Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber PDF
Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber PDF
Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber PDF
.Made Easy..
In Alphabetical order
Dr. R.L. Khullar
2… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
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All rights are reserved by Dr. R. L. Khullar.
4… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
This book contains KEY SYMPTOMS followed by most
indicated medicines and brief description of the ailment.
The book will render great service to lovers of
homoeopathy , practitioners of medicine to prescribe exact
medicine easily, precisely and quickly for the patients.
If potency is not mentioned alongwith medicine, the reader
is advised to use 30 potency normally.
“Family Homoeopathy Book” is followed by „Biochemic
prescriber at a glance‟ containing ailments in alphabetical
order and Biochemic medicines with potency.
6… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIBER ............................................... 7
Hep 200 or Sil 200 will heal it. For recurring give Pyrog
Abscess =Hep.---The slightest injury causes suppuration
(Graph., Merc).
Abscess of liver = Nux-v., Bry., Bell., Chin., Hep., Merc.,
Lyc., Chel., Sil., Calc-s., Kali-c., Lach.
Abscess severe pain =Tarent-c---In any abscess where
there is severe pain around .
Abscesses =Hep.--- Cold sores, abscesses, boils, infected
Abscesses =Sil.---Ailments following vaccination, abscesses
and even convulsions.
Abscesses =Tarent.---Abscesses boils felons affected parts
of a bluish colour (Lach., and atrocious burning pain (Anth.,
Ars). the agony of a felon compelling the patient to walk
the floor for nights, Malignant ulcers, carbuncles, anthrax,
Abscesses affects the bones =Calc-Hypo., Ang.
Abscesses below the skin =Lyc.
Abscesses in the lungs =Carb-v., Lach.
Abscesses mammary =Sil., Phos.
Abscesses spine or hip joints =Carb-v., Stram.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, anus =Calc-p., Sil.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, axilla =Calc-s.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, gums =Sil., Caust.
Abscesses spine or hip joints, vulva =Sil.
Abscesses, of the teeth =Fl-ac., Lach., Hep., Merc.,
Pyrog., Sil.
Absence of thirst = Aeth.---Absence of thirst in fever with
profuse cold sweat.
Absent mind =Anac.--- Over exerted mind, forgetful,
absent mind.
Absent-minded =Agn.---Absent-minded, reduced power of
insight, cannot recollect; has to read a sentence twice
13… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Cancer gastric=Ger.
Cancer growth remedies =Carb-an., Hydr-m., Thuja.,
Cund., Con., Scroph., Lob., Scirr., Scilla-maritima., Ars.,
Hydr., Ant-m., Gali.
Cancer gums and throat =Am-c.---Of gums and throat.
Cancer lip =Con.---Of lip from pressure of pipe.
Cancer lower lip =Cist.---Of the lower Lip.
Cancer mammae =Aster., Con., Plb., Carc.
Cancer middle tail =Bar-c.--- Of the middle portion of the
tail of the pancreas.
Cancer nodulated tumors of the tongue =Gali.--- For
suspending or modifying cancerous action used in cancerous
ulcer & nodulated tumors of the tongue.
Cancer of breast =Con., Carb-an., Phyt., Graph., Calc-f.,
Cancer of gallbladder =Bell., Nat-s., Hydr., Graph.,
Apis., Ars., Echi.
Cancer of intestinal =Orni.--- Cancer of intestinal tract
especially of the stomach and caecum.
Cancer of intestine =Hydr., Phos., Ars., Kreos., Carb-v.,
Lach., Echi.
Cancer of larynx =Calc-c., Brom., Phyt., Kali-bi., Ars.,
Merc-c., Thuj., Syph.
Cancer of liver =Chin., Carb-v., Chlol., Lyc., Hydr.,
Cancer of liver. =Chlor.--- in obstinate cases of the cancer
of liver.
Cancer of lungs =Calc-p., Calc., Phos., Sang., Carb-v.,
Cancer of oesophagus =Cund.--- Cancer of oesophagus or
stomach. Painful cracks in corners of mouth.
Cancer of pancreas =Calc-ar.--- Cancer of pancreas.
Cancer of prostate =Caust.---Lancinating pains in legs and
in the cancer of the prostate.
Cancer of rectum = Calc-s., Phos., Phyt., Sang.
96… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Cheek =Cham.---one cheek red and hot the other pale and
Cheeks redness =Sang.---Circumscribed redness of one or
both cheeks.
Chemosis =Guare.---Chemosis and pterygium.
Chest =Arg-m.---Great weakness of the chest (Stann);
worse left side.
Chest =Cact-g.---Whole body feels as if caged, each wire
being twisted tighter and tighter. Constriction of throat,
chest heart bladder, rectum, uterus vagina; often caused
or brought on by the slightest contact. Oppression of chest,
as from a great weight, as if an iron band prevented normal
motion. Sensation of a cord tightly tied around lower part
of chest marking attachment of diaphragm. Heart feels as
if clasped and unclasped rapidly by an iron hand; as if
bound had no room.
Chest =Dig.---Great weakness of chest, cannot bear to talk
Chest =Hep.---Chest , wheezing, rattling, worse morning.
Chest =Ip.---Chest, wheezing, great mucous with.
Chest =Lob.---Dyspnoea from constriction of middle of
chest; <with every labour pain seems to neutralize the
pains; < by exposure to cold or slightest exertion going up
or down stairs (Ip).
Chest =Ph-ac.---Chest : weak from talking or coughing
(Stann); in tuberculosis; nervous from loss of vital fluids,
too rapid growth, depressing mental emotions.
Chest =Phos.---Heaviness of chest, as if a weight were
lying on it.
Chest =Ran-b.--- Rheumatic, affecting, chest.
Chest =Senega.--- Sore, catarrhal, chest.
Chest =Stann-m.---Chest, weakness, great, worse by
105… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Chloasma=Sep., Paul.
Chlorosis =Calc-ar.--- Cold, chlorosis, dropsical, grandual,
Chlorosis anaemia =Ferr-m., Ferr-cit., Calc-p., Ars.,
Chin., Alet.---Remedies in general.
