Communicating Health Justice
Communicating Health Justice
Communicating Health Justice
1 Acknowledgements
This health justice curriculum was made Berkeley Media Studies Group pro-
possible by funding from the California vided the bulk of the work in the sec-
Endowment, and by Makani Themba- tion on meta messaging as part of an
Nixon, who contributed the lion’s share of earlier published work (coauthored
expertise, writing and synthesis for this with The Praxis Project and available
publication. at We
are also grateful to SCOPE-LA and
Thanks are also due to the participants in Sylvia Castillo for her adaptation
the pilot session for this curriculum that of SCOPE’s Power Analysis Tool to
took place September 2006 in San Francisco. health justice work included in the
Ethel Long-Scott and the Women’s Economic appendices. SCOPE-LA has helped
Agenda Project were among the partici- hundreds of organizations do sharp-
pants and deserve a special shout out for er strategy as a result of their inno-
their significant contributions to the frame- vation. Our thanks to Sylvia for her
work. We are grateful for the time and ef- deft application of this and other
fort WEAP spent laying out their approach. analytical tools to health justice or-
A case study on their efforts is included in ganizing. More on SCOPE-LA can be
this toolkit (see p. 18 ). found at
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
We now know that the healthiest nations This curriculum is designed to help ad-
have social and political structures with vocates make this shift in three impor-
the most equity and access. Small na- tant ways:
tions with relatively fewer resources like
Cuba have better health 1. By providing tools to help
health justice outcomes than large, high advocates make the shift from
advocates resource nations like the health promotion and individual
must shift from United States. This is be- behavior change to a health systems
the dominant, cause healthy communities framework
“portrait” frame are more than the sum of 2. By providing methods for
to a “landscape” individual choices. Healthy integrating issue identification,
perspective. communities are the sum power analysis and overall
of policies, structures, sys- organizing strategy into
tems for education, resource distribution, communications planning
political enfranchisement and more. 3. By offering curriculum
for facilitating strategic
When combined, these elements forge communications including audience
healthy environments, and provide qual- identification and messaging to
ity, accessible care that supports healthy advance health justice framing
choices. If equity is the primary factor in
healthier outcomes, as research shows, Health can be a complicated issue to
communicating to advance health jus- frame since much of our understanding
tice is, at its most basic, building public of health is really about sickness and
support for more equitable systems of care. However, health care is a critical is-
health – not simply promoting individual sue as millions in the U.S. are uninsured
healthy choices. and even those with insurance have lim-
ited access to quality care. Opponents to
As a result, health justice advocates must fundamental change in the system want
shift from the dominant, “portrait” frame to keep the focus on individual choices
(characterized by individual choices like made by those in the care system – by
what we choose to eat), to a “landscape” both patients and providers. This fix is
perspective that includes how policies, relatively easier than systems change
institutional behavior, structural and and does not achieve fundamental, last-
historical issues fundamentally shape ing changes in health care institutions or
health outcomes. community health conditions.
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
about th i s cu r r ic u l u m , c o n t i n u e d
Moving toward a landscape analysis can to empathize with and understand the
be tricky, especially because the analysis benefits of public interventions. For far
will present new ideas for many people. too many, people are poor because of
Further, health issues are closely tied their own fault; faring well in the econo-
with the people’s feelings about govern- my and in our health systems is a matter
ment. As a result, our opponents are of wit and skill, not dependent on social
wearing away at us with a steady, engi- and economic systems. Yet, there is a
neered attack against public sector solu- growing number of people who are ad-
tions and the role of government in social versely affected by current conditions.
issues in general. They know there can be something bet-
ter. Moving these folk to action will re-
Most health care is delivered through quire advancing four core beliefs in the
private, corporate systems. Although communications work we do (see core
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e introduction to framing
Introduction to Framing:
How Does It Work, Why Does It Matter?
“Framing” means many different things Hall teach us that frames are the concep-
to people. Some think of framing as find- tual bedrock for understanding anything.
ing the right word, others believe frames People are only able to interpret words,
reflect deeper sets of values, and still oth- images, actions, or text of any kind be-
ers believe that frames tap cause their brains fit those texts into a
To simplify, we into complex moral struc- conceptual system that gives them order
describe two tures that trigger how peo- and meaning. Just a few cues — a word,
types of frames: ple react to a constellation an image — trigger whole frames that de-
conceptual frames of social and public policy termine meaning. That’s why the choice
and news frames. issues. Framing is complex of words becomes important.
