Human Digestive System Worksheet
Human Digestive System Worksheet
Human Digestive System Worksheet
(2) Which of the following gives the correct order for food as it passes through the organs of the
digestive system?
a. Mouth, oesophagus, stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, large intestines, small intestines
b. Oesophagus, epiglottis, stomach, liver, small intestines, large intestines, anus
NAME: ____________________________________
c. Mouth oesophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, anus
d. Mouth, liver, gall bladder, stomach, large intestines, small intestines, anus.
(3) Which part of the digestive system is (4) Which part of the digestive system
responsible for absorbing water: contains Hydrochloric acid and is coated
a. Small intestines with mucus for its protection:
b. Large intestines a. Rectum
c. Kidneys b. Small intestines
d. Stomach c. Stomach
d. Oesophagus
(9) Which of the following are NOT a part of (10) Where is solid waste (poop) stored?
the digestive system? a. Anus
a. Oesophagus b. Rectum
b. Kidneys c. Large intestines
c. Anus d. Stomach
d. Liver
(11) Villi are found in what part of the (12) Diarrhoea is when the __________ do
digestive system? not absorb water?
a. Mouth a. Rectum
b. Stomach b. Anus
c. Large intestines c. Stomach
d. Small intestines d. Large intestines
NAME: ____________________________________
(13) Which of the following best describes
the role of the oesophagus in the digestive (14) The main function of the stomach is
system: to:
a. Mucus is secreted to protect a. Store food
stomach b. Produce hydrochloric acid
b. Sends food from mouth the stomach c. Break down food
c. Helps absorb nutrients d. All of the above
d. Breaks down food to be absorbed
into bloodstream
(15) Which of the following organs help (16) The “tentacle” like structure along the
break down food in the small intestines: small intestines are called ____________:
a. Liver, kidneys, stomach a. Capillaries
b. Mouth, oesophagus, stomach b. Bile
c. Liver, pancreas, gall bladder c. Liver
d. Stomach, small intestines d. Villi
(17) The main function of the small (18) Digestion beings in the mouth. Which
intestines is to: of the following statement is
a. Extract and absorb nutrients INCORRECT?
b. Kill bacteria a. The tongue helps absorb nutrients
c. Excrete solid waste b. The saliva helps break down food
d. Releases enzymes to break down c. The tongue keeps food in place in
food the mouth while the food is being
d. Teeth help chew food into smaller
(19) Complete the cloze passage about the digestive system, with the words in the box below.
The human digestive system is a group of organs that break down food, absorb ____________ and remove
unused waste out of the body. Digestion begins in the ______________, where _____________ starts to
break food down. Chewed food then travels down the _______________ into the stomach. The
_____________ produces ___________________ acid to help break down food. Hydrochloric acid is