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Sas#16-Gen 005

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World

Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Ave Gale D. Canada Class number:

Section: BSN A -11 Schedule: Date:

Lesson Title: Global Media Culture
Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: https://www.economicshelp.org/
1. explain the concept of global media culture. blog/469/development/factors-
2. describe social media and its various platforms effect-population-size-and-


Introduction (2 min)

Hello! Good Day? Here we go again. Today’s lesson is about Global Media Culture. We will be learning
here the role of media in our society, how they will deliver news for the information of their viewers/listeners
and readers. Information that is educational and informative, which their followers can digest, follow, and
implement if needed. Nowadays, fake is news quickly spreading out to people through any source of media.
We will also learn about new social media platforms being widely used by people all over the world.

Please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning targets
are your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson. But, before
we proceed to our topic today, let's review the previous studies we discussed.

Lesson Review:
Directions: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False. Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is incorrect.
True 1. China is the most populous country in the world.
True 2. Geographic mobility is the measure of how populations and goods move over time.
True 3. Population growth is based on four fundamental factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration,
and emigration.
False 4. Carrying capacity is the number of individuals that the available resources of an environment
could not successfully support.
False 5. The fatality rate is the ability to produce young generation.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet


I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let’s move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

Good morning/afternoon class, again, welcome to GEN 005 Contemporary World! Is there anyone
here who knows a person who continuously broadcasts their daily life activities on the internet? How do we
know what’s happening around the world? What are the most popular social media platforms or websites
you are using? Our topic for today is fascinating. It is about Global Media Culture. We will tackle the
factors that change the world of media and the new social media platforms being widely used globally.
Excellent and informative news should reach the people wanting legitimate information from the media. Are
you ready? Let’s begin.

Global Media Culture

Global Media Culture is the mass communication on a worldwide level, allowing people worldwide to
share and access the same information. Indeed, technologies made people's lives easier all over the
globe, exploring the relationship between the media, culture, and globalization.

How Important is Global Media Culture?

Technology allows for quick communication, transport, and mass marketing, significantly contributing to
a globalized marketplace. The media have an important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually
interdependent ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive transnational transmission of cultural
products. Secondly, they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and social structures.

Old and New Global Media

New media are forms of media that are computational and rely on computers for redistribution.
Some examples of new media are computer animations, computer games, human-computer
interfaces, interactive computer installations, websites, and virtual worlds. New media are often
contrasted to "old media," such as television, radio, and print media. However, scholars in
communication and media studies have criticized little distinctions based on oldness and novelty.
New media does not include analog broadcast television programs, feature films, magazines, or
books – unless they contain technologies that enable digital generative or interactive processes. Ex.
Wikipedia combines Internet- accessible digital text, images, and video with web-links, creative
participation of contributors, interactive feedback of users, and formation of a participant community
of editors and donors for the benefit of non-community readers.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Live streaming/Streaming and Mainstreaming.

An online streamer, also known as a live streamer, internet streamer, or streamer, is a person who
broadcasts themself online through a live stream or pre-recorded video. The scope of online
streamers has grown to include different genres ranging from playing video games, tutorials, or even
solo chats.

Live streaming transmits or receives live video and audio coverage of (an event) over the Internet. It is
the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet. Streaming uses an online library where
you can receive or watch movies or TV shows, documentaries, like Netflix, IWant, YouTube videos with
unlimited music and shows.

Mainstream media is a term and abbreviation used to refer to the various large mass news media
that influence many people and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought. The majority
of these mainstream pro- globalization channels are broadcast in English – the language of the US,
globalization's most potent player at this point.

Mainstream Media Channel: CNN, Fox News, BBC, TV5Monde, Deutsche Well, and the like, along with
their local subsidiaries and branches, are at the forefront of covertly promoting the dominant discourse
on globalization News.

While mainstream mass media, on the whole, "represent government and corporate interests,"
alternative media tend to be "non-commercial projects that advocate the interests of those
excluded from the mainstream," for example, the poor, political, and ethnic minorities, labor groups,
and LGBT identities. Some examples of alternative computing are hacking, open-source software or
systems, and file sharing. Mobilization media relate to communication practices that mobilize or
organization social movements, identity, or cultural projects through new media tools and platforms
such as Facebook or YouTube.

Manifestations of Digital Divide

It means that (usually) in many Third World countries, and several citizens are still insulated from or
at least not very much influenced by the global media. Not everyone is affected by global media culture
due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of high-speed internet access

2. High cost of digital gadgets
3. Lack of electric power in several isolated regions
4. Existence of extreme poverty

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

Social media refers to interactions among people who create, share, and exchange information and
ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing manages
the main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vimeo accounts.