and abstract. To simplify,
we describe two types of frames: concep- Here’s how a small cue can trigger a
tual frames and news frames. Conceptual whole frame, evoking specific presup-
frames are important because they ex- positions and logical outcomes. In
press the values you and your organiza- California, the Chamber of Commerce
tion hold as well as the change you seek. regularly issues a list of “job killer”
legislation it tries to defeat. The term
News frames are important because ul- is simple and evocative. “Killer” im-
timately, most conceptual frames have plies that someone is coming after you
to be heard in a news context and news — the situation is threatening, even
shapes frames in its own particular fash- dire. Killers must be stopped. Their
ion. Both types of frames lead to predict- targets need immediate protection and
able interpretations in audiences. If you defensive maneuvers. The frame evokes
understand how the frames work you’ll these ideas before we have even an in-
have an easier time influencing those kling of what the specific legislation
interpretations. might be about. In fact, if the Chamber
is successful with its “job killer” frame,
Conceptual Frames Structure it won’t ever have to debate the mer-
Thinking and Interpretation its of the bill. If the public discus-
sion stays focused on whether the bill
Scholars like George Lakoff, William “kills” jobs, then the Chamber has won
Gamson and cultural studies guru Stuart the terms of debate.
This section on framing is from Meta Messaging: Framing Your Case, Reinforcing Your Allies
by Berkeley Media Studies Group and The Praxis Project. Reproduced with permission.
introduction to framing c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
introduc t i o n t o f r a m i n g , co n t i n u e d
The messages we develop will be based son’s life, rather than describe the policy
on a conceptual frame that reflects our implications, in part because they believe
values and uses metaphors, images, or that readers and viewers are more likely
other devices to communicate those val- to identify emotionally with a person’s
ues. Most of the time, those values will plight than with a tedious dissection
be about fairness, justice, equity, respon- of policy options. They might be right.
sibility, opportunity, democracy, or any Stories about people are certainly easier
of the other “big reasons” that motivate to tell than stories about ideas. The prob-
us to make change against terrific odds. lem is that stories that focus on people or
isolated episodes do not help audiences
News Frames Are Portraits understand how to solve social problems
and Landscapes beyond demanding that individuals take
more responsibility for themselves.
A second type of frame important to us is
the news frame, simply because so much A simple way to distinguish news story
of our public conversation about policy frames is to think of the difference be-
and social change is mediated through tween a portrait and a landscape. In a
the news. News frames evolved from a news story framed as a portrait, audi-
storytelling structure that emphasizes ences may learn a great deal about an in-
people and events. dividual or an event, heavy on the drama
and emotion. But, it is hard to see what
Most reporters try to “put a face on the surrounds individuals or what brought
issue” to illustrate the impact on a per- them to that moment in time.
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e introduction to framing
A landscape story pulls back the lens This is not easy to do, but crucial. In the
to take a broader view. It may include seminal book, Is Anyone Responsible?
people and events, but connects them to How Television Frames Political Issues
larger social and economic forces. News (Chicago University Press, 1991), Shanto
stories framed as landscapes are more Iyengar shows what happens if we don’t
likely to evoke solutions that don’t focus utilize landscape frames. Iyengar found
exclusively on individuals, but also the that when people watch news stories that
policies and institutions that shape the lack context, they focus on the individu-
circumstances around them. als. Without any other information to go
on, viewers tend to blame the people por-
Landscapes Reinforce trayed in the story for the problem and
Institutional Accountability its solution. But when audiences watch
stories with context — landscape stories
A key value that is affected by portrait — they assign responsibility to individu-
and landscape frames is responsibility. als and institutions.
News stories focused on people or events
evoke feelings of personal responsibility Rather than a steady diet of news framed
in audiences. Landscape stories evoke as portraits, we need more landscapes
shared responsibility between individu- that bring the context into the frame.
als and institutions. The challenge for Advocates must help reporters do a bet-
advocates is to make stories about the ter job describing the landscape so the
landscape as compelling and interesting context becomes visible and institutional
as the portrait. solutions become possible.
curriculum Overview c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Curriculum Overview:
Health Justice Communications Strategy
This curriculum is designed for health justice advocates and organizers who want
to develop or sharpen their framing and messaging strategy. Facilitators who have
the communications experience necessary to explain the framing and messaging con-
cepts that make up the bulk of this curriculum should conduct this curriculum.
This curriculum is most useful when beginning communications work for a defined
campaign to refine issue identification, goals and targets, media audiences, frames
and messages. It can also be used to identify common goals, targets and strategies in
an emerging alliance. If you are conducting this training with participants working
on multiple campaigns, each campaign must have a defined strategy including goals
and targets.
