a bunch
of grapes and constantly bearing down in the rectum.
Rectum =Alum.---Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool
requires great straining (Anac,, Plat., Sil., Verat.).
Rectum =Anac.---Itching at anus, moisture from rectum.
Rectum =Anac.---Rectum seems as if plugged up and
Rectum =Croto-t.---The patient constantly urges to stool
followed by a sudden partly offensive evacutation of dirty
green coloured stool.
485… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rectum =Ign., Puls., Sulph., Bell., Canth., Lach., Mur-

ac., Nux-v., Podo., Ruta., Sep.--- Medicines generally
Rectum =Nit-ac.---Sticking pain in the rectum and
spasmodic constriction in anus during stool fissures.
Rectum =Spig.---Scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum atrocious
unbearable pain (Alumen).
Rectum- dry with sensation of, smarting soreness =Alum.
Rectum- dry with sensation of, splinters inside =Rat.
Rectum- dry with sensation of, sticks inside =Aesc., Coll.
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools, crumbling sheeplike
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools, dry & hard =Bry.
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools, hard & difficult
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools, large =verat.
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools, mucous coated
Rectum- extreme dryness, with stools,long, hard, dog – like
Rectum pain =Med.---Sharp needle like pains in rectum.
Rectum pain =Nit-ac.---Pain as if rectum or anus were torn
or fissured (Nat-m), violent cutting pains after stool lasting
for hours (Rat, Sulphur-during and after, Merc.).
Rectum- prolapsus, on standing =Arn.
Rectum- prolapsus, while stooping or lifting =Ruta.
Rectum- prolapsus, while urging for stool =Ign.
Rectum- prolapsus, while urinating =Mur-ac.
Rectum- prolapsus, with diarrhoea =Podo.
Rectum- prolapsus, with prostration =Stann.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, as if a plug =Anac.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, as if a splinter =Nit-ac.
rectum- sensations in rectum, As if full of sticks =Aesc.,
486… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rectum- sensations in rectum, as if sitting on a ball =Chim.

Rectum- sensations in rectum, constant desire for stool
Rectum- sensations in rectum, constriction =Lyc.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, foreign substance =Sulph.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, frequent ineffectual desire
=Nux-v., Caust.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, irritation =Erig.
Rectum- sensations in rectum, tenesmus =Cocc., Staph.
Rectum stools =Thuj.---Inactivity of rectum-stool and
recede (Sil., Thuj.).
Rectum, burning =Ars., Caps., Sulph.
Rectum, cont. pain =Nit-ac., Aesc., Phyt.
Rectum, fullness =Aesc., Nit-ac., Sulph.
Rectum, painful constriction =Ign
Rectum.--- Aesc.---Dry uncomfortable feeling in the
rectum as it is filled with small sticks or splinters.
Red =Arum-t.--- Raw, red, sore.
Red =Bell.--- Restless, red, and hot.
Red =Meli.--- Red, firy face.
Red =Sulph.--- Red, rash, rush.
Red Orifices=Sulph.--- Red orifices leps eyelids lips.
Red Rash =Med---Fiery red rash developing about the anus
in babies a few days old. Constipation with hard dry stools,
when the nurses say babies water scalds it terribly.
Reddish, deep red face =Arn.
Reddish, deep red face, alternates with paleness =Ferr.,
Reddish, deep red face, blushing of blood to face on
exertion =Amil. Nit.
Reddish, deep red face, lips red as vermillion =Sulph.
Reddish, deep red face, very red but turns pale on rising
Reddish, red and bloated =Op.
487… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Reddish, red and dry =Bell.

Red-gum =Cham., Apis., Ant-c., Rhus-t., Sulph.---
Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Redness =Apis.--- Bee stings and insect bites with swelling,
itching, and redness.
Refuses to talk =Verat.---Cannot bear to be left alone; yet
persistently refuses to talk.
Regurgitation =Ferr-m.---Regurgitation and eructation of
food in mouthfuls (Alum), without nausea.
Regurgitation =Phos.---Regurgitation of ingesta in
mouthfuls. (Alum.).
Relapsing continually =Sulph.---Complaints that are
continually relapsing (Menses, Leucorrhoea, etc.); patient
seems to get almost well when the disease returns again &
Relaxed =Alet.--- Debilited, bruised, relaxed.
Relaxed =Ferr-a.--- Full, relaxed, heavy.
Relaxed =Lil-t.--- Warm, irritable, relaxed.
Religious melancholy =Psor.---Religious melancholy; very
depressed, sad and suicidal thoughts; despair of salvation
(Meli); of recovery.
Religious very=Nat-s.
Remedies carefully selected fail =Op.---When carefully
selected remedies fail to produce a favourable effect,
especially in acute diseases it frequently serves to arouse
the reactive powers of the system; clears the case (in
chronic diseases-Psor).
Remedies fail chronic cases =Psor.---In chronic cases
when well selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently
Remedy of great contradictions =Ign.---Remedy of great
contradictions; the roaring in ears > by music; the piles>
when walking; sore throat feels >when swallowing; empty
488… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

feeling in stomach not>by eating; cough <the more he

coughs; cough on standing still, > during a walk (Astac);
spasmodic laughter from grief; sexual desire with
impotency; thirst during a chill, no thirst in the fever; the
colour changes in the face when at rest.
Remittent fever =Chin-s., Ars., Ip, Gels. Crot-h.
Renal =Berb.--- Bubbling, radiating, renal.
Renal =Berb.---The renal or vesical symptoms predominate
pain in small of back very sensitive to touch in renal region
aggravation when sitting and lying from fatigue.
Renal =Coc-c.--- Renal, colic.
Renal =Ter.--- Renal, pain dull.
Renal calculi = Bell., Canth., Nux-v., Berb-v., Lyc., Sars.,
Ars., Op.
Renal calculi =Berb., Nit-ac., Lyc., Sars.--- Medicines
Mostly Prescribed.
Renal Calculi =Hydrang.Q---In 10 drops doses is a specific
in several cases of renal ureter or calculi.
Renal calculi =Lyc.---Is an important remedy, rarely in the
case, to prevent the formation of renal calculi.
Renal colic [stone in kidney], burning in bladder & urethra
Renal colic [stone in kidney], of rheumatic diathesis
Renal colic [stone in kidney], pain due to renal stone
=Canth., Sars.
Renal colic [stone in kidney], reddish sediment in urine
Renal colic [stone in kidney], vomiting with pain & pungent
urine =Osm.
Renal colic [stone in kidney], white sediment in urine
Renal colic =Berb.---Renal colic, <left side (Tab. –either
side, with urging and strangury, Canth).
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Renal colic =Med.---Renal colic, intense pain in ureters

with sensation of passing of calculus (Berb., Dios., Cycl.,
Lyc., Ocimum-can., ) with craving for ice.
Renal colic =Med.---Severe pain (backache) in renal
region, > by profuse urination (Lyc) renal colic; intense
pain in ureters, with sensation of passing of calculus.
(Berb., Lyc.) craving for ice. Painful tenesmus of bladder
and bowels when urinating.
Renal colic =Polyg- s.---use 2x for pains of nephritic colic.
Renal colic =Sars.---Neuralgia or renal colic excruciating
pains from right kidney downwards (Lyc).
Renal colic =Sars.---Passage of gravel or small calculi;
renal colic, stone in bladder, bloody urine . Painful
distension and tenderness in bladder, urine dribbles while
sitting, standing passes freely air passes from urethra.
Renal colic =Tab.---Renal colic, violent spasmodic, pains
along ureter, left side (Berb); deathly nausea and cold
Repeated septic tonsils =Strept.--- Repeated septic
Repercursed eruptions, bad effects =Cupr.---Bad effects
of repercussed eruptions (of non-developed, Zinc),
resulting in brain affections, spasms, convulsions, vomiting;
of suppressed foot-sweat (Sil., Zinc). (Compare Apis., Zinc.
In convulsions from suppressed Exanthemas).
Repugnance to cold =Nux-v.---Repugnance to cold or to
cold air; chilly, on least movement; from being uncovered;
must be covered in every stage of fever-Chill, heat or
Respiration =Ant-t., Ars., Bry., Hep., Ip., Rumx., Spong.,
Phyt., Brom., Grind., Chin.--- Medicines Normally
Respiration =Apis.---Rapid and painful respiration, worse
when lying down, cough after sleeping.
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Respiration =Calc.---Respiratory disease among stone

cutters and masons.
Respiration =Dig.---Respiration irregular, difficult
performed by frequent deep sighs.
Respiration =Op.---Deep stertorous respiration both on
inhalation and exhalation.
Respiration and circulation =Ant-t.---Through the
pneumograstric nerve it depresses the respiration and
circulation, thus producing the keynote of the remedy,
viz., when the patient coughs there appears to be a large
collection of mucus in the bronchi; it seems as if much
would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.
Respiratory & fat =Am-m.---Especially for fat and sluggish
person feeling respiratory trouble.
Respiratory =Kali-s.---In the diseases of the respiratory
organs with the characteristic secretions.
Respiratory =Lyc.---motion like a fan, respiratory disease,
especially of children and young persons.
Respiratory affection = Nat-s 12x.---Those who are
predisposed to recurrent attacks become immune after a
few does.
Respiratory diseases =Stann.---Respiratory diseases
characterized by profuse mucus or muco-purulent
expectoration, sometime expectoration of balls of sweetish
Respiratory-infection = Influe., Bac., Pneu., Strept.
Response to touch comforted =Ars., Bry., Phos.
Response to touch pain =APIS., ARN., BELL., BRY.,
CHAM., HEP., MAG-P., NUX-V., SULPH.--- Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Response to touch withdrawal =CHAM., Acon., Ant-t.,
Arn., Bell., Bry., Cham.--- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Responsibility avoids -postpones things =Med.
Rest in bed =Merc.---Heat of bed Rest in bed.
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Restless =Acon, Ars, Calc-P., Merc., Puls., Sulph., Rhus-

t.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Restless =Ars.--- Anxious, restless, fearful, irritable.
Restless =Bell.--- Restless, red, and hot.
Restless =Med.---Intense restless and fidgety legs and feet
Restless =Phos.---Restless fidgety moves Continually
cannot sit or stand still a moment (Restless fidgety feet,
Restless =Rhus-t.--- Restless, rheumatic, gouty.
Restless and sleeplessness =Hyos.---In restless and
sleeplessness it is one of the most useful remedies.
Restlessness =Pyrog.---Great restlessness; must move
constantly to > the soreness of parts (Arn., Eup-per).
Restlessness great =Rhus-t.---Great restless, anxiety,
apprehension (Acon., Ars); cannot remain in bed, must
change position often to obtain relief from pain (from
mental anxiety, Ars). restless, cannot stay in one position.
Restlessness & sleeplessness =Kali-br.---Restlessness and
sleeplessness due to worry and grief, loss of property or
reputation, form business embarrassments (Hyos).
Restlessness =Acon.--- Anxiety and restlessness with any
Restlessness =Acon., Ars., Rhus-t.
Restlessness =Ars.---Great restlessness and fear of death
in solitude or on bed.
Restlessness =Cham.---Whining restlessness obstinate child
cries for several things but refuses them when offered.
Restlessness =Ign.---Acts best when administered in the
morning, when given at night it may cause too much
Restlessness =Phos.---Restlessness, fidgety; moves
continually, cannot sit or stand still a moment (restless,
fidgety feet, Zinc).
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Restlessness =Rhus-t.---Restlessness at night, compelled to

change position frequently.
Restlessness =Tarent.---Restlessness, could not keep quiet
in any position; must keep in motion, though walking < all
symptoms (reverse, of Rhus-t., Ruta).
Retinitis =Acon., Ferr-p., Bell., Brom., Nux-v., Phos.,
Apis., Arg-m.
Retraction navel umblius =Plb.---Compare Podo in
retraction of navel.
Rhagades =Nit-ac.--- Rhagades.
Rheumatic =Act-r.--- Rheumatic and hysteric.
Rheumatic =Aur-m.--- Rheumatic, uterine, cardiac.
Rheumatic =Benz-ac.---A gouty rheumatic diathesis
engrafted on gnorrheal or syphilitic patient.
Rheumatic =Caust.---Rheumatic affections, with
contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the flexors and
stiffness of the joints tension and shortening of the
muscles (Am-m., Cimex., Guai., Nat-m).
Rheumatic =Cimic.--- Rheumatic, lancinating, neuralgic.
Rheumatic =Cina.---Cina cures cases of rheumatic arthritis
when the symptoms of ravenous hunger with clean tongue
are there.
Rheumatic =Guai.--- Gouty, rigid, rheumatic.
Rheumatic =Kalm.--- Neuralgic, Rheumatic, heart trouble
Rheumatic =Nat-sil.--- Rheumatic, involving, chest
Rheumatic =Nux-m.---Rheumatic affections from getting
feet wet from exposure to drafts of air while heated
(Acon., Bry) < in cold wet weather or cold wet clothes
(Rhus-t) of left shoulder (Ferr-m).
Rheumatic =Phyt.---Patient of a rheumatic diathesis
rheumatism of fibrous and periosteal tissue mercurial or
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Rheumatic =Ran-b.--- Rheumatic, affecting, chest.

Rheumatic =Rhodo.--- Stupefied, stiff, rheumatic.
Rheumatic =Rhus-t.--- Restless, rheumatic, rusty.
Rheumatic =Sang.--- Burning, rheumatic, neuralgic.
Rheumatic =Sang.---Rheumatic pain in the right arm and
shoulder (left, Ferr.). cannot raise the arm, <at night.
Rheumatic =Spig.---Rheumatic affections of the heart,
rheumatic pricarditis, with violent palpitation of the heart,
and anxiety.
Rheumatic =Stict.--- Light, stiff, rheumatic.
Rheumatic affections =Caust.---Rheumatic affections with
contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints tension
and shortening of the muscles (Am-mur., Cimex., Guai.,
Rheumatic fever =Acon., Nux-v., Bry., Rhus-t., Puls.,
Chin., Phos., Ars.
Rheumatic fever =Spong---Rheumatic Fever after having
been over-heated with arising heart-complications (Spong).
Dr. Kent.
Rheumatic gout =Colch.---Adapted to the rheumatic gouty
diathesis. Persons of robust vigorous constitution diseases
of old people.
Rheumatic gout =Colch.---Compare Bry in rheumatic gout
with serrous effusions rheumatism in warm weather.
Rheumatic heart =Adonis-ver.---Rheumatic Heart –Mitral
and aortic regurgitation.
Rheumatic heart =Aven.
Rheumatic inflammation =Sabin.---It is suitable to
plethoric women who suffer from what they call rheumatic
inflammation of the heels.
Rheumatic pain = Abrot.---Rheumatic pain worse at night
and in cold air, better from motion.
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Rheumatic pain =Cham.---Violent rheumatic pains drive

him out of bed at night compel him to walk about (Rhus-
t)(Mental calmness contraindicates Cham.)
Rheumatic pain =Cimic.---Rheumatic pains in muscles of
the neck and back, feeling of stiffness and contraction.
Rheumatic pain =Verat.---Rheumatic pains in wet
weather, getting worse on warmth of bed, better in
walking up and down.
Rheumatic pains =Act-rac.---Rheumatic pains in muscles
of neck and back feels stiff, lame contracted; spine
sensitive from using arms in sewing, typewriting, piano
playing (Agar., Ran-b.) Rheumatism affecting the bellies of
muscles, pain stitching cramping.
Rheumatic pains =Caul.--- is for rheumatic pains in small
Rheumatic pains =Rhod.---Rheumatic drawing tearing
pains in all the limbs, worse at rest and in wet, cold windy
weather (Rhus).
Rheumatic pains =Salol.---Rheumatic pains in joint with
soreness and stiffness were marked especially pain and
soreness in the buttocks, knees and wrists, the joints felt
stiff as if they wanted oiling. Dr. C. Begg.
Rheumatic, joints =Clem.--- Rheumatic, joints.
Rheumatic, migratory =Kali-s.--- Rheumatic, migratory,
Rheumatic, migratory =Kalm.--- Rheumatic, migratory.
Rheumatic, obstinate =Med.--- Rheumatic, obstinate.
Rheumatic, pain =Kalm., Thuj.--- Rheumatic, pain, with
rising sun.
Rheumatic, upper =Syph.--- Rheumatic, upper, limbs.
Rheumatic, wrist =Ruta.--- Rheumatic, wrist and ankle.
Rheumatism =Gaul.--- for inflammatory rheumatism and
Rheumatism =Arn.---Rheumatism, gout, discharge of
495… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rheumatism =Bry.--- Rheumatism with red, swollen, hot,

shiny joints. Motion, touch and pressure aggravate the
Rheumatism =Caul.---Rheumatism of small joints
especially of fingers and wrists.
Rheumatism =Caul.---Rheumatism of women especially of
small joints (Act-s) erratic pain changing place every few
minutes (Puls) painful stiffness of affected joints. Pains are
intermittent paroxysmal & spasmodic.
Rheumatism =Dulc.---Catarrhal rheumatism brought on or
aggravated by exposure to cold damp rainy weather of
sudden changes in hot weather (Bry).
Rheumatism =Ferr-ma.---Rheumatism of thighs coming on
after violent exercise long walking.
Rheumatism =Ferr-p.--- Early stages of all inflammatory
problems, including head colds, earache, cough,
pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and rheumatism.
Rheumatism =Iod.---Swollen and deformed joints after an
attack of rheumatism yield.
Rheumatism =Kali-m.---Rheumatism with swelling of the
Rheumatism =Led.---Adopted to the rheumatic gouty
diathesis constitutions abused by alcohol (Colch).
Rheumatism or gout begins in lower extremities and
ascends (descends, Kalm) especially if brought to a low
asthenia condition by abuse of (Colch joints become the
seat of nodosities and gout stones which are painful acute
and chronic arthritis easy spraining of ankles and feet.
Rheumatism =Phyt.---In rheumatism and neuralgia after
diphtheria, gonorrhea, mercury or syphilis.
Rheumatism =Phyt.---Patient of rheumatic diathesis,
rheumatism of fibrous and periosteal tissues, mercurial or
syphilitic. Occupies a position between Bry and Rhus; cures
when these fail through, apparently well indicated.
496… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rheumatism =Ran-b.---Intercostal rheumatism, chest sore

bruised < from touch, motion or turning the body (Bry) in
wet stormy weather (Rhus).
Rheumatism =Rhus-t., Bry., Tere.
Rheumatism =Sars.---Rheumatism bone and periosteal
pains after mercury or checked gonorrhea; pain < at night
in damp weather or after taking cold water.
Rheumatism =Syph.---Rheumatism of shoulder joint or at
the insertion of deltoid < from raising arm laterally (Rhus-
t., Right shoulder Sang., left Ferr-m.)
Rheumatism =Syph.---Rheumatism of the shoulder joint or
at insertion of deltoid <from raising arm laterally (Right
shoulder, Sang, left Ferr.)
Rheumatism acute =Verat-v.---Acute rheumatism high
fever full hard rapid pulse severe pains in joints and
muscles (Bry., Salic-ac., Scanty red urine.
Rheumatism- acute, joints not swollen, cutting tearing
pain, worse in evening =Acon., Puls.
Rheumatism- acute, joints not swollen, pain and redness
Rheumatism- acute, joints not swollen, sudden pain, red
shining skin very red & hot streak =Bell.
Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, dropsical, pits on
pressure = Colch.
Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, pale & hot pain, begins
in feet. worse from warmth of bed. relieved by cold
applications =Led.
Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, pale, stitching pain,
worse by least motion. better by pressure =Bry.
Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, profuse sweat, worse
by warmth of bed =Merc.
Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, redness. wandering
pain. worse by heat. better by cold =Puls., Kali-s.
497… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rheumatism- acute, joints swollen, wrist or toe joints.

with profuse flow from genital = Sabin.
Rheumatism arthritis =Dulc 3x.---Housewife aged 48
rheumatoid arthritis of 5 years duration of movements of
shoulder-she had got the trouble after getting wet in
thunderstorm Dulc 3x 5 pills tds.
Rheumatism catarrhal =Dulc.---Catarrhal rheumatism
brought on or aggravated by exposure to cold damp rainy
weather or sudden changes in hot weather (Bry.)
Rheumatism- chronic, from suppression of venereal
disease, pain worse in daytime =Med.
Rheumatism- chronic, from suppression of venereal
disease, pain worse at night =Syph.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with kidney troubles,
offensive urine =Benz-a.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with kidney troubles,
pain radiating from a center =Berb.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with, heart trouble,
migratory =Kalm.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with, heart trouble,
pain in heart, worse at menstrual period =Lith-c.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with, heart trouble,
pain on vertex =Cact.
Rheumatism- chronic, in connection with, heart trouble,
worse by least jar =Spig.
Rheumatism- chronic, modalities, worse at midnight.
better by heat or wraping warm clothes =Ars.
Rheumatism- chronic, modalities, worse at night, wants to
be covered. worse by cold =Sil.
Rheumatism- chronic, modalities, worse at night, warmth
of bed. better by cold = Led.
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, burning pain. joints enlarged
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, burning pain. joints
enlarged, gouty stiff & contracted =Guai.
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Rheumatism- chronic, nature, burning pain. joints

enlarged, involves chest muscles =Ran-b.
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, burning pain. joints
enlarged, obstinate rheumatism =Med.
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, burning pain. joints
enlarged, specially upper joints =Syph.
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, drawing pain. contraction of
flexor =Caust.
Rheumatism- chronic, nature, stiffness & lameness.
muscular =Rhus-t.
Rheumatoid = Acon., Kalm., Bry., Rhus-t., Calc., Sabad.,
Aur., Ars.
Rheumatoid arthritis menopause =Caul.---Many cases of
rheumatoid arthritis in women being at the menopause.
Whenever that is the case, and the small joints of hands
and feet, are involved, Caul. Should be one of the drugs
that came up for consideration.
Rhinitis allergies =Kali-ar.---Rhinitis due to mixed
Rhinitis, first stage =Acon., Ars., Gels.
Rhythmic movements =Stram---A remedy for terrors but
lacking in pain. Disorderly, graceful, or rhythmic
movements. (Stram) Dr. Boger synoptic key.
Ribs pain =Acon., Wye., Arg-n.
Rickets =Calc-p., Calc-c., Lyc., Plb., Sil., Sulph.
Rickets preventive =Calc-p 6x.---Given pregnant mother
during the last month prevents rickets of the child. After
the birth also its continuance to the child will build up his
tissues. Some homoeopaths recommend 30 potency.
Rickets=Calc., Calc-p., Merc., Phos., Sil., Bell.
Rickety children =Kali iod.---for rickety children with big
teeth frequent urine.
Rickety children =Mag-c.--- for colic of rickety children
with green scumy stool.
Riding ailments; from =Petr.---Ailments; from riding in
carriage, railroad car, or in a ship (Cocc., Sanic).
499… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Riggs’ disease=Cal-ren.
Right arm =Agar.---Complaints often appear diagonally for
instance on right arm and left leg.
Right chest =Apis.---Acute pain rising below the heart and
extending diagonally towards the right chest.
Right side =Apis.---Affects right side of the body,
enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; right testicle.
Right side =Bry.--- Symptoms develop slowly, usually worse
on right side.
Right side =Chel.---Affects right side the most, r-eye, r-
lung, r-hypochondrium and abdomen, r-hip and leg; right
foot cold as ice, left natural (Lyc).
Right side effects =Lyc.---Affects right side of body; head
ear, face, chest, ovaries, sciatic nerve. (Bell., Bry., Chel.,
Kali-c., Lyc., Podo).
Right side effects most (Lyc., caust) =Am-c.
Right side symptoms = Cham., Lyc., Mag-p.--- Symptoms
usually worse on the right side.
Right to left symptoms are prone to go from (lyc)=Anac.
Rigid =Cic.--- Scaby, convulsive, rigid.
Rigid =Guai.--- Gouty, rigid, rheumatic.
Ringworm =Bac., Dulc., Med., Sep., Ars.--- Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Ringworm =Tell.---It has cured more cases of ringworm
especially of the face and body than any other remedy.
Ringworms =Dulc.--- Often cures the ringworms on hairy
parts, and other places.
Rolling from side to side =Tarent ---Rolling from side to
side to relieve the distress is a characteristic of (Tarent )
Dr. Kent, New Remedies.
Root of tooth decays =Mez.--- Root of tooth decays, crown
remaining intact.
Roseola= Acon., Bry., Puls., Kali-i.
Rough =Petr.--- Rough, ragged, hungry.
500… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Rubella=Acon., Bell., Bry., Coff., Puls.

Run than walk =Nat-m
Running nose =Nux-v.---Prevent a cold if given early
before the commencement of the running of the nose.
Rush =Sulph.--- Red, rash, rush.
Rush of blood =Cimic.---Rush of blood to the head. Brain
feels very large for the cranium, after suppressed uterine
discharge or sudden cesation of pains.
Rusty =Rhus-t.--- Restless, rheumatic, rusty.
Sacral =Sab.--- Sad, sacral, shooting pain.
Sacro-iliac=Aesc., Ant-t., Arg-n., Bry., Calc-p., Cimic.,
Rhus-t.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Sacrum =Lob.---Sacrum extreme sensitiveness cannot bear
the slightest touch even of a soft pillow, sits leaning
forward to avoid contact with clothes.
Sad =Acon., Ars., Bry., Cham., Gels., Ign., Merc., Puls.,
Verat.--- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Sad =Ign.--- Sad, sighing, moody, changeable.
Sad =Lac.--- Sad, despondent.
Sad =Lach.--- Sad, sensitive, side (left).
Sad =Plb.--- Sad, slow, sluggish.
Sad =Sab.--- Sad, sacral, shooting (pain).
Sad despondent =Stann.---Sad, despondent, feels like
crying all the time, but crying makes her worse, (Nat-m.,
Puls., Sep); faint and week, especially when going down
stairs; can go up well enough (Bor., rev of Calc-os).
Sad music makes her weep =Graph.---Sad, despondent,
music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death (music
is intolerable Nat-c. Sab).
Sad, feeling of =Ign., Nat-m., Aur.
Sadness and weeping great =Sep.---Great sadness and
weeping. Dread of being alone; of men of meeting friends;
with uterine troubles.
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sadness great =Ant-t.---Great sadness-with weeping.

Loathing life.
Sadness great =Cycl.---Great sadness and peevishness,
irritable, morose, ill-humoured; inclined to weep; desire
for solitude; aversion to open air (reverse. Op Puls.).
Saliva =Merc-s.--- Sweat, saliva, smell (mercurial).
Saliva thick cotton =Nux-m---Saliva seems thick, like
cotton. A case cured with Nux-m 30 a very bad case of
indigestion with acne in a youth who had this symptom. Dr.
Saliva, more =Merc., All-s., Am-c.
Salivation =Merc-s., Iod., Nit-ac., Iris-v., Jab.
Salivation =Staph.---Salivation, spongy gums, bleed easily
(Merc., Kreos); pyorrhea (Plantago).
Salpingitis =Puls., Staph., Acon., Bell., Calc-p., Grat.,
Hep., Sil., Ars., Coloc., Merc-c., Sep.
Sandy hair =Puls.---Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, silent
grief with submisiveness.
Sarcocele=Aur., Merc-i-r., Puls.
Sarcoma ==Calc-p., Sil., Calc-f., Calc-i., Arn., Symph.,
Phos., Ars-i.
Sarcoma=Croth-h., Cund., Kali-m., Lap-a.
Satiety =Cycl.---Satiety after a few mouthful (Lyc.) food
then becomes repugnant causes nausea in throat and
Satiety =Lyc.--- Flatulent, fatigued, satiety.
Satiety =Lyc.---A constant sensation of satiety, good
appetite but a few mouthful fill up to the throat and he
feels bloated fermentation in abdomen with loud
grumbling, croaking, especially lower abdomen (Upper
Abdomen- Carb-v. Entire abdomen-China.) fullness not
relieved by belching.
Scabies =Calc-s., Graph., Hep.
Scaby =Cic.--- Scaby, convulsive, rigid.
502… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Scalds and burns =Canth.--- Burns and scalds with rawness

and smarting, relieved by cold applications. Canth. aids
healing and takes away the burning sensation.
Scalp =Olnd.
Scalp =Psor.---Scalp : dry, scaly or moist, foetid,
suppurating eruptions; oozing a sticky, offensive fluid
(Graph., Mez).
Scalp sore =Gels.--- Headache as if band around head.
Scalp sore to the touch.
Scanty Urination =Apis.---Absence of thirst with scanty
urination though sometimes may be great thirst.
Scanty urine =Menth-v.---Scanty urine with frequent
Scapula =Chel.---Constant pain under the lower and inner
angle of right scapula (Kali-c., Merc-under the left, Cheno-
Scarlet =Acon., Nux-v., Bell., Apis., Ferr-p., Hep., Rhus-
t., Bapt.
Scarlet fever =Bell.---As a possible prophylactic against
simple scarlet fever, its application was first announced by
Dr. Hahnemann and afterwards its use both in private
families and schools amply illustrates the value of the
application of Bell.
Scarlet fever =Canth., Bell., Merc-c.---Homoeopathy
knows no specific remedy except the special remedy for
the individual yet our Dr. Hahnemann tells us some
remedies so exactly reproduce a disease condition as to
become specific for scarlet fever. In dysentery and well to
remember that even in pace of action disease and remedy
must match.
Scarlet fever =Kali-s.---Scarlet fever, stage of
Scarlet Skin =Bell.---Skin of a uniform smooth shining
scarlet redness dry hot burning sensation to examining
hand the Sydenham scarlet fever where eruption is
perfectly smooth and true scarlet.
503… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Scars =Graph.--- For old scars becoming live again.

Scars=Thiosin., Calen., Graph., Nit-ac., Phos.---
Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Schistosomiasis=Ant-t., Ars., Chin.
Schoolchildren headaches =Calc-p.--- Headaches of
Sciatica =Am-m.---Sciatica worse sitting and not relieved
by walking, complete relief by lying.
Sciatica =Am-m.---Sense of contraction in tendon worse
while sitting better walking, entirely relieved on lying.
Sciatica =Asar.---Sciatica better in cold damp weather and
Sciatica =Bry.---Worse motion better lying on painful side.
Sciatica =Coloc., Kalm., Gnaph., Am-mur.--- Coloc. 200 .,
Kalm. 200., Gnaph. 200 ., Am-m. 200 if difficulty in
standing. The other medicines are Caust. 200-1m –Sciatica
right side and Lach. 200 Sciatica Left side.
Sciatica =Coloc.---Compare : Colocynth with Gnaphalium,
intense pain along right sciatic nerve darting cutting from
right hip-joint down to foot, < lying down motion stepping
> by sitting.
Sciatica =Coloc.---In Larger nerve from hip down the
posterior of the thigh, better lying on painful side with
numbness motion and pressure amelioration. Flexing on
abdomen ameliorates.
Sciatica =Coloc.---Sciatica crampy pain in hip as though
screwed in a vise lies upon affected side . shooting pain
like lightening shocks down the whole limb, left hip, left
thigh, left knee, into popliteal fossa.
Sciatica =Led.---Coldness of painful limbs.
Sciatica =Lyc.---Comes periodically.
Sciatica =Phyt.---Runs down outer side of leg bruised sore
pain. Worse wet weather.
504… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sciatica =Rhus-t.---Muscular rheumatism sciatica left side

(Coloc); aching in left side (Coloc); aching in left arm with
heart disease.
Sciatica =Rhus-t.---Worse in cold damp house. Worse wet
weather. Worse washing in cold water from suppression of
sweat restlessness.
Sciatica =Ruta-g.--- Sciatica; worse lying down at night.
Sciatica =Still.--- Sciatica left side pain from hip to toe.
Sciatica =Valer.---Worse Standing and letting foot rest on
the floor.
Sciatica =Verat.---Worse letting leg hang over side of bed.
Sciatica alternating sides =Lac-c.
Sciatica cold application agg =Rhus-t., Mag-p., Bry.
Sciatica flexing leg amel =Kali-bi., Kali-i., Valer.
Sciatica injury, after =Arn., Hyper.
Sciatica jarring agg =Bell., Tell.
Sciatica left side =Caust.
Sciatica lying on painful side agg. =Rhus-t., Lyc., Kali-i.,
Bry., Coloc.
Sciatica numbness =Coloc., Rhus-t., Phyt., Gnaph.
Sciatica open air amel =Kali-i., Puls.
Sciatica pain =Valer.---Sciatica pain <when standing and
,letting foot rest on floor (Bell) when straitening out limb
during rest from previous exertion; > when walking.
Sciatica pressure agg =Lyc., Kali-bi., Kali-i.
Sciatica pressure amel =Coloc., Rhus-t., Mag-p.
Sciatica pressure at stool =Nux-v., Rhus-t., Sep., Tell.
Sciatica sitting agg =Lyc., Bry., Valer.
Sciatica walking amel =Coloc., Rhus-t., Lyc., Kali-bi.,
Kali-i., Valer.--- Main Medicines.
Sciatica warmth agg =Puls., Led., Kali-i.
Sciatica warmth amel =Coloc., Rhus-t., Mag-p., Lyc.
Sciatica, general =Coloc., Rhus-t., Gnaph.
505… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sciatica=Ars.---Worse 1-2 AM. Burning pain better heat.

Scleroderma skin=Ant-c., Bry., Calc., Croto-t., Elae.,
Graph., Hydrc., Plb., Thyr.--- Medicines mostly
Sclerosis multiple=Aur-m.
Sclerotic degeneration=Bar-m., Plb., Aur-m.
Scorbutic =Am-c.--- Scorbutic, lassitude.
Scratches general ailments from=Calen., Hyper., Led.,
Scratching =Culx.--- Constant, scratching, burning.
Scrawny =Sec.--- Cold, scrawny, cachectic.
Screaming =Psor---Sick babies will not sleep day or night
but worry, fret, cry or good and play all day, restless,
troublesome, screaming all night (Psor)
Scrofula=aethi-m., Ferr-i., Cist., Merc., Calc., Sulph.,
Ther. --- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Scrofuloderma=Calc-i., Calc-s., Petr., Phos., Scroph-n.,
Still., Ther.--- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Scrofulosis =Ther---In scrofulosis when the best remedies
fail to help. (Ther) Dr. Baruch.
Scrofulous =Sulph.---Scrofulous, psoric, chronic disease
that result from suppressed eruptions (Caust., Psor).
Scurvy=Carb-v., Merc., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Staph., Ham.,
Bry., Phos., Rhus-t.
Sea-bath =Mag-m.---For excessive weakness after sea-
Seashore amel =Med.---Amelioration – at the seashore
(rev. of Nat-m); lying on stomach; damp weather (Caust.,
Sea-sickness =Ant-c., Apom., Cocc., Hyos., Petr., Tab.,
Con., Nux-v.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Sea-sickness =Cocc.---Relieves and prevents the type of
sea-sickness characterised by great vertigo faintness and
loss of orientation.
506… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Seasickness =Tab.---Seasickness deathly nausea pallor

coldness; < by least motion and . on deck in fresh cold air.
Sea-side =Med., Syph.---When there is syphilitic paresis
and the patient is ameliorated at sea-side. Med.
Aggravated in the mountains Syph.
Sebaceous=Bar-c., Calc., Graph., Sil.
Seborrhoea =Ars., Bufo., Graph., Lyc., Nat-m., Plb.,
Staph., Vinc., Iod., Sulph.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Seems to hear circulation all over body =Morrphinum.
Self-abuse =Grat., Bufo., Pic-ac., Calc-p., Nat-m.,
Sulph., Calc-c., Staph., Anac., Kali-br., Phos.---
Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Semen discharges =Nat-c.---Semen discharges from vagina
after coition causing sterility.
Seminal emission =Nat-m.---Seminal emission; soon after
coition, with increased desire; weakness of organs with
retarded emission during and embrace; impotence, spinal
irritation, paralysis, after sexual excesses.
Seminal emission during sleep =Dios.---Emissions during
sleep, vivid dreams of women all night (Staph); knees
weak; genitals cold, great despondency (Staph).
Seminal emissions ; stools during =Sel., Viol-t.
Seminal emissions ; stools straining when =Ol-an.
Seminal emissions =Merc.---Nocturnal emissions stained
with blood (Led., Sars).
Seminal emissions =Ph-ac., Dig 3x..---Recommended
Seminal emissions =Ph-ac.---Emissions; frequent, profuse
debilitating; after coitus, most desire, after; several, in
one night; abashed, sad, despair of cure (With irresistible
tendency to masturbate, Ust).
Seminal emissions =Thuja O---In five to seven drops at
bed time it controls nocturnal seminal emissions better
507… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

than any other remedy. (Thuj) mother tincture. Dr. C. W.