Chlorosis=Ars., Ferr., Helon., Cupr., Puls.
Chlorotic =Cyd.--- Chilly, chlorotic, censorious.
Chlorotic =Ferr.--- Chlorotic, cold, congestive.
Chlorotic =Mang.--- Sore, tender, chlorotic.
Chlorotic =Senec.--- Chlorotic, menstrual, irregularity.
Chokes easily=Arg., Bell., Hyos., Lach..
Choking=Lyc., Puls., Hyos.
Cholecystitis inflammation gallbladder=Berb., Chel.,
Chin., Chol., Lach., Lyc., Nat-s., Nux-v.
Cholelithiasis=Chion., Hydr.
Cholera = Aeth.---Cholera infantum green watery or slimy
stool colic and convulsions eyes turn downward.
Cholera = Ars., Camph., Cupr., Verat., Aeth., Calc.,
Podo., Lach., Bism., Sec., Carb-v., Canth., Op.
Cholera = Camphor., Chin., Phos., Verat-a., Bism., Ars.,
Sec., Cupr., Carb-v., Camph., Canth., Op.
Cholera =Camph.---Cholera and choleric symptoms, first
stage or during the time when discharges are scanty or
suddenly suppressed dry skin. The body is as cold as ice.
Cholera =Camph.---Sudden attacks of vomiting and
diarrhoea; nose cold and pointed; anxious and restless; skin
and breath cold (Ver., Jatr.)
Cholera =Camph.---When attacked, spirit Camph 5 to 10
drops on sugar without water every half an hour, 4-5 doses.
Repeat it after every vomiting or purging even if the
interval is a minute.
Cholera =Cupr.--- for cholera with cold sweat and cramps.
Cholera =Cupr-ar.---In choleraic conditions, icy coldness of
the body with cramps and obstinate hiccough. Dr. J.N.
117… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Chorea =Gels.
Chorea =Zinc.---Chorea : from suppressed eruption fright.
Chorea =Zinc.---Chorea from suppressed eruption, from
Chorea=Absin., Agar., Hipp., Mygal., Tanac.,
Chronic =Calc.---Chronic rheumatism and other troubles
caused by working in water.
Chronic =Cham---As the chronic of is (Sanic). Dr. H. C.
Chronic ailments =Kali–i.---Third to 12th potency is
sometimes very effective.
Chronic catarrhal =Calc-s.---Chronic catarrhal condition
with purulent secretions.
Chronic congestive =Card-mar.--- Chronic congestive
Chronic diarrhoea =Liatrio-spicata., Sulph., Merc-c.---In
chronic diarrhoea following exposure in Camph. like liatrio
spicata acts best when Sulph or Merc-c is given first.
Chronic effect of grief =Manganum 30/ Staph.---Chronic
effect of grief/ anger.
Chronic stiffness =Franc--- Chronic stiffness of muscles in
back of head, spine, lower part of legs & in feet.
Chronic-recurring appendicitis =Psor.
Cicatrices=Thiosin., Graph.
Cicatrix =Thiosin., Phyt., Fl-ac.
Cigarette smoking =Scut---Has been found useful in weak
heart resulting from cigarette smoking (Scut)
Ciliary neuralgia =Prun., Spig., Sapo., Cinnb.
Cina Teucr =Scirrhinum.---where Cina and Teucr give
little relief.
Circulation =Acon.---Is turmoil in circulation, Bell is tumoil
in brain and Cham Is turmoil in temper.
Circulation is excited =Glon.---The brain is irritated
because the circulation is excited.
119… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
and lessens the craving for liquor. Give three to ten drops,
even one dram dose, three times daily.
Drinks =Sulph.---Drinks much, eats little. Water fills the
patient up.
Drinks desired, cold =Phos., Puls., Sel.
Drinks desired, very hot =Ars., Chel.
Driven to despair with excessive itching =Psor.
Drooping eyelids =Caust., Con., Gels., Sep., Ars.
Drooping of upper eyelids =Caust.---Drooping of upper
eyelids; cannot keep them open (Caul., Gels., Graph., of
both lids, Sep).
Dropping things =Caust.---Dropping of things from hands
Drops things from hand =Apis.
Dropsical =Acet-ac.--- Emaciated, anaemic, dropsical.
Dropsical =Apis.--- Depressed, dropsical, stingy.
Dropsical =Apoc.--- Dropsical, watery, constitution.
Dropsical =Aur-iod.--- Anxious, congestive, dropsical in
Dropsical =Aur-s.--- Prostrated Dropsical fullness with.
Dropsical =Calc-ar.--- Cold, chlorosis, dropsical.
Dropsical swelling =Kali-n.---Great value in sudden
dropsical swelling over the whole body.
Dropsy =Apis., Bry., Aur-met.
Dropsy =Apoc.---In all sorts of dropsy, both in disyathic and
Dropsy =Apoc-can.---Dropsy of serous membranes; acute
inflammatory dropsy with thirst (Acet-ac). Water discagress
or is vomited (Ars). most cases uncomplicated with organic
diseases after typhus, typhoid scarlatina cirrhosis after
abuse of quinine.
Dropsy =Coll.---Dropsy from cardiac disease.
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has pitiful cry and the Cham. Child a snarling cry . You will
want to caress the one and spank the other. Dr. Kent.
Early =Ferr-p.--- Acute, early, inflammation.
Early ejaculation =Titan.---Lower and middle potencies.
Its symptom is sexual weakness with too early ejaculation
of semen in coitus.
Ears – deafness, deafness to human voice, sp. in old age
Ears – deafness, hardness of hearing, cat – cat sound,
cannot follow words =Sulph.
Ears – deafness, hears better when riding in car, in noise
Ears – deafness, humming in the ear, eustachian tube
plugged =Alum.
Ears – deafness, reverberation of sounds, sp. patients own
voice =Caust.
Ears – discharge from ear, catarrhal inflammation of
eustachian tube and middle ear =Kali-m.