Social Media and Traditional Media

1. Social media differ from paper-based media (e.g., magazines and newspapers) and traditional
electronic media such as TV broadcasting, Radio broadcasting in many ways, including quality,
reach, frequency, interactivity, usability, immediacy, and performance.
2. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers).
This is in contrast to traditional media that operates under a mono-logic transmission model (one
source to many receivers), such as a newspaper delivered to many subscribers or a radio
station that broadcasts the same programs to an entire city.
3. Some of the most popular social media websites, with over 100 million registered users, include
Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Weibo,
Twitter, Tumblr, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, and VK.
4. Other popular platforms that are sometimes referred to as social media services (differing on
interpretation) include YouTube, QQ, Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest,
Viber, Reddit, Discord, and more.

6 Ways Social Media is Changing the World

Around the world, billions of us use social media every day, and that number keeps growing.
We use it for every part of our lives – in our relationships, for entertainment, at work, and in our studies.
To put it into some context, we collectively send more than 30 million messages on Facebook and almost
350,000 tweets every minute.

1. Across industries, social media is going from a “nice to have” to an essential component of
any business strategy and communication. It started in the newsroom. In just seven years,
newsrooms have been completely disrupted by social media.

2. Social media platforms may be the banks of the future. - Imagine being able to pay your rent
or make an investment through your favorite social network. Social media is transforming banking
relationships significantly, from improving customer service to allowing users to send money to
others via online platforms. Banks will also have to implement sophisticated social media policies.”

3. Social media is shaking up healthcare and public health. The health industry is already using
social media to change how it works, whether through public health campaigns or virtual doctor’s visits
on Skype. It’s also helped groups of people, such as patients suffering from the same condition,
stay in

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected social media usage by the world's general population,
celebrities, world leaders, and professionals. Social networking services have been used to
spread information and find humor and distraction from the pandemic via Internet memes. Since
many people are asked to remain home, they have turned to social media to maintain their
relationships and to access entertainment to pass the time.

4. Social media is changing how we govern and are governed - Civic participation and engagement
have been transformed with social media: Social media allows citizens to be the source of ideas,
plans, and initiatives in an easier way than ever before.

5. Social media is helping us better respond to disasters - From Facebook’s Safety Check – which
allows users in disaster zones to mark themselves as safe – to the rise of the CrisisMappers Network,
we’ve seen many examples of how social media and digital communications more broadly are
helping respond to disasters. These digital responders use their time and technical skills, as well as
their networks in an attempt to help mitigate information overload for formal humanitarian aid in the

6. Social media is helping us tackle some of the world's biggest challenges, from human
rights violations to climate change. But it’s about more than just bringing together activists: it’s
also about holding human rights violators to account. “Content shared on social media has
increasing potential to be used as evidence of wartime atrocities and human rights violations. This
capacity for social media to bring together disparate but like-minded people is also helping fight
another enormous challenge: climate change. "Social media has become an essential tool for
providing a space and means for the public to participate in influencing or disallowing environmental
decisions historically made by governments and corporations that affect us all. Have you stopped to
think about how social media impacts you, your studies, business, or your community?

Protests in the Digital Era

The following are images of different widespread mass

protests worldwide—from the Arab Spring; Black Lives
Matter, #MeToo Movement, Youth Climate Strike to our
very own 1986 People Power Revolution. Why do people
protest? What significant issues do you know that people
are protesting about? Have you ever joined a protest?

Does sharing posts online count as a protest? Is protesting

easier today than in the past? Why are protests an
essential part of democracies, and how has it changed—for

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet
better or

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

worse—in the Digital Era? Read Article III of the Bill of Rights, Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution of the
Philippines: “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or the press, or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The constitutional guarantee serves as the foundation for the many freedoms or civil liberties that we enjoy as
citizens of a democracy. Another way to look at it is these civil liberties are what we ought to claim, preserve
and fight for so that democracy
remains vigorous and vibrant. This is why people protest—because it is both their right (as part of their freedom
of expression) and their responsibility (to shape the public discourse and the society).

Ave Gale D. Canada

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that the activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of
exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Based on the text you read above, give your definitions of the following terms below.

Global Media Cultures Global Media Cultures looks at Absence of privacy. Users
looks at how the media, how the media, culture, and of social media are at risk
culture, and globalization globalization interact. In addition from things like stalking,
to discussing historical and
interact. In addition to current challenges relevant to identity theft, personal
discussing historical and international communication, the assaults, and information
current challenges course the phrase "mainstream" abuse. Users themselves
refers to what the majority of a
relevant to international society considers to be "normal,"
are typically at
communication, the for example, the widely held responsible since they
course explores and notion that everyone should get reveal information that
problematizes the power married, move to the suburbs, shouldn't be made public.
and raise a family as soon as
of media representation. feasible. Mainstream is defined as
conventional or the standard way
of doing things. And
problematizes the power of
media representation.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet
Ave Gale D. Canada
Exercise 2: Direction: Read the statement, and answer it with True or False

True 1. Online steamers are broadcasting their lives in almost everything they do on social media.
True 2. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers).
True 3. Facebook is considered the biggest country in the world in terms of netizens population.
True 4. TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and VK are online platforms, too.
True 5. Global media cultures make the whole world a little global village with no one in-charged.

Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

Exercise 3: What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming/live streaming? May
it be on gaming, live selling, etc.
As was already said, one of the main benefits that distinguish streaming from other content distribution techniques is how it
allows for in-context audience engagement. You can have a true conversation with your audience if you have the tools to pose
questions, answer to surveys, and give quick response. Due to filters, mappings, etc., a stream cannot throw checked
exceptions. For instance, a Stream is a poor solution for intermediate I/O operations because of this. Naturally, there is also
the option of looping through limitless sources.
A rubric found on the last page of this activity sheet will be used in checking the


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the impact of the closure of ABS-CBN to broadcast media?

Answer: From the literature, “The Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) said
the forced closure of a major broadcasting network limits the possibilities of civic engagement
and political participation.”(cmfr-phil.org on 7 May 2020.) It happened amid pandemic Covid 19,
where the country needs media as their counterparts, which can mobilize impressive resources to air
timely warnings of imminent public danger, disseminate crucial information in times of
emergency, and save lives and mitigate the impact of calamity and disaster with appropriate
assistance. (https://ifex.org/closing-down-abs-cbn-and-its-impact-on-free-speech-in-the-

The closure of a giant media company affects many lives. It leads to the loss of too many productive
jobs, and for the media people, they said: this is a violation of fundamental rights of free expression

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

and media freedom in the Philippine Constitution. Fear among the broadcasting network, especially
the small-time company, cannot be denied because of what happened to ABS-CBN It can be said
that the closure is unhealthy for press freedom. This is the cry of many media practitioners.

Question 2. What is the role of media in delivering news to the public?

Answer: The role of media is to deliver legitimate and authentic news for the information of
the public. According to the Committee of Concerned Journalists, they have to provide citizens
with accurate and reliable information to function in a free society. "Accuracy is the foundation
upon which everything else is built—context, interpretation, comment, criticism, analysis and
debate," so reliable news sources are essential if citizens are to have a clear understanding of
the society in which they live. Because the media has to serve the citizens' best interests in a
democracy, journalists must act independently and remain neutral in their presentation of
information. (https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/articles/the-new-media-s-role-in-politics/ )

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

My Learner Tracker
What contributed to the
quality of your
What lesson# did you
performance today?
do? What were the What were your scores in
What’s the date today? What will you do next
learning targets? What the activities?
session to maintain
activities did you do?
your performance or

Directions: Since you are done with today's lesson, please carefully read the questions below and give
your honest answer to them.

What was the most important thing you learned during this class?

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Module #16 Student Activity Sheet

What important question remains unanswered?

Lesson Review
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False
Exercise 1: Proposed answer (answers may vary)
1. Old Media and New Media - the use of traditional media like radio, television,
newspaper, magazines, journal, print media
2. Mainstreaming and alternative media - the use of live videos (conferences, business
presentations, shows, interviews, news reporting, etc.) for live mainstreaming as an
alternative media.
3. Social Media: Platforms and Effects - a new broadcasting platform using: internet, Facebook,
Linked In, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. For social networking, vlogging, video sharing,
photo sharing, etc.)
Exercise 2: 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True
Exercise 3: See rubric for checking the answers for the essay questions.
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is comprehensive, Write-up is accurate but not Write-up is not completely Write-up is incomplete. Key Questions
accurate, and complete. complete. Key points are stated. Key points are not points are lacking. It does are not
Key ideas are clearly stated stated but not supported. addressed and not not incorporate information answered.
and supported. Include Include some pertinent and supported. It does not include from class discussions
pertinent and detailed detailed information from pertinent information from
information from class class discussions. class discussions.

Organizatio Well organized, developed, Mostly clear and easy to Inadequate organization. The Organization and structure Questions
n and easy to follow. follow. Usually maintains structure of the answer is not draw away from the are not
Maintains focus on the focus but occasionally easy to follow. Presents answer. Provides no answered.
topic. presents information that is information that is sometimes information that can be
different from the topic. unclear. understood.

Spelling and Grammar, spelling, Contain few distracting Contain substantial Contain enough distracting Questions
Gram-mar punctuation, and sentence problems. There are one or distracting problems. There grammar, spelling, are not
structure have no errors. two errors in grammar, may be three to four errors in punctuation, and sentence answered.
spelling, punctuation, and grammar, spelling, structure problems to make
sentence structure. punctuation, and sentence it substantially
structure. incomprehensible


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