Seminal emissions; stools difficult with =Petr.
Seminal emissions; pains or colic, during =Plb.
Sends doctor home saying he is not ill =Arn.
Senile =Gink.--- Senile dementia.
Senile decay=Ov., Bar-c.
Senile heart =Aur-m 2x or 3x in alternation with Stry-n 2x
or 3x.
Senility =Ambr.--- Senility, premature enfeebled,
Sensation =Agar.---Sensation as if ants were creeping
along the spine.
Sensation =Agar.---Sensation as if touched or ice-cold
needles were piercing in the skin as from hot needles.
Sensation =Anac.---A sensation : as of a hook or band
around a part (Cact., Carb-ac., Sulph.); or as of a dull,
blunt instrument pressing; as of a plug in inner part.
Sensation =Arg-nit.---Sensation of expansion of the body,
especially of the face and head.
Sensation =Aur.---Sensation as if the heart stood still as
though it ceased to beat and then suddenly gave one hard
thump (Sep).
Sensation =Cann-s.---Sensation as of drops of water falling
on or from single parts; on the head, from the anus,
stomach, heart.
Sensation =Caust.---Cough in profusion, causing painful
sensation in a streak down along the trachea.
Sensation =Cimic., Chel.---A waving sensation in brain.
Sensation =Cocc.---Sensation of hollowness in one or more
cavities of the body especially the abdomen.
Sensation =Croc.--- Affection, sensation, alternation.
508… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sensation =Gels.---Sensation of band around the head

above eyes (Carb-ac., Sulph); scalp sore to touch.
Sensation =Glon.---Sensation as if the head was too large.
Sensation =Helon.---Sensation of soreness and heaviness in
pelvis (lappa); a consciousness of the womb, feels it more
when she moves, it is sore and tender (Lyss.).
Sensation =Lac-d.---Sensation : as if cold air was blowing
on her, even while covered up; as if sheets were damp.
Sensation =Murex.---Leucorrhoea : > mental depression,
happier when leucorrhoea is worse.
Sensation =Nit-ac.---Sensation : of a band around head,
around head, around the bones (carb-ac., Sulph); of a
splinter in affected parts, ulcers, piles, throat, ingrowing
toe nail,<on slightest contact.
Sensation =Op.---Bed feels so hot that she cannot lie on it
(Bed feels hard Arn., Bry., Pyrog); Moves often in search of
a cool place, must be uncovered.
Sensation =Sep.---Sensation of a ball in inner parts, during
menses; pregnancy, lactation, with constipation,
diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, leucorrhoea and all uterine
Sensation =Staph.---Sensation of a round ball in forehead
sitting firmly there even when shaking the head.
Sensation =Tril.---Sensation as if hips and small of back
were falling to pieces as if sacro iliac, synchondroses were
falling apart, wants to be bound tightly as if bones of pelvis
were broken (Aesc) with haemorrhage.
Sensation =Valer.---Sensation of great coldness in head
(on vertex., Sep., Verat).
Sensation as if =Syph.---Sensation as if going insane; as if
about to be paralysed; of apathy and indifference.
Sensation cardiac =Abies-nig.---Sensation in the cardiac
end of the stomach, as a hard boild egg.
509… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sensation coldness=Ars., Calc., Cist.

Sensation emptiness =Cocc., Phos., Sep.
Sensation fullness =Aesc., Chin., Lyc.
Sensation loss of =Plb.---for loss of sensation in chronic
Sensation nose =Kali-bi.---Sensation as if nose were
swollen and stiff and as if a heavy weight were hanging
from it.
Sensation- of burning as if live coal =Euph.
Sensation- of burning between shoulders =Lyc.
Sensation- of burning mucous membranes as from red
pepper =Caps.
Sensation- of burning mucous membranes excessive
Sensation- of burning soles =Cham.
Sensation- of burning specially hands =Phos.
Sensation- of burning specially in the feet =Sulph.
Sensation- of burning with amelioration by heat =Ars.
Sensation- of burning with aversion to heat objective
coldness =Sec.
Sensation- of burning with raw soreness =Caust.
Sensation- of burning with redness and itching burning
everywhere general and local =Sulph.
Sensation- of burning with redness and itching skin =Agar.
Sensation- of burning with stinging pain =apis.
sensation of cobweb on face =Alum., Bar-c., Bor.
Sensation- of coldness as if a piece of ice, lying on various
parts =Calc-c.
Sensation- of coldness feels cold and shivering =Tub.
Sensation- of coldness icy coldness, general =Helon.
Sensation- of coldness in the back between the shoulders
Sensation- of constriction alternately grasped and released
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Sensation- of constriction as if an iron band preventing

normal movement =Caust.
Sensation- of constriction as if caged in wires =cact-g.
Sensation- of constriction as if clutched with a iron hand
Sensation- of constriction as if scalp being drawn tighter
Sensation- of constriction as if squeezed with an iron band
Sensation- of constriction as if tied with a tape or bandage
Sensation- of constriction tightness and soreness =Apis.
Sensation- of constriction worse after sleep must loosen
everything =Lac-c.
Sensation- of constriction worse on walking, at midnight
Sensation of emptiness =Sep., Coc-c.
Sensation- of emptiness in abdomen and also head, worse
by loss of sleep =Cocc., Apis.
Sensation- of emptiness in stomach accompanied with
stomach actually shunken =Hydr.
Sensation- of emptiness in stomach, accompanied with
uterine stomach accompanied with uterine symptoms
=Murx., Sep.
Sensation- of emptiness nervous, disposition to sigh. not
relieved by eating =Ign.
Sensation- of emptiness not in stomach alone whole of
abdominal cavity, head and chest better by sleep =Phos.
Sensation of fullness =Lyc., Aesc., Chin.
Sensation of soreness =Rhus-t.--- Sensation of soreness
and rawness in larynx and behind the sternum.
Sensations changes=Croc.---Frequent and extreme
changes in sensations; sudden, from the greatest hilarity to
the deepest despondency (Ign., Nux-m); Excessively happy,
511… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

affectionate, wants to kiss everybody; the next moment in

a rage.
Sensitive =APIS., BELL., HEP., MERC., SULPH., Acon.,
Bry., Ferr-p., Ip., Led., Nux-v.--- Medicines mostly
Sensitive =Asar.--- Nervous, shivering, sensitive.
Sensitive =Caps.--- Smarting, shuddering, sensitive.
Sensitive =Cham.--- Sensitive, peevish, irritable children.
Child asks for things, then flings them away; wants to be
Sensitive =Fl-ac.--- Over-heated, over-worked, sensitive.
Sensitive =Hep.--- Sensitive, suppurative, atonic.
Sensitive =Kali-c.--- Sensitive, irritating, stitching pain.
Sensitive =Lach.--- Sad, sensitive, side (left).
Sensitive =Med.--- Sycotic, sensitive, gonorrheal.
Sensitive =Mur-ac.--- Prostrated, sensitive, offensive.
Sensitive =Thuj.--- Sycotic, sensitive, fixed ideas.
Sensitive to cold =Camph.---Exceedingly sensitive to cold
air. (Hep., Kali-m., Psor). Surface cold to the touch yet
cannot bear to be covered, throws off all covering (Med.,
Sensitive to heat =Puls.--- Sensitive, weepy; desires
attention and sympathy.
Sensitive very =Nit-ac.---Very sensitive to rattle of wagons
over paved street; headache from pressure of hat (Calc-p.,
Carb-v., Nat-m).
Sensitiveness =Asar.---Sensibility of all the nerve is so
much excessive that if any body scratches even lightly on
lines, silk, paper and so on materual with tip or nails, feels
quite unbearable and even from imagination, sensitiveness.
Sensitiveness great =Bar-c.---Great sensitiveness to cold
(Calc-os., Kali-c., Psor).
Sensitiveness great =Lach.---Great sensitiveness to touch;
throat, stomach, abdomen; can not bear bed clothes or
512… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

night dress to touch throat or abdomen, not because sore

or tender as in Apis., or Bell., but clothes causes an
uneasiness, make her nervous.
Sensitiveness great =Psor.---Great sensitiveness to cold air
or change of weather; wears a fur cap, or overcoat or
shawl even in hottest summer weather.
Sensitiveness great =Rhus-t.---Great sensitiveness to open
air; putting the hand from under the bed-cover brings on
cough (Bar-c., Hep).
Sepsis=Crot-h., Bapt., Echi., Ars., Lach.
Septic =Pyrog.--- Unrythmic, septic fever.
Septic conditions =Pyrog.---for septic conditions.
Septic fever =Pyrog.---Foetus or secundines retained,
decomposed, dead for days black, horribly offensive
discharge; never well since septic fever, following abortion
or confinement to arouse vita activity of uterus.
Septic fevers =Pyrog.---In septic fevers, especially
puerperal, Pyrog., has demonstrated its great value as
homoeopathic dynamic antiseptic.
Septic poisoning =Pyrog.---In septic poisoning of wounds-
after abortion-accouchement etc. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Septic tonsils repeated=Strept.---Repeated septic tonsils.
Septicemia =Pyrog., Ars., Carb-v., Crot-h., Echi., Lach.--
- Medicines Normally Used.
Septicemia =Pyrog.---For septicaemia, puerperal or
surgical from ptomaine or sewer gas infection, during
course of diphtheria, typhoid or typhus, when the best
selected remedy fails to cure.
Septicemia blood infection=Pyrog., Ars., Carb-v., Crot-
h., Echi., Lach.--- Main Medicines.
Serum therapy suppression =Puls.--- Above all other
medicines Puls. has the power to unlock suppressions of
modern serum therapy.
Serum=Nat-m., Ferr.
513… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Severe pain =In any abscess where there is severe pain it is

my great standby. (Tarent C) Dr. Benthack.
Severe pain =Mag-p., Sil.--- Severe pain in decayed or
filled teeth.
Severe, constipation =Lac-v-d.---Severe, constipation
neither enema nor strong purgatives effect.
Sewer gas poisoning =Phyt., Bapt.
Sex dislikes her =Raph.---dislikes her own sex. Esp. girls.
Sex-excess =Agn.--- Broken down by sex-excess.
Sexual =Ph-ac.--- Sexual excess, ailment from.
Sexual appetite =Caust.---Sexual appetite in women
abolished, the desire being present is after the period.
Sexual debility =Onos.---for advanced cases of sexual
Sexual debility =Pic-ac.---for initial stages of sexual
Sexual desire =Bar-m.---In every case of mania as soon as
the sexual desire is increased give.
Sexual desire absent =Agn.---A women who indulged
extremely in a secret vice, found after marriage that she
had no sexual desire/ thrill; was cured by this remedy.
Later, she was confined and no milk came in her mammae,
again Agn., started the belated milk at the end of three
Sexual desire lost =Agn-c.---Sexual desire lessened almost
lost, the penis so relaxed that the voluptuous fancies excite
no erection.
Sexual desire lost =Onos.---Lost sexual desire in women,
desire-capability destroyed.
Sexual excess =Ph-ac.---Broken down by sexual excess.
Sexual excess Grief =Ph-ac.---Bad effects from onanism
sexual excess grief, sorrow, home sickness or unfortunate
Sexual excesses bad effects =Staph.---For the bad effects
of : onanism and sexual excesses, loss of vital fluids;
514… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

chagrin, mortification; unmerited insults; indignation, with

vexation or reserved displeasure (Aur).
Sexual excitation =Tarent.---for sexual over excitation,
both sexes.
Sexual excitement =Kali-p.---Nervousness arising out of
excessive sexual excitement either indulged or suppressed.
Sexual excitement =Murex.---Least contact of parts
causes violent sexual excitement (excessive sexual
irritation driving to self abuse –Orig., Zinc.).
Sexual excitement =Murex.---Violent excitement in sexual
organs and excessive desire for an embrace (rev. of Sep).
Sexual excitement =Tarent.---Sexual excitement extreme
even to mania; spasm of uterus pruritus-vulva becomes
Sexual indulgence =Symph.---for pains in back after much
exercise or sexual indulgence.
Sexual organ impotency =Agn., Con., Graph., Lyc., Phos.,
Sel., Staph., Sep., Con., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Sel., Staph.,
Sep.--- Medicines generally prescribed.
Sexual organism =Staph.---Hysteria or hypochondriasis
from sexual organism.
Sexual organs =Plat.---Sexual organs exceedingly sensitive;
cannot bear the napkin to touch her; will go into spasms
from examination; vulva painfully sensitive during coitus;
will faint during or cannot endure coitus (Compare, Murex.,
Sexual organs of women=Calc, has increased action on
sexual organs of the women.
Sexual organs painful sensitiveness =Staph.---Painful
sensitiveness of sexual organs, vulva so sensitive, can
scarcely wear a napkin (Plat).
Sexual organs weakness =Nat-m.---Weakness of sexual
organs with retarted emission during an embrace;
515… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

impotence, spinal irritation, paralysis after excesses.

Seminal emission: soon after coition with increased desire.
Sexual sedative =Salx-n.---Use mother tincture. Sedative
action upon the male and female sexual organs .
Sexual weakness =Nuph.---In sexual weakness with
spermatorrhea we more often think of phosphoric-acid than
anything else, but there is a valuable remedy in this
complaint when it is too far advanced. The parts are
relaxed and there is complete absence of sexual desire
involuntary emission of semen occurs while passing stool
and urine.
Shakes feet while sitting on chair =Lyc.
Shallow =Sep.--- Shallow, lax, lack (affection).
Sharp pain =Cimic.---Sharp lancinating pains in various
parts, associated with ovarian or uterine irritation.
Shifting =Caul.--- Gouty, drawing, shifting.
Shin bone =Lach.--- for throat troubles with pain in shin
Shingles =Ran-b.---Shingles preceded or followed by
intercostal neuralgia (Mez) vesicles may have a bluish
Shingles =Vario---In shingles the chief remedy is (Vario)
Dr. Burnett.
Shiny =Lac.--- Sinking, shiny, sides(changing).
Ship=Cocc., Colch., Ferr., Hyos., Petr., Tab.---Ailments
from boarding ship.
Shivering =Asar.--- Nervous, shivering, sensitive.
Shiverings =Camph., Acon., Ars., Carb-v., Bell-p., Asar.,
Tub.--- Medicines generally prescribed.
Shivers =Tub.---like Op, shivers when beginning to sleep.
Shock =Camph.---Bad effects of shock from injury, surface
of body cold, face pale, blue lips, livid profound
Shock =Hyper.---Effect of shock fright & mesmerism.
516… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Shock=Acon., Arn., Carb-v., Dig., Hyper., Lach., Op.,

Verat.--- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Shocks =Mag-m.---Shocks through body like electric
Shooting =Sab.--- Sad, sacral, shooting (pain).
Shooting pain =Beto.--- Shooting pain in back of both
wrists/wrist drop.
Short =Acon.--- Short, sudden, violent.
Short breathed =Samb.--- Short breathed.
Short dwarfish head disproportionately large =Bar-c.
Shorter feeling =Cinnb.---Left leg is felt shorter than the
right leg while walking.
Shoulder =Led.---Affects left shoulder and right hip-joint
(Agar., Nat-t., Stram.).
Shoulders =Am-m.---Feels biting Coldness between the
both shoulders.
Shoulders =SULPH., Ars., Bry., Calc-p., Ferr-p., Hep.,
Ign., Led., Merc., Phos., Puls.--- Medicines generally
Shoulders frozen /stiffness shoulders =Thiosin., Ferr.,
Rhus-t., Ruta., Sang.
Shrivelling=Abort., Ant-c., Arg-n., Bar-c., Bor., Calc.,
Lyc., Sars., Sep., Sulph.--- Remedies normally Used.
Shrunken =Ox-ac.--- Pale, bluish, shrunken.
Shy very =Sil.
Shyness intense and hiding =Hyos., Bar-c., Aur.
Sick falling=Acon., Ars., Gels., Nux-v., Psor.
Sick headache =Chion.---I have been using this drug for
over two years as a specific for so-called sick headache. It
has done wonders for me in that disease.
Sick headache =Tab.---Sick headache coming on in early
morning, intolerable by noon, deathly nausea, violent
vomiting; <by noise and light periodical, lasting one or two
517… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sickly =Kali-s.--- Sickly, sluggish, stiff.

Sickness =Cocc.--- Travel sickness.
Side =Lach.--- Sad, sensitive, side (left).
Side =Mere-i-f.--- Glandular, swelling, side(right).
Sighing =Op., Nat-ph., Calc-ph., Ign.
Sight or sound =Lyss.---The sight or sound of running
water or pouring water aggravates all complaints.
Simple Ulcer of tongue = Bor., Calc-S., Lyc., Hep., Merc.,
Sing =Sel.---for hoarseness as soon as begins to sing.
Singers – see Voice loss
Single doses =Lac-c.---It acts best in single doses. If
repeated must be given at exact intervals.
Sinking =Dig.---Faintness or sinking at the stomach
exhaustion extreme prostration feels as if he were dying.
Sinking =Hydr.--- Sinking, stringy, catarrhal.
Sinking =Lac-ac.--- Sinking, shiny, sides(changing).
Sinking =Lac-c.---Very hungry, cannot eat enough to
satisfy; as hungry after eating as before (Calc., Cina., Lyc.,
Stront.) Sinking epigastrium faintness in stomach.
Sinking =Senn---Simple exhaustion with excess of
nitrogenous waste. The exhaustion is exemplified in the
sinking immediately after meals. (Senn) Dr. Farrington.
Sinking =Verat.---Sinking feeling during haemorrhage
Sinking all gone =Murex.---Sinking, all gone sensation, in
stomach (Sep. where sexual desire is wanting).
Sinking empty =Stann.---Sinking empty, all gone sensation
in stomach (Chel., Phos., Sep.).
Sinking feeling =Verat.---Sinking feeling during
haemorrhage (fainting, trill).
518… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sinusitis = Ip., Spong-t., Sabad., Nat-s., Hep-s., Calc-p.,

Graph., Merc-s., Lach.
Sinusitis =Distem.--- 1m dose repeated every third day up
to 6 doses. A simlar series at three weeks intervals.
Sinusitis =Fl-ac.--- 6 to 30 will cure. If not give Sil 200
every fortnight and no medicine two days before and after.
During the interval give Kali-bi 30, four times daily every 4
Sinusitis =Kali-bi., Sil., Sang.
Sinusitis, chronic = Med.---This gonorrheal nosode is useful
in chronic sinusitis. There is discomfort in posteior nares.
Sit up to breathe =Zing---Asthma of gastric origin, attacks
come in the night towards morning, patient must sit up to
breathe but despite the severity of the paroxysm there is
no anxiety (Zing).
Sits reclining on chair, back and head must touch back of
chair =Mag-p.
Skin = Agar.---Skin burning, itching and redness of various
parts as if frost bitten. Paralysis of upper and lower limbs.
Skin = Chrysar.---For ringworm, psoriasis, herpes, acne
rosacea & crusta lacteal.
Skin =Apis.---Eruption, Dropsy(Thorax, ovary, Scrotum,
Genitalia of females) with no thirst erysipelas with
Skin =Bor.---Skin unhealthy slight injuries suppurate
(Calen., Hep., Merc-c., Sil).
Skin =Carb-v.---Deficient capillary circulation cause
blueness of skin and coldness of extremities vital powers
nearly exhausted. Desire to be constantly fanned.
Skin =Cic.---Pustules which run together foraing thick,
yellow scabs on face or head.
Skin =Crot-t.---Eczema of scrotum with intense itching but
very sensitive and sore to touch.
Skin =Cub.---Skin diseases, concomitant with kidney
519… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin =Dol (Mucuna)6.--- Skin Diseases intolerable itching of

the normal looking This symptoms alone may cure other
Complaints of the patient if itching of the skin is cured.
Skin =Dulc.---Skin delicate, sensitive to cold liable to
eruptions, especially urticaria every time patient takes cold
or is exposed to cold involuntary. Rash before the menses
(Con. During profuse menses, Bell., Graph). Urticaria over
whole body, no fever itching burns after scratching < in
warmth, >in cold. Thick brown yellow crusts on scalp face,
forehead, temples, chin; with reddish borders bleeding
when scratched. Warts fleshy, large smooth; on face or
back of hands and fingers (Thuj).
Skin =Fl-ac.---Old cicatrices become red around edges, and
threaten to become open ulcers (Caust., Graph). Ulcers red
edges and vesicles decubitus copious discharge < from
warmth > from cold violent pains like streaks of lightening
confined to a small spot.
Skin =Graph.---Eruptions oozing out a thick honey-like
fluid, on or behind the ears, face, genitals or eyelids.
Skin =Graph.---Unhealthy skin every injury suppurates
(Hep); old cicatrices break open again eruptions upon the
ears between fingers and toes and from various parts of the
body oozes watery transparent sticky fluid.
Skin =Hep.---Slight injuries suppurate. (Graph., Merc.,
Petr., Sil.). Respiratory ailments from suppressed eruption.
Skin =Merc.---Diseases of skin intolerable biting itching
over body as from insect bites, < in evening and from
warmth of bed become pleasant on scratching.
Skin =Nat-m.---Hangnails skin around the nails dry and
cracked (Graph., Petr); herpes about anus and on borders
of hair at nape of neck (in bend of knees, Hep., Graph).
Warts on palms of hands (sore to touch. Nat-c). Eczema
raw red inflamed especially in edges of hair < from eating
too much salt at sea shore or from ocean voyage. Urticaria
520… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

acute or chronic over whole body especially after violent

execise (Apis., Calc-os., Hep., Sanic., Urt-u).
Skin =Nat-s.---Skin diseases with moist, yellowish scales.
Skin =Petr.---Eruption worse during winter season. (Alum.,
Skin =Psor.---Itching intolerable in warmth of bed
scratches till it bleeds.
Skin =Pyrog.---Skin pale cold of an ashy hue (Sec);
obstinate varicose offensive ulcers of old persons (Psor).
Skin =Rhus-t.---Variola with typhoid. Vesicular eruption.
Skin =Rumex.---Itching when undressing to go to bed.
Skin =Sec.---The skin feels cold to the touch, yet the
patient cannot tolerate covering; icy coldness of
Skin =Sil.---Unhealthy skin every little injury suppurates
(Graph., Hep, Merc., Petr). Crippled nail on fingers and
toes (Ant-c.) Fistula Lachrymalis ingrowing toe-nails (Mag-
p., Mar-v.,). Panaritium blood boils carbuncles ulcers of all
kinds fistulae painful offensive high spongy edges proud
flesh in them. Fissure ani. Great pain after stool.
Skin =Staph.---Eczema on head, around the ears and on
eyelids. The generally itch severely. Scratching relieves
itching at one place but itching at one place but itching
appears at anohter.
Skin =Sulph.---Skin affections that have been treated by
medicated soaps and washes; haemorrhoids that have been
treated with ointment.
Skin =Thuj.---Skin looks dirty brown or brownish-white
here and there warts large seedy pendunculated (Staph);
eruptions only on covered parts burn after scratching. Nails
deformed brittle (Ant-c).
Skin- acne, sp. of boys = Calc-plc Sulph-i. (See Acne)
Skin- acne, sp. of girls = Calc-p. (See Acne)
521… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- acne, sp. of women with scanty menses =Sang. (See

Skin affections, eczema wet =Graph. (See Acne)
Skin blueness =Dig.---Blueness of skin eyelids, lips, tongue
cyanosis, face pale, death like appearance bluish-red.
Skin bluish =Carb-v.--- Limbs cold, bluish skin, sweat cold
and clammy.
Skin burning and itching =Sulph.---Dry, scaly, unhealthy
skin, with itching and burning; offensive odor. Worse from
scratching and washing. Burning in feet, puts them out of
Skin- callosities, accumulation of horny layers =Ant-c.,
Skin- chilblains [sore from cold], red & itch in general
Skin- chilblains [sore from cold], red spots, burning &
stinging =Apis.
Skin- chilblains [sore from cold], worse by cold weather
Skin- chilblains [sore from cold], worse by heat of bed
Skin- chilblains [sore from cold], worse in finger joints
Skin- cicatrices (scars over wounds, after healing), hard
lump left by abscess, sp. in mammae =Graph., Phyt.
Skin- cicatrices (scars over wounds, after healing), old
cicatrices reddening & itching =Fl-ac.
Skin- cicatrices (scars over wounds, after healing), old hard
cicatrices, etc =Graph.
Skin- cicatrices (scars over wounds, after healing), plastic
exudation after abscess etc =Sil., Sulph.
522… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin circumscribed red =PHOS., SULPH., Ant-t., Ars.,

Ferr-p., Puls.
Skin- corn, also cracking of palms and legs =Anac.
Skin- corn, on soles very tender =Ant-c.
Skin- corn, on toes, painful reappear after cutting =Hydr.
Skin- cyanosis (bluish discolorisation), bluish lips =Carb-v.
Skin- cyanosis (bluish discolorisation), feet become blue
=Mur-ac., Naja.
Skin- cyanosis (bluish discolouration), blue in face & foams
Skin- cyanosis (bluish discolouration), child blue around
eyes =Dig.
Skin- cyanosis (bluish discolouration), extremities cold &
blue =Ant-t.
Skin- dandruff =Kreos., Ars.
Skin- dandruff, with catarrh =Nat-m.
Skin diseases =Skook 3x =Has cured many cases of
urticaria, skin affections, eczema. With this medicine do
not eat flsh.
Skin diseases tinia capitus =Kali-s 6x---Every four hours
invariably cured.
Skin dry =ARS., BELL., BRY., CHAM., LED., PHOS.,
SULPH., Acon., Ant-t., Apis., Arn., Carb-v., Ip., Merc.,
Puls., Spong., Verat.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Skin- eczema, dry skin and scaly, appears every winter
Skin- eczema, dry skin and scaly, large scales peeling off
Skin- eczema, dry, dry skin and scaly, rough and chapped
=Nat-c., Hydrc.
Skin- eczema, dry, itching followed by, burning =Sulph.,
523… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- eczema, dry, itching followed by, soreness =Crot-t.

Skin- eczema, dry, itching followed by, tingling =Sel.
Skin- eczema, dry, thick crust on scalp (capitis), thick pus
inside =Mez.
Skin- eczema, dry, thick crust on scalp(capitis), descending
downward =Calc.
Skin- eczema, modalities, worse at full moon better at
waning moon =Clem.
Skin- eczema, modalities, worse by cold air =Ars., Crot-t.
Skin- eczema, modalities, worse by heat =Sulph., Ant-c.
Skin- eczema, modalities, worse in winter, better in
summer =Petr., Psor., Aloe.
Skin- eczema, moist, filthy smelling with, deep seated pus
Skin- eczema, moist, filthy smelling with, offensive urine =
Skin- eczema, moist, filthy smelling with, vermin breeding
Skin- eczema, moist, filthy smelling with, vesicles upon red
patch =Rhus-t.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of , acrid moisture, raw
and inflamed. sp. bend of joints = Nat-m.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, acrid moisture,
burning and itching, with thin watery yellow seceretion
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, acrid moisture,
intense itching, with redness and perspiration = Hydrc.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, acrid moisture, new
vesicles forming from its contact =Staph.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, acrid moisture, oozes
a watery moisture =Psor.
524… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, acrid moisture,

secretion more watery than sticky =Nat-s.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, pus, scabs oozing pus
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, pus, with boils full of
pus =Arund.
Skin- eczema, moist, with oozing of, thick honey-like fluid
Skin- eczema, moist, with sensation of, painful to rub
Skin- eczema, moist, with sensation of, rawness,
excoriated =Rhus-t.
Skin- eczema, moist, with sensation of, soreness, blisters,
sp. on hands =Clem., Ran-b.
Skin eruption =Calc-s.---Suppurative stages of skin and
eruptive diseases, carbuncles, boils, ulcers.
Skin- eruptions, clustery =Staph.
Skin- eruptions, confluent =Ph-ac.
Skin- eruptions, grapelike =Calc.
Skin- eruptions, horny =Ant-c.
Skin- eruptions, minute =Hep.
Skin- eruptions, obstinate =Sul-i.
Skin- eruptions, pigmented naevi moles =Carc.
Skin- eruptions, pock-like =Ant-t.
Skin- eruptions, pustular =Sep.
Skin- eruptions, sandy =Ars.
Skin- eruptions, thin scales =Nat-ar.
Skin- eruptions, vesicular =Rhus-t.
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], intense burning &
restless =Ars.
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Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], large blisters filled

with water =Canth.
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], large blisters with
blackish fluid =Ail.
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], oedematus &
stinging =Apis.
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], skin smooth and
shiny =Bell.
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], vesicular variety
Skin- erysipelas [reddish inflammation], with dark blue
colour =Lach.
Skin- fissures (rhagades), between fingers, worse by
washing =Sulph., Calc.
Skin- fissures (rhagades), with burning, deep, sp. in fingers
Skin- fissures (rhagades), with crust,& bleeding, sp. in
hands =Petr.
Skin- fissures (rhagades), with skin thickening, nails
deformed =Graph.
Skin- fissures (rhagades), with soreness, bends of joints,
sp. fingers =Mang.
Skin- gangrene, after injuries wound turns blue =Lach.
Skin- gangrene, bluish or livid, offensive discharge = Carb-
Skin- gangrene, dry, relieved by cold application =Sec.
Skin- gangrene, dry, relieved by warm application =Ars.
Skin- gangrene, with fever and delirium =Ran-b.
Skin- gangrene, with or after haemorrhage =Carb-v.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ ring-worm],
with voluptuous itching =Tell.
526… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ring-worm],

on the groin =Petr.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ring-worm],
sp. on forehead =Graph.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ring-worm],
worse in damp weather =Nat-s.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ring-worm],
worse by warmth of bed =Mez.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], circinatus [ring-worm],on
the crown =Bar-c.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], zoster, burning urinary
symptoms =Canth.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], zoster, filled with serum
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], zoster, intense burning &
restless =Ars.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], zoster, with excoriation
& formation of scab =Mez.
Skin- herpes [cluster of vesicles], zoster, with incessant
itching =Rhus-t.
Skin hot =ACON., APIS., ARS., BELL., BRY., PHOS.,
SULPH., Hep., Ign., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.--- Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Skin- itch (scabies), localities in particular, bends of joints
=Psor., Nat-p.
Skin- itch (scabies), localities in particular, between
fingers =Sulph.
Skin- itch (scabies), localities in particular, margins of hair
=Nat-m., Sul-i.
Skin- itch (scabies), localities of particular, scrotum &
prepuce,& penis =Sars., Ambr., Nat-ar.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, at 10-11 a.m. =Nat-m.
527… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, at 1-3 a.m. =Ars.

Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, better by heat =Ars.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, better by scratching =Bov.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse at night =Sulph.,
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse at night, worse
warm room =Calad.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse by heat =Sulph.,
Calad., Carc.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse by scratching
=Staph., Culx.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse by taking bath
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse by warmth of bed
=Mez., Psor., Merc.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse by warmth of bed,
worse in ankles =Nat-p.
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse in the evening
Skin- itch (scabies), modalities, worse while undressing
=Rumex., Olnd.
Skin- itch (scabies), scratching follows with intense
burning, humid tetters = Sep.
Skin- itch (scabies), scratching follows with intense
burning, with redness of orifices =Sulph.
Skin- itch (scabies), scratching follows with intense
burning, with restlessness =Ars.
Skin- itch (scabies), voluptuous itching, pustules with
lymph =Sil.
Skin- itch (scabies), voluptuous itching, skin dry & scaly
528… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- itch (scabies), voluptuous itching, suppurating

vesicles =Merc.
Skin- itch (scabies), voluptuous itching, without visible
eruption [dolichos] =Kreos.
Skin- leprosy =Anac., Camo-Cladia., Piper-Meth., Hep.,
Cor-r., Hydrc.--- Medicines usually Prescribed.
Skin- leucoderma =Cor-r., Nat-m., Ars-Sul-Flav., Pip-m.,
Ars.---Medicines mostly Prescribed.
Skin moist =ARS., CARB-V., HEP., MERC., Ant-t., Led.,
Phos., Puls., Spong., Sulph.--- Medicines Normally Used.
Skin Muscles =Arn.---It acts on the skin muscles and serous
Skin offensive odor =Sulph.--- Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin,
with itching and burning; offensive odor. Worse from
scratching and washing.
Skin painful =Petr.---Painful sensitiveness of skin of whole
body all clothing is painful slight injury suppurates (Hep).
Skin of hands rough cracked tips of fingers rough cracked
fissured every winter tenderness of the feet which are
bathed in foul-smelling sweat (Graph., Sanic., Sil).
Skin pale =ANT-T., ARS., CALC-P., CARB-V., FERR-P.,
SULPH., VERAT.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Skin parchment =Sabad.---Parchment like-dryness of skin.
Skin- pemphigus [eruption of water vesicles], blister like
burning =Nit-ac.
Skin- pemphigus [eruption of water vesicles], burning with
stinging =Apis.
Skin- pemphigus [eruption of water vesicles], eruption with
burning = Caust.
Skin- pemphigus [eruption of water vesicles], with reddish
base =Rhus-t.
529… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin pigmentation =Sul-ac Q.---Mix 1 part Sul-ac., Q+ 3

part alcohol & give 10-15 drops doses-Indications Delirium
& tremors. It works in potency also, It reduces skin
pigmentation with desire for cold water.
Skin- pruritus, in scrotum & penis. palms and feet crack
Skin- pruritus, pruritus vulva following menses =Tarent.
Skin- pruritus, surface of vagina inflamed =Chim.
Skin- pruritus, with burning in vagina =Sulph.
Skin- pruritus, with violent stitching in vagina =Sep.
Skin- pruritus, worse by warmth of bed =Psor., Merc.
Skin- psoriasis [elevated and white scales etc] =Psor.,
Calc., Graph., Ars-i., Petr., Sep.--- Medicines Normally
Skin red =ACON., APIS., BELL., BRY., CHAM., NUX-V.,
PHOS.--- Most Indicated Medicines.
Skin- rubeola (measles), drowsiness =Gels.
Skin- rubeola (measles), high fever =Acon.
Skin- rubeola (measles), moist skin =Bell.
Skin- rubeola (measles), tardy rash =Bry.
Skin sensitive =Chin.-----Periodical prosopalgia, intense
pains, skin sensitive to touch mostly infraobital and
maxilary branches.
Skin sensitive to touch and cold =Hep.
Skin- spotted, black =Sec.
Skin- spotted, blue =Led.
Skin- spotted, gray =Nit-ac.
Skin- spotted, green = Con.
Skin- spotted, purple = Lach.
Skin- spotted, red =Ferr.
Skin- spotted, white =Ars.
530… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- spotted, yellow =Sep.

Skin symptoms amel. =Kali-bi.---Amelioration-skin
symptoms are better in cold weather. (Reverse. of Alum &
Skin- ulcers, burning pains, offensive pus, bluish =Carb-v.
Skin- ulcers, burning pains, offensive pus, relieved by cold
Skin- ulcers, burning pains, offensive pus, relieved by warm
Skin- ulcers, extremely sensitive to touch =Hep.
Skin- ulcers, of bones, extremely sensitive =Asaf.
Skin- ulcers, of bones, relieved by cold =Fl-ac.

Skin- ulcers, of bones, worse from cold =Sil.

Skin- ulcers, offensive odour, carrion =Brom.
Skin- ulcers, offensive odour, like rotten cheese =Hep.
Skin- ulcers, small ulcers about joints =Sep., Bor.
Skin- ulcers, syphilitic, about genitals =Thuj.
Skin- ulcers, syphilitic, bleeding easily =Nit-ac.
Skin- ulcers, syphilitic, flat superficial =Merc.
Skin- ulcers, syphilitic, on legs =Lach., Rhus-t.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, disappears during sleep =Urt-u.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, disappears in cool air =Calc.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, from getting wet =Rhus-t.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, worse at 6 p.m. =Apis.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, worse during chill of
intermittent =Hep.
Skin- urticaria, modalities, worse in the rainy season
Skin- urticaria, modalities, worse when undressing
531… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Skin- urticaria, types, after menses =Kreos.

