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By Reading, We Can Get Much Information and Pleasure

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1.1. The Backgroud of the Study

English language is the most important one in the world. As a language

which is used by more than a half of population in the world, English hold the key

as internasional language. English is implemented as a first or second language

around the world. English can be implemented in science, business, technology,

and education.In this case, students know well about the sentence patterns and

diction and they should be implemented in four skills, such as listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.

Up to know, many books are written in English, specifically for scientific

books and almost every field of books is written in English. It demands people to

understand that language, especially the text itself.So the information, knowledge,

and technology which are available need a good english reading ability. By reading,

we can get much information and pleasure.

Reading skills are necessary forstudents in acquiring knowledge and new

information. As mentioned by Brownthat reading is the most essential skill in the

educational context as itcan be the assessments for students general language

ability1. Many learning materials are composed in the form of written texts so that a

good skill of reading will be beneficial for the mastery of those learning materials.

Reading is considered as an important skill to support the students in understanding

H. D. Brown, Teaching by Principles, (England Cliffs New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 2007)
p. 158


and decoding the learning materials, as a sequence, reading is conducted as the

major skill in English class. They lacked vocabulary and grammatical

knowledgeimportant to comprehend the texts.

As stated in the syllabus of teaching reading, senior high school students are

required to comprehend and to respond the meaning of short functional texts and

essays in their daily life in order to access knowledge. the students must be able to

understand the meaning of functional text and simple short essay related to their

environment. Thus, in response to the reading skill, students are expected to be able

to understand written texts. Besides, students are expected to grasp the ideas of a

particular text in order to acquire the information during the reading process. The

students thinking ways also need to be guided so they will not veer to unintended

purpose of a text. In other words, students should be able and be guided to

comprehend a text during the reading process.

In fact, teaching activities do not always facilitate students to successfully

comprehend the texts. When the writer had practice for teaching in form of PPL

(Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan) in SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok, especially inthe tenth

grade students. The writer also do an observation and interview in SMA Negeri 1

Bahorok with the tenth grade english teacher and students point out that the

students reading comprehension is still low. There are some problems that

students face in reading comprehension. The first is from most of students had a

difficulty in comprehend reading a passage. Most of students could read the

passage well but they did not understand the content of the text. They lacked

vocabulary and grammatical knowledge important to comprehend the texts.


Moreover, the elaborated sentences also blocked them to understand reading texts.

As a result, students had a problem to comprehend the content of the reading texts.

The second problem is they also could not express their understanding of

the texts smoothly since their answers were often illegible, not to mention some of

their undisciplined habits during the classroom activities that eventually made

those problems worse.The third problem is related to studentsmotivation in

reading texts. It is seen from the process of teaching reading. Students tended to be

noisy without paying attention to thye teacher and materials. They liked chatting

and playing with their friends while the teacher taught them. The teacher had to

command more than one time to make the pay attention to the lesson. Another

problem was the school has not enough facilities such as LCD, a languange

laboratory, and the English books in the library. This environment made the

students did not comfortable enough to study in the school.

To do so, there should be a strategy in reading that facilitates them to do so.

Considering the importance of reading comprehension for the students successful

English mastery,there must be a suitable method for teaching reading in which

students can explore their idea to achieve their reading comprehension. One of

them called PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, Evaluate) to provide

long term support for students development in reading comprehension.

PORPE is a study strategy which operationalizes the cognitive and

metacognitive processes that effective readers engage in to understand material2.

By using PORPE strategy, students are expected to be an effective readers who

clarify the purpose of reading, identify the important aspect of message, focus
L. Baker& A. L. Brown, Metacognitive skills and reading. In P.D. Pearson(Ed.),
Handbook of reading research (New York; Longman, 1984), p. 353

attention on the major content, monitor ongoing activities, engage in self-

questioning todetermine whether goals are being achieved, and take corrective

action in understanding.

The first three steps of PORPE Predict, Organize and Rehearse involve

students in the encoding processes of selection, acquisition, construction, and

integration. The last two steps Practice and Evaluate involve the students in the

metacognitive processes used to regulate and oversee learning. The five steps of the

PORPE strategy operationalize the cognitive and metacognitive processes that

effective reader engage in to understand and subsequently learn content material.

Considering the problems above and the advantages of applying the

PORPE. Then, according to the problems encountered in students reading and the

strength of PORPE to overcome them, the writer put her interest on conducting a

research focusing on the effect of using PORPE. Also, as the experience the writer

had while the writer conducted a teaching practice in a senior high school shows

that many students still have difficulty to answer a question focusing on

interpreting a meaning from a text, the writer is eager to know the effect of using

PORPE toward senior high school students reading comprehensionin reading

report text. The research that is going to beconducted is entitled as The Effect of

Using PORPE Method on Students Reading Comprehension in Reading

Report Text of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in

Academic Year 2017/2018.


