Isi Bab 1-3
Isi Bab 1-3
Isi Bab 1-3
Reading is one of those skills which is actually not easy as people think. Moreover, in
this new era reading activity is needed because there is much information that must be shared.
By knowing much information, we will able to cover the news all over the world which is spread
Reading is most important language skill for academic achievement beside writing,
listening and speaking. To practice in reading, people can read a text. Collier stated that
successful reading performance is the strong predictor of students’ academic performance in the
Reading is an essential skill for all levels. This is in fact the main goal of learning at
understands what he reads, he has already acquired some knowledge. The knowledge is later
expanded by reading another text. Students learn to read and learn better by reading. students can
read whatever according to their interest. It is difficult for students who are very lazy or seldom
to read, absolutely they are hard to achieve the goal of their study.
fact the main goal of learning at school or at university. Reading is central to the learning
process. By reading activity, people may gain important information that is not presented by
Collier. 1990. How long? A synthesis on echievement in second language: TESOL QUARTELY.1990,
A text is a passage of discourse which coherent in these two regards. It is coherent with
respect to the context of situation and therefore consistent in register, and it is coherent with
respect to itself, and therefore cohesive. For a text to be coherent, it must be cohesive, but it must
be more besides. It means that text is discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is
Exposition text provides information or invites and explains to the reader how and why
an existing phenomenon around can occur. Exposition text is usually presented in a personal and
In foreign language learning, reading is likewise a skill that teacher simply expert learner
to acquire.2 Reading is way to get information delivered verbally and it is the result of the
opinions, ideas, theories and research expert to be known and knowledge of learners. To
understand what we reading, it is influenced by many factors such as, mastering vocabulary,
To make the students able to read effectively and efficiently, the teachers should
implement the good method of teaching English, especially in reading. We know that teachers
In reality, most teachers reading skill with conventional method, they just asked the
students to read the text and answer the questions from the text. This teaching method makes the
condition of the class boring. So, the teacher needs to make the students to be more active in
comprehending the text. Many students had difficulties to understand the text well. So many
Douglass Brown. 2000. Language assessment principle and classroom practice. United states of
America:longman, P. 306-311.
students are hard to get the idea or meaning of the text. They were unable to comprehend the text
and had less vocabulary to support them in comprehending the text. As the result, the students
were unable to answer the questions at the end of the chapter. Therefore, they had low score in
The method of teaching English is needed in order to improve the students’ skills
especially in reading skill. So, the teacher of English should select the suitable method in
teaching learning process. Therefore, to make the teaching learning process intresting and reach
the purpose of the teaching learning process, the teacher needs a special method. The purpose of
using special method are to make the students easy to learn, understand the lesson, and also make
the teaching learning process more effective and make the students more active.
For junior high school students, they have to able to comprehend an analytical expository
text. The next problem the students can not comprehend the text well. Infact, the aim of standars
competence which is stated in curriculum is not successful yet. Therefore, reading skill should be
taught seriously in the classroom in order to make the students understand the text and they can
Dealing with the problems above, the writer is interested to find the ways on how to
overcome these problems.,There are many method to interact and improve the achievement of
student’s in reading. One of them is Neurological Impress Method (NIM). This method can build
reading rate and fluency. The neurological impress method involves the teacher and the student
reading aloud simultaneously from the same book. The teacher reads slightly faster than the
student to keep the reading fluent. The teacher usually sits next to the student and focuses his or
The Neurological Impress Method (NIM) attempts to teach reading skills by having the
pupil and the teacher read aloud in unison. The method is describe in precise detail by
Heckelman (1966). However, little research has been conducted regarding the NIM, and none
The Neurological Impress Method is the activity that be used in a clinical setting with
adults and children working together as partners. The partners sat side by side, and the adult
spoke clearly into an ear of the student while they read aloud together a text at the child’s
instructional reading level. Reading was developed by Eldredge (1988) to use in classroom
settings with students working together as partners. Texts were chosen based on the interests of
both students and were at any reading level, as long as the lead reader was able to decode the
text. This type of student pairing enabled an entire class to engage in oral reading
simultaneously, as the teacher monitored the whole class, helping keep students on task.