Skin- urticaria, types, deep scarlet or rosy =Apis.
Skin- urticaria, types, due to shell – fish =Urt-u.
Skin- urticaria, types, during pregnancy =Dol.
Skin- urticaria, types, large red blotches =Nat-m.
Skin- urticaria, types, white sp. of children =Calc.
Skin- urticaria, types, with gastric troubles =Ant-c., Bov.
Skin- variola (pox) =Apis., Ant-t., Rhus-t., Cupr., Thuj.
Sleep =Lach and sulph.---For asthma during sleep.
Sleep =Apis.---Sudden startling during sleep.
Sleep =Lach.---Most symptoms aggravated after sleep.
Sleep =Nux-m.--- Sleep, unconquerable.
Sleep =Plat---Tendency to uncover completely in sleep is a
leading key-note (Plat)
Sleep =Tub---Shivering when beginning to sleep is a
peculiar and interesting symptom of (Tub)
Sleep =Zinc.---Child cries out during sleep; whole body
jerk during; wakes frightened, starts, rolls the head from
side to side; face alternately pale and red.
Sleep =Zinc.---Nervous fidgety moving of the feet,
especially after retiring and during sleep.
Sleep after, worse all symptoms =Lach.---All symptoms,
especially the mental, worse after sleep, or the
aggravation wakes him from sleep; sleeps into the
aggravation; unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad < in the
morning on waking.
Sleep- excessive sleepiness, amounting to coma, with dark
red face & stertorous respiration =Op.
Sleep- excessive sleepiness, amounting to coma, with
stupor and sensibility =Nux-m.
Sleep- excessive sleepiness, amounting to coma, with very
pale face and coarse rattling =Ant-t.
532… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sleep- excessive sleepiness, unconscious to all

surroundings, answers and then falls back into stupor =Arn.
Sleep- excessive sleepiness, unconscious to all
surroundings, but can be aroused to full consciousness =Ph-
Sleep- excessive sleepiness, unconscious to all
surroundings, falls asleep even before answering question
Sleep loss of =Nit-ac.---After continued loss of sleep, long-
lasting anxiety, over-exertion of mind and body from
nursing the sick (Cocc); anguish form the loss of his dearest
friend; indifference; tired of life; sadness before menses.
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by rolling the head
from side to side, with eyes half closed and moaning
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by rolling the head
from side to side, with child crying out during sleep =Zinc.
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by scream, cries out
during sleep =Jal., Psor., Lyc.
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by scream, piercing
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by scream, sharp
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by starts, clings to
the mother as if frightened =Bor.
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by starts, jerks and
twitches during sleep =Sulph.
Sleep- loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, by starts, jumps every
little while, as if might go into spasm =Bell.
Sleep- loss of sleep, due to, cough =Stict.
Sleep- loss of sleep, due to, exhaustion =Helon., Alf.
Sleep- loss of sleep, due to, over excitability =Coff.
Sleep- loss of sleep, due to, over exertion of mind =Cupr.,
Sleep- loss of sleep, due to, pain and excessive nerve
sensibility =Cham.
533… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sleep- loss of sleep, with, hearing sound not ordinarily

noticed =Op.
Sleep- loss of sleep, with, lies knee- elbow or hand over
head position =Carc.
Sleep- loss of sleep, with, stupor being predominant =Ant-
Sleep- loss of sleep, with, thoughts crowding upon one
another =Bry.
Sleep- loss of sleep, with, thoughts of depressing events
Sleep- loss of sleep, with, wake up too early ( 3 a.m.)
Sleep loss of, bad effects =Cocc.---Bad effects; form loss
of sleep, mental excitement and night watching; feel;
weak if they lose but one hour‟s sleep; convulsions after
loss of sleep; of anger and grief.
Sleep restless =Bell.--- Sleepy but can‟t sleep. Restless
sleep with muscular twitching.
Sleep talks in =Bac.---Talks in sleep; grinds teeth, sleep in.
Sleep worse after or sleeps into < (lach). =Spong.
Sleep, deep after convulsion =Hyos., Nux-v., Op.
Sleepiness =Ars.--- Sleepiness but unable to sleep;
Sleepiness =Cimx., Cycl.
Sleepiness great =Ant-t.---Great sleepiness or irresistible
inclination to sleep, with nearly all complaints (Nux-m.,
Sleeping sickness =Ant-t., Ars., Op., Sleeping
sickness=Nux-m., Op., Gels., Atoxyl.
Sleepless =Coff-c.--- Sleepless, oversensitive.
Sleepless at night =Nux-v.---Sleepy in the early evening
and sleepless at night.
Sleeplessness from itching =Merc., Puls., Psor.
534… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sleeplessness =Bell.---Fits with screaming drowsiness or

sleeplessness, with unsuccessful attempt to sleep.
Sleeplessness =Coff.---Sleeplessness from excessive
mental and physical exertion and excitement.
Sleeplessness =Kali-br.---Sleeplessness, especially in
anaemic patients or nervous persons who are exhausted but
Sleeplessness =Kali-p 30 or 200.---It cures sleeplessness
craving for alcohol.
Sleeplessness =Nux-v.---Sleeplessness with acuteness of
hearing clocks striking and coocks crowing at a great
distance keep her
Sleeplessness =Op.---Sleeplessness with acuteness of
hearing clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great
distance keep her awake.
Sleeplessness =Passiflora Q + Avena Q for sleeplessness
give 30-60 drops doses.
Sleeplessness =Puls.--- Insomnia from recurring thought.
Sleeplessness =Syph---Utter sleeplessness is itself a
leading indication. It vies with (Sulph) as sleep restorer.
Sleeps with arms over head or abdomen =Puls.
Sloughing=Calen., Carb-ac., Hyper.
Slow =Calc-s.--- Slow, to heal slow reaction.
Slow =Carc.--- Slow, no-healing condition.
Slow =Plb.--- Sad, slow, sluggish.
Slow =Sil.--- Slow, incomplete process.
Slow =Spong.--- Slow, suffocating, croupy.
Slow =Zinc-p.--- Slow, sluggish, inactive.
Slow pulse =Dig.---Extremely slow pulse.
Sluggish =Ars-s-f.--- Anxious, anaemic, sluggish.
Sluggish =Carb-v.--- Pale, pinched, sluggish.
Sluggish =Hell.--- Stupefied, heavy, sluggish.
Sluggish =Kali-s.--- Sickly, sluggish, stiff.
535… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sluggish =Plb.--- Sad, slow, sluggish.

Sluggish =Zinc-p.--- Slow, sluggish, inactive.
Sluggish circulation =Carb-v., Sec.--- Sluggish circulation
with coldness of extremities.
Sluggishness =Carb-v.--- Sluggishness, general.
Sluggishness =Hep.--- Sluggishness, of symptoms.
Sluggishness =Sul-i.--- Sluggishness, lack of reaction.
Sluggishness =Zinc-p.--- Sluggishness and stupefaction.
Small joints =Caul.--- Small joints, affection of.
Small pox =Acon., Bry., Bell., Rhus-t., Gels., Op., Phos.,
Small pox =Caust., Merc-c.---He found of great efficacy in
small pox in alternation with. Dr. Teste.
Small spots =Kali-bi.--- Small spots, affection of.
Small wounds bleed much =Kreos., Lach., Phos.
Smallpox =Ant-t., Maland., Sulph., Thuj., Vac., Vario.,
Acon., Bry., Ars., Sarr.--- Medicines usually Prescribed.
Small-pox =Merc.---Is almost a specific in the suppurative
stage of small-pox.
Small-pox =Salol.---In small-pox and other skin affections
attended with burning and itching. The relief in itching in
small-pox was a constant and most satisfactory result.
Small-pox =Vario---The Backache of small-pox is about the
worst Backache known and is cured by (Vario). Dr.
Smallpox preventive.---Vac 200 or Vario 200.---Twice
daily on alternate days with an occasional dose of Sulph
Smallpox.---Hydr.---Is the remedy which appears
something like a specific of the pox on the face at the time
of maturation and highly distressing.
Smarting =Cann-s.--- Strange, smarting, stitching.
Smarting and burning =Caps.--- Smarting and burning.
Smashed fingertips =Hyper.--- Smashed fingertips, nails,
bites, splinters.
536… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Smell =Merc-s.--- Sweat, saliva, smell (mercurial).

Smell musty =Puls.
Smell of food =Caust.---Causticum patient sits down to the
table hungry but on seeing the food his appetite vanishes.
This symptom is common in pregnant women. The thought,
sight or smell of food takes away the appetite. Kali-carb
has empty, all gone feeling in the stomach with aversion to
food. China has canine hunger but loathes the sight of
Smell of food intolerable =Colch., Sep., Ars.
Smell offensive =ARN., HEP., MERC., NUX-V., PULS.,
SULPH., Ars., Carb-v., Phos., Verat. --- Medicines Mostly
Smell sick =ARN., ARS., CARB-V., CHAM., MERC., SULPH.-
-- Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Smell sour =ANT-T., ARS, BELL., BRY., CARB-V., HEP.,
MERC., VERAT.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Smell sweet =Apis., Merc., Puls.
Smoke =Hist.---External stimuli like smoke perfume sprays
dust etc.
Smoke =Menth.---After inhalation of smoke.
Smoking =Scut.---for weak hearts from cigarette smoking.
Smoking =Tarent. ---Irritative cough, feels short of breath
for at least an hour after each coughing attack. Only
ameliorated from smoking. (Tarent ) Dr. C.M. Boger.
Smoking habit =Calad 3x or cm.---Modifies the craving for
Smoking =Tarent.---cough is Amel. by smoking.
Smoking. =Staph.---for bad effects of tobacco smoking.
Snake dreams =Bov.---One single snake bites in the
Snake poison =Euphorbia-prostata.---Is employed as a
prophylactic to snake poison.
537… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Snakes =Arg-n.---Snakes : normally more than one appears

in dream but they do not bite.
Sneezing =Brom.---Fluent coryza with sneezing, long
continued and stubborn corrosive soreness beneath the
nose .
Sneezing =Caust.---Involuntary urination at night when
asleep, when sneezing and coughing or blowing the nose.
Sneezing =Podo.---Prolapsus ani with every stool, after any
sudden motion, such as sneezing or coughing.
Sneezing =Sabad.---Sneezing in spasmodic paroxysms
followed by lachrymation copious coryza face hot and eye-
lids red and burning.
Sneezing =Seneg---Cough often ends in sneezing (Seneg)
Sneezing morning =Kali-bi., All-c., Am-c.
Sneezing violent =Agar.
Sneezing without coryza =Calc., Merc., Nit-ac.
Sneezing, persistent =Sabad., Sang., Cycl.
Sneezing. =Senec.--- for cough that ends in sneezing.
Snoring =Bac.200 or 1m ., Fortnightly, Lem-m., Hippoz.,
Sang-nit.., Op., Lac-c., Puls.
Social most =Phos.
Socket dry =Ruta-g.--- “Dry socket” following dental
Solar plexus=Kali-ar., Eran., Grat.---The solar-plexus
individuals often have a deep cracked tongue and are hard
to cure. Dr. Kent.
Soles burning =Canth.--- Burning in soles of feet at night.
Soles of the feet =Tart-ac---Tearing pains on the soles of
the feet, near the heel, which prevents him putting his foot
on the ground after luncheon. (Tart-ac)
Solitude is unbearable =Bism.---Solitude is unbearable :
desires company, child holds on to its mother‟s hand for
company (Kali-c., Lil-t., Lyc).
Somnambulisn =Acon., Kali-br., Con., Nat-m.
538… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sore =Arn.--- Bruised, sore, haemorrhagic.

Sore =Arum-t.--- Raw, red, sore.
Sore =Bor.--- Aphthous, sore, ulcerative.
Sore =Bry.---Sore, bruised pain in muscles of nape as from
taking cold also in lumbar region or small of back.
Sore =Calc-p.---Sacro-iliac symphysis sore as if separated
or broken.
Sore =Hep.--- Sore, ulcerated nose. Sneezes when goes
into cold, dry wind, nose runs; later there is a thick,
offensive discharge.
Sore =Mang.--- Sore, tender, chlorotic.
Sore =Seneg.--- sore, catarrhal, chest.
Sore =Syph.--- Sore, syphilitic, ulcerative.
Sore eruption =Clem---Moist sore eruption in occiput,
extending down the neck with crawling and itching on
dition becomes worse from washing in cold water and from
the warmth of bed.
Sore throat = Acon., Bell., Merc-s., Hep-s., Calc-p., Bar-
c., Merc-c., Merc-cy.
Sore throat =Bell 30 or 200.---In acute redness of the
throat, swallowing difficult, tonsils swollen.
Sore throat =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Sore throat =Bell., Hep., Merc-s., Merc-i-f., Merc-i-r.,
Phyt., Nit-ac., Agra., Ail., Bar-c., Psor., Sil.--- Medicines
generally prescribed.
Sore throat =Lac-c.---Sore throat and cough are apt to
begin and end with menstruation yellow or white patches,
pains shoot to ear.
Sore throat =Merc-i-r.
Sore throat =Merc-v.--- Smarting, raw, sore throat.
Sore throat =Spig.---Copious offensive mucus from
posterior nares drops into throat causing choking at night
539… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sore Throat =Spong.---Sore throat < after eating sweet

Sore throat acute =Guai tincture or 6th potency will
Sore throat preventive =Bar-i 2x or 3x or Bar-c 30 both
are useful as preventives.
Sore throat routine treatment =Sulph 12x.--- Daily for 4
successive days in a week for 4 weeks, then Sulph 6 twice
daily for 3 successive days in a week for 2 weeks, then Sil
30 twice daily for 3 successive days in a weak for 4 wee ks,
then Sulph twice daily for 2 successive days for 2 weaks.
Sore throat with red tonsils =Gels.--- Sore throat with red
tonsils. Difficult swallowing. Pain shoots from throat to ear.
Soreness =Carb-v.---Intense burning in the chest with
Soreness =Graph.---Soreness and cracking of the lips and
nostrils as from cold.
Soreness =Rhus-t., Arn., Ruta-g.
Soreness in the buttocks, Knees and wrists =Salol.---
Rheumatic pains in joint with soreness and stiffness were
marked especially pain and soreness in the buttocks, knees
and wrists, the joints felt stiff as if they wanted oiling. Dr.
C. Begg.
Soreness in throat =Apis.---Soreness in throat when
coughing, the condition becomes worse from speaking and
laughing .
Soreness sensation of =Helon.---Sensation of soreness and
heaviness in pelvis (lappa); a consciousness of the womb,
feels it more when she moves, it is sore and tender (Lyss).
Sound =Ther.---Every sound seems to penetrate through
the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo.
Sound of footstep agg. =Bell.---In coffea-even footsteps
aggravate the complaints-although others may not hear. In
Nux-v also even the sound of footsteps increases the pain
all over the body.
540… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sour =Cadm-s.--- Stomach, sour, spasmodic.

Sour =Calc.---Sour taste in the mouth or of the food, sour
vomiting, especially during dentition as also sour diarrhoea.
Sour =China.---Longing for sour thing.
Sour =Iris.--- Sour, vomiting, stringy.
Sour =Mag-c.--- Dyspeptic, sour, colicky.
Sour =Nat-p.--- Sour, acidic, anaemic. Sourness of
Sour =Rheum.--- Sour, colicky, child. Sourness and aching.
Sourness, everything.
Sour =Sul-ac.--- Sour, weak, trembling.
Sour eructations =Sul-ac.---Water drunk causes coldness
of the stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor. Chronic
heartburn, sour eructations, set teeth on edge (Rob.)
Sour smell =Rheum.---Sour smell of whole body; child
smells sour, even after washing or bathing (Hep., Mag-c).
Sour stools =Rheum.---Screaming of children with urging
and sour stools.
Sourness =Calc.
Sourness =Sul-ac.--- Sourness.
Spasmodic =Alum.---In myelitis this medicine does
wonderful work when there is a considerable amount of
spasmodic condition of the back as well showing that the
membranes are involved. Another thing that belongs to this
medicine is that is a well-known state in myelitis, is the
hoop sensation of bandages here and there about the limbs
and body, is a common symptom. A sensation of a tight
cord around the body characteristic of the most marked
state of irritation and my myelitis.
Spasmodic =Cadm-s.--- Stomach, sour, spasmodic.
Spasmodic =Dros.--- Spasmodic, congestive, constrictive.
Spasmodic =Ign.--- Spasmodic, paradoxic, hysteric.
Spasmodic =Mag-p.--- Violent, spasmodic, cramps.
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Spasmodic =Mosch.--- Hysteric, spasmodic, nervous.

Spasmodic affection =Plat.---Hysteria and other spasmodic
affections in hysterical women.
Spasmodic pains and neuralgia =Mag-p.--- Intermittent,
spasmodic pains and neuralgia.
Spasms = Aeth.---Spasms during dentition clenched thumbs
red face immovable pupils foam at the mouth teeth set
pulse small hard accelerated.
Spasms =Hyos.---Without consciousness very restless every
muscle in the body twitches from the eyes to the toes (with
consciousness., Nux-v.)
Spasms =Op.---Screaming before or during a spasm (Apis.,
hell) Deep stertorous respiration both on inhalation and
Spasms =Op.---Spasms of children from approach of
strangers from nursing after fright of mother (Hyos.-after
anger of mother, Cham., Nux.) from crying, eyes half open
and upturned.
Spasms =Plb.---Spasms : clonic; tonic; from cerebral
sclerosis or tumor; epilepsy or epileptiform convulsions.
Muscular atrophy from sclerosis of spinal system.
Spasms and convulsions =Ign.---Spasms and convulsions
ending in long-drawn out sighs.
Speak inability =Naja.---Inability to speak with choking,
nervous, chronic palpitation especially after public
Special pains = Vib.---Pain beginning in the back and going
around to loins and uterus ends in cramp there.
Special pains =Sabin.---Pain from back to pubes.
Special pains =Sep.---Sharp pain shooting up into uterus.
Special pains =Staph.---Frequent and painful urination in
nervous women soon after marriage.
Speech hasty =HEP., MERC., Bell., Ign.
542… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Speech heavy difficult =Nat-m.---Heavy difficult speech,

children slow in learning to walk.
Speech incoherent =BRY., PHOS., Bell., Gels., Sulph.---
Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Speech Loss =Art-v.----Speech loss, trauma (injury) due to.
Speech refuses to answer = PHOS., SULPH., Arn., Nux-v.,
Verat.--- Most indicated remedies.
Speech slow =Phos.
Spells =Samb.--- Sudden, suffocative, spells.
Spend thriftness =Thuj.---Spend thriftness is characteristic
of Thuj. It is a prominent characteristic of Thuj.
Sperm of absence =Fuc., Vib.---Absence of sperm in males
combination in Ph-ac Q + Ashva-gandha Q + Aven Q + Cact
Q + Dam Q 10 -12 drops doses produces the sperm. Also X-
ray 200 & Sulphanilamide 30or 200.
Spermatic =Spong.---Spermatic cord swollen, painful;
testicle swollen, bruised, squeezed after suppressed
gonorrhoea or maltreated orchitis.
Spermatocele = Spong., Puls., Rhod., Staph., Clem., Aur.
Spermatorrhoea = Ph-ac., Nux-v.
Spermatorrhoea = Ph-ac., Staph., Sel., Ery-a., Calc-ph.,
Sil., Lyc., Nat-p., Staph., Con.
Spermatorrhoea =Dig 3x.---Often meets with surprising
effcacy. It should be given in the early morning.
Spermatorrhoea =Ery-a .---For Spermatorrhoea so called
or emission of sperm without erection, there is no remedy
which has yet received the sanction of experience. We
have one however to propose for trial. Dr. Parks .
Spermatorrhoea =Kali-c.---Spermatorrhoea with weak
vision. Weakness of eyes after coition.
Spermatorrhoea =Staph.---Spermatorrhoea with sunken
features; guilty; abashed look, emission followed by
backache, weakness; prostration or atrophy of sexual
543… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Spermatorrhoea =Trib.--- For increasing the sperm count.

It meets the auto traumatism of masturbation correcting
the emission and Spermatorrhoea.
Sphincters = Staph., Calc., Laur., Sil.
Spinal affection =Cimic., Nat-m., Phys., Agar., Zinc.,
Cocc., Nux-v.--- Medicines usually Prescribed.
Spinal affections =Ox-ac---In spinal affections: weak loins,
hips, legs, numb limbs, limbs blue and cold, weak numb
aggravated going upstairs. (Ox-ac) Dr. Farrington.
Spinal affections =Zinc.---Spinal affections burning whole
length of spine backache much<from sitting > by walking
about (Cobalt., Puls., Rhus) Spinal irritation, great
prostration of strength, Cannot bear back touched
(Tarent., Ther.)
Spinal curvature =Bar-m., Calc-s.--- Spinal curvature,
difficulty in sitting.
Spinal disease =Pic-ac.---Priapism with spinal disease;
erection violent, long lasting profuse seminal emissions;
satyriasis (Canth., Phos).
Spinal injury =Nit-ac---A characteristic accompaniment of
(Nit-ac) is profuse sweat breaks out on hands and feet.
When this occurs in spinal injury (Nit-ac) is the remedy.
Spinal irritation =Bac., Arg-n., Thuj., Agar., Pic-ac.,
Sulph., Sil., Ign., Tell.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Spinal meningitis =Nat-s.---Spinal meningitis : violent
gnawing pains at base of brain; head drawn back; spasms
with mental irritability and delirium; violent congestion of
blood to head; delirium; opisthotonos.
Spine = Agar.---Spine column sensitive to touch.
Spine =Calc-p.---Spine weak disposed to curvatures
especially to the left unable to support, body neck weak,
unable to support head (Abrot).
Spine burning =Pic-ac.---for burning in the spine for least
544… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Spine =Bufo.--- for all spinal complaints when symptoms

come on fixed hrs.
Spine-biflda =Bac., Bry., Calc-p.
Spittig saliva viscid =Epip.---Constantly wants to spit saliva
viscid is very characteristic of epip when this symptom
occurs in connection with a headache it will almost
certainly cure.
Spleen =Calc-ar.---Infantile enlarged liver and spleen. Dr.
P.C. Mujumdar.
Spleen =Cean.---It can be also used externally on the place
of the spleen.
Spleen diseases of =Cean., Agar., Nat-m., Urt-u., Caps.--
-Main Medicines.
Spleen enlargement =Querc.--- Liver and spleen
enlargement acts as antidote to alcohol & reduces craving
10-12 drops/dose-tds 1-2 months.
Spleen etc- Appendix, Intolerable pain in the illeocical
region =Bell., Iris.
Spleen etc- Appendix, Swelling in illeocical region =Lach.,
Spleen etc- Appendix, Very sensitive to touch =Hep.
Spleen etc- appendix, worse by lying on right side =Merc.
Spleen etc- hernia, incarcerated, annoyance of clothing
Spleen etc- hernia, incarcerated, anxiety & burning pain
Spleen etc- hernia, incarcerated, restless change of place
Spleen etc- hernia, incarcerated, uneasiness & foetid flatus
Spleen etc- hernia, inguinal, left sided =Nux-v.
Spleen etc- hernia, inguinal, right sided =Lyc.
Spleen etc- hernia, strangulated, deathly nausea =Tab.
Spleen etc- hernia, strangulated, pain around navel =Plb.
Spleen etc- hernia, strangulated, vomiting of faecal =Op.
545… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Spleen etc- hernia, umbilical, weakness in cervical muscles

Spleen etc- hernia, umbilical, weakness in inguinal canal,
worse in the morning =Nux-v.
Spleen etc- pancreas, contracted = Iod.
Spleen etc- pancreas, enlarged =Calc-i.
Spleen etc- pancreas, fatty degeneration =Phos.
Spleen etc- pancreas, inflammation = Iris.
Spleen etc- spleen, dropsy from enlarged spleen =Ars.,
Spleen etc- spleen, enlarged & hard =Iod.
Spleen etc- spleen, enlarged & hard, cutting pains =Calc.
Spleen etc- spleen, enlarged & hard, sharp pain in the
region of spleen =Hydr.
Spleen etc- spleen, enlarged & hard, stitching catching in
spleen, worse by motion =Kali-p.
Spleen etc- spleen, pain in the region of spleen =Cean.
Spleen etc- spleen, sore to touch & enlarged =Phos.
Spleen etc- spleen, swelling, worse in damp weather or
place =Chin., Aran.
Spleen, enlarged =Cean.---The head remedy for
enlargement of the spleen. Its mother tincture should be
given in drop-doses.
Spleenic region is painful =Ars---Marsh intermittent where
spleenic region is painful to touch (Plb) Neither (Ars) nor
(Chin) can be compared to this remedy in such cases.
Splenitis=Cean., Ars., Chin.
Splinter sensation =Hep.--- Sore throat with splinter
sensation. Pain extends to ears when swallowing.
Splinters =Hyper.--- Puncture wounds from nails, bites,
Splinters=Myris., Sil., Arn., Hyper., Led.
Spondylitis =Agar.---Single vertebra, sensitive to touch
Agaricus 1M-3 Doses.
546… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Spondylitis =Dulc.---Cervical and lumbar spondylitis cases-

if > with continued motion and <with fast motion happens-
give Rhus-t-200 followed by Calc-fl. 200 or 1M. If there is a
history of repeated vaccination etc. start the case with
Thuj. 200, wait for 2-3 days and then give Calc-fl . 200, 1M.
Spondylosis = Ferr-P., Rhus-t., Kalm., Sang., Kali-p.,
Ruta-g. (See Anklosing)
Spondylosis, left sided =Ferr-p., Rhus-t., Caust.
Spondylosis, right sided =Chel., Nat-m., Carb-an. (See
Spots =Kali-bi.--- migratory, stringy, spots (painful).
Spots, pain in small spots =Kali-bi., Lach.
Spots, yellow and brown on face =Sep., Sulph.
Sprain =Arn., Calc., Ruta., Rhus-t.
Sprain =Arn.---Every 5 hours. After this Rhus-t200. to
complete the cure.
Sprain Chronic =Calc-c.---For Chronic Sprain Calc. is good
Spraining or straining ailments from =Rhus-t.---Ailments;
from spraining or straining a single part, muscle or tendon
(Calc-ph., Nux-v); overlifting, particularly from
stretching high up to reach things; lying on damp ground;
too much summer bathing in lake or river.
Spraining, straining ailments =Rhus-t.---Ailments : from
spraining, straining a single part, muscles or tendons (Calc-
os., Overlifting, Nux-v.); overlifting, particularly from
stretching high up to reach things; lying on damp ground ;
too much summer bathing in lake or river.
Sprains =Arn.---Shocks of injury bleeding in tissues.
Sprains =Bry.---Injured joint swollen, distended, painful,
worse on movement.
Sprains =Led.---Injured joint cold and numb much swelling.
Sprains =Rhus-t.---After Arn. Hot swollen painful joint
creaky on first movement better when limbered up.
547… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sprains =Ruta-g.--- Sprains (after Arn), after Torn and

wrenched tendons or ligaments bruised periosteum(bone
covering) worse in cold wet weather
Sprains =Symph.---After Arn. And Ruta. If necessary
injury to nerves, tendons, and the bone covering.
Sprains chronic =Op.---For chronic sprains Calc., is
medicine of choice; ankles turn and sprain when walking-
then Nat-c. If some patients say that he is not well since
injury then Carb-v, effect of long standing fear.
Sprains =Stront-c.---for chronic sprains of ankles with
Sprains-joints =Arn.--- Sprains of joints, “tennis elbow.”
Spring every, skin affections reappear. (Psor) =Nat-s.
Squeezing pain in cord and testicle =Spong---In orchitis
with heaviness and screw-like squeezing pain in cord and
testicle, the chief remedy is (Spong) though other
remedies are required before that stage is reached.
Squint = Scorpio to be used in conjunction with Gels., and
Cycl 3.
Stab = Apis., Calen., Hyper., Led.
Stage fright =Ign.---May be given as prophylactic a few
doses on the day of performance and one dose just before
Staggering =Arg-nit.--- Strange, staggering, withered.
Stammering =Bov., Stram.
Stammering =Kali-br.---Stammering; slow, difficult speech
(Bov., Stram.).
Stammering =Spig.---Stammering, repeats first syllable
three or four times with abdominal ailment with
Stammering =Stram.---Stammering; has to exert himself a
long time before he can utter a word; makes great effort to
speak, distorts the face (Bov., Ign., Spig).
Stammering children (Stram) =Bov.
548… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Standing uncomfortable =Sulph.

Staphylococcus =Ant-c., Bapt. Echi., Pyrog.
Steady oozing =Carb-v.--- External or internal bleeding
with steady oozing.
Sterility =Aur., Calc., Phos., Nat-m., Bor., Con., Iod.---
Remedies Normally Used.
Sterility =Bor 6x.---In this complaint it is recommended
that the female should take one dose of Bor
6x(Trituration), before intercourse and one dose after half
an hour of the intercourse should take place 3 days after
menstruation. Bor is to be taken by the female. If the
defect is in the male, then Merc 30 Should be taken by the
male. Puls, Sep, and Calc- a three remedy combination
work best. It has harmonic stimulating action on ovaries.
Sterility =Bor.---The routine remedy by many doctors as a
routine remedy for sterility.
Sterility =China.--- A Case of sterility, China 10 M when
the patient had been suffering from recurring malaria and
he had been consuming a lot of quinine.
Sterility =Nat-c---Discharge of semen from the vagina after
coition resulting in sterility.
Sterility =Vib-p.---In sterility cases-give Vib-p Q, 5 drops
doses 3 times daily, it helps females where everything else
is ok.
Sticky discharges, cough, stool etc =Kali-bi., Graph.
Stiff =Kali-s.--- Sickly, sluggish, stiff.
Stiff =Rhod.--- Stupefied, stiff, rheumatic.
Stiff =Stict.--- Light, stiff, rheumatic.
Stiff neck =Bad.--- In small of back, hips, lower limbs, stiff
Stiff-neck =Acon., Cimic., Ant-t., Bry., Colch., Dulc.,
Rhod., Chel.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Stiffness =Gins 1x.---Relieves the stiffness in back or leg.
Stiffness =Phos---Great stiffness of joints : More stiffness
than pain.
549… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stiffness =Rhod.--- Stiffness.

Stiffness and aching =Rhus-t.--- Stiffness and aching.
Stiffness of body parts =Rhus-t., Bry.
Stiffness of shoulders =Aur-m.--- Tearing pain & stiffness
of shoulders, arms & fingers. (See frozen Shoulders.)
Still birth =Cimic.---If given daily for two months to the
pregnant woman prevents death of children after birth,
still birth ensures living babies in women who have
previously borne only dead children from no discoverable
Stinging pains =Apis.--- Pains are stinging and burning.
Stinging, sensation =Sil., Apis.
Stings =Hydro., Mosch., Arn., Led., Apis.---Medicines
usually Prescribed.
Stings insect =Led.--- Insect stings, especially mosquitoes.
Stingy =Apis.--- Depressed, dropsical, stingy.
Stitches =Kali-c.---Stitches in the region of liver, with
stretching across the abdomen.
Stitching =BELL., BRY., LED., MERC., PULS.---Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Stitching =Cann-s.--- Strange, smarting, stitching.
Stitching pains =Bry., Ran-b.---Both have the stitching
pains worse from movements but (Bry. ) wants pressure on
the chest that is suffering to keep it still while (Ran-B)
cannot bear pressure on chest. Again (Bry.) is worse in the
dry cold weather and (Ran-b.) is worse in wet weather.
Stitching pains =Kali-c.--- Sensitive, irritating, Stitching
Stomach =Abrot.---Sensation as if stomach is hanging or
swimming in water.
Stomach =Anac.---Empty feeling in stomach.
Stomach =Anac.---Stomach sensation of fasting all gone
comes on only when stomach is empty and is > by eating
(Chel., Iod.); > during process of digestion (reverse of Bry
and Nux-v).
550… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stomach =Ant-c.---Stomach out of order, belching with the

taste of food, nausea, tongue coated thick white.
Stomach =Bry.---Pressure in the stomach as if there are
stones after eating untolerable pain with stomach and lies
on the painful side.
Stomach =Cadm-s.--- Stomach, sour, spasmodic.
Stomach =Calc.---Pit of the stomach swollen, like a saucer
turned bottom up.
Stomach =Chel.---Constant pain beneath interior angle of
right scapula pain may extend to the chest or stomach.
Stomach =Cina.---When there is gnawing in the stomach,
after eating, or when the child has taken all it can hold,
yet cries for the bottle, or empties its stomach, by spitting
up and vomiting the food and then reaches out whining and
crying for more, think .(Dr. Kent)
Stomach =Colch.---Burning or icy coldness in stomach and
abdomen. The abdomen is immensely distended with gas
feeling as if it would burst.
Stomach =Ip.---Stomach feels relaxed as if hanging down
(Ign., Staph., )clutching, squeezing griping as from a hand
each finger sharply pressing into intestine; worse from
Stomach =Mag-c.---Spasmodic affections of stomach and
intestines (Coloc., Mag-p.).
Stomach =Mag-p.---Spasms or cramp of stomach with clean
tongue as if a band was drawn tightly around the body.
Stomach =Nux-m.---Eating a little too much cause
headache painfulness and distress in stomach while eating
or immediately after eating (Kali-bi).
Stomach =Phos.--- Burning pains in stomach, intestines,
and between shoulder blades.
Stomach =Staph.---Sensation as if stomach and abdomen
were hanging down relaxed (Agar., Ip., Tab.) Colic : After
lithotomy or ovariotomy attending abdominal section
(Bism., Hep.)
551… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stomach =Sul-ac.---Water drunk causes coldness of the

stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor. Chronic
heartburn, sour eructations, set teeth on edge (Rob.)
Stomach =Sulph.---Pressing painful parts on; Borax;
stomach on.
Stomach =Tab.---Death-like paleness of the face, with sick
Stomach abdomen =Croc-sat.---Sensation as if something
alive were moving in the stomach abdomen uterus arms or
other parts of the body (Sabad., Thuj., Sulph) with nausea
and faintness.
Stomach and Bowel general =Ars., Bell., Bry., Carb-v.,
Cham., Gels., Graph., Ign., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos.,
Sulph., Puls., Sil., Verat.---Medicines generally
Stomach and esophagus =Canth.--- Burning sensation in
esophagus and stomach.
Stomach burning =Ars., Sep., Sulph.
Stomach burning =Carb-v.--- Burning in the stomach with
sour belching, flatulence, regurgitation of food, and
Stomach Cancer = Carb-v., Caust., Kreos., Bismuth.,
Phos., Cadm., Ars., Bapt.
Stomach catarrh =Phos.---for chronic catarrh of the
Stomach disorder =Ars.---Disorder in stomach after taking
fruit or in arm.
Stomach disordered =Puls.---Stomach disordered from
roasted foods, cakes and pastry etc. Particularly fat of
Stomach disorders, indigestion =Nux-v., Carb-v., Lyc.
Stomach heaviness after eating =Lyc., Kali-bi., Hep.
Stomach lie =Podo.---can lie comfortably only on
stomach during pregnancy.
552… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stomach pain =Anac.---Pain in stomach three hours after

taking meal. It is relieved only one taking something.
Stomach Pain =Ars.---Violent and unbearable burning pains
in stomach and abdomen.
Stomach pain =Oeno.---has long standing pain in stomach
after eating.
Stomach pain, better by eating =Anac., Chel., Petr.
Stomach upsets =Puls.--- Stomach upsets from rich foods.
Aversion to fats.
Stomach with flatulence =Carb-v.--- Burning in the
stomach with sour belching, flatulence, regurgitation of
food, and heartburn.
Stomach with sour belching =Carb-v.--- Burning in the
stomach with sour belching, flatulence, regurgitation of
food, and heartburn.
Stomach.---Nat-p.---Diarrhoea, colic, spasm due to acid
conditions of the stomach.
Stomach=Nux-v.---Stomach pressure, an hour or two after
eating as from a stone (immediately after Kali-bi., Nux-m);
pyrosis, tightness, must loosen, clothing; cannot use the
mind for two or three hours after a meal, sleepy after
dinner from anxiety, worry, brandy, coffee, drugs, night
watching, high living, etc.
Stomatitis =Astac., Kali-i., Sulph.
Stomatitis ulcer.---Orni.--- Use mother tincture. Give one
dose and wait. The symptom is : Pain increases when food
passes through the pyloric outlet. It has agonizing feeling in
the chest.
Stone breaking =Hydrang.--- Stone breaking remedy.
Stone dissolving =Ox-ac.---Stone dissolving remedy.
Stony =Calc-f.--- Stony, indurated, hard.
Stony =Con.--- Stony, painless, nodular.
Stool = Alum.---Reluctance and inability to pass stool but
in case it largelyaccumlates, patient is forced to pass stool.
553… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stool =Aloe.---Runs immediately to pass stool during or

after eating and drinking. Drives out of bed at 6 A.M.
Stool =Ant-c.---The stool often liquid , containing portions
of solid food.
Stool =Calc.---Stool has to be removed mechanically
(Aloe., Sanic., Sel., Sep., Sil.)
Stool =Caps.---After every stool thirst and after every
drink shivering.
Stool =Crot-t., Gamb.--- Stool, sudden gush.
Stool =Dig.---Stools very light ash-coloured delayed chalky
(Chel., Podo) almost white (Calc-os., Chin.) pipe-stem stool
Stool =Graph.---Stools of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus.
Stool =Ip.---Stool grassy- green of white mucous (Colch)
bloody fermented foamy slimy like frothy molasses.
Stool =Lyc.---Discharges of blood from genitals during
every stool.
Stool =Nux-v.---After stool, sensation as if more remained
but canot be evacuated.
Stool =Nux-v.---Frequent desire for stool anxious
ineffectual, > for a time after stool; in morning after rising
after mental exertion (inactive, no desire, Bry., Sulph)
Stool =Op.---Stool involuntary especially after fright (Gels)
black and offensive from paralysis of sphincter.
Stool =Podo.---Stools green watery foetid profuse (Calc-
os); gushing out (Gamb., Jat., Phos.) chalk like jelly like,
(Aloe.) undigested (Cinch., Ferr.) yellow meal-like
sediment prolapse of rectum before or with stool.
Stool green =Cham.---Stools green watery corroding like
chopped egg and spinach hot, very offensive like rotten
Stool hard =Sanic.---Stool hard impossible to evacuate on
great straining stool must be mechanically removed.
554… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stool passes only when standing =Caust.