1.2. The Identification of the Problem

Problem related to reading and teaching are found from the explanation

above and the following statements are the identification of the problem, they are :

1. The first is most of students had a difficulty in comprehend reading a

passage. Most of students could read the passage well but they did not

understand the content of the text.

2. The second they lacked vocabulary and grammatical knowledge important to

comprehend the texts.

3. The third students also could not express their understanding of the texts

smoothly since their answers were often illegible, not to mention some of

their undisciplined habits during the classroom activities that eventually

made those problems worse.

4. The fourth problem is related to studentsmotivation in reading texts.

1.3. The Limitation of the Problem

To avoid misuderstnding in interpreting the problem, it is necessary for the

writer to make the limitation of the problem. The reason for the limitation is that

the technique can be a crucial case in teaching students reading comprehension.

Besides that, the researcher has also a limited time and a limited knowledge to

conduct a research study in the school. This study is focused and limited on the

developing of student reading comprehension in reading report texts of tenth grade

students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok. This study will examine and analyze how the

effective of using PORPE method on students reading comprehension in reading


report text of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in academic year


1.4. The Formulation of the Study

In the research, the writer plans to find out the effect of using PORPE

method in teaching reading comprehension in reading report text of students in the

level of senior high school. Thus, the writers would like to formulate the problem

as follow :

Does PORPE method significantly affect on students reading

comprehension in reading report text of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1

Bahorok in academic year 2017/2018 ?

1.5. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether PORPE

methodsignificantly affect on students reading comprehension in reading report

text of the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in academic year


1.6. The Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to be able to provide a needed and

usefulinformation of a teaching technique. The result of this study is expected to be

significant theoretically and practically for some people.

1. Theoretically

This study is expected to give a contribute on how to teach reading comprehension

and also finding out the alternative in teaching english. The result of this study will

inform others about the result of the students reading comprehension have been

taught by PORPE and can be useful for others who want to conduct research as the

same subject.

2. Practically

a. First, English teacher who develop a strategy and a method in teaching

reading. The result will give them information about method in teaching

reading, which can be an alternative solution they can use in the class.

b. Second for the students, the study is expected to give experience and new

challenges as an effort to develop their reading skills. The students can

practice this method in their reading activity in the class and it also give them

a possible opportunity to develop their reading skill through a different

technique and also to gain their awareness towards reading strategies.

c. To the principal of the school, the study serves as a consideration in

developing the strategy of teaching English reading.This researchs result is

able to provide them useful information of teaching English reading that can

be used to develop the quality of the institution especially in teaching English




2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the skills in language proficiency which is taught

formally in Indonesia from elementary school up to the university level. It is

important for the students to master reading comprehension as the requirements for

sharing information and enrich their knowledge.There are various definition of

reading from educators, psychologists, linguist and sociologists to have filled

volume with their definition of reading. While Wixson said that reading is the

process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among: (1) the

reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read;

and (3) the context of the reading situation3.

Reading skill is needed for study, work and daily life, through reading

people can gain more knowledge, skill and joy. Krishnamoorty states that reading

is one of the greatest pleasure, and reading also enchance many skills, for example

thinking skill, language ability, and power of imagination4. To do that, they do not

only interact with the text itself but also activate their background knowledge about

the text.

Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber, Citing the new definition of reading for Michigan,
2012, Available in http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/res/teach/def.html, accessed on 16 May
2017 at 11:55 a.m
Kela Krishnamoorty, how to inculcate the reading habit in your child, 2000, available in
http://www.thewonderfulworldofchildren.com/Article/html, accessed on 16 may 20017 at 12:15 p.m


Nuttal (2000:11) states that reading is an interactive process because the

reader and the writer depand on each other. It means that what the message from

the text that the readers get must be in line with the writers intention5.Membaca

sebagai suatu proses mental atau proses kognitif yang di dalamnya pembaca

diharapkan bisa mengikuti dan merespon terhadap pesan si penulis.

According to Brown (2004:189), reading is a process of a negotiation of a

meaning6. It means that readers combines information from text and their

background knowledge to build meaning. Readers have to employ all knowledge in

their brain to make sense of text and they pay attention to the text itself for the

words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and the connection between sentences to

comprehend the text.

Syafi'ie states in Samsu that reading is essentially a process of building

understanding of written text. This process occurs in a manner to match or connect

schemata of knowledge and experience have had previously with the information

content of the discourse so as to form an understanding of the discourse that is

read. Thus an understanding of the reading material depends not only on what is

contained in the passage, but also rely on previous knowledge possessed the

readers. With a process like this the reader is actively building their understanding

of reading.