Ears – discharge from ear, mucous or muco- purulent
otorrhoea =Bor.
Ears – discharge from ear, pus or growth of polypi =Thuj.
Ears – discharge from ear, thick discharge from ear =Calc-
Ears – earache, chronic inflammation of the middle ear,
glands swollen =Kali-m.
Ears – earache, every pain of upper parts settles in ear
Ears – earache, pain shooting into other ear or head
inflammation in middle ear =Bell., Merc.
Ears – earache, pulsating, tearing pain worse at night
=Puls., Sil.
Ears – earache, pus formed in middle ear, that finally
escapes =Calc-s.
Ears – earache, suppuration impeded =Hep.
Ears – earache, violent pressing pain, in spells =Cham.,
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would brust but the abdomen is worse from least food the
condition becomes better from eructations and passing
Flatulence =Ter.---Abdomen extremely sensitive to touch
distension, flatulence excessive tympanitis; meteorism
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas as if it would burst
not relieved by passing flatus or eructation =Chin.
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas in whole of the
abdomen causes pressure upon organs of chest and
abdomen =Nux-m.
Flatulence- as if food all turned to gas, worse immediately
after eating =Kali-c.
Flatulence- as if it would brust, bloating with stuffed
feeling =Puls.
Flatulence- as if it would brust, with upward pressure
Flatulence- as if it would brust, worse after eating =Kali-c.
Flatulence- as if it would burst, belching difficult, but
finally rushes with great noise =Arg-n.
Flatulence- distention, painful, colicky, =Cham.
flatulence- distention, painful, colicky, abdomen as if full
of stones or sharp sticks =Cocc.
Flatulence- distention, painful, not colicky, surface nerves
very sensitive to touch = Lach
Flatulence- distention, painful, not colicky, worse by
pressure, relieved by diarrhea =Colch.
Flatulence- distention, painless, mostly in upper part, wors
lying down apt. to occur with diarrhoea =Carb-v.
Flatulence- distention, painless, uncomfortable, pressing
downward. apt to occur with constipation =Lyc.
Flatulence- distention, painless, uncomfortable, protruded
here and there, great rumbling =Thuj.
Flatulence- distention, tympanities, excessive with glossy
tongue =Ter.
250… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
the most certain remedies. Or, give 3rd potency. Its use in
Haemorrhage has abundant clinical verification.
Haemorrhage, controls =Erig, Tril., Mill.
Haemorrhage, from uterus =Sabin., Ham., Chin.
Haemorrhage, intra-occular = Crot-h.---For absorption of
intra occular Haemorrhage within the globe of the eye.
Haemorrhages =Fic.---This drug causes haemorrhages of
many kinds of Haematemesis, menorrhagia haemoptysis
etc. & bloody urine (compare, Acal, Mill., Thlaspi., Ip.)
Haemorrhages =Graph.---Passive Haemorrhages from all
parts of the body.
Haemorrhages =Sec., Tril., Sabin., Bov.
Haemorrhages =Strept.---Various types of haemorrhages
especially from uterus when the indicated remedies fail .
Haemorrhages =Trill-p.---Haemorrhages, blood bright red,
profuse sacroilac syndochoroses full as if falling apart,
better from a tight bandage.
Haemorrhagic = Fuc.--- is the best for haemorrhagic
Haemorrhagic =Arn.--- Bruised, sore, haemorrhagic.
Haemorrhagic =Bov.--- Awkward, haemorrhagic, laxness.
Haemorrhagic =Ferr-m.--- Haemorrhagic, anaemic with.
Haemorrhagic =Ham.--- Bruised, weary, haemorrhagic
Haemorrhagic =Mill.--- Haemorrhagic, local congestion
Haemorrhagic =Phos.--- Haemorrhagic, hot, hungry.
Haemorrhagic =Sec.--- Haemorrhagic, passive type.
Haemorrhagic =Ter.--- Haemorrhagic, clammy, cloudy.
Haemorrhagic anti- =Thlaspi.---Is an anti-haemorrhage
and anti uric-acid remedy. Haemorrhage from uterine
fibroids with aching in back of general bruised soreness.
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about 7 p.m. and last until relieved by walk in the open air
or sleep or by eating.
Headache =Aloe.---Headache alternates with lumbago,
with intestinal and uterine affection and piles.
Headache =Aloe.---Headaches across the forehead <by
every footstep (bell., Bry); with heaviness of eyes and
Headache =Am-c.---The headache is worse from stepping
especially the headache that comes at the menstrual
period. Headache < in the morning.
Headache =Anac.---Headache : relieved entirely when
eating (Psor); when lying down in bed at night, and when
about falling asleep; worse during motion and work.
Headache =Ant-c.---Headache : after river bathing; from
taking cold; alcoholic drinks; deranged digestion, acids,
fats, fruit; suppressed eruption.
Headache =Ant-t.---Headache as from a band compressing
the forehead.
Headache =Arg-n.---Headache : congestive, with fullness
and heaviness; with sense of expansion; habitual gastric, of
literary men; from dancing; hemicrania, pressive, screwing
in frontal eminence of temple; ending in bilious vomiting;
<from any exhaustive mental labor; >by pressure or tight
bandaging (Apis., Puls).
Headache =Bell.--- Cold flu, sore throat, cough, fever,
headache, earache.
Headache =Bell.---Throbbing carotids, worse stooping and
lying down to head, even from having the hair cut.
Headache =Bism.---Headache returning every winter;
alternating with, or attended by gastralgia.
Headache =Bry.---Better in dark and lying still, from
binding or pressure, worse stooping, ironing, hot weather
289… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Homoeomycin =Terramycin.
Honour= Staph., Aur., Caust., Coloc., Lyc., Ign., Nat-m.,
Nux-v.--- Aliments from wounded honour.
Hookworm=Chen-a., Thymol.
Horny =Ant-c.--- Cross, crusty, horny.
Horrible sick =Bapt.---Horrible sick feeling all over, feels
weak, tired and bruised.