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Training flow
Training Flow:
Health Justice Communications Strategy
Symbol key
(Duration: 7 Hours)
Scripted overview on a
key concept
Introductions, Objectives and Ground Rules 30 min
Overview of Health Justice Communications 30 min
Facilitator note and/or
Identifying the Terrain 20 min
Mapping Campaign and Media Goals 30 min
Break 10 min
Conducting a Power Analysis 45 min
Report Out and Strategy Questions 30 min
Lunch break 1 hr
Overview on Conceptual Framing 20 min
Creating OUR Conceptual Frame 20 min
Mapping Target Audiences 45 min
Elements of Effective Message 20 min
Developing an Effective Message 40 min
Closing and Evaluation 20 min
Training flow c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Start by asking participants to take no more than 20 seconds to give their name, where they are from,
and any other brief comments. It is helpful if you use a bell or something that makes a sound to gently keep
people on track. Before you begin large group introductions, ask everyone to be silent and listen to what 20
seconds “sounds like.” Ring your instrument/voice at the end of 20 seconds so everyone will know how to
proceed. Now begin.
Setting ground rules. After large group introductions are completed, introduce the concept of the
“parking lot” (i.e., a place to write up emerging issues that should be dealt with at a later time). Have the
group set ground rules for the remainder of the training. Ask, “What kind of ground rules or courtesies would
be good to establish during our time together?” If needed, suggest one of your own (e.g., respect for difference
of opinion, no put downs, etc.). Record ground rules on chart paper and post where participants can see
them. Take no more than 10 minutes.
Large Group Discussion. Facilitator asks questions and scribes responses, synthesizes responses to
reflect back common definition of health justice.
Facilitator Asks:
• What do we mean by Health Justice?
• What are the key issues in health justice?
• What is the most important factor in health quality: Resources? Technology?
Facilitator Wrap-Up:
The most important factors in health quality are equality,
equitable access and distribution of resources.
Where there is equity, there are better health outcomes.
What does this mean in light of how we talk about
health issues?
Draw three circles as illustrated below.
personal marketing
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Training flow
Facilitator: There are many ways to communicate. Communicating effectively requires that we develop
a strategy that takes into account personal or direct communication, social marketing and
media advocacy.
Explain each type of communication method in detail. To make it more interactive, first ask the audience
what they think each method includes before giving answers.
• Personal or direct communications include direct mail, phone calling, word of month or the
use of tippers or local “mavens” (to use marketing language) – people who are influential in a
circle of others; whose recommendation means a great deal – to communicate our message.
• Social marketing is applying the conventions of advertising and/or marketing to
communicate a message. The message in this case is usually information to influence
individual behavior.
• Media Advocacy is simply using the news to influence public opinion and affect the terms
of debate on any issue. News confers legitimacy, sets the public agenda and is the “official
story.” We will focus much of our time together on media advocacy in order to prepare you
for interacting with mass media.
Facilitator: There are a few misconceptions that we as advocates often have about what to
communicate. Let’s take a moment to explore them.
Unveil chart paper “Myths in Health Communications”.
Myth 1: Most people don’t know nearly as much as we do.
Facilitator Effective communication begins with a clear understanding of how much the people we
are talking to know and the many non-traditional ways they know it. An effective message
speaks to people in their own idiom, their most familiar/even intimate way of speaking. It
requires a healthy respect and understanding of the incredible experience our “audience”
brings to bear.
Myth 2: We must communicate more information on “the problem.” The more they see
how bad it is, the more likely they are to act.
Facilitator People are rarely shocked into action. Most of us are fairly jaded by now and have already
assumed the worst. So it’s no surprise that the media effects research confirms that it’s
practical information on what they can do about an issue versus the severity of a problem
that moves us. Not that we don’t need to communicate that our issue is a serious one -- we
do. We’ve just got to make sure we don’t leave it at that. Besides, oftentimes our audience
already knows that the problem is serious before we begin.
So what constitutes an effective message?
Allow the group to brainstorm and see what emerges.
Add these if necessary (of course, synonyms count):
• Good messages are affective (they touch us emotionally), effective (they convey what we need
to), and connect with shared dreams and beliefs.
Training flow c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
• They surface, what James Scott called in his seminal book Domination and the Arts
of Resistance, the hidden transcript. This hidden transcript constitutes the private
conversations most of us have about the injustice, the unfairness of those in power; about
the “right thing” we ought to do but too difficult to undertake on our own; and even that
which we fear. It is like someone saying out loud what you were thinking all along.
• Of course, this requires a message to be grounded, again, in the language and idiom and even
the dreams of those we are trying to move. We’ll get deeper into messaging towards the end
of the training.
• So how do we begin? With a power analysis and survey of the terrain.
Divide the large group into small groups of four people each. Give each group a piece of butcher paper.
They will have 15 minutes to do this exercise. Have each group appoint a report back person.
Facilitator: Your task is to brainstorm about what people currently believe about health issues. It
doesn’t matter if they’re true or if you agree, just brainstorm and write down what you
know to be current beliefs that affect your work. Then identify two beliefs that help your
work, and two that harm your work, and why.
After 15 minutes have each report back person report out for 3 minutes. Scribe each group’s helpful and
harmful beliefs on a butcher paper titled “Related Beliefs”.