Meanwhile, another author said that reading is a problemsolving proccess.

As a readers, we try to discover what the author means while, at the same time, we

build meaning for ourselves. We use our own language, our own thoughts, and our

Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skills in A Foreign Languange, (Oxford: Macmillan
Publishers, 2000) p. 11
H. D. Brown, Teaching by Principles, (England Cliffs New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 2007) p.

own view of the world to interept what the author has written. These interpretations

are limited by what we know7.

Regarding those definition above, it can be seen that learning to read is a

complex process because reading requires thinking. When the readers read to get

the meaning the printed selection, it is obviously needed a great number of

mechanical skills and comprehension skill as thinking process. Therefore, it can be

said that reading includes many aspect of skill. Those skill involves recalling,

drawing, finding, weaving, recognizing, identifiying and following which are

considered toward the readers in understanding the printed symbol as a mental

process. That is why the readers have to integrate their skill when reading text

because as a complex process, reading needs understanding the information in


Reading integrates visual and non visual information. During the act of

reading, the visual information found on the page combines with the nonvisual

information contained in your head to creat meaning. in that way, what is your

head is just as important as what is on the page in the process of creating meaning.

Reading is not an isolated process. Four language processes work together to

enchance development of each of the others; speaking, listening, reading and

writing. Listening and reading are the receptive processes (taking in information),

and speaking and writing are the productive processes (giving out information). We

might also include a fifth language process: thinking (language that takes place in

your mind).

Yetta M. Goodman and Carolyn Burke, Reading Strategies Focus on Comprehension,
(New York: Holt, 1980), p. 3.

Based on these opinions, it can be summarized that reading is an activity

which need use of eyes and mind together at the same time to get the information

of a reading object.

2.1.2 Reading Comprehension

The ensence of reading activity is comprehension. Comprehension skill are

strategies readers use to retrieve information and construct meaning8. They are the

thinking processes, broken down into steps, that are used to comprehend. Reading

comprehension is the process of understanding the message that the author tries to

convey. While reading the reader tries to understand the information from the text

they read. Therefore, there is no meaning if the readers just read without

comprehending and catching the information from it.

Reading comprehension is a complex construct that involves the interaction

of a number of psycholinguistic process9. Comprehension as construction, the fifth

and final interactive model that we examine, focus on how readers and authors

negotiate meaning through text. It goes far beyond the ability to state the main idea

of a text in one sentence, answer the questions details, define vocabulary,

accurately read the text aloud. It proposes that readers approach text assuming that

authors provide enough clues about text meaning to allow readers to reconstruct the

intended message.

The goal of reading comprehension instruction is to help students

understand written language. Students who comprehend well monitor their

Andrew P. Johnson, Teaching Reading and Writing a guidebook for tutoring and
remediating students, (United Kingdom : Littlefield Publishers Inc, 2008) p. 110
John S. Hedgcock and Dana R. Ferris, Teaching Readers of English (Students, Texts, and
Contexts), (New York: Routledge, 2009) p. 210

understanding as they read and use fix-up strategies, such as re-reading or

summarizing, when understanding breaks down. As peter state Reading

comprehension has been described as a complex intellectual process involving a

number of abilities.10 Readers must use informationalready acquired to filter,

interpret, organize, reflect upon and establishrelationships with the new incoming

information on the page. In order tounderstand text, a reader must be able to

identify words rapidly, know themeaning of almost all of the words and be able to

combine units of meaninginto a coherent message. Understanding of text results

from an interactionbetween word identification, prior knowledge and the effective

use of cognitivestrategies.

Students often do not comprehen the material that they are expected to read

in the school. Comprehension of informational text is particulary difficult. Among

the reasons that explain why middle and high school students experience

comprehension problems are (1) lack of motivstion and engagement, (2) text

difficulty, (3) insufficient or ineffective strategies instruction and use11.

Reading comprehension is an important aspect to develop students ability

to read with understanding. In sum, Reading comprehension is the reading activity

which more thorough to understand the meaning, find the message of the text and

reconstruct the idea of the reader. So, in reading process the reader or the students

should understand the meaning of language that is used in text in order to they can

comprehend to analyze and explain the content of the text by using their own


Peter Westwood, Reading and Learning Difficulties, ( Victoria: ACER Press, 2001 )p.10.
Susan Lenski and Jill Lewis, Reading Success for Struggling Adolescent Learners, ( New
York: the Guilford Press, 2008) p. 179

2.1.3 The Types of Reading Skills

Types of classroom reading performance are divided into two types, they

areoral and silent reading.Oral reading is not a very authentic activity because oral

reading can be just mere recitation and it is not true participation from students.

