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Milton called "Lycidas" a monody—a poem written for one speaker. The poem should be a monologue,
and it begins as one, but a parade of voices soon appear to interrupt the shepherd's narration.
The first is Apollo, who arrives to encourage the speaker with the promise of fame in Heaven. He is
followed by a train of sea gods, including Triton and his winds. After they pass, St. Peter appears to
deliver a tirade on the church. By the end of the poem, a second speaker has taken over entirely,
displacing the shepherd from his elegy.
The poem is written in iambic pentameter. An iamb is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed
syllable (for example “And STRICT-ly MED-it-ATE”). A line of iambic pentameter has five feet of two-
syllable iambs (a total of ten syllables). Most of the poem follows the irregular rhyme scheme of an
Italian canzone. Though canzones generally feature multiple voices, Milton calls “Lycidas” a monody. This
creates some tension between the form Milton chooses and the way he categorizes his poem. By the
end of “Lycidas,” we have in fact heard from many voices. When the second speaker appears in the final
stanza, the rhyme scheme switches to ottava rima (abababcc). The shift from one form to the other
reflects the entrance of the new voice. Unlike the canzone, ottava rima is a regular rhyme scheme. It
moves back and forth between two rhymes (ababab) then ends with a couplet in a third rhyme (cc). The
arc of the rhyme scheme reflects the speaker’s fluctuating emotions throughout “Lycidas,” the way he
flips back and forth between dejection and consolation. After the oscillating rhyme scheme, the closing
couplet in ottava rima provides a sense of closure. The entrance of a new speaker and a new form at the
end of “Lycidas” reinforce the effect of the rhyme scheme’s final couplet, the sense that we are moving
towards “pastures new.”
Metaphors and Similes
Milton often returns to the image of the sun setting and rising as a metaphor for resurrection.
alliteration of "s"
"swart star"
Even as Milton's speaker seems to mourn, he catalogues everything he knows about the classical world,
blending his resume with his grief. For this reason, some have criticized the elegy as jaded and
inauthentic. Though the speaker seems to eulogize Lycidas, he's also announcing his literary ambitions.
It's an irony embedded within pastoral poetry and the singing competitions between shepherds who use
their grief to perform.
Pastoral Elegy
A rural landscape
The tone is both mournful and cheeky. Though the speaker genuinely mourns Lycidas, he is always
skeptical of tools available to him. He is aware of the limitations of pastoral poetry, and comes close to
parodying them.
Major Conflict
The stanza alludes to the story of how Orpheus died. He was killed by followers of Bachus, a Greek god
who traveled around the world sowing chaos. Orpheus's death is associated with mayhem. By
emphasizing his head floating down a river, Milton links his story to Edward's King's death at sea and
suggests that it too is a story of randomness and disorder.
Metonymy and Synecdoche
The river Camus is personified as an old man arriving to mourn Lycidas. Milton associated the river with
The sun is personified as someone with a drooping a head, a person like the shepherd who mourns
The whole poem is an overstatement of Milton's feelings for King. There has been some debate over
whether Milton and King were truly close, and most agree that they didn't know each other well. Though
Cambridge mourned the loss of King's talent, none of the poems he published were exceptional. To say
that all of nature wept for him exaggerates the loss.
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How are Christian values in conversation with the pastoral tradition in "Lycidas"?
Though Milton's speaker is performing as a shepherd from the pastoral tradition up until the poem's
final lines, other speakers arrive to bring Christian values into the poem. When Apollo enters the poem
to console the shepherd, he delivers a promise of eternal fame in heaven that evokes Christian
resurrection; and St. Peter later joins a train of Greek gods to preach about the church.
In both instances, the shepherd resists the voices that bring Christian ideas into the poem. Though he
praises their speeches, he simultaneously attempts to bring the poem back to pastoral poetry by
reverting to rural imagery. Milton uses the image of his grieving shepherd to suggest that the pastoral
tradition does not have Christianity's power to console. While the poem changes, the shepherd remains
the same, locked in his grief.
Though Milton wrote "Lycidas" in response to the death of his friend Edward King, the poem is about
much more than King's death. By reimagining himself and King as two shepherds, Milton makes it clear
from the start that he's posing as someone grieving, not speaking of his actual grief for King. He's
exploring how poetry has attempted to manage grief in the past through the figure of the mourning
shepherd in pastoral poetry, and his ideas in "Lycidas" are only loosely connected with his dead friend