Facilitator: Keep these helpful and harmful beliefs in mind. You will need to appeal to the helpful
beliefs and counter the harmful beliefs in order to advance your health justice frames and
Facilitator: We’ve landscaped common definitions and beliefs about health justice, as well as areas of
communications to influence the conversation about health. Now we’re going to identify
current campaign and communications goals.
Pass out the Media Planning Worksheet (see p.16) and walk through the first page. Distinguish
between campaign goals, which describe what you want, and communications goals, which describe how you
will use the media to get what you want.
Facilitator: What are your current campaign goals? What communications goals can you set to help
you win your campaign goals?
Scribe responses on butcher paper
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Training flow
Break 10 min.
This activity can be done in small groups if participants are working on different campaigns, or in one
large group if everyone is working on the same campaign.
Facilitator: In order to engage in strategic communications, you must identify the key players you are
trying to move/organize in your campaign.
Walk through the power analysis tool (see p.34) and refer participants back to the campaign and
communications goals identified in the previous activity.
Facilitator: Using the information you identify in the Communications Planning Kit and in the power
analysis chart from the health equity tool kit handout, identify key decisionmakers, allies,
opponents, fence sitters, etc. that are important to winning your campaign. Map target
audiences using color coded post-it notes and power analysis grids provided. Answer the
Initial Strategic Questions on chart paper. Be prepared to present your charts and a verbal
summary of your power analysis. You’ll have 3-4 minutes to report-back.
Each group provides a summary of their strategy discussion. Power analysis maps and strategy charts
are posted in a “gallery” that participants can “visit” during lunch and afternoon break.
Facilitator: Now you’ve mapped out key players and identified whom you need to influence to win
your campaign. These are also the audiences you need to communicate with to win.
After lunch we’ll look deeper at some of these audiences, and begin crafting frames and
messages that will move them to action.
Applaud their work.
Facilitators will develop chart paper with key audiences identified that most groups share with room for
participant brainstorm as illustrated below. Post enough sheets for no more than four participants at each sheet.
Training flow c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Facilitator: What is a frame? Why is it important to frame? Why don’t we just tell people the facts?
Framing gives our audiences a conceptual container loaded with preconceived values and
beliefs. Framing helps audiences understand our stories and messages on their own terms.
Audiences will not go where they haven’t already been in their minds.
Conceptual frame
Unveil “conceptual frame” definition on definitions butcher paper. Ask a volunteer to read it out loud.
Facilitator: A frame defines the boundaries of a story. A frame projects your point of view through
characters, setting, plot and values. A frame should project the social and political
landscape of your issue, and push an immediate fight AND a long-term agenda.
• There are lots of different ways to look at the facts. We want people to look at the facts from
a vantage point that advances our goals.
• Frames convey beliefs and values that give people a lens through which to understand
• Everything has a frame
That means our issues, our stories are going to be framed, whether by us, or our opponents.
• So who’s gonna control the debate?
Bring everyone’s attention back to the campaign and communications goals, and to the power analysis
conducted earlier.
Facilitator: Take a look at these goals and targets. Given what we’re trying to do and whom we’re
trying to pressure, what would you add to the helpful side of this themes chart to reframe
this issue according to our goals?
Scribe responses.
Reflect back themes and change heading of butcher paper from “current frame” to “Our frame”
Facilitator: We’ve just reframed the issue based on our goals, and ensured that we hold institutional
targets rather than individuals accountable. For health justice, this is key to achieving
fundamental systemic change instead of band-aid solutions that put responsibility back on
individuals to make healthy choices.
Facilitator: Now that we have our frame we’re ready to create messages tailored to our target audiences.
On the wall are butcher papers that represent target audiences identified by your power
analysis. You’re going to get in the same small groups to work on one of these audiences,
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Training flow
and to identify three things: what outlets this audience reads, watches and listens to, what
they care about, and what their core beliefs are that might affect this issue. This will direct
the framing and messaging we do for the rest of the workshop.
Give the small groups 20 minutes to work on their audience. Then give each small group 10 minutes to
walk around and look at what the other groups have come up with. Then do a large group discussion: what
did you notice? Any themes? Recurring values and beliefs? What are the implications for messaging?
Facilitator: Now that we’ve mapped the values and beliefs of key target audiences, we’re ready to begin
crafting tailored messages that move them to action. What’s a message? What makes up
an effective message?
Unveil butcher paper titled” Components of a message”
1. What’s wrong?
2. Why does it matter?
3. What should be done about it?
Facilitator: The first question forces you to make a clear statement of concern. It flows directly from
your overall strategy, which should be determined before you construct the message. This
statement of concern will, by necessity, be a statement of part of the problem, not the whole
problem and its history. Too often, advocates try to tell journalists everything they know
about the issue, because they feel this may be their only opportunity to convey the enormity
and importance of the problem. Resist that urge. It is impossible to be comprehensive and
strategic at the same time. Instead, focus on just one aspect of the problem and be able to
describe it succinctly. Once that piece of the problem is being addressed, you will be able to
shift your policy goal and message to focus on another aspect of the problem.