Silent reading is divided into two, intensive and extensive reading.

In intensive reading, the reader tries to absord all the information given by

the author for example reading desoge intruction for medicine. Intensive reading is

a classroom activity where students identify how languange is used. They put

attention toward semantic details such as grammatical forms, discourse markers,

other surface structure of a passage or text. Extensive reading; the reader deals with

longer text as a whole, which requires the ability to understand the components

parts and their contribution to the overall meaning. For example reading a

newspaper, article, short story or novel. The advantages of extensive reading are

not only for affective but also for cognitive skills. Students enjoy reading with their

own way. They can find something new such knowledge while they are reading the


On the other hand, one of the definitions of extensive reading is proposed

by day and Bamford in Harmer12. They note that extensive reading improves the

students comprehension skills and develop automatic recognition of words since

the more languange they acquire the better understanding they will get. Thus,

extensive silent reading is the best way to improve the students readingability.

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English: An introduction to the practice of English
language teaching,(Edinburg: Longman, 2001), p. 204

2.1.4 Reading Strategy

Strategies are defined as ways of reaching a certain goal. Reading

comprehension cannot be done instantly. There must be some strategies that are

used by the students to reach their comprehension in reading. The strategy that is

used by the students must be different from one another. It depends on which

strategy they fit in.Strategies are the tools for active, self-directed involvement that

is necessary for developing communicative ability. Strategies are not a single

event, but rather a creative sequence of events that learners actively use. Students

need to learn how to use a range of reading strategies that match their purposes for

reading. Teaching them how to do this should be a prime consideration in the

reading classroom. A good technique to sensitize students to the strategies they use

is to get them to verbalize (or talk about) their thought processes as they read.

Readers can listen to the verbal report of another reader who has just read the same

material, and it is often revealing to hear what other readers have done to get

meaning from a passage.

There are many experts offering strategies for reading comprehension. A

Teacher should consider the best technique to be applied for a particular task or

activity. Brown lists ten strategies for reading comprehension which relate ether to

the bottom-up approach or to the top-down approach. Those are13:

1. Identifying the purpose in reading

The purpose of reading is important in reading. The readers need to know

the aim of what they are reading before they read the passage. It is the same

H. D. Brown, Teaching by Principles, (England Cliffs New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 2007)
p. 158

as the students. Students have to know the purpose of the reading as it can

help them in comprehending the text.

2. Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up decoding

This strategy is mainly addressed to beginning learners. The learners are

introduced to some patterns of both in oral language and written language.

This will help them in understanding the text.

3. Using efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension

Silent reading is appropriate for intermediate and advanced students. This

strategy leads the students to try inferring meanings from context. It is also

best practices to make the students become efficient readers.

4. Skimming

Skimming is done by the students to grasp the information by reading the

text at glance. It is useful for the students as they can practice on prediction.

For example, they predict the aim of the text, the main idea, and even

supporting details.

5. Scanning

Like skimming, scanning is included in fast reading. In contrast, scanning

concerns only in finding certain information. The students find the

information they need without reading the whole text.

6. Guessing when the readers are not certain

This strategy is useful to encourage the students to be accurate guessers. In

guessing, the students try to guess the meaning of a word, a grammatical

relationship (for example pronoun references), a discourse relationship, a

cultural reference, content messages, and infer implied meaning.


7. Analyzing vocabulary

In analyzing the vocabulary, the students have to notice the prefixes,

suffixes, roots, grammatical contexts, and semantic contexts. Prefixes give

the clues to the meaning of a word. Suffixes indicate the part of speech the

word brings. Grammatical contexts give signals of information and

semantic contexts can be clues for the topic.

8. Distinguishing between literal and implied meaning

This strategy is closely related to the top-down processing skill. The

meanings are got not only from its literal but also from the surface


9. Capitalizing on discourse markers to process relationship

To relate among ideas, the students need to pay attention to the discourse

markers in the text. They have to notice on the phrases, clauses, and

sentences as those usually bring discourse markers.

Richards and Schmidt exemplify reading strategies to be used in each stage.

They suggest that readers should preview and set purposes for reading first before

reading, monitor comprehension and adjust their reading purposes while reading

then summarize and evaluate the text they read after they finish reading14.

Besides using strategies before, while, and after reading, Neufeld also states

that readers should be armed with the skills to raise and to answer the questions

they have asked in the attempt to comprehend the text15. These questionraising and

answering are integrated with each reading strategies. They provide reading

Jack C Richards, and Richard Schmidt, Longman, Dictionary of LanguageTeaching and
Applied Linguistics (3rd Ed.), ( London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 56
Paul Neufeld, Comprehension Instruction in Content Area Classes, International
Reading Association, 59, 4, 2005,p. 302.

purposes, i.e. to answer the questions raised, and drive the use of reading strategies,

given that different reading purposes employ different reading strategies.

