Country Helping Others Courageous Protector: Strong Sense of Justice
Country Helping Others Courageous Protector: Strong Sense of Justice
Country Helping Others Courageous Protector: Strong Sense of Justice
BSCRIM 1-C2-X-08
Answer: My concept of a hero is that a hero can do all things possible, will sacrifice everything for the
sake of its people and a selfless one.
Answer: I'm not yet familiar with the Republic Act 1425.
Answer: The general message is implied by the song is that we should keep on moving forward and keep
on fighting whatever it takes, whatever challenges that you may face we shouldn't give up, we should
keep on moving because it's for our sake and for our good.
B. Enumerate and describe your own qualities that are helpful for the betterment of the community.
Answer: My concept of a hero is that he/she will do everything in his/her own will and to fight and to die
for the sake of his/her country.
Answer: Republic Act 1425 is a course that covers the life and works of the country's national hero which
is Jose Rizal. Also known as Rizal law is the legal basis for the teaching of the life, works, and writings of
Rizal in all schools in the country.
Answer: It orders the reproduction and reading of the uncut version of his two novels. The law has made
the reading of both novel novels obligatory. Courses on the life, works, and writings of jose rizal shall be
included in the curriculum of all schools.
A. Word Tracker
What module # did you do? What were the learning targets? What activities did you do?
Answer: Module #1 lesson about the legal basis of Rizal course in college. We did illustrate what are the
comcept of a hero base on our opinion.
*Action Plan
What contributed to the quality of your performance today? What will you do next session to maintain
your performance or improve it?
•Write in two sentences that things you have learned from our previous topic.
Answer: From the previous topic, I have learned that there's a legal basis of teaching Rizal course in
college and it was mandated by RA 1425. It is important to study Rizal because we will learn many
lessons and inspirations with their works.
Answer: Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo y Realonda is the full name of Rizal.
1. Afraid of ghosts.
Answer: I was required to sleep or take a nap in the afternoon, even if i wanted to play with friends
Values Gained;
Values Gained;
•Age 8-10
Answer: I was eager to study and was being on top of the class beacuse of my parent's motivation,
encouragement and pressure as well.
Values Gained;
Answer: I learned many lessons that I applied now in real life situations.
Values Gained;
Answer: The most important realization I derive from today's lesson is that I got know more about Jose
Rizal; the child Rizal and Rizal's story about his big head.
1. Afraid of ghosts.
1. NO
2. YES
3. NO
4. NO
5. YES
6. NO
7. NO
8. NO
9. NO
10. YES
A. Word Tracker
*Learning Target/Topic
What module # did you do? What were the learning targets? What activities did you do?
Answer: Module #2 lesson about getting to know Rizal as a typical kid. The activity in this lesson is that
remembering to one of those my childhood days and what are the values that I gained.
*Action Plan
What contributed to the quality of your performance today? What will you do next session to maintain
your performance or improve it?
1. What was the course taken by Rizal in UST to his father's decision?
Answer: The course taken by Rizal in UST was Philosophy and Letters to his father’s decision.
Answer: Rizal want to become a doctor because of his mother that was going to be blind.
3. What was the first injustice experienced by Rizal with the "guardia civil"?
Answer: The first injustice experience by Rizal with the guardia civil was when that time he did not salute
nor say a courteous good evening to the lieutenant of the guardia civil because Rizal didn’t got to
recognize the lieutenant and Rizal got a punishment for it, the Lieutenant slashed the latter on the back
of Rizal. Rizal reported that incident to General Primo de Rivera but nothing came out of his complaint.
4. What is fascism?
Answer: Fascism is a way of organizing society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the
lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
Answer: Martial Law is the temporary imposition of direct military control of civil law by a government.
Answer: Yes, history is really repeating itself in some nor other situations. In life we live in we're like
riding a ferris well that goes up and down. Life's like a cycle so history does.
1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. NO
5. YES
6. YES
7. YES
8. NO
9. NO
10. YES
11. YES
12. YES
13. NO
14. NO
15. YES
16. NO
17. NO
18. NO
19. NO
Question: As a student, how and you contribute to a uphold good governance in our country?
Answer: As a student, in order to uphold a good governance in our country by starting myself to be a
good citizen and a role model among my fellow students. By simply following and obey the laws.
1. What was the course taken by Rizal in UST to his father's decision?
Answer: The course taken by Rizal in UST was Philosophy and Letters to his father’s decision.
3. What was the first injustice experienced by Rizal with the "guardia civil"?
Answer: The first injustice experience by Rizal with the guardia civil was when that time he did not salute
nor say a courteous good evening to the lieutenant of the guardia civil because Rizal didn’t got to
recognize the lieutenant and Rizal got a punishment for it, the Lieutenant slashed the latter on the back
of Rizal. Rizal reported that incident to General Primo de Rivera but nothing came out of his complaint.
4. What is fascism?
Answer: Fascism is a way of organizing society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the
lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
Answer: Martial Law is the temporary imposition of direct military control of civil law by a government.
It declared an emergency in a response to a crisis or to control occupied territory. And when martial law
is declared, civil liberties such as the right to the free movement, freedom of speech, protection from
unreasonable searches and habeas corpus laws may be suspended.
•In this section, you are going to formulate three questions about the topic for today. You need not
provide the answers to the questions you have made. Be reminded that:
Q2. Why did Jose Rizal was brutally slashed the latter on his back by the Lieutenant of the Guardia Civil?
Q3. Why did Martial Law became a weapon of abuse against the weak?
A. Work tracker
*Learning Target/Topic
What module # did you do? What were the learning targets? What activities did you do?
Answer: Module #3 lesson about humanizing Rizal as a son and as a vict of an unjust society. We did an
explanation why history really repeating itself.
*Action Plan
What contributed to the quality of your performance today? What will you do next session to maintain
your performance or improve it?