Take questions
Facilitator: The second question represents the value dimension. This is the place to say what’s at
stake. Berkeley Media Studies Group’s studies show that advocates don’t do this enough. In
news coverage, the value component is often absent; policies are named but not justified.
Advocates are not saying why the policy matters. They may state a fact — X number of
people are homeless, X number of people are hungry — but they don’t say why that matters
to those who aren’t hungry or aren’t homeless. They don’t say what it means to our society
at large. Values should be specific, clear, and indicate why you and your target should care
about the matter at hand. Name the value, calling on your target’s sense of fairness, duty,
or fiscal responsibility. Remind them of our obligation to the greater good.
Training flow c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Take questions
Facilitator: The third question articulates the policy objective. A common pitfall is that advocates
expend so much energy communicating about the problem that when the inevitable
question about the solution is asked, they are ill-prepared to answer it. They give vague
responses like, “Well, it is a very complex problem with many facets, so the solution is
complicated,” or “The community needs to come together.” Certainly, these responses are
truthful, but they are not strategic; they don’t advance the issue toward a specific solution.
More effective by far is to answer with a specific, feasible solution, which will usually be an
incremental step toward the larger goal.
Review Elements of Successful Message (see p.20)
Remind participants that good media messages are short and concise, but they are not slogans. They
should sound natural. Encourage participants to brainstorm, without censoring, then to refine based on the
elements of a successful message handout. Give them 45 minutes. A summary of these instructions should
be written on chart paper.
Groups should reconvene and report out their goal, target, message and preferred media outlets.
Facilitator should work to minimize critical cross talk. Comments and questions should focus on clarification
and support for others. Thank participants with applause and praise.
Thank participants and check off items from agenda. Recap key points and take questions/comments.
Unveil the Evaluation butcher paper. Do a go-around, asking each person for one thing they liked from
the workshop and one thing to change.
End with closing circle and Assata chant:
It is our duty to fight
It is our duty to win
We must love each other and protect each other
We have nothing to lose but our chains
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Tools and Resources
W o r k s heet
Media Planning
Effective media advocacy is an integral part of your organizing campaign. The worksheet on the next three
pages will help you to think strategically about your media plans. The first and most important rule is: Create
your media plans before you start your campaign. Identifying your target audience(s) and outlets is just as
important as identifying your organizing targets. Get ready for media justice!
Created by the Praxis Project and We Interrupt this Message. Reprinted with permission.
Tools and Resources c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Media Pl a n n i n g c o n t.
Whom do you want to reach? Remember any targets you identified.
What are the best media for conveying this message for each target?
(List targets and choose one or more that fit. Try to focus on no more than three)
Created by the Praxis Project and We Interrupt this Message. Reprinted with permission.
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Tools and Resources
Media Pl a n n i n g c o n t.
List other events and news hooks you know about (annual conferences, anniversaries, etc.) that provide
opportunities to communicate with others and advance your goals:
Organize these events in chronological order and prioritize which are the communications opportunities
you’d like to follow up on.
Identify what tasks need to be done and by whom in order to complete the follow up:
Created by the Praxis Project and We Interrupt this Message. Reprinted with permission.
Tools and Resources c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
w o r k s heet
• Evoke Pictures
Use words that paint pictures your audience can relate to.
• Be creative
Use rhymes, sharp phrases, metaphors and comparisons to make your point. For
example, comparing an expensive, ineffective public transportation system to a
broken down bus shows audiences that the system doesn’t work.
• Focus on solutions
Advocates spend too much time talking about problems, instead make sure your
message clearly communicates solutions your audience can take part in.
• Keep it simple
Use clear, reasonable language, especially when communicating for radical
policy change.
c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e Tools and Resources
“We are all in the same boat. The system hurts health WEAP organized discussion groups with is members
workers. It hurts patients and it hurts low income to better understand how health issues were
communities even more.” affecting their communities as well as to identify
– SEIU 790 Education Director Karega Hart strategic goals for advancing a health justice agenda.
It was important to build a broad coalition of those
When the Women’s Economic Agenda Project (WEAP) affected by these issues so WEAP reached out to
started organizing around health and human rights organized labor and health care advocates to help
issues, they began with their considerable base of build support for a more comprehensive framing of
low and no income women in Northern California’s health as human rights.