In summary, a number of reading strategies help readers understand a text.

Those are some discussions about strategy in reading that can aid the learners in the

clssroom. Those strategies are intentionally developed in order to enhance the

reding comprehension of the learnes. However, it belong to the learners themselves

to determine and choose the effective and appropriate rding strategies for them.

The learners should also consider their own ability and need in practicing the

reading strategy.

2.1.5 Teaching Reading Strategy

Teaching reading comprehension is an activity in which theteacher guides

and facilitates learning, gives a chance for the learnersto learn and sets the

condition for learning16. Guidance is done by leading students to do activity in the

effort of getting knowledge. The activity itself can be done by giving them tasks.

Students need to learn how to use a range of reading strategies that match their

purposes for reading. Teaching them how to do this should be a prime

consideration in the reading classroom. A good technique to sensitize students to

the strategies they use is to get them to verbalize (or talk about) their thought

processes as they read. Readers can listen to the verbal report of another reader

who has just read the same material, and it is often revealing to hear what other

readers have done to get meaning from a passage.

H. D. Brown, Teaching by Principles, (England Cliffs New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 2007)
p. 7

It is mentioned that teaching reading is not as simple as it might be. While

Teaching English as a foreign language to students, one thing that a teacher should

remember that a common problem of students difficulties in learning a foreign

language is that they easily forget about the material. As a consequences, according

to Holesinska in her thesis, giving enough opportunity and a time to repeat through

a variety of exercises and activities to students to develop English skill must be

conducted by teachers. Moreover, she also states that teaching method and

technique that help students to use their language skills repeatedly are to be applied

to support the activity in the class.

2.1.6 PORPE

PORPE is a study strategy which operationalizes the cognitive and

metacognitive processes that effective readers engage in to understand material17.

When students employ the steps of PORPE while they read and study, they called

effective readers who are encoding information and regulating their own

learning. By using PORPE strategy, students are expected to be an effective readers

who clarify the purpose of reading, identify the important aspect of message, focus

attention on the major content, monitor ongoing activities, engage in self-

questioning to determine whether goals are being achieved, and take corrective

action in understanding.

PORPE method is a method of reading used to enhance metacognitive

skills. Predict is predicting, preparing the prediction of reading will be read.

L. Baker and A. I. Brown, Metacognitive skills and Reading, In PD. Pearson (Ed),
Handbook of Reading and Research, (New York; Longman, 1984), p.353

Organize an organized, reorder questions made that clear systematics. Rehearse be

an exercise, which began reading the discourse dengen skiming and scanning

techniques. Practice is practice, which validates the results of its activities through

write essays based framework of questions. Evaluate is evaluated, namely

rechecking questions, predictions, and a framework of questions prepared and

check the results of the essay.

PORPE is a study strategy that can be used in any content area course that

uses the essay exam to measure learning or any test format that encourages higher

levels of thinking such as synthesis, application, and evaluation18.The five steps of

PORPE operationalize the cognitive and metacognitive processes that effective readers

engage in to understand and subsequently learn content area material.

With the first step, Predict, students generate higher level essay questions

that cover the content to be mastered and call for organized essay responses. By

posing several general or higher order essay questions that ask for a synthesis and

discussion, a comparison and contrast, or an evaluation of the key concepts from a

unit of study, students are stimulated to process the text in a more active or

elaborative manner as they read and study.

The second step of PORPE, Organize, involves students in constructing the

information that will answer the self-predicted essay questions. In constructing,

students build internal connections among ideas so that information becomes

reorganized into a coherent structure. For each predicted essay question, students

outline their answers in their own words or formalize them in a map or chart.

Michele L. Simpson, PORPE: A Strategy for Learning on the Content Areas, University
of Georgia; 1986, Journal of Reading, p.1

The third step of PORPE, Rehearse, engages students in the active recitation

and self-testing of the key ideas recorded in their maps, charts, or outlines. In a

sense, students are verbally answering their self-predicted essay questions so that

the key ideas can become transferred to working memory.

The fourth step of PORPE, Practice, is the validation step of learning because

students must write from recall the answers to their self-predicted essay questions

in some public and observable form. This process of writing can lead students from

passive and literal-minded responses to higher levels of thinking and reasoning

such as analysis and synthesis.

The final step of PORPE, Evaluate, requires students to use their writing in

order to validate whether they have created a meaningful text that demonstrates

their understanding of the key ideas and to evaluate their text as another reader,

such as the content area teacher, might. To facilitate this monitoring and

evaluating, students are given a checklist that guides them in determining the

completeness, accuracy, and appropriateness of their written product in terms of the

original task, the self-predicted essay question. Hence, the students essays written

in step four, Practice, provide them a specific and immediate feedback and

reinforcement to their own learning and understanding.