One of the appropriate and comprehensive strategies for teaching reading is Neurological
impress method. The Neurological impress method involves the teacher and the student reading
aloud simultaneously from the same book. The teacher reading slightly faster than the student to
keep the reading fluent. The teacher usually sits next to the student and focuses his or her voice
near the ear of the student. By using Neurological Impress Method, the writer tries to makes
students reading easily, because the students follow what the teacher reads.
This one of the main reasons why the researcher is very much interested to conduct a
study by using Neurological Impress Method to improve students’ reading . The reason is
because Neurological Impress Method helps the students to distribute their participation orderly.
The researcher is expecting that Neurological Impress Method can help students to make them
The advantages of using Neurological Impress Method to help students reading fluently
and students not shy for reading in front of their friends. Because the Neurological Impress
Based on the things mentioned above, the researcher tried to make reading activities more
effective for students in learning English by determining the techniques which are appropriate
and effective to teach reading. The researcher tried to use Neurological Impress Method in
teaching reading. Therefore, the researcher would implement Neurological Impress Method in
order to improve the students reading skills, as an effort to make the students able to use English
to communicate. The Researcher hopes from the Neurological Impress Method, students can
Based on explanation above, researcher will conduct the mini research with the tittle “
Based on the background of study above, the problems that can be identified are:
UIN-SU Medan”
1. How is the students’ ability in reading expository text before using Neurological Impress
Method (NIM)?
2. How is the implementation of Neurological Impress Method in teach reading expository
3. How Can the students comprehend in reading Expository text by implementing
Neurological Impress Method?
1. For the principal of MA Lab UIN-SU Medan: this result is used as the basic
information to improve the ability on reading comprehension of students.
2. For the teacher: It can be applied by teacher to increase students’ ability in reading
comprehension especially on Hortatory exposition text.
3. For students: It is expected to give them motivation in English learning in order to be
easier to comprehend reading text on Hortatory exposition text by using neurological
impress method.
4. For other researcher: It can be compared for other researchers who want to do further
research on the same subject and solve this problem.
To conduct a research, theories are needed to explain some concept and terms applied in
research concerned. The term must be classified to avoid confusion. Therefore, the clarification
of the concepts will minimize possible misunderstanding between the writer and the readers. In
order words, they are very important to be explained, so that the readers will get the points
Reading is one of the language skills that the students have to learn. The goal of teaching
reading is make them cope and different text, and prepare them to have asses to the text written
in English when they continue their study to higher education. It will discuss the objective of
Robert Rude stated that, Reading is not just saying the words; reading must be always be
a meaning getting process. Many children can read the words in a passage perfectly, but are
unable to answer questions that all for making inferences for identifying the main ideas.4
active process of thinking. It is a thinking process that sets two people in action together-an
Robert Rude, et.el, How To Teach Reading, ( Entwisle: the worit of reading, 1971), P.20.
author and a reader.5 To read is to develop relationship between ideas. They also explain that
what you bring to the reading of a selection is as important to your understanding of it as what
the author has put into it. Reading is an active process in which people attempt to extract idea,
concept, or image from the pattern words set forth on the printed page.6
Reading is also one of four basic skills of English language learning, reading has much
contribution to the students for improving their English as well as enriching their experiences
The worlds in discourse are often used to describe both what the beginners do when they
engage influent reading. Through reading a reader obtains a lot of meaningful information or
many things. As the same thing, we know that Allah SWT said in Holy Qur’an reveals in Surah
Meaning :
Dorothy Grant Hennings, Reading With Meaning, Strategies For Collage Reading, 4 th ed, (New Jersey:
prentice-hall, 1990), p. 2.
Callahan F and L.H. Clark, Teaching in the Middle and secondary school. Planning for competence.
(USA: Mc Millan, 1982), P.60.
So, from the verse that, we know that human ability can be influenced by reading. In the
other words, students do not only read the text, but also understand the information from the
reading text. In reading, students are expected to be knowledgeable information from the text.
And then based on the verse above it is clear that we as Muslim are encourage to read.
That is because the reading will certainly add to our knowledge even with the reading we will
find out the truth. In addition, the word, “IQRA” in the verse above is repeated twice. It means
that reading will be impossible to penetrate into the soul, but is has to be repeated and
accustomed. So Allah’s repeated order has the same meaning with the reading. It also comes
In buya Hamka’s Exegesis was explained that the first command from Allah SWT to
prophet Muhammad SAW was reading. Jibril came to prophet Muhammad to deliver these
verses. Jibril said “iqra” but prophet muahmmad said that he could not read, but jibril said “iqra”
too. Finally prophet Muhammad could read. Since that when jibril delivered the verses of al-
qur’an, prophet Muhammad just followed jibril’s reading and memorized them in order to share
From the explanation above, the researcher made conclusion that reading is very
important to us because with reading we can get knowledge and can develop our ability through
the knowledge which is gotten. We also can share the knowledge to other people.