Horror =Stram.--- Horror, hallucinations, painlessness.
Hot =Bell.--- Red, hot, inflamed restlessness.
Hot =Iod.--- Hot, hungry, hypertrophic.
Hot =Phos.--- Haemorrhagic, hot, hungry.
Hot =Sulph-i.--- Anxious, hot, hurried.
Hot dry skin =Acon.--- Fevers; sudden onset; hot dry skin;
often one cheek red, other cheek pale.
Hot face =Stram.--- Red, hot face with cold feet.
Hot flushes =Sulph.---Hot flushes during the day with
weak, faint spells, passing off with a little moisture.
Hot hands =Sep.---has cold hands with hot feet or hot
hands with cold feet.
Hot stuffy =Puls.--- Fainting from hot stuffy atmosphere.
Hot weather =Gels.--- Bad effects of sun or hot weather.
Housemaid’s Knee =Apis., Sticta-p., Rhus-t., Kali-i.
Humid =Nat-s.--- Humid, hydrogenoid, hyper-bilious.
Humour changeable =Nux-m.---Changeable humour; one
moment laughing, the next crying (Croc., Ign); “sudden
change from grave to gay, from lively to serene” (Plat).
Hunger =Cina.---Great hunger soon just after eating,
desire for different things.
Hunger =Iod., Abrot., Nat-m.
Hunger =Iod.---Suffers from hunger must eat every few
hours, anxious and worried if he does not eat, (Cina.,
Sulph.) feels > while eating or after eating when stomach is
319… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Infectious=Chin., Gels.
Infiltrates tissues=Con.
Inflamed =Bell.--- Red, hot, inflamed.
Inflammation =Ferr-Ph., Bell., Acon.--- For inflammation
of the 1st stage. inflammation and swelling of tonsils even
from the least cold.
Inflammation =Arn.---Inflammation and tingling of the
skin, injuries, bruises etc.
Inflammation =Bry.---Inflammation of joints whether of
rheumatic character or not whether from cold exposure or
injury. Bry is often indicated in injuries of joints where
Arn. would be a failure.
Inflammation =Calc-s.---Inflammation, refuses to heal.
Inflammation =Canth.---Erysipelatius inflammation forming
blisters, or burns before blisters have been formed.
Inflammation =Caust.---Inflammation of the eyes.
Suppuration about the eyes lachrymation. Droping of upper
lids, unable to keep them open as if they are paralysed.
Inflammation =Ferr-p.--- Acute, early, inflammation.
Inflammation =Hep.---Inflammation, croupous stage.
Inflammation =Kali-s.---Inflammation late stage.
Inflammation =Led.--- Inflammation of knee-joint.
Inflammation =Sabin.---Inflammation of ovaries or uterus
after abortion or premature labour.
Inflammation =Sil.---Inflammation swelling and
suppuration of glands, cervical axillary parotid mammary
inguinal sebaceous malignant gangrenous.
Inflammation of eye-lids =Graph., Mez., Arg-nit.
Inflammation of veins =Ham.---Is used whenever there is a
sensitiveness to the vein or where there is trauma to the
vein or when the possibility of some inflammation of a vein
is developing the dose is ten drops in water three times a
day until improved and then reduce slowly. Where the
patient has rather large varicose veins, give a does or two
329… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Night-watching=Cocc., Carc.
Nipple =Sars.---Retraction of nipples; nipples are small,
withered, unexcitable (Sil).
Nipple =Castor-equi.--- It has proved to be highly useful
remedy in my hands as well as those of others in cracked
and ulcerated nipples, the nipples are very sore and tender
and pain when the child sucks. It has helped many a nursing
mothers, who have suffered from this complaint without
any other constitutional symptoms.
Nipple =Croto-t.---Compare : Sil., pain from nipple
through to back when nursing.
Nipples =Arn.---Spurious pleurisy, inflammation of the
breast, soreness of the nipples.
Nipples =Calen., Arn., Ham., Hydr., Benz-ac.---Remedies
usually prescribed.
Nipples =Cycl.---Sensation as if air streamed from nipples.
Mammae swollen containing milk in non-pregnant women.
Mammae swollen and very hard after menses.
Nipples =Phyt.---Nipples, sensitive, sore fissured (Graph);
< intensely, by nursing, pain radiates over whole body.
Nipples inflamed =Cham.---Nipples inflamed, tender to
touch (Helon., Phyt); infant‟s breasts tender to touch.
Nipples retracted =Sars.---for retracted nipples, they do
not come out.
Nipples ulcerated=Castor-er., Eup-a., Rat.
Nocturnal enuresis =Med.---Nocturnal enuresis : passes
enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high coloured urine in
bed every night <by overwork or over play, extremes of
heat or cold, when the best selected remedy fails, with a
history of sycosis.
Nodes =Carb-a.--- Indolent, indurated, nodes.
Nodes =Kali-bi., Sil., Kali-i.
Nodes ear behind =Bar-c., Ph-ac.
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Nodosities of joints=Am-p.
Nodular =Con.--- Stony, painless, nodular.
Nodules=Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph.
Noise cannot bear noise =Bell.---Cannot bear the noise of
vehicle going along the street-because it creates such
violent suffering (Nit-ac).
Noise great sensitiveness to noise (Ign., Nux., Ther.)
Noise, extreme sensitiveness to noise =Cann-i.---Extreme
sensitiveness to noise –Cann-i., Nit-ac. (to roaring and
rumbling of wagon in street); coffea to all sounds; Borax-
slightest Noise-fall of door latch, rumbling of paper,
rustling of silk; Asar-to scratching of linen or silk or even
the thought of it. Noise like a crash or explosion in head.
Noise, very sensitive =Calad.---Very sensitive to slightest
noise, startles from sleep (Asar., Nux., Tarent).
Noises in the head =Kali-i., Dig., Carb-s., Graph., Hydr,
Merc.---Remedies usually prescribed.
Noisy flatus =Brom.---Loud- Noisy. Flatus from rectum.