East Bay. The group has a long history of organizing
Tools and Resources c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Wome n ’ s Eco n o m ic A g e n d a P r oj e ct c o n t i n u e d
The group conducted a series of two-hour trainings income, working class people. Women of color were
that allowed participants to share their experiences highlighted specifically and ethnic and community
interacting with the healthcare system. The sessions media were important campaign priorities.
took place at worksites, union meetings, church groups,
house meetings – anywhere WEAP could go to engage The messaging was fine tuned to focus more attention
coalition constituents on the issue. The trainings on reframing healthcare from an individual problem
helped develop a shared sense of agenda and framing to a social/systemic issue that, with political will,
up front, which made developing communications could be solved. As a result, messages focused on
strategy much easier later in the campaign. three key points:
Building on the work of the trainings, WEAP 1. The healthcare system is part of a larger system
worked with coalition partners to organize a that’s not working for the vast majority of us.
Truth Commission/Congressional Hearing on 2. The problem is not lack of resources or even
health issues. The hearing was presided over by good ideas; it’s the lack of political will.
local congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) who, 3. There is a growing, broad based movement
along with a number of Bay Area luminaries, listened working to turn it around
to a series of grassroots testimonies on the state of
healthcare in the area. Personal testimonies and affected spokespersons
helped to provide evidence for the first and last points
“These hearings are a way of telling our stories so that while the coalition reached out to local experts and
those in power can hear them. Making the invisible studies to help buttress point 2. Closing the Gap, a
visible,” says CNA’s Nancy Lewis. “It’s about forging study by the Northwest Federation of Community
solutions.” Organizations and the Applied Research Center
provided the group with concrete examples of best
The hearings were used as newshooks, to engage the practices to address health disparities by race.
media in ways that allowed the coalition to control Single payer and similar approaches outside of the
the frame. “When we developed our own event, we US provided inspiration for what was possible with
could be proactive. We could start where we wanted regard to reform.
the discussion to go,” says Long-Scott. “We did not
have to react.” Although it was sometimes challenging to bring up
policy examples from abroad, the group found that
The group started with opinion pieces and interviews most people were open and interested in hearing
to not only promote the hearings but to elevate the about how other countries address healthcare issues.
stories and ideas that served as a catalyst for the
hearings. This early work was important as it helped “Katrina exposed how dangerous it is when we stop
create a new set of spokespersons or “experts” to investing in our communities, in our people; when we
be heard on healthcare from the perspective of low ignore the needs of the poor,” says Long-Scott. “For
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Women’s Eco n o m ic A g e n d a Pr oj e ct c o n t i n u e d
many people, it is time to find a different way. Katrina A media workgroup was formed with representatives
put it out there as a reminder that there is no safety from each of the union’s communications department,
net – not only for the millions affected in the Gulf but YMC, Praxis and WEAP leadership. The group
for all of us, where ever we are.” discussed and refined strategy, developed a plan for
dissemination and a division of labor to help move
Connecting the Dots the communications work forward. Unions helped
to promote the hearings and the framework in their
SEIU’s members have experienced many layoffs in the member publications, the group divided up outlets
last few years, leaving former members struggling to to pitch for interviews. WEAP generated pieces for
find healthcare. The rising cost of healthcare is one opinion pages and for its membership to build public
reason employers keep demanding more take-aways awareness of the hearings set for March 2006.
not just from health coverage, but from pensions, pay
and job security. In endorsing WEAP’s ongoing work The all day hearings drew a diverse group of more
in building a broad movement to eliminate poverty than 200 including several key policymakers at the
and win our healthcare rights, SEIU has taken the local state and federal levels. WEAP continues to build
initiative in strategically linking up with community on the success of these efforts through continued
groups to put forward long-term solutions to the trainings, member surveys, articles and interviews
healthcare crisis. that amplify the health as human rights frame.
– WEAP Spring 2006 Newsletter
The alliances built with unions remain strong as WEAP
The group piggybacked on Katrina and other works to take their efforts statewide. Says Long-Scott,
current news to help expand their audience reach. “We are constantly saying that we are fighting for a
With the support of the Youth Media Council (YMC) system with ‘everybody in, nobody out.’ We know that
and The Praxis Project, WEAP held a spokesperson part of this is a communications task but the bulk of
training to help prepare coalition leadership for the work we must do comes down to organizing. Of
interviews and the hearings. The evening session course, having an effective communications strategy
provided participants with opportunities to always makes things that much easier.”
practice their soundbites, respond to potentially
hostile questions and practice staying on For more information on WEAP and their healthcare
message. rights campaign, go to
Tools and Resources c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
25 Introduction
26 Why Policy Change?
The Big Picture
The Problem—Health Inequity
Where to Begin?
30 Sample Issue Development Process
32 Sample Power Analysis Process
34 Sample Power Analysis Chart
35 Sample Strategy Chart
36 Summary of Power Analysis Steps and Strategy Process
37 Glossary of Terms
Sylvia Castillo / Castillo Consulting Services. For The Praxis Project
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This publication provides an analytical for building long term infrastructure for
framework and tools to support policy change are a priority as addressing root
advocacy for health justice. It assembles causes is a long term project.
techniques developed and tested by
SCOPE, Community Coalition, and The Praxis mission is to support and
Environmental & Economic Justice partner with communities to achieve
Project. health justice by leveraging resources
and capacity for policy development,
The Praxis project works from two basic advocacy and leadership. Praxis uses
assumptions about the root causes of innovative participatory approaches that
health problems: bridge theory, research and action.
