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Senses - Worksheet

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NAME:_________________________________________ DATE: ____________


True or False
Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.

1. _______ We see most objects because they reflect light from another source.
2. _______ The colored part of the eye is called the iris.
3. _______ Hyperopia can be corrected with concave lenses.
4. _______ The only function of the ears is to sense sound.
5. _______ Taste neurons on the tongue can detect thousands of different tastes.
6. _______ Sensory neurons in the nose sense chemicals in the air.
7. _______ The sense of smell plays an important role in the sense of taste.

Critical Reading
Read this passage based on the text and answer the questions that follow.

Touch is the ability to sense pain, pressure, or temperature. Nerve cells that sense touch are found mainly in the
skin. The skin on the palms, soles, face, and lips has the most neurons. Neurons that sense pain are also found
inside the body in the tongue, joints, muscles, and other organs.

The sense of taste is controlled by sensory neurons on the tongue. They are grouped in bundles called taste
buds. Taste neurons sense chemicals in food. They can detect five different tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and
umami, which is a meaty taste. When taste neurons sense chemicals, they send messages about them to the
brain. The brain then decides which of the five basic tastes you are detecting.

The sense of smell also involves sensory neurons that sense chemicals. These neurons are found in the nose, and
they sense chemicals in the air. Unlike taste neurons, smell neurons can detect thousands of different odors.
Your sense of smell plays a big role in your sense of taste. You can use your sense of taste alone to learn that a
food is sweet. However, you have to use your sense of smell as well to learn that the food tastes like apple pie.

1. Why is skin on the palms, soles, face, and lips especially sensitive to touch?

2. What is the sense of taste?

3. How is the sense of smell related to how food tastes?

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter of the correct choice.
1. Why are human beings able to see in three dimensions?
a. We have two eyes that face the same direction but are a few inches apart.
b. Both of our eyes focus on the same object but from slightly different angles.
c. The brain uses images from the two eyes to determine the distance to the object.
d. all of the above
2. When light from an object reaches the human eye, it passes first through the
a. pupil.
b. cornea.
c. lens.
d. iris.
3. Which statement about rods and cones in the human eye is false?
a. Rods and cones are special light-sensing cells in the lens.
b. Rods and cones send nerve impulses to the optic nerve.
c. Cones sense different colors of light and rods sense dim light.
d. none of the above
4. Myopia
a. occurs when images focus in front of the retina.
b. results when the eyeball is too short.
c. can be corrected with convex lenses.
d. all of the above
5. The middle ear
a. contains three tiny bones called ossicles.
b. passes vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.
c. amplifies vibrations as they pass through.
d. all of the above
6. The human eye senses differences in the wavelengths of visible light as different
a. brightnesses.
b. intensities.
c. shapes.
d. colors.
7. Nerve cells that sense touch are found mainly in the
a. joints.
b. muscles.
c. heart.
d. skin.

Match each definition with the correct term.
1. _______ structure in the inner ear that responds to vibrations by Terms
sending nerve impulses to the auditory nerve a. retina
2. _______ opening in the center of the eye that lets light pass b. hyperopia
c. pupil
3. _______ vision problem in which distant objects can be seen
clearly but nearby objects appear blurry d. semicircular canal
4. _______ layer of cells at the back of the eye where images e. taste bud
normally form
f. cochlea
5. _______ vision problem in which nearby objects can be seen
g. myopia
clearly but distant objects appear blurry
6. _______ structure in the inner ear involved in maintaining balance
7. _______ bundle of sensory neurons on the tongue that sense chemicals in food

Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

1. The ability to see is called ______________.

2. The ability to sense sound is called __________________.
3. Touch is the ability to sense pain, pressure, and __________________.
4. Sound waves that enter the outer ear first strike a membrane called the ____________.
5. The ___________ interprets messages from the eyes and tells you what you are seeing.
6. The ____________ nerve carries messages about sounds from the ears to the brain.
7. The clear, curved structure in the eye that helps focus light is the _____________.

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