Nose =Am-c.---Stooping nose mostly at night must breath
through the mouth a keynote even in diptheria long lasting
coryza snuffles of infants (Hep., Nux-v., Samb., Stict).
Nose =Am-c.---Stopping of nose, mostly at night, must
breathe through the mouth, a keynote even in diphtheria,
long lasting Coryza, sunffles of infants , One of the best
remedies in emphysema. (Hep., Nux-v., Samb., Stict).
Nose =Ant-c.---Nostrils and labial commissures sore,
cracked and crusty.
Nose =Arum-t.---Constant picking at nose until it bleeds.
Nose =Arum-t.---Coryza acrid fluent nostril raw . Nose
feels stopped insipte of watery discharge (Compare-Am-c.,
Samb., Sinap); sneezing < night. Constant picking at the
429… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
nose until It bleeds boring with the finger into the side of
the nose. Picks lips until they bleed; corners of the mouth
sore, cracked bleeding (with malignant tendency). Bites
nails until fingers bleed.
Nose =Bor.---Nostril crusty inflamed tip of nose shining red
nose of young women.
Nose =Cina.---Constantly digging and boring at the nose
picks the nose all the time itching of nose rubs the nose at
the pillow or shoulder of the nurse (Mar-v).
Nose =HEP., PULS., Ars., Sulph.
Nose =Lac-c.---One nostril stuffed up the other free and
discharging those conditions alternate; discharge acrid nose
and lip raw (Arum-t., All-c.).
Nose =Nit-ac.---Ozaena green casts from the nose every
Nose =Sep.---Yellowness of the face conjunctive yellow
spots on the chest yellow saddle across upper part of the
cheeks and nose tell tale face of uterine ailments.
Nose =Tub.---Croup of small boils intensely painful
successively appear in the nose green foetid pus (Sec.).
Nose =Verat-v.---Nose grows pointed, seems to be longer,
face cold and sunken.
Nose bleed = Agn-c.---Nose bleed in old age.
Nose bleed =Nat-n 2x.--- This is useful in hemorrhages
from mucous membranes, particulary nasal.
Nose bleeding =Arn., Bry., Mill., Ham., Cyn-d., Fic.
Nose bleeding when washing face =Am-c.
Nose bleeding, not knowing cause =Bell., Ferr-p.
Nose blocked =Stict., Plb.---Complete blockage of nose
worsened by sudden temperature changes.
Nose blocking on sleeping =Samb., Lyc.
Nose blocking when going out =Hep.
Nose boring by children till it bleeds =Arum-t.
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Pain & aches =Ph-ac.---Pain and aches all over the body
ameliorated from motion & worse from cold. The pain
seems deep seated, often along the nerves but especially
along the long bone as if a rough instrument was dragged
over the bones. The pains are commonly worse at night.
Severe bone pain.
Pain =Aesc 200.---Pain from elbow to hand, relieved by
heat, pain at back. Also study other medicines Kali-bi.,
Nit-ac., Ars., Syph., Puls.
Pain =Agar 200.---Pain appear diagonally, right arm and
left leg, numbness and sensation of cold.
Pain =Am-m.---Pain as from a sprain in the groins, hence
cannot walk straightly.
Pain =Arg-nit.---Pains decrease and increase gradually.
Pain =Arn 200.---Pain, bruised and sprained, due to injury
cannot bear touch.
Pain =Ars.---The pain increase in worse type after
Pain =Bell.---Pain suddenly coming and suddenly
Pain =Benz-ac.---Gouty pain complaints with offensive
Pain =Berb.---Pain heels better by putting most of weight
over them.
Pain =Bry. 200.---Pain of joints with swelling and pains
increase with movements .
Pain =Bry. 200.---Sharp stitches pains in the chest, and
riles, cannot bear to move or draw a deep breath.
Pain =Calc-c 200.---When Rhus-t Fails to work, pain worse
in cold better by movement.
Pain =Calc-s 200.---Pain arm to elbow or thumb to elbow.
Pain =Canth =Pain in the loin, abdomen and kidneys,
painful urination. Pruritus in females, with strong sexual
desire, painless and without
443… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Paresis=Aesc-g., Bad.
Paretic bladder =Plb.---Bladder is also paretic; can not
expel urine, the muscles do not cooperate & there is
retention. Plb has both retention and suppression of urine.
Parkinson’s=Merc., Rhus-t., Zinc.
Partial glossitis =Lyc., Sil., Merc-s., Hep., Calc., Sulph.
Passive =Carb-v.--- Passive, bleeding, oozing.
Passive =Ham.--- Passive, bleeding.
Passive =Op.--- Painless, passive, stupor.
Pathogenesis =Op---Abnormal Painlessness is a grand key-
note but in the pathogenesis many acute pains will be
found such as horrible labour like pains in uterus which
compelled her to bend double with anxious almost
ineffectual urging to stool. A case of worst painful
menstruation was cured by (Op) 30. Dr. Clarke.
Patient threatens =Tarent.---If some patient comes and
he threatens you saying „Dr. if I do not get well I will not
come again “ then give Tarent. To such patient.
Peevish =Alum.--- Dry, peevish, paralytic.
Peevish =Calc-p.--- Peevish and restless.
Peevish =Cham.--- Sensitive, peevish, irritable children.
Child asks for things, then flings them away; wants to be
Peevish =Sil.--- Peevish, punny, pusy.
Pellagra =Ars-s-r.
Pellagra=Ars., Sec., Hep.
Pelvic heamatocele =Ham., Arn.
Pelvic inflammatory disease uterus=Bell., Apis., Ars.,
Bell., Canth., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc., Med., Sabin., Sec.,
Ter.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Pemphigus =Lach., Rhus-t., Ars., Merc-c.
Penicillin allergy =Penic.
Penis =Coca.---A sensation as if the penis were absent.
461… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Riggs’ disease=Cal-ren.
Right arm =Agar.---Complaints often appear diagonally for
instance on right arm and left leg.
Right chest =Apis.---Acute pain rising below the heart and
extending diagonally towards the right chest.