2. Much of what manifests as social Great brochures and good advice may
problems (disease, poverty, etc.) are help change individual behavior but are
symptoms of these larger issues not enough to achieve health justice. It
of injustice. If we are to effectively will take organizing from the ground
address social problems we have to up: social change that transforms the
develop ways of addressing their current systems of neglect, bias, and
root causes. privilege into system—policies, practices,
institutions—that truly support health
Our approach is shaped by a framework for all.
that makes community organizing
and capacity building central. We Who carries out policy change?
are committed to building power in
communities that are often marginalized in Social change agents—people like us.
policymaking. Projects with the potential Change agents come from a wide
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People Without Health Insurance for the Entire year by Race and Ethnicity (3
year Average): 1998 to 2000. (Numbers in thousands)
Total Uninsured
Number Percent
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Surveys, March 1999, 2000, 2001
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Snapshot: Health Care USA receive health care from this selected
group of providers or pay additional costs
In brief, the national health care model to see providers outside of the system.3
is structured on profit motives. Health
care is a commodity not a right, and Today, the nation faces a health care crisis
the market is the most efficient arbiter of monumental proportions. With 44
of health care provision and financing. million people without health insurance
As a primarily “private” model, the and fewer public health facilities, health
government’s has two roles: care provider care for people of color and working
through public health facilities, and class is bleak. Simply, the “Republican
insurer through Medicaid and MediCal Revolution” health care design has
program. The elderly, children and some prevailed. The federal government has
low-income residents have access to pushed its responsibilities for healthcare
these government-supported programs. provision and financing to cash
Otherwise, the majority of residents are strapped state and county governments.
expected to purchase health insurance Meanwhile, managed care is driven by
on their own or receive health insurance profit-making as opposed to providing
benefits through their employer. accessible quality care. This trend
has increased the denial of care, and
This model is ineffective because all contributed greatly to the demise of the
employers do not offer health insurance public health care safety net.
and insurance costs have become too
expensive for many people to purchase, The Problem: Health Inequity
resulting in a significant portion of
the public becoming uninsured or “The United States with a $1.3 trillion
underinsured (i.e. limited access to health care system is the most expensive
health care).2 and the most inequitable among Western
industrial nations.4 What does this mean
Since the late 1990’s, for-profit insurers for communities of color? Their health
and providers, recognizing the profit status is lower, their death rates higher,
potential of health care, entered the and life spans shorter than the white
managed care industry. As the system’s majority.5
private sector, the way it works–managed
care insurers negotiate fees and services Consider these statistics:
with a selected group of providers. Most
subscribers enrolled in managed care • The infant mortality rate for
2 Community Institute for Policy Heuristics Education & Research (CIPHER), “California
Health Care Crisis Briefing Book,” 2002.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine, Cause Communications and the
California Endowment, Unequal Treatment, Unequal Health: What Data Tell Us About
Health Gaps in California, 2002.
Tools and Resources c o m m u n i c at i n g f o r h e a lt h j u s t i c e
Reducing Health Disparities through a Focus on Communities, Policy Link Report, 2002.
Some researchers suggest that racial and One answer is racism. Racism functions
ethnic disparities in health are linked as a power relationship that designates
to health insurance status. It is a fact, access to resources and opportunities,
people of color are more likely to be environmental conditions, and
6 Ibid.
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The organization’s constituency is Latino and African American, they live in zip code 90044, an urban low-
income neighborhood located in South Los Angeles. During a recent meeting, they discovered they had all been
denied “Black & Blue” health care insurance. This unfair practice denies these residents access to the best
specialists for hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems. The group decides to investigate this situation. Is
this a “medical redlining” issue? Here are the steps they take:
Step 1: Define the Problem--a situation or condition that causes hardship or suffering for a large
group of people.
One of the problems with managed care is decisions are based on how to cut costs and increase profits rather
than based on how to provide quality care. . It primarily does this by using a selected group of providers and
capping the cost for health care procedures and services at a standardized rate.
The group’s hypothesis—is “Black & Blue” health care insurance is practicing “cherry picking” or “medical
redlining.” This practice selects younger, healthier members or those least at risk of injury or illness. Some
HMO’s withdraw from certain zip codes because of the large number of “high risk” populations (i.e. the
elderly, poor, people of color, etc.) in those areas.