2.1.7 Teaching Reading Using PORPE

To be effective, any strategy training must occur over time and across many

different content areas. If teachers want their students to independently employ a

strategy such as PORPE, they will need to incorporate into their lessons the time to

provide intensive direct instruction characterized by examples, teacher modeling,

guided practice, and specific written and oral feedback.

There are five steps that are applied in teaching PORPE strategy. The five

steps are predict, organize, rehearse, practice, and evaluate19.

a. Predict

In predict step, students use word such as: discuss, explain, criticize,

compare, and contrast. Students also need to generate chapter summaries, chapter

questions, boldface headings and the chapter organization, lecture and discussion

ideas, especially when they overlap with the chapters being studied, and study

guides or hints by the teacher.

b. Organize

The second step of PORPE, Organize, involves students in constructing the

information that will answer the self-predicted essay questions. In constructing,

students build internal connections among ideas so that information becomes

reorganized into a coherent structure. For each predicted essay question, students

organize their answers in their own words or formalize them in a map or chart.

c. Rehearse

The third step of PORPE, Rehearse, engages students in the active recitation

and self-testing of the key ideas recorded in their maps or charts. In a sense, students

are verbally answering their self-predicted essay questions so that the key ideas can

become transferred to working memory.

d. Practice

M. L. Simpson and C. G. Hayes, An Initial Validation of a Study Strategy System.
Journal of Reading Behaviour, 1988, p.20, Available at: http://jlr.sagepub.com(Accessed at 10th
Maret 2017)

The fourth step of PORPE, Practice, involves students in creating from

memory their own text which answers their self-predicted essay question. This Practice

step is an integrative encoding process in that during the act of writing students are

building connections between their existing knowledge and schemata and the key ideas

from the passage.

e. Evaluate

The final step of PORPE, Evaluate, requires students to use their writing in

order to validate whether they have created a meaningful text which demonstrates

their understanding of the content and to evaluate their text as another reader

might. To facilitate this monitoring and evaluating, students are provided a

checklist and are asked to read their essays with these six questions in mind: (a)

Did I answer the question directly? (b) Did my essay have an introductory sentence

which restated the essay question or took a position on the question? (c) Was my

essay organized with major points or ideas which were made obvious to the reader?

(d) Did my essay include relevant details or examples to prove and clarify each

point? (e) Did I use transitions to cue the reader? (f) Did my essay make sense and

show my knowledge of the content?

2.1.8 The Advantage and Disadvantage of PORPE

PORPE has many advantages for the student and content area teacher. Most

importantly, it is a strategy that can begin as teacher directed and initiated and then,

when appropriate, be gradually phased from teacher to student control.


The research conducted on PORPE suggests several other advantages for content

area learning. These four advantages are discussed below20:

1. PORPE can stimulate students to synthesize, analyze, and think about key

concepts. The students trained in PORPE who participated in the two

research studies cited wrote essays significantly better in content,

organization, and cohesion than the control groups essays.

2. PORPE can help students prepare for multiple-choice exams, especially

when the questions ask them to draw conclusions and apply information to

new contexts.

3. PORPE can have a durable and long-term impact upon student learning. In

studies cited the students trained in PORPE scored significantly better than

the control group on the unannounced exam that occurred two weeks after

the initial exam. This condition held for both the multiple-choice and essay


4. PORPE is especially useful for high-risk students.

PORPE is a study strategy that can be incorporated into teachers

instructional routines without jeopardizing the time reserved for teaching

content area concepts. PORPE, however, is not a panacea for all tasks,

texts, and students. Middle school and secondary students need a repertoire

of strategies in order to become successful independent learners.

Beside having advantages, PORPE method provides some weaknesses. The

disadvantage of PORPE method are: PORPE, however, is not a panacea for all

Michele L. Simpson, PORPE: A Strategy for Learning on the Content Areas, University
of Georgia; 1986, Journal of Reading, p.7

tasks, texts, and students. Middle school and secondary students need a repertoire

of strategies in order to become successful independent learners.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Reading is one of the important skills which improve students general

language skill in English. Reading is a process to get the information of text that

the writers share their mind to the readers. Reading is very important for study

purposes, careers, or simply for pleasure. By reading, we can get much information

and pleasure. The knowledge or information that they got from reading can be used

for communicating or sharing their idea with other students through giving opinion

or idea. The interaction among students during reading section will set up the class

more active and alive.