Buya Hamka, tafsir al-azhar, (Jakarta: pustaka panjimas, 2000), pP. 99-100
In reading comprehension involve the genre. Genre is kind of type the text. The kind of
genre are narrative, descriptive, recount, report, news items, procedure, analytical exposition, etc.
exposition text is a text that exposes the author's idea of the surrounding phenomenon. The goal
is to get the reader concerned about what is being discussed and give their attention to the issue
Like all languages, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by
the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally
and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and
1) Intensive reading
According Patel and Jain, intensive reading is related to further process in language
learning under the teacher’s guidance. Intensive reading will provide a basis for
idioms. 11
Intensive reading can be increasing learners’ knowledge of language feature
and their control of reading strategies. This activity is likely more emphasize the accuracy
activity involving reading for detail. It is use to gaining a deep understanding of a text,
9 reading process, accessed on march 2015
Jeremy Harmer, (2007), How to Teach English, Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Education, p. 99.
M. F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, (2008), English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools,
Strategies), Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors, p. 117.
the teacher uses the first language to explain the meaning of the text, sentence by
sentence. The use of translation is to analyze feature of language that they learnt, and to
2) Extensive reading
understanding of they are reading.13 According Paten and Praveen the purpose of
extensive reading is to ask the students to read directly and fluently in target language for
enjoyment, without aid of teacher. It means that extensive reading does not need
teacher’s guidance. So, the teacher can be only a facilitator to care for them whether or
not they understand. Extensive reading is always done for the comprehension, not for
specific details.
Extensive reading can be source of enjoyment and a way of gaining knowledge of the
world. Extensive reading is focused on the story not on items to learn. So it can be said
that the aim of extensive reading is to read pleasure and get the general idea of the story
or texts.
Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own
back ground knowledge to build meaning. The goal of reading is comprehension. Reading
I. S. P. Nation, (2009), Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, New York: Routledge, p.25
H. Douglas Brown, (2001), Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, New York: Wesley Longman Inc., p. 313.
2R.Rjrhordan. 1997. English for academic purpose.united kingdom.cambridge university.P.143
which can be starting point for other consideration. When students read , it is a purpose. The
purpose are:
To seek evidence for their own point of view or quote all og which may be need for
Reading is not just a task for infant that once mastered, can be taken for generated. It is
an art which need contains development and practice. When we begin to read, we actually
have a number of initial decisions to make, and we usually make these decisions very quickly
almost unconsciously in most cases. Only by keeping the purpose of reading very much in
prevent of mind. We will find the main of paragraph and the meaning of the text. The readers
must focus on text and the readers will think how to get the meaning of that.15
There was a natural reaction to all this methodology seeing the particular difficulties that
students bring own intelligence to bear. Someone is very quickly to understand the point and
techniques of reading and even those who is slower reveal intelligence at work. Other
researcher said that, the main of instruction in beginning reading is to make the child as an
independent reader. It will appropriate to help his reading and give positive effect, the object
he wants to obtain, such as the information on the main idea from whole material. In order
15 07 januari 2012
multiple reading sources from different parts of long and complex text or from a prose text
Each purpose for reading is explained further in the upcoming section, there are:
Reading to search for simple information is a common reading ability, though some
person need to learn is usually carried out at reading rate somewhat slower than
general reading comprehension ( primary due to pre reading and reflections to help
remember information).
The nation of general reading has been intentionally saved for last in this discussion
for two reasons. First, it is most basic purpose for reading, underlying and supporting
most other purposes for reading. Second, general reading is actually more complex
are reading. To comprehend the text, the reader needs a lot of effort because every people
have different background knowledge. There are some people would have a broader
background knowledge while some others do not. It makes people have to glide over the
meaning from a given written text. Reading comprehension is not a static competency, it
varies according o the purposes for reading and the text that is involved.17 It means that
reading becomes an evolving interaction between the text and the background knowledge
of the reader. This is accomplished through use of strategies, both cognitive and meta-
active process of comprehending; the skill, knowledge base, and motivation of the
comprehender; and the difficulty and characteristic of the text that is read, listened to, or
William Grabe and F.L Stoller. 2002. Teaching and researching reading. Britian: first
published.P. 11.