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How you analyze a problem determines how you view the solution to the problem…
The problems are: • The result of “genetic” • The result of racism, community
predisposition, weakness, poor disorganization, poverty,
habits, irresponsibility unemployment, social, economic
• Some people are just “undeserving” and psychological factors.
The solutions are: • Do not extend benefits to these • Improve the access to health
people until they demonstrate: care, and change the basic living
• “better” personal responsibility conditions of people by…
• lower their risks through proper • Bringing all sectors of the
health practices community that is most affected
to the table to change the
“inequitable” policy
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The Black/Blue Insurance Co. agrees to a written policy that commits to uphold the law and extend coverage
to all.
Analyze the target system the various forces exercising influence over the decision-maker, and ways in
which the campaign can build the power to win. The target system is defined by the power holders, i.e.,
anyone with authority to make decisions. The issue determines the target. An individual target helps to
structure decision making by identifying who must be influenced, who must be held accountable, and
who the organization is “up against.” It is often easier to apply direct pressure to an individual than an
In the hypothetical case of Black & Blue Insurance the group will investigate the company’s internal decision-
making/power structure and the government regulation body who can hold the targets accountable.
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1. What power does the decision-maker have to meet your goal/demands? By what authority?
Courtesy of SCOPE
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Power Analysis is an organizing tool that helps build a strategy plan to win.
Imagine a football game--the coach aids the team to determine the opposing team’s power as defined by its
strengths and weaknesses. What kind of power and which players will it take to move the ball across the field
to the goal line and victory? The coach is conducting a power analysis that will inform his design of a winning
The power analysis is a process to determine what kind of power (quality) and how much power (quantity) is
needed to move a target, the individual who can give you what you want, to accept the organization’s policy or
proposal for resolving an issue.
The process includes a systematic series of questions, investigative steps, information collection and refined
knowledge of the players with power to deliver you closer to your goal. All with the purpose of moving the
people with power to give you what you want or win your proposal.
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Derived from game theory—a strategy is the most effective course of action for each player depends upon
the actions of other players and the players’ anticipation and assessment of those moves. As such the term
emphasizes the interdependence of allies and adversaries’ decisions and their various expectations about each
others’ behavior.
Reviewed side by side the strategy chart and power analysis should be updated frequently assessing your
actions, and their impact and your adversary’s reactions. You are concerned with moving forward to win your
proposal so along the way you may need to take a step back to take two steps forward. Remember it is like
football or chess, you’ve got your moves but they do too.
Goals In one sentence what are we trying to accomplish? What specific and concrete
change do we want to see take?
Strategic fit How this issue will have significance and actually make a difference—why this issue is
even important
Decision Maker Who has the power to make the decision concerning the campaign goal—who is the
person/decision making body that can give us what we want?
Campaign What is the primary plan or method to be used to win the campaign and accomplish the
Strategy goal?
Constituency Who is the target population we need to organize to move the decision maker?
Specific 1. Objective section should be connected to power analysis of the decision maker—what
Objectives numerically measurable steps do we need to take to influence or force the person in
power to give us what we want.
2. What are the specific steps we need to take to move the strategy forward and move us
toward accomplishing our goal?
3. The numerical measures are so we can examine and then know if we are moving
Activities 1. Activities and tactics should be directly connected to a power analysis that dissects
Tactics the decision and identifies what we need to do to make them do what we want.
2. In the objectives section we listed numbers—the activities/tactics should be
connected and directly affect each objective.
3. In most instances there will need to be more than one activity or tactic that will be
needed in order to accomplish the objective.
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Glossary of Terms
Campaign: a set of collective activities planned and executed over a defined period of time whose purpose is
to mobilize the support and resources necessary to win a victory for the organization.
Campaign Goal: the decision and/or action which will result in the desired change.
Tactics: if strategy is the “game plan,” then tactics are the actions or events that execute the plan.
Action: a specific activity, usually among a set of activities, which moves the organization towards the
direction of its strategy.
Constituency: a grouping of people whose self-interest would be served if they supported your organization
or campaign.
Handle: a legal, moral, political, or economic fact that stands in contradiction to the position taken by the
target/opposition. It shows that your position is fair, just, and legal.
Power Analysis: a process to determine what kind of power (quality) and how much power (quantity) is
needed to move a target--the individual who can give you what you want, to accept the organization’s
policy or proposal for resolving an issue.
Strategy: an overall plan to destabilize the position of the target that gives direction and focus to other
elements of the campaign.
Target/Decision-Maker: An individual with the power to grant the organization its demands. The person
and/or body who have the power to make the decision and/or take the action your organization has
determined as the policy outcome.
Specific Objectives or Demands: Specific measurable incremental victories/steps leading to winning the
Timeframe: The time period from the beginning of the campaign to the end.
Alliance: a short-term relationship of two or more organizations around a single issue or single common
Coalition: a long-term relationship of two or more organizations built upon a shared vision, politics, and
action around a common set of issues.