Stool with mucus, Knotty, large =Graph.
Stool, dry, hard, burnt =Bry.
Stool, frequent, desire ineffectual =Nux-v., Sep., Aloe.
Stool, no desire for days =Alum., Bry.
Stool, slips back =Sil., Thuj., Sanic.
Stool, with manual aid =Sanic., Sel., Sep.
Stool, =Con.--- feels, the flatus, the stool, the urine, the
sweat, all cold.
Stool, =Con.--- has chronic cystitis with intermittent
Stools =Puls.---Symptoms ever changing no two chills no
two stools no two attacks alike, very well one hour very
miserable the next, apparently contradictory (Ign.)
Stools frothy =Mag-c.
Stools green =Ip.---Stools green as grass accompanied by
nausea and colic.
Stools large dry hard =Bry.--- Constipate; stools large, dry,
and hard.
Stools mucus = Aloe.---Stools are composed by lumps of
mucus resembling jelly.
Stoop shouldered tall slender women, disposed to stoop
Stoop shouldered walk or sit stooped standing most
uncomfortable =Sulph.
Stop milk with =Psor., Rhus-t.
Stormy weather =Psor.---In stormy weather he feels
acutely restless for days before or during a thunderstorm
(Phos.); dry , scaly eruptions disappear in summer, rectum
in winter. Feels unusually well day before attack.
Strabismus (Squint) = Cycl 3.---A condition in which the
visual axes fail to meet at the objective point from
incordination of the eye muscles
555… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Strain at stool =Alum.--- No desire for stool for a week or

two and no power to strain at stool.
Strain emotional =Ign.
Strained =Calc-sil.--- Pale, weak, strained.
Strained =Ruta.--- Strained, bruised, tendons.
Straining =Tritic---Dysuria driven almost mad with painful
micturition, the burning and straining were truly awful.
(Tritic) mother tincture ten drops in a little water cured.
Dr. Burnett.
Strains =Arn.---Sore, bruised feeling strained back muscles
sore muscles.
Strains =Rhus-t.---Sore muscles torn ligaments and tendons
bruised periosteum(bone covering) worse on first
movement, better after limbered up.
Strains or injuries of single muscles =Rhus., Ruta.
Strains=Calc., Rhus-t., Ruta., Carb-an.
Strange =Arg-n.--- Strange, staggering, withered.
Strange =Cann-s.--- Strange, smarting, stitching.
Strange =Olnd.--- Strange and unreal feelings.
Strangled=Arn., Ars., Op.
Strangury =Camph., Canth., Terb., Bell.
Straving general=Alf., Ars., Ign., Psor.
Streptococcus=Ars., Bell.
Strepto-pencillin =Strep-s., Penic., Potentized.
Stricture of rectum =Thiosin.---Grains twice daily.
Stringy =Hydr.--- Sinking, stringy, catarrhal.
Stringy =Iris.--- Sour, vomiting, stringy.
Stringy =Kali-bi.--- Migratory, stringy, spots (painful).
Stroke apoplexy=Arn., Caust., Lach.
Stubbling while walking =Agar.
Students =Kali-p.---For normal students whose mental
faculties seem to funk at examination time, sad, careworn
look. Headache, sharper mental faculties-5 Tabs BD – one
week before examination and continue during examination.
556… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Students =Ph-ac 200.---Students under stress unable to

Study-spine =Pic-ac---One of its queerest symptoms is that
the least study causes burning along the spine. (Pic-ac).
Everything in this remedy is worse from study, its great
Stuffy =Puls.--- Touchy, Stuffy, puffy.
Stupefied =Arn., Ars., Gels.
Stupefied =Hell.--- Stupefied, heavy, sluggish.
Stupefied =Rhod.--- Stupefied, stiff, rheumatic.
Stupor =Ant-t., Nux-m., Op.
Stupor =Bapt.---Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to
or in the midst of his answer. (when spoken to, answers
correctly, but delirium returns at once-Arn).
Stupor =Bapt.---Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to
or in the midst of his answer (when being spoken to,
answers correctly, but delirium returns at once (Arn).
Stupor =Op.--- Painless, passive, stupor.
Stupor =Wyethia.--- Stupor.
Stuttering =Cann-i 30.
Styes =Lappa.---Styes and ulceration on the edge of the
eye lid.
Styes =Puls 30 or Staph 30 for recurrent styes. Hep 200 or
Sil 200 when tendency for recurrence fails from other
Styes =Puls.---Styes : especially on upper lid; from eating
fat, greasy, rich food or pork (compare, Lyc., Staph).
Styes =Staph.---Acts as a prophylactic against styes.
Styes =Staph.---Styes, constantly recurring, sometimes
Styes =Staph.---Styes, chalazae on eyelids or upper lids,
one after another leaving hard nodosities in their wake
(Con., Thuj).
557… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Styes, eyes =Staph., Thuj., Sil., Puls., Sulph., Con.,

Bell., Hep.---Main Medicines .
Subinvolution=Frax., Aur-m-n., Epip.
Sub-normal temperature =Helo 30.
Sucide tendency =Aur.---Very melancholy and despondent
of like tendency to commit suicide but great fear of death.
Sudden =Acon.--- Short, sudden, violent.
Sudden =Aeth.--- Sudden, deathly, depression.
Sudden =Crot-t.--- Swashing, sudden, gush.
Sudden =Gam.--- Stool, sudden, gush.
Sudden =Samb.--- Sudden, suffocative, spells.
Sudden =Vale.--- Sudden, changing, disposition.
Sudden onset =Acon.--- Fevers; sudden onset; hot dry skin;
often one cheek red, other pale.
Suddering =Caps.--- Smarting, suddering, sensitive.
Sufferings return again =Zinc.---Always feels better every
way as soon as the menses begin to flow; it relieves all her
sufferings; but they return again soon after the flow
ceases. Agg., of many symptoms from drinking wine
(Alum., Con).
Suffocation =Spong.--- Wakes fearfully out of sleep with a
sense of suffocation, loud cough, difficult breathing.
Suffocative =Naja.---suffocative, nervous.
Suffocative =Sulph.---Nightly suffocative attacks, wants
the doors and windows open; becomes suddenly wide
awake at night drowsy in afternoon after sunset,
wakefulness the whole night.
Suffocative attacks =Samb.---Sudden suffocative attacks
after midnight, the child gets up suddenly, sits up in bed,
turns blue and gasps from breath.
Suffocative cough =Gels., Acon., Camph.
Suicide =Aur.---Constantly dwelling on suicide (Naja-but is
afraid to die Nux-v); Profound melancholy : feels hateful
and quarrel-some, desire to commit suicide, life is a
558… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

constant burden; after abuse of mercury; with nearly all

Suited to =Acon.---Rosy, chubby or plarthoric and vigorous.
Suddenness and violence. First attack. Not in typhoid or
continued fever.
Suited to =Ars.---Neat and tidy, every thing should be in
proper place. Useful in Anaemia, asthma, cholera,
diarrhoea and dysentery, malaria, typhoid ETC.
Suited to athletes, runners etc =Rhus-t.
Suited to climacteric =Alum., Aur., Cimic., Glon., Mang.,
Lach.---Medicines Normally Used.
Suited to coal mine worker =Nat-s., Sulph.
Suited to drunkards =Ant-t., Kali-bi., Graph., Nux-v.,
Agar., Led., Lach.---Medicines Usually Prescribed.
Suited to fine needle workers engravers =Arg-m., Crot-t.,
Nat-m., Ruta., Seneg.
Suited to labourer =Cist.
Suited to lead worker, painter, artist =Alum.
Suited to persons =Sep.---Specially suited to persons with
dark hair for women and particularly during pregnancy, in
child bed and while nursing.
Suited to pianists = Alum., Curare.
Suited to preacher, singer, lawyer =Alum., Arg-n., Arum-
t., Caust., Rhus-t., Carb-v., Phos., Spong.---Remedies
Generally prescribed.
Suited to school girls =Calc-p., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Puls.
Suited to stone cutter.---Calc., Sil.
Suited to students, businessmen = Arg-n., Nat-c., Pic-a.,
Suited to terpentine, under smell of =Ter.
Suited to those who do a lot of ironing =Bry.
Suited to those who work before =Carb-v., Glon.
Suited to washerwoman =Sep., Phos.
Sun burn =Bell., or Canth.---Is a prophylactic against sun
559… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sun exposure to ailments from=Ant-c., Bell., Glon., Lach.,

Nat-c., Nat-m., Puls., Verat.---Medicines Usually
Sun heat of =Ant-c.---Cannot bear the heat of sun; worse
from overexertion in the sun (Lach., Nat-m); < from
overheating near the fire exhausted in warm weather;
ailments from sunburn.
Sun rays =Glon.---Bad effects from exposure to the rays of
the sun.
Sun sensitivity =Mez.---Who are sensitive to sun the day
before they are likely to be exposed to the sun.
Sun stroke =Gels., Glon., Ilex-p., Nat-c., Nat-m.---
Medicines mostly used.
Sun stroke =Glon 10m.---As a preventive against sun
stroke. Dr. Pierre Schmidt
Sun weather =Gels.--- Bad effects of sun or hot weather.
Sunburn=Bell., Canth., Puls., Sol., Urt-u.---Remedies
Mostly Prescribed.
Sunstroke =Bell.--- Sunstroke with pounding puls.
Sunstroke =Glon.---Sunstroke and sun headache; increases
and decreases every day with the sun (Kalm., Nat-c).
Sunstroke =Verat-v.---Sunstroke, head full, throbbing of
arteries, sensitive to sound; double or partial vision (Gels.,
Sunstroke chronic effects =Nat-c.---Chronic effects of
sunstroke; now, with return of hot weather, suffers from
Sunstroke=Aml-n., Bell., Glon., Lach., Nat-c., Sol.,
Suppressed fever =In all incurable cases, after the fever
has been reduced, Phos. should not be given, as it will
intensify the fever and do just what it was given to avoid.
Suppressed foot-sweat ailments from =Sil.---Ailments :
caused by suppressed foot-sweat (Cupr., Graph., Psor);
exposing the head or back to any slight draft of air; bad
560… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

effects of vaccination, especially abscesses and convulsions

(Thuj); chest complaints of stone-cutters with total loss of
Suppressed menses =Con., Lac-d .---Suppressed menses
due to working in cold water or putting hand in cold water
with congestion in back and swelling in breast Con-200 was
given. The menses returned (Suppressed menses –from
working in cold water-Kent Repertory-Con., Lac-d).
Suppressed menses =Podo.---Suppressed menses in young
girls (Puls., Tub).
Suppressed sexual desire =Con.---Bad effects from
excessive indulgence or from suppressed sexual desire.
Suppressed sexual desire, or suppressed menses, bad
effect =Con.---Bad effects; od suppressed sexual desire, or
suppressed menses; non-gratification of sexual instinct, or
from excessive indulgence.
Suppressed urine =Stram.30.
Suppression =Bell.---Suppression of urine or the opposite
wetting the bed.
Suppression =Sec.---Suppression of milk; in thin scrawny,
exhausted women, the breasts do not properly fill. The skin
feels cold to touch yet the patient cannot tolerate
covering, icy coldness of extremities.
Suppression general=Bry., Calc., Kali-bi., Lach., Nux-v.--
-Main Medicines.
Suppression of urine =Solid.--- Suppression of urine due to
prostatic hypertrophy.
Suppurating =Sil.---Slow suppurating process in general.
Suppuration =It has the bright redness of (Bell) the
oedema of (Apis) and the tendency to suppuration of
tonsils of (Guai)
Suppuration =Phyt.---Hastens suppuration (Hep., Lach.,
Merc., Sil.).
561… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Suppuration =Sul-ac.---Prevents excessive suppuration of

Suppurations =Hep.---In cases where suppuration seems
inevitable Hep may open the abscess and hasten the case.
Suppurative =Hep.--- Sensitive, suppurative, atonic.
Surface – great external coldness with aversion to covering
with sensation of the heat =Camph.
Surface – great external coldness with aversion to covering
with sensation of burning as if from sparks =Sec.
Surface – great external coldness with blueness sp. of lips,
of finger nails =Carb-v., Ox-ac.
Surface – great external coldness with cold sweat on the
forehead =Verat.
Surface – great external coldness with cold sweat on the
whole body =Tab.
Surface – great external coldness with haemorrhage =Chin.
Surface – great external coldness with sweat night general
and local also objective as well subjective =Calc-c.
Surface – icy coldness of parts different parts of head
Surface – icy coldness of parts of foot =Chel.
Surface – icy coldness of parts of hands and feet =Meny.
Surface – icy coldness of parts of lower parts =Helon.
Surface – odour discharges yellow =Nat-p.
Surface – odour offensive peculiar and disgreeable with
aversion to bathing =Sulph.
Surface – odour offensive persisting inspite of careful
washing =Psor.
Surface – odour offensive smelling like rotten egg =Staph.
Surface – odour sour all excretions =Nat-p.
Surface – odour sour with sour diarrhoea =Hep.
Surface – odour sour with sour stool =Rheum.
Surface – odour with green frothy stool =Mag-c.
Surface – odour with sour vomiting =Sul-ac.
562… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Surface – parts partly hot partly cold extremities cold,

while rest of the body warm =Meny.
Surface – parts partly hot partly cold head and face hot
while body and extremities cold =Arn.
Surface – parts partly hot partly cold top the head hot,
while the feet cold =Sulph.
Surface – vital warmth lack of vital warmth even when
taking exercise must cover up sp. head =Sil.
Surface – vital warmth lack of vital warmth parts cold to
touch but not subjective of patient =Led.
Surface cold =Camph.---Surface cold to the touch, yet
cannot bear to be covered; throws off all covering (Med.,
Surgery=Calen., Arn., Bell-p., Staph., Ars.
Surgical =Calen.---Traumatic affections to secure union by
first intention and prevent suppuration. In all cases of loss
of soft parts when union cannot be effected by means of
adhesive plaster.
Surgical remedies =Calen., Arn.---Calendula is similar to
Arn. In traumatism with laceration of soft tissues.
Surgical shock =Verat., Carb-v., Op.
Susceptibility =Op.---Want of susceptibility to remedies;
lack of vital reaction, where well selected remedies made
no impression (Carb-v., Laur., Op., Valer).
Suspending =Gali.--- For suspending or modifying
cancerous action used in cancerous ulcer & nodulated
tumors of the tongue.
Suspensions =Apoc.---When dependent upon suspensions of
renal function and from a feeble heart and low blood
Swallow =Alum.---Can swallow but takes small morsel at a
Swallow =Sabad.---Sensation of skin hanging loosely in
throat must swallow over it.
563… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Swallowing =Ars.---Poisoning from morbid animal matter,

bleeding of mouth sore by inoculation and swallowing.
Swallowing =Gels.--- Sore throat with red tonsils. Difficult
swallowing. Pain shoots from throat to ear.
Swallowing Difficult =Kali-c.---Difficult swallowing sticking
pain in pharynx as of fish bone (Hep., Nit-ac); food easily
gets into windpipe pain in back when swallowing.
Swallowing difficulty =Alum.---There is difficulty in
swallowing, in a paralytic condition of the oesophagus.
Difficulty in reusing or moving the arms; paralysis of one
side of body or paralysis of muscles of the lower
extremities or of the bladder and rectum. The paralytic
state begins as a sort of semi paralysis for a long time
merely an inactivity which grows at length into a complete
paralytic condition.
Swallowing difficulty =Lyss.---Difficulty in swallowing even
spasm of oesophagus from swallowing liquids gagging when
swallowing water.
Swashing =Crot-t.--- Swashing, sudden, gush.
Sweat =Sin-n.---has sweat on upper lip and the forehead.
Sweat = Carb-an.---Offensive, weakening profuse sweat.
Sweat = Con 30.---During sleep.
Sweat = Samb 30.---Sweat as soon as one awakes.
Sweat =Bell.---Thuj., sweat on uncovered part, Bell.,
sweats on covered parts (one-sided).
Sweat =Calad.---Sweet attracts the flies.
Sweat =Calc 30.--- Sweats the head and wets the pillow
during sleep and smells sour.
Sweat =Calc.---Sweat of single parts (Kali-bi), head, scalp,
wet nape of neck, chest, axilla, sexual organs and knee,
Sweat =Con.---Sweat day and night as soon as one sleeps or
even when closing the eyes (Cinc).
564… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sweat =Hep.---Sweat profusely day and night without

relief, perspiration sour offensive easily on every physical
or mental exertion (Psor., Sep).
Sweat =Mag-m.---Great Tendency of head to sweat (Calc-
os., Sanic., Sil).
Sweat =Merc-s.--- Sweat, saliva, smell (mercurial).
Sweat =Petr.---Sweat moisture of external genitals, of
both sexes.
Sweat =Rheum.---Sweat of scalp constant profuse whether
asleep or awake quite or in motion the hair is always wet
may or may not be sour (Calc-os., Sanic.).
Sweat =Sanic.---Head and neck of children sweat profusely
during sleep wets the pillow far around (Calc-os., Sil.).
Sweat =Sil 30.--- Sweat the head up to the neck and wets
the pillow during sleep and smells obnoxious
Sweat =Sil.---Sweat of hands toes feet and axillae
Sweat =Stann.---Sweat mouldy musty odour after 4 am
every morning on neck and forehead very debilitating.
Sweat =Tab.---Icy coldness of surface covered with cold
Sweat =Tell 30.---Feet and anxillary region sweats.
Sweat =Thuj.---Sweat only on uncovered parts or all over
except the head (rev. of Sil). When he sleeps stops when he
wakes (rev of Samb). Profuse sour smelling foetid at night.
Sweat =Vip C---Sweat on the whole body except the
hidden limb. (Vip)
Sweat =Zinc.---Feet sweaty and sore about toes; foetid
suppressed foot-sweat, very nervous. During sweat, cannot
tolerate any covering.
Sweat cold and clammy =Carb-v.--- Limbs cold, bluish
skin, sweat cold and clammy.
565… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sweat- cold, copious, with cold surface, cold breath &

blueness =Carb-v.
Sweat- cold, on the forehead with cold surface =Verat.,
Carb-v., Ant-t.
Sweat- cold, on the whole body with cold surface =Tab.
Sweat- cold, profuse and clammy =Aloe., Ant-t.
Sweat- day and night without relief, partial or general with
great sensitivity to touch and cold =Hep.
Sweat- during, at night, of weak and anaemic subjects
Sweat- during, at night, profuse, on head, wetting the
pillow =Calc.
Sweat- during, day and night without relief, with offensive
odour and complaints aggravated by warmth of bed =Merc.
Sweat- during, in case of consumption =Tub.
Sweat- during, in morning, smells like musk =Mosch.
Sweat- during, sleep, as soon as eyes closed =Con.
Sweat- during, sleep, on being covered =Chin., Bell.
Sweat- during, while awaken, profuse and dry when asleep
Sweat feels cold =Con.---Feels the flatus, the stool the
urine, the sweat all cold.
Sweat foot =Sanic.---Foot sweat between the toes making
them sore offensive (Graph., Psor., Sil); on soles as if he
had stepped in cold water.
Sweat- hot, with stupor =Op.
Sweat- hot, with sudden prostration =Bism.
Sweat night =Phos.--- Sweat at night.
Sweat of head =Sil., Rhus-t.---Sweat of head body dry(Sil)
Sweat of body, head dry.(Rhus-t)
Sweat offensive, foot or axilla =Rhus-t., Sulph., Sil.
Sweat on limbs =Carb-v.---Vital power nearly exhausted,
the surface from knees to feet is cold lies as if died and
pulse intermittent.
566… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sweat- on parts, on feet offensive, of self-willed, and

sweaty headed subjects =Sil.
Sweat- on parts, on feet offensive, of weak minded
subjects, without head sweat =Bar-c.
Sweat- on parts, on the covered parts only =Bell.
Sweat- on parts, on the head, of large headed child,
profuse at night =Calc.
Sweat- on parts, on the head, of thin big- belly children
Sweat- on parts, on the head, warm and wetting the head
Sweat- on parts, on the one side only =Puls.
Sweat- on parts, on the uncovered parts only =Thuj.
Sweat on upper lip and fore-head =Sin-n---Sweat on upper
lip and fore-head is a symptom worth noting.(Sin-n)
Sweat profuse =Samb.---Profuse sweat over entire body
during waking hours on going to sleep dry heat returns
(Sweats as soon as he closes the eyes to sleep, Cinch.,
Sweat, missing-no sweating =Alum.
Sweating =Merc.---Sweating all complaints but it gives no
relief in night.
Sweating and collapse =Verat.--- Nausea with violent
vomiting and profuse diarrhea, clammy sweating and
Sweating palms =Naja-t.---Sweating palms was a symptom
which had been present from childhood and was cured with
the .(Naja-t).
Sweating, head =Calc.
Sweats =Op.--- Sweats easily with languor.
Sweats =Rhus-g.---for profuse sweats arising from debility
(Chin) or night sweats. Scurvy; nursing sore mouth (Vero-o)
aphthous stomatitis, spongy gums and pharyngitis.
Sweats music =Tarent.---sweats profusely from music
567… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sweaty scalp =Calc-p.--- Debility with Anaemia, sweaty

Sweets =Arg-n.---Great desire for sweets.
Swelled =Clem.--- Grandular, swelled, painful.
Swelling of the breast =Con.---Soreness and swelling of
the breasts preceding the menses.
Swelling =Apis.--- Swelling of ankles, Bee stings and insect
bites with all sorts of swellings with burning stinging pains
cold swelling, itching, and redness.
Swelling =Arn.---Glossy, red, hard and hot swelling with
pulsating pain
Swelling =Arn.---Hot, hard, red and shining swellings
irritation, itching and tenderness, crawling, stinging or
smarting sensation.
Swelling =Arn.---Swelling of the knee and tightness, red
hot glossy painful swelling of the feet and great toe with
tingling pricking.
Swelling =Bar-c.---Specially suitable for old people,
dwarfs, scrofulous children with granular swelling.
Swelling =Bry.---Dropsical swelling increase during the day
and decrease at night.
Swelling =Hep.---Croup after dry, cold wind with swelling
below the larynx, and great sensitiveness to cold air or
Swelling =Kali-c.---Swelling like a sack between the
eyebrows and lids.
Swelling =Mere-i-f.--- Glandular, swelling, side (right).
Swelling =Myris.---Is a remedy of great antiseptic power. It
acts on inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and
Swelling =Rhod.---Acute inflammatory swelling of joints
wandering from one joint to another severe at night < in
rest and during rough stormy weather (Kalm).
Swelling =Samb.---Oedematous swelling in various parts of
body, especially leg, instep and feet.
568… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Swelling =Spong.---Swelling and induration of glands,

goitre (Brom). Thyroid gland swollen even with chin with
suffocative paroxysms at night. Goitre.
Swelling of glands =Sang.---Fullness and tenderness behind
angle of jaws is a key-note. Also swelling of glands. Dr.
Swelling with pain =Apis., Puls., Nit-ac.
Swollen =Rhus-t.---Swollen along the ankles, after sitting
too long, particularly in travelling.
Swollen gums =Merc-v.--- Swollen gums with soreness
about teeth.
Sycosis=Med., Thuj., Arg., Arg-n., Hydr., Kali-bi., Kali-
s., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Staph., Aster., Aur-m.---Remedies
generally prescribed.
Sycotic =Med.--- Sycotic, sensitive, gonorrheal.
Sycotic =Thuja.--- Sycotic, sensitive, fixed (ideas).
Sycotic excrescence =Thuj.--- Sycotic excrescence.
Sympathy feeling =Caust.---Feeling of extreme for every
one is a keynote symptom of Caust.
Sympathy intense =Caust.---Intense sympathy for suffering
of others. Children slow in learning to walk (Calc-p);
Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
Symptoms constantly Changing =Sanic., Lac-c., Puls.
Symptoms contradictory =Puls.---has no head or tail,
ever-changing contradictory symptoms.
Synovitis =Bry., Calc-f., Apis.
Syphilis = Merc., Ars-i., Aur., Aur-m., Aur-m-n., Kali-i.,
Kali-s., Laur., Merc-c., Nit-ac., Phyt., Sil., Still., Syph.--
-Medicines generally prescribed.
Syphilis =Aur-m.---Syphilitic pregnant mother, prevents
the disease in her of-spring.
Syphilis =Aur-m-n.
Syphilitic = Echi.---It is also used in syphilitic complaints.
Syphilitic = Syph.--- Sore, syphilitic, ulcerative.
569… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Syphilitic ulcer of tongue =Lyc., Hep., Phyt., Kali-bi., Fl-

ac., Hydr.
Tabes mensenterica =Bac., Merc-c., Iod., Calc-c., Plb.,
Abort.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Tachycardia =Iber.---Mother tincture. There is no better
remedy than this.
Takes away craving =Daph., Thuj.---Takes away craving
for gutkha & pan masala.
Talk all the time, loquacious =Stram.---Loquacious, talk
all the time, sings, makes verses, raves; simulates Bell.,
and Hyos., yet differs to a degree.
Talk disposed to =Stram.---Disposed to talk continually
(Cic., Lach) incessant and incoherent talking and laughing;
praying, beseeching, entreating with suppressed menses.
Talkativeness with jesting (loquacity with jesting). =Kali-i.
Tall hopeless haggard look growing too fast =Ph-ac.
Tall with narrow chest young men growing men growing too
rapid =Phos.
Tapeworm=Fil., Cina., Ioduretted-pot-iod.
Tardy development =Bar-c.--- Tardy development.
Tartar =Bac.---Prevent the formation of tartar upon the
Taste =Carb-an.---Eructation with the taste of food long
after it is taken.
Taste bitter =Sulph.--- Bitter taste in the morning.
Taste sour =Nux-v., Calc., Lyc.
Taste, bitter =Nat-m., Puls.
Taste, everything salty =Bell.
Tasteless, tongue coated white =Ant-c., Nat-m., Mag-c.
Tastes cold = Agn.---Tastes cold, swollen, hard and
Tearing pain =Aur-m.--- Tearing pain & stiffness of
shoulders, arms & fingers.
570… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tearing pain =Cann-s.---Tearing pain along urethra in a

zigzag direction .
Tearing pains =Rhus-t. ---for pains tearing down thighs
during stool.
Tearing pains =Tart-ac---Tearing pains on the soles of the
feet, near the heel, which prevents him putting his foot on
the ground after luncheon. (Tart-ac)
Tearing toothache =Spig.---Tearing toothache, especially
aggravated by cold water, disappearing when lying down.
Teeth =Carb-an.---Teeth are loose and feel sensitiveness
on chewing.
Teeth =Merc., Cham., Bell., Coff., Plan., Sil., Calc-f.,
Calc-p., Staph., Kreos., Spig.---Medicine usually
Teeth and gums , gums, swelled, extending into throat
Teeth and gums- gums, bleeding easily, aphthous mouth =
Teeth and gums- gums, bleeding easily, sore scorbutic =
Teeth and gums- gums, bleeding easily, spongy swollen =
Teeth and gums- gums, bleeding easily, with looseness of
teeth = Carb-v., Carb-a., Am-c.
Teeth and gums- gums, spongy, swollen easily bleeding =
Teeth and gums- gums, spongy, sensitive & painful =
Teeth and gums- gums, spongy, swollen sometimes
bleeding = Merc.
Teeth and gums- gums, swelled, very painful, with dark red
or blue colour =Kreos.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse at night, in decayed
teeth, aggravated by cold bathing =Ant-c.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse at night, in decayed
teeth, aggravated from quiet =Mag-c.
571… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse at night, in decayed

teeth, aggravated by warmth of bed =Merc.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by cold, better by
warm applications =Mag-p.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by cold, better by
warmth or food =Rhod.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by cold, better by
warmth& also pressing teeth firmly =Chin.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by cold, relieved by
eating or lying down =Spig.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by warm, not
relieved by cold =Cham.
Teeth and gums- tooth, aching, worse by warm, relieved
by cold water =Puls., Nat-s., Clem.
Teeth and gums- tooth, decay, almost as soon as they are
born =Kreos.
Teeth and gums- tooth, decay, beginning at the roots
Teeth and gums- tooth, decay, beginning at the roots,
early in children cup-shaped =Syph.
Teeth and gums- tooth, decay, turning black, sp. in
children =Staph.
Teeth and gums, gums, swelled, excessively sensitive
Teeth and gums-tooth, aching, worse by warm, relieved by
ice water =Coff.
Teeth bleeding after extraction = Staph., Phos.
Teeth decay =Kreos.---when teeth decay, become yellow
give . there is very painful dentition, rapid decay teeth
Teeth decay =Syph.---Teeth decay at edge of gum and
break off; are cupped, edges serrated; dwarfed in size,
coverage at their tips (Staph).
572… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Teeth decay =Thuj.---Teeth decay at the roots, crowns

remain sound (Mez-On edges, Staph); crumble, turn yellow
Teeth decay =Thuj.---Teeth decay next to gums, very
sensitive. Gums retract. Pyorrhea.
Teeth brushing after, vomiting =Coc-c.
Teeth grinding =Cina., Bell.
Teeth grinds in sleep=Bac.---Grinds teeth in sleep.
Imperfectively developed teeth.
Teeth loose =Merc.---teeth fell loose, fall out or become
black and carious.
Teeth looseness, of easily bleeding gums =Carb-v.
Teeth rapid caries of =Fl-ac.---Rapid carries of teeth;
fistulae dentalis or lachrymalis; Exostosis of bones of face
Teeth =Kali-i.---for rickety children with big teeth
frequent urine.
Teeth=Staph.---Teeth turn black, show dark streaks
through them; cannot be kept clean; crumble; decay on
edges (at the roots- Mez., Thuj.). Scorbutic Cachexia.
Teething =Bell.--- Teething problems.
Teething =Calc.---In teething milk disagrees and may be
vomited in the form of curd or pass the bowels in the same
Teething =Calc-p., Ferr-p., Cham., Podo., Kreos.---Main
Medicines .
Teething ailments of =Mag-p.---Ailment of teething
children; spasms during dentition, no fever (with fever, hot
head and skin, Bell).
Teething children =Ter.---It is indicated in children
especially teething children when they fly into passions.
Teething painful =Cham.--- Painful teething with or
without fever. Greenish diarrhea during teething.
573… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Teething troubles, children =Calc-p.

Temper =Cham.---Is turmoil in temper.
Temper strange =Anac.---Strange temper; laughs at
serious matters and is serious over laughable things. Thinks
herself a demon; curses and swears.
Temperament =Bry., Cham.---temperament irritable, the
patient desires unattenable things and when given refuses.
Temperament- angryquarrel some =Ign.
Temperament- changeable alternately cheerful or morose
=Plat., Croc.
Temperament- changeable fitful mood from deepest
sorrow to gay =Nux-m.
Temperament- changeable let alone timid but irritable if
aroused =Sulph.
Temperament- changeable mood hysterical affections
Temperament- changeable strong impulses at times =Nux-
Temperament- changeable violent irritable jealousy
Temperament- easily angered =Coloc.
Temperament- fearful of being alone dread of being alone
Temperament- fearful of being alone fears to be left alone
Temperament- fearful of being alone solitude unbearable
Temperament- fearful of being touched or struck =Arn.
Temperament- fearful of death fears something terrible
will happen =Calc-c.
Temperament- fearful of death feels the diseases
incurable =Caust.
Temperament- fearful of death feels to be poisoned
574… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Temperament- fearful of death predicts the moment or

hour of death =Acon.
Temperament- fearful of death rise up in night with fear
sudden death =Arn.
Temperament- fearful of death undefinable and
unreasonable =Acon.
Temperament- fearful of death with no complaint =Mosch.
Temperament- fearful of death with prostration great and
sudden =Ars.
Temperament- fearful of falling from a height =Mosch.
Temperament- fearful of falling from downward motion
Temperament- irritated cannot endure opposition =Lyc.
Temperament- irritated least harmless word offends
=Staph., Lil-t.
Temperament- irritated the child in cross =Ant-c.
Temperament- irritated will not speak civilly =Cham.
Temperament- sad and depressed despondent making life
in tolerable =Psor.
Temperament- sad and depressed despondent unhappy
mind =Lach.
Temperament- sad and depressed looks on dark side of
everything =Caust.
Temperament- sad and depressed silent grieving sighs
much =Ign.
Temperament- sad and depressed temporarily relieved by
diversion =Helon.
Temperament- sad and depressed thinks of nothing but
death =Graph.
Temperament- sad and depressed wants to commit suicide
Temperament- sad and depressed wholly occupied with
sad thoughts =Nat-c.
Temperament- uncontrollable furious rage =Canth., Kali-
c., Carc.
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Temperament- weeping consolation aggravating =Nat-m.

Temperament- weeping crying makes her worse =Stann.
Temperament- weeping with indifference =Sep.
Temperament- weeping with submissive =Puls., Alum.
Temperaments =Sep---The characteristics of the menses
are more or less same for ( Nux V) for this condition can
hardly ever take (Puls) for anything. (Sep) on the other
hand would do well.
Temporal epilepsy =Stram.---Temporal Epilepsy. Aura-
Sudden episode of fear.
Temporomandibular=Caust., Rhus-t.
Tendency =Calc.---Tendency in children and young persons
to grow very fat.
Tendency =Caust.---Sadness, peevishness. Tendency to
become frightened distrust of the future.
Tendency of renal calculi =Nat-p.---Prevents the tendency
of formation.
Tendency to adhesions =Calc-f.---If used after operation,
reduce the tendency to adhesions.
Tender =Mang.--- Sore, tender, chlorotic.
Tendons = Rhus-t., Ruta.
Tendons = Ruta.--- Strained, bruised, tendons.
Tendons =Caust.---Tendons become shortened, resulting in
temporary or permanent contracture and the limb is drawn
up, tendons of the forearm contract and there is gradually
increasing flexion. Sometimes while muscles will harden
and shorten so that it can be felt by the hand as hard ridge.
Contracture of the muscle and tendons.
Tenesmus =Colch.---Child falls asleep on the vessal as soon
as tenesmus ceases.
Tenesmus =Merc-c.--- Terrible, tormenting, tenesmus.
Tenesmus =Merc-c.---Tenesmus of bladder, with intense
burning in urethra, urine hot, burning, scanty or
576… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

suppressed; in drops with great pain; bloody, brown, brick-

dust sediment; albuminous.
Tenesmus =Merc-c.---Tenesmus of rectum not > by stool (>
by stool- Nux-v.) incessant persistent, stool hot, scanty
bloody, slimy offensive shreds of mucus membranes and
terrible cutting colicky pains.
Tenesmus =Merc-s.--- Tenesmus.
Tennis elbow=Bry., Rhus-t., Ruta., Arn., Aur., Bell-p.,
Calc-f., Hyper.---Remedies Normally Prescribed.
Terrible red =Arg-nit.--- Terrible red painful eyes.
Terrific unbearable pains =Verat---For terrific
unbearable pains in the head that change the face, almost
induce insanity, with the icy sensation in the
Terrors but lacking in pain =Stram---A remedy for terrors
but lacking in pain. Disorderly, graceful, or rhythmic
movements. (Stram) Dr. Boger synoptic key.
Testes =Arg-m., Aur., Clem., Puls., Rhod., Spong.---
Remedies Mainly Used.
Testes =Spong.---for squeezing pains in cord and testes.
Testicle swelling =Rhod.---Induration and swelling of the
testicle after gonorrhea or rheumatic exposure (Clem).
Orchitis, sensation in gland as if it was being crushed.
(Aur., Cham).
Testicles =Aur-met.---Aur-met. 200-10M is a pathological
remedy for undescended testicles provided the testicle is
not ectopic.
Testicles =Puls., Acon., Bell., Ham., Spong., Merc., Aur.,
Tetanus =Acon., Arn., Bell., Calen., Cic-v., Hyper., Led.,
Mag-p., Sil., Verat.---Medicines Usually Prescribed.
Tetanus =Acon.---In impending tetanus we certainly have
efficient preventives of the full-fledged disease.
Tetanus =Vib-p.---The best remedy in the world for
tetanus. (Vib-p.) Dr. Phares.
577… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tetanus =Led.--- For punctured wounds which may result

in tetanus as preventive, such as a puncture as by nails Etc.
Tetanus =Stry.---Bind moistened tobacco under arms and
pit of stomach.
Tetanus=Stry., Upas., Passi., Phys.---Medicines Mostly
Thalessemia cases =Benz., Cean., Lec., Vanad.--- Gives
Benz 30 + Cean 6 +Lec 6 + Vanad 30, in combination 3-4
doses daily. This combination helps cases where blood
transfusion was required very frequently.
The method is after and attack is over, take Graph 30
every morning and night for a long time since the attack.
Thick tongue =Merc-v.--- Thick tongue with yellowish-
whiter coating. Teeth leave an imprint on tongue.
Thigh =Apis., Ars., Bell., Bry., Carb-v., Gels., Hep.,
Hyper., Led., Merc., Sulph.---Medicines usually
Think =Op.---Thinks she is not at home (Bry); this is
continuously in her mind.
Think =Verat.---Thinks she is pregnant or will soon be
Think inability to =Aeth.---Inability to think or fix
attention patient feels as if rat or mouse is running across
the room.
Think inability to =Nat-c.---Inability to think or to perform
any mental labor; causes headache; feels stupefied if he
tries to exert; himself comprehension slow, difficult.
Think inability to =Nat-s., Nat-c., Nux-m.
Thinking agg. =Med.---Many symptoms are < when
thinking of them (pains return as soon as he/she thinks
about them, Ox-ac). Heat, covering; stretching; thunder
storm; least movement; sweats; from daylight to sunset
(rev. of Syph).
578… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Thinking agg. =Calc-p., Helon., Ox-ac.---Feels complaints

more when thinking about them (Helon., Ox-ac).
Thinking uncommon mental activity; cannot stop
Thinks double =Anac.---Thinks he is double, fears he is
persued, looks for thieves, expects enemies, fears
everything, everybody. He feels cruel, can do bodily injury
without feeling. Cruel malicious and wicked.
Thinks not at home =Op.---Thinks she is not at home (Bry);
this is continually in her mind.
Thinks she is under superhuman control. Changing in talk
from one subject to another.
Thirst =Ign.--- has a thirst during chill.
Thirst =Acon.--- Thirst for large quantities of water,
Thirst =Ant-c.---No thirst amidst all troubles.
Thirst =Ant-t.---Thirst for cold water, generally, desirous
for apples and other likewise fruits and acids.
Thirst =Arn.---Knows not for what, all drinks are offensive.
Thirst =Ars., Phos., Verat.---Cold drinks for.
Thirst =Ars.---Great thirst for cold water, drinks often, but
little at a time; eats seldom but much.
Thirst =Ars.---Unquenchable thirst, drinks little at a time
and watery discharge.
Thirst =Berb.---Alternating with aversion to drink.
Thirst =Calc.---Night at.
Thirst =Caps.---Thirst after every stool,but with every
drink, there is shuddering. Thirst after stool with shivering.
Thirst =Carb-v.---Coldness of body with.
Thirst =Caust.---Thirst after eating; thirst for cold drinks
with aversion to water; desire for beer, smoked meats,
aversion to sweet things and delicacies. Most medicines
that have loss of appetite, have desire for sweet things,
579… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

pastry etc. The symptom if thirst with aversion to drinking

is very much like Lach. The two run very closely paralysis
or paralytic condition of the throat.
Thirst =Gels.--- Lack of thirst.
Thirst =Mag-m.---Headache, with.
Thirst =Nit-ac.---Consumption in.
Thirst =Nit-ac.---Morning.
Thirst =Podo.---Thirst for large quantities of cold water
(Bry.). at a time.
Thirst =Puls.---Great dryness of mouth in the morning,
without thirst (Nux-m., mouth moist, intense thirst, Merc.).
Thirst =Puls.---Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints;
gastric difficulties from eating rich food, cake, pastry,
especially after pork or sausage, the sight or even the
thought of pork causes disgust, “bad taste” in the morning.
Thirst =Sanic.---Thirst, drinks little and often; is vomited
as soon as it reaches the stomach (Ars., Phos).
Thirst =Sec.---Unquenchable thirst. Unnatural ravenous
appetite. Craves-Acids.
Thirst =Uran-n.---Excessive thirst nausea; vomiting.
Ravenous appetite; eating followed by flatulence.
Thirst =Verat.---Thirst intense, unquenchable for large
quantities of very cold water and acid drinks, wants
everything cold.
Thirst =Verat-v.---Thirsty, nausea and vomiting. Smallest
quantity of food or drink immediately rejected.
Thirst aversion =Canth.--- Unquenachable thirst with
aversion to all fluids.
Thirst during the chill =Ign.---No other remedy except has
the thirst during the chill and at no other stage.
Thirst lack =Ip.--- Lack of thirst.
580… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Thirst lack of =Puls.--- Dryness of mouth with lack of

Thirst less, dry mouth =Puls., Aeth., Apis.
Thirst more but of little quantity =Ars.
Thirst unquenchable =Nat-m., Bry.
Thirst, thirst less, almost absolute absence of thirst,
specially in dropsy =Apis.
Thirst, thirst less, child makes grunt when offered drinks
Thirst, thirst less, complete absence of thirst with marked
prostration and anxiety =Aeth.
Thirst, thirst less, excessive dryness of mouth, tongue
sticking to the roof =Nux-m.
Thirst, thirst less, indifference to eating & drinking =Chin.
Thirst, thirst less, loss of appetite and refuses drinks =Arg-
Thirst, thirst less, with great dryness of mouth =Puls.
Thirst, thirsty [intense], accompanied with dropsy =Apoc.,
Thirst, thirsty [intense], but water is vomited the moment
it reaches stomach =Bism.
Thirst, thirsty [intense], drinks often but little, as cold
water disagrees =Ars.
Thirst, thirsty [intense], unquenchable thirst, which agrees
well =Acon.
Thirst, thirsty [intense], with burning in throat & stomach
Thirst, thirsty [intense], with characteristic moist mouth
Thirst, thirsty [intense], with excessive dryness of mucous
surfaces =Bry.
Thirst, thirsty [intense], with sense of dryness in mouth
without actual dryness =Nat-m.
Thirstless =Ant-t.--- Rattling, thirstless, drowsy.
Thirstless =Apis.
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Thirst-less =Nux-m.--- Dry, drowsy, thirst-less.