Talking about reading, many research results showed that the ability

ofIndonesian students to read English text was very low. It can be seen that some

ofstudents still have difficulties in comprehend the text. There are some problems

that students face in reading comprehension. The first is from most of students had

a difficulty in comprehend reading a passage. The second problem is they also

could not express their understanding of the texts. The third problem is related to

studentsmotivation in reading texts. It is seen from the process of teaching

reading. Students tended to be noisy without paying attention to thye teacher and

materials. They liked chatting and playing with their friends while the teacher

taught them.

The writer thought that those definitions have close connection to one

another. It can be supported from some theories stated in this chapter by linguists.

One of the writers purposes in conducting this study is to help students solving

their problem in reading comprehension in reading report text. Therefore, to get the

students want to read and comprehend the text, the teachers need the appropriate

method and technique which encourage students reading skill.

Apart from that, the PORPE method motivate the students in reading text.

PORPE method is suitable as a strategy in reading report text. Based onthe

explanation above, the writer thought that PORPE method as an alternative reading

comprehension is effective towards students reading comprehension in reading

report text.

2.3 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a temporary answer or a conclusion of the research. As

creswell said Hypotheses are statements in quantitative research in which the

investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcome of a relationship

among attributes or characteristics21.The writer formulates the hypothesis of this

study as below:

Ha :PORPE Method significantly affectStudents Reading Comprehension in

Reading Report Text of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1

Bahorok in Academic Year 2017/2018.

H0 : PORPE Method Does not significantly affectStudents Reading

Comprehension in Reading Report Text of the Tenth Grade Students of

SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in Academic Year 2017/2018

John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Forth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc, 2002)p. 111



3.1 The Place and Time of the Study

3.1.1 The Place of the Study

This study will be conducted at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1

Bahorok. It located at Jln. Berdikari No. 114, Pekan Bahorok, Bahorok, Langkat.

The reason why the writer chose this school is that the writer looked at this school

has different level discipline in each students self, and also the location of this

school is strategy. It is also be accessible in term of efficiency of time and material.

3.1.2 The Time of the Study

The writer plan her study will be held in Agust 2017 at the first semester in

academic year 2017/2018. The writer will conduct the study about one month in

the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok.The following is the schedule

of the study that the writer plan.

Table 3.1

Time table of research

No. Activity
Maret April May June July Agust Sept Oct
1. Observation
2. Writing proposal
Taking seminar
4. Collecting data
5. Thesis completion
6. Green table exam


3.2 Research Design

The design of the research use experiment design. It concerned primarily

with discovering the effectiveness between or among interrelationship of two

variables at the same time.The writer use quasi experimental design of this study

to see the effect of PORPE Method on students reading comprehension in reading

report text. This is a quantitative research based on computation and measurement,

operational variables and statistics.As creswell said experiment is used to establish

possible cause and effect between independent and dependent variables22. This

means that attempt to control all variables that influence the outcome except for the

independent variable.

In experiment design there are two groups, the experimental and the control

group. The experimental and control group are consisting of tenth grade students of

SMANegeri 1 Bahorok. Both of them are taught the same materials based on the

curriculum and in the same month. An experimental group received a new

treatment while control group received a usual treatment.

The procedure of experiment design included pre-test, treatment and post test.

Tosee the effectiveness of PORPE method by looking pre-test, and post-test

measurement and comparing the gained scores between both classes. Firstly, both

of groups are given a pre-test. Then the different treatments are applied to the two

groups; the experimental group is treated through PORPE method and the control

group is taught by using conventiaonal method in reading narrative text.

John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Forth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc, 2002) p.295

Finally, after they got treatment, the experimental group and the control group

received a post-test. The design of experiment that will be used is23:

Table 3.2
The Research Design
Group Pre Test Treatment Post Test

Experimental Group PORPE

Control Group Conventional

3.3 The Population and Sample of the Study

3.3.1 Population

Population is collective one used to describe the quantity and type of cases

in the study, whether they are events, objects, or people24. The population of this

study is tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok. It is consist of seven classes and

each class consists of 31 students. The total Population in this study there are 217

students of tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in academic year


3.3.2 Sample

Within this target population, researchers then select a sample for study. A

sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study for

C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, (New Delhi: New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004) p. 42
Leonard Cargan, Doing Social Research, (Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
2007), p.236

generalizingabout the target population25. In an ideal situation, the writer can select

a sample of individualswho are representative of the entire population. The writer

used the purposive cluster mapping. The sample of this research is taken from

seven classes of tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok in academic year

of 2017/2018. The samples are divided into two groups. The first group is X-B as

the experimental group consist of 31 students and they will be taught by using

PORPE method. The second one X-E as the control group consist of 31 students

and they will be taught by using conventional. The total sample is 62 students.