Kristin Lems, Leah D.Miller, and Tenena M.Soro. (2010), Teaching Reading to
English Language Learners, New York: The Guildford Press, p. 170
watched.”18 It can be said that in comprehending the text, readers need some skill,
strategies, and aptitude towards constructing the meaning from the text.
Reading comprehension is dependent on three factors. The first factor is that the
reader has command of the linguistic structures of the text. The second factor is that the
reader is able to exercise meta-cognitive control over the content being read. This means
that the reader is able to monitor and reflect on his or her own level of understanding
while reading the material. The third and most important criterion influencing
comprehension is that the reader has adequate background in the content and vocabulary
being presented. It means that a good readers should make connections between
Those are some statements that assume reading comprehension. In other words,
reading comprehension is a complex activity that includes many purposes such as reading
to get the specific information and general idea of the text. Moreover, the reader has to
read a lot and train his ability to get the idea of the text. In addition, reading without
explanation of) an issue, subject, method, or idea. Hortatory exposition is a text which
represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way.
JoAnne S Caldwell, (2008), Comprehension Assessment, New York: The Guilford
Press, p. 4.
Exposition text is a type of spoken or written text that s intended to explain the listeners or
readers that something or should not happen or be done19. According to Siahaan and
shinoda, hortatory exposition text is a text functioning to persuade the readers that they
should do something for the benefit of others20. Exposition means descriptive of explanatory.
In exposition text, the students learn how to share opinions, ideas or arguments in form of
writing. The students are required to have the sufficient knowledge to support their idea
about the given topic. This condition encourages the students to be able to develop or
elaborate their argument in order to strengthen their explanation. It also motivates them to
think more critically about the issues that arise in their daily life.
Exposition text is used giving information, making explanation and interpreting meaning.
Purpose of exposition text may be used to explain a process, that is, to tell how something
is made. To explain a process well, the essential steps must be stated and clearly in logical
sequence-first things first, second thing second, and so on, going from the simple to the most
complex. Something, the most familiar is the process is the most difficult to explain,
Rafika dewi,dkk. 2013. Reading. Medan: unimed press. P.108
sanggam siahaan and kisno shinoda. P.101
Every text has specific structures that differentiate one to others. Exposition text
a. Thesis
Thesis is the announcement of the issue of concern. The thesis is the followed by
the argument stage. With texts produced by early writers, this may comprise only
one point and elaboration. In many cases, this is contained on the one sentence.
b. Arguments
stage becomes more complex. The points may increase in number, along with the
degree of detail in the elaboration. The ordering of the points or the logic is of
c. Recommendation
c. A exposition text uses of material process and using simple present tense. It
d. Connectives are used in arguing to maintain logical relations and to link points.
secondly,…finally, etc.
THESIS : A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without
having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that
they don’t have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe
that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose
ARGUMENT 1 : The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to
school is for your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are
looking for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day
long. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty.
All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you
ARGUMENT 2 : Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food
for to do well in your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function
as good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try
to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have
a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat
because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big
meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast
because you have spent the entire previous night without food.
ARGUMENT 3: The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can
avoid diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are
going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because
you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day.
important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences for
your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up
earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is
time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better
The Neurological Impress Method The neurological impress method (NIM) may
well be an ideal way to address many of the needs of the disabled middle school reader..
Its origins lie in research by speech therapists who fed the voice of a stutterer back into
Neurological Impress Method (NIM) is a strategy used for students who are
struggling with fluency. According to Jennings, Caldwell, & Lerner, 2010, “students learn
by emulating a fluent reading model.” When using the NIM strategy, one student is
paired up with the teacher. The teacher and student read together at the student’s
independent reading level. Teachers can also use material that the student has read before.
