Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related processes:
grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them
activity with a purpose. It is very useful for all people. It is an interactive process
that goes on between the reader and the text. A person may read in order to gain
ideas or reading style. Many schools or courses offer English as one of the
lessons. The important point is that the students get bask learning in English to
make the students easier to learn further. Therefore, the decrees of Indonesian
government No.19 year 2005 about standard of national education states that in
lesson from the elementary school until high level education. The mastery of
English subject can be known by English standard of competence of listening,
the print on the page. That is, readers understand what they read because they are
Reading has become one of the important language skills that learners
need since the first time they start to study English. Through reading they can get
much information they need either to the needs of mastering English itself or other
things. Then, without information they will surely not know anything happen
information in reading text of English lesson specifically. In line with it, English
students need to be good in reading and get much information to increase their
knowledge and ability from the any sources that they have and get. In addition,
the students are expecting to develop their reading ability in understanding and
Pekanbaru. In other words, reading is an integral part of English skills. Because of
lecturers and students have to understand the rationale of this skill who wants to
subject. In reading II, the students will learn types of article such as narrative,
the second semester and after teaching those types of texts, the students are still
difficult to comprehend the descriptive texts, it is the reason why the researcher
chose the descriptive texts as her research. While descriptive texts help students in
variety of classroom situation and must prepare to continue this practice in the
workplace and in the real life decision making situation. In high school, college
is essential that all students become proficient text-based reasons and an important
toward this goal is to access university students’ ability to read and comprehend
class, the researcher finds some problems faced by students and lecturer. From
students side; first, when students read a reading text, and only to realized within a
few minutes that students could not remember what they just read. It made the
students spend many time to read the text in order to get the meaning of the text
that they have read. This fact can be seen from the result of reading exercise given
Second, even though the students have understood the text that they have
read, but 80 % of students had difficulty in describing what the information from
the text because the students are not trained to restate the text after reading.
Besides, students also have problem with various vocabulary to express the
information of the text that they have read. It is proved by the result of students
test. The lecturer also checked students’ comprehension by giving reading text,
she gave students a descriptive text, then asked students to answer the questions
by their own words, the students have difficulties to express the questions,
because they have problem in using of different vocabulary, at the result, the
students often used the same vocabulary of the original texts to express their
Last, the students are not able to restate the text to the new statement.
They are not able to construct the restatement to get the meaning of the text
properly. This fact proof, when lecturer asked the students to get the meaning of
the text that they have read and create the restatement based on the idea of the
text , the students seem to think hard and confuse. This fact also strengthened by
the result of students’ task and tests during process of learning. From 30 students
who joint in reading II, only 20% students could comprehend the text that they
have read by restating the text in other words. It indicated that students are not
able to restate their comprehension about the text they have read.
Then, the problems from lecturer side, lecturer did not pay attention for her
strategy in teaching reading activities, she still taught her students by using old
strategy, for example; displaying students reading text, finding the difficult words,
translating, and answering the questions. It makes students are not interested in
learning of reading. Less practice for students in restating the text that students
read, it makes students less experience in expressing the text that have read by
their own words. It also made students did not absolutely comprehend the reading
solve these problems. By Paraphrasing strategy the students can restate a passage
precisely in the students own words in order to clarify the meaning. It purposes to
help the students understand the original text properly, and students able to
express the text content in other way or different words. Based on the reason,
ensure that they have properly understood the material which has been studied.
Bellanca (1992) explains that the purpose of the Semantic Mapping strategy is to
concept, lesson, or unit. The Semantic Mapping strategy encourages the students
recognizing the topic of the study and knowing the student knowledge about the
topic. And it is also as the stimulant to arise their motivation to learn English.
Sometime the students have no motivation in learning English because they have
The lecturerr will use these strategies in teaching reading at the second
text. The role of reading comprehension plays in the process of learning is widely
Luckner & Handley 2008; Coleman 2003). These studies and many other similar
studies point to the fact that reading comprehension forms the basis for the
learning process. Thus, learners who read without comprehending what they read
have fewer chances of succeeding academically than learners who read with
comprehension of descriptive texts. The problems might come from students and
Most of the students are difficult to describe the text that they have read by they
own words or different way. Further, most of the students are not able to clarify
the meaning of the text that they read precisely. They also had difficulty to link
find and choice an interesting meaningful reading activities, because the lecturer
are still used old strategy in teaching reading. Further the lecturer did not pay
Since the phenomena also affect learners at the second semester English
Department FKIP UIR Pekanbaru, some questions need to be address. How can
lecturers help to students’ in reading comprehension? How the students have low
motivation to read an English text? How is the first grade student doing on
strategy gives better result either RAP Paraphrasing Strategy or Semantic Map
students own words in order to clarify the meaning. It purposes to help the
students understand the original text properly, and students able to express the text
important strategy which can be used by students in order to ensure that they have
properly understood the material which has been studied. Bellanca (1992)
topic of the study and knowing the student knowledge about the topic. And it is
also as the stimulant to arise their motivation to learn English. Sometime the
students have no motivation in learning English because they have not understood
descriptive text at the second semester students English Depatment of FKIP UIR
better result either RAP Paraphrasing Strategy and Semantic Map Strategy on
students reading comprehension in descriptive text at the second semester students
use in teaching and learning process and how to improve reading comprehension
and at the second semester students English Depatment of FKIP UIR Pekanbaru.
In learning English these problems arise so that more lecturers are trying to find
out what the barriers are and how to anticipate them. Based on the research
using RAP Paraphrasing Strategy and Semantic Map strategy at the second
2. Does using Semantic Map strategy give significant effect on students reading
between using RAP Paraphrasing and Semantic Map strategy at the the second
expect that RAP Paraphrasing and Semantic Map strategy will generate future
EFL/ TESL research in future. Those strategies help the students to consciously
control how they learn reading comprehension so that they can be more efficient
and motivate.
The English Lecturer is also hope this study will help instructors or
English lecturers are able to develop their knowledge and creativity in reading
As the student are concern hope this study will be, how to comprehend a
1.7 The Rationale of the Research
The success in teaching and learning process depends on the teacher’s effort
and motivation which is given by using RAP Paraphrasing and Semantic Map
teaching activities. However it is a hard work and the researcher hopes that the
strategy which the researcher designs to be going useful not only for lecturer but
also for students in the teaching process. The researcher uses significant product
and can be using for one way for a teacher in the teaching process. So by using
RAP Paraphrasing Strategy and Semantic Map strategy can improve the students
offering the students a chance to learn how to connect the text to the new thought.
Second, delivering them the manners to tell about ideas in the topic. Third, aiding
students to remember ideas in short term memory. Last, helping readers’ link new
confirmation in their research that semantic map was a better strategy. It is further
explained by them that, semantic map help the students to relate their background
knowledge to the new words and to see the conceptual connection among words
1.8 The Definition of Key Terms
In this research, the researcher tries to give simple definition of the title
so it does not become a far ranging discussion. The title of this research is A
ideas and details about a paragraph are, and putting these ideas and details
into his or her own words (Schumaker, Denton, & Dechler, 1984).
before, during, or after the text is read, based upon the students’ prior