3.4 The Variables of the Study

All experiments have one fundamental idea behind them; to test the effect

of one or more independent variables on a dependent variable, it is possible to have

more than one dependent variable in experiments. If one variable depends upon or

is a consequence of the other variable, it is termed as a dependent variable, and the

variable that is antecedent to the dependent variable is termed as an independent


Concerning the research aims, the questions, and the hypotheses

addressed in this research, the variables of this study are:

3.4.1 Independent Variable

Independent variables that are not related to the purpose of the study, but

may affect the dependent variable are termed as extraneous variables 26. In this

John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Forth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc, 2002) p.142
C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, (New Delhi: New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004)p. 34

experiment, the independent variable is using PORPE method in teaching reading

comprehension of report text.

3.4.2 Dependent Variable

The variable that depends upon or is a consequence of the other variable, it

is termed as a dependent variable27. In this study the dependent variable of this

study is the studentsreading comprehension in reading test score in report text.

3.5 The Instrument of the Study

Measurement is a relatively complex and demanding task, specially so

when it concerns quantitative or real phenomena. By measurement the writers

mean the process of assigning numbers to objects or observations, the level of

measurement being a function of the rules under which the numbers are assigned.

Instrument for collecting data is absolutely important. The accuracy of the

result of research is mostly dependent on how accurate the use of instrument.

Before research carried out, the instrument for the data collection should be well

prepared.Arikunto added test is a set of questions that is used to measure the

skills, knowledge, intelligence, and the talent of an individual or a group28. Test as

the instrument of the study. The test of the instrument in this study that is used by

the writer are pre-test and post-test. The writer do the pre-test when the writer for

the first time enter the class. It is aim to know the students reading comprehension

before treatment. The writer do the post-test after do the treatment. The posttest is

C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, (New Delhi: New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004)p. 34
Arikunto Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta: PT.
Rineka Cipta, 2006)p. 150

aimed to obtain the data of the students reading comprehension after

conductingPORPE method in experimental class and without PORPE method in

the control class.

The instrument uses in this research is a multiple choices items test. The

writer uses the multiple choices items in chosen forms of a, b, c, d and the total

number were 20 questions. The writer has determined the score of each correct

number by using the following formula:

Score = 100

3.6 Validity of the Test

Heaton states that validity is the extent to which it measures what is

supposed to measure and nothing else29. A good test has to be valid. Validity refers

to the precise measurements of the test. In this study, the Pearson Product Moment

formula is used to measurethe validity of the test. The result is consulted to critical

score for r-product moment. If the obtaine coefficient of correlation is higher than

the critical score for rproduct moment, it means that the test is valid at 5% alpha

level significance.The formula is as follows:

( )( )
{ 2 ( 2 )} { 2 ( 2 )}

Where :

= validity of eachitem. N = number of the students

X = score of number of questions Y = score of students

J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman, 1975), p. 153.

3.7 Reliability of the test

The test of reliability is another important test of sound measurement. A

measuring instrument is reliable if it provides consistent results. Reliable

measuring instrument does contribute to validity, but a reliable instrument need not

be a valid instrument. Heaton said that reliability is a necessary characteristic of

any good test; for it to be valid at all, a test must first be reliable as a measuring


Reliability of the test shows the stability or consistency of the test scores

when the test is used. Before conducting the study, the writer has checked the

reliability of the test that will be given to the students. This is done to make sure

whether the test is reliable or not. A test may be reliable, even though it is not

valid. A valid test is always reliable. In short, in order to be reliable a test must be

consistent in itsmeasurement.

In this study, the Alpha formula is used to measure the reliability of the test,

the writer uses the formula as follows:

11 = ( ) (1 )
(1) 2

Where :

11 = Reliabilitas of instrument

K = Number of the test items

2 = Total of varians item

2 = Varians total

J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman, 1975), p. 155.

3.8 Analysis Data

After getting the data from pretest and posttest, the writer should determine

the means score of the two groups. Finally, the two means are compared by

applying t-testformula. The writer analyzes it by using t-test. The formulate as


1 2
to = 1 1
1 2

t = t-value

s = standard deviation of both groups

X1 = mean of experimental group

n1 = students amount of experimental group

X2 = mean of control group

n2 = students amount of control group

Where before counting the t-test, standard deviation should be computed.

The formulate to compute standard deviation as follows:

(1 1) 12 + (2 1)22
1 + 2 2

s = standard deviation of both groups

n1 = students amount of experimental group

s1= standard deviation of experimental group

n2 = students amount of control group

s2 = standard deviation of control group


If the obtained score was higher than t-table score by using 5%alpha of

significance, Ho is rejected. It means that Ha is accepted: There is a significant

difference in speaking ability between theexperimental and control group.



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