Thirstless for day =Calad.
Thirsty = Cham.
Thirsty =Bry.---Thirst for large quantity of water on long
duration with dryness of mouth.
Thirsty =Malar-off.---Thirsty for lemonade not so much for
water. Wants cold drinks craves sour things.
Thirsty =Merc-v.--- Very thirsty, even though mouth is
Thirsty =Petr.---Thirsty and hungry yet as soon as they
begin to eat or drink they lose all desire.(reverse of Calc-
Thirsty =sulph.--- Thirsty; would rather drink than eat.
Thirsty large =Bry.--- Thirsty for large amounts of cold
drinks at long intervals.
Thirsty =Caps.--- is thirsty after every stool and shivers
after every drink.
Thought less =Nux-m.---Thought less, slow thinking,
irresolute changing the mind.
Throat =Lach.--- for throat troubles with pain in shin
Throat & Skin =Bell.---Its acts on the entire brain, the
nervous and glandular symptoms, the throat and the skin.
Throat = Sabad.---Dryness of fauces and throat.
Throat =Anac.---Apt. to choke when eating and drinking
(Cann-s., & Nit-ac.).
Throat =Ant-t.---Violent sore throat with difficult
Throat =Arg-n.---Throat feels sore during expiration and
coughing but not on swallowing.
Throat =Bapt.---Can swallow liquids only (Bar-c.) least
solid food gags (Can swallow liquids only but has aversion
to them, Sil.).
Throat =BELL., Apis., Hep., Ign., Merc., Phos., Sulph.
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Throat =Bell.---Burning, dryness, constriction, desire to

Throat =Cocc.---Chocking constrictions in upper part of
throat which causes difficult breathing and cough.
Throat =Hep.---Sensation of splinter fish bone or plug in
the throat (Arg-n., Nit-ac.) quinsy when suppuration
threatens chronic hypertrophy with hardness of hearing
(Bar-c., Lyc., Plb.).
Throat =Hydr.---Hawks yellow viscid mucus from posterior
nares and fauces ulceration after mercury or chlorate of
potash syphilitic angina.
Throat =Lac-c.---Throat sensitive to touch externally
(Lach); < by empty swallowing (Ign).
Throat =Lac-d.---Globus hystericus sensation of large ball
rising from stomach to throat causing sense of suffocation
(Asaf., Kalm).
Throat =Lach.---Sensitive to external pressure. Empty
swallowing or swallowing of liquids is more painful than
solid. Pain left
Throat =Maland.--- Throat symptoms and pains throat
begin on left side and extend to right.
Throat =Phyt.---Sore throat of dark red color uvula large
dropsical almost translucent (Kali-bi., Rhus-t.).
Throat =Plb.---Sensation of a plug in the throat, globus
hystericus. Paralysis of throat and inability to swallow,
paralysis of the oesophagus.
Throat =Rumx.---Sensation of lump in throat descends on
swallowing but returns immediately.
Throat- diphtheria, begins on the left =Lach.
Throat- diphtheria, begins on the right =Lyc., Mere-i-f.
Throat- diphtheria, from larynx upward =Brom.
Throat- diphtheria, from nose runs downward =Lyc.
583… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Throat- diphtheria, membrane thick and yellowish =Kali-

Throat discharge =Bry.--- Use Bry 200 to dry the phlegm
and 6th potency when there is too much dryness in the air
passages or for similar action on the synovial fluid in large
joint like the knee joints.
Throat discharge =Kali-bi.---Affections of mucus
membranes eyes, nose, throat, mouth, brochi, gastro-
intestinal and genitourinary tracts discharge of tough
stringy mucus which adheres to the parts and can be drawn
into long strings (Compare, Hydr., Lyss).
Throat discharge =Puls.---Secretions from all mucus
membranes are thick bland and yellowish-green (Kali-s.,
Throat discharge =Stann.---Expectoration profuse like the
white of an egg sweetish salty (Kali-i., Sep.) sour musty
yellow green pus (Heavy, green salty Kali-i) during day.
Throat fish bone sensation =Arg-n., Hep., Kali-c., Nat-m.,
Throat- goiter, burning shooting pain =Lap-a.
Throat- goiter, suffocating spells at night =Spong.
Throat- goiter, undue heat in gland =Brom.
Throat- goitre, usually painless =Iod.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), condition, as soon
as begins to sing =Sel., Graph.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), condition, singers
feel as if something clogging =Arg-n.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), condition, voice
breaks when raised to higher tone =Arum-t.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
evening, also by lying on right side =Phos.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
evening, sp. in damp air =Carb-v.
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Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the

evening, with weakness in chest =Stann.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
morning, feeling of splinter =Alum.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
morning, relieved by hawking lump of mucous =Mang.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
morning, sharp stitches in right chest =Nit-ac.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
morning, suffocating spells =Spong.
Throat- hoarseness (rough, husky voice), worse in the
morning, with rawness =Caust., Am-c.
Throat hoarseness in public speakers =Alum., Arg-n.,
Arum-t., Merc-cy., Phyt.
Throat irritation =Hep.--- Cold begins with irritation in
Throat pain =Phyt.---Diphtheria pains shoot from throat
into ears on swallowing great pain at root of tongue when
swallowing burning as from coal of fire or a red-hot iron
dryness difficult to swallow with tembling of the hands
sensation of lump in the throat with continuous desire to
swallow tonsil uvula and back part of the throat covered
with ash-coloured membrane cannot drink hot fluids.
Throat pain better by hot drinks =Ars., Lyc., Sabad.
Throat pain better swallowing solid.---Ign.
Throat- paralysis of vocal chord (loss of voice), evening.
pain in larynx =Phos.
Throat- paralysis of vocal chord (loss of voice), morning.
sensation of rawness =Caust.
Throat- paralysis of vocal chord (loss of voice), without
pain. failing when exerted =Carb-v.
Throat- pharyngitis, sensation of dryness =Nat-m.
Throat- pharyngitis, sensation of rawness =Aesc.
Throat- pharyngitis, tough, stringy discharge =Kali-bi.
585… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Throat- pharyngitis, white spots forming patches =Phyt.

Throat pit =Rumx.---Tickling in throat-pit causing dry
Throat puffy =Apis.--- Puffy swellings may be around the
face, eyelids, eyes, mouth, or in throat.
Throat sore throat during menses =Calc., Lac-c., Mag-c.
Throat- sore throat, sensation of burning, with dryness
=Sulph., Nat-sil., Wye.
Throat- sore throat, sensation of burning, with rawness
Throat- sore throat, sensation of fish–bone, better by warm
food or drinks =Alum.
Throat- sore throat, sensation of fish-bone, foetid odour
from throat =Nit-ac.
Throat- sore throat, sensation of fish–bone, obliging to
hawk =Arg-n.
Throat- sore throat, sensation of fish–bone, worse after
swallowing =Hep.
Throat- sore throat, sense of constriction, better by hot
drinks =Sabad.
Throat- sore throat, sense of constriction, constant desire
to swallow =Bar-i.
Throat- sore throat, sense of constriction, dry and red
Throat- sore throat, with fluent coryza, acrid =All-c.
Throat- sore throat, with fluent coryza, burning rawness
Throat- sore throat, with fluent coryza, excoriating = Ars.
Throat symptoms =Maland.---Throat symptoms and pain
begin on left side & extend to right.
Throat to ear =Gels.--- Sore throat with red tonsils.
Difficult swallowing. Pain shoots from throat to ear.
Throat- tonsilitis, modalities, least solid food gags. swallow
liquid only =Bapt.
586… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Throat- tonsilitis, modalities, worse between the act of

deglutition. better swallowing =Ign.
Throat- tonsilitis, sides, alternates sides =Lac-c.
Throat- tonsilitis, sides, begins on left worse by hot drinks
Throat- tonsilitis, sides, begins on right =Lyc., Merc- p-i.
Throat- tonsilitis, sides, either side. foetid breath =Merc.
Throat- tonsilitis, swollen greatly, chronic tonsillitis =Bar-
Throat- tonsilitis, swollen, greatly, by least exposure
suppurating =Bar-c.
Throat- tonsilitis, swollen, greatly, red with white spots
Throat- tonsilitis, swollen, greatly, redness, high fever
Throat- tonsilitis, swollen, greatly, throbbing pain. bound
to suppurate =Hep.
Throat-deafness =Hydr., Merc.
Throat-diphtheria, looks raw in spots =Merc-cy.
Throbbing =Bell.--- Throbbing, congestive headaches.
Thrombosis =Bar-m., Phos.
Thrush mouth=Bor., Merc., Nat-m., Sul-ac.
Thumb sucking =Calc-p., Nat-m., Sil.
Thumb sucking =Nat-m.--- Thumb sucking/nail biting.
Thunder storm =Petr.---Ailments which are worse before
and during a thunderstorm (Nat-c., Phos., Psor). Agg :
carriage riding (Cocc., Sanic); during a thunderstorm, in
Thunder storm attacks of anxiety =Nat-c.---Attacks of
anxiety and restlessness during a thunder storm (Phos);
<from music (Sab).
Thunder-storm agg =Agar.---Agg- before a thunder-storm
(Phos., Psor).
Thyroid =Nat-m., Calc-c., Kali-c., Thyr.
587… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Thyroid Gland =Spong.---Thyroid gland swollen and hard

with suffocative attacks at night. See Thyroid Hyper &
Thyroid glands =Spong.---Thyroid glands swollen even with
chin; with suffocative paroxysms at night Goitre.
Thyroid Hyper = Iod., Bell., Cact., Calc., Ferr-i., Fl-ac.,
Glon., Kali-i., Nat-m., Phos., Piloc., Spong., Thyr.
Thyroid Hypo = Calc., Calc-i., Graph., Kali-i., Nat-m.,
Sep., Spong., Thyr.
Tidy fastidious =Ars.
Tight clothing intolerance –Bov.---Intolerance of tight
clothing around the waist (Calc., Lach., Sulph., Sec.).
Time & distance exaggeration =Cann-i.---Exaggeration of
time and distance, time seems too long (Arg-n); a few
seconds seem ages. Distance seems immense; a few roads
seems miles.
Time passes =Arg-n.---Time passes slowly (Cann-);
impulsive wants to do things in a hurry; must walk fast; is
always hurried; anxious irritable, nervous (Aur., Lil-t).
Time passes =Cocc-ind.---Time passes quickly. He cannot
realise that it has been a whole night. A week has gone by,
and it seems but a moment, he is so dazed.
Time Passes =Ther.---Time passes too quickly (too slowly-
Arg-n., Cann-i., Nux-m).
Time passes too quickly =Cocc.---Time passes too quickly
(too slowly, Arg-n., Cann-i).
Time seems so slow =Alum.---Nothing moves fast, time
seems so slow, everything is delayed. He gets into hurry.
Timid =Bar-m.--- Timid, glandular, lassitude.
Tinea capitis=Calc-m., Kali-c., Sep., Sil., Viol-t.
Tinea circinate=Bac., Sep., Thuj.
Tinea ringworm=Bac., Calc., Nat-m., Phyt., Sep., Tell.,
Thuj., Tub.
588… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tinea tonsurans=Ars., Bac., Chrysar.

Tinea versicolor=Thuj., Nat-ar.
Tingling =Acon.--- Pains followed by numbness and
Tinnitus = Chin-s., Thiosin.
Tinnitus aurium =Thiosin.---3x it is made of mustard
seeds. citrus dictamus has only one symptom noises and
ringing in ears.
Tinnitus aurium.---Kali-i.---A single dose of (Kali-i) 30 will
work wonders. Dr. Clarke.
Tired =Calc-c.--- Tired, torpid, leucophlegmatic.
Tired =Pic-ac.---Tired & heavy feeling all over body
especially of limbs <on exertion.
Tiredness and aching =Gels.--- Tiredness and aching of
whole body. Limbs, head, eyelids feel heavy.
To dissolve gall stone =Sang.
To stop lactation =Lac-C.--- To stop lactation.
Tobacco =Calad., Nit-ac.
Tobacco cannot bear =Ign.---Cannot bear tobacco;
smoking, or being in tobacco smoke, produces or
aggravates headache.
Tobacco craving =Tab.---Tab, potentized (200 or 1000) to
relieve terrible craving when discontinuing use.
Tobacco habit =Tab 200., 1M.---For making to leave
Tobacco habit give Tab 200, 1m every week.
Tobacco Smoking =Staph---Effects of tobacco smoking-
excoriated tongue, gastralgia-and also cured the habit of
swallowing the tobacco smoke.(Staph) Dr. Teste.
Toelerate open air =Cocc.---Cannot toelerate open air
weather, cold or warm.
Tongue black or dark colour, black down the middle
Tongue black or dark colour, bluish in heart troubles =Dig.
Tongue black or dark colour, bluish in typhus =Ars.
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Tongue black or dark colour, dry & black =Lach.

Tongue clean with vomiting, due to heart troubles =Dig.
Tongue clean with vomiting, due to worms =Cina.
Tongue clean with vomiting, persistent nausea =Ip.
Tongue red, with papillae, bright and prominent =Bell.
Tongue red, with papillae, erect & painful =Arg-n.
Tongue red, with papillae, large & rough =Arum-t.
Tongue red, with papillae, raised & dry =Ars.
Tongue red, with papillae, smooth & glossy =Ter., Crot-t.
Tongue white =ACON., APIS., BELL., MERC., Ars., Calc-
p., Canth., Phos.
Tongue white coated, with gastro- enteric troubles, thick
milky white =Ant-c.
Tongue white coated, with gastro- enteric troubles, with
disaggreable taste =Puls., Sep.
Tongue white coated, with gastro- enteric troubles, with
intense thirst =Bry.
Tongue white coated, with gastro- enteric troubles, with
sour taste =Nux-v.
Tongue white coated, with peculiar, red in the middle
=Caust., Verat-v.
Tongue white coated, with peculiar, red triangular tip
Tongue white coated, with peculiar, sordes on tongue &
around teeth =Hyos.
Tongue white coated, with peculiar, streaked white down
the middle =Bapt.
Tongue yellow coated, at the base =Kali-bi.
Tongue yellow coated, brownish =Am-c.
Tongue yellow coated, dry and red edges =Hell.
Tongue yellow coated, slimy =Kali-s.
Tongue yellow coated, thickly red margins =Chel.
Tongue yellow coated, with gastro enteric troubles
=Cham., Stann.
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Tongue =Ant-c.---Tongue, white as milk, denotes.

Tongue =Ant-t.---Tongue is covered with white and thick
coat, red streaks, dry in the middle.
Tongue =Apis.---Redness and swelling, with stinging and
burning of the tongue.
Tongue =Ars.---Dry, silver-coated tongue.
Tongue =Bapt.---Dry tongue, brownish coating, a streak
down the middle of the tongue, foul breath.
Tongue =Bapt.---Tongue white with reddish papillae,
followed by yellow brown coating in center edge dark, red
and shining or dry and brown below the center cracked sore
and ulcerated.
Tongue =Bell.---On the tongue small red point like
strawberry. It is red hot, dry and trembling.
Tongue =Bry.---A white tongue if bilious yellow.
Tongue =Dig.---Blueness of skin, especially of eyelids, lips,
tongue and nails, pale coating on tongue.
Tongue =Ferr.---Pale coating on tongue and paleness of
inside of mouth.
Tongue =Gels.---Yellowish-white tongue, with foul breath.
Tongue =Hydr-ac.---When the tongue is dry and dark-red
and has shrunken to one-third its size, there is a demand in
the system for an acid.
Tongue =Kali-c.---Yellowish-white coating on the tongue,
the breath may smell strong of uric acid.
Tongue =Kali-m.---greyish-white coating.
Tongue =Kali-s.---Yellow, slimy coating on the tongue.
Tongue =Merc.---A fissure coming half way down the
middle of the tongue means that the patient‟s system has
been filled.
Tongue =Merc.---Tongue swollen, flabby, very bad breath.
Tongue =Nat-c.---A broad, flabby tongue with pasty-white
Tongue =Nux-v.---The most common form of indigestion
has yellowish white coating on back of tongue.
591… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tongue =Phyt.---A fissure extending down the middle of

the tongue indicates poor blood, weakened vitality.
Tongue =Phyt.---Great pain in root of tongue when
Tongue =Puls.---Great dryness of mouth in the morning,
but no thirst.
Tongue =Rhus-t.---A tongue, with a triangular red tip and
Tongue =Verat-v.---A red streak down the middle of the
tongue, with yellow edges.
Tongue =Verat-v.---The tongue feels as if it had been
Tongue bites =Ph-ac---A peculiar symptom is the biting of
tongue in sleep.
Tongue dry =ACON., APIS., ARS., BELL., BRY., CHAM.,
SULPH., Ant., Arn., Calc-p., Carb-v., Ip., Nux-v., Phos.,
Spong., Verat.---Medicines Normally Prescribed.
Tongue dry, absence of thirst =Puls., Nux-m.
Tongue dry, intense thirst =Bry.
Tongue dry, pale, clammy =Ph-ac.
Tongue dry, parched =Stram.
Tongue dry, shrunken =Apis., Mur-ac.
Tongue dry, sticking to the roof =Nux-m.
Tongue great dryness =Nux-m.---Sensation of great dryness
without real thirst and without actual dryness of the
Tongue large =Pyrog.---Tongue large, flabby, clean
smooth as if varnished, fiery red, dry cracked, articulation
Tongue mapped =Ars., Nat-m., Tarax., Red.,
Tongue mapped and cracked =Nat-m., Arum-t., Rhus-ven.
Tongue mapped red streak through the middle =Verat-v.
Tongue moist, dirty yellow =Hydr.
Tongue moist, intense thirst =Merc.
Tongue moist, sense of dryness =Nat-m.
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Tongue moist, slimy mucous =Ph-ac.

Tongue moist, thready slime =Phos.
Tongue red =APIS., BELL., MERC., PHOS., Acon., Apis.,
Ars., Bell., Canth., Carb-v., Cham., Ferr-p., Gels, Nux-
v., Sulph., Verat.---Medicines usually Prescribed.
Tongue red tip =ARS., SULPH., Apis.
Tongue sensation, burning =Sulph.
Tongue sensation, coldness, objective =Carb-v., Verat.
Tongue sensation, numbness =Nat-m.
Tongue sensation, of hair = Sil.
Tongue sensation, pain in tip =Arg-n.
Tongue smooth, glossy =Crot-h., Pyrog., Ter.
Tongue stiff and heavy, flabby =Merc., Staph.
Tongue stiff and heavy, hangs out of mouth =Stram.
Tongue stiff and heavy, paralyzed impaired speech
Tongue stiff and heavy, protruded with difficulty =Lach.
Tongue stiff and heavy, rolls from side to side =Lyc.
Tongue stiff and heavy, snake- like protrusion & retraction
Tongue stiff and heavy, trembling =Gels.
Tongue surface, cracked, corrugated =Nat-ar.
Tongue surface, eruption, blisters =Apis., Graph.
Tongue surface, eruption, ranula under tongue =Thuj.
Tongue surface, eruption, ulcer & vesicles =Staph., Lyc.
Tongue surface, eruption, warts on tongue =Thuj.
Tongue surface, imprints of teeth, coated white =Podo.
Tongue surface, imprints of teeth, coated yellow =Chel.,
Tongue surface, imprints of teeth, flabby swelled =Merc.
Tongue surface, imprints of teeth, large =Mang-m.
Tongue surface, imprints of teeth, red =Stram.
Tongue surface, mapped, dark red tender spots =Tarax.,
593… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tongue surface, mapped, fine red dots =Stram.

Tongue surface, mapped, red insular patches =Nat-m.
Tongue swelling with bad odour =Merc.
Tongue trembles =Lach.---Tongue is dry and trembles
when protruded catches behind the teeth.
Tongue wet =IP. MERC., NUX-V., VERAT., Bell., Calc-p.,
Canth., Carb-v., Cham., Ferr-p., Hep., Ign., Phos., Puls.,
Sulph.---Medicines usually prescribed.
Tongue white =ARS., BELL., BRY., MERC., PULS., SULPH.,
Acon., Ant-t., Arn., Carb-v., Cham., Ferr-p., Gels., Nux-
v., Sulph., Verat. ---Remedies generally prescribed.
Tongue, sensation of hair =Kali-bi., Nat-m., Sil.
Tongue=Calen.---The tongue in normal health is light red
moist and a person with such a tongue has good digestion
and assimilation.
Tongue=Kali-bi.---Yellow coating as base of tongue, dry,
smooth, cracked.
Tonic =Alf., Chin., Hydr., Aven., Gels.
Tonic =Gentiana-quinquef.---As a tonic in enfeebled
patients and in chronic diseases a remedy of par
excellence-as it exerts an action on the organs of nutrition
and assimilation as well as a stimulant to the excretary
Tonic digestive =Alf.---tincture, favourably influences
nutrition and tones up appetite. Improves mental and
physical vigour with gain in weight, disorders characterized
by mal-nutrition are mainly within its range.
Tonsilitis =Bell., Phyt., Merc-i-r., Merc-i-f., Lach. Bac.,
Bar-c., Psor., Thuj.---Mostly Prescribed Medicines..
Tonsillectomy=Arn., Calc., Calen., Carc., Strept., Sulph.-
--Medicines Mostly indicated.
Tonsillitis =Bar-c.---Not only prevents tonsillitis but also
otitis-media that so frequently results from it.
Tonsillitis =Hep.---Chronic tonsillitis when accompanied by
hardness of hearing refer (Hep.) Dr. Hering.
594… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tonsillitis =Lac.-c.---Diphtheria and tonsillitis symptoms

change repeatedly from side to side.
Tonsillitis =Merc-v.--- Smarting, raw, sore throat.
Tonsillitis =Psor.---Recurrent tonsillitis can be prevented.
Tonsillitis =Sil.---for tonsillitis with sore-throat.
Tonsils = Bar-c.---From cold or suppressed foot sweat ,
Hep.---Hardness of hearing.
Tonsils =Bar-c., Hep., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Phyt.---
Medicines usually prescribed.
Tonsils diphtheria =Apis., Brom., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc.,
Phyt.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Tonsils fish bone sensation =Arg-n., Hep., Kali-c., Nat-m.,
Nit-ac.---Remedies generally prescribed.
Tonsils hoarseness =Alum., Arg-n., Arum., Merc-cy.,
Phyt.---Remedies in general.
Tonsils pain better hot drink =Ars., Lyc., Sabad.
Tonsils pain better swallowing solid =Ign.
Tonsils red and inflamed =Bell., Merc., Hep.
Tonsils, enlarged =Bar-c., Calc-f., Hep.
Tooth cavity bleeding =Trill-p.---Bleeding from cavity
after extraction of a tooth (Ham., Kreos);/
Tooth decay =Kreos.--- Tooth decay as soon as erupted.
Tooth extraction =Arn.---Three does of 30th potency given
at regular interval before tooth extraction followed by 6
doses after the extraction will control pain and prevent
sepsis. The three prophylactic doses can be given 6 hourly
or 12 hourly or a dose at the night before the anaesthetic.
The doses given afterwards can be given four hourly.
Tooth pain in hollow =Thuj.---“On Blowing the nose a
pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at side of it (Culex)”
Toothache & gum boils =Kreos., Staph., Merc.---Kreos
nearest rivals in toothache and caries are Staph with
blackened teeth, and Merc with suppurating gums boil.
595… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Toothache = Plant.---Locally to the teeth will afford

immediate relief.
Toothache =Acon.---In old hollow tooth from dry cold
Toothache =Ail =Irregular patchy, livide eruption
disappears on pressure.
Toothache =Ant-c.---Decayed toothache generally worse at
night, touching the teeth with the tongue causes pain as if
the nerves were torn.
Toothache =Ant-t.---Violent rheumatic toothache.
Toothache =Arn.---Tooth extraction. Pain after operation
or plugging.
Toothache =Bism.---Toothache > by holding cold water in
the mouth (Bry., Coff., Puls.).
Toothache =Bry.---From warm food or drink better lying
on painful side or pressing hard. Smoking aggravates.
Toothache =Calc-f., Calc-p., Cham., Bell., Coff., Puls.,
Mag-p., Plan., Kreos., Staph., Phyt., Mez.---Most of the
medicines employed.
Toothache =Cham.---Oversensitive to pain.
Toothache =Cham.---Toothache if anything warm is taken
into the mouth (Bism., Bry., Coff.); on entering warm
room; in bed; from coffee; during menses or pregnancy.
Toothache =Coff.---During menstrual period, better by
holding cold water in the mouth.
Toothache =Coff.---Toothache :intermittent, jerking,
relieved by holding ice-water in the mouth but returns
when water becomes warm (Bism., Bry., Caust., Sep., Nat-
Toothache =Kali-c.---Toothache only when eating;
throbbing; <when touched by anything warm or cold.
Toothache =Mag-c.---Before and during menstruation. In
decayed tooth worse at night walks about for relief.
Common among. Pregnant women.
Toothache =Mag-p.--- Toothache relieved by heat.
596… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Toothache =Mag-p.---Toothache; <at night, rapidly shifting

<eating, drinking, especially cold things; > by heat (>by
cold –Bry., Coff., Ferr-p).
Toothache =Merc., Ars., Cham.
Toothache =Merc.---Toothache; pulsating, tearing,
lacerating, shooting into face or ears; <damp weather or
evening air, warmth of bed, from cold or warm things; > by
rubbing the cheek. Crown of teeth decay, roots remain
(crowns intact, roots decay, Mez).
Toothache =Mez.---Toothache : in carious teeth (Kreos);
feels elongated, dull pain when biting on them and when
touched with tongue, <at night; > with mouth open and
drawing in air; roots decay. (reverse .of Merc).
Toothache =Nat-s.---Toothache > by cold water, cool air.
(Coff., Puls).
Toothache =Phos.---Washer woman‟s toothache. Bright red
blood after extraction of teeth. Haemorrhagic patient
should have a dose of millifolium or Lach before tooth
extraction or going into confinement.
Toothache =Plan.---Neuralgic pain in decayed tooth.
Plantago may be applied with benefit.
Toothache =Puls.---Better in open cold air worse in closed
warm room.
Toothache =Puls.---Toothache : relieved by holding cold
water in the mouth (Bry., Coff); worse from warm things
and heat of room.
Toothache =Rhod.---Toothache, every spring and fall
during sharp east winds; worse from change of weather,
thunderstorm, windy weather.
Toothache =Spig.---Toothache, from tobacco smoking; >
only on lying down and while eating. (Plant); worse from
cold air and water, returns from thinking about it.
Toothache =Staph.---Toothache during menses; sound as
well as decayed teeth; painful to touch of food or drink but
597… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

not from biting or chewing; <drawing cold air into mouth;

<from cold drinks and after eating.
Toothache =Ther.---Toothache; every shrill sound
penetrates the teeth.
Toothache caused =Kreos.--- Toothache caused by carious
Toothache during pregnancy =Mag-c.---Toothache during
pregnancy <night<cold. Teeth feel too long. Ailments from
cutting wisdom teeth (Cherianthes).
Toothache extending =Plan.--- Toothache extending to
Toothache from tea drinking =Thuj.
Toothache hollow =Clem.--- Toothache in hollow teeth.
Toothache in pregnancy =Mag-c.--- Toothache in
Toothache terrible =Rat.---Terrible toothache during early
months of pregnancy; tooth feels elongated; <lying
compelling to rise and walk about.
Toothache worst =Clem.--- Toothache worst at night.
Toothache, better cold water =Clem., Coff.
Tormenting =Merc-c.--- Terrible, tormenting, tenesmus.
Torpid =Calc.--- Tired, torpid, leucophlegmatic.
Torticollis neck = Lachn., Bell., Caust., Cic., Cimic.,
Lyc., Op., Phos., Rhus-t.---Remedies generally prescribed.
Touch =Bell.---Pain in right Ileo-caecal region, by slightest
touch even of the bed cover.
Touch cannot bear least =Mur-ac.---Cannot bear least
touch, not even of sheet on genitals (Murex),
Touch entire body painfully sensitive to slightest touch
Touch of bed agg. =Bell.---The aggravation of jarring is
marked the jar of the bed, touch of the bed aggravate. He
598… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

says “do not touch the bed doctor”. The aggravation from a
jar is marked.
Touch sensitive to touch =Chin.---Sensitive to touch, to
pain, to draft of air, entire nervous system extremely
Touch, sensitive to =Ant-c., Cina., Hep., Lach., Nux-v.,
Kali-c.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Touchy =Puls.--- Touchy, stuffy, puffy.
Toxins general=Ars., Cadm-s., Nux-v.--- Poisons chemicals
drugs pollutants ailments.
Tracheal coughs =Sang.---A greater portion of the tracheal
and bronchial coughs of epidemic influenza have been
Transfusions, blood ailments from =Chin., Carc.
Trauma =Arn.---If given immediately after a blow, fall or
physical shock, injury, prevents pain and other ill effects,
local or constitutional.
Traumatic =Calen.---Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma
(All-c). neuritis from lacerated wound (Hyper) exhausted
from loss of blood and excessive pain.
Traumatic affections =Calen.---Traumatic affection to
secure union by first intention and prevent suppuration in
all cases of loss of soft parts when union can not be
effected by means of adhesive plaster.
Traumatic fever =Ars., Lach., Arn., Chin.
Traumatism=Arn., Bell-p.
Travel =Cocc.--- Travel sickness.
Travel cross-wise =Lac-c.--- Travel cross-wise, affections.
Travel sickness =Cocc.---Cocculus 30 is the most often
indicated remedy for travel sickness. A dose should be
given before the journey, then as needed. If it is a correct
remedy there will be no doubt about it after the first
Traveling=Cocc., Alum., Arn., Con., Gels., Nux-v.
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Trembles =Verat-v.---Child trembles, jerk threatened with

convulsions continual jerking or nodding of the head.
Trembling =Agar.--- Awkward Trembling and twitching,
Trembling =Ambr.--- Senility, enfeebled, trembling.
Trembling =Calc-i.--- Weak, twitching, trembling.
Trembling =Lil-t.---for trembling hands and feet.
Trembling =Med.---Trembling all over (subjective); intense
nervousness and profound exhaustion.
Trembling =Merc.---Trembling of extremities, especially
hands; paralysis agitans.
Trembling =Oxyt.---Trembling sensation of emptiness walk
backward congestion of spine and paralysis staggering gait.
Trembling =Phos.---Trembling of the whole body while
Trembling =Zinc.---Weakness and trembling of extremities
of hands while writing during menses. Twitching and
jerking of single muscles (Agar., Ign.).
Trembling and dullness =Gels.--- Dizziness, drowsiness,
trembling, and dullness.
Trembling nerves=Gels., Plat.
Trembling sensation =Sul-ac.---Sensation as if trembling
all over, without real trembling; internal trembling of
Tremors =Gels.---Has lack of muscular co-ordination.
Tremors =Phys.---Tremors or trembling of young persons
from mental or physical disturbances.
Tremulous =Gels., Arg-n., Con., Lach., Sil., Stann.
Trichinosis =Ars., Bapt., Cina.
Trichophytosis =Ars., Bac., Chrysar., Graph., Sep., Tell.-
--Main Medicines.
Tubercles =Calc., Caust., Lach., Led.
600… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tubercular history of =Tub.--- When with a family history

of tubercular affections the best selected remedy fails to
relieve or permanently improve, without reference to
name of disease.
Tubercular scar =Dros.--- For Tubercular scar.
Tuberculosis =Ars-i., Bac., Equis., Tub.
Tuberculosis =Ars-i.---Ars-i., is frequently used in
advanced pthisis cases. It helps to keep up the strength and
increase the appetite.
Tuberculosis =Dros.---In T.B. case when cough is worse at
night, give a dose of Dros. It will strengthen the lungs.
Tuberculosis =Ferr-p., Bapt., Ars-i., Phos., Ferr-m., Iod.,
Ars., Carb-v.
Tuberculosis =Phos.--- Phos 200 or Phos 30 for cases with
cavities in lungs when Phosphorous is indicated.
Tuberculosis =Ruta.---Phthisis after mechanical injuries to
chest (Mill).
Tuberculosis =Ther.---Phthisis florida often affects cure if
given in the early stages.
Tuberculosis =Tub.---All Children and young people who
have inherited tuberculosis may be immunized from this
inheritance and their resiliency will be restored. It cures
most cases of adenitis and tuberculous glands of the neck.
Tuberculosis =Tub.---Tuberculosis deposits begin in apex
of lungs, usually the left (phos., Sulph., Ther).
Tumours =Aur-m-n., Aur-m., Hydr.
Tumours =Calc, Calc-fl. Any of them can be used in 200 or
Tumours =Iod.---Iod. 10M, for fatty multiple tumors in the
Tumours =Sulph.---Congestion to single parts of eyes,
nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs or any organs of
601… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

body marking the onset of tumours or malignant growths

especially at the climacteric.
Tumours =Thuj.---Dr. Haque recommends Thuj 10M for
fatty multiple tumours.
Tumours- benign, adenomata, small tumor sprung from a
gland =Con.
Tumours- benign, condylomata ( about the anus), moist,
oozing offensive fluid =Thuj.
Tumours- benign, condylomata ( about the anus), moist,
with pains in bones =Nit-ac.
Tumours- benign, condylomata ( about the anus),
pediculated. swelling & rawness =Staph.
Tumours- benign, osteoma ( bonny tumor ), relieved by
cold =Fl-ac.
Tumours- benign, other forms of osteoma ( bonny tumor ),
also enlargement of bone =Calc-f.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, bleeding =Phos.,
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, bluish tumors
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, cystic tumors
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors =Bar-
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors,
brownish =Thuj.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors,
cyslic & papillomata =Calc-p., Calc.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors, fatty
upon back =Bar-c.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors,
hormy =Thuj.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors, like
pea- nuts or orange =Sil.
602… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors,

serous cysta =Sil.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fatty tumors,
spongy bleeds easily =Calc.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, fibrous tumors
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, glandular =Lap-a.
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, granular tumors
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, gummatous =Kali-
Tumours- benign, other forms of tumor, stonny =Con.
Tumours- benign, polyp ( on mucous membranes ),
bleeding =Phos.
Tumours- benign, polyp ( on mucous membranes ),
bleeding. fungous growth =Thuj.
Tumours- benign, polyp ( on mucous membranes ),
granular =Calc.
Tumours- benign, polyp ( on mucous membranes ),
mucous. bleeding =Sang.
Tumours- benign, styes (on eye lids), eye- lids inflamed
with pustules = Graph., Bar-c.
Tumours- benign, styes (on eye lids), one after another,
often ulcerating =Staph., Puls.
Tumours- benign, styes (on eye lids), suppurating styes
=Hep., Sil.
Tumours- benign, styes (on eye lids),near inner canthus
Tumours- benign, warts (on the skin), cauliflower like.
moist =Nit-ac.
Tumours- benign, warts (on the skin), crack =Thuj.
Tumours- benign, warts (on the skin), small solid. flat or
sharp =Caust.
Tumours breast =Scroph.---A nosode, tincture or first
potency is useful for nosodities of breast.
603… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Tumours- malignant (cancerous), of the breast =Carb- a.,

