DLP - Central Limit Theorem V2
DLP - Central Limit Theorem V2
DLP - Central Limit Theorem V2
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Email: my_pgnhs@yahoo.com
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sampling and
sampling distributions of the sample mean.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of
the sample mean to solve real-life problems in different disciplines.
C. Learning Competencies & At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Code 1. Investigate and illustrate the Central Limit Theorem.
2. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the
Central Limit Theorem.
3. Calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution using the
Central Limit Theorem.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Present the learning objectives to the students.
lesson At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Investigate and illustrate the Central Limit Theorem.
2. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the
Central Limit Theorem.
3. Calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution using the
Central Limit Theorem.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of LEARNING ACTIVITY: INVESTIGATE ME!
the new lesson 1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Assign specific task to students to investigate the properties of the
sampling distribution of the sample means in terms of its mean,
standard deviation and the shape of the histogram.
3. Afterwards, each group will present the result of their investigations.
4. They will be relating their task on these:
The following table gives the age of the siblings of Mr. and Mrs. Santos.
Sibling Ana Bert Cath Dan Eric
Age 2 4 6 8 10
Two children are chosen for vaccination.
1. Compute the population mean and the mean of the sampling
distribution when
(a) two children were selected at random
2. Compare 𝜇 (population mean) and 𝜇𝑋̅ (mean of the sampling
Question: What were your observations from your investigation about
the population mean and the mean of the sampling distribution?
1. Compute the population standard deviation and the standard
deviation of the sampling distribution when
(a) two children were selected at random
2. Compute the standard deviation of the population
3. C the standard deviation of the sampling distribution using the
standard deviation of the population by applying this equation
𝜎 𝑁−𝑛
𝜎𝑋̅ = ∙√ ,
√𝑛 𝑁−1
where 𝜎𝑋̅ is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution
𝜎 is the standard deviation of the population
N is the population size
n is the sample size
Question: What were your observations from your investigation about
the standard deviation of sampling distribution obtained from doing the
usual process and from using the given equation?
1. Construct the histogram of the sampling distribution of the sample
means when
(a) two children were selected at random
(b) four children were selected at random.
2. Compare the two histograms.
Question: What were your observations from your investigation about
the shape of the histogram of sampling distribution?
D. Discussing new concepts and Using the responses of the students from their investigation on the previous
practicing new skills #1 concluded activity, the teacher will condense the ideas presented and
E. Discussing new concepts and introduce the concept of Central Limit Theorem.
practicing new skills #2
Through these questions, the teacher will proficiently lay down the properties
of sampling distribution of the sample means, which the CLT also holds.
1. What do you notice about the mean of the population and the mean of
the sampling distribution of the sample means?
2. For any population size or sample size, do you think the mean of the
population and the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample
means will always be equal?
3. Did you obtain the standard deviation of the sampling distribution
𝜎 𝑁−𝑛
using this equation 𝜎𝑋̅ = ∙√ ? For any population size or
√𝑛 𝑁−1
sample size, do you think using this equation will give the standard
deviation of any sampling distribution of the sample means?
4. What is the tendency of the shape of the histogram of the sampling
distribution of the sample means?
5. For any population size or sample size, do you think the shape of the
sampling distribution will always follow a normal distribution?
6. Based from the activity, what do you think are the properties of
sampling distribution of the sample mean in terms of its:
Random samples of size n=2 are drawn from a finite population consisting of
the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7. Compute for the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution and verify it by using the property of Central Limit Theorem.
𝐗 𝑿𝟐
1 1
3 9
5 25
7 49
∑ 𝑋=16 ∑ 𝑋 2 =84
(show the solution on the board)
Say, for example, an investor wishes to analyze the overall return for a stock
index that comprises 1,000 equities. In this scenario, that investor may simply
study a random sample of stocks, to cultivate estimated returns of the total
index. At least 30 randomly selected stocks, across various sectors must be
sampled, for the central limit theorem to hold.
For example, suppose the average return of the universe of 10,000 stocks
(almost infinite) is 12% and its standard deviation is 10%. Through central
limit theorem we can conclude that if we keep drawing samples of 100
stocks and plot their average returns, we will get a sampling distribution
that will be normally distributed with mean =12% and variance of
𝜎 10%
= = 1%.
√ √100
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson What have you learned from the discussion?
How can you now describe the sampling distribution of the sample
means in terms of the mean, standard deviation and shape of the
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATION:
Directions: Read and analyze the following test questions. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
1. What can be inferred from the mean of the population and the mean
of the sampling distribution of the sample means?
a. They are constant.
b. They are equal.
c. They are infinite
d. They are proportional.
2. Which of the following best describe the shape of the sampling
a. Its shape tend to have a uniformed distribution.
b. Its shape is similar to binomial distribution.
c. It follows the shape of a normal distribution.
d. It tends to have a non-probability distribution.
3. Using the property of Central Limit Theorem, what will be the standard
deviation of the sampling distribution of an infinite population size with
𝜎 = 25 and 100 samples are taken?
a. 250
b. 2.5
c. 0.25
d. 25
4. Which of the following DO NOT illustrate the Central Limit Theorem?
a. The mean of the population and sampling distribution are equal.
b. The shape of the sampling distribution will tend to have a normal
c. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is the standard
error of the mean.
d. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is greater than
the mean.
5. Samples of size 25 are selected from an infinite population of stocks
with mean return 40 (in thousands) and standard deviation 10 (in
thousands). The standard error of the sampling distribution of sample
means is.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
Number of Students = 39
5 x 25 = 125
4 x 9 = 36
3 x 4 = 12
Total = 175
Index of Mastery = = 89.74%
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation 34/39
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation 5
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the Yes
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. None
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
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