The teacher should make sure the book is of high interest of the student so they will be
When first starting out with this strategy, the teacher should read a little louder and
faster than the student. Once the student seems to be gaining their confidence and fluency
is improving, the teacher can start to read quieter and a little behind the student.
approach. Its goal is to bring about changes in the functional systems of the brain which
may have suffered due to lack of development, or are operationally impaired. Intact or
functional areas of the brain are called into use by passing those areas interfering with the
learning task. He feels that the NIM also allows the attention of the child to be focused in
a manner not found in many other remedial reading methods. He states that "As the
unison reading proceeds, there is an additional screening out process whereby extraneous
stimuli are prevented from interfering with the reading, while at the same time a
improving the attitudes and self-confidence of remedial readers, which can be a major
victory with middle school struggling readers21. Bedsworth (1991) comments in her
observations of using NIM with her middle schoolers that she, parents, and other teachers
noticed major changes in attitudes and reading behaviors of these students. She suggests
one reason that the NIM works is that it offers a non-threatening reading experience that
gives the same freedom from failure as "lap reading" does for preschooler22. Strong and-
Traynelis-Yurek (1990) found that the neurological impress method improved the self-
confidence, comprehension, oral reading fluency, and attitude of remedial readers. They
stated that their subjects were reading more pages per session with increased fluency
regardless of the source of their reading problems. Henk, Helfeldt and Platt (1986) state
that "Many students report enjoying the NIM because it allows them to deal with more
challenging and interesting material in a way that resembles the pace and sound of mature
reading" (p.205).
Heckelman (1986) points out that the close physical, one-on-one relationship
hypnotic in effect, which may serve to diminish emotional feelings in the right
Heckelman, R. G. (1966). Using the neurological impress remedial
Bedsworth, B. (1991). The neuroloical impress method with middle.
hemisphere by reduction of stress. Clearly the use of the neurological impress method is
indicated for any middle school reader who struggles with fluency, and may well be the
answer to the oppositon and poor attitudes that teachers of these students so often
teacher” (Lerner & Johns, 412). Heckelman (cited in Flood, Lapp & Fisher, 2005) adds
that NIM is “an impress, an etching in of word memories on the natural processes” (148).
Together, the teacher and student read a passage in the book. The teacher points to the
words and reads aloud with the student. The teacher’s voice may be louder and faster
than the student’s voice, but the goal is to create confidence in a reader’s ability to read.
With this method, the teacher becomes a role model of what a good reader should sound
like and lets the child enjoy reading without the stress of reading by him or herself24.
fluency by providing an oral model of the passage at the same time that the student is
With NIM, students are able to read through different modalities. First, the
child’s brain is reading the words on the page. The child is saying the words aloud. So,
the child is not only seeing the words, but is also hearing the words. The child is also
hearing the words from the adult who is sitting next to them. While not talking directly
Heckelman, R. G. (1986). N.I.M. revisited. Academic Therapy 21. P.4
Flood, J., Lapp, D., & Fisher, D. (2005). Neurological impress method plus. Reading Psychology, P.
into the child’s ear, the student is close enough to hear the words clearly. NIM will
provide enough focus to help that child not only become a fluent reader, but also
While there are certain students who will pick up their own reading skills on their
own; inevitably there will be those who fall behind, and mainstream approaches will not
be enough. NIM is a great way to build confidence in a reader, and help them on their
way to being a fluent reader and ultimately comprehending what they are reading25.
2. Then all students and teachers read the text with a loud voice
4. The teacher asks the students to read the text aloud in front of the class one by one
5. Students repeat reading that have been corrected by the teacher in a loud voice
6. In this stage, reading students from time to time, with practice, the number of
errors will decrease and / or the number of text read will increase. Advantages
1. Reading aloud gives the teacher a valid a way of evaluating the progress of
reading skill, that is intonation, word pressure, beheading, phrasing, and finding
Lorenz, L., & Vockell, E. (2001). Using the neurological impress method with learning disabled readers.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 12(6), 67-69.