Tumours- malignant (cancerous), of the skin =Cic., Ars.
Tumours- malignant (cancerous), of the stomach =Phos.
Tumours- malignant (Cancerous), Of the uterus =Kreos.,
Carb-an., Lap-a
Twitching =Agar.--- Awkward, twitching, trembling.
Twitching =Agar.--- Of eyelids specially.
Twitching =Agar., Ign., Zinc., Hyos., Cupr.
Twitching =Agar.---Violent muscular twitching and
jumping as if caused by an electric current.
Twitching =Bell.---In sleep jerking and twitching of
Twitching =Calc-i.--- Weak, twitching, trembling.
Twitching =Croc.---Especially in hysterial subject.
Twitching =Cupr.---Spasm begining by twitching in fingers
and toes and spreading from there become general.
Twitching =Hyos.---Every muscle from eyes to toes in
Twitching =Ign.-----In chorea from fright, grief, teething or
Twitching =Ign.---Twitchings jerking even spasms of single
limbs or whole body when falling asleep.
Twitching =Stram.---Twitching of single muscles or group
of muscles especially upper part of body chorea.
Twitching =Zinc.---Of various muscles.
Twitching, sensitive- =Ant-c., Cina., Hep., Lach., Nux-v.,
Kali-c.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Tychycardia=Abies-n., Agn.
Tympanitis =Asaf., Terb.
Tympanitis =Colch.--- for dysentery with tympanitis is
better than Canth and Merc
Type-writing =Ran-b.---Muscular pain about margins of
shoulder-blades in women of sedentary employment, often
604… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

burning in small spots from needle work, type-writing,

piano playing. Dr. H.C. Allen.
Typhoid = Bapt., Ox-ac., Bry., Chel.
Typhoid =Bry.---In typhoid when he is aroused from stage
of stupefecation, he is confused, thinks he is away from
home. Sometimes he will lie and say nothing but :wants to
go home”.
Typhoid fever = Bry., Ferr-p., Rhus-t., Gels., Bapt.,
Arn., Ars., Mur-ac., Carb-v., Ph-ac
Typhoid low =Rhus-t.---Typhoid low, mild delirium,
stupefaction in sensibility, restlessness, tongue, red, dry
and cracked , abdomen distended, stool loose, dark-brown.
Typhoid never well since past history of typhoid infection
Typhus = Acon., Bell., Rhus-t., Gels., Bapt., Arn., Ars.,
Lach., Op., Hell.
Typhus fever =Mez.---In typhus fever, great debility the
lower jaw hang down patient sides down in bed.
Ulcer =Hipp.---Consumption , cancer, syphilis, and
promises useful service to the treatment of f, scrofulous
Ulcer all kinds of ulcers =Calc-p 1x.--- Five grain three
times a day presents a record unsurpassed by any other
Ulcer open ulcer =Hep 200, Ars 200.---Are most essential
in cases of open ulcers where the suppuration and rawness
is most vivid. Four doses daily are very useful, use at least
for six days.
Ulcerated =Merc-i.---Posterior wall pharynx dotted with
patches of mucus and small spots with look ulcerated.
Ulceration =Apis.---Prolapsus uteri with ulceration of the
os or cervix.
Ulceration =Asaf.---It can be used very favorably in deep
ulceration, caries of bones, especially in the syphilitic
organism the extreme
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Ulceration =Kali-bi.---Ulceration deep, as if cut out with a

punch, edges regular.
Ulceration =Merc.---Ulceration very superficial and wide
Ulceration =Merc-c.--- Ulceration, rapid.
Ulceration, ends of fingers =Ars., Bor., Nat-c., Sep.
Ulcerative =Bor.--- Aphthous, sore, ulcerative.
Ulcerative =Sars.--- Urinary, weak, ulcerative.
Ulcerative =Syph.--- Sore, syphilitic, ulcerative.
Ulcers =Merc.---Ulcers on the gums, tongue, inside the
cheek, with profuse salivation; irregular in shape, edges
Ulcers =Merc-cy.--- Rapidly forming ulcers.
Ulcers =Mur-ac.---Ulcers on the genitals with discharge,
much sensitiveness and general weakness.
Ulcers =Sil., or Merc.---Ulcers, curious symptoms. Has a
sensation of coldness in ulcers where it has shivering in
Ulcers =Sil.---Has a cold sensation in ulcers while Merc.
Has hot one.
Ulcers bleeding=Nit-ac.---Ulcers; easily bleeding; in
corners of mouth (Nat-m); splinter-like pains, especially on
contact (Hep); zig-zag, irregular edges; base look like raw
flesh; exuberant granulations; after mercury or syphilis or
both, engrafted on a scrofulous base.
Ulcers not healing quickly =Sil.
Ulcers with itching =Sulph.
Umbilicus =Dulc.---It has proved marvelously useful in pain
or in skin affections of umbilicus.
Umbilicus protrudes =Thuj ---When babies cry much as the
umbilicus protrudes growing red and sore especially when
the father has a sycotic history. (Thuj)
Unbroken =Ter--- Unbroken chilblains.
Uncleanness =Am-c.---Uncleanness in bodily habits cured.
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Uncomfortable =Sulph.--- Uncomfortable when standing.

Unconsciousness =Arn.---Unconsciousness, when spoken
to, answers correctly but unconsciousness and delirium at
once return (falls asleep in the midst of a sentence –Bapt).
Unconsciousness =Cocc.---He lies in a state of apparent
unconsciousness, yet knows all that is going on, but does
not even wink; does not move a muscle. There is an
appearance of ecstasy, a smile upon the face. Knows what
is going on, yet with complete relaxation of the muscles
without speech or apparent recognition of anyone. Mental
derangement with vertigo.
Uncontrolled sphincters =Sanic.--- Uncontrolled
sphincters, soils while standing/running. Frequent/profuse
urination at night.
Undigested stool. =Chin.---Undigested stool pass
involuntarily after eating fruits.
Undressing agg after =Ars., Dros., Nux-v., Rhus-t.,
Rumx., Cocc., Olnd., Puls., Sil., Spong.
Unexcitable =Sars---The nipples are soft, unexcitable,
they are retraced and cannot be made to come out.(Sars)
Unfortunate a feeling of being =Sars.
Universal glossitis = Merc-S., Apis., Lyc., Hep., Sil.,
Ars., Carb-v., Lach.
Unquenchable =Acon.--- Thirst for large quantities of
water, unquenchable.
Unrefreshing sleep =Nux-v.
Unrythmic =Pyrog.--- Unrythmic, septic, fever.
Unsocial most =Kali-bi.
Unsound sleep =Op.---Unsound sleep with eyes half open
and deep snoring respiration.
Unsteady walking =Caust.---Unsteady, walking and easy
falling of little children. Children slow in learning to walk
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Unstready vision =Nat-m.--- For muscles imbalance with

distorted visuals field & muscles imbalance.
Upper back =SULPH., Bell., Bry., Calc-p., Hyper., Merc.,
Uraemia = Colch., Carb-ac., Op., Urt-ur., Cupr-ac.
Urethera =Staph.---has burning in urethera when not
urinating. Urinating.
Urethra =Cann-i.---Pain extending from orifice of urethra
backward, burning-biting, posteriorly more sticking, while
Urethra =Cann-s.---Urethra very sensitive to touch or
pressure; cannot walk with legs close together, it hurts the
Urethra =Petros.---Sudden urging to urinate (Canth.), child
suddenly seized with desire to urinate; if cannot be
gratified at once-jumps up and down with pain. Burning,
tingling from perineum throughout whole urethra.
Urethra =Staph---A queer symptom is burning in urether
when not urinating. While urinating the burning ceased.
(Staph). Dr. Nash.
Urethra burning in =Cub.---After the inflammatory stage is
passed, and there remains burning in the urethra after
micturition and the discharge remain thick, yellow or pus-
Urethral caruncle=Cann-s., Eucal.
Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in glans penis, small
pimples with itching =Thuj.
Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in glans penis,
swelling and redness =Cann-s.
Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in glans penis,
uncomfortable pains =Canth.
Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in urethra, burning
pains =Cop.
Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in urethra, cutting
pains after micturition =Con.
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Urethritis [inflammation of urethra], in urethra, irritation,

sp. in children =Hyos., Dor.
Urge to urinate =Puls.---can‟t lie on back without having
an urge to urinate.
Urging for stool =Nux-v.--- Constipation with frequent and
ineffectual urging for stool.
Urging to urinate =Staph.---Urging to urinate, has to sit at
urinal for hours in young married women after coition,
after difficult labour (Op); burning in urethra when not
urinating; urging and pain after urinating in prostatic
troubles of old men; prolapse of bladder.
Uric Acid=Colch., Pareir., Puls., Ur-ac., Urt-u.
Uric-Acid Diathesis =Colch., Nat-p., Nat-s., Hed., Oci., --
- Colch 3 or 6 , Nat-p. 3X with intercurrent doses of Nat-s.
200, given weekly,
Uric-acid Diathesis =Sulph., Calc., Lyc.--- Occurs mostly in
fatty persons and usually medicines indicated are Sulph.,
Calc. and Lyc. Given in Cyclic order and staying long with
Lyc., from 200 to 10M as it is the key constitutional
medicine of uric-acid diathesis.
Urinary =Sars.--- Urinary, weak, ulcerative.
Urinary anti-septic =Uva.---Urinary symptoms are most
important. Give tincture.
Urinary stones =Sars.--- Urinary stones.
Urinary troubles =Berb.--- Urinary troubles.
Urinate = Aloe.---Passing involuntary stools at the time of
urging to urinate.
Urinate =Kreos.--- Urinate 6-7 times in haste at night.
Urinate =Prun.---Ineffectual effort to urinate hurriedly
compelled to urinate, urine seems to pass as far as glans,
then returns. Must press a long time before urine passes.
Urinate =Pyrog.---He can tell when fever is coming on
because he must urinate.
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Urinate-urging =Merc-v.--- Persistent urging to urinate

with intensive burning.
Urinating, cries while =Bor., Lyc., Sars.
Urination =Con.--- has chronic cystitis with intermittent
Urination =Thuj.---Sensation after urinating, as of urine
trickling in the urethera; severe cutting at the urethera;
severe cutting at the close of urination (Sars).
Urination hot =Acon.--- Painful, red, hot, scanty urination,
with anxiety.
Urination incontinence in bed =Bell., Caust., Kreos., Lyc.,
Puls., Sep., sil.
Urination involuntary =Bell.---Involuntary urination-
recurring cough & cold-spits in the face of people-give Bell
30, 3-4 times daily.
Urination Must hurry for urination =Puls., Sep., Kreos.,
Urination painful =Acon.--- Painful, red, hot, scanty
urination, with anxiety.
Urination painful =Canth.--- Cystitis; frequent burning,
painful urination.
Urination painful =Tritic Q.---(10 Drops.)for dysuria,
urination painful burning.
Urination red, scanty =Acon.--- Painful, red, hot, scanty
urination, with anxiety.
Urination while, child cries =Bor.
Urination-anxiety =Acon.--- Painful, red, hot, scanty
urination, with anxiety.
Urine =Agar M---Urine not only smells like that of the
horse, but it feels cold as it passes. Here the only remedy is
(Agar M) but in lowest type.
Urine =Arn.---Retention or incontinence of urine after
labour (OP).
Urine =Benz-ac.---Urine dark brown and the urinous odour
highly infected.
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Urine =Benz-ac.---Urine offensive and of a deep red color.

Urine =Bor.---Hot urine in infants, child fears to urinate
and cries before each passage.
Urine =Bry.---Burning in urethra, when not urinating,
relieved by passing urine.
Urine =Cann-s.---Acute, inflammatory stage of gonorrhea
(Second stages, burning after urination, discharge thick,
yellow, pus like, Cub.).
Urine =Caust., Rhus-t.---Caust. 200, 1M., is the routine
remedy for retention of urine after operation. Rhus-t. may
be required when the bladder muscles have been sprained.
Urine =Caust.---Involuntary urination when coughing,
sneezing or blowing nose at night (Puls., Squil., Verat).
when asleep or when walking, . retentine of urine in the
mother after child birth. Urinates easily.
Urine =Caust.---Urine involuntary when coughing sneezing
blowing the nose
Urine =Cina.---Urine turbid when passed, turns milky and
semisolid after standing, white & turbid; involuntary.
Urine =Con.---The flow of urine suddenly stops and
continues again after a short interruption.
Urine =Con.---Urine turns mildy on standing.
Urine =Equis.---Constant desire to urinate; large quantity
of clear, watery urine, without> (scanty, a few drops,
Apis., Canth).
Urine =Equis.---Frequent and intolerable urging to urinate,
with severe pain at close of urination (Berb., Sars., Thuj.).
Urine =Helon.---Albuminuria: acute or chronic during
pregnancy with great weakness lauguor, drowsiness,
unusually tired yet knows no reasons.
Urine =Hep.---Falls perpendicularly.
Urine =Hep.---Urine flow impeded, voided slowly, without
force, drops vertically; is obliged to wait a while before it
611… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

passes; bladder weak, is unable to finish, seems as if some

urine always remains. (Alum., Sil.).
Urine =Hyos.---Reluctant to urinate, especially during
child bed. Retention of urine.
Urine =Kreos.---Incontinence of urine; can only urinate
when lying; copious pale; urging cannot get out of bed
quick enough (Apis., Petr) during first sleep (Sep). from
which child is roused with difficulty. Smarting and burning
during and after micturition (Sulph).
Urine =Lil-t.---Constant desire to defecate and urinate
(with prolapsus) from pressure in rectum.
Urine =Lil-t.---Frequent urging to urinate; if desire is not
attended to, sensation of congestion in the chest.
Urine =Lyc.--- Frequent urination Red sand in urine on
child‟s diaper (Phos), child cries before urinating (Borax);
pain in back relieved by urinating right side, (left side,
Urine =Lyss.---Constant desire to urinate on seeing running
water. (Canth., Sulph.); urine scanty, contains sugar.
Urine =Merc.---Quantity of urine voided is larger than the
amount of water drunk; frequent urging to urinate.
Urine =Merc-cor.---Albuminuria during pregnancy is helped
by Merc-cor.
Urine =Mur-ac.---Urine passes slowly; bladder weak, must
wait a long time; has to press so that anus protrudes.
Urine =Nat-m.---Can‟t urinate in a public place.
Urine =Nat-m.---Urine involuntary when walking coughing
laughing (Caust., Puls., Squil). Has to wait a long while for
urine to pass, if others are present (Hep., Mur-ac); cutting
in urethera after (Sars).
Urine =Nit-ac.---Urine scanty, dark brown, strong-smelling,
like horses urine; cold when it passes; turbid, looks like
remains of cider barrel.
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Urine =Op.---Urine retained, with bladder full retention

postpartum or from excessive use of tobacco; in nursing
children after passion of nurse; in fever or acute illness;
paralysis of bladder or sphincter. (In Stram., we have
suppression; while in opium the secretion is not diminished,
the bladder is full but fullness in not recognized.).
Urine =Ph-ac.---Urine looks like milk mixed with jelly like,
bloody pieces; decomposes rapidly profuse urination at
night of clear watery urine, which forms a white cloud at
once (Phosphates in excess nerve waste).
Urine =Pic-ac.---Urine contains sugar and albumin. Urine
of high specific gravity, urine heavy with urates, uric acid
phosphates and poor in sulphates. Dribbling after urination,
weakness of the bladder. Great waste of phosphates.
Urine =Puls.---Involuntary urination when coughing. Mild
girls who kick the covers off have nocturnal enuresis .
Urine =Rumx.---Urine involuntary with cough (Caust.,
Puls., Sil.).
Urine =Sabal.---Constant desire to pass urine, especially at
night. Difficult urination, smarting and burning in urethera.
Heavy aching pain. Cystitis due to prostate hypertrophy.
Enlarged and congested senile prostate. Loss of sexual
Urine =Sars.---Sand in urine or on diaper, child screams
before and while passing it (Bor., Lyc.).
Urine =Sars.---Severe, almost unbearable pain at the
conclusion of urination (Berb., Equis., Med., Thuj.).
Urine =Sars.---Unable to pass urine without standing.
Urine =Sars.---Urine bright and clear but irritating, scanty,
slimy, flaky, scanty copious passed without sensation
(Caust.) deposits white sand. Neuralgia or renal colic.
Excruciating pain from right kidney downward (Lyc.).
613… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Urine =Sel.---Urine red dark scanty coarse red sandy

sediment involuntary dribbling while walking.
Urine =Sep.---Urine deposits a reddish clay-coloured
sediment which adheres to the vessel as if it had been
burned on foetid, so offensive must be removed from the
room (Horribly offensive after standing-Iodium).
Urine =Squil.--- Urine, spurts by cough.
Urine =Staph.---Urging to urinate, has to sit at urinal for
hours; in young married women; after coition; after
difficult labour (op); burning in urethra when not
urinating;; urging and pain after urinating in prostatic
troubles of old men; prolapse of bladder.
Urine =Sulph.---The discharge both of urine and faeces is
painful to parts over which it passes large quantities of
colourless urine, parts around anus red excoriated all the
orifices of the body are very red all discharges acrid,
excoriating where-ever they touch.
Urine =Ter.---Congestion or inflammation of kidneys,
viscera bladder lungs, intestines, uterus, with haemorrhage
and malignant tendency. Strangury; spasmodic retention of
Urine =Ter.---Haematuria blood thoroughly mixed with the
urine; sediment, like coffea grounds; cloudy smoky
albuminous; profuse, dark, or black painless.
Urine =Ter.---Strangury; spasmodic retention of urine.
Urine =Ter.---Urine has the odour of violent.
Urine =Ter.---Urine rich albumin and blood but few if any
casts; < from living in damp dwellings.
Urine =Thuj.---Sensation after urinating, as of urine
trickling in urethera; severe cutting at close of urination.
Urine bloody =Canth.---Urine bloody and dark colored.
Urine- colour, dark, and offensive like horse urine =Nit-ac.
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Urine- colour, dark, golden yellow leaving stain on vessel

Urine- colour, dark, smoky with more or less blood =Ter.
Urine- colour, dark, very dark & offensive ruinous =Benz-
Urine- colour, pale, copious, all other discharges =Verat.
Urine- colour, pale, copious, sudden urge during first sleep
Urine- colour, pale, profuse, does not turn milky =Cham.
Urine- colour, pale, profuse, turns milky =Cina.
Urine- colour, pale, watery, hysterical =Ign.
Urine- colour, pale, watery, not hysteric =Ph-ac.
Urine- cotaining, albumen, clear profuse =Helon.
Urine- cotaining, albumen, scanty turbid =Canth.
Urine- cotaining, albumen, with burning and drawing =Ter.
Urine- cotaining, albumen, with great pain =Merc-c.
Urine- cotaining, mucous, and phosphate =Nat-ar.
Urine- cotaining, mucous, excessive =Equis., Clem.
Urine- cotaining, mucous, pus =Con.
Urine- cotaining, mucous, ropy =Chim.
Urine- cotaining, mucous, turbulent clay like =Berb.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, brick dust =Merc-c.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, coffee ground =Ter., Hell.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, jelly like =Coloc.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, of various colours =Caust.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, red sandy =Lyc., Oci
Urine- cotaining, sediments, reddish mealy =Berb., Cact.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, redish clay =Sep.
Urine- cotaining, sediments, white sandy =Sars.
Urine dribbling =Verb.---Urine dribbling all the time.
Urine dribbling =Turnera aphro.---for dribbling of urine
day and night.
Urine escapes involuntary =Caust., Nat-m.
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Urine- frequent urging, copious at night =Kali-p.

Urine- frequent urging, pain running down the thigh
Urine- frequent urging, preceded by cries and scream by
child =Bor.
Urine- frequent urging, urging as soon as a few drops
collected =Apis.
Urine- frequent urging, with burning, cutting pain =Canth.
Urine- frequent urging, with sensation of soreness or
rawness =Caust.
Urine- frequent urging, with spasm in rectum =Nux-v.
Urine- frequent urging, with stitches =Coloc.
Urine- frequent urging, with tenesmus =Merc-c.
Urine- frequent urging, with tension in lower abdomen
Urine- great & sudden urge, by lying on back =Puls.
Urine- great & sudden urge, must hasten or urine will
escape =Ferr-p.
Urine inability to evacuate =Clem.---Inability to evacuate
all urine at one time.
Urine- inability to expell, cannot pass =Op., Ars.
Urine- inability to expell, drops vertically down =Hep.
Urine- inability to expell, passes slowly =Mur-ac., Alumn.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), as soon as goes to
sleep =Sep.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), due to suppressed
anger =Staph.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), due to worms =Cina.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), during first sleep
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), foul or strong urine
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), frequent, sp, at night
=Sulph., Thuj.
616… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), sickly girls, kicking

off covers at night =Puls.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), unconscious of the
stream as it passes =Caust.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), urine strong ruinous
smell =Benz-ac.
Urine- inconsistent ( child wets bed), when asleep at night
Urine involuntary =Bor.---Urine passed without sensation,
unknown to the patient. (Caust., Sars). Child screams
before and whilst urinating (Lyss., Sanic., Sars.).
Urine- involuntary escape, by sudden motion, coughing,
walking =Ferr.
Urine- involuntary escape, by sudden shock, joy or sound
Urine- involuntary escape, when coughing sneezing
Urine- involuntary escape, when sitting =Sars.
Urine- involuntary escape, when walking or after
evacuation =Sel.
Urine- involuntary escape, with coughing & sneezing =Puls.
Urine- involuntary escape, with pain in urethra =Nat-m.
Urine milky in children =Cina., Ph-ac.
Urine- passes only when, bent back =Zinc.
Urine- passes only when, got down on hands & knees
Urine- passes only when, lying =Kreos.
Urine- passes only when, standing =Caust., Con.
Urine retention =Zing---Prolonged retention of urine or
complete cessation of the function of the kidneys is an
indication for (Zing)
Urine retention in children =Acon.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, after
passing urine, bubbling sensation and soreness in kidney
617… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, after

passing urine, unbearable pain and tenesmus =Sars.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, after
passing urine, spasmodic contraction in abdomen =Nat-m.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, after
passing urine, stream split in urethra =Thuj.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, after
passing urine, with soreness during and after urination
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before or while urinating, cutting during urination =Kali-s.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before or while urinating, in the back region of kidney.
better after discharge =Lyc.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before or while urinating, with inflammation of urethra
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before, during and after urination, passes drop by drop
with extreme pain =Canth.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before, during and after urination, severe pain in back.
urethra very sensitive =Cann-s.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before, during and after urination, passes excess of urine,
with pain in bladder =Equis.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra,
before, during and after urination, urine smoky. more or
less with blood =Ter.
Urine- sensation of, burning, cutting pain in urethra, while
not urinating =Staph.
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, as if glued up
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, biting =Thuj.
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, bubbling =Berb-
618… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, crawling, feels

to insert a stick =Petr., Sel.
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, irritation
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, pain with
haemorrhage =Ferr-p.
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, pinching =Lyc.
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, pulsation
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, rolling of ball
Urine- sensation of, in bladder or urethra, soreness &
rawness =Caust.
Urine- smell, like horse urine =Nit-ac.
Urine- smell, offensive with, all other discharges =Bapt.
Urine- smell, offensive with, arthritic troubles =Lyc.,
Berb., Lith.
Urine- smell, offensive with, deposits, turbid =Berb.
Urine- smell, offensive with, deposits, white =Calc.
Urine- smell, sour repulsive =Sep.
Urine- smell, strong urinous =Benz-acid.
Urine smells =Nit-ac.---has cold urine which smells like the
horses urine.
Urine urge more in newly weds =Staph.
Urine, offensive =Benz-ac., Nit-ac., Sep.
Urinous =Benz-ac.--- Weary, urinous, gouty.
Urticaria = See also Skin Urticaria.
Urticaria =Apis & Nat-m .---Will often work as anti skin
Urticaria =Urt-u., Apis., Rhus-t., Chlol., Dulc., Ars.
Uses two pillows under head =Nat-m.
Uterine =Aur-m.--- Rheumatic, uterine, cardiac.
Uterine =Lil-t.--- Uterine, troubles.
619… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Uterine complaints=Lil-t.---Tormented about her salvation

(Lyc., Sulph., Verat); with ovarian or uterine complaints;
Uterine disease =Graph.---Uterine disease with great
fatigue and prostration, burning or tired, bragging aching
feeling in the lumbar and sacral regins.
Uterine displacement =Vib-p.---Prevents habitual
abortions with uterine displacement.
Uterine haemorrhage =Pyrog., Ip.---Very closely in
uterine haemorrhage. If you have an (Ip) case and that
remedy fails you, think of (Pyrog) Dr. Tyler.
Uterine pains =Caul.--- Uterine pains not progressing.
Uterine tonic =Helon.---Sensation of weakness, or Agg and
weight in sacrum and pelvis with great languor and
prostration are excellent indications of Helon. Give mother
tincture or the potency 6. Sep is one of the most important
uterine remedies. It is useful in leucorrhea, prolapsus of
the uterus and vagina, menses too late and scanty, vagina
painful on coitus, bearing down sensation, hot flashes at
menopause etc. Sep is given in the evening because if given
in the morning it may produce Aggravation.
Uterus =Aur.---Prolapsed and indurated uterus; from over-
reaching or straining (Podo., Rhus-t); from hypertrophy
(Con); Menstrual and uterine affections with great
melancholy, <at menstrual period.
Uterus =BELL., NUX-V., PULS., Acon., Bry., Calc-p.,
Cham., Gels., Nux-v., Puls.---Most Important Medicines.
Uterus =Caul =passive hemorrhage of after confinement or
protracted lochia from atony of the uterus.
Uterus =Ip.---When the uterus is continuously oozing, but
every little while flow increase to a gush and with every
gush of bright red blood the women thinks, she is going to
faint or there is grasping and the quantity of the flow is not
sufficient to account for, such prostration, nausea,
syncope, pallor.
620… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Uterus =Lil-t.---Weak and atonic condition of ovaries ,

uterus and pelvic tissues, resulting in anteversion and
retroversion, sub-involution (Helon., Sep); slow recovery
after labour, nearly always with constipation, from
Uterus =Plb.---Uterus fails to develop with foetus causing
or threating abortion (feels lack of room for foetus in
Uterus =Sabin.---Promotes expulsion of moles or foreign
bodies from uterus (Canth).
Uterus =Sabin.---Retained placenta from atony of uterus;
intense after pains (Caul., Sec).
Uterus =Tarent.---Enlargement of uterus and ovaries –
Uterus fails to develop =Plb.---Uterus fails to develop with
foetus causing or threatening abortion (feels lack of room
for foetus in uterus).
Uterus hypertrophied =Ust.---Uterus Hypertrophied,
fibroid, uterus, subinvoluted.
Uterus is continuously oozing=Ip.---When the uterus is
continuously oozing, but every little while flow increases to
a gush and with every gush of bright red blood the woman
thinks, she is going to faint or there is grasping and the
quantity of the flow is not sufficient to account for, such
prostration, nausea syncope, pallor. Ip. Is the remedy.
Uterus itching =Plat.---Excessive itching in uterus, pruritus
Uterus Weakness =Abies-c.---Prolapse of uterus and a
feeling of weakness in the pelvic region symptom of
general defective nutrition with little or no local
Uterus, subinvolution =Sec.---Imperfect turning in or
coming to its normal size after child-birth.
621… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Uterus, subinvolution-deplacement =Ferr-i.---On sitting

one feels as if something pressed upward in the vagina.
Uterus=Ip.---In those women lean and slender who are
always suffering from heat who want to uncover off and to
be cool and who have haemorrhage that is alarming with
clots or only on oozing of dark, liquid blood you can hardly
do without Sec.
Uvula =Merc-c., Hyos., Alumn.
Uvula swollen =Merc.---Uvula swollen, elongated, constant
desire to swallow; membranes thick, gray, shred like
borders adherent or free.
Vaccina =Sulph.---In paris some 30, 000 or 40,000 children
were vaccinated after each was given a dose of Sulph. And
this is supposed to prevent the vaccina itself.
Vaccination =Thuj., Sil.---Effects of vaccination when
(Thuj) fails and (Sil.) is not indicated (Ant-t.)
Vaccination ailments from =Thuj.---Ailments; from bad
effect of vaccination (Ant-t., Sil.); from suppressed or
maltreated gonorrhoea (Med).
Vaccination bad effect =Ant-t.---For bad effects of
vaccination when Thuj fails and Sil., is not indicated.
Vaccination, bad effects of =Sil., Thuj., Maland.
Vaccinations bad effects =Maland.---Bad effects of
vaccinations; when used as a prophylactic for variola has
proved protective in many cases, and also prevented
vaccination from “taking place”. Has cured cases of
unhealthy skin, remaining for years after vaccination.
Vaccinia=Acon., Sil., Thuj.
Vaccinosis =Bac---Bacillary phthisis taken early and
complicated with nothing else is curable by (Bac) but
where for instance vaccinosis is also present, the vaccinosis
must be first cured or the phthisis remains uncured do what
you will. Dr. Tyler
622… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vagina =Sil.---for blood oozing out of vagina every time

child takes the breast.
Vagina =Bell., Calc-p., Cham., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.---
Important Medicines.
Vagina =Kreos.---Violent corrosive itching of pudenda and
Vagina =Lyss.---Sensitiveness of vagina, rendering coition
Vagina =Med.---Intense pruritus of labia and vagina < by
thinking of it.
Vagina =Nat-c.---Discharge of mucus from vagina after an
embrace causing sterility.
Vagina =Nat-c.---Noisy flatus from vagina (Brom., Lyc.,
Vagina =Sep.---Violent stitches upward in the vagina,
lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus.
Vagina =Thuj.---Coitus prevented by extreme sensitiveness
of the vagina (Plat-by dryness, Lyc., Lyss., Nat-m).
Vagina Dryness =Lyc.---Dryness of vagina; burning in,
during and after coition (Lyss) physometra.
Vagina sensitiveness of =Lyss.---Sensitiveness of vagina,
rendering coition painful.
Vaginae pruritus =Calad.---Pruritus Vaginae; induces
onanism (Orig., Zinc.) during pregnancy; with mucous
Vaginismus=Cact., Cupr., Ign., Plat., Plb., Staph.
Vaginitis infection=Med., Puls., Thuj.
Varicocele =Bell., Calc-c., Arn., Ham., Fl-ac., Sulph.
Varicose ulcers =Sec.---Varicose ulcers & enlarged veins.
Varicose veins =Aesc., Calc-f., Lyc., Nux-v., Paeon.,
Sulph., Vip., Graph.--- Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
623… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Varicose veins =Bell-p.---Varicose veins in pregnancy.

During pregnancy, inability to walk. Uterus feels sore as if
Varicose veins =Calc-p.---Is the chief remedy in this
complaint. Give 3x or 6x. It is a chronic remedy. Needs
some time before
Varicose veins =Card-m.---Abuse of alcoholic beer
beverages especially beer. Varicose veins and ulcers.
Varicose veins =Cycl.---Heat with swelling of veins
(China). General heat after eating.
Varicose veins =Fl-ac.---Varicose veins and ulcers
obstinate long standing cases in women who have borne
many children.
Varicose veins =Ham.---Is the Aconite of the venous
capillary system.
Varicose veins =Ham.---Patients subject to varicose veins
taking cold easily from every exposure especially in warm
moist air.
Varicose veins, blue =Carb-v., Lycps.
Varicose veins, legs =Aesc., Puls., Fl-ac.
Varicosis =Ars., Sulph., Myris., Cedr.
Varicosities =Fl-ac., Ham., Puls.
Vascular =Aesc.--- Vascular, haemorrhoidal, fullness.
Vascular tension=Acon., Bell., Verat-v.
Veins =Ham., Fl-ac., Puls.
Veins general=Arn., Calc., Carb-v., Fl-ac., Ham., Lycps.,
Puls., Sep.--- Medicines Usually Prescribed.
Veins of hands engorged. extreme =Stront-c.
Venereal diseases- chancre gangrenous =Lach.
Venereal diseases- chancre hard edges & curdy pus =Kali-i.
Venereal diseases- chancre hunterian or the hard chancre
624… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Venereal diseases- chancre ulcers tending to eat deeply

Venereal diseases- chronic gleet a few drops glue up the
orifice in the morning =Sep.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet discharge purulent
urethra sore and swollen =Arg-n., Cann-s.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet discharge stringy or ropy
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet discharge thin and green
painful erections at night =Thuj.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet little thin gleety discharge
remaining =Sulph.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet obstinate thick yellow
discharge with little pain =Nat-s.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet thick discharge of long
standing burning =Caps.
Venereal diseases- chronic gleet thin discharge of long
standing =Kali-i.
Venereal diseases- gonorrhoea burning after urination pus
like yellow discharge =Cub.
Venereal diseases- gonorrhoea burning continues thick
green discharge worse at night =Merc-c., Merc-s.
Venereal diseases- gonorrhoea discharge thick and bland
=Puls., Sep.
Venereal diseases- gonorrhoea sensitive urethra pains and
blood in urine =Cann-s.
Venereal diseases- syphilis about the genitals, dirty yellow
base with hard edges =Thuj.
Venereal diseases- syphilis caries of the bones of the nose
pallate =Aur.
Venereal diseases- syphilis infiltrates soft tissues =Kali-i.
Venereal diseases- syphilis superficially on legs, flay and
blue surrounding =Lach.
Venereal diseases- syphilis tending deeply scabs on nails
and corona of glans penis =Kali-b.
625… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Venereal diseases- syphilis ulceration superficial with base

sore and dirty looking =Merc-s.
Venereal diseases- syphilis ulcers with irregular outline
soreness in bone. worse at night =Nat-ar.
Venesection=Led., Hyper.
Venis varicose=Ham., Calc., Calc-p., Carb-v., Fl-ac.,
Lycps., Puls., Sep., Arn..--- Remedies usually prescribed.
Venous congestion =Ham.---Venous congestion passive of
skin and mucous membrane phlebitis varicose veins ulcer
varicose with stinging pricking pain haemorrhoids.
Venous stasis=Aesc.
Vertex icy-sensation =Verat---For terrific unbearable
pains in the head that change the face, almost induce
insanity, with the icy sensation in the vertex.(Verat)
Vertigo = Agn-c.---Vertigo from sunlight.
Vertigo =Anac.---Vertigo when stooping only.
Vertigo =Arg-n.---High houses.
Vertigo =Bell.---When stooping or when rising after
stooping (Bry).; on every change of position.
Vertigo =Bry.---Rising up in bed.
Vertigo =Carb-v.---Vertigo, must hold on to somethings
when stooping and also from flatulence.
Vertigo =Cocc & Nux-v.---Loss of sleep.
Vertigo =Cocc, Petr & Ther.---Riding in a carriage.
Vertigo =Cocc.---Vertigo as if intoxicated upon rising in
bed; or by motion of the carriage (Bry).
Vertigo =Con., Ambr., Iod.,, Ferr., Brom., Acon., Cocc.,
Bry., Chin., Rhus-t., Caust.--- Medicines generally
Vertigo =Con.---Vertigo; especially when lying down or
turning in bed; moving the head slightly, or even the eyes;
must keep head perfectly still; in turning the head to the
left (Coloc); of old people; with ovarian and uterine
626… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vertigo =Cycl., Cean.---To remedies not mentioned under

vertigo in repertories but gathered from personal
experiences of mine. Dr.Tyler.
Vertigo =Eup-per.---Vertigo; sensation as if falling to the
left (Can not turn the head to the left for fear of falling,
Vertigo =Ferr.---Vertigo; with balancing sensation, as if on
water; on seeing flowing water; when walking over water,
as and when crossing a bridge (Lyss); on descending.
(Borax., Sanic).
Vertigo =Gels.---Vertigo, spreading from the occiput (Sil).;
with diplopia, dim vision, loss of sight, seems intoxicated
when trying to move.
Vertigo =Hyper.---Vertigo : sensation as if head became
suddenly elongated; at night, with urging to urinate.
Vertigo =Iod.---Vertigo, throbbing in the head and all over
the body fainting, worse immediately after rising from the
seat or bed, or sitting or lying down after slight exercise.
Vertigo =Kalm.---Vertigo when stooping or looking down
Vertigo =Petr.---Vertigo on rising (Bry); in occiput; as if
intoxicated; like seasickness (Cocc).
Vertigo =Phos.---Aged.
Vertigo =Phyt.---Vertigo; when rising from bed feels faint
Vertigo =Rhus-t.---Vertigo, when standing or walking;
worse when lying down (Better when lying down, Apis);
<rising from lying or stooping (Bry).
Vertigo =Sil.---Vertigo : spinal, ascending from back of
neck to head; as if one would fall forward, from looking up
(Puls-looking down, Kalm., Spig).
Vertigo =Staph---For whirling vertigo especially while
sitting ameliorated by walking about in a circle. (Staph) Dr.
627… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vertigo =Tab.---Vertigo with qualmishness, better out-

doors, worse in-doors.
Vertigo =Tab.---Vertigo; death-like pallor, increasing to
loss of consciousness; relieved in open air and by vomiting;
on rising and looking backward; on opening the eyes.
Vertigo =Ther.---Closing eye or from noise.
Vertigo =Ther.---Vertigo : on closing the eyes (Lach.,
Thuj., on opening them, Tab; on looking upward, Puls.,
Sil); from any, even least, noise; aural or labyrinthine
(Meniere ‟disease).
Vertigo- after, eating =Nux-v., Nat-s.
Vertigo- after, sleep =Lach.
Vertigo- after, suppressed menses =Puls.
Vertigo- associated with, buzzing in the air =Arg-n.
Vertigo- associated with, dimness of sight =Gels., Cycl.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion =Calc., Psor.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, weight on
the vertex =Ambr-g.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, affection of
eyes =Puls.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, confusion of
mind =Agar.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, during
headache =Ferr-p.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, during
menses =Ferr-p.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, pulsation
and excitability =Bell.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, vanishing of
sight =Ferr-p.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, vomiting
after eating =Puls.
Vertigo- associated with, dizziness, confusion, with
malassimilation =Chin.
628… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vertigo- associated with, faintness =Nux-v.