Right side =Apis.---Affects right side of the body,
enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; right testicle.
Right side =Bry.--- Symptoms develop slowly, usually worse
on right side.
Right side =Chel.---Affects right side the most, r-eye, r-
lung, r-hypochondrium and abdomen, r-hip and leg; right
foot cold as ice, left natural (Lyc).
Right side effects =Lyc.---Affects right side of body; head
ear, face, chest, ovaries, sciatic nerve. (Bell., Bry., Chel.,
Kali-c., Lyc., Podo).
Right side effects most (Lyc., caust) =Am-c.
Right side symptoms = Cham., Lyc., Mag-p.--- Symptoms
usually worse on the right side.
Right to left symptoms are prone to go from (lyc)=Anac.
Rigid =Cic.--- Scaby, convulsive, rigid.
Rigid =Guai.--- Gouty, rigid, rheumatic.
Ringworm =Bac., Dulc., Med., Sep., Ars.--- Medicines
Normally Prescribed.
Ringworm =Tell.---It has cured more cases of ringworm
especially of the face and body than any other remedy.
Ringworms =Dulc.--- Often cures the ringworms on hairy
parts, and other places.
Rolling from side to side =Tarent ---Rolling from side to
side to relieve the distress is a characteristic of (Tarent )
Dr. Kent, New Remedies.
Root of tooth decays =Mez.--- Root of tooth decays, crown
remaining intact.
Roseola= Acon., Bry., Puls., Kali-i.
Rough =Petr.--- Rough, ragged, hungry.
500… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
says “do not touch the bed doctor”. The aggravation from a
jar is marked.
Touch sensitive to touch =Chin.---Sensitive to touch, to
pain, to draft of air, entire nervous system extremely
Touch, sensitive to =Ant-c., Cina., Hep., Lach., Nux-v.,
Kali-c.---Remedies Mostly Prescribed.
Touchy =Puls.--- Touchy, stuffy, puffy.
Toxins general=Ars., Cadm-s., Nux-v.--- Poisons chemicals
drugs pollutants ailments.
Tracheal coughs =Sang.---A greater portion of the tracheal
and bronchial coughs of epidemic influenza have been
Transfusions, blood ailments from =Chin., Carc.
Trauma =Arn.---If given immediately after a blow, fall or
physical shock, injury, prevents pain and other ill effects,
local or constitutional.
Traumatic =Calen.---Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma
(All-c). neuritis from lacerated wound (Hyper) exhausted
from loss of blood and excessive pain.
Traumatic affections =Calen.---Traumatic affection to
secure union by first intention and prevent suppuration in
all cases of loss of soft parts when union can not be
effected by means of adhesive plaster.
Traumatic fever =Ars., Lach., Arn., Chin.
Traumatism=Arn., Bell-p.
Travel =Cocc.--- Travel sickness.
Travel cross-wise =Lac-c.--- Travel cross-wise, affections.
Travel sickness =Cocc.---Cocculus 30 is the most often
indicated remedy for travel sickness. A dose should be
given before the journey, then as needed. If it is a correct
remedy there will be no doubt about it after the first
Traveling=Cocc., Alum., Arn., Con., Gels., Nux-v.
599… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
For best results either dissolve the tablets below tongue and
drink lukwarm water thereafter. In case of infants and acute
ailments, dissolve the tablets in warm water and take a
spoonful per does.
Medicines of 3x, 6x 12x or 30x Potencies
Calc-Fluor 3x., Calc-Sulph 3x., Kali-Sulph 3x., Mag-Phos 3x.,
Nat-Phos3x., Nat-Sulph 3x., Or
Calc-Phos 6x., Ferr-Phos 6x., Kali-Mur6x., Nat-Mur6x.,
Nat-phos 6x., Silicea 12x.
Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Phos12x., Ferr-Phos6x., Kali-Mur3x., Kali-
Sulph 3x.
Calc-Fluor 3x., Calc-Phos 3x., Kali-Mur 3x., Kali-Phos 3x., Kali-
Sulph 3x., Nat-Mur3x., Silicea 12x.
Nat-m 6x., Silicea 12x., Kali-p12x, Ferr-p 12x.
BC 1 i.e. Calc-Phos 3x., Ferr-Phos 3x., Kali-Phos 3x., Nat-mur
12x., Silicea30x For Chronic Cases. Add with BC 1.
With defective nutrition : Calc-Phos 3x Or 6x.
In young girls with palpitation & Melancholia : Nat-mur30x
(A pulsating tumour by the dilatation or an artery Calc-Fluor
200x, Ferr-Phos 200x.
Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-Phos 3x. Ferr-Phos 12x. Kali-Mur 3x. Kali-
Phos12X, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos3x, Silicea 12x
BC 2 : I.E. Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Nat-Sulph
656… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Nat-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Mag-p6x., Calc-p 6x.,
Kali-mur3x., Nat-sulph3x.
Blood poisoning
Kali-p 6x., Ferr-p 6x.
Brittle Nail
Sil 12x.
Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Nat-Mur 30x.
Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x.
657… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Kali-Mur 12x, Nat-Sulph 12x , Silicea 12x, 4 Doses Daily.
Calc-Fluor 200x – one dose daily at bed time.
Externally, use cineraria maritime eye drops.
Nat-s 6x., Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Kali-m 6x.
Ferr-Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-M 30x.
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Mag-p 6x.
Conjunctival inflammation’
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x., Nat-m 6x., Nat-s 6x., Silicea 12x.
BC 4 : i.e. Calc-Fluor 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 3x.
658… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x.
BC 6 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x Or 6x, Kali-Mur 3x Or 6x, Mag-Phos
6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Yellowish or yellowish green secretions, Kali-Sulph 6x, Nat-
Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 6x. Consumptive Cases-Silicea 200x.
Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Phos 6x, Nat-
Sulph 6x.
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-m 6x., Sil 12x., Mag-p 6x.
Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.
Depressive conditions
Kali-p 6x.,
BC 7: i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
BC 8 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph
3x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
If stools smell sour, add Nat-Phos 6x.
Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Phos 3x.
659… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
BC 9: i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos
Aching : Ferr-Phos 6x, Mag-Phos 6x.
Discharge : Calc-Sulph 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Silicea 12x.
Humming in : Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Silicea
Conjuctivitis & sore with watery discharge: Ferr-phos12x,
Kali-mur 6x., NAt-mur 12x., Nat-sulph 6x.
Styes & Thick Yellow discharge: Silicea 12x.,
Meibomian Glands (on inner surface of eyelids) : Calc-fluor
Cataract : See CATARACT
Facial Neuralgia
Mag-p 6x.
BC 11 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur
6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Calc-Phoos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Nat-Sulph 3x, Silicea 12x.
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x.
Kali-p 6x., Nat-s 6x., Sil 12x.
Ferr-p., Sil 6x., Calc-p 6x., Calc-f 6x., Kali-p 6x.
Nat-s 6x., Nat-p 6x., Mag-p 6x., Ferr-ph 6x.
Gastric acid
Nat-p 6x., Nat-m 6x.
Ferr-ph 6x., Mag-p 6x., Nat-ph6x., Kali-s 6x., Calc-ph 6x.
Ferr-p 6x., Calc-p 6x., Kali-p 6x.
Mag-p.6x., Calc-f12x.
Ferr-ph6x., Kali-m 6x., Nat-ph 6x., Sil 12x., Calc-ph 6x., Calc-f
Calc-Sulph 3x, Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6.
Ferr-p 6x., Kali-mur 6x.
Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x., Ferr-phos 6x., Kali-phos 6x.
661… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-
Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.
BC 12 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-mur
6x, for nervous headache add Silicea 6x with BC 12 above.
Nat-p6x., Mag-phos 6x.
In hot water, Mag-Phos 6x.
With acidity & sour eructations : Nat-Phos 6x.
With bilious or bitter taste in mouth : Nat-Sulph 6x.
With cramps & Spasms : Mag-Phos 6x.
With Nervous and weakness of heart : Kali-Phos 6x
With Non-assimilation : Calc-Phos 12x.
With sluggish liver and white coated tongue : Kali-mur 6x.
662… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-mur 6x, Nat-mur 30x, Nat-Sulph 6x or
Ferr-phos 6x., Kali-mur 6x., Calc-fl 12x.
Intervertebral complaints
Calc-fl 12x., Silicea 12x.
BC 13 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur
Chronic cases : Calc-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-
Sulph 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Silicea 12x.
Loss of appetite
663… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Kali-p 12x., Calc-p 6x., Nat-mur 6x., Nat-ph 6x., Kali-mur 6x.
Ferr-phos 6x., Mag-ph 6x., Calc-ph 6x.
BC 14 :i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x.
With depressed or mourn feeling : Nat-mur 30x.
With loss of Memory : Kali-Phos 6x.
Kali-Phos 12x.
Absent or stopped : Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Phos 6x,
Nat-Mur 12x.
Irregular : BC 15 i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Pho 3x, Kali-Phos 3x,
Mag-Phos 3x.
Painful : Kali-Phos 6x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Mag-Phos 12x.
Profuse : Calc-Fluor 12x, Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-
Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 6x, Nat-Sulph 3x.
Scanty or late : Kali-Phos 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 6x,
Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x.
Kali-Phos 6x, Mag-Phos 6x., Nat-Mur 6x, Silicea 6x.
Milk crust
Nat-p 12x.
Muscles hardening
664… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Calc-fl 12x.
Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Silicea 6x.
BC 16 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-
Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x.
Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 3x, Mag-Phos 3x.
Kali-p 6x., Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.
Calc-Phos 30x, Kali-mur 6x.Nat-m 6x.
Calc-Phos 12x, Calc-Sulph 3x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Kali-Phos12x,
Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.
Panic attacks
Kali-ph 6x.
Ferr-p 6x., Silicea 12x., Calc-f 12x.
BC 17 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos
Blind : Calc-Fluor 12x, add with BC 17
Acute & darting pain : Mag-Phos 6x add with BC 17
Calc-Phos 6x, Kali-mur 6x, Nat-mur 30x.
665… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
BC 19 : i.e. Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Mag-Phos 3x, Nat-
Sulph 3x.
BC 19 + Kali-mur 6x, Nat-Phos 3x.
Calc-Phos 3x, Ferrum Phos 3x, Nat-mur 12x, Silicea 12x.
Kali-Sulph 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Silicea 12x.
Kali-Phos 6x Or 12x, Mag-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 30x, Nat-Sulph
Signs of paralysis
Kali-ph 6x.
Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x.
Calc-Sulph 3x, Kali-Phos 3x, Nat-Mur 3x, Nat-Phos 3x, Silicea
Nat-Mur 200x, Nat-Sulph 12x.
State of exhaustion
Kali-ph 6x., Mag-p 6x.
Ferr-p 12x., Kali-p 6x.
Ferr-p 6x., Silicea 12x., Kali-p 6x.
Silicea 12x., Calc-f 6x., Nat-p 6x.
Kali-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 30x.
Silicea 6x.
Calc-Fluor 12x, Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 12x,
Silicea 12x.
BC 10 : i.e. Calc-Phos 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Kali-Mur 3x.
667… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
BC 28 : i.e. Eleven tissue remedies available with
homoeopathic chemists
Calc-Fluor 3x, Calc-ph 3x, Ferr-ph 12x, Kali-mur 3x, Mag-Phos
3x, Nat-mur 3x.
Chronic cases add Calc-Sulph 3x, Kali-Sulph 3x, Silicea 12x.
BC 23 : Calc-Fluor 3x, Ferr-Phos 3x, Mag-Ph 3x.
Hard : Calc-Fluor 30x, Soft : Kali-mur 6x.
Ferr-Phos 6x, Kali-Mur 3x, Kali-Phos 6x, Nat-Mur 12x, Nat-
Sulph 3x.
Variocose veins
Calc-fl 12x., Sil 12x., Ferr-p 6x.