2. Reading aloud provides verbal practice for reader and enhances the listening Disadvantages
In this planning research, I found the other related study from as follow:
1. Thesis by Nurlaila (2009, UIN-SU) by the Tittle “The Effect of critical reading and
text at MTsN 2 Medan” the aim of the study are to find out more about critical reading
and problem solving strategy in teaching reading, to analyze the difference between
critical reading and problem solving strategies, the population of her research 1032
students in 23 classes and the random sampling technique was used in taking 86 students
as sample, the instrument in her research test and post test. The data were analyze by
using t-test. Finally, the result of this research showed the t-test 2.13 is the greater than t-
table 1.67. it means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
2. Iqbal Faisal Rambe (2012, UIN-SU). His thesis on the tittle “ Improving Students
Achievement in reading comprehension through team pair solo”. The subject of his
research was class VIII-2 MTs Al-Jihad which consisted of 41 students. The research was
comprehension test) and qualitative data ( diary notes, observation sheet, and
questionnaire sheet). Based on the reading comprehension scores, students’ score kept
improving in every reading comprehension test. Based on diary notes, observation sheet,
and questionnaire sheet, it was found that the students were active, interested, and
enthusiastic in reading. The result of the research showed the team pair solo significantly
SMP N 1 Pondok Kepala Bengkulu Tengah”. She found that in this research, the
researcher used quantitative and qualitative data to see the improvement of the students’
reading comprehension and the factors influence the changes of the students’ reading
observation checklist and field notes, and interview. Based on the result of the test, the
students’ who passed the standard score improved from 30% in the preliminary data
73,33% at the end of the research. It means that story grammar strategy improves
interes, and participation) and teacher’s factors (choosing the material and classroom
Medan”. The study aimed to describing how the teachers teach reading comprehension of
analytical exposition text to the eleventh grade students of SMA in Medan and revealing
the underlying reason why the do that way. This study was conducting by using
descriptive qualitative research design. the data were recorded utterances of the teachers
and the students during the teaching reading process and transcript of the interview which
were collected by observing, tape recording, and interviewing and analysed by using
Miles and Huberman technique. The finding of the study showed most of the teachers’
way didn’t focusing on teaching reading comprehension but rather focusing on teaching
the knowledge of genre because they did not provide the use of text structure knowledge
understanding the meaning that consist in the text. Reading with use neurological impress
method is a one of method that can help students to easier to get knowledge because the
purpose of the reading with use neurological impress method (NIM) is to make the students
Exposition text is used giving information, making explanation and interpreting meaning. It
includes editorial, essay and informative an instructional material. Used in combination with
From the definition about, the writer define that reading is a process to get some
information and process to comprehend something. Exposition text is text that to share
opinions, ideas or arguments in form of writing. That have function is to persuade the readers
2.6 Hypothesis
Based on the explanation of the theoretical and framework of thought above, the
hypothesis of this research is through Neurological Impress Method (N.I.M) can improve
3.1.1. Location
This research was conducted at MA Laboratorium UINSU Medan. It’s located on Jl.
William Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate. The reasons of choose this location are:
The research design that was used in this study was classroom action research
in order to improve the rationality and justice of: (a) their own social or educational
practice, (b) their understanding of these practice, and (c) the situation in which practice
a form of self –reflective activities which done by the teacher on the educational situation
to improve the rationality. Classroom action research also have the meaning a research
that done by the teacher on his own classes with doing, looking, and make reflection by
some actions that aimed to improve or increase the result of education itself.
So, in the classroom Action Research there are three elements or Concepts that
1. Action is an activity that done with special aimed which doing in some cycles that aimed
3. Class is a group of students on the same time receiving the lesson from the teacher.
The classroom action research including qualitative approach even though the data that
had been collected may be quantitative. The aim of classroom action research is to
improve and increase the result quality of learning process, developed the teacher’s skill,
The subject of this research was the students of Eleventh Grade of IPS-1 at MA
Laboratorium UINSU Medan. This consisted of 39 students. This subject was chosen
because the researcher found the problem on their Reading skills and the researcher
assumed that the students need the improvement for their Reading skills.
There were some instruments that used by the researcher in this research in collecting the
Rajawali Press, 2011, p. 45-46
a. Observation
see what more experienced teachers do when they teach a lesson and how they do it.27
Observation is widely used as means of collecting data in classroom research. So, from the
explanation above, the researcher can concluded that observation was a process of watching
the activities or anything that had been seen, heard to get some information.
b. Interview
Interview was used in order to get the important information related to the main objective
of research. Interview was some dialogues which done by interviewer to get the information
c. Test
Testing is an important part of every teaching experience. A test can help students learn
the language by requiring them to study hard, emphasizing course objectives, and showing
them where they need to improve.28 A test in simple terms is a method of measuring a
person’s ability, knowledge, or a performance in a given domain. The researcher gave the
students a written test to measure and to know the students’ comprehension about reading
hortatory Exposition text. The test is contained of 20 questions in multiple choices that must
Jack C Richards, and Thomas S. C. Farrel, Profesional Development for Language Teachers.