Vertigo- associated with, faintness, on slightest
provocation =Chin.
Vertigo- associated with, nausea worse by lying or motion
Vertigo- associated with, nose-bleed =Carb-an.
Vertigo- associated with, obscuration of sight =Ter.
Vertigo- associated with, staggering =Gels., Arg-n.
Vertigo- by, looking, down =Spig., Olnd.
Vertigo- by, looking, steadily =Sars.
Vertigo- by, looking, up =Sil., Plb.
Vertigo- by, lying in =Con.
Vertigo- by, sitting up, sense of dryness =Bry.
Vertigo- by, sitting up, sense of emptiness =Cocc.
Vertigo- by, turning head to, left =Coloc.
Vertigo- by, turning head to, sides =Con.
Vertigo- from mental causes, by least noise =Ther.
Vertigo- from mental causes, loss of sleep =Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo- from mental causes, while studying =Nat-m.
Vertigo- from movements, ascending =Calc.
Vertigo- from movements, descending =Bor.
Vertigo- from movements, stooping =Bell., Plb.
Vertigo- from movements, stooping, by exertion =Calc-p.
Vertigo- from movements, stooping, moving the head
Vertigo- from movements, stooping, rising from sitting
Vertigo- from movements, walking =Nat-m.
Vertigo peculiar =Lac-c.---Peculiar vertigo, a condition,
when walking in which she seems to be floating in the mid
air or when lying, as if, she was not on the bed. Sensation
as if floating or not touching the bed or sinking down,
belongs to Lach.
629… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Very religious =Nat-s.

Very severe =Lac-v-d.--- Very severe, neither enema nor
strong purgatives effect.
Very shy =Sil.
Vesical calculi =Tab.--- Patient in agony with a vesical
calculi. Severe nausea with sweating lying horizontal
position ameliorated. Give Tab. 200, 2 Hourly.
Vesicles =Canth.---Vesicular erysipelas, vesicles all over
body which are sore and suppurating .
Vesicular eruption =Crot-t., Petr., Rhus-t.
Vexation complaints =Cocc.---Complaints coming on
account of combination of vexation, anxiety and prolonged
loss of sleep, such as you have in the mother or daughter,
who is nursing, or the nurse who takes anxiety felt by a
member of a family. He/she is prostrated in mind and body
– loss of sleep, headaches, nausea, etc.
Violence =Bell.---Violence runs all through the mental
symptoms. The mental symptoms are active & never
passive. There is no passive delirium in Bell. It is a wild
state. He is wild; striking, biting, tearing things, doing
unusual things, doing strange things; doing unexpected
things. He is in state of excitability.
Violence=Arn., Carc., Staph.
Violent =Acon.--- Short, sudden, violent.
Violent =Mag-p.--- Violent, spasmodic, cramps.
Violent asthma =Dulc.---Face ache follows the
disappearance of letters on face violent asthma.
Violent enteralgia. =Cupr.--- is a valuable remedy for
violent enteralgia.
Violent madness =Agar.---Violent madness or delirium,
timid, speaks much but unable to answer any question.
Violent onset =Bell.--- Sudden and violent onset.
Violent pain =Canth.---violent pain in the urethra before,
during and after urination.
630… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Violent pain =Tab.---Violent pain in small of back during

soft stool, with tenesmus and burning.
Violent pain in bladder =Canth.---Violent pain in bladder
with frequent urging for urination and unbearable burning,
urine passes drop by drop.
Violent palpitation =Aur.---Violent palpitation; anxiety,
with congestion of blood to head and chest after exertion;
pulse small, feeble, rapid irregular; visible beating of
carotid and temporal arteries (Bell., Glon).
Violent rheumatic Pains=Cham.---Violent rheumatic pains
drive him out of bed at night , compel him to walk about
(Rhus) (Mental calmness contraindicates).
Violent vomiting =Con.---Violent vomiting that resembles
coffee grounds.
Violent vomiting =Verat.---Violent vomiting with profuse
Viral conjunctivitis =Euphr.---Viral conjunctivitis.
Viral infection fever with=Gels., Bapt., Carc., Acon., Ars.,
Bell., Bry., Merc., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Rhus-t.---Medicines
Usually Prescribed.
Vision wheezing =ARS., CARB-V., IP., Cham.
Vital fluids loss of ailments from =Cinch.---Ailments; from
loss of vital fluids, especially haemorrhages, excessive
lactation, diarrhoea, suppuration (Chin-s); of malarial
origin, with marked periodicity; return every other day.
Vital fluids loss of, bad effect =Carb-v.---Bad effects from
loss of vital fluids (Caust); haemorrhage from any broken
down conditions of mucous membranes (Cinch., Phos).
Vital force =Carb-v.--- Vital force, exhausted.
Vital heat =Alum-p.--- Vital heat, lack of.
Vitality general=Carc., Alf., Chin., Ph-ac.
Vitiligo =Sulph., Syph., Ars-s-f. 3X or 6x.---
Vitiligo leucoderma=Ars., Sep., Sil.
631… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vocal cord =Coca.--- Tincture 5-10 drops in water or 3rd

attenuation is a great tonic of vocal cord.
Voice deep =CARB-V., Phos.
Voice hoarse =ACON., ALL-C., BELL., BRY., CARB-V.,
CHAM., MERC., PHOS., SPONG.--- Remedies Mostly
Voice hoarse =Dros.---Clergyman‟s sore throat rough
scraping dry sensation deep in fauces voice hoarse deep
toneless cracked require exertion to speak (Arum-t).
Voice husky = PHOS., Acon., Spong., Sulph.
Voice loss =Phos.--- Hoarseness, loss of voice.
Voice loss, sudden of singers, speakers =Arum-t., Rhus-t.,
Voice weak = CANTH., HEP., VERAT., Ant-t., Bell., Carb-
v., Cham., Ferr-p., Gels., Ign., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.,
Spong., Sulph.--- Remedies generally prescribed.
Vomiting =Ant-c., Ars., Coloc., Ip., Nux-v., Phos.,
Verat., Aeth., Bell., Iris.--- Remedies normally used.
Vomiting =Ant-t.---The patient gets relief from vomiting.
Vomiting =Ant-t.---Vomiting with great exertion.
Vomiting =Carb-ac.---Vomiting of drunkards, in pregnancy,
sea sickness, cancer, of dark olive, green fluid (Pyrog).
Vomiting =Ip., Aeth., Merc.
Vomiting =Iris.--- Sour, vomiting, stringy.
Vomiting =Iris.---In cases of vomiting of all kinds. Dr.
Vomiting =Kali-c.--- for violent cough with vomiting worse
at 3 A.M.
Vomiting =Kreos.---Vomiting of pregnancy, sweetish water
with pytalism; of cholera during painful dentition incessant
with cadaverous stool; in malignant affections of stomach.
Vomiting =Lac-d.---Vomiting incessant, no relation to
eating first of undigested food intensely acid, then of bitter
water, of pregnancy (Lac-ac., Psor.).
632… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vomiting =Lob.---Vomiting, face bathed with cold sweat;

of pregnancy profuse salivation (Lac-ac. at night Merc).
Chronic with good appetite with nausea, profuse sweat and
marked prostration.
Vomiting =Nux-v.--- Nausea; vomiting; sour, bitter
belching, especially after improper eating or over
indulgence in food or drink. Worse in the morning and after
Vomiting =Phos.---If given in potency will prevent vomiting
from chloroform.
Vomiting =Podo.---Biliousness with nausea and giddiness,
inclined to bilious vomiting and purging.
Vomiting =Pyrog.---Vomiting; persistent brownish coffee-
ground offensive; stercoraceous with impacted or
obstructed (Op., Plb).
Vomiting =Sanic.---Nausea and vomiting from car or
carriage riding.
Vomiting =Stram.---Vomiting; as soon as he raises his head
from pillow; from a bright light.
Vomiting =Tab.---Vomiting violent with cold sweat soon as
he begins to move during pregnancy when lactic acid fails
Vomiting =Vario.---allays vomiting and abdominal pains.
Vomiting =Verat.---Vomiting excessive with nausea and
great prostration<by drinking (Ars) by least motion (Tab)
great weakness after.
Vomiting and diarrhoea =Med.---Children of sycotic
fathers are especially subject to attacks of vomiting and
diarrhoea and emaciation, They resist well selected chronic
remedies or are only palliated by well selected remedies.
After Med. High they Thrive and remedies act Better (Dr.
Vomiting and nausea =Ip.--- Persistent nausea and
vomiting, with a clean tongue.
633… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Vomiting fright =Bell.--- Vomiting from fright or

Vomiting hysterical =Ign.--- Hiccough and hysterical
Vomiting of pregnancy.---Sep., Kali-c., Sulph., Ferr.,
Kreos., Kali-bi.--- Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Vomiting persistent =Pyrog.---Vomiting persistent,
brownish, offensive with impacted or obstructed bowels.
Vomiting riding in a carriage =Cocc., Petr., Tab.
Vomiting sour vomiting =Aeth., Calc., Iris.
Vomiting with diarrhea =Ars.--- Vomiting with or without
offensive diarrhea after eating or drinking, followed by
great weakness.
Vomits sight water =Phos.---vomits at the sight of water
during pregnancy.
Wakes up, frightened, suffocated =Spong., Samb-nig.
Waking at mid night =Malar-off.---Waking at mid night,
feet extremely hot with burning palms and soles; this was
followed by profuse sweat on lower part of body, more
marked on flexor surfaces and on the back.
Walk =Crot-h.---Impulse to walk on toes.
Walk =Lil-t.---Cannot walk on uneven ground.
Walk =Nat-m.---Children slow in learning to walk.
Walk backward =Oxyt.
Walk inability to =Alum.---Inability to walk except with
eyes open in the daytime, tottering and falling when
closing eyes (Arg-n., Gels.).
Walking =Lac-c.---When walking seems to be walking on air
when lying, does not seem to touch the bed (Asar).
Walking =Med.---Ankles easily turn when walking (Carb-
an., Led.).
Walking uncertain in =Agar.---Uncertain in walking,
stumbling gait; jerks of single muscles; sensation of ice-
634… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

cold needles piercing here and there in the body and

diagonal complaints are the keynote symptoms.
Walks backward =Oxyt.
Wandering Pain =Puls.---Wandering pains shift rapidly
from one place to another, also with swelling of the joints.
Wandering pains =Puls., Kali-bi., Lac-c.
Wants to uncover =Tab.
Warm =Lil-t.--- Warm, irritable, relaxed.
warm =Nat-m.--- Worn out, warm, watery.
Warm blooded =Lil.--- Warm blooded, irritated women.
Warm weather =Bry.---Complaints when warm weather
sets in, after cold days; from cold drinks or ice in hot
weather after taking cold or getting hot in summer; from
chilling when overheated; kicks the cover off; from
exposure to draft, cold wind (Acon., Hep), suppressed
discharges, of menses, milk or eruption of acute
Warts =Acid-n.---Warts at anus vulva vagina (mucus
Warts =Anac.---Warts on palm of hands (Nat-m).
Warts =Calc = Is a remedy for warts, Use 3rd Trituration
3x, 8 grains at bed time.
Warts =Caust.---This medicine has tendency to grow warts
on the face, on the tip of the nose, on the end fingers, on
the hands Hard, dry horny warts come out on various parts
of the body.
Warts =Caust.---Warts large jagged often pendunculated
bleeding easily exuding moisture; small all over the body
on eyelids, face and nose.
Warts =Cinnb.---In warts on the prepuce it is more specific
than Thuj (Compare Sep) warts on margin of prepuce Ant-
t., warts on back of glans.
635… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Warts =Dulc.---Warts fleshy large smooth on face or back

of hands and fingers (Thuj).
Warts =Fl-ac.--- Will prevent the manifestation of oedema
of prepuce in sycotic subjects, and will prevent formation
of warts.
Warts =Fl-ac., Merc., Nit-ac., Sulph., Thuj., Caust.---
Main Medicines.
Warts =Nat-m.---Warts palms of hands (Sore to touch –
Warts =Nit-ac.---Warts condylomata: sycotic syphilitic
large jagged, pendunculated bleeding readily on washing
moist oozing sticking pain (staph., Thuj).
Warts =Ruta.---Warts with sore pains flat smooth on palms
of hands (Nat-c., Nat-m., on back of hands Dulc).
Warts =Sulph.---The pregnant mother should take Sulph.
Followed by Thuj. And Merc. At least once a weak for one
month before the child‟s birth. This will act as a
prophylactic to warts.
Warts =Thuj tincture.---Tincture should be applied locally
for warts. Internally 200 potency.
Warts =Thuj.---Warts large seedy pendunculated (Staph);
eruptions only on covered parts burn after scratching.
Warts around anus =Benz-ac.
Warts around eye =Caust.
Warts behind ear =Calc.
Warts breast =Cast-eq.---On forehead and breast.
Warts cauliflower like =Nit-ac.
Warts condylomata =Thuj.
Warts elbow =Calc-f.---On bend of elbow.
Warts eye lids =Caust., Nit-ac.---Eye lids/ brown tip of
nose/ face & tips of fingers, jagged & bleeding On sternum,
lips amd eye lids.
Warts face =Dulc.---Large smooth on face and palmer.
Warts feet.---Ruta-g.---Flat, smooth sore on sole of feet.
636… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Warts forearm =Sil.

Warts genital =Sabin.---Genital with intolerable itching.
Warts like red lumps =Nat-s.
Warts nipple =Thuja.
Warts obstinate =Bac.
Warts of nipples =Cact.
Warts on cheek =Sep.
Warts palms =Anac., Nat-m.---Palms of hands.
Warts seedy warts on thumb =Ran-b.
Warts tongue =Aur-m.---Tongue and genitals.
Warts=Ant-c., Caust., Nit-ac., Thuj., Sal-ac.--- Mostly
Prescribed Medicines.
Washing =Am-c.---Children dislike washing (Ant-c., Sulph).
Washing his/her hands =Syph.---is always washing his
hands and for utter sleeplessness
Wasp bite =Canth.
Water =Nat-m.--- Water, imbalance.
Water appears to be black and also face =Stram---
Strange, rare and peculiar symptoms are water appeard to
be black and also face. (Stram) Dr. Tyler.
Water dreaming about =Verat-v---Dreaming about water
is a characteristic of (Verat-v) Dr. Clarke.
Water tastes bad =Sil.---Water tastes bad, vomits after
Water-brash =Lyc., Nux-v., Bry., Verat.
Watering from eyes =Euphr.
Watery =Apoc.--- Dropsical, watery, constitution.
Watery =Euphr.--- Acrid, watery, eyes.
Watery =Nat-m.--- worn out, warm, watery.
Watery discharge =All-c.---Copious watery discharge from
the nose and watering of the eyes.
Weak = Oxalica-ac.---Spinal affections weak loins hips,
legs with numbness.
Weak =Alumn.--- Weak, atonic, indurated.
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Weak =Calc-iod.--- Weak, twitching, trembling.

Weak =Calc-p.--- Active, emaciated, weak (spine).
Weak =Calc-sil.--- Pale, weak, strained.
Weak =Ign.---Involuntary sighing (lach). Weak empty
feeling at pit of stomach; not>by eating (Hydr., Sep.).
Weak =Lac-v-d.--- Cold, anaemic, weak.
Weak =Nat-ar.--- Angry, anaemic, weak.
Weak =Nat-sil.--- Awkward, weak, emaciated.
Weak =Ph-ac.--- Weak, enfeebled, lameness.
Weak =Phos.--- Anxious, fearful, weak.
Weak =Phos.---A weak empty all gone sensation in head,
chest, stomach, entire abdomen.
Weak =Sars.--- urinary, weak, ulcerative.
Weak =Sul-ac.--- Sour, weak, trembling.
Weak =Sul-ac.---Weak and exhausted from some deep-
seated dyscrasia-no other symptoms (Psor., Sulph).
Weak and exhausted =Ars.
Weak and trembling =Merc-v.
Weak digestion after fever =Carb-v., Sep.
Weak empty gone =Sulph.---Weak empty gone or faint
feeling in the stomach about 11am (10 or 11 am > by
eating, Nat-c) cannot wait for lunch frequent weak faint
spells during the day (Compare Zinc.)
Weak heart =Dig.--- Weak heart.
Weak heart =Scut---Has been found useful in weak heart
resulting from cigarette smoking (Scut)
Weak loins =Ox-ac.---Spinal affection, weak loins, hip,
legs with numb limbs.
Weak memory =Anac., Kali-p.
Weak muscles =Zinc.--- Weak muscles causing squint.
Weakness & nervousness =Ferr-m.---Indicated in persons
who inspite of their weakness and nervousness have a very
red face.
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Weakness = Aloe.---Weakness in the abdomen,

apprehension of the result of diarrhoea.
Weakness = Phos., Cadm-s.---After an apoplectic attack,
when the patient recovers but weakness of one arm and leg
remains, it completes with Phos., Cadm Sulph.
Weakness =Aeth.---Great weakness, child cannot stand or
hold up its head.
Weakness =Alet.---Give tincture or 3rd potency . For
Anemic, relaxed condition of female organism . Marked
Anaemia, chlorotic girls and pregnant women. Tired all the
time. Alet is the Chin. of the uterine organs, Give 5 to 10
drops, morning and evening.
Weakness =Carb-an.---Weakness-after menses, so weak,
she can hardly speak.(Alum., Cocc.); menses flow only in
the morning. Menstruation, leucorrhoea, diarrhoea are all
exhausting (Ars. are all offensive-Psor).
Weakness =Carb-v.--- Weakness; desire for fresh, cold air.
Weakness =Caust.---Weakness of memory.
Weakness =Chin.---Hemorrhage of dark clotted blood from
nose and other parts in anaemic subject it seems as if
something is ringing in the ears great weakness.
Weakness =Chin-ar.--- Chlorotic, grandual, weakness.
Weakness =Cocc.---Knees give way from weakness. Totters
while walking. Threatens to fall on one side. Knee stiff,
paralysis of the lower extremities, proceeding from the
small of the back. Arising from cold, from abuse of
mercury, paralysis of the lower limbs with stiffness,
numbness and bruised feeling.
Weakness =Gels.---Fingers and feet unmanageable. Lach-
Worse sleep. Ph-ac-Onanism.
Weakness =Kali-p.--- Nervous, lameness, weakness.
Weakness =Lob-inf.---Faintness, weakness and
indescribable feeling at epigastrium from excessive use of
tea or tobacco.
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Weakness =Merc.---Great weakness and trembling from

least exertion.
Weakness =Merc-cy.---Great weakness and trembling from
least exertion.
Weakness =Olnd.--- Weakness, tremulous.
Weakness =Ox-acid.--- Weakness, great.
Weakness =Phos.---Great weakness and prostration; with
nervous debility and trembling of whole body; weakness
and weariness from loss of fluids (Cinch., Ph-ac.). Nervous
weakness desires to be magnetized.
Weakness =Psor.---Great weakness and debility: from loss
of animal fluids; remaining after acute diseases,
independent of or without any organic lesion or apparent
Weakness =Sanic.---Weakness, bearing down as if contents
of pelvis would escape; <walking, misstep or jar > by rest,
lying down; desire to support parts by placing hand against
vulva (Lil-t., Murex); soreness of uterus.
Weakness =Sep.---Weakness and pain in back, grows worse
on sitting still.
Weakness =Sulph.---Weakness in chest in evening when
lying down.
Weakness =Tab.---Complete prostration of entire muscular
system. Feeling of excessive wretchedness.
Weakness =Vespa-v.--- Weakness, physical gradual, not
Weakness =Zinc.---Weakness and trembling of extremities;
of hands while writing; during menses.
Weakness grief =Ph-ac.--- for weakness from seminal loss,
leucorrhoea and grief
Weakness leucorrhoea =Ph-ac.--- for weakness from
seminal loss, leucorrhoea and grief
Weakness of old age =Ambr.
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Weakness seminal loss =Ph-ac.--- for weakness from

seminal loss, leucorrhoea and grief.
Wealthy =Pyrog.---After the fever, the hallucination still
persists that he is very wealthy and has a large sum of
money in the bank, this is the last to leave him, the idea
that he has the money.
Weaning ailments from =Calc-p., lac-h., Puls.
Weans atheroma=Apis., Bar-c., Calc., Graph.
Weariness =Kali-sil.--- Weariness.
Weariness =Pic-ac.---Weariness, progressing from slight
feeling of fatigue on motion to complete paralysis.
Weary =Alum-p.--- Weary, lame, lassitude.
Weary =Arg-m.--- Withered, weary, neural.
Weary =Benz-ac.--- Weary, urinous, gouty.
Weary =Cann-i.--- Ecstatic, incoherent, weary.
Weary =Ham.--- Bruised, weary, haemorrhagic (passive).
Weary =Kali-sil.--- Cold, creeping, weary.
Weary =Pic-ac.--- Weary, dragging, lassitude.
Weary =Sel.--- Weary, exhausted, emaciated.
Weather =Bry.---Complaints commence with the
commencement of warm weather.
Weather change =Dulc.--- A change to cool wet weather
aggravates all symptoms.
Weather change, ailments =Chel.---Ailments; brought on
or renewed by change of weather (Merc).
Weather clear fine agg. =Caust.---Agg; in clear, fine
weather; coming from the air into warm room (Bry); on
becoming cold; from getting wet or bathing. Amelioration-
in damp, wet weather; warm air.
Weather =Bry. --- Is worse in dry cold. Ran-b. Is worse in
wet weather.
Weather, damp cold =Dulc., Nat-s., Rhus-t.
Weather, dry cold =Acon., Caust., Hep., Nux-v., Sil.,
Bry.--- Main Medicines.
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Weather, hot =Ant-c., Bry., Glon., Lach., Nat-c., Nat-m.-

-- Main Medicines.
Weep disposition to =Nat-m.---Marked disposition to
weep; sad, weeping mood, without cause (Puls), but
consolation from others <her troubles.
Weeping =Coff.---Measly spots on the skin with dry heat
over excitence and weeping.
Weeping cannot speak without (Puls., Sep) =Med.
Weeping from delight =Coff.---Weeping from delight;
alternate laughing and weeping.
Weeping from delight; alternate laughing and weeping
Weeping great sadness =Sep.---Great sadness and weeping
: Dread of being alone, of men; of meeting friends; with
uterine troubles.
Weeping marked disposition =Nat-m.---Marked disposition
to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause (Puls) but
consolation from others <her troubles.
Weeping uncontrollable =Kali-br.---Fits of uncontrollable
weeping and profound melancholic delusions.
Weeps all day =Lyc.---Weeps all day, cannot calm herself,
very sensitive, even cries when thanked.
Weeps easily =Puls.---Weeps easily; almost impossible to
detail her ailment without weeping (weeps when thanked
Lyc). Especially in diseases of women and children. Feels
better by consolation.
Weeps more =Ign., Nat-m., Abrot.
Weight loss though eats well =Iod., Nat-m., Abrot.
Weil’s disease=Chel., Phos.
Well day before attack =Psor---A peculiar symptom is,
feels unusually well day before attack. (Psor)
Well says he or she, when very sick=Arn.
Wens = Con., Hep., Benz-ac., Phyt.
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Wens =Thuj., Benz-ac., Bac.

Wet getting bad effect =Rhus-t.---Bad effects of getting
wet, especially after being overheated.
Wet weather amel =Alum.---Amelioration-in wet weather
(Caust); mild summer weather.
Wet, bad effects after getting. (rhus-t). =All-c.
Wetting Bed =Caust., Sep.--- wets the bed in first sleep
(for boys Caust.), (for girls sep.).
Wheezing =Iod.---Membranous croup with wheezing and
sawing respiration, dry barking cough, child graps the
throat with the hand.
Wheezing =Ip.--- Nauseating, catarrhal, wheezing.
Whining =Ant-t.---Dislike to be touched without whining.
Whisky =Led.---Led. Counteracts the effect of whisky &
takes away the appetite for whiskey.
Whisky habit =Strop Q.---For leaving Whisky Habit.
White tongue =Ant-c.---This medicine should be used in
several diseases with these guiding symptoms such as
fretfulness, excessive irritability and white tongue coated
Whiteness =Bor., Hell., Merc.
Whitlow =Am-c.--- and Anthr. For whitlow.
Whitlow =Myris .--- In whitlow cases Myris 6, a no. of
doses daily cures. It has been very useful in suppurative
processes of various kinds.
Whitlow =Myris 3x.---Pain in the finger nails with swelling
of phalanges. The use of this remedy often does away the
use of the knife.
Whitlow =Sil., Lach., Hep., Calen.---if administered early,
generally prevents the development of whitlow.
Whole body painful =Psor.---The whole body painful,
easily sprained and injured.
Whoop =Tarent-c.---is more useful than Ip in whoop.
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Whooping cough = All-c.---Hoarseness and whooping cough

inspiring cold air. Tickling in larynx. Sensation as if larynx,
split or torn.
Whooping cough =Carb-v., Cupr., Dros., Pertussin.,
Puls., Bell., Ip., Meph.---Medicines Mostly Prescribed.
Whooping cough =Dros 12.It is an infectious cough,
coming in paroxysms and ending in vomiting.
Whooping cough =Dros.---Whooping cough with violent
paroxysms which follow each other rapidly, is scarcely able
to get breath wakes at 6-7 am and does not cease coughing
until a large quantity of tenacious mucus is raised, Cocc-c.-
profuse epistaxis during every paroxysm, minute gun during
the day whooping at night Cor-r) deep sounding hoarse
barking cough (Verb.) <after midnight during or after
measles spasmodic with gagging retching and vomiting
(Bry., Kali-c) Constant, titillating cough in children begins
as soon as head touches pillow at night (Bell., Hyos.,
Whooping cough =Napht.---for whooping cough. Dros.
follows immediately.
Whooping Cough =Napht---Found it more useful in
whooping cough than any other remedy. Dr. Louis
Hartman. The spasmodic action and the cyanosis of the
drug are good indications here, though it is not necessary
to wait till the child is blue before prescribing (Dros)
follows immediately.
Whooping Cough =Nat-m.---In whooping cough flow of
tears with cough is the key-note for. Dr. Burnett.
Whooping cough =Pert.---Is a very valuable and good
protection against whooping cough. Whooping cough
immunization, by allopathic methods, for young infants, is
of doubtful value and often productive of illness and
weakness, lasting for some time, interfering with growth
and development, Carb-v., Cupr-m. In potency are the big
three selected according to the type epidemic and
symptoms present in the individual cases. These medicines
644… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

afford splendid protection as well as antidote the bad

effects from the whooping cough vaccine.
Whooping cough =Puls.---Is said to prevent whooping
cough. And take in minute doses a day every evening during
the season of exposure has proved a prophylactic against
the congestion of whooping cough.
Whooping cough =Sang.---Severe cough after whooping-
cough, the cough returns every time the patient take cold.
Whooping cough =Sep.---for whooping cough that drags on
Wilson’s disease=Cupr., Mang.
Winking eyes frequently =Bell.
Winter =Petr., Psor.--- Winter eruptions.
Winter cough =Cham., Psor., Rumex.
Winter in frequent =Influ.---In winter frequent tendency
to catch flu.
Wisdom=Cham., Fl-ac., Calc., Mag-c., Sil.
Withered =Arg-m.--- Withered, weary, neural.
Withered =Arg-n.--- Strange, staggering, withered.
Withered young man =Ars-s.--- Withered young man.
Womb =Bell.---Weight, fullness pressure and forcing pain.
Women =Cham.---Milk runs out in nursing women (runs out
after weaning Con.).
Women chronic ailments =Sabin.---Chronic ailments of
women, arthritis pains, tendency to miscarriages,
especially at 3rd month.
Women diseases of =Sep.---Diseases of women : especially
those occurring during pregnancy; child bed and lactation;
or diseases attended, with sudden prostration and sinking
faintness (Murx., Nux-m). the washer women‟s remedy,
complaints that are brought on by or aggravated after
laundry work.
Women lean and slender =Ip.---In those women lean and
slender who are always suffering from heat who want to
645… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

uncover off and want to be cool and who have had a

tendency of oozing blood from the uterus, who have
haemorrhage that is alarming with clots or only on oozing
of dark, liquid blood you can hardly do without –Sec.
Women problems =Pyrog.---Problems in women who have
been exposed to repeated abortions and in such cases no
medicine will work unless you give (Pyrog).
Worm =Chen.---Oil of chenopodium for hook worms and
round worm.
Worm =Cina.---Worm affections face pale white about the
mouth boring nose with finger grinding teeth at night huge
appetite restless sleep fever etc.
Worms =Ant-c.---It is the best remedy for mucus piles and
an excellent remedy for worms.
Worms =Calc.---Is generally required for patients having
hereditary predisposition to worm with other tubercular
Worms =Cina.---Santonine sometimes cures in worms
affections when Cina seems indicated but fails. (Mar-v.,
Worms =Merc-v., Sant., Stann., Cinch., Teucr., Cina.,
Sab., Calc., Nat-m., Nat-p., Sulph.--- Main Medicines.
Worms =Nat-m.---Remedy to prevent predisposition to
Worms =Sabad.---Worms affections of children (Cina., Sil.,
Worms =Spig.---A remedy for symptoms due to the
presence of worms. Child refers to the navel as the most
painful part (Granat., Nux-m)
Worms =Ter.---Worm with foul breath choking (Cina., Spig)
dry hacking cough tickling at anus ascarides tapeworm
segments passed.
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Worms=Cina.---Children suffering from worms pitiful

weeping when awake starts and screams during sleep
grinding of teeth (Cic., Spig) ascarides (Mar-v.)
Worn out =Helon.--- Dull, dragging, worn out constitution.
Worn out =Kali-p.---Worn out nursing mother tired to
distraction by nervous babies worn out business and
professional men.
Worn out =Nat-m.--- Worn out, warm, watery.
Worn out, constitution of old people =Eup-per.
Worn out, dry, thin and pale must sit down to rest =Alum.
Worries =Ign.--- is curative in ailments from worries,
suffering and sorrow.
Worry =But-ac.---Removes the disposition to worry about
Wound =Led.---The wounded parts are especially cold to
Wound punctured =Led.--- Cleanses punctured wounds
produced by sharp instruments as awls, nails (Hyper), rat-
bites, stings of insects, especially mosquitoes or bites,
particularly if wounded parts are cold, Led is considered to
be the remedy. Tetanus with twitching of muscles near the
wound is another indication for Led.
Wounds =Arn.---Shock of injury speeds healing jagged
Wounds =Calen.---Cleanses and speeds healing.
Wounds =Ham.-Wounds incised, lacerated, contused
injuries from falls, cheeks hemorrhage, removes pain and
soreness (Arn).
Wounds =Hep.---Red swollen, painful wounds.
Wounds =Hyper.---Relieves nerves pain and pain jagged
wounds cleanses and speeds healing of.
Wounds =Mill.---Wounds which bleed profusely, especially
after a fall (Arn., Ham).
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Wounds punctured =Hyper.---In open or punctured

wounds of the mouth and face, Hyper; thought to prevent
Wounds punctured =Hyper.---Punctured, incised or
lacerated wounds; sore painful (Led-contused wound, Arn.,
Ham); especially of long duration.
Wounds=Calen., Hyper., Led., Pyrog., Calen., Led.---
Medicines normally indicated.
Wrestling =Symph---Pain in the back after wrestling or
excessive sexual indulgence. (Symph)
Wrist =Eup-per., Ruta.
Wrist drop =Plb.---About wrist drop give Plb., 1M once in
2-3 weeks. It will take time to see any improvement.
Wrists sprains =Ruta-g.--- Helps in sprains of knees, wrists,
Writer’s cramp=Mag-p., Stann., Brach., Calc., Calc-f.,
Cupr., Cycl., Ruta., Tril. Arg-m., Sul-ac. Gels.
Yawing =Agar.---Yawing laughter involuntary followed by.
And pain before.
Yawing =Am-c.---Yawning emptiness of stomach from.
Yawing =Aran., Phos.---Pain with.
Yawing =Bry.---Yawing rheumatism in.
Yawing =Calc.---Yawing cramps in stomach with.
Yawing =Cina 200., 1m.---Yawing as a concomitant
symptom with other diseases.
Yawing =Euphr.---Frequent yawing when walking in open
Yawing =Form.---Yawing stretching wretched feeling with.
Yawing =Guai.---Yawing must feels.
Yawing =Lyc.---Yawing evening bed in Nat-m; reading
Yawing =Mosch.---Yawing not at work when.
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Yawing =Puls.---Yawing menses before.

Yawing =Sep.---Yawing morning bed in.
Yawing night =Caust.
Yawing, frequent =Acon., Nux-v., Ign.
Yawning =Acon., Arn., Lyc., Nux-v., Ign., Rhus-t., Sulph.,
Chel., Nat-m.
Yellow =Arn.---Purples or bright red stains becoming
Yellow =Chel.---Yellow colour of the face, specially of
forehead nose cheeks and white of eyes.
Yellow Fever =Acon., Bry., Bell., Ip., Rhus-t., Ars.,
Phos., Carb-v.
Yellow fever =Camph., Bry., Cadm., Ars. Crot-h.
Yellow Pus =Calc-s.---The true indication for the remedy is
a thick, heavy, yellow pus, sometimes streaked with blood.
Yellow skin =Plb.---Yellow skins, dark brown, liver spots in
climacteric years, jaundice, the eyes, skin and urine
Yellow teeth =Iod.---Teeth yellow and easily blunted by
vegetable acids.
Yellowish discharge =Puls.--- “Ripe” head colds with
profuse, thick, yellowish discharge. Eyelids stick together
in the morning.
Yellowish, earthy complexion =Berb.
Yellowish, sickly yellow, jaundiced =Plb.
Yellowish, sickly yellow, not jaundiced =Caust.
Yellowish, yellow spots on the face =Sep.
Zymotic fever=Main medicines-Arn., Ars., Bapt., Bry.,
Carbn-s., Crot-h., Echi., Hyos., Kali-p., Lach., Lyc.,
Merc., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Pyrog.
649… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


Dr. Wilhelm heinrich schuessler, a German homoeopathic

physician founded biochemic system of medicine in 1873. His
theory is based on the following simple logic.

(a) The human body contains twelve inorganic elements,

essential for normal cell-function and to preserve our

(b) Disease is caused when one or more of these tissue salts

(cell builders) are deficient or abnormal in an impure
state due to errors in our diet and normal cell-function
and molicular balance of these salts is disturbed in any
parts of the organism.

(c) When these tissue salts are split up by trituration

process and rendered so fine that their particles are
easily absorbed through the walls of the starved cells,
Thus when these tissue salts are supplied in molecular
and minimal doses needed by the human organism,
normal cell function and proper health is restored.


For best results either dissolve the tablets below tongue and
drink lukwarm water thereafter. In case of infants and acute
ailments, dissolve the tablets in warm water and take a
spoonful per does.

