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Affairs of The Heart Angioplasty PDF

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A guide for people living with heart disease

Read this guide to learn:

• What angioplasty is
• The benefits and risks of angioplasty
• What will happen during the procedure
• What you can expect after the procedure

Please visit the UHN Patient Education website for more health information: www.uhnpatienteducation.ca
© 2016 University Health Network. All rights reserved.
This information is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional
medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific
medical condition. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for non-commercial personal use only.

Author: Cardiology
Revised: 07/2016
Form: D-5152 C034-D
What is angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a procedure that opens up a narrowed or blocked artery in your heart.

It is a treatment that can work well for people who have this problem.

Angioplasty is done in a hospital, but it is not surgery. You will not have any incisions
(cuts) in your chest or heart.

Angioplasty is a treatment, but not a cure for coronary disease. Coronary disease
needs lifelong management. Other ways to control your disease is by:
• taking medicines prescribed by your doctor to help if you have:
◦◦ high blood pressure
◦◦ high cholesterol (a fat in your blood)
◦◦ high blood sugar
• leading a healthy lifestyle

Your doctor can perform an angioplasty using different methods. Your doctor will first
perform an angiogram, which is a heart x-ray. Then he or she will talk to you about
whether angioplasty is a treatment for you.

Technical names for angioplasty are PTCA or PCI. These letters stand for:

• Percutaneous – through the skin
• Transluminal – inside the blood vessel
• Coronary – having to do with the heart
• Angioplasty – opening the artery

• Percutaneous – through the skin
• Coronary – having to do with the heart
• Intervention – the type of procedure used to open a narrowed artery

What are the benefits of angioplasty?

Over 90% of angioplasties are successful. This means that out of 10 people who get
this procedure, 9 do very well. Blood flow through the artery returns to normal or near
normal. Most people get complete relief from angina.

People with severe coronary artery disease may still have symptoms, but they feel
much better. This allows people to be more active and comfortable.

People recover much quicker from angioplasty than from heart surgery.
During angioplasty, there is no incision (cut) or general anesthesia (being put to sleep).

Most people go home the same day as their procedure while others may need to
remain in hospital overnight and are discharged home the next day.

How will I know if angioplasty is a treatment for me?

Your angiogram will show the blockage in your coronary arteries. Your doctor will
explain the different treatment options available to you. These treatments include:

• managing your symptoms with medicines

• angioplasty
• bypass surgery

The treatment that is best for you depends on:

• how bad your coronary disease and symptoms are

• any other medical conditions that you may have
• your lifestyle
• what treatments you would prefer to have

You and your doctor will talk about whether angioplasty is a treatment option for you.

When is angioplasty not a good treatment option?

Angioplasty may not be a good treatment option if:

• there are many narrowed areas in several different coronary arteries

• the balloon cannot get through a very tight blockage
• the catheter cannot reach a blockage because of a tight corner

What happens during an angioplasty?

Angioplasty is done in a catheterization

laboratory, also called a cath lab. A
cath lab is a room in the hospital that
has a heart x-ray and other equipment.
This equipment helps doctors perform
an angioplasty.

Your doctor will insert a catheter

(small tube) into your body. To do
this, they use an introducer sheath
(a slightly larger tube).

• The catheter is inserted in

either your groin or your wrist.
The catheter has a small balloon
on the tip.
• The catheter is moved through
one artery into the narrowed
heart artery.
• The balloon on the catheter is
then inflated. This opens the
artery so that more blood can
flow to the heart.
• The balloon is then deflated and
removed from the artery.

The plaque (fatty layers that cause the narrowing) is not removed from the artery.
It is pushed against the wall of the artery. This allows more blood and oxygen to flow
through the artery to the heart.

Places where the catheter might enter your body:

Angioplasty using a stent

The doctor usually puts a stent into the

inside of the artery during an angioplasty.
A stent is a small tube made of stainless
steel mesh. It holds the artery open after

When a stent is used, your doctor will

place it over a balloon. When the balloon
is inflated the stent expands. It is pressed
into the wall of the artery. The balloon is
then deflated and removed.

After the stent is put in, the inner lining

of the artery will grow over it. This
usually takes about 2 weeks. This keeps
the stent securely in place. The stent is
kept in permanently to keep the artery
open. Stents lower the risk of this area
narrowing again.

Will my arteries get narrow again?

An artery may become narrow again after angioplasty. This is called restenosis.

If the artery narrows enough, you may feel angina again.

Restenosis can happen as a result of scar tissue forming in the stent. Most cases of
restenosis happen in the first 3 to 6 months after angioplasty.

Restenosis is usually easily treated with a second angioplasty.

What are the risks during an angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a common procedure. However, like any procedure done in the body,
there are some risks. Risks include:

• bleeding
• artery collapse
• heart attack
• stroke

Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of angioplasty for you.