Cambridge University: Cambridge Language Education, 2005, p. 85-86.
Harold S. Madson, Teqhniques in testing. England: Oxford University Press, 1983, p.5
d. Documentation
Documentation was one of the important instruments to get the information for collecting
the data in doing classroom action research. Collecting the document was to get the
information about the students’ improvement. It was includes of students’ attendance list,
students’ score, and the students’ evaluation. Technique of documentation was one of the
some efforts to get the data and variable such as, notes, transcript, agenda, books, photo, and
e. Dairy Notes
The dairy notes were conducted to get information or the data about the condition and the
situation of the object areas of the research. It was described of the students’ activity,
students’ improvement, students’ progress, and also described everything that happen in the
classroom during learning process. Besides that, the dairy notes given the descriptions about
The procedures of data collection for this study were conducted by conducting four
Reflection Action II
Next Cycle
I. Cycle: 1
According to Suharsimi Arikunto, there is four steps in doing action that should be done
by the teacher if they wants to conduct a research about Action Classroom Research
1. Planning
This step explains about what, why, when, where, by whom, and how the action will be
done. Ideally, the action did with the partner namely between the researcher and the teacher.
Here the researcher arranged some plans to be done and prepared the material that made in
the lesson plan as the teaching learning process by using Neurological Impress Method
d. Prepared the instruments of collecting the data such as, observation sheet, and test to
2. Action
This step was explained about the implementation of lesson plan. In this section the
researcher done teaching learning process in the class as the teacher. The researcher ordered
the students to learn the material that suitable with the lesson plan that had prepared earlier.
SuharsimiArikunto, Prosedur Penelitian SuatuPendekatanPraktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,2010,
p. 138-139.
The researcher applied Neurological Impress Method (N.I.M) method in the learning process.
In this section, there were some actions that done together by the teacher and the students, as
a. Introduction
b. Main Activity
2. Then all students and teachers read the text with a loud voice
4. The teacher asks the students to read the text aloud in front of the class one by one
5. Then the teacher assesses fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, intonation in their Reading
6. Then the teacher corrects the wrong reading of the students in these four aspects
7. Students repeat Reading that have been corrected by the teacher in a loud voice
8. In this stage, Reading students from time to time, with practice, the number of errors
c. Closing
1) Teacher and students repeated the Reading together with the text.
3. Observation
In this step, English teacher as the observer checked the observation sheet. The observer
observed the students activities during the learning process. Observation was conducted to
get data from action. The process of observation was conducted by the observer to know the
condition, process teaching learning, activity and ability that done by teacher and student.
Besides that, the researcher took the dairy notes, wrote and analyzed activities during the
learning process. It was done to know the influence of Neurological Impress method in
4. Reflection
II. Cycle 2
1. Planning
The researcher planned the implementation of lesson plan that related to the cycle 1 that
2. Action
In this section, the researcher did the action that looked on the reflection that had
3. Observation
In this step, English teacher as the observer checked the observation sheet. The observer
observed the students activities during the learning process. Observation was conducted to
get data from action. Besides that, the researcher took the dairy notes, wrote and analyzed
4. Reflection
In this section, the researcher reflected the evaluation of learning process and evaluated
what had been done in the cycle 2 to attain whether the students get progress in scores
In Reading aloud, there are several aspects that are assessed, that is:
1. Fluency is the ability of students in reading loud fluently without any doubt.
3. Pronunciation is the ability of speech readers to make the listener can understand
4. Intonation is the emphasis made in reading to clarify what is meant by the reader.
To know how in the assessment of reading aloud, we can use the table as in the
Name of student:
Class :
Score Total
Aspect 50 60 70 80
1. Fluency
2. Accuracy
3. Pronunciation
4. Intonation
70: Fluency
One of the important elements of a research was technique of data analysis. In this
research the researcher analyzed all the data by using quantitative and qualitative data.
The qualitative data was analyzed from the observation sheet, interview sheet, and oral
test. The quantitative data was analyzed by the test and it was calculated all the student’s
To know the progress of the student’s scores for each cycle, the mean of student’s
score were calculated in order to know the categories of student’s ability, and the
percentage of students who was get score 75 was calculated by using the statistic
formulation as follow:
P = 𝑁 X 100%
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