ADULTS : 4 Tablets …….. (of 1 grain Each)

CHILDREN : 2 or 3 tablets. (of 1 grain Each)

INFANTS : 1 or 2 tablets. (of 1 grain Each)

650… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Medicines of 3x, 6x 12x or 30x Potencies

In chronic and general cases :…….4 hourly

In sub-acute cases :…………………..2 hourly

In acute cases : …………………………1 hourly

In very acute cases eg. Severe pain, cramps, convulsions etc.

at 5 to 10 or 15 minutes interval.

Medicines of 200x potency

In chronic cases :…………………..Twice a week.

In sub-acute cases :……………….Once a day.

In acute cases :……………………..Twice a day.

651… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


CALC- FLOR : *Cataract *Erosion of Teeth Enamel *Hardness of
Glands *Gouty Enlargements * Piles *Prostate *Tonsils
*Uterine bleeding *Varicose Veins * Hardness.

CALC-PHOS : *Anaemia *Albuminuria *Bitter Taste In The

Morning *Convalescence *Defficient Bone Structure In Children
*Rachitis *Summer Complaints Of Children * Chronic Diseases
with Loss Of weight *Tonic For The Aged.

Calc-SULPH : *Boils *Chronic catarrhs *Quinsy *Skin Diseases

*Suppuration & pus Formation *Ulcers.

FERR-PHOS : *Bleedings *Congestions *Early Stages of acute

diseases *Epistaxis * Fevers * Hemorrhages * Incontinence of
urine * Inflammations.

KALI-MUR : *Bronchitis *Catarrhal Diseases *Croup *Diarrhea

*Glandular Swellings *Rhinitis *Sore Throat.

KALI-PHOS : *Hemorrhages *Hysteria *Insomnia *Nervous

Disorders *Neuralgia *Neuritis *Putrid, Foul smell.

KALI-SULPH : *Bronchitis *Chronic Catarrhal Disorders

*Rheumatism *Skin Diseases *Dandruff *Typhoid *Whooping

MAG-PHOS: *Colics and pains *Convulsions & Spasms *Cough

spasmodic *Headache *Menses Painful *Neuralgic Pains.

NAT-MUR: *Asthma *Coryza *Diabetes *Indigestion *Watery

Vomiting *Rhinitis *Water Imbalance.

NAT-PHOS: *Acidity *Diarrhea *Fevers *Indigestion *Lumbago

(Backache) *Rheumatism.

NAT-SULPH : *Bilious & Liver disorders *Cholera Morbus

*Diabetes *Jaundice *Malaria *Excess of water in body.

SILICEA : *Boils *Chronic catarrhal and Respiratry Ailments

*Chronic Suppurating Troubles * Tonsillitis.
652… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber




Dr. G. Carey states that people use up more of a certain of salt

according to the time of the year in which they were born. As a
result there is a tendency to deficiency in these Birth Salts. Our
Personal experience suggests that there is more than just
something in it. The universe is vast wholeness, and owing to the
laws of correspondences, each individual, each planet, every
plant , and every mineral can be definitely associated with those
things with which they have affinities associated with those
things with which they have affinities and which react to similar
vibrations. The periods and their minerals and homoeopathic
medicines are given below -



March 21 to April 19, Kali-phos 6x

Aconite Nap 30.

April 19 to May 20, Nat-sulph 6x

Belladona 30.

May 20 to june21, Kali-mur 6x

Bryonia 30.

June 21 to July 22, Calc-fluor 12x

Ipecac 30.

July 22 to August22, Mag-phos 6x

Chamomilla 30.
653… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

August22 to September 23, Kali-sulph 6x

Pulsatilla 30.

September 23 to October23 Nat-phos 6x

Rhus-tox 30

October 23 to November22 Calc-sulph 6x

Pulsatilla 30.

November22 to December 21 Silicea 12x

Merc-sol 30.

December 21 to January 19 Calc-phos 12x

Sulphur 30.

January 19 to February 19 Nat-mur 6x

Arsenic Alb 30.

February 19 to March 20 Ferr-phos 6x

Veratrum Alb 30.

A dose of your particular Biochemic Medicines and or

homoeopathic medicine once weekly should help to keep you
fit. It frequently happens that the same salt will promote
recovery from illness, no matter whether the physical symptoms
indicate that salt or not.
654… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber



BC-3 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-

Sulph 3x.


Inflammation and Swelling : Ferr-Phos 12x Or 6x,
To break open and evacuate pus : Silicea 3x or 6x,
To Hasten healing process :Silicea 200x, Calc-Sulph 6x,
With acidity of blood : Nat-Phos 3x.
Chronic or when bones are affected : Calc-Fluor 12x
Calc-Phos 6x, Silicea 12x
Fistula : Treat like abscesses


Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 6x., Kali-Mur6x, Calc-Fluor 12x,
Silicea 12x, Calc-Sulph 6x.
Head Injury and its bad Effects : Nat-Sulph 6x.


BC 25 : i.e. Nat-Phos 3x., Nat-Sulph 3x., Silicea 12x.
Heart Burn with Flatulence add Calc-Phos 6x

Calc-Fluor 3x., Calc-Sulph 3x., Kali-Sulph 3x., Mag-Phos 3x.,
Nat-Phos3x., Nat-Sulph 3x., Or
Calc-Phos 6x., Ferr-Phos 6x., Kali-Mur6x., Nat-Mur6x.,

Nat-phos 6x., Silicea 12x.

Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Phos12x., Ferr-Phos6x., Kali-Mur3x., Kali-
Sulph 3x.


655… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Nat-m 6x., Ferr-p 6x.

Mag-p 6x.—-As an intermediate medicene in case of sneezing
fits and asthmatic.

Calc-Fluor 3x., Calc-Phos 3x., Kali-Mur 3x., Kali-Phos 3x., Kali-
Sulph 3x., Nat-Mur3x., Silicea 12x.

Nat-m 6x., Silicea 12x., Kali-p12x, Ferr-p 12x.

BC 1 i.e. Calc-Phos 3x., Ferr-Phos 3x., Kali-Phos 3x., Nat-mur
12x., Silicea30x For Chronic Cases. Add with BC 1.
With defective nutrition : Calc-Phos 3x Or 6x.
In young girls with palpitation & Melancholia : Nat-mur30x


Calc-f 6x., Sil 12x.

(A pulsating tumour by the dilatation or an artery Calc-Fluor
200x, Ferr-Phos 200x.


Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-

Sulph 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x.


Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x Nat-Phos 6x Nat-Sulph 6x.

Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Phos 3x. Ferr-Phos 12x. Kali-Mur 3x. Kali-
Phos12X, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos3x, Silicea 12x

BC 2 : I.E. Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Nat-Sulph

656… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calc-Phos 6x, Ferr-Phos 6x Or 12x, Nat-Phos 6x, Silicea 12x


Calc-Fluor 200x, Ferr-Phos 200x.

Nat-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Mag-p6x., Calc-p 6x.,

Kali-mur3x., Nat-sulph3x.


Ferr-Phos 30x, Kali-Mur 12x, Kali-Phos 12x.

Blistery rash (herpes)

Nat-m 6x.

Blood poisoning
Kali-p 6x., Ferr-p 6x.


Calc-Fluor 6x. Ferr-Phos6x, Kali-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur12x Nat-

Sulph 12x


Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-pho 3x, Nat-Mur 3x

Breast Inflammation of nursing Mother

Ferr-p 6x., Nat-p 6x., Sil 12x., Kali-p 6x.

Brittle Nail
Sil 12x.

Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Nat-Mur 30x.

Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x.

657… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-

Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x.

Buzzing in the ears

Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x.

Kali-Mur 12x, Nat-Sulph 12x , Silicea 12x, 4 Doses Daily.
Calc-Fluor 200x – one dose daily at bed time.
Externally, use cineraria maritime eye drops.

Nat-s 6x., Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Kali-m 6x.

Ferr-Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-M 30x.

Cold in the head

Ferr-p 6x., Nat-m 6x., Mag-p 6x., Kali-s 6x., Sil 12x.


STAGE 1. BC. 5 Ferr-Phos 6x, Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Nat-
Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph-6x.
STAGE 2. Kali-Mur 6x, Calc-Fluor 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph
STAGE 3. Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Phos 6x, Silicea 6x, Calc-Sulph 6x.
STAGE 4. Ozaena, Calc-Sulph 6x, Silicea 6x.
To promote Healing process : Silicea 200x.


Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Mag-p 6x.

Conjunctival inflammation’
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x., Nat-m 6x., Nat-s 6x., Silicea 12x.

BC 4 : i.e. Calc-Fluor 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 3x.
658… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x.

BC 6 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x Or 6x, Kali-Mur 3x Or 6x, Mag-Phos
6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Yellowish or yellowish green secretions, Kali-Sulph 6x, Nat-
Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 6x. Consumptive Cases-Silicea 200x.

Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Phos 6x, Nat-
Sulph 6x.

Ferr-p 6x., Kali-m 6x., Sil 12x., Mag-p 6x.

Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.


BC 26 : i.e. Calc-Fluor 6x, Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-
Phos 3x.


BC 21 : Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, For pains, add Mag-Phos

Depressive conditions
Kali-p 6x.,

BC 7: i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Nat-Sulph 3x.

BC 8 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph
3x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
If stools smell sour, add Nat-Phos 6x.

Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Phos 3x.
659… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

BC 9: i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos

Aching : Ferr-Phos 6x, Mag-Phos 6x.
Discharge : Calc-Sulph 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Silicea 12x.
Humming in : Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Silicea


Kali-mur6x., Mag-p 6x., Ferr-p 6x., Calc-p 6x.

Conjuctivitis & sore with watery discharge: Ferr-phos12x,
Kali-mur 6x., NAt-mur 12x., Nat-sulph 6x.
Styes & Thick Yellow discharge: Silicea 12x.,
Meibomian Glands (on inner surface of eyelids) : Calc-fluor
Cataract : See CATARACT

Facial Neuralgia
Mag-p 6x.

Feeling of lump in the throat

Mag-phos 6x.


Calc-Fluor 6X, Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Mag-Phos 6x.

BC 11 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur
6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.


660… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calc-Phoos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Nat-Sulph 3x, Silicea 12x.

Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x.

Kali-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Sil 12x.

Ferr-p., Sil 6x., Calc-p 6x., Calc-f 6x., Kali-p 6x.

Nat-s 6x., Nat-p 6x., Mag-p 6x., Ferr-ph 6x.

Gastric acid
Nat-p 6x., Nat-m 6x.

Ferr-ph 6x., Mag-p 6x., Nat-ph6x., Kali-s 6x., Calc-ph 6x.

Ferr-p 6x., Calc-p 6x., Kali-p 6x.

Mag-p.6x., Calc-f12x.

Ferr-ph6x., Kali-m 6x., Nat-ph 6x., Sil 12x., Calc-ph 6x., Calc-f

Calc-Sulph 3x, Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6.

Ferr-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x.

Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x., Ferr-phos 6x., Kali-phos 6x.
661… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.

Hardening of the arteris

Calc-f 12x., Silicea 12x., Mag-p 6x., Kali-phos 12x.

BC 12 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-mur
6x, for nervous headache add Silicea 6x with BC 12 above.

Heart problems nervous

Kali-phos 12x., Mag-phos 6x.

Nat-p6x., Mag-phos 6x.

In hot water, Mag-Phos 6x.

Due to abuse of quinine : Nat-mur 200x.


Kali-mur 6x., Kali-s 6x ., Ferr-phos 6x., Nat-phos 6x., Nat-mur


Obstinate Cases: add, Calc-phos 6x.

Hot flushes during menopause

Ferr-phos 12x.

With acidity & sour eructations : Nat-Phos 6x.
With bilious or bitter taste in mouth : Nat-Sulph 6x.
With cramps & Spasms : Mag-Phos 6x.
With Nervous and weakness of heart : Kali-Phos 6x
With Non-assimilation : Calc-Phos 12x.
With sluggish liver and white coated tongue : Kali-mur 6x.

662… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Stage 1 : Ferr-Phos 12x Or 30x.

Stage 2 :Kali-Mur 6x.
Stage 3 :Calc-Phos 12x, Calc-Sulph 6x, Silicea 200x

Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-mur 6x, Nat-mur 30x, Nat-Sulph 6x or

Ferr-phos 6x., Kali-mur 6x., Calc-fl 12x.

Intervertebral complaints
Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x.

Involuntary urine discharge at the time of coughing sneezing,

Nat-mur 6x.

Itching of the anus

Calc-f 12x., Ferr-phos 12x.

Itching of the skin

Mag-p 6x., Calc-phos 12x.



Calc-Fluor 6x, Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos6x, Mag-Phos 6x.

BC 13 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur
Chronic cases : Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-
Sulph 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Silicea 12x.


Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Nat-

Sulph 3x

Loss of appetite
663… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Kali-p 12x., Calc-p 6x., Nat-mur 6x., Nat-ph 6x., Kali-mur 6x.

Ferr-phos 6x., Mag-ph 6x., Calc-ph 6x.


Ferr-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Nat-Sulph 3x.

BC 14 :i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x.

With depressed or mourn feeling : Nat-mur 30x.
With loss of Memory : Kali-Phos 6x.

Kali-Phos 12x.

Absent or stopped : Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x,
Nat-Mur 12x.
Irregular : BC 15 i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Pho 3x, Kali-Phos 3x,
Mag-Phos 3x.
Painful : Kali-Phos 6x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Mag-Phos 12x.
Profuse : Calc-Fluor 12x, Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-
Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Scanty or late : Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 6x,
Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x.

Kali-Phos 6x, Mag-Phos 6x., Nat-Mur 6x, Silicea 6x.

Milk crust
Nat-p 12x.


Kali-Mur 6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph 6x.

Muscles hardening
664… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Calc-fl 12x.

Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Silicea 6x.

BC 16 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-
Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x.

Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 3x.

Kali-p 6x., Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.

Calc-Phos 30x, Kali-mur 6x.Nat-m 6x.

Calc-Phos 12x, Calc-Sulph 3x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Phos12x,
Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.

Panic attacks
Kali-ph 6x.

Ferr-p 6x., Silicea 12x., Calc-f 12x.

BC 17 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos
Blind : Calc-Fluor 12x, add with BC 17
Acute & darting pain : Mag-Phos 6x add with BC 17

Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-mur 6x, Nat-mur 30x.

Primula dermatitis nettle rash

Kali-ph 6x., Nat-m.

665… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

BC 18 : i.e. Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Sulph 3x, Silicea 6x.

BC 19 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-
Sulph 3x.

BC 19 + Kali-mur 6x, Nat-Phos 3x.

Calc-Phos 3x, Ferrum Phos 3x, Nat-mur 12x, Silicea 12x.

Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.

Kali-Phos 6x Or 12x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 30x, Nat-Sulph

Signs of paralysis
Kali-ph 6x.


BC 20 : i.e., Calc-Fluor 6x, Calc-Sulph 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-

Mur 3x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Crusta lactea with acidity :Nat-Phos 6x, Calc-Sulph 6x &
Silicea 12x Or 30x.
Dryness of the skin with yellow matter : Kali-Sulph 6x.
Eczema with watery secretions : Nat-Mur 12x Or 30x.
Eruptions with Bran-like scaling or sticky, ropy, greyish
discharge : Kali-Mur- 6x
Inflammation : Ferr-Phos 12x, Alternate With Kali-Mur 6x.
Nettlerash : Kali-Mur 6x, Nat-Mur 6x.

Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x.

Sore in small children

Nat-m 6x., Nat-p 6x.
666… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Sore in the lower leg

Calc-fl 12x., Nat-s6x., Silicea 12x.

Calc-Sulph 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Silicea

Nat-Mur 200x, Nat-Sulph 12x.

State of exhaustion
Kali-ph 6x., Mag-p 6x.

Ferr-p 12x., Kali-p 6x.

Ferr-p 6x., Silicea 12x., Kali-p 6x.

Silicea 12x., Calc-f 6x., Nat-p 6x.

Kali-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 30x.

Silicea 6x.


Nat-Mur 200x, Silicea 200x, Twice A Weak.

Calc-Fluor 12x, Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 12x,
Silicea 12x.

Throat infection (Pharyngitis/Pharyngeal )

Ferr-p 12x., Calc-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Calc-p 6x.

BC 10 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x.
667… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

BC 28 : i.e. Eleven tissue remedies available with
homoeopathic chemists


BC 24 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-
Phos 3x, Nat-Phos 3x.

Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-ph 3x, Ferr-ph 12x, Kali-mur 3x, Mag-Phos
3x, Nat-mur 3x.
Chronic cases add Calc-Sulph 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Silicea 12x.

BC 23 : Calc-Fluor 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Mag-Ph 3x.

Hard : Calc-Fluor 30x, Soft : Kali-mur 6x.

Twitching of the face

Nat-p 6x.

Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Nat-
Sulph 3x.


Calc-Sulph 6x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-sulph 6x.,
Silicea 12x.
Bones : Calc-Fluor 6x, Calc-Phos 6x.
Stomach or intestine : Syphlitic ulcer : Nat-Phos 6x.


Calc-Phos6x, Ferr-Ph 12x, Kali-Ph 6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph

Variocose veins
Calc-fl 12x., Sil 12x., Ferr-p 6x.

Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos12x, Kali-Phos 6x.
668… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

BC 27 : Calc-Ph 3x, Ferr-Ph 3x, Kali-Ph 3x, Nat-Ph 3x, Nat-Mur

Ferr-Phos 12x, Nat-Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 12x.

Vomiting in pregnancy
Calc-p 6x

Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.

Weak memory
Kali-p 6x., Calc-fl 12x.

Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 30x.

Calc-fluor 12x., Nat-phos 3x.
669… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


Remedies Abbreviatios

Aconitum Napellus Acon.

Aesculus hippocastanum Aesc.
Allium cepa All-c.
Alumina Alum.
Anacardium Anac.
Apis Mellifica Apis.
Antimonium-crudum Ant-c.
Antimonium-tartaricum Ant-t.
Arnica-montana Arn.
Arsenicum-album Ars.
Baryta-carbonica Bar-c.
Belladonna Bell.
Berberis-vulgaris Berb.
Bryonia-alba Bry.
Calcarea-carbonica Calc.
Calcarea-phosphorica Calc-p.
Calendula-officinalis Cale
Cantharis Canth.
Carbolicum-acidum Carb-ac.
Carbo-vegetabilis Carb-v.
Caulophyllum Caul.
Causticum Caust.
Chamomilla Cham.
Cinchona officinalis Chin.
Cistus-canadensis Cist.
Cocculus Cocc.
670… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Coffea-cruda Coff.
Colchicum Colch.
Crotalus-horridus Crot-h.
Cuprum-arsenicosum Cupr-ar.
Cuprum-metallicum Cupr.
Dulcamara Dulc.
Digitalis-purpurea Dig.
Drosera Dros.
Echinacea-augustifolia Echi.
Equisetum Equis.
Eupatorium-perfoliatum Eup-per.
Euphrasia Euphr.
Ferrum-metallicum Ferr-m.
Ferrum-phosphoricum Ferr-p.
Gelsemium-sempervirens Gels.
Glonoine Glon.
Graphites Graph.
Hamamelis-virginica Ham.
Hepar-sulphuris Hep.
Hyoscyamus-niger Hyos.
Hypericum-perfoliatum Hyper.
Ignatia amara Ign.
Ipecacuanha Ip.
Kali-bichromicum Kali-bi.
Kali-bromatum Kali-br.
Kali-carbonicum Kali-c.
Kali-muriaticum Kali-m.
Kreosotum Kreos.
Lachesis Lach.
Ledum-palustre Led.
Lycopodium Lyc.
671… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Magnesia-phosphorica Mang.
Mercurius-corrosivus Merc-c.
Mercurius-sol Merc.
Natrum-muriaticum Nat-m.
Natrrum-phosphoricum Nat-p.
Niricum-acidum Nit-ac.
Nux-vomica Nux-v.
Oxalicum-acidum Ox-ac.
Phosphorus Phos.
Phosphorus-acidium Ph-ac.
Phytolacca-decandr Phyt.
Podophyllum Podo.
Psorinum Psor.
Pulsatilla-nigricans Puls.
Pyrogenium Pyrog.
Rhododendron Rhod.
Rhus-toxicodendron Rhus-t.
Rumex-crispus Rumex.
Ruta-graveolens Ruta-g.
Sabina Sabin.
Sanguinaria Sang.
Secale-cor Sec.
Sepia Sep.
Silicea Sil.
Spongia-tosta Spong.
Staphyasagria Staph.
Sulphur Sulph.
Symphytum officinale Symph
Syphilinum Syph.
Thuja-occiidentalis Thuj.
Urtica-urens Urt-u.
672… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Veratrum-album Verat-a.
Verbascum Verb.
Zincum-met Zinc.
673… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


Abortion = Premature expulsion of a fetus.

Acne = Inflammation of the sebaceous glands from
retained secretion.
Acromegaly = Enlargement of many parts of the
skeletal system especially of the face.
Actinomycosis = An infectious disease of cattle and
man due to the ray-fungus.
Adenitis = Inflammation of a gland or lymph node.
Adenoids = Hypertrophied adenoid tissue, as in the
Alcoholism = Symptoms of the excessive use of
Amblyopia = Dimness of vision.
Amenorrhea = Absence or abnormal stoppage of
Anaemia = Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles
and haemoglobin.
Angina pectoris = Pain and oppression around the
Anidrosis = Absence or deficiency of sweat.
Anthrax = A carbuncle, the disease is produced by
bacillus anthracis.
Aphasia =Loss of power of speech from a cortical
Aphonia=Loss of voice, due to a peripheral lesion.
Aphthae=Thrush-small white ulcers in the mouth.
Appendicitis=Inflammation of appendix
Arthritis=Inflammation of a joint.
Ascites=Dropsy of the abdomen.
674… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Asphyxia=The condition caused by non oxygenation

of the blood resulting in hypoxia and hypercapnia.
Asthenopia=Weak of painful vision.
Asthma= Paroxysmal dyspnea with oppression.
Bilious Fever=Fever with vomiting of bile.
Bronchitis=Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Bruises=A flesh injury; contusion.
Bunion=A swelling of a bursa of the foot.
Burns scalds=A lesion of tissue from dry heat or
Calculis biliary=A gall stone.
Catarrh=Inflammation of a mucous membrane.
Chicken pox=Varicella, infectious eruptive disease
due to varicella.
Chilblains= Localised erythema and oedema caused
by exposure to cold especially in hands, feet and
Cholera=A disease characterized by emesis, rice
water diarrhea, cramps and prostration.
Chordee=Painful down curved erection of penis in
Chorea=involuntary muscular twitching.
Croup=Inflammation of the larynx and trachea with
dyspnea and membranous.
Cyanosis=Blue discolouration of skin from
nonoxidation of blood.
Deafness=The condition of being deaf.
Debility=Asthenia, loss of strength adynamia.
Delirium=Mental aberration due to diseases.
Dentition=The cutting of teeth, and the period of
the same.
Dyspepsia=Impaired digestion.
675… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Eczema=Inflammation of the skin with exudation of

Encephalitis=Inflammation of the brain.
Enuresis=Incontinence of urine.
Epilepsy=A nervous disease with loss of
consciousness and tonic and clonic convulsions.
Erysipelas=An acute specific inflammation of the
skin and subcutaneous tissues, accompanied by
fever and constitutional disturbances.
Fainting=Swooning syncope.
Fatty degeneration=The conversion of an organ
into oil.
Felon=Infection of fingers usually terminating in an
abscess paronychia.
Fissure of Anus=A linear ulcer at the margin of the
Fissure=A groove or cleft.
Fistula=An abnormal tube, like a passage in the
body between two internal organs or from an
internal organ to the surface of the body.
Floating kidney=A movable or misplaced kidney.
Freckles=A benign, small, tan to brown macule
occurring on the skin exposed to the sun usually in
children, fading in adult life.
Gangrene=The mortification or death of soft tissue.
Gastralgia=Pain in the stomach.
Gastric ulcer=An ulcer on the gastric or duodenal
Gleet=Chronic stage of gonorrhea with
mucopurulent discharge.
Gonorrhea=A contagious inflammation with a
purulent discharge from the genitals. A sexually
transmitted disease.
Gravel=A sand like deposit in the urine.
676… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Gum Boils=An abscess of the jaw parulis.

Haematuria=Blood in urine.
Haemorrhoids=Piles. A varicose dilatation of a vein
resulting from a persistant increase in venous
pressure in the anus.
Heart hypertrophy=Abnormal enlargement of the
Heartburn=A burning sensation in the epigastrium
and lower part of chest due to hyperchlorhydria.
Hemiopia=Blindness of one-half of the visual field.
Hernia=The protrusion of a viscus from its normal
position through an abnormal opening.
Herpes zoster=An acute typical inflammatory
disease of the skin, appearing in the course of
certain cutaneous nerves, accompanied by severe
neuralgic pains, and by the presence of group of
firm, tense vesicles rising from an edematous base.
Herpes=A skin disease with patches of distinct
vesicles along the course of a nerve. An acute, non-
contagious , inflammatory disease, characterized by
clusters of vesicles on a hyperemic base with burning
and severe pain.
Hiccough=A spasmodic inspiration suddenly
arrested by an involuntary closure of the glottis.
Home sickness=Longing for home.
Hydrocele=A collection of serum in the tunica
vaginalis or in connection with the testicle or cord.
Hydrocephalus=A collection of water in the head.
dropsy of the brain.
Hydrophobia=Fear of water, a symptom of rabies.
Hydrothorax=Dropsy of the chest.
Hypochondriasis=Extreme depression with morbid
anxiety regarding the health.
Hysteria=A functional neurosis with abnormal
sensations, emotions or paroxysms.
677… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Impetigo=An acute pustular disease of the skin,

characterized by the formation of discrete, round or
oval pustules, situated on a slightly inflamed base.
Inflammation=A morbid condition with hyperemia,
pain, heat, swelling and disordered function.
Influenza=A contagious epidemic catarrhal fever
with great prostration and varying symptoms and
Insanity=Dementia, mania, melancholia, mental
derangement, madness.
Insomnia=Inability to sleep.
Iritis=Inflammation of the iris.
Keloids=A sharply elevated, irregularly shaped,
progressively enlarging scar due to the formation of
excess collagen during connective tissue repair.
Labour=Parturition, bringing forth of the young.
Lactation=The formation or secretion of milk at the
time of suckling.
Lead colic=Colic from lead poisoning.
Lentigo =Circumscribed spot on the skin, like
freckles, but histologically distinct from it due to the
presence of an increased number of normal
appearing melanocytes along the dermo epidermal
junction. Do not darken on exposure to sunlight.
Leprosy=An endemic chronic, malignant disease
with cutaneous and other lesions,, due to bacillus
Leucoderma=A condition of defective pigmentation
of the skin especially congenital absence of pigment
in patches.
Lumbago=Pain in the lower part of the back.
Lupus=Localised destruction or degenration of the
skin caused by various cutaneous diseases.
Malaria=An infectious disease caused by a
protosoan parasite which is transmitted by
678… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

mosquitoes, characterised with periodic fever and

Mania=Delirium or madness.
Marasmus=Wasting or emaciation.
Measles=An exhanthematous contagious disease in
Meningitis=Inflammation of the meninges.
Menopause=Cessations of the menstrual or
reproductive life.
Milk fever=Fever attending the establishment of
lactation after delivery.
Mollities ossium= Osteomalacia.
Morphinism=The morbid state produced by the
morbid state produced by the excessive use of
Morvan’s disease=I Form of syringomyelia.
Mountain Sickness=A condition marked by
dyspnea, nausea, rapid pulse and headache, due to
rarified air at high altitude.
Mumps=An acute infectious disease marked by
swelling of the parotid glands.
Muscae volitantes=Floating spots in the visual
Myelitis=Inflammation of the spinal cord.
Myopia=Near sightedness.
Myosistis=Inflammation of the muscle tissue.
Neurasthenia=Exhaustion of nerve-force.
Neuritis=Inflammation of a nerve.
Nodes=A small mass of tissue in the form of a
swelling, knot or protuberance, either normal or
Oedema=Accumulation of serum in the cellular
Onychia = Chronic inflammation of matrix of a nail.
679… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Otorrhea=A discharge from the external auditory

Oxaluria=A genus of nematode worms.
Ozaena=Ulcers in mucus membrane of nose.
Offensive pus and even neerosis of bone set in.
Palpitation=Violent pulsation of the heart.
Paralysis=Loss or impairment of motor of motor
function in a part due to a lesion in the neural or
muscular mechanism. Also impairment of sensory
Pellagra=A clinical deficiency syndrome, due to
deficiency of niacin, characterized by digestive
disturbances, skin lesions, and nervous symptoms.
Now said to be a deficiency disease.
Peritonitis=Inflammation of the
peritoneum.(Serous membrane lining the abdomen)
Pharyngitis=Inflammation of the pharynx.
Phosphaturia=The presence of phosphates in
Photophobia=A hyperesthetic sensitiveness to
Pityriasis=A scaly skin diseases with
hypopigmented patches, usually involving the face
especially the cheeks and the area around the
Plague=A contagious, malignant, epidemic disease
transmitted by the bite of a rat flea.
Polyuria=Excessive secretion of urine, characteristic
of diabetes.
Psoriasis=A chronic inflammatory skin disease with
scale formation.
Ptomaine poisoning=A crystallizable, nitrogenous
basic substance, produced by bacteria in dead
animals or vegetable matter.
Ptyalism=An excessive secretion of saliva.
680… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Purpura=Small haemorrhage about I cm in

diameter on the skin mucous membrane or serosal
surface. It may be caused by various factors like
blood disorders, vascular abnormalities, trauma etc.
Quinsy=Peritonsillar abscess.
Rachitis=Rickets, inflammatory disease of the
vertebral column.
Ranula=A cystic tumor beneath the tongue.
Raynaud’s disease=Intermittent, bilateral attacks
of ischemia in fingers and toes, sometimes ears and
nose, marked by severe pallor, paresthesia and pain.
Brought on by cold or emotional stimuli. Relieved by
Rigid=Rigid mouth of the uterus.
Ringworm=Ring shaped configuration of lesions,
popular name for tinea.
Scabies=The itch, a contagious parasitic skin
disease caused by the itch mite.
Scarlet fever=An epidemic, exanthematous,
contagious disease with fever and erythematous
Sciatica=Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve.
Scrofulosis=A constitutional condition with
glandular tumors and a tuberculous tendency.
Scurvy=A form of purpura due to deficiency of
ascorbic acid.
Sea sickness=Nausea produced by motion in a
vessel on sea/ocean.
Sensations=Mental condition or a perception arising
as the result of the stimulation of an afferent nerve.
Septicemia=An infection following childbirth.
Sleeping sickness=A peculiar epidemic disease
caused by the bite of tsetse fly. Characterized by
increasing somolence.
681… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Small pox=A specific infection with fever and

papules followed by vesicles, pustules and pits. Now
completely erradicated.
Spermatorrhoea=Involuntary, frequent and
excessive discharge of semen.
Sprains=A joints in which some fibres of a
supporting ligament are ruptured but the continuity
of the ligament remains the same.
Stage fright=Nervous/scared of being on stage.
Sterility=Inability to produce offsprings.
Strabismus=Deviation of the visual axis which
cannot be overcome.
Strangury=Slow and painful discharge of urine due
to spasm of the urethra and bladder.
Stye=Hordeolum furuncle on the eyelid.
Suppuration=The Formation of pus.
Sycosis=A chronic inflammation of the hair follicles,
especially of the beard.
Synovitis=Inflammation of the synovial membrane.
Syphilis=A chronic, infectious, veneral disease,
which may also be hereditory, inducing cutaneous
and other lesions, caused by a spirochete,
treponema pallidum.
Tachycardia=Abnormally rapid cardiac action.
Tenesmus=Straining, ineffectual and painful
straining at stool or in micturition.
Tuberculosis=An infection diseases due to a
mycobacterium tuberculosis characterized by the
formation of tuberculosis characterized by the
formation of tubercles.
Tympanites=Gaseous distention of the abdomen.
Typhus=Infection by tickettsial, characterised by
severe headache chills, fever and papulo-vesicular
682… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Ulcer= A local defect or excavation on the surface of

an organ or tissue. Produced by the sloughing of
inflammatory necrotic tissue.
Vaccination, ill effects=Vaccination-inoculation
with vaccine to protect against small pox protective
inoculation with any vaccine.
Vomiting=Ejection of the gastric contents through
the mouth.
Wens=A sebaceous cyst.
Writer’s cramps=Incoordination of the muscles of
the hand from excessive writing.
683… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

A.V. Lippe=Keynotes and red line symptoms of the
materica medica.
Bhattacharya=Homoeopathy family practice.
Bishambar dass=Select your remedy, 1975,
Bishambar free homoeo dispensary New Delhi.
Blackie(MG)=Patient not the cure, 1978, Rupa &
Company Calcutta.
Blackwood (AL)=Materia medica.
Boericke(William)=Pocket manual of materia
medica and repertory, 1968, Roy publishing house,
Boeninghausen (VON)=The lesser writing, 1982,
B.Jain publishers, New Delhi.
Bose(L.R.N.) and Kichlu (K.L.)=A text book of
descriptive medicine.
C.V. Boeninghausen=Sides of the body and drug-
Clarke(J.H.)=Dictionary of practical materia
medica, B.Jain publishers, New Delhi.
Constantine Hering=Domestic physician.
Cowperthwaite (A.C.)=A text book of materia
medica and therapeutics, B.Jain publishers, New
Dutta A.C.=Homoeo practiteners Guide to Diseases.
Dutta A.C.=Homoeopathic treatment systematized
and simpilified.
M.B. Panos & Jame Heimbich =Family
Homoeopathic Medicine.
Man Mohan Singh Arneja=Homoeopathic
Preventive Medicine for common Diseases.
Satya Paul=Forty Four remedies & 22 Eliminating
rubrics Yadubir Sinha Pocket materia Medica.
684… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

E.B. Nash=Leaders in homoeopathic therapeutics.

Eli G Jones=Definite Medication.
F.H. Lutze=Duration of action and antidotes etc.
Farrington(E.A.)=A clinical Materia medica. B.Jain
publishers, New Delhi.
H.A. Roberts=The principle and art of cure by
H.A.Roberts and annie , C.
Wilson=Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book.
H.C. Allen=Keynotes of leading remedies.
Hanemann (Samuel)=Materia medica pura vol. I
and II.
Hering (Constantine)=The homoeopathic domestic
physician, B. Jain publishers, New Delhi.
Hughes(R.E.)=Principles and paractice of
homoeopathy. B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
J. Guernsey=Desires and aversions.
J. N. Singhal=Bedside prescriber.
J.T. Kent=Repertory of homoeopathic Materia
Jahr=(G.H.G.)=Forty years’ practice.
Jhon H. Clarke=Prescriber.
K.C. Bhanja=Homoeopathic Prescriber.
Kent (J.T.)=Lectures on homoeopathic Materia
Medica with new remedies . B.Jain publishers, New
Laurie(Joseph)=The homoeopathic Practice of
N.C. Ghosh=Comparative Materia medica and
P. Rajagopala Rao=Hints from Masters.
P.N. Banerjee=Chronic disease and its cause and
685… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Pierce=(W.l)=Plain Talks on meteria medica.

Raue(C.G.)Special pathology and diagnostics with
therapeutic hints.
Royal (George)=Text book of homoeopathy:
Theory and practice of medicine. B.jain Publishers,
New Delhi.
Sankaran(P)=Prophylactics in homoeopathy, 1960.
The homoeopathic medical publishers, Bombay.
Schmidt(Pierre)=Homoeopathic prophylaxis.
Shepherd (Dorothy)=Homoeopathy in epidemic
Shiv Dua = Homoeopathy self Healing Guide.
Shiv Dua =Oral Diseases.
T.P. Chatterjee=Highlights of homoeo- practicing.
W.A. Dewey=Essentials of homoeopathic Materia
Medica and pharmacy.
And many other Standard homoeopathic works.
686… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber


Dr. Allen.
Dr. Banj F. Lang, York Nabraska.
Dr. Baruch.
Dr. Benthack.
Dr. Blunt.
Dr. Burnett.
Dr. C. Begg.
Dr. C. M. Boger.
Dr. C. W. Roberts.
Dr. Cardoza.
Dr. Carrol Dunham.
Dr. Churton.
Dr. Clarke.
Dr. Cooper.
Dr. Cullis.
Dr. Cushing.
Dr. Cushing.
Dr. E.S. Evans 0f Colombus.
Dr. E.V. Moffat.
Dr. Farrington.
Dr. Fetter.
Dr. Gallavardin.
Dr. Gerarde.
Dr. Guernsey.
Dr. H. C. Marrow.
Dr. H.C. Allen
Dr. Hahnemann.
Dr. Halcombe.
Dr. Hale.
687… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

Dr. Hering.
Dr. Hughes.
Dr. Hundall.
Dr. Hunt.
Dr. J. Meredith.
Dr. J.C. White.
Dr. J.N. Majumdar.
Dr. Jhar.
Dr. Kent
Dr. Kippax.
Dr. Kitchen.
Dr. Leonard.
Dr. Lippe.
Dr. Louis Hartman.
Dr. Nash.
Dr. P.C. Mujumdar.
Dr. Parks .
Dr. Phares.
Dr. Pierson
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal.
Dr. Scarand
Dr. Sherbino.
Dr. Swan.
Dr. Talcott.
Dr. Teste
Dr. Tyler
Dr. W. B. Clarke.
Dr. Yingling.
688… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

689… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber

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