Calc-Phos 12x, Ferr-Phos12x, Kali-Phos 6x.
668… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
BC 27 : Calc-Ph 3x, Ferr-Ph 3x, Kali-Ph 3x, Nat-Ph 3x, Nat-Mur
Ferr-Phos 12x, Nat-Phos 6x, Nat-Sulph 12x.
Vomiting in pregnancy
Calc-p 6x
Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.
Weak memory
Kali-p 6x., Calc-fl 12x.
Kali-Mur 6x, Kali-Sulph 6x, Mag-Phos 12x, Nat-Mur 30x.
Calc-fluor 12x., Nat-phos 3x.
669… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Remedies Abbreviatios
Coffea-cruda Coff.
Colchicum Colch.
Crotalus-horridus Crot-h.
Cuprum-arsenicosum Cupr-ar.
Cuprum-metallicum Cupr.
Dulcamara Dulc.
Digitalis-purpurea Dig.
Drosera Dros.
Echinacea-augustifolia Echi.
Equisetum Equis.
Eupatorium-perfoliatum Eup-per.
Euphrasia Euphr.
Ferrum-metallicum Ferr-m.
Ferrum-phosphoricum Ferr-p.
Gelsemium-sempervirens Gels.
Glonoine Glon.
Graphites Graph.
Hamamelis-virginica Ham.
Hepar-sulphuris Hep.
Hyoscyamus-niger Hyos.
Hypericum-perfoliatum Hyper.
Ignatia amara Ign.
Ipecacuanha Ip.
Kali-bichromicum Kali-bi.
Kali-bromatum Kali-br.
Kali-carbonicum Kali-c.
Kali-muriaticum Kali-m.
Kreosotum Kreos.
Lachesis Lach.
Ledum-palustre Led.
Lycopodium Lyc.
671… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Magnesia-phosphorica Mang.
Mercurius-corrosivus Merc-c.
Mercurius-sol Merc.
Natrum-muriaticum Nat-m.
Natrrum-phosphoricum Nat-p.
Niricum-acidum Nit-ac.
Nux-vomica Nux-v.
Oxalicum-acidum Ox-ac.
Phosphorus Phos.
Phosphorus-acidium Ph-ac.
Phytolacca-decandr Phyt.
Podophyllum Podo.
Psorinum Psor.
Pulsatilla-nigricans Puls.
Pyrogenium Pyrog.
Rhododendron Rhod.
Rhus-toxicodendron Rhus-t.
Rumex-crispus Rumex.
Ruta-graveolens Ruta-g.
Sabina Sabin.
Sanguinaria Sang.
Secale-cor Sec.
Sepia Sep.
Silicea Sil.
Spongia-tosta Spong.
Staphyasagria Staph.
Sulphur Sulph.
Symphytum officinale Symph
Syphilinum Syph.
Thuja-occiidentalis Thuj.
Urtica-urens Urt-u.
672… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Veratrum-album Verat-a.
Verbascum Verb.
Zincum-met Zinc.
673… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
A.V. Lippe=Keynotes and red line symptoms of the
materica medica.
Bhattacharya=Homoeopathy family practice.
Bishambar dass=Select your remedy, 1975,
Bishambar free homoeo dispensary New Delhi.
Blackie(MG)=Patient not the cure, 1978, Rupa &
Company Calcutta.
Blackwood (AL)=Materia medica.
Boericke(William)=Pocket manual of materia
medica and repertory, 1968, Roy publishing house,
Boeninghausen (VON)=The lesser writing, 1982,
B.Jain publishers, New Delhi.
Bose(L.R.N.) and Kichlu (K.L.)=A text book of
descriptive medicine.
C.V. Boeninghausen=Sides of the body and drug-
Clarke(J.H.)=Dictionary of practical materia
medica, B.Jain publishers, New Delhi.
Constantine Hering=Domestic physician.
Cowperthwaite (A.C.)=A text book of materia
medica and therapeutics, B.Jain publishers, New
Dutta A.C.=Homoeo practiteners Guide to Diseases.
Dutta A.C.=Homoeopathic treatment systematized
and simpilified.
M.B. Panos & Jame Heimbich =Family
Homoeopathic Medicine.
Man Mohan Singh Arneja=Homoeopathic
Preventive Medicine for common Diseases.
Satya Paul=Forty Four remedies & 22 Eliminating
rubrics Yadubir Sinha Pocket materia Medica.
684… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Dr. Allen.
Dr. Banj F. Lang, York Nabraska.
Dr. Baruch.
Dr. Benthack.
Dr. Blunt.
Dr. Burnett.
Dr. C. Begg.
Dr. C. M. Boger.
Dr. C. W. Roberts.
Dr. Cardoza.
Dr. Carrol Dunham.
Dr. Churton.
Dr. Clarke.
Dr. Cooper.
Dr. Cullis.
Dr. Cushing.
Dr. Cushing.
Dr. E.S. Evans 0f Colombus.
Dr. E.V. Moffat.
Dr. Farrington.
Dr. Fetter.
Dr. Gallavardin.
Dr. Gerarde.
Dr. Guernsey.
Dr. H. C. Marrow.
Dr. H.C. Allen
Dr. Hahnemann.
Dr. Halcombe.
Dr. Hale.
687… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
Dr. Hering.
Dr. Hughes.
Dr. Hundall.
Dr. Hunt.
Dr. J. Meredith.
Dr. J.C. White.
Dr. J.N. Majumdar.
Dr. Jhar.
Dr. Kent
Dr. Kippax.
Dr. Kitchen.
Dr. Leonard.
Dr. Lippe.
Dr. Louis Hartman.
Dr. Nash.
Dr. P.C. Mujumdar.
Dr. Parks .
Dr. Phares.
Dr. Pierson
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal.
Dr. Scarand
Dr. Sherbino.
Dr. Swan.
Dr. Talcott.
Dr. Teste
Dr. Tyler
Dr. W. B. Clarke.
Dr. Yingling.
688… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber
689… Homoeopathic & Biochemic Instant Prescriber