What will happen before the procedure?

When you arrive at the hospital, you will be admitted directly to the Cath Lab
(Cardiovascular Investigation Unit/CVIU) or to a Cardiac inpatient unit.

Here, a nurse will:

• put a hospital ID (identity) bracelet onto your wrist
• help you change into a hospital gown
• help you to shave your groin, wrist, or both
• place an intravenous (IV) in a vein in your arm

The IV helps the doctors and nurses give you fluids and medicines, for example, blood
thinners and pain medicine. The IV helps them give you fluids and medicine before,
during and after the angioplasty.

When they are ready, you will be moved to the Cardiac Catheterization lab.
The angioplasty will be done here. This is also called the “cath lab”. You will meet your
doctor before your procedure.

The cath lab is usually cool. Ask for an extra blanket if you are cold. The lights in the
cath lab will be dim during the procedure. This is so the doctor can see the x-ray images
more clearly.

What can I expect during the procedure?

Your angioplasty will take about 1 hour to complete. If your condition is more
complex, your procedure will be longer. You will be awake but your nurse will give
you medicine to help you relax.

For the procedure, you will lie on an x-ray table. You will be covered with a sterile
sheet. You will be able to breathe and talk.

An x-ray camera will move across your chest. You will be on a heart monitor. During
the procedure, your cardiologist and nurses will explain what is happening. They will
also ask how you are feeling.

1. You will get comfortable on the x-ray table. Your team of doctor(s) and nurses
will perform a safety checklist and give you sedation as needed through your

2. The area where the catheter will be inserted (your leg or wrist) will be washed.
This will help prevent infection.

3. Your doctor will freeze the area where the catheter will go in using a small
needle. It may sting a little. Once the medicine starts to work, it is normal to
still feel some pressure in that area. Tell the doctor if you feel pain.

4. When the area is frozen, your doctor will make a tiny incision (cut). This allows
a short tube (introducer sheath) to be inserted. This tube will protect your artery
during your angioplasty.

5. Then, your doctor will insert a long flexible tube (guiding catheter) into the
introducer sheath. It will move through the main artery in your chest (aorta).
Your doctor will guide it to where the coronary arteries branch off to the heart.

6. Then, your doctor will inject a small amount of x-ray dye through the guiding
catheter. This dye will go into the coronary arteries. You may feel a warm
flushing sensation when the dye is injected. This is normal and passes quickly.

7. Your doctor will watch the movement of the x-ray dye on a screen. The dye lets
your doctor see the places where your arteries are narrowed. You may be able to
see the screen as well.

8. Your doctor will look for the narrowing on the x-ray screen. When one is found,
a balloon catheter is passed through the guiding catheter.

9. A guide wire inside the balloon catheter is then moved through the artery.
The guide wire will stop when the tip is past the narrowing.

10. The balloon catheter is then moved over the guide wire. It will stop in the
narrowed part of the artery.

11. When the balloon is in place, your doctor will slowly inflate it. It may be
inflated several times to push the plaque against the artery walls and open the
artery enough.
The balloon is inflated up to 30 seconds each time. When the balloon is inflated,
the blood stops flowing through your artery for a short time. This time is not
long enough to damage your heart. However, you may have some chest pain.
Tell your doctor and nurses if you have chest pain or any discomfort. Pain
usually goes away quickly when the balloon is deflated.

12. The balloon catheter is deflated and removed once your doctor is satisfied with
the result.

What should I expect after the procedure?
After your procedure, you will go through 3 steps before you are ready to go home.

The steps are:

1. Finishing up in the procedure room

2. Resting in the recovery room or hospital room

3. Preparing to go home

1. Finishing up in the procedure room

When the angioplasty is finished, your doctor will talk to you about the
procedure. Your doctor will tell you the results. They may even show you your
artery on the x-ray screen.

If your procedure was done through your wrist, the introducer sheath will be
removed in the cath lab at the end of the procedure. Your doctor will put a clamp
on your wrist. You will be allowed to walk to your stretcher from the x-ray

If your procedure was done through your groin, the introducer sheath is
normally left in place for 2 to 4 hours. This will allow time for the blood
thinners (medicines that thin your blood, such as heparin) to wear off. You will
be helped to move back to your stretcher from the x-ray table as you are lying
on your back with your leg straight.

2. Resting in the recovery area or hospital room

After the angioplasty, you will be taken to the recovery area. You will stay here
for about 30 minutes and then be transferred back to the Cardiac floor. If you were
asked to come in directly to the Cath lab, you will stay in the recovery area up to
the time you go home. If your doctor decides you should stay overnight, you will
be admitted to a hospital bed.

Sometimes people experience chest pain or discomfort right after angioplasty. This
is usually because you are having spasms in your artery.

You may have some pain because your artery wall was stretched during the
procedure. This usually goes away quickly. You may be given medicine to make
you more comfortable until the pain goes away.

Your doctor and nurse will watch you closely. Tell them if you have any

In the recovery area you may have 1-2 visitors at a time once you are settled.

The nurses will check your:

• heart rate and rhythm using a small heart monitor
• blood pressure
• groin or wrist depending on which area the doctor used to do the procedure
• blood circulation in your foot or hand

If the procedure was done through your groin:

Your doctor will usually leave the introducer sheath in your leg for 2-4 hours after
your procedure. If this happens:

• You will be able to eat and drink a small amount once the procedure is done
• We will ask you to lie flat with one pillow and to keep your leg straight. You
must not move this leg. Tell the nurses if you are uncomfortable. They will
help you to get more comfortable.
• Your nurse will then remove this sheath. Using a clamp, your nurse will
apply pressure to your groin for about 30 minutes. This will help to prevent
• When the clamp is taken off, your nurse will put a pressure dressing,
transparent dressing or a band aid on your puncture site.
• You will stay in bed with your leg straight for another 3 hours.
• When you are ready, your nurse will help you get out of bed and walk.

If the procedure was done through your wrist:

• The wrist clamp will stay in place for 1½ hours to prevent bleeding.
• After that, the nurse will slowly release the clamp until it is completely
• You will be able to walk once the procedure is done.
• You can eat and drink shortly after the procedure is done.

3. Preparing to go home
You will have to do these things before you can go home:
• You will have blood tests and an electrocardiogram (ECG). These tests will
make sure that your heart muscle was not damaged during the procedure.
• Your nurse will talk to you about doing your activities again. Your nurse
will also talk to you about your medicines.
• We will explain how to arrange any follow-up appointments with your
• You will be able to go home when the results of your blood tests are OK or
within the normal range.

What do I need to do after the procedure?

If your cardiologist put a stent in your artery you will usually need to take 2 types
of antiplatelet medicine (Aspirin and Plavix are the most common medicines we
prescribe for patients).

You will take the medicine for the prescribed time. You may have to take it for up to
1 year. Take your medicine exactly as your doctor teaches you to.

What can I expect after I return home from angioplasty?

Do not do physically challenging activities during your first week at home. One
example is heavy lifting. Don’t lift anything that is heavier than 10 lbs. Avoiding
heavy lifting will help your puncture site heal completely.

Most people have no problems after a successful angioplasty. They can do their usual
activities within a few weeks.

How quickly you return to your usual activities may depend on a few things. It may
depend on whether you have had a recent heart attack. It may also depend on what
type of activities you do. Your doctor will talk to you about this.

Feelings and coping

It is normal to feel anxious (worried) about your health after having problems with
your heart. At home you may start to think more about why you have coronary
artery disease. You might start to think about how you can change your lifestyle to
prevent more problems. This may feel overwhelming or depressing.

You may feel depressed after being diagnosed or treated for heart disease. As you
become more active, these feelings usually go away. Tell your family doctor if you
feel depressed for longer than 2 weeks. He or she can help you feel better.

Lifestyle changes

You can be an important part of your own treatment. You can make changes to
prevent your heart disease from getting worse.

The risk factors that you can change are:

• High cholesterol
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Smoking
• Obesity
• Sedentary lifestyle (not getting enough exercise)
• Stress

To make these important changes, you need the help and support of your friends,
family and doctor. Your heart disease can affect the people closest to you.

Talk to your family and friends and get support. This will help you and your family
cope with any changes in your lives.

Support groups and programs such as Cardiac Rehabilitation are available to help
you and your family. They can help you all adjust to living with heart disease. Your
health care team can help you find the resources that fit your needs.

Remember: Life can be fulfilling again. Modern treatments for heart
disease work well. Patients live for many years after being diagnosed with
heart disease.

For many people, finding out they have heart disease is a chance to make
changes. These changes can lead to a healthier and happier life. You may
feel better than you have in years!

This resource was written by:

Jeannine Costigan, RN, MScN, ACNP

Ruth Elias, MSc, RD
Janice Jickling, RN, MScN, ACNP
Min Hong, BSC. Pharm
Jane MacIver, RN, MScN
Heather Moon, BHSc OT
Nicki Morris, BHSc PT
Diane Neil-Pollinger, MSW, RSW
Peter Nielsen, RN, BSCN, MN
Graham Reid, PhD
John Ross, MD, FRCP©

Reviewed and revised by CICU Patient Education Committee, 2004

Reviewed and revised by Zelia Souter (PCC), Pauline Glaves (PCC) and
Rob Fuerte (APNE), 2012

Revised by Amanda Matthews, Zelia Souter, Danielle Small, Pauline Glaves, and
Dr. C. Overgaard, 2016

Reviewed by the Patient and Family Education Program

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